To Serve. To Excel. To Give Back.: Environmental Social Governance 2020-2021
To Serve. To Excel. To Give Back.: Environmental Social Governance 2020-2021
To Serve. To Excel. To Give Back.: Environmental Social Governance 2020-2021
To excel.
To give back.
About the Report
2 1
Our commitment
to heal and serve extends
to the planet.
At the core of everything we do, is the drive to keep
doing better. Not just for our patients, but for our
employees, the society and the environment as well.
2 3
4 5
Looking after our Being there for our Giving back to the
employees: patients: community:
By offering free Offering uninterrupted We reached over 45,000
treatment for COVID-19 service through our people through more
and ensuring pay parity. call centre, providing than 1,800 community
1,00,000 consultations engagement activities, and
via video this year provided Rs 132.5 Crores
alone, and launching a worth of medical services
dashboard to monitor to the underserved,
patient care. including free treatment to
over 2,35,000 patients in
6 7
8 9
Message from Chairman & Managing Director 20 Creating a Better World for our People 41
Appendix 54
Feedback 59
10 11
Max Healthcare offers high-end
quaternary care with best-in-class clinical outcomes across:
Our Capabilities
Delivering the highest standards of clinical excellence and patient care supported by the latest technology
and cutting-edge research is what motivates us at Max Healthcare each day. We are committed to earning our
stakeholders’ trust, including patients, by providing seamless, consistent, and transparent services.
16 lakh
3400+ 4800+ 15,000+
Patients treated
Beds Clinicians Employees
in FY 2020-21
17 29 Key
We have a network of 17 state-of-the-art, patient-centric healthcare facilities spread across the National NCR
1 Shalimar Bagh 280
Capital Region (NCR) and states of Punjab, Uttarakhand, and Maharashtra in India. We are the second largest 2 BLK-Max 538
3 Patparganj 402
healthcare chain in the country by revenue in FY20, as per the CRISIL Report. Apart from hospitals, we also 4 Vaishali 378
operate Max@Home, which delivers the best health and wellness services at the doorstep, and Max Lab that 5 Panchsheel1
6 Lajpat Nagar1,2
provides pathology services. 7 Gurugram 72
8 Saket3 521
9 Max Smart 250
The transparency of our operations, quality of patient care, and holistic growth strategies that balance the needs 10 Noida1
of our people, planet, and profitability have helped us build trust-based relationships with our stakeholders.
Outside NCR
Max Healthcare is promoted and led by Mr. Abhay Soi, our Chairman and Managing Director, and co- Mumbai 328
Mohali1,4 220
promoted by KKR, the iconic Global Private equity fund. The present company was formed following Radiant Bathinda 200
Dehradun 182
Life Care Private Limited’s acquisition of a 49.7% stake in Max Healthcare Institute Limited and subsequent
merger in June 2020. Before the merger, Mr. Soi led Radiant Life Care Private Limited.
12 13
Our Vision Compassion
We have a deeper level of patient understanding
and are always empathetic to their needs. This
We seek to be the most well-regarded healthcare provider in India committed to encourages a culture of providing a higher standard
the highest standards of clinical excellence and patient care supported by latest of patient-centred care. We respect each other and
technology and cutting-edge research. our patients, and ensure that their needs are met
with dignity. We rise to the occasion each time for we
recognise the positive social impact we can create.
We ask more of ourselves and are always passionate
about achieving the highest standards of medical
expertise and patient care. We understand that being
the best is a continuous journey of becoming better
versions of ourselves every day.
Employees Well-Regarded Share
Means... Holders
• Rewarded by growth • Strong governance
Our Values
We always deliver on our commitment and ensure
• Constant pursuit to • Profitable growth
the highest level of patient care is met at every stage,
strengthen management • Healthy balance sheet
every time. We believe that only through consistency
• Collaborative approach • Efficient operations
can we achieve our patients’ trust and fulfill our
Patients Clinicians
14 15
Key Differentiators Complex surgeries performed in FY 2020-21
Max Healthcare has one of the best and most
experienced management teams in the industry. Our
• 550+ Transplants (1)
LEADING HOSPITAL BRAND Chairman and Managing Director, Mr. Abhay Soi is
3 Hospitals • 23,700+ Cardiac procedures (2) an experienced investor and turnaround specialist
Over the last 20 years, Max Healthcare has built a
accredited by Joint Commission International, with experience of commissioning, restructuring and
strong reputation for offering high-end quaternary
USA • 7,600+ Neuro surgeries (3) unlocking value of healthcare assets. Supporting
care with best-in-class clinical outcomes. We are
among the leading hospitals in North India focusing him are team members with either deep expertise in
~1,000 High index journal research • 13,300+ Orthopaedic surgeries (4)
on oncology, neuro, cardiac, renal, liver and biliary the healthcare industry or world-class cross-industry
publications in the last five years functional expertise, enhancing diversity in the
sciences, orthopaedics, and minimal access • 7,500+ Oncology surgeries (5)
metabolic and bariatric surgery at our network leadership team. Both experienced and skilled, our
healthcare facilities. ~15,000 Transplants includes kidney, heart, liver, pancreas, etc. (2) Includes Cardiac
management team is fully geared up and eager to
Surgery, Cardiac Paed. Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Angioplasty, Angiography
Bio samples stored and Other Cardiac Procedures (3) Includes Surgical and Spinal Surgeries (4) take up the challenges ahead.
Includes Joints, and Other surgeries (5) Includes Onco Surgical and Bone
– Max Hospital, Saket (East), Max Hospital, Saket Mumbai with the potential to build ~1,500+ beds INR 636 CRORE 64.9%
(West) and BLK-Max Hospital are also accredited with Operating EBITDA | 7.9% Average Inpatient Occupancy
in Max Smart Super Speciality Hospital, Saket and
globally acclaimed Joint Commission International, Nanavati Max Super Speciality Hospital, Mumbai. 17.5% 5.2 Days
Operating margin | 290 bps (YoY) Average Length of Stay (ALOS)
USA (JCI). We are also highly focused on clinical This coupled with the possibility of adding beds
research and academics and have significant in existing facilities takes the overall brownfield
ongoing strategic partnerships with leading institutes expansion potential to ~2,000+ beds across our
of international repute, such as Imperial College network facilities. These land banks have lower
of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, capital employed per bed, quicker breakeven with
Joint Royal College Training Board UK and George lower risk leading to high return on incremental
Washington University, USA. We are accredited to capital employed with higher visibility.
impart Post Graduate Education by the National
16 17
Our clinicians and paramedical staff are consistently recognised for their
excellence and invaluable contribution to healthcare services in India.
2 3
Max Lab, Max Super BLK-Max Super Speciality Max Super Speciality
1 6 11
Speciality Hospital, Saket Hospital, New Delhi won Hospital, Mohali won
awarded COVID-19 Healthcare State Energy
‘Excellence in Hospital Provider at 4th CSR Health Conservation Award
Preparedness for Impact Awards by Punjab Energy
COVID-19 – Standalone Development Agency
Diagnostic Centre or BLK-Max Super Speciality
7 Hospital, New Delhi Max Super Speciality
Blood Bank’ 12
at FICCI Annual adjudged ‘Best hospital Hospital, Vaishali won
Healthcare Excellence to Work for’ Gold Award for Stroke
Awards by AHPI Award Ready Centre
by WSO Angels Awards
Max Smart Super Speciality Nanavati Max Super
2 8 Speciality Hospital, Max Super Speciality
Hospital, Saket adjudged 13
Best Private Hospital Mumbai won Hospital, Vaishali won
combating COVID-19 Best Hospital in Patient QCI National D L Shah
management Care- Cardiology Award (Silver) - STROKE -
by INDIA TODAY GROUP Excellence Awards Time is Brain
Sept 2020
Max Smart Super Speciality
3 Hospital, Saket won Nanavati Max Super
1st prize in Excellence in
9 Speciality Hospital,
COVID-19 Management Mumbai won
by AHPI Excellence Award in 10 12
Intelligent Hospital category 1
BLK-Max Super Speciality – announced by AHPI in
Hospital, New Delhi won March 2021
Best Multi-Speciality
Hospital Max Super Speciality
10 Hospital, Patparganj won
by ET Healthworld
Hospital Awards Diamond Award for Stroke
Ready Centre
5 BLK-Max Super Speciality by WSO Angels Awards
Hospital, New Delhi won
Best Hospital - Oncology,
Cardiology, Neurology,
& Hepatology and
by ET Healthworld
Hospital Awards
18 19
The unrelenting efforts to realise our strategic vision environment to prevent diseases, and be ethical
Chairman & Managing Director Crores, and increase the Operating EBITDA margin
by 290 bps to 17.5%, despite COVID-19 affecting our
parameters to improve the sustainability of our
revenues. Our stakeholders reiterated their trust in
We have ambitions of growing exponentially, and
our strategy to deliver sustainable growth and our
We treated more than 2,35,000 Qualified Institutional Placement (QIP) of INR 1,200
creating sustainable and long-term value for our
underserved patients and Crores was oversubscribed.
