NIT32 Up
NIT32 Up
NIT32 Up
Name of Work: C/o 1 No. 120 Men Barrack for 1st Bn. ITBP at Sunil, Joshimath, Uttarakhand.
1 Information & Instructions for Bidders for e-Tendering 1-4
2 Brief Scope of work 5-6
Part-A: Notice Inviting e-Tender (CPWD-6), Tender Form (CPWD-7), Schedules - A to F for 7
Major Component of Work and Standard GCC for CPWD-2023 (Construction
work) amended/ modified up to last date of tender submission- Civil
3 CPWD-6 for e-tendering 8-12
4 Tender Form (CPWD-7) 13-15
5 Schedules - A to F (Major Component) 16-26
6 Standard GCC for CPWD-2023 with up to date Amendments 27
7 Form of Bank Guarantee for EMD/PG/Security deposit/Mobilization advance 28-29
Part-B: General/Special Conditions, Specifications and Schedule of Quantities for Major 30
Component of Work (Civil)
8 General Conditions 31-46
9 Special Conditions 47-63
10 Additional Conditions 64-66
11 Particular Specifications 67-95
12 Schedule of Quantities (Civil work) 96-119
Part-C: Schedules - A to F, General/Special Conditions, Specifications and Schedule of 120
Quantities for Minor Component of Work (Electrical)
13 Schedule A to F, General/Special Conditions, Specifications (E&M Work) 121-180
14 Schedule of quantity (E&M work) 181-208
NIT amounting to Rs. 11,98,15,945/- (Rs. Eleven Crore Ninety Eight Lakh Fifteen Thousand Nine Hundred
Forty Five) only is hereby approved. This NIT contains pages marked as 1 to 208.
Chief Engineer-Dehradun
CPWD, Dehradun
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5. Those contractors who are not registered or have not updated their profile on the website mentioned
above, are required to get registered / updated their profile beforehand. The necessary training
materials including the videos with to step process are available on downloaded section of
6. The intending bidder must have valid class-III digital signature certificate with encryption key
(combo type) to perform any operation / transaction on the e-tendering portal / website and the
bidder should download and install the eMsinger on their system as per instructions available on
download section of
7. On opening date, the contractor can login and see the bid opening process. After opening of bids, he
will receive the competitor bid sheets.
8. Contractor can upload documents in the form of JPG format and PDF format.
9. Contractor must ensure to quote rate in the prescribed column(s) meant for quoting rate in figures
appears in yellow colour and the moment rate is entered, it turns sky blue.
In addition to this, while selecting any of the cells a warning appears that if any cell is left blank the
same shall be treated as “0”. Therefore, if any cell is left blank and no rate is quoted by the bidder,
rate of such item shall be treated as “0” (ZERO).
However, if a tenderer quotes nil rates against each item in item rate tender or does not quote any
percentage above/below on the total amount of the tender or any section/sub head in percentage rate
tender, the tender shall be treated as invalid and will not be considered as lowest tenderer.
List of Documents to be scanned and uploaded within the period of bid submission:
i) Insurance Surety Bond, Demand Draft / Account Payee Banker's Cheque / FDR / Bank
Guarantee of any of Commercial Bank against EMD.
ii) Copy of Receipt for deposition of original EMD to division office of any Executive
Engineer, CPWD (including NIT issuing EE).
iii) Enlistment order of the contractors of CPWD in appropriate class of Buildings & Roads
(erstwhile composite/Building/infrastructure) category.
iv) GST registration certificate, if already obtained by the bidder.
If the bidder has not obtained GST registration as applicable, then he shall scan and upload
following undertaking along with bid documents
"If work is awarded to me, I/we shall obtain GST registration certificate, as applicable,
within one month from the date of receipt of award letter or before release of any Payment
by CPWD, whichever is earlier, failing which I/we shall be responsible for any delay in
payments which will be due towards me/us on account of the work executed and/or for any
action taken by CPWD or GST department in this regard".
v) Undertaking on structural stability and soundness as per prescribed format Form-F
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Form ‘F’
Note: Affidavit to be furnished on a 'Non-judicial' stamp paper of Rs. 200/- (scanned copy of the
notarized affidavit to be uploaded at the time of submission of bid).
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i) The Authority receiving EMD in original form examines the EMD deposited by the bidder
and issues receipt of deposition of earnest money to the agency in a given format uploaded by
tender inviting authority. The receipt can also be issued by any subordinate gazette authority
as authorized by the EE/Engineer-in-Charge/DDH.
ii) The authority receiving original EMD also intimates tender inviting authority about
deposition of EMD by the agency by email/fax/telephonically.
iii) The original EMD receiving authority releases the EMD to unsuccessful bidders after the
expiry of stipulated bid validity period or immediately after acceptance of the successful
bidder, whichever is earlier, after verification from the e-tendering portal website
(>closed Tender>all) that the particular contractor is not L-1
tenderer and work is awarded.
iv) The tender inviting authority calls for original EMD of the L1 tenderer from EMD receiving
authority immediately.
v) EMD shall be drawn in favour of Executive Engineer, Garhwal Central Division, CPWD,
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A. Civil Work :-
1. Foundation - The foundation shall be isolated / combined RCC footings in Design Mix
M-30 and all work up to plinth level.
2. Superstructure - Superstructure shall be Three storyed framed structure with
Design Mix M-30 grade concrete. All filler walls shall be of brick masonry/autoclave
aerated concrete (AAC) in cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) and all partition
walls shall be of half brick masonry in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand).
3. R.C.C. work - All lintels, beams, suspended floors, roofs slabs, landing staircase,
chajjas walls, shelves, fins and facias etc shall be Design Mix M-30 grade of concrete.
4. Doors and windows –
a) Door : Pressed steel door frames double rebate for external door and single rebate for
internal doors. Fibre glass reinforced plastic (FRP) door frames for toilet and bath
and 35mm thick flush door shutters for doors and 30 mm thick PVC shutter for toilet
& bath.
b) Windows : Providing and fixing factory made uPVC glazed/ wire mesh windows/
doors comprising of lead free uPVC multi- chambered frame, sash and
mullion/ coupler (wherever required) extruded profiles having minimum wall
thickness of 1.70 mm for Series R1 and R2 profiles and 2.10 mm for Series R3 and
R4 profiles conforming to EN: 12608 in any shape :-
i) Fixed window/ ventilator without mullion/ transom. (a) Using R1 series with
frame (33mm & above) x (35mm & above). (Height upto 0.90 meter)
ii) Ventilator Casement window single panel with or without fixed panel with S.S.
304. (a) Using R1 series with frame (33mm & above) x (35mm & above) & sash
/mullion (33mm & above) x (50 mm & above). (Height upto 0.90 meter).
iii) Casement door single panel with zinc alloy (zamak) 3D hinges. (a) Using R3
series with frame (55mm & above) x (50mm & above) & sash (55mm & above) x
(85mm & above) (Height upto 2.5 meter).
iv) Fixed window/ ventilator with mullion/ transom. (a) Using R3 series with frame
(55mm & above) x (45mm & above) & mullion (55mm & above) x (65mm
& above). (Height upto 2.5 meter).
v) Three track three panels sliding window with two glazed & one wire mesh panel.
(a) Using R3 series with frame (98mm & above) x (40mm & above) & both
glazed and fly screen sash (30mm & above) x (55mm & above) with zinc alloy
(zamak) powder coated handle on every glazed panel along with multi-point
locking system. (Height upto 1.8m).
vi) Casement cum fixed panel window having one single casement panel. (a)
Using R3 series with frame (55mm & above) x (45mm & above) & sash (55mm
& above) x (65mm & above) & mullion (55mm & above) x (65mm & above).
(Height upto 1.8 meter; each openable shutter upto 0.8m width).
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5. Flooring - Kota Stone flooring in barracks/rooms, kitchen, washing area & stores.
Vitrified tile flooring with combination of granite flooring recreation hall, dinning hall,
office and staff rooms. Ceramic tile flooring in balcony, toilets. Granite flooring in
staircase, corridors & kitchen platform.
6. Roofing - MS Tubular Truss with Hi-ribbed sheet.
7. External Finishing - All exterior walls shall be plastered with cement mortar 1:6 (1
cement: 6 coarse sand) finished with premium Acrylic smooth exterior paint with silicon
adhesive “Snoweryl-XT”.
8. Internal Finishing - All interior brick masonry walls shall be plastered with 1:6 (1
cement: 6 coarse sand) under coat 1mm thick of white cement putty with paint.
9. Water supply & Sanitary Installation -GI pipes and fittings for internal and external
water supply. Hubless centrifugally pipes and fittings for sanitary lines. CP brass fittings
and fixtures in toilets. White vitreous china flat back half stall urinal and under counter
wash basin.
10. Development - R.R masonry wall for terrace development. Internal Roads and Paths,
Storm water drains, External sewerage, Distribution lines upto 100 mm dia.
B. Electrical Work:-
1. Wiring for Light Point wiring/ Light Plug and Power Plug point wiring with Copper Wire
in Steel conduit having Modular Accessories.
2. Providing MCB DB’s with MCB’s & accessories of suitable Rating
3. Providing Energy Efficient LED Light fittings of different types & ceiling fans.
4. Providing GI plate earthing and lightening arrestor.
5. Providing 5 mtr octagonal pole with 45/50 Watt LED fitting.
6. Providing indoor/outdoor feeder pillar/Panel board of suitable rating with required
7. Providing 80 ltr & 150 Ltr capacity water cooler with inbuilt RO system.
8. Providing Geysers of 25 Ltr-6 Nos. & 50 Ltr-21 Nos.
9. Supplying & laying of XLPE cable of different sizes in DWC pipe.
10. Providing fire fighting, fire alarm system & CO2/ABC type fire extinguishers.
11. Providing kitchen ventilation system.
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shall issue a receipt of deposition of Earnest Money deposit to the bidder in a prescribed format
uploaded by tender inviting EE in the NIT.
The receipt shall also be uploaded to the e-tendering website by the intending bidder upto the
specified bid submission date and time.
A part of earnest money is acceptable in the form of Bank Guarantee also. In such case, minimum
50% of earnest money or Rs.20 lacs, whichever is less, shall have to be deposited in shape prescribed
above, and balance may be deposited in shape of Bank Guarantee including e-Bank Guarantee of any
Commercial Bank having validity for a period of 90 days for single bid works and 180 days for two
bid system or more from last date of receipt of bids which is to be scanned and uploaded by the
intending bidders.
The earnest money given by all the tenderers except the lowest tenderer shall be refunded
immediately after the expiry of stipulated bid validity period or immediately after acceptance of the
successful bidder, whichever is earlier. However, in case of two/ three bid system, earnest money
deposit of bidders unsuccessful during technical bid evaluation etc. should be returned within 30 days
of declaration of result of technical bid evaluation.
Copy of Enlistment Order and certificate of work experience and other documents as specified in the
notice inviting e-tender shall be scanned and uploaded to the e-tendering website within the period of
bid submission. However, certified copy of all the scanned and uploaded documents as specified in
thee-tender notice shall have to be submitted by the lowest bidder only within a week physically in
the office of tender opening authority.Online bid documents submitted by intending bidders shall be
opened only of those bidders, whose original EMD deposited with any division of CPWD and other
documents scanned and uploaded are found in order.
The bid submitted shall be opened at 03:30 PM on 26.10.2023.
(* To be filled by Tender Inviting Authority)
9. The bid submitted shall become invalid and e-Tender processing fee (if applicable) shall not be
refunded if:
(i) The bidder is found ineligible.
(ii) The bidder does not deposit original EMD with division office of any Executive Engineer,
(iii) The bidder does not upload scanned copies of all the documents in the bid
document(including GST registration or Undertaking in lieu of GST registration).
(iv) If any discrepancy is noticed between the documents as uploaded at the time of
submission of bid and hard copies as submitted physically by the lowest bidder in the
office of bid opening authority.
(v) If a tenderer quotes nil rates against each item in item rate tender or does not quote any
percentage above/below on the total amount of the tender or any section/sub-head in
percentage rate tender, the tender shall be treated as invalid and will not be considered
as lowest tenderer.
10. The contractor whose bid is accepted will be required to furnish performance guarantee at specified
percentage of tendered amount as mentioned in scheduled E and within the period specified in
Schedule F. This guarantee shall be in the form of Insurance Surety Bonds, Account Payee
Demand Draft, Fixed Deposit Receipt or Bank Guarantee from any of the Commercial Banks
in accordance with the prescribed form. In case the contractor fails to deposit the said performance
guarantee within the period as indicated in Schedule ‘F’ including the extended period if any, the
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Earnest Money deposited by the contractor shall be forfeited automatically without any notice to the
contractor. The earnest money deposited along with bid shall be returned after receiving the aforesaid
performance guarantee. The contractor whose bid is accepted will also be required to furnish either
copy of applicable licenses/registrations or proof of applying for obtaining labour licenses,
registration with EPFO, ESIC and BOCW Welfare Board including Provident fund code no. if
applicable and also ensure the compliance of aforesaid provisions by the sub-contractors, if any
engaged by the contractor for the said work within the period specified in Schedule F.
11. Intending Bidders are advised to inspect and examine the site and its surroundings and satisfy
themselves before submitting their bids as to the nature of the ground and sub-soil (so far as is
practicable), the form and nature of the site, the means of access to the site, the accommodation they
may require and in general shall themselves obtain all necessary information as to risks,
contingencies and other circumstances which may influence or affect their bid. A bidders shall be
deemed to have full knowledge of the site whether he inspects it or not and no extra charge
consequent on any misunderstanding or otherwise shall be allowed. The bidders shall be responsible
for arranging and maintaining at his own cost all materials, tools & plants, water, electricity access,
facilities for workers and all other services required for executing the work unless otherwise
specifically provided for in the contract documents. Submission of a bid by a bidder implies that he
has read this notice and all other contract documents and has made himself aware of the scope and
specifications of the work to be done and of conditions and rates at which stores, tools and plant, etc.
will be issued to him by the Government and local conditions and other factors having a bearing on
the execution of the work.
12. The competent authority on behalf of the President of India does not bind itself to accept the lowest
or any other bid and reserves to itself the authority to reject any or all the bids received without the
assignment of any reason. All bids in which any of the prescribed condition is not fulfilled or any
condition including that of conditional rebate is put forth by the bidders shall be summarily rejected.
13. Canvassing whether directly or indirectly, in connection with bidders is strictly prohibited and the
bids submitted by the contractors who resort to canvassing will be liable to rejection.
14. The competent authority on behalf of President of India reserves to himself the right of accepting the
whole or any part of the bid and the bidder shall be bound to perform the same at the rate quoted.
15. The contractor shall not be permitted to bid for works in the CPWD Circle (Division in case of
contractors of Horticulture/Nursery category) responsible for award and execution of contracts, in
which his near relative is posted as Divisional Accountant or as an officer in any capacity between
the grades of Superintending Engineer and Junior Engineer (both inclusive). He shall also intimate
the names of persons who are working with him in any capacity or are subsequently employed by
him and who are near relatives to any gazetted officer in the Central Public Works Department or in
the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs. Any breach of this condition by the contractor would
render him liable to be removed from the approved list of contractors of this Department.
16. No Engineer of Gazetted Rank or other Gazetted Officer employed in Engineering or Administrative
duties in an Engineering Department of the Government of India is allowed to work as a contractor
for a period of one year after his retirement from Government service, without the prior permission of
the Government of India in writing. This contract is liable to be cancelled if either the contractor or
any of his employees is found any time to be such a person who had not obtained the permission of
the Government of India as aforesaid before submission of the bid or engagement in the contractor’s
17. The bids for the work shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 30 (Thirty) days from the
date of opening of bids. Further:-
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(i) If any tenderer withdraws his tender or makes any modification in the terms and conditions
of the tender which is not acceptable to the department, within 7 days after last date of
submission of bids, then the Government shall, without prejudice to any other right or
remedy, be at liberty to forfeit 50% of the earnest money absolutely irrespective of letter of
acceptance for the work is issued or not.
(ii) If any tenderer withdraws his tender or makes any modification in the terms and conditions
of the tender which is not acceptable to the department, after expiry of 7 days after last
date of submission of bid, then the Government shall, without prejudice to any other right or
remedy, be at liberty to forfeit 100% of the earnest money absolutely irrespective of letter of
acceptance for the work is issued or not.
(iii) In case of forfeiture of earnest money in prescribed in para (i) and (ii) above the bidder
shall not be allowed to participate in the rebidding process of the same work.
18. This notice inviting bid shall form a part of the contract document. The successful bidder/contractor,
on acceptance of his bid by the Accepting Authority shall within 15 days from the stipulated date of
start of the work, sign the contract consisting of:
a) The Notice Inviting Bid, all the documents including additional conditions, specifications and
drawings, if any, forming part of the bid as uploaded at the time of invitation of bid and the rates
quoted online at the time of submission of bid and acceptance thereof together with any
correspondence leading thereto.
b) Standard CPWD Form-7 or other Standard CPWD Form as applicable.
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19.1.6. Entire work under the scope of composite bid including major and all minor components
shall be executed under one agreement.
19.1.7. Security Deposit will be worked out separately for each component corresponding to the
estimated cost of the respective component of works.
19.1.8. The main contractor has to associate agencies for specialized component(s) conforming
to eligibility criteria as defined in the bid document and has to submit detail of such
agency(s) to Engineer-in-charge of relevant component(s) within prescribed time. Name
of the agency(s) to be associated shall be approved by Engineer-in-charge of relevant
19.1.9. In case the main contractor intends to change any of the above agency/agencies during
the operation of the contract, he shall obtain prior approval of Engineer-in-charge of
relevant specialized component(s).
The new agency/agencies shall also have to satisfy the laid down eligibility criteria. In
case Engineer-in-charge is not satisfied with the performance of any agency, he can
direct the contractor to change the agency executing such items of work and this shall be
binding on the contractor.
19.1.10. The main contractor has to enter into MoU with agencies/contractor(s) associated by
him. Copy of such MoU shall be submitted to EE/DDH in charge of each relevant
component as well as to EE in charge of major component. In case of change of associate
contractor, the main contractor has to enter into MoU/agreement with the new contractor
associated by him.
19.1.11. Running payment for the major component shall be made by EE of major discipline to
the main contractor. Running payment for minor components shall be made by the
Engineer-in-charge of the discipline of minor component directly to the main
contractor.The CMB/EMB/CPWD ERP Portal (whichever applicable) shall be
maintained independently by Engineer-in-charge of major and minor components.
19.1.12. The composite work shall be treated as complete when all the components of the work
are complete. The completion certificate of the composite work shall be recorded by
Engineer-in-charge of major component after record of completion certificate by
Engineer-in-charge of all other minor components.
19.1.13. Final bill of whole work shall be finalized and paid by the EE of major component.
Engineer(s) in charge of minor component(s) will prepare and pass the final bill for their
component of work and pass on the same to the EE of major component for including in
the final bill for composite contract.
20. The intending bidders are required to update their profile in CPWD e- tender
portal and to upload theirbids well in advance of last date of submission oftender.
Any issue related to updating profile / uploading tender can be resolved through the
concerned Executive Engineer/Assistant Engineer (Phone no 01346-252374 e- mail
Id or ERP help line no. 18001803286 or e-mailId The e- tenderingbidders are also advised not to
wait to raise anyissuestill the last date of submission of bid in theirown interest.
(* To be filled by Tender Inviting Authority)
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I/We have read and examined the notice inviting tender, schedule-A, D, E & F, Specifications applicable,
Drawings & Designs, General Rules and Directions, Conditions of Contract, Clauses of Contract, Special
conditions, Schedule of Rate & other documents and rules referred to in the conditions of contract and all
other contents in the tender document for the work.
I/We hereby tender for the execution of the work specified for the President of India within the time
specified in Schedule ‘F’ viz., schedule of quantities and in accordance in all respect with the
specifications, designs, drawing and instructions in writing referred to in Rule-1 of General Rules and
Directions & in Clause 11 of the Conditions of Contract and with such materials as are provided for, by,
and in respect of accordance with, such conditions so far as applicable.
I/We agree to keep the tender open for Thirty (30) days from the date of its opening and not to make any
modification in its terms and conditions.
I/We have deposited EMD for the prescribed amount in the office of concerned Executive Engineer as
per the bid document.
A copy of earnest money deposit receipt of prescribed amount deposited in the form of Insurance
Surety Bonds, Account Payee Demand Draft, Fixed Deposit Receipt, Banker's Cheque or Bank
Guarantee (as prescribed) issued by a Commercial Bank, is scanned and uploaded (strike out as the
case may be) If I/We, fail to furnish the prescribed performance guarantee within prescribed period, I/We
agree that the said President of India or his successors, in office shall without prejudice to any other right
or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit the said earnest money absolutely. Further, if I/We fail to commence
work as specified, I/We agree that President of India or the successors in office shall without prejudice to
any other right or remedy available in law, be at liberty to forfeit the said performance guarantee
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absolutely, the said performance guarantee shall be a guarantee to execute all the works referred to in the
tender documents upon the terms and conditions contained or referred to those in excess of that limit at
the rates to be determined in accordance with the provision contained in clause 12.2 and 12.3 of the
tender form.
Further, I/We agree that in case of forfeiture of Earnest Money or Performance Guarantee as aforesaid,
I/We shall be debarred for participation in the re-tendering process of the work.
I/we undertake and confirm that eligible similar work(s) has/have not been got executed through another
agency on back-to-back basis. Further that, if such a violation comes to the notice of Department, then
I/we shall be debarred for tendering in CPWD in future forever. Also, if such a violation comes to the
notice of Department before date of start of work, the Engineer-in-charge shall be free to forfeit the entire
amount of Earnest Money Deposit/Performance Guarantee.
I/We hereby declare that I/We shall treat the tender documents, drawings and other records connected
with the work as secret/confidential documents and shall not communicate information/derived there
from to any person other than a person to whom I/We am/are authorized to communicate the same or use
the information in any manner prejudicial to the safety and integrity of the State.
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The above tender (as modified by you as provided in the letters mentioned hereunder) is accepted by me
for and on behalf of the President of India for a sum of Rs.……………………………………….
(Rupee. ……………………………………………………).
The letters referred to below shall form part of this contract agreement:
(a) …………………………
(b) ………………………….
(c) ………………………….
Dated: …………….
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Schedule of quantities: (for Civil Works: As per sheets attached)
Extra schedule for specific requirements/documents for the work, if any: Nil
Reference to General Conditions of Contract: General Conditions of Contract-2023 (Construction
works) as amended / modified up to the last date of submission of Tenders.
Name of Work: C/o 1 No. 120 Men Barrack for 1st Bn. ITBP at Sunil, Joshimath, Uttarakhand.
Estimated cost of work: Civil Work - Rs. 10,86,39,633/-
Electrical work - Rs. 1,11,76,312/-
Total Rs. 11,98,15,945/-
(i) Earnest Money Rs. 21,98,159/- (to be returned after receiving Performance
(ii) Performance Guarantee 5% of tendered value
General Rules & Directions:
9(ii) Standard CPWD Contract Form: GCC 2023 (Construction work), CPWD Form 7
asmodified & Corrected up-to the last date of
submission of tenders
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(ii) Maximum allowable extension with late fee @ 0.1% per day 03 (Three) days
of Performance Guarantee amount beyond the period
provided in (i) above
(i) Number of days from the date of issue of letter of acceptance 10 (Ten) days
for reckoning date of start
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1. Withheld amount shall be released if and when subsequent milestone is achieved within respective time
specified. However, in case milestones are not achieved by the Bidder for the work, the amount shown
against milestone shall be withheld.
2. Intending bidder may submit phasing of activities/milestones based on their resources and methodology at
the time of bidding corresponding to physical milestones/stages indicated in the above table. These shall be
formed part of the agreement after approval of the accepting authority, otherwise it would be assumed that
agency agrees with the above mentioned physical milestones.
3. Sample barrack hall (1 set of 6/8 bed) & one toilet block shall be completed within 8 months after
start of work. In case of failure to achieve the target, Rs. 10,000/- per day(non-refundable) shall be
deducted from the contractor bills subjected to maximum of 0.25% of the composite tendered cost.
