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June, 2021

1. (a) Draw DFD up to 2nd level (start from level-0) for a ‘Library
Information System’. Make necessary assumptions.
0-level and 2nd Level Missing in PDF

(b) Explain any two techniques for performing requirements


(c) Draw ERD for a ‘Library Information System’. Make necessary


(d) Explain different models of database design. Give examples.

2. (a) What is meant by CASE ? Explain various components of CASE.
A CASE tool is a computer-based product aimed at supporting one or more software
engineering activities within a software development process. Although, ideally a CASE
tool should support all the activities of software engineering process starts from
requirements analysis to designing, coding, testing, implementation and
documentation, in reality, CASE tools often support one activity or at least a group of
related activities. As software development activities become more complex and
relatively unmanageable, there has been an awareness of the need for automated tools
to help the software developer to accomplish this task. Initially, the focus was primarily
on program support tools such as design of translators, compilers, assemblers, macro
processors, and other tools. As computers became more powerful and the software that
ran on them has grown larger and more complex, the support tools began to expand
further. Some capabilities of CASE tools are also found in the common application
development software. Large-scale use of computers has necessitated its maximum and
efficient use and development of software for various activities of any organization. A
software development effort can be viewed as a significant effort to design appropriate
solutions, test and implement the solutions and finally documenting the solutions. In
view of this, a wide range of support tools began to emerge to help the development

Components of CASE:

The following are various types of CASE tools:

• Planning and management tools: Begin the development process with information
planning and project management.

• Analysis tools: These tools ensure that business requirements are correctly captured
during the analysis phase early in the development process. Analysis tools are used to
check for incomplete, inconsistent or incorrect specifications.

• Design toolset: It provides detailed specification of the system.

• Information integrator: It integrates system specifications and checks them for

consistency and completeness. It also records them in the CASE repository.

• Code generator: It automatically generates code specific to a language based on the

system specification.

• Database design toolset: It suggests database design and generates system control

• User interface generator: It generates user interface based on system specification.

• Report generator: It generates reports based on specification

(b) What is meant by reverse engineering? What is meant by

reengineering? How do they differ from each other?
Reverse engineering is the process of recreation of model based on existing code. First,
the existing code is scanned to generate the model. Then the model can be fine-tuned in
accordance with requirements. Reverse engineering allows developers to create model
for old systems, which were never modeled. It analyses existing software with purpose
of understanding its design and specification. Reverse engineering tools read program
source code and create graphical and textual representation of design.

Re-engineering means “restructuring and rewriting the legacy system or part of it

without changing its original functionality”. Re-engineering efforts make the software
up-to-date to current technology and hence easy to maintain. The new system becomes
restructured and re-documented. Re-engineering tools read program source code and
interactively change and existing system to improve quality performance or


3. (a) What are forms ? Explain the process of design of forms.

Like a form on paper that is used to fill out information with a pen or pencil, a Form in
computer terminology identifies the data we want to collect. It also allows us to enter
data into the database, display it for review and also print it for distribution. However,
an electronic form has several important advantages over standard paper forms. These
have the advantage of using a computer database and are more versatile and powerful
than paper forms

The following are general guidelines for the design of Forms and Reports, which make
the Form, or Report more acceptable:

 Meaningful Titles: The form or report should contain title that is clear and
specific. It should clearly describe the content and use of form or report. It should
also include the date on which the form or report was generated. Page heading
formats should be consistent throughout the system. For example, the date
should always appear in the same place. Column headings should clearly indicate
the contents of the columns and should be separated from the body using extra
blank lines, horizontal rule etc.
 Meaningful Information: Only the information that is relevant and needed by
the user should be displayed on the form or report. Information should be
provided in such a manner that the user could use it without any modification. All
the information irrelevant to the intent of the form or report should not be
 Balanced Layout: The information should be balanced on the screen or page,
i.e., the display should not be too crowded and not too spread out. When
deciding where to put individual fields on the form or report, we should see that
the form or report is easy to understand and to use. The most important
information should be placed where they are easiest to find (generally, at the
beginning). The different fields should be separated by means of extra spaces
whenever possible so that a subsequent field expansion will not necessarily force
to redesign the entire layout. All related information should be grouped together
wherever possible. For example, name, street address and city/state/pin code
can be grouped together. Appropriate line spacing greatly enhances the
readability of a form or report. We should insert extra blank lines to indicate
where headers end and the body of information begins, where one multi-line
detail ends and the next begins, where one group of items end and another
begins, etc.
 Easy Navigation: It should be possible for the user to easily move forward and
backward through the contents of form or report. At any instance, it should be
possible for the user to know where exactly s/he is. The user should be notified
when s/he is on the last page of a multi-page sequence. The user must be able to
exit or quit the report or form easily.
(b) Is system maintenance essential ? Explain different types of
System maintenance involves more than 80% of the total life of a software product; this
shows the importance of maintenance. System maintenance is the task of monitoring,
evaluating and modifying the information system to make necessary desirable changes
during the total life cycle of the software. Organizational requirements as perceived
during the analysis phase changes, the system has to accommodate all such changes to
make the system current and useful for the organization. Maintenance of system also
takes care of the failure and shortcomings that arise during the operation of the
information system by the end user. During the implementation phase, one person from
the system maintenance group is nominated to collect information from the user for
maintenances. Maintenance activity involves collecting requests for changes,
transforming these requests to changes, designing the changes to be incorporated and
implementing the changes in the system.