stakeholders. We have recently announced an
distributed medicines at shelter investment of INR 1,600 Crores to add 1,000 beds in
Today, as we stand at the crossroads of hope with our hospitals in Gurugram. Additionally, we have the
homes, free of cost, throughout the pandemic receding, I believe there is no better land bank to increase the bed capacity of network
the year. time to publish our first ESG Report. The consensus hospitals in Delhi and Mumbai. To enhance access to
amongst individuals, organisations, governments, healthcare, we plan to roll out new service offerings
and other entities for years now is that profits need that can be delivered digitally to patients.
Dear Stakeholders, to be balanced with the needs of the people and
Even as we take our growth plans forward, we are
the planet. The onset of COVID-19 demonstrated the
It is my pleasure to bring you Max Healthcare’s first mindful of managing the environmental impact of
destructive impact of what may happen if we do not
ESG Report, after a year filled with uncertainties. FY our actions. Our measures include using natural
adopt such an approach.
2020-21 had many challenges – the likes of which resources carefully, designing hospitals using
we have rarely experienced in history. We have At Max Healthcare, our vision is to be the most well- less energy, and adopting a lean and resource-
discussed them, at length, in our recently published regarded healthcare provider in India and deliver the efficient approach. We want to ensure that we
Annual Report. highest standards of clinical excellence and patient leave no one behind as we move forward. We
care. However, we can only do this sustainably plan to stay focused on including communities
Since the beginning of the pandemic, our team of
and consistently if we hold ourselves accountable in healthcare awareness programmes, providing
over 25,000 healthcare and contract workers have
for our impact on the environment, nurture our quality healthcare to economically weaker sections,
been risking their lives to do their duty. Last year,
people and partners, encourage our communities fostering societal well-being, and equipping our
we treated more than 37,0001 COVID-19 patients
to evolve, and maintain the highest standards of people and partners to help us realise our aspirations
at our facilities, other centres, and even remotely
ethics and transparency. This is the only way to responsibly. Our organisation draws on the strengths
in homes. We conducted over 7.3 lakh1 RT-PCR
earn, retain, and grow stakeholder trust. Our ESG of our stakeholders – all of whom are united by
tests, and administered over 20.1 lakh1 doses of
Report is yet another milestone in our journey to give shared values, a deep respect for diversity, and a
COVID-19 vaccines. We treated more than 2,35,000
our stakeholders regular and transparent insights commitment to adhering to the highest levels of
underserved patients and distributed medicines at
into our operations and progress on non-financial governance and reporting. We believe our ESG
shelter homes, free of cost, throughout the year.
parameters. commitments will help us in our ongoing endeavour
The team also pitched in to deliver over 3,00,000
to align our mission of judiciously balancing the
free meals to migrant labourers, as they travelled Paving the way for a responsible, inclusive and
needs of the people, the planet, and long-term
the length and breadth of the country to reach their sustainable future.
Abhay Soi
As a responsible organisation, our ambition is to
Chairman & Managing Director I would like to thank our teams for their determination
2021 was also the year in which we set the create financial and non-financial value that will
as they continue to fight COVID-19 while reigniting
foundation for our new identity. Radiant Life Care positively impact all our stakeholders – be it patients,
our passion for growth. To our stakeholders, I
Pvt. Ltd. and Max Healthcare Institute Limited came investors, employees, partners, communities, or
offer my thanks for their continued support and
together, unified by shared values, a vision, and a others. Weaving together myriad elements that
higher purpose – ‘To serve. To excel.’ impact humankind and the planet – our only home –
will further strengthen our organisation’s foundation Regards,
We were able to successfully list Max Healthcare
and future.
Institute Limited on BSE and NSE in August 2020 Abhay Soi
post approval of composite scheme of amalgamation By the very nature of our business as a healthcare Chairman & Managing Director
and arrangement by Honorable NCLT. provider, we must serve humanity, protect the DIN-00203597
As on October 31, 2021
20 21
Key Stakeholders Focus Areas Platforms and Frequency of Our initiatives to address focus
updating on focus areas areas
Patients • Quality of healthcare Perpetual: Patient feedback • State-of-the-art infrastructure
services surveys, Complaint box, Emails, • Using AI to improve quality and
• Data Privacy Patient satisfaction scores dependability
and daily rounds by service
• Patient Relationship • Best-in-class medical care
excellence teams
Management • Phygital mode of consultation
• Affordable
Physicians • Infrastructure Event Specific: Training • State-of-the-art infrastructure
Perpetual: One-to-One Physician • Adequate support staff and tools
• Research and and Head of the Department for efficient patient care
Development interactions, Employee
• Access to journals and medical
Experience Surveys, Offsite
• Occupational Health literature
and Well-being
• Domain-specific training
Employees • Career progression Event-specific: Internal & • Training and skill development
• Diversity & Inclusion External Trainings initiatives
• Employee Perpetual: One-to-One • Compensation benchmarking
Engagement interactions, Smart Survey • Performance feedback
on Employee Engagement,
• Employee Well- • Diversity and Inclusion
Employee Experience Surveys,
being interventions
Exit Interviews
• Rewards and • COVID-19 related health
Recognitions initiatives
Investor/ • Business Annual: Annual Reports, • Consistent financial performance
Shareholders and Financial Annual General Meetings with • Efficient Risk and Financial
Performance shareholders Management Structures
• Strategic roadmap Quarterly: Analyst calls, Investor • Responsible deployment of
22 23
stakeholders and well-developed relationships helped us conduct this exercise successfully even in COVID
Our Material Issues times. The material issues were put forth to various stakeholder groups identified above to prioritise the
same. The ESG material issues were prioritised by over 85 internal and external stakeholders. The result of
the materiality assessment is provided on the previous page.
At Max Healthcare, we take a holistic approach towards our value creation as well
as impact of our operations on various Environmental, Social and Governance
(ESG) aspects. In order to assess our progress, we conducted a comprehensive Environment Social Governance
materiality assessment exercise to identify topics that have a material impact on
• Energy & Emissions • Diversity and Inclusion • Corporate Governance Structures
our operations and our stakeholders. Through this exercise, 18 ESG topics were • Water Management • Employee Well-being, Engagement • Business Ethics and Compliance
selected. • Waste Management & Human Capital Development and • Economic Performance
• Fire Risk and Emergency Occupational Health and Safety • Risk & Crisis Management
Preparedness • Patient Safety & Service Quality • Privacy and Data Security
Materiality assessment is undertaken to identify material parameters and issues that can affect our ability • Research & Innovation
• Digitisation
to create long-term sustainable value for our stakeholders, in line with our vision and purpose. We regularly • Transparency in Service Offerings
interact and seek feedback from various stakeholders through platforms such as patient and employee • Access to Healthcare & Support to
Economically Weaker Sections
satisfaction surveys, industry and regulatory reports, grievance cells etc. The material issues are analysed,
and the right process interventions are designed, implemented and sustained.
This year, we conducted a detailed materiality assessment exercise covering internal and external
stakeholders to identify our ESG focus areas. We identified a broad list of material topics through a detailed The topics identified for the materiality assessment are presented below:
analysis of our business objectives, risks and the change in global trends. The stakeholders’ expectations
form one of the prime aspects of this assessment. Key identified ESG material issues were prioritised by Linkages to United Nations
Significance for
an extensive group of internal and external stakeholders. Our regular channels of engagement with our Material Issues Sustainable Development Goals
Max Healthcare
Energy and Emission We understand that being in
the Healthcare sector with 24*7
Materiality Analysis operations, we have an energy
footprint that we are reducing by
heavily diversifying into renewables.