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Authority to decide:
(iii) Shifting of date of start in case Chief Engineer-Dehradun, CPWD, Dehradun or his successor
of delay in handing over of site thereof
Part Portion of site Description Time period for handing over reckoned
from date of issue of letter of intent
Schedule of rate of recovery for delay in submission of the Time and Progress Chart and Progress
I For works costing upto Rs. 20 Crore Rs. 2,500/ per week or part week
II For works costing more than Rs. 20 Crore Rs. 5,000/ per week or part week
Nature of Hindrance Register (either Physical or Electronic): Electronic /Online system through
CPWD website under
“Contractors Login” tab.
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Schedule of rate of recovery for delay in submission of the modified programme in terms of delay
II More than Rs. 1 Crore but less than or equal to Rs. 1000 per day
Rs. 5 Crore
III More than Rs. 5 Crore but less than or equal to Rs. 2500 per day
Rs. 20 Crore
Gross work to be done together with net payment /adjustment of Rs. 50 lacs for Civil work
advances for material collected, if any, since the last such payment
for being eligible to interim payment
Clause-8 A:
Recovery Rate for non-submission of completion plan by the contractor Rs. 2,00,000/-
Clause-10B(i): Applicable
Clause-10 B(ii) Applicable
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Clause-10CC: Applicable
12.2 & 12.3 Deviation Limit beyond which clauses 12.2 & 12.3 shall apply for 100%.
building work
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Suggestive List of Machinery, Tools &Plants to be deployed by the Contractor at site:
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Pneumatic equipment
Dewatering equipment
Power equipment
1. Workshop facilities for fabrication/addition and alterations, and other allied works shall be
arranged by the contractor at his own cost.
2. The list of equipment/T&P/machinery as per above is for general guidance. In addition to
these, machinery / equipment as required shall be arranged by the contractor in case the
requirement at any stage exceeds as per the Programme finalized at his own cost and
nothing extra whatsoever on this account shall be paid. This includes equipment for
arrangement of concrete from RMC producing plants also.
3. All the equipment, T&P and machinery shall be kept in good working conditions.
4. Equipment like batching plant, concrete pump, excavators/Transit mixer etc. shall be
allowed to be moved away from the site when, the same are no longer required at site of
work in the opinion of Engineer-in-charge.
5. In addition to above list, contractor is bound to brought at site any test equipment for any
item of work, at his own cost, which Engineer-in-Charge may direct him. Nothing extra
shall be paid to contractor in this regard. Direction of Engineer-in-Charge in this regard
shall be final & binding.
6. If contractor fails to comply such directions within time specified by Engineer-in-Charge,
the same shall be brought to site by department by any means at cost of contractor itself
and nothing shall be paid in this regard.
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Rs. 500.00 Each default (For enhanced penalty in case of continuous default)
1. The specialized technical staff for execution for component such as plumbing, water
proofing, fire fighting, HVAC, Acoustic, landscaping etc. shall be deployed as per the
requirement ofwork.
2. Assistant Engineers retired from Government services who are holding Diploma will
be treated at par with Graduate Engineers.
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Applicable as given below:
(a) Cement
(b) Bitumen for all works. 2.5% Plus only and nil on minus side.
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1. General Conditions of Contract (GCC 2023-Construction work) for CPWD Works which is
available at M/s Jain Book Agency, 4574/15, 2nd Floor, Padam Chand Marg, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-
110002as CPWD publication shall be deemed to be part of the Tender document.
2. The Standard GCC is amended from time to time through issue of OMs under series DG/CON which
are available on CPWD official website at Circulars/
DG CON. The said Circulars bearing no. Misc.26 dt.21.06.2023 and onwards issued upto last date of
tender submission shall also be deemed to be part of tender document.
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Whereas the Executive Engineer…………………….. (name of division)…………………….
CPWD on behalf of the President of India (hereinafter called "The Government”) has entered
into an agreement bearing number……………… with ...................... (name and address of the
contractor)………. (hereinafter called "the Contractor”) for execution of work............. ... (name
of work) …........ The Government has further agreed to accept an irrevocable Bank Guarantee
for Rs. ....................... (Rupees …...... only) valid upto ........ (date)........ asPerformance
Guarantee/security Deposit/Mobilization Advance from the said Contractor for compliance of
his obligations in accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreement.
2. We, ............... (indicate the name of the bank)……………….. (herein after referred to as “the
Bank”), hereby undertake to pay to the Government an amount not exceeding Rs...........................
(Rupees......... only) on demand by the Government within 10 days of the demand.
3. We, ........................ (indicate the name of the Bank) do here by undertake to pay the amount due
and payable under this guarantee without any demur, merely on a demand from the Government
stating that the amount claimed is required to meet the recoveries due or likely to be due from the
said contractor. Any such demand made on the Bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount
due and payable by the Bank under this Guarantee. However, our liability under this guarantee
shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs. ........ (Rupees ...................only)
4. We, .................. (indicate the name of the Bank) ..............., further undertake to pay the
Government any money so demanded notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the
contractor in any suit or proceeding pending before any court or Tribunal, our liability under this
Bank Guarantee being absolute and unequivocal. The payment so made by us under this Bank
Guarantee shall be a valid discharge of our liability for payment there under and the contractor
shall have no claim against us for making such payment.
5. We, ..................... (indicate the name of the Bank)……………… further agree that the
Government shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any
manner our obligation here under to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said agreement
or to extend time of performance by the said contractor from time to time or to postpone for any
time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by the Government against the said
contractor and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions rerating to the said
agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation or
extension being granted to the said contractor or for any forbearance, act of omission on the part
of the Government or any indulgence by the Government to the said contractor or by any such
matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would, but for this provision,
have effect of so relieving us.
6. we, ................... (indicate the name of the Bank)………………….. further agree that the
Government at its option shall be entitled to enforce this Guarantee against the Bank as a
principal debtor at the first instance without proceeding against the contractor and
notwithstanding any security or other guarantee the Government may have in relation to the
Contractor's liabilities.
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7. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the bank or the
8. We, ...................... (indicate the name of the Bank)………………undertake not to revoke this
guarantee except with the consent of the Government in writing.
9. This Bank Guarantee shall be valid up to…………….. unless extended on demand by the
Government. Notwithstanding anything mentioned above our liabilities against this guarantee is
restricted to Rs.…………….. (Rupees…………………………… only) and unless a claim in
writing is lodged. un shall stand discharged. Date. Witnesses: the constitution of the Bank or the
.........., undertake not to revoke this ng. unless extended on demand bY the anything mentioned
above, our liability against this guarantee is (Rupees.................... only) and unless a claim in
writing is lodged. With us within the date of expiry of the of this guarantee, all our liabilities
under this guarantee shall stand discharged.
1- Signature………………. Authorized signatory
Name and address Name
Staff code no.
Bank seal
2- Signature…………………
Name and address
*Date to be worked out on the basis of validity period of 90 days where only financial bids are
invited and 180 days for two/three bid system from the date of submission of tender.
**ln paragraph 1, strike out the portion not applicable. Bank Guarantee will be made either for
earnest money or for performance guarantee/security deposit/mobilization advance, as the case
may be.
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1. Several documents forming the tender are to be taken as mutually complementary to one another.
2. Except for the items, for which Particular Specifications are given or where it is specifically
mentioned otherwise in the description of the items, the work shall generally be carried out in
accordance with the “CPWD Specifications - 2019 (Vol. I &II) for civil works with upto date
correction slips (hereinafter to be collectively referred to as ‘CPWD Specifications’). Wherever
CPWD Specifications are silent, then the latest BIS Codes/Specifications, National Building Code
2016, MoRTH specification or any other specification shall be followed.
3. The order of preference in case of any discrepancy as indicated in condition No. 8.1 under
“Conditions of Contract” given in standard CPWD Contract form may be read as the following:
(i) Nomenclature of items as per Schedule of Quantities
(ii) General, Special Conditions, Additional conditions and Particular Specifications as provided
forming part of tender document.
(iii) CPWD Specifications with up-to-date Correction slips
(iv) Architectural/Structural drawings
(v) Indian Standard Specifications of BIS
(vi) National Building Code - 2016
(vii) Manufacturer’s specifications.
(viii) Sound Engineering Practices
(ix) Decision of Engineer-in-charge
A reference made to any Indian Standard Specifications in these documents, shall imply to the latest
version of that standard, including such revisions / amendments as issued by the Bureau of Indian
Standards up to last date of receipt of tenders. The Contractor shall keep at his own cost all such
publications of relevant Indian Standard applicable to the work at site.
4. The proposed building work is a prestigious project and quality of work is of paramount importance.
Contractor shall have to engage well experienced skilled labour and deploy modern T&P and other
equipment to execute the work. Many items like stone masonry & stone cladding work, stone
flooring, flooring work, wood work, precast RCC coffers, polysulphide / silicone sealant & other
specialized works (whichever applicable) will specifically require engagement of skilled workers
having experience particularly in execution of such items.
5. The bidder shall acquaint himself with the proposed site of work, its approach roads, working space
available etc. before quoting his rates and no claim on this account shall be entertained by the
6. The bidder shall get himself acquainted with nature and extent of the work and satisfy himself about
the availability of materials from kiln or approved quarries for collection and conveyance of materials
required for construction.
7. The bidder shall see the approaches to the site. In case any approach from main road is required at
site or existing approach is to be improved and maintained for cartage of materials by the contractor,
the same shall be provided, improved and maintained by the contractor at his own cost. No payment
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shall be made on this account and the quoted rates shall be deemed to be inclusive of all such
8. The building work shall be carried out in the manner complying in all respects with the requirements
of the relevant bylaws and regulations of the local body under the jurisdiction of which the work is to
be executed or as directed by the Engineer-in-charge and nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
9. The bidder shall carefully consider conditions for provision of site office and condition of sub soil
water removal etc.
10. The contractor(s) shall inform/issue notices to the Municipality, police and other authorities that may
be required as per law and obtain all requisite permission/ licenses for temporary obstructions,
enclosures etc. Contractor(s) shall pay all fee, taxes and charges which may be leviable on account
of these operations in executing the contract. He shall make good any damage to the property
whether public or private and shall supply and maintain lights either for illumination or for
cautioning the public at night at his own cost. Nothing, whatsoever, extra shall be admissible on this
account over and above the tendered rates.
11. For construction works which are likely to generate malba / rubbish, the contractor shall reuse it at
site as directed by the Engineer-in-charge or hand over to recycling agents or dispose of at his own
cost to the notified/specified Municipal dumping ground. No recovery on this account shall be made
from the agency as well as no extra payment will be made to agency if it is disposed at pre-defined
location within the campus / Municipal dumping ground.
12. The contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent any nuisance or inconvenience to the
owners, tenants or occupiers of adjacent properties and to the public in general and to prevent any
damage to such properties and any pollution of smoke, streams and water-ways. He shall make good
at his cost and to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge, any damage to roads, paths, cross
drainage works or public or private property whatsoever caused thereon by the contractor. All waste
or superfluous materials shall be carried away by the contractor without any reservation entirely to
the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
13. Utmost care shall be taken to keep the noise level to the barest minimum so that no disturbance as far
as possible is caused to the occupants / users of building/adjacent properties.
14. The works shall be carried out in accordance with the Architectural drawings and structural drawings,
to be issued from time to time by the Engineer-in-Charge or as mentioned in detailed program chart
submitted by the contractor after award of work. Before commencement of any item of work, the
contractor shall correlate all the relevant architectural and structural drawings issued for the work and
satisfy himself that the information available thereof is complete and unambiguous. The discrepancy,
if any shall be brought to the notice of the Engineer-in-Charge before execution of the work. The
contractor alone shall be responsible for any loss or damage executing by the commencement of
work on the basis of any erroneous and or incomplete information.
15. The Architectural drawings given in the tender, if any, other than those indicated in nomenclature of
items are only indicative of the nature of the work and materials/fixings involved unless and
otherwise specifically mentioned. However, the work shall be executed in accordance with the
drawings duly approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
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16. Other specialized agencies will also simultaneously execute and install the works of sub-station /
generating sets, air-conditioning, lifts, etc. (whichever applicable) for the work and the contractor
shall afford necessary facilities for the same.
17. The contractor shall leave such recesses, holes, openings trenches etc. as may be required for such
related works for which inserts, sleeves, brackets, conduits, base plates, clamps etc. shall also be
fixed at time of casting of concrete, stone work and brick work, if required, and nothing extra shall
be payable on this account.
18. The contractor shall conduct work so as not to interfere with or hinder the progress or completion of
the work being performed by other contractor(s) or by the Engineer-in-Charge and shall as far as
possible arrange his work and shall place and dispose of the materials being used or removed so as
not to interfere with the operations of other contractor or he shall arrange his work with that of the
others in an acceptable and coordinated manner and shall perform it in proper sequence to the
complete satisfaction of others.
19. Some restrictions may be imposed by the security agencies /client on the working and on movement
of labour, materials etc in the campus/site and may require to issue identity cards to all persons
authorized by contractor to do work / visit the work site. The contractor shall be bound to follow all
such restrictions / instructions and no claim whatsoever shall on this account will be entertained. The
loss of time on this account, if any, shall have to be made up by generating additional resources etc.
at no extra cost.
20. The rates quoted by the contractor are deemed to be inclusive of site clearance, setting out work,
profile, establishment of reference bench mark, spot levels, construction of all safety and protection
devices, barriers, earth embankments, preparatory works, all testing of materials, working during
monsoon, working at all depths, height and locations etc. unless specified in the schedule of
21. Royalty at the prevailing rates wherever payable shall have to be paid by the contractor on the
boulders, metal, shingle, sand, local earth/soil and bajri etc. or any other material collected by him for
the work direct to revenue authorities and nothing extra shall be paid by the department for the same.
22. Permission for the Excavation of the Basement and/or any Mining Approval for supplyof earth,
carriage and disposal of surplus excavated earth shall be obtained by the contractor at his own
expenses from Local Administration / Revenue Authority. Department / Client Department shall only
forward the case to the concerned Authority. Moreover, all the fee including royalty for supply of
earth, carriage and disposal surplus excavated earth is to be paid by the contractor to the concerned
department. Nothing extra shall be paid on account of this to the contractor.
23. No payment shall be made for any damage caused by rain, snowfall, flood or any other natural
calamity, whatsoever during the execution of the work. The contractor shall be fully responsible for
any damage to the govt. property and work for which the payment has been advanced to him under
the contract and he shall make good the same at his risk and cost. The contractor shall be fully
responsible for safety and security of his material, T&P, Machinery brought to the site by him.
24. The contractor shall deploy adequate resources i.e. manpower, labour, T&P, Plant & Equipment etc.
as per actual requirement of work. No damages/compensation shall be payable on account of idle
manpower, labour, T&P, Plant and Equipment and loss of profit etc. for whatsoever reason.
25. The rates for all items of work shall, unless clearly specified otherwise, include cost of all labour,
material, tools and plants, other inputs/taxes and shall apply to all heights/depths, leads and carriages
involved in the execution of the item. Nothing extra shall be payable on this amount.
26. The contractor (s) shall quote all-inclusive rates including all applicable taxes against the items in the
schedule of quantities and nothing extra shall be payable for any of the conditions and specifications
mentioned in the tender documents unless specifically specified otherwise.
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27. The rates for all items shall be considered as inclusive of pumping/baling out water, if necessary, for
which no extra payment shall be made. Those conditions shall be considered to include water from
any source such as inflow of flood, rain water, surface drainage, sewerage or due to any other reason
including surface and sub-soil water etc. and shall apply to the execution in any season.
28. The foundation trenches shall be kept free from water while works below ground level are in progress
and design calculation for the same including methodologies shall be submitted at least 15 days
before starts for approval of Engineer-in-Charge. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
29. The contractor shall make at his own cost all necessary arrangements for maintaining water level, in
the area where works are under execution low enough so as per design / execution requirement so as
not to cause any harm to the works or problems in carrying out with the execution. The rates for all
items of work shall be considered as inclusive of pumping out or bailing out water, if required, for
which no extra payment shall be made. This will include water coming from any source, such as
rains, accumulated rain water, floods, leakages from sewer and water mains , subsoil water table
being high or due to any other cause whatsoever. The contractor shall make necessary provision of
safety, pumping, dredging, and bailing out watercoming from all above sources and excavation and
other works shall be kept free of water by providing suitable system approved by the Engineer-in-
30. Sub soil water table shall be maintained at least 50 cm below the P.C.C. level or as per design
requirement during laying of P.C.C., water proofing treatment, laying of raft, pile cap and beams
including filling of earth/sand under the plinth floor.
31. The water table shall not be allowed to rise above base of pile cap/raft until completion of outer
retaining walls of basement including water proofing of vertical surface of walls and back filling
along the walls up to ground level and until the structure attains such height to counter balance the
uplift pressure as per design requirement.
32. The bidder shall study the soil investigation report (indicative only) for the site, available in the office
of the Engineer-in-charge and satisfy himself about complete characteristics of soil and sub-soil
water level and other parameters of soil at site.
33. The bidder should inspect the site and make his own assessment about sub-soil water level likely to
be encountered at the time of execution. Rate of all items are inclusive of pumping out or bailing out
water, if required. Nothing extra on this account whatsoever shall be paid to him. The sequence of
construction shall be got approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
34. The work shall be executed and measured as per metric dimensions given in the Schedule of
quantities, drawings etc. (FPS units wherever indicated are for guidance only).
35. No foreign exchange shall be made available by the Department for importing (purchase) of
equipment, plants, machinery, materials of any kind or any other items required to be carried out
during execution of the work. No delay and no claim of any kind shall be entertained from the
Contractor, on account of variation in the foreign exchange rate.
36. All ancillary and incidental facilities required for execution of work like labour camp, stores,
fabrication yard, offices for Contractor, watch and ward, temporary ramp required to be made for
working at the basement level, temporary structure for plants and machineries, temporary barricading
or fencing around the working sites, water storage tanks, installation and consumption charges of
temporary electricity, telephone, water etc. required for execution of the work, protection works,
testing facilities / laboratory at site of work, facilities for all field tests and for taking samples etc.
during execution or any other activity which is necessary (for execution of work and as directed by
Corrections - Nil
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Engineer-in-Charge), shall be deemed to be included in rates quoted by the Contractor. Nothing extra
shall be payable on these accounts.
37. Before start of the work, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer-in-Charge, a site / construction
yard layout, specifying areas for construction, site office, positioning of machinery, material yard,
cement & other storage, fabrication yard, site laboratory, water tank etc. for approval.
38. For completing the work in time, the Contractor might be required to work in two or more shifts
(including night shifts). Normally contractors shall not be allowed to execute the RCC, electrical and
finishing work at night. Work at night shall, however, be allowed if the site conditions/circumstances
so demand. No claim whatsoever shall be entertained on this account, not with-standing the fact that
the contractor may have to pay extra amounts for any reason, to the labours and other staff engaged
directly or indirectly on the work according to the provisions of the labour Act and other statutory
bodies regulations and the agreement entered upon by the contractor with them.
39. The contractor shall maintain in perfect condition, all portions executed till completion of the entire
work allotted to him. Where however phased delivery of work is contemplated these provisions shall
apply separately to each phase.
40. All material shall only be brought at site as per program finalized with the Engineer-in-Charge. Any
pre-delivery of the material not required for immediate consumption shall not be accepted and thus
not paid for.
41. The contractor shall take instructions from the Engineer-in-Charge regarding collection and stacking
of materials at any place. No excavated earth or building rubbish shall be stacked on areas where
other buildings, roads, services and compound walls are to be constructed. The stacking shall take
place as per stacking plan however, if any change is required, the same shall be done with the
approval of Engineer-in-Charge.
42. The Contractor shall bear all incidental charges for all type of cartage/carriage upto execution site,
storage and safe custody of materials issued by department/arranged by the contractor.
43. The terms machine batched, machine mixed and machine vibrated concrete used elsewhere in
agreement shall mean the concrete produced in concrete batching and mixing plant and if necessary
transported by transit concrete mixers, placed in position by the concrete pumps, tower crane and
vibrated by surface vibrator /needle vibrator / plate vibrator, as the case may be to achieve required
strength and durability.
44. The cost of flooring is inclusive of providing sunken/depressed flooring in bath-rooms, kitchen, etc.
and nothing extra on this account shall be payable.
45. Agency has to manage the floor level during casting considering the varying thickness of different
flooring materials to be used at any floor level. Nothing extra shall be paid for extra mortar for
matching the floor level.
46. Any legal or financial implications resulting out of carriage of earth from outside or disposal of earth
shall be sole responsibility of the contractor. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
47. No chase cutting/dismantling of plaster/RCC/CC shall be allowed, so contractor has to execute the
electrical work accordingly. The work should be planned in a systematic manner so that chase
cuttings in the walls, ceilings and floors are minimized. Wherever absolutely essential, the chase shall
be cut using chase cutting machines. Chases will not be allowed to be cut using hammer / chisel. The
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electrical boxes should be fixed in walls simultaneously while raising the brick work. The contractor
shall ensure proper coordination of various disciplines viz. sanitary & water supply, electrical, fire-
fighting and any other services.
48. The work of water supply, internal sanitary installations and drainage, firefighting etc. shall be
carried out as per the bylaws of the Municipal Corporation or any other local body and the contractor
shall produce necessary completion certificates from such authority after completion of work.
49. In case of local Municipal regulations / restrictions by client /non-availability space at site if huts for
labours are not allowed to be erected at the site of work, the contractor shall be required to provide
such accommodation at suitable place at his own cost and nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
50. Any cement slurry/chemical added over base surface for continuation of concerting for better bond is
deemed to have been built in the items and nothing extra shall be payable and no extra cement
considered in consumption on this account.
51. Existing drains, pipes, cables, over-head wires, sewer lines, water lines and similar service
encountered in the course of the execution of work shall be protected against the damage by the
contractor at his own expense. In case the same are to be removed or diverted as per direction of
Engineer-in-charge,the contractor shall submit the design and methodology for diversion/ shifting
and and submit thecostproposalfor payment in time atleast a month before scheduled execution and
the same shall be approved/in-principal approved by Engineer-in-Charge before execution of work.
52. The contractor shall not store materials or otherwise occupy any part of the site in a manner likely to
hinder the operation of such services.
53. The contractor shall be responsible for the watch and ward / guard of the buildings safety, fittings and
fixtures provided by him against pilferage and breakage during the period of installations and
thereafter till the building is physically handed over to the department or upto defect liability period.
No extra payment shall be made on this account.
54.1. Contractor shall provide permanent bench marks and other reference points for the proper
execution of work and these shall be preserved till the end of work. All such reference points
shall be in relation to the levels and locations, given in the Architectural and plumbing
drawings and direction of Engineering-in-Charge.
54.2. The contractor shall establish, maintain and assume responsibility for grades, lines, levels and
bench marks. He shall report any errors or inconsistencies regarding grades, lines, levels,
dimensions to the Engineer-in-Charge before commencing work. Commencement of work
shall be regarded as the contractor's acceptance of such grades, lines, levels and dimensions
and no claim shall be entertained at a later date for any errors found.
54.3. If at any time, any error in this respect shall appear during the progress of the work, the
contractor shall, at his own expense rectify such error if so required to the satisfaction of the
Engineer-in-Charge. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
54.4. Though the site levels may be indicated in the drawings the contractor shall ascertain himself
and confirm the site levels with respect to GTS bench mark from the concerned authorities.
54.5. The approval by the Engineer-in-Charge of the setting out by the contractor shall not relieve
the contractor of any of his responsibilities.
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54.6. The contractor shall be entirely and exclusively responsible for the horizontal, vertical and
other alignment, the level and correctness of every part of the work and shall rectify effectively
any errors or imperfections therein. Such rectifications shall be carried out by the contractor at
his own cost to the instructions and satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
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58.11. For certain items, if frequency of tests not mentioned in the CPWD Specifications, then
relevant IS code shall be followed and tests shall be carried out as per the frequency specified
58.12. If any load testing or special testing is to be done for any sample whose strength is doubtful,
the cost of the same shall also be borne by the contractor.
58.13. Samples of all materials and fittings to be used in the work in respect of brand manufacturer
and quality shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-Charge, well in advance of actual
execution and shall be preserved till the completion of the work. If a particular brand of
material is specified in the item of work in Schedule of Quantity, the same shall be used after
getting the same approved from Engineer-in-Charge. Wherever brand / quality of material is
not specified in the item of work, the contractor shall submit the samples as per approved list
of brand names given in the tender document / additional specifications for approval of
Engineer-in-charge. For all other items, materials and fittings of ISI Marked shall be used with
the approval of Engineer-in-Charge. Wherever ISI Marked material / fittings are not available,
the contractor shall submit samples of materials / fittings manufactured by firms of repute
conforming to relevant specifications or IS codes and use the same only after getting the
58.14. To avoid delay, contractor should submit samples as stated above well in advance so as to
give timely orders for procurement. If any material, even though approved by Engineer-in-
Charge is found defective or not conforming to specifications shall be replaced / removed by
the contractor at his own risk & cost.
