Journal Jpe 15-6 989210096
Journal Jpe 15-6 989210096
Journal Jpe 15-6 989210096
JPE 15-6-8 ISSN(Print): 1598-2092 / ISSN(Online): 2093-4718
Gallium nitride (GaN)-based power switching devices, such as high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMT), provide significant
performance improvements in terms of faster switching speed, zero reverse recovery, and lower on-state resistance compared
with conventional silicon (Si) metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFET). These benefits of GaN HEMTs
further lead to low loss, high switching frequency, and high power density converters. Through simulation and experimentation,
this research thoroughly contributes to the understanding of performance characterization including the efficiency, loss
distribution, and thermal behavior of a 160-W GaN-based synchronous boost converter under various output voltage, load
current, and switching frequency operations, as compared with the state-of-the-art Si technology. Original suggestions on design
considerations to optimize the GaN converter performance are also provided.
COMPARISON OF GAN HEMT AND SI MOSFET UNDER STUDY In this study, the GaN device chosen is a 100-V 25-A
Part number EPC2001 RJK1053DPB HEMT (EPC2001) from EPC. A corresponding
Material GaN Si state-of-the-art Si device with the same ratings is the
Voltage rating VDS 100 V 100 V MOSFET (RJK1053DPB) from Renesas Electronics.
Current rating ID (Continuous) 25 A 25 A Although GaN HEMT is more expensive than Si MOSFET at
On-state resistance RDSon (Max) 7 mΩ 15 mΩ present, the price of GaN devices is believed to gradually
Total gate charge Qg 8 nC 43 nC decrease as manufacturing techniques improve. Hence, the
Gate to source charge Qgs 2.3 nC 19 nC device costs are not taken into account in this study.
Gate to drain charge Qgd 2.2 nC 12.5 nC A few important characteristic parameters of the two
Body diode reverse recovery No Yes devices are compared in Table I below. Key observations
Source-drain forward voltage VSD 2.3 V 0.83 V from the table are summarized as follows.
(ID=−25A, T=25°C)
Output capacitance Coss (VDS=50V, 450 pF 210 pF 1) The GaN HEMT and Si MOSFET chosen for the study
Vgs=0V) have the same voltage rating of 100 V and current rating
Thermal resistance, junction to case 2.1°C/W 1.92 °C/W of 25 A, which guarantee a fair comparison between the
RθJC GaN and Si technology.
2) The GaN HEMT has a maximum on-state resistance RDSon
frequencies. of only 7 mΩ, which is less than half of the value for Si
The objective of this paper is to contribute to the analysis of MOSFET (15 mΩ) and thus indicates halved conduction
important and different characteristics of GaN HEMTs in loss during operation.
power converters, as compared to conventional Si MOSFETs, 3) The gate charge values (Qgs, Qgd, and Qg) of GaN HEMT
which will be achieved through quantifying the loss, efficiency, are five to ten times smaller than those of the Si MOSFET.
and temperature rise of a GaN synchronous boost converter As a result, with the same level of gate current, the gate
over a wide range of operating conditions. The research results capacitance of a GaN HEMT will be charged within 1/5
will provide pertinent and important design suggestions, as the time needed by Si MOSFET, which further translates
well as comprehensive and valuable firsthand data, which are into the fast turn-on and turn-off of the GaN conduction
critical in reducing the knowledge gap for practical engineers channel.
and decision makers. 4) While the body diode of Si MOSFET has reverse
The paper is organized as follows. In Section II, a GaN recovery effect because of the p–n junction nature of the
HEMT device is compared to the same rated Si MOSFET in parasitic diode in a MOSFET, GaN HEMT has a “major
terms of critical device parameters. A 160-W synchronous carrier body diode” that features zero reverse recovery.
boost converter is simulated in Section III using GaN HEMTs 5) The forward voltage drop of the GaN body diode (2.3 V)
and Si MOSFETs under various operating conditions. is roughly three times that of the Si counterpart (0.83 V)
Experimental results on the GaN-based converter are presented and indicates the high reverse conduction loss of GaN
in Section IV to validate the simulation. In addition, discussion HEMT, which is a direct result of the wide energy band
and suggestions on the effective usage of GaN HEMTs are gap of GaN material.
provided. Finally, conclusions are drawn in Section V. 6) At 50-V drain-to-source voltage, output capacitance Coss
of GaN HEMT (450 pF) is more than twice that of Si
MOSFET (210 pF), which is also true for other
drain-to-source voltage values. As a result, the energy
Theoretically, GaN is an excellent material for making stored in output capacitance of GaN HEMT during
power switching devices targeting high-voltage, off-state is significant.
