1 Chapter 01
Water intake
2 PART 02
Free surface conveyance
3 Chapter 03
Settling basins
4 Chapter 04
5 Chapter 05
Surge tanks and surge chambers
6 Chapter 06
Power house
Water intake
1. Water Intake
o Three basic elements are necessary in order to generate power from
A power plant.
Dams, Barrages and Reservoirs
o Water control structures: dams, barrages, and weirs play two major
release pattern.
o The height of the diversion or the dam establishes the head and the
o A reservoir consists of the water impoundment behind a dam.
4 Dead storage
5 Flood storage
o The intake is a structure constructed at nd
the entrance of a power canal
or tunnel or pipe through which the flow is diverted from the source
into the power canal or into the penstock without producing a negative
impact on the local environment and with the minimum possible head
trickle to a raging torrent, and a controlled flow of water both in quality
and quantity.
and operational problems that cannot be easily remedied and would have
no concern.
circular-shaped penstock
o Downstream from the intake is the gate shaft, with a slide and a roll
o Both gates are operated from the top of the gate shaft.
location is steel-lined.
o The trash rack is connected with the cleaning machine that can be
o These may give rise to low boundary pressure and are a potential danger
of cavitation damage.
o The inlet portion of an intake structure has to satisfy various conditions,
such as: nd
Positive boundary pressures;
Economic design.
Gate slots
o The performance of slide and wheel gates
nddepends highly on the gate
slots in which they are supported.
o Attention is paid to the transition curve from the upstream dam face
to the intake penstock. nd
o The height of the intake is a, and b is the width.
o Figure below shows a definition plot and defines the origin of the
various levels which may aid flow regulation when there is a wide range of
of a desired quality.
Classification of Intakes
o Intakes are conveniently classified into the following types depending
v) Shaft intakes
rack structure;
silt loads.
Canal Intakes
o Like run-of-river intakes, these are ndlow head intakes.
also In this
case, however, instead of leading water directly to the turbines, the
intake admits water into the diversion canals.
The coarse rack (trash rack) to trap trash, equipped with either
manual or automatic power-driven racknd
cleaning devices;
The scouring (tunnel) sluices in the diversion weir to flush the bed
load upstream of the inlet sill;
Vertical lift gate with motorized operation to control the flow into
the canal.
stable banks.
o As the bottom layers of the flow around a bend are swept towards its
inside (convex) bank, it is obvious that the best location for an intake (to
avoid bed load entry) is the outer (concave) bank, with the intake located
o The secondary current near the bed, transports sediment away from the region
and draws in water from the top layers where the sediment concentration is
relatively low. Since the sediment concentration is highest at the bed the water
diversion structure should be located where the flow near the bed is away from
the intake.
o Such conditions occur at river bends where the spiral (helicoidal) current carries
sediment towards the inner bank away from the outer bank.
o A natural scour hole forms at the outer bank with its deepest point approximately
twice the river width downstream of the intersection of the upstream axis with
the bank,
into the intake, and a diversion angle of around 30°– 45° is usually
Use of artificial groyne (e.g. island) to induce desired curvature to flow at intakes
Shaft intakes
o This is a vertical or a near-vertical shaft, driven at the reservoir
site that carries water to the penstock tunnel feeding the power
o It is therefore essential that the quantity of debris which enters the conveyance
system of a hydropower scheme be minimized.
o This can be achieved with the help of trash racks and skimmers.
Trash Racks
o A trash rack intercepts the entire flow and removes any large debris, whether it
is floating, suspended, or swept along the bottom.
o It can also be placed just before the inlet to the penstock to remove smaller
debris as well as other trashes which may have entered the water conveyance
system downstream of the intake.
o The bars are parallel and evenly spaced because a rake is commonly used to clear
the debris off the rack.
o In this case, it is essential that the teeth of the rake mesh into the parallel bars
without binding so that the rake can be pulled along the bars easily to scrape off
accumulated debris
o Otherwise, head losses may be high and the rack may fill up quickly
with debris.
and the penstock velocities are significantly higher than 0.5 m/s, the
trash rack can be built in a circular area to increase the area of the
Placing the trash racks in an inclined position makes the cleaning easy
apart from giving less resistance to flow.
a)Entrance Losses
According to Mosonyi, C is equal to 0.8 for 300 off-take angles and 0.4
for 900 off-take angles. Backgrou
The losses due to sudden contraction of the area at the inlet section:
It is given by;
Kt is trash rack loss coefficient (a function of bar shape),
t is bar thickness,
b is spacing between bars,
Va is approach velocity, and
Ф is angle of inclination of bars with the horizontal.
o If the grill is not perpendicular but makes an angle β with the water
flow (β will have a maximum value of 90º for a grill located in the sidewall
of a canal), there will be an extra head loss, given by the equation.
Gate Losses
o Head loss due to gates (at part gate opening) is given by:
Q is flow in the canal or conduit,
A is area of gate opening, and
Cd is discharge coefficient which varies between 0.62 and 0.83.
Possible cavitations,
Submergence at intakes.
o Designing for a low velocity into the conduit and increasing submergence
Figure. Vorticity due to (a) offset, (b) velocity gradient, (c) obstruction
o Vortices have four main disadvantages in hydraulic designs:
Air entrainment, with effects on hydraulic machinery ,
Swirl entrainment, with increase of head loss and reduction of
efficiency in hydraulic machinery,
o The entrapped air is therefore driven out through the air vent.
river) to the power plant in the form of a canal (open waterway), tunnel
body of water from which the penstocks convey the water to the
from such sources as landslide and rock falls, and from storm water
Canal Sections
o In order to establish a reliable bases for the alignment and determining the
The geological formation,
The dip of layers,
The quality of rock (degree of fissuring,
Backgroupermeability, strength,
o Natural channels are normally very irregular in shape, and their surface
roughness changes with distance and time.
o Manning’s Equation shows that for the same cross-sectional area A, and
channel slope S, the channel with a larger hydraulic radius R, delivers a
larger discharge.
o That means that for a given cross-sectional area, the section with the least
wetted perimeter is the most efficient hydraulically.
o Minimum freeboard for lined canals is about 10 cm, and for unlined canals
this should be about one third of the designed water depth with a minimum
of fifteen centimetres.
o Once the canal profile has been selected it is easy to compute its maximum
o Apart from the hydraulic computations (e.g. capacities), the flow
nd conduits in general are
velocities in the canal or other water
determined based on economic considerations (investments, head
losses, wear and tear of material, danger of erosion and silting).
o It has to be low enough to prevent bed erosion for unlined and wear by
abrasion for lined-canals.
o Lowering the velocity keeps the head loss over the length of the canal
to a minimum; however, it increases the cost necessary to construct
the canal as the cross-sectional area increases when the velocity
1. According to Ludin
o If Vmin > 0.3 m/sec, there will be no silting (for silty sediments)
o Vmin > 0.3 to 0.5 m/sec, there will be no silting (for sandy sediments)
power canal just before the entrance to the penstock or pressure shaft.
o It acts as a transition section between the power canal and the penstock.
