1. Contents.
2. Forwarding letter.
7. Special Conditions.
Total Pages
Drawings: ______sheets
1. Tender documents in respect of above work are uploaded on the site www.eprocuremes.gov.inThe
tender is on single stage two cover e-tendering system. The contents of Cover I & Cover II are specified
2. Bids will be received online by ACCEPTING OFFICER upto the date and time mentioned in the
NOTICE INVITNG TENDER (NIT). No tender/bid will be received in physical form and any tender/bid
received in such manner will be treated as non bonafide tender/bid.
3. Bid will be opened on due date and time fixed for opening in the presence of tenderers/bidders or
their authorized representatives, who have uploaded their quotation bid and who wish to be present at
the time of opening the bids.
4. Your attention is also drawn to instruction on filling and submission of tender attached herewith. You
may forward your points on tender documents and/or depute your technical representative for discussion
on tender/drawing and to clarify doubts, if any, before the bid submission starts. You are requested not
to write piecemeal points and forward your points duly consolidated in one go.
5. Unenlisted contractors are required to submit the scanned copies (in pdf file) of documents
required as per eligibility criteria mentioned in instructions for filling the tender documents and Appendix
‘A’ to NIT along with tender fee on e-procurement portal and submit the physical documents in the office
of HQ Chief Engineer (Coast Guard) Goa within time limit specified in NIT. Inadequacy/deficiency of
documents shall make the bid liable for rejection resulting in disqualification for opening of finance bid.
6. Enlisted contractors of MES shall submit the scanned copies (pdf file) of enlistment letter, tender fee
and such other documents as mentioned in Appx ‘A’ to NIT on e-procurement portal and submit physical
documents in the office of HQ Chief Engineer (Coast Guard) Military Engineer Services, Indian Coast
Guard Chicona, JNC Nagar Road, Bogmalo Post - Goa, 403 806before date and time fixed for this
7. The contractor must ensure that the tender/bid on the proper form is uploaded in time as the
Accepting Officer will take no cognizance of any quotations/offer received in any other electronic or
physical form like email/fax/by hand/through post from tenderer/bidder even if they are received in time.
8. Keeping in view delays due to system failure or other communication related failures, it is suggested
that the tender/bid be uploaded, if necessary, sufficiently in advance of the last due date and time fixed.
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9. General Conditions of Contracts (IAFW-2249) (1989 Print) and errata and amendments thereto,
Schedule of minimum fair wages and MES SSR (Part - I and Part - II) are not enclosed with these
documents. These are available for perusal in the Office of GE concerned and this office.
11. Any tenderer, which proposes alterations to any of the condition, specifications laid down in the
tender documents or any new condition, whatsoever, is liable to be rejected.
12. Consequent of implementation of GST (wef 01 July 2017 amended subsequently upto date), the
contractors quoted rate shall be deemed to include GST as applicable and applicable percentage will be
paid to GST authority by the Contractor at his own arrangement. The liability to pay GST lies with the
contractor. Contractor is advised to consider this aspect before quoting the tender. Nothing extra
whatsoever shall be admissible on this account.
13. Department may issue amendments. /errata in form of CORRIGENDUM to tender/revised BOQ
to the tender documents. The Tender /bidder is requested to read the tender documents in conjunction
with all the errata/amendments/corrigendum if any issued by the Department.
14. In case the BOQ is revised by the Department and the bidder has failed to quote in revised BOQ
(i.e. he has quoted in previous BOQ). Such bid shall be treated as willful negligence by the bidder and
his quotation shall be considered non-bonafide. In such case the lowest tender shall be determined by
the lowest amount amongst the valid/ bonafide bids only. Accepting Officer may decide whether to
retender or otherwise. The remark of ‘non-bonafide finance bid’ against such bidder and copy of CST
shall be uploaded along with Finance Bid Opening Summary.
15. Court of the place from where tender has been issued shall alone have jurisdiction to decide any
dispute out of or in respect of this tender. After acceptance of tender Condition-72 of Jurisdiction of
courts of IAFW-2249 shall be applicable.
(a) Contractors who have not yet been allotted Permanent Provident Fund Code Number shall submit
proof indicating their online application and upload their temporary PF code number allotted online. The
temporary PF code number so uploaded shall be considered sufficient for the purpose of e-tendering.
(b) The above documents in pdf format shall be uploaded in Cover No 1 of the bid
Yours faithfully,
2.3 If the performance security is provided by the successful Contractor in the form of a Bank
Guarantee, it shall be issued by Nationalized / Scheduled Indian Bank but its confirmation shall
be done only from the Head Office of the Bank.
2.4 Failure of the successful contractor to comply with the requirements of sub-clause 2.1 and
2.2shall constitute sufficient grounds for cancellation of the award of work and forfeiture for the
Earnest Money. In case of MES enlisted contractor, amount equal to the Earnest Money
stipulated in the Notice Inviting Tender, shall be notified to the tenderer for depositing the
amount through MRO. Issue of tender to such tenderers shall remain suspended till the aforesaid
amount equal to the Earnest Money is deposited in Government Treasury.
2.5 All compensation or other sums of money payable by the contractor to the Government under
terms of this contract or under any other contract with Government may be deducted from or paid
by the sale of a sufficient part of the Performance Security or from the interest arising there from
or from any sums which may be due or become due to the contractor by the Government on any
account whatsoever and in the event of his Performance Security being reduced by reason of
any such deduction, or sale a aforesaid, the contractor shall within ten days thereafter make
good in cash or securities, endorsed as aforesaid, and sum or sums which may have been
deducted from or realized by the sale of his Performance Security or any part thereof.
2.6 Government shall not be responsible for any loss of securities or any depreciation in the value
of securities while in their charge nor for loss of interest thereon.
2.7 In the event of contract being cancelled, under Condition 52, 53&54 of General Conditions of
Contract, the Performance Security shall be forfeited in full and shall be credited into
Consolidated Fund of India.
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3.1 The bids received only in the electronic from will be considered. All bids shall be submitted on
‘defproc.gov.in’ portal. Documents should be scanned and forwarded in ‘pdf’ form and ‘xls’ form as
3.2 Bids shall be uploaded on ‘eprocuremes.gov.in’ portal on or before the bid closing date mentioned in
the tender. No tender/bid in any other electronic or physical form like email / fax / by hand / through post
will be considered.
3.3 Bid should be DIGITALLY signed using valid DSC. All pages of tender documents,
corrections/alterations shall be signed/ initialled by the lowest bidder after acceptance.
3.4 Drawings, if issued in physical form, must be returned duly initialled by the tenderer/bidder in
separate envelope indicating his name and address.
3.5 The tender shall be signed, dated and witnessed at all places provided for in the documents after
acceptance. All corrections shall be initialled. The Contractor shall initial every page of tender and shall
sign all drawings forming part of the tender. Any tender/bid, which proposes alterations to any of the
conditions whatsoever, is liable to be rejected.
3.6 In the technical bid, a scanned copy of Power of Attorney in favour of the person uploading the bid
using his/her DSC shall be uploaded. In case the digital signatory himself is the sole proprietor, scanned
copy of an affidavit on stamp paper of appropriate value to this effect stating that he has authority to bind
the firm in all matters pertaining to contract including the Arbitration Clause, shall be attached in ‘pdf’
form. In case of partnership concern or a limited company, digital signatory of the bid/tender shall ensure
that he is competent to bind the contractor (through) partnership deed, general power of attorney or
Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company) in all the matters pertaining to the contracts
with Union of India including arbitration clause. A scanned copy of the documents confirming of such
authority shall be attached with the tender/bid in ‘pdf’ form, if not submitted earlier. The person uploading
the bid on behalf of another partner(s) or on behalf of a firm or company using his DSC shall upload with
the tender/bid a scanned copy (in ‘pdf’ form) of Power of Attorney duly executed in his favour by such
other or all of the Partner(s) or in accordance with constitution of the company in case of company,
stating that he has authority to bind such other person of the firm or the Company, as the case may be,
in all matters pertaining to the contract including the Arbitration Clause.
3.7 Even in case of Firms or Companies which have already given Power of Attorney to an individual
authorizing him to sign tender in pursuance of which bids are being uploaded by such person as a
routine, fresh Power of Attorney duly executed in his favour stating specifically that the said person has
authority to bind such partners of the Firm, or the Company as the case may be, including the condition
relating to Arbitration Clause, should be uploaded in ‘pdf’ form with the tender/bid; unless such authority
has already been given to him by the Firm or the Company. It shall be ensured that power of attorney
shall be executed in accordance with the constitution of the company as laid down in its Memorandum &
Articles of Association.
3.8 Hard copies of all above documents should be sent by the contractor to the Tender issuing authority
well in advance to be received before the date and time fixed for the same.
3.9 Bid (Cover 1 & 2) shall be uploaded online well in time.
3.10 The contractor shall employ Indian National after verifying their antecedents and loyalty. Attention
is also drawn to special condition 3 referred hereinafter and also conditions 24 & 25 of IAFW 2249
(General conditions of contract).
3.11 Tenderers/ bidders who uploaded their priced tenders/bids and are desirous of being present at the
time of opening of the tenders/bids, may do so at the appointed time.
3.12 The tenderer/bidder shall quote his rate on the BOQ file only. No alteration to the format will be
accepted, else the bid will be disqualified and summarily rejected.
3.13 In case the tenderer/bidder has to revise/modify the rates quoted in the BOQ (excel sheet) he can
do so only in the BOQ, through eprocuremes.gov.in site only before the bid closing time and date.
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In the event of lowest tenderer/bidder revoking his offer or revising his rate upward/ offering voluntary
reduction, after closing of bid submission date & time, his offer will be treated as revoked and the
Earnest Money deposited by him shall be forfeited. In case of MES enlisted Contractors, the amount
equal to the Earnest Money stipulated in the Notice of tender, shall be notified to the tenderer/bidder for
depositing the amount through MRO. Bids of such Contractors/bidders shall not be opened till the
aforesaid amount equal to the earnest money is deposited by him in Govt Treasury. In addition, bids of
such tenderer/bidder and his related firm shall not be opened in second call or subsequent calls.
Reduction offered by the tenderer/bidder on the freak high rates referred for review shall not be treated
as voluntary reduction.
5. C P M (Critical Path Method)
5.1 The project planning for work covered in the scope of tender is based on CPM.
5.2 The tenderer/bidder is expected to be fully conversant with the CPM technique and employ
technical staff who can use the technique in sufficient details. Sufficient books and other literature on
the subject are widely available in the market which the tenderer/bidder may make use of.
5.3 The tenderer’s /bidder’s attention is drawn to special condition of the tender regarding preparation
of the detailed network analysis and time schedule for the work and his liability for employing sufficient
resources to adhere to this schedule. Any inability on the part of the tenderer/bidder in using the
technique will be taken as his technical inefficiency and will affect his class of enlistment and future
prospect/invitation to tenders for future works.
6. In case the BOQ is revised by the Department and the bidder has failed to quote in revised
BOQ (i.e he has quoted in previous BOQ), such bid shall be treated as willful negligence by the bidder
and his quotation shall be considered non-bonafide. In such cases the lowest tender shall be
determined by the lowest amount amongst the valid/bonafide bids only. Accepting Officer may decide
whether to retender or otherwise. The remark of ‘non bonafide financial bid’ against such bidder and
copy of this CST shall be uploaded along with Financial Bid Opening Summary.
1. A tender is invited for the work as mentioned in Appendix ‘A’ to this NOTICE INVITING
2. The work is estimated to cost as indicated in aforesaid Appendix ‘A’. This estimate, however, is
not a guarantee and is merely given as a rough guide and if the work costs more or less, a tenderer /
bidder will have no claim on this account. The tender shall be based on as mentioned in
aforesaidAppendix ‘A’.
3. The work is to be completed within the period as indicated in the aforesaid Appendix ‘A’ in
accordance with the phasing, if any, indicated in the tender from the date of handing over site, which
will be on or about two weeks after the date of Acceptance of tender.
4. Contractors whose names are on the MES approved list and within whose financial category
the estimated amount would fall and un-enlisted contractors may submit tender/ bid subject to the
other criteria mentioned in Appendix-A. However in case of term contracts, enlisted contractors of
class SS to E may submit tender. Not more than one tender shall be submitted/ uploaded by one
contractor/ firm. Under no circumstances will a father and his son(s) or other close relations who have
business dealing with one another be allowed to tender/ bid for the same contract as separate
competitors. Two firms shall be deemed to have business dealing if any of the partners/proprietor/
director is common among both of them. A breach of this condition will render the tenders/ bids of both
the parties liable for rejection.
5. The Office of Chief Engineer (Coast Guard) Goa will be the Accepting Officer here-in-after
referred to as such for the purpose of the contract.
6. Not more than one tender/ bvid shall be submitted/ uploaded by one bidder firm. Under no
circumstances will a father and his son(s) or other close relations who have business dealing with one
another be allowed to tender/ bid for the same tender as separate competitors. A breach of this
condition will render the tenders/ bids of both the parties liable for rejection.
7. The Technical Bid and Financial bid (Cover-1 and Cover-2) shall be uploaded by the
tenderer/bidder on or before the date & time mentioned in NIT. A scanned copy of DD with enlistment
details/ documents shall be uploaded as packet 1/ cover-1 (‘T’ bid) of the tender / bid on e-tendering
portal. DD is refundable in case T bid is not accepted resulting in non-opening of ‘Q’ bid. The applicant
contractor shall bear the cost of bank charges for procuring and encashing the DD including
revalidation of DDs and shall not have any claim from Government whatsoever on this account.
8. Tender forms and conditions of contracts and other necessary documents shall be available on
eprocuremes.gov.in / eprocure.gov.in site for download and shall form part of contract agreement
incase tender/bid is accepted.
9. Sample of materials and stores to be supplied by the contractor will also be available for inspection
by the bidder at the office of concerned GE/ GE(I)/ AGE(I)/ Project Manager during working hours. The
bidder is advised to visit the site of work by making prior appointment with concerned GE/ GE(I)/
AGE(I)/ Project Manager, who is the executing agency of the work (see Appendix-A0. The bidder shall
be deemed to have full knowleddge of all relevant documents, samples, site etc whether he has
inspected them or not.
10.Any bid which proposes any alteration to any of the conditions laid down or proposes any other new
condition whatsoever, is liable to be rejected.
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11. The uploading of bid implies that bidder has read this notice and the Conditions of Contract and
has made himself aware of the scope and specifications of work to be done and of the conditions and
rates at which stores, tools and plants etc will be issued to him and local conditions and other factors
having bearing on the execution of the work.
13. The Accepting Officer does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any tender bid or to give
any reason for not doing so.
14. The Accepting Officer reserves the right to accept a tender submitted by a Public Undertaking/
Small & medium Enterprises (SMEs), giving a price preference over other tender(s)/bids which may be
lower, as are admissible under the Government Policy. No claim for any compensation or otherwise
shall be admissible from such tenderer/bidder whose tender/bid is rejected.