The following are the different types of maintenance activities:

• Corrective Maintenance: This type of maintenance is to rectify design, coding and

implementation problems detected after the implementation of the System. This kind of
problem generally surfaces immediately after the system is implemented. This type of
problem needs immediate attention as it hampers the day to day work of the end user.
Proper planning and interaction with the end user during system development process
can minimize Corrective Maintenance. In spite of the all these kinds of maintenance,
these constitute more than 60 percent of total maintenance effort. Corrective
maintenance is very much undesirable. It does not do any value addition to the
software. Care should be taken to see that normal business operations are not disturbed
because of it.

• Adaptive Maintenance: Changes are needed as a consequence of upgraded versions

or changes in operation system, hardware, or DBMS. Adaptive maintenance is required
because business operates on a social environment and need of the organization
changes as organization ventures in to new areas, or as government regulation policy
changes, etc. Maintenance of the software to adapt to this kind of changes is called
adaptive maintenance. Unlike corrective maintenance, this kind of activity adds value to
the information system and affects a small part of the organization. This activity is not as
urgent as corrective maintenance as these changes are gradual and allow sufficient time
to the system group to make changes to the software.

• Perfective Maintenance: This kind of maintenance activity involves adding new

functionalities and features to the software to make it more versatile and user oriented.
Sometimes, changes are made to improve performance of the software. In some sense,
this maintenance can be thought of as a new development activity. This adds value to
the information system and is required to stay ahead of the competition.

• Preventive Maintenance: Changes are made to software to make it easily

maintainable and to prevent any kind of system failure in future. This reduces the need
of corrective maintenance. As corrective maintenance could lead to hamper normal
functioning, preventive maintenance is done periodically to ensure that the probability
of system failure is minimized. Preventive maintenance could increase the volume of
transactions that can be handled by the system. Preventive maintenance is done when
the system is least used or not used at all. This does not add value to the system, but
certainly lowers the cost of corrective maintenance.

4. (a) Explain various types of file organization. What are the

differences between a Master File and a Transaction File ?
 Serial file organization: A serial file is created by placing the record as it is
created. It leaves no gap between the records that are stored on the disk. The
utilization of space called packing density approaches 100 percent in this case.
Examples of serial files are print file, dump file, log files, and transaction files.
These files are created once and are not used for addition or deletion or any kind
of record searching operation.
 Sequential file organization: In this organization, the records are physically
ordered by primary key. To locate a particular record, the program starts
searching from the beginning of the file till the matching primary key is found.
Alphabetic list of customers is a common example of sequential file organization.
Deletion of record may cause wastage of space and adding a new record requires
rewriting of the file. This type of file organization is suitable for master files and is
not used where fast response time is required.
 Indexed sequential file organization: In this organization, records are not
physically ordered. Index is created to facilitate searching of records. Index
Records give physical location of each data record. Indexes are separate files with
a link to the main file. This type of file organization is used where faster response
time is required.
 Hashed file organization: In this organization, records are physically ordered
according to hashing algorithm. The address where each record is stored is
determined using hashing algorithms. The following is a typical hashing algorithm
o Uses a field in record called the hash field (generally the key filed).
o Divides by prime number known as hash function.
o Produces record address called the hash address
Master Files Transaction Files
A Master file is a permanent file of all the A Transaction file is a temporary file of all
data needed by a business. Some of the the transactions (items bought, sold,
fields may be regularly updated from deleted etc.) that have taken place in a
transactions. given period. It stores data related to day
to day business transactions.
For example, a file consisting of For example, data related to daily sales
information about customers. activity. The contents of these files are
used to update the master file. Daily sales
are used to update balance in the
customer file.

(b) What are inheritance and aggregation diagrams ? Write

differences between them.
Inheritance Diagram:

It is a design diagram work product that primarily documents the inheritance

relationships between classes and interfaces in object-oriented modeling. The standard
notation consists of one box for each class. The boxes are arranged in a hierarchical tree
according to their inheritance characteristics. Each class box includes the class name, its
attributes, and its operations. Figure 4.5 shows a typical inheritance diagram

Aggregation Diagram:

The E-R model cannot express relationships among relationships. An aggregation

diagram shows relationships among objects. When a class is formed as a collection of
other classes, it is called an aggregation relationship between these classes. Each
module will be represented by its name. The relationship will be indicated by a directed
line from container to container. The directed line is labelled with the cardinality of the
relationship. It describes “has a” relationship. Figure 4.6 shows an aggregation between
two classes (circle has a shape).


5. (a) Explain various steps involved in the process of documentation.

