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KSLISP RMC Tender Document

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N I T. No:12 /RBLISP/2020-21…………………………………. Dated:22 .07.2020
1) Tenders for the work mentioned below are invited from the Contractors / Contracting
firms /Companies registered with Government of Telangana / Erstwhile A.P.
Koilsagar Lift Irrigation Scheme – Modernization
of Right Main Canal from Km 0.000 to Km.
a) Name of the work : 12.725 of Koilsagar Project, Dhanwada (Mandal
& village), Mahabubnagar District.

b) Estimate Contract value of

: Rs:30,58,71,974/-
work put to tender
c) Period of completion of work : 12 Months
d) Form of contract : LUMPSUM
: 1) G.O.Ms.No.94, I&CAD (PW-COD) Dept, Dated:
01.07.2003 Special Class (Civil)
2) G.O.Ms.No.130, I&CAD (PW Reforms) Dept, Dated:
22.05.2007 Special Class (Civil)
3) G.O.Ms.No.14, Dated: 31.01.2015 Special Class
e) Class of contractor eligible.
4) G.O.Ms.No.66, I&CAD (Reforms) Dept, Dated:
20.04.2015 Special Class (Civil).
5) G.O.Ms.No.67, I&CAD (Reforms) Dept, Dated:
6) G.O.Ms.No.140, I&CAD (Reforms) Dept, Dated:
f) E.M.D. to be paid online or
Bank Guarantee in favour of Rs:30,59,000/-
Superintending Engineer,
RBLISP Circle, Pebbair
obtained from Nationalized
Bank / Scheduled commercial
Bank, at 1% of the estimated :
contract value of work valid
for a period of 3 months from
the date specified


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g) Date and time for down load of : 04.08.2020 @ 11:30 AM to 18.08.2020 at 3:00 PM
Tender Schedules Online

h) Last date and time for : 18.08.2020 @ 3:00 PM

submission of required
qualification Documents and
Price Bid Online.
i) Date and time of opening of :
a) Technical Bids :
18.08.2020 at 05:00 PM
b) Price Bids
: 21.08.2020 @ 12.00 PM

a) The bidders may contact the Tender Inviting Authority for any information/
clarifications required to submit their tenders on ‘e’procurement market place.

b) The bidders need to register on the electronic procurement market place of

Government of T.S., that is, www.eprocurement.gov.in for obtaining digital
signature certificate. The bidders may contact TSTS Unit, 4th Floor, BRKR
Bhavan, Hyderabad. On registration of the e- procurement market place they
will be provided with a user ID and password by the system, and only by
using the same they can submit their tenders on line.

c) After registering on the e procurement market place, bidders need to scan and
upload the required documents as per the tender requirements.

d) The bidders shall authenticate the tender with their digital certificate for submitting
the tender electronically on ‘e’procurement Platform and the tenders not
authenticated by Digital certificate of the bidder will not be accepted on the
‘e’procurement platform

e) The bidder shall mandatorily pay the transaction fee to M/S TSTS UNIT,
HYDERABAD through the electronic payment Gateway.

f) The bidders are advised not to wait till the last day of submission of tender to avoid
uploading problem, if any, on the web site.
The bidders who are desirous of participating in e’procurement market place shall
submit their technical bids, price bids etc., online, as prescribed in the NIT and
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tender documents, displayed at ‘e’procurement market place. The bidders should

upload the scanned copies of all the relevant and required certificates, documents
etc., in the ‘e’procurement market place in support of their technical bids. The
bidders shall sign on all the statements, documents, certificates, uploaded by them,
owning responsibility of the correctness/authenticity.

ii. All the bidders shall invariably upload the scanned copies of DD / BG towards
EMD in e-Procurement system and this will be the primary requirement to
consider the bid as responsive.

iii. The bidders shall furnish a declaration online stating that the soft copies
uploaded by them are genuine. Any incorrectness/deviation noticed will be
viewed seriously and apart from cancelling of the Tender and forfeiting the
EMD, criminal action will be initiated including suspension from business.

iv. If the tender inviting authority request the bidders for the submission of original of
uploaded documents by written (written means communicated in writing and i.e.
by e-mail, fax, Telex) demand in case of necessity during the technical bid
evaluation, the same shall be produced by the bidders with in specified period.

v. The tenders will be opened online in e-procurement platform by the

Superintending Engineer, RBLISP Circle, Pebbair or his nominee at his office on
the date and time specified in the NIT. All the statements, documents, certificates,
DD / BG etc., uploaded by the bidders will be down loaded for technical
evaluation. The clarifications, particulars if any required from the bidders will be
obtained by addressing the bidders. The technical bids will be evaluated against the
specified parameters/ criteria; same as in the case of conventional tenders and the
technically qualified bidders will be identified. Clarification will be obtained in
respect of uploaded documents only. No other document obtained / submitted
will be taken into consideration in evaluation process.

vi. Competent Authority will carry out the technical bid evaluation solely based
on the Uploaded Certificates / documents, DD / BG towards EMD in the
e- procurement System and open the Price bids of the responsive bidders.

vii. Any objections by the participating bidders on the technical bid evaluation /
disqualification made by the bid inviting authority shall be made within 10 days
time from the date of opening of price bids and proper acknowledgement shall be
obtained invariably. The representation / petition received after the specified time
and date shall not be entertained.

viii. The price-bids of such bidders, who are determined to have complied with the
eligibility criteria i.e., qualified in the Technical Bid evaluation will only be
opened by the Tender Inviting Authority Superintending Engineer, RBLISP Circle,
Pebbair or his nominee at his office, on the date and time specified in the NIT.


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ix. If the office happens to be closed due to any reason on the dates specified in the
NIT, the respective activity will be performed at the designated time on the next
working day without any notification.

x. The tender inviting authority or an officer designated by him will notify the
successful bidder and inform by Email/ Under certificate of posting at the address
indicated in the tender for submission of original hard copies of all Uploaded
documents, DD / BG towards EMD prior to entering into Agreement within a
stipulated time period.

xi. The successful bidder shall invariably furnish the original DD / BG towards EMD,
certificates / documents of the uploaded scanned copies, to the Agreement
concluding authority before entering into agreement either personally or through
courier or post within the stipulated date and shall obtain the receipt of the same,
which shall be the responsibility of the successful bidder. The Department shall not
take any responsibility for any delay in receipt of original DD / BG towards EMD,
certificates / documents from the successful bidder before the stipulated time. On
receipt of documents, the Tender inviting authority shall ensure the verification of
genuinity of the DD / BG towards EMD and all other certificates / documents
uploaded by the bidder in e-procurement system in support of the qualification
criteria before concluding the agreement.

xii. If any successful bidder fails to submit the original hard copies of uploaded
certificates / documents, DD / BG towards EMD within the stipulated time or if
any variation is noticed between the uploaded documents and the original hard
copies submitted by the bidder, the successful bidder will be suspended from
participating in the tenders on e-Procurement platform for a period of 3 years. The
e- Procurement system would deactivate the user ID of such defaulting successful
bidder based on the trigger / recommendation by the Tender Inviting Authority in
the system. The information to this extent will be displayed in the e-procurement
platform website.

xiii. Subsequent information in support of the documents specifically uploaded by

the bidder shall be sought for submission before finalization of tender, which
will be considered. Whereas the documents submitted by the bidders in the
form of hard copy of the documents which are not uploaded shall not be
considered for technical bid evaluation.

4) Any other details can be had from the Office of the Superintending Engineer,
RBLISP Circle, Pebbair, Mobile No. ________, Phone No. 08545220471.


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Name of work: RBLIS - Koilsagar Lift Irrigation Scheme – Modernization of Right
Main Canal from Km 0.000 to Km. 12.725 of Koilsagar Project, Dhanwada (Mandal
& village), Mahabubnagar District.
Give brief description and location of work: RBLIS - Koilsagar Lift Irrigation
Scheme – Modernization of Right Main Canal from Km 0.000 to Km. 12.725 of
Koilsagar Project, Dhanwada (Mandal & village), Mahabubnagar District.
List out Principal Components of this work.
A E C V put to tender. Rs: 30,58,71,974/-
B Give breakup of cost of major items covered in the ECV
1 EWE & Embankment formation Rs: 10,12,95,770/-
2 CC M10/ M15/M20/M25 Rs:11,39,54,890/-
3 Lining Rs.7,43,37,705/-
C Period of completion of Work. (12) Months
D S O R adopted. 2019-20
E Rate adopted for Cement. Rs: 5000 MT
Rate adopted for Steel Rs: 40000 MT
Bitumen Ex-Refinery For Emulsion (Bulk) Rs: ------------------/ MT
Bitumen Ex-Refinery For 80 / 100 (Bulk) Rs: ----------------------/ MT
Bitumen Ex-Refinery For 60 / 70 (Bulk) Rs: -----------------/ MT
Other items if any -
F Details of provisions included in the Estimate put to tender
NAC: Rs. 305872/- 0.1% / as applicable from time to time

Labour Cess: Rs. 30,58,720/- 1% / as applicable from time to time

GST: Rs. 3,67,04,637/- 12% / as applicable from time to time
Seigniorage charges Rs. 1,23,01,520/- As per tender condition No.12.4.
DMF: Rs. 36,90,456/- 30% on Seigniorage charges
SMET: Rs. 2,46,030/- 2% on Seigniorage charges
Contractor profit & Over Head Charges. 13.615% (As per the Estimate).
Other (Agency, Municipal, and
Industrial) if any.

The Superintending Engineer, RBLISP Circle, Pebbair invites tenders for the above
work vide N I T. No: 12/RBLISP/2020-21, Dt.22.07.2020.
1. The Superintending Engineer, RBLISP Circle, Pebbair or his nominee at his office will
open the tenders of the above work Online, on the dates mentioned in NIT. If the


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Office happens to be closed on the dates, the opening of tenders gets automatically
postponed to the next working date, the time being unaltered, unless extended by a
notification published Online through Corrigendum.
2. Bidders Eligible to Tender:
2.1 The bidders who

i) Possess the valid registration in the class and categories mentioned in the NIT and
satisfy all the Conditions therein.
ii) Are not blacklisted or debarred by the Government of Telangana and any other
Governments (State & Central) in India (or) suspended from the business by the
Registering Authority for whatever the reason, prohibiting them not to continue in
the contracting business
iii) Have complied with the eligibility criteria and other conditions specified in the
NIT and tender document are only eligible to participate in the tender.
iv) The bidder should be cumulatively net profit making during the last Ten Financial
Years. In case of JV, all members shall be cumulatively net profit making during
the last Ten Financial Years.(i.e., the combined total profit and loss put together in
the last Ten Financial Years should be in profit.)

2.2 Bidders Ineligible to Tender:

i) The Bidder / Firms applied for / availed Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) /
Strategic Debt Restructuring (SDR) during last five (5) financial years and
continuing to be under the same as on the date of tendering i.e., 2015-16 to
2019-20 years are not eligible to participate in the Bid.

ii) A retired employee of the Govt. of Telangana / erstwhile Govt. of AP or Govt. of

India is disqualified from tendering for a period of two years from the date of
retirement except with the prior permission of the Government.
iii) The Bidder who has employed any retired employee as mentioned above shall be
considered as an ineligible bidder.
iv) The contractor himself or any of his employees is found to be an officer who
retired from Government Service and had not obtained permission from the
Government for accepting the contractor’s employment within a period of 2 years
from the date of his retirement.
v) The Contractor or any of his employees is found at any time after award of
contract, to be such a person who had not obtained the permission of the
Government as aforesaid before submission of the tender or engagement in the
Contractor’s service.

vi) Contractor shall not be eligible to tender for works in the division / circle where
any of his near relatives are employed in the rank of Assistant Engineer or
Assistant Executive Engineers and above on the Engineering side and Divisional
Accounts Officer and above on the administrative side. The Contractor may


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intimate the names of persons who are working with him in any capacity or are
subsequently employed. He may also furnish a list of Gazetted / Non-Gazetted,
State Government Employees related to him.
vii) Note: Near relatives include
1. Sons, stepsons, daughters, and stepdaughters.
2. Son-in-law and daughter-in-law.
3. Brother-in-law and sister-in-law.
4. Brothers and Sisters.
5. Father and Mother.
6. Wife / Husband.
7. Father-in-law and Mother-in-law
8. Nephews, nieces, uncle and aunts
9. Cousins and
10. Any person residing with or dependent on the contractor.


3.1 The Bidder shall furnish the following particulars in the formats enclosed, supported
by documentary evidence as specified in the formats. Failure to comply with the
condition, the bid shall be considered incomplete and summarily rejected.

a) Check slip to accompany the tender (in Annexure-I).

b) Attested copies of documents relating to the Registration of the firm / company,
Partnership deed / Articles of Association
Note: The Partnership firms, which are registered as Contractors shall intimate the
change in partners if any, within one month of such change. Failure to notify the
change to the registration authority in time will entail the firms to forfeit their
registration and their tender will be rejected. It is the responsibility of the bidders
to upload the proof of intimation of change of partners if any to the Registering
authority within one month of such change along with the tender. The acceptance
by the Registration authority if any may also be uploaded.

c) Details of value of Civil Engineering works executed in the last 10 financial years
(i.e. from 2010-11 to 2019-20) by the Bidder in Statement-I with supporting
d) Details of similar works in CC lining completed (not less than 90% of physical
contract value) by the bidder during the last ten financial Years (i.e. from 2010-
11 to 2019-20) in Statement-II with supporting certificates
e) Details of required physical Quantities of work executed by the bidder in the last
10 financial years (i.e. from 2010-11 to 2019-20) in Statement – III with
supporting certificates. (This is not required for works costing upto
Rs. 10 crore).
f) Details of existing commitments of the bidder i.e., works on hand in Statement-IV-
(A) with Supporting Certificates and also details of tenders Participated/submitted
in Statement –IV(B)
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g) Availability of Key & critical construction and quality control equipments with the
bidder in Statement - V
h) Availability of key personnel with the bidder for administration / site management
and execution viz., technical personnel required for the work (Statement-VI)
i) Information regarding any litigation, with Government during the last five years, in
which the Bidder is involved in (Statement-VII)

j) Availability of working capital for the work [Liquid assets, credit facility and
availability of other financial resources].
k) Aadhar Card
l) The bidders shall furnish a declaration online stating that the soft copies
uploaded by them are genuine. Any incorrectness/ deviation noticed would be
viewed seriously and apart from cancelling of the Tender and forfeiting EMD,
criminal action would be initiated including suspension of Business.
m) The proposed methodology and program of construction, backed with equipment
planning and deployment, duly supported with broad calculations, justifying their
capability of execution and completion of the work as per technical specifications
within the stipulated period of completion as per milestones.
n) The particulars of quality control testing Lab owned or proof of having tie-up with
established quality control testing laboratories.
3.2 a) Tenders from Joint Ventures are not acceptable upto Rs. 100 crores unless
Specifically stated otherwise (Joint ventures may be permitted in respect of the
works combining Civil and Mechanical / Electrical works).
b) for works costing more than Rs. 100 crores, J.V’s are allowed, JV partners/
Firms with maximum of three, including lead partner shall be allowed.
c) Criterion for joint ventures: DELETED.


A) To qualify for opening the Price Bid each bidder in its name, should have, during
the last ten financial years including the current financial year in which tenders are
invited (i.e. from 2010-11 to 2019-20).

a) Satisfactorily completed, (not less than 90% of physical contract value) as a

PRIME CONTRACTOR or as a sub-contractor ( duly certified by the Executive
Engineer and counter signed by Superintending Engineer ) similar works in
CANAL WORK WITH C C LINING (Mechanical pavers) of value not less
than Rs: 1529 lakhs (usually 50% of Estimate contract value of the work) in any
one financial year, during last ten financial years as specified above updated to
current price level giving a weightage of 10% per year.
b) Executed the following in any two financial years during the last ten financial
year physical quantities. (Usually 50% of the expected peak quantities of
construction per year).


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S. No Principal Items of Work
Required quantity
Earthwork excavation & formation of embankment
1. 192660 Cum
(including HDR&HR)
2. Cement Concrete works (M10/M15/M20/M25) 9630 cum
3. Lining with mechanical paver 80925 sqm

For the period of work up to 6 months, Qualification Criteria for 3.3 A shall be
taken as half year and for more than 6 months and up to one year, Qualification
Criteria for 3.3 A shall be taken as one year.

Note for the Tender Inviting Authority:

1. Only items which have 25% or more weightage shall be mentioned except in case of
specialized items. In case of specialised items, the Tender document approving
authority shall invariably justify the same. Generic item quantities can be clubbed.
2. The qualification criteria at clause 3.3 A will not made applicable for the works costing
Rs 10.00 crores (ECV) and below.
3. In case the current financial year is claimed by the bidder, the last 10 ten financial years
would be including the current financial year otherwise the last 10 ten financial years
would be excluding the current financial year.

B). Net Liquid assets / credit facilities of not less than Rs: 957 lakhs exluding the
existing commitments from Banks shall be equivalent to 3 months estimated cash
flow in peak construction period in the form of Annexure –I(B). For works costing
less than Rs. 2.00 Crores, the solvency certificate in the form of Annexure 1(A)
may also be furnished.

C) Contractor Registration certificate of appropriate class in Government of Telangana

/ Erstwhile Andhra Pradesh.

D) Necessary D.D / B.G towards E.M.D. as per tender documents.

E) Transaction fee at 0.03% of ECV+ 15 % Service tax as applicable on 0.03% of ECV
through the electronic payment Gateway subject to ceilings mentioned in clause
F) Bid capacity
The bidders who meet the above qualification criteria and whose available bid
capacity is more or equal to the estimated contract value will only be qualified
for opening of Price bid. The available bid capacity will be calculated as under:

Available Bid Capacity: (3 * A * N – B)

A = Maximum value of Civil Engineering works executed / in progress in its
name in any one financial year during the last ten financial years (updated to


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current Price level) taking into account the works completed as well as works
in progress.
Attach certificate(s) issued by the Executive Engineer(s) concerned and
counter signed by Superintending Engineer(s) or Equivalent Rank officer(s)
showing work wise / year wise value of work done in respect of all the works
executed / in progress by the bidder during last ten financial years as per
Certificate from Chartered Accountant financial year wise towards contracts
of Civil engineering works executed, supported with P&L Account
N = Number of years prescribed for completion of the work for which Tenders
are invited.

[Period upto 6 months to be taken as half year and more than 6 months
upto one year as one year]

B = Updated value (at current Price level), of all existing Commitments i.e.,
ongoing works to be executed during the Period of completion of the work
for which Tenders are invited.
Annual turnover of the bidder based on Civil Engineering works executed and
also the balance value of works on hand etc., shall be updated by giving weightage
of 10% per year to bring them to current price level.

a) Sub-contractor’s experience, in his name will be taken in to account in determining
the Bidder’s compliance to the Qualification criteria, duly certified by the EE and
countersigned by SE.
b) In case of Joint venture works, the experience gained to the extent of the bidder’s
share shall be taken in to account in determining the bidder’s compliance with
the qualification criteria.
c) The experience gained by the bidders by execution of private works & foreign
works shall not be considered in determining the bidder’s compliance to the
qualification criteria.