58.15. The contractor shall get the source of all other materials, not specified elsewhere in the
document, approved from the Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor shall stick to the approved
source unless it is absolutely unavoidable. Any change shall be done with the prior approval
of the Engineer-in-Charge for which tests etc. shall be done by the contractor at his own cost.
Similarly, the contractor shall submit brand/ make of various materials not specified in the
agreement, to be used for the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge along with samples and
once approved, he shall stick to it.
58.16. The contractor shall get the water tested with regard to its suitability and conforming to the
relevant IS Code. The contractor shall obtain written approval from the Engineer-in-Charge
before he proceeds by using the same for execution of work. If tube well water is not suitable,
the contractor shall arrange Municipal water or from any other source at his own cost and
nothing extra shall be paid on this account. The water shall be got tested at frequency
specified in latest CPWD Specifications / BIS Code. The water testing charges shall be borne
by the contractor.
58.17. The Stone aggregate/stone, sand shall be brought from any quarries subjected to the said
materials conforming to CPWD specifications.
58.18. The gradation of fine sand to be used in plaster work shall be strictly as per CPWD
Specifications 2019, conforming to IS:1542-1977. The plastered surface shall be fairly smooth
without any undulation of any kind for applying paint/white wash.
58.19. No concreting shall be done until the mix-design is approved by Engineer-in-charge. In case
of change of source or characteristic properties of the ingredients used in the concrete mix-
design during the work, a revised concrete mix-design conducted by laboratory established at
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site shall be submitted by the contractor as per the direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
Nothing extra shall be paid on this account. No claim for extra time or delay, whatsoever, on
this account shall be entertained.
58.20. The contractor shall submit shop drawings of staging and shuttering arrangement, aluminum
work and other work including mock work as desired by Engineer-in-charge for his approval
before execution. The contractor shall also submit bar bending schedule for approval of
Engineer-in-charge before execution.
58.21. The contractor shall invariably prepare the samples of finishing items i.e. flooring of different
types, external & internal finishing i/c colour scheme of paint, tiles in dado, flooring in
platforms & staircase, water supply & sanitary fittings and any other item as per direction of
Engineer-in-charge. The contractor shall proceed with further finishing items only after
getting the samples of these items approved in writing from Engineer-in-charge.
58.22. One sample room/office/quarters (whichever applicable) with toilet(s) complete in all shape
for each category, shall be prepared by the contractor and got approved from Engineer-in-
charge in writing. The contractor shall be allowed to proceed with further work only after
getting the sample approved in writing from Engineer-in-charge No extra claim whatsoever
beyond the payments due at agreement rates will be entertained from the contractor on this
58.23. The construction joints shall the provided in predetermined locations only as decided by
Engineer in charge. The cost of shuttering or any material for these construction joints shall be
included in item of Concrete work / RCC work and nothing extra shall be payable on this
account to the contractor.
58.24. Water tanks, taps, sanitary, water supply and drainages pipes, fittings and accessories should
conform to the specifications provided in bidding documents. The contractor should engage
approved, licensed plumbers for the work and get the materials (fixtures/fittings) tested, by the
municipal Body/Corporation authorities, wherever required, at his own cost. The Contractor
shall submit for the approval to the Engineer-in-Charge the name of the plumbing agency
proposed to be engaged by him.
58.25. All the hidden items such as water supply lines, drainage pipes, conduits, sewers etc. are to be
properly tested as per the design conditions submitted before covering.
58.26. The contractor shall give a performance test of the entire installation(s) as per standing
specifications before the work is finally accepted by making his own arrangements for water
supply, electricity etc. and nothing extra whatsoever shall be payable for the same.
58.27. The agency shall submit all the original GST Bill and eway bills of all the materials procured
for this work as a proof of the genuinity of the materials.
58.28. Door/window frames/shutters and other factory-made materials shall be procured from
reputed and approved manufacturers or their authorized dealers. Decision of Engineer-in-
charge in this regard shall be final and binding.
58.29. The contractor shall provide documentation of the total sequence of this project by way of
photography, slides , audio-video recording etc. Nothing extra shall by payable to the
contractor on this account.
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h) Digital Vernier
i) Digital micrometer screw gauge.
j) Elcho meter for measuring all type of paint/powder coating thickness on all materials.
k) Ultrasonic pulse velocity apparatus for testing of concrete.
l) Digital distance measuring meter with range of 200 meter.
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(ii) Other Laboratories: The contractor shall arrange carrying out all tests required under the
agreement through the laboratory approved by ADG/SDG as per direction of the
Engineer-in-Charge and shall bear all charges in connection therewith including charges
for testing for all materials.
(iii) All the entries in the registers will be made by the designated engineering staff of the
contractor and same should be regularly reviewed by JE/AE/EE.
(iv) All samples of materials including cement concrete cubes shall be taken jointly with contractor
by JE and out of this at least 50% samples shall be taken in presence of AE in charge. If there
is no JE, all samples of materials including cement concrete cubes shall be taken by AE jointly
with contractor. All the necessary assistance shall be provided by the contractor. Cost of
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sampling & testing are to be borne by the contractor and he shall be responsible for safe
custody of samples to be tested at site/ outside laboratory.
(v) All the tests in field lab at construction site shall be carried out by the Engineering staff
deployed by the contractor and shall be 100% witnessed by JE and 50% of tests shall be
witnessed by AE –in-Charge. At least 10% of the tests are to be witnessed by the Executive
(vi) Submission of copy of all test registers, material at site register along with each alternate
running account bill and final bill shall be mandatory. These registers should be duly checked
by division office.
repaired by grouting using Portland Cement Mortar/Polymer Modifies Cement Mortar /Epoxy
Mortar etc. after chipping loose concrete in appropriate manner. In areas where concrete is
found below acceptance criteria and defects are not apparently visible on surface, injecting
approved grout in appropriate proportion using epoxy grout /acrylic Polymer modified cements
slurry made with shrinkage compensating cement / plain cement slurry etc. will be resorted to
for repairs. (refer relevant chapters from CPWD Hand Book on Repairs and Rehabilitation of
RCC Buildings). Repair to concrete will be done till satisfactory results are obtained as per the
acceptance criteria by retesting of the repaired area. If satisfactory results are not obtained
dismantling and relaying of concrete will be done.
58.33. Removal of Rejected / Sub-standard Materials:
The following procedure should be followed in case of removal of rejected/sub-standard
materials from the site of work.
a) Whenever any material brought by the contractor to the site of work is rejected, entry
thereof should invariably be made in the site order book under the signature of the
AE/AEE giving approximate quantity of such materials.
b) As soon as the material is removed, a certificate to that effect may be recorded by the
AE/AEE against the original entry, giving the date of removal a mode of removal i.e.
whether by truck, carts or by manual labour. If removal is by truck, the registration
number of the truck should be recorded.
c) When it is not possible for the AE/AEE to be present at the site of work at the time of
actual removal of the rejected/sub-standard materials from the site the required
certificate should be recorded by the Junior Engineer and the AE/AEE should
countersign the certificate recorded by the Junior Engineer.
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60.2 Executive Engineer will first assign the work to the JEs/SEs who will give their comments on the
hindrance within 2 days. After that, Executive Engineer of the work will have to take appropriate
action on the hindrance within next 2 days. The comments of JEs/AEs will not be visible to
contractor, only the decision of Executive Engineer on the hindrance will be visible to contractor
under “Decision of the Engineer-in-Charge.”
On completion of work, the Contractor shall submit at his own cost four prints of “AS BUILT”
drawings to the Engineer-in-Charge within 30 days of completion of work. These drawings shall
have the following information also.
(i) Diameters of all soil waste pipes and vertical stacks with location.
(ii) Ground and invert levels of all drainage pipes together with locations of all manholes and
connections, up to outfall.
(iii) Diameter of all water supply line with locations of control valves, access panels etc.
Final bill will not be paid and Security Deposit shall not be released until submission of as built
drawings as above.
Note 2: Nothing extra shall be paid on the account of these General conditions.
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h) While using PPC for structural concrete work, no further admixing of flyash shall be permitted
1.2 Supply of cement shall be made in 50 kg. bags bearing manufacturer’s name and ISI marking.
Samples of cement arranged by the contractor shall be taken by the Engineer-in-Charge and got
tested in accordance with provisions of the relevant BIS codes. In case the test results indicate that
the cement arranged by the contractor does not confirm to the relevant BIS code the same shall
stand rejected and shall be removed from the site by the contractor at his own cost within a week’s
time of written order from the Engineer-in-charge to do so.
1.3 The cement shall be brought at site in bulk supply of approximately 50 tonnes or as decided by the
1.4 The cement godown of the capacity to store a minimum of 2000 bags of cement shall be
constructed by the contractor at site of work for which no extra payment shall be made.
1.5 Cement bags shall be stored in separate godowns to be constructed by the contractor at his own
cost as per sketch (which is only indicative and actual size will depend on the site requirements)
given in CPWD specifications with weather proof roofs and walls. Each godown shall be provided
with a single shutter door with two locks. The key of one lock shall remain with Engineer-in-
charge or his authorized representative and that of the other lock with the authorized agent of the
contractor at the site of work so that the cement is issued from the godown according to the daily
requirements with the knowledge of both parties and proper account for the same is maintained in
the standard proforma. The contractor shall be responsible for the watch and ward and safety of the
cement godown. The contractor shall facilitate the inspection of the cement godown by the
Engineer-in-Charge at any time.
1.6 The cement shall be got tested by the Engineer-in-Charge and shall be used on the work only after
satisfactory test results have been received. The contractor shall supply free of charge the cement
required for testing including its transportation cost to test laboratories. The cost of tests shall be
borne by the contractor.
1.7. The actual issue and consumption of cement on work shall be regulated and proper accounts
maintained as provided in clause 10A of the contract. The theoretical consumption of cement shall
be worked out as per procedure prescribed in clause 38 of the contract and shall be governed by
conditions laid therein. In case the cement consumption is less than theoretical consumption
including permissible variation, recovery at the rate show prescribed shall be made after ensuring
structural soundness and stability on the basis of testing. In case of excess consumption, no
adjustment need to made.
1.8. The cement brought to site and the cement remaining unused after completion of the work shall not
be removed from site without the written permission of the Engineer-in-Charge.
1.9. The damaged cement shall be removed from the site immediately by the contractor on receipt of a
notice in writing from the Engineer-in-Charge. If he does not do show within three days of receipt
of such notice, the Engineer-in-Charge shall get it removed at the cost of the contractor.
1.10. Separate cement registers showing the receipt of the OPC and PPC shall be maintained at site. The
contractor shall construct separate godowns for storage of OPC & PPC at site and nothing extra on
this account shall be payable.
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1.11. In order to have an effective control over the issue of cement, the following drill should be
(i) The cement godown(s) should be properly and effectively double locked, keys of one of the
locks remaining with the department and that of the other with the contractor.
(ii) The pages of the Cement Register should be as per Annexure-30 of CPWD Works Manual
for SOP-2022, machine numbered and each page initialed by the Executive Engineer.
(iii) Periodical checking of cement godown: The cement godown and the Cement Register
should be checked by the Assistant Engineer/Executive Engineer in-charge of the work as
per following schedule:
a) At least weekly or fortnightly, respectively, in case of works at the headquarters of the
Assistant Engineer/Executive Engineer.
b) Whenever they visit the site of work in case of works that are located outside the Sub-
Divisional/Divisional headquarters.
1.12. The contractor shall submit original vouchers from the manufacturer for the total quantity of
cement supplied under each consignment to be used in the work.
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2.7. The steel reinforcement shall be stored by the contractor at site of work in such a way as to
prevent distortion and corrosion and nothing extra shall be paid on this account. Bars of
different sizes and lengths shall be stored separately to facilitate easy counting and checking.
2.8. For checking nominal mass, tensile strength, bend test, re-bend test etc. specimen of
sufficient length shall be cut from each size of the bar at random at frequency not less than
that specified below:
Size of bar For consignment below 100 For consignment above 100
tonnes tonnes
Under 10mm dia. One sample for each 25 tonnes One sample for each 40 tonnes or
bars or part thereof part thereof
10mm to16mm One sample for each 35 tonnes One sample for each 45 tonnes or
dia bars or part thereof part thereof
Over 16mm dia One sample for each 45 tonnes One sample for each 50 tonnes or
bars or part thereof part thereof
2.9. The contractor shall supply free of charge the steel required for testing including
transportation to testing laboratories. The cost of tests shall be borne by the contractor.
2.10. The actual issue and consumption of steel on work shall be regulated and proper accounts
maintained as provided in clause 10A of the contract. The theoretical consumption of steel
shall be worked out as procedure prescribed in clause 38 of the contract and shall be
governed by conditions laid therein. In case the consumption is less than theoretical
consumption including permissible variations recovery at the rate so prescribed shall be
made. In case of excess consumption, no adjustment need to be made.
2.11. Steel brought to site and steel remaining unused shall not be removed from site without the
written permission of the Engineer-in-charge.
2.12. Steel bars brought by the contractor for use in the work shall be got checked from the
Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized representative of the work on receipt of the same at site
before use.
2.13. In case the contractor brings surplus quantity of steel the same after completion of the work
will be removed from the site by the contractor at his own cost after approval of the
2.14. Reinforcement including authorized spacer bars and overlaps shall be measured in length of
different diameters, as actually (not more than as specified in the drawing) used in the work,
nearest to a centimeter. Wastage and unauthorized overlaps shall not be measured.
2.15. The standard sectional weights referred to as in Table 5.4 under para 5.3.4 in CPWD
Specifications for works 2019 Vol. 1 will be considered for conversion of length of various
sizes of MS bars, Tor steel bars and TMT bars into standard weight.
2.16. Records of actual sectional weight shall also be kept dia-wise & lot-wise. The average
sectional weight for each diameter shall be arrived at from samples from each lot of steel
received at site. The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be final for the procedure to be
followed for determining the average sectional weight of each lot. Quantity of each diameter
of steel received at site of work each day will constitute one single lot for the purpose. The
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weight of steel by conversion of length of various sizes of bars based on the actual weighted
average sectional weight shall be termed as derived actual weight.
2.17. If the derived weight as in para 2.16 above is lesser than the standard weight as in para 2.15
above, the derived actual weight shall be taken for payment. If the derived actual weight is
found more than the standard weight then the standard weight as para 2.15 above shall be
taken for payment. In such case nothing extra shall be paid for the difference between the
derived actual weight and the standard weight.
2.18. Tolerances on Nominal Mass (individual sample) shall be as per table 5.4A of CPWD
Specification-2019, Vol-I.
2.19. Mixing of different type of steel/different grades of steel shall not be allowed in the same
structural members as main reinforcement to satisfy clause 26.1 of IS:456.
2.20. The contractor shall submit original vouchers from the manufacturer for the total quantity of
steel supplied under each consignment to be used in the work.
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4.1 SITE
4.1.1 The contractor shall ensure that all the top soil excavated during construction works is neatly
stacked and is not mixed with other excavated earth. The contractors shall take the clearance
of the Engineer in Charge before any excavation. Top soil should be stripped to a depth of 20
cm (centimeters) from the areas to be disturbed, for example proposed area for buildings,
roads, paved areas, external services and area required for construction activities etc. It shall
be stacked designated areas, covered or stabilized with temporary seeding for erosion
prevention and shall be reapplied to site during plantation, landscaping etc. of the proposed
vegetation. Top soil shall be separated from subsoil, debris and stones larger than 50 mm
diameter. The stored top soil may be used as finished grade for planting areas.
4.1.2 The Contractor should follow the construction plan as proposed by the Architect /
Engineer in Charge to minimize the site disturbance such as soil pollution due to spilling. Use
staging and spill prevention and control plan to restrict the spilling of the
contaminating material on site. Protect top soil from erosion by collection storage and
reapplication of top soil, constructing sediment basin, contour trenching, mulching etc.
4.1.3 No excavated earth shall be removed from the campus unless suggested by Engineer in Charge.
All subsoil shall be reused in backfilling/landscape, etc as per the instructions of the Engineer in
4.1.4 The contractor shall not change the natural gradient of the ground unless specifically instructed
by the Engineer in Charge. This shall cover all natural features like water bodies, drainage
gullies, slopes, mounds, depressions, etc. Existing drainage patterns through or into any
preservation area shall not be modified unless specifically directed by the Engineer-in-
4.1.5 The contractor shall not carry out any work which results in the blockage of natural
4.1.6 The contractor shall ensure that existing grades of soil shall be maintained around existing
vegetation and lowering or raising the levels around the vegetation is not allowed unless
specifically directed by the Engineer-in-charge
4.1.7 Contractor shall reduce pollution and land development impacts from automobiles use during
4.1.8 Overloading of trucks is unlawful and creates the erosion and sedimentation problems,
especially when loose materials like stone dust, excavated earth, sand etc. are moved.
Proper covering must take place. No overloading shall be permitted.
4.1.9 The dismantle material/building rubbish received from dismantling/demolishing shall be dumped
to the dumping ground in properly covered truck with precaution. Agency shall submit the
hard copy of photograph showing the properly covered truck disposing the dismantles
material/building rubbish. Failure of which shall be sternly dealt and a penalty @ Rs.500/- per
trip of truck shall be levied and the decision of Engineer-in-Charge shall be final & binding.
4.1.10 Contractor shall not dump the construction material on the metaled road and shall keep the
construction material on the physically demarcated space by the Engineer-in- Charge.
4.1.11 All the building material responsible for pollution shall be brought at site from sources covered
by tarpaulin and shall take all precautionary measure to ensure that no dust particles are
permitted to pollute the air quality, failure of which Contractor shall be liable to pay damages
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4.3.9 The contractor shall provide the minimum level of sanitation and safety facilities for the
workers at their camp/labour site. The contractor shall ensure cleanliness of workplace with
regard to the disposal of waste and effluent; provide clean drinking water and latrines and
urinals as per applicable standard. Adequate toilet facilities shall be provided for the workman
within easy access of their place of work. The total no. to be provided shall not be less than 1 per
30 employees in any one shift. Toilet facilities shall be provided from the start of building
operations, connection to a sewer shall be made as soon as practicable. Every toilet shall be so
constructed that the occupant is sheltered from view and protected from the weather and falling
objects. Toilet facilities shall be maintained in a sanitary condition. A sufficient quantity of
disinfectant shall be provided. Natural or artificial illumination shall be provided. Agency has to
ensure all preventive measures to prevent the spread of COVID-1/other panedemic and nothing
extra shall be payable in this account.
4.3.10 The contractor shall ensure that air pollution due to dust/generators is kept to a minimum,
preventing any adverse effects on the workers and other people in and around the site. The
contractor shall ensure proper screening, covering stockpiles, covering brick and loads of dusty
materials, wheel-washing facility, gravel pit, and water spraying. Contractor shall ensure the
following activities to prevent air pollution during construction:
(i) Clear vegetation only from areas where work will start right away
(ii) Vegetate / mulch areas where vehicles do not ply.
(iii) Apply gravel / landscaping rock to the areas where mulching / paving is impractical
(iv) Identify roads on-site that would be used for vehicular traffic. Upgrade vehicular
roads (if these are unpaved) by increasing the surface strength by improving particle size,
shape and mineral types that make up the surface & base. Add surface gravel to reduce
source of dust emission. Limit amount of fine particles (smaller than 0.075mm) to
10 - 20%
(v) Water spray, through a simple hose for small projects, to keep dust under control. Fine
mists should be used to control fine particulate. However, this should be done with care
so as not to waste water. Heavy watering can also create mud, which when tracked onto
paved public roadways, must be promptly removed. Also, there must be an adequate
supply of clean water nearby to ensure that spray nozzles don’t get plugged.
(vi) Water spraying shall be done on:
(a) Any dusty materials before transferring, loading and unloading
(b) Area where demolition work is being carried out
(c) Any un-paved main haul road
(d) Areas where excavation or earth moving activities are to be carried out
(vii) The contractor shall ensure that the speed of vehicles within the site is limited to 10 km/hr.
(viii) All material storages should be adequately covered and contained so that they are not
exposed to situations where winds on site could lead to dust / particulate emissions.
(ix) Spills of dirt or dusty materials will be cleaned up promptly so the spilled material does
not become a source of fugitive dust and also to prevent of seepage of pollutant laden
water into the ground aquifers. When cleaning up the spill, ensure that the clean-up
process does not generate additional dust. Similarly, spilled concrete slurries or
liquid wastes should be contained / leaned up immediately before they can infiltrate into
the soil / ground or runoff in nearby areas
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(x) Provide barricading of not less than 6.00 metre or higher as per direction of Engineer-in-
charge, along the site boundary, next to a road, around batching plant or other public area.
Nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
(xi) Provide dust screens, sheeting or netting to scaffold along the perimeter of the
(xii) Cover stockpiles of dusty material with impervious sheeting
(xiii) Cover dusty load on vehicles by impervious sheeting before they leave the site.
4.3.11 Contractor shall be required to provide an easily accessible area that serves the entire
building and is dedicated to the separation, collection and storage of materials for recycling
including (at a minimum) paper, corrugated cardboard, glass, plastics, and metals.
4.3.12 The contractor shall ensure that no construction leachate (e.g. cement slurry etc.), is allowed
to percolate into the ground. Adequate precautions are to be taken to safeguard against this
including, reduction of wasteful curing processes, collection, basic filtering and reuse. The
contractor shall follow requisite measures for collecting drainage water run-off from
construction areas and material storage sites and diverting water flow away from such
polluted areas. Temporary drainage channels, perimeter dike/swale, etc. shall be constructed to
carry the pollutant-laden water directly to the treatment device or facility (municipal sewer
4.3.13 Staging (dividing a construction area into two or more areas to minimize the area of soil that
will be exposed at any given time) should be done to separate undisturbed land from land
disturbed by construction activity and material storage.
4.3.14 The contractor shall comply with the safety procedures, norms and guidelines (as
applicable) as outlined in the document Part 7 Constructional practices and safety, National
Building code -2016 Bureau of Indian Standards. A copy of all pertinent regulations and
notices concerning accidents, injury and first-aid shall be prominently exhibited at the work
site. Depending upon the scope & nature of work, a person qualified in first-aid shall be
available at work site to render and direct first-aid to causalities. A telephone may be
provided to first-aid assistant with telephone numbers of the hospitals displayed. Complete
reports of all accidents and action taken thereon shall be forwarded to the competent authorities.
4.3.15 The contractor shall ensure the following activities for construction workers safety, among
other measures:
(i) Guarding all parts of dangerous machinery.
(ii) Precautionary signs for working on machinery
(iii) Maintaining hoists and lifts, lifting machines, chains, ropes, and other lifting tackles in
good condition.
(iv) Durable and reusable formwork systems to replace timber formwork and ensure that
formwork where used is properly maintained.
(v) Ensuring that walking surfaces or boards at height are of sound construction and are
provided with safety rails or belts.
(vi) Provide protective equipment; helmets etc.
(vii) Provide measures to prevent fires. Fire extinguishers and buckets of sand to be
provided in the fire-prone area and elsewhere.
(viii) Provide sufficient and suitable light for working during night time.
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4.3.16 The storage of material shall be as per standard good practices as specified in Part 7,
Section 3. Storage, stacking and Handling practices, NBC 2016 and shall be to the
satisfaction of the Engineer in Charge to ensure minimum wastage and to prevent any
misuse, damage, inconvenience or accident. Watch and ward of the Contractor’s materials shall
be his own responsibility. There should be a proper planning of the layout for stacking
and storage of different materials, components and equipments with proper access and
proper maneuverability of the vehicles carrying the materials. While planning the layout, the
requirements of various materials, components and equipments at different stages of
construction shall be considered.