The following are various steps involved in the process of documentation:

 Collection of source material: The very first step of any documentation process is
to acquire the required source material for preparation of document. The
material is collected including specifications, formats, screen layouts and report
layouts. A copy of the operational software is helpful for preparing the
documentation for user.
 Documentation Plan: The documenter is responsible for preparation of a
documentation plan, which specifies the details of the work to be carried out to
prepare the document. It also defines and the target audience.
 Review of Plan: The plan as set out in the process above is reviewed to see that
material acquired is correct and complete.
 Creation of Document: The document is prepared with the help of document
 Testing of Document: The document created is tested for usability as required by
the target audience.
 Maintain Document: Once the document is created and distributed, it must be
kept up to date with new version of the software product. It must be ensured
that the latest document is available to the user of the software.
(b) What is cohesion? Explain any four types of cohesion
Cohesion reflects the degree to which a module conforms itself to the performance of a
single task. A simple way to check if a module is cohesive or not, is to examine each
instruction in it. If every instruction is related to the performance of a single task, then
the module is said to be cohesive. Modules should be highly cohesive. Two objectives
can be achieved if we strive to make a module cohesive. First is that the module will
perform single task. It leads to a larger degree of portability and we can directly plug in
the module in an application which requires the performance of this task. The second is
that module will be loosely coupled. Since the module is performing the single task, it
will accept the data from a superordinate module , does the requisite function and
returns the results.

Types of Cohesion:
 Functional Cohesion: A module is functionally cohesive if every instruction in the
module is related to a single task. One easy way to know whether the module is
functionally cohesive or not is to examine its name. The name of the module will
usually indicate the task that is performed by it. For example, Print Grade Cards,
Generate payslips etc. are names of modules that perform a single function.
 Sequential Cohesion: In this type of cohesion, all instructions in the module are
related to each other through the data that is passed to the module. If each
instruction is examined individually, it is difficult to know whether the module is
performing single function or not. But, if the module is simulated and instruction
wise simulation is examined, then we can conclude that the module is
sequentially cohesive if each instruction’s input data is the output data of the
previous immediate instruction. In other words, the concept of sequential
cohesion is similar to the concept of pipeline processing. So, in sequential
cohesion, sequencing of instructions plays a major role in the cohesiveness of the
 Temporal Cohesion: In this type of cohesion, instructions in a module are related
to each other only by flow of control and are totally unrelated to their sequence.
In a temporally cohesive module, execution of all the instructions may take place
at a time.
 Procedural Cohesion: Any module which is not functionally cohesive is difficult to
maintain. In this type of cohesion, the sequence of instructions is important and
they are related to each other by the control flow. It is possible to make a change
in sequence, but it cannot be arbitrarily done. The execution of instructions in the
module which is procedurally cohesive usually leads to the calls to other
modules. So, the instructions in a procedurally cohesive module are related to
the instructions in other modules.
February 2021

1. (a) Draw a Data Flow Diagram (DFD) till level-3 depicting various
processes, data flow and data repositories for booking a room in
Hotel Management System. Make necessary assumptions.

0-level, 2nd Level & 3rd Level Missing in PDF

(b) Draw an E-R Diagram for Hotel Management System. Make

necessary assumptions.

(c) Write SRS outline for Hotel Management System. Make necessary
(d) Explain the difference between ‘‘Analysis’’ and ‘‘Design’’ phases of
Software Development
During analysis phase, the requirements are determined. In this phase, analysts work
with users to determine what the users want from a proposed system. This phase
usually involves a careful study of any existing systems, manual or computerized that
might be replaced or enhanced as part of the project. Next, the requirements are
studied and structured according to their inter-relationship and eliminate any
redundancies. After this alternative initial design is generated to match the
requirements then these alternatives are compared to determine which alternative best
meets the requirements. After analysis phase is complete, design of the system begins.
The design consists of logical and physical design of the system. During design, the
analysis converts the description of the recommended requirements into logical and
then physical system specifications. Design occurs in two phases, viz., logical design and
physical design. Logical design concentrates on the business aspects of the system. In
physical design, the logical design is turned into physical or technical specifications

2. (a) What is Data Dictionary? What are its uses? Explain with
A Data Dictionary is a catalogue of all elements in a system. It consists of data about
data. It is a document that collects co-ordinates and confirms what specific data terms
mean to different people in the team.

It is important for the following reasons:

• To manage the details

• communicate meaning

• document system features

• facilitate analysis

• locate errors and omissions

(b) What is a Decision Table ? Design a Decision Table for a system of
your choice. Explain it.
A decision table shows the way the system handles input conditions and subsequent
actions on the event. A decision table is composed of rows and columns, separated into
four separate quadrants.
(c) Describe any one method of performing Cost Benefit Analysis.
The cost consists of tangible hardware, software costs, cost of human resources and
some intangible costs. Tangible costs are saved by the usage of the system. Intangible
costs are saved by the quality of the system. Also, application of system should lead to
efficiency. When the quality of the system is high, the effectiveness of the services
provided by the organizations increase. If a choice has to be made between efficiency
and effectiveness then it is better to do the right thing inefficiently than to do wrong
thing efficiently. The tangible benefits are those which can be quantified easily. They can
be measured in terms of savings or profits. On the other hand, in the case of intangible
benefits, it is difficult to quantify. Examples of intangible benefits are improving
company goodwill, improving employee morale, better decision making, etc.