If the prime contractor desires to sub-let a part of the work he should submit the
same at the time of filing tenders or during execution, giving the name of the proposed
Sub-Contractor, along with details of the qualification and experience. The Tender
Accepting Authority will verify the experience of the proposed Sub-Contractor and if the
Sub-Contractor satisfies the qualification criteria in proportion to the value of work
proposed to be sub-let, he may permit the same. The total value of works to be awarded on
sub-letting shall not exceed 45% of contract value. The extent of subletting shall be added
to the experience of the sub-contractor and to that extent deducted from that of the main
contractor. No qualification criteria shall be considered for sub-letting the works upto


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Rs 50 Crores for local entrepreneurs verified with Adhar Card. However, considering
the annual turnover based on the certificate issued by chartered accountant as well as the
income tax returns filed in the corresponding year and based on the valid registration in
the class and categories mentioned in the NIT, works up to Rs 50 crores would be
permitted to be sub-letted.
If the part of work is to be sublet during execution, i.e., within the agreement period
or beyond the agreement period (EOT), the sub contractor shall satisfy the qualification
criteria proportionate to proposed value of subletting according to the qualification
prescribed in the tender document only.

G 1) Each bidder should demonstrate:

Availability (either owned (or) leased) of the following major key and critical
equipments costing more than Rs 10.00 lakhs for this work

Minimum Number
S. No Equipment type and characteristics
1 Excavators (0.9 Cum) 9 Nos
2 Tippers 5.5 Cum 45 Nos
3 Vibromax (20 Ton) 6 Nos
4 DRRs (10 Ton) 4 Nos
5 Dozer 75 HP 2 Nos
6 Batching plant 2 Nos
7 Transit concrete mixers 10 Nos
8 Vibrators 75 mm 20 Nos
9 Water Tankers 12,000 Liters 8 Nos
10 Front end Loader 4 Nos
11 Dewatering Pumps 10 Hp 4 Nos
12 C.C. lining paver finisher 4 Nos
13 Quality Control Lab 1 Set
14 Generator 4 Nos

In case of owned equipments, the bidder has to upload either a certificate issued by
the Executive Engineer, with in the block period (or) a Declaration on non judicial stamp
paper worth Rs 100/- as prescribed in Statement V along with sufficient proof of
documents in support of owning key and critical equipments such as Invoice / certificate
of registration by the competent authority.

In case of Leased equipments, the bidder shall invariably upload the lease agreement
along with sufficient proof of documents in support of owning leased equipments by the
leasee, such as certificate issued by the Executive Engineer, within the block period (or)
Invoice / certificate of registration by the competent authority in proof of owning the key
and critical equipment.


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2) Quality control laboratory.

For all works costing more than Rs. 200.00 Lakhs, the contractor shall show proof
owning/leasing quality control testing equipment. The following equipments are required.
Sl.No. Name of Item
1 Spirit Level
Standard Cube Moulds
2 a) for cement testing
b) for concrete testing
Electronic Balance
3 a) 500 g
b) 5 mg
4 Slump test device
5 Compression testing machine 1000KN
I.S. Sieve set:
6 Sieves 100mm, 63mm, 10mm, 4.75mm, 2mm, 1mm,
600μ, 425μ, 300μ, 212μ, 150μ, 75μ
7 Elongation gauge
8 Flakiness gauge

Note: The bidder has to upload a certificate issued by the Executive Engineer with in the
Block period towards owning Quality control laboratory equipment (or) proof of tie
up with an established Quality control testing laboratory suitable for the tendered
work. The bidders may also furnish a declaration on non judicial stamp paper worth
Rs 100/- as prescribed in Statement V along with sufficient documentary proof in
support of owning the Quality Control testing lab equipments such as Invoice /
certificate of registration by the competent authority.

No payment shall be made by the Government as it is a part of the rate structure.

3) Availability of the Key personnel

Graduate Engineer 3 No. (Minimum experience of 5
(Civil) : years)
Diploma Holders / Graduate Engineer 5 No. (Minimum experience of 10
(Civil) : years)
No payment shall be made by the Government as it is a part of the rate
The bidders shall also upload the consent letters of the technical personnel to work
with the bidder during execution of the work along with qualification certificates of the
proposed technical personnel. Failing to comply with the above, the bidder looses the
opportunity of engaging the technical personnel and liable for penalty of (SSR x 3 times)
shall be imposed for engaging technical personnel by the Engineer-in-Charge.


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4) The bidder shall submit the copies of documents of: -

i. GST Registration and latest GST returns filed.
ii. PAN Card and copy of latest I.T returns.

5) In case of execution of specialized nature of works such as………………the bidder

shall also furnish such documents ……………..(As required by the tender inviting

3.4 Even though the bidders meet the above qualifying criteria, the bidder will be
disqualified duly forfeiting the EMD and also they will be suspended / blacklisted, if they

a. Furnished false / fabricated particulars in the forms / statements / annexures

submitted in proof of the qualification requirements and/or
b. Not turned up for entering into agreement, when called upon, and / or
c. Record of poor progress such as abandoning the work, not properly completing the
contract, inordinate delays in completion, litigation history or financial failures etc.
d. been found, while execution of the work, that, the work was awarded to the
Contractor based on false / fake certificates of experience/ forms/ Statements/
annexure submitted in proof of the qualification requirement, the Contractor will
be blacklisted and work will be taken over invoking clause 61 of PS to APSS.

3.5 Tenders with an excess of above 5 % of the estimated contract value shall
summarily be rejected.

3.6 For tenders up to 5% less than the estimated contract value of work, no
additional security deposit is required. But for tenders less by more than 5% of the
estimated Contract Value of work, the difference between the tendered amount and
95% of the estimated contract value in shape of BG/DD shall be collected from the
successful Bidder before concluding the agreement.


4.1 Each bidder shall submit only one Tender for the work. A Bidder who submits more
than one Tender either in the form of individual or a partner in the firm will
cause dis-qualification of all the Tenders submitted by the Bidder.


5.1 The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of his
Tender and the tender inviting authority will in no case be responsible and liable for
those costs.



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6.1 The Bidder, at the Bidder’s own responsibility and risk is advised to visit and
examine the Site of Work and its surroundings and obtain all information that may
be necessary for preparing the Tender for entering into a contract, for construction of
the work. The costs of visiting the site shall be at the Bidder’s own expense.


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7.1 One set of Tender document, comprises of the following:

Technical bid
1) Notice Inviting Tenders (NIT)
2) Instruction to Bidders
3) Forms of Tender and qualification information
4) Conditions of Contract.
5) Specifications.
6) Drawings.
7) Forms of Securities, EMD, Additional Security etc.,

Price bid

1) Bill of Quantities and Price bid.


8.1 A prospective bidder requiring any clarification on Tender documents may contact
the Tender Inviting Officer at the address indicated in the NIT. The Tender Inviting
Officer will also respond to any request sought for clarification, either received
through post or in person, should be before – (03.07.2018).


9.1 Before the last date for submission of Tenders, the Tender Inviting Authority may
modify any of the Contents of the Tender Notice, Tender documents by issuing
amendment / Addendum.

9.2 Any addendum / amendments issued by the Tender Inviting Authority shall be part
of the Tender Document and it shall be notified in online through corrigendum.

9.3 To give prospective Bidders reasonable time to take an Addendum / Amendment

into account in preparing their tenders, the Tender Inviting Authority invariably
extend, the last date for submission of tenders by providing a minimum period of 7
days between date of publication of such Addendum / Amendment and the last date
for submission of tenders.

9.4 It is the responsibility of the bidders to take notice of such Addendums /

Amendments till the last date / time stipulated for submission of tenders. No plea of
the bidders, who fail to take note of such Addendums / Amendments, will be


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10.1 All documents relating to the tender shall be in the English Language only.


1 After registering on the e-procurement market place, bidders need to scan and
upload the required documents as per the tender requirements.

2 The Bidders shall authenticate the tender with their digital certificate for
submitting the tender electronically on e-procurement Platform and the tenders not
authenticated by Digital certificate of the bidder will not be accepted on the
e-procurement platform.

3 The bidder shall mandatorily pay the transaction fee to M/s. TSTS, TELANGANA
UNIT, HYDRABAD through the electronic payment Gateway.


i. The bidders who are desirous of participating in e-procurement market place shall
submit their technical bids, price bids etc., online in the standard format prescribed
in the NIT and tender documents as displayed at e -procurement market place. The
bidders should upload the scanned copies of all the relevant and required
certificates, documents etc., in the e-procurement market place in support of their
technical bids. The bidders shall sign on all the statements, documents, certificates
uploaded by them, owning responsibility for their correctness /authenticity.

ii. All the bidders shall invariably upload the scanned copies of DD / BG towards
EMD in e- Procurement system and this shall be the primary requirement for
Technical bid evaluation.

iii. The bidder shall furnish a declaration in online stating that the soft copies uploaded
by them are genuine. Any incorrectness/deviation noticed will be viewed seriously
and apart from canceling the work duly forfeiting the EMD, criminal action will be
initiated including suspension from business.

iv.The successful bidder shall invariably furnish the original DD / BG towards EMD,
certificates / documents of the uploaded scanned copies, to the Agreement
concluding authority before entering into agreement either personally or through
courier or post within the stipulated date and shall obtain the receipt of the same,
which shall be the responsibility of the successful bidder. The Department shall not
take any responsibility for any delay in receipt of original DD / BG towards EMD,
certificates / documents from the successful bidder before the stipulated time. On
receipt of documents, the Tender Inviting Authority shall ensure the verification of
genuineness of the DD / BG towards EMD and all other certificates / documents
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uploaded by the bidder in e-procurement system in support of the qualification

criteria before concluding the agreement.

v. The tenders will be opened online in e-procurement platform by the Tender

Inviting Authority SE/RBLISP Circle, Pebbair or his nominee at his office on the
date and time specified in the NIT. All the statements, documents, certificates, DD
/ BG etc., uploaded by the bidders will be downloaded for technical bid evaluation.
The clarifications, particulars if any required from the bidders will be obtained by
addressing the bidders. The technical bids will be evaluated as per the specified
parameters/ criteria will be determined.
vi. The Department shall carry out the technical bid evaluation solely based on the
Uploaded Certificates / documents, DD / BG towards EMD in the e- procurement
System. The result of technical bid evaluation will be displayed on the e-
procurement market place, for the benefit by all the bidders participated in the
vii. The price-bids of such bidders, who are determined to have complied with the
eligibility criteria, i.e., qualified in Technical bid evaluation will only be opened by
the Tender Inviting Authority SE/RBLISP Circle, Pebbair or his nominee at his
office, on the date and time specified in the NIT, or any other date postponed and
notified in the e-procurement platform.

viii. If the office happens to be closed on the dates specified in the NIT, the respective
activity will be performed at the designated time on the next working day without
any notification.

ix. If any successful bidder fails to attend the office of the agreement concluding
authority on or before the time specified will be suspended from participating in
the tenders on e-Procurement platform for a period of 3 years besides forfeiting the
EMD. The e-Procurement system would deactivate the user ID of such defaulting
successful bidder based on the trigger / recommendation by the tender Inviting
Authority in the system.

x. Any other details can be had from the Office of the Tender Inviting Authority
SE/RBLISP Circle, Pebbair.
12.1 Bill of Quantities or Schedule “A” and the bid offer accompanies the tender
document as Volume-II. It shall be explicitly understood that the Tender Inviting
Officer does not accept any responsibility for the correctness or completeness of
this schedule ‘A’ and this schedule ‘A’ is liable to alterations by omissions,
deductions or additions at the discretion of the Superintending Engineer or as set
forth in the conditions of the contract. The Schedule “A” shall contain the items of
work indicated as part– I and LS provisions towards reimbursable items as part–II.
The percentage quoted by the bidder shall be applicable only to part –I. However,


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the provisions contained in the part – II will be operable based on the conditions
provided in the Tender Document. The bidders will have to state clearly their
willingness to execute the work at certain specific percentage of excess or less or at
par of the ECV indicated in Part-I at the space provided therein in Schedule ‘A’.
The L.S. amounts indicated in part-II are maximum reimbursable amounts. The
bidder should however quote his lump sum tender based on this schedule of
quantities. He should quote his offer as a overall tender percentage.

12.2 The Schedule –A (or Price-bid) contains not only the quantities but also the rates
worked out by the Department and the amount for each item and total value of the
estimated contract. The bidder should workout his own rates keeping in view the
work, site conditions and quote his overall tender percentage with which he intends
to execute the work.

12.3 The tender offer shall be for the whole work and not for individual items / part of
the work.

12.4 i) GST, NAC, Seigniorage Charges and Labour cess are reimbursable as specified
at Annexure II of Schedule A.

Any other statutory Taxes like Service Tax, Excise Duty, Customs Duty, Swatch
Bharat and Krishi Kalyan, etc., enforced by the Government from time to time
shall be paid by the contractor to the concerned department on demand and it will
be reimbursed to him by the Engineer-in-Charge after satisfying that it has been
actually and genuinely paid by the contractor.

ii) All other duties, taxes and other levies payable by the contractor as per State /
Central Government rules in vogue as on the last date of submission of price bid
are deemed to have been included in the tender percentage quoted by the bidder.

iii) Seigniorage Charges: The Seigniorage charges shall be recovered from the
bills of the contractor on the work done and measured quantities at the rates
prescribed in G.O.Ms.No.67 (INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE (M.I)
DEPARTMENT) Dated:26.09.2015 same shall be reimbursed. The rates are liable
to be revised and amended from time to time by the State Government. In case of
revision, the revised rates as fixed by the State Government have to be adopted.
The difference of the Seigniorage Charges adopted in the estimate and the revised
rates amended from time to time by the State Government will be reimbursed to
the Contractor.

12.5 The tendered contract amount, as computed based on overall tender percentage, is
subject to variation during the performance of the Contract in accordance with
variation in quantities etc.
12.6 Charges payable to M/s TSTS, HYDRABAD.
The service charges payable to M/s TSTS, Hyderabad are as indicated below.
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The participating bidders will pay transaction fee @ 0.03% of ECV

(Estimated contract value) + 15- % Service tax as applicable on 0.03% of ECV of
Rs: 30,58,71,974/- (The ceiling amount of Transaction fee for works costing ECV
upto Rs 50.00 Crores is Rs 10,000.00 + 15 % Service Tax as applicable on
Rs.10,000/- and for works costing with ECV above Rs 50.00 Crores, the ceiling
amount of transaction fee is Rs 25,000.00+-------- % Service Tax as applicable on

All the participating bidders shall electronically pay the transaction fee to
the Service provider through Payment Gateway service on e-procurement platform.
Payment of transaction fee by the participating bidders through the Electronic
Payment Gateway is made mandatory for tenders.

Service tax as levied by the GOI on transaction fee; electronic payment

gateway charges are to be borne by the bidders.

Charges Payable to M/s. TSTS /, HYDRABAD

The Successful bidder will pay further fee @ 0.04% of ECV (Estimated
contract value) of Rs: 10,000/- payable to the Managing Director, APTS to create
an e-Procurement fund to be administered by TSTS (The ceiling amount of the
above fee for works costing ECV upto Rs 50.00 Crores is Rs 10,000.00 and for
works costing with ECV above Rs 50.00 Crores is Rs 25,000.00).

The above fee is payable by the successful bidder through a D.D. drawn in
favour of Managing Director, TSTS Unit, Hyderabad at the time of conclusion of
the agreement. The said DD shall be sent to Managing Director, TSTS / by the
Superintending Engineer who is entering in to agreement with the successful

Validity of Tenders:

12.7 Tenders shall remain valid for a period of not less than 90 days from the last date
of receipt of Tenders.

12.8 During the above-mentioned period no plea by the bidder to withdraw the tender or
for any sort of modification of the tender based upon or arising out of any alleged
misunderstanding or misconceptions or mistake or for any other reason, will be
entertained. If the bidders withdraw their tender during validity period prior to
award of the work, the bidder will be blacklisted duly forfeiting the EMD.

12.9 In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original validity period, the
Tender Inviting Officer may request the bidders to extend the period of validity of
the tender for a specified additional period. Such request to the Bidders shall be
made in writing. A bidder may accept or refuse the request without forfeiting the
E.M.D. A bidder agreeing to the request will not be permitted to modify his


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Tender, but will be required to extend the validity of his E.M.D. for a period of the
extension of validity of the tender.


All the bidders shall invariably upload the scanned copies of DD / BG towards
EMD as indicated in the NIT along with the tender in e-Procurement system and this will
be the primary requirement to consider the tender for technical bid evaluation.

13.1 The DD / BG shall be from a Nationalized Bank / Scheduled Commercial Bank

valid for a period of 3 Months from the date of issue of tender notice. However,
the validity of DD/BG shall be extended up to 90 days from the last date of bids
requested by the Tender Inviting Authority. Xerox copy of the DD / BG towards
EMD is to be scanned and uploaded along with the Bid. Further, the 1% E.M.D.
paid by the successful Bidder at the time of submission of hard copies of
Tender documents in the shape of Demand Draft / Bank Guarantee will be
discharged if the Bidder furnishes Bank Guarantee for the full EMD of 2½%
at the time of concluding agreement.

13.2 This EMD can be in the form of:

a) A bank demand draft on any Nationalized bank / Scheduled Commercial Bank

b) A bank guarantee in the form given in Section 8, from a Nationalized Bank /

Scheduled Commercial Bank.

13.3 The earnest money deposited by the successful Bidder will not carry any interest
and it will be dealt with as provided in the conditions stipulated in the tender. The
E.M.D. given in the form of Bank Guarantee on a Nationalized Bank/Scheduled
Commercial Bank shall be valid for the duration of contract period plus defect
liability period of two years for Civil works and five years for Electro-Mechanical
works and in case any valid extension of contract period is granted, the validity of
BG shall also be extended for the corresponding period.

13.4 The E.M.D. shall be forfeited.

(a) If the Bidder withdraws the Tender during the validity period of Tender.

(b) In the case of a successful bidder, if he fails to sign the Agreement within the
stipulated time for whatever the reason.

13.5 In case of the Executive Engineer / Superintending Engineer /Chief Engineer /

Commissionarate of Tenders undertake to investigate and to take into account each
tender and in consideration of the work thereby involved, all earnest money
deposited by the Bidder will be forfeited to the Government in the event of such
Bidder either modifying or withdrawing his tender within the said validity period
of 3 Months.
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14.1 If an individual makes the tender, it shall be signed by him with his full name and
his address. If it is made by a firm, it shall be signed with the co-partnership name
by a member of the firm, who shall also sign and furnish his own name, and
address of each member of the firm. If the tender is made by a corporation it shall
be signed by a duly authorized officer who shall produce, with his tender,
satisfactory evidence of his authorization. Such tendering corporation may be
required before the contract is executed, to furnish evidence of its corporate
existence. Tenders signed on behalf of G.P.A. holder will be rejected.