4.3.17 The contractor shall provide for adequate number of garbage bins around the construction site
and the workers facilities and will be responsible for the proper utilisation of these bins for
any solid waste generated during the construction. The contractor shall ensure that the site and
the workers facilities are kept litter free. Separate bins should be provided for plastic, glass,
metal, biological and paper waste and labelled in both Hindi and English with suitable
4.3.18 The contractor shall prepare and submit spill prevention and control plans before the start of
construction, clearly stating measures to stop the source of the spill, to contain the spill, to
dispose the contaminated material and hazardous wastes, and stating designation of personnel
trained to prevent and control spills. Hazardous wastes include pesticides, paints, cleaners,
and petroleum products.
4.3.19 Contractor shall collect &submit the relevant material certificates for materials with high
recycled (both post-industrial and post-consumer) content, including materials like RMC mix
with fly-ash, glass with recycled content, calcium silicate boards etc.
4.3.20 Contractor shall collect the relevant material certificates for rapidly renewable materials such
as bamboo, wool, cotton insulation, agrifiber, linoleum, wheat board, strawboard and cork etc.
4.3.21 Where possible, the contractor shall select materials/vendors, harvested and manufactured
4.3.22 Contractor shall adopt an IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) management plan to protect the HVAC
system during construction, control pollutant sources, and interrupt pathways for
contamination. He shall sequence installation of materials to avoid contamination of absorptive
materials such as insulation, carpeting, ceiling tile, and gypsum wallboard. He shall also
protect stored on-site or installed absorptive materials from moisture damage.
4.3.23 The contractor shall ensure that neat and deep cleaning of all internal spaces is conducted prior
to handover. This shall comprise an opening of all doors and windows for 14 days to vent out
any toxic fumes due to paints, varnishes, polishes, etc.
4.3.24 Contractor shall make efforts to reduce the quantity of indoor air contaminants that are
odorous or potentially irritating harmful to the comfort and well-being of installer and
building occupants. Contractor shall ensure that the VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds)
content of paints, coatings and primers used must not exceed the VOC content limits
mentioned below:
Non-flat - 150 g/L Flat (Mat) - 50 g/L
Anti corrosive/ anti rust - 250 g/L
Coatings / Clear wood finishes
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a) Digital photo documentation to demonstrate compliance of safety guidelines.
b) The contractor shall, during the entire tenure of the construction phase, submit the
following records to the Engineer in Charge on daily basis:
i) Quantities of material brought into the site, including the material issued to the
contractor by the Engineer in charge.
ii) Inventories of materials used in the work i/c. flyash, flyash bricks etc.
iii) Digital photographs of the works at site, the workers facilities, the waste and other
material storage yards, pre-fabrication and block making works, etc as guided by the
Engineer in Charge.
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c) The contractor shall submit a document after construction of the buildings, a brief
description along with photographic records to show that other areas have not been
disturbed during construction.
d) The contractor shall submit to the Engineer in Charge, before the start of construction, a site
plan along with a narrative to demarcate areas on site from which top soil has to be gathered,
designate area where it will be stored, measures adopted for top soil preservation and
indicate areas where it will be reapplied after construction is complete.
e) Provide supporting document from the manufacturer of the cement specifying the flyash content
in PPC used in reinforced concrete.
a) To ensure energy efficiency during and post construction all pumps, motors and engines used
during construction or installed, shall be subject to approval of the Engineer-in-Charge.
b) All lighting installed by the contractor around the site and at the labour quarters during construction
shall be appropriate illumination levels. This condition is a must, unless specifically prescribed.
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(d) If the contractor shall not submit the report within prescribed time above, the department will take
appropriate action under different clauses against the contractor.
(e) If any complaint received regarding payment from the approved laboratory against the contractor for
this work, necessary recovery shall made from the next bill on account of nonpayment of testing
charges of construction materials. This recovered amount shall be paid to the laboratory as per actual
invoice generated by the laboratory.
6.1 Nomenclature for 170mm casement series - (Mesh Shutter and Grill Provision)
Providing and fixing aluminium work for doors, windows, ventilators and partitions are as per
drawings using extruded built-up standard tubular & other sections of aluminium alloy grade 6063
T6 and Polyester powder coated aluminium (minimum thickness of polyester powder coating 50
micron), Frame Size - 170 x 60mm for casement Doors & Windows & 100 x 60mm for Ventilators.
Aluminium sections shall be smooth, rust free, straight, mitred and jointed mechanically wherever
required including cleat angle, The vertical member should not deflect more than L/175 or 15mm for
DGU whichever is the least for a wind load of 1.82kpa. Glass to be used is 24mm (6 mm clear
toughened + 12 mm air gap + 6 mm clear toughened). All Windows has to be Multipoint lock for
glass Panel and Single point lock for Wire Mesh panel along with the required Hinges and rachid.
The system shall have provision for the proper water drainage slot and gaps. (All hardware and
Accessories must be cover, no extra item will be paid separately)
6.6.1. Performance Criteria: System must follow the relevant ASTM Standards ASTM E 283-
04, ASTM E 331-09, ASTM E 330-10 and AAMA Standard AAMA 501.1-05, AAMA
501.4.9. System must be tested for Air infiltration at +300 Pascal, Static & dynamic Water
penetration at +600 Pascal, windloadservicibility at +/- 1750 Pascal, Seismic floor
displacement +/- 10mm and proof load for 150% of design wind pressure. System selected
must have tested from International Testing laboratories/NABL Test House and Test reports
must be submitted with the tender.
6.6.2 For Profiles : Using heavy duty aluminium extruded built up profiles of approved make
i.e. Mullion : 50mmX171mm & Transom : 50mmX112mm confirming to alloys per grade
6063 T5 or T6 as per BS 1474. All gaskets shall be micro wave cured EPDM gaskets with
necessary shore hardness and with warranty of 10 years. All mullion transom connections
will be using specially developed connectors and with SS screws.
6.6.3. For Profiles coating : All profiles shall be pure polyester powder coated with SUPER
DURABLE 10 year Warranty product from QUALICOAT approved Powder manufacturers,
conforming to AAMA 2604 of required colour and shade as approved by the Engineer-in-
Charge., 60 microns thick average thickness.
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6.6.5. For Silicone : The structural glazing system shall not have any visible member from
outside and the cut to size glass panel shall be fixed to an aluminium subframe with
structural silicone of required bite as per structural requirement with 6.4 mm thick
Norton/Bow tape around the periphery of the glass unit and the subframe shall be mounted
with alum. cleat on the structural glazing main frame with S.S. Screws @ 350 - 400c/c.
6.6.6. For Profile Protection : All the aluminium profiles shall be provided with protective tape
for safety against external scratches at site. The protective tape shall be removed only at
the time of handing over OR as per instructions of Site-in-charge.
6.6.7. For Alignment : The glazing frame shall be aligned for the entire height and for the entire
width of each transom.
a. The Expansion joints between two mullions should be created by inserting 200 mm long
Aluminium Expansion Sleeve Tube, and the expansion gap should not be more than 10
mm. The Expansion joint must be properly sealed all around with weather sealant to make
it water tight.
b. The periphery of the glazing shall be sealed both from inside and outside with silicone
weather sealant of approved grade to make the glazings water / airtight.
c. Gaps up to 10mm between the peripheral aluminum member and masonry / R.C.C. / stone
shall be sealed by inserting Backer Rod and weather silicon sealant. Wherever the gaps are
expected to be more than 10 mm, shall be sealed by providing and fixing of 2mm thick
aluminium sheet flashings duly Pure Polyester powder coated to 50-60 Micron thickness in
approved colour / anodised to 20 - 25 microns bent to required profile as per site
d. A 10 year warranty shall be obtained from the structural sealant manufacturer for all
structural sealant applied at site and submitted to the owners on completion of the work.
Note 1: The special conditions detailed above are in addition to general /additional conditions as
specified elsewhere in tender document.
Note 2: Nothing extra shall be paid on the account of these special conditions.
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The Contractor shall submit required sets of “AS BUILT” drawings for submitting
the same to the Municipal Corporation / Local bodies etc. for obtaining various service
connections, revised commencement certificate if required, completion certificate. The
Contractor shall submit to the Department, 2 sets of “AS BUILT” cloured drawings (A1 size)
and also in soft copy (CD – 2 sets) in one of the standard software package. Nothing extra shall
be payable on this account.
The contractor shall coordinate and facilitate for obtaining certificate from local
bodies including getting the required site visits conducted by such authorities with a view to
obtain the same. The contractor shall also be responsible for liasoning work required, if any, in
this regard with the local bodies. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account. Statutory
charges, fees etc. required to be paid to the local bodies in this connection shall only be payable
by the Department or shall be reimbursable to the contractor on production of proof of actual
payment by him.
It is clarified that the contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all the NO
OBJECTION CERTIFICATES (NOCs), lift clearance, Fire clearance, and the completion
certificates (building use permission) for the various works (covered under the scope of this
tender) required for obtaining completion certificate (building use permission). However, only
two month after the date of completion shall be allowed for obtaining various NOCs and
completion certificate (building use permission).
An amount of 0.10% of the contractor value shall be withheld from the RA bills of
the Contractor towards the same. The contractor may however submit an irrevocable Bank
Guarantee in favour of Engineer-in-charge towards the same, to avoid withholding of amount of
RA bills. The withheld amount A portion of this amount withheld shall be forfeited for non-
performance, for every month delay in obtaining various NOCs and Plinth level completion
certificate (building use permission) submitting the same to the Engineer-in-charge, in a manner
as given below.
a) No amount shall be forfeited if the NOCs and completion certificate (building use
permission) are obtained and submitted within two month after date of completion of the
b) If NOCs and level completion certificate (building use permission) are submitted after two
month of the date of completion of work, the amount forfeited shall be 10% of the withheld
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c) If NOCs and completion certificate (building use permission) are submitted after three
months of the date of completion of work, the amount forfeited shall be 30% of the
withheld amount (i.e. 10% for first two month and 20% for third month).
d) If NOCs and completion certificate (building use permission) are submitted after four
months of the date of completion of work, the amount forfeited shall be 60% of the
withheld amount. (i.e. 10% for first two month, 20% for third month and 30% for the
fourth month).
e) If NOCs and completion certificate (building use permission) are submitted after five
months of the date of completion of work, the amount forfeited shall be 100% of the
withheld amount. (i.e. 10% for first two month, 20% for third month and 30% for the
fourth month and 40% for the fifth month).
However the amount to be forfeited shall be calculated on daily basis. The
contractor shall submit all the NOCs and completion certificate (building use permission)
simultaneously and no consideration shall be given for obtaining and submitting some (and not
all) NOCs and completion certificate (building use permission) while forfeiting the amounts as
mentioned above. If the contractor fails to obtain the NOCs and completion certificate (building
use permission) up to five months from the date of completion of the work, the defect liability
period shall get extended by the same period as delay (in obtaining NOCs and completion
certificate (building use permission)) beyond the five months after the date of the completion of
the work. No claim of any kind shall be entertained from the contractor on these accounts.
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b) The contractor shall make arrangement for Helmets and safety shoes (meant of construction
work at sites) for all field staff of the department during the entire period of construction for
safety reasons. One helmet and two pairs of shoes per staff member (maximum ten members) of
the departments per year shall be arranged by the contractor. . Nothing extra shall be paid on this
c) The Contractor shall arrange for one number computer or laptop along with printer, necessary
peripherals and including broadband connection at the disposal of Engineer-in-charge. The
computer shall be provided with MS-project & the computer operator shall be fully conversant
with MS-word, Excel, Power-point, Auto CAD & MS-Project. Nothing extra shall be paid on
this account.
d) The Contractor shall give the Engineer-in-charge on the 5th day of each month, a progress report
along with pictorial photographs (softcopies as well as hard copies) of the work done during the
previous month. The progress of work will be reviewed periodically by the Engineer-in charge
with the contractor and short falls, if any, sorted out. The contractor shall there upon take such
action as may be necessary to bring back his work to schedule without additional cost to the
Note 1: The additional conditions detailed above are in addition to general/special conditions
as specified elsewhere in tender document.
Note 2: Nothing extra shall be paid on the account of these additional conditions.
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1.6 The contractor shall ensure all benchmarks and reference points likely to be disturbed during
excavation are protected or transferred appropriately to enable their subsequent use. The
excavations shall be done with safer slopping sides as approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
1.7 The initial depth of excavation shall be done manually, if presence of underground utilities is
suspected. Machine excavation can be resorted to for the remaining depth only with the
permission of the Engineer-in-charge. The excavation shall proceed from the middle of the cut
towards the walling so that the unsupported period to which the walling is exposed is the
minimum. The last 0.5m of excavation shall be taken up only after full arrangements for laying
the base concrete have been made. After the excavation is completed to the final level, the base
shall be prepared by dressing, ramming consolidating and then base concrete shall be laid and
compacted. It shall be ensured that at no time, the bottom of the cut is left exposed in the final
level for long duration.
1.8 During excavation, if water percolation takes place through the joints in the trench walling, the
contractor shall take remedial measures either by grouting or by caulking or plastering as
approved by the Engineer-in-charge. The contractor shall take remedial measures to stop such
percolation. The idea is to keep the trench in as dry condition as possible and to avoid loss of soil
due to such percolation. The water through the walling should be completely eliminated. If
despite the precautions taken, there is water percolation and water is required to be pumped out,
the contractor shall make arrangements to lead the water by appropriate surface drain to a
convenient sump from where the same could be pumped out. The quoted rate includes all the
expenses incurred in stopping water percolation and also includes the cost of arrangement for
provision of sumps in the cut and collection of seepage and all sorts of other water such as rain
waters, flood water, sewage or sludge mixed waters etc. towards the sumps.
1.9 The Contractor shall be required to maintain the water table over the entire area and in the
vicinity of the foundation at 500 mm or more below the bottom level of the foundation at the
lowest point of the same or as per design so that the dry working surface is available until the
foundation is completed. Thereafter, the water table can be allowed to rise to its natural level. The
Contractor shall also ensure that there is no danger to nearby properties and installations on
account of such lowering of the water table. If needed, suitable measures shall be taken by the
Contractor at no extra cost. The quoted rate of the contractor shall be deemed to be inclusive of
such incidental works. In trenches where surface water is likely to get into cut during monsoon a
ring bund of puddle clay shall be formed outside to the required height and maintained at no cost
to the department. The contractor shall also take steps to prevent back inflow of pumped water.
1.10 The contractor shall arrange to stack separately at locations or at dumping areas indicated by the
Engineer-in-charge, the excavated spoils which are fit for use for back filling at no extra cost
being paid for such stacking. Spoils from excavation shall be disposed off the construction site as
per the directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
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1.11 Any special treatment for improving the soil qualities to stabilise bottom against heaving
conditions by way of any chemical or quick lime treatment, any grouting of soil-mass, if
considered to prevent subsidence in advance of excavation if ordered by the Engineer-in-charge
shall have to be done at no extra cost.
1.12 Excavation for all works and of materials required for filling shall be to the exact width, length
and depth shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Where the nature of
soil or the depth of the trench and season of the year, do not permit vertical sides, the contractor
at his own expense shall put up the necessary shoring, strutting and planking with due regard to
the safety of personnel and works and to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. If required,
driving of rolled section / sheet pile of suitable size to be done into the soil to retain earth as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge at his own expense.
1.13 Propping shall be undertaken when any foundation or stressed zone from an adjoining structure is
within a line of 1 vertical to 2 horizontal from the bottom of the excavation. No extra payment
will be made on this account.
1.14 The Contractor shall, at the contract rates, make provision for all shoring, dewatering, dredging,
bailing out or draining water whether subsoil or rain or other water and the excavation shall be
kept free of water while the masonry work or concrete work is in progress and until the Engineer-
in-Charge considers the work well set (Refer IS:3764 Safety Code for Excavation Work).
Dewatering shall be carried out by suitable means with adequate stand-by arrangements as may
be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The level of ground water shall be maintained at least
500mm below the lowest level of excavation during the laying of foundations. The Contractor
shall be deemed to have satisfied himself with regard to feasibility of all aspects of dewatering
including site constraints due to existing structures. Though the method of dewatering is left to
the contractor, he shall be required to submit method statement of dewatering scheme including
requisite justifications to the Engineer-in-Charge and seek his prior written approval. Approval of
the Engineer-in-Charge, however shall not relieve the contractor of the responsibility of adequacy
and appropriateness of dewatering and protection arrangements for the quality and safety of the
work. The contractor shall satisfy the Engineer-in-Charge as to the capacity of the drains or
disposal site to take the required quantity and flow of water to be pumped out at various stages of
excavation. The Contractor shall obtain necessary approvals of local bodies for discharging the
pumped out water. All the dewatering pumps shall therefore also have dedicated D.G. Power
supply which shall come on automatically in case of failure of electrical supply from the mains.
Monitoring of water table shall be done using electronic probes located at least one each of the
four corner of excavation.
1.15 The Contractor shall erect and maintain during progress of works temporary barricading with all
safety measures around dangerous excavations at contractor’s cost. The contractor shall take all
adequate protective measures to see that excavation operations do not affect or damage adjoining
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1.16 The Contractor shall notify to the Engineer-in-Charge when the excavation is completed and no
base or Concrete shall be laid until the Engineer-in-Charge has inspected and approved of the soil
conditions obtained for each individual footing or the full raft area.
1.17 In case any underground structures that need to be protected (like underground sewer lines etc.)
are encountered, the Contractor shall bring the same to the notice of the Engineer-in-Charge
immediately and shall take all such steps as the Engineer-in-Charge may instruct for protection of
such structures. Such protective measures shall be done at the Contractor’s cost. If any damage
occur to such items which were required to be protected during excavation, the same shall be
made good by contractor at his own cost otherwise Engineer-in-Charge will arrange to make it
good at the risk and cost of contractor.
1.18 The contractor should remove from site, the net surplus earth only. If he disposes earth more than
the surplus quantity and earth is required later to be brought from outside, the contractor shall be
liable to supply at site the such required quantity of earth of required quality at his own cost and
nothing shall be paid on the account. The quantity of the surplus earth to be disposed off from
the site shall be worked out on the basis of levels to be taken before and after the excavation. The
decision of the Engineer-in-charge regarding the quantity of net surplus earth shall be final &
binding. Nothing extra shall be payable to the contractor for stacking the excavated earth.
1.19 In case earth or sand is used for backfilling in foundation, it shall be got approved from the
Engineer-in-Charge. In the foundation the backfilling shall be done in layers not more than
200mm thick and shall be thoroughly watered and consolidated by approved method. .
1.20 All the major excavation shall be carried out by mechanical excavator. No extra payment shall be
made for that.
1.21 Any trenching and digging for laying sewer lines/water lines/cables etc. shall be commenced by
the contractor only when all men, machinery’s and materials have been arranged and closing of
the trench(s) thereafter shall be ensured within the least possible time.
1.22 The Jungle clearance and clearance of grass are not payable separately for any type of Earth
Work in excavation and Preparation of sub-grade.
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3.4 All cost of mix designing and testing connected therewith including charges payable to the
laboratory shall be borne by the Contractor including redesigning of the concrete mix wherever
required and directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
3.5 Cement: PPC shall be used for design mix concrete and shall conform to IS-1489 (part-I).
However, if higher grade of cement is used by the contractor nothing extra shall be paid on this
3.6 Admixtures / Plasticizers: - The admixture shall confirm to IS:9103, wherein required, the
admixture of approved quality and approved make only shall be used to attain the required
workability. Nothing extra shall be paid for use of admixtures
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established at site by the contractor and remaining 10% in the laboratory of IIT/NIT or in
any other laboratory as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
The minimum frequency of sampling of concrete of each grade shall be in accordance with the
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4.5 Providing joint filler of required thickness in position to substrate using either double sided foam
adhesive tape or neoprene synthetic rubber adhesive. When forming expansion joint with the
Board in in-situ concrete, joint sealing slots can be readily formed in the following matter-
a) Before installing, simply cut off a strip of the required depth. Then install the filler flush with
the finished surface.
b) Prior to sealing, the top strip can then be pulled easily from the joint to provide an
uncontaminated sealing slot ready for preparation and sealing.
4.6 Nothing extra shall be paid for the centering and shuttering, circular in shape whenever the form
work is having a mean radius exceeding 6m in plan.
4.7 In order to keep the floor finish as per architectural drawings and to provide required thickness of
the flooring as per specifications, the level of top surface of RCC shall be accordingly adjusted at
the time of its centering, shuttering and casting for which nothing extra shall be paid to the
4.8 As per general engineering practice, level of floors in toilet / bath, balconies, shall be kept 25 to
50 mm as required lower than general floors shuttering should be adjusted accordingly and slabs
should be laid with slope towards the drainage point. Nothing extra is payable on this account.
Formwork shall be made out of minimum 5 mm thick M.S. Plates with stiffeners (thickness not
less than 5mm) or as per design approved by Engineer-in-charge.
6.1 The reinforcement shall be done as per CPWD Specifications - 2019 - Vol.I& Vol. II with upto
date correction slips.
6.2 The item of reinforcement of RCC work includes all operations including straightening, cutting,
bending, welding, binding with annealed steel or welding and placing in position at all the floors
with all leads and lift complete as per CPWD Specification - 2019 - Vol.I& Vol. II with upto date
correction slips.
6.3 To avoid displacement of bars in any direction and to ensure proper cover, only factory made
round type/rectangular cover blocks of required strength shall be used by the contractor. Nothing
extra shall be payable on this account.
8.2 Guarantee: Work of RR Stone Masonry shall carry five years guarantee to be reckoned from
the date after the expiry of maintenance period prescribed in the contract of the work against
faulty workmanship, finishing, unsound materials, structural instability and other related
Five Years Guarantee bond in prescribed Performa attached herewith as Annexure-I shall be
submitted by the contractor to meet their liability / liabilities under the guarantee bond.
Five percent of the cost of RR Stone Masonry work shall also be retained as security deposit
and the amount so withheld would be released after Five Years from the date of completion of
the entire work under the agreement, if the performance of the work done is found satisfactory. If
any defect is noticed during the guarantee period, it shall be rectified by the contractor within
seven days of receipt of intimation of defects in the work. If the defects pointed out are not
attended to within the specified period, the same will be got done from another agency at the risk
and cost of contractor.
However, the security deposit deducted may be released in full against bank guarantee of
equivalent amount in favour of Engineer in charge, if so decided by the Engineer in charge.
The Security deposit against this item of work shall be in addition to the security deposit
mentioned elsewhere in contract form.
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10.1 Double steel scaffolding having two sets of vertical supports shall be provided. The supports
shall be sound and strong, tied together with horizontal pieces over which scaffolding planks
shall be fixed.
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13.1 All work in general shall be carried out as per CPWD Specifications- 2019 - Vol. I & Vol. II with
upto date correction slips.
13.2 Whenever flooring is to be done in patterns tiles/ stone, the contractor shall get samples of each
pattern laid and approved by the Engineer-in-Charge before final laying of such flooring for
which nothing extra shall be paid.
13.3 Different stones/ tiles used in pattern flooring as per the approved architectural drawings and
nothing extra for laying pattern flooring shall be paid. No additional wastage if any shall be
accounted for any extra payment.
13.4 Nothing extra shall be paid for using extra cement mortar/concrete for maintaining finished level
of flooring to be done in patterns with tiles/ stone etc.
13.5 The proper gradient shall be given to flooring for toilets, varandah, kitchen, court yard, etc. as per
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge. For this there may be extra thickness of dry mortar below
the tiles/stone slabs. These gradients should be insured in the shuttering itself. Nothing extra shall
be paid for this as this is included in the tendered rates.
13.6 The rate of items of flooring is inclusive of providing sunken flooring in bathrooms, kitchen etc.
and nothing extra on this account is admissible.
13.7 POP protection layer shall be laid on all finished floors for protection from damage during
execution of other items of work in that area which shall be removed and cleaned just before
handing over of the premises for which nothing extra shall be paid.
13.8 The samples of flooring, dado & skirting as per approved pattern shall be prepared & got
approved from the Engineer-in-charge before execution of work.
13.9 Ceramic Tiles/Vitrified Tiles Work/ Granite stone flooring
13.9.1 Work shall be carried out as per CPWD Specifications- 2019 Vol. I & II with up to date
correction slips and as per manufactures specifications.
13.9.2 Rates shall be inclusive of all operations including labour, material, T&P, scaffolding
etc. complete. Nothing extra shall be payable on any account.
13.9.3 In all Staircases sand blasted finished / lapotra finished granite of approved shade will be
used for flooring on tread and landing as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
13.9.4 Single piece granite stone slab shall be provided in treads (with 15 mm pre-moulded
nosing) and single piece polished granite of approved shade shall be used for risers.
