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Tooth Detection and Numbering in Panoramic Radiographs Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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Tooth detection and numbering in panoramic radiographs using convolutional

neural networks

Article  in  Dentomaxillofacial Radiology · March 2019

DOI: 10.1259/dmfr.20180051


37 1,006

8 authors, including:

Dmitry Tuzoff Lyudmila N. Tuzova

Steklov Institute of Mathematics 5 PUBLICATIONS   38 CITATIONS   

Michael Bornstein Sergey I. Nikolenko

University Center of Dental Medicine Basel UZB Russian Academy of Sciences


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Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (2019) 48, 20180051
© 2019 The Authors. Published by the British Institute of Radiology


Research Article
Tooth detection and numbering in panoramic radiographs using
convolutional neural networks
Dmitry V. Tuzoff, 2Lyudmila N. Tuzova, 3Michael M. Bornstein, 4Alexey S. Krasnov,
Max A. Kharchenko, 1Sergey I. Nikolenko, 2Mikhail M. Sveshnikov and 5Georgiy B. Bednenko
Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Saint Petersburg, Russia; 2Denti.AI Technology Inc., Toronto, Canada; 3Applied Oral Sciences,
Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China; 4Dmitry Rogachev National Research Center of Pediatric
Hematology, Oncology and Immunology, Moscow, Russia; 5Reutov Stomatological Clinic, Reutov, Russia

Objectives:  Analysis of dental radiographs is an important part of the diagnostic process in

daily clinical practice. Interpretation by an expert includes teeth detection and numbering. In
this project, a novel solution based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) is proposed that
performs this task automatically for panoramic radiographs.
Methods:  A data set of 1352 randomly chosen panoramic radiographs of adults was used to
train the system. The CNN-based architectures for both teeth detection and numbering tasks
were analyzed. The teeth detection module processes the radiograph to define the bound-
aries of each tooth. It is based on the state-of-the-art Faster R-CNN architecture. The teeth
numbering module classifies detected teeth images according to the FDI notation. It utilizes
the classical VGG-16 CNN together with the heuristic algorithm to improve results according
to the rules for spatial arrangement of teeth. A separate testing set of 222 images was used to
evaluate the performance of the system and to compare it to the expert level.
Results:  For the teeth detection task, the system achieves the following performance metrics:
a sensitivity of 0.9941 and a precision of 0.9945. For teeth numbering, its sensitivity is 0.9800
and specificity is 0.9994. Experts detect teeth with a sensitivity of 0.9980 and a precision of
0.9998. Their sensitivity for tooth numbering is 0.9893 and specificity is 0.9997. The detailed
error analysis showed that the developed software system makes errors caused by similar
factors as those for experts.
Conclusions:  The performance of the proposed computer-aided diagnosis solution is compa-
rable to the level of experts. Based on these findings, the method has the potential for practical
application and further evaluation for automated dental radiograph analysis. Computer-aided
teeth detection and numbering simplifies the process of filling out digital dental charts. Auto-
mation could help to save time and improve the completeness of electronic dental records.
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (2019) 48, 20180051. doi: 10.1259/dmfr.20180051

Cite this article as:  Tuzoff DV, Tuzova LN, Bornstein MM, Krasnov AS, Kharchenko MA,

Nikolenko SI, et al. Tooth detection and numbering in panoramic radiographs using convolu-
tional neural networks. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 2019; 48: 20180051.

Keywords:  panoramic radiograph; radiographic image interpretation; computer-aided diag-