Figure below
o Its main function is to store, temporarily, the water rejected by the
ndthe instantaneous increased
plant when the load is reduced and to meet
The spillway (sometimes a siphon type), with the waterway, the chute
The bottom outlet which, at the same time, used for sediment
flushing sluice,
power canal can be removed before the water passes into the turbine.
o In this case, the forebay must be large enough to reduce flow velocities
o It can serve to distribute evenly the water conveyed by the power canal
Tunnels Backgrou
o Tunnels are underground conveyance structures constructed by special
tunneling methods without disturbing the natural surface of the ground.
o Tunneling is always much more expensive than canals and decision should
be carefully analyzed.
1. The geologic formation through which the tunnel will pass is stable,
Free-flow tunnels
o Design, lining and stress analysis in connection with the external forces to be
resisted are governed by principles established for conventional highway tunnels,
railway tunnels and mining cuts.
o On the other hand, in contrast to ‘dry tunnels’ the water load in the free-flow tunnel
may influence the design and selection of the type of lining.
Service tunnels
o the principles of design do not differ from those for dry tunnels.
o Pressure tunnels
May further be classified according to the head above the soffit of the tunnel as,
Low-pressure tunnels,
Medium-pressure tunnels,
High-head tunnels,
o According to another classification tunnels may beBackgrou
Unlined, or
o Structural linings are called upon to carry rock pressure and to offer protection
o Full linings, in addition to being capable of resisting external loads, are suitable
o In the case of low-pressure tunnels the tunnel surface may frequently be left
cement mortar.
o A watertight lining is usually required for tunnels operating under medium and high
o Seepage is more likely to occur as the head increases, water may leak through the
o Moreover, under high-pressure it may penetrate the otherwise watertight rock and
render it permeable.
o If the tunnel is unlined, or if the lining serves only water sealing purposes, i.e.,
o Denoting the former by hr (in meters) and substituting the specific weight of the
o Nevertheless, where a steep valley sides constitutes the overburden above the
o Where L is the shortest distance between the ground surface and the studied point
of the tunnel (or shaft) and β is the average inclination of the valley slope in the
constraint that the internal water pressure shall nowhere exceed the minor principal
shafts are:
Extremely low permeability of rock materials and of the joints and fissures.
High rock stresses to the extent that the internal water pressure cannot cause
opening of the joints and fractures (hydraulic splitting). Hard and stable rock
Foreseeable durability of the rock masses for life time of the project.
o Nevertheless, if, except sufficient impermeability, all the other conditions are
unlined solution.
o The lower limit should be used for greater depth of overburden and for sound rock,
whereas in case of a shallow cover and poor rock the use of upper limit is expedient.
o Consequently, with the unit weight of rock varying from 2.4 to 3.2 tons/m3, the
H = (0.4 to 0.8) hr
o If dynamic overpressure owing to water hammer can develop in the tunnel, this has
o This situation occurs when either no surge tank is inserted into the power flow
conveyance system (possibly in case of very short tunnels), or the surge tank permits
Theoretically the stability of the rock is not endangered while the internal load
o The design of free-flow tunnels follows the same principles as used in the design of
open canals.
o It is very crucial to investigate in detail the geology of the strata through which a
tunnel would be passing.
o Sound, homogenous, isotropic, and solid rock formations are the most ideal ones for
tunneling work.
o However, such ideal conditions are rarely present, and rather the rock mass exhibits
various peculiarities.
o There may be folds, faults, joint planes dipping in a particular direction, weak strata
alternating with good strata, etc.
o Lining of tunnel can be done with plain concrete, fiber reinforced concrete, R.C. or
nd is required:
steel in the case of pressure shafts. Lining of tunnels
For structural reasons to resist external forces particularly when the tunnel is
When reduction in frictional resistance and therefore the head loss is required
o In addition to the aforementioned general discussion, as design features alignment,
geometric shape, longitudinal slope, flow velocity, head loss, rock cover (overburden),
o In aligning water tunnels, the following points should be taken into account:
Location of surge tanks & adits: the alignment should provide convenient points
for surge tanks & adits.
Rock cover (overburden): sufficient rock cover should be available along the
Discontinuities: The alignment should, if possible, avoid crossing of weak zones,
joint planes, etc. If crossing of these features is unavoidable, suitable
direction of crossing should be considered.
Rock quality: good quality of rock mass should be sought in aligning the tunnel
o The choice of the cross-sectional profile of a tunnel depends on:
o And also the longitudinal profile of the tunnel should be such that the roof remains
o Likewise, the tunneling method and the equipment employed for transportation of
the excavated material (rail or wheel transport) can limit the maximum slope
possible to provide.
o The usual practice is to keep the slope of power tunnel gentle till the surge tank and
o The allowable velocities in tunnels depend upon whether it is lined or unlined.
o In unlined tunnels, a velocity of 2 to 2.5 m/s is the upper limit, while in concrete
o The velocities for the pressure shafts, which are generally steel lined, are usually
Williams formulas.
Rock Cover (overburden)
o For pressure tunnels, it is obvious that the overburden on the roof of the tunnel
o The required depth of overburden may vary for lined and unlined tunnels.
o In the case of unlined tunnels, the entire internal water pressure is resisted by the
o Where a steep valley side constitutes the overburden above the tunnel, the rule of
o Where L is the shortest distance between the ground surface and the studied point
of the tunnel (or shaft) and β is the average inclination of the valley side with the
o In the case of concrete or steel lined tunnels, the linings are usually designed to
carry part or full load of the internal water pressure, and the above equations, given
for unlined tunnels, are modified accordingly in determining the required overburden
o The optimum/economic x-section of a tunnel or a shaft is one for which the sum of
o However, for a quick initial estimate of the diameter of pressure tunnels, the
o Thus, if the canal is operating at a steady flow rate and the flow to the turbines is
o These surges are hydraulic transients wherein the flow and the pressures change in
the canal on account of the load variations in the hydropower station units.
o The direct result of surges is sudden variation of water level in the channel.
o Sufficient free board should be provided to prevent overtopping of the canal banks.
o A positive surge is defined as one which leaves an increased water depth in its wake
o In the following simplified analysis of surge front movement, the effect of frictional
resistance is neglected.
Upstream Positive Surge
o An upstream positive surge may be created in channel flow, for example, by the
o The effect of this on the upstream side of the gate is the development of a wave
converted to an equivalent steady state, in which the wave front is now stationary.
o Applying the continuity and momentum principles to the control volume between
o Hence, Backgrou
o Solving equations (1) and (2) for c and V2 (eliminating V2 in eq. (2) & by substituting
Backgrou (4)
o For rectangular channel:
o NOTE: The continuity and momentum equations are not sufficient on their own to
define the flow regime since there are three unknowns, c, y2, and v2 (or Q2). One of
Downstream Positive Surge
o A downstream positive surge is caused, for example, by sudden opening of a gate,
o Applying the same analytical approach as that used for the analysis of the upstream
applied to the control volume defined by sections 1 and 2.
o Hence, (7)
o Solving equations (6) and (8) for c and v1:
gate. Determine the initial depth and celerity of the positive surge wave.
o Required: y2 and C
o Therefore, the change in depth due to the surge, ∆y = 3.75 – 3.0 = 0.75 m
2. A rectangular tailrace channel, 15 m wide, bed slope 0.0002 and Manning roughness
power increase results in a sudden increase in flow to the turbines to 100 m3/s.