24 25
Fire Risk An efficient fire risk management Digitisation With the paradigm shift in customer
system backed by mock drills and preference, it is essential for us to
necessary infrastructure to ensure have a robust digital ecosystem. For
maximum fire protection and more details, please refer to the Social
preparedness is a key focus area at section.
Max Healthcare. For more details,
please refer to the Environment
Diversity and Inclusion As a service-based organisation that
values every employee contribution
on a fair scale, it is material for us to Transparency in Service Offerings Lack of transparency and irregular
have an inclusive and progressive communication with our patients
workplace. Please refer to the Social could adversely affect our
section for more details. patient experience and affect our
performance in the long run. Hence,
it is important for us to ensure
transparency in services offered,
People Well-being Ensuring a physically and mentally timely communication and training of
rewarding environment for our front office staff, which could reduce
employees is one of our prime and eliminate inaccurate selling and
concerns. We have programmes mis-advisory possibilities. For more
throughout the year to foster the details, please refer to the Social
same. Please refer to the Social section.
section for details on various initiatives
we have undertaken on this front. Access to Healthcare As a responsible Healthcare provider,
& Support to Economically we aim to ensure everyone has equal
Weaker Sections access to healthcare facilities. We
Employee Engagement & Human Employees are the key to our ensure that we provide support to
Capital Development performance; hence ensuring holistic the economically weaker sections to
employee well-being is an absolute access treatment, details of which can
necessity. Please refer to the Social be found in the Social section.
section for details on various initiatives
we have undertaken to this end.
26 27
Risk & Crisis Management Robust risk policies, procedures and ENVIRONMENT
supervisory systems are essential
for us to reduce all forms of risks to
acceptable levels. For more details,
please refer to the Governance
UNSDG compass
28 29
At Max Healthcare, our choices to further our strategy firmly puts the care of people and the planet at the
core. We recognise our environmental responsibilities and use natural resources judiciously. Even as we
grow our operations exponentially, we stay committed to adhering to sustainable practices by lowering our
environmental footprint and improving resource efficiencies.
Our environmental performance aligns with the best international and national standards. We assess our
environmental impact by measuring and managing the carbon footprint of our operations and monitoring
water consumption and waste generation. We abate and control pollution associated with our operations
by increasing the use of renewable energy, recycling water, and ensuring safe waste disposal. A dedicated
environment management department monitors and drives our performance on relevant material issues and
minimises risks.
Highlights: FY 2020-21
OUR PLANS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP handle various environmental challenges. These
24.7% 43% 10% Our ambition of reducing the overall environmental include climate change, human-triggered disasters,
Year-on-Year in combined share of renewables in reduction in total impact of our operations guides our responsible and natural calamities such as floods, groundwater
Scope 1 & Scope 2 the total energy mix electricity consumption environmental strategy and practices. We depletion, fire, and breakdown in supplies.
emissions over previous year continuously implement measures to reduce
resource consumption per bed, facilitate the efficient
As a responsible healthcare provider, we have a
operation of medical equipments and optimise
35.9% 1.68 million 50.5% relentless focus on ensuring Environmental, Health
energy consumption. A crucial part of our strategy
of water recycled (up square feet or over 50% of our waste diverted for and Safety (EHS) for all our stakeholders. The
is to ensure compliance across all our functions and
from 31.5% in FY 2019- of LEED gold-rated green recycling through third- company’s EHS management committee is the prime
20) buildings out of a total party service providers custodian of our responsibilities on this front. The
3.28 million sq. ft of built- As we expand operations across India, due diligence committee decides on all EHS matters that have a
up area to adhere to holistic ESG parameters forms an bearing on patients and the employees.
important part of our planning process. All our
A dedicated task force manages the implementation
projects conform to the stringent norms of the
of all EHS related measures in the company. The
concerned Pollution Control Board or other relevant
task force draws on the expertise and experience
environmental clearances.
of members drawn from different departments and
Our projects weave in sustainability parameters functions. They spearhead the implementation of
pervasively and emphasise green buildings that immersive and participatory safety culture across
prioritise energy and water conservation. We use the organisation that allows us to deliver quality
energy-efficient equipment and electrical fixtures to healthcare to our patients without disruptions.
reduce power consumption. Environment-friendly
Helmed by the Senior Director of Operations and
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) free products
Planning, the task force includes the Senior Vice-
are used in the interiors of the buildings to minimise
President – Infrastructure & Compliance and the
harmful effects on inhabitants.
Heads of Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Fire
We optimise water consumption through Rain Water Safety, Environment, Housekeeping, and Security.
Harvesting (RWH) and recycle and reuse treated
The Company’s EHS related issues and the
waste water expansively for specific purposes.
performance against goals every month are also
Plumbing systems implemented at our buildings are
reviewed during the Management Business Review
designed to minimise water consumption.
Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) manuals
We have established an EHS Committee at every
outline processes to be followed by our people to
LEED Gold certified building of Max Hospital, Mohali hospital across the network to monitor and report
30 31
We are switching from High Speed Diesel (HSD) to combined Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions decreased
EHS Organization Structure
Piped Natural Gas (PNG) to heat water needed for by 24.7% Year-on-Year and stood at 35,292.7 tCO2e,
our operations and reduce emissions. Extinguishers down from 46,897.0 tCO2e during FY 2019-20.
Senior Director - using polluting agents are being replaced by clean
Operations & Planning Additionally, we have invested INR 3 Crores to install
agent fire extinguishers at our facilities.
equipment to reduce energy consumption. The
Enhancing energy efficiency various conservation measures undertaken through
the reporting year have decreased our overall
Sr. V.P. Infrastructure & To enhance the energy efficiency of our facilities, we
energy costs by Rs 5.8 Crores and saved 71 Lakh
Compliance continue to replace conventional fixtures with LED
units of energy use compared to the previous fiscal
lights. Internal lighting units which need to remain
Senior Manager - Fire Sr. Manager - operational for more than 12 hours at a stretch have
Safety Environment been replaced with LED fixtures. Analog based
sensors that respond to changing levels of ambient
brightness are being used to optimise power use for
Chief Engineers
external lighting. We control the Heating, Ventilation,
and Air Conditioning or HVAC systems efficiently by
regulating the temperature in OTs when not in use
and utilising winter chiller settings that consume
Fire Safety Officers less power during lean hours. Installation of double
insulation windows helps us minimise loss of energy.
Further, motors and pumps we use are being
the safety and associated risks of our day-to-day undertake measures to increase awareness about replaced with more energy-efficient ones. WATER STEWARDSHIP
operations. The findings and achievements of the responsible energy consumption. We run an internal Water is the harbinger of life. At Max Healthcare, we
EHS committees at hospitals are reviewed by the campaign comparing the EHS performance of every We plan to increase the use of double glaze unit understand that its quality and access directly impact
Management Committee and presented to the hospital in our network with the global Environmental glass in the facades of our facilities to bring in more our everyday operations and patient health. We
Audit and Risk Committee. We have dedicated and Performance Index (EPI). The gaps, if any, further natural lighting, reduce energy consumption, and are committed to managing this invaluable natural
qualified fire safety officers at every hospital. motivate our teams to design innovative solutions create eco-friendly architecture for our buildings. resource responsibly. We track the withdrawal of the
to improve environmental performance and reduce water we use by source, along with its consumption
An online portal, ‘Complinity’, monitors the Key initiatives to reduce carbon footprint
energy use even as our hospitals cater to rising and discharge levels. Low flow water aerators control
operational compliance of Max Healthcare round the across our hospital network
footfalls. and reduce water usage in our facilities. Treated and
clock. Robust internal and third-party audit protocols
recycled water from STPs is reused in the cooling
further strengthen the monitoring and mitigation of Increasing the use of cleaner energy • Replacing HSD with PNG based gas towers of air conditioning systems, toilet flushes,
EHS risks. generator; old air conditioning chillers and
We primarily procure power from the grid and use and horticulture to reduce our dependency on
cooling towers with Variable Frequency
MOVING TOWARDS A LOW CARBON FUTURE generators in the event of any breakdowns to
Drive (VFD) controlled energy-efficient
Reliable and uninterrupted power is the lifeline that provide an uninterrupted energy supply to deliver
chillers at Max Super Speciality Hospital,
keeps our Operating Theatres (OTs), convalescing patient services without any disruptions. However,
facilities and high-tech equipment running without to chart a more sustainable way forward, we have
• Optimising plant room chiller to improve
disruptions. Given our high dependency on increased the share of renewable energy to 43% in
performance and reduce power
electricity, we regularly monitor and review our the total mix through the reporting year. We have
consumption at BLK-Max Super Speciality
consumption and implement energy-saving options procured significant amounts of renewable energy
where feasible. We benchmark and monitor power through open access to power our facilities in Delhi.
consumption per occupied bed and optimise actual We use solar water heating systems and lights to
versus designed efficiencies of critical equipment. reduce dependency on non-renewable resources.
