Mock Test Paper - JEE (Main)
Mock Test Paper - JEE (Main)
Mock Test Paper - JEE (Main)
Ñi;k bu funsZ'kksa dks /;ku ls i<+saA vkidks 5 feuV fo'ks"k :i ls bl dke ds fy, fn;s x;s gSaA
(Please read the instructions carefully. You are allotted 5 minutes specifically for this purpose).
Question paper has three (03) parts: Physics, Chemistry ç'u&i=k eas rhu (03) Hkkx gS % (HkkSfrdh ] jlk;u foKku ,oa
and Mathematics.
Each part has a total twenty five (25) questions divided into çR;sd Hkkx esa dqy iPphl (25) iz'u gS tks nks (02) [kaMks esa
two (02) sections (Section-1 and Section-2). foHkkftr gS ¼[kaM 1 vkSj [kaM 2)
Total number of questions in Question paper are Seventy Five iz'u&i=k esa ç'uksa dh dqy la[;k % fipgÙkj (75) ,oa vf/kdre
(75) and Maximum Marks are Three Hundred only (300). vad % rhu lkS (300) gSaA
ç'uksa ds çdkj vkSj ewY;kadu ;kstuk,¡ (Type of Questions and Marking Schemes)
[kaM–1 ¼vf/kdre vad : 80½ | SECTION-1 (Maximum Marks : 80)
This section contains TWENTY (20) questions bl [kaM esa chl (20) iz'u gSaA
Each question has FOUR options (1), (2), (3) and (4) izR;sd iz'u esa pkj fodYi (1), (2), (3) rFkk (4) gSaA bu pkj fodYiksa
ONLY ONE of these four option is correct) esa ls dsoy ,d fodYi lgh gSaA
Marking scheme: vadu ;kstuk
Full Marks : +4 If the corresponding to the
iw.kZ vad % +4 ;fn flQZ lgh fodYi gh pquk x;k gSA
answer is darkened
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen 'kwU; vad % 0 ;fn fdlh Hkh fodYi dks ugha pquk x;k gS
(i.e. the question is unanswered). ¼vFkkZr~ iz'u vuqÙkfjr gS½A
Negative Marks : –2 In all other cases. _.k vad % –2 vU; lHkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esaA
There is NO way to erase or "un-darkened bubble. dkys fd;s gq;s cqycqys dks feVkus dk dksbZ rjhdk ugha gSA
The marking scheme given at the beginning of each section
gj [k.M ds izkjEHk esa nh x;h vadu ;kstuk esa dkys fd;s x;s rFkk dkys
gives details of how darkened and not darkened bubbles are
u fd;s x;s cqycqyksa dks ewY;kafdr djus dk rjhdk fn;k x;k gSA.
For example, if answer ‘SINGLE DIGIT’ integer type below : mnkgj.k ds fy, , ;fn mÙkj ‘,dy vadh;’ iw.kkZad gS rc :
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
For example, if answer ‘DOUBLEDIGIT’ integer type below : mnkgj.k ds fy, , ;fn mÙkj ‘f)&vadh;’ iw.kkZad gS rc :
0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9
FOR DECIMAL TYPE QUESTIONS OMR LOOKS LIKE : n'keyo iw.kkZad@la[;kRed vadksa ds fy, ORS fuEu çdkj gS :
1 2 . 3 4 1 2 . 3 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
If answer is 3.7, then fill 3 in either 1 st or 2nd column and 7 in ;fn mÙkj 3.7 gS rc 3 dks 1 ;k 2nd dkWye esa Hkjsa rFkk 7 dks 3rd ;k
rd th
3 or 4 column. 4th dkWye esa HkjsaA
If answer is 3.07 then fill 3 in 1st or 2nd column ‘0’ in 3rd column ;fn mÙkj 3.07 gS rks 3 dks 1st dkWye ;k 2nd dkWye esa Hkjsa rFkk ‘0’
and 7 in 4th column. dks 3rd dkWye esa rFkk 7 dks 4th dkWye esa HkjsaA
If answer is, 23 then fill 2 & 3 in 1st and 2nd column ;fn mÙkj 23 gS rc 2 dks 1st dkWye esa ] 3 dks 2nd dkWye esa tcfd
respectively, while you can either leave column 3 & 4 or fill rd
3 vkSj 4th dkWye dks [kkyh NksM+ nsa ;k ‘'kwU; Hkj nsaA
‘0’ in either of them.
1. A solid conical bar of circular cross-section is 1. o`Ùkkdkj vuqizLFk dkV dk ,d Bksl 'kadq fp=kkuqlkj
suspended vertically as shown in figure. The
yVdk;k x;k gSA 'kadq dh Å/okZ/kj yEckbZ L, vk/kkj
vertical length of the bar is L, the diameter of
its base is D, the Young’s modulus Y and dk O;kl D, ;ax xq.kkad Y rFkk ?kuRo gSA Lo;a ds
mass density . The elongation of the bar due Hkkj ds dkj.k 'kadq dh yEckbZ esa ifjorZu gksxk &
to its own weight will be:
L g L g
(1) (1)
2Y 2Y
2 2
L g L g
(2) (2)
6Y 6Y
L g
L g
(3) (3)
8Y 8Y
L g
L g
(4) (4)
12 Y 12 Y
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2. Two point charges q each are placed at a 2. nks fcUnq vkos'k q ,d nwljs ls R nwjh ij fuokZr esa
distance R from each other in vacuum. The j[ks gq, gSaA nksuks ds e/; cy F1 gSA muesa ls ,d
force between them is F1. One of the charges
vkos'k dks R f=kT;k ds v}Zxksyh; dks'k (dVksjk) ij
is spread uniformly over the surface of a
hemispherical bowl of radius R, while the other ,d leku :Ik ls Qsyk fn;k tkrk gS] tcfd nwljs
is spread uniformly over the volume of a R
vkos'k dks vU; f=kT;k rr ds xksys ds iwjs
R 2
sphere r r and both have a common
2 vk;ru esa ,d leku :Ik ls Qsyk fn;k tkrk gS
F1 F1
center O. The force on the sphere is . Then ftuds dsUnz O leku gSA xksys ij cy gSA n dk
n n
n is
eku gSS &
(1) 1
(1) 1
(2) 2
(2) 2
(3) 3
(3) 3
(4) 4
(4) 4
3. One mole of oxygen is contained in a thin 3. vkarfjd i`"Bh; {ks=kQy A, eksVkbZ d rFkk rkih;
walled rigid container with walls of inner pkydrk K ds iryh Bksl nhokjksa ds crZu ds vanj
surface area A. thickness d and thermal
,d eksy vkWaDlhtu Hkjh gqbZ gSA xSl dk izkjfEHkd
conductivity K. The gas is at initial temperature
T0 and the surrounding temperature of air is rkieku T0 rFkk ifjos'k esa mifLFkr gok dk izkjfEHkd
2T0. The temperature of the gas at time t is rkieku 2T0 gSA le; t ds Qyu esa xSl dk rkieku
(R is gas constant) gS (R xSl fu;rkad gS) –
2 KA
t 2 KA
(1) T = T0 2 e
5 dR t
(1) T = T0 2 e 5 dR
2 KA
t 2 KA
(2) T = T0 1 e
5 dR t
(2) T = T0 1 e 5 dR
– –
(3) T = T0 2 – e 3 dR
(3) T = T0 2 – e 3 dR
2 t
2 t
(4) T0 e dR
(4) T0 e dR
5 5
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4. In the given figure ABC is a right-angled 4. n'kkZ;s x;s fp=k esa ABC ,d ledks.k lef}ckgq
isosceles prism kept in air. A ray of light is f=kHkqtkdkj fizTe gS tks ok;q esa j[kk x;k gSA ,d
incident on it normally as shown in figure. izdk'k dh fdj.k bl ij yEco~r vkifrr gksrh gS
Refractive index of the prism is varying with
tSlk fd fp=k esa n'kkZ;k x;k gSA fizT;e dk
time t as = 1 + 0.4 t, here t is in seconds. The
viorZukad le; t ds lkFk = 1 + 0.4 t }kjk
angular velocity of the emergent ray at time
t = 1 sec is:
ifjofrZr gksrk gS, tgkW t lsd.M esa gSA fuxZr fdj.k
dk; osx t = 1 sec gksxk &
(1) 1.2 rad/sec
(2) 1 rad/sec (1) 1.2 rad/sec
(3) 2 rad/sec (2) 1 rad/sec
5. A narrow empty straight tunnel is made from 5. i`Foh dh lrg ls dsUnz rd ,d iryh lh/kh lqajx
surface to centre of Earth. Now a small ball is
cukbZ tkrh gSA vc ,d NksVh xsan i`Foh dh lrg ls
dropped from surface of earth into this tunnel.