15. This Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) including Appendix ‘Á’ shall form part of the contract
7. Timeline Details
(a) Bid submission start date
Refer critical dates
(b) Last date of bid submission
(c) Date of bid opening
8. Eligibility Criteria
(A) For MES enlisted contractor : (i) All contractors enlisted with MES in Class ‘S’ and category
a(i) or a(v) subject to satisfactory remarks wrt performance in
respect of works in hand reflected in workload return (WLR) or
any other report circulated by competent Engineer authority.
(B) For contractors not enlisted : (a) The firms not enlisted with MES should meet the
with MES enlistment criteria of ‘S’ class and category a(i) or a(v)
contractor with regards to satisfactorily completion of requisite
value works with Central/ State Government/ Central/ State
PSUs/ AWHO/ AFNHB/ CGEWHO/ DGMAP, Annual turnover,
Bank Solvency, working capital and other requirements given
in MES Manual on Contracts-2020 as available in all MES
formations as well as MES website (www.mes.gov.in)
12 Integrity Pact The Integrity Pact uploaded along with NIT shall be properly
executed and duly signed by the bidder and the scanned copy
thereof shall be uploaded as part technical bid (Cover-1) and
original IP duly signed on each page shall be forwarded by
post along with demand draft. Bid of all the bidders who do not
upload signed copy of IP along with technical bid, (Cover-1)
shall be rejected.
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1. After opening of Cover 1, if the number of MES enlisted contractors of eligible class as well as
un-enlisted contractors, if any, fulfilling the other eligibility criteria given in NIT are less than 7
(Seven), applications in respect of contractors Two/ One class below eligible class shall also
be considered subject to fulfilment of other eligibility criteria given in NIT. Therefore MES
contractors Two/One class below may also bid for this tender. However contractors of
Two/one class below the eligible class shall not be considered in case their present residual
workload in hand is more than five times their present tendering limit. Such bidders shall
upload in their Cover-1 bid details of works in hand showing names of work, name of
Accepting Officers, Contract amounts, dates of commencement and completion (stipulated)
and progress as on bid submission date. These details shall be verified by the Tender Issuing
Authority from concerned formations in case bids of such contractors are considered for
2. In case after opening Cover 1, the number of MES enlisted contractors of eligible class as well
as un-enlisted contractors, if any, fulfilling the other eligibility criteria given in NIT, are 7
(Seven) or more, applications of only those one class below the eligible class bidders shall be
considered, who have previously completed similar works satisfactorily and are meeting the
criteria of up gradation in respect of past experience of completed works (individual work
experience and/or average annual turn over as applicable) and financial soundness
(solvency/financial soundness and working capital) as per details given in manual on
contracts. Therefore such contractors shall upload the requisite information/documents in the
3. Un-enlisted contractor shall be considered provided he meets the criteria. Foreign firms shall
not be eligible for this tender. However Indian Firms having foreign national/Indian nationals
staying abroad / Indian national having taken foreign citizenship, as director(s) shall be
considered subject to security clearance from concerned authorities.
4. Contractors enlisted with MES will upload following documents in Cover-1 for checking
eligibility :-
(a) Application for the tender on Firm’s letter head.
(b) Enlistment letter issued by the Registering Authority duly renewed for the cyclic period in
(c) Scanned copy of DD / Bankers cheque towards cost of tender and EMD instrument in
case SSD bond is not signed at the time of registration.
(d) GST and EPF registration & Integrity Pact
(e) Any other document required as described in this Appendix.
5. Contractors not enlisted with MES will required to upload following documents in Cover-1 for
checking eligibility:-
(a) Application for the tender on Firm’s letter head.
(b) Scanned copy of DD / Bankers cheque towards cost of tender and EMD instrument
(c) Copy of Police Verification Report / Police clearance Certificate / Character Certificate
from the Police Authority of the area where the registered office of the firm is
located/notarized copy of valid passport of Proprietor /each Partner/each Director.
(d) All documents required for enlistment in MES for the class mentioned in Para 8(B) above
as per Para 1.5 of Section 1 of MES Manual on Contracts 2020.
(e) Details of works being executed in MES, if any.
(f) GST and EPF registration & Integrity Pact
(g) Any other document required as described in this Appendix.
6. Tenders not accompanied by scanned copies of requisite DD/Bankers cheque towards cost of
tender and earnest money (as applicable) in Cover-1 shall not be considered for validation of
‘T’ bid and their Financial Bids will not be opened.
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7. Contractors should ensure that their original physical DDs and Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)
instrument (as applicable) reach the office of Accepting Officer within 05 days of bid
submission end date failing which following action shall be taken.
(a) In case of tenders from an enlisted contractor of MES. Where scanned copies of
requisite DD/ Bankers cheque towards cost of tender have been uploaded in Cover 1, but
physical copies are not received within the stipulated period, their financial bids (Cover-2)
will be opened. However non-submission of physical copies of cost of tender shall be
considered as wilful negligence of the tenderer with ulterior motives and such tenderer
shall be banned from bidding for a period of six months commencing from the date of
opening of Financial Bid (cover-2).
(b) In case of tenders from unenlisted Contractor, where scanned copies of requisite
DD / Bankers Cheque towards cost of tender have been uploaded in Cover-1 but physical
copies are not received within the stipulated period, their financial bids (Cover-2) will not
be opened. Name of such contractors along wih complete address shall be circulated for
not opening of their bids for a period of six months commencing from the date of opening
of Financial bid (Cover 2).
(c) In case of tenders from enlisted and un enlisted contractors, where scanned copies
of instrument for Earnest money (as applicable) have been uploaded in Cover 1 but the
same are not received in physical form within stipulated period, such tenders shall not
qualify for opening of financial bid (Cover 2).
8. Contractor will not be allowed to execute the work by subletting or through power of attorney to
a third party/another firm on his behalf. However a contractor can execute the work through
power of attorney to Sons/Daughters/Spouse of proprietor /Partner/Director and firm’s own
employees, director, project manager provided they are not having a separate enlisted firm in
MES in their name as Proprietor/Partner/Director.
9. After opening of Cover -1 and during its technical evaluation, in case any deficiency is noticed
in the documents required to be uploaded by the tenderers as per NIT, a communication in the
form of e-mail/SMS/Speed post etc shall be sent to the contractor to rectify the deficiency within
a period of seven days from date of communication failing which their financial bid (Cover 2)
shall not be opened and contractor shall not have any claim on the same.
10. Invitation for e-tender does not constitute any guarantee for validation of Technical bid and
subsequent opening of financial bid of any applicant/bidder merely by virtue of enclosing DD.
Accepting Officer reserves the right to reject the Technical bid and not to open the financial bid
of any applicant/bidder. Technical bid validation shall be decided by the Accepting Officer
based on eligibility of the firm as per criteria given in this Appendix. Tenderer/bidder will be
informed regarding non validation of his Technical bid assigning reasons therefore through
tender evaluation report which shall be uploaded on the website. Such tenderer, if desires, may
appeal to the next higher engineer authority (NHEA) viz HQ Additional Director General
(Projects), Military Engineer Services C/o Chief Engineer Chennai Zone Island Ground,
PallavanSalai Chennai- 600009 on email id adgpchn-mes@nic.in with copy to the Accepting
Officer on email before the scheduled date of opening of Cover 2. NHEA shall decide the matter
within a period of seven working days from the date of receipt of appeal. The decision of the
NHEA shall be final and binding. The tenderer/ bidder shall not be entitled for any
compensation whatsoever for rejection of his bid.
11. In case an un enlisted contractor is already executing works in MES, he shall not be considered
eligible for the subject tender if the total value of such works is more than twice the tendering
limit of the MES Class of contractor for which it is eligible. For this purpose, details of the work
being executed by such contractor shall be uploaded in the Cover 1 of the bid and shall be
checked/verified by the Accepting Officer.
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12. In case the BOQ is revised through the corrigendum and the bidder has failed to quote on
revised BOQ (ie, he has quoted on pre revised BOQ), such bid shall be treated as willfull
negligence by the bidder and his quotation shall be considered non bonafide. In such cases the
lowest tender shall be determined from amongst the valid/bonafide bids only. Accepting Officer
may decide whether to re-tender or consider the lowest bonafide tender for acceptance.
13. Revoking the offer or revising the rates upward or offering voluntary reduction by the lowest
tenderer after opening cover 2 shall be considered as a wilful default. For this default a penalty
of an amount equal to Earnest Money shall be levied. In case of an unenlisted tenderer,
Earnest money deposited by him shall be forfeited. In case of MES enlisted tenderer having
deposited the standing security bond, an amount equal to the earnest money stipulated in the
NIT, shall be notified to the tenderer for depositing through MRO and consideration of such
tenderer in tender evaluation for future works shall remain suspended till the aforementioned
amount is deposited in the Government Treasury. No other disciplinary/administrative action
shall be taken against such tenderers. In such situation, the next lowest offer shall not be
considered for acceptance. Instead, retendering shall be resorted to in a transparent and fair
manner and the defaulting tenderer and his related firm if any, shall not be eligible for this
tender in second call or subsequent calls.
14. Tender to related firms shall not be issued simultaneously. Firms shall be termed as related if
Proprietor/One or more Partner/Directors are common. Decision of Accepting Officer on
issue/deny the tender to any one of the related firms shall be final and binding.
15. Integrity pact agreement as attached at serial page Nos. 13 to 19 shall also form and part of
Notice inviting tender (NIT).
Signature of Contractor
AAD (Contracts)
for Chief Engineer
Whereas the President of India represented by Chief Engineer (Coast Guard), Goa hereinafter referred
to as Principal/ Owner, and the first part, has floated the tender (NIT No: 82105/ 05 /E8 dated 10
Jan 2023) and intends to award, under laid down organizational procedure, contract for “PROVISION
referred to as the works / Services and M/s……………………………….....
Representedby………………………………...........…(which term unless expressly indicated by contract,
shall be deemed to include its successors and its assignees), hereinafter referred to as the Bidder/
Contractor and the second part is willing to carry out the works/ services.
1.1 Whereas the bidder is a Proprietorship Concern/ Partnership firm/ Limited Liability firm/ Private
Limited Company/ Limited Company/ Joint venture constituted in accordance with the relevant law in
the matter and the Principal/ Owner is Chief Engineer (CG) Goa performing its function on behalf of
President of India.
1.2 Objectives:
1.2.1 Now, therefore, the Principal/ owner and the bidder agree to enter into this pre-contract
agreement, referred to as INTEGRITY PACT (IP) to avoid all forms of corruption by following a system
that is fair, transparent and free from any influence/ prejudiced dealings prior to, during and subsequent
to the conclusion of the contract to be entered into with a view to :-
1.2.2 Enabling the principal/ Owner to get desired works/ services at a competitive price in confirmity
with the defend specifications of the services by avoiding high cost and the distortionary impact of
corruption on public procurement.
1.2.3 Enabling Bidders to abstain from bribing or any corrupt practice in order to secure the contract
by providing assurance to them that their competitors will also refrain from bribing and other corrupt
practices ant the Principal/ Owner will commit to prevent corruption, in any form, by their officials by
following transparent procedures.
5.2 The Bidder will not offer directly or through intermediaries, any bribe, gift, consideration, reward,
favour of any material or non-material benefit or other advantage, commission, fee, brokerage or
inducement to any official of Principal/ Owner, connected directly or indirectly with the bidding process,
or to any person, organization or third party related to the contract in exchange for any advantage in the
bidding, evaluation, contracting and implementation of the contract.
5.3 The Bidder further undertakes that he has not given, offered or promised to give, directly or
indirectly any bribe, gift, consideration, reward, favour of any material or non-material benefit or other
advantage, commission, fee, brokerage or inducement to any official of Principal/ Owner or otherwise in
procuring the contract or forbearing to do or having done any act in relation to the obtaining or
execution of the contract or any other contract with the Government for showing or forbearing to show
favour or disfavour to any person in relation to the contract or any other Contract with the Government.
5.4 The bidder will not collude with other parties interested in the contract to impair the transparency,
fairness and progress of the bidding process, bid evaluation, contracting and implementation of the
5.5 The Bidder will not accept any advantage in exchange for any corrupt practice, unfair means and
illegal activities.
5.6 The Bidder would not enter into conditional contract with any Agent(s), broker(s) or any other
intermediaries wherein payment is made or penalty is levied, directly or indirectly, on success or failure
of the award of contract.
5.7 The Bidder commits to refrain from giving any complaint directly or through any other manner
without supporting it with full and verifiable facts. Complaint will be processed as per Guidelines for
handling of Complaints in vogue. In case the complaint is found to be vexatious, frivolous or malicious
in nature, it would be construed as a violation of Integrity Pact.
6.0 Previous Transgression
6.1 The Bidder declares that no previous transgression occurred in last three years immediately
before signing of this Integrity Pact with any other company in respect of any corrupt practices
envisaged hereunder or with any Public Sector Enterprise in India or any Government department
in India.
6.2 If the Bidder makes incorrect statement on this subject, Bidder can be disqualified from tender
process or the contract and if already awarded, same can be terminated for such reason.
7.0 Company Code Of Conduct
7.1 Bidders are advised to have a company code of conduct (clearly rejecting the use of bribes and
other unethical behavior and a compliance program for the implementation of code of conduct
throughout the country.
8.0 Sanction for Violation
8.1 Any breach of the aforesaid provisions by the bidder or any one employed by him or acting on
his behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the Bidder) or the commission of any offence
by the bidder or any one employed by him or acting on his behalf, as defined in Chapter IX of the
Indian Penal Code, 1860 or the prevention of corruption Act 1988 or any other act enacted for the
prevention of Corruption shall entitle the Principal/ Owner to take all or any one of the following
actions wherever required :-
CA NO.CECG/GOA/ OF 2022-23 Serial Page No 15
(i) Technical bid of the Bidder will not be opened. Bidder will not be entitled to or given any
compensation. However the proceedings with the bidder(s) would continue.
(ii) Financial bid of the bidder will not be opened. Bidder will not be entitled to or given any
compensation. However, the proceedings with the bidder(s) would continue.
(iii) The Earnest Money Deposit shall stand forfeited either fully or partially, as directed by the
Principal/ Owner, in case contract is not awarded to the Bidder and the Principal/ Owner shall not
be required to assign any reason therefor. For enlisted contractors an amount less than equal to
Earnest Money Deposit as decided by the Principal/ Owner shall be deducted from any amount
held with the Department/ any payment due.
(iv) To immediately cancel the contract, if already concluded/ awarded without any
compensation to the Bidder.
(vii) To temporarily suspend or temporarily debar/ permanently debar the bidder as per extent
(viii) If adequate amount is not available in the present tender/ contract, the deficient amount can
be recovered from any outstanding payment due to the Bidder from the Principal/ Owner in
connection with any other contract for other works/ Services.
