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Partido State University: Camarines Sur

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Republic of the Philippines


Camarines Sur


Enhancement Class
Professional Education Subjects
SY 2019 – 2020

Direction: Read each question carefully. Select the correct answer from the choices given by shading the
figure. Use the separate answer sheet

1. The Department of Education gives greater emphasis on the development of basic skills. What is the philosophical basis for
a. Essentialism b. Existentialism c. Perennialism d. Pragmatism

2. Teacher M views his students as unique, free-choosing and responsible individuals. All classroom activities revolve around the said
premise. What theory underlies this?
a. Essentialism b. Existentialism c. Progressivism d. Realism
3. Religious rituals in the classroom and in the school programs prove the deep natural religiosity of the Filipinos. Which
philosophy has greatly contribution to this tradition?
a. Buddhism b. Confucianism c. Hinduism d. Islam
4. In order to make Roman education truly utilitarian, how should the day-to-day lessons be taught?
a. Taught in the students’ native dialect
b. Taught interestingly through the play way method
c. Related and linked to the events happening in everyday life
d. Practical at home under the guidance of their respective parents
4. The Military training requirements among students in the secondary and tertiary levels can be trace as a strong influence of the
a. Greeks b. Romans c. Orientals d. Chinese

5. Virtue is one component in the teaching of Rizal as a course focuses on the teaching of good and beauty consistent with the good
and beauty in God. What philosophy supports this?
a. Idealism b. Progressivism c. Existentialism d. Social Reconstructionism

6. The progressivists emphasized the individually of the child, the reconstructionists were more concerned with
a. Subjectivity c. Social Change
b. Experiential Learning d. Social Problem

7. Scouting and Citizen’s Army Training in character – building, citizenship training etx. Which leads to the creation of a new social
order and a new society eventually. What philosophy supports this?
a. Perrenialism c. Essentialism
b. Progressivism d. Reconstructionism

8. Mrs. Talento, a Christian Living teacher, puts so much significance on values development and discipline. What could be her
educational philosophy?
a. Realism b. Pragmatism c. Idealism d. Progressivism

9. Pinning veil around the bride and the groom, exchange of rings, releasing of doves during wedding ceremony show that culture is
a. Symbolic b. Continuous c. Historical d. Changeless

10. The establishment of the school of the Future SOF) introduces improvement and reform in education to respond to both human and
social needs. What philosophy is related to this?
Idealism b. Realism c. Progressivism d. Social reconstructionism

11. When a certain cultural practice is acceptable in one group and not acceptable to others, it shows that
a. Culture is borrowed c. Culture is varied
b. Culture is shared product d. Culture is relative

12. When a person is placed in a totally new environment in which the traditions and cultural practices are not known to him, most likely
he will encounter
a. Culture shock c. culture exchange
b. Severe headache d. extreme loneliness

13. What is enculturation?

a. Handing down of culture by a teacher
b. Handing down of culture without any question
c. Handing of culture from one generation to the next
d. Handing down of culture from one who knows to somebody who doesn’t know
14. The focus of the Japanese Education in the Philippines were
a. Democratic ideals and nationalism c. religion and love for Asian brothers
b. Love and service to one’s country d. vocational and health education

15. The aim of our education during the Commonwealth period was
a. Designed after the Japanese education
b. Predominantly religious
c. Purely nationalistic and democratic
d. Patterned after the American curriculum

Child & Adolescent Psychology

16. According to Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development, a child during the sensorimotor period does not see things in abstract
forms. Therefore in teaching mathematics to young children, the ____________.
a. Use of pictures may not be necessary
b. Use of concrete objects is not needed
c. Concrete state should precede the abstract style
d. Abstract stage must come before the concrete stage

17. Which of the following of development is normally characterized by much growth, rapid changes, mood swings and negativity?
a. Infancy c. Early childhood
b. Toddlerhood d. Middle Childhood