14.2 The Tender shall contain no alterations or additions, except those to comply with
instructions issued by the Tender Inviting Officer, or as necessary to correct errors
made by the Bidder, in which case all such corrections shall be initiated by the
person signing the Tender.

14.3 No alteration which is made by the Bidder in the contract form, the conditions of
the contract, the drawings, specifications or statements / formats or quantities
accompanying the same will be recognized; and, if any such alterations are made
the tender will be void.


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15.1 The bidders who participate in tenders online, shall submit the following
invariably failure to comply with the condition the bid shall be considered
incomplete and rejected.
a) Check slip
b) Copy of contractor’s registration certificate under appropriate class with
Government of Telangana / erstwhile Andhra Pradesh.

c) The contractors shall furnish copy of permanent Account Number (PAN) Card and
copy of Latest Income tax returns.

d) GST Registration Certificate and Clearance certificate of Government of


e) Details of value of Civil Engineering works executed in the last 10 financial years
(i.e. from 2010-11 to 2019-20) by the Bidder in Statement-I with supporting

f) Details of similar works completed (not less than 90% of contract value) by the
bidder during the last 10 financial Years (i.e. from 2010-11 to 2019-20) in
Statement-II with supporting certificates.

g) Details of required physical Quantities of work executed by the bidder in the last 10
financial years (i.e. from 2010-11 to 2019-20) in Statement – III with supporting

h) Details of existing commitments of the bidder i.e., works on hand in Statement-IV-

A with Supporting Certificates and also details of tenders submitted in Statement-

i) Availability of Key & critical construction and quality control equipments with the
bidder in Statement V

j) Availability of key personnel with the bidder for administration / site management
and execution viz., technical personnel required for the work (Statement-VI)

k) Information regarding any litigation, with Government during the last Ten years, in
which the Bidder is involved in Statement-VII.

l) Availability of working capital for the work: Net / credit facilities of not less than
Rs: 957 Lakhs exluding the existing commitments from Banks shall be equivalent
to 3 months estimated cash flow in peak construction period in the form of
Annexure –I(B). For works costing less than Rs. 2.00 Crores, the solvency
certificate in the form of Annexure 1(A) may also be furnished.
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16. Aadhar Card (S) as per requirement in the tender document


17.1 Tenders must be submitted not later than the date and time specified in NIT.

17.2 The Tender Inviting Authority may modify the dates for bid documents
downloaded date / end date / last date for submission of tenders / date of opening
of Technical bid / Date of opening of Price bids by issuing an amendment in which
case all rights and obligations of the Tender Inviting Authority will remain same.


18.1 Any Tender received after the last date / time prescribed in NIT will be summarily


19.1 No Tender shall be modified after the last date /time of submission of Tenders.


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20.1 The technical bid containing qualification requirements as per Annexure - I & II
and Statement I to VII will be evaluated by the tender opening authority


21.1 The tender opening authority may call upon any Bidder for clarification on the
statements, documentary proof relating to the technical bid. The request for
clarification and response thereto shall be in writing and it shall be only on the
qualification information furnished by the bidder. The clarification called for from
the bidders shall be furnished within the stipulated period, which shall not be more
than a week.

21.2 The Bidder if so desires, shall agree in writing to furnish the clarification called for
within the stipulated period and if he fails to do so, evaluation of the bid will be
made based on the information available.



22.1 The Tender Opening Authority will evaluate the Technical bid and determines
whether each Bidder is satisfying the eligibility criteria prescribed in the tender
document and declares them as a qualified/ not qualified Bidder.

22.2 If the technical bid of a Bidder is not satisfying the eligibility criteria the Tender
Opening Authority will reject it. However, the tender accepting authority detects
any discrepancy in the evaluation of Tenders, the tender accepting authority while
returning the tenders may direct the Superintending Engineer / Chief Engineer /
Engineer-in- Chief as the case may be, to re-evaluate and re-submit the tenders.


23.1 The Price Bids of qualified Bidders whose technical Bids are found satisfying the
eligibility criteria shall be opened on the date and time fixed.

23.2 The Price Bid of the Unqualified Bidders will not be opened.

23.3 Tenders shall be scrutinized in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the
Tender document. In case of any discrepancy or non-adherence to Conditions the
Tender accepting authority shall communicate the same which will be binding both
on the tender Opening authority and the Bidder. In case of any ambiguity, the
decision taken by the Tender Accepting Authority on tenders shall be final.


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24.1 The Tender Opening Authority will evaluate and compare the price bids of all the
qualified Bidders.

24.2 Negotiations at any level are strictly prohibited. However, good gesture rebate, if
offered by the lowest Bidder voluntarily prior to finalization of tenders may be
accepted by the tender accepting authority.

24.3 Selection of Bidder among the lowest & equally quoted bidders will be in the
following order:

a) The bidder whose bid capacity is higher will be selected.

b) In case the bid capacity is also same the Bidder whose annual turnover is more
will be preferred.

c) If the criteria mentioned above incidentally become the same, the turnover on
similar works and thereafter machinery available for the work and then the
clean track record respectively will be considered for selection.


25.1 In case of any discrepancy between the overall tender percentage quoted in words
and figures, the percentage quoted in words shall prevail.


26.1 Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation and comparison

of Tenders and recommendations for the award of a contract shall not be disclosed
to Bidders or any other persons not officially concerned with such process until the
tender accepting authority has announced the award to the successful Bidder. Any
effort by a Bidder to influence the processing of Tenders or award decisions may
result in the rejection of his Tender.

The percentages quoted by the bidders shall be kept confidential and it shall not be
disclosed till his / their price bid is opened by the competent authority. Violation of such
confidentiality the bid /bids will be rejected and such bidder will be debarred from
participation in tenders for a period of ‘1’ year.

26.2 No Bidder shall contact the Tender Inviting Authority or any authority concerned
with finalization of tenders on any matter relating to tender from the time of the
Tender opening to the time the Contract is awarded


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26.3 Before recommending / accepting the tender, the tender recommending /

agreement concluding authority may verify the correctness of certificates
submitted to meet the eligibility criteria and specifically experience.

26.4 Tenders will be finalized by the Executive Engineers for the works costing
ECV less than or equal to Rs.10.00 Lakhs, Superintending Engineers in
between Rs.10.00 Lakhs to 50.00 Lakhs, Chief Engineers & Engineer-in-
Chief in between Rs.50.00 Lakhs to 1000.00 Lakhs. The tenders for the works
costing ECV more than Rs.10.00 Crores will be referred to COT along with
technical bid evaluation for consideration. The Commissionerate of tenders
shall scrutinize the tenders submitted by Engineer-in-Chief / Chief Engineer /
Project administrators in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the tender
document and in case any discrepancy or non-adherence to the conditions, the
same shall be communicated which will be binding both on the tender inviting
authority and bidder. In case of any ambiguity the decision taken by the COT on
tenders shall be final.


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27.1 The Executive Engineer / Superintending Engineer / Chief Engineer or

Engineer-in-Chief will award or recommend to the competent authority for award
of the contract to the Bidder who is found technically qualified as per the Tender
conditions and whose price bid is lowest.

27.2 The tender accepting authority reserves the right to accept or reject any Tender
or all tenders and to cancel the Tendering process, at any time prior to the award of
Contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders
or any obligation to inform the affected Bidder or Bidders of the reasons for such


28.1 The Bidder whose Tender has been accepted will be notified of the award of
the work by the Superintending Engineer/Executive Engineer, prior to expiry of
the Tender validity period by registered letter. This letter (hereinafter and in the
Conditions of Contract called “Letter of Acceptance”) will indicate the sum that
the Government will pay to the Contractor in consideration of the execution,
completion, and maintenance of the Works by the Contractor as prescribed by the
Contract (hereinafter and in the Contract called the “Contract Amount”).

28.2 When a tender is accepted the concerned Bidder shall attend the office of the
Superintending Engineer/Executive Engineer concerned on the date fixed in the
Letter of acceptance. Upon intimation being given by the Superintending
Engineer/Executive Engineer, of acceptance of his tender, the bidder shall make
payment of the balance E.M.D., by way of Demand Draft or unconditional and
irrevocable Bank Guarantee obtained from a Nationalized Bank/Scheduled
Commercial Bank, with a validity period of Agreement period + Defect Liability
period, and sign an agreement in the form prescribed by the department for the due
fulfillment of the contract. Failure to attend the Superintending Engineer’s /
Executive Engineer’s office on the date fixed, in the written intimation, to enter
into the required agreement shall entail forfeiture of the Earnest Money besides
taking action as specified in Clause 29.3. The written agreement to be entered into
between the contractor and the Government shall be the foundation of the rights
and obligations of both the parties and the contract shall not be deemed to be
complete until the agreement has first been signed by the contractor and then by
the proper officer authorized to enter into contract on behalf of the Government.

28.3 The successful Bidder has to sign an agreement within a stipulated time from
the date of receipt of communication of acceptance of his tender. On failure to do
so his tender will be cancelled duly forfeiting the E.M.D., without issuing any
further notice and action will be initiated for black listing the bidder.
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29.1 The Government requires that the Bidder / suppliers / contractors under
Government financed contracts, observe the highest standard of ethics during the
procurement and execution of such contracts. In pursuance of this policy, the
Government define for the purpose of the provisions as follows.

(a) “Corrupt practices” means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of

anything of value to influence the action of a Government official in
procurement process or in contract execution: and

(b) “Fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of the
Government and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after
Tender submission) designed to establish in Tender prices at artificial non-
competitive levels and to deprive the Government of the benefits of free and
open competition.

(c) Will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder recommended for
award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the
contract in question.

(d) Will blacklist / or debar a firm, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, if
at any time determines that the firm has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent
practices in competing for, or in executing a Government Contract.

(e)Furthermore, Bidders shall be aware of the provisions stated in the General

Conditions of Contract.
30.0) The A.P.S.S. shall form part of the contract. He shall also carefully study the
drawing and additional specifications and all the documents which form part of the
contract be entered into by the successful Bidder.

30.1) Bidders attention is directed to requirements of materials under the clause materials
and “Workman ship” in the preliminary specifications. Material conforming to the
Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) only shall be used on the work and the Bids shall
quote his bid accordingly.

30.2) The Bidder has to do his own testing of materials and satisfy himself that they
confirm to the specifications of respective B.I.S. codes before Bidding.

30.3) The contractor shall himself procure the required construction materials of approved
quality including the earth for formation of embankment and water from source of
his choice.

30.4) The contractor shall himself procure all materials required for the work well in


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Annexure –I
Sl.No Description Uploaded Page
1 2 3 4
a Copy of Contractors valid Registration under appropriate
Class with Government of Telangana / erstwhile Government Yes / No
of AP.
b Copy of DD / BG towards EMD YES/ No
2 The bidders shall furnish their copy of permanent Account
Number (PAN) Card and copy of Latest Income tax returns
Yes / No
submitted along with proof of receipt.
3 GST Registration & Clearance certificate in Government of
4 Details of value of ------------Engineering works executed in
the last 10 financial years by the Bidder in Statement-I with Yes / No
supporting certificates.
5 Details of similar works completed (not less than 90% of
contract value) by the bidder during the last ten financial Yes / No
Years in Statement-II with supporting certificates.
6 Quantities of work executed by the Bidder in the last 10
financial years - in Statement – III with supporting
Yes / No
7 Details of existing commitments of the bidder i.e., works on
hand in Statement-IV-A with Supporting Certificates and Yes / No
also details of tenders submitted in Statement -IV-(B)
8 Availability of critical equipment with the bidder in
Yes / No
Statement –V.
9 Availability of Key personnel with the bidder in
Yes / No
10 Litigation history of the bidder in Statement –VII. Yes / No
11 Proof of liquid assets as per Annexure –I(B) / I(A) Yes / No
12 List of other certificates enclosed, if any. Yes / No

Signature of the bidder


1.All the statements copies of the certificates, documents etc., enclosed to the
Technical bid shall be given page numbers on the right corner of each
certificate, which will be indicated in column (4) above against each item.
The statements furnished shall be in the formats appended to the tender
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2. The information shall be filled-in by the Bidder in the checklist and

statements- I to VII, shall be uploaded along with to the Technical bid for the
purposes of verification as well as evaluation of the bidder’s Compliance to
the qualification criteria as provided in the Tender document.
I / WE ……………………………………… have gone through carefully all the Tender
conditions and solemnly declare that I / we will abide by any penal action such as
disqualification or black listing or determination of contract or any other action deemed
fit, taken by, the Department against us, if it is found that the statements, documents,
certificates produced by us are false / fabricated.
I / WE hereby declare that, I / WE have not been blacklisted / debarred / Suspended /
demoted in any department in Telangana or in any State due to any reasons.

Signature of the Bidder

Details of value of Civil Engineering works executed in each year during the last
ten financial years by the Bidder.

Sl. No. Financial Year Value in Rs.

a) Attach certificate(s) issued by the Executive Engineer (s) concerned and counter
signed by Superintending Engineer (s) or Equivalent Rank officer (s) showing work
wise / year wise value of work done in respect of all the works executed by the Bidder
during last ten financial years.
b) Certificate from Chartered Accountant financial year wise towards Civil Engineering
works executed, supported with P&L Account.
Signature of the Bidder


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Details of similar works completed (not less than 90% of Physical contract value)
in the Name of the Bidder during the last ten financial years.
Address of ted
Name Agreement
Sl. Tendering Value of period Actual date of
of the No. &
No inviting Contract of completion
work dated.
Authority compl
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Value of work done year wise during the last ‘ten’ financial years.
value of
10th work
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
Yea done.
Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Attach certificates issued by the Executive Engineer (s) concerned and

countersigned by the Superintending Engineer (s) or Equivalent Rank officer (s)

Signature of the Bidder

32 Sd/- Sd/-
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Physical quantities executed by the Bidder in the last ten financial years. [Work
wise / year wise].
Sl. Name Quantities executed / Year wise.
Financial Agt. Any other
No of
Year No items.
. work
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Attach certificates in support of the above quantities issued by the Executive

Engineer(s) concerned and countersigned by the Superintending Engineer(s) or Equivalent
Rank officer(s) duly showing the quantities executed year wise.

The bidders participating in the bid for the work, costing upto Rs. 10 Crore need
not submit this particulars /statement for local entrepreneurs.

Signature of the Bidder


33 Sd/- Sd/-
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Details of Existing Commitments.
Details of works on hand and yet to be completed as on the date of submission of
the Tender and works for which Tenders have been submitted are to be furnished.

A) Existing Commitments on ongoing works:

of Updated
Value ated Value Balance
Tenderi Anticipated value of
Name Agt. No. of period of work Value of
Sl. ng date of balance work
of work & Date cont- of done works to be
No inviting completion with current
ract comp- so far. completed
Authorit price level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Attach certificates issued by the Executive Engineer(s) concerned and

countersigned by Superintending Engineer (s) or Equivalent Rank officer (s) indicating the
balance work to be done, and likely period of completion or RA bills signed by EE's /
payment made by PAO’s / Presented to PAO’s

Signature of the Bidder

B) Details of works for which Tenders are submitted / likely to be awarded

Address of Estima-
d period Date on which
Sl. Name of Tendering ted Present stage of
of tender was
No. work inviting value of Tender.
comple- submitted
Authority work
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Signature of the Bidder


34 Sd/- Sd/-
Case Worker DEE(Tech)


Availability of Critical Equipment

The Bidder should furnish the information required below, regarding the
availability of the equipments, required for construction / quality control.


Owned Leased
Sl. Details of Number (Latest Certificate issued by E.E (lease deed for the work
No. Equipment required /Invoices/ tendered and proof of owning
registration certificate should be machinery of lessee should be
enclosed) enclosed)
1 2 3 4 5

Signature of the Bidder

The Bidders has to submit either a certificate issued by the Executive Engineer (or)
a Declaration on non judicial stamp paper worth Rs 100/- as prescribed in statement-V
given above along with sufficient proof of document in support of owning such as Invoice
/ Certificate of Registration by competent authority in support of the critical equipments.


35 Sd/- Sd/-
Case Worker DEE(Tech)

Availability of Key Personnel
Qualification and experience of Key Personnel proposed to be deployed for
execution of the Contract.

Total Working with the

Sl. No Name Designation Qualification
Experience Bidder since.
1 2 3 4 5 6

Attach qualification certificates along with consent letters of Key personnel to work with
the bidder. Key personnel already employed in other ongoing works of the bidder and
working in other firms/ companies shall not be considered

Signature of the Bidder


Information on litigation history in which Bidder is the Petitioner.

Court Subject Matter /
S. Case No. / Respondents
where Prayer in the Present Stage.
No Year i.e., SE / CE
filed. case.
1 2 3 4 5 6

Signature of the Bidder


36 Sd/- Sd/-
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Date: ……………
The Superintending Engineer,
RBLISP Circle,

I / We do hereby tender and if this tender be accepted, undertake to execute the

following work viz., Koilsagar Lift Irrigation Scheme – Modernization of Right Main
Canal from Km 0.000 to Km. 12.725 of Koilsagar Project, Dhanwada (Mandal &
village), Mahabubnagar District., as shown in the drawings and described in the
specifications deposited in the office of the Superintending Engineer RBLISP CIRCLE,
PEBBAIR with such variations by way of alterations or additions to, and omissions from
the said works and method of payment as provided for in the “conditions of the contract”
for the sum of Rupees……………… or such other sum as may be arrived under the
clause of the standard preliminary specifications relating to “Payment on lump-sum basis
or by final measurement at unit rates”

I/WE have also quoted percentage (both in words and figures) excess or less or at par on
E.C.V., in Schedule ‘A’ Part-I, annexed for which I/We agree to execute the work when
the lump sum payment under the terms of the agreement is varied by payment on
measurement quantities.

I/WE have quoted Percentage excess or less or at par on E.C.V., in Schedule ‘A’ Part – I.
In case of any discrepancy between the percentage excess or less or at par on E.C.V., the
percentage quoted in words only shall prevail.

I/WE agreed to keep the offer in this tender valid for a period of Three months/ mentioned
in the tender notice and not to modify the whole or any part of it for any reason within
above period. If the tender is withdrawn by me/us for any reasons whatsoever, the earnest
money paid by me/us will be forfeited to Government

I/WE hereby distinctly and expressly, declare and acknowledge that, before the
submission of my/our tender I/We have carefully followed the instructions in the tender
notice and have read the A.P.S.S. and the preliminary specifications therein and the
A.P.S.S. addenda volume and that I/We have made such examination of the contract
documents and the plans, specifications and quantities and amendments if any the location
where the said work is to be done, and such investigation of the work required to be done,
and in regard to the material required to be furnished as to enable me/us to thoroughly
understand the intention of same and the requirements, covenants, agreements, stipulations
and restrictions contained in the contract, and in the said plans and specifications and
distinctly agree that I/We will not hereafter make any claim or demand upon the
Government based upon or arising out of any alleged misunderstanding or misconception


37 Sd/- Sd/-
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/or mistake on my / our part of the said requirement, covenants, agreements, stipulations,
restrictions and conditions etc.