(ix) If the bidder or any employee of the bidder or any person acting on behalf of the Bidder,
either directly or indirectly, is closely related to any of the officer of Principal/. Owner, or alternatively
if any close relative of an officer of the Principal/ Owner has financial interest/ Stake in the Bidders
firm, the same shall be disclosed by the bidder at the time of submission of tender. Any failure to
disclose the interest involved shall entitle the Principal/ Owner to debar the bidder from the bid
process or rescind the contract without payment of any compensation to the Bidder. The term
‘Close Relative’ for this purpose would mean spouse whether residing with the Government servant
or not, but does not include a spouse separated from the Government servant by a decree or order
of competent Court, son but does not include a child or step child who is no longer in any way
dependent upon the Government Servant or daughter or step son or step daughter and wholly
dependent upon Government servant or whose custody the Government servant has been deprived
of by or under any law, any other person related, whether by blood or marriage, to the Govt servant
or to the Government servant’s wife or husband and wholley dependent upon Government Servant.
(x) The Bidder shall not lend to or borrow any money from or enter into any monetary dealings
or transactions, directly or indirectly with any employee of Principal/ Owner and he does so, the
principal/ Owner shall be entitled forthwith to cancel the contract and all other contracts with the
8.2 The decision of the Principal/ Owner to the effect that breach of the provisions of this Integrity
Pact has been committed by the Bidder shall be final and binding on the Bidder. However, the bidder
can approach the Independent External Monitor(s) (IEMs) appointed for the purpose of this Pact.
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9.0 Independent External Monitors(IEMs)
9.1 Mod has appointed the following Independent External Monitors for this Pact in consultation
with Central Vigilance Commission
9.3 In case of any complaint with regard to violation of Integrity Pact, either party can
approach IEMs with copy to Nodal Officer and the other party. If any such complaint from bidder is
received by Principal/ Owner, the Principal/ Owner shall refer the complaint to the Independent
External Monitors for their recommendations/ inquiry report.
9.4 If the IEMs need to peruse the relevant records of the Principal/ Owner and/ or of
the Bidder/ Contractor in connection with the complaint sent to them, the Principal/ Owner and/ or
the Bidder/ Contractor shall make arrangement for such perusal of records by the IEMs as
demanded by them including unrestricted and unconditional access to the project documentation
and minutes of meeting. If records/ documents of sub-contractor(s) are also required to be perused
by the IEMs, the bidder shall make arrangement for such perusal of records bythe IEMs as
demanded by them, IEMs are under obligation to treat the information and documents of the
Principal/ Owner and Bidder/ Contractors with confidentiality.
9.5 The task of the IEMs, is to review independently and objectively, any complaint received
with regard to violation Integrity Pact and offer recommendations or carry out inquiry as deemed fit.
The IEMs are not subject to any instructions by the representatives of the parties and shall perform
their functions neutrally and independently. The report of inquiry, if any, made by the IEMs shall be
submitted to either of the following for a final and appropriate decision in the matter keeping in view
the provision of this pact :-
(a) Engineer-in-Chief in normal cases
(b) CVO(MES & BRO)/ MoD in cases involving vigilance angle.
(a) Proprietorship Concern: The Integrity Pact must be signed by the proprietor or by an
authorized signatory holding power of attorney signed by the proprietor.
(b) Partnership Firm: The Integrity Pact must be signed by all Partners or by one or more
partner holding power of attorney signed by all partners.
(c) Limited Liability firm: The Integrity Pact must be signed by all partners or by one or more
partner holding power of attorney signed by all partners.
(d) Private Limited/ Limited company: The Integrity Pact must be signed by a representative
duly authorised by Board resolution.
(e) Joint Venture: The Integrity Pact must be signed by all partners and members to Joint
venture or by one or more partner holding power of attorney signed by all partners and
member to the joint venture.
14. Validity
14.1 The validity of this Integrity Pact shall be from date of its signing. It expires for the contractor
after final payment under the contract has been made or till the continuation of defect liability period,
whichever is later and for all other bidders, till the Contract has been awarded.
14.2 Should one or several provisions of this pact turn out to be invalid, the remainder of this Pact
remains valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement to their original intensions.
AAD (Contracts)
for Accepting Officer
CA NO.CECG/GOA/ OF 2022-23 Serial Page No 18
It is hereby declared that MES is committed to follow the principle of transparency, equity and
competitiveness in public procurement.
The subject Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) is an invitation to offer made on the condition that the
Bidder will sign the Integrity Pact, which is an integral part of tender/bid documents, failing which the
tenderer/ bidder will stand disqualified from the tendering process and the bid of the bidder would be
summarily rejected.
This declaration shall form part and parcel of the Integrity Pact and signing of the same shall be
deemed as acceptance and signing of the Integrity Pact on behalf of the MES.
Yours faithfully
AAD (Contracts)
for Chief Engineer
CA NO.CECG/GOA/ OF 2022-23 Serial Page No 19
HQ Chief Engineer (Coast Guard)
Military Engineer Services
Indian Coast Guard Chicolna
JNC Nagar Road, Bogmalo Post,
Goa– 403 806
Dear Sir,
I/We acknowledge that MES is committed to follow the principles thereof as enumerated in the
Integrity Pact enclosed with the tender/bid document.
I/We agree that the Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) is an invitation to offer made on the condition
that I/We will sign the enclosed Integrity Pact, which is an integral part of tender documents, failing
which I/We will stand disqualified from the tendering process. I/We acknowledge that THE MAKING
this condition of the NIT.
I/We confirm acceptance and compliance with the Integrity Pact in letter and spirit and further
agree that execution of the said Integrity Pact shall be separate and distinct from the main contract,
which will come into existence when tender/bid is finally accepted by MES. I/We acknowledge and
accept the validity of the Integrity Pact, which shall be in line with Para 1 of the enclosed Integrity Pact.
I/We acknowledge that in the event of my/our failure to sign and accept the Integrity Pact, while
submitting the tender/bid, MES shall have unqualified, absolute and unfettered right to disqualify the
tenderer/bidder and reject the tender/bid is accordance with terms and conditions of the tender/bid.
Yours faithfully
Any correspondence concerning this tender should be addressed as indicated at the top of this
sheet quoting reference as given.
Signature of contractor
Dated: _____________
CA NO.CECG/GOA/ OF 2022-23 Serial Page No 21
8. The description of Schedule ‘A’ items in BOQ sheet (Excel format) shall be read in conjunction
with particular specifications, special condition and SSR provision etc.
9. All the items unless otherwise described as "supply only", "Fixing only" shall be deemed to be
inclusive of "Materials and labour", Supply and fixing, Testing commissioning, installation
10. All royalty and cess charges for Laterite stones, Bricks, stone aggregate, sand, other building
materials including all earthwork done at site of work and other allied items for which royalty and
cess charges are levied by State Government as per statutory rules/law shall be deemed to be
included in unit rates quoted by contractor for the items of Sch `A’ (BOQ sheet in excel) and no
claim whatsoever on this account is admissible. The contractor shall be solely responsible to pay
necessary royalty and cess charges and the same shall be recovered from any payment due to
the contractor and remitted to the State revenue authorities in case of default/ dispute of any or
on receipt of demand notice from them.
11. Contractors quoted rate shall be deemed to include for cost of testing of materials as per relevant
IS codes
12. Site for execution of work will be available as soon as the work is awarded. In case, it is not
possible for Department to make the entire site available on the award of work, the contractor
will have to arrange his working program accordingly. No claim whatsoever for not giving the
entire site on award of work and for giving the site gradually will be tenable.
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13. DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD : In term of Condition 46 of IAFW 2249 General Condition of
Contract (as amended vide amendment No 48) of the defect liability period for the subject work
shall be 24 (Twenty four) calendar Months after the works have been handed over to
14. Since the work lies in restricted area, carrying camera enabled mobile phone by contractors or
their agents are strictly prohibited. Also all vehicles brought by contractors in connection with
execution of work shall possess valid papers and license and shall produce for security check.
The contractor, his agents, work people etc shall adhere to the security instructions as laid down
in the contract conditions strictly. No claim whatsoever for observance of restrictions imposed at
site shall be admissible at any stage of work.
S C H E D U L E - `C'
List of Tools and plant (other than transport) which will be hired to the
Contractor (See conditions 15, 34 and 35 of IAFW 2249)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
S C H E D U L E - `D'
1 2 3 4 7 8
The President of India
Having examined and perused the following documents:
1. Specifications & Special Conditions signed by the Jt. Director (Contracts) for the Chief Engineer
(Coast Guard) Goa -403806
2. Drawings detailed in the specifications.
3. BOQ and Schedule `A', `B', `C', and `D' attached hereto.
4. MES Standard Schedule of Rates Part-I 2009 Specifications (including amendment Nos. 01 to 03)
and MES Standard Schedule of Rates 2020 Part-II Rates (including amendment N. 01 to 122 &
section 30) {hereinafter and in IAFW-2249 referred to as the MES Schedule}.
5. General Conditions of Contracts IAFW-2249 [1989 Print] together with errata 01 to 20 and
amendments 01 to 48 and the Schedule of Minimum Wages.
6. Water Condition 31 of IAFW-2249 [General Conditions of Contracts].
7. Should this tender be accepted, * I/WE AGREE
*(a) "That the sum of Rs 8,25,000/- (Rupees Eigh Lakhs Twenty Five Thousand only) forwarded
as Earnest Moneywhich shall either be retained as a part of Security Deposit or be refunded by the
Government on receipt of an appropriate amount of the Security Deposit, within the time specified
as per condition 22 of IAFW-2249.
(b) To execute all the works referred to in the said documents upon the terms and conditions
contained or referred to therein and as detailed in the Summary and to carry out such deviations as
may be ordered vide condition 7 of IAFW-2249 up to a maximum of (+)10% (Ten Percent) and
further agree to refer all disputes as required by condition 70 to sole Arbitration of Serving Officer
having degree in Engineering or equivalent or having passed final/direct final examination of sub
division-II of Institution of Surveyors (India) recognized by the Government to be appointed by the
Engineer-in-Chief, or in his absence the Officer officiating as the Engineer-in-Chief, or the Director
General of Works if specially delegated in writing by the Engineer-in-Chief, Army HQ, New Delhi
whose decision shall be final, conclusive and binding.
____________________________________ duly authorized to sign the tender for and on behalf OF M/s
_________________ Address_________________
_________________ __________________
__________ Alterations have been made in this document and as evidence that these alterations were
made before the execution of the contract agreement these have been initialled by the contractor and
Shri. O V Mudda, Jt. Director (Contracts).
The said officer is hereby authorised to sign and initial on my behalf the documents forming part of this
The above tender was accepted by me on behalf of the President of India for the Contract Sum
of Rs___________________________ (Rupees___________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________________ Only)
on the _________ day of_____________2022.
A copy of the GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACTS - IAFW 2249 (1989 Print) with errata
1 to 20 and amendment No. 1 to 48 has been supplied to me/us, has been perused by me/us and is in
my/our possession. I/We have read and understood the provisions contained in the aforesaid
GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACTS before submission of this tender and I/We shall abide by
the terms and conditions thereof, as modified if any, elsewhere in these tender documents.
It is hereby further agreed and declared by me/us, that the GENERAL CONDITIONS OF
CONTRACTS, IAFW-2249 (1989 Print) including condition 70 thereof pertaining to settlement of
disputes by arbitration, containing 33 pages (serial page Nos. 31 to 63) with errata 1 to 20 and
amendment Nos. 1 to 48 (serial page Nos. 64 to 80) form part of these tender documents.
Note: In case of difference in interpretation due to wordings of English and Hindi versions of the
General Conditions of Contracts (IAFW-2249) (1989 Print), the English version will prevail.
It is hereby agreed by me/us that the “Schedule of minimum fair wages”.(SMWF) Containing as
published vide Government of India Ministry of Labour letter No 1(2)/92-IS-II Dated 10 Mar 1992 revised
up-to-date of opening of tender comprising 10 (Ten) pages, Sl Page Nos 81 to 90 shall form part of
these tender documents.
* My/our signature hereunder is deemed to me/us* having signed the foresaid Schedule of
minimum fair wages forming part of the tender.
1.1 The following special conditions shall be read in conjunction with General Conditions of Contracts
(IAFW-2249 1989 print) including amendments and errata thereto. If provisions in these special
conditions are at variance with the provisions in the foresaid documents, the provisions in these special
conditions shall be deemed to take precedence there over.
2.1 Contractor’s special attention is drawn to conditions 2A and 3 of General Conditions of contracts
(IAFW-2249) and also to the Indian Official Secret Act –1923 (particularly section 5). The contractor is
bound by the provisions of the Ac t. The contractor shall not communicate any classified information
regarding works either to sub contractor(s) or others without prior approval of Engineer-in- Charge. The
contractor shall also not make copies of the design/drawings and other documents furnished to him in
respect of works and he shall return all the documents on completion of the work or on earlier
termination of the contract. The contractor shall along with final bill attach a receipt from the Engineer-in
–Charge in respect of his having returned the classified documents as per condition 3 of the General
conditions of Contracts (IAFW-2249).
4.1 The tenderer is advised to inspect samples of the local buildings materials maintained by the GE
before submitting his tender. He will be deemed to have full knowledge of these materials whether he
inspects them or not. The materials to be provided by the contractor shall conform to/shall be superior to
the standard of samples displayed in the office of Garrison Engineer in matter of quality unless otherwise
4.2 All materials unless otherwise specified (excluding the materials issued under Schedule ’B’)
supplied and incorporated in the works shall comply with the requirements of relevant Bureau of Indian
Standards (BIS) (latest edition), duly ISI marked. Material having ISI certification marks issued by BIS
only will be incorporated in the work except where specified “Makes” have been specified in which case
such article/material/equipment of particular ‘Make’ specified shall only be incorporated in the works.
These provisions shall supersede all the specifications given elsewhere in the tender documents.
4.3 The contractor shall produce samples of materials for incorporation direct to the GE and get them
approved in the writing by the GE before commencement of work. All samples of materials, articles etc
as approved shall be labelled as such and shall be signed by GE and contractor and kept in the safe
custody of GE/Engineer-in- Charge.
(a) The quantity of materials such as cement, steel, paints, Waterproofing compound, chemicals for
Anti termite treatment and the like, as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The quantity of which cannot
be checked after incorporation in the work) shall be recorded in measurement books and signed by
contractor and Engineer-in-Charge as a check to ensure that the required quantity has been brought to
site for incorporation in the work.
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(b) Materials brought to site shall be stored as directed by the Engineer-in –Charge and those
already entered in measurement book shall be suitably marked for identification.
(c) Contractors shall produce vouchers and invoices from the manufacturer and or their authorized
agents as applicable for the full quantity of all the materials as claimed in RAR as “Material lying at site”.
However purchase voucher in respect of Major E/M equipment’s, pump, motor etc as decided by GE
shall invariably be submitted even if these materials are not claimed in RAR as “Materials lying at site”.
Regarding purchase voucher for cement & steel refer relevant particular specification clauses.