Nothing extra shall be payable on any account.
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The work shall carry Ten Years guarantee to be reckoned from the date of completion of the
entire work under the contract against faulty workmanship, finishing, unsound materials,
efficiency of water proofing treatment and other related problems.
Ten Years Guarantee bond in prescribed Performa attached herewith as Annexure-II shall be
submitted by the contractor which shall also be signed by both the specialized agency and the
contractor to meet their liability / liabilities under the guarantee bond. However, the sole
responsibility about efficiency of water proofing treatment shall rest with the main contractor.
10% (Ten percent) of the tender amount of whole water proofing work shall be retained as
security deposit and the amount so withheld would be released after ten years from the date of
completion of the entire work under the contract, if the performance of the work done is found
satisfactory. If any defect is noticed during the guarantee period, it shall be rectified by the
contractor within seven days of receipt of intimation of defects in the work. If the defects pointed
out are not attended to within the specified period, the same will be got done from another
agency at the risk and cost of contractor.
However, the security deposit deducted may be released in full against bank guarantee of
equivalent amount in favour of Engineer in charge, if so decided by the Engineer in charge.
The Security deposit against this item of work shall be in addition to the security deposit
mentioned elsewhere in contract form.
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17.1 The work shall be carried out as per CPWD Specifications- 2019 Vol.-I & Vol. II with upto date
correction slips.
17.2 All painting material shall be brought to the site of work in the original sealed containers. The
material brought to the site of work shall be sufficient for at least 30 days of work. The material
shall be kept under the joint custody of contractor and representative of the Engineer-in-Charge.
The empty contains shall not be removed from the site till the completion of the work without
permission of the Engineer-in-Charge.
17.3 Test certificate from manufacturers for each Batch/Lot of paints, primer etc. shall be supplied by
the contractor.
brackets, away from the finished / plastered shaft wall. The Item of Brackets and Clamps shall be
paid for separately. From floor traps to outside CI fittings only single piece connection pipe shall
be used.
18.8 All vertical Sanitary & water supply pipes shall be fixed to pre primered and pre painted M.S
supporting frame with “U” shaped G.I bolts, threaded at both ends, as specified, with GI nuts, GI
washers, GI cleats etc. as approved by the Engineer-in-charge. Supporting frame shall be fixed
with approved anchor fasteners / plumbing nails as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. In all
cases, pipelines shall be fixed, minimum 50 mm away from the finished wall face and shall not
be fixed directly to the walls. The cost of providing and fixing GI supporting frame, “U” bolts,
GI nuts, GI washer, anchor fastener etc., for clamping the pipes to the supporting frame shall be
paid for separately under relevant item.
18.9 The rates shall include the cost of cutting chases, holes in walls, floors, RCC slabs etc. Wherever
required and making good the same for which nothing extra shall be paid.The work in general
shall be carried out as per CPWD specifications.
18.10 Rate includes all materials, labour and all the operations mentioned in the respective items unless
and otherwise specifically mentioned.
18.11 Horizontal C.I. Soil & waste pipes running along ceiling shall be fixed on structural adjustable
clamps of approved design. Horizontal pipes shall be laid to uniform slope and the clamps
adjusted to the proper levels so that the pipes fully rest on them and are properly secured.
18.12 The CI pipe wherever necessary shall be fixed to RCC columns, beams etc. with rawl plugs of
approved quality and nothing extra shall paid for on this account.
18.13 All C.I. Soil & waste pipes should be provided by core cutting method, No hubless centrifigally
cast (spun) iron pipes & fittings will be hidden in roof or sunken except on ground floor.
18.14 The joints of pipe and fittings shall be of shielded coupling for Hubless centrifugally cast-iron
pipe with SS 304 grade coupling with EPDM rubber gasket as per CPWD Specification and
direction of Engineering-in-Charge
18.15 All the works shall be completely concealed either within shafts or chases or in fills and dropped
ceilings, unless specifically shown in drawings or required otherwise.
18.16 All the works shall be adequate protected against corrosion, so that the whole work is free from
damage throughout.
18.17 The contractor shall give a performance test of the entire installation(s) as per standing
specifications before the work is finally accepted by making his own arrangements for water
supply, electricity etc. and nothing extra whatsoever shall be payable for the same.
18.18 The contractor shall give a satisfactory performance test of the entire installation (s) before the
work is finally accepted and nothing extra shall be payable to the contractor on this account.
18.19 The contractor shall be responsible for all the protection of sanitary, water supply fittings and
fixtures against pilferage and breakage during the period of installation until the completion /
handing over of the work.
Corrections - Nil
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Omissions - Nil AE(P)C/E EE(C)/E
P a g e | 81
18.20 Before the work is handed over, the contractor shall clean all fixtures removing all plaster,
stickers, rust stains and other foreign matter, leaving every part in acceptable condition and ready
for use to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge.
18.21 The contractor shall submit completion plans for water supply internal sanitary installations and
building drainage work within thirty days of the date of completion. These plans are to be
submitted on drawings prepared preferably through computers (1 original copy + 3 photocopies)
on suitable scales to show the general arrangement and desired details.
18.22 Single lever Quarter turn CP Brass basin mixer shall be provided.
18.23 Quarter turn (lever type) CP Brass wall mixer, Sink mixer, bib cock, angle valve, pillar cock shall
be provided.
Five years guarantee bond in prescribed proforma attached at Annexure-III herewith shall be
submitted by the contractor the contractor to meet their liability/ liabilities under the guarantee
5% (Five percent) of the tender amount of whole sanitary installations and water supply be
retained as security deposit and the amount so withheld would be released after five years
from the date of completion of the entire work under the agreement, if the performance of the
work done is found satisfactory. If any defect is noticed during the guarantee period, it shall be
rectified by the contractor within seven days of receipt of intimation of defects in the work. If the
defects pointed out are not attended to within the specified period, the same will be got done from
another agency at the risk and cost of contractor.
Corrections - Nil
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Omissions - Nil AE(P)C/E EE(C)/E
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However, the security deposit deducted may be released in full against bank guarantee of
equivalent amount infavour of authority intimated by Engineer-in-Charge, if so decided by the
Engineer-in- Charge.
The security deposit against this item of work shall be in addition to the security deposit
mentioned elsewhere in tender document.
designation with chemical composition and technical properties as per IS:733 and IS:1285.
The permissible dimensional tolerance of the extruded sections shall be such as not to
impair the proper and smooth function/ operation and appearance of doors and windows.
19.5 Fabrication:
Doors, windows, etc. shall be fabricated to sizes as shown at factory and shall be of
section, sizes combinations and details as shown in the Architectural Drawings. All doors,
windows etc. shall have mechanical joints. All members shall be accurately machined and
fitted to form hairline joints prior to assembly. The joint and accessories such as cleats,
brackets, etc. shall be of such materials as not to cause any bimetallic action. The
fabrication of doors, windows, etc. shall be done in suitable sections to facilitate easy
transportation, handling and installation. Adequate provision shall be made in the door and
window members for anchoring to support and fixing of hardware and other fixtures as
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
19.6 Protection of Finish:
All aluminum Doors, windows etc. shall be wrapped with approved self-adhesive non-
staining masking tapes.
19.7 Handling and stacking:
19.7.1 Fabricated materials shall be stacking in an approved manner to protect the material
against any damage during transportation. The loading and unloading shall be carried out
with utmost care, on receipt of materials at site, they shall be carefully examined to
detect any damaged pieces. Arrangements shall be made for expeditious replacement of
damaged piece/ parts. Materials found to be acceptable on inspections shall be repacked
in crates and stored safely.
19.7.2 In the case of Composite windows and doors, the different units are to be assembled first.
The assembled Composite units should be checked for line, level and plumb before final
fixing is done. Units may be serial numbered and identified as how to be assembled in
their final location of situation so warrants.
19.7.3 Where aluminum comes into contact with masonry brickwork, concrete, planter or
dissimilar metals, it shall be coated with approved insulation lacquer, paint or plastic tape
to ensure that electro- chemical corrosion is avoided. Insulation material shall be
trimmed off to a clean flush line on completion.
19.7.4 The contractor shall be responsible for assembling Composite, bedding and filling the
groove with backup roads polysulphide sealant inside and outside, placing the doors,
windows etc. in their respective opening. After the doors/ windows have been fixed in
their correct assigned position, the open hollow sections abutting masonry concrete shall
be fitted with approved polysulphide sealant densely packed and neatly finished.
19.7.5 The contractor shall be responsible for doors, windows, etc. being set straight plumb,
level and for their satisfactory operation after fixing is complete.
19.8 Installation:
19.8.1 Just prior to installation the doors, windows etc. shall be uncrated and stacked on edge on
level bearers and supported evenly. The frame shall be fixed into position true to line and
Corrections - Nil
Insertions - Nil
Omissions - Nil AE(P)C/E EE(C)/E
P a g e | 84
level using adequate number of expansion machine bolts, anchor fasteners of approved
size and manufacturer and in an approved manner. The holes in concrete/ masonry
members for housing anchor bolts shall be drilled with an electric drill.
19.8.2 The doors, windows assembled as shown on drawings shall be placed in correct final
position in this opening and marks made on concrete members at jambs, sills and heads
against the holes provided in frames for anchoring. The frame shall then be removed
from the opening and laid aside. Neat hole with parallel sides of appropriate size shall
then be drilled in the concrete members with an electric drill at the marking to house the
expansion bolts. The expansion bolts shall then be inserted in the holes, struck with a
light hammer till the nuts is forced into the anchor shell. The frame shall then be placed
in final position in the opening and anchored to the support through cadmium plated
machine screws of required size threaded to expansion bolts. The frame shall be set in
the opening by using wooden wedges at supported and bar plumbed in position. The
wedges shall invariably be placed at meeting points of glazing bars and frames.
19.9 Neoprene Gaskets:
The contractor shall provide and install Neoprene gaskets of approved size and profile at
all locations as shown and as called for to render the doors, windows etc. absolutely air
tight and weather tight. The contractors shall produce samples of the gaskets for approval
and procure after approval only.
19.10 Fittings:
Hinges, stays, handles, tower bolts, locks and other fittings shall be of excellent quality
and manufacturers shall be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
19.11 Sealant:
19.11.1 Use modified silicone for joint subject to movement and in glazing.
19.11.2 Surfaces to receive sealant shall be properly prepared, cleaned, primed and excess sealant
removed from finished surfaces.
19.11.3 Sealed joints shall be neatly tooled and surfaces smoothed.
19.11.4 Follow the instruction of the sealant manufacturers.
19.11.5 Colour of the sealant shall be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
19.12 Glazing:
19.12.1 Glazing shall generally be accomplished from the inside of building.
19.12.2 The glazing system shall be designed to this end use a continuous EPDM compression
gasket on both sides (Present Gasket on one side of glazing pocket and roll in gasket on
another side). A continuous wet seal shall be employed to ensure a complete water
19.12.3 Maintain a minimum glazing bite, edge clearance and surface clearance depending on the
glass as recommended by the glass manufacturer.
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19.15.3 The samples of major member of each unit of doors/ windows shall be selected at
random by Engineer-in-Charge as such that all the aluminum section be got tested.
19.15.4 The cost of samples, carriage or the samples and testing charges, if any, shall be borne by
the contractor.
19.16 Acceptance Criteria:
The Aluminium sections shall conform to the provisions of the relevant items. For
payment purpose only, actual weight of sections shall be taken into account. However, if
Corrections - Nil
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the sectional weight of any Aluminium section is higher than the permissible variation
then the weight payable shall be restricted to the weight of the section including
permissible variation.
19.17 Measurement:
Payment by weight shall be made for Aluminium sections including beading only and all
fixing angles cleats fittings and fixtures such as handles and hinges etc., shall not be
included in the weight to be paid.
19.18 Rates:
The rates of the items shall include the cost of all materials, labors and inputs required.
The contractors shall quote the rates after careful study of contract conditions, specifications,
drawings & schedule of quantities.
It shall be the responsibility of main contractor to sort out any dispute / litigation with the
Specialized Agencies without any time & cost overrun to the Department. The main contractor
shall be solely responsible for settling any dispute / litigation arising out of his agreement with
the Specialized Agencies. The contractor shall ensure that the work shall not suffer on account of
litigation/ dispute between him and the specialized agencies / sub-contractor(s). No claim of
hindrance in the work shall be entertained from the Contractor on this account. No extension of
time shall be granted and no claim what so ever, of any kind, shall be entertained from the
Contractor on account of delay attributable to the selection/rejection of the Specialized Agencies.
For specialized items, the main contractor cannot work as a specialized agency unless his name is
already included in the list of approved specialized agencies for these items. The contractor shall
get these items executed through the specialized agencies as approved by Engineer in Charge.
(i) Three works each of value not less than 40% of corresponding cost of the specialized items.
(ii) Two works each of value not less than 60% of corresponding cost of the specialized items.
(iii) One work of value not less than 80% of corresponding cost of the specialized items.
For calculation purpose only, cost of the specialized item as per accepted tendered value of the all
the items corresponding to the specialized item under consideration.
For ascertaining the above criteria, contractor shall provide certified copy of Income tax TDS
certificates for payments made, work order copy, completion certificate, performance
certificate against each completed similar work for verification by Engineer in charge. In case
required and directed by Engineer in charge, contractor shall get such similar completed work
inspected by Engineer in charge and contractor shall extend all necessary help for same at no
extra cost to the department. Decision as to approve or reject the proposed specialized agency
based on the inspection of the completed work shall be final and binding on the contractor and
no claim, whatsoever, shall be admissible on this account and the contractor shall be required
to propose another specialized agency as per the required eligibility criteria.
i) A List of Preferred Brand Names of Various Materials / Products are shown below for usage in
execution of Work. However, Approved equivalent material of any other Specialized Companies
/ Firms may also be used, in case it is established that the Brands Specified below are not
available in the market and subject to approval of the alternate brand by the Engineer In charge.
ii) It must be ensured, in general, that all materials to be used in the works shall bear BIS
Certification mark. In cases where for a particular material/product, BIS Certification Mark is not
available, then the material proposed to be procured can be used subject to the condition that it
should conform to CPWD Specifications and relevant BIS codes. In such cases written approval
of the Engineer-in -Charge shall be obtained before use of such material in their works.
iii) The list given below does not absolve the Executing Agency from their responsibility for
using these products. It is only after, they are satisfied about the quality and performance, and the
products shall be used. To achieve this, proper check on the quality of the product, actually to be
used, should be exercised.
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P a g e | 91
58. Stainless Steel sink Neelkanth, Niralli, Jyna, Hindware, Frankee,
Cobra, Kingston, Prayag
59. RCC Pipes (NP-2) Lakshmi, Sood & Sood, Jain Pipe Co.(Newai),
Mahaveer Enterprises (Newai), Work well spun
pipes pali, Nagpur cement product, Eagle pipe
60. UPVC Doors & Windows (PROFILE Fenesta, KOMERLING, REHAU, Aluplast,
makers & their authorized Jangid Engg Works, Wintech, Duroplast, Saint
Fabricators only) Gobain
61. Extruded Polystyrene Insulation Dowcorning, Supreme, Taxas, Analco
62. Heat Resistant Tiles Swastik, Thermatek
63. Gypsum Plaster Ferrous Crete, Gyproc - Saint Gobain, Ultra Tech,
USG Boral, India Gypsum, Aerolite
64. Floor hardener Ironite, Ferrok, hardonate
65. Modular Expansion Joint Herculus, Sanfield India Ltd. Vexcolt, Kemper
66. Glass wool Dow Corning U.P., Twiga, Isover
67. UPVC doors and window hardware Rotto, Dorset, Kinlong
68. AAC Block Adhesive Ultra Tech, Ardex Endura, Ferrous Crete, Bostik,
M/s Delite Blocks Pvt. Ltd., Siporex
69. Ready Mixed Plaster ACC, RMC India, Ultratech, Nuvoco,
VALTECH, Armine, Ferrous Crete
70. Aluminium Composite Panel Alpolic, Aluco Bond, Reynobond, Euro bond, Al-
strong, Virgo
71. Designer coloured cement concrete Ultra, Nitco, Hindustan, Raj-Tiles, OM Tiles
floor tiles for outdoor use.
72. Fibre Glass Shelf Kamal, Bath King.
73. Float Glass Modi Float, Saint Gobain, Tata.
74. FRP Shutters Fibre Glass Engineers, Raipur, Om Ventures
(E.P.Kamat Group)
75. Glass Mosaic Tile Bissazza, Saon.
76. Hydraulic Door Closer/ Spring Dorma, Kich, Godrej, Hettich, Hefele,
77. Metal False Ceiling Armstrong, Dexune, Anutone, Trac, Durlum, New
78. Mineral Fibre Ceiling Armstrong, Anutone, Daiken, Aerolite, USG
79. M. S. Pipe Kesoram, Electro Steel.
80. Acoustic panels and ceiling Armstrong, Anutone
81. Clay tiles on Roof Kenjai, Johnson.
82. Orissa Pan Hindware, Cera, Somany, Jaguar, Parryware
83. PPR Pipes SFMC, Safe, Pioneer.
84. Plastic Connection Pipe Parryware, Kamal, Delux, Somany, Hindware
85. PVC Rain Water Pipe & Fitting Finolex, Supreme, Plasto, Ashirvad
Corrections - Nil
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P a g e | 92
Note: 1) In case approved make for any material/item is not specified in the NIT, the decision of
finalizing a particular brand shall rest with CE-Dehradun, CPWD, Dehradun
2) In case of non-availability of a particular material/item from specified manufacturers/make,
the decision of CE-Dehradun, CPWD, Dehradun in selection of alternate
manufacturer/make is final.
3) Contractor shall provide minimum three samples of three different makes for each item of
work as per the list of approved makes for the approval of Engineer-in-charge. It shall be
the discretion of Engineer-in-charge to approve any of the three samples to be submitted by
the contractor and decision of Engineer-in-charge in this regard shall be final and binding
and nothing extra, whatsoever, shall be admissible on this ground.
Corrections - Nil
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Omissions - Nil AE(P)C/E EE(C)/E
P a g e | 93
This agreement made this.................... day of ................. Two Thousand ……………… between
....................................M/s ...............................................(hereinafter called the GUARANTOR on the one
part) and the President of India (hereinafter called the Government on the other part)
AND WHEREAS THE GUARANTOR agreed to give a guarantee to the affect that the said work
will remain structurally stable and guaranteed against faulty workmanship, finishing and materials for
five years to be reckoned from the date of completion of the work under the contract.
NOW THE GUARANTOR hereby guarantee that work executed by him will remain structurally
stable and defect free for minimum period of five years to be reckoned from the date after the expiry of
maintenance period prescribed in the contract.
During this period of guarantee, the guarantor shall make good all defects to the satisfaction of
the Engineer-in-charge calling upon him to rectify the defects failing which the work shall be got done by
the Department by some other contractor at the Guarantor’s cost and risk. The decision of the Engineer-
in-Charge as to the cost payable by the Guarantor shall be final and binding.
That if the guarantor fails to make good all the defects, commits breach there under, then the
guarantor will indemnify the principal and his successor against all loss, damage, cost expense or
otherwise which may be incurred by him by reason of any default on the part of the GUARANTOR in
performance and observance of this supplementary agreement. As to the amount of loss and/or damage
and or cost incurred by the Government, the decision of the Engineer-in-Charge will be final and binding
on both the parties.
1. ................................................ 2. ...........................................
1. ............................................... 2. ..........................................
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Omissions - Nil AE(P)C/E EE(C)/E
P a g e | 94
This agreement made this.................... day of ................. Two Thousand .............. between M/s
..................................(hereinafter called the GUARANTOR on the one part) and the PRESIDENT OF
INDIA (hereinafter called the Government on the other part)
WHEREAS THIS agreement is supplementary to a Contract No. ………..dated
...................(Hereinafter called the Contract)and made between the GUARANTOR on the one part and
the Government on the other part whereby the contractor inter alia undertook to render the building and
structures in the said contract completely water and leak-proof.
AND WHEREAS THE GUARANTOR agreed to give a guarantee to the affect that the said work
will remain water and leak proof, for TenYearsfrom the date of completion of the work under the
NOW THE GUARANTOR hereby guarantee that work executed by him will render the
structures completely leak proof and the minimum life of such water proofing treatment shall be Ten
years to be reckoned from the date of completion of the work under the contract.
Provided that the guarantor will not be responsible for leakage caused by earthquake or
structuraldefects or misuse of roof or alteration and for such purpose:
(a) Misuse of roof shall mean any operation which will damage proofing treatment, like chopping
offirewood and things of the same nature which might cause damage to the roof;
(b) Alteration shall mean construction of an additional storey or a part of the roof or
constructionadjoining to existing roof whereby proofing treatment is removed in parts;
(c) The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge with regard to nature and cause of defect shall be final.
During this period of guarantee, the guarantor shall make good all defects and in case of any
defect being found render the building water proof to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge calling
upon him to rectify the defects failing which the work shall be got done by the Department by some other
contractor at the Guarantor’s cost and risk. The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge as to the cost payable
by the Guarantor shall be final and binding.
That if the guarantor fails to execute the water proofing or commits breach there under, then the
guarantor will indemnify the principal and his successor against all loss, damage, cost expense or
otherwise which may be incurred by him by reason of any default on the part of the GUARANTOR in
performance and observance of this supplementary agreement. As to the amount of loss and/or damage
and or cost incurred by the Government, the decision of the Engineer-in-Charge will be final and binding
on both the parties.
IN WITHNESS WHEREOF these presents have been executed by the obligator
.......................and ........................................ by ................................. for and on behalf of the
PRESIDENT OF INDIA on the day, month and year first above written.
SIGNED, sealed and delivered by OBLIGATOR in the presence of:
1. ................................................ 2. ...........................................
1. ............................................... 2. ..........................................
Corrections - Nil
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P a g e | 95
This agreement made this.................... day of ................. Two Thousand .............. between M/s
..................................(hereinafter called the GUARANTOR on the one part) and the PRESIDENT OF
INDIA (hereinafter called the Government on the other part)
WHEREAS THIS agreement is supplementary to a Contract No. ……….. dated ...................(Hereinafter
called the Contract) and made between the GUARANTOR on the one part and the Government on the
other part whereby the contractor inter alia undertook to render the sanitary installations & water
supply works water tight and leak-proof.
AND WHEREAS THE GUARANTOR agreed to give a guarantee to the affect that the said work
will remain water tight and leak proof, for Five Years from the date of completion of the work under the
NOW THE GUARANTOR hereby guarantee that work executed by him will render completely water
tight leak proof and the minimum life of such sanitary installations & water supply worksforwater
tight and leak-proof shall be Five years to be reckoned from the date of completion of the work under the
Provided that the guarantor will not be responsible for leakage caused by earthquake or
structuraldefectsor misuse. The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge with regard to nature and cause of
defect shall be final.
During this period of guarantee, the guarantor shall make good all defects and in case of any
defect being found render the sanitary installations & water supply works to the satisfaction of the
Engineer-in-Charge calling upon him to rectify the defects failing which the work shall be got done by
the Department by some other contractor at the Guarantor’s cost and risk. The decision of the Engineer-
in-Charge as to the cost payable by the Guarantor shall be final and binding.
That if the guarantor fails to execute the sanitary installations & water supply works or
commits breach there under, then the guarantor will indemnify the principal and his successor against all
loss, damage, cost expense or otherwise which may be incurred by him by reason of any default on the
part of the GUARANTOR in performance and observance of this supplementary agreement. As to the
amount of loss and/or damage and or cost incurred by the Government, the decision of the Engineer-in-
Charge will be final and binding on both the parties.
IN WITHNESS WHEREOF these presents have been executed by the obligator
.......................and ........................................ by ................................. for and on behalf of the
PRESIDENT OF INDIA on the day, month and year first above written.
SIGNED, sealed and delivered by OBLIGATOR in the presence of:
1. ................................................ 2. ...........................................
1. ............................................... 2. ..........................................
