Park Air Marc
Park Air Marc
Park Air Marc
RCMS System
Multi-Access Remote Control (MARC) position. The ATC engineer can change maintenance centre is closed.
is an advance Remote Control and a wide range of equipment parameter
MARC Remote Site Equipment (RSE)
Monitoring System (RCMS) for air traffic settings. Automatic control of events
comprises of data routers, these collate
control applications and can be used in ensures immediate actions are executed
and distribute control and monitoring
both airport and wide area applications. under pre-defined conditions.
information from multiple PAE radios and
A MARC system consists of a number
MARC operates in parallel with the ATC are located at each radio site within the
of standard software and hardware
system to ensure that overall reliability network. Information is relayed back to
modules that interconnect to form a
is not affected. MARC provides detailed the maintenance control centre via a low
complete remote control and monitoring
information on all key equipment bandwidth data link.
system. Using the MARC configuration
parameters thereby giving warning
programme the user can adapt the Using the PAE IBSU (In-Band Signalling
of both current equipment status and
system to cover expansion and changes Unit) MARC data can share telecom
trends that may cause future status
within the network. resources assigned to the ATC voice
changes. Changes that occur within the
channel. Transmission of MARC data
Routine inspections and checks for an system are logged allowing statistical
only occurs when the radio channel is
entire ATC network can be carried out analysis of system performance to take
not in use. Priority override is given to
by computer terminals remote from place. The Control Centre Equipment
PTT and mute signals allow immediate
the radio sites. MARC can also provide (CCE) provides the human-machine
transmission and reception of ATC
constant watch on building systems such interface to the MARC system and
message. MARC data traffic then resumes
as intruder and fire monitor equipment consists of a computer installed with
when the radio once again becomes
using operational and maintenance data MARC software which communicates
from connected equipment to present directly with the remote sites. Multiple
information in a clear graphical format to CCE’s can be interconnected to provide
ATC engineers at a remote maintenance redundancy or fallback coverage when a
System Capacity Main/standby change-over on detected BIT failure
Timed cycle to run interruptive BIT
Remote Site Equipment 999
Timed cycle to switch main to standby
Control Centres 30
Report Generator
PAE radios 7992
Status report: Lists equipment status on any specified date
User defined inputs >15000 and time during the last year
User defined outputs >11000 Statistics: Lists equipment failures between two specified
Supported PAE Radios T6 Series times/dates
3000D Series Group report: Lists all radios that are on timed cycles for
M7 Series either main-to-standby change-over or
interruptive BIT test
FUNCTIONS Statistical analysis Graphical presentation of radio availability and
The functionality available will depend upon the type of equipment connected failures during the last year
to the MARC system. Please refer to Park Air Systems for specific equipment Security Levels
Monitoring access: No control functions
Control and Monitor Test access: Limited control functions by password
Operating frequency Rx squelch defeat Control access: All control functions by password
Channel store/ recall Rx sensitivity monitor System access: By password for test access and control access
Channel spacing Modulation depth
Carrier offset Output power
Built in test PTT status
Operating mode Reflected power monitor
Ready monitor Tx mute
Inhibit equipment PTT timeout
Radio standby AC supply status
Line level input/output DC supply status
Rx squelch level Main/standby changeover
Rx indication