18. Which stage of development shows that children need frequent rest period because of their burst of activity?
a. Infancy c. Middle childhood
b. Early childhood d. Late childhood

19. The stage in which the individuals is complete with face arms, legs, fingers, toes and some calcification of his bones is known as the
a. Embryonic stage c. Fetal stage
b. Germinal stage d. Stages of development

20. If we want children to treat each other courtesy and dignity, then we must do the same to them. If we yell at children, they will soon
be shouting at each other. These behaviors are likely to be demonstrated by children because ________.
a. They are sensitive
b. They learn best by observing a model
c. They are helpless and entirely dependent on adults
d. They are afraid of their teachers if they fail to follow

21. Which of the following principles sets the rational for the institutionalization of early childhood education?
a. There are expectations in the different development patterns
b. Early development is crucial than later development
c. Development is the product of maturation and learning
d. Every area of development has potential hazards

22. How would you handle a student who clings to immature behavior?
a. Put him back to a lower grade
b. Seek the assistance of the school psychologists
c. Help him meet his needs in a manner appropriate to his age
d. Advise his parents to let him stop until he becomes more mature

23. Mr. and Mrs. Dela Cruz gives their children the freedom to run, go bike riding, skate and slide. What is the couple allowing their
children to develop?
a. Autonomy b. Initiative c. inferiority d. guilt

24. Mr. Martirez is so proud of his son because he can dress himself already. In what stage of development is Mr. Martinez’s son in?
a. Infancy b. Early childhood c. middle childhood d. adolescence

25. At this stage of moral development, individuals regard laws and rules as flexible instruments for furthering human purposes.
a. Instrumental relativist orientation c. social contract orientation
b. Law and order orientation d. universal-ethical principle

26. Children who get large number of positive and negative votes on sociometric measures of peer acceptance are the ___________.
a. Controversial c. Popular children
b. Neglected children d. rejected children

27. Which of the following statements will not support the concept of individual differences?
a. Use varied activities for a difficult lesson
b. Consider the uniqueness of each student
c. Involve all students regardless of what the activity is
d. Help should be extended to both the gifted & retarded learners/students.

28. Which refers to Kolhberg’s moral development theory?

a. Autonomous morality c. Psychological Crisis
b. Moral dilemmas d. Concrete operational
29. What is the advantage of knowing the developmental tasks for the stage of development that the students are in?
a. The students can learn better
b. The teacher can work well with the students’ parents
c. The teacher will be able to determine whether or not the tasks she plans for the students are appropriate
d. The students will be able to make adjustments with their learning styles and study habits.

30. Most Filipino parents have the tendency to be overprotective about their children. If this tendency goes away beyond the reasonable
level, the children could ___________.
a. Become dependent
b. Have a feeling of incompetence
c. Have a sense of shame and doubt
d. Become more active than passive

Principles & Theories

31. The learner should be biologically prepared applies to the law of
a. Readiness b. Exercise c. Effect d. Practice

32. Mr. David would like to increase the abilities of his students to solve more complex problems. What must Mr. David do?
a. Correct all wrong answer at all time
b. Increase practice with simple problems
c. Reduce stimulation so as to increase attention to the task
d. Problems match appropriately to student’s level of thinking

33. Which of the following statements is false about motivation?

a. A force energizes, sustains and direct behavior toward a goal
b. Sometimes referred to as the “go of personality”, in that its absence usually reduces most normal people.
c. It is an external condition that serves to activate or energize behavior and gives it direction
d. It is psychological state that is the consequence with a person having activated his or her motives

34. Which of the following principles of learning applies to considering student’s age in presenting certain content & cognitive process?
a. Principle of readiness
b. Principle of learning by doing
c. Principle of presenting challenging tasks
d. Principle of learning aided by formulating & asking question

35. Which principle underlies cognitive learning?

a. Prior knowledge can help or hinder learning
b. Meaningful engagement is necessary for deeper learning
c. Motivation generates, directs and sustains learning behavior
d. All of the above