nostics; teeth detection and numbering; convolutional neural networks


In the last two decades, computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) and progress in artificial intelligence. CAD systems
has developed significantly due to the growing accessi- assisting physicians and radiologists in decision-making
bility of digital medical data, rising computational power, have been applied to various medical problems, such
as breast and colon cancer detection, classification of
Correspondence to: Lyudmila N. Tuzova, E-mail: ​ltuzova@​denti.​ai lung diseases, and localization of brain lesions.1,2 The
Received 08 February 2018; revised 28 January 2019; accepted 31 January 2019 increasing popularity of digital radiography stimulates
Tooth detection and numbering in panoramic radiographs using CNNs
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further research in the area. In dentistry, processing of CNN architectures for object detection have not been
radiographic images became an important subject of used yet in dentistry, while this approach was success-
automation too, as radiographic image interpretation is fully used in other types of medical applications, e.g.
an essential part of the diagnosis, monitoring of dental detection of colitis on abdominal CT14 or brain lesions
health, and treatment planning. detection on brain MRI.2
Although CAD systems have been used in the clin- This study is focused on the analysis of panoramic
ical environment for decades, in most cases they do not radiographs that depict the upper and lower jaws in
aim to substitute the medical experts but rather to assist one single image to apply CNNs. A panoramic radio-
them.1 Automated solutions might help dentists in clin- graph is one of the most common dental radiographic
ical decision-making, save time, and reduce the negative examinations as it allows to screen a broad anatomical
effects of stress and fatigue in daily practice.1 In this region and at the same time requires a relatively low
paper, the problem of teeth detection and numbering in radiation dose. Panoramic radiographs have not been
dental radiographs according to the FDI two-digit nota- discussed for teeth detection and numbering before, but
tion was studied.3 An algorithmic solution may be used similar approaches have been studied for other types
to automatically fill in digital patients’ records for dental of radiographs such as medical computed tomography
history taking and treatment planning. It may also serve (CT)5,6 and bitewings.4 Furthermore, CNN architectures
as a pre-processing step for further pathology detection. for both teeth detection and numbering have not been
During the last decade, a number of studies addressed described in the available literature. The current study
this problem. For teeth detection, Lin et. al4 and Hosn- aims to verify the hypothesis that CNN-based models
talab et al5 proposed pixel-level segmentation methods can be trained to detect and number teeth on panoramic
based on traditional computer vision techniques, such radiographs.
as thresholding, histogram-based, and level set methods.
They detected teeth with the recall (sensitivity) of
0.94 and 0.88 respectively. Miki et al6 used a manual Methods and Materials
approach to place bounding boxes enclosing each tooth
on CT images.
Deep learning and CNNs
For teeth numbering, Lin et. al4 and Hosntalab et al5
The proposed solution is based on deep learning tech-
methods consisted of two stages: feature extraction and
niques. Deep learning is a class of learnable artificial
classification. To extract features from segmented teeth,
intelligence (AI) algorithms that allows a computer
Lin et. al4 utilized the parameters such as width/height program to automatically extract and learn important
teeth ratio and crown size, when Hosntalab et al5 used features of input data for further interpretation of
wavelet-Fourier descriptor to represent the shape of the previously unseen samples. The key distinction of
teeth. To classify teeth, support vector machines (SVM), deep learning methods is that they can learn from a
sequence alignment algorithm4 and feedforward neural raw data input, e.g. pixels of images, with no hand-
networks (NNs)5 were used. These papers reported the crafted feature engineering required. Deep CNNs is
classification accuracy results of 0.984 and above 0.94.5 one of the most popular sets of deep learning methods
Miki et al6 presented a convolutional neural network that is commonly applied for image recognition tasks.
(CNN) model based on the AlexNet network7 to classify CNN architectures exploit specific characteristics
manually isolated teeth on CT achieving a classification of an image data input, such as spatial relationships
accuracy of 0.89. between objects, to effectively represent and learn hier-
In the present study, CNNs for both detection and archical features using multiple levels of abstraction;
numbering of teeth are applied. CNNs are a standard see a detailed overview of deep learning techniques,
class of architectures for deep feedforward neural including CNNs, in LeCun et al.10
networks, and they are typically applied for image recog-
nition tasks. CNNs were first introduced more than two
decades ago,8 but in 2012, when the AlexNet architecture Basic workflow of a computer-aided diagnostic system
significantly outperformed other teams on ImageNet Panoramic radiographs are used as an input for the
Large Scale Visual Recognition Competition challenge,7 system presented here. The teeth detection module
the deep learning revolution came to computer vision, processes the radiograph to define the boundaries of
and CNNs have enjoyed rapid development ever since. each tooth. The system then crops the panoramic radio-
Currently, CNNs are used in numerous applications graph based on the predicted bounding boxes. The
and represent a state-of-the-art approach for various teeth numbering module classifies each cropped region
computer vision tasks.9,10 according to the FDI notation,3 combines all teeth, and
In dentistry, the application of CNNs has been applies the heuristics producing the final teeth numbers.
studied for cephalometric landmark detection,11,12 teeth The system outputs the bounding boxes coordinates
structures segmentation,13 and teeth classification.6 and corresponding teeth numbers for all detected teeth
These works demonstrated promising results, but it is on the image. The overall architecture and workflow are
still an underdeveloped area of research. In particular, shown in Figure 1.