3. (a) Differentiate between Function-Oriented and Object-

Oriented Design. Also explain the problems if two modules have
high coupling.
Difference between

The coupling between the modules should be minimum. The reason for stressing the
need for minimum dependence between modules is that, if a module-1 is largely
dependent on another module-2, then, any error in module-2 will affect the
functionality of module-1. This is the case of two modules that are largely dependent on
each other. But, in the case of multiple modules being largely dependent among
themselves, the consequences of errors in one or more modules will be drastic. The
other problem with the dependency of one module on another module is related to
maintenance. If a programmer has to change the functionality of a module then he
should also make necessary changes to the internals of the modules on which the
module in question is largely dependent. It automatically leads to the disturbance of the
entire system. Such modular design usually leads to the need for development of the
system from the scratch which is going to have significant implications in terms of
efforts to be put, amount to be spent etc. If modules are independent to the extent
possible then it will become easy for the programmers to make changes in a particular
module with out making any changes in other modules. Also, it leads to a greater reuse
of the modules in multiple projects wherever the functionality of the module is needed.
Though it is desirable, it is highly possible to minimize coupling among the modules

(b) Explain the characteristics of MIS. Also list the components of MIS .
MIS Characteristics:

• Supports day-to-day business operations

• Supports managerial decision-making
• Supports strategic decision-making and competitive advantage
• Optimizing operational cost
• Provide timely and accurate information
• Provide expert advice to the managers on selected domains.

Components of MIS:

 External Database: External databases are databases that are not owned by the
organization and the organization pays royalty to access these databases.
Examples of these databases are: databases of Market research groups,
Statistical and Demographic organizations etc. Since organization operates in a
social environment it is influenced by various external factors. Impact of theses
external factors on the long-term goal and success of organization is very
important. Top management needs to analyse data from these sources for long
term planning.
 Corporate database: Corporate database stores data generated by various
business processes through transaction processing Systems. These can be
employee database, customer database, inventory database, etc.
 Management database: These databases store select data from corporate
databases. It generally stores summarized information for the requirements of
 MIS Software: This is used to extract and process information from various
databases. It acts as a user interface to the managers.
 DBMS: Database Management System stores, retrieves and manages data on
various databases.
 Communication Software: This is used to communicate with customers, suppliers
and other stakeholders of the organization. Examples are Messaging Software or
Organization’s Bulletin board.
(c) Explain the criteria and specifications to be considered while
designing Reports.
Several criteria that should be considered in order to produce good reports are given

 Relevance: Only the information that is relevant to the purpose of the report
should be present in the report. This is a selection process, i.e., all the relevant
information should be included and all the irrelevant information or data should
be excluded. Only required information should be printed or displayed. In on-line
reports, we should use information hiding and provide methods to expand and
contract levels of information details.
 Accuracy: The data that appears on the report should be accurately recorded,
accurately transmitted and accurately transformed into summary data. Accuracy
is very important because if the data are inaccurate, then the main purpose of
the report which is to provide accurate information to the user will not be
accomplished. Incomplete data are also inaccurate.
 Clarity: The information that is present on the report should be clear and
understandable. The information present should be balanced on the report, the
display should not be too crowded and not too spread out. Sufficient margins and
spacing throughout the output will enhance readability. Desired information
must be easy to locate. Comparisons, ratios, percentages, exception flags and
graphs should be used where necessary.
 Timeliness: Reports must be prepared and ready for use in time. Most reports
provide information, which is used to make decisions. Hence, this information
must reach the recipients while the information is pertinent to transactions or
decisions. Information is of very little use if it arrives after the decisions are made.
 Cost: Every report has two costs. First is the cost of preparation, which consists of
analysis, design, computation and distribution. Second is the cost of reading the
report and locating germane parts of it. Often the cost of reading the report is
forgotten during the calculation of costs. The reading cost can be significantly
reduced only if the appropriate information is presented clearly on the report.
The total cost should always be less than the expected benefits. Only then the
report should be prepared.
4. (a) Explain the process of design of physical records.
A Record is a collection of fields. Records are common to both databases and files.
Records are collection of fields in a predefined format. The design of physical record
involves putting the collection of fields in a single logical unit so that the fields are stored
in adjacent locations for better storage and retrieval. The main objective of the design of
physical records is to store and retrieve them efficiently. Also, the fields should be
stored in adjacent locations in such a way that the storage is used efficiently and speed
of data processing is appropriate.

Physical pages or blocks are units of information moved between disk and memory
buffers. They hold not only records, or table entries, but other information such as the
amount of free space currently available in the block, the starting position of each
record, etc. Blocks of data (pages) are normally read or written by the operating system.
Page is referred to as the amount of data written in one I/O operation of operating
system. Blocking factor refers to the number of physical records per page. If a record
size is 1340 bytes and the page size is 2048 bytes, then 708 bytes are wasted if DBMS
does not allow physical records to span different pages. Selecting a block size involves a
trade-off. In principle, the larger the block size, the fewer read-write operations need be
performed to access a file by the operating system and therefore the more efficient is
the processing. However, it requires a correspondingly large allocation of buffer space in
memory. Since this is limited (and perhaps shared by many users), there is in practice,
an upper bound. Moreover, large block sizes are primarily advantageous for sequential
access. Denormalization is the process of transforming normalized relations into
unnormalized physical record specifications. The motivation behind de-normalization is
poor performance of normalized table. The following may be of use for denormalization.

