Comments/Suggestions Received From Under Projects For Revision/Upgradation of TL No-16 Techanical Sanction of Jobs BRO
Comments/Suggestions Received From Under Projects For Revision/Upgradation of TL No-16 Techanical Sanction of Jobs BRO
Comments/Suggestions Received From Under Projects For Revision/Upgradation of TL No-16 Techanical Sanction of Jobs BRO
Read: Restoration of damaged Roads, Bridges, Culverts, permanent works, etc., owing to land
slides, floods, etc.
For: The scales and norms as laid down under Border Roads Regulations, DGBR Technical
Instructions, Codes, Manuals, etc., are followed.
Read: The scales and norms as laid down under Border Roads Regulations, DGBR Technical Instructions,
Codes, Manuals, etc. are followed.
Para 5.2
For: Deviation from the quantities of sanctioned work may some time become necessary during
construction. Therefore, the Chief Engineer and Task Force Commanders may authorise deviation
upto the permissible limits in respect of quantities of individuals items as given in the TS. If a
deviation from quantities indicated in the TS exceeds the AA provision by more then 5%, a
report accompanied by all relevant data should be made to DGBR/CFA for advice.
Read: Deviation from the quantities of sanctioned work may some time become necessary
during construction. Therefore, the Chief Engineer and Task Force Commanders may authorise
deviation upto the permissible limits in respect of quantities of individuals items as given in the
TS. If a deviation from quantities indicated in the TS exceeds the AA provision by more then
50%, a report accompanied by all relevant data should be made to DGBR/CFA for advice.
For: The requirement of security cover, as far as possible, be correctly assessed and
catered for in the TS.
Read: To be deleted.
Para 6.4
For: Technical sanction for Bridge Works: In case of design of small bridges (span less than
30 Mtrs) the responsibility for design and issue of TS rests with the Chief Engineer of the projec.
However, they make seek the advice of the Bridging Dte at HQ DGBR, whenever typical design
and construction problems are encountered. This is more so in case of damages to bridges/service
bridges due to land slides, floods or any other causes, which are
of recurring nature. The proposals for restoration in all such cases, preferably, are taken up / referred
to Bridging Directorate at HQ DGBR for a critical examination of the causativefactors and obtaining
specialist opinion, whevere required.
Read: Technical sanction for Bridge Works: In case of design of small bridges (span less than 30
Mtrs) the responsibility for design and issue of TS rests with the Chief Engineer of the project.
However, they make seek the advice of the Bridging Dte at HQ DGBR, whenever typical design and
construction problems are encountered. This is more so in case of damages to bridges/service bridges
due to land slides, floods or any other causes, which are of recurring nature. The proposals for
restoration in all such cases, preferably, are taken up/ referred to Bridging Directorate at HQ DGBR for
a critical examination of the causative factors and obtaining specialist opinion, wherever required.
Copy may please be endorsed to Headquarters, Addi Dte GBR C/O_______ APO. 1 1 Copy. 1 Copy
For: Costed scheduled of Works (CSW): This should be prepared in accordance to Administrative
Approval except for minor deviations mentioned in Para 5.2 above and as authorised vide para 603 of
BR Regulations (Reprint-1993). Minor changes in Scope/Specifications that can be authorised by
DGBR have also been shown in Appendix 'D' attached. This part of TS is to contain item of works with
description duly supported by requisite drawing, design, specifications and calculations to enable
proper execution of items. However, such minor changes are to be assessed properly, on receipt of
permission of DGBR (wherever applicable) and will be included in the TS. A format for CSW is
attached at Appx 'E'. In preparation of Costed Schedule of Works (CSW) following points must be
For: Items of works are strictly in accordance with the Administrative Approval (AA) so far as the
scope, Scale, specification and Design of the work are concerned. However, the quantum of each item
of work may vary upto the permissible limits mentioned in Para 5.2 above. In case any additional
items of works are required to be included in the TS, such as dewatering of foundations, sand blows,
temporary diversions etc, these may .be included based on a proper assessment.
Read: Items of works are strictly in accordance with the Administrative Approval (AA) so far as the
scope, scale, specification and Design of the work are concerned. However, the quantum of each item
of work may vary upto the permissible limits mentioned in Para 5.2 above. In case any additional
items of works are required to be included in the TS, such as dewatering of foundations, sand blows,
temporary diversions etc, these may be included based on a proper assessment.
For: Collection Sheet: In this portion Quantities of works involved as per costed schedule of
works (CSW) are brought out. Calculation of detailed Quantities of each item of work as per design,
drawings and specifications is computed under various Sub-Heads, in Collation Sheet as per prevalent
DGBR-Norms given in standard Schedule of Rates (SSR). Resources like Man-Days for workers
tradesman and Supervisory Staff, Vehicle/Equipment/Machinery Days, Stores, requirement of
construction Units, Platoons etc. Shares of Common Service Units (CSU) (HQ Task Force, Field
Workshop, Supply Units etc.) are worked out based on prevalent Norms. Like wise, Road Lift
Charges, Royalty Charges for Quarry Operations, Contract payments, Hiring charges, etc. are included
in these sheets. Working out of cost is then carried out under the cost assessment part shown in para above.
Read: Collation Sheet: In this portion Quantities of works involved as per costed schedule of
works (CSW) are brought out. Calculation of detailed Quantities of each item of work as per design,
drawings and specifications is computed under various Sub-Heads, in Collation Sheet as per prevalent
DGBR-Norms given in standard Schedule of Rates (SSR). Resources like Man-Days for workers
tradesman and Supervisory Staff, Vehicle/Equipment/Machinery Days, Stores, requirement of
construction Units, Platoons etc are worked out based on prevalent Norms. Like wise, Road Lift
Charges, Royalty Charges for Quarry Operations, Contract payments, Hiring charges, etc. are
included in these sheets. Working out of cost is then carried out under the cost assessment part
shown in para above.
Appendix 'C' to DGBR T.I. No. 16: Spelling 'Projec' be amended as 'Project'.
For: Change in type of construction of bridge such as RCC o steel super structure masonry to
PCC/RCC substructure and so on provided load bearing capacity conforms to the approved
specifications of the road and bridge.
Read: Change in type of construction of bridge such as RCC steel super structure masonry to
PCC/RCC substructure and so on provided load bearing capacity conforms to the approved
specifications of the road and bridge.
Read : Description : MAINT OF ROAD ______ FROM KM _____ TO ______ (TOTAL LENGTH ____KMS)
Appendix 'F' to DGBR T.I. No. 16
Distribution : copy must be sent to HQ Addl Dte GBR C/O ___ APO.
Appendix 'G' to DGBR T.I. No. 16
For : Name of work : MAINT OF ROAD ______ FROM KM _____ TO ______ (TOTAL
For : RM PL –do-
Read : RMPL __________ for ________ months.
Read : Winter snow clearance for the year ______ Sector _____ to____) (KM
_______ to ________)