36. Which is not a characteristic of a metacognitive thinker?

a. Has realistic self concept
b. Able to make plans for himself
c. Able to set short-term and long-term goals
d. Propose solution to problems

37. Why should teacher provide positive feedback and realistic praise?
a. To motivate the students to study
b. So the students will know what to do
c. To be liked and loved by the students
d. So the students

38. Which Theory operates in “Stimulus-response principles. Which means all behaviors are caused by external stimuli?
a. Contextualist Theory c. Cognitive Theory
b. Behaviorist Theory d. constructivist Theory

39. Marga, a 3 year old girl, applies make-up on her face, gets her mom’s bag, wear her shoes and starts walking around the receiving
room as soon as her mom left for work.. What theory explains this?
a. Contextualist Theory c. Social Learning
b. Cognitive Theory d. Constructivist Theory

40. Which of the following best describes what meaningful learning is?
a. When what is to be learned is new and easy for the student
b. Materials presented are difficult and challenging to the students
c. When the material to be learned is related to what students already know
d. Students find the lessons easy and relevant to what was assigned to them

41. One of Mr. Agor’s members in the dance troupe collapsed during their rehearsal for their upcoming competition in Seoul, Korea.
What should Mr. Agor do with the student?
a. Ignore the student and go on with the rehearsal
b. Pull-out the student and go on with the rehearsal
c. Do not allow him/her anymore to join the competition
d. Give him/her chance to join the competition
42. When the nature of situation has a significant effect on the process of learning, this statement is supported by what theory?
a. Learning modalities c. Situated learning
b. Individual differences in learning d. Learning styles

43. It explains the gap between actual and potential development wherein the former refers to what children can do on their own, while
the latter refers to what children can do with help.
a. Scaffolding c. Assimilation
b. Zone of Proximal development d. Accommodation

44. It is an instructional process in which the teacher adjusts the amount and type of support offered to the child to suit the child’s
abilities, withdrawing the support as the child becomes more skilled.
a. Scaffolding c. Assimilation
b. Zone of Proximal development d. Accommodation

45. One of the requirements of teacher Carmel in her class is a case study. She grouped her class into four and asked each group to
prepare a case to present their view about homosexuality. What cognitive domain is displayed.
a. Evaluation b. Knowledge c. Synthesis d. Analysis

46. Ms. Moster was having discipline problem with her English class. What questioning technique should she considered to sustain
students’ attention?
a. Ask low-level thinking questions c. ask varied question
b. Ask difficult questions d. ask stimulating questions

47. Which teacher’s statement illustrates a reduction technique of questioning?

a. Another, Paulo? C. Well, do you think they are the same?
b. What is conversation d. What can you say about this?

48. The closure of a lesson is as important as “set induction”. Which of the following statement would be an effective way of closing a
a. It’s already time. See you tomorrow
b. There’s the bell, Goodbye!
c. Time is over. Get ready.
d. Before we end, state our science concept again.

49. In which of the following classroom activities would process approach be appropriate?
a. When the learners observe and take down observation of samples
b. When the class closes a lesson with the learned concept
c. When the teacher asks the class to enumerate the processes used
d. When the teacher introduces the new lesson

50. Ms. Jocson often teaches content-oriented subject matter in a traditional way. Which of these strategies does she therefore often
a. Expository b. exploratory c. inductive d. problem solving

51. Teacher Cholly has been teaching Social Studies with the intent of providing the students with more knowledge and information
even with less student participation, but a lot of content be covered in a short period of time. What method is applied?
a. Inquiry b. lecture c. indirect d. explanatory

52. Which method would promote rapport, respect for other’s viewpoints, submission to majority’s choice and concern for individual
a. Group discussion c. Peer mediate
b. Laboratory method d. cooperative learning

53. Which of the following is the aim of classroom management?

a. Minimize classroom noise
b. Increase occurrence of discipline problems
c. Maximize the use of classroom time for productive activities
d. Decrease time spent on tasks

