Tendernotice 1
Tendernotice 1
Tendernotice 1
* Please refer Clause No. 13.0 & 17.0 of Instruction to Bidder (ITB) and Clause No.1 of
Special Conditions of Contract (SCC). Further, the EMD amount may be accepted in form of
Bank Guarantee from any Indian national/Schedule Bank. The B.G. shall be in favour of
Paradip Port Authority, IFSC – ICIC0000776, Branch: Paradip. The original B.G. shall be
submitted to the Executive Engineer, Port Electrical Division – II, Paradip Port Authority
within 7 days of opening of the bids.The respective B.G. Format is at Annexure –VII.
2. Biddersmustfulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned below to participate in the tender.
a) Similar Work Experience:
The bidders who have successfully completed similar work(s) within 7 years ending on
30thSeptember,2024 (any one of the following) may participate in the tender:
(i) Single work of value not less than Rs.70.10 Crore (Rupees Seventy Crore
TenLakh) onlyOR
(ii) Two works each of value not less than Rs.43.82 Crore (Rupees Forty-three Crore
Eighty-twoLakh) onlyOR
(iii) Three works each of value not less than Rs.35.05 Crore (Rupees Thirty-
fiveCroreFive Lakh) only.
Name of the work “Design, Engineering, Procurement and Supply, Construction, Erection,
Testing, Commissioning, and Comprehensive Operation and Maintenance for 10 Years of 10
MW (AC)/12 MWp Solar Photovoltaic Grid-Connected Power Plant at Paradip Port
Last date & time of submission of bid: dt.20/11/2024 Upto 18:00Hrs. refer our website for
details https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app.