Tender No. CE (P) SPK/EPC/01/2023-24
*Not attached, these documents can be seen in the Office of the Chief Engineer, Project
Sampark, C/O 56 APO during working hours.
2. Bidders or their duly authorized representative who have submitted their tenders and who
wish to be present at the time of opening of tenders may visit the office of Chief Engineer (P)
Sampark, C/O 56 APO at the above-mentioned time. However, they can view online tender
opening process at their premises.
3. Tender documents may also be downloaded from Central Public Procurement Portal-
(CPPP) website Scanned copies of all the documents,
duly authenticated, as per requirement of tender conditions be uploaded with the online
submitted bid. The Hard copy of original instruments in respect of bid security, tender fee
and undertaking given at Page No. 50 to 54 of tender must be delivered to the Chief
Engineer Project Sampark within 05 days from the bid submission end date”. If scanned
copy of Bid Security is not uploaded along with the T Bid, same shall be rejected by ‘the
Accepting officer. Scanned and original copies should be same, and no difference will be
4. Tendering procedure shall be single stage two bid system and tender documents shall be
prepared in two parts as under: -
5.1 (a) The tender to be submitted (Online) by the bidder will be comprised of following
documents: -
(i) Scanned copy of Tender Fee and Bid Security Deposit by un-enlisted contractor and with
BRO enlisted contractors who have not submitted standing security deposit.
(ii) Scanned and signed copy of all the Eligibility/Qualification documents required as per
tender conditions given at Page No. 03 to Page No. 15 of tender documents:
a) WORKING CAPITAL & EXPERIENCE: As per Para 6 (a), 6.1 (a) & (b) of Page No 05
b) Available Bid Capacity (ABC): As per Para 6.2 of Page No 06
c) Vehicles, Equipment’s and Plants (VEP): As per Para 6.3 of Page No 07
d) Performance & Other Requirement: As per Para 6.4 of Page No 08
e) List & format of eligibility documents to be attached along with Part-I of tender
documents to prove eligibility: As per Para 8 & all sub Para from Page No 09 to 11
(iii) Blank.
(iv) Scanned and signed copy of undertaking/details by Bidders given at Serial No 6.4
Page No. 08 and Page No 50 to 54 of tender, Bid Security & Tender Fee.
(v) Status, address, name of contact person and contact telephone nos. of the firm.
(vi) Composition of the firm, name, experience and qualification of the key staff/expert and
task assigned to them.
(vii) Computer Hardware and Software available with the firm for the work.
(viii) Power of Attorney to submit tender.
(b) Following documents will be deemed to be part of the contract during the time of
acceptance of contract: -
5.2.1 If contractor is not enlisted with BRO or enlisted with BRO but has not submitted standing
security deposit, he should submit Bid Security.
5.2.2 All the pages of T-bid should have been duly signed by the bidder/authorized rep.
6. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: -Bidders shall meet the following eligibility criteria for qualifying
in Technical bid.
(a) The Bidders should have working capital and/or credit facilities of at least 10%of the
estimated cost of the work (Applicable only for non - enlisted Contractors).
a) Bidders should have successfully completed or substantially completed with any Govt
agencies/PSU/Municipal Corporation/local Govt bodies three similar works costing not less than
the amount equal to 40% of estimated cost of work or two similar works costing not less than the
amount equal to 50% of estimated cost of work or one similar work costing not less than the
amount equal to 80% of estimated cost of work in last five & current financial years.
Similar work means- “Road Condition Survey / Consultancy Work involving at least NSV
Survey Work on Minimum 5 Km Double Lane”
b) In addition to above, bidder should have substantially completed at least one work in each
of the following:
a) FWD : At least one work experience (may be in the same or separate work order)
b) MBIU : At least one work experience (may be in thesame or separate work order)
c) Retro-Reflectometer : At least one work experience (may be in the same or
separate work order)”
Notes: -
1. Substantially completed works means those works which are 90% completed on the date
of submission (i.e. gross value of work done up to the last date of submission is 90% or more of
the original contract price) and continuing satisfactorily.
2. Bidders shall submit list of work executed in the past 5 years in their letter head duly
signed by the proprietor/partner/director of the firm in the proforma contained in Clause 8.1
3. Completion cost of works shall be brought to common base date of receipt of tender as
per following formula: -
Completion cost X (1 +Period in days from date of completion to date of receipt of tender/365
days X0.10)
6.2.1 ABC as per formula given here under should be more than estimated cost of work given
in NIT. Bidders shall calculate ABC and submit details duly signed on letter head.
Available Bid Capacity = 2.5 x A x N- B
Maximum value of all Road Condition Survey / Consultancy Work involving at least NSV
Survey Work on Minimum 5 Km Double Lane in any one year during the last 5 financial
years(updated to the current price level with enhancement factors as given below) supported
with duly certified Balance Sheets/ Certificates from Statutory Auditors / Chartered Accountant.
For-B: Bidders shall submit details of ongoing works as per format stated in clause 8.1 of
above. Bidders shall calculate ABC and submit details duly signed.
(i) The Bid capacity status of the bidder to be updated as on the day before opening the
financial bids.
6.2.2 The Bidders shall indicate actual figures of completion cost at work and value of A
without any enhancement as stated above.
6.2.3 The Bidders may be accorded an opportunity to clarify or modify his qualification
documents, if necessary, with respect to any rectifiable defects through option of short fall in
tender documents to be uploaded by the bidder. The Bidders will respond in not more than 07
days of uploading of the clarification letter through shortfall option failing which his tender is
liable to be rejected.
6.3.1 Bidders should own or have assured access (through hire/lease/purchase agreement/
other commercial means) to the requisite Equipment’s, Plants and vehicles in good working
(a) Bidders shall indicate source of requisite Equipment’s, Plants and Vehicles with vintage
required for execution of work in following format: -
6.3.2 Bidders shall indicate source of requisite Equipment’s, Plants and Vehicles along with
vintage required for execution of work in following format: -
(i) Item.
(ii) Year of Manufacture.
(iii) Source from where to be arranged (Owned / lease etc.).
(iv) Location presently deployed.
(v) Based on known commitments, whether will be available for use in the proposed contract.
(vi) Copy of documentary support of ownership/assured access to the satisfaction of the
Accepting Officer.
(vi) The firm has suitable software related to NSV, FWD, MBIU and Retro-Reflectometer as per
(a) There should not be poor/slow progress in running work. (If yes, submit details and
reasons of delay to check that these are not attributable to him or are beyond his control).
(b) There are no serious defect observed in work which stand un-rectified (if yes, submit
details and reasons).
(c) There are no cancelled/ abandoned contracts in which Govt. unrealized recoveries exist
(If yes, submit details and reasons).
(d) He/They have not been blacklisted by any Govt. Deptt (if yes, submit details and
(e) There are no any Govt. dues outstanding against the firm (If yes, submit details and
(f) Bidders should not be habitual litigant i.e. having more than 3 unsuccessful
arbitration/court cases during last years in which his views/claims are substantially rejected.
(g) Proprietor/partners/directors of firm are not involved in anti-national/anti-social activities
and have neither been convicted nor are any proceedings pending in court for such activities.
(h) Firm should have been considered capable of taking-more load in workload return
circulated by DGBR. In case the firm is not considered capable for taking more work load due to
unsatisfactory performance in the running works, in the prevailing report circulated by DGBR
their technical bid shall be rejected.