Corrections - Nil
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Omissions - Nil AE(P)C/E EE(C)/E
P a g e | 96
1.1 Earth work in excavation by mechanical
means (Hydraulic excavator)/manual means
over areas (exceeding 30 cm in depth, 1.5 m in
width as well as 10 sqm on plan) including
getting out and disposal of excavated earth lead
upto 50 m and for all lift, as directed by
1.1.1 All kinds of soil
3,740.00 cum 199.60 7,46,504.00
1.2 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means
(Hydraulic excavator)/ manual means over
areas (exceeding 30 cm in depth, 1.5 m in
width as well as 10 sqm on plan) including
getting out and disposal of excavated earth lead
upto 50 m and for all lift as directed by
1.2.1 Ordinary rock
470.00 cum 553.15 2,59,981.00
1.2.2 Hard rock (blasting prohibited)
930.00 cum 1,586.35 14,75,306.00
1.3 Earth work in excavation by mechanical
means (Hydraulic excavator) / manual means
in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding
1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan), including
dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, for
all lift, including getting out the excavated soil
and disposal of surplus excavated soil as
directed, within a lead of 50 m.
1.3.1 All kinds of soil.
472.00 cum 292.80 1,38,202.00
1.4 Excavating trenches of required width for
pipes, cables, etc including excavation for
sockets, and dressing of sides, by mechinical /
manual means ramming of bottoms, for all
depth, including getting out the excavated soil,
and then returning the soil as required, in
layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth,
including consolidating each deposited layer
by ramming, watering, etc. and disposing of
surplus excavated soil as directed, within a
lead of 50 m:
1.4.1 All kinds of soil Pipes, cables etc, not exceeding 80 mm dia.
But not exceeding 300mm dia 485.00 metre 393.00 1,90,605.00
1.5 Filling available excavated earth (excluding
rock) in trenches, plinth. sides of
foundations etc. in layers not exceeding
20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited
layer by ramming and watering, lead up to 50
m and for all lift 1,638.00 cum 216.45 3,54,545.00
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P a g e | 121
Schedule of quantities (as per PWD-13 for Electrical Works: As per sheets attached)
Schedule of material to be issued to the Contractor: Nil
Tools and Plants to be hired to the Contractor: Nil
Extra schedule for specific requirements/documents for the work, if any: Nil
Reference to General Conditions of Contract: GCC 2023 (Construction work), CPWD Form 7 as
modified & corrected up-to the last date of submission of tenders
Name of Work: C/o 1 No. 120 Men Barrack for 1st Bn. ITBP at Sunil, Joshimath,
Estimated cost of work : Electrical work - Rs. 1,11,76,312/-
(i) Earnest Money As given in Major Component
(ii) 5% of tendered value
(iii) Security Deposit 2.5% of tendered value
General Rules & Directions:
Officer inviting Tender: As per given in Major component.
2(i) Engineer-in-Charge Executive Engineer(E)-Dehradun, CPWD,
Dehradun (For Electrical Work)
2(ii) Accepting Authority The Chief Engineer-Dehradun, CPWD, 20,
Subhash Road, Dehradun- 248001.
2(iii) Percentage on cost of materials and 15%
Labour cover all to overheads and
Standard Schedule of Rates Delhi Schedule of Rates 2022 with up to date
correction slips + 0.00% Cost Index + 6.33%
GST component due to change in GST from 12%
to 18%
Corrections - Nil
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Omissions - Nil AE(P)C/E EE(C)/E
P a g e | 122
(i) Time allowed for submission of Performance
Guarantee, programme chart (Time and Progress) and
As per given in major
applicable labour licenses, registration with EPFO,
ESIC and BOCW Welfare Board or proof of applying
thereof from the date of issue of letter of acceptance.
(ii) Maximum allowable extension with late fee @ 0.1% As per given in major
per day of Performance Guarantee amount beyond the component
period provided in (i) above
(i) Authority for fixing compensation under clause 2 Chief Engineer-Dehradun,
CPWD, Dehradun or his
successor thereof
(i) Number of days from the date of issue of letter of As per given in major
acceptance for reckoning date of start component
(ii) Time allowed for completion of work As per given in major
Corrections - Nil
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Omissions - Nil AE(P)C/E EE(C)/E
P a g e | 123
Whether clause 7A shall be applicable Yes
Clause-8 A:
Recovery Rate for non-submission of completion plan 0.1% of tendered amount or
by the contractor Rs.25,000/- whichever is higher
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Specifications to be followed for execution of work:
Electrical 1. CPWD Specifications for electrical works Part-I Internal 2023 and 2023
work (external)
2. CPWD Specifications for Sub-Station works Part-IV 2013
3. CPWD Specifications for HVAC works 2017
4. CPWD Specifications for DG Set works Part-VII 2013
5. CPWD Specifications for Fire Detection & Alarm System Set works Part-
VI 2018
6. CPWD Specifications for Wet Riser and Sprinkler system Part V 2020
7. CPWD Specifications for Lifts part – III - 2003
as amended upto date and in accordance with Indian Electricity Rules, 1956,
Indian Electricity Act, 1910 as amended upto date and as per instructions of the
Engineer-in-Charge with up to date correction slips.(Hereinafter called CPWD
specifications also)
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12.2 & Deviation Limit beyond which clauses 12.2 & 12.3 shall apply
12.3 for building work 100%
12.5 (i) Deviation Limit beyond which clauses 12.2 & 12.3 shall 100%
apply for foundation work (except items mentioned in earth
work sub head in DSR and related items)
(ii)Deviation Limit for items mentioned in earth work sub head 100%
of DSR and related items.
Competent Authority for deciding reduced rates:
Electrical work Chief Engineer-Dehradun, CPWD, Dehradun or his successor thereof
Suggestive List of Machinery, Tools & Plants to be deployed by the Contractor at site: As per
work Requirement
Workshop facilities for fabrication/addition and alterations, and other allied works shall be
arranged by the contractor at his own cost.
The list of equipment/T&P/machinery as per above is for general guidance. In addition to these,
machinery / equipment as required shall be arranged by the contractor in case the requirement at
any stage exceeds as per the Programme finalized at his own cost and nothing extra whatsoever
on this account shall be paid. This includes equipment for arrangement of concrete from RMC
producing plants also.
All the equipment, T&P and machinery shall be kept in good working conditions.
Equipment like batching plant, concrete pump, excavators/Transit mixer etc. shall be allowed to
be moved away from the site when, the same are no longer required at site of work in the
opinion of Engineer-in-charge.
In addition to above list, contractor is bound to brought at site any test equipment for any item of
work, at his own cost, which Engineer-in-Charge may direct him. Nothing extra shall be paid to
contractor in this regard. Direction of Engineer-in-Charge in this regard shall be final & binding.
If contractor fails to comply such directions within time specified by Engineer-in-Charge, the
same shall be brought to site by department by any means at cost of contractor itself and nothing
shall be paid in this regard.
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i Conciliator: ADG Chandigarh Region.
ii Arbitrator appointing authority: Chief Engineer-Dehradun
iii Place of Arbitration: Dehradun.
Requirement of Technical Representative(s) and Recovery Rates: As per Major Component
The specialized technical staff for execution for component such as plumbing, water proofing,
fire fighting, HVAC, Acoustic, landscaping etc. shall be deployed as per the requirement of
Assistant Engineers retired from Government services who are holding Diploma will be treated
at par with Graduate Engineers.
Diploma holder with minimum 10-years relevant experience with a reputed construction
company can be treated at par with Graduate Engineers for the purpose of such deployment
subject to that such diploma holder should not exceed 50% of requirement of degree engineers.
The bidder shall submit a certificate of employment of the technical representative(s) (in the
form of copy of Form – 16 or CPF deduction issued to the Engineers employed by him) along
with every account bill / final bill and shall produce evidence of regular physical availability of
such engineers on the above project whenever required by the Engineer–in–charge
Clause-38: As given in Major Component
The specialized works are listed in a separate table. These works shall be carried out by
specialized agencies who have the desired qualification of having executed the similar nature of
the specialized work in last 7 years ending the last day of the month previous to the one in which
the tenders are invited. The works which are declared specialized by the competent authority
after award of work but before the contractor has actually commenced the activity at site shall
also be got executed through specialized agency. The specialized agency shall be got approved
from the Engineer –in-Charge well in advance and within 15 days of stipulated date of
commencement of work failing which the department shall initiate appropriate action and no
extension of time shall be permitted for delay in execution of work at site. Thus, the onus of
approval of the specialized agency shall be entirely upon the contractor. The contractor shall
submit the WILLINGNESS CERTIFICATE from the associate specialized agency as well as the
MOU signed between them which shall be made part of the tripartite agreement for all purposes.
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The same shall be in the Proforma prescribed hereafter. All running and final bills to the
department shall be submitted by the lead agency after verifying the measurements submitted by
the associate agency, duly signed and dated. Escalation and/or other claims for reimbursements
made under any clause(s) of the contract shall be submitted by the lead agency after verifying
them upon their submission by the associate agency, and shall bear the dated signatures of
initiating associate agency also, which shall actually be deploying man and material for the
work. The Bills shall be processed for payment as per conditions of relevant clauses of the
contract only.
Items Which Are To Be Executed Through Specialized Agencies
The bidder must associate with himself, specialized agencies of the appropriate eligibility to
components of specialized nature of items/work of major component listed below individually.
Such works shall be got executed only through associated agencies specialized in these fields.
The bidder whose tender is accepted shall indicate the name(s) of his associated specialized
agencies those fulfilling the eligibility criteria laid down below as early as possible and within
one month of award of work for the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge whose decision shall be
final and binding. If the bidder himself fulfills the eligibility criteria laid down for associated
specialized agencies, then the bidder shall not require to associate with himself the associated
specialized agency.
Sl. Specialized Work(s) / item of Criteria / Acceptable names of associated
No. work(s) agencies
1 Internal & External Electrical Work Eligible enlisted contractor of CPWD in
appropriate class & category having valid
electrical license
2 Fire Alarm system Should have completed three specialized works
of similar nature, each costing not less than
amount equal to 40% of the tendered amount of
corresponding specialized work(s); or two
specialized works of similar nature, each
costing not less than amount equal to 60% of
tendered amount of corresponding specialized
work(s); or one similar work costing not less
than amount equal to 80% of tendered amount
3 Fire Fighting system of corresponding specialized work in last 7
years ending last day of the month previous to
the one in which the tenders are invited.
NOTE: The specialized agency shall be got
approved from the Engineer-in-Charge well in
4 Any other specialized work As per the above specified qualification criteria
with the approval of the engineer-in-charge
The main agency has to associate all Specialized agency for Internal Electrical Works, Fire
fighting system, Kitchen Ventilation system within 1.5 months from the Date of Start,
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specialized agencies within 5.5 months of the award of work (as per milestone in schedule A-F),
in case of non association of specialized agencies within the above period recovery at the rate of
Rs 5000/ each specialized work on per day basis (subject to maximum of 5% of the tendered
amount of the specific specialized works) shall be made from the main agency and the
department shall take necessary action as per relevant clauses of the agreement.
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compliance of the provisions of agreement, the main contractor, as well as the associated
contractor shall be responsible. The action under clauses 2 and 3 shall be initiated and taken
against the main contractor.
Date: Date
Place Place:
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(To be submitted by the lowest tenderer, after approval of tender, by the Competent Authority)
This certificate that we have not deviated from the technical specification and commercial
provisions provided in the tender.
The price bid is unconditional.
This is certified that we proposed to engage, one of the following Electrical Contractor of
appropriate class, as detailed below:
(i) Name of Contractor
(ii) Address
(iii) Class of Registration
(iv) Maximum ceiling limit to execute the Electrical
(v) Validity of Registration
(vi) Registration Details with CPWD along with copy of
a. Registered (Yes/No)
b. Monetary limit of work
c. Validity of registration
d. Debarred from tendering (Yes/No)
Within 30 days of the award of work, the main contractor will submit MOU signed with
electrical contractor registered in appropriate class along with consent letter of electrical
(*) To be filled by contractor.
(Signature of Contractor)
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I/We undertake and confirm that eligible similar work(s) has/have not been got executed through
another contractor on back to back basis. Further that, if such a violation comes to the notice of
Department, then I/we shall be debarred for bidding in CPWD in future forever. Also, if such a
violation comes to the notice of Department before date of start of work, the Engineer-in-Charge
shall be free to take action as per Form-‘A’ (Scanned copy to be uploaded at the time of
submission of bid).
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NAME OF WORK: C/o 1 No. 120 Men Barrack for 1st Bn. ITBP at Sunil, Joshimath,
I hereby give my willingness to work as electrical contractor for the specialized work of
“_________________________________” in the above mentioned work. I will execute the
work as per specifications and conditions for the agreement and as per direction of the Engineer-
in-Charge. Also, I will engage full time technically qualified supervisor/engineer for the works. I
will attend inspections of officers of the department as and when required.
Date: ___________
Place: ___________
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General Conditions of Contract (GCC 2023-Construction work) for CPWD Works which is
available at M/s Jain Book Agency, 4574/15, 2nd Floor, Padam Chand Marg, Darya Ganj, New
Delhi-110002as CPWD publication shall be deemed to be part of the Tender document.
The Standard GCC is amended from time to time through issue of OMs under series DG/CON
which are available on CPWD official website at
Circulars/ DG CON.
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Sub: NIT No. 32/EE-Garhwal/CPWD/2023-24/CE-Derhadun for C/o 1 No. 120 Men Barrack
for 1st Bn. ITBP at Sunil, Joshimath, Uttarakhand.
Dear Sir,
It is here by declared that CPWD is committed to follow the principle of transparency,
equity and competitiveness in public procurement.
The subject Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) is an invitation to offer made on the condition that the
Bidder will sign the Integrity Agreement, which is an integral part of tender/bid documents,
failing which the tenderer/bidder will stand disqualified from the tendering process and the bid
of the bidder would be summarily rejected.
This declaration shall form part and parcel of the Integrity Agreement and signing of the same
shall be deemed as acceptance and signing of the Integrity Agreement on behalf of the CPWD.
Yours faithfully
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Executive Engineer (E)-Dehradun
CPWD, Dehradun
Sub: Submission of Tender for the work of C/o 1 No. 120 Men Barrack for 1st Bn. ITBP at
Sunil, Joshimath, Uttarakhand.
Dear Sir,
I/We acknowledge that CPWD is committed to follow the principles thereof as enumerated in
the Integrity Agreement enclosed with the tender/bid document.
I/We agree that the Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) is an invitation to offer made on the condition
that I/We will sign the enclosed Integrity Agreement, which is an integral part of tender
documents, failing which I/We will stand disqualified from the tendering process. I/We
I/We confirm acceptance and compliance with the Integrity Agreement in letter and spirit and
further agree that execution of the said Integrity Agreement shall be separate and distinct from
the main contract, which will come into existence when tender/bid is finally accepted by CPWD.
I/We acknowledge and accept the duration of the Integrity Agreement, which shall be in the line
with Article 1 of the enclosed Integrity Agreement.
I/We acknowledge that in the event of my/our failure to sign and accept the Integrity Agreement,
while submitting the tender/bid, CPWD shall have unqualified, absolute and unfettered right to
disqualify the tenderer/bidder and reject the tender/bid is accordance with terms and conditions
of the tender/bid.
Yours faithfully
To be signed by the bidder and same signatory competent / authorized to sign the relevant
contract on behalf of CPWD.
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This Integrity Agreement is made at .......................on this ……….. day of ……...
President of India represented by the Engineer-in-Charge (Hereinafter referred to as the
Principal, which expression shall unless repugnant to the meaning or context hereof include its
successors and permitted assignees)
(Name and address of the bidder)
(Hereinafter referred to as the Bidder/contractor and which expression shall unless repugnant to
the meaning or context hereof include its successors and permitted assignees.)
WHEREAS the Principal/ Owner has floated the Tender (NIT No. 32/EE-Garhwal/CPWD/2023-
24/CE-Derhadun) (hereinafter referred to as “Tender/Bid”) and intends to award, under laid
down organizational procedure, contract for “C/o 1 No. 120 Men Barrack for 1st Bn. ITBP at
Sunil, Joshimath, Uttarakhand” (Name of work) Here in after referred to as the “Contract”.
AND WHEREAS the Principal/Owner values full compliance with all relevant laws of the land,
rules, regulations, economic use of resources and of fairness/transparency in its relation with
its Bidder(s) and Contractor(s).
AND WHEREAS to meet the purpose aforesaid both the parties have agreed to enter into this
Integrity Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Integrity Pact” or “Pact”), the terms and
conditions of which shall also be read as integral part and parcel of the Tender/Bid documents
and Contract between the parties.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual covenants contained in this Pact, the parties
hereby agree as follows and this Pact witnesses as under:
(b) The Principal/Owner will, during the Tender process, treat all Bidder(s) with equity and
reason. The Principal/Owner will, in particular, before and during the Tender process, provide to
all Bidder(s) the same information and will not provide to any Bidder(s) confidential / additional
information through which the Bidder(s) could obtain an advantage in relation to the Tender
process or the Contract execution.
(c) The Principal/Owner shall endeavour to exclude from the Tender process any person,
whose conduct in the past has been of biased nature.
2) If the Principal/Owner obtains information on the conduct of any of its employees which
is a criminal offence under the Indian Penal code (IPC)/Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 (PC
Act) or is in violation of the principles herein mentioned or if there be a substantive
suspicion in this regard, the Principal/Owner will inform the Chief Vigilance Officer and in
addition can also initiate disciplinary actions as per its internal laid down policies and
Article 2: Commitment of the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s)
1) It is required that each Bidder/Contractor (including their respective officers, employees
and agents) adhere to the highest ethical standards, and report to the Government / Department
all suspected acts of fraud or corruption or Coercion or Collusion of which it has knowledge or
becomes aware, during the tendering process and throughout the negotiation or award of a
2) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) commits himself to take all measures necessary to prevent
corruption. He commits himself to observe the following principles during his participation in
the Tender process and during the Contract execution:
a) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or firm,
offer, promise or give to any of the Principal/Owner’s employees involved in the Tender
process or execution of the Contract or to any third person any material or other benefit which
he/she is not legally entitled to, in order to obtain in exchange any advantage of any kind
whatsoever during the Tender process or during the execution of the Contract.
b) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not enter with other Bidder(s) into any undisclosed
agreement or understanding, whether formal or informal. This applies in particular to prices,
specifications, certifications, subsidiary contracts, submission or non-submission of bids or
any other actions to restrict competitive or to cartelize in the bidding process. Competitiveness
or to cartelize in the bidding process.
c) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not commit any offence under the relevant IPC/PC Act.
Further the Bidder(s)/Contract(s) will not use improperly, (for the purpose of competition or
personal gain), or pass on to others, any information or documents provided by the
Principal/Owner as part of the business relationship, regarding plans, technical proposals and
business details, including information contained or transmitted electronically.
d) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) of foreign origin shall disclose the names and addresses of
agents/representatives in India, if any. Similarly Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) of Indian Nationality
shall disclose names and addresses of foreign agents/representatives, if any. Either the Indian
agent on behalf of the foreign principal or the foreign principal directly could bid in a tender but
not both. Further, in cases where an agent participate in a tender on behalf of one manufacturer,
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he shall not be allowed to quote on behalf of another manufacturer along with the first
manufacturer in a subsequent/parallel tender for the same item.
e) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will, when presenting his bid, disclose any and all payments
he has made, is committed to or intends to make to agents, brokers or any other intermediaries in
connection with the award of the Contract.
3) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not instigate third persons to commit offences outlined
above or be an accessory to such offences.
4) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or firm
indulge in fraudulent practice means a willful misrepresentation or omission of facts or
submission of fake/forged documents in order to induce public official to act in reliance
thereof, with the purpose of obtaining unjust advantage by or causing damage to justified interest
of others and/or to influence the procurement process to the detriment of the Government
5) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or firm use
Coercive Practices (means the act of obtaining something, compelling an action or influencing a
decision through intimidation, threat or the use of force directly or indirectly, where potential or
actual injury may befall upon a person, his/ her reputation or property to influence their
participation in the tendering process).
Article 3: Consequences of Breach
Without prejudice to any rights that may be available to the Principal/Owner under law or the
Contract or its established policies and laid down procedures, the Principal/Owner shall have the
following rights in case of breach of this Integrity Pact by the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) and the
Bidder/ Contractor accepts and undertakes to respect and uphold the Principal/Owner’s absolute
1) If the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s), either before award or during execution of Contract has
committed a transgression through a violation of Article 2 above or in any other form, such as to
put his reliability or credibility in question, the Principal/Owner after giving 14 days’ notice to
the contractor shall have powers to disqualify the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) from the Tender
process or terminate/determine the Contract, if already executed or exclude the
Bidder/Contractor from future contract award processes. The imposition and duration of the
exclusion will be determined by the severity of transgression and determined by the
Principal/Owner. Such exclusion may be forever or for a limited period as decided by the
2) Forfeiture of EMD/Performance Guarantee/Security Deposit: If the Principal/Owner has
disqualified the Bidder(s) from the Tender process prior to the award of the Contract or
terminated/determined the Contract or has accrued the right to terminate/determine the
Contract according to Article 3(1), the Principal/Owner apart from exercising any legal rights
that may have accrued to the Principal/Owner, may in its considered opinion forfeit the entire
amount of Earnest Money Deposit, Performance Guarantee and Security Deposit of the
3) Criminal Liability: If the Principal/Owner obtains knowledge of conduct of a Bidder or
Contractor, or of an employee or a representative or an associate of a Bidder or Contractor which
constitutes corruption within the meaning of IPC Act, or if the Principal/Owner has substantive
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suspicion in this regard, the Principal/Owner will inform the same to law enforcing agencies for
further investigation.
Article 4: Previous Transgression
1) The Bidder declares that no previous transgressions occurred in the last 5 years with any
other Company in any country confirming to the anticorruption approach or with Central
Government or State Government or any other Central/State Public Sector Enterprises in India
that could justify his exclusion from the Tender process.
2) If the Bidder makes incorrect statement on this subject, he can be disqualified from the
Tender process or action can be taken for banning of business dealings/ holiday listing of
the Bidder/Contractor as deemed fit by the Principal/ Owner.
3) If the Bidder/Contractor can prove that he has resorted / recouped the damage caused by
him and has installed a suitable corruption prevention system, the Principal/Owner may, at its
own discretion, revoke the exclusion prematurely.
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consortium members. In case of a Company, the Pact must be signed by a representative duly
authorized by board resolution.
4) Should one or several provisions of this Pact turn out to be invalid; the remainder of this
Pact remains valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement to their original
5) It is agreed term and condition that any dispute or difference arising between the parties
with regard to the terms of this Integrity Agreement / Pact, any action taken by the
Owner/Principal in accordance with this Integrity Agreement/ Pact or interpretation thereof
shall not be subject to arbitration.
All rights and remedies of the parties hereto shall be in addition to all the other legal rights and
remedies belonging to such parties under the Contract and/or law and the same shall be deemed
to be cumulative and not alternative to such legal rights and remedies aforesaid. For the sake of
brevity, both the Parties agree that this Integrity Pact will have precedence over the
Tender/Contact documents with regard any of the provisions covered under this Integrity Pact.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have signed and executed this Integrity Pact at the place
and date first above mentioned in the presence of following witnesses:
Executive Engineer (E)-Dehradun,
CPWD, Dehradun.
(For and on behalf of Principal/Owner)
(For and on behalf of Bidder/Contractor)
1. …………………………….
(Signature, name and address)
2. ………………………………
(Signature, name and address)
Dated :
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Whereas the Executive Engineer…………………….. (name of division)…………………….
CPWD on behalf of the President of India (hereinafter called "The Government”) has entered
into an agreement bearing number……………… with ...................... (name and address of the
contractor)………. (hereinafter called "the Contractor”) for execution of work............. ... (name
of work) …........ The Government has further agreed to accept an irrevocable Bank Guarantee
for Rs. ....................... (Rupees …...... only) valid upto ........ (date)........ asPerformance
Guarantee/security Deposit/Mobilization Advance from the said Contractor for compliance of
his obligations in accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreement.
We, ............... (indicate the name of the bank)……………….. (herein after referred to as “the
Bank”), hereby undertake to pay to the Government an amount not exceeding
Rs........................... (Rupees......... only) on demand by the Government within 10 days of the
We, ........................ (indicate the name of the Bank) do here by undertake to pay the amount due
and payable under this guarantee without any demur, merely on a demand from the Government
stating that the amount claimed is required to meet the recoveries due or likely to be due from
the said contractor. Any such demand made on the Bank shall be conclusive as regards the
amount due and payable by the Bank under this Guarantee. However, our liability under this
guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs. ........ (Rupees ...................only)
We, .................. (indicate the name of the Bank) ..............., further undertake to pay the
Government any money so demanded notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the
contractor in any suit or proceeding pending before any court or Tribunal, our liability under this
Bank Guarantee being absolute and unequivocal. The payment so made by us under this Bank
Guarantee shall be a valid discharge of our liability for payment there under and the contractor
shall have no claim against us for making such payment.