Determine the depth and celerity of the resulting surge wave in the channel.
o Required: y1 and C
o Using Manning’s equation, the depth of uniform flow under initial conditions at a
o Therefore, the increase in depth in the tailrace channel due to the surge, ∆y, is
depth of 2.0 m. If the flow rate is suddenly reduced to 12 m3/s by partial gate
closure, estimate the height and speed of the resulting surge wave.
0.015, receives inflow from a reservoir with a gated inlet. When a steady discharge
70 m³/s. Calculate the initial celerity and depth of the surge wave.
Settling Basins
Settling Basins
o The water drawn from a river for power generation may carry suspended sediment
o This silt load may be composed of hard abrasive materials such as quartz and will
cause damage or wear to the hydro-mechanical elements like turbine runners, valves,
where the velocity of the flow will be reduced resulting in settling out of the
Inlet zone
Outlet zone.
Inlet Zone
o The main function of the inlet is to gradually decrease the turbulence and avoid all
o This is achieved by decreasing the flow velocity through gradually increasing the
flow cross-section, i.e., by providing gradual expansion of the width and depth.
o To achieve optimum hydraulic efficiency and effective use of the settling zone, the
inlet needs to distribute the flow uniformly over the cross-section of the basin.
Use of baffles: Lengthen the flow path and distribute the flow more widely
Settling basin
Settling Zone
o This is the main part of the basin where settling of the suspended sediment is
Outlet Zone
o This is a kind of transition provided following the settling zone to facilitate getting
back the flow into the conveyance system with the design velocity by gradually
o The outlet transition may be more abrupt than the inlet transition.
o The hydraulic design of settling basins is broadly outlined in the following:
since the bulk of the bed-load moving along the bottom can be effectively prevented
2. On the basis of theory and practical experience, the necessary degree of removal,
specified. Sharp-edged quartzite sediment with a particle size as small as 0.25 mm may
o As indicated by experience gained from high-head plants, particle sizes of 0.1 to 0.2
o Undue wear of the mechanical equipment at plants operating under very high heads, of
several 100 meters, may sometimes be prevented only by removing particles of a size as
o Instead of using the limit particle size, the degree of removal is frequently defined by
the removal ratio, which is the ratio of concentrations after and before settling,
expressed in percentages.
o If the concentration of the raw water is C, and that of clarified water is specified as
the permissible value Cp, the required removal ratio is obtained as:
o By specifying or assuming the limit particle size, the removal ratio may easily be
calculated or read off directly from the gradation curve, if the gradation of the
o The relation between limit particle size, dl, and removal ratio is shown on the sieve
o Since R/100 = Cp/C =p/100, when dl is fixed and sieve curve is given, the concentration
of the power flow must not surmount Cp = pC/100 [kg/m3] and the portion to be settled
settling velocity of the smallest fraction, i.e., of the limit particle size to be removed and
then to design.
o For this system the dimensions of the settling basin may in principle be determined by
two computation methods depending on whether to neglect or to take into account the
turbulence effect.
Figure Settling velocity in stagnant water plotted against the density of silt loaded water
o Here, the effect of turbulent flow upon settling velocity is neglected in simple settling
o Three basic relations may be written for the determination of the required basin
o Denoting the depth of the basin by D and its width by W, the discharge passing through
o Finally, the length of the basin will be governed by the consideration that water
particles entering the basin and sediment particles conveyed by them with equal
horizontal velocity should only reach the end of the basin after a period longer than the
settling time.
o Thus, even the smallest settling particle may reach the bottom of the basin within the
settling zone.
o In other words, the retention period should not be shorter than the settling time.
o Eliminating t from the last two equations, two relations will be established between the
o Obviously a solution of the problem is not possible unless four of the six quantities are
o The discharge Q can usually be considered given.
o The settling velocity ω is defined by the initially specified degree of removal and, as
o The actual flow velocity should not exceed this limit, whereas excessive dimensions
o This limit velocity may in fact be considered equal to the theoretical suspending
o Thus, according to the foregoing considerations, the fourth value that can be assumed
o In view of the fact that long and/or wide basins can in general be constructed at lower
costs than deep ones, the minimum practical depth should be adopted for the design.
generally between 1.5 and 4.0 m with velocities not higher than 0.4 to 0.6 m/s.
o Hence, the remaining two main dimensions of the basin, i.e. W and L can hereafter be
o The width is calculated by the first and the length by the second equation (above
o It should be noted that elimination of V from eq. (Q = WDV) and eq. (L =V* t) yields
Q* t = DWL = Volume
o Expressing the condition that the water mass conveyed during settling time should equal
o The chart provides information as to the settling of coarse quartzite particles, but
cannot be used for determining the settling characteristics of fine fractions (fine sand
o Owing to the retarding effect of turbulent flow on subsiding particles, settling is slower
in flowing water.
o A more accurate investigation of the basin is, therefore, impossible, unless the
o By using a lower settling velocity ω – ω’, equation ( ) will obviously yield, under
otherwise unchanged conditions, greater values for the length of the basin.
o The reduction in the settling velocity ω’ is related to the flow-through velocity by:
o The coefficient α may be computed from:
o This shows a larger settling basin is required, when compared with simple settling
o In the computation if the result provides negative value in the denominator, it indicates
that no settling takes place in the basin under the assumed conditions.
constitutes one of the most important problems to be solved in designing settling basins.
o The experimental approach to this problem with the given type of sediment is deemed
most expedient.
o Yet in this case all conditions that may materially influence the settling velocity should
be carefully investigated.
o The most important factors are the quality of sediment (specific weight and shape of
o Where,
d and 𝛾 s, respectively, are the diameter and specific weight of the sediment
turbulent flow is computed from the settling velocity in stagnant water ω and from the
flow-through velocity.
o w denotes the ratio of settled sediment to the total load entering with the flow and can
given, in applications, to both basic assumptions and approximations made during the
The settling velocity pertaining to the limit particle size of the fraction to be
o There are different techniques for removing sediment deposits in settling basins:
o When the water flow through the basin is halted, it will cause interruption in power
o However, this is not an acceptable solution, and instead a continuous power generation
Providing two or more parallel basins, some of which can be flushed while others
are operating.
continuously into the basin and used for flushing the sediment accumulating at
the bottom.
o The silt particles begin to collect, fall and the lightest ones will fall at the end of the
o After a period of time the collection tank will be full. The lightest particles still fall at
1. Design a settling basin for a high-head power station by using the simple settling
theory. The basin should serve to remove particles greater than 0.5 mm diameter from
the water conveying mainly sand. Let the design discharge be 5m3/s and assume an
initial value of 3.2 m for the depth of the basin.