6.5 Disqualification
6.5.1 Even though the Bidders meet the above criteria, they are liable to be disqualified if they
have made misleading of false information in bidding documents submitted.
6.6.1 Firm have to employ following technical staff for the said work on regular establishment: -
Requirement of Technical Staff Minimum experience
Experienced Professionals on 03 Years (Three Years)
i. Survey with NSV – 01 No,
ii. MBIU – 01 No,
iii. FWD – 01 No,
iv. Retro-Reflectometer - 01 No
At the time of commencement of services, the details of technical staff shall be submitted to the
“Nodal Officer” having above mentioned experience.
7. Deleted.
8 List & format of eligibility documents to be attached along with Part-I of tender
documents to prove eligibility: -
8.1 List of works completed/substantially completed in last Five Years and current financial
years and ongoing works in following format: -
a) For Similar work minimum at least NSV on Minimum 5 Km Double Lane (Ref Para
Name Brief Name & Acceptin Date of Original Extend Actual date Cost of Remarks
of Scope address g Commence Date of ed of of comple explaining
work of of Contract ment of Complet Compl completion ted reasons of
& CA work employer Amount work ion etion / present work delay, if
No. / client progress any
b) For Additional Experience (FWD, MBIU & Retro-Reflectometer) (Ref Para 6.1(b)):-
Name Brief Name & Acceptin Date of Original Extend Actual date Cost of Remarks
of Scope address g Commence Date of ed of of comple explaining
work of of Contract ment of Complet Compl completion ted reasons of
& CA work employer Amount work ion etion / present work delay, if
No. / client progress any
8.4 Blank
8.5 Performance and other Requirements: - Refer Para 6.4 Page No 8
8.5.1 Deleted
8.5.2 Bidders shall submit information of all arbitration/court cases decided during last five and
current financial years and also presently in progress as per following format: -
(a) Name & Address of employer
(b) Cause of dispute
(c) Amounts involved
(d) Brief of Court Judgment/arbitration award (if published) otherwise present progress
8.5.3 A Bidder is required to submit, along with its technical BID, a self-certification that
the item offered meets the local content requirement for ‘Class I local Supplier’ / ‘Class II
local Supplier’, as the case may be. The self-certification shall also have details of the
location(s) at which the local value addition is made.
In the above pretext, the Class I Local Supplier, Class - II Local Supplier
and the Non- Local Supplier are defined as under:
(i) Commercial bids will be reviewed to ensure that the figures indicated therein are consistent
with the details of the corresponding technical bids.
(ii) For the purpose of evaluation “cost” shall be exclusive of all taxes and duties.
(iii) Bidder who has quoted lowest total cost in Schedule A(L-1) shall be considered successful
bidder and all other bidders shall be considered unsuccessful. Offer of successful bidder (L-
1) shall be only considered for acceptance. If, L-1 backs out, retendering shall be resorted
in a fair and transparent manner. (iii) Completion period as mentioned in Tender Document
have been accepted.
(iv) Completion Period as indicated in Tender Document has been accepted.
10.1 The Chief Engineer Project Sampark will be Accepting Officer here-in-after referred to as
such for the purpose of this contract.
10.2 If Bidders desire that any condition or stipulation given in the tender documents is to be
modified or deleted, they should submit their comments/suggestion well before last working date
of clarification as shown in critical date details in subject tender ID for consideration by the
department for issue of corrigendum/amendments to tender documents. If department considers
comments/suggestion suitable, corrigendum/amendments to tender documents shall be issued
and also uploaded on E-tendering Portal. If department does not consider comments/suggestion
10.3. The Bidders are advised to visit the work site to acquaint themselves of working and site
conditions, before submitting their tender. The submission of tender by a person implies that he
has read this tender forwarding letter, the conditions of contract and has made himself aware of
the scope and specifications of the work to be done and of the conditions and other factors, site
conditions, taxes & levies prevailing etc which may affect the quotation and execution of the
10.4. Bidders must be very careful to deliver a bonafide tender, failing which the tenders are
liable to be rejected. Bidders are therefore, advised to ensure that their tender must satisfy each
and every condition laid down in the tender documents.
10.5 Your attention is drawn to the Indian Official Secret Act-1923 (XIX of 1923) as amended
up to date particularly Section 5 thereof
c) Bid Security shall be returned to unsuccessful bidders (other than L-1) after opening of
price bids and to successful (L-1) bidder after receipt of Performance Security Deposit.
d) Bid Securing Declaration as per Rule 170 (iii) of GFR 2017 is required to attach by the
firm registered with MSME, MSE in lieu of Bid Security.
12. Blank
13. The tender shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 120 days from bid
submission end date.
14. On acceptance of tender, the name of authorized representative (s) of the contractors
who would be responsible for taking instructions from Engineer-in-Charge or its authorized
representative shall be intimated by the contractor within 7 days of issue of Acceptance letter.
15. Revision/Modification of quoted price
(a) In case the Bidders has to revise/ modify/withdraw his quoted rates /offer after it is
uploaded in e-tendering portal he may do so on before bid submission end date & time in e-
tendering portal. Any revision/ modification in offer / withdrawal of offer in the form of an open
letter after bid submission end date & time and the same shall be considered as revocation of
offer and shall not be taken into account, while considering in his originally quoted offer.
16. Revocation of offer
In the event of lowest Bidders revokes his offer or revise his rates upward (which will be
treated as revocation of offer), after opening of tenders and before expiry of original validity
period stipulated in tender documents, the Bid Security deposited by him shall be forfeited. In
case of BRO enlisted contractors, the amount equal to the Bid Security stipulated in the Notice
of tender, shall be notified to the Bidders for depositing the amount through MRO, failing which
the amount shall be recovered from any payment due to such Contractor or shall be adjusted
from the Standing Security Deposit. In addition, L-1 Bidders revoking offer and his related firms
shall not be issued the tender in second or subsequent calls of subject work.
Yours Faithfully
Dated: __________
(To be used by approved Scheduled Banks)
1. In consideration of the President of India (hereinafter called “the government”) having agreed
to exempt …………. (hereinafter called “the said Contractor(s)”) from the demand, under the terms
and conditions of an Agreement dated …………….. Made between---------------------------------------
…………………………………………. and …………………………………. for---------------------------
…………………………………………………… (hereinafter called the said Agreement), of security
deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor(s) of the terms and conditions contained in the
said Agreement on production of a Bank Guarantee for Rs. ………. (Rupees
…………………………………………………………………only) we …………………. Bank Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as the bank) do hereby undertake to pay the Government an amount not
exceeding Rs. ……………… against any loss or damage caused to or wound be caused to or
suffered by the Government by reason of any breach by the said contractor(s) of any the terms or
conditions contained in the said Agreement.
2. We…………………... Bank Ltd. do hereby undertake to pay the amounts due and payable
under this guarantee without any demur, merely on a demand from the Government stating that the
amount claimed is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the
Government by reason of any breach by the said contractor(s) of any of the terms or conditions
contained in the said Agreement or by reason of the contractor’s (s) failure to perform the said
Agreement. Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due
and payable by the Bank under this guarantee. However, our liability under this guarantee shall be
restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs……………….