(d) The contractor shall on demand to produce to the GE, original receipted vouchers/ Invoices in
respect of materials as stated in sub para ‘C’ above and voucher shall be verified / stamped by
Engineer-in-Charge indicating contract number. The contractor shall ensure that materials are brought
to site in original sealed in containers or packing bearing manufacturer’s marking except in the case of
the total requirement less than the smallest packing.
(e) Bitumen shall be purchased directly from manufacturers only. The vouchers/invoices shall be
defaced by the GE/ Engineer-in-charge, indicating contract number under his dated signature and CTC
thereof shall be kept on record so as avoid their being used again.
6.1 The contractor shall permit free access and generally afford reasonable facilities to other
agencies or Departmental workmen engaged by Government to carryout their part of the works, if any,
under separate arrangements.
6.2 The contractor’s prices shall be deemed to cater for all the above contingencies and nothing
extra shall be admissible on this account.
7.0 DAMAGE TO EXISTING STRUCTURE/ BUILDING:- Any damage done to existing structure
during the execution of work shall be made good by the contractor at his own cost and the site of work
left clean and tidy on completion. Rectification/reinstatement/making good etc shall conform to the
standard of materials originally used in the work and finalized work shall match with the existing work in
all respects to the entire satisfaction of the GE. In case of any dispute on this account the matter shall be
referred to the Accepting Officer whose decision in writing shall be final conclusive and binding.
required to employ more than twenty workmen on the works under this contract, shall be bound by the
contract labour (Regulation and Abolition Act 1970) and rules framed under. No contractor can
undertake or execute his work without a license issued by a licensing Officer
9.2 The fair wages referred to in condition 58 of IAFW-2249 shall be deemed to be the same as the
minimum wages payable as referred to above.
9.3 The contractor shall have no claim whatsoever if on account of local factor and or regulations
or otherwise he is required to pay the wages in excess of minimum wages as described above during
the execution of work receipt except reimbursement refund of wages of labour specified hereinafter.
9.4 No payment to contractors/firms shall be made unless proof of payment of wages to workmen is
submitted by the contractors/firms. In case of payments are made in cash, certificate will be submitted by
the contractors/firms along with undertaking by the concerned workmen asking for payment other than
by cheque or by crediting in the bank account of the employee/workmen
CA NO.CECG/GOA/ OF 2022-23 Serial Page No 93
10.1 The contractor shall employ only Indian Nationals and his representatives servants, workmen
and verify their antecedents and loyalty before employing them on the works. He shall ensure that no
person of doubtful antecedents and Nationality is, in any way associated with the works and if for
reasons of technical collaboration or other consideration, the employment of any foreign national is
unavoidable, the contractor furnish full particulars to this effect to the Accepting Officer at the time of
submission of tender. The GE shall have full powers and without giving any reasons to the contractor
immediately cease to to employ in connection of this contract any Representative Agent, servant and
workmen or employee whose continued employment in his opinion is undesirable. The contractor shall
not be allowed any compensation on this account.
14.2 For the purpose of this condition, plant/equipment shall be given vehicle No i.e. trucks and Lorries
but neither the workmen tools or any manually operated tools/equipment. The Engineer-in-charge shall
record the particulars supplied by the contractor in works dairy and send the return to the GE for record
in his office.
15.1 Reference Condition 14 of General Conditions of Contracts (IAFW-2249). No quarries on
defence land are available.
17.2 During the currency of the work, the contractor is expected to adhere to the time schedule and
this adherence will be part of the contractor’s performance under the contract. During the execution of
the work the contractor is expected to participate in the review and updating of network undertaken by
the GE. The review may be undertaken at the discretion of the GE either as periodical appraisal
measure or when the quantum of work ordered on the contractor is substantially changed through
deviation order or amendments. Any revision of time schedule as a result of the review will be submitted
by the contractor by the GE within a week for his approval after due scrutiny. The contractor shall adhere
to the revised time schedule thereafter. In case of contractor not agreeing with the revised schedule, the
same will be referred to the Accepting Officer whose decision shall be final conclusive and binding. GE’s
approval to the revised schedule resulting in a completing date beyond the stipulated date of completion
shall be automatically account to a grant of extension of time. Extension of time shall be considered and
decided by the appropriate authority mentioned in condition 11 of IAFW-2249 and separately regulated.
17.3 Contractor is expected to mobilize and employ sufficient resources to achieve the detailed
schedule within the broad frame work of the accepted methods of working and safety. No additional
payment will be made to the contractor for any multiple shifts or other incentive contemplated by him in
his work schedule even though the time schedule is approved by the Department.
18.1 (Refer condition 49 of IAFW-2249, General Conditions of Contract). The contractor shall remove
from the site unused stores and huts and the like belonging to the contractor provided for the
execution of work under this contract and the site of works shall be cleared off all rubbish and waste
materials by the contractor and the site of work delivered in clean and tidy manner to the satisfaction of
the Engineer-in-Charge on before the date of completion. Nothing extra whatsoever shall be paid to the
contractor for such clearance of site.
18.2 The contractor shall clean all floors, remove cement/lime/pain drops etc clean the joinery, glass
panes etc, touch up all painting work and carry out all other necessary items of work in connection there
with and leave the whole premises clean and tidy to the entire satisfaction entire satisfaction of the
Engineer-in-Charge before handing over the buildings.
19.1 To determine the acceptable standard of workmanship, portion of different works included in the
Schedule ‘A’ (sample quarter/ Work)as decided by GE shall be completed by the contractor well in
advance under close supervision of the Engineer-in-Charge and shall be got approved from the GE. The
workmanship of various trades and finishes of this portion shall serve as guiding samples for work in the
remaining buildings.
19.2 The contractor shall proceed with work in bulk only after satisfactory compliance of the
requirements in Para 21.1 above. The total completion period allowed for work shall be deemed to have
made allowance for the requirement.
20.0 OUT OF POCKET EXPENSES :- Out of pocket expenses incurred by the tenderer in submitting
this tender shall not be reimbursed whether tender is accepted or not.
21.2 No area is available for contractors temporary shed etc. No Defence land is available for
contractors storage shed/ temporary shed. Accommodation of labour and canteen for which contractor
shall make his own arrangement at his own expenses.
22.0 WORKING HOURS/ DAYS: - The contractor or his workmen shall not be permitted to work on
Sundays, Holidays or after normal working hours without prior written permission of the GE/ AGE (I).
CA NO.CECG/GOA/ OF 2022-23 Serial Page No 95
23.3 However, the contractor, his agents, servants, work people and vehicle may pass
through the unit lies in which case the Engineer-in-Charge shall at his discretion, has
right to issue passes to control their admission to the site of works or any part thereof.
The contractor shall on demand by the Engineer-in-Charge submit a list of personnel etc,
concerned and shall satisfy the Engineer-in-Charge as to the bonafides of such people.
Passes shall be returned at any time on demand by the Engineer-in-Charge and in any
case on completion of work.
23.4 The Contractor and his work people shall observe all the rules promulgated from the
authority controlling the area in which the work is to be carried out viz. prohibition of
smoking, lighting and fire precaution, restricted hours of working etc. if any. Any person
found violating the security rules laid down by the authority, shall be immediately
expelled from the area without assigning any reasons whatsoever and the Contractor
shall have no claim on this account. Nothing shall be admissible any man-hour lost on
this account.
23.5 The contractor, his agents and representative are required individually to be in
possession of an Identity Card or pass duly verified by the police department. The
Identity Cards or pass will be examined by the security staff at the time of entry into or
exit from the areas and also at any time or number of times inside the area.
(a) The rates quoted by the Contractor shall be deemed to be inclusive of all taxes (including GST,
Labour Welfare Cess/tax etc) duties, Royalties, Octroi & other levies payable under the respective
statutes. No reimbursement/refund for variation in rates of taxes, duties, Royalties, Octroi & other
levies, and/or imposition/abolition of any new/existing taxes, duties, royalties, Octroi & other levies shall
be made except as provided in sub para (b) here-in-below.
(b) (i) The taxes which are levied by Govt at certain percentage rates of contract sum/Amount shall
be termed as “taxes directly related to contract value” such as GST on Works Contracts, Labour Welfare
Cess/tax and like but excluding Income Tax. The tendered rates shall be deemed to be inclusive of all
“taxes/GST directly related to Contract value” with existing percentage rates as prevailing on last due
date for receipt of tenders. Any increase in percentage rates of “taxes/GST directly related to Contract
Value” with reference to prevailing rates on last due date for receipt of tenders shall be reimbursed to the
Contractor and any decrease in percentage rates of “taxes/GST directly related to contract value” with
reference to prevailing rates on last due date for receipt of tender shall be refunded by the Contractor to
the Govt/deducted by the Govt from any payments due to the contractor. Similarly imposition of any new
“taxes GST directly related to Contract value” after the last due date for receipt of tenders shall be
reimbursed to the contractor and abolition of any “taxes/ GST directly related to contract value”
prevailing on last due date for receipt of tenders shall be refunded by the Contractor to the
Govt/deducted by the Govt from the payments due to the Contractor.
(ii) The Contractor shall, within a reasonable time of his becoming aware of variation in percentage rates
and/or imposition of any further “taxes/ GST directly related to Contract value”, give written notice thereof
to the GE stating that the same is given pursuant to this Special Condition, together with all information
relating thereto which he may be in a position to supply. The Contractors shall submit the other
documentary proof/information’s as the GE may require.
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(iii) The Contractor shall, for the purpose of this condition keep such books of account and other
documents as are necessary and shall allow inspection of the same by a duly authorized representative
of Govt, and shall further, at the request of the GE furnish, verified in such a manner as the GE may
require, any documents so kept and such other information as the GE may require.
25.1 Contractor’s attention is invited to condition 25 of IAFW-2249. He shall employ only Indian
Nationals after verifying their antecedents and loyalty. The contractor shall on demand by the Engineer-
in-Charge submit list of his agents, employees and work people concerned and shall satisfy the
Engineer-in-Charge as to the bonafide of such people.
25.2 The Engineer-in-Charge shall at his discretion have the right to use passes as per rules and
regulations of the installation/Area in force to control the admission of the contractor, his agents
employees and work people to the site of the work or any part thereof. Passes should be returned at any
time on demand by the Engineer-in-Charge or the authorities concerned and in any case on completion
of work.
25.3 The contractor and his agents, employees and work people shall observe all the rules promulgated
by the authority controlling the installation/Area in which the work is to be carried out e.g., prohibition of
smoking and lighting, fire precautions search of persons on entry and exist, keeping to specific routes,
observing specified timing etc, nothing extra shall be admissible for any man hours etc, lost on this
25.4 Security passes will be issued by Indian Coast Guard Dist HQs No-11 on submission police
verification of individual including COVID 19 (-)ve certificate, Rates quoted are deemed to be inclusive of
all clearance including quarantine period if necessary
26.1.1 The scope of conciliation shall be only applicable to the following type of disputes with financial
limit as indicated therein: -
(a) Disputes relating to levy of compensation for delay in completion-actual amount of
(c) Disputes relating to interpretation of the provisions of the contract with reference to their
application to parties.
(d) Disputes relating to non return of Schedule ‘B’ stores over issued to contractor.
(e) Any other dispute having fair chances of being resolved by conciliation and considered fit to
be referred to conciliation by the parties.
Note : For item (b), (c), (d) and (e) each as stated above the financial limit shall be Rupees
Two lakhs or one percent of the contract amount whichever is less.
26.2.1 The party initiating conciliation shall send to the other party a written invitation to conciliate,
briefly Identifying the subject of the dispute.
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26.2.2 Conciliation proceedings shall commence when the other party accepts in writing the invitation to
26.2.3 If the other party rejects, the invitation, there will be no conciliation proceedings. If the party
initiating conciliation does not receive a reply within 30 days from the date on which he sends or within
such other periods of time as specified in the invitation, he may elect to treat this as a rejection of the
invitation to conciliate and if he so elects, he shall inform in writing the other party accordingly.
26.4 Appointment of conciliator :- All disputes brought out in Para 30.1.1 (a) to (e) above shall be
referred to the sole Conciliator viz Serving Officer not below the rank of Superintending
Engineer/Superintending Engineer (QS &C) having degree in Engineering or equivalent or having
passed final/direct final examination of Sub Division II of Institution of Surveyors (India) to be appointed
by the Engineer-in-Chief, Army Headquarters, New Delhi or in his absence the Officer officiating as
Engineer-in –Chief or Director General of Works specifically delegated by the Engineer-in-Chief in
26.5 Status of Effect of Settlement Agreement: - The settlement agreement signed by the parties as a
result of conciliation proceedings shall have the same status and effect as it is an arbitral award on
agreed terms.
26.6 On finalization of conciliation proceedings the settlement agreement shall be signed by Accepting
Officer on behalf of Union of India and Contractor or his accredited representative duly agreed and
26.7 The amount of settlement shall be treated as an agreed amount payable under the contract
and such payment shall be processed through hand receipt.
MORE) :- In compliance with the Condition 26 of IAFW-2249 (General Conditions of Contracts), the
contractor shall employ skilled/semi skilled tradesmen who are qualified and possessing certificate in
particular trade from Industrial Training Institute (ITI)/National Institute of Construction Management and
Research (NICMAR)/ National academy of construction(NAC) Hyderabad. Similar reputed and
recognized institutes by State/Central Government, to execute the works of their respective trade. The
number of such qualified tradesmen shall not be less than 25% of total skilled/semi skilled tradesmen
required in each trade. The contractor shall submit the list of such tradesmen alongwith requisite
certificate to Garrison Engineer for verification and approval. Notwithstanding the approval of such
tradesmen by GE, if the tradesmen are found to have inadequate skill to execute the work of their trades
leading to unsatisfactory workmanship, the contractor shall remove such tradesmen within a week after
written notice to this effect by the GE and shall engage other qualified tradesmen after prior approval of
GE. GEs decision whether a particulartradesmen possesses requisite qualification, skill and expertise
commensurate with nature of work shall be final and binding. No compensation whatsoever on this
account shall be admissible.
28.1 Provided further, the contractor may be paid advance on account to the full value of the under
mentioned materials only brought on the site, on his furnishing guarantee bond(s) from a schedule bank
for the amount of the retention money which should otherwise be recoverable from him under the
28.2 The Bank Guarantee Bond (s) shall be executed for a period and on a form as directed by the
Accepting Officer. The contractor shall further arrange to extend the period of guarantee bond (s) of an
when necessary, as directed by the Accepting Officer or shall furnish fresh guarantee bond (s) of similar
value in lieu.
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(a) Electric light fitting, ceiling fittings, Electrical equipment/machinery.
(b) Any other items which are considered as material that deserves full payment in the opinion of GE.
30.1 All contractors shall get themselves registered with Employees Provident Fund Organization
and deposit the necessary contributions with the EPFO. All the workers deployed by contractors shall be
enrolled as members of Provident Fund and should be given the Universal Account Number (UAN).
While submitting the Running Account Receipt and Final Bill, the contractor shall submit a certificate to
the effect that all the workers employed directly or indirectly by him are registered for EPF and due
contributions have been credited into their account. Failure to provide social security benefits to the
workers employed by the contractor are an offence under EPF & MP Act and appropriate penal can be
taken in case of failure to ensure compliance of the Act.