What will be the ratio of speeds of the ball lqajx esa NksMh tkrh gSA xsan dh pkyksa dk vuqikr D;k
when it is at a distance R from centre of gksxk tc ;g dsUnz ls
R nwjh ij gS rFkk tc ;g
earth and when it reaches the centre of earth ?
dsUnz ij igqprh gS \
(R is radius of earth)
1 1
(1) (1)
2 2
1 1
(2) (2)
3 3
7 7
(3) (3)
2 2
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6. Water in a clean aquarium forms a meniscus, 6. ,d lkQ eNyh?kj (aquarium) es ikuh panzkdkj
as illustrated in the figure. The difference in vkd`fr (meniscus) cukrk gS, tSlk dh fp=k esa
height h between the centre and the edge of fn[kk;k x;k gSSA panzkdkj vkd`fr ds dsUnz rFkk Hkqtk
the meniscus will be (surface tension of
(fp=k ns[ksa) ds e/; ÅpkbZ h dk eku gS & (ikuh dk
water = 0.02 N/m. density of water = 1000 kg/m3,
i`"B ruko = 0.02 N/m. ikuh dk ?kuRo
g = 10 m/s2)
= 1000 kg/m3, g = 10 m/s2)
(1) 1 mm
(1) 1 mm
(2) 2 mm
(2) 2 mm
(3) 3 mm (3) 3 mm
(4) 4 mm (4) 4 mm
7. In a certain hypothetical radioactive decay 7. fdlh dkYifud jsfM;ks,fDVo {k; izfØ;k esa] inkFkZ A
process, species A decay into species B and
inkFkZ B essa rFkk inkFkZ B inkFkZ C esa fuEu nh xbZ
species B decays into species C according to
the reactions vfHkfØ;kvksa }kjk {kf;r gksrk gSA
A 2B + particles + energy A 2B + d.k + ÅtkZ
B 3C + particles + energy B 3C + d.k + ÅtkZ
The decay constant for the species A is
inkFkZ A ds fy, {k; fu;rkad 1 = 1 sec–1 rFkk
1 = 1 sec–1 and that for the species B is
2 = 100 sec–1. Initially 104 moles of the inkFkZ B ds fy, {k; fu;rkad 2 = 100 sec–1 gSA
species of A were present while there was izkjEHk esa A ds 104 eksy mifLFkr gS tcfd B rFkk C
none of B and C. It was found that species B
vuqifLFkr gSA ;g ik;k x;k dh inkFkZ B dh la[;k
reaches its maximum number at a time
t0 = 2 In(10) sec. The value of the maximum le; t0 = 2 In(10) sec ij vf/kdre gSA inkFkZ B ds
number of moles of B is (e2.303 = 10) vf/kdre eksyks dh la[;k gS & (e2.303 = 10)
(1) 2 (1) 2
(2) 3
(2) 3
(3) 4
(3) 4
(4) 6
(4) 6
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Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN : U80302RJ2007PLC024029
8. A thin walled sphere made up of glass is fixed 8. ,d iryk dkap dk xksyh; dks'k {kSfrt lrg ij
on a horizontal surface. The radius on the tMor gSA xksys dh f=kT;k 1 m gS rFkk ;g
sphere is 1 m and it is filled with a transparent
viorZukad okys ikjn'khZ nzo ls Hkjk gqvk gSA ,d
liquid of refractive index . S is the luminous
pedhyk L=kksr S Å/okZ/kj niZ.k M dh vksj xfr dj
source moving directly towards a plane vertical
jgk gSA ikjn'khZ nzo esa eNyh S dh vksj xfr dj jgh
mirror M. A fish in the liquid is moving towards
gSA eNyh dh vka[k rFkk S niZ.k ds yEcor ,d gh
S. The eye of the fish and S are collinear and
js[kk ij fLFkr gSA og {k.k tc S xksys ds dsUnz ls
perpendicular to mirror M. At the moment S is
3 m away from the centre of the sphere, the 3 m nwj gS] eNyh izsf{kr djrh gS fd ijkorZu ds
fish observes that image of S due to reflection dkj.k S dk izfrfcEc 13 ms–1 dh pky ls xfr dj
is moving with a speed of 13 ms–1. If speed of jgk gSA ;fn xksys ds lkis{k eNyh dh pky 10 ms–1
the fish relative to the sphere is 10 ms–1 and rFkk = 1.5 gS] rks fn;s x;s {k.k ij L=kksr dh pky
= 1.5, then the speed of the source at that
gksxh & (fudk; gok esa j[kk gSa)
instant will be (The system is placed in air)
M Fish A 3m
Fish A 3m S
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9. Two identical bulbs B1 and B2 each of 9. nks ,d leku R izfrjks/k ds cYc B1 rFkk B2 fp=k esa
resistance R are connected in a circuit as n'kkZ;s x;s ifjiFk esa tqMs gq, gSaA B1] LoizsjdRo L
shown in figure. B1 is in series with an inductor
rFkk izfrjks/k R okys Loizsjd ls esa rFkk B2]
of inductance L and resistance R and B2 is in
series with a resistor of resistance R. At t = 0, izfrjks/k R ds lkFk esa tqMk gSA t = 0 ij, dqath S
the switch S is closed and at t = t0, the switch S can dh tkrh gS rFkk t = t0 ij dqath S [kksy nh tkrh
is opened, then which of the following graphs gS] rks fuEu esa ls dkSulk xzkQ cYc B2 esa /kkjk
correctly represents the variation of current in
L ifjorZu n'kkZrk gS (t0 >> )
the bulb B2 (Assume t0 >> ) R
L.R. B1
L.R. B1
B2 R
(1) E/2R
(1) E/2R
O t
t t = t0
t = t0
(2) t
t = I0
t = I0
(3) E/2R
(3) E/2R
O t
O t
(4) O t
t t = t0
t = t0
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Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN : U80302RJ2007PLC024029
10. An experiment is performed to determine the 10. thuj Mk;ksM (Zener diode) dk I - V vfHkyk{kf.kd
I - V characteristics of a Zener diode, which vkjs[k izkIr djus ds fy;s ,d iz;ksx fd;k x;k]
has a protective resistance of R =100 , and
ftldk lj{kh izfrjks/k (protective resistance)
maximum power of dissipation rating of 1W.