I / WE shall not assign the contract or sublet any portion of the same except the conditions
in clause 5.1 of General conditions of contract. In case if it becomes necessary such
subletting with the permission of the Executive Engineer shall be limited to (1) Labour
contract, (2) Material contract, (3) Transport contract and (4) Engaging specialists for
special item of work enjoined in A.P.S.S.

IF MY / OUR tender is not accepted the EMD shall be returned to me / us on application

when intimation is sent to me/us of rejection or at the expiration of three Months from last
date of receipt of this tender, whichever is earlier. If my / our tender is accepted the
earnest money shall be retained by the Government as security for the due fulfillment of
this contract. If upon written intimation to me/us by the Superintending Engineer /
Executive Engineer’s Office, I / We fail to attend the said office on the date herein fixed or
if upon intimation being given to me/us by the Superintending Engineer / Executive
Engineer or acceptance of my/our tender, and if I / We fail to make the additional security
deposit or to enter into the required agreement as defined in condition-3 of the tender
notice, then I / We agree the forfeiture of the earnest money. Any notice required to be
served on me/us here under shall be sufficiently served on me/us if delivered to me/us
hereunder personally or forwarded to me/us by post to (registered or ordinary) or left at
my/our address given herein. Such notice shall if sent by post be deemed to have been
served on me/us at the time when in due course of post it would be delivered at the address
to which it is sent.

I / WE fully understand that the written agreement to be entered into between me/us and
the Government shall be the foundation of the rights of the both the parties and the
contract shall not be deemed to be complete until the agreement has first been signed by
me/us and then by the proper officer authorized to enter into contract on behalf of

I AM/WE ARE professionally qualified and my/our qualifications are given below:

I / WE will employ the following technical staff for supervising the work and will see that
all of them are always at site during working hours, personally checking all items of works
and to pay extra attention to such works as required special attention (e.g.) Reinforced
concrete work etc.


38 Sd/- Sd/-
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Name of members of technical staff proposed to be


I / WE declare that I/WE agree for recovery of the salaries of the technical staff actually
engaged on the work by the department, from the work bills, if I/We fail to employ
technical staff as per the tender condition.


(1) I/WE hereby declare that I / We have perused in detail and examined closely the
A.P Standard Specifications, all clauses of the preliminary specifications with all
amendments and have either examined all the standards specifications or will
examine all the standard specifications for items for which I/We tender, before
I/We submit such tender and agree to be bound and comply with all such
specifications for this agreement which I/We execute in the -----------------
(2) I / WE certify that I / we have inspected the site of the work and required quarries
before quoting my / our Percentage excess or less or at par on ECV, I /we have
satisfied about the quality, availability and transport facilities for stones, sand and
other materials.
(3) I / WE am/are prepared to furnish detailed data in support of all my quoted
percentage, if and when called upon to do so without any reservations.
(4) I / WE hereby declare that I / We will accept the recovery of further security
deposit of 7 ½% from Running Account bills.
(5) I / WE hereby declare that I am / we are accepting to reject my tender in terms of
condition 3.80 of instructions to bidders.
(6) I / WE hereby declare that I am / we are accepting for the defect liability period as

(7) a) I / We declare that I / WE will procure the required construction materials

including earth and use for the work after approval of the Engineer-in-Charge.
The responsibility for arranging and obtaining the land for borrows and or
exploration in any other way shall rest with me/us for the materials for
construction, if not specified otherwise. I/We shall ensure smooth and un-
interrupted supply of materials.
b) I/We declare that the responsibility for arranging and obtaining the land for
disposal of spoil/soil not useful for construction purposes shall rest with me/us.
c) I/We declare that I/We shall not claim any compensation or any payment for the
land so arranged for disposal of soil and the land for borrow area. My / our
39 Sd/- Sd/-
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quoted percentage excess or less or at par on ECV., is inclusive of the land so

arranged and I / We will hand over the land so arranged for disposal of soil to;
the department after completion of work.
d) I/We declare that I/WE will not claim any extra amount towards any material
used for the work other than the quoted items for respective schedule ‘A’
e) I/We declare that I/WE will execute the work as per the mile stone programme,
and if I/WE fail to complete the work as per the mile stone programme I / We
abide by the condition to recover liquidated damages as per the tender
(f) I/We declare that I/WE will abide for settlement of disputes as per the tender


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1) I/WE have not been black listed in any department in Telangana or in any State due
to any reasons.

2) I/WE have not been demoted to the next lower category for not filing the tenders
after buying the tender schedules in a whole year and my/our registration has not
been cancelled for a similar default in two consecutive years.

3) I/WE agree to disqualify me/us for any wrong declaration in respect of the above
and to summarily reject my/our tender.

4) I/WE agree to disqualify and blacklist me/us, if it comes to the notice of tender
inviting authorities that the documents submitted by me /us are not genuine.

Address of the Bidder:

Phone No.:

Fax No.:


41 Sd/- Sd/-
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1. Interpretation:
1.1 In interpreting these Conditions of Contract, singular also means plural, male also
means female, and vice-versa. Headings have no significance. Works have their
normal meaning under the language of the contract unless specifically defined. The
Engineers-in-charge will provide instructions clarifying queries about the
conditions of Contract.

1.2 The documents forming the Contract shall be interpreted in the following order of
1) Agreement
2) Letter of Acceptance, notice to proceed with the works
3) Contractor’s Tender (Technical bid)
4) Conditions of contract
5) Specifications
6) Drawings
7) Bill of quantities (Price-bid)
8) Any other document listed as forming part of the Contract.
2. Engineer-in-Charge’s Decisions:

2.1 Except where otherwise specifically stated, the Engineer-in-charge will decide the
contractual matters between the Department and the Contractor in the role
representing the Department.
3. Delegation:

3.1 The Engineer-in-charge may delegate any of his duties and responsibilities to other
officers and may cancel any delegation by an official order issued.

4. Communications:

4.1 Communications between parties, which are referred to in the conditions, are
effective only when it is in writing. A notice shall be effective only when it is
delivered (in terms of Indian Contract Act).

5. Sub-contracting:

5.1 If the prime contractor desires to sub-let a part of the work, he should submit the
same at the time of filing tenders itself or during execution, giving the name of the
proposed Sub-contractor, along with details of his qualification and experience.
The Tender Accepting Authority should verify the experience of the Sub-
contractor and if the Sub-contractor satisfies the qualification criteria in proportion
to the value of work proposed to be sub-let, he may permit the same. The total
value of works to be awarded on sub-letting shall not exceed 45% of contract
value. The extent of subletting shall be added to the experience of the sub-
contractor and to that extent deducted from that of the main contractor. It is the
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responsibility of the main contractor to clear the liabilities if any that arise on the
portion of the work executed by the sub contractor till the end of the defect liability
period of the work.

6. Other Contractors:

6.1 The Contractor shall cooperate and share the Site with other contractors, Public
authorities, utilities, and the Department. The Contractor shall also provide
facilities and services for them as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

7. Personnel:

7.1 The Contractor shall employ the required Key Personnel named in the Schedule of
Key Personnel to carry out the functions stated in the Schedule or other personnel
approved by the Engineer-in-charge. The Engineer-in-charge will approve any
proposed replacement of Key Personnel only if their qualifications, abilities, and
relevant experience are substantially equal to or better than those of the personnel
listed in the Schedule.

7.2 The technical personnel should be on full time and available at each work site
whenever required by Engineer- in- Charge to take instructions.

7.3 The names of the technical personnel to be employed by the contractor should be
furnished in the statement enclosed separately.

7.4 In case the contractor is already having more than one work on hand and has
undertaken more than one work at the same time, he should employ separate
technical personnel on each work.

7.5 If the contractor fails to employ technical personnel the work will be suspended or
department will engage a technical personnel and recover the cost (SSR x 3 times)
thereof from the contractor.

7.6 If the Engineer-in-charge asks the Contractor to remove a person who is a member
of Contractor’s staff or his work force stating the reasons, the Contractor shall
ensure that the person leaves the site forthwith and has no further connection with
the work in the contract.

8. Contractor’s Risks:

8.1 All risks of loss or damage to physical property and of personnel injury and death,
which arise during and in consequence of the performance of the Contract, are the
responsibility of the Contractor.

9. Insurance:


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9.1 Workmen Compensation: It shall be the contractor’s sole responsibility to

protect the public and all his employees (Skilled, Semi-skilled and Unskilled)
against accident from a cause and he shall indemnify the government against any
claim for damages or injury to person or property, resulting, from any such
accidents and shall where the provision of the workmen’s compensation Act apply,
take steps to properly insure against any claims there under at his own cost and the
bidder shall obtain appropriate insurance policy towards this.

Appropriate Insurance policy shall be submitted to Executive Engineer

within 1st RA bill or within 2 months from the date of Agreement which ever is

10. Site Inspections:

10.1 The contractor should inspect the site and also proposed quarries of choice for
materials, source of water and quote his percentage including quarrying,
conveyance and all other incidental charges etc.

10.2 The responsibility for arranging the land for borrow area rests with the Contractor
and no separate payment will be made for procurement or otherwise. The
contractor’s quoted percentage will be inclusive of land cost.

11. Contractor to Construct the Works:

11.1 The Contractor shall construct and Commission the Work in accordance with the
specifications and Drawings.

12. Diversion of streams / Vagus / Drains.

12.1 The contractor shall at all times carry out construction of cross drainage works in a
manner creating least interference to the natural flow of water while consistent
with the satisfactory execution of work. The contractor at his cost shall form a
temporary diversion wherever necessary. No extra payment shall be made for this

12.2 No separate payment for bailing out sub-soils, water drainage or locked up rain
water for diversion, shoring, foundations, bailing or pumping water either from
excavation of soils from foundations or such other incidental will be paid. The
percentage to be quoted by the contractor is for the finished item of work in situ
and including all the incidental charges. The borrow pits are also to be de-watered
by the contractor himself at his expense, if that is found necessary.

12.3 The work of diversion arrangements should be carefully planned and prepared by
the contractor and forwarded to the Executive Engineer technically substantiating
the proposals and approval of the Executive Engineer obtained for execution.


44 Sd/- Sd/-
Case Worker DEE(Tech)

12.4 The contractor has to arrange for bailing out water, protection to the work in
progress and the portion of works already completed and safety measures for men
and materials and all necessary arrangements to complete the work.

12.5 All the arrangements so required should be carried out and maintained at the cost
of the contractor and no separate or additional payments are admissible.

12.6 Coffer Dams.

Necessary cofferdams and ring bunds have to be constructed at the cost of

contractor and same are to be removed after the completion of the work. The
contractor has to quote his percentage keeping the above in view.

13. Power Supply.

13.1 The contractor shall make his own arrangements for obtaining power from the
Electricity dept., at his own cost. The contractor will pay the bills of Electricity
Department for the cost of power consumed by him.

13.2 The contractor shall satisfy all the conditions and rules required as per Indian
Electricity Act 1910 and under Rule-45(I) of the Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 as
amended from time to time and other pertinent rules.

13.3 The power shall be used for bonafide Departmental work only.
14. Temporary Diversions (Works on Highways)
14.1 The contractor shall at all times carryout work on the highway in a manner creating
least interference to the flow of traffic while consistent with the satisfactory
execution of the same. For all works involving improvements to the existing
highway, the contractor shall in accordance with the directions of the Engineer-in-
charge provide and maintain during the execution of the work a passage for traffic,
either along a part of the existing carriage way under improvement or along a
temporary diversion constructed close to the highway.
14.2 If in the opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge, it is not possible to pass the traffic on
part-width of the carriageway for any reason, a temporary diversion close to the
highway shall be constructed as directed. It shall be paved with the materials such
as hard morum, gravel and stone, metal to the specified thickness as directed by the
Engineer-in-Charge. In all cases, the alignment, gradients and surface type of the
diversion including its junctions, shall be approved by the Engineer-in-charge
before the highway is closed to traffic.

14.3 The contractor shall take all necessary measures for the safety of traffic during
construction and provide, erect and maintain such barricades, including signs,
markings, flags, lights and information and protection of traffic approaching or
passing through the section of the highway under improvement. Before taking up


45 Sd/- Sd/-
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any construction, an agreed phased programme for the diversion of traffic on the
highway shall be drawn up in consultation with the Engineer-in-charge.

14.4 The barricades erected on either side of the carriage way portion of the carriage
way closed to traffic, shall be of strong design to resist violation and painted with
alternative black and white stripe. Red lanterns or warnings lights of similar type
shall be mounted on the barricades at night and kept lit throughout from sunset to
15. Ramps:
Ramps required during execution may be formed wherever necessary and same are
to be removed after completion of the work. No separate payment will be made
for this purpose.
16. Monsoon Damages:
Damages due to rain or flood either in cutting or in banks shall have to be made
good by the contractor till the work is handed over to the Department. The
responsibility of de-silting and making good the damages due to rain or flood rests
with the contractor. No extra payment is payable for such operations and the
contractor shall therefore, have to take all necessary precautions to protect the
work done during the construction period.
17. The works to be Completed by the Intended Completion Date:
17.1 The Contractor may commence execution of the Works on the Start Date and shall
carry out the Works in accordance with the programme submitted by the
Contractor, as updated with the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge, and complete
the work by the Intended Completion Date.
18. Safety:
18.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for the safety of all activities on the Site.
19. Discoveries:
19.1 Anything of historical or other interest or of significant value discovered on the
Site is the property of the Government. The Contractor is to notify the Engineer-
in-charge of such discoveries and carry out the Engineer-in-Charge’s instructions
for dealing with them.
20. Possession of the Site.
20.1 The Department shall give possession of the site to the Contractor. If possession
of a part site is given, the Department will ensure that the part site so handed over
is amenable to carry out the work at site by the Contractor.
21. Access to the Site:
21.1 The Contractor shall provide the Engineer-in-Charge and any person authorized by
the Engineer-in-Charge, access to the site and to any place where work in
connection with the Contract is being carried out or is intended to be carried out.
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22. Instructions:
22.1 The Contractor shall carry out all instructions of the Engineer-in-charge and
comply with all the applicable local laws where the Site is located.
23. Settlement of disputes:
23.1 If any dispute of difference of any kind whatsoever arises between the department
and the Contractor in connection with, or arising out of the Contract, whether
during the progress of the works or after their completion and whether before or
after the termination, abandonment or breach of the Contract, it shall in the first
place, be referred to and settled by the Engineer-in-charge who shall, within a
period of thirty days after being requested by the Contractor to do so, give written
notice of his decision to the Contractor. Upon receipt of the written notice of the
decision of the Engineer-in-Charge the Contractor shall promptly proceed without
delay to comply with such notice of decision.

23.2 If the Engineer-in-Charge fails to give notice of his decision in writing within a
period of thirty days after being requested or if the Contractor is dissatisfied with
the notice of the decision of the Engineer-in-Charge, the Contractor may within
thirty days after receiving the notice of decision, appeal to the agreement
concluding authority who shall offer an opportunity to the contractor to be heard
and to offer evidence in support of his appeal, the agreement concluding authority
shall give notice of his decision within a period of thirty days after the Contractor
has given the said evidence in support of his appeal, subject to arbitration, as
hereinafter provided. Such decision of the agreement concluding authority in
respect of every matter so referred shall be final and binding upon the Contractor
and shall forthwith be given effect to by the Contractor, who shall proceed with the
execution of the works with all due diligence whether he requires arbitration as
hereinafter provided, or not. If the agreement concluding authority has given
written notice of his decision to the Contractor and no claim to arbitration, has
been communicated to him by the Contractor within a period of thirty days from
receipt of such notice the said decision shall remain final and binding upon the
Contractor. If the agreement concluding authority fail to give notice of his
decision, as aforesaid within a period of thirty days after being requested, or if the
Contractor be dissatisfied with any such decision, then and in any such case the
contractor within thirty days after the expiration of the first named period of thirty
days as the case may be, require that the matter or matters in dispute be referred to
arbitration as detailed below:-


Settlement of claims for Rs.50, 000/- and below by Arbitration.

All disputes or difference arising out of or relating to the Contract shall be referred
to the adjudication as follows:


47 Sd/- Sd/-
Case Worker DEE(Tech)

a) Claims up to a value of Rupees 10,000/-. Superintending Engineer, PJP


b) Claims above Rs.10,000/- and up to Rupees 50,000/-. Another Engineer - in -

Chief / Chief Engineer, S.R.S.P PROJECT, HYDERABAD.

The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Indian

Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 or any statutory modification thereof.

The arbitrator shall state his reasons in passing the award.

c) Claims above Rs. 50, 000/-.

All claims of above Rs.50, 000/- are to be settled by a Civil Court of competent
jurisdiction by way of civil suit and not by arbitration.

The contractor shall make a reference for adjudication under these clauses within
six Months from the date of intimating the contractor of the preparation of final bill
or his having accepted payment whichever is earlier.


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24. Program:

24.1 The total period of completion is 12 Months from the date of entering with
agreement including Monsoon period. Keeping in view, the schedule for handing
over of site of work should be programmed such as to achieve the milestones as in
“Rate of progress statement” enclosed.

24.2 The attention of the Bidder is directed to the contract requirement at the time of
beginning of the work, the rate of progress and the dates for the whole work and its
several parts as per milestones. The following rate of progress and proportionate
value of work done from time to time as will be indicated by the Executive
Engineer’s Certificate for the value of work done and completion of milestones
will be required. Date of handing over of site and commencement of their
programme will be the date of concluding agreement.

24.3 After signing the agreement, the contractor shall forthwith begin the work, and
shall regularly and continuously proceed with them.

24.4 Rate of progress:

i) Work programme of achieving the milestones (Statement).

24.5 The contractor shall commence the works on site within the period specified under
condition above after the receipt by him of a written order to this effect from the
Engineer-in-charge and shall proceed with the same with due expedition and
without delay, except as may be expressly sanctioned or ordered by the Engineer-
in-charge, or be wholly beyond the contractor’s control.

24.6 Save in so far as the contractor may prescribe, the extent of portions of the site of
which the contractor is to be given possession from time to time and the order in
which such portions shall be made available to him and, Subject to any
requirement in the contract as to the order in which the works shall be executed,
the Engineer-in-Charge will, with his written order to commence the works, give to
the contractor possession of so much of the site as may be required to enable the
contractor to commence and proceed with the execution of the works in
accordance with the programme if any, and otherwise in accordance with such
reasonable proposals of the contractor as he shall by written notice to the Engineer-
in-Charge, may from time to time as the works proceed, give to the contractor
possession of such further portions of the site as may be required to enable the
contractor to proceed with the execution of the works with due dispatch in
accordance with the said programme or proposals as the case maybe ; if the
contractor suffers delay or incurs cost from failure on the part of the Engineer-in-
charge to give possession in accordance with the terms of this clause, the Engineer-


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in-Charge / Competent Authority shall grant reasonable extension of time for the
completion of works.