𝑉 = 44 𝑑 = 44 ∗ 0.5 = 31.2
𝑉 30
𝑙=ℎ = 3.20 ∗ = 16𝑚
𝜔 6
𝑄 5
𝑏= = = 5.21𝑚
ℎ𝑉 3.2 ∗ 0.3
ℎ 3.20
𝑡= = = 53.4𝑆𝑒𝑐
𝜔 0.06
o Determine the length of the basin using identical basic values by the method of
o The Figure yields λ = 1.50 for W = 0.97. The length of the basin is,
0.132 0.132
a= = = 0.0737
ℎ 3.20
ℎ𝑉 3.20 ∗ 0.30
𝑙= = = 25.30𝑚
𝜔−𝜔 0.060 − 0.0221
The unchanged width of the basin is,
𝑄 5.0
𝑏= = = 5.21
ℎ𝑉 3.20 ∗ 0.30
0.132 0.132
𝑎= = = 0.0851
ℎ 2.4
ℎ𝑣 2.40 ∗ 0.30
𝑙= = = 20.90𝑚
𝜔 − 𝑎𝑉 0.06 − 0.0851 ∗ 0.30
𝑄 5
𝑏= = = 6.95𝑚
ℎ𝑉 2.40 ∗ 0.30
The basin will be designed for a discharge of 12 m3 /sec with the retarding effect of
turbulent and a depth of 2.80 m will be taken. The critical velocity is,
𝑣 = 44 ∗ 𝑑 = 44 ∗ 1 = 44𝑐𝑚/𝑠𝑒𝑐
The settling velocity in stagnant water is obtained from the Figure (for γ = 1.064) 𝜔 =
10 cm/sec. The settling velocity decrement due to the turbulent,
0.132 0.132
𝜔 = 𝑣= ∗ 0.44 = 0.0346𝑚/𝑠𝑒𝑐
ℎ 2.8
ℎ𝑉 2.80 ∗ 0.44
𝑙= = = 18.85𝑚
𝜔−𝜔 0.0654
𝑄 12
𝑏= = = 9.74𝑚
ℎ𝑣 2.80 ∗ 0.44
𝑉 = 10 ∗ 20 ∗ 2.8 = 560𝑚
Compute the length of the basin also by the equation of Velikanov (W = 0.97), λ = 1.50,
1. Compute the dimension of periodic type settling basin for a hydropower plant
considering and without considering the turbulence effect using the simple settling
theory with data given below. Take settling velocity of the particle = 6cm/s, design
discharge = 5m3/s, particle diameter to be removed = 0.2mm, depth of the basin =
Pressurized Pipes
Conveyance (Penstocks)
Pressurized Pipe Conveyances - Penstocks
o The penstocks are pipes of large diameter, usually of steel or concrete, used for
conveying water from the source (reservoir or forebay) to the power house.
because of static and water hammer pressures created by sudden changes in power
demands (i.e. valve closures and openings according to power rejection and demand).
o The provision of such a high-pressure line is very uneconomical if it is too long, in which
(penstock) close to the turbine unit, separated by a surge chamber which absorbs
the water hammer pressure rises and converts them into mass oscillations.
2. Method of support
4. Number of penstocks
1. Material of fabrication/construction
o Steel penstock has become the most common type of installation due to simplicity in
fabrication, strength and assurance that they can perform in a wide variety of
o The penstocks required to withstand high pressures because of very high heads, are
o Banded steel pipes are thin-walled but strengthened with the help of hoops of high-
o They are usually limited to heads of less than 30 m and working pressures of the order
particular project:
Accessibility of site,
Design life,
Weather conditions.
2. Method of support
o A penstock may be either buried or embedded underground (or inside dams) or exposed
o Buried penstocks: are supported on the soil in a trench at a depth of 1 to 1.5m and
o For buried penstocks the general topography of the land should be gently sloping and of
loose material.
o Buried Penstocks
Advantages Disadvantages
o Protection from slides, storms & o Expensive for large diameter in rocky
sabotage soils
o Exposed penstocks: Exposed to view and supported on piers or saddles.
Advantages Disadvantages
o When the situation warrants, partly buried system, may be adopted that combines the
advantages of both system.
3. Rigidity of connection & Support
a) Rigid pipe support: Here every support is an anchorage so that any movement is
checked completely. This type is suitable when the temperature condition is
b) Semi-rigid pipes: Here each member of the pipe line is fixed at one and leaving the
possibility of movement over the other support.
o The number of penstocks used at any particular installation can be single or multiple.
o The general trend at older power stations was to use as many penstocks between the
o The recent trend is to use a single penstock, unless the size or thickness of the
o When a single penstock feeds a number of turbines, special sections called manifolds
are used at the lower end of the penstock to direct flow to individual units.
o The design of such sections is a complicated job and has to be analyzed carefully.
o The advantages of using a single penstock over the use of multiple penstocks are:
The cost of civil engineering components such as penstock supports and anchors is less.
o On the other hand, the use of a single penstock means reduced safety of operation and
with short penstocks; whereas for high-head plants requiring long penstocks, provision
o For the purpose of engineering feasibility and preliminary design, there are three major
Entrance losses,
Thickness of Penstock
t = wall thickness, cm
P = pressure, kg/cm2
R = internal radius, cm
o Under normal flow, the penstock is subjected to only internal hydrostatic pressure.
o But when turbine gates at the end of penstock are closed suddenly, there is a sudden
pressure rise, i.e. water hammer pressure.
o In this case the following steps are followed to compute the wall thickness.
1. Calculate the pressure wave velocity, a, as;
o Where
1. For steel penstock, if it is subjected to corrosion and welding and rolling defects, the
effective thickness is less than the nominal thickness quoted by the manufacturer.
o Therefore, to find the effective thickness (teff),
D = diameter of penstock, m
5. If safety factor is less than 3.5, reject the penstock option and repeat the
above steps for stronger wall option
Economic Diameter of a Penstock
o For successful operation, the size of the pipe for a given discharge may vary between
wide limits, but usually there is one size that will make for the greater economy in
o The diameter of the penstock is determined from economic consideration and then
o The following two methods are used to determine the size/diameter of a penstock
Empirical equations
o These are over-simplified rule of the thumb relations based on available experience.
1. USBR Formula
V = optimum velocity
2. Sarkaria
o Developed an empirical approach for determining steel penstock diameter by using data
from large hydro projects with heads varying from 57 m to 313 m and power capacities
ranging from 154 MW to 730 MW.
o He reported that the economical diameter of the penstock is given by the equation
3. Donald’s formula
4. Gordon and Penman: for steel penstocks used in small hydropower installations;
5. Fahlbusch reformulated the objective of the economic analysis in terms of the amount
of the invested capital and the capitalized value of the lost energy, and arrived at the
conclusion that the most economical diameter can be computed within an accuracy of
o Where P is the rated capacity of the plant (kW), H is the rated head (m), and D is the
diameter (m).
Graphical Method
o There are various combinations of V and D which would give the same discharge.
o The frictional loss in the penstock, also depends on diameter and in turn
o Thus, the larger the diameter for a given discharge, the smaller will be the head losses
and greater will be the net head available to the turbines, resulting in a greater power
On the other hand, greater size would mean less velocity and greater capital
We should choose, therefore, a size which would give the least annual costs.
If the total annual cost of the penstock corresponding to any given diameter is plotted,
On the other hand, if the cost (which is the price of energy lost in friction at the
prevalent rate of sale of energy) due to the horse power lost is plotted in the same
any diameter.
o Penstock pipes are generally supplied in standard lengths, and have to be joined
together on site.
o There are many ways of doing this, and the following factors should be considered when
choosing the best jointing system for a particular scheme.
Relative costs
Ease of installation
Flanged joints
Mechanical joints
Welded joints
Flanged Joints
o Flanges are fitted to each end of individual pipes during manufacture, and each flange is
then bolted to the next during installation as shown in Figure below
o A gasket or other packing material is necessary between each flange of a pair.
o Flange jointed pipes are easy to install, but flanges can add to the cost of the pipe.
o They are generally used to join steel pipes, and occasionally ductile iron pipes.