R=100 rFkk {k; dh vf/kdre 'kfDr 1W gSA
The minimum voltage range of the DC source
in the circuit is : ifjiFk esa DC L=kksr dh U;qure foHko ijkl gS &
(1) 0 – 12V (1) 0 – 12V
(2) 0 – 5V (2) 0 – 5V
(3) 0 – 24 (3) 0 – 24
(4) 0 – 8V (4) 0 – 8V
11. The refractive index n of a medium within a 11. fdlh {ks=k x > 0, y > 0 esa viorZukad n, y ds lkFk
certain region x > 0, y > 0 changes with y till it ifjofrZr gksrk gS tc rd fd ;g vf/kdre eku
acquires a value nmax. After it acquires the
nmax izkIr uk dj ysA tc ;g vf/kdre eku nmax
value nmax it remains constant. A light ray
travelling in air along the x-axis strikes the izkIr dj ysrk gS rc ;g fu;r gks tkrk gSA x-v{k ds
medium at a grazing angle and moves through lekUrj gok esa xeu djrh gqbZ izdk'k dh ,d fdj.k
the medium along a circular arc as shown in fp=kkuqlkj ek/;e esa izos'k djrh gS rFkk ek/;e esa
the figure. If angular deviation of the ray before o`Ùkh; iFk ij xfr djrh gSA lh/kh js[kk esa xeu djus
it starts moving in a straight line is 60 and
ls igys o`Ùkh; iFk esa; fopyu 60 rFkk o`Ùkh;
radius of the circular path in which the ray
travels is 5m, then nmax and dependency of n
iFk dh f=kT;k 5m gS] rc nmax rFkk n dh y ij
on y is: fuHkZjrk gS :
i= 90º i= 90º
5 5
(1) 2, n = (1) 2, n =
5 y 5 y
5 5
(2) 3 ,n= (2) 3 ,n=
5 y 5 y
3 4 3 4
(3) ,n= (3) ,n=
2 4 y 2 4 y
5 5
(4) 2 ,n= (4) 2 ,n=
5 y 5 y
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12. A monoatomic gas expands following a 12. ,d ,dijek.kfod xSl Å"ekxfrdh fu;e
thermodynamic law P = C1V + C2, Where P = C1 V + C2 ds vuqlkj fLFkfr A(V0, 3P0) ls
C1, C2 are constants, from state A(V0, 3P0) to
B(3V0, P0) rd izlkfjr gksrh gS] tgkWa C1 rFk C2
B(3V0, P0). The volume of the gas upto which it
fu;rkad gSA xSl dk vk;ru tgkWa rd ;g Å"ek
absorbs heat is:
vo'kksf"kr djrh gS] gS &
(1) V0
(1) V0
(2) 2V0
(2) 2V0
(3) 2.5V0
(3) 2.5V0
(4) 3V0
(4) 3V0
13. A loudspeaker L is placed in the hall with two 13. nks njokts D1 rFkk D2 okys cM+s dejs esa ,d
doors D1 and D2 as shown below. The distance ykmMLihdj j[kk x;k gS (fp=k ns[ksa)A D1 rFkk D2 ds
between D1 and D2 is 8.5 m. The loudspeaker L
e/; nwjh 8.5m gSA ykmMLihdj L, D1 rFkk D2 cjkcj
is equidistant from D1 and D2. Monotonic sound
nwjh ij gSA ykmMLihdj ls ,d gh vko`fr
waves are emitted from the loudspeaker, and it
is found that at point P which is 6.0 m from D1 (monotonic) dh /ofu rjax mRlftZr gksrh gS vkSj
and at point Q the sound intensities are ;g ik;k tkrk gS fd fcUnq P, D1 ls 6.0m nwjh ij gS
minimum. The line joining D1, P and Q is rFkk fcUnq Q ij /ofu dh rhozrk U;qure gS D1, P
perpendicular to the line joining D1 and D2. No
rFkk Q dks feykus okyh js[kk D1 rFkk D2 dks feykus
other minimum intensity locations can be found
okyh js[kk ds yEcor gSA P rFkk Q ds e/; rFkk js[kk
between P and Q and beyond Q along the PQ
line. Find the frequency of the sound wave PQ ij fcUnq Q ds vkxs dksbZ vU; U;qure rhozrk
generated by the loudspeaker. (Speed of izkIr ugh gksrhA ykmMLihdj }kjk mRiUu /ofu rjaxks
sound is 340 m/s)
dh rhozrk Kkr dhft,A (/ofu dh pky 340 m/s gS)
L D1
Hall D2
P Q cMk dejkD2
(1) 17 Hz
(1) 17 Hz
(2) 41 Hz
(2) 41 Hz
(3) 52 Hz
(3) 52 Hz
(4) 117 Hz
(4) 117 Hz
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14. The current gain of a common emitter amplifier 14. mHk;fu"B mRltZd izo/kZd vfHkfoU;k; esa /kkjk ykHk
is 69. If the emitter current is 7.0mA, collector 69 gSA ;fn mRltZd /kkjk 7.0mA gS] rks laxzkgd
current is:
/kkjk gS &
(1) 0.69 mA
(1) 0.69 mA
(2) 6.9 mA
(2) 6.9 mA
(3) 69 mA
(3) 69 mA
(4) 9.6 mA (4) 9.6 mA
15. An object of weight W has a uniform 15. ,d W Hkkj dh oLrq dk ,dleku vuqizLFk dkV
rectangular cross section of a × 2a and density {ks=kQy a × 2a rFkk ?kuRo 0.25 g/cm3 gSA bldk
of 0.25 g/cm3. Part of it is immersed in water
dqN Hkkx ikuh esa Mqckdj 45º ij >qdk fn;k tkrk gS,
and the rectangle is tilted by 45º, while one of
tcdh bldk ,d 'kh"kZ ikuh dh lrg ij mifLFkr
its corners is just at the water surface. Find the
Air Air
45 45
Water ikuh
(1) 2 2 aW (1) 2 2 aW
aW aW
(2) (2)
2 2
aW aW
(3) (3)
2 2
aW aW
(4) (4)
2 2 2 2
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Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN : U80302RJ2007PLC024029
16. A light glass tube with a sealed lower end and 16. ,d gYdh rFkk ,d fljs ls can dkap dh ufydk
cross section area S = 2.5 cm2 contains a
ftldk vuqizLFk dkV {ks=kQy S = 2.5 cm2 gS]
column of mercury of mass m = 2 kg. Between
m = 2 kg nzO;eku ds ikjs ds LFkEHk dks j[krh gSA
the mercury and the lower end is some trapped
uyh ds can fljs rFkk ikjs ds e/; ,d xSl j[kh xbZ
ideal gas. The glass tube is sliding down a
slope with an inclining angle α = 30°. The gSA dkap dh ufydk α = 30° okys urry ij uhps
kinetic friction coefficient between the tube and
dh vksj fQly jgh gSA urry rFkk ufydk ds e/;
the slope is . The pressure of the 3
6 xfrt ?k"kZ.k xq.kkad gSA xSl esa nkc]
trapped gas in terms of the standard
atmosphere pressure will be: given ok;qe.Myh; nkc ds inks esa gksxk & P atm
5 N
P atm 10 2
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Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN : U80302RJ2007PLC024029
17. Two identical parallel plate capacitors 1 and 2 17. nks lekUrj iV~V la/kkfj=k 1 rFkk 2 csVjh }kjk esa
are placed vertically and connected in series to
tqMs gq, gS rFkk Å/okZ/kj j[ks x;s gSaA la/kkfj=k -2 es ,d
a battery. In capacitor-2 there is a charged
vkosf'kr d.k tMor~ fcUnq ls gYds rkj }kjk yVdk;k
small particle attached by a thin wire to a fixed
point, as shown. Ignore the effect of the charge x;k gS] fp=k ns[ksaA vkosf'kr d.k dk la/kkfj=k dh
particle on the charge distribution on the ifV~Vvks ij izHkko ughaa iMrk gSA lkE;oLFkk ij] rkj
capacitor plates. At equilibrium, the angle
rFkk Å/okZ/kj ds e/; dks.k gSA vc la/kkfj=k-1 dh
between the wire and the vertical direction is .
ifV~Vdkvks ds e/; nwjh /khjs&/khjs c<kdj nqxquh dj nh
Now slowly pull a plate of capacitor-1 until the
tkrh gSA ubZ lkE;oLFkk ij rkj rFkk Å/okZ/kj ds e/;
distance between its two plates is doubled.