24.7 The contractor shall bear all costs and charges for special or temporary way
required by him in connection with access to the site.

24.8 Subject to any requirement in the contract as to completion of any section of the
works before completion of the whole of the works shall be completed in
accordance with provisions of clauses in the Schedule within the time stated in the

24.9 Delays and extension of time:

No claim for compensation on account of delays or hindrances to the work from

any cause whatever shall lie, except as hereafter defined. Reasonable extension of
time will be allowed by the Engineer-in-Charge / Competent Authority for
unavoidable delays, such as may result from causes, which in the opinion of the
Engineer-in-charge, are undoubtedly beyond the control of the contract. The
Engineer-in-charge shall assess the period of delay or hindrance caused by any
written instructions issued by him, at twenty five percent in excess of the actual
working period so lost. In the event of the Engineer-in-charge failing to issue
necessary instructions and thereby causing delay and hindrance to the contractor,
the later shall have the right to claim an assessment of such delay by the
Superintending Engineer of the Circle whose decision will be final and binding.
The contractor shall lodge in writing with the Engineer-in-charge a statement of
claim for any delay or hindrance referred to above, within fourteen days from its
commencement, otherwise no extension of time will be allowed.

Whenever authorized alterations or additions made during the progress of the work
are of such a nature in the opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge as to justify an
extension of time in consequence thereof, such extension will be granted in writing
by the Engineer-in-charge / Competent Authority when ordering such alterations or

Proposals for extension of time should be sent to the authority competent

sufficiently in advance and in any case at least one month before the expiry of the
contract period.

25. Construction Programme:

25.1 The Contractor shall furnish within one month of the order of the work a
programme showing the sequence in which he proposed to carry out the work,
monthly progress expected to be achieved, also indicating date of procurement of
materials, plant and machinery. The schedule should be such that it is practicable
to achieve completion of the whole work within the time limit fixed and in keeping
with the Mile stone programme specified and shall obtain the approval of the
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Engineer-in-charge. Further, rate of the progress as per the program shall be kept
upto date. In case it is subsequently found necessary to alter this program, the
contractor shall submit sufficiently in advance the revised program incorporating
necessary modifications and get the same approved by Engineer-in-Charge. No
revised program shall be operative without approval. The Superintending Engineer
shall have at all times, the right, without any way violating this contract, or
forming grounds for any claim, to alter the order of progress of the works or any
part thereof and the contractor shall after receiving such directions proceed in the
order directed. The contractor shall also report the progress to the Superintending
Engineer within 7 days of the Executive Engineer’s direction to alter the order of
progress of works.

25.2 The Contractor shall give written notice to the Engineer-in-Charge whenever
planning or progress of the works is likely to be delayed or disrupted unless any
further drawings or order including a direction, instruction or approval is issued by
the Engineer-in-Charge within a reasonable time. The notice shall include details
of the drawing or order required and of why and by when it is required and of any
delay or disruption likely to be suffered if it is late.

26. Speed of Work:

26.1 The Contractor shall at all times maintain the progress of work to conform to the
latest operative progress schedule approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The
contractor should furnish progress report indicating the programme and progress
once in a month. The Engineer-in-Charge may at any time in writing direct the
contractor to slow down any part or whole of the work for any reason (which shall
not be questioned) whatsoever, and the contractor shall comply with such orders of
the Engineer-in-Charge. The compliance of such orders shall not entitle the
contractor to any claim of compensation. Such orders of the Engineer-in-Charge
for slowing down the work will however be duly taken into account while granting
extension of time if asked by the contractor for which no extra payment will be

26.2 Delays in Commencement or progress or neglect of work and forfeiture of

earnest money, Security deposit and withheld amounts:

If, at any time, the Engineer-in-Charge shall be of the opinion that the Contractor is
delaying Commencement of the work or violating any of the provisions of the
Contract, or is neglecting or delaying the progress of the work as defined by the
tabular statement. “Rate of progress” in the Articles of Agreement”, he shall so
advise the Contractors in writing and at the same time demand compliance in
accordance with conditions of Contract. If the Contractor neglects to comply with
such demand within seven days after receipt of such notice, it shall then or at any
time thereafter, be lawful for the Engineer-in-Charge to take suitable action in
accordance with Clause.60 of APSS.


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27. Suspension of works by the Contractor:

27.1 If the Contractor suspend the works, or sublet the work without sanction of the
Engineer-in-Charge, or in the opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge shall neglect or
fail to proceed with due diligence in the performance of his part of the Contract as
laid down in the Schedule rate of progress, or if he shall continue to default or
repeat such default in the respects mentioned in clause.27 of the APSS Engineer-
in-Charge shall take action in accordance with Clause 61 of APSS.

27.2 If the Contractor stops work for 28 days and the Stoppage has not been authorized
by the Engineer-in-Charge who shall take action as per Clause 61 of APSS.

27.3 If the Contractor has delayed the completion of works the Engineer-in-Charge
shall take action as per Clause.61 of APSS.

28. Extension of the Intended Completion Date:

28.1 Engineer-in-charge shall extend the intended completion date for reasonable
time, in accordance with the codal provisions, if a Variation is issued which makes
it impossible for Completion to be achieved by the Intended Completion Date.

28.2 The Engineer-in-Charge shall decide whether and by how much to extend the
Intended Completion Date within 21 days of the Contractor asking the Engineer
for a decision upon the effect of a Variation and submitting full supporting
information. If the Contractor has failed to give early warning of a delay or has
failed to cooperate in dealing with a delay, the delay by this failure shall not be
considered in assessing the new Intended Completion Date.

29. Delays Ordered by the Engineer-in-Charge:

29.1 The Engineer-in-Charge may instruct the Contractor to delay the start or progress
of any activity within the Work, considering suitable extension of time.

30. Early Warning:

30.1 The contractor is to warn the Engineer-in-Charge at the earliest opportunity of

specific likely future events or circumstances that may adversely affect the
execution of works.

30.2 The Contractor shall cooperate with the Engineer-in-Charge in making and
considering proposals for how the effect of such an event or circumstance can be
avoided or reduced by anyone involved in the work and in carrying out any
resulting instruction of the Engineer-in-Charge.

31. Management Meetings:


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31.1 The Engineer-in-Charge may require the Contractor to attend a management

meeting. The business of a management meeting shall be to review the programme
for remaining work and to deal with matters raised in accordance with the early
warning procedure.


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32. Identifying Defects:
32.1 The Engineer-in-Charge shall check the Contractor’s work and notify the
Contractor of any Defects that are found. Such checking shall not affect the
Contractor’s responsibilities. The Engineer-in-Charge may instruct the Contractor
to verify the Defect and to uncover and test any work that the Engineer considers
may be a Defect.

32.2 Completion of outstanding work and Remedying Defects

In order that the works shall be in the condition required by the Contract (fair wear
and tear excepted) by the expiry date of the relevant Defects Liability Period or as
soon as practicable thereafter, the contractor shall:
Complete any work which is outstanding on the date of start on takeover of the
Site and Works, within such reasonable time as is instructed by the Engineer-in-
charge and Execute all work required to remedy defects or damage, as may be
notified by the Engineer-in-charge on or before the expiry date of the Defects
Liability for the works (as the Case may be)

32.3 Cost of Remedying Defects

All work required to remedy defects shall be executed at the risk and cost of the
Contractor, if and to the extent that the work is attributable to:
(a) the Design of the Works,
(b) Failure of the Contractor to comply with its obligations under the Contract.
33 Tests:
If the Engineer-in-Charge instructs the Contractor to carry out a test not specified
in the specification to check whether any work has a Defect and the Contractor
shall have to carry out such tests at no extra cost.
34 Correction of Defects:
34.1 The Engineer-in-Charge shall give notice to the Contractor of any Defects before
the end of the Defects Liability period as specified, which begins on completion of
construction work.
34.2 Every time, notice of a Defect is given, the Contractor shall correct the notified
defect within the length of time specified in the notice of the Engineer-in-Charge.
35 Uncorrected Defects:
35.1 If the contractor has not corrected the defect within the time specified in the notice
of the Engineer-in-Charge will assess the cost of having the defect corrected and
the contractor shall pay this amount or it will be recovered from dues to
35.2 The Engineer-in-Charge shall introduce O.K cards and prescribe the formats
thereof, O.K cards shall relate to all major components of the work. The contractor
/ his authorized representative shall be required to initiate and fill in and present the
O.K card to the construction staff that would check the respective items and send
to Engineer-in-Charge or his representative for final check and clearance / O.K.


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Any defects pointed out by the supervision staff of department shall promptly be
attended to by the Contractor and the fact of doing so be duly recorded on the back
of O.K. card.
35.3 The Engineer-in-Charge may also introduce check lists which shall be kept in
Bound registers by the construction supervision staff. The Contractor may be
required to fill up these lists in the first instance and shall be subsequently checked
by the Quality Control Engineers.

35.4 Further Tests

If the work of remedying of any defects or damage may affect the performance of
the works, the Engineer-in-charge may require the repetition of any of the tests
described in the Contract, including Tests on Completion and/or tests after
completion. The requirement shall be made by notice within 28 days after the
defect or damage is remedied. These tests shall be carried out in accordance with
the terms applicable to the previous tests, except that they shall be carried out at the
risk and cost of the Contractor.

36 Quality Assurance:
The Contractor shall submit quality assurance plan within one month from the
Commencement Date for approval of Engineer-in-charge. The Contractor shall
institute a quality assurance system to demonstrate compliance with the
requirements of the Contract. The system shall be in accordance with the details
stated in the Contract. The Engineer-in-charge shall be entitled to audit any aspect
of the system.

Details of all procedures and compliance documents shall be submitted to the

Engineer-in-charge for information before each design and execution stage is
Compliance with the quality assurance system shall not relieve the Contractor of
any of his duties, obligations or responsibilities under the Contract.

36.1 Quality Control:

Quality control monitoring reports, test results, reports of corrective action etc.,
shall be furnished to the Engineer-in-charge at regular intervals.
Quality Audit will be got conducted by the Engineer-in-Charge departmentally or
by other organization and the contractor shall extend the testing facilities to them
also at his cost.
The Contractor shall produce the Quality records maintained by him to the
Engineer-in-charge for the quality audit. Certification of Quality Control Staff is
not required for running account bills, however it is required for final bills.

36.2 The Contractor shall submit the Quality Management Plan for the Contract work
indicating the following, with in one month from the Commencement Date for
approval of Engineer-in-charge.
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(a) The quantum of work to be done, quantities of various materials required and
the electrical and mechanical equipment to be installed.

(b) The number of tests to be conducted for various materials, electrical and
mechanical equipment and also for finished items of work as per the I.S Codes
and other codes.
(c) The details field laboratories and testing facilities available for conducting the
above tests.

(d) MOU with external laboratories approved by the Government for conducting
required tests on equipment and materials.

(f) The personnel of contractor in-charge of quality management with their

names, duties and authority. The qualifications of the persons in-charge of
collecting samples, testing materials, testing equipment and finished item
work, persons in-charge of quality assurance with powers to reject the defect
work, the process of rectification of defects and deficiencies, the process of
corrective actions for avoiding recurrence of defects.

(g) Any other information that may be required by the Engineer-in-charge.

(h) Copies of the quality management plan have to be furnished to the Engineer-


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37 Bill of Quantities:

37.1 The Bill of Quantities shall contain items for the construction work to be done by
the Contractor.

37.1 The Contractor is paid for the quantity of the work done at the scheduled rate in the
Bill of Quantities for each item plus or minus Tender percentage.

38 Changes in the Quantities:

38.1 The contractor is bound to execute all supplemental works that are found essential,
incidental and inevitable during execution of main work.

38.2 The payment of rates for such supplemental items of work will be regulated as

Supplemental items directly deducible from similar items in the original


38.2.1 The rates shall be derived by adding to or subtracting from the agreement rate of
such similar item the cost of the difference in the quantity of materials labour
between the new items and similar items in the agreement worked out with
reference to the Standard Schedule of Rates adopted in the sanctioned estimate
with which the tenders are accepted plus or minus over all tender percentage. (a) Similar items but the rates of which cannot be directly deduced from the
original agreement.

(b) Purely new items, which do not correspond to any item in the agreement.

38.2.2 The rates of all such items shall be Estimated Rates plus or minus overall Tender

39 Extra Items:

39.1 Extra items of work shall not vitiate the contract. The contractor shall be bound to
execute extra items of work as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The Engineer-
in-Charge shall work out the rates for extra items as per the conditions of the
contract and the same are binding on the Contractor.
39.2 Entrustment of additional items:

39.2.1 Where ever additional items not contingent on the main work and outside the
scope of original agreement are to be entrusted to the original contractor, if he is
willing dispensing with bids and if the value of such items exceeds the limits up to


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which the officer is empowered to entrust works initially to contractor without

calling for tenders, approval of competent authority shall be obtained.

39.2.2 Entrustment of the additional items contingent on the main work will be authorized
by the officers up to the monetary limits up to which they are competent to accept
items in the original agreement so long as the total amounts up to which they are
competent to accept in an original agreement rates for such items shall be worked
out in accordance with the procedure above. For all items of work in excess of the
quantities shown in the Bill of Quantities of the Tenders, the rate payable for such
items shall be scheduled rates for the items (+) or (-) over all tender percentage
accepted by the competent authority.

39.2.3 A Competent Authority shall, subject to the provisions of the agreement, entrust
either the additional or supplemental items after the tender is accepted. The
Superintending Engineer (Employer) being the authority next higher to the
Executive Engineer (Engineer-in-Charge) approves the rate for the items / variation
in quantity in the current agreement. No items shall be ordered by an officer on his
own responsibility if the revised estimate or deviation statement providing for the
same requires the sanction of higher authority.
40 Payments:
40.1 Payment for the work done by the contractor will be made for the finished work
based on the measurements recorded in measurement books by any officer of the
department not lower in rank than a Assistant Engineer and check measured by any
officer not lower in rank than a Deputy Executive Engineer. The measurement
shall be recorded at various stages of the work done and also after work is
completed. The contractor shall be present at the time of recording of each set of
measurement and their check measurement and accept them then and there so as to
avoid disputes at a later stage. If the contractor is not available at the work spot at
the time of recording measurements or check measurements the particulars of
measurements shall be signed by the authorized agent of contractor based on which
the contractor shall accept the set of measurements without any further dispute. If
for any reason the contractor’s authorized agent is also not available at site the
contractor is bound to accept the measurement. When the department decides to
suspend the work, recording of measurements in the absence of the contractor or
his authorized representative the department shall not entertain any claim from the
contractor for any loss incurred by him on this account.
40.2 Payments and Certificates:
40.2.1 Payments shall be adjusted for recovery of advance payments if any,
liquidated damages, security deposits in terms of tender conditions for the due
fulfillment of the contract. Intermediate payment will be the sum equal to 92½%
of the value of work done and balance of 7½% will be withheld and retained as
security for the due fulfillment of the contract.


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On completion of the entire works the contractor will receive the final payment of
all the moneys due or payable to him under or by virtue of the contract except
earnest money deposit of 2 ½% retained as security and a sum equal to 2½ percent
of the total value of the work done. The amount withheld from the final bill will be
retained under deposits and paid to the contractor together with the earnest money
deposit retained as security after expiry of defect liability period as all defects shall
have been made good according to the true intent and meaning thereof.

40.2.2 In case of over payments or wrong payment if any made to the contractor due to
wrong interpretation of the provisions of the contract, APSS or Contract conditions
etc., such unauthorized payment will be deducted in the subsequent bills or final
bill for the work or from the bills under any other contracts with the Government
or at any time thereafter from the deposits available with the Government.
40.2.3 Any recovery or recoveries advised by the Government Department either state or
central, due to non-fulfillment of any contract entered into with them by the
contractor shall be recovered from any bill or deposits of the contractor.
40.2.4 No claim shall be entertained, if the same is not represented in writing to the
Engineer-in-Charge within 15 days of its occurrence.

40.2.5 The contractor is not eligible for any compensation for inevitable delay in handing
over the site or for any other reason. In such case, suitable extension of time will
be granted after considering the merits of the case.
40.3 Intermediate Payments:
40.3.1 For intermediate Stage of work, only part rates as fixed by the Engineer-in-Charge
will be paid.

40.3.2 Part rates shall be worked out for the work done portion based on the actual
operations involved keeping in view the value of the balance work to be done, to
avoid unintended benefit to the Contractor in initial Stage.

40.3.3 Full rate shall be paid when the work is completed as per specifications &
41 Interest on Money due to the Contractor:
41.1 Interest on money due to the contractor is not admissible.
42 Certificate of Completion of works:

42.1When the whole of the work has been completed and has satisfactorily passed any
final test that may be prescribed by the Contract, the Contractor may give a notice
to that effect to the Engineer-in-Charge accompanied by an undertaking to carry-
out any rectification work during the period of maintenance, such notice and
undertaking shall be in writing, to issue a Certificate of completion in respect of
the Works. The Engineer-in-Charge shall, within twenty one days of the date of
delivery of such notice either issue to the Contractor, a certificate of completion
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stating the date on which, in his opinion, the works were completed in accordance
with the Contract or give instructions in writing to the Contractor specifying all the
Works which, in the Engineer-in-Charge'’ opinion, required to be done by the
Contractor before the issue of such Certificate. The Engineer-in-Charge shall also
notify the Contractor of any defects in the Works affecting completion that may
appear after such instructions and before completion of the Works specified there
in. The Contractor shall be entitled to receive such Certificate of the Completion
within twenty-one days of completion to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge
of the Works so specified and making good of any defects so notified.

42.2 Similarly, the Contractor may request and the Engineer-in-Charge shall issue a
Certificate of Completion in respect of:

a) Any section of the Permanent works in respect of which a separate time for
completion is provided in the Contract, and

b) Any substantial part of the Permanent Works, which has been both, completed
to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge and occupied or used by the
43 Taxes included in the bid:
43.1 The percentage quoted by the contractor shall be deemed to be inclusive of all the
taxes that the contractor will have to pay for performance of this contract,
excepting the taxes specifically mentioned as reimbursable.

43.2 Any Central or State sales and other taxes on completed items of works of this
contract as may be levied and paid by the contractor are to be borne by himself /

44 Price Adjustment:

44.1 Price Adjustment Clause shall apply for Steel, Cement, Bitumen and POL for all the
works irrespective of estimated cost & time period.

44.2 Price adjustment will apply only when the difference between the estimated rates of
steel, Cement, POL, Bitumen and all other Material and their current price is more or
less than 5%. Thus if the price increase is 10%, payment will be made only to the
extent of 5% (10%-5%) and vice versa in case of decrease in rates.

44.3 Price Adjustment Clause shall apply for labour and other materials only for the
works where the estimate contract value is Rs. 2.00 Crores and above and
where the time schedule provided is 12 Months and above.