We, ..................... (indicate the name of the Bank)……………… further agree that the
Government shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any
manner our obligation here under to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said agreement
or to extend time of performance by the said contractor from time to time or to postpone for any
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time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by the Government against the said
contractor and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions rerating to the said
agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation or
extension being granted to the said contractor or for any forbearance, act of omission on the part
of the Government or any indulgence by the Government to the said contractor or by any such
matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would, but for this provision,
have effect of so relieving us.
We, ................... (Indicate the name of the Bank)………………….. further agree that the
Government at its option shall be entitled to enforce this Guarantee against the Bank as a
principal debtor at the first instance without proceeding against the contractor and
notwithstanding any security or other guarantee the Government may have in relation to the
Contractor's liabilities.
This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the bank or the
We, ...................... (Indicate the name of the Bank)………………undertake not to revoke this
guarantee except with the consent of the Government in writing.
This Bank Guarantee shall be valid up to…………….. unless extended on demand by the
Government. Not with standing anything mentioned above our liabilities against this guarantee
is restricted to Rs.…………….. (Rupees…………………………… only) and unless a claim in
writing is lodged. un shall stand discharged. Date. Witnesses: the constitution of the Bank or the
.........., undertake not to revoke this ng. unless extended on demand bY the anything mentioned
above, our liability against this guarantee is (Rupees.................... only) and unless a claim in
writing is lodged. With us within the date of expiry of the of this guarantee, all our liabilities
under this guarantee shall stand discharged.
Signature………………. Authorized signatory
Name and address Name
Staff code no.
Bank seal
Name and address
*Date to be worked out on the basis of validity period of 90 days where only financial bids are
invited and 180 days for two/three bid system from the date of submission of tender.
**ln paragraph 1, strike out the portion not applicable. Bank Guarantee will be made either for
earnest money or for performance guarantee/security deposit/mobilization advance, as the case
may be.
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NOC) /licenses for temporary obstructions/enclosures and pay all charges which may be livable
on account of his execution of the work under the agreement. Nothing extra shall be payable on
this account.
8 The contractor shall leave such recesses, holes, openings, etc., as may be required for the
electric, air-conditioning and other related works. (For this purpose, any required inserts,
sleeves, brackets, conduits, base plates, insert plates, clamps etc. shall be arranged by the
contractor and fix the same at the time of casting of concrete, stone work& brick work, if
required, and nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
9 The contractor shall give a trial run of the equipment and machinery for establishing its
capability to achieve the specifications within laid down tolerances to the satisfaction of the
Engineer-in-charge before commencement of work.
10 The work will be carried out in close coordination with the building work and other
agencies. Conduits will be laid in the slab within the specified time and it will have to be ensured
that the casting of slabs is not delayed for want of laying of conduits. The conduits will also be
laid in walls before the Plaster work is undertaken so as to avoid breaking cutting of plaster
while making chase for laying of conduits subsequently. The contractor will have to employ
adequate labour for carrying out the work. No claim regarding the idle labour for any reason will
be entertained by the Department.
11 All tools, plant and machinery provided by the contractor shall, when brought at the site,
be deemed to be exclusively intended for the construction and completion of this work and the
contractor shall not remove the same or any part thereof (save for the purpose of moving it from
one part of the site to another) without the consent of the Engineer-in-charge.
12 All materials shall be got checked & approved by the Engineer-in-charge on receipt of
the same at site before use and rejected material is to be removed from the site immediately.
13 The contractor shall carry out his work, so as not to interfere with or hinder the progress
or completion of the work being performed by other contractor (s) or by the Engineer-in-charge
and shall as far as possible arrange his work and shall place and dispose of the materials being
used or removed, so as not to interfere with the operations of other contractors, or he shall
arrange his work with that of the others in an acceptable and coordinated manner and shall
perform it in proper sequence to the entire satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge.
14 It shall be responsibility of the main contractor to sort out any dispute involved with the
associated contractor without any time and cost overrun to the department. The main contractor
shall be solely responsible for settling the dispute/litigation arising out of his agreement with the
associate contractor. The contractor shall ensure that the work shall not suffer on this account.
15 The contractor shall quote his rates considering the specifications, terms & conditions
and particular specifications and special conditions etc. and nothing extra shall be payable
whatsoever unless otherwise specified.
16 The contractor shall ensure quality construction in a planned and time bound manner.
Any substandard material or work beyond set out tolerance limits shall be summarily rejected by
the Engineer-in-charge.
17 Even ISI marked materials shall be subjected to quality test at the discretion of the
Engineer-incharge besides testing of other materials as per the specifications described for the
item/material. Whenever ISI marked materials are brought to the site of work; the contractor
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Copies of all documents of routine and type test certificate of the equipment carried out at the
manufacturer premises shall be furnished to the Engineer-in-charge at the time of supply. The
original bills and Eway bill shall be submitted to the department for the verification of the
genuineness of the materials.
Compliance with Regulations and Indian Standards:
All works shall be carried out in accordance with relevant regulation, both statutory and those
specified by the Indian Standards related to the works covered by this specification in particular,
the equipment and installation will comply with the following:
Factories Act.
Indian Electricity Rules.
I.S. & BS Standards as applicable.
Workmen’s compensation Act.
Statutory norms prescribed by local bodies etc.
The entire installation shall be at the risk and responsibility of the contractor until these are
tested and handed over to the department. However if there is any delay in construction from the
department side, the installation may be taken over in parts, but the decision on the same shall
rest with Engineer-in-charge which shall be a binding on the contractor.
Quantities indicated in Schedule of work are only tentative; contractor shall consult AE-in-
charge before procurement. Payment shall be made only for the quantities actually executed and
Contractor shall preserve the copies of invoices, test certificates; gate passes etc. to prove the
Genuineness of material / purchases. The responsibility of procurement of genuine material of
specialized makes shall rest with the contractor.
No drawing/technical submittal shall be accepted through email. Hard copy of drawings duly
signed by Contractor’s Engineer will only be approved.
All items except LED bulbs/LED fittings and Substation equipments viz transformer/HT
panel/CSS shall be guaranteed for a period of one year.
All the LED bulbs/LED fittings and Substation equipments viz transformer/HT panel/CSS shall
be guaranteed for a period of 5 years.
50% of the Performance Guarantee shall be refunded to the contractor soon after the completion
of the work and recording of the completion certificate.
50% of the Performance Guarantee shall be retained as Security Deposit.
50% of the Performance Guarantee retained as Security Deposit plus 2.5% Security Deposit
already deducted from running bills (total 2.5+2.5=5%) shall be refunded year wise
Contractor will give warrantee certificates to the departments.
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Payment shall be released only after submission of PAN No., Bank A/c details with IFSC code
etc and Valid GST No. of the state where work is to be executed. If payment is delayed due to
non-submission of PAN No., Bank A/c details with IFSC code etc and Valid GST No. then,
responsibility for the same will lie on the part of the contractor and no claim / interest etc. will
be paid by the department on this account.
GST, Income Tax, Labourcess and any other tax at source shall be deducted, as applicable.
The rates should be inclusive of all taxes / duties / levies etc. Nothing extra shall be paid on any
CPWD will not be responsible for any accident to the staff by any reasons whatsoever. The
contractor will ensure that the staff employed by him on site is duly insured for liability in case
of any accident, strikes, riots, civil commotion, etc. CPWD will not be liable for any damage
caused due to any reasons.
All the intending bidders has to visit the site location and BOQ carefully and in case of any
discrepancy the same shall be brought to the notice of the department, within the tender opening
In case of any discrepancy/non availability in the size/specifications of the items elaborated in
the BOQ , the material of next higher size/specifications available in the market to that of the
size/specifications specified in the BOQ shall be provided without any extra cost..
If the material specified in the BOQ become non available due to technology advancement or
otherwise then the product of better specifications shall be accepted, provided there is no
functional change of requirement.
In case of variation in the light fitting wattage/specifications then the fittings having more
lumens per watt shall be preferred and better specification products shall be accepted.
Metal sheath of Co-axial T.V. cable shall be terminated using 'U' shape
thimble/lugs/ferrules. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
To facilitate drawing of wires 16/18 SWG GI fish wire be provided along with laying of
recessed conduit. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
The Composite category contractor and the associated specialized agencies has to submit
required affidavit to confirm their association.
All material to be brought at site by the contractor will be on actual basis. No surplus/remaining
material should be brought at site and hence will not be accepted by the department in any case.
All damages done to the building during execution of Electrical work shall be the responsibility
of the contractor and the same will be made good immediately at his own cost to the satisfaction
of the Engineer-in-Charge. Any expenditure incurred by the department in this condition shall be
recovered from the contractor and decision of the Engineer-in-Charge about recovery shall be
All the hardware items such as screws, ‘thimbles’, G.I. wires etc which are essentially required
for completing an item as per specifications will be deemed to be included in the item even when
the same have not been specifically mentioned. All hardware materials such as
nuts/bolts/screws/washers etc., to be used in the work shall be zinc/cadmium plated iron.
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The work shall be carried out according to approved drawings/details and as per instructions of
the Engineer-in-charge who will have the right to change the layout as per requirement at site
and the contractor shall not have any claim due to change in layout.
The work shall be carried out in engineering like manner. The bad workmanship will not be
accepted and defects shall be rectified at contractor’s cost of the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-
charge. The programme of electrical works are to be co-ordinated in accordance with the
building work and no claim for idle labour will stipulated in the tender, electrical work shall
have to be completed along with completion of civil work.
All the debris of the electrical works should be removed and the site should be cleared by the
contractor immediately after the accruing of debris. Similarly any rejected material should be
immediately cleared off from the site by the contractor.
In case of any discrepancy/Non availability about the availability of material of requisite
specification/size as per BOQ the same shall be brought to the notice the deptt. During the tender
inviting period otherwise it shall be deemed that the Agency has no objection about the size/
specification of the material as depicted in the BOQ, and in that case the item of higher/better
specification/size shall be provided without any extra cost.
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1.0 The work shall be carried out strictly in accordance with CPWD General Specifications
for Electrical Works Part-I Internal 2023, Part-II (External) 2023, General Specifications part-IV
Sub Station 2013, Fire Detection & Alarm System Part-VI 2018, Wet Riser& Sprinkler System
Part V 2019 and Lift & Escalators Part-III- 2003 as amended upto date and as per instruction of
the Engineer-in-charge and in accordance with the Indian electricity Rules 1956 and Indian
Electricity act 1910 as upto date.
The tenderer should in his own interest visit the site and familiarizes himself with the site
conditions before tendering.
No T & P shall be issued by the Department and nothing extra shall be paid on account of this.
4.1 The rates quoted by the tenderer, shall be firm and inclusive of all taxes (including GST),
duties and levies and all charges for packing, forwarding, insurance, fright and delivery,
installation, testing, commissioning etc., at site including temporary constructional storage, risks,
overhead charges, general liabilities/obligations and clearance from local authorities.
4.2 The contractor has to carry out routine & preventive maintenance for 12 Months from the
date of handing over. Nothing extra shall be paid.
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All sundry items, accessories, hardware items foundation connections and all other items which
are useful and necessary for efficient assembly and installation of equipment and components of
the work shall be deemed to have been included in the tender, irrespective of the fact whether
such items are specifically mentioned in the tender documents or not.
(i) Submission of programme:-
Within seven days from the date of receipt of the letter of acceptance, the successful tenderer
shall submit his programme for submission of drawings, supply of equipment, installation,
testing and commissioning and handing over of the installation to the Engineer-In-Charge. This
programme shall be framed keeping in view the building progress.
(ii) Submission of Drawings:-
The contractor shall prepare & submit the working drawings of the substation and cable layout
to the Engineer-In-Charge for approval before start of work within 15 days from the date of start.
General arrangement drawing for all E&M services including conduit layout piping arrangement
etc. showing location of equipment i.e. SDB’s, fans, fittings, Feeder pillar, MCCB’s, route of
cables/conduits, earth pits etc.
General arrangement and schematic drawing of distribution panels & feeder pillar.
The shop drawings for all the specialized services viz. Fire fighting, fire alarm, DG set,
substation, etc has to be submitted by the agency and get it approved from the department at
least 15 days before starting the work. Agency has to prepare the coordinated drawings of all the
services, so that there is no hindrance in execution of work. After approval of drawings three set
of approved drawings on A2/A1 size paper shall be submitted by the agency. Nothing shall be
paid on this account.
Any other drawing required for executing the work.
Completion drawings of all services including cable layout in duplicate has to be submitted by
the agency after the completion of work, Otherwise recovery shall be made as per GCC.
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8.1 All equipment’s shall be guaranteed for a period of 12 months from the date of
acceptance and taking over of the installation by the department except LED bulbs/LED fittings
and Substation equipment’s viz transformer/HT panel/CSS. All LED bulbs/LED fittings and
Substation equipments viz transformer/HT panel shall be guaranteed for their performance for a
period for 5 years from the date of completion of work. Contractor has to submit warrantee
certificate from manufacturer.
All the LED Bulbs/ LED Fittings shall be guaranteed for a period of 5 years.
50% of the Performance Guarantee shall be refunded to the contractor soon after the completion
of the work and recording of the completion certificate.
50% of the Performance Guarantee shall be retained as Security Deposit.
50% of the Performance Guarantee retained as Security Deposit plus 2.5% Security Deposit
already deducted from running bills (total 2.5+2.5=5%) shall be refunded year wise
Unsatisfactory performance and/or breakdown due to defective design, workmanship of
material. The equipment’s or components, or any part thereof so found defective during
guarantee period shall be forthwith repaired or replaced free of cost, to the satisfaction of the
Engineer-in-Charge. In case it is felt by the department that undue delay is being caused by the
contractor in doing this, the same will be got done by the department at the risk and cost of the
contractor. The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge in this regard shall be final.
8.2 The tenderer shall guarantee among other things, the following
(i) Quality, Strength and performance of the materials used.
(ii) Safe mechanical and electrical stress on all parts under all specified conditions of
operation. Satisfactory operation during the maintenance period.
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12.1 All works shall be carried out in accordance with relevant regulation, both statutory and
those specified by the Indian Standards related to the works covered by this specification. In
particular, the equipment and installation will comply with the following :
a) Factories Act.
b) Indian Electricity Rules.
c) I.S. & BS Standards as applicable.
d) Workmen’s compensation Act.
e) Statutory norms prescribed by local bodies like CEA, Sidcul authorities, MDDA etc,.
12.2 Nothing in this specification shall be construed to relieve the successful tender of his
responsibility for the design, manufacture and installation of the equipment with all accessories
in accordance with currently applicable statutory regulations and safety codes.
The successful tenderer shall at all times indemnify the department, consequent on this works
contract. The successful tenderer shall be liable, in accordance with the Indian Law and
Regulations for any accident occurring due to any cause and the department shall not be
responsible for any accident or damage incurred or claims arising there from during the period of
erection, construction and putting into operation the equipments and ancillary equipments under
the supervision of the successful tenderer in so far as the latter is responsible. The successful
tenderer shall also provide all insurance including third party insurance as may be necessary to
cover the risk. No extra payment would be made to the tenderer due to the above.
No tools and tackles either for unloading or for shifting the equipments for erection purpose
would be made available by the department. The successful tenderer shall have to make his own
arrangement for all these facilities.
All consignments are to be duly insured upto the destination from warehouse to warehouse at the
cost of the supplier. The insurance covers shall be valid till the equipment is handed over duly
installed, tested and commissioned.
The contractor shall have to produce all the relevant records to certify that the genuine materials
purchased from manufacturers or their authorized dealers or importer having valid import license
without which material will not be accepted/liable to be rejected.
17.1 Sufficient trained and experienced staff shall be made available to meet any exigency of
work during the guarantee period of one year from the date of handing over of the installation to
the department.
17.2 The routine as well as preventive maintenance for one year by manufacturer shall be
carried out from the date of taking over the installation by department. Including attending all
call back of break down round the clock, 365 days in a year in guarantee period.
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This shall include cost of painting of entire exposed iron work complete in the installation. All
equipments works shall be painted at the works before dispatch to the site and paintings damages
during transportation shall be re-painted within the quoted cost.
(v) Delivery of material shall be taken up only with the consent of department, after
clearance of the material.
(vi) Department shall reserve the right to waive inspection in lieu of suitable test certificate,
at its discretion.
Similarly, for fabricated equipment, the contractor will first submit dimensional detailed
drawings for approval before fabrication is taken up in the factory. Suitable stage inspection at
factory also will be made to ensure proper use of materials, workmanship and quality control.
20.1 Ratings of components:
All components in a wiring installation shall be of appropriate ratings of voltage, current and
frequency, as required at the respective sections of the electrical installations in which they are
All conductors, switches and accessories shall be of such size as to be capable of carrying the
maximum current, which will normally flow through them, without their respective ratings being
20.2 Completion plan and completion certificate:
For all works completion certificate after completion of work shall be submitted to the Engineer-
Completion plan drawn to a suitable scale in A1/A2 Sheet (It shall be laminated if desired by the
Site- in-Charge) indicating the following, and three copies of the same shall also be submitted.
20.2.1 General layout of the building.
Locations of main switchboard and distribution boards, indicating the circuit numbers controlled
by them.
20.2.2 Position of all points and their controls.
Name of work, job number, tender reference, actual date of completion, names of Division/ Sub-
division and name of the firm who executed the work with their signature.
Types of fittings, viz. fluorescent, pendants, brackets, bulk head, fans, exhaust fans etc.
20.2.3 Cable layout showing general distribution diagram along with position of cable joints,
upto the building distribution/floor panels.
20.2.4 All material to be used on this work by the contractor shall be got approved from the
Engineer-in-charge before installation at site.
20.2.5 The contractor or his representative is bound to sign the site order book as and when
required by the Engineer-in-charge and to comply with remarks there in.
20.2.6 The entire installation shall be at the risk and responsibility of the contractor until the
same are tested and handed over the department. However if there is any delay in construction
from the department side the installation may be taken over in parts but decision on the same
shall rest with Engineer-in-charge which shall be binding on the contractor.
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20.2.7 The connection, interconnection earthing and inter-earthing shall be done by the
contractor wherever required to be done for energisation of the installation and nothing extra
shall be paid on this account.
20.2.8 The contractor shall make his own arrangement for storage of material either brought by
or issued to him by the department.
20.2.9 Cement for this bonafide work is to be arranged and used by the contractor himself and
nothing extra will be paid on this account.
20.2.10 The power supply and water supply required for the execution of work shall have to be
arranged by the contractor themselves however the power supply for testing of the equipments
shall be made available by the department at one single point free of cost.
20.2.11 Plastic name plate or identification tag/slips shall be provided on the cubical panel to
indicate the area fed by them and nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
20.2.12 All existing termination of cables submain/circuit wires & copper/GI /Earth wires into
SDB shall be done using lugs/ferrules only & nothing extra shall be paid on this account this
condition shall not apply if wiring has been done with solid single conductor wire.
20.2.13 Loss of life/damages/accident etc. shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor and
no compensation shall be payable by the department.
20.2.14 All the inter-connection/control circuit should be identified by way suitable means.
20.2.15 The ceiling fan regulator shall be two module type and nothing extra shall be paid on
this account.
20.2.16 All chases in wall shall be made through electrically operated chase cutting machine.
20.2.17 Testing of materials shall be done at approved laboratories as per the direction of the
Engineer-in-Charge. The charges of testing of materials approved in the laboratories shall be
reimbursed to the contractor and the charges of testing of materials failed during testing shall be
borne by the contractor.
Note : The quantity of material in the BOQ is indicative. Contractor has to assess the actual
requirement of material at site before placing the order, keeping in view the drawing and site
requirement from the shortest route. No claim for payment for unused excess material shall be
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[Internal EI & Fans, Internal & External lighting]
1- The electrical work shall generally be carried out as per General Specifications for Electrical
Works, Part-I (Internal), 2023 and General Specifications for Electrical Works, Part-II (External)
2- All MDB’s/ SDB’s should be provided with polythene/ PVC plastic cover to protect them
from rust /damages, during execution of work till the work is actually completed and handed
over to the department. All DB’s shall be double door type confirming to minimum IP-43 degree
of protection unless otherwise provided.
3- The loose wire boxes/cable end boxes adaptor boxes wherever required shall be provided on
the various electrical boards to facilitate the termination of the wiring in the various mountings.
The boxes shall be of the same make as the DB/s unless otherwise required in writing. Wherever
the company made cable end boxes are not available they shall be neatly fabricated with 16
SWG CRCA sheet steel, duly painted in same shade as the DB, dust and vermin proof and the
front cover of MS sheet shall be with rubber gasket suitably screwed or with 3 mm thick
phenolic laminated sheet of Hylam/ Formica instead of MS sheet, as approved by the Engineer-
in-Charge. The length of such boxes shall be same/or more as the width of the electrical
switchboard. Such loose wire boxes are deemed included in the scope of the work and no extra
payment shall be made for them. During construction all DB’s and loose wire boxes shall be
covered with polythene cover to protect them from water and mortar. In case of damage to the
paint of DB’s the same shall be replaced.
4- Miniature Circuit Breaker shall comply with IS–8828, 1996 / IEC 898. Miniature Circuit
Breakers shall be quick make and break type for 230V/ 415V AC, 50Hz application with
magnetic thermal release for over-current and short circuit protection. The breaking capacity
shall not be less than 10kA at 415V A.C. The MCB shall be DIN mounted. The MCB shall be
current limiting type (class–3). The MCB shall be same make as MCB DB’s.
5- MCB shall be classified (B,C,D Ref. IS standard) as per their tripping characteristics curves
defined by the manufacturer The MCB shall have the minimum power loss (watts) per pole
defined as per the IS/ IEC and the manufacturer shall publish the values. Only class-C MCB’s of
10 KA rating shall be provided, unless otherwise required.
6- The MCB housing shall be heat resistant and having high impact strength. The terminal shall
be protected against finger contact to IP20 degree of protection.
7- All models and colour of modular accessories required for the work shall be got approved
from the Engineer-in-charge from among the approved makes. The base plate shall be in sheet
steel or otherwise in unbreakable polycarbonate. The cover plates shall be screwless type in
shade approved by the Engineer-in-charge. The GI box shall be of the same make as the modular
8- All wires shall be multi-stranded wires unless otherwise required. The termination of all
wires shall be made through insulated terminal lugs. Each light and power circuit shall be
identified in the distribution board through numbering ferrules. Each Distribution/ Sub-
distribution board shall be identified through nomenclature through paint or through stickers as
desired by the engineer-in-charge.
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9- Special care shall be maintained in the colour coding of the wires used for the work. The
wires shall be in the same colour as the phase i.e. R-Y-B-N-E upto the point wiring termination.
The Earth wire shall be only green in colour. Neutral wire shall be in black colour only. The half
wires shall be in the same colour throughout the installation. No twist jointing of neutral and
earth wire shall be permitted and the terminal blocks for the same shall be used. The terminal
blocks shall be of Bakelite/ Polycarbonate/ Thermosetting plastic / Porcelain and shall be of 10A
rating for light circuits and 16A rating for power circuits.
10- Both at light plug points and power plug points only single termination shall be permitted.
The looping shall be done through terminal blocks unless otherwise required. All terminations of
stranded copper cables, of all sizes and at all points, shall be carried out through insulated copper
lugs only. Insulating taping on lugs shall not be permitted.
11- All junction boxes and Tee’s shall be provided with phenolic laminated sheet covers of
appropriate size and the same shall be deemed included scope of work.
Molded Case Circuit Breaker
1- The Molded case circuit breaker (MCCB) shall conform to latest IEC-60 947-2/ IS13947- 2.
The circuit breaker shall comply with the isolation function requirement of IEC 60 947-2 section
7.1.2 to marked as suitable for isolation/ disconnection to facilitate safety of operating personnel
while the breaker is in use.