2 (1) tan
(1) tan
tan 3
3 (2) tan
(2) tan
tan 2
1 (3) tan
(3) tan
tan 3
(4) (4)
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18. The given integrated shape is an infinite series 18. fn;s x;s fp=k esa vUur la[;k esa o`Ùkkdkj pdfr;kW
of circular discs with radii of r, r/2, r/4,
x-v{k ij esa j[kh xbZ gS ftudh f=kT;k,sa r, r/2,
r/8, ………., and their centers are on the x‐axis.
The masses of the circular discs are r/4, r/8, ………., gSA pdfr;ksa ds nzO;eku muds
proportional to their areas. The center of {ks=kQy ds lekuqikrh gSA nh xbZ vkd`fr dk xq:Ro
gravity of the integrated shape in the x‐y
dsUnz x‐y funsZ'kkad fudk; esa gksxk &
coordinate system will be at:
y y
r r r/2
r/4 r/4
x x
40 40
(1) x = r, y = 0. (1) x = r, y = 0.
7 7
80 80
(2) x = r, y = 0. (2) x = r, y = 0.
21 21
40 40
(3) x = r, y = 0. (3) x = r, y = 0.
21 21
(4) x = r, y = 0. 10
(4) x = r, y = 0.
19. One end of a string of length L = 15 m is tied to 19. L = 15 m yEckbZ dh jLlh dk ,d fljk 20 m/s2 ds
the ceiling of an elevator accelerating upwards
Roj.k ls Åij Rofjr fy¶V ls ca/kk gSA jLlh dk
with an acceleration 20 m/s2. The other end of
nwljk fljk eqDr gSA jLlh dk js[kh; nzO;eku ?kuRo
the string is free. The linear mass density of
the string varies linearly from 0 to 0 from uhps ls Åij 0 ls 0 rd c<+rk gSA uhps ls Åij rd
bottom to top. The time taken by a pulse ,d rajx (pulse) dks tkus esa yxk le; (lSd.M esa)
(in seconds) to reach from bottom to the top
gksxk : (g = 10 ms–2).
will be: (g = 10 ms–2).
(1) 1
(1) 1
(2) 2
(2) 2
(3) 3.5 (3) 3.5
(4) 5 (4) 5
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20. A conducting rod AB of mass m and of 20. ,d pkyd NM+ AB ftldk nzO;eku m, yEckbZ
negligible resistance and of length 0.5 m slides
0.5 m rFkk ux.; izfrjks/k gS] lekUrj /kkfRod iVfj;ksa
on a pair of parallel metallic rails, which are
ij fQlyrh gSA lekUrj iVfj;kW izfrjks/k R = 10
connected by a resistance R = 10 and
rFkk /kkfjrk C = 1 F }kjk tqM+h gqbZ gS tSlk fd fp=k
capacitance C = 1 F as shown in the figure. A
magnetic field B = 1 T is applied normal and esa n'kkZ;k x;k gSA ifjiFk ds ry ds yEcor B = 1 T
into the plane of the circuit. At time t = 0, a ifjek.k dk pqEcdh; {ks=k yxk;k x;k gSA t = 0 ij,
force F = 0.4 N is applied on the rod AB. The
F = 0.4 N dk ,d cy NM+ AB fp=kkuqlkj yxk;k
terminal speed acquired by rod will be:
tkrk gSA NM+ dk lhekUr osx gksxk &
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SECTION – 2 : (Maximum Marks : 20)
[kaM 2 ¼vf/kdre vad% 20)
This section contains FIVE (05) questions. The bl [kaM esa ik¡p (05) iz'u gSA izR;sd iz'u dk mÙkj
answer to each question is NUMERICAL la[;kRed eku (NUMERICAL VALUE) gSa] tks
VALUE with two digit integer and decimal upto f}&vadh; iw.kkZad rFkk n'keyo ,dy&vadu eas gSA
one digit. ;fn la[;kRed eku esa nks ls vf/kd n’'keyo LFkku gS
If the numerical value has more than two ] rks la[;kRed eku dks n'keyo ds nks LFkkuksa rd
decimal places truncate/round-off the value VªadsV@jkmaM vkWQ (truncate/round-off) djsaA
to ONE decimal placed. vadu ;kstuk :
Full Marks : +4 If ONLY the correct option is iw.kZ vad % +4 ;fn flQZ lgh fodYi gh pquk x;k
chosen. gSA
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen 'kwU; vad % 0 ;fn dksbZ Hkh fodYi ugha pquk x;k
(i.e. the question is unanswered). gS ¼vFkkZr~ iz'u vuqÙkfjr gS½A
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases _.k vad % –1 vU; lHkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esaA
21. A point electric dipole of dipole moment P = 81 21. f}/kqzo vk?kw.kZ P = 81 × 10–9 C-m dk ,d fo|qr
× 10–9 C-m is placed in the uniform external
f}/kqzo ckgjh fo|qr {ks=k E0 = 27 N/c esa bl izdkj
field of magnitude E0 = 27 N/c such that p || E 0 .
j[kk x;k gS fd p || E 0 gSA bl fLFkfr esa ,d
In this case one of the equipotential surfaces
xksykdkj can lefoHko i`"B bl izdkj gS fd f}/kqzo
enclosing the dipole forms a sphere with dipole
at centre. The radius of this sphere is R in blds dsUnz ij fLFkr gSA xksys ds f=kT;k R ehVj gSA
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22. In a meter bridge circuit, the known resistance 22. ehVj lsrq ifjiFk esa] izfrjks/k ckWDl esa Kkr izfrjks/k
used in resistance box is 100 (without any 100 (fcuk =kqfV rFkk nkW;h Hkqtk esa vKkr izfrjks/k
error, and the unknown resistor is put in right ds) mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA larqyu fcUnq ckW;s fljs ls
arm). The null point is found to be 40 cm from
40 cm izkIr gksrk gSA ;fn ehVj lsrq esa feyh ehVj
left end. If mm scale is used in the meter
(mm) iSekuk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gS rks vKkr izfrjks/k
bridge then resistance of the unknown resistor
dk izfrjks/k 1 5 0 R izkIr gksrk gSA 8R dk
is 1 5 0 R . Find the value of 100R.
eku Kkr dhft,A
23. Consider a long cylindrical wire carrying 23. ,d yEck csyukdkj rkj fyft, ftlesa v{k ds
current along the axis of wire. The current
vuqfn'k /kkjk izokfgr gksrh gSA /kkjk vuqizLFk dkV esa
distributed non-uniformly on cross section. The
magnetic field B inside the wire varies with vleku gSA rkj ds vUnj pqEcdh; {ks=k B v{k ls nwjh
distance 'r' from the axis as B = kr4 where k is a 'r' ij B = kr4 }kjk fn;k tkrk gS tgkW k ,d fu;rkad
constant. The current density J varies with
gSA nwjh 'r' ds lkFk /kkjk ?kuRo J = crn }kjk fn;k tkrk
distance 'r' as J = crn, then the value of n3 is
(where c is another constant). gS rks n dk eku gksxk & (tgkW c vU; fu;rkad gSA)
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24. When the voltage applied to an X-ray tube 24. tc X-fdj.k V~;wc esa yxk;k x;k foHkokUrj
increased from V1 = 15.5 kV to V2 = 31 kV, the
V1 = 15.5 kV ls V2 = 31 kV rd c<k;k tkrk gS,
wavelength interval between the K line and
vUr%d rajxns/;Z rFkk K js[kk ds e/; rjaxns/;Z
the cut-off wavelength of the continuous X-ray
vUrjky 1.3 xquk ls c<+ tkrk gSaA ;fn y{; dh /kkrq
spectrum increases by a factor of 1.3. If the
25. A standing wave is set up in a string of length 25. ,d 4 m yEckbZ dh jLlh tks nksukas fljks ls {kSfrt
4 m clamped horizontally at both ends.