4. We……………………………….. Bank Ltd. further agree with the Government that the
Government shall have the fullest liberty without affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder
to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said Agreement or to extend time of performance by
the said Contractor(s) from time to time postpone for any time or from the time to time any of the
powers exercisable by the Government against the said contractor(s) and to forbear or enforce any
of terms and conditions relating to the said Agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability
by reason of any such variation, or extension being granted to the said contractor(s) or for any
forbearance. Act or omission on the part of the Government or any indulgence by the Government to
the said contractor(s) or any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to
sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving us.
5. We………………………………….. Bank Ltd. lastly undertakes not to revoke this guarantee
during its currency except with the previous consent of the Government in writing.
2. Tender documents may be downloaded from central public procurement portal site as per the schedule as given in CRITICAL DATE SHEET
as under.
Bid Document Publishing Date 11 Sep 2023 (02.00 PM) Onwards
Bid Document Download Start Date 11 Sep 2023 (04.00 PM)
Clarification Start Date 12 Sep 2023 (11.00 AM)
Clarification End Date 15 Sep 2023 (04.00 PM)
Pre Bid Meeting 18 Sep 2023 (11.00 AM)
Bid Submission Start Sate 19 Sep 2023 (02.00 PM)
Bid Submission End Date 07 Oct 2023 (12.00 PM)
Bid opening Date 09 Oct 2023 (12.00 PM) Onwards
Opening of Financial Bid After evaluation, shall be intimated separately
3. Bids shall be submitted online only at CPPP website: Manual bids shall not be accepted. Bidders/Contractors
are advised to follow the instructions provided in the “Instruction to the contractors/Bidders for
the e-submission of the bids online through the Central Public Procurement Portal for e-
procurement at” before proceeding ahead.
4. The work is estimated to cost Rs. 30,13,847 Lakh (Rupees Thirty Lakh Thirteen Thousand
Eight Hundred Forty Seven Only) excluding taxes approximately or as subsequently amended in
tender documents or uploaded in CPPP website This
estimate, however is not a guarantee and is merely given as a rough guide only and if the work
cost more or less, Bidders shall have no claim on that account of what so ever nature.
5. The tender shall be based on specifications, General Conditions of contracts to be
priced by the Bidders.
6. Not more than one tender shall be submitted by one contractor or contractors having
business relationship. Under no circumstances will a father or his son(s) or other close relations
who have business relationship with one another (i.e. when one or more partner(s)/director(s)
are common) be allowed to tender for the same contract as separate competitors. A breach of
this condition will render the tenders of both parties liable to rejection.
7. The work involves carrying out test / survey at the time of completion and during
maintenance period as specified, thus overall period shall be Five years & Six months from the
date of first work order. The work is to be completed within Five years & Six months as
subsequently amended in tender documents or uploaded in CPPP website in accordance with the phasing, if any, indicated in the
tender from the date of handing over the site, which will be generally within one month from the
date of issue of acceptance letter.
8. The Chief Engineer Project Sampark, C/O 56 APO will be the Accepting Officer here
in after referred to as such for the purpose of this contract.
10. Bid Security is not required to be attached with tender by the valid enlisted contractor with
BRO who have submitted standing security deposit and MSME registered firms as per Rule 170
(i) of GFR 2017but it is required from other contractors and to be attached (scanned copy) with
Technical Bid for Rs. 60,276/- (Rupees Sixty Thousand Two Hundred Seventy Six Only)in
the shape of Call Deposit Receipt/Term Deposit Receipt/Special Term Deposit Receipt in
favour of Chief Engineer Project Sampark C/O 56 APO obtained from any
Nationalized/Scheduled Bank and having maturity/validity period 150 days more than validity
period of his offer and Bid Security shall be returned to unsuccessful bidders (other than L-1)
after opening of price bids and to successful (L-1) bidder after receipt of Performance Security
Deposit. The Bidders shall also submit Copy of Online receipt towards payment of cost of Bid
document of Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees Five Thousand Only) through Bharat Kosh (payable to Pay
and Accounts Officer, Project Sampark, Border Roads Organization and GST for Rs. 900/-
(Nine Hundred only) and Bharat Kosh receipt must be submitted with the proposal.
(i) BID Security of Rs. 60,276/- (Rupees Sixty Thousand Two Hundred Seventy
Six Only) in the form of Bank Guarantee in the format at Annexure-II from a
Scheduled Bank (Original BG to be submitted physically as well within 7 days of
Bid due date);
11. Successful Bidder (L-1) shall deliver to Accepting Officer a Performance Security for an
amount of 5% of contract sum in the shape of Bank Guarantee or FDR within 28 days after
singing of Contract Agreement and Bid Security will be released after deposition of Performance
Security or adjusted against the same.
12. Copies of drawings (if applicable) and other documents pertaining to the work(signed for
the purpose of identification by the Accepting Officer or his accredited representative) and
sample of materials and stores to be supplied by the contractor will be opened for inspection at
the following locations: -
Chief Engineer (P) Sampark, Near Peer Baba, Kunjwani Chowk, Jammu
13. Bidders are advised to visit the work site by making prior appointment with Director
(Contract), HQ CE (P) Sampark/Commander 35 BRTF/ OC 57 RCC C/O 56APO. Any quarry
related to the tender condition may be clarified at following telephone No: -
i) Shri V K Srivastava, Superintending Engineer (Civil),Director(Contacts), HQ CE(P)
Sampark (Mob No-9717247156) Tele: 0191-2484882/2480445 (09:00 AM to 05:00
PM), Email id:
ii) Shri Rajiv Kumar, EE(Civ), SO-I (EPC), HQ CE(P) Sampark (Mobile No-
9622007778), Tele:0191-2484882/2480445(09:00AMto05:00PM),Email Id: spk-
iii) Commander 35 Task Force (Mobile No-9435058809 / 8628837063)
iv) Officer Commanding 57 RCC(Mobile No- 8146758482)
14. A Bidders shall be deemed to have full knowledge of all relevant documents, samples,
site etc whether he has inspected them or not.
15. Any qualification documents/tender which stipulates any alternative to any of the
conditions laid down or which proposes any other conditions of any description whatsoever is
liable to be rejected.
16. The Accepting Officer reserves his right to accept a tender submitted by a Public
Undertaking, giving a purchase preference over other tender (s) which may be lower, as are
admissible under the Government Policy. No claim for any compensation or otherwise shall be
admissible from such Bidders whose tenders may be rejected on account of the said policy.
17. The submission of a tender by a Bidders implies that he had read this notice and
conditions of contract and has made himself fully aware of the scope and specifications of the
work to be done and of the conditions and rates at which stores, tools and plants etc will be
issued to him, local conditions and other factors bearing on the execution of the work.
18. Blank.
19. Blank.
20. In case of applications/bids (enlisted contractor / as well as un-enlisted contractors)
where scanned copies of requisite Bid Security (as applicable) were uploaded but the same are
not received in physical form within stipulated time, such bids shall not qualify for opening of
finance bid.
21. In case of rejection of technical bid, contractor may appeal to next Higher Engineering
Authority i.e. Addl DGBR (NW) on email against rejection whose decision
shall be final and binding, However, contractor/bidder shall not be entitled for any compensation
whatsoever on account of rejection of technical bid.