(b) Why is documentation needed during the development of a

system? What are the various stages in SDLC where documentation is
Documentation is needed because it is –

• A means for transfer of knowledge and details about description of the system

• To communicate among different teams of the software project

• To help corporate audits and other requirements of the organization

• To meet regulatory demand

• needed for IT infrastructure management and maintenance

• needed for migration to a new software platform.

The following are various steps involved in the process of documentation:

 Collection of source material: The very first step of any documentation process is
to acquire the required source material for preparation of document. The
material is collected including specifications, formats, screen layouts and report
layouts. A copy of the operational software is helpful for preparing the
documentation for user.
 Documentation Plan: The documenter is responsible for preparation of a
documentation plan, which specifies the details of the work to be carried out to
prepare the document. It also defines and the target audience.
 Review of Plan: The plan as set out in the process above is reviewed to see that
material acquired is correct and complete.
 Creation of Document: The document is prepared with the help of document
 Testing of Document: The document created is tested for usability as required by
the target audience.
 Maintain Document: Once the document is created and distributed, it must be
kept up to date with new version of the software product. It must be ensured
that the latest document is available to the user of the software.
5. Write short notes on the following:

(a) Real Time and Distributed Systems

(b) Software Quality Assurance

(c) Types of File Organization

(d) Audit of Transaction

June, 2020
1. (a) Draw a DataFlow Diagram (DFD) up to level-3 clearly showing
various processes, data flow and data repositories for Doctor's
appointment in a Hospital Management System. Make
necessary assumptions.

Level 2 & Level 3 missing

(b) Write SRS outline for Doctor's Appointment in a Hospital
Management System. Make necessary assumptions.

(c) Explain the tasks performed by a Systems Analyst .

The duty of a systems analyst is to coordinate the efforts of all groups to effectively
develop and operate computer based information systems. The duties of a systems
analyst are following:

• Defining Requirements: The most important and difficult duty of an

analyst is to understand the user’s requirements. Several fact-finding
techniques are used like interview, questionnaire, and observation, etc.
• Prioritising Requirements by Consensus: There is a need to set priority
among the requirements of various users. This can be achieved by having a
common meeting with all the users and arriving at a consensus. This duty
of systems analyst requires good interpersonal relations and diplomacy.
S/he must be able to convince all the users about the priority of
• Analysis and Evaluation: A systems analyst analyses the working of the
current information system in the organization and finds out the extent to
which they meet user’s needs. On the basis of facts and opinions, systems
analyst finds the best characteristics of the new or modified system which
will meet the user’s stated information needs.
• Solving Problems: Systems analyst is basically a problem solver. An analyst
must study the problem in depth and suggest alternate solutions to
• Drawing up Functional Specifications: The key duty of systems analyst is
to obtain the functional specifications of the system to be designed. The
specification must be non-technical so that users and managers
understand it. The specification must be precise and detailed so that it can
be used by system implementers.
• Designing Systems: Once the specifications are accepted, the analyst
designs the system. The design must be understandable to the system
implementer. The design must be modular to accommodate changes
easily. An analyst must know the latest design tools to assist implementer
in his task. An Analyst must also create a system test plan.

(d) Explain how Waterfall model and Prototyping model can be

accommodated in a spiral process model.
2. (a) What is JAD? What are its benefits and who are the key players?
What are their roles?
In the late 1970s, systems development personnel at IBM developed a new process for
collecting information system requirements and reviewing systems designs. The process
is called Joint Application Design (JAD). The basic idea behind JAD is to bring structure to
the requirements determination phase of analysis and to the reviews that occur as part
of design. Users, managers, and system developers are brought together for a series of
intensive structured meetings run by a JAD session leader who maintains the structure
and sticks to the agenda. By gathering the people directly affected by an Information
System in one room at the same time to work together to agree on system
requirements and design details, time and organizational resources are better put to
use. An added advantage is that, group members are more likely to develop a shared
understanding of what the information system is supposed to do.

The following are the various benefits of Joint Application Development:

• actively involves users and management in project development

• reduces the amount of time required to develop a system
• Incorporates prototyping as a means for confirming requirements and
obtaining design approvals.

The typical participants in a JAD are listed below:

JAD session leader: The JAD leader organizes and runs the JAD. This person is trained in
group management and facilitation as well as system analysis. The JAD leader sets the
agenda and sees that it is met. The JAD leader remains neutral on issues and does not
contribute ideas or opinions but rather concentrates on keeping the group on the
agenda, resolving conflicts and disagreements, and soliciting all ideas.

(1) Users: The key users of the system under consideration are vital participants in a
JAD. They are the only ones who have a clear understanding of what it means to use the
system on a daily basis.

(2) Managers: The role of managers during JAD is to approve project objectives,
establish project priorities, approve schedules and costs and approve identified training
needs and implementation plans.

(3) Sponsors: A JAD must be sponsored by someone at a relatively high level in the
company i.e. the person from top management. If the sponsor attends any session, it is
usually at the very beginning or at the end.
(4) Systems Analysts: Members of the systems analysis team attend the JAD session
although their actual participation may be limited. Analysts are there to learn from
customers and managers, but not to run or dominate the process.