high-frequency, and high-temperature applications because of 7) Thermal resistance RθJC of GaN device is slightly higher
its large critical electric field, high electron mobility, low than that of Si MOSFET, which is mainly because
carrier concentration, and good thermal conductivity [9]. thermal contact resistance formed between GaN epilayer
However, because of the lack of commercially available and Si substrate on which it is grown.
low-cost and high-quality GaN substrates, GaN epilayers are
To clearly understand the strengths and weaknesses of
mainly grown on Si substrates and become the technical
GaN HEMTs, analyses are given from the following three
bottleneck that limits the available device type, voltage rating,
aspects, i.e., conduction loss Pc, switching loss Psw, and
and thermal conductivity. At present, the GaN-based power
temperature rise ΔT.
devices in the market are either normally-off GaN HEMT
rated at 40–200 V or 600–650 V cascode switch based on A. Conduction Loss
series connection of normally-on GaN HEMT and Si
Performance Evaluation of … 1491
Drain-to-Source-Voltage (V)
with the corresponding Si-based converter.
To achieve this purpose, the proposed boost converter is
Drain-to-Source-Voltage (V)
time of 7 ns and 1.5 ns is used to be consistent with the
performance of a commercial gate driver chip LM5113.
2 1
1 0.5
0 0
Si GaN Si GaN Si GaN Si GaN Si GaN Si GaN Si GaN Si GaN
1A 1A 2A 2A 3A 3A 4A 4A 100 100 200 200 300 300 400 400
kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz
Fig. 4. Converter loss breakdown for different load current, 48-V
output voltage, and 300-kHz switching frequency. Fig. 6. Converter loss breakdown for different switching
frequencies, 2-A load current, and 48-V output voltage.
Overall Efficiency Comparison
Under Different Load Current Overall Efficiency Comparison
Under Different Switching Frequency
Si 100
99.5 GaN Si
Overall Efficiency [%]
99.5 GaN
Overall Efficiency [%]
1 2 3 4
Load Current [A] 96.5
100 200 300 400
Fig. 5. Converter efficiency under different load current, 48-V Switching Frequency [kHz]
output voltage, and 300-kHz switching frequency. Fig. 7. Converter efficiency under different switching
frequencies, 2-A load current, and 48-V output voltage.
higher than its Si counterpart by 0.08% at 1-A load and 0.59%
at 4-A load. The increased efficiency difference is because of dominant loss component in the GaN converter at the
the increased loss difference explained earlier. switching frequency of 400 kHz.
The corresponding efficiencies range from 98.13% to
D. Converter Performance under Various Switching
98.63% for the Si converter and from 98.61% to 98.85% for
the GaN converter.
The converter loss and efficiency data under various
switching frequencies are shown in Figs. 6 and 7, E. Converter Performance under Various Output
respectively. Voltage
As shown in Fig. 6, as the switching frequency increases The converter loss and efficiency data under various
from 100 to 400 kHz, the semiconductor loss on the Si switching frequencies are shown in Figs. 8 and 9.
MOSFET increases from 0.47 to 1.15 W, and the loss on the As shown in Fig. 8, as the output voltage increases, both
GaN HEMT increases from 0.27 to 0.71 W. The loss semiconductor loss and passive component loss increase
difference between two devices also increases from 0.2 to dramatically for the two converters. The loss on the Si
0.44 W, which indicates that the GaN HEMT has better MOSFETs is approximately twice the loss on GaN HEMTs
switching performance than the Si MOSFET. for the three voltages.
The passive component loss decreases a little with the The overall efficiency drops from 98.36% to 97.26% for
increased switching frequency because of the reduced current the Si converter and from 98.70% to 98.03% for the GaN
ripple. As a result, the semiconductor loss becomes the converter as the output voltage increases from 48 to 80 V.
1494 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 15, No. 6, November 2015
5 24 48 0.5 200
98.5 6 24 48 0.5 400
Fig. 11. (C1, yellow, 5 V/div) Measured waveforms for input Fig. 13. (C1, yellow, 5 V/div) Measured waveforms for input
voltage, (C2, red, 10 V/div) output voltage, (C3, blue, 500 voltage, (C2, red, 10 V/div) output voltage, (C3, blue, 500
mA/div) inductor current, (C4, green, 100 mA/div) load current, mA/div) inductor current, (C4, green, 200 mA/div) load current,
and data for test case 1. Time scale: 5 μs/div. and data for test case 2. Time scale: 5 μs/div.