44.4 The price adjustment shall be applicable within original contract period or period
extended on grounds of the departmental delays and valid reasons and shall not be
applicable to the extensions granted on account of the contractors fault. Price


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adjustment shall be applicable for actual components of items of works actually

carried out during the period of the bill.

44.5 In the formula of Price Adjustment, R, the value of work shall exclude Seigniorage
charges, GST and all other fixed charges specifically mentioned in the Agreement.

44.6 The weight age for different components taken together including those included in
price adjustment should not exceed 100% and the weight age for the above shall be
got verified during each quarter and also at the final bill stage.

44.7 Price adjustment shall be calculated separately for the components of the payment
for work done in the manner explained below.

i) Adjustment clause for Steel & Cement component shall be as follows:

Price adjustment for increase or decrease in the cost of Steel & Cement shall be
paid for absolute variation between the estimated rates and the rates approved by the
sub-committee constituted as per G.O.Ms.No.2, I&CAD(Reforms) Dept.,
dated 10-07-2014 and affected as per clause 44.2

ii) Adjustment clause for Labour component shall be as follows:

Price adjustment for increase or decrease in the cost of labour component shall be
paid only when the difference is more unless by 5% in accordance with the
following formula.

VL= 0.85 x PL/100 x R x (Li - Lo)/ Lo

VL= Increase or decrease in the cost of work done during the period under
consideration due to changes in the rates of Labour.

Lo= plus or minus 5% of All India consumer price index for industrial workers on
the day 28 days prior to date of submission of bids.
L0, 1.05 x All India consumer price index for industrial workers on the day 28
days prior to date of submission of bids if L i > L0
0.95 x All India consumer price index for industrial workers on the day 28
days prior to date of submission of bids if L i < L0

Li= All India consumer price index for industrial workers on the day 28 days prior
to the last date of measurement recorded to which a particular bill payment is

PL= Percentage of Labour component of the work.

iii) Adjustment clause for Bitumen component shall be as follows:


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Price adjustment for increase or decrease in the cost of bitumen shall be paid for
absolute variation between the estimated rates and the average Wholesale price of
bitumen at the nearest refinery provided in the sanctioned estimate.

iv) Adjustment clause for POL component shall be as follows:

Price adjustment for increase or decrease in the cost of POL shall be paid in
accordance with the following formula.

Vf= 0.85 x Pf/100 x R x (Fi - Fo)/ Fo

Vf= Increase or decrease in the cost of work done during the period under
consideration due to changes in the rate for POL.

Fo= plus or minus 5% of the Average Wholesale Price of POL determined by the
PSUs may be allowed on the day 28 days prior to date of submission of Bids.
Fo, 1.05 x the Average Wholesale Price of POL determined by the PSUs may be
allowed on the day 28 days prior to date of submission of Bids if L i > L0

0.95 x the Average Wholesale Price of POL determined by the PSUs may be
allowed on the day 28 days prior to date of submission of Bids if L i < L0
Fi= The Average Wholesale Price of POL determined by the PSUs may be allowed
on the day 28 days prior to the last date of measurement recorded to which a
particular bill payment is related.
Pf= Percentage of POL component of the work.
v) Adjustment clause for all other materials shall be as follows:

Price adjustment for increase or decrease in the cost of all other materials shall be
paid in accordance with the following formula.

Vm= 0.85 x Pmc/100 x R x (Mi - Mo)/ Mo

Vm= Increase or decrease in the cost of work done during the period under
consideration due to changes in the rate for all other materials.

Mo= plus or minus 5% of the Average Wholesale Price of all other materials on
the day 28 days prior to date of submission of Bids.
M o, 1.05 x the Average Wholesale Price of all other materials on the day 28 days
prior to date of submission of Bids if Mi > M0
0.95 x the Average Wholesale Price of all other materials on the day 28 days
prior to date of submission of Bids if Mi < M0

Mi= The Average Wholesale Price for all other materials on the day 28 days prior
to the last date of measurement recorded to which a particular bill payment is

Pmc= Percentage of all other materials component of the work.

vi) Adjustment clause for EM & HM works shall be as follows:


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1. The Price variation for EM & HM Equipment is allowed as per the procedure
laid down by IEEMA / IPMA and allowed for the variation beyond (+/-) 5%
over the rates of various components as per sanctioned estimate of the EM &
HM Equipment.

2. For the imported EM & HM Equipment including spares, the variation in

Foreign Exchange shall be considered. The base rate would be last date of
filing of bids. The actual variation in foreign exchange would be arrived
based on the supply date of EM and HM equipment including spares with
respect to the last date of filing of bids and variations worked out for
payments. The rates to be adopted shall be as per the standard rates fixed by
the R.B.I. on the relevant dates.


45.1 The department shall retain from each payment due to the contractor at the rate of
7.5% of bill amount until completion of the whole of the Works. The retention
money so accumulated will be released against the Bank guarantee in spells of
Rs. 25 lakhs subject to the conditions that the rate of progress is maintained.
However the total of such released amount shall not exceed 5% of total value
payment made for the works.

45.2 On completion of the whole of the Works 5% out of 7½% of the amount retained
is re-paid to the Contractor and balance 2 ½ % along with EMD of 2 ½ % shall be
paid after the Defects Liability Period has passed and the Engineer-in-Charge has
certified that all the Defects notified by the Engineer-in-Charge to the Contractor
before the end of this period have been corrected.

46 Liquidated Damages:
46.1 If for any reason, which does not entitle the contractor to an extension of time, the
rate of progress of works, in the opinion of the Superintending Engineer is too slow
to ensure completion by the prescribed time or extended time for completion,
Superintending Engineer, RBLISP Circle, Pebbair, shall so notify the contractor in
writing and the contractor shall there upon take such steps as are necessary and the
Superintending Engineer/Executive Engineer, RBLISP Circle, Pebbair, may
approve to expedite progress so as to complete the works or such section by the
prescribed time or extended time. The contractor shall not be entitled to any
additional payment for taking such steps. If as a result of any notice given by the
Superintending Engineer, RBLISP Circle, Pebbair under this clause the contractor
shall seek the Superintending Engineer, RBLISP Circle, Pebbair, permission to do
any work at night or on Sundays, if locally recognized as days or rest, or their
locally recognized equivalent, such permission shall not be unreasonably refused.
46.2 If the contractor fails to complete whole of the works or any part thereof or section
of the works within the stipulated periods of individual mile stones (including any
bonafide extensions allowed by the competent authority without levying liquidated
damages), the Superintending Engineer may without prejudice to any other method
of recovery will deduct one tenth of one percent of contract value of the relevant
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milestone per calendar day or part of the day for the period of delays subject to a
maximum of 10% of the contract value.
46.3 The payment or deductions of such damages shall not relieve the contractor from his
obligation to complete the works, or from any other of his obligations and liabilities
under the contract.
46.4 The liquidated damages for the whole of the work are levied as below.
Rupees (Amount per day)
For milestone 1 Rs: Per day
For milestone 2 Rs: Per day
For milestone 3 Rs: Per day

The maximum amount of liquidated damages for the whole of the works is ten
percent of final contract price.

46.5. INCENTIVE: The Contractor who completes the work within agreement time
period shall be paid additionally 1.5% of value of the work executed as an
incentive. The incentive would be paid after completion of the work within the
agreement period. The 1.5% of the amount to be paid would be on the total value
of executed work with agreement rates excluding all the taxes as applicable and
price adjustment amounts.
47. Securities:
47.1 The Earnest Money Deposit and Additional Security (for discount tender
percentage beyond 5% as per Clause 3.60) shall be provided to the Department
not later than the date specified in the Letter of Acceptance and shall be issued for
an amount by a bank acceptable to the Department. The Earnest Money shall be
valid until a date 28 days from the date of expiry of Defects Liability Period and
the additional security shall be valid until a date 28 days from the date of issue of
the certificate of completion.

48. Cost of Repairs:

48.1 The Contractor at his own cost shall remedy loss or damage to the Works or
materials to the Works between the Start Date and the end of the Defects
Correction Periods if the loss or damage arises from the Contractor’s acts or


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49 Completion:

49.1 The Contractor shall request the Engineer-in-Charge to issue a Certificate of

completion of the Works and the Engineer-in-Charge will do so upon deciding that
the work is completed. Such decision of completion of work or otherwise shall be
communicated within (15) days of receiving of request from the contractor. Any
balance items of work required for completion shall also be specifically
communicated by the Engineer-in-Charge.

50 Taking Over:

51.1 The Department shall take over the Site and the Works within seven days of the
Engineer-in-Charge issuing a certificate of Completion. Such taking over shall be
done in the presence of the agency or his authorized representative and Engineer-
in-Charge or his representative not below the level of Deputy Executive Engineer,
at the site of the completed work.

51 Termination:

51.1 The Department may terminate the Contract if the contractor causes a fundamental
breach of the Contract.

51.2 Fundamental breaches of Contract include, but shall not be limited to the
a) The Contractor stops work for 28 days when no stoppage of work is shown on the
current program and the stoppage has not been authorized by the Engineer-in-
b) If the Contractor is bankrupt or goes into liquidation other than for a
reconstruction or amalgamation.
c) The Engineer-in-Charge gives Notice that failure to correct a particular Defect is
a fundamental breach of Contract and the Contractor fails to correct it within a
reasonable period of time determined by the Engineer-in-Charge;
d) The Contractor does not maintain a performance security which is required as per
agreement conditions.
e) The Contractor has delayed the completion of works by the number of days for
which the maximum amount of liquidated damages can be paid as defined.
f) If the contractor, in the judgment of the Department has engaged in corrupt or
fraudulent practices in competing for or in the executing the contract.
For the purpose of this paragraph: “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving,
receiving or soliciting of anything of value to influence the action of a public
official in the procurement process or in contract execution. “Fraudulent practice”
means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or
the execution of a contract to the detriment of the Government and includes
collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Tender submission) designed to
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establish Tender prices at artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive the

Government of the benefits of free and open competition.

51.3 Notwithstanding the above the Department may terminate the contract for

51.4 The entire process of Termination shall be completed within a period of 60

days from the date of issue of Notice by the Superintending Engineer
(Agreement authority / Employer). The termination orders should be given by
the Agreement authority.

51.5 If the Contract is terminated, the Contractor shall stop work immediately, make the
Site safe and secured in the presence of Engineer-in-Charge or his representative
not below the level of Deputy Executive Engineer, leave the Site as soon as

52 Action upon Termination:

If the Contract is terminated because of a fundamental breach of Contract by the

Contractor, the Engineer-in-Charge shall certify the value of the work done less
advance payments received upon the date of the issue of the certificate, less other
recoveries due in terms of the Contract, less taxes due to be deducted at source as per
applicable laws and less 20% of the value of the work not completed. Additional
Liquidated Damages shall not apply. If the total amount due to the Department
exceeds any payment due to the Contractor the difference shall be a debt payable to
the Department. In case of default for payment within 28 days from the date of issue
of the notice to the above effect, the contractor shall be liable to pay interest at 12%
P.A. for the period of delay.
Should the amount so certified be less than the amount which would have been due to
the Contractor on the completion of the works by him, the difference shall not be paid
to the Contractor by the department.

53 Property:

53.1 All materials on the Site, Plant, Equipment, Temporary Works and Works are
deemed to be the property of the Department if the Contract is terminated because
of Contractor’s default.

54 Release from Performance:

54.1 If the Contract is frustrated by the outbreak of war or by any other event entirely
outside the control of either the Department or the Contractor, the Engineer-in-
Charge shall certify that the contract has been frustrated. The Contractor shall
make the site safe and stop work as quickly as possible after receiving this
certificate and shall be paid for all works carried out before receiving it and for any
work carried out after-words to which commitment was made.


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1. Water Supply:
The Contractor has to make his own arrangements for water required for the work
and to the colonies and work sites.
2. Electrical Power:
The Contractors will have to make their own arrangements for drawing electric
power from the nearest power line after obtaining permission from Electricity
authority at their own cost. In case of failure of electricity, the Contractor has to
make alternative arrangements for supply of electricity by Diesel Generator sets of
suitable capacity at place of work. If the Department arranges the supply,
necessary Tariff rates shall have to be paid based on the prevailing rates.

The contractor will pay the bills of Electricity towards the cost of power consumed
by him.

The contractor shall satisfy all the conditions and rules required as per Indian
Electricity Act 1910 and under rule –45(I) of the Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 as
amended from time to time and other pertinent rules.

The power shall be used for bonafide Departmental works only.

2.1 Electric Power for Domestic Supply:

a) The contractor has to make his own arrangements for the supply of electric power
for domestic purposes and the charges for this purpose have to be paid by him at
the rates as fixed by the Electricity authority from time to time.

b) The contractor will have to make his own arrangements to lay and maintain the
necessary distribution lines and wiring for the camp at his own cost. The layout
and the methods of laying the lines and wiring shall have the prior approval of the
Engineer-in-Charge. All camp area shall be properly electrified. All lines, streets,
approaches for the camp etc., shall be sufficiently lighted for the safety of staff and
labour of the contractor, at the cost of the Contractor and it will be subject to the
approval of the Engineer-in-Charge.
3 Land:
3.1 Land for Contractor’s use:
The contractor will be permitted to use Government land for execution of work.
The contractor shall have to make his own arrangements for acquiring and clearing
the site, levelling, providing drainage and other facilities for labour / staff colonies,
site office, workshop, quality laboratory or stores and for related activities. The
Contractor shall apply to the Department within a reasonable time after the award
of the contract and at least 30 days in advance of its use, the details of land
required by him for the work at site and the land required for his camp and should


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any private land which has not been acquired, be required by the contractor for his
use. The contractor at his own cost may acquire the same by private negotiations
and no claim shall be admissible to him on this account.

The Engineer-in-Charge reserves the right to refuse permission for use of any
government land for which no claim or compensation shall be admissible to the
contractor. The contractor shall, however, not be required to pay cost or any rent
for the Government land given to him.
3.2 Surrender of Occupied Land:
a) The Government land as here in before mentioned shall be surrendered to the
Engineer-in-Charge within seven days, after issue of completion certificate or
termination of the contract. Also no land shall be held by the contractor longer
than the Engineer-in-Charge shall deem necessary and the contractor shall on the
receipt of due notice from the Engineer-in-Charge, vacate and surrender the land
which the Engineer-in-Charge may certify as no longer required by the Contractor
for the purpose of the work.

b) The contractor shall make good to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge any
damage to areas, which he has to return or to other property or land handed over to
him for purpose of this work. Temporary structures may be erected by the
contractor for storage sheds, offices, residences etc., for non-commercial use, with
the permission of the Executive Engineer on the land handed over to him at his
own cost. At the completion of the work these structures shall be dismantled site
cleared and handed over to the Executive Engineer. The land required for
providing amenities will be given free of cost from Government lands if available
otherwise the contractor shall have to make his own arrangements.
3.3 Contractor not to dispose off Spoil etc.:
The contractor shall not dispose off or remove except for the purpose of fulfillment
of this contract, sand, stone, clay ballast, earth, trees and shrubs or other materials
obtained in the excavation made or lying on the site of the work, and all such
materials and produce shall remain property of the Government. The Department
may upon request from the contractor, or if so stipulated in the conditions of the
contract allow the contractor to use any of the above materials for the works either
free of cost or after payment as may be specifically mentioned or considered
necessary during the execution of the work.
4 Roads:
4.1 In addition to existing public roads and roads Constructed by Government, if any,
in work area all additional approach roads inside work area and camp required by
the Contractor shall be constructed and maintained by him at his own cost. The
layout design, construction and maintenance etc. of the roads shall be subject to the
approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor shall permit the use of these
roads by the Government free of charge.
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4.2 It is possible that work at, or in the vicinity of the work site will be performed by
the Government or by other contractors engaged in work for the Government
during the contract period, the contractor shall without charge permit the
government and such other contractor and other workmen to use the access
facilities including roads and other facilities, constructed and acquired by the
contractor for use in the performance of the works.

4.3 The contractor’s heavy construction traffic or tracked equipment shall not traverse
any public roads or bridges unless the contractor has made arrangement with the
authority concerned. In case contractor’s heavy construction traffic or tracked
equipment is not allowed to traverse any public roads or bridges and the contractor
is required to make some alternative arrangements, no claim on this account shall
be entertained.

4.4 The contractor is cautioned to take necessary precautions in transportation of

construction materials to avoid accidents.

5 Payment for Camp Construction:

5.1 No payment will be made to the contractor for construction, operation and
maintenance of camp and other camp facilities and the entire cost of such work
shall be deemed to have been included in the tendered rate for the various items of
work in the schedule of quantities and bids.

6 Explosive And Fuel Storage Tanks:

6.1 No explosive shall be stored within ½ (half) KM of the limit of the camp sites.
The storage of gasoline and other fuel oils or of Butane, Propane and other
liquefied petroleum gases, shall confirm to the regulations of Telangana State
Government and Government of India. The tanks, above ground and having
capacity in excess of 2000 liters, shall not be located within the camp area, nor
within 200m, of any building.

7 Labour:

7.1 The contractor shall, make his own arrangements for the engagement of all staff
and labour, local or other, and for their payment, housing, feeding and transport.
Labour importation and amenities to labour and contractor’s staff shall be to the
contractor’s account. His quoted percentage shall include the expenditure towards
importation of labour amenities to labour and staff;
The contractor shall, deliver in writing to the Engineer-in-Charge in such form and
at such intervals as the Engineer-in-Charge may prescribe, showing the staff and
the numbers of the several classes of labour from time to time employed by the
contractor on the Site and such information regarding Contractor’s Equipment as
the Engineer-in-Charge may require.

8 Transportation of Labour:


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8.1 The contractor shall make his own arrangement for the daily transportation of the
labour and staff from labour camps colonies to the work spot and no labour or staff
of the contractor shall stay at the work spot. No extra payment will be made to the
contractor for the above transportation of the labour and his quoted percentage to
the work shall include the transportation charges of labour from colonies to work
spot and back.

8.2 The contractor will at all times duly observe the provisions of employment of
children Act XXVI of 1938 and any enactment or modification of the same and will
not employ or permit any person to do any work for the purpose under the
provisions of this agreement in contravention of said Act. The contractor here by
agrees to indemnify the department from and against all claims, penalties which may
be suffered by the department or any person employed by the department by any
default on the part of the contractor in the observance and performance of the
provisions of the employment of children Act. XXVI of 1938 or any enactment or
modification of the same.

8.3 As per Govt. memo No.721/Gr. (1)/81-35, Dt: 17.11.87. The contractor shall obtain
the insurance at his own cost to cover the risk on the works to labour engaged by
him during period of execution against fire and other usual risks and produce the
same to the Executive Engineer concerned before commencement of work.