Adequate stack height for exhausts ensures the safe Our relentless focus on exploring options to reduce
Our facilities are designed to minimise energy
discharge of emissions from Diesel Generators (DG) environmental impact has helped us conserve
losses. We plant adequate tree cover to improve the
sets and hot water generators, wherever used. energy across our operations in FY 2020-21. Our
micro-climate of the areas around our hospitals and STP system in place for water conservation efforts at Max Hospital, Mohali
32 33
wards in the hospital can lead to loss of life and could
Key initiatives to conserve water across our Waste management during COVID-19
be debilitating to our organization. Thus, regular and
comprehensive safety audits are conducted at all
• Regular trainings to ensure safe
Max facilities and hospitals by internal teams and an
• Installation of a UV-based system in the management of COVID-19 medical waste
independent, third-party firm.
ETP to disinfect waste-water at Max Super generated from isolation, wards, quarantine
Speciality Hospitals at Saket, Shalimar centres and camps In FY 2020-21,
Bagh, Patparganj, BLK-Max Super Speciality • Segregation and tracking of COVID-19
Hospital and Max Smart Super Speciality • Implemented gas suppression systems in areas
waste through Central Pollution Control
Hospital, Saket where we cannot install conventional sprinklers
Board app and its appropriate disposal
• New water softener to improve the water due to clinical and equipment safety reasons
• Clear communication of SOPs through
quality and reduce corrosion at Max Super visual and written displays of waste • Fire suppression and nitrogen injection system
Speciality Hospitals, Dehradun and Max segregation process for Fire protection transformer system at BLK-Max
Smart Super Speciality Hospital, Saket • Disposal of solid waste through the Super Speciality Hospital
• Improved utilisation of public water authorised government channel or local
supply and tankers to save costs as well bodies • Environmentally friendly, clean agent-based Gas
as conserve ground water at Max Multi Suppression system for biomedical equipment,
Speciality Hospital, Panchsheel, Max Smart including Fire Suppression & Protection System
Regular meetings focused on waste management
Super Speciality Hospital, Saket, Max Super to keep patients and critical equipment safe. The
enable us to track performance and ensure
Speciality Hospital, Shalimar Bagh, Vaishali same technique has been applied to electrical
and Max Hospital, Gurugram panels, including Low Tension lines across the
• STP system incorporating Membrane Performance: hospital network
Bioreactor (MBR) to ensure optimal
meters in the reporting year, down 6.7% from 16.4
recycling of treated waste water for reuse Our operations generated 28.6 lakh kgs of waste • Hydrogen gas detector in the rooms housing
lakh cubic meters in FY 2019-20. Water saving
at Max Super Speciality Hospitals at in FY 2020-21. We diverted 50.5% of our waste for batteries and other equipment for Uninterrupted
initiatives have led to the reduction of water usage
Vaishali, Shalimar Bagh and Mohali recycling through third-party service providers as Power Supply (UPS)
from 1.5 KL/bed to 1.2 KL/bed over the last three
• Extending garden water lines to develop part of our waste management initiatives.
years. • Fire retardant paint on electrical cables
green belts along adjoining roads at Max
Super Speciality Hospital, Shalimar Bagh EFFECTIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT • Conversion of powder-based Fire Extinguishers
and Vaishali As a Healthcare provider, our operations generate at Intensive Care Units, Operation Theaters and
bio-medical waste. We take cognizance of our role in floors housing patient rooms into clean agent-gas
freshwater. STP treated water is also used to spray handling and disposing of our waste with utmost care powered extinguishers
our surroundings to settle the dust and minimise and caution. We have established a stringent and
pollutants in the air. Rejected water from Reverse • Kitchen duct hoods provided with wet chemical-
effective management system to ensure the highest
Osmosis Water Filtration plants is reused in the based fire suppression system along with LPG and
levels of waste management standards. The system
cooling towers of our air conditioning systems. PNG gas detectors
mandates the correct handling, storage, and disposal
Online monitoring of STP discharges is done at of all types of waste. Minimising and segregating • Fire door installation to provide compartmentation,
Delhi & Gurugram hospitals. Further, Operations & waste into hazardous, solid, biomedical and e-waste augment smoke exhaust and ventilation and
Maintenance of STPs or Effluent Treatment Plants before disposal helps curb health and environmental ENSURING SAFETY THROUGH FIRE MANAGEMENT enhance safety
(ETP) is undertaken by specialised agencies across impacts. Our facilities are subject to fire risk as we run
all hospitals. 24x7 operations and use highly complex medical
Waste converters turn organic waste into manure that 15,384 employees
Performance equipments as well as use chemicals such as
is reused in our gardens. Wooden packing material is attended 944 Fire & Safety trainings in FY
alcohol, sanitisers, various types of gases, fuel, and
Our water recycling initiatives have enabled us to reused for wood work. Biomedical waste, Recyclable 2020-21.
other flammable materials. Any short circuit of power
recycle and reuse 35.9% of the total water consumed waste & Construction and Demolition waste are
supply used in equipment and machines, including
in FY 2020-21, up from 31.5% in the previous financial being disposed through authorized channels. These
air conditioning plants, could result in accidents and
year. Our total water usage stood at 15.3 lakh cubic disposal facilities are subjected to regular inspection.
fires. Risk of fire for sick patients admitted to ICU &
34 35
Fire Training session being conducted for employees at one of our hospitals
• 13 fire doors and firefighting pumps installed at • Third-party review and verification of safety and
Nanavati Max Super Speciality Hospital, Mumbai environment standards in line with Indian and
global norms covering fire, electrical, chemical
Fostering a Culture of
• Installation of Residual Current Circuit Breaker
(RCCB) & Residual Current Breaker with Over-
and general safety, security and environmental
Mental and Physical
Current (RCBO) in electrical distribution boards on
patient floors • Periodic review by Audit and Risk Committee of
Well-being for all
the board for fire safety compliances and their
• Fire Evacuation chair and Fire Escape Masks
provided for the evacuation of critical patients from
UNSDG compass
upper floors to safe areas
36 37
For Max Healthcare, the well-being of our people, be it employees who are the COVID-19 Highlights: FY 2020-21
Max Hospital was:
backbone of our operations, the patients we serve, or our suppliers who help 37,0001
us build and run a resilient organisation, form the nucleus of our ethos. They Patients treated in Max, other facilities and • The First private institution to volunteer
encourage us to dream big, deliver beyond expectations and create long-term @home flagship hospitals in Delhi and Mumbai for
sustainable value for many. As a leading healthcare provider driven by a desire to the care of COVID-19 patients
do good, impacting lives positively and holistically is key to the bonds of trust we • The First to conduct convalescent plasma
share with our stakeholders and the larger ecosystem. More than 7.321 Lakh
therapy trials for critically ill patients
RT-PCR tests conducted
• The First to launch unique home isolation
care services
More than 20.121 Lakh • The First to publish COVID-19 Clinical
Vaccination doses administered at Max Guidelines online
facilities • One of the first private labs to start
COVID-19 testing
As on October 31, 2021
In keeping with our core focus, the health and safety Through the trials and tribulations of the pandemic,
of our patients and people continued to be our key our people remained motivated. We saw very low
concern through the pandemic. We partnered with attrition and witnessed extraordinary team spirit
State and Central Governments to design and deploy during this challenging journey. Our frontline teams
a comprehensive response plan to pandemic related have been fully vaccinated since the advent of the
issues. Our teams adopted treatment protocols vaccine in early 2021.