Spigot and Socket Joints
o Are made by either fitting a collar to, or increasing the diameter during manufacture
of, one end of each pipe such that the internal diameter of the collar or increased
internal diameter of the pipe is the same as the external diameter
o The plain end of each pipe can thus be pushed into the collar or ‘socket’ in the next as
shown in Figure below.
o A good seal is required between each pipe section, and this is achieved by either
providing a rubber seal or special glue called solvent cement, depending up on the
material of which the pipes are made.
o Spigot and socket joints are generally used to join ductile steel, PVC, and concrete
Mechanical Joints
o Steel pipes are brought to the site in standard lengths, and then welded together on
o One advantage of welding on site is that changes in the direction of the pipe can be
o It is relatively cheap method, but has the drawback of needing skilled site personnel.
Expansion Joints
o For short penstocks, provision of a single expansion joint may be sufficient, but for long
penstocks with a multiple anchor blocks expansion joints should be placed below each
anchor block.
o Slide blocks, anchors, and thrust blocks all serve the same basic function: to constrain
movement of the penstock.
o Different terms are used with these structures simply to indicate which specific
function they serve (see figure)
Slide Blocks
o A slide block, also called supporting pier, carries the weight of pipe and water, and
restrains the pipe from upward and sideway movements, but allows it to move
longitudinally. In most cases the spacing between slide blocks are assumed equal to the
length of each pipe.
If the penstock is buried, slide blocks are unnecessary; rather instead the pipe is laid in
a trench on a bed of sand or gravel of consistent quality, with no big stones which could
cut into the pipe or cause stress concentrations on the pipe wall.
Weight of the pipe and enclosed water: As slide blocks do not resist longitudinal forces,
only the component of the weight perpendicular to the pipe will be considered.
Friction forces on the blocks: This is due to the longitudinal movement of the pipe over
that the penstock cannot move in any way relative to the block.
o Anchors are often used at bends (horizontal and vertical) and before entrance to the
o They can also be used along long straight sections of penstock, each one next to
expansion joint.
o Because an anchor is keyed to the penstock pipe and is also frequently located at a bend
o The major forces which act on anchor blocks are the following:
Friction forces on slide blocks located between the anchor and expansion joint
o These are a special form of anchor whose sole purpose is to transmit forces primarily
o However, if the bend is vertical, an anchor block is still used if the back filled soil is not
o One valve is provided at the upstream end of the penstock, i.e., at the forebay or
immediately after the surge tank, and is called penstock inlet valve, while the second is
provided at the downstream end of the conduit, immediately ahead of the turbine, and
is named as turbine inlet valve.
o The main purpose of penstock inlet valve is for dewatering of the penstock in case
maintenance of the penstock is required.
o But, it can be omitted for short penstocks where the closure of the power canal or
power tunnel is possible from the intake.
The main purpose of turbine inlet valve is to close the penstock while the turbine is
This valve cannot be omitted except under special case where the penstock supplies a
The number of turbine inlet valves required at a power station is governed by the
number of turbine units installed, but not by the number of penstocks, as a single
Butterfly valves
Spherical valves
o The type to be applied should be determined individually for each case after considering
Needle valves
Water Hammer Analysis
o Water hammer is a phenomenon of pressure change in closed pipes caused when flowing
which travel back and forth in the pipe system until they are damped out by friction.
There are two approaches to the water hammer problem:
The pipe walls do not stretch regardless of the pressure inside the pipe;
The pipeline remains full of water at all times and the minimum pressure inside the
pressure changes;
The velocity of water in the direction of the axis of the pipe is uniform over any
The pressure is uniform over a transverse cross section of the pipe and is equal to
The reservoir level remains constant during the gate movement time.
o Consider a pipeline of uniform area A and length L as shown in the figure below
C H0
g AL sin α
g AL Control
B g A (H0 + Ha)
o If the flow at the control gate is altered, an unbalanced external force will act at the
o The deceleration, or the rate at which the velocity decreases per unit of time is, ,
o But since L sin α = Z1, the resulting unbalanced force on the column of water is 𝛾𝐴𝐻
o Prior to a closing movement of the control gate, the discharge into the atmosphere is
Or 3
o Then, at any instant during the gate movement,
o And
o Where: 𝜏 −is a function of time which defines the ratio of the effective gate opening
at any time during the gate closure to the effective gate opening at time zero.
o Equations (3) and (5) are the basic water hammer equations for gate closure as defined
o Now equations (2) and (7) are solved simultaneously for (Ha)max, the maximum head rise
o Then,
o Where:
o A simple procedure for determining (H’a)max, the maximum head drop at the gate due to
a uniform gate opening, results in the equation
Reservoir x
H0 = 152
L = 915 m
D = 3.0 m
o At this installation the initial flow of 43 m3/s is reduced to 14 m3/s by a uniform gate
closure in 12 seconds.
o Find the maximum head rise, (Ha)max and the maximum head drop, (H’a)max.
o The maximum head rise, (Ha)max , is
o If the control gate is opened uniformly in 12 seconds to increase the flow by 29 m3/s
(H’a)max will be
1. Calculate the economic diameter of penstock it design discharge as 25 m3/s, net head
is 265m and overall efficiency 90%.
2. The static pressure of a penstock is 17.60 kg/cm2 and allowable hoop stress is 1020
Kg/cm2 with joint efficiency 85%. Calculate wall thickness it internal radius of a pipe is
60 cm (Assume 20% dynamic head)
o For uniform gate operation, this theory gives satisfactory results only when T is
greater than L/1000. For rapid gate movements, the elastic water column theory must
be used.
o The theory ignores the elastic effects due to sudden pressure changes. Thus any
change in pressure is assumed to be transmitted instantaneously over the whole pipe
length. In reality, the pressure transmission through the water mass is in the form of a
compression wave, the velocity, Vc, of which is given by,
o The critical time of closure, Tc, of the valve, i.e., the time taken by the pressure wave
for a round trip from the valve to the reservoir and back is
o If actual valve closure time T is greater than Tc, rigid water column theory gives fairly
correct estimation of excess head built up due to valve closure
o Based on this,
o They are essential part of the conveyance pressure conduit whenever such systems are
o Their primary purpose is the protection of the long pressure tunnel in medium- and
high-head plants against high water hammer pressures caused by sudden rejection or
acceptance of load.
o The surge tank converts these fast (water hammer) pressure oscillations into much
slower – and lower – pressure fluctuations due to mass oscillation in the surge chamber.
3. Storage function.
o The surge chamber dividing the pressure tunnel into a short high-pressure penstock
downstream and a long low-pressure tunnel upstream thus functions as a reservoir for
the absorption or delivery of water to meet the requirements of load changes.
o It quickly establishes the equilibrium of the flow conditions, which greatly assists the
speed regulation of the turbine.
o The surge tank protects the low-pressure conduit/tunnel system from high internal
o Due to the surge tank, the entire pressure conduit on the upstream side of the surge
tank can be designed as a low pressure system, while the penstocks between the surge
tank and the power house will be designed as conduits which can resist high water
hammer pressures.