22. For any further particulars, you may refer CPPP website
23. Blank.
24. In the event of lowest Bidders revoking his offer or revising his rates upward (which will
be treated as revocation of offer), after opening of tenders, the Bid Security deposited by him
shall be forfeited. In case of BRO enlisted contractors, the amount equal to the Bid Security
stipulated in the Notice of tender, shall be notified to the Bidders for depositing the amount
through MRO, failing which the amount shall be recovered from payment due to such
contractor or shall be adjusted from the Standing Security Deposit. In addition, such Bidders
and his related firm shall not be allowed to participate in the tendering in second call or
subsequent calls.
25. Important- Above particulars may change due to Administrative or any other reasons and
shall be available in CPPP website Therefore,
bidders/contractors are requested to visit CPPP website
frequently and at least once again 03(three) days prior to be bid submission date as per critical
date sheet, for any changes in above particulars.
26. Blank.
27. The minimum local Content, the margin of purchase preference and the procedure for
Preference to Make in India shall be as defined and specified in Govt of India, Ministry of
Commerce & Industry, Department of Promotion and Industrial Trade (Public Procurement
section) Order No. P-4501/2/2017-PP (BE-II) Dated 16 Sep 2020. The bidder shall submit
certificate towards Local Content either by them or by a Chartered Accountant (for works more
than 10 Cr) as specified in Ministry of Commerce & Industry Order No. P-45021/2/2017-BE-II
dated 15 Jun 2017 and amended vide P-45021/2/2017-BE-II dated 16 Sep 2020.
Sd/- xxx
Dir (Cont& EPC)
For Chief Engineer
Sep 2023
Chief Engineer
Project Sampark,
C/o 56 APO
2.1.1 The bids are invited for the works referred to in “Terms of Reference” (T.O.R)
from the pre-qualified Engineering Consultant firms. (The date and time of actual receipt
of bids at the said notified place will only count for consideration of the bids).
2.1.2 The applicant, before bidding, shall carefully study the conditions and the details
appended herein. In case the applicant have any doubts and requires clarification, he
shall obtain from the Client at the contact address given in Section 1.7.1. The site of the
proposed works may be inspected by the bidder or his representative at his own cost.
Technical persons of the department will accompany the applicant, if necessary, on prior
2.2.1 The bidder shall submit bid in a complete shape with all the particulars called for in
the Bid documents. All the required details and all other relevant information shall be
submitted to enable the Client to evaluate the suitability of the bid and to take a decision
as per the Terms of Reference incorporated in the schedules. The bidder may, if
necessary, amplify and furnish additional information. If the information furnished is not
complete, the bid is liable to be rejected.
2.2.2 The bidder, as far as possible, shall follow the job mentioned in Terms of
Reference. If the bidder wishes to depart from the provisions of this job, he shall list out
such deviations separately with their financial implications and submit full particulars with
reasons thereof.
2.2.3 Clarifications, amplifications or any other correspondence from the bidder
subsequent to opening of the bids will not be entertained. The bidder shall therefore
ensure that their bid is submitted in a complete shape without any conditions.
2.2.4 The attention of bidder is drawn to the Indian Official Secret Act 1923 (XIX of
1923) as amended up to date, particularly section 5 thereof for compliance with its
2.3.1 The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of
his bid and the Client will in no case be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of
the outcome of the bidding process.
2.4.1 The bidder is advised to visit and examine the site of work and its surroundings
and acquaint himself at his own cost, all information that may be necessary for preparing
the bid and entering into an Agreement. The cost of visiting the site shall be borne by the
bidders themselves. Technical person of the Client will accompany the applicant, if
2.4.2 The bidder and/or any of his authorized agent or personnel will be granted
permission by the Client or his representative to enter upon his premises and land for the
purpose of such inspection, but only upon the express condition that the bidder, his
personnel or agent, will release and indemnify the Client and his personnel and agent
from and against all liability in respect thereof and will be responsible himself for personal
injury (whether fatal or otherwise), loss or damage to property and any other loss,
damage, cost and expenses howsoever caused, which, but for the exercise of such
permission, would not have arisen.
2.5.1 If the bid is made by a proprietary firm, it shall be signed by the proprietor above
his fully typewritten name, name of his firm with current address and registered office with
the office stamps.
2.5.2 If the bid is made by a firm in partnership, it shall be signed by all the partners of
the firm above their full type written names and current addresses or alternatively by a
partner holding a valid “Power of Attorney” for the firm from all the partners for signing the
bid, in which case a certified copy of the Power of Attorney shall accompany the bid,
including the certified copies of the partnership deed, current address of the firm and the
full names and the current addresses of the all partners in India and their registered
offices. It should also clearly state which member of the partnership would be acting as a
lead member on behalf of the partnership in all its relations and communication with the
2.5.3 If the bid is made by a limited company or a limited corporation, it shall be signed
by a duly authorized person holding a valid power of attorney, which should accompany
the bid. Such limited company or corporation may be required to furnish satisfactory
evidence of its existence if job is to be awarded. They should also furnish the Articles of
Memorandum and certificate of Incorporation of the Company.
2.5.4 It shall be noted that if any member of the group combines the function of a
Consultant or designer with those of a contractor and / or manufacturer, all relevant
information must be provided regarding such relationship, along with an undertaking to
the effect that the member agrees to limit their role to that of a Consultant and / or
designer and to disqualify themselves, their associates / affiliates and / or parent firm
from work on any other capacity (including tendering related to any goods or services for
any part of the project) on this project other than that of Consultant and / or designer.
2.5.5 If, in connection with the performance of the consulting services, any group
member intends to borrow, hire temporarily personnel from contractors, manufacturer or
suppliers, he must include in their proposal all relevant information about such personnel.
In such cases the bid will be acceptable only if those contractors, manufacturers and
suppliers disqualify themselves from work on this Project (including tendering related to
any goods or services for any other part of the Project) other than that of Consultant and /
or designer.
2.5.6 Each bidder, or any other associate will be required to confirm and declare in the
tender document that no agent or middleman or any intermediary has been or will be
engaged to provide any services, or any other items of work related to the award and
performance of the Agreement. It shall be confirmed and declared in the submittal that
no agency commission or any payment that may be construed as an agency commission
has been or will be paid and that the tender price will not include any such amount.
2.5.7 All witnesses and sureties shall be from persons of stature and probity and their
full names, occupations and addresses shall be stated below their signatures.
2.5.8 The bid from the Consultants shall be accompanied by an attested copy of the
Income Tax Return for the previous financial year or a photocopy of PAN card.
2.6.1 Not more than one tender shall be submitted by one firm or firms in partnership or
joint venture. Under no circumstances will a father or son(s) or other close relatives who
have business dealing with one another be allowed to tender for the same Agreement as
separate competitors. A breach of this condition will render tenders of both the parties
liable for rejection.
2.6.2 Joining together of two or more Consultants’ team, who have applied separately
for issue of tender documents, to submit a single tender will not be permitted.
2.6.3 Firms employing a retired official of the Border Roads Organisation within two
years from the date of retirement shall ensure that the prior permission of the
Government of India has been obtained for the purpose. The Agreement is liable to be
cancelled if either the bidder or any of his employees is found at any time to be such a
person who had not obtained the permission of the Government as aforesaid before.
2.7.1 All the documents and subsequent design shall be prepared and submitted in
English language only. The key design and management staff proposed to be deployed
for the work shall be proficient in spoken and written English.