(5) Scribe: The scribe takes down the notes during the JAD sessions. This is usually done
on a personal computer or a laptop. Notes may be taken using a word processor.
Diagrams may directly be entered into a CASE tool.

(6) IS staff like systems analysts, other IS staff such as programmers, database analysts,
IS planners and data center personnel may attend to learn from the discussions and
possibly to contribute their ideas on the technical feasibility of proposed ideas or on
technical limitations of current systems.

(b) Give full form of CASE. Draw a CASE diagram showing all
components. Explain each component briefly.
CASE stands for Computer Aided Software Engineering

The following are various types of CASE tools:

• Planning and management tools: Begin the development process with

information planning and project management.
• Analysis tools: These tools ensure that business requirements are
correctly captured during the analysis phase early in the development
process. Analysis tools are used to check for incomplete, inconsistent or
incorrect specifications.
• Design toolset: It provides detailed specification of the system.
• Information integrator: It integrates system specifications and checks
them for consistency and completeness. It also records them in the CASE
• Code generator: It automatically generates code specific to a language
based on the system specification.
• Database design toolset: It suggests database design and generates
system control information.
• User interface generator: It generates user interface based on system
• Report generator: It generates reports based on specification

(c) Describe the characteristics of a good interface design. Describe

the process of designing forms stating different steps involved.
Characteristics of a Good interface Design:

i) The system user should always be aware of what to do next.

ii) The screen should be formatted so that various types of information,
instructions and messages always appear in the same general display area.
iii) Messages, instructions or information should be displayed long enough to
allow the system user to read them.
iv) Use display attributes sparingly.
v) Default values for fields and answers to be entered by the user should be
vi) A user should not be allowed to proceed without correcting an error.
vii) The system user should never get an operating system message or fatal error.

The following are general guidelines for the design of Forms and Reports, which make
the Form, or Report more acceptable:

 Meaningful Titles: The form or report should contain title that is clear and
specific. It should clearly describe the content and use of form or report. It should
also include the date on which the form or report was generated. Page heading
formats should be consistent throughout the system. For example, the date
should always appear in the same place. Column headings should clearly indicate
the contents of the columns and should be separated from the body using extra
blank lines, horizontal rule etc.
 Meaningful Information: Only the information that is relevant and needed by
the user should be displayed on the form or report. Information should be
provided in such a manner that the user could use it without any modification. All
the information irrelevant to the intent of the form or report should not be
 Balanced Layout: The information should be balanced on the screen or page,
i.e., the display should not be too crowded and not too spread out. When
deciding where to put individual fields on the form or report, we should see that
the form or report is easy to understand and to use. The most important
information should be placed where they are easiest to find (generally, at the
beginning). The different fields should be separated by means of extra spaces
whenever possible so that a subsequent field expansion will not necessarily force
to redesign the entire layout. All related information should be grouped together
wherever possible. For example, name, street address and city/state/pin code
can be grouped together. Appropriate line spacing greatly enhances the
readability of a form or report. We should insert extra blank lines to indicate
where headers end and the body of information begins, where one multi-line
detail ends and the next begins, where one group of items end and another
begins, etc.
 Easy Navigation: It should be possible for the user to easily move forward and
backward through the contents of form or report. At any instance, it should be
possible for the user to know where exactly s/he is. The user should be notified
when s/he is on the last page of a multi-page sequence. The user must be able to
exit or quit the report or form easily.

2. (a) Explain the different types of feasibility needed to be studies

during software development.
Feasibility of Software Development is given below:

• Technical Feasibility: The current level of technology can support the

proposed system. The proposed software is enabled to meet all the
objectives of the system and the output received would be more efficient.
So, the project is technically feasible.
• Economic Feasibility: The proposed system needs to get hardware and
software installed. The short-term costs are overshadowed by the long-
term gains. The management in question can invest in the system and is in
condition to pay for the cost of system’s study, cost of employee’s time
involved in the study and the cost of development of software. Thus,
project is economically feasible.
• Operational Feasibility: The current system faces a lot of problems which
would be removed in the proposed system. The employees of the system
will be free from the burden of the paper work and a lot of confusion. The
employees are themselves interested in getting the manual system
replaced by the automated one. The proposed system is user friendly. So,
even a layman can use it. Thus, it is operationally feasible.

(b) How can risks and threats to IT system be identified, analyzed and
Risk Assessment and Management: A thorough and proactive risk assessment is the
first step in establishing a sound security system. This is the ongoing process of
evaluating threats and vulnerabilities, and establishing an appropriate risk management
program to mitigate potential monetary losses and harm to an institution's reputation.
Threats have the potential to harm an institution, while vulnerabilities are weaknesses
that can be exploited. There are different approaches followed by organizations to
analyze risks. However, ultimately all the methods boil down to two types of
approaches: quantitative and qualitative.

Quantitative Risk Analysis: This approach although difficult to implement gives an idea
about the amount of risk involved with the event. This basically employs two
fundamental elements i.e. The probability of occurrence of the loss making event and
probability of occurrence of the event.

Estimated Loss = Potential loss due to the event * probability

It is therefore possible to rank the events in order of estimated loss. But the problem
associated with the quantitative approach is estimating the probability of occurrence of
the event, also in some cases the events are interrelated making the probability
calculation even more difficult. Notwithstanding above difficulty, many organizations
have adopted and implemented this approach successfully.