31.1 Contractor shall make his own arrangement to make approach for working without any extra cost.
All existing roads to be used by the vehicle of the contractor or any of his sub contractors or suppliers of
materials or plant shall be kept clean and clear of all dust and other extraneous materials dropped by the
said vehicles or their tyres every day.
31.2 Any structural damage caused to the existing roads by the contractor’s construction equipment
shall be made good without any extra cost within seven days, failing which Rs 10,000/- damages per
week shall be charged till the road is required by the contractor.
32.1 Refer Condition 15 of IAFW-2249
32.2 Where the contractor procures road roller (s) from sources other than the Department, a log book
for each road roller shall be maintained by him for recording hours of working of the Road Roller. Entries
in the log book shall be signed by the contractor or his authorised representative and by the Engineer-in-
32.3 To ensure proper consolidation, Road Roller must work for atleast the number of days assessed
on the basis of output (per day for 8 hours work) hereunder :-
(i) Consolidation of formation surfaces/sub grade :1850 Sqm
(ii) Consolidation of stone soling 15 Cm spread thickness : 800 Sqm
(iii) Consolidation of WBM (stone metal) 7.5 cm compacted thickness : 372 Sqm
(iv) Consolidation of 2.5 cm bituminous carpet including seal coat : 600 Sqm
(v) For Consolidation of 2.5 cm/4.0cm thick dense asphaltic concrete, out put of road rollers
shall be assessed by GE as per Engineering practice for proper rolling and compaction of road
surface and fix minimum rolling hours for entire work. Proper record in this regard duly signed by
contractor, Engineer-in-Charge & GE shall be kept on record by GE.
32.4 If the roller has not worked for the number of days so assessed, recovery shall be affected from
the contractor for the number of days falling short of the days assessed on the basis of output stipulated
above. The recovery shall be effected as under :-
(a) Where road roller is hired by the contractor only from sources other than the Department
at Rs 1500/- working day of 8 hours.
32.5 The above provision shall not absolve the contractor of his responsibility for properly
consolidating surfaces as required under the provisions of the contract.
(a) CEMENT: The cement cost component for the contract as a whole shall be taken as Kc % of the
value of works executed under the contact. Accordingly value/cost of cement consumed in the work as
wail as that lying at site for which reimbursement/refund is applicable shall be :
VMC = (Kç x Vg) + Vc
Variation in prices of cement shall be worked out by applying the following formula:-
Vg = Amount of work done priced at contract rates up to for the last date of the period of reckoning
excluding amount payable to the contractor towards items on star rate and PC sum.
Vc = Cost of all cement lying at site for incorporation in the work excluding cement issued under
Schedule 'B' and excluding cement brought and paid or payable to contractor under Price Cost Sum
and/or Star Rate (s).
C1 = Wholesale Price Index for Cement (Base Year as applicable to be mentioned by tender issuing
authority)published by Economic Adviser to the Government of India as on the date of commencement
of the period of reckoning in case the original contract period is extended: under condition 11 of General
Conditions of Contracts(IAFW-2249), the Price Index as applicable on the date of commencement of the
last period of reckoning before the original completion date (s) (phase wise except where phasing has
been done only for sample quarter/block)shall only be applicable during the extended period.
If phasing has been done for only sample quarter/sample block, the price index as applicable on the date
of commencement of the last reckoning period before the original completion date of the project as a
whole shall only be applicable during the extended period.
Co = As per C1 but the index as on the last due date of Bid Submission. In case of tenders for specialist
works made in two parts viz "T" and "Q", Co shall be as on date of opening of "Q" Bid.
Note- The type of cement wholesale Price index shall be considered for Co & C1, shall be specified in
the tender based on type of cement to be used in the work and after verifying the type of cement for
which Whole sale Price Index is published by Economic Adviser to the Government of India.
VMc2 = Amount of cement up to the last date of the period of reckoning for which variation is adjustable
as worked out as per formula for VMC.
b) STEEL : The Steel cost component for the contract asa whole shall be taken as Ks% of the value of
works executed under the contract. Accordingly value/cost of steel consumed in the work as well as that
lying at site for which reimbursement/refund is applicable shall be
VMs = (Ks x Vg) + Vs
Variation in prices of steel shall be worked out by applyingthe following formula:-
EMs = (VMS2 - VMS1) x (S1-So)
EMs= Variation in prices of steel to be adjusted.
Ks = Constant representing the percentage cost of Steel as compared to the total value of work under
the contract as a whole.The value of Ks for this work shall be 20(Twenty)only.
Vs = Cost of all steel lying at site for incorporation in the work excluding steel issued under Schedule 'B'
and excluding steel brought and paid or payable to contractor under Prime Cost Sum and/or Star
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S1 = Wholesale Price Index for Mild Steel (Long Products)(Base Year as applicable to be mentioned by
tender issuing authority) published by Economic Advisor to the Government of India as on the date of
commencement of it he period of reckoning. In case the original contract period is extended under
Condition 11 of General Conditions of Contracts (IAFW-2249), the Price Index as applicable on the date
of commencement of the last period of reckoning before the original completion date(s)(phase wise
except where phasing has been done only for sample quarter/block) shall only be applicable during the
extended period. If phasing has been done for onlysample quarter/sample block, the price index as
applicable on the date of commencement of the last reckoning period before the original completion date
of the period as a whole shall only be applicable during the extended period.
So = As per S1 but the Index as on the last due date of Bid Submission. In case of tenders for specialist
works made in two parts viz "T" and "Q", So shall be as on date of opening of "Q" Bid.
VMS2 = Amount of steel up to the last date of the period of reckoning for which variation is adjustable as
worked out as per formula for VMs.
2. No adjustment in prices shall be made for any work done with materials brought at site after the
original date of completion of the work as mentioned in work order No.01 under contract except as
contemplated under definition of C1, S1 and W1 hereinbefore.
3. Periodicity of working out the escalation on account of variation in prices will be three months.
The last calculation shall however be done for the value of work at contract rates and materials lying at
site for incorporation in the work as on date of completion or extension there of as mentioned in Note 2
above. Valuation of RARS is to be timed in such a manner that relevant date required for quarterly
calculation under this condition is available from RARS.
In case on these dates no RAR is preferred by the contractor, dummy RAR would be prepared & shall
be kept on record duly technically checked and audited. Amount payable relevant to work done and
materials collected in quarter will be worked out after firm whole sale price indices for the relevant
quarter are available.
Once the amount adjustable for any quarter is worked out, the same shall be adjusted as and along with
advance on account payment in the subsequent RAR (s).
4. Any dispute arising out of interpretation or application of this Special Condition shall be referred
tothe Accepting Officer whose decision shall be final and binding.
5. For the purpose of calculation of retention money liquidated damages, GST on works contracts,
deductionof income tax at source and recovery of water charges (in case of un metered supply) the
value of contracts are revised by the above price variation will be taken into account.
6. In cases, where value of VM2 - VM1 works out to minus on account of higher utilization of
schedule B'stores (i.e value of Sch B stores under contract as a whole is higher than KoM value) and the
reimbursement ona account of variation in prices of materials (except Cement & Steel) works out to be
negative in spite of the Whole sale Price Index for All Commodities published by Economic Adviser to
Government of India going up from Wc, reimbursement on account of variation in prices of materials
shall be treated as "Nil".
1.1 Works under this contract shall be carried out as detailed in different parts of Schedule `A' and in
accordance with Particular Specifications, Drawings including notes thereon, Special Conditions,
provisions given in General Summary and General rules and Specifications/Provisions given in
MES SSR Part I-2009 as well as General rules, Special conditions and preambles to various
rates given in MES SSR Part II- 2020. (including amendment N. 01 to 122 & section 30) (MES
SSR Part I-2009 and Part II-2020 hereinafter called as MES Schedule).
1.2 The term `General Specifications referred to in these documents as well as referred to in IAFW-
2249(General Conditions of Contracts) shall mean the specifications contained in the MES
Schedule Part I.
1.3 General Rules, Specifications, Special conditions, method of measurements and all preambles in
the MES Schedule shall be deemed to be applicable to the work under this contract, unless
specifically stated otherwise in these documents. In case of variance between provisions in these
documents and those given in MES Schedule, the provisions in these documents shall take
precedence over the aforesaid provisions in the MES Schedule.
1.4 The term “as specified” wherever appears in tender documents and drawings, relates to relevant
particular specifications and in its absence General specifications.
1.5 Particular specifications in this section given hereinafter shall be generally applicable to all works
covered under all parts of Schedule ‘A’s. The particular specifications are in brief and are only to
particularize, amend and emphasize the specifications given in MES Schedule, which are not
1.6 Where specifications for any item of work are not given in these particular specifications or in
MES Schedule, specifications as given in relevant Indian Standard or Code of Practice shall be
1.7 Reference to any drawings which is mentioned on the drawings forming part of the tender or
mentioned in these particular specifications but not specifically mentioned in the list of drawings
shall be deemed to be forming part of the tender. The tenderer shall refer such drawings/ details
in the office of Accepting Officer / GE/AGE(I) before quoting his tender.
1.8 The tenderer shall not take cognizance of note (s) appearing on drawing regarding the bearing
capacity of the soil taken into consideration while designing the foundation, as it is for
departmental purpose only.
4.1 All materials to be supplied by the contractor for incorporation in work shall confirm to relevant
specifications / IS.
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4.2 In case specifications of materials needed for incorporation is not contained anywhere in the
contract documents, the specifications of such materials proposed to be incorporated in work
shall be got approved in writing from the GE/AGE(I) before incorporation in the work. Contractor
is advised to check availability, lead, time of procurement from these suppliers before quoting.
4.3 As far as practicable all manufactured articles other than those manufactured in contractor’s
workshop at site shall bear ISI certification mark and which are readily available in the market
and are given in SpecialConditions. It is mandatory for the contractor that ISI certified marked
items/articles as listed therein shall only be incorporated in the work. Names of manufactures/
suppliers ofcertain items/materials are given in Appendix ‘B’to Particular Specifications. The
Contractor is advised to check availability/ lead time of procurement from these suppliers
before quoting.
4.4 Local materials such as stone aggregate, sand, lime etc shall generally conform to the sample
kept in GE/AGE(I)’s office in addition to their conformity with relevant specifications given in the
tender documents. The samples of such materials shall be got approved from GE/AGE(I) in
writing before the materials are brought at site in bulk. The contractor shall submit samples of
materials to GE/AGE(I) through Engineer-in-Charge for approval.
4.5 Letters conveying approval of samples/materials by GE/AGE(I) will interalia mention source of
supply/name of manufacturer, trade name/brand (if applicable) and reference to clause of the
tender documents containing specification of particular materials.
4.6 The contractor and executives will ensure that the materials incorporated in the work are
identical with the approved samples.
5.1 All the materials to be incorporated in the work shall be subject to quality control tests as per the
testing procedure and frequency as laid down in relevant IS and or as specified in the tender
5.2 Irrespective of whatever is indicated elsewhere in the tender documents the modalities of
testing arrangements shall be as given here in after.
5.3 The contractor shall set-up a site laboratory fully equipped to the satisfaction of GE/AGE(I) to
carryout the `A’ type tests as given in Appendix ‘D’ to these specifications. The laboratory shall
be set up in all respects before any activity requiring tests as indicated above is physically
commenced. Contractor shall employ a competent person technically qualified as approved by
the GE/AGE(I) to carryout the testing activities. All the tests shall be carried out in the presence
of Engineer –in-Charge and records shall be jointly signed with the contractor.
5.4 Entire cost of laboratory and its functioning including cost of samples will be borne by the
contractor in all respects and no separate recovery for testing charges shall be effected for
tests/re-test carried out at site laboratory. If in the opinion of GE/AGE(I) (Whose decision in this
regard shall be final and binding)
5.5 Any of the tests as given in Appendix (D) to these specifications cannot be satisfactorily carried
out in the site laboratory at any stage due to any reason, the same shall be got done in NABL
approved lab/ IIT/ NIT/ Govt. Engg Collegesas approved by GE/AGE(I) in respect of which all
expenditure there of shall be borne by the contractor.
5.6 Any tests marked as type `A’,`B’ or `C’ in Appendix `D’, if got done at Zonal lab / SEMT wing
Pune, testing charges as indicated against them will be recovered from the contractor. In
addition to this the contractor shall arrange for samples and its handing/transportation to the
concerned labs at his own cost.
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5.7 The tests marked as type `B’ and `C’ will not be carried out in the site laboratory. These tests
shall be carried out only in zonal lab / SEMT wing / Govt. approved lab/National test House /
Engineering College as approved by the GE/AGE(I). Incase type `B’ and `C’ testing is done in
zonal lab / SEMT wing the testing charges recoveries shall be as indicated in the Appendix ‘D’
to these PS against each test. However, if testing is done in other places as given above the
actual cost will be directly borne by the contractor.
5.8 The list of tests given in Appendix ‘D’ to these PS contains only a few common tests. However
all other tests required in the work but not covered in the appendix shall also be got done in
Govt. approved lab/Engineering College/National Test House as approved by GE/AGE(I) and
entire cost of sample, handling, transportation and actual testing charges will be borne by the
contractor directly.
6.1.1 Before commencing the construction, the contractor shall carry out the preparatory work, such
as removal of grass, vegetation etc. trimming/surface dressing of the area as per Clause 3.6
and 3.10 of SSR PART-I 2009, to the entire satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge. However, no
trees must be cut on site without permission GE.
6.2.1 Before starting excavation work, the contractor shall carry out surface excavation in soft/
disintegrated rock not exceeding 30 cm deep and averaging 15cm deep over the entire area
covered by the works under Schedule `A' / BOQ.
6.2.2 Surface excavation shall be carried out before the excavation for foundation is started.
6.2.3 All spoils obtained from surface excavation shall be disposed off to a distance n. exc. 50 m as
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge
6.3.1 Unit rates for buildings in Schedule `A' Part-I shall include for excavation and earthwork in soft/
disintegrated rock. Any change in strata during excavation than mentioned hereinbefore shall
be regularized through a deviation order.
6.3.2 Excavation shall be done to the depth as shown on drawings/as required at site and as directed
by Engineer-in-Charge.
6.3.3 Decision of the Garrison Engineer shall be final, conclusive and binding as regards
classification of soils and rocks met during excavation.
6.3.4 Quoted cost of all items of Schedule `A' /BOQ shall also be deemed to include for bailing,
pumping, dewatering from foundation trenches if water is met with or accumulated from any
source or cause or working in water or liquid mud. No additional payment as stipulated in
Clause 3.11 of MES Schedule Part II will be admissible. In the event ofdeviations, no
adjustment shall be made for cost of bailing, pumping and dewatering, specified hereinbefore.
The Contractor shall be deemed to have acquainted himself with the sub-soil water table at site
before submitting his tender.