Surges in surge chambers
o Sudden changes in load conditions of the turbine cause mass oscillations in surge tanks
which are eventually damped out by the hydraulic friction losses of the conveyance.
o The amplitude of these oscillations is inversely proportional to the area of the surge
tank, and if the area provided were very large dead beats would be set in the tank.
o Although these conditions would be favorable to achieving the new equilibrium state
very quickly, the design would be uneconomical.
o On the other hand, if too small an area is provided the oscillations (surge tank) become
unstable; this is unacceptable.
𝑉𝑜 𝐴 𝐿
𝐴 =
2𝑔𝑃 𝐻
o Where: At and Lt are the tunnel cross-sectional area and length respectively, and the
suffix ‘0’ defines the steady state conditions prior to the load variation.
o A stable tank area is usually chosen with a safety factor of about 1.5.
upsurge occurs.
o The equations are derived based on the assumptions that hydraulic losses are negligible
in the simple surge tank, the velocity head in the pipe can be neglected, and the rigid
o This is justified if the pressure rise is small and there is neither appreciable stretching
Upon gate closure, the unbalanced force acting on this water column is
o From Newton’s 2nd Law of motion, the deceleration of the water column in the tunnel is
o From the condition of continuity of flow, following complete gate closure, the flow of
water into the surge tank is the same as that out of the tunnel, that is;
o The simultaneous solution of equations (2) and (3) is performed with the following
boundary conditions:
When t = 0, Z = 0, and
𝒅𝒛 𝑸𝒐
𝒅𝒕 𝑨𝒔
o Then,
o From which
o And the time required to reach the maximum upsurge is;
o Where:
Lt =length of pipe (low-pressure tunnel) from surge tank to the reservoir (open
water surface, m;
magnitude of hydraulic losses is small in the pipe extending upstream from the surge
o Jaeger has recommended the use of the following approximate formula for the
o Hence, for sudden 100% load rejection, maximum upsurge will be;
o Where:
o Where P0 is given by the following relation
o The maximum upsurge and down surge should be contained within the surge chamber.
o The range of surge levels (amplitudes) must not be too large to minimize the governing
o The maximum upsurge and downsurge are computed for extreme conditions, i.e.
The top level of the surge chamber is governed by the maximum upsurge level
o Instantaneous 100% demand conditions result in too large a maximum downsurge, as the
normal practice is to allow for 0–10% of full load demand quickly but, thereafter, the
o Maximum downsurges are normally calculated against 75–100% of full load and, once
again, the bottom level of the chamber is controlled by the reservoir at its lowest
o Excessive surges may occur if several quick load variations are imposed on the unit
(overlapping surges).
o These may create additional governing difficulties and the top and bottom levels of the
surge chamber may have to be modified to accommodate these excessive surges.
A lower conduit friction factor than average for calculating the maximum upsurge,
o In all cases due consideration of the effect of ageing of the tunnel must be given.
o The simple surge tank is of uniform cross-section and is open to the atmosphere, acting
as a reservoir.
o It is directly connected to the penstock so that water flows in and out with small head
losses when load variations occur.
o These are very rarely used in modern practice except in installations where load
changes are either small or very gradual.
2. Throttled Tank
o In the throttled tank (restricted orifice type tank) the restricted entry to the surge
tank creates retardation and acceleration conditions of flow in the tunnel upstream of
it, thus reducing the storage requirement and minimizing the maximum up and
o This improves the stability damping quality of the surge tank oscillations.
o Although this type of surge tank is economical (because of its smaller size) compared
with the simple tank section, the rapid creation of retarding and accelerating heads
3. Surge Tank with Expansion Chambers
o This type of surge tank consists of a narrow riser (main surge shaft); attached to it at
o The narrow riser reacts quickly, creating accelerating or decelerating heads, and at the
same time the expansion chambers minimize the maximum up- and downsurge levels,
o In order to reduce the costs of the structure, spilling arrangements may sometimes be
provided either to wastage (if water is not scarce) or back to the penstock.
4. Differential surge tank
o This type (also known as Johnson’s differential) tank consists of an internal narrow riser
shaft with an orifice entry to the larger outer shaft at the bottom.
o As the central riser is narrow it responds instantaneously during the upward phase; at
the same time the maximum amplitude is restricted to its top level, any excess water
o Similarly, during the downward phase water spills into the narrow riser while the riser
o The differential tank with an extended penstock, which acts as a central riser, is shown
in Fig. (e).
5. Surge Tanks with Venturi Mounting.
o Considering the velocity energy under the surge tank (V2/2g = E0), Thoma’s critical
section can be written as
o More economical sections may result by providing a venturi contraction under the surge
tank (thus increasing the velocity head), E0.
o Given:
H0 = 152 m,
As = 29 m2,
Dt = 3.0 m,
Lt = 915 m, and
Q0 = 23.9 m3/s
3 ∗ 𝜋 9𝜋
𝐴 = = 𝑚
4 4
𝑄 𝐴 𝐿 23.9 29 ∗ 915
𝑍 = = = 16.11𝑚
𝐴 𝐴𝑔 29 9𝜋 ∗ 9.81
𝜋 𝐴𝐿 𝜋 29 ∗ 915
𝑇= = = 30.7 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑠
2 𝐴 𝑔 2 9𝜋 ∗ 9.81
pressure tunnel and four high-pressure penstocks to the four turbine units. The
elevation of the reservoir water level is 1500 m a.m.s.l, and the elevation of the
tailwater is 1200 m a.m.s.l. The maximum reservoir storage which can be utilized
Length, Lt = 4 km
Diameter, Dt = 8 m
ii. If a simple surge tank 6 m in diameter is provided at the end of the low-pressure
tunnel, estimate
a. The maximum upsurge and downsurge in the surge tank for a sudden rejection of
one unit, and
𝑄= = 86.8 𝑚 ⁄𝑠
∗ ∗
i. Power Output
o Velocity in tunnel,
𝑄 86.8
𝑉 = = = 1.73 𝑚/𝑠
𝐴 𝜋∗8
𝑄 = = 21.7 𝑚 /𝑠
o Velocity in penstock,
21.7 ∗ 4
𝑉 = = 6.91 𝑚/𝑠
1 1
𝑃= η 𝛾𝑄 𝐻 = ∗ 0.90 ∗ 9.81 ∗ 21.7 ∗ 288.14 = 55.20 𝑀𝑊
1000 1000
𝐴 = = 28.27 𝑚
Area of tunnel,
𝐴 = = 50.27 𝑚
𝑍 2 1 2 1
= 1 − 𝑃 + 𝑃𝑜 (𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑃 < 0.7) = 1 − ∗ 0.183 + ∗ 0.183 = 0.8817
𝑍 3 9 3 9
o Hence,
𝑍=𝑍 ∗ 0.8817 = 11.62 ∗ 0.8817 = 10.25 𝑚
o Maximum downsurge, Z,
𝑍 −1 −1
𝑚𝑖𝑛. = = = −0.70
𝑍 7 7
1+ 𝑃 1 + ∗ 0.183
3 3
o Hence,
𝑍 =𝑍 ∗ −0.70 = 11.62 ∗ −0.70 = −8.14 𝑚
b. Maximum downsurge for sudden demand of one unit,
𝑚𝑖𝑛. = −1 − 0.125𝑃 = −1 − 0.125 ∗ 0.183 = −1.023
𝑍 =𝑍 ∗ −1.023 = 11.62 ∗ −1.023 = −11.9 𝑚
1. A power station is fed through a 10,000m long concrete lined tunnel of 5.0 m diameter
operating under a gross head of 200 m. The discharge through the tunnel is 30m3/s. A
surge tank of 300 m2 area has been provided at the end of the tunnel (Assume a
friction factor f for the concrete lined tunnel as 0.016). Calculate:
o The substructure is usually a concrete block with all the necessary waterways formed
within it.