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Tooth detection and numbering in panoramic radiographs using CNNs
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Figure 1  System architecture and pipeline: the system consists of two modules for teeth detection and teeth classification. The teeth detection
module finds teeth on the original panoramic radiograph outputting the bounding boxes. The teeth classification module classifies each tooth to
assign a number according to the dental notation and applies a heuristic method to ensure arrangement consistency among the detected teeth.
CNNs, convolutional neural networks.

Radiographic data set anonymization of the data used, and the subject of the
The data set included 1574 anonymized panoramic study being not related to clinical interventions.
radiographs of adults randomly chosen from the X-ray
images archive provided by the Reutov Stomatological
Clinic in Russia from January 2016 to March 2017. No Teeth detection
additional information such as gender, age, or time of Teeth detection method uses the state-of-the-art Faster
image taking was used to for the database. The images R-CNN model.15 Faster R-CNN was evolved from
were randomly distributed into: Fast R-CNN architecture, which was, in turn, based
on R-CNN method (Region-based CNN). The chal-
• Training group: 1352 images lenging task of object detection is to define the regions
• Testing group: 222 images of interest where the objects can be located. R-CNN
proposed a combined solution for both the region of
The training group was used to train teeth detection and interest proposal generation and object localization.
numbering models, and the testing group was used for Fast R-CNN improved the performance of R-CNN
evaluation of the performance of the software. by simplifying pipeline and optimizing computation.
All panoramic radiographs were captured with the Finally, Faster R-CNN proposed even more advanced
Sirona Orthophos XG-3 X-ray unit (Sirona Dental solution fully based on CNNs.
Systems GmbH, Bensheim, Germany). Five radiology Faster R-CNN is a single unified network consisted
experts of varying experience provided ground truth of two modules: the regional proposal network (RPN)
annotations for the images. The following method was and object detector. RPN proposes regions where the
used to collect annotations: experts were presented objects of interest might be located. The object detector
with high-resolution panoramic radiographs and asked uses these proposals for further object localization and
to draw bounding boxes around all teeth and, at the classification. Both modules share the convolution layers
same time, to provide a class label for each box with of the base CNN that provides a compact representa-
the tooth number (FDI system). The model was trained tion of the source image, known as a feature map. The
only to detect teeth with natural roots, excluding dental features are learned during the training phase, which is
implants and fixed bridges. a key difference compared to classical computer vision
For this study, the use of the radiographic material algorithms in which the features are engineered by hand.
was exempt from an approval by an ethical committee or To generate regional proposals, RPN slides the
IRB according to the official decision of Steklov Insti- window over the feature map, and, at each window
tute of Mathematics in St. Petersburg, Russia due to location, produces the potential bounding boxes named
the retrospective nature of the data collection, complete “anchors”. For each anchor, the RPN estimates the

