Sub.: Standard Procedure Order for ESP, SIP & GAD approval in Zonal Railway
Railway Board vide letter No. 2017/CE-l/CT/13/ procedure simplification dated 20.10.2017 has
circulated procedure Order to expedite approval of drawings.
In addition to above, following detail Procedure Order to expedite approval of ESP, SIP & GAD:
1. Approval of ESP:
1. ESP should be signed by JAG officers of Originating Department, ORM of Division and HQ officers
(CE/Con, CEE/Con, CSTE/Plg, CSTE/Con, CTPM & CB/Planning For ESPs of Construction
Organisation & CTPM, CSTE/Plg & CB/Planning for ESPs of Open
Line/RVNL/RITES/IRCON/Other Units). ESP signed by JAG/SO/Equivalent officers of Originating
Department should be circulated by concerned JAG/SO/Equivalent officer to divisional branch
officers (Sr DOM, Sr DEN, Sr DEN Co, Sr DSTE, Sr DCM & Sr DEE TRD) and ADRM.
ORM/ADRM should resolve conflicting observations, if any in consultation with Originating
Department and ESP should be cleared within 15 days from Division.
ii. ESP should be prepared as per the concept plans given in the DPRs in the normal course unless the
extra facilities which are minor in nature are approved by ORM and major modifications/additions
are approved by GM.
iii. While finalizing Concept Plan during DPR/DE, standard layout & instructions issued vide Railway
Board's letter No 2017/CE-l/CT/13/Procedure simplification, dated 20.10.2017 &
2015/Sig/WG/Standardise layout, dated 12.07.2017, may be followed.
1v. Concept plan for remodeling of yard included in the DPR should be revalidated by CTPM, CE
Planning, CSTE/Planning & concerned SAG Officers of Originating Department before initiation of
approval of ESP to avoid changes in ESP at approval stage and written minutes to be issued.
a. Major Revision: resulting into changes of yard layout. Provision of additional line, additional
cross over, addition/deletion of slip/catch siding etc. shall qualify for major yard remodeling. ESP
once approved should not be taken up for major revision without approval of General Manager. If
revision of ESP is inescapable due to any reason, the onus taking the approval of GM within 15
days shall lie with the Department asking for revision of the ESP. Phasing of work to be indicated
department wise.
b. Minor Revision: This does not result in change of layout of the yard but is required to rectify the
minor defects or deficiency detected after approval of ESP/at the time of preparation of SIP or
due to any other reason. In case of minor alteration in ESP, the approval of ESP should be only
by Concerned JAG/SG & SAG Officers of Originating Department & CSTE/Planning. Change of
turnout from I in 12 to 1 in 8 ½ or vice versa, classification of line, change in location of gradient
post, change in chainage, closure of LC gate, Change in classifi tion of Ls; gate� & updation to
match actuals at site shall be treated as minor alteration. IJ.,,, % Or)(ll (.., m�.")'i,
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c. Categorization of Planning/alteration into minor or major apart from above defmed categories
may be done Jointly by CE planning and CSTE Planning or CSTE Project.
In case of any difference of opinion regarding categorization of alteration into minor and major,
decision of AGM shall be fmal.
2. Sanction or grade condonation: Proposal for grade condonation is based on approved ESP and
infringement table in the approved ESP should be made. Once ESP alongwith infringement table is
approved, there is no need to involve Divisional officers in approval of grade condonation proposal. Grade
condonation proposal signed by the concerned JAG/SG & SAG officers of Originating Department should
be submitted to CE Planning for further processing for approval and signature of concerned PHODs (PCOM,
PCSTE, PCEE and PCE) and GM and submission to CRS for sanction.
3. Approval of project sheet - Project sheet shall continue to be approved by Planning Cell of HQ. Planning
Cell should broadly check the project sheet for violation of Terms of References to the project, if any.
Executing agency should furnish the certificate that level of bridges as shown in approved GAD has been
adopted in Project Sheet. Any discrepancy in the levels shown in ESP, GAD of projects and Project sheet
shall be reconciled by Executing Agency and will be rectified in completion drawing.
4. Approval of ESP should not be linked with the approval of the project sheet.
5. Checklist for approval of ESP, GAD of major and Minor bridges, project sheet and other drawings should be
signed by JAG/SG officer of the concerned Department.
6. ADRM/Infra (or nominated ADRM) shall ensure that GADs are approved/cleared by all concerned branch
officers in division within a period not exceeding I 5 days. ADRM/Infra shall get GADs signed at Divisional
level in a meeting to be conducted for this purpose, instead of file shuffling among divisional officers.
7. Similarly, AGM shall monitor in HQ to ensure that GADs are approved/cleared by concerned HOD within a
period not exceeding 7 days and time limit is adhered by CTPM, CE Planning & CBE (for bridge GADs).
There shall be no other signatures on the GADs in the HQ.
DRM and CE(P&D)/
CSTE(Proj.) or
Divisional CAO/C CTPM CBE Total
Unto 5 lines 15 7 3 3 (Paralle 11 7 32
More than 5 lines 18 10 5 5 (Parallel 10 43
& maior iunction to CTPM)
-- --
Minor Brid!!es 7 7 7 21
Maior Brid.,es JO 10 -- 10 30
• The time lines given above are reckoned since submission/re-submission after compliance of the
9. Approval of SIP - SIP should be approved as per the procedure and timelines mentioned in Railway Board
letter No. 2016/Sig./Drg.Off/1 Dtd.09.11.2017.
a Copies of the tentative SIP based on approved Engineering Scale Plan (ESP) will be sent
simultaneously to CTPM and nominated ADRM of the concerned Division.
b. Nominated ADRM will obtain the comments of Sr.DOM and Sr.DSTE on the tentative SIP and advise
the same to CTPM.
c. After scrutinising the division's comments, CTPM will send his comments to
d. On receipt of comments from CTPM, necessary modifications will be incorporated in the tentative SIP
by CSTE(Const.)/CSTE(Proj.)/CSTE(Plg) and the plan got approved and signed by CTPM. In case of
any technical difficulty or difference in opinion in complying with the comments of CTPM, matter will
be discussed and decided by CSTE(Const.)/CSTE(Proj.)/CSTE(Plg) in consultation with CTPM.
e. The above timetable shall be strictly adhered to, so that delay in execution of signalling works is
avoided. SIPs not getting approved as per the timelines given above shall be discussed in the plans
meeting conducted by AGM.
f. At the stage of approving the SIP, no change in already approved ESP should be demanded. However if
change in ESP is inescapable, the request for change in ESP should be routed through the PHOD, by the
department requesting the change.
10. Based on the above, all Zona! Railways/Other Units should make Detailed Procedure Order to
expedite approval of ESP, SIP & GAD.