Math 10: Discrete Mathematics: Course Description
Math 10: Discrete Mathematics: Course Description
Math 10: Discrete Mathematics: Course Description
Kevin Carlson
Spring 2020
Course Description
This course is intended for computer science, engineering, and mathematics majors. Topics in-
clude proof techniques, cardinality of sets, partial orderings and equivalence relations, symbolic
logic and valid arguments, permutations and combinations with repetition, and an introduction
to graph theory.
Required Materials
• Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, 8th edition. As this is a new edition, it is
rather expensive. You should feel free to purchase an older edition, or try to go without,
but you will need access to the eighth edition to get the correct homework problems, either
from a friend or from the reserve texts at the library.
• An account at, which is where everything for the course will happen. You will
eventually need to pay $14 for access.
• A smartphone, tablet, or laptop, which should be brought to class daily. A laptop is ideal.
Prerequisites: Math 8.
Homework will be completed and graded online on CoCalc. You will be expected to type your
solutions using LATEX. I will provide templates and basic tips about LATEX, but there will be limited
classtime available for this. You are all advanced enough students that learning LATEXwill pose
no issues, and it will leave you with an important skill used heavily throughout the sciences.
Assignments will be weekly, and largely but not entirely from the text. Emphasis will be on
writing mathematics, not on computing answers. Grading will be primarily by completion, but
Math 10, Carlson, Sp20
I will select certain problems to assess carefully. I will drop two homework assignments, and no
late homework will be accepted.
You must participate actively, on a daily basis, in class. Asking questions as soon as you are
confused is the most important skill you should be trying to develop as you prepare for upper-
division math and computer science courses. Anything that’s confusing you is confusing to a
neighbor, and anything you’re curious about, someone else is too.
I will accept questions, comments and answers digitally during class via the CoCalc chatroom,
and you will receive participation credit for either digital or verbal participation. You must
participate on at least 12 days to receive full participation credit for the course.
We will have 2 in class exams, one take-home exam, as well as the final. In-class exams will be
closed-book and closed notes. There will be no make-up exams offered, but to compensate for
emergencies I will replace your lowest score with your final exam score if this improves your
grade. Note that it generally does not, for students who appear for all exams.
The in-home exam will be available from Thursday morning before spring break until the end
of the day Sunday. A take-home exam gives an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding
without the time pressure of an in-class exam, but poses obvious academic honesty risks. Any
hint of academic dishonesty on the take-home exam will be dealt with severely. In general, you
may consult the text and the lecture notes, but you may not consult outside sources or collaborate
with peers in class.
The final exam will be cumulative and given on June 10. Failing to take the final exam will
result in a grade of F in this course.
You will complete a group project, due at the end of the semester, on a topic in discrete math
which the syllabus does not permit time to study. The general areas are number theory, for the
more mathematically inclined, and algorithms, for those more interested in computer science.
More information will be forthcoming no later than spring break. The key goal of the project is
that you should demonstrate the ability to digest and explain new mathematical information on
your own.
Grading Policy
Cutoffs for letter grades will be determined at the end of the course. My exams are often quite
difficult, so it is possible that the cutoff for an A, for instance, could be as low as an 80%. But it
could be as high as a 90%. I will update you on this as the semester goes on.
The grade will be based on the following proportions:
Math 10, Carlson, Sp20
Everything I say in lecture, unless otherwise specified, is fair game for exams and assignments.
You will need to be in class on a daily basis to keep up.
It is your responsibility to withdraw from the course if you intend to do so. If you fail to
withdraw yourself, you may receive an F instead of a W.
Course Objectives
See curricunet for more.
2. Given a mathematical statement, construct and communicate a valid argument using stan-
dard proof techniques.
Math 10, Carlson, Sp20
Math 10, Carlson, Sp20