54. A non-traditional teacher, Mr. Alba likes to use control and discipline in his class not necessarily to eliminate misbehaviors but, as
classroom management emphasize, to
a. Make the students “prim and proper” at all times
b. Help them obey all school rules and regulations
c. Reduce the frequency of occurrence of inappropriate behaviors
d. Increase quality of learning

55. Because Arnulfo is seriously ill and has to stay at home, his teacher prepared a learning kit containing activities that cover all
lessons his classmates are also having in school.
a. Informal Education c. Non-formal education
b. Distance Education d. Mastery Learning
Principles & Strategies
56. Mrs. Tinio wants to use more concrete things that are equivalent of real objects for her grade 1 class. Their lesson is about animals
and their kids. However, she cannot possibly take the class out since no prior arrangement has been done for this. What is the
closest possible type of instructional materials can she use instead?
a. Audio tapes c. Photographic prints
b. Graphics d. Radio

57. Miss Cabral wants to know what knowledge and skills her students already have about the Philippines during the American period.
What kind of evaluation instrument would she possibly use?
a. Formative evaluation c. summative evaluation
b. Pre-assessment d. achievement test

58. If a pupil asks permission to go to the rest room while the class is going on. Which may be done to avoid class disruption?
a. Stop the lesson and let all students go to the rest room
b. Stop the lesson and let the pupil to go
c. Tell the pupil to seat down instead
d. Simply nod while continuing the lesson

59. Time management is one important aspect of classroom management. Which of the following teacher behaviors is part of time
a. Maintaining group alertness
b. Creating orderly movement in class
c. Checking attendance
d. Keeping pupils attention engaged during instruction

60. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

a. Evaluation helps determine how ell students learned
b. Evaluation provides feedback regarding success or failures
c. Evaluation is used only as a basis of student grade
d. Evaluation helps in determining specific learning errors the need correction

61. Mrs. Galang often makes use of experiential rather than the rote method in teaching she is thus observed to provide “custom made”
activities for her pupils. The curriculum pattern she apparently follows is that of ___________.
a. Activity-based c. process-oriented
b. Child-centered d. life-functions-focused

62. If “what” in teaching refers to curriculum, the “how” of it refers to ______________

a. Strategies b. instruction c. learning d. approaches

63. Mrs. Padilla, the principal of Balingasa Elementary School, opted to use the curriculum that involves the integration of Social
Studies, Music, Arts and P.E. on longer time blocks. This shows that the design pattern she prefers is that of the ___________
a. Correlated subjects c. vocational preparation
b. Core d. citizenship

64. The school has the responsibility to develop, among other things, problem-solving and abstraction skills. This responsibility has
something to do with _______________.
a. Intellectualism c. vocational preparation
b. technological changes d. citizenship

65. Which of the following statements about the concept of curriculum is NOT quite acceptable?
a. It refers to all experiences that both the school and the teacher provide the students with
b. It is the set of acquired knowledge, habits, and skills
c. It consists of everything that goes within the school
d. It is a planned action for instruction

66. Which statement about the subject-centered curriculum is NOT true?

a. There is a high level of cooperative interaction
b. It covers much content in a short period of time
c. The teacher has full control of the classroom activities
d. The main task is mastery of learning

67. IN curriculum planning, one of these factors is concerned with the identification of required resources and a list of expenditure and
venue estimates. This factor is that of ____________.
a. Goal setting
b. Situation analysis
c. Decisions on implementation and evaluation
d. Budget determination

68. While having supper, Mrs. Garcia asks her two children what they learned in school earlier that day. Which level of curriculum is
shown in this situation?
a. Institutional b. Experiential c. Societal d. Instructional
69. The San Jose District plans to adopt the reading program used in the La Loma School District. What curriculum improvement level
does this show?
a. Variation b. value orientation c. substitution d. restructuring