ca/kh gqbZ gS] esa vizxkeh rjax cuk;h tkrh gSA nks
Separation between two consecutive points
Øekxr fcUnq ftudk foLFkkiu vk;ke 2 cm gS] ds
where displacement amplitude is 2 cm is 40
waves of equal amplitude 1 cm. Find the }kjk ftudk vk;ke 1 cm gS] }kjk cuk;h tkrh gSA
overtone in which the string is vibrating.
vf/kLoj Kkr dhft, ftlesa jLlh daiu dj jgh gSA
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PART – B Hkkx – B
Atomic masses : [H = 1, D = 2, Li = 7, C = 12, Atomic masses : [H = 1, D = 2, Li = 7, C = 12,
N = 14, O = 16, F = 19, Na = 23, Mg = 24, Al = 27, N = 14, O = 16, F = 19, Na = 23, Mg = 24, Al = 27,
Si = 28, P = 31, S = 32, Cl = 35.5, K = 39, Ca = 40, Si = 28, P = 31, S = 32, Cl = 35.5, K = 39, Ca = 40,
Cr = 52, Mn = 55, Fe = 56, Cu = 63.5, Zn = 65, Cr = 52, Mn = 55, Fe = 56, Cu = 63.5, Zn = 65,
As = 75, Br = 80, Ag = 108, I = 127, Ba = 137, As = 75, Br = 80, Ag = 108, I = 127, Ba = 137,
26. In which of the following cases upon mixing, 26. fuEu esa ls fdu ifjfLFkfr;ksa ds foy;uksa dks feykus
the resulting solution will be a buffer solution : ij ifj.kkeh foy;u ,d cQj foy;u gksxk \
I. 25 ml of 0.1 M HNO3 and 25 ml of
I. 0.1 M HNO3 dk 25 ml rFkk 0.1 M NaNO3 dk
0.1 M NaNO3
25 ml
II. 25 ml of 0.1 M NH4OH and 50 ml of
II. 0.1 M NH4OH dk 25 ml rFkk 0.1 M HCl dk
0.1 M HCl
50 ml
III. 50 ml of 0.1 M NaOH and 10 ml of
III. 0.1 M NaOH dk 50 ml rFkk 0.1 M H3PO3
0.1 M H3PO3
IV. 25 ml of 0.1 M HCOOH and 25 ml of dk 10 ml
0.1 M Ba(OH)2 IV. 0.1 M HCOOH dk 25 ml rFkk 0.1 M
(1) I and III (2) I and II Ba(OH)2 dk 25 ml
(3) II & IV (4) None of these
(1) I rFkk III (2) I rFkk II
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27. Given X product (Taking 1st 27. fn;k gS , X mRikn (izFke dksfV dh
order reaction) vfHkfØ;k ekurs gq,)
28. An ideal gas is taken around the cycle ABCA 28. P-V js[kkfp=k eas n'kkZ;s vuqlkj pØh; ABCA izØe
as shown in P-V diagram. The value of q for esa ,d vkn'kZ xSl dks fy;k tkrk gSA pØ ds nkSjku
the cycle is equal to :
q dk eku fuEu ds cjkcj gS %
29. Co-ordination number of Cr in CrCl3.6H2O is 29. CrCl3.6H2O esa Cr dh leUo; la[;k 6 gSA ladqy
six. The volume of 0.1 M AgNO3 needed to ds 0.01 M foy;u ds 200 ml esa vk;uu xksys
precipitate the chlorine in ionisation sphere in
(ionisation sphere) esa mifLFkr Dyksjhu ds
200 ml of 0.01 M solution of the complex
vo{ksi.k ds fy, 0.1 M AgNO3 dk vko';d
cannot be:
(1) 60 ml (2) 40 ml vk;ru ugha gks ldrk gS&
(3) 80 ml (4) 20 ml (1) 60 ml (2) 40 ml
(3) 80 ml (4) 20 ml
30. In an ionic solid r(+) = 1.6 Å and r(–) = 1.864 Å. 30. ,d vk;fud Bksl esa] /kuk;u dh f=kT;k r(+) = 1.6
Use the radius ratio rule to determine the Å o _.kk;u dh f=kT;k r(–) = 1.864 Å gSA f=kT;k
edge length of the cubic unit cell in Å. vuqikr dk iz;ksx djrs gq, Å esa ?kuh; ,dd
(1) 4 (2) 2 3 dksf"Bdk dh dksj yEckbZ dh x.kuk dhft,A
4 (1) 4 (2) 2 3
(3) 3 3 (4)
3 4
(3) 3 3 (4)
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31. Ratio of Tb / Kb of 6% (W/V) AB2 and 31. 6% (W/V) AB2 rFkk 9% (W/V) A2B ds fy, Tb /
9% (W/V) A2B (AB2 and A2B both are Kb dk vuqikr] nksuksa ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa 1 eksy@kg gSA
non-electrolytes) is 1 mol/kg in both cases. ¼AB2 rFkk A2B nksuksa oS|qr vu&vi?kV~; gSa½ bl
Hence, atomic masses of A and B are
izdkj A rFkk B ds ijek.kq nzO;eku Øe'k% gSa % ¼ekuk
respectively : (assume molality = molarity)
eksyyrk = eksyjrk½
(1) 60, 90 (2) 40, 40
(1) 60, 90 (2) 40, 40
(3) 40, 10 (4) 10, 40
(3) 40, 10 (4) 10, 40
32. 2SrSO4(s) 2SrO(s) + 2SO2(g) + O2(g), 32. 2SrSO4(s) 2SrO(s) + 2SO2(g) + O2(g),
H > 0 H > 0
Above equilibrium is established by taking mijksDr lkE; 1700 K ij ,d can ik=k esa
some amount of SrSO4(s) in a closed SrSO4(s) dh dqN ek=kk dks ysus ij izkIr gksrk gSA
container at 1700 K. Then which of the rc fuEu esa ls dkSulk dFku xyr gS \
following is incorrect option ? (1) rkieku esa o`f) ds lkFk SrO(s) ds eksyks esa o`f)
(1) moles of SrO(s) will increase with the
gksrh gSA
increase in temperature
(2) ;fn lkE; ij ik=k ds vk;ru dks nqxquk dj
(2) If the volume of the container is doubled
fn;k tk;sa] rks u;s lkE; ij SO2(g) dk vkaf'kd
at equilibrium then partial pressure of SO2(g)
will change at new equilibrium.
nkc ifjofrZr gks tk;sxkA
(3) If the volume of the container is halved (3) ;fn ik=k dk vk;ru vk/kk dj ns rks u;s lkE;
partial pressure of O2(g) at new equilibrium ij O2(g) dk vkaf'kd nkc leku jgsxkA
will remain unchanged (4) lkE; voLFkk ij vf/kd ek=kk esa LVªkWfU'k;e
(4) moles of SrO(s) will increase on addiding vkWDlkbM feykus ij SrO(s) ds eksyksa esa o`f) gksxhA
more strontium oxide at equilibrium.