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Tooth detection and numbering in panoramic radiographs using CNNs
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probability of an anchor to contain an object or a back- truth annotations of full panoramic X-rays, and the crop-
ground, and tightens the bounding box with the special ping method was tuned to include neighbouring struc-
regressor. The top N-ranked region proposals are then tures, which allowed to improve the prediction quality of
used as an input for the object detection network. The CNN because of additional context. The images were also
object detector refines the class score of a region to be a augmented to increase the variety of data set. The batch
tooth or a background for two-class detection task and size of 64 was used to train the CNN. Teeth numbering
generates the final bounding box coordinates. module is written in Python programming language using
The VGG-16 Net16 was used as a base CNN for both the Keras library20 with TensorFlow backend.19
RPN and object detection. VGG-16 is a 16-layer CNN
architecture named by the research group that designed Performance analysis
this network (Visual Geometry Group, Department The data set of the testing group of 222 images was used to
of Engineering Science, University of Oxford). The evaluate the performance of the system, and to compare it
hyperparameters that define the anchor properties were to the expert. Each image was analyzed by the system and
tuned to reflect the potential boundaries of teeth. These an experienced radiologist independently. The testing data
parameters include base anchor size, anchor scales, and set was not seen by the system during the training phase.
anchor ratios. To minimize the false-positives rate of The annotations made by the system and the experts
teeth detection, the Intersection-over Union threshold were compared to evaluate the performance. A detailed
for non-maximum suppression algorithm used in the analysis of all cases where expert and system annotations
system and the prediction score threshold were also were not in agreement was performed by another expe-
tuned. rienced expert in dentomaxillofacial radiology to review
During the training, model weights pretrained on possible reasons of incorrect image interpretation. In such
the ImageNet data set were used for the basic CNN.17 cases, the verifying expert had the final say to determine
All layers of CNN were fine-tuned since the data set is the ground truth. In the cases where the system and the
large enough and differs significantly from ImageNet. expert provided the same annotations, both were consid-
The initial learning rate was chosen as 0.001 with ered correct.
further exponential decay. Teeth detection model was For the detection task, the expert and system annota-
implemented as a customized version of the Faster tions were deemed to agree if they intersected substan-
R-CNN python implementation18 with the TensorFlow tially. The remaining unmatched boxes were composed
backend.19 of two error types: false positive results, where redundant
boxes were annotated, and false negative results, where
existent teeth were missed.
Teeth numbering For the numbering task, expert and system annota-
Teeth numbering method is based on the VGG-16 tions were deemed to agree, if the class labels provided
convolutional architecture.16 The model was trained to by experts and the system for the same bounding boxes
predict the number of a tooth according to the FDI were identical. Since numbering task is a multiclass
two-digit notation. problem (32 teeth number), the metrics were evaluated
To classify the teeth by numbers, this module uses the using the one-against-all strategy and then were aggre-
output of the teeth detection module. It crops the teeth gated. For each tooth number (C):
based on the predicted bounding boxes. Then VGG-16
CNN classifies each cropped image to predict a two-digit • “True positives of C” are all C instances that are clas-
tooth number. The classifier outputs a set of confidence sified as C;
scores over all 32 classes for each bounding box esti- • “True negatives of C” are all non-C instances that are
mating the probability of the tooth to be any of possible not classified as C;
32 teeth numbers. These data are then post-processed by • “False positives of C” are all non-C instances that are
a heuristic method to improve prediction results. Post- classified as C;
processing is based on the natural assumption that each • “False negatives of C” are all C instances that are not
tooth can occur at most once in the image in the specific classified as C.
order; the algorithm operates as follows.
Step 1. Sort predicted teeth bounding boxes by coor-
dinates within each jaw. Table 1  Results of tooth detection
Step 2. Count the number of missed teeth based on System Expert
the known maximum teeth count.
True-positives 5023 5043
Step 3. Iterate over all possible valid combinations of
teeth and calculate the total confidence score. False-negatives 30 10
Step 4. Choose the combination with the highest False-positives 28 1
total confidence score. Precision 0.9945 0.9998
As with teeth detection, model weights pretrained on Sensitivity 0.9941 0.9980
the ImageNet data set were used to initialize the CNN. For The metrics depict true positives, false negatives, false positives,
training, cropped images were produced based on ground sensitivity and precision.

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Tooth detection and numbering in panoramic radiographs using CNNs
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Figure 2  Teeth detection results: (a) all 32 teeth were detected, (b) severely decayed and impacted teeth were detected, (c) implants were excluded
and dental crowns were detected, (d) cantilever elements of fixed bridges were excluded.