70. Mrs. Ilaya is a member of the School District Curriculum Evaluation team that tries to assess the “product aspect” of the curriculum
currently being used. What specific task should she and the rest of the team look into?
a. Wise use of resources
b. How curriculum implementers did their job
c. How well the curriculum met the learners needs
d. Extent of curriculum implementation

Developmental Reading

Cancer is a growth, and since growth is an essential part of life itself. It would be expected that cancer would be found in all T
living things. Such needed is the fact. The disease is universal in scope. It develops in all strata of plants and animal life. It has
existed at least since the beginning of recorded history and affects men impartially – wherever they live and whatever their race
or color or level of culture or material process. Cancer is not a special disease of civilization, except insofar as civilization
enables more people to live longer and except as civilization introduces certain carcinogenic agents.

he main idea of the selection is

a. Cancer is found in all living things
b. Cancer is essential part of life itself
c. Cancer is found in plants
d. Civilized living contributed to cancer

72. Which of the following is the topic sentence?

a. Such indeed is the fact
b. The disease is universal in scope
c. It develops in all strata of plant and animal life
d. It has existed at least since the beginning of recorded history

73. Ms. Padilla is a Grade-1 Teacher who is concerned with building letters into words and words into sentences. She uses flashcards
so the pupil can sound out syllables and words correctly. What reading model is reflected in Ms. Padilla’s instruction?
a. Bottom-up model c. interactive model
b. Top-down model d. schema model

74. Mr. German is a teacher handling English for a cultural-diverse class. He would regularly read aloud to his pupils, would provide
time for silent reading, recreational reading, and would lend them magazines and newspapers. What factor in reading does Mr.
German want to cultivate among his pupils?
a. Emotional/social development c. interest reading
b. Physical development d. intelligence

The American family of today is smaller than it used to be in several ways. On the average there are fewer children (although T
this trend may be changing). Birth control techniques and changing values have led to fewer large families. The American
family is also small in that it is a nuclear rather than the extended family. Grandparents and other relatives lives elsewhere, and
in fact the children will too at an earlier age.

he selection implies that

a. American family today is smaller than it used to be.
b. Values held by families change through the years
c. The kind of family affects the size of American family
d. The relatives live in another place

76. Teacher Jeremiah is planning an integration using Social Studies text for his Grade 5 English class. Which of the following is the
best thing to do to activate his pupils’ background knowledge?
a. Ask several critical questions
b. Make the pupils prepare an outline
c. Unlock difficult words by using the dictionary
d. Present advance organizer of the topic

77. As post-reading activity in any content-area reading class, which of the following should be avoided by the teacher?
a. Have students talk about what they read
b. As questions to score comprehension
c. Have students prepare make test on their reading
d. Go back to the Anticipation Guide for some corrections

78. Reading in the content area aims to help students make sense of the text and negotiate meaning as readers actively interact ewith
the text. Which of the following activities will best achieve this goal
a. Have the reading of the text be done at home
b. Make them read silently
c. Allow students to ask questions
d. Practice oral reading for fluency

Educational Technology
79. The following statements are contributions of Technology to the learning process. Which is an exception?
a. The quality of learning can be improved
b. The delivery of instructions can be more intresting
c. The role of the teacher can be changed into a demonstrator
d. The method of teaching and learning become more interactive

80. Romalyn is going to discuss about ADDIE Model to a big class. She is planning to use a technology by which parts of her
presentation could partly hidden to make it more exciting and interesting. What do you think shall she use?
a. Model b. Realia c. Transparency d. video

81. Self made charts and illustrations serve as universal aid for bringing fascinating and exciting experiences in the classroom. To tap
the optimum potentials of these materials, which of the following should be avoided?
a. Giving due consideration to learning
b. Presenting materials with accurate facts
c. Giving more importance to austerity over legibility
d. Focusing on the main idea of the lesson presented

82. Which of the following computer-based instructional material can be used to learn new concepts?
a. Games b. tutorial c. simulation d. drill and practice

83. All except one are basic considerations in selecting and evaluating the content of an instructional material. Which is not?
a. Will it motivate and maintain interest? c. Can it be easily dismantled?
b. Is there evidence of its effectiveness? d. does it match the content?