2.11.2The documents listed at clause 2.13.1 (a) shall be submitted online and, the
bidders has to submit the original documents and along with Original Bank Guarantee
towards Bid Security physically with the HQ Project Sampark GREF (BRO) within 7 days
of bid due date at address mentioned at 2.11.3. Further, it may be noted that in case of
non-submission of original BG towards Bid Security, the action of debarring the bidder
from participating in bidding of NH and other centrally sponsored works for 1 year may be
2.11.3 Envelope shall be addressed to the following officer and shall be submitted at the
following address:
Pre Bid Meeting will take Place at the above mention Address.
Phone No./e-mail : 0191-2954196, 2480445 BIDs submitted by fax,
telex, telegram or e-mail shall not be entertained and shall be summarily rejected.
2.12.3 The Bidders shall not be permitted/modify/withdraw price bid unopened after
closure of the time fixed for receipt of tender
2.12.4 In the event of lowest Bidders revokes his offer or revise his rates upward (which
will be treated as revocation of offer), after opening of tenders and before expiry of
original validity period stipulated in tender documents, the Bid Security deposited by him
shall be forfeited. In case of BRO enlisted contractors, the amount equal to the Bid
Security stipulated in the Notice of tender, shall be notified to the Bidders for depositing
the amount through MRO, failing which the amount shall be recovered from any payment
due to such Contractor or shall be adjusted from the Standing Security Deposit. In
addition, L-1 Bidders revoking offer and his related firms shall not be issued the tender in
second or subsequent calls of subject work.
2.13.1 The bid shall be submitted on line in two parts i.e. “Technical bid” and
“Financial bid”.
(a) Technical bid shall contain the details as specified in Para 5 Page No 04-05.
(b) The financial bid shall contain rates of items of works in BoQ of Schedule “A”: -
Ref Page No 58-59
2.13.2 The financial proposal should clearly indicate the amount asked for without any
assumptions of conditions attached to such amounts. Conditional offer or the proposal
not furnished in the format specified shall be considered non-responsive and is liable to
be rejected.
2.13.3 The financial proposal shall take into account all types of the liabilities and cost of
insurance etc except taxes like GST.
2.13.4 Cost shall be expressed in Indian Rupees only both in figure and words.
2.13.5 All payments shall be subjected to the statutory deduction of all taxes i.e. GST and
Income Tax at source in accordance with the relevant Acts as applicable.
2.14.3 The technical bids will first be evaluated by a team of officials to be appointed by
Chief Engineer, Project Sampark. The firms meeting the criteria as detailed in Para 6
Page No 5 will be treated qualified for opening of their financial bid.
2.14.4 The Client however reserves the right to review the criteria depending upon the
extent of competition and other related issues.
2.15.1 The consultant shall not use or reveal the details of the project and documents
with him, to any third party without permission of the “ACCEPTING OFFICER” and shall
return all the records of the project whether hard copy or soft copy to the “ACCEPTING
OFFICER” on completion of the consultancy contract.
2.16.1 The bidder whose bid is accepted by “ACCEPTING OFFICER” shall be issued a
letter of acceptance prior to the expiry of bid validity. “ACCEPTING OFFICER” shall not
be liable to furnish any information / clarification / explanation to unsuccessful bidders as
regards non- acceptance of their bids.
2.17 Deleted
2.18.1 The escalation shall be @5% per year to be reckoned after completion of every
twelve month from the date of first work order.
2.19 CPM/ PERT
2.19.1Consultant shall understand the work in totality and shall prepare the network
diagram under consultation with Nodal Officer and get the approval of Nodal Officer,
based on the board activities listed in Annexure-‘A’ to this contract using any latest
software e.g MS Project of primavera, showing dated completion of each activity.
2.20 PENALTY CLAUSE: - Para 6 Page No 36-37
Language This Contract has been executed in the English language, which
shall be binding and controlling language for all matters relating to the meaning
or interpretation
(j) Heading
The Heading shall not limit, after or affect the meaning of the Contract.
(k) Notices
Any Notice, request or consent required or permitted to be given much
pursuant to this contract shall be in writing. Any such notice, request to consent
shall be deemed to have been given or made when delivered person to an
authorized representative of the Party to whom the communication is
addressed or when sent by registered mail or e-mail (Electronic Mail)
1. Commencement, Completion, Modification and Termination of Contract
1.1 Effectiveness of Contract
(a) This Contract shall come into force and effect on the date of issuing notice
by client to the consultancy Consultancy/surveying firm to begin carrying out the
services may be called effective date here in after.
This Contract shall expire when services have been completed and all payments
have been made at the end of such time period after the Effective Date as shall be
specified in para 1.2.2 and para 4 in this contract agreement.
1.4 Modification
Modification of the term and conditions of this Contract, including any modification
of the scope of the services, may only be made by written agreement between the
Parties, however, each party shall give due consideration to any proposals to
modification made by the other party.
1.5 Force Majeure
For the purpose of this Contract, "Force Majeure ”’ means an event which is
beyond the reasonable control of a Party, and which make a party’s performance of its
obligations hereunder impossible or so impractical as reasonably to be considered
such as war notes, civil disorder , earthquake, fire, explosion, storm, flood and other
adverse weather condition strike, lockout other industrial action which are not within
the power of the Party invoking Force Majeure to prevent) confiscation or any action
by government agencies.
• Force Majeure shall not (i) any event which in caused by the negligence or
intentional action of a party or such party sub Consultancy/surveying firm or
agent or employees nor (ii) any event which a diligent Party could reasonably
have been expected to both (A) take into account at the time of the conclusion
of the Contract and (B) avoid or overcome in the carrying out of its obligation
• Force Majeure shall not include insufficiency of funds or failure to make
any payment required here under.
The failure of a Party to fulfill any of as obligations hereunder shall not be
considered to be a breach of, or default under, this Contract insofar as such
inability arises from an event of Force Majeure, provided that the Party affected by
such an event has taken all reasonable precautions, due care and reasonable
alternative measures all with the objective of carrying out the terms and condition
of this Contract.
(a) Measures to betaken
i. A party affected by an event of Force Majeure shall take all reasonable,
measure store move such Party’s in ability to fulfill its obligations hereunder with
a minimum of delay.
ii. A party affected by an event Force Majeure shall notify the other party of
event as soon as possible and in any event within than seven (7) days
following the occurrence of such event, and shall also give similar notice after
restoration of normal condition as soon as possible within 3days.
iii. The Parties shall take all reasonable measures to minimize the
consequence of any event Force Majeure.
(b) Consultation
Not later that fifteen (15) days after the Consultancy/surveying firm as the result of
any event of Force Majeure, have become unable to perform a material portion of the
Services the Parties shall consult with each other with a view to agreeing on
appropriate measures to be taken in Circumstances.
1.6 Extension of Time
Any period within which a party shall, pursuant to this Contract, complete any action to
task, shall be extended for a period equal to the time during which such Party was unable
to perform such action as a result of Force Majeure.
1.7 Payments
During the period of inability to perform the Service as a result of event of Force
Majeure, the Consultancy/surveying firm shall be entitled to be reimbursed for additional
costs reasonably and necessarily incurred by them during such period for the purpose of
the Services and in reactivating the Services after the end of such period.
1.8 Termination:
The client/authority may terminate the agreement if the client/authority is not
satisfied with the methodology of working of the consultant in commencement
meeting or at any period. However the client shall inform giving the reason of
dissatisfaction in working methodology of the consultancy/surveying firm within three
(3) days by a letter/notice to the consultant, the consultancy/surveying firm within
three (3) days after receipt of such letter from the client may submit their explanation
to satisfy the client. The client after being not satisfied by the explanation submitted by
consultant may finally terminate the agreement.