and developed approaches to meet the evolving
Technology solutions to combat COVID-19
SOPs. From instituting stringent infection control
measures at our hospitals to training our frontline Through FY 2020-21, a series of lockdowns and
teams to use specialised techniques for meeting the other disruptions dramatically changed the way
dynamically evolving guidelines, our readiness-plans patients accessed healthcare as they could not visit
Free COVID-19 Vaccination camp at Max Smart Hospital, Saket in association with Blind Relief Association
prepared our people to handle the mammoth task hospitals in person. We rapidly scaled our digital
RESILIENCE DURING COVID-19 redesigned and augmented our infrastructure and on hand with efficacy and safety. Max Healthcare capabilities to meet patient needs in the ‘New
Through FY 2020-21, the world grappled with an swiftly pivoted our services to meet their changing started more than 45 clinical research projects that Normal’. Max@Home services that cater to patients
unprecedented humanitarian crisis with the spread needs. From providing teleconsultation facilities to resulted in path-breaking discoveries that are helping remotely became the front runner for many of our
of COVID-19. Globally, healthcare ecosystems had to upgrading hospitals with the necessary equipment organisations worldwide to understand and manage patient services. We launched a new app to deliver
swiftly gear themselves to care for and save millions and trained personnel, we did everything possible to the virus better. teleconsultation services for patients. An innovative
of lives as the pandemic surged. ensure our patients received the highest quality care feedback and monitoring system informed anxious
Keeping our frontline heroes safe
round-the-clock. The growing use of digital solutions relatives of the progress made by patients even if
At Max Healthcare, we remained resolute and they couldn’t visit them.
during pandemic-related lockdowns saw a significant As our frontline teams worked tirelessly to care for
faced the crisis with tenacity led by our capable and
uptake of our remote monitoring capabilities patients, we focused on ensuring their well-being at
committed people. We trained our people to handle Enabling Communities
delivered through Max@Home services. all times. High-quality Personal Protection Equipment
the new reality and strengthened the efficiency of
(PPE), stringent safety and other infection control At Max Healthcare, standing by our communities
our processes to deliver the highest standards of Each day our teams bring their best to alleviate the
protocols at our facilities and frequent health checks is imperative for our continued success and
care. At the same time, we had to protect our people pain of thousands. They rallied together, stayed
and tests were among several measures undertaken strengthening our social licence to operate.
as they worked in environments with high viral loads, resilient and set new service standards as they
to keep our teams safe. Despite these precautions, COVID-19 impacted the economically weak
putting themselves and their loved ones at risk. cared for thousands of patients day and night. Their
over 750 of our healthcare workers fell sick. Subject who lost jobs and homes in many cases. They
dedication and perseverance enabled us to counter
Protecting the interests of our patients remained to the severity, they received treatment at our lacked adequate access to food and healthcare
adversity, deliver outstanding patient care and
central to our efforts through the challenges. We hospitals or were quarantined in approved hotels to facilities as lockdowns continued. We treated over
strengthen our shared value creation efforts.
ensure their families stayed safe as they recuperated. 2,35,000 underserved patients free of cost and
38 39
distributed medicines at shelter homes free of CREATING A BETTER WORLD FOR OUR PEOPLE
charge throughout the year. We provided more It is our goal to be considered amongst the most well-regarded healthcare organisations globally. Our
than 3,00,000 meals to migrant labourers as they transformational journey is powered by the ability of our employees to adapt to rapid changes taking place
travelled the length and breadth of the country to across the healthcare industry and the operating environment, embrace technology advancements and meet
reach their homes. the ever-evolving needs of patients. We foster an ecosystem where every employee feels valued.
TOWARDS STRONGER SOCIAL COMMITMENTS Max Healthcare’s people-related policies aim to groom a future-ready team who bring to life our values, lead
We have designed a mutually rewarding workplace with innovation and have an unwavering commitment to patient-centric care.
for our employees, a patient-centric healthcare
Through FY 2020-21, owing to the complex dynamics of the healthcare industry and the immediate need to
system and endeavour to create a positive
address the pandemic-related challenges, we primarily focused on caring for our patients. We maintained a
atmosphere for our communities. Our primary
balanced focus on business transformation and people agenda in the reporting year. We undertook steps,
focus through the reporting year was to ensure the
wherever feasible, to further our people agenda and deepen organisational capabilities.
safety of our patients, employees, communities and
Food being prepared at our hospital kitchens for free distribution to migrant partners. Diversity and Inclusion
labourers during lockdown
Diversity and inclusiveness are embedded deeply into our value system and operational strategy to
Max Healthcare's multi-pronged approach to ensure stakeholder well-being
strengthen our edge in the industry. A diverse talent pool is critical to our success as they bring in different
• Diversity and Inclusion perspectives and expertise that we need to cater to an equally diverse universe of patients.
• Employee Well-being
Employees Max Healthcare has zero tolerance for discrimination on any grounds in our recruitment process, including
• Employee Engagement & Human Capital Development
• Occupational Health and Safety hiring, training, promotion, appraisal, salary, employment conditions, discipline, criteria for redeployment,
caste, religion, gender, or other factors. We have zero tolerance for child labour, forced labour, involuntary
labour, sexual harassment and discrimination against or infringement of the rights of indigenous communities
Patients • Patient Safety & Service Quality Research and Innovation during employment. There is no difference in the entry-level remuneration of men and women recruited for
the same level.
Highlights FY 2020-21:
Despite the challenges of mobility and face-to-face interactions, in addition to the pressure of time, we
undertook several other initiatives to make a meaningful impact on our stakeholders beyond this goal.
40 41
and ensure patient safety and satisfaction. FY 2020- new hires were revamped and streamlined to reduce immersive environment of our state-of-the-art High consistent employee experience. We revamped our
21 saw us strengthening our clinical talent pool. We risks of fraud. Fidelity Simulation lab with life-like mannequins existing compliance tool to ‘Complinity’ to streamline
on-boarded 3,922 new hires, including several senior and partial task trainers labour compliance monitoring and secure better
At Max Healthcare, we encourage a culture of
clinicians, nurses and paramedical staff across various visibility of processes across our operations.
constructive and regular feedback. Most of our • Hospital Disaster Management Training
units. Women represented 62% of the new hires.
employees received comprehensive feedback and Occupational Health and Safety
• Faculty development programme focused on using
Max Star Programme career development sessions through FY 2020-21.
Simulation as an educational methodology. The The healthcare industry has been at the epicentre
Launched in October 2020 with a three-level
Building capability programme provides educators with an evidence- of the unprecedented challenges triggered by
certification (Silver, Gold and Platinum) to
based framework to design, implement and deliver COVID-19. While our frontline workers were battling
transform employees into ambassadors for At Max Healthcare, we are cognizant of our
Simulation programs the pandemic, their health and well-being remained
the organisation responsibilities to enhance the capabilities of
our utmost priority. We offered free treatment and
the larger ecosystem to ensure the availability of • Clinical skill building programmes covering clinical
RT-PCR tests for employees at any network hospital.
Learning and development programmes play adequate talent. We offer a broad spectrum of procedures like Basic, Advanced and Difficult
We organised pick up and drop facilities to and from
a critical role in helping us realise our strategic learning and training opportunities under the aegis Airway Courses, Central Line Workshop, Lumbar
the workplace, arranged accommodation for staff on
goals as they enable and equip employees with of the Max Institute of Medical Excellence (MIME) for puncture, ICD Insertion
COVID-19 duty, introduced dynamic rostering to give
specialised skills. To improve the domain knowledge doctors, nurses and allied health workers. More such
• Courses focused on Speciality areas such adequate breaks, and redesigned infrastructure to
and incorporate a stronger patient-centric attitude, efforts by industry leaders like Max Healthcare and
as - Chemoports, Otology and Temporal Bone strengthen safety.
we reinstated the functional learning path in the others will go a long way to nurture the talent pool
reporting year with a focus on interventions like: Dissection Workshop, Max Interventional
we all need to deliver quality patient care. MEANINGFUL PATIENT RELATIONSHIPS
Pulmonology Master Class, Lymphedema
The strong bonds we share with our patients are built
• Medical induction for clinicians Future Doctors
People Well-being on the care we extend to them. It has powered our
• Comprehensive induction for the nursing practice MIME conducts diploma, masters and fellowship existence and sustainable growth since inception.