33. A hydrogen electrode is immersed in a 33. ,d gkbMªkstu bysDVªkWM dks pH = 0 (HCl) okys
solution with pH = 0 (HCl). By how much will foy;u esas j[kk tkrk gS] rks foHko (vip;u) esa
the potential (reduction) change if an fdruk ifjorZu gksxk ;fn foy;u esa NaOH dh
equivalent amount of NaOH is added to the rqY;kad ek=kk feyk;h tk,\ ( pH2 = 1 atm, T = 298
solution. (Take pH2 =1 atm) T=298 K.
K yhft, )
(1) increase by 0.41 V (1) 0.41 V c<+sxk
(2) increase by 59 mV (2) 59 mV c<+sxk
(3) decrease by 0.41 V (3) 0.41 V ?kVsxk
(4) decrease by 59 mV
(4) 59 mV ?kVsxk
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34. The incorrect statement among the following 34. fuEu esa dkSulk dFku xyr gS\
is : (1) CaO ] CO2 vo'kksf"kr djrk gS rFkk ty ds
(1) CaO absorbs CO2 and violently reacts
lkFk rsth ls fØ;k djrk gSA
with water.
(2) lksfM;e veyxe xeZ ty ds lkFk fØ;k djrk
(2) Sodium amalgam reacts with hot water
and give NaOH with liberation of H2. gS rFkk NaOH nsrk gS lkFk gh H2 eqDr gksrh gSA
(3) KO2 absorbs CO2 and releases CO (3) KO2 , CO2 vo'kksf"kr djrk gS rFkk CO eqDr
(4) Gypsum on heating at 393 K gives djrk gSA
calcium sulphate hemihydrate (Plaster of
(4) ftIle 393 K ij xeZ djus ij dSfY'k;e
lYQsV gsehgkbMªsV (IykLVj vkWQ isfjl) nsrk gSA
35. Which of the following is a wrong order with 35. Lih'khtksa ds Øeksa ds lkeus of.kZr fd, x, xq.kksa ds
respect to the property mentioned against lanHkZ esa] fuEu esa ls dkSulk Øe xyr gS \
each ?
(1) (NO)¯ > (NO) > (NO)+ [cU/k yEckbZ]
(1) (NO)¯ > (NO) > (NO)+ [bond length]
(2) O22– > O2 < O2++ [vuqpqEcdh; vk?kw.kZ]
(2) O22– > O2 < O2++ [Paramagnetic
moment] (3) NO2+ > NO2 > NO2¯ [cU/k dks.k]
(3) NO2+ > NO2 > NO2¯ [bond angle] (4) CH4 < BF3 < CO2 [cU/k dks.k]
(4) CH4 < BF3 < CO2 [Bond angle]
36. For the just coagulation of 250ml of Fe(OH) 3 36. nks ?kaVs esa 250 ml, Fe(OH)3 lkWy ds iw.kZ Ldanu
sol in two hrs, 2ml of 1M Na2SO4 electrolyte (coagulation) ds fy, ; 2ml, 1M Na2SO4 fo|qr
is required. What is the coagulating value of
vi?kV~; dh vko';drk gksrh gS] rc Na2SO4
Na2SO4 electrolyte.
(1) 8 (2) 12 fo|qr vi?kV~; dk Ldanu eku D;k gS\
(3) 5 (4) 10 (1) 8 (2) 12
(3) 5 (4) 10
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38. Total number of stereoisomers possible for
38. ds fy, dqy fdrus f=kfoe leko;oh
lEHko gSa\
(1) 3 (2) 4
(3) 5 (4) 6 (1) 3 (2) 4
(3) 5 (4) 6
(1)Br /Fe
2 ‘P’ 39.
(1)Br /Fe
2 ‘P’
‘P’ may be :
‘P’ gks ldrk gS &
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40. Which of the following reaction give 40. fuEu esa ls dkSulh vfHkfØ;k esa p-czksekscsUtksbd
p-bromobenzoic acid ? vEy curk gS\
Br2 / Fe
(1) Br / Fe
(1eq.) (1)
Br / Fe Kmno / H / Kmno4 / H /
4 Br2 / Fe
(1eq.) (1eq.)
(4) (1)
(4) (1)
41. Which of the following is a popular anionic 41. fuEu esa ls dkSulk izpfyr _.kk;f.kd viektZd gS
detergent : \
(1) Lauryl alcohol (1) yksfjy ,YdksgkWy
(2) Stearic acid (2) LVhfjd vEy
(3) Cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (3) flfVy VªkbZefs Fky veksfu;e czksekbM
(4) Polyethylene glycol (4) ikWyh,fFkyhu Xykbdksy
42. Which of the following option is correct 42. fuEu esa ls dkSulk fodYi ysDVkt ds lUnHkZ ds
regarding Lactose. fy, lgh gS \
(1) Glucose has acetal and galactose has (1) ysDVkst es Xywdkst] ,lhVsy cU/ku j[krk gS rFkk
hemiacetal linkage in Lactose. xsysDVkst] gseh,lhVsy cU/ku j[krk gSA
(2) Glucose is forming glycosidic bond from (2) ysDVkst es Xywdkst] C1 dkcZu ls XykbdksflfMd
C1 carbon in Lactose. cU/k cukrk gSA
(3) glycosidic bond is formed by C1 of (3) ysDVkst esXykbdksflfMd cU/k] xsysDVkst ds
galactose and C4 of glucose in Lactose. C1 rFkk Xywdkst ds C4 }kjk curk gSA
(4) glycosidic bond is formed by C1 of (4) ysDVkst esXykbdksflfMd cU/k] xsysDVkst ds
galactose and C4 of glucose in Lactose. C1 rFkk Xywdkst ds C4 }kjk curk gSA
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43. The reactant X & Y of following reactions are 43. fuEu vfHkfØ;k ds fØ;kdkjd X rFkk Y gSa %
OH –
X + Y OH –
H2O X + Y
(2) (2)
(3) (3)
(4) (4)
44. CH3 CH2 OH
44. CH3 CH2 OH
Major product of the above reaction is: mijksDr vfHkfØ;k dk eq[; mRikn gS&
(1) CH2 = CH2
(1) CH2 = CH2
(2) C2H5 – O– CH3
(2) C2H5 – O– CH3
(3) C2H5 – O – C2H5
(3) C2H5 – O – C2H5
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45. C6H5 C CH
2 3 45. C6H5 C CH
2 3
(Z) (Z)
(W) (W)
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46. In how many of the following compounds of 46. lYQj ds fuEu ;kSfxdksa esa ls fdrus S–S cU/k
sulphur, there is S–S bond (only single bond
(nks lYQj ijek.kqvksa ds e/; dsoy ,dy cU/k
not double bond between two sulphur
f}cU/k ugha ) j[krs gS \
atoms) ?