o The scroll case and draft tube are usually cast integrally (especially in large low-head
plants) with the substructure with steel linings.
o The superstructure usually houses the generating units and exciters, the switch board
and operating room.
o Vertical-axis units (whose turbines are placed just below the floor level) generally
generators only (outdoor power house), although it has the disadvantage that
o Under certain topographic conditions, particularly when the power plant is situated in
narrow canyons with no convenient site for a conventional type of power house, this may
be located underground.
o It is essential to equip a power house with a crane to lift and move equipment for
o Travelling cranes spanning the width of the building and capable of traversing its entire
o The crane rail elevation depends on the maximum clearance required when the crane is
Tail Race
o The tail race is the waterway into which the water from the turbine units is
o It may be very short and if the power house is close to the stream the
o On the other hand, if the power house is situated at a distance from the
o Proper tail race design ensures, especially in low-head plants, that more of
o The tail race in the vicinity of the draft tube exit (head of tail race) must be
properly lined, as it may otherwise degrade and cause lowering of the tail
o Should this be allowed to progress the designed turbine setting level would
turbine runner), and remedial measures (artificial raising of the water level)
o The tail race channel may sometimes aggrade, in which case the gross head at
o This situation may arise if the main spillway outflow is close to the tail race
tube outlet (between the piers and tail race) to isolate the draft tube for
maintenance works.
o The tail race of the underground power house is invariably a horizontal tunnel
Turbine Governors
generator unit;
o constant speed must be maintained in order to obtain the a.c. supply with
constant frequency.
speed requires regulation of the amount of water allowed to flow through the
o Increase in the rotor speed raises piston A, permitting oil to enter chamber
B, thus closing the gates slightly.
is activated in front of the jet, thus diverting part of the flow away from the
o Similarly, in the case of a reaction-type turbine a relief valve may allow a part
of the discharge to flow directly to the tail race without entering the runner.
horizontally or vertically).
o The relative displacement between the rotor and the stator induces an
o The sizes of the generators vary depending on their rating and on their shaft
rating (output) differs from the actual output, Pa, the difference Pm being
used to magnetize the rotor field. Thus the rated kVA is given by
o Horizontal shaft units are generally suitable for low-speed plants and are
heavy, large and costly, whereas vertical shaft units used with high-speed
o For speeds larger than 1000 rev/min additional stresses will be induced,
The turbine has vanes, blades, or buckets that rotate about an axis by
the action of the water.
2. The water acting on the wheel vanes is under pressure greater than
3. The water enters all round the periphery of the wheel through the scroll
4. Energy in the form of both pressure and kinetic is utilized by the wheel
o In the Figure, Ht is the head of water on the turbine and is the difference in
water specific energy between beginning and end of the turbine section.
o For the impulse type turbine (Figure b), the following characteristics of the
turbine setting differentiates it from the reaction type of turbines:
1. The wheel passages are not completely filled with water since a jet
emanating from the penstock nozzle strikes the buckets of the runner
2. The water acting on the vanes or buckets located at the wheel periphery
is under atmospheric pressure
3. The water impacts on the runner at one point or at a few discrete points,
depending upon the number of nozzles
o In impulse turbine , all of the available potential energy (head) of the water is
converted into kinetic energy with the help of a contracting nozzle (flow rate
controlled by spear-type valve – Fig. (a) below) provided at the delivery end
o After impinging on the curved buckets the water discharges freely (at
atmospheric pressure) into the downstream channel (called the tail race).
o The most commonly used impulse turbine is the Pelton wheel (Fig. (b) below).
o The water striking the buckets of the runner is regulated through the use of
o The position of the needle determines the quantity of water striking the
water away from the turbine buckets when there is a load rejection to reduce
o The jet of water strikes the runner tangentially to a circular line of the pitch
o The water striking the buckets of the runner is regulated through the use of
o The position of the needle determines the quantity of water striking the
water away from the turbine buckets when there is a load rejection to reduce
o Impulse turbines are usually high head units and used at locations where
o The ratio of the wheel diameter to the spouting velocity of the water
for installations with abrasive matter in the water, and for long-penstock
o The turbine is designed so that the jet of water strikes the buckets at an
angle to the face of the runner and the water passes over the buckets in an
o The buckets are constrained by a rim on the discharge side of the runner.
o The advantage claimed for this type of unit is that a larger jet can be
o Another type of impulse unit is the cross-flow turbine also called the Banki or
Michell turbine.
o The name "cross-flow" comes from the fact that the water crosses through
o Its advantages are that standard unit sizes are available and an even higher
runner so that a cross-flow turbine can operate over a wide range of flows.
converted into kinetic energy at the entrance to the runner, and a substantial
o The runner casing (called the scroll case) has to be completely airtight and
o The water enters the scroll case and moves into the runner through a series
o The flow rate and its direction can be controlled by these adjustable gates.
o After leaving the runner, the water enters a draft tube which delivers the
flow to the tail race.
o There are two main types of reaction turbine, the Francis and the propeller
(also known as Kaplan or bulb) turbine (Fig.).
Reaction turbines
o In the operation of reaction turbines, the runner chamber is completely filed
with water and a draft tube is used to recover as much of the hydraulic head
as possible.
o If the water flow is partially radial and partially axial, it is called a mixed
flow turbine.
o The direction of flow for most propeller turbines is axial, parallel to the axis
o Propeller turbines can have the blades of the runner rigidly attached to the
The blades of the runners can also be made adjustable so that the
turbine can operate over a wide range of flow conditions at better
of the gate position provides optimum hydraulic performance and has made
such units more efficient for variable flow and low-head applications.
Tubular-type turbines
The generator design is such that all mechanisms are compressed into a
It does require special cooling and air circulation within the generator bulb.
Hydraulics of Hydropower
Energy-Work Approach
from position 1 slightly below the headwater level to position 2 at the surface
of the tail water the exit to the draft tube, the work done is represented by
o h has been purposely designated as slightly below the head water or forebay
o Effective head is the difference between energy head at the entrance to the
o Eq. (1) represents the energy that the water has at position 1 with respect to
position 2.
differential unit of time (dt), then the differential discharge (dq) of water
can be noted as
o The power extracted by the hydropower unit is the rate of doing work and
o Which reduces to
through the turbine gives the theoretical power equation for determining the
o Where P = unit power capacity, Watt (W); ρ = mass density of water (kg/m3);
o The actual output is diminished by the fact that the turbine has losses in
o A second approach is in terms of energy grade line and hydraulic grade lines,
o The Bernoulli equation is related to the energy grade line, hydraulic grade line,
and the position grade lines as shown in Fig. 2 and by the equation
Figure. Bernoulli diagram relating energy grade line and hydraulic grade line
The sum of the component energies (Position energy, pressure energy, and
kinetic energy) is constant in a confined moving fluid as the fluid moves along
its path.
o Thus a change in any one of the component energies at any point along the
path of the moving fluid must be compensated for by an equal change of the
o In a practical sense, there is friction loss or head loss, hf, in the case of
written between points 1 at the surface of the forebay and point 2 at the
o Then the Bernoulli equation is written between points 2 and 3, the surface of
o Recognizing that for practical purposes, V1, P1, and P3 are equal to zero, then
o Next solving for h in equation (10), the result is
o Now if the right side of equation (11) is substituted into equation (12) for
P2/ , the result is
o Simplifying, we have
o The weight of water flowing through the turbine system per unit of time by
definition is Q .