6.4 Before commencement of earth work existing ground levels shall be taken jointly by Engineer-in-
Charge and Contractor at an internal of not more than 5mtr longitudinally and cross sections shall be
prepared showing existing ground levels, proposed formation levels, proposed gradient and camber on
graph sheet which shall be signed by Engineer-in-Charge and contractor. Ground levels shall be
entered in MB as a record and earth work shall be computed by Simpson’s Rule. The finished
formation level shall also be taken jointly and shall also be recorded in MB and signed jointly.
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6.6. In case timbering to excavation is required and specifically ordered by the GE in writing, it shall
be paid as deviation.
6.7.1 The excavation shall be restricted to dimensions shown on the drawings and as specified in
MES Schedule. Excavation made, if any, in excess of required depth/width shall be made good
by the Contractor with cement concrete 1:7:12 type F2 without extra cost to the Government
6.7.2 The beds of the trenches shall be watered and well rammed and any depressions thus formed
shall be filled with approved earth as required to the level and slopes as directed by Engineer-
6.8.1 The approved soil/ soft rock obtained from excavation (except earth/ spoil obtained from surface
dressing ) shall be used for returning, filling in trenches, under floors or any other situation after
removing big stones, grass, roots and vegetables and other organic matter. Earth mixed with
small stones/ pebbles (if approved by GE) is permitted for use in filling around pipes after the
pipes are laid and tested. Any additional earth required for the purpose of filling shall be
arranged by contractor at no extra cost to the Department from outside the Defence Land.
6.8.2 Filling under floors / sides of trenches shall be in layers not exceeding 250mm and each layer
shall be watered, compacted and rammed as approved by Engineer-in-Charge.
6.8.3 Surplus soil/ spoil shall be removed out side MD land. For the purpose of omit part of deviation
order, it shall be considered as 5 KM to designated authorised landfill area as per the local by
6.8.4 Contractor shall provide leveling instrument ‘Total Station’ with operator for taking the existing
and final levels by Board of Officers without any extra cost to Government.
(a) The area of cutting and /or filling in each cross section shall be separately computed by
Simpson’s rule as described here in after. The volume {cubic contents} of cutting and/or
filling shall be separately computed by Prismoidal formula all as described here in after. For
computing area of cross section the interval between two ordinates shall be as described
by the Engineer-in-charge to suit the site conditions but in no case it will exceed 3.0 metre.
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(c) In case of odd number of divisions (i.e. where the number of ordinates is even), the area
of end division shall be computed as per the formula given below and added to the area of the
other divisions computed by Simpson’s Rule. Similarly where the distance between any two
parallel ordinates is different, then the area between these ordinates shall be computed by the
formula given below and added to the rest of the area computed by the Simpson’s Rule.
(e) The formula shall be applicable only in case where number of cross section is odd. In case
where the number of cross sections is even, volume covered by last two sections shall be calculated
by applying the formula (given here-in-after) and added to the volume of the remaining sections
calculated by application of Prismoidal Formula.
Vx = d ( ax+ ax+1)
Vx Volume to be computed between any two cross sections in cum
ax Area of the first cross section in sqm
ax+1 Area of the other cross section in sqm
d Distance between the two cross sections in m
Hard core shall be hand crushed or broken trap / basalt / granite stones of gauge not exceeding
63mm well graded to provide dense and compact sub grade all as specified in Para 3.27.1 and
3.27.6 of MES Schedule Part I. The finished consolidated thickness of hard core shall be as
shown in drawings or 150mm unless otherwise specified. Thickness shown on drawings /
Schedule of finishes shall be treated as consolidated thickness. The crushed or broken stones
shall be brought from the source(s) approved by GE/AGE(I).
8.1.1 Cement shall be procured from the manufacturers /main producers as mentioned in Appendix
`C. Cement shall be of tested quality and shall comply with the requirements mentioned in the
drawings, SSR, IS Specifications as amended and as specified in Appendix `C' to Particular
Specifications given hereinafter.
8.1.2 Type of cement for the subject work shall be ordinary Portland cement grade 43 (forty-three) in
accordance with IS 8112-1989 unless otherwise mentioned in structural drawings forming part
of the tender documents.
8.2.1 Fine aggregate for concrete works shall be natural sand/ manufactured sand (M-sand) and
grading within the limits of Grading Zones II to III all as specified in Clause 4.4 of MES
Schedule. Sand conforming to grading zone IV of IS-383 shall not be used for RMC work. In the
alternative manufactured sand / manufactured fine aggregate conforming to grading and other
characteristics Zone I to III and other requirement in all respect as per IS 383-2016 and IS-2430
may also be used without any price adjustment. The manufactured sand shall be from clean
hard stone / aggregate to required grading and shall be free from all deleterious materials.
Sand obtained from quarry dust by washing and screening method shall not be used.
8.2.2 The sand shall be Hard, dense, strong, durable, clear and free from veins and adherent
coatings and free from injurious amount of disintegrated pieces, alkali, vegetable matters and
other deleterious substances. As far as possible flaky and elongated pieces should be avoided.
8.2.3 Natural River sand/crushed stone sand shall be obtained from the sources as approved by GE/
Coarse aggregate for all cement concrete work shall be graded broken/ crushed trap stone
/basalt/granite stone obtained from approved quarries as specified in Clause 4.4 of MES
Schedule. Mixture of the two types shall however not be used.
(ii) For structural elements of depth/thickness less than 100 mm: 12.5 mm
Note: However, in no case the nominal size of aggregate shall be greater than one
fourth the minimum thickness of the member.
(b) Plain concrete in foundation of brick or stone walls, pillars, floors and sub-base to floors.
(i) Under 30mm thickness : 12.5mm
(ii) 30mm to 80mm thickness : 20mm
(iii) Exceeding 80mm thickness : 40mm
8.5 WATER: Water shall conform to the requirement stipulated in IS-456 and as per Clause 4.9 of
MES Schedule.
Sl Situations Type of concrete
(a) Foundation concrete for all buildings under PCC (1:4:8) Type D2 by Volume
PCC/RR masonry/brick masonry lean
concrete under footing plinth/grade/toe
beam and, steps, in gaps between plinth
beam/column footing
(b) PCC sub base to floor and PCC below floor PCC(1:5:10) type E2
slab/beam side of footing
(c) PCC in floors PCC(1:2:4) Type B1 nominal mix
(d) PCC in plinth protection PCC (1:3:6) type C1 nominal mix
(e) RCC in all situations except minor articles M-30 Design Mix (RMC) from any of the
such as chajjahs, cills, fins, lintel bands etc manufacturers listed in the list of
as decided by GE manufacturer.
(f) RCC in minor articles as mentioned in para M-30 Design Mix
(e) above
(g) PCC in any other situation not mentioned PCC (1:2:4) nominal mix
e) Moving loads in the form of workers on the top of the form work shall be minimized by
pumping the concrete and restricting the number of workers. The impact and horizontal loads
due to movement of workers shall be minimized by keeping them stationery and just moving
concrete containers from one person to other up to the place of pouring. It shall be ensured that
sub base of the floor is completed and cured after consolidating the earth underneath so that it
gives firm base to the props. Vertical props shall be provided with braces in both directions.
Number of vertical intervals at which braces are to be provided will depend upon height of the
structure and horizontal loading.
f) Steel props used for beam, slab and other supports shall be screw type height
adjustable with steel base. All connections shall be with forged steel couplers. The props shall
be properly braced together at 3m intervals of height. PU coated marine plywood of appropriate
thickness and strength shall be used for soffit of all beams, slabs and side of walls. Shuttering
shall be supported on suitable adjustable steel spans. However, prefabricated steel box type
form work with proper clamping arrangement shall be used for all columns.
g) Safety of the workmen and structure shall be ensured by through checks that scaffolds
are safe, the spacing of verticals, horizontals and braces are carefully designed, making safe
access arrangement, preferring steel scaffolds to wooden scaffolds, no bamboo scaffolds shall
be used, taking adequate measures against fire, use of safety helmets and safety belts,
providingsufficient illumination of work area if work is in progress at night, special attention of
female workforce for loose garments etc. The decision of GE in this regard shall be final and
h) The readymade steel walk board shall be provided by the contractor for movement of
labours and materials on each slab while concreting. No pedestrian/ machinery movement shall
be allowed on base reinforcement.
j) In case of any deviation involving form work the pricing shall done at the rates of timber
formwork for fair finished surface.
8.8.1 Cover blocks for slabs, beams and columns shall be of factory made as approved by GE. The
cover blocks for slabs and beams shall be made of fiber reinforced concrete of strength not less
than 50 MPa or shall be of polypropylene with throating to hold the reinforcement bars in place.
For columns and vertical members such as RCC walls/shear walls / vertical drops/ fins etc.
PVCring type / Polypropylene blocks shall be used.
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9.1 All steel required for the work under the Contract shall be procured, supplied and in the work by
the Contractor under his own agreement.
Steel supplied by the Contractor shall conform to the following grades and quality:
(a) Re-inforcement Steel: Reinforcement shall be CRS (Corrosion resistant steel)/ Fusion
bonded epoxy coated/ Zinga coating TMT bars confirming to IS 1786-2008 having minimum
yield strength of 500N/sqmm of grades Fe 500D amd minimum elongation of 16% for Fe550D.
Mild steel bars shall confirm to IS 432(Part-I) and grade I
9.3 SOURCE OF PROCUREMENT: Any Structural and reinforcement steel shall be procured from
any of primary producers mentioned below
a) CRS TMT Steel: Steel required for the work shall be procured by contractor from Primary
Producers viz.,
NOTE: Any primary producer not included above but already approved by E-n-C Branch and also
approved during execution shall be deemed to be included without any price adjustment. The steel
shall conform to the requirements as stated in clause 9.2 above. The documents in support of the
purchase of steel shall be verified by the site staff and GE. The particulars of the manufacturer/supplier
of steel shall be obtained from the contractor for every lot of steel separately. The form given at
Appendix `F` will be used for this purpose.
(a) The Contractor shall place their demand/requisition of steel with adequate lead-time. The steel
shall be purchased from the storage depots of the main producers and not from their authorized
agents/dealers as the authorized agents/dealers deal with the steel manufactured by more than
one manufacturer. It is therefore necessary and mandatory to be ensured by the GE that steel
is not purchased by the Contractor directly from the “Authorized Conversion Agent” or from the
“Authorized Dealer/Agent” of the Main producers.
(b) However, non structural steel as for hold fast railing and the structural steel where total
requirement under the contract in less than 5.0 tonnes may be procured locally after obtaining
permission of the GE in writing.
(c) The Contractor shall submit original vouchers from the manufacturer for the total quantity of
steel supplied under each consignment to be incorporated in the work. All consignments received at
the work site shall be inspected by the GE along with the relevant documents before acceptance. The
original test certificates and vouchers shall be defaced by the Engineer-in-Charge and kept on the
record in the office of the GE duly authenticated and with cross reference to the control number
recorded in the Steel Acceptance Register. The Steel Acceptance Register, as given at Appendix-‘F’
shall be signed by the JE, Engineer-in-Charge, the GE and the Contractor. The Accepting Officer may
order a Board of Officers for random check of steel and verification of connected document. The entire
quantity of all steel items shall also be suitably recorded in the Measurement Book for record purposes
as ‘not to be Abstracted’, before incorporation in the work and shall be signed by the Engineer-in-
Charge and the Contractor.
Steel for concrete reinforcement
(i) Bar size less than 10mm One sample (3 specimens) for each test for
every 25 Tonnes or part thereof
(ii) Bar size 10mm to 16mm One sample (3 specimens) for each test for
(inclusive) every 35 Tonnes or part thereof
(iii) Bar size over 16mm One sample (3 specimens) for each test for
every 45 Tonnes or part thereof
Structural Steel
(i) Tensile Test One Test for every 25 tonnes of steel or Part
(ii) Bend Test One Test for every 10 tonnes of steel or part
(a) For high strength deformed bars tensile, bend test &rebend test shall be done as per IS-
1786 of 1975. For MS bars tensile & bend test shall be carried out as per IS-432 of 1982.
(b)Testing by the GE as per above frequency is mandatory before payment is released to the
contractor or steel is incorporated in the work. However, tests will not be insisted upon for the
steel required for guard bars, holdfasts, grills and such other allied items. Any items of steel, not
meeting the requirements, shall be rejected and the particular consignment removed from the
site by the contractor at his own cost. The contractor will have no claim on this account. The
cost of tests and test samples as per above frequency
(c) Cost of transportation of samples to the approved laboratory/test house and all testing
charges shall be borne by the contractor.
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9.5 Storage: Steel supplied by the contractor shall be stored in accordance with the requirement
ofBIS. Each grade and quality of steel shall be stored separately & have identification tags
indicating the source, quality & grade.
9.6 Preservation and Maintenance of Steel: The steel brought by the contractor shall be preserved
to ensure that no rusting takes place till it is incorporated in the works.
9.7 Schedule of Supply: The contractor shall procure the steel sections, timely as required in
accordance with CPM chart, agreed between GE and the contractor. The contractor will have
no right to demand extension of time if the supply of steel got delayed due to his failure in
placing order in time to the manufacturers/suppliers.
9.8 Payment: Receiving payment of steel shall be governed by in accordance with condition 64
ofIAFW- 2249. Payment shall be allowed after production of test certificate & original
paid/purchase vouchers by the contractor.
9.9 Measurement: The entire quantity of steel brought to the site shall be recorded in
measurementbook ‘Not to be Abstracted’ indicating the reference to manufacturer, source of
supply, voucher No. & test certificate before incorporation in the work & shall be signed both by
the Engineer-in-Charge & the contractor. Proper documentation/record shall be maintained as
per the instructions on the subject.
9.10 Weight Conversion: Weight of steel supplied by the contractor shall be calculated at unitweights
given in Appendix ‘A’ of MES Schedule 2010 Part II. For section not listed in MES Schedule,
the ISI conversion table shall be followed or manufacturers certificate if the weights are not
available in MES Schedule/ISI tables.
9.11 Normal waste & off cuts shall be stacked neatly which shall be the property of the contractor.
Contractor shall be allowed to remove such cut pieces after inspection & certification by the
9.12 Advance on account payment made towards these cut pieces shall be recovered from advance
on account of payment immediately falling due & before removal of such cut pieces from site.
9.13 Bending & fixing of bars for concrete reinforcement including mild steel wire for binding shall be
carried out all as specified in MES Schedule.
9.14 Hooks shall be provided only for mild steel bars. In case of cold twisted / deformed /TMT steel
bars ends shall be bent instead of hooks as shown on drawings.
9.15 Binding wire for reinforcement shall be mild steel wire (annealed) of size not less than 0.9mm.
10.1.1 Cement: Refer clause 4.2 herein before.
10.1.2 Fine aggregate for plastering and pointing work shall be river sand/ manufactured sand/
manufactured fine aggregate conform to IS 383 and as specified in Clause 14.5 to 14.5.2 of SSR Part
I. Sand shall be obtained from source as approved by GE/ AGE(I).
10.1.3 Particular attention of the contractor is invited to take note of local practices and the local
availability of materials like bricks form work etc and cater for any extra quantities of mortar required for
rendering smooth for extra dubbing required for touching up properly and for smooth and even
surfaces. This shall be deemed to have been included in the lump sum.