H2S2O3, H2S2O6 , H2S2O7 , H2S2O8 ,
H2S2O3, H2S2O6 , H2S2O7 , H2S2O8 ,
47. Consider the following set of reactions : 47. vfHkfØ;kvksa ds fuEu leqPp;ksa dk voyksdu
X + H2O Y + H2
Z + LiAlH4 X + LiF + AlF3
X + O2 B2O3 + H2O
X + H2O Y + H2
238 214
48. The total number of and particles 48. ukfHkdh; vfHkfØ;k 92U 8 2
Pb ls fudyus
238 214
emitted in the nuclear reaction 92U 8 2Pb okys ,oa d.kksa dh dqy la[;k gS %
is :
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49. Number of compounds which liberate 49. fuEu esa ls fdrus ;kSfxd NH4Cl ds lkFk
ammonia on reaction with NH4Cl ?
vfHkfØ;k djds veksfu;k nsrs gS\
Ph–NH2, (C2H5)2NH, ,
Ph–NH2, (C2H5)2NH, ,
, , ,
, , ,
50. How many compounds will give positive 50. fuEu esa ls fdrus ;kSfxd /kukRed vk;ksMksQkWeZ
iodoform test but negative Tollen’s test ? ijh{k.k rFkk _.kkRed VkWysu ijh{k.k nsrs gSa \
(a) CH3CHO (a) CH3CHO
(b) (b)
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PART – C Hkkx – C
SECTION – 1 : (Maximum Marks : 80) [kaM 1 : (vf/kdre vad : 80)
This section contains TWENTY (20) questions. bl [kaM esa chl (20) iz'u gSaA
Each question has FOUR options (1), (2), (3) and izR;sd iz'u esa pkj fodYi (1), (2), (3) rFkk (4) gSaA bu
(4) ONLY ONE of these four option is correct
pkjksa fodYiksa esa ls dsoy ,d fodYi lgh gSaA
Marking scheme :
vadu ;kstuk :
Full Marks : +4 If ONLY the correct option
iw.kZ vad % +4 ;fn flQZ lgh fodYi gh pquk x;k
is chosen.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is
chosen (i.e. the question is 'kwU; vad % 0 ;fn dksbZ Hkh fodYi ugha pquk x;k
unanswered). gS ¼vFkkZr~ iz'u vuqÙkfjr gS½A
Negative Marks : –2 In all other cases _.k vad % –2 vU; lHkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esaA
51. If a(p q)2 2bpq c 0 and 51. ;fn a(p q)2 2bpq c 0 rFkk
(1) qr p2 (1) qr p2
c c
(2) qr p2 (2) qr p2
a a
52. The complex z satisfies 2z 10 10i 5 3 5 , 52. lfEeJ la[;k z vlfedk 2z 10 10i 5 3 5
then the least principal argument of z is dks larq"B djrh gS rc z dk U;wure eq[; dks.kkad gS -
5 5
(1) (1)
6 6
11 11
(2) (2)
12 12
3 3
(3) (3)
4 4
2 2
(4) (4)
3 3
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x2 sin 1 –x x2 sin 1 –x
x x
53. The value of limit lim
is 53. lim
x |x| dk eku cjkcj gS -
x |x|
equal to (1) 0
(1) 0
(2) 1
(2) 1
(3) 2
(3) 2
(4) 3 (4) 3
54. Two players P1 and P2 play a series of ‘2n’ 54. nks f[kykMh P1 rFkk P2 , ‘2n’ [ksyksa dh ,d Ja[kyk
games. Each games can result in either a win [ksyrs gSA P1 ds fy, izR;sd [ksy dk ifj.kke ;k rks
or loss for P1 . Total number of ways in which thr ;k gkj gksrk gSA P1 ds bl Ja[kyk thrus ds
P1 can win this series is equal to rjhdks dh la[;k gS -
1 2n 2n 1 2n 2n
(1) (2 Cn ) (1) (2 Cn )
2 2
1 2n 1 2n
(2) (2 2, 2nCn ) (2) (2 2, 2nCn )
2 2
1 n 2n 1 n 2n
(3) (2 Cn ) (3) (2 Cn )
2 2
1 n 1 n
(4) (2 2 2n Cn ) (4) (2 2 2n Cn )
2 2
55. Let A = {1, 2, 3, .......n} be a set containing n 55. ekuk A = {1, 2, 3, .......n}, n vo;oks dk leqPp;
elements. The number of subsets of A having gSA A ds mileqPp;ksa dh la[;k gksxh ftuesa de ls
at least one odd integer must be ([.] denotes de ,d fo"ke iw.kkZad gks ([.] egÙke iw.kkZad Qyu gS
greatest integer x) dks O;Dr djrk gS)
2 n
(1) 2
(1) 2 2
n 1 n 1
2 2
(2) 2
(2) 2
n n
(3) 2n – 2 2 (3) 2n – 2 2
n n
n– n–
(4) 2 – 2 2 (4) 2n – 2
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56. A coin is tossed 2n times. The probability that 56. ,d flDds dks 2n ckj mNkyk tkrk gSA fpÙk rFkk
the number of times one gets head in not
iV~V leku la[;k eas u vkus dh izkf;drk gS -
equal to the number of times one gets tails is
n (2n)! 1
(2n)! 1 (1)
(1) (n!)2 2
(n!)2 2
(2n)! (2) 1
(2) 1 (n!)2
(2n)! 1
(2n)! 1 (3) 1 .
(3) 1 . (n!)2 4n
(n!)2 4n
n 2n! 1
2n! 1 (4)
(4) n! n! 4
n! n! 4
57. In a plane lines L1 and L2 are such that L1 and 57. ,d lery esa nks js[kk, L1 rFkk L2 bl izdkj lacf/kr
L2 L1 and L2 don't have more than one gS fd L1 vkSj L2 L1 rFkk L2 ds ,d ls vf/kd
point of intersection. izfrPNsn fcUnq ugh gS rks laca/k R gS -
(1) reflexive but not symmetric (1) LorqY; fdUrq lefer ugh
(2) symmetric, transitive but not reflexive (2) lefer] laØked fdUrq LorqY; ugh
(3) symmetric but not transitive (3) lefer fdUrq laØked ugh
(4) equivalence (4) rqY;rk
58. For what values of a, m and b Lagrange's 58. a, m vkSj b ds fdu ekuksa ds fy, Qyu
mean value theorem is applicable to the
f(x), x [0, 2] esa ykxzkat e/;eku izes; lR;kfir gS
function f(x) for x [0, 2], where
3 x0
3 x0 2
2 f(x) = x a 0 x 1
f(x) = x a 0 x 1
mx b 1 x 2
mx b 1 x 2
(1) a = 3 ; m = – 2 ; b = 0 (1) a = 3 ; m = – 2 ; b = 0
(2) a = 3 ; m = – 2 ; b = 4 (2) a = 3 ; m = – 2 ; b = 4
(3) a = 3 ; m = 2 ; b = 0 (3) a = 3 ; m = 2 ; b = 0
(4) a = 4 ; m = 1 ; b = 1 (4) a = 4 ; m = 1 ; b = 1
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59. Radius of the circle that passes through origin 59. o`Ùk dh f=kT;k tks ewy fcUnq ls xqtjrk gS rFkk
and touches the parabola y2 4ax at the ijoy; y2 4ax dks (a, 2a) ij Li'kZ djrk gS]
point (a, 2a) is. gksxh -
5 5
(1) a (1) a
2 2
(2) 2 2 a (2) 2 2 a
5 5
(3) a (3) a
2 2
3 3
(4) a (4) a
2 2
x2 y2
60. A parabola is drawn whose focus is at one of 60. ,d ijoy; ftldh ukfHk] nh?kZo`Ùk 1= 0
a2 b2
x2 y2
the foci of the ellipse 1 = 0 (where (tgk¡ a > b) dh ukfHk;ksa esa ls ,d gS rFkk fu;rk
a2 b2
a > b) and directrix passing through the other vU; ukfHk ls xqtjrh gS vkSj nh?kZo`Ùk dh nh?kZ v{k
focus & perpendicular to major axis of the ds yEcor~ gSA ;fn nh?kZo`Ùk rFkk ijoy; ds
ellipse. If latus rectum of the ellipse & the
ukfHkyEcksa dh yEckb;k leku gS rks nh?kZo`Ùk dh
parabola is same , then eccentricity of the
mRdsUnzrk gS -
ellipse is.