2.1 Standard of performance
The Consultancy/surveying firm shall perform the Services and carry out their
obligations hereunder with all due diligence, efficiency and economy, in accordance
with generally accepted professional techniques and practices, and shall observe
sound management practices, and apply appropriate advanced technology and safe
and effective equipment, machinery, materials and methods. The
Consultancy/surveying firm shall always act, in respect of any manner relating to this
Contract or to the Services as faithful advisors to the Client, and shall at all times
support the client.
(ii) that the Consultancy/surveying firm shall remain fully liable for the
performance of the Services by the consultancy/surveying firm and its
Personnel pursuant to this Contract.
The Consultancy/surveying firm shall submit to the Client the reports and documents
specified in Appendix here to, in the form, in the manner and within the time periods set
forth in the said Appendix.
Documents prepared by the Consultancy/surveying firm to be the property of the client.
All survey report and other documents prepared by the Consultancy/surveying firm in
soft and hard copies in performing the services shall become and remain the property
of the Client and the Consultancy/surveying firmshall not later than upon termination
or expiration of this Contract, deliver all such documents to the client together with a
detailed inventory thereof.
The Consultancy/Surveying firm shall employ and provide such qualified and
experienced Personnel as are required to carry out the Services.
4. Payment to the consultancy/surveying firm
Currency of payment
The payment shall be made in Indian Rupees.
Mode of Billing and Payment
(a) Billing and payments in respect of the Services shall be made as follows:-
Total No of Total No
Total No
test of Cycle
of test
S/N Description of Equipment to be Frequency of condition conducted conducted Method of
conducted Payment
o. Work used Survey
(on Yearly
(on Half in Billing
Yearly Contract
Basis) Period
At least twice a year (As
Surface defects Network Survey per survey months On completion
1 6 5 11 100%
of pavement Vehicle (NSV) defined for the state of one Cycle
basis rainy
Falling Weight
Strength of On completion
2 Reflectometer At least once a year 6 0 6 100%
(FWD) of one Cycle
At least twice a year (As
Mobile Bridge
per survey months On completion
3 Bridges Inspection Unit 18 15 33 100%
defined for the state of one Cycle
basis rainy season)
At least twice a year (As
Retro- per survey months On completion
4 Road signs 6 5 11 100%
reflectometer defined for the state of one Cycle
basis rainy season)
(i) The total length of Package is 15.800 Kms (Two Lane with Paved Shoulder).
(ii) The bridge to be test by MBIU are 1X30 M span at Km 80.587, 1X70.60 M span at Km 81.407 and 1X12 M span at Km 86.882.
(iii)The total number of tests enumerated above are tentative and may increase if required (due to rectification etc.), consultant
shall have to be perform extra tests and shall be paid accordingly as per quoted rate plus applicable escalation.
Witnesses: -Witnesses:-
1. 1.
2. 2.
3.11 The Consultant may from time to time delegate any of the duties and
authorities vested in the Consultant to personnel approved by the Client and
he may at any time revoke such delegation. Any such delegation or revocation
shall be in writing through a “Power of Attorney” and shall not take effect until a
copy of it has been delivered to the Client. The Consultant’s delegate may at
his discretion choose not to exercise any such delegation and can refer to the
Consultant for any necessary action.
3.14 BLANK Limit of Compensation shall be equal to the Agreement amount.
3.19 The date of commencement shall be the date of issue of “Notice to Proceed”
by the Client. The Completion date of this Agreement shall be 05 (Five) Years
+ 180 Days from the date of issue of Work Order. Agreed compensation on account of delay by the Consultant shall be payable
@ 0.25% (Zero Point Two Five percent) per day of total lump sum fees quoted
in Financial proposal (BOQ) subject to maximum of 10% of total lump sum
fees payable under this contract.
3.28.2 Time for payment to be reckoned from the date the running bill is received
complete in all respect by the Client from the Consultant is 30 days (Thirty
days). In case of final bill, it shall be paid within 60 days (Sixty Days).
3.29 Currency of Agreement : Indian Rupee
3.30.1 The Consultants, sub-Consultants and their personnel shall pay such taxes,
duties, fees and other impositions as may be levied under the applicable Laws,
the amount of which is deemed to have been included in the Agreement price,
including the consultancy service tax payable in India.
3.33 Language(s) of the Agreement English.
Ruling Language English
Law to which Agreement is subject Indian Laws
3.34.1 No adjustment to price is admissible on any account except escalation as in
clause 2.18
3.34.1 Consultant’s Principal place of business:
Consultant’s Address………………………………………………
Fax No. ……………………………………………………………..
Telephone No. ………………………………………………….
3.40.1 Designated representatives for amicable dispute resolution shall be:
Client’s representative Accepting Officer shall act as the Client’s
If the efforts to resolve all or any of the disputes through the conciliation fail,
then such disputes shall be referred within 30 days to Arbitration in
accordance with the following provisions:
i) Matters to be arbitrated upon shall be referred to the sole Arbitrator of
an Engineer Officer to be appointed by Director General Border Roads;
or in his absence the officer officiating as the DGBR whose decision
shall be final and binding.
ii) The arbitrator shall give reasons for the award in each and every case
irrespective of the value of claims or counter claims.
iii) The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on both the
iv) No Suspension of Work on Account of Arbitration. The reference to
arbitration shall proceed notwithstanding that works shall not then be or
alleged to be complete, provided always that the obligations of the
Employer and the Consultant shall not be altered by reasons of
arbitration being conducted during the progress of works. Neither party
i. Project Stretches
i. Consultancy Service For Survey Works Using Network Survey Vehicle
(NSV), Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD), Mobile Bridge Inspection Unit
(MBIU) & Retro-Reflectometer for Akhnoor-Poonch Road Section of NH-144A
Existing Chainage From Km 85.385 To Km 102.000 (Design Chainage Km
74.350 To Km 90.150) (Package-IV) in EPC Mode In Jammu and Kashmir
(UT) Under 35 BRTF/Project Sampark the project stretch with Network Survey
Vehicle (NSV), Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD), Mobile Bridge Inspection
Unit (MBIU) & Retro-Reflectometer owned by Consultancy/Surveying firms on
following selected stretches of National Highway in J&K(UT):-
Sl. Length Period of
No. Name of Work (in Km) Assignment
Road Akhnoor-Poonch (NH-144A)
1 Package-IV (Km 74.350 to Km 90.150) 15.800 05 Years and
Six month
Total length 15.800
ii. Objective
The carrying out of condition surveys will be one of the most important and crucial
field tasks under the project. The consultancy shall carry out condition surveys
using equipment and following a frequency as defined under.
• The Consultancy firm shall carry out the condition and structural
assessment survey of the bridges in accordance with IRC-SP; 35 with the
use of Mobile Bridge Inspection unit (MBIU) or better technology.
(i) The following criteria shall be met by the process of bridge condition
o Automatic folding and unfolding of platform
o 90 degree rotation of platform
o Sufficient safety features to be incorporated such as dedicated
power supply, emergency cut off system, etc
o Complete access to hidden parts of the bridge by the raters
Note Please attach a blank cancelled cheque for verification of the above
I, hereby, declare that the particulars given above are correct and complete. If the
transaction is delayed or not effected due to incomplete or incorrect information of the
bank details, I will not hold the payment releasing authority responsible for it.