10.1.5 Where plaster on concrete surface shown to match the adjacent brick surfaces, the mix of
plaster shall be as for the brick surfaces.
10.1.6 All plastered surface shall be trowel led to a smooth and even surfaces, without using extra
10.1.7 Thickness of cement plaster mentioned hereinafter shall be finished thickness exclusive of
dubbing. Dubbing may however be done in one operation with plaster.
10.1.8 Plaster on external surface shall be carried out upto 15cm below ground level
10.1.9 All corners, angles, junctions and riser shall be truly vertical or horizontal as the case may be
and shall be carefully finished. Corners around jabs of openings and junction of walls shall be finished
straight and square. 150mm wide chicken wire mesh shall provided at the junction of wall & RCC
surface. Also trowel groove shall be provided at junction of walls and RCC columns or any other
dissimilar material e.g. wooden chowkhats etc.
(a) Excavation and earth work shall be carried out all as described in Clause 20-A.15 of
MES Schedule.
(b) Before commencement of excavation of earth filling, the representative of the GE and
the contractor will be required to take the levels jointly, of the existing ground surfaces at
intervals as decided by the GE (the decision of the GE being final and binding in this respect)
and plot the same on longitudinal and cross sections to be prepared by the Engineer-in-Charge.
These crosssections shall also show the proposed formation levels after consolidation and shall
be signed by the GE and Contractor in token of their acceptance.
(c) For the purpose of filling/cutting, the entire area where filling/cutting activity is to be done
shall be divided into grids of suitable sizes and quantities shall be computed by using Simpson's
rule for areas and Prismoidal formula for computing volumes.
(d) The earth for fillings shall be of PI value less than 20.
11.2. SOLING:
11.2.1 Provide soling (or bottoming) of stone as specified hereinbefore. Soling shall be provided on the
prepared sub grade in conformity with lines, grade in conformity with lines, grade, thickness and cross
section as shown in drawings or specified. The edge of soling shall be marked out by straights and
shall be carried out as specified in SSR Part-1 vide Clause
(i) Moorum for filling shall be approved moorum/ earth obtained from outside of MD land and shall be
free from vegetation and other organic substances and spread in layers not exceeding 30cm and
rolling as specified and as directed. Filling of moorum shall be carried out at optimum moisture content
(OMC) to 95% modified factor density all as specified in relevant IS code (IS-2720). Watering shall be
done before or during the rolling and completed as directed by Engineer-in-Charge so as to achieve
the desired field density. Before the moorum obtained shall not be changed without prior approval of
GE. Granular moorum obtained from the source as approved by GE.
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(ii) The Filler up earth shall be compacted with power roller of minimum 80-100KN static weights
with plain drum all as directed by Engineer-in-Charge
(iii) Each layer shall be rolled till 95% density is achieved of the maximum dry density of material
determined as per IS-2720 Part-8
(iv) The tests shall be carried out all as per the requirement of IS-2720, the cost of testing including
all arrangements for testing and provision of testing equipments shall be responsibility of Contractor
without any extra cost to the Govt.
(v) Before commencement of filling work initial levels of construction site/ area shall be taken jointly
by Contractor and Engineer-in-Charge and after completion of filling and after proper completion
work again finished levels shall be taken jointly by Contractor and Engineer-in-Charge. Quantity of
moorum/ earth filling shall be computed by applying Simpson rule and Prismoidal formula as
specified hereinbefore. Quantity of compacted moorum/ earth only shall be considered for the
payments purpose. The decision CWE with regard to the Quantity and leveling of earth shall be final
and binding. All these levels shall be recorded in level books and signed by Contractor and
(vi) Moorum/ Earth filling in traverse wall shall be done in layers not exceeding 30cm each and
watered and well compacted to required shape and gradient all as specified in SSR Part-1, Clause
11.5 Workmanship
11.5.1 Road Work:
Generally All roads, etc, and appurtenant works shall be constructed to the widths, alignments,
cambers, super elevations and gradients, etc., as specified or as directed. Where a road is required to
the opened for traffic urgently, work shall be carried out in convenient sections as directed by EIC.
Note :- Materials for earth work/embankments i.e. approved earth, moorum, gravel etc shall be
procured from out side MD land unless otherwise indicated. Detailed specifications relating to earth work already described in Section-3 shall be followed.
In addition to above there are certain special requirements of earth work for road construction
especially in embankments and excavation from borrow pits. These shall broadly conform to:
(a) IRC : 36 Recommended practice for construction of earth embankments for road works.
(b) IRC : 10 Recommended practice for borrow pits for road embankments by manual
operations. Excavation from borrow pits shall confirm to provisions in para 3 of IRC : 10 and the road
embankment shall generally conform to section, slopes and locations of borrow pits as specified &
directed. The foundations of the embankment shall be ploughed to a depth of 15 to 25 Cm. All clods
shall be broken into fine earth and the area roughly levelled. The surface shall then be well watered
before the work is started. Joining of old and new embankments shall be done by stepping in an over
all slope of about 1 to 5. If the material delivered to the road bed is wet, it shall be dried by aeration and
exposure to sun, till the moisture content is acceptable for compaction. It shall then be rolled with roller
of minimum ½ tonne weight, not less than 5 times, till gets evenly & densely consolidated with
wooden/steel rammers of 7 to 10 Kg weight having a base of 20 cm square or 20 cm diameter. The
labour for ramming shall be atleast one rammer to six diggers. Every third layer and top most layer
shall be well consolidated with power roller of minimum 10 Ton weight, rolled not less than 5 times, till
the filling behaves as an elastic material and gets compressed elastically under the load of roller. The
embankment shall be dressed neatly as per designed section and grade, after it has been completed &
thoroughly consolidated. The top and slopes shall be protected from any damage and maintained till
the work is completed and handed over. Each compacted layer shall be tested in the field for density and accepted before the
operations for next layer are begun. A systematic record of these tests shall be maintained. 20.A.15A.3
Density measurements and acceptance criteria
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Rolling shall commence at edges and progress towards the center, except at super elevated portions
where it shall commence at the inner edge and progress towards outer edge. During rolling the surface
shall be frequently checked for grade and cross fall (camber) and any irregularities corrected by
loosening the material and removing/adding fresh material. Compaction shall continue until the
density/achieved is at least 98 per cent of the maximum dry density for the material determined in
accordance with IS:2720 (Part-VIII).
Care shall be taken to see that the compaction of cement stabilized material is compacted within two
hours of its mixing or such shorter period as may be found necessary in dry weather.
During rolling it shall be ensured that roller does not bear directly on hardened or partially hardened
treated material previously laid other than what may be necessary for achieving the specified
compaction at the joint. The final surface shall be well closed, free from movement under compaction
planes, ridges, cracks or loose material. All loose or segregated or otherwise defective areas shall be
made good to the full thickness of the layer and re-compacted.
The filed density of compacted layer shall be measured by “Sand replacement Method” as specified in
IS: 2720 (Part-XXVIII).
11.5.7 Curing
The compacted course shall be suitably cured for a minimum period of 7 days. Subsequent pavement
course shall be laid soon after to prevent the surface from drying out and becoming friable. No traffic of
any kind shall ply over the completed sub-base unless permitted by the Engineer in Charge.
(iii) On super elevated portions of the road, rolling shall commence from the lower edge and progress
gradually towards the upper edge of the pavement.
(iv) Rolling shall not be done when the sub-grade is soft or yielding nor when it causes a wave-like
motion in the base course or sub-grade. If irregularities that develop during rolling exceed the limits
specified, the surface shall be loosened and aggregates added or removed as required before rolling
again so as to achieve a uniform surface conforming to the desired cross section and grade. The
surface shall also be checked transversely by template for camber and any irregularities corrected in
the manner described above. In no case shall the use of screenings to make up depressions be
11.5.11 BITUMEN:
(i) Bitumen for binder, priming coat/ tack coat, seal coat, carpet, macadam and asphaltic concrete shall
be paving bitumen conforming to IS:73-2013. The bitumen shall be of grade as specified in BOQ. The
bitumen may be brought at site either in sealed containers or in bulk in bouncers at the contractors
discretion and no price adjustment shall be made on this account. Contractor shall produce paid
vouchers for the total quantity consumed in the work and shall be entered in the MB (NOT TO BE
(ii) The Contractor shall procure the bitumen from manufacturers listed in list of manufacturer and
produce original paid vouchers for the total quantity of bitumen supplied under each consignment and
to be incorporated in the work. The original vouchers shall be kept on record of the GE duly defaced by
(iii) The contractor shall plan to procure bitumen well in advance considering the time required for
approval and testing of bitumen. No extension of time on grounds of delay in procurement or testing of
bitumen shall be admissible.
(iv) The payment of bitumen shall only be allowed after production of original purchase vouchers, test
certificates by the contractor for each consignment of bitumen and results of samples testing are found
satisfactory as specified here-in-before.
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(v) The rate/ amount quoted by contractor shall be inclusive of all sorts of testing/ retesting as specified
in the tender documents or relevant BIS. Preparation of Surface: The surface on which the tack coat is to be applied shall be
thoroughly swept and scrapped clean of dust and any other extraneous material before the application
of the binder. Application of Binder: Binder shall be heated to the appropriate temperature and sprayed
uniformly on the base at the rate specified. The tack coat shall be applied just ahead of the oncoming
bituminous construction.
11.6 Dense Bituminous Macadam:
11.6.1 General: 50mm (consolidated thickness) DBM grade 2 shall be provided over a coat of tack
coat/priming coat as specified in Sch ‘A’/BOQ and as per para 20.B.3 of MES Schedule Part-1.
11.6.2 Combined Grading of coarse/fine aggregate shall be as per para 20.B.2.5.4(c) (DBM grading-2)
of MES Schedule Part-1.
11.6.3 Application of Tack Coat: Application of Tack Coat shall be as per para 20.B.3.2 of MES
Schedule Part-1.
11.6.4 Preparation of the Mix: Preparation of the mix shall be as per para 20.B.3.3.1 to 20.B.3.3.2 of
MES Schedule Part-1.
11.6.5 Temperature: Temperature of mix shall be as per para 20.B.3.4.1 to 20.B.3.4.2 of MES
Schedule Part-1.
11.6.6 Transporting of the Mix: Transporting of the Mix shall be as per para 20.B.3.5.1 to 20.B.3.5.2
of MES Schedule Part-1.
11.6.7 Laying: Laying shall be as per para 20.B.3.6.1 to 20.B.3.6.2 of MES Schedule Part-1.
11.6.8 Joints: Joints shall be as per para 20.B.3.7 of MES Schedule Part-1.
11.6.9 Rolling: Rolling shall be as per para 20.B.3.8 and sub paras 20.B.3.8.1 to 20.B.3.8.3 of MES
Schedule Part-1.
11.6.10 Pavements Edges: Pavements Edges shall be as per para 20.B.3.9.1 to 20.B.3.8.3 of MES
Schedule Part-1.
11.6.11 Quality Control: Quality Control shall be as per para 20.B.3.10.1 to 20.B.3.10.2 of MES
Schedule Part-1.
11.6.12 Bitumen content and Bituminous grading: Bitumen content and Bituminous grading shall as
per para 20.B.3.11 and Field Density Determination By Sand Replacement Method shall be as per
para 20.B.3.11.1 of MES Schedule Part-1.
11.6.13 Acceptance Criteria of Field Density: Acceptance Criteria of Field Density shall as per para
20.B.3.12 of MES Schedule Part-1.
11.6.14 Control on Laid Thickness & Rectification: Control on Laid Thickness & Rectification shall
as per para 20.B.3.13 of MES Schedule Part-1
11.7 Semi Dense Asphaltic Concrete:
11.6.1 General: 40mm (consolidated thickness) SDAC shall be provided over a coat of tack
coat/priming coat as specified in Sch ‘A’/BOQ and as per para 20.B.4 of MES Schedule Part-1.
11.6.2 Combined Grading of coarse/fine aggregate shall be as per para 20.B.2.5.4(d) of MES Schedule
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11.6.3 Preparation of Under Lying Course: Preparation of Under Lying Course shall be as per para
20.B.4.1 of MES Schedule Part-1.
11.6.4 Preparation of the Mix: Preparation of the mix shall be as per para 20.B.4.4 of MES Sch Part-
11.6.5 Transporting of the Mix: Transporting of the Mix shall be as per para 20.B.4.5 of MES
Schedule Part-1.
11.6.6 Spreading of Mix: Spreading of Mix shall be as per para 20.B.4.6.1 of MES Schedule Part-1.
11.6.7 Rolling and Compaction: Rolling and Compaction shall be as per para 20.B.4.7.1 to 20.B.4.7.2
of MES Schedule Part-1.
11.6.8 Quality Control: Quality Control shall be as per para 20.B.4.9 and sub para 20.B.4.9.1 to
20.B.4.9.3 of MES Schedule Part-1.
11.6.9 Control on Laid Thickness: Control on Laid Thickness shall as per para 20.B.4.10 of MES
Schedule Part-1.
11.6.10 Plant/ Machines: Plant/ Machines to be used as per para 20.B.4.11 sub para 20.B.4.11.1 to
20.B.4.11.6 of MES Schedule Part-1.
11.7 Opening To Traffic:
Traffic may be allowed after completion of the final rolling when the mix has cooled down to the
surrounding temperature.
11.8 Job Mix for Dense Bituminous Macadam and Semi Dense Asphaltic Concrete:
11.8.1 While the laboratory mix design gives the different proportions of the mineral aggregate
combination in terms of individual sieve sizes, for actual operational purposes in the field, blending of
two or more sizes of aggregates (each size having within it a range of individual sieve sizes) would be
necessary. This blending ratio is obtained on weight basis, giving the percent weight of the coarse
aggregate, fine aggregate and filler needed to give the ultimate aggregate gradation. It can also be
proportioned on a volumetric basis based on the unit weight or bulk density of aggregate supplied. This
mineral aggregate combination together with the corresponding optimum bitumen content as
determined in the laboratory constitutes the job mix formula for implementation during construction.
11.8.2 It is emphasised that in order that this formula be adhered to in practice, the mix design shall be
worked out based on a correct and truly representative sample of the materials that will actually be
used in the specific construction project.
11.8.3 The job mix formula as worked out by the department is given as for guidance.
11.8.4 The job formula given hereinbefore is only as a guide so as to help the contractor to take the
same into account while quoting his rates. This can be varied with the change in materials or if control
test given hereinbefore indicates variation in design criteria beyond permissible values the revised job
mix formula shall be worked out to satisfy the design criteria hereinbefore and to the approval of Engg-
in-charge, for any variation in the binder content from the mix one given in the job mix formula indicated
11.8.5 The blending of various type and size of aggregate shall be done on the basis of the
requirement as indicated vide clause No 20.B.4.3 of SSR Part-1. The exact binder content shall be
worked out and adjusted in the rates shall be made on the basis of designed job formula and indicated
binder content.