2- Molded case circuit breakers shall be fixed mounting type, microprocessor release/ thermo-
magnetic type having adjustable O/L & S/C settings (as per BOQ) with trip free, manually
closing mechanism, accommodated in a Molded housing of robust and vermin proof
construction matching with switchboards. All MCCBs shall be designed and tested to IS-13947
Part II. The trip device shall be direct acting. Incomer MCCB shall have inbuilt earth fault
protection release and other releases as per the BOQ.
3- The MCCB shall have rated operating voltage=415V with minimum Insulation
voltage=600/750V and rated impulse withstand voltage=8KV. There has to be a total
discrimination from MCCB at the MDB incomer to Distribution Board outgoing MCB’s.
4- MCCB shall be provided with Class II insulation between front cover & internal power
circuits to avoid any accidental contact with live current carrying path with the front cover open.
5- The tripping devices shall be ambient temperature compensated type. The insulating case and
cover shall be made of high strength heat resistant and flame retardant thermosetting material.
They shall have line-load reversibility. 3-phase breakers shall be designed to break all the poles
simultaneously and they shall have a single mechanism.
6- They shall have auxiliaries and accessories whenever required for signaling, interlocking,
shunt trips, under voltage release, castle lock, etc.
7- All the circuit breakers used shall have guaranteed breaking capacities sufficient for the
maximum short circuit duties that could possibly be imposed on the different breakers. The
MCCBs fixed in main switch board shall have breaking capacity as indicated in BOQ & SLD.
8- MCCB shall have Ics=100% Icu for the entire range as per BOQ.
9- The short circuit breaking capacity and operation of MCCB shall be supported by test
certificates of neutral international independent authority /CPRI / ERDA.
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10- MCCB’s shall be used with rotary handle and terminal spreaders, phase barrier and all
terminals shall be shrouded to avoid direct contact.
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6- Each Panel shall be provided with an earth bus bar running along the entire length of the
board. Material and size of the earth bus bar shall be as per IS. At either end of the earth bus, one
clamp type terminal with nuts, bolts and washers shall be provided for bolting the earthing
conductor of size and material indicated in data sheets. In case the earth bus is provided near top
of the switchgear, one down comer at either end shall be provided for connection to the earthing
7- Earth bus bars shall be supported at suitable intervals.
8- Positive connection between all the frames of equipment mounted in the switchboard and
earth bus bar shall be provided by using insulated copper wires/bare bus bars of cross section
equal to that of the bus bar, or equal to half the size of circuit load current carrying conductor,
whichever is smaller.
9- All instrument and relay cases shall be connected to the earth bus-bar using 650 V grade, 2.5
Sqmm stranded, copper FRLS, earthing conductor.
10- All tests shall be carried out on all associated equipment as per relevant standards.
11- Certified copies of all test certificates shall be submitted for the approval of Engineer-in-
Charge before dispatch of the switchgear.
12- Routine test shall be witnessed at the manufacturer’s works by the representative of
1- The work is to be carried out as per CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works Part-
I & II internal and external, as amended upto date.
2- The work is to be carried as per the direction & satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge.
3- All the material brought at site shall have to be got approved from the Engineer-in-charge
before use at site.
4- No T&P shall be issued by the department.
5- No claim for idle labour will be entertained by the department.
6- Any damage done to the existing structure shall be restored to its original shape &colour by
the contractor for which nothing extra shall be paid.
7- The work shall be carried out in close co-ordination with other agencies like civil wing of
this department.
8- The work can be done on odd hours of normal office timing or on Sunday & holidays for
which no claim of idle labour will be entertained by the department.
9- The dismantled material shall be returned back to the department JE (E) site store.
10- The work shall comprise of entire labour including supervision and all materials necessary
to make a complete installation and such tests and adjustments and commissioning, as may be
required by the department. The term complete installation shall not only mean major luminaires
and mounting equipment covered by specifications but all incidental sundry components
necessary for complete execution and satisfactory performance of installation with all layout
charts whether or not those have been specifically mentioned in bill of quantity in the tender
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document. However, major equipment not covered in the scope of the work and required
subsequently as an additional feature, not covered in the contract specifications, shall be paid
extra. The decision of the engineer-in-charge in the matter shall be final and binding upon the
11- The contractor shall submit the relevant certificate at the time of supply of LED fixtures for
CRI, LM70, ENEC/UL, CE, NABL, BIS certification etc. as applicable.
12- The installation of the items like LED luminaires etc. shall be carried out as per the norms of
the OEM of the luminaries. The testing and commissioning of these fittings and ancillaries shall
be carried out to the satisfaction of the engineer in-charge and the commissioning report shall be
provided to the department failing which no payment shall be released.
13- The termination of all wires shall be made through insulated terminal lugs. Each light and
power circuit shall be identified in the distribution board through numbering ferrules. The work
shall include connections for the DALI controller system including its programming and testing
and commissioning to the requirement of site (if provided in the SOQ). In such case, each
luminaire/ fixture shall be controllable from the controller individually and independently, as
desired by the engineer-in-charge. The fixtures shall be connected to occupancy sensors,
wherever required by the engineer-in-charge.
14- Special care shall be maintained in the colour coding of the wires used for the work. The
wires shall be in the same colour as the phase i.e. R-Y-B-N-E upto the point wiring termination.
The Earth wire shall be only green in colour. Neutral wire shall be in black colour only. The half
wires shall be in the same colour throughout the installation. No twist jointing of neutral and
earth wire shall be permitted and the terminal blocks for the same shall be used. The terminal
blocks shall be of Bakelite/ polycarbonate/ thermosetting plastic and shall be of not less than10A
rating for light circuits and 25A rating for power circuits.
Fittings and Fixtures
The layout drawing for installation of the lighting luminaires shall be provided by the
department. However, the contractor may be required to provide the luminaire from different
makes approved in the tender documents as approved by the engineer-in-charge. It is desired to
give different look and as such the different designs from the approved makes may be selected.
As such the contractor shall supply the samples of luminaires of each approved make and get the
quantity of each fixture finalized from the engineer-in-charge before placing order. In case the
same is not complied, the contractor will be liable for rejection of material brought to site. The
fixtures shall be complete with hanging arrangement and nothing extra shall be paid on this
count. The models of the fixtures shall also be got approved from the Engineer-in-charge.
Without restricting to the generality of the foregoing, the installations shall include the
following: -
Down Comer System
Hand Appliances/ Fire Extinguishers
Fire Pumps i/c starter panel at Terrace
The work shall be carried as per CPWD general specification for electrical works Part I Internal-
2023, Part IV Sub Station-2013, Part-V-Wet Riser and Sprinkler System-2020, & Part-II-
External, 2023, all as amended up-to-date and in accordance to the NBC-2016, India Electricity
Rules 1956 and Indian Electricity Act 2003, as amended up-to-date and as per the instructions
and satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge.The agency has to prepare the Firefighting drawings
as per NBC 2016/ Local Byelaws and get it approved from the Department before execution of
work. The agency has to obtain the pre fire NOC and the final NOC from the Fire authority. The
work shall be deemed to be completed only after the submission of final NOC from the fire
Items not covered under these specifications or due to any ambiguity or misprints, or additional
works, the work shall be carried out as per specifications of the latest Central Public Works
Department with upto date amendments as applicable in the Contract.
Works not covered under Para above shall be carried out as per relevant Codes & Bureau of
Indian Standards and in case of its absence as per British Standard Code of Practice.
All the top edges of cement concrete foundation to be made for the equipment’s shall be covered
with angle iron frame made out of 40mm x 40mm x 4mm angle iron, duly painted with red oxide
and enamel paint.
All materials shall be new of the best quality conforming to the specifications and subject to the
approval of the Engineer-in-charge.
Pipes and fittings shall be fixed truly vertical, horizontal or in slopes as required in a neat
workmanlike manner.
Pipes shall be fixed in a manner as to provide easy accessibility for repair and maintenance and
shall not cause obstruction in shafts, passages etc.
Pipes shall be securely fixed to walls, and ceilings by suitable clamps at intervals specified. Only
approved type of anchor fasteners shall be used for RCC ceilings and walls.
Valves and other appurtenances shall be so located that they are easily accessible for operations,
repairs and maintenance.
The rules and regulations of Local Fire Authority as per the statutory regulations applicable for
obtaining the occupation certificate from the Local Development / Fire Authority.
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Drawings issued, if any, with the tenders are schematic and indicate the concept. Contractor
shall make his shop drawings on basis of architectural and interior design drawings issued by the
Engineer-in-Charge. Work will be executed only as per approved shop drawings.
It is the contractor's responsibility to ensure the competence of design to meet the above
All pipes within and outside the building in exposed locations and shafts including connections
buried under floor shall be MS pipes confirming to IS:1239 Heavy Class
Pipes and fittings means tees, elbows, couplings, flanges, reducers etc. and all such connecting
devices that are needed to complete the piping work in its totality.
Screwed fittings shall be approved type malleable or cast iron with reinforced ring on all edges
of the fittings suitable for screwed joints.
Forged steel fittings of approved type with "V" groove for welded joints.
Fabricated fittings shall be not being permitted for pipe diameters 50 mm and below. When
used, they shall be fabricated, welded and inspected in workshops whose welding procedures
have been approved by the TAC as per TAC Rule 4102 for sprinkler system and applicable to
hydrant and sprinkler System under the supervision of Engineer-in-Charge. For "T" connections,
pipes shall be drilled and reamed. Cutting by gas or electrical welding will not be accepted.
Screwed (50 mm dia pipes and below)
Joint for black steel pipes and fittings shall be metal to metal thread joints. A small amount of
red lead may be used for lubrication and rust prevention. Joints shall not be welded or caulked.
Welded (65 mm dia and above)
Joints between M.S. pipes and fittings shall be made with the pipes and fittings having "V"
groove and welded with electrical resistance welding in an approved manner. Butt welded joints
are not acceptable.
Flanged joints shall be provided on:
Straight runs not exceeding 30 m on pipe lines 80 mm dia and above.
Both ends of any fabricated fittings i.g. bend tees etc. of 65 mm dia or larger diameter.
For jointing all types of valves, appurtenances, pumps, connections with other type of pipes, to
water tanks and other places necessary and required as per good engineering practice.
Flanges shall be as per I.S. with appropriate number of G.I. nuts and bolts, 3 mm insertion
neoprene gasket complete.
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Approved type of dismountable unions on pipes lines 65 mm and below in similar places as
specified for flanges.
Excavation for pipe lines shall be in open trenches to levels and grades shown on the drawings
or as required at site. Pipe lines shall be buried to a minimum depth of 1.2 meter or as shown on
Wherever required contractor shall support all trenches or adjoining structures with adequate
timber supports.
On completion of testing and pipe protection, trenches shall be refilled with excavated earth in
15 cm layers and consolidated.
Contractor shall dispose off all surplus earth within a lead of 200m or as directed by Engineer-
Valves 65mm dia& below shall be heavy gunmetal full way valves or globe valves conforming
to IS:778, 1971 class-II with female screwed ends. Valves shall be carry I.S. certifications mark.
All valves shall be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge before they are allowed to be used on
Butterfly valves shall be of best quality conforming to IS:13095 of class specified and
sluice valves shall conform to IS: 780.
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Contractor shall provide stand post type external hydrants. The hydrants shall be controlled by a
cast iron sluice valve installed in underground lockable chambers. Hydrants shall have
instantaneous type 63 mm dia outlets. The hydrants valve shall be single outlet conform to
I.S.5290 with C.I duck foot bend and flanged riser of required height to bring the hydrant to
correct level above ground.
Contractor shall provide for each external fire hydrant two numbers of 63mm dia. 15m long
controlled percolation type hose pipes with stainless steel male and female instantaneous type
couplings machine wound with G.I. wire (hose to IS:636 Type 2 and couplings to IS:903 with
M.S. certification), stainless steel branch pipe with nozzle to IS:903.
Internal hydrants
Contractor shall provide on each landing and other locations as shown on the drawings one
single headed steeliness steal landing valves with 63 mm dia outlet mounted on a common 80
mm inlet conforming to I.S.5290-1969. Landing valve shall have flanged inlet and instantaneous
type outlets as shown on the drawings.
Instantaneous outlets for fire hydrants shall be of standard pattern approved and suitable for fire
brigade hoses.
Contractor shall provide for each internal fire hydrant station two numbers of 63 mm dia. 15 m
long rubberized fabric linen hose pipes with stainless steel male and female instantaneous type
coupling machine wound with G.I. wire (hose to I.S. 636 Type 2 and couplings to I.S. 903 with
I.S. Certification), fire hose reel conforming to IS:884, stainless steel branch pipe with nozzle
I.S. 2871 and Fire man's axe conforming to IS: 926.
Each hose box shall be conspicuously painted with the letters "FIRE HOSE".
Contractor shall provide standard fire hose reels with 20 mm dia high pressure Dunlop or
equivalent rubber hose 36.5 m long with stainless steel nozzle and control valve, shut off valve,
all mounted on circular hose reel of heavy-duty mild steel construction and cast iron brackets.
Hose reel shall be connected directly to the wet riser. Hose reel shall conform to IS: 884-1969
and rubber hose to IS: 5132.
All internal fire hydrants shall be enclosed in M.S. glazed cabinet. Hose cabinets shall be
fabricated from 16 gauge M.S. sheet of fully welded construction with hinged double front door
partially glazed with locking arrangement stove enameled fire red paint with "FIRE HOSE"
written on it prominently. (Sizes are as given in the Bill of Quantities).
All pipes above ground and in exposed locations shall be painted with one coat of zinc chromate
primer and two or more coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved shade.
Pipes in chase or buried underground shall be painted with two coats of zinc chromate primer
and wrapped with one layer of 4 mm thick PYPKOTE multi-layer sheet as per standard
manufacturer's specifications.
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All pipe clamps and supports shall be galvanized steel. When fabricated from M.S. steel
sections, the supports shall be factory galvanized before use at site. Welding of galvanized
clamps and supports will not be permitted.
Pipes shall be hung by means of expandable anchor fastner of approved make and design (Dash
Fasteners or equivalent). The hangers and clamps shall be fastened by means of galvanized nuts
and bolts. The size/diameter of the anchor fastener and the clamp shall be suitable to carry the
weight of water filled pipe and dead load normally uncounted.
Contractor shall provide control cables from supervisory valves and switches to the annunciation
panels. All control cables shall be copper conductor PVC insulated armoured and PVC sheathed
1100 volt grade.
All cables shall have stranded conductors. The cables shall be in drums as far as possible and
bear manufacturer's name.
All cable joints shall be made in an approved manner as per standard practice.
All cables shall be routed in approved locations in coordination with all other services in a
proper manner.
All cables shall be routed in approved locations in coordination with all other services in a
proper manner.
Cable trays shall be of galvanized steel and hung from the ceiling by galvanized rods supported
by appropriate size and type of expandable expansion fasteners drilled into the slabs and walls
by an electric drill.
Without restricting to the generality of the foregoing the work shall consist of the supplying and
installation of fully charged and tested fire extinguishing hand appliances ABC Powder, CO2,
foam, dry chemical powder type as required by these specifications and/drawings.
Fire extinguishers shall conform to the following Indian Standard Specifications and shall be
with ISI approved stamp as revised and amended upto date.
Fire extinguishers shall be installed as per Indian Standard "Code of Practice for Selection,
Installation and Maintenance of Portable First Aid Appliances" IS:2190-1962.
Hand appliances shall be installed in readily accessible locations with the appliance brackets
fixed to wall by suitable anchor fasteners.
Each appliance shall be provided with an inspection card indicating the date of inspection,
testing, change of charge and other relevant data.
All appliances shall be fixed in a true workman like manner truly vertical and at correct
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Without restricting to the generality of the foregoing, the pumps and ancillary equipment shall
include the following: -
a) Pressure gauges with isolation valves & piping.
b) M.S. pipes, valves, suction strainers, delivery and suction headers & accessories.
c) Foundations, vibration eliminator pads and foundation bolts.
Pumps shall be installed true to level on suitable concrete foundations. Base plate shall be firmly
fixed by foundation bolts properly grouted in the concrete foundations.
Pumps and motors shall be truly aligned by suitable instruments.
All pump connections shall be standard flanged type with appropriate number of bolts. In case of
non standard flanges companion flanges shall be provided with the pumps.
Manufacturer's instructions regarding installation, connections and commissioning shall be
followed with respect to all pumps and accessories.
Contractor shall provide necessary test certificates and performance charts with NPSH
requirement of the pumps from the manufacturer. The Contractor shall provide facilities to the
Engineer- in -Charge or their authorized representative for inspection of equipment during
manufacturing and also to witness various tests at the manufacturer’s works without any cost to
the DPLs.
Each pump shall be provided with a pressure gauge, isolation cock and connecting piping, bleed
and block valve.
Adequate vibration eliminating pad and connectors for each pump shall be provided.
The Contractor shall submit with this tender a list of recommended spare parts for two years of
normal operation and quote the prices for the same.
Pumping Sets
Pumping sets shall be 1450 RPM, single/multi-stage horizontal centrifugal single outlet with cast
iron body and cast iron impellers. Connecting shaft shall be stainless steel with bronze sleeve
and grease lubricated bearings.
Pumps shall be connected to the drive by means of spacer type love joy couplings which shall be
individually balanced dynamically and statically.
The coupling joining the prime movers with the pump shall be provided with a sheet metal
Pumps shall be provided with approved type of mechanical seals.
Pumps shall be capable of delivering not less than 150% of the rated capacity of water at a head
of not less than 65% of the rated head. The shut off head shall not exceed 120% of the rated
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The pump shall meet the requirements of the Tariff Advisory Committee and the unit shall be
design proven in fire protection services.
Electrically driven pumps shall be provided with totally enclosed fan cooled induction motors.
For fire pumps the motors should be rated not to draw starting current more than 3 times normal
running current.
Motors for fire protection pumps shall be at least equivalent to the horse power required to drive
the pump at 150% of its rated discharge and shall be designed for continuous full load duty and
shall be design proven in similar service.
Motors shall be wound for class B insulation and winding shall be vacuum impregnated with
heat and moisture resistant varnish glass fibre insulated.
Motors for fire pumps shall meet all requirements and specifications of the Tariff Advisory
Motors shall be suitable for 415 ±10% volts, 3 phase 50 cycles a/c supply and shall be designed
for 380C ambient temperature. Motors shall conform to I.S. 325.
Motors shall be designed for two start system.
Motors shall be capable of handling the required starting torque of the pumps.
Contractor shall provide inbuilt heating arrangements for the motors for main pumps to ensure
that motor windings shall remain dry.
Speed of the motor shall be compatible with the speed of the pump.
On all suction and delivery lines double flanged reinforced neoprene flexible pipe connectors
shall be provided. Connectors should be suitable for a working pressure of each pump and tested
to the test pressure given in the relevant head. Length of the connector shall be as per
manufactures details.
Work under this section shall consist of pre-commissioning, commissioning, testing and
providing guarantees for all equipment, appliances and accessories supplied and installed by the
contractor under this contract.
The rates quoted in this tender shall be inclusive of the works given in this section.
Contractor shall provide all tools equipment, metering and testing devices required for the
On award of work, contractor shall submit a detailed proposal giving methods of testing and
gauging the performance of the equipment to be supplied and installed under this contract.
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On completion of the installation of all pumps, piping, valves, pipe connections, and water level
controlling devices the contractor shall proceed as follows:-
Fire protection system:
Check all hydrant valves and close if any valve is open. Also check that all suction and delivery
connections are properly made.
Test run and check rotation of each motor and correct the same if required.
Pipe work
Check all clamps, supports and hangers provided for the pipes.
Fill up pipes with water and apply hydrostatic pressure to the system as given in the relevant
section of the specifications. If any leakage is found, rectify the same and retest the pipes.
5. The warranty shall include replacement of any equipment found to have capacity lesser
that the rated capacity as accepted in the contract. The replacement equipment shall be approved
by the Engineer- in - charge.
6. The scope of works also covers the preparation of layout plans, drawings for Firefighting
schemes and approval of the same from the respective local bodies viz. Fire Officer/ CFO etc.
before the commencement of work. Before/After execution, approvals / NOCs / clearances from
local bodies etc. shall be the responsibility of the contactor for which nothing extra is payable.
All statutory fees / charges required for obtaining clearances from Fire Officer / Local Bodies
etc. shall be reimbursed by the department on production of actual payment receipt/
Documentary Proof.
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3 LED Street light with inbuilt solar Wipro/ Phillips/ Crompton Greaves/ Havells/
panel & controller Lighting Technology
16 Pressure Switch (ISI marked) System
Sensor/Infoss/Danfoss/Switzer/Honeywell &
17 Pressure Gauge (ISI Maarked)
H Guru/ Fiebig/dwyer
18 Double / Single Headed Landing Minimax/New Age/ Safeguard/ Lifeguard/
Valve (ISI marked) Padmini/ Omex/Andex
19 Male Female fire Hose Coupling (SS Minimax/New Age/ Safeguard/ Lifeguard/
304) (ISI marked) Padmini/ Omex/Andex
20 First Aid Hose Drum / Fire Hose
Reels / Shut off Nozzle (Gunmetal / Minimax/New Age/ Safeguard/ Lifeguard/
ABS) (ISI Marked) Eversafe/ Padmini/ Omex/Andex
21 SS 304 / Gun metal Branch Pipe & Minimax/New Age/ Safeguard/ Lifeguard/
Nozzle (ISI Maked) Padmini/ Omex/Andex
22 Fireman Axe Minimax/ New Age/ Safeguard
23 Water Flow Switch (FM/UL Listed) System Sensor/Rapid Control/Potter/Switzer
24 Manual Fire Alarm ASES/Ravel/Edwards/Apollo
25 Rust Preventive polymeric 4mm thick Pypcoat/ Marphalt/ Rustech/ Safex
tape for pipes diectly buried in ground
pipe protection pypkoat (A W4)
Wrapping (ISI Marked)
26 Level Controller & Indicator (water)
(ISI Marked) Auto pump/ Cirrus Engineering / Techtrol
27 Fire Brigade Inlet Connecetion (ISI Minimax/New Age/ Safeguard/ Lifeguard/
Marked) Padmini/ Omex/Eversafe
28 Thermoplastic pipe for first Aid Hose New Age/ Safeguard/ Lifeguard/ Padmini/
Reel (ISI Marked) Omex/Eversafe
29 Fire Sealant Promat/ Birla 3 M/ Hilti
30 Over load Relays Schneider Electric / L&T/ Seimens/
31 power/ Aux. contactor 3/4 pole Schneider Electric / Legrand/ Hager/ L&T/
ABB/ Seimens/ C&S/BCH/Havells/HPL
32 LED type indicating lamp/ Push
Button Schneider Electric / L&T/ Seimens/ C&S/ABB
33 LT jointing kit / Termination
Reychem/Denson/ Cap Seal/Safekei/ 3M
Corrections - Nil
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P a g e | 180
34 RRL Hose pipe (ISI Marked) New Age/ Safeguard/ Lifeguard/ Padmini/
35 Dry Battery
Exide/ Amar Raja/ HBL/ Pulse/ Amco
36 Battery Charger Statcon/ Amar Raja/ CDC/ AE/ Expofyn/ thycon
37 Epoxy Paint
ICI/ Asian/Berger/Nerolac
38 Air Release Valve Rb/ Tbs/ Cimbrio/ Zoloto
39 Analogue/ Digital Measuring AE/ Rishabh/ L&T/ C&S/ Conzerve/HPL
Instruments (Voltmeer/ Ammeter/
Enrgy meter/ KW/ PE/ Multi Function
Note: CE-Dehradun, CPWD, Dehradun reserves the right to add or delete any materials and
Brands in the list of approved/acceptable materials/brands on the recommendations of Engineer-
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set 62,442.00
Corrections - Nil
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i/c connection, interconnection with
Busbar with incomer MCCB, suitably
fixing of panel with angle iron frame in
case of floor mounted or fastening on
wall etc complete as reqd.(Indoor light
4 strip aluminium conductor bus bars of 200
Amp rating with heat shrinkable coloured
sleeves i/c DMC/SMC bus bars supports
Outgoing 1 set 66,220.00 66,220.00
Corrections - Nil
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a) 40 mtr long
Corrections - Nil
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P a g e | 204
Corrections - Nil
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Omissions - Nil AE(P)C/E EE(C)/E
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Corrections - Nil
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Total 1,11,76,311.50
Say Rs. 1,11,76,312.00
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