Based on the results for detection and numbering tasks, of 0.9980 and a precision of 0.9998. The detailed data
the metrics were calculated to evaluate the performance are presented in Table 1. In Figure 2, the sample detec-
of the system and the expert. tion results are shown. In general, the teeth detection
For teeth detection, the following metrics were used: module demonstrated excellent results, both for high-
TP TP quality images with normal teeth arrangement and
sensitivity =
‍ TP+FN ‍ and precision = ‍ TP+FP ‍ , where TP,
FP, FN represent true-positive, false-positive, and more challenging cases such as overlapped or impacted
false-negative results, respectively. teeth, images of a poor quality with blurred contours of
For teeth numbering, the following metrics were teeth, or teeth with crowns. In most cases, the detector
used: sensitivity = TP TN correctly excluded bridges and implants from detection
‍ TP+FN ‍and specificity =
‍ TN+FP ‍, where results.
TP, FP, FN, TN represent true-positive, false-positive,
false-negative, and true negative results, respectively. In Figure 3, the system error samples are presented.
Errors analysis shows that for false-negatives, the
main reasons for the faults include the following: root
Results remnants, the presence of orthopaedic appliances,
highly impacted and overlapped teeth. The system
Teeth detection results produced false-positive results in the form of incorrectly
The method achieved a sensitivity of 0.9941 and a detected implants and bridges, extra boxes for teeth with
precision of 0.9945. The expert achieved a sensitivity orthopaedic constructions and multiple-rooted teeth,

Figure 3  Teeth detection errors produced by the system: for each case, the left image shows the boxes annotated by the experts, the right image
shows the boxes detected by the system. False positives: (a) an extra box for the multiple-root tooth was detected, (b) an implant was classified as
a tooth. False negatives: (c) a root remnant was missed, (d) teeth obstructed by a prosthetic construction were missed.

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Tooth detection and numbering in panoramic radiographs using CNNs
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Figure 4  Teeth detection errors produced by the experts: for each case, the left image shows the boxes annotated by the experts, the right image
shows the boxes detected by the system. False positives: (a) persistent deciduous tooth was annotated. False negatives: (b) a whole tooth was
missed, (c) a root remnant was missed, (d) a tooth obstructed by another one was missed.

and detected fragments outside of the jaw. In Figure 4, same cases are reported by experts to be challenging. In
errors of the expert teeth detection are presented. Figure 7, examples of expert errors are presented.
Most of the expert errors are false negatives caused by In Figure 8, the sensitivity and specificity results for
missed root remnants probably as a result of a lack of all teeth numbers are presented for both the system
concentration. and the expert. This figure demonstrates the similarity
between the numbering patterns produced by the system
Teeth numbering results and the expert.
The method achieved a sensitivity of 0.9800 and a speci-
ficity of 0.9994, while the expert achieved a sensitivity of
0.9893 and a specificity of 0.9997. The detailed data are
presented in Table 2. In Figure 5, the sample numbering
results are presented. In the present study, the potential of modern CNN
Extending the region of cropped teeth to include architectures is demonstrated for automated dental
additional context and augmenting the images resulted X-ray interpretation and diagnostic tasks using
in approximately 6 and 2 pp increase of sensitivity panoramic radiographs, specifically for teeth detection
respectively. The heuristic method based on spatial teeth and numbering. The system achieved high-performance
number arrangement rules increased the sensitivity by results for both detection and numbering of teeth that
0.5 pp. are close to the expert level. The detailed error analysis
In Figure  6, the system errors samples are shown. showed that experts made errors caused by the similar
The main reasons for numbering errors included lack of problems in the images. Based on the final results, it can
nearby teeth near the target tooth, too small remaining be concluded that the proposed approach shows high
tooth fragments (root remnants or severely decayed enough quality to be integrated into a software used for
teeth), and evidence of extensive dental works. In most real-life problems and introduced into daily practice.
errors, the system confused a tooth with a missing adja- Compared with the Hosntalab et al5 and Lin et al4
cent one. The molars were mainly misclassified. The methods, the present study has an important advantage:
the classification performance of the proposed solution
does not rely on the accuracy of hand-crafted feature
Table 2  Results of tooth numbering extraction algorithms. Another limitation was that Lin
System Experts et al4 analyzed bitewing images that capture only the
posterior teeth of one side of the mouth at one given
True-positives 4938 4985 moment. As another CNN-based approach for teeth
True negatives 15,6108 15,6155 numbering, Miki et al6 demonstrated promising results
False negatives 101 54 of numbering teeth on CT; however, this study had
False positives 101 54 some limitations: the process of teeth isolation using
Specificity 0.9994 0.9997 bounding boxes was manual, the third molars were
Sensitivity 0.9800 0.9893 excluded from the data set.
The metrics depict aggregated values of true-positives, true-negatives, The analysis of the errors produced by the proposed
false-negatives,and false-positives for all 32 teeth numbers. It also system showed that the problem of teeth numbering is
shows sensitivity and specificity. more challenging for both the system and the experts.