Qualitative Risk Analysis: The extent of the information security program should
commensurate with the degree of risk associated with the institution’s systems,
networks, and information assets. For example, compared to an information-only Web
site, institutions offering transactional Internet banking activities are exposed to greater
risks. Further, real-time funds transfers generally pose greater risks than delayed or
batch-processed transactions because the items are processed immediately. The extent
to which an institution contracts with third-party vendors will also affect the way the
risk assessment has to be done.
Natural and man-made disasters are inevitable. Earthquake, floods, fire and terrorist
attack can severely damage organizations computing infrastructure. The disaster
recovery plan is a document containing procedures for emergency response, extended
backup operations, and recovery should a computer installation experience a partial or
total loss of computing resources or physical facilities (or of access to such facilities). The
primary objective of this plan, used in conjunction with the contingency plans, is to
provide reasonable assurance that a computing installation can recover from disasters,
continue to process critical applications in a degraded mode, and return to a normal
mode of operation within a reasonable time. A key part of disaster recovery planning is
to provide for processing at an alternative site during the time that the original facility is

In-House Backup: This level is the minimum acceptable and is mandatory for all
installations and application’s systems. Define in detail all in-house back up procedures,
the techniques used, files copied, frequency, etc.

Alternate Storage Area: This level of protection is necessary for mission critical
components. It consists of offsite storage of at least one copy of all AIS files and
databases, programs, and procedures necessary to operate the high priority application
systems, either at the installation or at an alternate site of operation (including copies of
contingency plans and related materials). The alternate storage area should be located
in an area reasonably accessible to the installation, but not subject to the same degree
of major threat as the site. It is recommended that, as a rule of thumb, the alternate
storage area be no closer than one mile from the site. However, the distance may vary
from location to location.

The Disaster Recovery Toolkit: The Disaster Recovery Toolkit is a highly valuable
collection of items and documents to assist in ensuring business continuity in the face of
serious incident or disaster. Many organizations use these documents as a checklist and
add element specific to their need.

3. (a) What are the steps involved for designing a database. Explain using an
1. Selection of database architecture: Selecting database architecture is one of the
most challenging parts of database design for any information system. Before
deciding on the target DBMS where the database is to be implemented, few
considerations are required. Hierarchical database structure is a kind of database
management system that links records in tree data structure such that each
record has only one owner. For example an order is owned by only one customer.
It resembles a tree structure. Network database structure is more flexible
structure than Hierarchical model as well as relational model, but not preferred
due to the high processing time. A neural network is an example of network
database. Relational database structure is most commonly used database model.
The data is modeled as a mathematical relation. Reference key joins different
tables together. Indexes provide rapid access to specific record in the database.
For example, DB2, MySQL, Oracle are some RDBMS. Object Oriented Database
management system is based on object oriented paradigm. In object oriented
database, data is stored as objects and can be interpreted only by using the
methods specified by its class. A blue print of the database is a physical model. A
schema defines the database in terms of tables, keys, indexes and integrity rules.
A relational schema consists of a relation, name of the attributes in the relations
and restrictions on the relations called integrity constraints.
2. Designing Database Schema: A database schema is a set of relation schemas.
Changes to a schema or database schema are expensive. So, careful thought
must be given to design of a database schema. The following are some guidelines
for the design of a database schema.
• Each entity should be implemented as a database table.
• Each attribute should be implemented as a field.
• Each table must have a primary key and an index based on the key.
• Each table may have zero or more secondary keys.
• Appropriate foreign keys.

3. Selecting Indexes: During the process of file and database design one must
choose index based on a single field (usually the primary key) or multiple fields.
While selecting index, one must keep in mind the performance issues vis-à-vis the
issue of inserting and deleting records. While indexes can be used generously on
tables primarily used for query purpose with rare necessity to update records,
they should be used judiciously in tables that support transaction processing
which involve large insertion, updation and deletion operations. The amount of
time needed to maintain the indexes in database tables increases with the
number of rows stored. In an employee database table, one will retrieve records
based on employee name, department, or hire date. One may create three
indexes-one on the DEPT field, one on the LAST_NAME field, and one on the
HIRE_DATE field. The indexes are created on fields that appear in where clause of
select statements.
4. Estimating capacity of the database: Database administrator needs to calculate
the amount of disk space required for the database.
a. In a given table, calculate the record size by adding the sizes of various
fields in it.
b. Also, the number of records that will be present in each table at a
particular period of time should be forecast.
i. Table size = record size * number of records in the table

(b) What is modularity? How can it be achieved in Design? Explain the

advantages of modular design.
Modularity is a single attribute of software that allows a program to be intellectually
manageable”. It increases the design clarity that results in easy implementation, testing,
debugging, documentation and maintenance of software product. Modularity means
“decomposing a system into smaller components that can be coded separately”.
Modularity does not mean simply chopping off system into smaller components but
certain concepts like coupling and cohesion needs to be followed while breaking a
system into different modules.

