Alcain CPR
Alcain CPR
Alcain CPR
Description: CPR is a level of medical intervention which is used for victims of life-threatening illnesses or injuries until
full medical interventions such as advanced life support can be given. This involves applying high-quality chest
compressions, automated external defibrillation and breaths to unconscious victims who have gone into cardiopulmonary
Purpose/s: To preserve heart and brain function while waiting for defibrillation and advanced cardiac life-support care.
• Surgical gloves- act as a protective barrier to prevent the possible transmission of diseases between healthcare
professionals and patients.
• Pocket mask/CPR mask/barrier device- used in the resuscitation of patients who have stopped breathing or who
are breathing insufficiently and are designed to prevent the spread of potential pathogens during mouth-to-mouth
• Automated External Defibrillator- used to revive someone from sudden cardiac arrest.
Actions Rationale
Yes No
Call for help, activate the emergency response Activating the emergency response
system and send for an AED. system initiates a rapid response
Wear gloves
Gloves prevent contact with blood and
body fluids.
Check for breathing and pulse for at least 5 seconds These techniques provide information
and no more than 10 Seconds about the patient’s breathing and the need
for rescue breathing.
So that the long axis of the heel of the
i. Adult: Lower half of the breastbone, 2 hands hand is on the long axis of the sternum.
Proper hand positioning ensures
that the force of compressions is
on the sternum, thereby reducing
ii. Child: Lower half of the breastbone, 1 or 2 hands the risk of rib fracture, lung
puncture, or liver laceration
b. Rate: Give 100 to 120/minute compressions or To maximize cardiac output and provide
delivers each set of 30 Chest compressions in no adequate coronary perfusion pressure
less than 15 seconds and no more than 18 while still allowing for full chest recoil and
seconds. compressions of appropriate depth.
c. Depth: Deliver compression at least 2 inches in Compressing the chest
depth. 1½ to 2 inches ensures that compressions
are not too shallow and
provides adequate blood flow.
Full chest recoil allows adequate
venous return to the heart.
d. Minimize interruptions: Gives 2 breaths with Breathing and compressions simulate lung
pocket mask/barrier device in less than and heart function, providing oxygen and
10 seconds. circulation.
• open airway adequately (head tilt-chin lift This maneuver may be sufficient to open
maneuver) the airway and promote spontaneous
- each breath over 1 second respirations.
- observes chest rise These techniques provide information
about the patient’s breathing and the need
- resume chest compression in less than 10
for rescue breathing.
Continue BLS assuming that the AED and bag mask device has arrived.
Second Rescuer powers on AED and applies
patches while first rescuer continues CPR
Proper setup ensures proper functioning.
a. Power AED on This placement ensures that the electrical
stimulus needs to travel only a short
b. Apply patches distance to the heart.
Water or excessive sweat on a person’s
i. Dry patient if wet chest can interfere with a shock.
To prevent accidental shocking the
ii. Do not use AED if patient on wet surface rescuers or bystanders.
To prevent accidental thermal burns from
iii. Remove any visible medication patches the delivered shock.
To avoid damaging pacemaker from the
iv. Do not apply patches over Pacemaker electrical shock.
For patient less than 8yrs. Old or less than
v. Pediatric patches for child, if available 55 pounds (25kg)
Overlapping of patches could interfere with
vi. Do not allow patches to touch or overlap the transmission of shock.
c. Second rescuer clears patient, allowing AED to Standing clear of the bed and patient helps
prevent electrical shocks to personnel.
Switch rescuers
f. Resume CPR starting with chest compressions Resuming CPR provides optimal
treatment. CPR preserves heart, and
neurologic function (based on AHA 2006
recommended guidelines). Even when a
shock eliminates the dysrhythmia, it may
take several minutes for a heart rhythm to
establish and even longer to achieve
g. If AED states “No Shock Advised” resume CPR No shock advise suggests that the victim
that you thought is pulseless does indeed
starting with chest compressions have a pulse, the victim has now regained
a pulse, or the victim is pulseless but is not
in a “shockable” rhythm
First responder successfully delivers 2 breaths with To facilitate delivery of ventilation with a
bag-mask for 2 cycles bag-mask device.
To check if the heart resumed to its normal
When prompted, allow AED to analyze heart rhythm electrical rhythm, restoring a heartbeat.
A shock is only indicated if the victim’s
Deliver shock only when prompted by AED. heart is in ventricular fibrillation (VF) or
ventricular tachycardia (VT)
Castillo, J., Gomar, C., Higueras, E., & Gallart, A. (2017). Checklist-based scores overestimate competence in CPR
compared with recording strips of manikins in BLS courses. Resuscitation, 114, e17.
Aciu, J. L. A., Vladescu, J. C., Marano‐Frezza, K. E., Reeve, K. F., & Gravina, N. (2021). Teaching hands‐only CPR
behavioral skills training. Behavioral Interventions.