9 Safety Measures:

(1) The contractor shall take necessary precautions for safety of the workers and
preserving their health while working in such jobs, which require special
protection and precautions. The following are some of the measures listed but they
are not exhaustive and contractor shall add to and augment these precautions on his
own initiative where ever necessary and shall comply with directions issued by the
Executive Engineer or on his behalf from time to time and at all times.

(2) Providing protective foot wear to workers in situations like mixing and placing of
mortar or concrete, sand in quarries and places where the work is done under such
wet conditions.

(3) Providing protective head wear to workers in at places like underground

excavations to protect them against rock falls.

(4) Providing masks to workers at granulates or at other locations where too much
fine dust is floating about and sprinkling water at frequent intervals by water
hoses on all stone crushing area and storage bins abate to dust.

(5) Getting the workers in such jobs periodically examined for chest trouble due to too
much breathing in-to fine dust.


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(6) Taking such normal precautions like fencing and lightening in excavation of
trenches, not allowing rolls and metal parts of useless timber spread around,
making danger areas for blasting, providing whistles etc.

(7) Supply to work men with proper belts, ropes etc., when working in precarious
slopes etc.

(8) Avoiding naked electrical wire etc., as they would electrocute the works.\

(9) Taking necessary steps towards training the workers concerned on the machinery
before they are allowed to handle them independently and taking all necessary
precautions in and around the areas where machines hoists and similar units are

10 Fair Wage Clause:

1. The contractor shall pay not less than fair wages to labourers engaged by him on
the work.

2. “Fair” wages means wages, for time of piecework notified by the Government
from time to time in the area in which the work is situated.

3. The contractor shall, not with-standing the revisions of any contract to the contrary
cause to be paid to the labour, in directly engaged on the work including any
labour engaged by the sub-contractor in connection with the said work, as if the
labourers had been directly employed by him.

4. In respect of labour directly or indirectly employed in the works for the purpose of
the contract or part of the agreement, the contractor shall comply with the rules and
regulations on the maintenance of suitable records prescribed for this purpose from
time to time by the Government. He shall maintain his accounts and vouchers on
the payment of wages to the labourers to the satisfaction of the Executive

5. The Executive Engineer shall have the right to call for such record as required to
satisfy himself on the payment of fair wages to the labourers and shall have the
right to deduct from the contract amount a suitable amount for making good the
loss suffered by the worker or workers by reason of the “fair wages” clause to the

6. The contractor shall be primarily liable for all payments to be made and for the
observance of the regulations framed by the Government from time to time without
prejudice to his right to claim indemnity from his sub-contractors.

7. As per contract labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act. 1970 the contractor has to
produce the license obtained from the licensing officers of the labour department
along with the tender or at the time of agreement.
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8. Any violation of the conditions above shall be deemed to be a breach of his


9. Equal wages are to be paid for both men and women if the nature of work is same
and similar.

10. The contractor shall arrange for the recruitment of skilled and unskilled labour
local and imported to the extent necessary to complete the work within the agreed
period as directed by the Executive Engineer in writing.

11 Indemnity Bond:

Name of work: -------------------------------------

I ____________________________contractor S/o.________________________
aged __________ Resident of __________________________ do hereby bind
myself to pay all the claims may come (a) under Workmen Compensation Act.
1933 with any statutory modification thereof and rules there under or otherwise for
or in respect of any damage or compensation payable in connection with any
accident or injury sustained (b) under Minimum wages Act 1948 (c) under
payment of wages Act.1936 (d) under the Contract labour (Regulation and
Abolition) Act. 1970 by workmen engaged for the performance of the business
relating to the above contract i.e., failing such payment of claims of workmen
engaged in the above work, I abide in accepting for the recovery of such claims,
affected from any of my assets with the departments.

12 Compliance With Labour Regulations:

During continuance of the contract, the contractor and his sub contractors shall
abide at all times by all existing labour enactments and rules made there under,
regulations, notifications and bye laws of the State or Central Government or local
authority and any other labour law (including rules), regulations, bye laws that may
be passed or notifications that may be issued under any labour law in future either
by the State or the Central Government or the local authority and also applicable
labour regulations, health and sanitary arrangements for workmen, insurance and
other benefits. Salient features of some of the major labour laws that are
applicable to construction industry are given below. The contractor shall keep the
Department indemnified in case any action is taken against Department by the
competent authority on account of contravention of any of the provisions of any
Act or rules made hereunder, regulations or notifications including amendments. If
the Department is caused to pay or reimburse, such amounts as may be necessary
to cause or observe, or for non-observance of the provision stipulated in the
notifications/bye laws/Acts/Rules/regulations including amendments, if any, on the
part of the contractor, the Engineer-in-charge /Department shall have the right to
deduct any money due to the contractor including his amount of performance
security. The Department/Engineer-in-Charge shall also have right to recover
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from the contractor any sum required or estimated to be required for making good
the loss or damage suffered by the Department.

The employees of the Contractor and the Sub-contractor in no case shall be treated
as of the Department at any point of time.

13 Salient features of some major labour laws applicable to establishments

engaged in buildings and other construction works:

(a) Workmen compensation Act 1923: The Act provides for compensation in case of
injury by accident arising out of and during the course of employment.

(b) Payment of Gratuity Act 1972: Gratuity is payable to an employee under the Act
on satisfaction of certain conditions on separation if any employee has completed 5
years service or more, or on death, the rate of 15 days wages for every completed
year of service. The Act is applicable to all establishments, employing 10 or more


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1.1 The plans enclosed with the tender are liable to be altered during execution of
work as per necessity of site conditions. The percentage quoted by the contractor
shall hold good for execution of work even with altered plans.

1.2 One set of drawings, on the basis of which actual execution of the work is to
proceed shall be furnished free of cost to the contractor by the Superintending
Engineer / Executive Engineer progressively according to the work program
submitted by the contractor and accepted by the Superintending Engineer /
Executive Engineer. Drawings for any particular activity shall be issued to the
contractor in advance of the scheduled date of the start of the activity. However,
no extra claims by the contractor towards any delay in issue of drawing or issue of
any revision / change to the drawings issued earlier shall be admissible. If work
gets affected due to delay to issue of drawings, for any particular stage of work the
contractor shall be granted extension of time in terms of condition 14.7 of tender

1.3 Signed drawings above shall not be deemed to be an order for work unless they
entered in the agreement or schedule of drawings under proper alterations of the
contractor and Executive Engineer or unless they have been sent to the contractor
by the Executive Engineer with a covering letter confirming that the drawing
issued with authority for the work in contract.

2.1 In case of discrepancies between documents the following order of procedure shall
2.1.1 Between the written description of written dimensions in the drawings and the
corresponding one in the specifications, the latter shall apply.
2.1.2 Figured dimensions shall supersede scaled dimensions. The drawings on a larger
scale shall take precedence over those on a smaller scale.
2.1.3 Drawings issued as construction drawings from time to time shall supersede tender
drawings and also the corresponding drawings previously issued.
Note: The contractor should not execute any component of work without obtaining
the working drawings. Any work done without drawings shall be at the
contractor’s responsibility only.

The drawings and specifications made available to the bidder shall exclusively be
used on the work and they are restrained from passing on each plan to any
unauthorized hand either in parts or in full under the provisions of Section-3 and 5
of the official secrets Act 1923. Any violation in this regard will entail suitable
action under appropriate clause of official secret Act 1923.


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1. The Bill of Quantities shall be read in conjunction with the instructions to Bidders,
General and Special conditions of Contract Technical Specifications and

2. The quantities given in the Bill of Quantities are estimated and provisional and are
given to provide common basis for tendering. The quantities here given are those
upon which the lumpsum tender cost of the work is based but they are subject to
alterations, omissions, deductions or additions as provided for in the conditions of
this contract and do not necessarily show the actual quantities of work to be done.
The basis of payment will be actual quantities of work ordered and carried out as
measured by the Engineer and valued at the scheduled rate plus or minus tender
percentage quoted in the Bill of Quantities where applicable and otherwise at such
rates and prices as the Engineer-in-Charge may fix within the terms of Contract.

3. The estimate rates in the Bill of Quantities shall, except in so-far as it is otherwise
provided under the Contract include cost of all constructional material, labour,
machinery, transportation, erection, maintenance, profit, taxes and duties together
with all general risks, liabilities and obligations set out or implied in the Contract.

4. The plans enclosed with the tender are liable to be altered during execution of
work as per necessity of site conditions. The Tender percentage quoted by the
bidder shall hold good for execution of work even with altered plans.

5. The whole cost of complying with the provisions of the Contract shall be included
in the estimated rates for items provided in the Bill of Quantities and where no
items are provided in the Bill of Quantities, their cost shall be deemed to be
distributed among the scheduled rates entered for the related items of work.

6. General directions and descriptions of work and materials are not necessarily
repeated nor summarized in the Bill of Quantities. References to the relevant
sections of the Contract documentation shall be made before entering scheduled
rate against each item in the Bill of Quantities.

7. The method of measurements of completed work for payment shall be in

accordance with the relevant B.I.S. Codes & A. P. S. Specifications.

8. All items of work are to be executed as per the drawings / specifications supplied
with the contract documents.

If there is any contradiction between the drawings and the text of the
specifications, the later shall prevail.


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9. The Bidder should inspect and select the quarries of his choice before he quotes the
tender percentage in the Schedule of Bill of Quantities and satisfy himself about
the availability of required quantum of materials.

10. Diversion drains should be excavated before completion of the embankments and
the useful soils should be used in the nearby embankments.

11. The actual proportion by weight to be adopted during execution will be got
designed in the laboratories to suit the grade of concrete and mortar to be used. It
will be the responsibility of the contractor to manufacture concrete and mortar of
required strength.

12. The quantum of measurement for all items of earthwork involving conveyance
manually or by machinery shall be as assessed by level measurement. The
measurements for the embankment will be for the consolidated banks only.

13. Wherever bailing out of water is involved either for excavation or for foundations
or for constructions, the rates quoted shall take into account the dewatering charges
necessary. No separate payment will be made for dewatering.

14. Wherever embankment work is involved, useful soils approved by the Engineer-in-
Charge from the cutting reaches and diversion drains shall be taken and used for
forming nearby embankments soils used for constructions as directed in Schedule

15. The quoted tender percentage shall also include the work of any kind necessary for
the due and satisfactory construction, completion and maintenance of the works
according to the drawings and the specifications and further drawings and orders
that may be issued by the Engineer-in-Charge from time to time. The quoted
tender percentage shall include compliance by the Contractor with all the general
conditions of contract, whether specifically mentioned or not in the various clauses
of these specifications, all materials, machinery, plant, equipment, tools, fuel,
water, strutting, timbering, transport, offices, stores, workshop staff, labour and the
provision of proper and sufficient protective works, diversions, temporary fencing
and lighting. It shall also include safety of workers, first aid equipments suitable
accommodation for the staff and workmen, with adequate sanitary arrangements,
the effecting and maintenance of all insurances, the payment of all wages, salaries,
fees, royalties / Taxes, duties or other charges arising out of the execution of works
and the regular clearance of rubbish, reinstatement and clearing-up of the site as
may be required on completion of works safety of the public and protection of the
works and adjoining land. The work of quality control / assurance shall be deemed
to be covered in the quoted percentage.

16. The Contractor shall ensure that, the quoted tender percentage shall cover all stages
of work such as setting out, selection of materials, selection of construction
methods, selection of equipment and plant, deployment of personnel and
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supervisory staff, quality control testing etc. The work quality assurance shall be
deemed to be covered in the tender percentage.

17. (a) The special attention of the bidder is drawn to the conditions in the tender
notices wherein reference has been made to the APSS and the Standard
preliminary specifications containing therein. These preliminary specifications
shall apply to the agreement to be entered into between the contractor and the
Government of Telangana and shall form an in-separable condition of the
contract. All these documents taken together shall be deemed to form one
contract and shall be complimentary to another.

b. The bidder shall examine, closely the A.P.S.S. / MORD/ MORTH and also the
standard preliminary specifications contained therein and sign the
Superintending Engineer’s office copy of the APSS / MORD/ MORTH and its
addenda volume in token of such study before submitting his overall tender
percentage which shall be for finished work in-situ. He shall also carefully
study the drawings and additional specifications and all the documents, which
form part of the agreement to be entered into by the successful bidder. The
APSS / MORD/ MORTH and other documents connected with contract such as
estimate plans, specifications, can be seen on all working days in the office of
the Superintending Engineer [As specified in the NIT].

18. The bidders attention is directed to requirements for materials under the clause
‘materials and workmanship’ in the preliminary specifications of APSS. Materials
conforming to the Bureau of Indian Standards specifications, APSS etc., shall be
used on the work and the bidders shall quote his overall tender percentage

19. The bidder has to do his own testing of materials and satisfy himself that they
conform to the specifications of respective Codes before tendering.

20. The contractor shall himself procure the required construction materials of
approved quality including the earth for formation of embankment and water from
quarries / sources of his choice. All such quarries / sources of materials required
for the work shall be got approved by the Engineer-in-Charge in writing well
before their use of the work.

21. Inspection of site and quarries by the bidder: Every bidder is expected before
quoting his overall tender percentage, to inspect the site of proposed work. He
should also inspect the quarries and satisfy himself about the quality, and
availability of materials. The best class of materials to be obtained from quarries,
or other sources shall be used on the work. In every case the materials must
comply with the relevant standard specifications. Samples of materials as called
for in the standard specifications or in this tender notice, or as required by the


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Executive Engineer, in any case, shall be submitted for the Executive Engineer’s
approval before the supply to site of work is begun.

22. The bidder’s particular attention is drawn to the sections and clauses in the A.P.
standard specification dealing with

a) Test, inspection and rejection of defective materials and work.

b) Carriage
c) Construction plant
d) Water and lighting
e) Cleaning up during the progress and for delivery.
f) Accidents
g) Delays
h) Particulars of payments.

The contractor should closely peruse all the specification clauses, which govern the
overall tender percentage he is tendering.

23. The defect liability period of contract is Twenty four months for Civil works and
Sixty Months for Electro-Mechanical works.

24. The estimate rates for items shown in the Schedule “A” include all construction
materials. The bidder has to quote an overall tender percentage considering all the
aspects of the tender to complete the finished item of work as per the APSS /
MORD/ MORTH / B.I.S. specifications, the special specifications appended,
Drawings etc.

25. If there is any contradiction between APSS / MORD/ MORTH and B.I.S.
specifications, listed and detailed technical specifications, the latter shall prevail.

26. In case of a job for which specifications are not available with the Schedule or in
APSS / MORD/ MORTH or B.I.S. code and are required to be prescribed, such
work shall be carried out in accordance with the written instructions of the

27. The contractor should use the excavated useful soils and stone for construction
purpose. Soils used for construction either for homogeneous section in hearting or
in casing zone based on the suitability as directed in Schedule (A) and the cost of
stone used for construction purpose will be recovered from the contractor’s bill.

The contractor should quote his tender percentage keeping in view of the above

28. Additions and alternations by the Bidder in the Schedule of quantities will
disqualify the tender.


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29. In the case of discrepancies between the written description of the item in the
Schedule “A” and the detailed description in the Technical Specification of the
same item, the latter shall be adopted.

30. The Unit rates are those governing payment of extras or deductions for omissions
according to the conditions or the contract as set-forth in the preliminary
specifications of the A.P. standard specifications and other conditions of
specification of this contract.

31. It is to be expressly understood that the measured work is to be taken according to

the actual quantities in place and finished according to the drawings or as may be
ordered from time to time by the Executive Engineer and the cost calculated by
measurement or by weight at their respective rates without any additional charge
for any necessary or contingent works, connected herewith. The Percentage
Excess or less over ECV quoted, are for works in situ and complete in every

32. For all items of work in excess of the quantities indicated the rates payable for
such excess quantities will be tendered rates i.e., scheduled rates plus or minus
tender percentage.

33. For all items of work, intermediate payment will be made provisionally as per
relevant clause. Full-accepted agreement rates will be paid only after all the items
of works are completed.

34. The contractor is bound to execute all supplemental works that are found essential
incidental and inevitable during execution of main work.

35. The payment of rates for supplemental items of work will be regulated as under.

Purely new items which do not correspond to any item in the agreement.

The rate of all such items shall be derived considering SS Rates of sanctioned
estimate plus or minus overall tender percentage.


a) Wherever additional items not contingent on the main work and outside the scope
of original agreement are to be entrusted to the original contractor dispensing with
tenders and if the value of such items exceeds the limits upto which the officer is
empowered to entrust works initially to contractor without calling for tenders
approval of next higher authority shall be obtained. Entrustment of all such items
on nomination shall be rates not exceeding the S.S rates.

b) Entrustment of supplemental items contingent on the main work will be authorized

by the officers upto the monetary limits upto which they are competent to accept
items in the original agreement so long as the total amounts upto which they are
81 Sd/- Sd/-
Case Worker DEE(Tech)

competent to accept in an original agreement rates for such items shall be worked
in accordance with the procedure in vogue.

c) Entrustment of either the additional or supplemental items shall be further subject

to the provisions under para 176(b) of APWD Code Viz., the items shall not be
ordered by an officer on his own responsibility if the revised estimate or deviation
statement providing for the same requires the sanction of higher authority.


82 Sd/- Sd/-
Case Worker DEE(Tech)

[Part-A ]
Name of work :
Specification No. / Unit Estimate Rate
Sl.N Quantity
Description of work APSS / BIS / MORD/ In figures / In figures / Amount in Rs.
o In figures/
MORTH words words

Separately enclosed

I / We are willing to execute the work at + / - / or at par on E.C.V.


83 Sd/- Sd/-
Case Worker DEE(Tech)



Details of amount reimbursable to the Contractor.

i) Towards GST @ 12% / as applicable Rs: 3,67,04,637/-

ii) Towards Labour Cess @ 1% Rs: 30,58,720/-
iii) NAC @0.1% Rs: 3,05,872/-
iv) Seigniorage charges Rs: 1,23,01,520/-
v) DMF 30% on seigniorage charges Rs: 36,90,456/-
vi) SMET 2% on seigniorage charges Rs: 2,46,030/-

The bidders are eligible for reimbursement of amount towards GST, Labour Cess,
Seigniorage charges, DMF, SMET and NAC.

The GST component shall be added in each bill of the contractors who opt for
composition scheme and recovered. In respect of those contractors, who do not opt for
composition scheme, the GST component shall not be released with the bills and GST
however shall be recovered and for the recovery made, a deduction certificate will be
issued based on which the contractor has to claim adjustment through their returns
submitted to their respective assessing authorities.


84 Sd/- Sd/-
Case Worker DEE(Tech)



85 Sd/- Sd/-
Case Worker DEE(Tech)

WHEREAS ……………………………………………………….. (Name of the Contractor) (here
in after called “the Bidder”) has submitted his tender response to NIT No……………………….
dated:…………………… for the work “
(Name of work) (hereinafter called “the tender”).