Understanding the importance of an engaged The onslaught of COVID-19 made us relook at and
programmes delivered through guided and
• Aarambh, a programme targeted for the front workforce for sustainable organisational growth,
autonomous learning. It offers supervised redefine the way we engage with and support
office team we undertook several measures to ascertain how
experiences to transform students into future doctors patients. The rapid adoption of digital technologies
our employees feel at work and identify areas of led us to launch online video consultations with
We also organised multiple workshops and and catalysts of change for the Indian and global
improvement. Our four core values - Compassion, doctors. Informative webinars helped us stay
training sessions to sharpen focus on service healthcare system. We provide training to more than
Excellence, Consistency and Efficiency, inculcate connected with patients through the pandemic-
excellence, supervisory capabilities, and managerial 500 postgraduate and graduate doctors. Our training
behaviours and practices that empower all of us at related lockdowns. We ensured our stakeholders
development. capabilities are recognised by the National Board of
Max Healthcare to deliver best-in-class patient care were aware of the latest safety information and
Examinations, Geoge Washington Univerity, USA and
services. treatment protocols. We reiterated and reassured
the Joint Royal College Training Board in the UK.
patients of the safety protocols adopted in our
We shifted gears towards higher efficiency,
Bespoke Training hospitals as the first wave receded to build their
productivity and sustainability during the reporting
confidence to seek treatment of other diseases
We offer upskilling for physicians and other year through continuous process enhancements
delayed in the wake of COVID-19. In the last year,
healthcare professionals through short-term courses and technological adaptations. Disha, a state-of-the-
we completed the removal of Mercury related
conducted by experienced and knowledgeable art Human Resource Management System (HRMS)
instruments like Thermometers, BP Apparatus etc
faculty. We have a well-equipped high fidelity including a performance management framework,
from use in our hospitals to ensure enhanced safety.
simulation lab with state-of-the-art training was launched across our network to provide a
mannequins to provide experiential learning
In FY 2020-21, more than 12,526 employees opportunities to students. Our courses include:
availed functional and behavioural training ranging Our people-centric efforts garnered us notable recognitions, including:
• Customised Emergency Medicine Training
from grooming and etiquette to technology, • The PeopleStrong New Code of Work Awards 2021 Winner - Mid-size
Programmes for doctors, nurses and paramedics
communications and functional skills. We rolled out a enterprises
mandatory online training module on anti-bribery and • Simulation courses in Critical Care, Emergency • The Consortium of Accredited Healthcare Organisations (CAHO)
anti-corruption policy for all employees to strengthen Medicine, Internal Medicine, and Pediatrics. The Encouragement Award 2021 for HR Best Practices
governance. Policies on background verifications of courses are conducted in the highly safe and
42 43
Call Centre: Our centralised call centre operations In FY 2020-21, we have:
continued with zero downtime through the
• Undertaken 81 clinical trials, of which 11 are
pandemic-related lockdowns. As part of our
focused on COVID-19 related treatments and 70
continuous improvement culture, we implemented
on other areas
a seven-tiered Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
solution to handle over 1,50,000 calls a month. • Over 400 research publications in high index peer
Digitised solutions and self-care IVR services to reviewed journals
improve personalisation, appointments through
WhatsApp and automated IVR calling are other • State-of-the-art biobank for metabolic diseases
enhancements being implemented to improve the and COVID-19
patient experience. We are also working towards a
Additionally, we receive grants from national and
digital solution to provide end-to-end care to patients
international bodies to further the cause of research.
Dil KI Baat marathon online awareness session being conducted at the hospital at our hospitals and home.
We are recipients of three global grants from the
Patient Engagement initiatives through FY 2020-21 Digitisation Of Patient Feedback Management European Union Fund, the National Institute of
System: We launched a single-window platform for Health Research and Innovate, UK and various other
Dil Ki Baat - Promoting Cardiac Health To promote cardiac care, a first-of-its-kind day-long virtual
summit - ‘Dil ki Baat’ was conducted across our hospitals patient experience teams to consolidate and perform grants from national bodies like the Indian Council
to mark World Heart Day. More than 30 super specialists analysis, tagging and categorising complaints, of Medical Research, Department of Biotechnology,
and leading names came together to espouse the common Department of Science and Technology and many
special requests, suggestions and appreciations.
cause of maintaining a ‘Healthy Heart.’
The information available on the integrated platform other.
drives the decision to re-open and reassign tickets,
conduct Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and Corrective
Dedicated Helpline for Stroke Patients We launched NCR’s first dedicated 24*7 helpline to Our suppliers form the crux of the operation. We
prioritise stroke cases seeking emergency care. The and Preventive Actions (CAPA) for actionable tickets
interact with our suppliers as part of our pharmacy
helpline enables paramedical teams to triage or decide the based on severity levels.
order of treatment for patients before being transported to procurement supply chain and sourcing of
the hospital and inform emergency and neurology teams. Research and Innovation: Max Healthcare adopts consumables.
This timely and priority attention that is critical for stroke
patients is available at our network hospitals. the highest standards of clinical excellence powered
We have structured and documented guidelines
by cutting-edge research and technology. Our
or 'Supplier Code of Ethics' that ensure integrity,
research efforts aim to advance patient-centric care
Creating Cancer Awareness – World Cancer Day We rolled out a high-impact digital media and radio ethical standards of operations and avoid conflict
and deliver superior services that set us apart in the
campaign to increase cancer awareness on World Cancer of interest across our supplier network. We engage
Day. More than 60 doctors from Max hospitals interacted healthcare industry and deepen trust of stakeholders.
with our suppliers regularly, encourage them to
with thousands of people to enhance understanding of the
causes, prevention and cure for Cancer. disclose information as mandated by our SOPs and
International and National Academic conduct timely audits. We procure a sizeable amount
partnerships to deepen research expertise of our total procurement from the local suppliers
with: to positively impact the communities in which we
Ensuring Patient Safety and Service Quality Max Service Excellence Dashboard: We launched
• Imperial College of Science, Technology operate.
a dashboard to provide a consolidated view of
We seek patient feedback and incorporate feasible and Medicine, London
performance across parameters to improve service SUPPORTING COMMUNITIES
suggestions to improve care, engagement and • Institute of Genomics and Integrated
quality and drive a service-led culture across our We run several social programmes focused on
retention. Patients provide their input voluntarily Biology
network. The Service Excellence Dashboard has six preventive healthcare for our communities. Max
through an independent text-based feedback
work systems comprising of 42 Measures of Success. Healthcare's 'Community First' initiative conducts
mechanism. We brought in a new and enhanced Since its inception in 2005, the company's Clinical
It draws on inputs of the Management Committee health awareness programmes, cleanliness drives,
'Patient Feedback Management System' to collate Research Programme has initiated more than 300+
and other stakeholders, including heads of hospitals, local area beautification and delivers special benefits
and derive insights from feedback received across sponsored clinical trials, of which around 220 are
processes and functions. Various operational to underserved residents around our hospitals.
multiple departments, including Inpatient, Outpatient, complete, and 80+ are in progress.
teams use the dashboard to monitor day-to-day
Emergency, Daycare and Preventive Health checks.
performance and receive a timely view of the best
service scores across the network, cluster average,
and unit-level metrics.
44 45
Responsible Leadership
BLK-Max Super Speciality Hospital setup one of the largest vaccination centres at Radha Soami Satsang centre near it, with a capacity of vaccinating
10,000 people in a day
such as 'Citizen Plus' & 'Healthy Family' to access duty to improve patient care and community health.
UNSDG compass
services at subsidised and discounted prices
A dedicated desk helps patients covered by the
Activities focused on health and hygiene were government's EWS programme. Apart from the EWS
conducted in partnership with communities. Given focused facility at our hospitals in Delhi and Mumbai,
the COVID-19 restrictions, engagements were we do not refuse service to critically injured patients
facilitated primarily through digital mediums, across our network irrespective of their ability to pay.