Certified that the particulars furnished above are correct as per our records.
Dear Sir,
1. I/ We have download / obtained the tender document(s) for the above mentioned
‘Tender / Work’ from the web site(s) namely:
2. I/We hereby certify that I/We have read entire terms and conditions of the tender
documents from Page No. 01 to 67 (including all documents like annexure), schedule(s),
etc.,), which form part of the Contract Agreement and I/We shall abide hereby the terms /
conditions / clauses contained therein.
4. I/We hereby unconditionally accept the tender conditions of above mentioned tender
document(s) / corrigendum(s) in its totality / entirely.
5. In case any provisions of this tender are found violated, your department /
organization shall be at liberty to reject this tender / bid including the forfeiture of the full said
Bid Security deposit absolutely and we shall not have any claim / right against deptt in
satisfaction of this condition.
Yours faithfully
(Signed by an Authorized Officer of the Firm)
Name of Contractor
Name of Firm along with seal of firm
I, the under signed do hereby undertake that our firm M/s ___________ _________
__________ agree to abide by Terms and conditions of Tender No. CE (P)
(Signed by an Authorized Officer of the Firm)
Title of Officer
Name of Firm
Appendix ‘C’
I, on behalf of the bidder, (Name of the bidder), also accept the fact that in case
the bid is withdrawn or modified during the period of its validity or if we fail to sign
the contract in case the work is awarded to us or we fail to submit a performance
security before the deadline defined in the request for bid documents, the bidder will
be suspended for participation in the tendering process for the work of
BRO/MoRT&H/NHAI/NHIDCL/Any other Govt. Deptt and work under other centrally
sponsored schemes, for a period of one year from the bid due date of this work.
1. The minimum local content, the margin of purchase preference and the procedure
for preference to Make in India shall be as defined and specified in Govt of India, Ministry of
Commerce & Industry, Department of promotion and Industrial trade (Public Procurement
section) order No. P-4501/2/2017-PP (BE-II) Dated 16 Sep 2020. The bidder shall submit
certificate towards local content either by them or by a charted accountant (for works more
than 10 Cr) as specified in ibid Ministry of Commerce & Industry Order No. P-45021/2/2017-
BE-II dated 15 Jun 2017 and P-45021/2/2017-PP (BE-II) Dated 16 Sep 2020.
2. Accordingly, The firm has to submit an undertaking that the goods, services or
works involved for procurement will have minimum 50% local content as required for
eligibility for “Class-I local supplier” and minimum 20 % of local contents required for
eligibility under “Class II local supplier” under “Preference to Make in India” order referred
above.( Self declaration is required for value of works upto 10 Cr & declaration by a
chartered accountant for value of works more than 10 Cr)
3. Bidder is also advised to read the contents of letters cited at para (1) above and
make themselves fully aware of the provisions.
I also undertake thet the goods , services or works involved for procurement
will have minimum 85% local content as required for eligibility for :” Class-I local supplier”
under the Govt of India “Preference to Make in India” order referred above.
(Official Seal)
1. Contents 55
Notes: -
1. Quantity shown Schedule “A” is approximate and is inserted as guide only. These
shall, however, not be varied beyond the limits laid down in condition.
2. The rates and amount of items shown in schedule “A” are to be filled in by the
Bidders in Item Rate BOQ online only. The rates shall be filled both in figures only.
3. Period of completion: - The entire works of Schedule “A” under this contract shall
be completed within 05½ Years (Five Years and Six Months) from the date of
commencement of work as per Work Order No. 1, which will be generally within one month
of the date of issue of acceptance letter.
4. The rates to be quoted by the Bidders in this schedule “A” shall be deemed to include
for the provision of all labour and materials, loading and unloading of materials and
transportation if required, tools, plant, equipment and tackle, process, operations and
specific requirements details in this schedule in the particular specification and elsewhere in
this tender document and for the full, entire and final completion of the work in accordance
with the provision of these tender documents.
6. The rates to be quoted by the Bidders in respect of these works shall be deemed to
include for all minor details of construction which are obviously and fairly intended and
which may not have been specifically mentioned in the tender documents but which are
essential for satisfactory execution and completion of work. In case of difference of opinion
between the Nodal Officer and the Contractor as to what constitutes a minor detail of
construction, the decision of Accepting Officer shall be final and binding.
7. Rates to be quoted by the contractors shall be deemed to include for all items of work
as described.
8. The amount of contract is not firm but shall be treated as the contract sum.
11. The works under this contract will be carried out within the working hours as per the
directions of Accepting Officer or the officer so detailed by him for administration of this
12. The security will be arranged by the contractor for his personnel and equipment
during the execution of work. No compensation will be paid by BRO on account of any
loss/damage to personnel, property, veh/eqpt/plant of contractor during execution of work or
on any account.
13. Site for execution of work shall be handed over on date of commencement of the
work as indicated in the work order No 1. In case it is not possible for the department to
hand over the entire site on the date of commencement and certain portion of the site is
handed over later on then contractor shall make his planning/deployment of resources
accordingly and no claims of whatsoever nature on this account shall be entertained.
14. The tender will be considered for acceptance as a whole and not in parts.
15. The rates shall be filled in figures only in the provided column in Item Rate BOQ
online given in Excel sheet. The schedule “A” given in Page No. 58-59 is reference only.
CE (P) SPK/EPC/01/2023-24”
Tender No: CE (P) SPK/EPC/01/2023-24 Period of Completion : Five Years Six Months (2005 days) from the date of
commencement as indicated in Work Order.
Name of the Bidder/ Bidding Firm / Company :
(This BOQ template must not be modified/replaced by the bidder and the same should be uploaded after filling the relevant columns, else
the bidder is liable to be rejected for this tender. Bidders are allowed to enter the Bidder Name and Values only )
R# #
Sl. Item Description Quantity Units BASIC RATE TOTAL TOTAL
Excluding all (Excluding Words
Taxes To be all Taxes) (Excluding all
entered by the in Taxes)
Bidder in Rs. P in
Rs. P Rs. P
1 2 4 5 7 9 10
74.350 TO KM 90.150) (PACKAGE-IV) EXECUTED
Signature of contractor For Accepting Officer
CA No CE(P) SPK/ /2023-24 Srl Page No 59
Tender No CE(P) SPK/ 01/2023-24
1.01 Surface defects of pavement and Roughness of 11.00 Times 0.00 INR Zero Only
pavement with Network Survey Vehicle (NSV),
covering entire length & all lanes as per specification in
Bid Document / as per good industry practice / as per
codal provision)
1.02 Strength of pavement with Falling Weight 6.00 Times 0.00 INR Zero Only
Deflectometer (FWD), covering entire length (Minimum
Four locations in every Km) & all lanes as per
specification in Bid Document / as per good industry
practice / as per codal provision)
1.03 Inspection of Testing of Bridges with Mobile Bridge 33.00 Times 0.00 INR Zero Only
Inspection Unit (MBIU), covering all MNB and MJB as
per specification in Bid Document / as per good
industry practice / as per codal provision)
1.04 Inspection / Testing of Road signs etc with Retro- 11.00 Times 0.00 INR Zero Only
reflectometer, covering entire length & all lanes as per
specification in Bid Document, as per good industry
practice / as per codal provision)
Total in Figures 0.00 INR Zero Only
- NIL -
Dated Dated
1 2 3 4 5
- NIL -
Dated _ Dated
2. Having examined and perused the following documents forming part of tender
(a) That the sum Rs. 60,276/- (Rupees Sixty Thousand Two Hundred
Seventy Six Only) forwarded as Bid Security shall either be retained as part of
the security deposit or be refunded on receipt of the appropriate amount of
Performance Security deposit within the time specified.