84. Which of the following technologies provide iconic experiences?

c. Videos and computer c. radio and auto materials
d. Books and periodicals d. printed and verbal symbols

85. It is impractical to bring real objects in the classroom so Aaron constructed three-dimensional visual instead. Which of the following
did he construct?
a. Cartoon b. chart c. graphic d. model

86. Which of the following categories of CAI will you use in your class if your objective is to increase proficiency in a newly learned skill
or refresh an existing one?
a. Tutorial b. drill and practice c. simulation d. instructional game

87. Internet consist of thousands of connected computer networks around the world. Which term does NOT refer to INTERNET?
a. NET c. b. on-line c. cyberspace d. information superhighway

88. Which instructional tool application will you introduce to your class if your objective is to help them find and use information
resources available in the internet?
a. Webquests b. hybrid course c. scavenger hunt d. distance education

89. Which is the most important reason why teachers preview materials to be used in class?
a. To gain confidence in using them
b. To encourage viewers to be more focused
c. To avoid potential problems that might occur while materials are in use
d. To ensure appropriateness of the materials with the objectives and target audience.

90. Prof. Balagtas used worksheets, manipulative and models in teaching math to help her students understand the lesson and love the
subject. What did she bear in mind when use used these materials?
a. Appropriateness b. balance c. breadth d. variety

91. Prof. Silva uses projected visuals such as OHP in presenting her lesson. What could be her main reason in using such an
educational technology?
a. Most visuals can be obtained at no cost
b. It is more abstract than any other visuals
c. The equipment and materials are readily available
d. When it induces alienation on the part of the learners

92. Mary Jane is looking for an organized instructional program in which the teacher and learners can be physically separated. Which of
the following will she choose?
a. Distance education c. web quests
b. Uniform resource locator d. computer-based instruction

93. You were asked to evaluate the effectiveness of an instructional game after using it in teaching a lesson in high school science.
Which of the following should you avoid?
a. Present problems which are relevant to learning objectives
b. Allow learners to select different content materials
c. Provide cooperative learning atmosphere
d. Provide a scoring system
Assessment & Evaluation of Learning
94. Ms. Borromeo tasked her students to show how to play basketball. What learning target is she assessing?
a. Knowledge b. reasoning c. skills d. products

95. .What type of validity does the Pre-board examination possess if its results can explain how the students will likely perform in their
Licensure Examination?
a. concurrent b. predictive c. construct d. content

99. If a teacher has a set objectives in all domains or learning target, which could be assessed using a single performance task, what
criterion in selecting a task did she consider?
a. generalizability b. fairness c. multiple foci d. teachability

100. Which term refers to the collection of students’ products and accomplishments for a period for evaluation purposes?
a. diary b. portfolio c. anecdotal record d. observation report

101. Ms. Reyes advocates assessment FOR learning. Which will she NOT likely do?
a. formative assessment c. placement assessment
b. diagnostic assessment d. summative assessment

102. At the beginning of the school year, the 6-year old pupils were tested to find out who among them can already read. The result used
to determine their selections. What kind of test was given to them?
a. Diagnostic b. formative c. placement d. summative

103. Which is a good portfolio evidence of a student’s acquired knowledge and writing skills?
a. project b. test results c. reflective journal d. critiqued outputs

104. When planning for portfolio assessment, which should do first?

a. set the targets for portfolio assessment
b. exhibit one’s work and be proud of one’s collection
c. select evidences that could be captured in one’s portfolio
d. reflect on one’s collection and identify strengths and weakness

105. Which kind of rubric is BEST to use in rating students’ projects done for several days?
a. analytic b. holistic c. either holistic or analytic d. both holistic and analytic

106. In a positively skewed distribution, the following statements are true EXCEPT.
a. median is greater than the mode c. mean is less than the mode
b. mean is greater than the median d. mean is greater than the mode