1 1
(1) 1 (1) 1
2 2
(2) 2 2 2 (2) 2 2 2
(3) 2 1 (3) 2 1
2 –1 2 –1
(4) (4)
2 2
61. If A and B are squares matrices such that 61. ;fn A vkSj B oxZ vkO;wg bl izdkj gS fd
A2006 = 0 and AB = A + B, then det(B) = A2006 = 0 rFkk AB = A + B, rc det(B) =
(1) 0 (1) 0
(2) 1 (2) 1
(3) 2 (3) 2
(4) 3 (4) 3
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62. If d a b b c c a is a non-zero vector 62. ;fn d a b b c c a ,d v'kwU; lfn'k gS
and (d c)(a b) (d a)(b c) (d b)(c a) 0 rFkk (d c)(a b) (d a)(b c) (d b)(c a) 0
then rc -
(1) a b c (1) a b c
(2) a b c d (2) a b c d
63. If p,q,r are some statement with truth values 63. ;fn p,q,r ,sls dqN oDrO; gS ftuds lR;eku
respectively True, True, False (truth values) Øe'k% T, T, F gSA
Statement-1 : Statement ~ (p q) (p ~r)
oDrO;-1 : oDrO; ~ (p q) (p ~r) (~p ~q)
(~p ~q) is false.
vlR; gSA
Statement-2 : For given truth values
oDrO;-2 : fn;s x;s lR;ekuksa (truth values) ds
~ (p q) is false, (p ~r) is true, (~ p ~q) is
fy, ~ (p q) vlR; gS, (p ~r) lR; gS, (~ p ~q)
(1) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True ; vlR; gSA
Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation (1) oDrO;-1 lR; gS] oDrO;-2 lR; gS ; oDrO;-2,
for Statement-1 oDrO;-1 dk lgh Li"Vhdj.k gSA
(2) Statement -1 is True, Statement -2 is True ; (2) oDrO;-1 lR; gS] oDrO;-2 lR; gS ; oDrO;-2,
Statement -2 is a correct explanation for
oDrO;-1 dk lgh Li"Vhdj.k ugha gSA
Statement -1
(3) oDrO;-1 lR; gS] oDrO;-2 vlR; gSA
(3) Statement -1 is True, Statement -2 is False
(4) Statement -1 is False, Statement -2 is True (4) oDrO;-1 vlR; gS] oDrO;-2 lR; gSA
1 1
n x n x
x x
64. 1 x 2
dx = 64. 0
1 x 2
dx =
(1) – n2 (1) – n2
2 2
(2) n2 (2) n2
(3) n2 (3) n2
2 2
(4) none of these (4) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
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65. A line parallel to the straight line 3x – 4y – 2 = 0 65. ,d ljy js[kk] ljy js[kk 3x – 4y – 2 = 0 ds
and at a distance of 4 unit from it, is/are
lekUrj gS rFkk blls 4 bdkbZ nwjh ij gS -
(1) 3x – 4y + 20 = 0
(1) 3x – 4y + 20 = 0
(2) 4x – 3y + 12 = 0
(2) 4x – 3y + 12 = 0
(3) 3x – 4y + 18 = 0
(3) 3x – 4y + 18 = 0
(4) 3x – 4y – 21 = 0
(4) 3x – 4y – 21 = 0
1 1
66. One root of the equation cos x x 0. 66. lehdj.k cos x x 0 dk ,d ewy fdl
2 2
(2) , 0 (2) , 0
2 2
(3) , (3) ,
2 2
3 3
(4) , (4) ,
2 2
1 x2
1 1 1 1 x2 sin1 1 x2 + cos1 x = cot 1 sin1 x
sin 2
1 x + cos x = cot sin1 x is x
dk gy leqPp; gS -
(1) [1, 1] {0}
(1) [1, 1] {0}
(2) (0, 1) {1}
(2) (0, 1) {1}
(3) [1, 0) {1} (3) [1, 0) {1}
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68. If the eccentricity of the curve for which 68. ;fn oØ dh mRdsUnzrk e gS tcfd fcUnq P ij Li'kZ
tangent at point P intersects the y-axis at M
js[kk y-v{k dks M ij izfrPNsn djrh gS tcfd
such that the point of tangency is equidistant
Li'kZfcUnq M vkSj ewy fcUnq ls leku nwjh ij gS rc
from M and the origin is e, then the value of
(1) 2 (1) 2
(2) 4 (2) 4
(3) 5 (3) 5
(4) 6 (4) 6
69. If 1, , 2 are the cube roots of unity and n N, 69. ;fn 1 , , 2 bdkbZ ds ?kuewy rFkk n N gks]
1 n 2n 1 n 2n
then = 2n n 1 is equal to rks = 2n n 1 =
2n 1 n 2n 1 n
(1) 0
(1) 0
(2) 1
(2) 1
(4) 2
(4) 2
(1) x = 1 ls gS -
(1) x = 1
(2) x = 1
(2) x = 1
(3) x = 2 (3) x = 2
(4) can’t say anything (4) dqN dgk ugh tk ldrk gSA
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SECTION – 2 : (Maximum Marks : 20) [kaM 2 ¼vf/kdre vad% 20)
bl [kaM esa ik¡p (05) iz'u gSA izR;sd iz'u dk mÙkj
This section contains FIVE (05) questions. The
la[;kRed eku (NUMERICAL VALUE) gSa] tks
answer to each question is NUMERICAL VALUE
f}&vadh; iw.kkZad rFkk n'keyo ,dy&vadu eas gSA
with two digit integer and decimal upto one digit.
;fn la[;kRed eku esa nks ls vf/kd n’'keyo LFkku gS ]
If the numerical value has more than two decimal
rks la[;kRed eku dks n'keyo ds nks LFkkuksa rd
places truncate/round-off the value to ONE
VªadsV@jkmaM vkWQ (truncate/round-off) djsaA
decimal placed.
vadu ;kstuk :
Full Marks : +4 If ONLY the correct option
iw.kZ vad % +4 ;fn flQZ lgh fodYi gh pquk x;k
is chosen.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen
'kwU; vad % 0 ;fn dksbZ Hkh fodYi ugha pquk x;k
(i.e. the question is unanswered).
gS ¼vFkkZr~ iz'u vuqÙkfjr gS½A
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases
_.k vad % –1 vU; lHkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esaA
1 x4 1 x4
71. Let (1 x 4 )3 / 2
dx = f(x) + C1 where f(0) = 0 71. ekuk (1 x 4 )3 / 2
dx = f(x) + C1 tgk¡ f(0) = 0
and f(x) dx = g(x) + C2 with g(0) = 0. If rFkk f(x) dx = g(x) + C2 , g(0) = 0 gSA ;fn
1 k 1 k
g = , then find . g = rc dk eku Kkr dhft,A
2 k 10 2 k 10
73. If the line passing through the points (4, 1, a) 73. ;fn fcUnqvksa (4, 1, a) rFkk (2, b, 2) ls xqtjus okyh
and (2, b, 2) crosses the yz – plane at (0, 5, 2), ljy js[kk yz – lery dks fcUnq (0, 5, 2) ij
a 2 b2 a 2 b2
then the value of 10 is dkVrh gS rks 10 dk eku gS&
3 3
74. If x1 , x 2 , ….., x 20 are in H.P and x1 , 2, x 20 74. ;fn x1 , x 2 , ….., x20 gjkRed Js<+h esa gS rFkk
19 19
1 1
are in G.P. then
5 xr xr 1 = x1 , 2, x 20 xq.kksÙkj Js<+h esa gS rc
5 xr xr 1 =
r 1 r 1
1 1
75. If f: R R : f(x) + 3x f = 2(x + 1) then 75. ;fn f : R R : f(x) + 3x f = 2(x + 1) rc
x x
f(99) is equal to f(99) cjkcj gS -
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