Similarity Laws
o The fact that the similarity laws can be used is often referred to as the
o The power outputs, speeds, and flow characteristics are proportional and they
o These similarity laws are developed and presented in a series of formulas that
o The equations are derived from fundamental physical concepts of motion and
hydraulic theory.
Unit Speed
the spouting velocity of the water; u = linear velocity of the turbine runner
o By grouping all known constant terms, the equation takes the form
o The left hand side terms are replaced with a single variable, n1, known as the
unit speed. Then
o n1 is the speed in rpm of a theoretical turbine having a unit diameter and
operating under a net head of unity.
Dimensionless Constants
o Turbine constants under this system use dimensionless ratio and metric, SI,
units for the various parameters.
o For the unit speed the equation is
o The advantage claimed for these dimensionless constants is that the units of
measurement are more easily converted and the terms are more rational to
work with in mathematical expressions
Unit Discharge
o By grouping all constants on one side, the equation takes the form
o Then,
o Then q1 is the discharge of a runner with unit diameter operating under a unit
o Where Qed = unit discharge and Q = design discharge flowing through turbine,
Unit Power
o Where Ped = unit power, dimensionless and P = turbine power output, watts;
Specific Speed
o To develop a more universal constant that embodies all the equations, the
value of from (unit speed equation) is substituted into (unit power
equation), we get;
o Grouping the n1 and P1 on one side of the equation, the following results;
o Taking the square root of both sides of the equation gives the term ns, the
specific speed, as follows;
H = effective head, m
o The specific speed, Ns, of a turbine is its most important characteristic, and
head of 1 m.
o In general, for a given head and power, the higher the specific speed, the
higher the speed of the unit and the lower the overall cost of the installation.
o But there are limits on the specific speed of a runner for a given head and
o Too high a specific speed would reduce the dimensions of the runner to values
that would cause excessively high velocities for the water discharge through
It could reduce the runner structural dimensions and the rotating parts of the
o Too low a specific speed would unduly increase the size and cost of the
o Obviously, there are practical limitations to the range in specific speeds for
any head.
o For Francis turbines, the specific speed is indicative of the type and shape of
the runner. A low specific speed runner (high head) has an inlet diameter
greater than the discharge diameter while the reverse is true for a high
o For propeller turbines, higher specific speeds for higher heads require an
o The speed factor (or peripheral speed coefficient), Ф, is the ratio of the
o Table below suggests appropriate values of Ф which give the highest
efficiencies for any turbine. Also shown in the table are the head and specific
speed ranges and the efficiencies of the three main types of turbine.
o Hydraulic turbines are generally rated under maximum, minimum, normal, and
design head.
o The runner is designed for optimum speed and maximum efficiency at design
head, which is usually selected as the head above and below which the average
annual generation of power is approximately equal.
o However, in reality, head and load conditions change during operation and it is
extremely important to know the performance of the unit at all other heads.
o As efficiencies of large units (turbine and generators) are higher than those
of smaller ones of the same type, if the power demand is reasonably uniform,
o On the other hand as the efficiency of the hydraulic turbine decreases with
the decreasing flow rate (e.g. when running under part-full- load condition) it
operating conditions.
o The load variation is then met by putting machines into and out of service, so
that individual sets do not have too wide a variation of load and therefore
always operate as efficiently as possible.
o All runners having the same geometrical shape, regardless of size, have the
same specific speed.
o If the head and flow rate are known, the speed of the unit N can be
calculated from the power equation and specific speed equation.
o Table Q–H–Ns data: Q (m3/s); H (m); P (kW); D (m); N (rev/min)
o If the turbines are to drive electricity generators their speeds must
correspond to the nearest synchronous speed. For synchronous running, the
speed N is given by
and the governing mechanism fails at the same time, the turbine will tend to
o This limiting speed under no-load conditions with maximum flow rate must be
considered for the safe design of the various rotating components of the
o The suggested runaway speeds of the various runners for their appropriate
certainly undesirable.
which the pressures at the discharge ends of the blades are negative and can
turbine in such a way that the pressures within the unit are above the vapor
o The recommended limits of safe specific speeds for various heads, based on
o Where Ha – Hv = Hb, is the barometric pressure head (at sea level and 200C, Hb
o From the above equation the maximum permissible turbine setting Ys, max
o Typical values of sc for reaction turbines, versus their specific speeds, are
o The preliminary calculations of the elevation of the distributor above the tail
water level (Yt, see Fig. above) suggest the following empirical relationships;
For Francis runners
o Where a = 4.4 for Francis- and propeller-type runners and 4.57 for Kaplan-
o The following equation may also be used to fix the propeller-type runner
diameter (H in m).
o The impulse wheels are fed by contracting nozzles and, in the case of the
Pelton wheel turbine, the hydraulic efficiency is at its maximum when the
speed factor Ф is around 0.45 and the smallest diameter of the jet,
o The nominal diameter, D, of the Pelton wheel (also known as mean or pitch
Pelton wheels, and for maximum efficiency a jet ratio of about 12 is adopted
in practice.
o The number of buckets for a Pelton wheel is at an optimum if the jet is always
approximately as:
o A scroll case is the conduit directing the water from the intake or penstock
of water around the periphery of the runner with the minimum possible eddy
o The shape and internal dimensions are closely related to the design of the
(a) Full spiral case
o A full spiral case (Fig.(a)) entirely enclosing the turbine with a nose angle, φ of
o However, in practice spiral cases with 320°< φ < 340° are also called full spiral
o This kind of spiral case will generally be used in medium- and high-head
o For low-head plants the entrance area should be large so as to allow large
o This is achieved by choosing nose angles that are less than 320°.
o The spacing of the units is therefore governed by these large entry widths of
o For low-head plants where the water quantities are large a rectangular section
and a propeller turbine layout with concrete scroll, respectively, are shown in
o The design of the shape of the spiral case is governed by the flow
no friction losses.
o The draft tube is a conduit discharging water from the runner to the tail
To utilize the vertical distance between the turbine exit and the tail
o Compared with the vertical type (Fig. b) it also has the desirable effect of
directing the flow in the direction of the tail water flow.
o The elbow-type draft tube is divided into three parts, all three sections
gradually expanding like diffusers:
A bend part (its aim being to minimize losses due to changes in the
direction of flow) in gradual transition from the circular section into a
rectangular section;
o Considering the layout in Fig. (b) above, for example, the energy equation
between 1 and 3 gives:
o Where pa is the atmospheric pressure and HL is the friction and eddy losses
in the draft tube.
o Therefore, the pressure head at the runner exit, p1/ g, is given by
o By a proper design of the draft tube, the exit velocity v2 can be reduced to 1
– 2 m/s, with ηd as high as 85%.
o In order to avoid cavitation at the exit from the runner, the condition p1/rg >
absolute), must be satisfied with a sufficient safety factor, since the flow
o The suggested dimensions of the draft tube used for high specific speed