107. Which statement represent criterion-referenced interpretation?

a. Danny did better in solving the linear equation than 80% of representative Algebra students.
b. Danny’s score indicates that he is able to solve about two thirds of all one variable linear equation of such complexity.
c. Students who have reached Danny’s level on linear equations usually succeed in the subsequent unit on simultaneous equations
with special help or extra time that is Danny is ready to move ahead.
d.All of the above

108. Standard deviation is to variability as mode to _____________

a. correlation c. central tendency
b. discrimination d. level of difficulty

109. The proportion passing the upper and the lower group is 0.70 and 0.32 respectively, what is the index of difficulty?
a. 38 b. 40 c. 51 d. 1.02

110. Mr. Macapagal tried to correlate the scores of his pupils in the Social Studies test with their grades in the same subject last third
quarter. What test validity is he trying to establish?
a. Content validity c. concurrent validity
b. Construct validity d. criterion-related validity

111. If a test has a difficulty of 0.07, how would you describe the test item?
a. it is very easy c. it is difficult
b. it has average difficulty d. it is very difficult

112. Which is implied by a positively skewed score distribution?

a. the mean, the median, and the mode are equal c. the mode is high
b. most of the scores are high d. most of the scores are low

113. Given a mean of 55 and a standard deviation of 8, what two scores include one standard deviation below and the above the
a. 46 and 63 b. 47 and 64 c. 47 and 63 d. 46 and 64
114. Mrs. Del Rosario would like to find out how well her students know each other, what assessment instrument would best suit her
a. Self-report instrument c. guess-who technique
b. Socio-metric technique d. all of the above

115. Which of the following assessment procedures/tools is useful in assessing social relation skills?
a. anecdotal record c. peer appraisal
b. attitude scale d. any of the above

116. Two sections have the same mean but the standard deviation of section 2 is higher than section 1. Which of the two sections is
more homogenous?
a. section 1 b. section 2 c. both section 1 and 2 d. non from the two sections

117. Miss Cortez administered a test to her class and the result is positively skewed. What kind of test do you think Miss Cortez gave her
a. posttest b. pretest c. mastery test d. criterion-referenced test

118. In his second item analysis, Mr. Gonzales found out that more from the lower group got the test item #15 correctly. This means that
the test item ______.
a. has become more valid c. has become more reliable
b. has a positive discriminating power d. has a negative discriminating power

119. Q1 is 25th percentile as median is to ______________

a. 40th percentile b. 60th percentile c. 50th percentile d. 75th percentile

120. In a normal distribution curve a t-score of 60 is __

a. two SDs below the mean c. one SD below the mean
b. two SDs above the mean d. one SD above the mean

Relevant Laws
121. Who among the following is NOT within the category of “teacher” as provided for under Magna Carta for Public School Teachers?
a. guidance counselors c. school nurse
b. school principal d. school librarian

Relevant Laws
121. Who among the following is NOT within the category of “teacher” as provided for under Magna Carta for Public School Teachers?
a. guidance counselors c. school nurse
b. school principal d. school librarian

122. Career lines for teachers include the following EXCEPT ONE. Which is this?
a. classroom teaching c. curriculum developer
b. school administration d. counselor

123. A kind teacher who has been in active service for 10 years decided to pursue higher studies. Under R.A. 4670, what kind of leave of
absence can the teacher avail of?
a. Scholarship leave c. study leave
b. Indefinite leave d. vacation leave

124. Based on R.A 6713, public officials and employees shall at all times be loyal to the Republic and to the Filipino people. This norm of
conduct is related to ________.
a. professionalism c. responsiveness to the public
b. nationalism and patriotism d. honesty

125. Which of the following is the main reason for the mandate for incoming freshman high school students to undergo an early
registration in the public and private high schools of their choice?
a. To assess the incoming first year students’ academic capabilities
b. to avoid overcrowding in public schools
c. to increase the participation rate in basic education
d. all of the above

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