If there is a system which can be read easily, code easily and maintain easily, then we
can come to a conclusion that the design is fine. Any design which achieves the goals
given below can be termed as good design:

1. The design of the system should be module based. It means there are
modules which together make up the system and the organization of
these modules is hierarchical.
2. Each module controls the functions of a suitable number of subordinate
modules at the next hierarchical level.
3. One of the important features of good design is that the modules, which
make up the system don’t communicate intensively. The
communication should be kept at minimum level. The reason for this
imposition is that modules should be independent of each other to the
maximum extent possible. Independence means, “one module’s
functionality should not be dependent on the internal functions of other
4. The size of module should be appropriate as required for the features it
should possess like being relatively independent of other modules etc.
Basically, no specific size of range of size can be defined on modules
though it is done occasionally. The size varies from module to module
and from project to project.
5. A module should not be assigned the duty of performing more than one
function. 6. The coding of modules should be generic. It enables the
system to use the module as frequently as possible.


• A system should be divided into as many relatively independent modules as possible.

This is known as factoring.

• A superordinate module should control not more than seven subordinate modules. Of
course, this guideline is not strict and varies from system to system.

• The dependency levels between modules should be minimum. This automatically

leads to the design of modules, which don’t communicate, frequently with each other.
Also, the communication between modules should be through parameters. Of course,
Boolean variables or flags can be used for the purpose of communication. This is called

• Usually, a module if of not more than 100 lines. It may be a minimum of 50 lines. But,
these sizes are not to be strictly followed and they may vary from system to system. It is
notable here that lesser the lines of code, easier to read.

5. Write short notes on the following:

(a) Data Dictionary

(b) Decision Support System

(c) Coupling

(d) Cost-Benefit Analysis

December, 2019
1. (a) List and explain all the components of a Management Information System.

Components of MIS:

 External Database: External databases are databases that are not owned by the
organization and the organization pays royalty to access these databases.
Examples of these databases are: databases of Market research groups,
Statistical and Demographic organizations etc. Since organization operates in a
social environment it is influenced by various external factors. Impact of theses
external factors on the long-term goal and success of organization is very
important. Top management needs to analyse data from these sources for long
term planning.
 Corporate database: Corporate database stores data generated by various
business processes through transaction processing Systems. These can be
employee database, customer database, inventory database, etc.
 Management database: These databases store select data from corporate
databases. It generally stores summarized information for the requirements of
 MIS Software: This is used to extract and process information from various
databases. It acts as a user interface to the managers.
 DBMS: Database Management System stores, retrieves and manages data on
various databases.
 Communication Software: This is used to communicate with customers, suppliers
and other stakeholders of the organization. Examples are Messaging Software or
Organization’s Bulletin board.

(b) Describe the role of forms as means of input to the system and report as the means
of output of the system with the help of suitable examples for each.
Like a form on paper that is used to fill out information with a pen or pencil, a Form in computer
terminology identifies the data we want to collect. It also allows us to enter data into the database,
display it for review and also print it for distribution. However, an electronic form has several important
advantages over standard paper forms. These have the advantage of using a computer database and are
more versatile and powerful than paper forms. Examples of forms are Business forms, Electronic spread
sheet, ATM transaction layout, etc.

A report is the information that is organized and formatted to fit the required specification. It is a
passive document that contains only predefined data and is used solely for viewing and reading. Reports
can be printed on paper, or these may be transferred to a computer file, a visual display screen, etc.
Reports are the most visible component of a working information system and hence they often form the
basis for the users and management’s final assessment of the systems value. Examples of reports are:
invoices, weekly sales summaries, mailing labels, pie chart, etc.
(c) Discuss any two standards for documentation of software project.

The Documentation Standard defines various aspects of documentation such as style, format, and the
document revision/change process of these documents.

The International Standards, ISO/IEC 12207 – Software life cycle process, describes documentation as
one of the supporting parallel process of software development process. It may be noted that this
standard is not documentation standard but describes the process of documentation during the
software development process. The following are other documentation standards:

1. ISO/IEC 18019: Guidelines for the design and preparation of user documentation for application
software This standard describes how to establish what information users need, how to determine the
way in which that information should be presented to the users, and then how to prepare the
information and make it available. It covers both on-line and printed documentation. It describes
standard format and style to be adopted for documentation. It gives principles and recommended
practices for documentation.

2. ISO/IEC 15910: Software user documentation process This standard specifies the minimum process
for creating user documentation for software that has a user interface, including printed documentation
(e.g., user manuals), on-line documentation, help text and on-line documentation systems.

3. IEEE 1063: Software user Documentation It provides minimum requirement for structure, information
content and format for user documentation. It does not describe the process to be adopted for
documentation. It is applicable for both printed and on-line documentation.

(d) Draw DFD's up to 2nd-level for a Visitor's management system of a multinational

company involved in manufacturing and sale of electronic products. Follow suitable

2. (a) Draw E-R diagram for "Visitor's Management System". Make necessary

(b) Develop SRS for "Visitor's Management System". Make necessary assumptions.

3. (a) List and discuss the importance of various types of feasibility studies.

(b) Explain the process and technical related issues in software maintenance.

4. (a) Discuss the following types of testing techniques :

(i) Black Box testing

(ii) White Box testing

(b) Explain the criteria used for producing good reports.

5. Write short notes on the following:

(a) CASE tools

(b) Data dictionary

(c) Modularity

(d) Site Visits and Questionnaires

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