(b) To execute all the works referred to in the said documents upon the terms
and conditions contained referred to therein at the item rates continued in the
aforesaid Schedule ‘A’ the Director General Border Roads, New Delhi or in his
absence, by the officer officiating as Director General Border Roads, whose
decision shall be final , conclusive and binding. However, in case of dispute with
PSC and or PSU the same will be referred to a Sole Arbitrator to be appointed by
Secretary, Bureau of Public Sector Enterprises.
Signature of Contractor
Witness_ _
Address Telephone No
alterations have been made in this document and as evidence that these
alterations were made before the execution of this contract agreement, they are/have
been initialed by the contractor and Dir (Contracts)/SO-1(EPC) of HQ CE (P) Sampark,
C/O 56 APO. The said officer (s) is/are hereby authorized to sign and initial on my
behalf, the documents forming part of contract.
Chief Engineer
Project Sampark
Accepting Officer
For and on behalf of President
of India
Instructions to the Bidders to submit the bids online through the Central
Public Procurement Portal website for e-Procurement
(a) Possession of valid Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) and
enrollment/registration of the contractors/bidders on the e-procurement/e-tender
portal is a prerequisite for e-tendering.
(b) Bidder should do the enrollment in the e-Procurement site using the “Click
here to Enroll” option available on the home page. Portal enrollment is generally
free of charge. During enrollment/registration, the bidders should provide the
correct/true information including valid email ID. All the correspondence shall be
made directly with the contractors/bidders through email id provided.
(c) Bidder need to login to the site through their user ID/ password chosen
during enrollment/registration.
(d) Then the Digital Signature Certificate (Class II or Class III Certificates with
signing key usage) issued by SIFY/TCS/n-Code/e-Mudra or any Certifying Authority
recognized by CCA India on e-Token/Smart Card, should be registered.
(e) The DSC that is registered only should be used by the bidder and should
ensure safety of the same.
(f) Contractor/Bidder may go through the tenders published on the site and
download the required tender documents/schedules for the tenders he/she is
(g) After downloading / getting the tender document/schedules, the Bidder
should go through them carefully and then submit the documents as asked,
otherwise bid will be rejected.
(h) If there are any clarifications, this may be obtained online thro’ the tender
site, or thro’ the contact details. Bidder should take into account the corrigendum
published before submitting the bids online.
(j) From my tender folder, he selects the tender to view all the details
(k) Bidder then logs in to the site through the secured login by giving the user
id/ password chosen during enrolment/registration and then by giving the password
of the e-Token/Smart Card to access DSC.
(l) Bidder selects the tender which he/she is interested in by using the search
option & then moves it to the ‘my tenders folder.
(m) It is construed that the bidder has read all the terms and conditions before
submitting their offer. Bidder should go through the tender schedules carefully and
upload the documents as asked; otherwise, the bid will be rejected.
(n) Bidder, in advance, should get ready the bid documents to be submitted as
indicated in the tender document/schedule and generally, they can be in
PDF/xls/rar/zip/dwf formats. If there is more than one document, they can be
clubbed together and can be provided in the requested format. Each document to
be uploaded through online for the tenders should be less than 2 MB.
If any document is more than 2MB, it can be reduced through zip/rar and the same
can be uploaded, if permitted. Bidders Bid documents may be scanned with 100 dpi
with black and white option. However of the file size is less than 1 MB the
transaction uploading time will be very fast.
(o) If there are any clarifications, this may be obtained through the site, or
during the pre-bid meeting if any. Bidder should take into account the corrigendum
published from time to time before submitting the online bids.
(p) The Bidders can update well in advance, the documents such as
certificates, annual report details etc., under My Space option and these can be
selected as per tender requirements and then send along with bid documents
during bid submission. This will facilitate the bid submission process faster by
reducing upload time of bids.
(q) Bidder should submit the BID SECURITY as specified in the tender. The
original should be posted/couriered/given in person to the Tender Inviting Authority,
within the bid submission due date & time for the tender. Scanned copy of the
instrument should be uploaded as part of the offer.
(r) While submitting the bids online, the bidder reads the terms & conditions
and accepts the same to proceed further to submit the bid packets.
(j) The bidder has to select the payment option as offline to pay the BID
SECURITY as applicable and enter details of the instruments.
(s) The details of the DD/any other accepted instrument, physically sent,
should tally with the details available in the scanned copy and the data entered
during bid submission time. Otherwise submitted bid will not be acceptable.
(t) The bidder has to digitally sign and upload the required bid documents one
by one as indicated. Bidders to note that the very act of using DSC for downloading
the bids and uploading their offers shall be deemed to be a confirmation that they
have read all sections and pages of the bid document including General conditions
of contract without any exception and have understood the entire document and are
clear about the requirements of the tender requirements.
(u) The bidder has to upload the relevant files required as indicated in the cover
content. In case of any irrelevant files, the bid will be rejected.
(v) If the Financial Bid format is provided in a spread sheet file like
BoQ_xxxx.xls, the rates offered should be entered in the allotted space only and
uploaded after filling the relevant columns. The Financial Bid/BOQ template must
not be modified/ replaced by the bidder; else the bid submitted is liable to be
rejected for this tender.
(w) The bidders are requested to submit the bids through online e-tendering
system to the Tender Inviting Authority (TIA) well before the bid submission end
date & time (as per Server System Clock). The TIA will not be held responsible for
any sort of delay or the difficulties faced during the submission of bids online by the
bidders at the eleventh hour.
(x) After the bid submission (i.e. after Clicking “Freeze Bid Submission” in the
portal), the acknowledgement number, given by the system should be printed by the
bidder and kept as a record of evidence for online submission of bid for the
particular tender and will also act as an entry pass to participate in the bid opening
(y) The time settings fixed in the server side & displayed at the top of the
tender site, will be valid for all actions of requesting, bid submission, bid opening
etc., in the e-tender system. The bidders should follow this time during bid
(z) All the data being entered by the bidders would be encrypted using PKI
encryption techniques to ensure the secrecy of the data. The data entered will not
viewable by unauthorized persons during bid submission & not be viewable by any
one until the time of bid opening.
(aa) Any bid document that is uploaded to the server is subjected to symmetric
encryption using a system generated symmetric key. Further this key is subjected to
asymmetric encryption using buyers/bid openers public keys. Overall, the uploaded
tender documents become readable only after the tender opening by the authorized
bid openers.
(ab) The confidentiality of the bids is maintained since the secured Socket Layer
128 bit encryption technology is used. Data storage encryption of sensitive fields is
(ac) The bidder should logout of the tendering system using the normal logout
option available at the top right hand corner and not by selecting the (X) exit option
in the browser.
(ad) For any queries regarding e-tendering process, the bidders are requested to
contact as provided in the tender document. Parallel for any further queries, the
bidders are asked to contact over phone: 1-800-233-7315 or send a mail over to –
(ae) Above details are just to help bidders in e-tendering process, Tender
inviting authorizes shall not be responsible for any technical problems faced
by bidder due to any change in above information’s by NIC.