11.8.6 Design mix for Dense bituminous macadam and semi dense asphaltic concrete shall be got
done in SEMT, Wing Dapodi, Pune/ Govt approved and accredited labs (along with design mix details,
the contractor will also submit certificate of accreditation issued to concerned laboratory and GE will
approve the design mix in writing before execution of the work. Also the Dense bituminous macadam
and semi dense asphaltic concrete used shall be tested during execution as per Clause 20.B.4.9 of
SSR Part-1, testing charges shall be borne by the contractor.
11.8.7 Approved design mix details including binder content shall be entered as NOT TO BE
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The design requirement shall be as under:
12.2 Finishing Berms and road edges shall be restored and all surplus earth including rubbish etc;
disposed off as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
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13.1.1 SOLID PCC BLOCKS: - Solid PCC blocks shall be grade C (5.0) as per IS-2185( Part-I) 2005
locally factory made. Size of PCC solid blocks shall be 400x200x200mm /300x200x200mm for
200mm thick walls & 400x200x100/300x200x100mm for 100mm thick walls. Min average
compressive strength shall be5N/mm2 and minimum compressive strength of each individual
unit shall not be less than 4 N/mm2. The manufacture of Block, surface texture and finish,
physical requirements of blocks, testing of PCC blocks, sampling etc shall be all as per IS 2185-
2005 and proper record shall be maintained. Density of block shall be not less than 1800
Kg/Cum . Water absorption shall be not more than 10% by weight of block. The cost of blocks
including transportation of block from work site to an approved laboratory for testing and cost of
testing shall be borne by the contractor.GE may approve any other size of blocks.
13.1.2. The initial mix design particulars along with all the connected documents shall be submitted to
the GE for approval. The work on ground shall not be progressed until the approval of design
mix is accorded. Subsequent design mix due to change in source / grading of aggregates or
source/batch of cement shall also be approved by GE.
13.1.4 SAND :- Fine aggregate for PCC block shall be of natural river sand as specified hereinbefore
and as approved by GE. Manufactured sand/ manufactured fine aggregate shall be allowed to use if it
meet the technical / contractual requirements.
13.1.7 Irrespective of whatsoever is shown on drawing following types of concrete block masonry shall
be adopted at different location. (a)Exceeding 100 thick walls: Solid concrete block masonry in
CM 1:6 (b) 100 mm thick walls above plinth level: Solid concrete block masonry in CM 1:4 all
as shown on Drawings. Concrete block masonry shall be carried out all as specified in clauses
4.23.1 to 4.23.15 of MES Schedule Part I
13.1.8 10 cm thick solid block masonry wall shall be built from top of plinth beam where plinth beams
are provided and where plinth beams are not provided, the same shall be provided from the top
of concrete sub base floor without any foundation. 2 Nos of 8 mm dia mild steel high strength
corrosion resistant deformed bars shall be provided in 10 cm thick concrete block masonry at
every fourth course and anchored 20 cm into the wall.
13.1.9 In case of deviation the precast solid block masonry manufactured out of 16 mm graded
aggregate and with 12.5 mm graded aggregate will be considered as costing same.
13.1.10 PCC block shall not be cut to under sized dimensions, and used to make up the required
height. Padding under bearing of lintels, slabs and beam etc to make up the height in walls
where required shall be done with cement concrete (1:3:6).
13.1.11 Toothing and bonding to all internal walls shall be provided with solid block masonry and no
hollow block masonry shall be used for toothing / bonding from external wall to internal wall.
13.1.12 Masonry work shall be kept constantly moist for a minimum of 7 days.
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13.2.5 TESTS
Tests as described in ANNEX `B' to `G' of IS-2185 shall be conducted on samples of blocks
selected according to the sampling procedure as per Para 11 of IS-2185 to ensure conformity
with the physical requirement laid in IS 2185.
(a) The paver block shall be of PCC 60mm thick, M-35 Grade [as mentioned in Sch-’A’]
reflective & inter locking type factory made as per sample kept in the office of the GE.
The paver block shall be brought from the manufacturer mentioned hereinafter and as
approved by the GE.
(b) The compressive strength of paver block shall be equivalent to M-35 grade given in
relevant IS and of colour as approved by the GE.
(c) The top layer of paver blocks shall not be less than 6 to 8mm thick and should have
antiskid groove finish (vermicular finish). Paver block should have 1mm spacer to
provide minimum gap between paver unit to allow joint filling send to go in it and
establish complete interlocking between blocks. Paver blocks should be lacquer coated
to seal the micro porosity and give glossy finish.
(d) The paver block shall be laid dry over 50mm thick (compacted thickness) sand cushion.
Joints shall be filled with sand as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
(e) The sand shall be free from clay and alkaline particles and conform to relevant IS.
(f) The edges of the paver block shall be neatly trimmed to fit within kerbs along the
periphery of the paved area.
(g) The unit rates quoted shall be inclusive of laying of paver block of different colour for
making the Anchor pattern of size 4x6m and other pattern as directed by the GE/
(h) Before incorporating the paver block in the work the paver block shall be got tested for
compressive strength and record maintained signed by the Contractor and the
(i) 60mm Interlocking paver on 50mm Sand Cushion above 750mm PCC 1:4:8 over
100mm Hardcore.
17.11 TESTS
The contractors shall carry out the following tests at site in the presence of Engineer-in-Charge
and results will be recorded in triplicate, signed by both parties.
(a) Tests on cables for IR, Earth Resistance, Continuity and Cross Phasing.
(b) Earth test for the earthing and the entire installation as per IS-732.
(c) The contractor shall arrange the testing equipment and the labour required for test without
any cost to the Government. If the tests are not satisfactory, the contractor shall rectify the
defect and retest the installation.
18.0 LIST OF DRAWINGS: Drawings listed below shall form part of these tender documents.
Cement required for the work under the contract shall be procured, supplied and incorporated
in the works by the Contractor under his own arrangement. Cement shall be of tested quality
and shall comply with the requirements mentioned in the drawings, SSR, IS specifications as
amended and particular specifications given hereinafter.
(i) Ordinary Portland cement Grade 43 - (IS: 269-2015)/ OPC 43/53 grade
(ii) Portland slag Cement
1.2.1 Type of cement for the subject work shall be Ordinary Portland Cement grade 43 (Forty Three)/
53 in accordance with (IS: 269-2015)/ OPC 43/53 grade
1.2.3 The type of cement to be selected for use shall invariably depend upon the specific usage in the
work (s). Type of cement shall be decided by GE. No price adjustment shall be made for use of
any type of cement.
The cement supplied by the Contractor shall only be procuredfrom main producers of cement.
The particulars of the manufactures of cement along with the date of manufacture shall be
obtained from the Contractor for every lot of cement separately. The documents in support of
the purchase of cement shall be verified by the Engineer-in-Charge / GE/AGE(I) and site staff.
The cement shall be procured by the Contractor from the manufacturers as given below.
(b) MANUFACTURESThe following are the main producers of Ordinary Portland cement&
Portland Pozzollana Cement:
1. M/s Associated Cement Mayur Garden, 2 Floor, Opp-Rajuv OPC 43, 53
ManufacturingCompany Bhawan, GS Road, Guwhati-781005, Gr
Ltd. Ph: 0361-2462215/216/513
Brand: “STAR” Fax: 0361-2462217,
Email: cmclghy@cml.co.in
2. M/sUltraTech CementLtd ‘B’ Wing, 2 Floor, Mahakali Caves PSC
Brand: “ULTRATECH” Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai-400093,
Ph: 022-66917800
Note: The name of approved manufacturer of cement is not shown in the list attached, but same has
been added/ deleted by E-in-C are also deemed to be added/ deleted in the approved list
1.4.1 The manufacturer shall carry out inspections and testing of cement in accordance with relevant
BIS provisions. The Contractor shall submit the manufacturer's Test Certificate in original
alongwith Test Sheets giving the result of each physical test as applicable and chemical
composition of the cement in accordance with relevant IS provisions and the chemical
composition of the cement or authenticated copy thereof duly signed by the manufacturer with
each consignment, as per the following IS provisions:
The test certificate and test sheet shall be furnished with each batch of the manufacture. The
Engineer-in-Charge shall record these details in the Cement Acceptance Register as given in
Appendix-‘A’ to be maintained by him which will be signed by Supdt B/R Gde-I/JE (Civil),
Engineer-in-Charge, Garrison Engineer and the Contractor as given in the format hereinafter for
Signature of Contractor
Dated: AAD (Contract)
for Accepting Officer
CA NO.CECG/GOA/ OF 2022-23 Serial Page No 130
Frequency of
Sl Materials Test Method of Tests Level Rate Remarks
no per
testing of
test Test
Rs. P
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Bricks (i) Compressive strength IS-3595 AS per IS-5454 a given under `A’ 330/- Checks for visual and
characteristics shall also
be carried out
(ii) Water absorption - do - Lot size Sample Permissible `A’ 330/- As per IS-5454
Size No of
(iii) Efflorescence - do - 1001 to 5 0 `A’ 330/-
(Part I) 10000
10001 to 10 0
35001 to 15 1
2. Coarse aggregates (i) Sieve analysis IS-2386 One test for every 15cum of `A’ 660/- -
aggregates or part thereof brought to
(ii) Flakiness Index - do - - do - `A’ 250/- -
CA NO.CECG/GOA/ OF 2022-23 Serial Page No 131
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(iii) Estimation of IS-2386 One test for every 100cum of `A’ 600/-
deleterious materials (Part-I) aggregates or part thereof
(iv) Organic impurities - do - One test per source of supply `C’ 275/- -
(v) Moisture content - do - Regularly as required `A’ 330/- -
(Part - II)
(vi) Specific gravity - do - One test for each source of supply `C’ 330/- -
3. Fine aggregate (i) Sieve analysis IS-2386 One test for every 15CUM of FA or `A’ 180/- -
(Part-I) part when brought to site.
(ii) Test for clay, silt and - do - - do - `A’ 500/- -
(iii) Specific gravity - do - One for each source of supply `C’ 330/- -
(iv) Moisture content - do - Regularly as required subject to `A’ 330/- -
2tests/day when being used
(Part – II)
(v) Test for organic - do - One test for each source of supply `C’ 275/- -
(Part - II)
4. Cement (i) Setting time ‘C’ 500/-
(ii) Soundness ‘C’ 550/-
(iii) Compressive Strentgth ‘C’ 550/-
(iv) Fineness ‘C’ 275/-
5. Structural Concrete (i) Slump-test or IS-119 The minimum frequency of sampling `A’ 180/- Random sampling shall
compacting factor test or of concrete of each grade shall be as be carried to cover all
(M-15 grade and
vee-bee time under: mix units
CA NO.CECG/GOA/ OF 2022-23 Serial Page No 132
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(ii) Compressive strength IS-516 Qty of concrete No of samples `A’ 120/- -
In the work
(Cubic Meter)
1----5 1
6----15 2
16---30 3
31---50 4
51 and above 4+1 for each addl
50m or part thereof
6. (a) PCC Block for (i) Compressive strength IS-2156 – 08 Blocks out of 20 `A’ 900/- Sample: 20blocks from
walling (Hollow 1984 consignment of every
Block) (Appx-`B’) 5000blocks or part
(ii) Water absorption - do - 03 Blocks out of 20 `C’ 330/- -
(iii) Density - do - 03 Blocks out of 20 `C’ 330/- -
(b) PCC solid Block (i) Compressive strength IS-2185 08 Blocks out of 20 `A’ 900/- Sample: 20blocks from
for walling consignment of every
5000 blocks or part
(ii) Water absorption - do - 03 Blocks out of 20 `C’ 330/- These blocks to be
checked for dimension
and weight
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
11. Water for (i) Test for Acidity IS-456 & Once at the stage of approval of `C’ 500/- Also refer clause 4.3 of
construction 3015 source of water IS-456 and its
purpose subsequent sub clauses
regarding suitability of
(ii) Test for Alkalinity - do - - `C’ 500/- -
(iii) Test for Dissolved solid - do - - `C’ 300/- -
(TDS) content content
12. Welding of steel Visual inspection test IS-822- 100% by visual inspection Work 360/- Specialized tests their
work 1970 site method and frequency
Clause 7.1 to be decided on
consideration of their
importance by the
Accepting Officer
13. Timber paneled and (a) Dimensions, sizes, IS-1003- Frequency of sampling from each lot `A’ 180/- -
glazed Door/ workmanship and finish 1977 shall be as under:
Window & shutters (Part I) Lot size Sample size
(Including factory
made shutters) 26 to 50 5
51 to 100 8
101 to 150 13
151 to 300 20
301 to 500 32
501 to 1000 50
1001 and above 80
(b) Strength test IS-1303- Form the each lot 5% of the factory - - -
1990 made shutters shall be manufacturer
(i) Slamming
tested for strength tests
CA NO.CECG/GOA/ OF 2022-23 Serial Page No 134
A-Site lab, B-Zonal lab, C-NABL approved lab/ IIT/ NIT/ Govt. Engg Colleges
1. Contract No. :
2. Name of work :
3. Control No. :
4. (a) Name of Manufacturer : (b) Brand Name: (a) Grade of Cement :
5. (a) Quantity of Cement (bags): (b) Lot No. /Week No. :
6. Manufacturer’s Test Certificates No. :
26 Random Test Details:
a. Physical Test Report from (*) vide their letter No. : (Name of approved lab / Engineering College)
b. Chemical Test Report from (*) vide their letter (Name of approved lab / Engineering College)
No. :* to be filled the name of approval
Lab/Engg. College
8. Details of Physical & Chemical Proprieties :
Chemical Requirements
(as per IS: 4032)
Physical Requirement (as per IS: 4031)
Chlorides (%)
Magnasium (%)
Specific surface Area
Alkalies (%)
3 Days 7 Days 28
As per relevant IS
As per Manufacturer’s
As per random test certificate
Remarks with signature
1.Contract No. :
2.Name of work :
3.Control No. :
4.Name of Manufacturer :
(Minimum 18 %)
As per relevant
As per
As per random
test certificate
Ser No
Name of materials Name of sources
1 2 3
1. Coarse aggregate (Graded stone aggregate)
aggre for all Best locally available
works as specified.
2. Manufactured sand
Best locally available
1 Inter locking tiles/ Paver blocks Super tiles & marble Pvt Ltd, Dadar (E), ACME
Floor (S) Tiles Mfg Co, Maulana Azad Road
Vipurva Tiles & Pavers Andheri(W),
Vitco Pavers & Tiles, Thane (W), EUROCON
Mehtab, Ultra Tiles, Nitco,Topaz tiles, Astra
2 GI and MS pipes Tata, Swastik, Jindal, Prakash, Zenith, Surya,
Quality, Gujrat tubes, Lotus, Hindustan.
3 Anti corrosive paint on structural steel Asina Paints, Nerolac, Berger, Dulux,
Shalimar, Johnson Nicholson