Fig. 12. Thermal image of the device on board for test case 1. Fig. 14. Thermal image of the device on board for test case 2.
devices, a thermal camera is also used to capture the thermal about 0.5 W, which corresponds to 98.77%, as shown. The
image of the board as the converter is running. To ensure the device case temperature increases to 51.9 °C.
device temperature has reached a steady-state value, the Compared to case 1, case 2 has 0.1 W higher losses. This is
converter is left running for at least 5min before a thermal due to the higher load current, thus higher conduction loss.
picture is taken. Despite the higher loss, the converter in case 2 has around 0.6%
The measured waveforms and relative data for test case 1 higher efficiency.
are shown in Fig. 11. The thermal image of case 1 is shown
in Fig. 12. In Fig. 11, the important measurement data can be B. Variation in Output Voltage
directly read from the scope screen. The input voltage from To save time and space, the waveforms and thermal
the DC power supply is very close to 24 V. The output measurements for the remaining test cases are not shown.
voltage is roughly 48 V. The load current is 0.465 A, which is For test case 3, the input voltage is about 23.9 V, and the
slightly less than 0.5 A. As shown, the overall converter output voltage is 64.1 V. The load current is 0.523 A. The
efficiency is 98.18%, and the loss is about 0.4 W. Note that total converter loss is roughly 1.06 W, and efficiency is
the loss measured here is only the loss on the main power 96.95%. The device case temperature has also increased to
circuit, and the gate driver circuit loss is not included. 66.8 °C because of the voltage rise. For test case 4, the input
In the thermal picture in Fig. 12, the square board in the voltage is about 23.8 V, and the output voltage is around 79.6
middle is the demo board EPC 9002. The hot spot indicated V. The load current is 0.513 A. The total converter loss is
by the red triangle is exactly where the two GaN devices are roughly 1.65 W, and the corresponding efficiency is 96.12%.
located. The maximum temperature value of 48.7 °C shown The case temperature of the GaN device reaches 71.4 °C in
in the picture corresponds to the hot spot temperature. Hence, this condition.
the device case temperature has reached 48.7 °C in this case. According to the comparison of cases 1, 3, and 4, the
The measured waveforms and thermal image for test case 2 converter loss increases dramatically from 0.4 to 1.65 W as
are shown in Figs. 13 and 14, respectively. As shown in Fig. the output voltage increases from 48 to 80 V because of the
13, the input and output voltage are 21.6 and 42.9 V, fact that both the current stress and voltage stress on the
respectively, which are slightly lower than the ideal values. switching device increase as the output voltage increases.
The load current is also slightly less than the ideal value; the Thus, both conduction and switching losses on the device
load current is 0.96 A instead of 1 A because of the limitation increase accordingly. The converter efficiency also decreases
of the DC power supply. The converter loss in test case 2 is from 98.18% to 96.12% as the output voltage increases.
1496 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 15, No. 6, November 2015
faster than the Si device, the switching loss of the GaN between the performances of two converters in terms of
converter is not significantly reduced because of the efficiency and loss breakdown. Subsequently, experimental
relatively large energy stored in the device output capacitor, tests are performed on a GaN-based converter prototype to
as discussed earlier in Section II. This stored energy is lost in verify the simulation accuracy, as well as to obtain more
the conduction channel every time the device turns on and is information on the thermal aspect.
irrelevant to the switching speed of the device. As the voltage Lastly, discussions on GaN converter performances are
stress on the GaN HEMT during the off-state increases, more given. The GaN converter shows 0.08%–0.77% higher
energy will be stored in the output capacitor of the device, efficiency than the Si converter over the whole operating
resulting higher switching loss. range, featuring a maximum loss reduction of 1.23 W and a
Second, the passive component loss, which is mainly the maximum temperature rise of approximately 51 °C. The
loss on the inductor windings, presents itself as the major loss issues of output capacitor associated switching loss and
component in the GaN converter under most operating inductor winding loss are also highlighted. Suggestions on
conditions, particularly under high current load. As a result, solving the two issues of GaN converter are provided.
further reducing the semiconductor loss on devices will be
less effective without minimizing the inductor loss, if the goal
is to optimize the overall efficiency of the converter. REFERENCES
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