KNOWN ALL MEN by these present that we …………………………

…………………………………………….……………. (Name and Address of Bank)
………………………………. (hereinafter called “the Bank” are bound unto)
……………………… / (name of the designated S.E) in the sum of *
for which payment will and truly to be made to the said Department, the Bank binds itself, his
successors and assigns by these presents.
SEALED with the Common Seal of the Bank this …………….. day of ……………..20….

THE CONDITIONS of this obligation are:-

(1) If after Tender opening the bidder withdraws or modifies his Bid during the period of bid
validity specified in the Form of Tender.
(2) If the Bidder having been notified of the acceptance of his bid by the Department during
the period of validity.
(a) fails or refuses to execute the Form of Agreement in accordance with the Instructions
to Bidders, if required; or
(b) fails or refuses to furnish the balance EMD and additional performance Security in
accordance with the instructions of Bidders.

We undertake to pay to the Department up to the above amount upon receipt of his first
written demand, without the Department having to substantiate his demand, provided that
in his demand the Department will note the amount claimed by him is due to him owning
to the occurrence of one or both of the two conditions, specifying the occurred condition or

This Guarantee will remain in force up to and including the date** ……………………
after the dead line for submission of Tenders as such deadline is stated in the Instructions
to Tenders or as it may be extended by the Department, notice of which extension(s) to the
Bank is hereby waived. Any demand in respect of this Guarantee should reach the Bank
not later than the above date.
DATE………………. SIGNATURE OF THE BANK ……………………..
WITNESS……………….. SEAL………………………………………………..
(Signature, Name and Address)
* The Bidder should insert the amount of the EMD in words and figures denominated in
Indian Rupee. This figure should be the same as shown in the NIT.
** 6 months from the deadline date for submission of Tender [As specified in NIT].


86 Sd/- Sd/-
Case Worker DEE(Tech)



______________________________________________(name & address of Department)


WHEREAS__________________________________________________ ________
_____________________________________________________________________ _____ __
_____________________(name and address of Contractor ) (hereinafter called “the Contractor”)
has undertaken, in pursuance of Contract No. ________ dated: ____________ to execute the
work of _________________ [name of work];

AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the Contractor
shall furnish you with a Bank Guarantee by a Schedule bank for the sum specified therein as
balance EMD / EMD for compliance with his obligations in accordance with the Contract;

AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Contractor such a Bank Guarantee;

NOW THEREFORE we hereby affirm that we are the Guarantor and responsible to you,
on behalf of the Contractor, up to a total of _____________________ [amount of guarantee]
_________________________________ [in words], such sum being payable and we undertake
to pay you, upon your first written demand and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums
within the limits of ________________________ [amount of guarantee] as aforesaid without
your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand for the sum specified

We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the Contractor
before presenting us with the demand.

We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the
Contract or of the Works to be performed thereunder or of any of the contract documents which
may be made between you and the Contractor shall in any way release us from any liability under
this guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition or modification.

This guarantee shall be valid upto ……………………….. i.e., until 28 days from the date
of expiry of the Defects Liability period.

Signature & seal of the Guarantor_____________________

Name of Bank_____________________________________


87 Sd/- Sd/-
Case Worker DEE(Tech)



_______________________________________________(name and address of Department)


WHEREAS _______________________________ (name and address of Contractor )

(hereinafter called “the Contractor”) has undertaken, in pursuance of Contract No. ________
dated: ____________ to execute _________________________ [name of Contract and brief
description of works] (hereinafter called “the Contractor”);

AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the Contractor
shall furnish you with a Bank Guarantee by a Schedule bank for the sum specified therein as
Additional further security bank guarantee for compliance with his obligations in accordance with
the Contract;

AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Contractor such a Bank Guarantee;

NOW THEREFORE we hereby affirm that we are the Guarantor and responsible to you,
on behalf of the Contractor, up to a total of Rs._____________________ [amount of guarantee]
_________________________________ [in words], such sum being payable and we undertake
to pay you, upon your first written demand and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums
within the limits of ________________________ [amount of guarantee] as aforesaid without
your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand for the sum specified

We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the Contractor
before presenting us with the demand.

We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the
Contract or of the Works to be performed there under or of any of the contract documents which
may be made between you and the Contractor shall in any way release us from any liability under
this guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition or modification.
This guarantee shall be valid up to and until 28 days from the date completion.

Signature & seal of the Guarantor_____________________

Name of Bank_____________________________________


88 Sd/- Sd/-
Case Worker DEE(Tech)




This is to certify that M/s./Sri ___________ is a reputed company/individual with a

good financial standing.

we shall be able to provide overdraft/credit facilities to the extent of Rs.______

lakhs to meet their working capital requirements

Date: Signature of senior Bank Manager____________________

Place: Name of the Senior Bank Manager___________________

Address of the Bank _______________________________


I, ______________________________________________ Managing Director /

Manager / General Manager / Agent of _________________________________________
Bank Limited do hereby certify that a __________________________________________
_______________________ [here the Names and addresses of the contractor] to be solvent to
the extent of Rs.__________________ [Rupees __________________________
________________________________] as disclosed by the information and record which are
available with the aforesaid bank.

For the ___________________________ Bank

Signature of Bank Manager
[Authorized to Sign]


Checked by 0000000i
Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-


NAME OF WORK: Koilsagar Lift Irrigation Scheme – Modernization of Right Main Canal from Km 0.000 to Km. 12.725 of Koilsagar Project, Dhanwada
(Mandal & village), Mahabubnagar District.

Approximate Quantity in Rate in

Sl.No Description of Work Unit Amount in Rs.
Figs Words Figs Words

Excavation in all kinds of soil including boulders upto 0.3 m diameter for canal, seating of
Twenty seven
embankment, filter drains / catch water drains etc., including dressing bed and sides to required
thousand six Rupees one
level and profile, cost of all materials, machinery, labour, placing the excavated soil neatly in dump
1 27697.17 hundred and ninety APSS 106.50 hundred six and Cum 2949749
area or for the formation of service road / embankment as directed etc., complete with initial lead
seven point one fifty paisa only
upto 1 km and all lifts.(for widening of canal) and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.and as
seven only
directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-10 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than 10 N /
Rupees four
One thousand three sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 20 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded aggregates
for sub-structure / super- structure works including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, thousand nine
hundred and sixty
2 1363.76 formwork, scaffolding, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in position, levelling, vibrating, APSS 4938.30 hundred and thirty Cum 6734656
three point seven
finishing, curing etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts and as directed by the eight and thirty
six only
Engineer-in-charge. paisa only

Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-15 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than 15 N /
sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 40 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded aggregates Rupees five
Five thousand and for sub-structure / super- structure works including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, thousand two
3 5090.90 ninety point nine formwork, scaffolding, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in position, levelling, vibrating, APSS 5257.80 hundred fifty seven Cum 26766934
zero only finishing, curing etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts and as directed by the and eighty paisa
Engineer-in-charge. only

Providing and laying 75 mm thick in-situ M-15 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than 15
N / sqmm ) grade cement concrete with 20 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded aggregates
One lakh sixty one for canal lining using vibrating cylinder type mechanical paver including cost of all materials, Four hundred fifty
thousand eight machinery, labour, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in position,finishing, forming contraction
4 161850.00 APSS 459.30 nine and thirty Sqm 74337705
hundred and fifty joints, fixing PVC joint sealing strips, curing, shifting of paver from one side to other side of canal paisa only
only etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

Laying and fixing of 100 mm Dia 300 mm long precast porus CC plugs in bed and sides using 1.181
Three thousand two Kgs of cement per each using 20 mm HG metal and placing in local filters of size 600 x 600 x 750 Four hundred
5 3220.00 hundred and twenty mm in size including Excavation of drains and Cost of procuring of all materials including 50 m lead APSS 480.90 eighty and ninety Nos 1548498
only and for all lifts and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. paisa only

Checked by 0000000i
Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-

Six hundred and Providing and fixing 20 mm thick 100 mm depth tarfelt expansion joint filler boards for cement
concrete lining of canal including cost of all materials, labour etc., complete with all leads and lifts Rupees seventy six
6 652.64 fifty two point six APSS 76.30 Rmt 49796
and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. and thirty paisa only
four only
Providing and forming 35 mm wide and 10 mm thick construction / contraction joints for concrete
Fifty three thousand Rupees twenty four
lining by mastic filler including cost of all materials, labour etc., complete with all leads and lifts and
7 53950.00 nine hundred and APSS 24.80 and eighty paisa Rmt 1337960
as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
fifty only only
S& F 50 mm Nominal Bore GI pipe Light Grade properties & weight as per IS 1239 ISI mark with Rupees five
8 1000.00 One thousand only GI fittings including the cost of pipe & its fittings & labour charges complete for hand railing at APSS 515.80 hundred fifteen and Rmt 515800
steps in the canal bed and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. eighty paisa only
Excavation for Structures- Mechanical Means ( Data adopted from MORTH) Earth work in
Nineteen thousand excavation in all kinds of soils of foundation of structures as per drawing and technical Rupees one
two hundred and specification, including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and
9 19291.32 APSS 102.70 hundred two and Cum 1981219
ninety one point other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling with approved material and as seventy paisa only
three two only directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-10 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than 10 N
/sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 40 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded aggregates
Three thousand one
for piers, Abutments and returns including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, formwork, Rupees six
hundred and twenty
10 3127.53 cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing etc., complete APSS 6002.60 thousand two and Cum 18773312
seven point five
with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts. (Cement content: 280 kg / cum with use of super sixty paisa only
three only
plasticiser(0.4% by wt. of cement),CA : 0.90cum, Blending Ratio of CA--50:30:20, FA : 0.40 cum)
and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-20( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than 20 N /
sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 20 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded aggregates for Rupees six
Eight hundred and
sub-structure / super- structure (for barrel and haunches) works including cost of all materials, thousand one
11 832.74 thirty two point APSS 6180.70 Cum 5146916
machinery, labour, formwork, scaffolding, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in position, levelling, hundred eighty and
seven four only
vibrating, finishing, curing etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts and as directed by seventy paisa only
the Engineer-in-charge.
Providing and laying insitu M- 20( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than 30 N / sqmm )
grade cement concrete using 20 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded aggregates for wearing Rupees five
Three hundred and coat including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, formwork, cleaning, batching, mixing, thousand three
12 361.39 sixty one point placing in position in alternate panels, levelling, compacting, finishing, curing, packing joints with APSS 5379.60 hundred seventy Cum 1944134
three nine only asphalt mortar etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts and as directed by the Engineer- nine and sixty paisa
in-charge. only

Providing and fixing 100 mm dia PVC pipes for Weep holes including cost of all materials, labour,
Rupees one
etcc., complete and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
Six hundred and hundred eighty one
13 614.00 APSS 181.80 Rmt 111625
fourteen only and eighty paisa

Checked by 0000000i
Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-

Providing and constructing 30 cm thick dry rubble stone pitching including cost of all materials,
Three thousand two Rupees four
labour, hand packing, finishing etc., complete ( rubble stones : 0.33 cum/sqm) and as directed by the
hundred and sixty hundred twenty
14 3261.52 Engineer-in-charge. APSS 425.10 Sqm 1386472
one point five two five and ten paisa
only only
Providing impervious hearting embankment with soil collected in embankment area in heaps as part
Three lakhs twenty of disposal of excavated soilfrom canal including cost including cost of all materials, machinery,
Rupees two
one thousand three labour, all operations such as sorting out, spreading in layer of 25 cm before compaction, breaking
hundred seventy
15 321334.28 hundred and thirty clods, sectioning, watering, compacting each layer to density control of not less than 95 percent or as APSS 274.20 Cum 88109860
four and twenty
four point two eight stipulated by sheep / pad foot roller etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts and as
paisa only
only directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

Providing, fabricating and placing in position reinforcement steel bars for RCC works including
One lakh seventy cleaning, straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, lapping, welding wherever required,tying with
seven thousand 1.25 mm dia soft annealed steel wire, including cost of all materials, machinery, labour etc., Rupees fifty eight
16 177782.00 APSS 58.50 Kgs 10400247
seven hundred and complete with initial lead upto 50 and all lifts and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. and fifty paisa only
eighty two only

Excavation in Ordinary rock ( including HDR without blasting including boulders above 0.3m upto
Eleven thousand 0.60m dia for foundations of canal cross drainage and other appurtent structures and placing the Rupees four
three hundred and excavated stuff neatly in specified dump area or disposinf off the same as directed etc., complete
17 11385.26 APSS 453.60 hundred fifty three Cum 5164354
eighty five point with initial lead upto 50 m and initial lift upto 3 m and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. and sixty paisa only
two six only

Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-20 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than 20 N /
sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 20 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded aggregatesfor Rupees eight
Five hundred and columns and beams( for Bed blocks and Dirt wall )including cost of all materials, labour, machinery, thousand ninety
18 512.59 twelve point five formwork, scaffolding, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, APSS 8093.90 Cum 4148852
three and ninety
nine only curing etc.,complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts and as directed by the Engineer-in- paisa only

Providing and fixing 12 mm thick tarelt expansion joint including cost of all materials, labour etc.,
One hundred and complete and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Rupees four
19 163.80 sixty three point APSS 430.60 hundred thirty and Sqm 70533
eight zero only sixty paisa only

Tar felt joint filler board 20 mm thick and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
Rupees six hundred
20 44.00 Forty four only APSS 659.00 Rmt 28996
fifty nine only

Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-20 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than 20 N /
sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 20 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded aggregates for
deck slab & kerb including cost of all materials,machinery, labour, formwork, scaffolding, cleaning, Rupees nine
Nine hundred and
batching, mixing, placing in position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing etc., complete with initial thousand two
21 994.92 ninety four point APSS 9206.60 Cum 9159830
lead upto 50 m and all lifts. (Cement content: 400 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser(0.4% by wt. hundred six and
nine two only
of cement),CA : 0.80cum, Blending Ratio of CA--65:35, FA : 0.45 cum) and as directed by the sixty paisa only

Checked by 0000000i
Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-

Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-20 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than 20 N /
sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 20 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded aggregates for Rupees seven
Two hundred and slabs for small culverts span upto 2mt.(Approach Slab) including cost of all thousand one
22 209.74 nine point seven materials,machinery,labour, formwork,scaffolding, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in position, APSS 7156.80 hundred fifty six Cum 1501067
four only levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts and as and eighty paisa
directed by the Engineer-in-charge. only

Providing and fixing 80 mm dia GI drainage spouts including cost of all materials,labour charges Rupees five
etc., complete and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. hundred twenty
23 24.00 Twenty four only APSS 522.60 Rmt 12542
two and sixty paisa
Providing and fixing guard stones including cost of all materials, labour charges etc., complete and Rupees one
Two hundred and
24 240.00 as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. APSS 110.20 hundred ten and Each 26448
forty only
twenty paisa only
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-20 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than 20 N /
sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 20 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded aggregates for Rupees seven
Four hundred
troughs including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, formwork,scaffolding, cleaning, batching, thousand four
25 472.64 seventy two point APSS 7401.70 Cum 3498339
mixing, placing in position,levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing and as directed by the Engineer-in- hundred one and
six four only
charge. seventy paisa only

Providing and fixing PVC Water stopper with 310 mm wide and as directed by the Engineer-in- Rupees four
Two hundred and charge. hundred seventy
26 207.20 seven point two APSS 471.50 Rmt 97695
one and fifty paisa
zero only
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-15 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than 15 N Rupees five
Six thousand two /sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 40 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded aggregates thousand seven
27 6296.90 hundred ninety six for Returns,wings,Headwalls and Drop including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, formwork, APSS 5761.70 hundred sixty one Cum 36280849
point nine zero only cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing etc., complete and seventy paisa
with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. only
Manufacture, Supply and Delivery of RCC Plain ended NP3 Class Hume Pipies 300MM Dia
Manufacture, Supply and Delivery of R.C.C. Plain ended NP3 class hume pipes 300MM Dia Rupees one
One hundred and
28 180.00 conforming to B.I.S 458/2003 and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. APSS 1080.60 thousand eighty Rmt 194508
eighty only
and sixty paisa only

Manufacture, Supply and Delivery of RCC Plain ended NP3 Class Hume Pipies 300MM Dia Collar Rupees one
29 54.00 Fifty four only and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. APSS 160.00 hundred and sixty Nos 8640
Laying and jointing 300 mm dia. NP- 3 class or IRC standard hume pipes in CM 1 : 2 proportion by Rupees three
volume including cost of all materials ( excluding pipes and collars ), labour, aligning, packing joints hundred ninety
30 54.00 Fifty four only with hemp, finishing, curing etc., complete with initial lead uptomachinery, 50 m and all lifts and as APSS 398.10 Nos 21497
eight and ten paisa
directed by the Engineer-in-charge. only
One lakh sixty two Clearing thick jungle growth (less than 50 percent open space) including bushes upto 30 cm /
thousand eight parthenium and other weeds including burning or disposing off the same as directed etc., complete Rupees two and
31 162880.00 APSS 2.90 Sqm 472352
hundred and eighty and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. ninety paisa only

Checked by 0000000i
Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-

Excavation in hard rock of all toughness by blasting including boulders above 1.2 m dia. for canals,
seating of embankment, filter drain / catch water drains etc., including levelling the bed by removing
Five thousand six Rupees five
all projections by hammering / chiselling, cost of all materials, machinery, labour, placing the
32 5606.00 hundred and six APSS 551.30 hundred fifty one Cum 3090588
excavated rock neatly in approved dump area and levelling the same as directed etc., complete with
only and thirty paisa only
initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

TOTAL ECV 305871974



NAME OF WORK: Koilsagar Lift Irrigation Scheme – Modernization of Right Main Canal from Km 0.000 to Km. 12.725 of
Koilsagar Project, Dhanwada (Mandal & village), Mahabubnagar District.

S.No Description of work Amount

1 L.S.Provision towards GST 12 % on E.C.V Rs. 36704637
2 L.S.Provision towards labour cess 1 % on E.C.V Rs. 3058720
3 Add for NAC at 0.1% Rs. 305872
4 Seignoirage charges Rs. 12301520
5 30% of Seignoirage charges towards DMF account Rs. 3690456
6 2% of Seignoirage charges towards SMET account Rs. 246030
7 Investigation,Survey and Designs Rs. 764680
8 LS Provision for OT Shutters (18x50000) Rs. 900000
9 LS Provision for CR Shutters (2x250000) Rs. 500000
10 Provision for LS and unforeseen Rs. 156111
The Contractor should employ technical staff as per Clause 20.7 and produce copies of appointment
order, qualification certificate and willingness letters of technical personnel at the time of signing of

The bidders are eligible for reimbursement of amount towards GST , Labour Cess, Seigniorage
charges, DMF, SMET and NAC.

The GST component shall be added in each bill of the contractors who opt for composition scheme
and recovered. In respect of those contractors, who do not opt for composition scheme, the GST
component shall not be released with the bills and GST however shall be recovered and for the
recovery made, a deduction certificate will be issued based on which the contractor has to claim
adjustment through their returns submitted to their respective assessing authorities.


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