• Over 500 mass sanitisation drives were organised what gives us the courage and determination to
in societies, clubs, and community offices forge ahead is the resilience shown by our teams,
operational flexibility to pivot and proven ability to
• Over 1,300 webinars were conducted on COVID-19 lead amidst the adversities. We acted responsibly
awareness and safety to counter the effects of the crisis unleashed by
the pandemic on both business and society. Our
• In Mumbai, a large bike rally was organised
financial and operational performance reflects the
by the Nanavati Max Super Speciality Hospital
effectiveness of our holistic strategies to create long-
in association with Mumbai Police to increase
term, sustainable value for our stakeholders.
awareness about road safety
46 47
At Max Healthcare, adherence to sound governance promote a culture of accountability and ethical
practices helps us strengthen the trust-based equity conduct across the company. They are critical to
we share with our stakeholders and assures long earning and retaining the trust of our stakeholders.
term value creation for them. The unstinted support
Board of Directors and Policies:
and confidence of our stakeholders demonstrate
their faith in the integrity of our people, transparency Max Healthcare’s Board consists of leaders with
of our operations and an objective and fair approach rich and diverse skills to lead the organisation.
that underlies everything we do. They share our values, ethics and commitment to
adopt sound governance practices to ensure we
stay compliant while delivering on our goals. They
Corporate Governance at Max Healthcare is defined
guide us to meet regulatory requirements across our
by the company’s principles of ethics, values and
operations proactively and on time with a rigorous
morals. Our Board of Directors lead with these
yet enabling approach.
principles to act in our stakeholders’ best interests,
remain accountable to them, and comply with all the Our policies are benchmarked with global best
applicable legal and regulatory requirements. practices to maximise stakeholder trust. These
include procedures for Code of Conduct, Nomination,
Our governance structure, policies and processes
Name Audit & Risk Nomination CSR Committee Corporate Debenture Listing Stakeholder QIP Committee^ Business
Mr. Abhay Soi Member Chairman Chairman Chairman Chairman Member Chairman Chairman
*Ceased to be member/chairman w.e.f May 20, 2021 | **appointed as member w.e.f. May 24, 2021 | #Committee constituted w.e.f. August 10, 2021 | ^Committee dissolved w.e.f. April 06, 2021
48 49
Remuneration and Board Diversity, Whistle-Blower, and supports ethical behaviour at all times. A completed the re-identification of risks in June 2020 • Clinical Risks
Code of Conduct to Regulate, Monitor and Report comprehensive Whistle-Blower Policy empowers as part of the requirements of India’s Securities and • Human Resource Risks
Trading by Designated Persons, Prevention of stakeholders, including employees, shareholders, Exchange Board when we listed Max Healthcare. • Legal & Compliance Risks
Sexual Harassment at Workplace, Code of Practices suppliers and others, to raise valid concerns about Max Healthcare’s Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) • Operational & Financial Risks
and Procedures for fair Disclosure of unpublished unethical and improper practices, irregularities, document details out the critical risks identified. • Strategic Risks
price sensitive Information, Risk Management, and governance weakness, financial reporting issues, or • Tax & Regulatory Risks
The key risks identified include:
Corporate Social Responsibility. other wrongful conduct without fear of victimisation.
In line with the requirement under SEBI Circular on We understand the importance of timely disclosures, RISK HIERARCHY
Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting transparent accounting policies and a robust
by listed entities, the Board of Directors of the independent Board to promote good governance
Company have constituted Business Responsibility practices. The company has designed systems,
Board of • Overall responsibility for framing, implementing and monitoring the risk
Sustainability Committee (“BR&SC”) on August 10, policies, procedures, and standards to facilitate
Directors management plan
2021 to supervise the implementation of Business sound strategy development, operational planning,
Responsibility and Sustainability (“BR&S”) policies optimise risk management and ensure internal
and assess BR&S performance of the Company. controls and reporting integrity. These prevent
The Board has authorised Business Responsibility erosion of shareholder trust and maximise long-term
Sustainability Management Committee for providing corporate value. Audit and Risk • Evaluation of Risk Managment system and make necessary
assistance to “BR&SC”. Commitee recommendation to Board
Board Membership criteria and selection process The company’s risk management framework
identifies, analyses, assesses, monitors, and • Periodic updation of risk register in discussion
Board members are identified and evaluated by the
mitigates risks and potential threats that may with Chief Risk Officers (CROs)
company’s Nomination and Remuneration Committee Risk Management
hamper the achievement of our strategic goals. The
(NRC). The NRC looks at an appropriate mix of Team • Continuous monitoring of risk mitigation
framework covers areas such as operations, legal,
background, knowledge, skills, abilities, professional activities
treasury, regulatory, strategic and financial. The Audit
experience and functional expertise, educational and
& Risk Committee reviews the mitigation plan for
professional background, personal accomplishment, • Monitor and update risk mitigation
critical risks and events that may adversely impact
age, experience in the healthcare sector, marketing, plans for their domains (Medical &
operations and profitability of the business and Chief Risk
technology, finance and other disciplines relevant Non-Medical) in discussion with risk
undertakes measures to mitigate them. Officers
to the business and uphold ethical standards of owners & update risk ratings
integrity and probity needed for effective leadership The framework combines formally documented
and to institute a rich and diverse Board. policies covering financial, legal, and regulatory • Identify ways to reduce
aspects with an informal approach covering other risk levels
We see diversity in the Boardroom as a strategic
operational matters. Risk Owners
lever for our long-term, sustainable growth. Diversity • Continuous
at Max Healthcare spans plurality in perspective, Risk and Crisis Management Structure improvement to
experience, education, background, ethnicity, mitigate risks to the
Our risk management programme and policies
nationality, age, gender and other personal attributes. extent possible
drafted six years ago are re-assessed and updated
The company’s Nomination, Remuneration and Board
periodically to accommodate changes in market
Diversity Policies clearly outline the eligibility criteria
conditions and business activities. The review and RESILIENT ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE round and significantly improved our net debt
and attributes needed for an individual’s appointment
revisions are undertaken in discussion with risk We listed the company’s shares on the BSE & NSE in position, and met our obligations with respect to
on the Board, including Independent Directors. It
owners and the senior management team. Mitigation August 2020, consequent to approval of composite option liabilities. We rolled out long-term structural
paves the way for a transparent and fair selection
activities and residual risks are rated on a spectrum scheme of amalgamation and arrangement. We also cost savings programs to improve efficiency of our
spanning ‘Probability, Impact & Control effectiveness’ raised funds through the QIP route in the reporting spends and manage our cost structures. Together,
ETHICS, COMPLIANCE AND TRANSPARENCY and recorded in a risk register. The register is year. Despite the challenges of the pandemic, these measures helped us enhance value for our
We are committed to creating and nurturing a updated annually to reflect new risks identified we successfully closed the equity-led investment stakeholders and strengthen our balance sheet.
fair, enabling and open culture that encourages and the status of mitigation of existing threats. We
50 51
Strengthening fiscal and strategic position: FY • Conduct periodic review and modification of
2020-21 implemented checklist and process to match cyber
security compliance and emerging needs
• Merger of Radiant Life Care and Max Healthcare
operations in June 2020 Additionally, in FY 2020-21, as part of our enhanced
focus on privacy and data security, we implemented
• Listing of Max Healthcare India Limited on BSE and
the following measures:
NSE on August 21, 2020
• Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) to provide an
• Raised INR 1,200 Crore equity through QIP in
extra layer of cyber security on internet traffic
March 2021
• Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) to enhance
• Incorporated a wholly-owned subsidiary in Dubai
security between VPN users and Max Data Centers
for strengthening international medical tourism and
another one, namely, Max Lab Limited for non- • Central Hospital Information System (HIS) that
captive pathology business integrated BLK-Max Hospital’s stand-alone system
with the centralised database of Max Healthcare to
• Unveiled a new brand identity
improve efficiency and customer experience
• Periodic emails to employees to enhance
The pandemic accelerated the adoption of remote
awareness of cybersecurity
working to ensure businesses could continue to Our governance structure, policies and processes promote a culture of accountability and ethical conduct across the company
serve their stakeholders. However, the threats Ensuring the privacy and security of patient data is of
to data security also increased along with the critical importance to us. Assurance of such privacy • User IDs are integrated with the company’s Active ecosystem to meet a broad range of requirements
rising incidence of working from home. We stayed improves patient-relations and trust and enhances Directory to ensure timely deactivation if an for patients, physicians and the management team
focused on enabling our teams to work from home their autonomy to make informed decisions about employee separates from the organisation
• Mobility of Electronic Health Records: Making
and deliver services without disruption to COVID their medical care. Securing patient information also
• All the Cloud-based applications are hosted in data health records such as X-rays, vitals, prescriptions,
and non-COVID patients through the reporting prevents business derailments and financial harm,
centres within India in line with the country’s data medical history, previous consultations, and patient
year without compromising on data security. Apart erosion of brand equity and patient loyalty, and any
protection and privacy laws discharge notes accessible to doctors on mobile
from providing necessary tools like laptops, we untoward discrimination based on health records
phones to make informed decisions on-the-go,
redesigned our IT protocols to allow our teams to containing inputs about a patient’s physical or mental • All reports sent to patients are encrypted and
improve patient care and facilitate specialised
seamlessly access company systems while retaining health. password protected
clinician workflows
the application’s fidelity and uptime.