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Figure 5  Teeth numbering results: (a) all 32 teeth were correctly classified, (b) severely decayed and impacted teeth were correctly classified, (c)
teeth with dental crowns were correctly classified, (d) teeth were correctly classified considering the missed teeth and lack of context.

Figure 6  Teeth numbering errors produced by the system: for each case, the classification provided by the software is at the top, the expert anno-
tation is at the bottom. (a) decayed tooth 47 was misclassified, (b) tooth 17 (severely decayed) was misclassified, (c) teeth 13, 14 obstructed by a
prosthetic device were misclassified, (d) tooth 28 was misclassified probably due to the lack of context (missing neighbouring teeth).

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Figure 7  Teeth numbering errors produced by the experts: for each case, the system classification result is at the top, the expert annotation is at the
bottom. (a) teeth 26, 27 were misclassified, (b) tooth 48 was misclassified, (c) a root remnant of 28 was misclassified, (d) tooth 38 was misclassified.

The most misclassifications occurred among the neigh- These directions of research might require extending
bouring teeth, especially in case of missed teeth. Despite the number of classes for Faster R-CNN, imple-
the fact, that many errors are explainable, the system’s menting segmentation techniques for more accurate
performance in both detection and numbering tasks is pathology localization, experimenting with new archi-
still lower than the one of the experts. There are more tectures and networks. One important advantage of the
techniques to study that can further improve the system’s CNN approach is that these improvement steps can be
output, including an application of more advanced gradual, and results of previous steps can be reused in
augmentation techniques,21 extending the data set, and the form of transfer learning: fine-tuning of existing
the use of more recent CNN architectures. models, training new models on already annotated data
Since CNNs do not rely on hand-crafted features, sets, segmentation or localization of objects within
application of deep learning techniques can be studied previously detected boundaries.
for other tasks as well. First, in further works, the
present model can be extended to interpret other types
of X-ray images, such as cephalograms, bitewings, or Conclusions
even 3D images such as cone beam CT. Even more
exciting prospects open up in generalizing the model This study verifies the hypothesis that a CNN-based
to detect and interpret other dental structures and even system can be trained to detect and number teeth
pathologies. For dental and oral structures, it is useful on panoramic radiographs for the automated dental
to locate implants, bridges, and crowns. For pathologies, charting purposes. The proposed solution aims to assist
the primary goal is to detect caries, periodontitis, and dentists in their decision-making process rather than
dental cysts. Admittedly, to achieve expert level results substitute them. The systems performance level is close
for such tasks, these new systems will most likely require to the experts’ level, which means that the radiologist
much larger samples for training than used in this work. can use the output of the system for automated charting

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Figure 8  Sensitivity and specificity plots for all teeth numbers. The plots show sensitivity and specificity for each of eight teeth numbers averaged
by four quadrants: (a1–b1) sensitivity and specificity for the system, (a2–b2) sensitivity and specificity for the expert. These plots demonstrate
similarity in the numbering patterns produced by the system and the expert.

when only evaluation and minor corrections are required in a clinical dental setting. This approach to CADs has
instead of manual input of information. an important advantage over conventional computer
As this is a proof-of-concept study, there is a poten- vision and machine learning techniques, as it does
tial to increase the system performance. The results of not rely on hand-crafted features or special-purpose
the teeth detection and numbering could be improved programming, instead it is actually learning only from
or made more robust by implementing additional initial image representations such as pixels of dental
techniques, such as advanced image augmentation,21 panoramic radiographs.
and using more recent CNN architectures for feature
extraction and classification. Funding
Based on the results achieved, it can be concluded that
AI deep learning algorithms have a potential for further This work was supported by the Denti.AI project (​www.​
investigation of their applications and implementation denti.​ai).


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