Max Healthcare has a robust system to assure the • Patient portals are password protected and
• Virtual Desktop Infrastructure: To improve cost-
We undertake comprehensive external and internal privacy and security of patient data. Some of the secured with a Web Application Firewall (WAF) to
efficiencies and security
audits to ensure stringent adherence to security measures we adopt include: provide an additional layer of cyber security
protocols and identify and address risks on time. • Security Operations Centre: For proactive
• Employees can access the Hospital Information • Next-Generation Antivirus (NGAV) solutions protect
These include: monitoring and real-time hunting of cyber threats
System (HIS) only through Max Healthcare data and the system from cyber threats using User
• Annual Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration joined domain that allows users connect with the Behaviour Analysis (UBA), Sandboxing and Pattern- While Max Healthcare has strong corporate
Testing: For core network and security devices company’s domain remotely and securely using based algorithms governance principles in place, we aspire to continue
along with applications enterprise provided credentials our focus on the agile management of existing and
At Max Healthcare, we are continually looking at
evolving issues impacting the healthcare sector and
• Cybersecurity Risk Assessment: Conducted before • Access to the patient information database is ways to strengthen our resilience and improve
our operations. This proactive intent and supporting
deploying any infrastructure and application from a restricted to relevant users only. The policy the transparency of our operations, including
actions empower us to lay new transparency and
third party or a Cloud-based solution and process governing user roles and rights strengthening our digital backbone further. Some of
governance standards for the company and the
management ensure that only authorised the solutions we are exploring include:
• Web Access Firewall: Implemented for public- industry.
personnel can access patient data linked to their
facing applications with alert notifications and • Integrated Digital Platform: Building an integrated,
credentials. User rights are reviewed periodically
monitoring personalised, safe and efficient digital health
and modified to keep them current
52 53
Appendix 102-21 Consulting stakeholders
on economic, environmental, and Stakeholder Engagement
social topics
102-22 Composition of the
Reference Frameworks Chapter Referenced highest governance body and its Governance
GRI SASB committees
General Disclosure 102-23 Chair of the highest
Max Healthcare –Committed to Care, Service governance body
102-1 Name of the organisation
& Excellence 102-24 Nominating and selecting
102-2 Activities, brands, products, Max Healthcare –Committed to Care, Service the highest governance body
and services & Excellence 102-26 Role of highest
Max Healthcare –Committed to Care, Service governance body in setting Governance
102-3 Location of headquarters purpose, values, and strategy
& Excellence
Max Healthcare –Committed to Care, Service 102-28 Evaluating the highest
102-4 Location of operations Governance- Board of Directors
& Excellence governance body’s performance
102-17 Mechanisms for advice and 102-47 List of material topics Our Material Issues
concerns 102-48 Restatements of
About the Report
about ethics Governance information
102-18 Governance structure Governance 102-50 Reporting period About the Report
102-19 Delegating authority Governance 102-52 Reporting cycle About the Report
54 55
102-55 GRI content index Annexure 401-2 Benefits provided to full-
103-1 Explanation of the material time employees that are not Social- Employee Engagement & Human
Beginning of each chapter
topic and its boundaries provided to temporary or part-time Capital Development
103-2 The management approach employees
Beginning of each chapter
and its components Social- Employee Engagement & Human
401-3 Parental leave
103-3 Evaluation of the Capital Development
Beginning of each chapter
management approach Occupational Health and Safety
Economy 403-1 Workers representation in
Social- Ensuring Safety Through Fire
201-1 Direct economic value formal joint management–worker
Economic Performance Management
generated and distributed health and safety committees
203-2 Significant indirect Social- Access to Healthcare & Support to 403-5 Worker training on Social- Ensuring Safety Through Fire
economic impacts Economically Weaker Sections occupational health and safety Management
Environment 403-6 Promotion of worker health Social- Employee Wellbeing
Energy 403-8 Workers covered by an
Social- Ensuring Safety Through Fire
1) Total energy occupational health and safety
consumed, (2) management system
302-1 Energy consumption within Environment- Increasing use of cleaner
percentage grid Employee Training
the organisation energy
electricity, (3) 404-1 Average hours of training Social- Employee Engagement & Human
percentage renewable per year per employee Capital Development
302-2 Energy consumption Environment- Moving Towards a Low carbon 404-2 Programs for upgrading
Social- Employee Engagement & Human
outside of the organisation Future employee skills and transition
Capital Development
302-4 Reduction of energy Environment- Moving Towards a Low carbon assistance programs
consumption Future 404-3 Percentage of employees
Social- Employee Engagement & Human
302- 5 Reductions in energy receiving regular performance
Environment- Moving Towards a Low carbon Capital Development
requirements of products and and career development reviews
services Diversity
Water 405-1 Diversity of governance
Social- Diversity and Inclusion
Disclosure 303-5: Water bodies and employees
Environment- Water Stewardship
Consumption (2018) Non Discrimination
Emission 406-1 Incidents of discrimination
Social- Diversity and Inclusion
305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG Environment- Moving Towards a Low carbon and corrective actions taken
emissions Future Child Labour
305-2 Indirect (Scope 2) GHG Environment- Moving Towards a Low carbon 408-1 Operations and suppliers
emissions Future at significant risk for incidents of Social- Diversity and Inclusion
305-5 Reduction of GHG Environment- Moving Towards a Low carbon child labour
emissions Future Forced Labour
Social 409-1 Operations and suppliers
Employee Strength at significant risk for incidents of Social- Diversity and Inclusion
1) Voluntary and forced or compulsory labour
(2) involuntary Rights of Indigenous people
turnover rate for: (a) 411-1 Incidents of violations
401-1 New employee hires and
physicians, (b) non- Social- 15000+ talented professional involving rights of indigenous Social- Diversity and Inclusion
employee turnover
physician health care peoples
practitioners, and (c) all
other employees
56 57
Operations with Local Community WE ARE MAX HEALTHCARE
413-1 Operations with local
community engagement, impact Social- Access to Healthcare & Support to
assessments, and development Economically Weaker Section (EWS)
Customer Privacy and Data Security
Description of policies
and practices to secure
418-1 Substantiated complaints
customers’ protected
concerning breaches of customer
health information Governance- Privacy and Data Security
privacy and losses of customer
(PHI) records and other
personally identifiable
information (PII)
Socio-Economic Compliance
419-1 Non-compliance with laws
Governance- Ethics, Compliance and
and regulations in the social and
economic area
Discussion of strategy
to manage the mix
of patient insurance
Discussion and
Social- Access to Healthcare & Support to
Economically Weaker Section (EWS) At Max Healthcare, having initiated our ESG journey,
Amount of Medicare
we will continually look at ways to strengthen our
Share Hospital (DSH) performance across all parameters. By doing so, we aim
adjustment payments to sustainably mitigate the environmental impact and
received do business in a responsible manner led by the highest
levels of ethical practices and protecting the interests
of all our stakeholders. We thank you for your interest
in this report and welcome your feedback to help us
improve our disclosures and ESG performance
58 59