Unicast Routing Protocols in Vehicular Adhoc Networks: A Comparative Analysis
Unicast Routing Protocols in Vehicular Adhoc Networks: A Comparative Analysis
Unicast Routing Protocols in Vehicular Adhoc Networks: A Comparative Analysis
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4 authors, including:
Jawad Ahmad
Edinburgh Napier University
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doi: 10.18178/jacn.2017.5.2.243 70
Journal of Advances in Computer Networks, Vol. 5, No. 2, December 2017
networks are advancing rapidly and every year new versatile furthermore separates all the more every now
wireless standards are being introduced with more and again. By using this system a moving vehicle conveys
security and reliability. Still a lot of work has to be done a packet until another vehicle lands into its neighborhood
in order to make the wireless networks more efficient, and afterward advances that packet to the new vehicle.
stable, and secure. Wireless networks consist of many Unsurprising vehicle versatility is restricted to format of
nodes. These nodes can be of different types and the street and example of the traffic [8]. In existing traffic
capabilities. They communicate over short distance to design the vehicle can find the following street and
exchange data. Every node has its limitations and due to forward the packet so that the deferral can be diminished.
these limitations the wireless network capabilities are This approach utilizes a few vehicle-helped information
limited. conveyance (VADD) conventions to determine the best
Routing protocols acts as a backbone to make the street that has the most minimal information conveyance
wireless sensor network communication more efficient. delay [14].
Different variants of routing protocols have been proposed In simple geographical protocols the dynamic change in
so far for communication between wireless sensor nodes. the nature of the vehicular network that includes the
These are divided into following types: Unicast, Multicast, obstacles present between the nodes, frequently changing
Geocast and Broadcast routing protocols. All of these topology and the density of vehicles could create network
protocols are important but we will focus our study on partition that ultimately result in poor network
latest available Unicast routing protocols. Following are communication. To address this issue GeoSVR protocol is
the latest known unicast routing protocols: IGRP, IEGRP, proposed. GeoSVR is a geographic stateless routing
GeoSVR, RBVT, STAR, VADD, Ant colony based, protocol that also has the information of node location and
GeoSpray, DAR, TDR, 3GDD and WWDTR. the digital map of the network. GeoSVR works better than
The Intersection-based Geographical Routing Protocol its predecessor protocols and it provides higher packet
(IGRP) is a unicast routing technique that works through delivery in unreliable and frequently changing network
the selection of road intersection which is necessary for conditions [15].
the packet to pass in order to reach the gateway to the GeoSpray protocol is based on vehicular delay-tolerant
internet. The selection process is done in a way that networks. Geospray makes the decision of routing by
ensures high probability, network connectivity and fulfills taking into account the graphical location data and after
the constraints of quality of service (QoS), delay tolerance, that it combines a hybrid approach between the multiple
error rate, and bandwidth usage [10]. and single copy schemes. It initiates with the multiple
In hybrid vehicular routing protocol unicast routing copy scheme first and transmits limited number of packets
technique is used and the routes are changed dynamically in order to discover alternative paths, it than switches
with the help of Road Side Units (RSUs) which itself to the forwarding scheme that makes use the
maximizes the packet delivery. An evaluation approach additional contact opportunities. It also clears the packets
based on the Infrastructure Enhanced Geographic Routing delivered across the nodes of the network to improve the
Protocol (IEGRP) is provided which is used as a function resource utilization [16].
of vehicular densities, infrastructure availability, and Road-Based using Vehicular Traffic information
varied distance of source to destination and Qos routing (RBVT) protocol controls the real time
characteristics of the application [11]. It reveals much information of vehicular traffic, it than uses this
superior delivery rates with the partial and full information to create a road based path that consists of the
infrastructure in comparison to other related protocols succession of intersections of road with high probability
[12]. and network connectivity. It uses the geographical
In Intersection-Based routing protocol for urban forwarding technique to send and receive the packets
vehicular communications with traffic light considerations, between the intersections which reduces the dependence
another protocol is proposed which is called as Shortest- on individual node movement. In case of dense networks
Path-Based Traffic-Light-Aware Routing (STAR) which the optimization of the forwarding is done by making use
takes a shot at the traffic light thought. In this protocol the of a distributed receiver based choice of next hops in the
traffic lights exhibit on the crossing point and the traffic network that is based on multiple factors [17].
example are consolidated to decide how the bundles are A delay sensitive vehicular routing protocol, which
forwarded. Simulations are done on ns-2 to assess the utilizes the intersections as stays to make superlative
performance of STAR. The recreation comes about delay routing ways containing a rundown of intersections.
demonstrates that STAR accomplishes shorter normal One of the primary normal for this protocol is the
deferral and the conveyance proportion is additionally occasional estimation delay in street fragment that is
high in it when contrasted with existing protocols for communicated as the blend of delay difference and
VANET [13]. normal delay utilizing multi-hop vehicle handing-off.
Vehicle-Assisted Data Delivery in Vehicular Ad Hoc ACO (Ant colony optimization) hypothesis is utilized to
Networks (VADD) proposes a thought of convey and discover end-to-end best delay ways from the source to
forward, as the vehicular systems are exceptionally the objective intersection that is closest to the goal. The
Journal of Advances in Computer Networks, Vol. 5, No. 2, December 2017
procedure of course setup is proficient by receptive scenarios and through analysis, it is demonstrated that
forward ants and in reverse ants, which are really there are severe problems in plane-based routing protocols.
responsible for the system investigation and the separately Three-dimensional scenario oriented Routing (TDR)
dissemination of pheromone. At every intersection, protocol is proposed to resolve these issues. It makes use
routing determination is executed to pick the best next of the three dimensional information and establishes a hop
intersection artfully in light of the table of pheromone by hop route to transmit packets as far as it can through
routing. Source starts a proactive course support to grow, the optimal direct neighbor node that is present of the
overhaul and enhance the data of routing amid the time of same plane as the node which is currently forwarding [21].
information transmission utilizing the occasional In 3G-assisted data delivery (3GDD) a utility function
proactive ants examining. Basic convey or potentially to explore the trade-off between the delay of delivery and
greedy forwarding method is likewise used to transfer the the ration of delivery is constructed that provides a
bundles between the connecting intersections. The integrated framework which reflects the two factors. 3G-
outcomes from the recreation demonstrates that this assisted data delivery is formulated which avoids the
protocol indicates enhanced correspondence execution as complexities of this optimization problem and further the
contrasted and the min-delay routing protocol (CAR) and problem of original optimization problem is taken as
basic geographical routing protocol (GPSR), in regards to integer linear programming. By solving the ILP problem
the normal end-to-end delay, overhead and conveyance we can derive the allocation of 3G in different stages of
proportion [18]. time. Taking in account of the 3G budget at each stage of
The principle challenge confronted by the Delay- time the packets are unlikely to deliver through VANET
Tolerant Network (DTN) routing protocol is the are delivered through 3G [22].
impediment of the transmission in the network while WLAN-WiMAX Double-Technology Routing
additionally accomplishing high network scope [19]. A (WWDTR) makes use of the position based routing
great part of the work is done on the probabilistic sending technique on those parts of the route in which the packets
by utilizing gossip-based approach keeping in mind the are sent using WLAN radios, so that frequent changes of
end goal to decrease the transmissions of network in the topology can be handled efficiently in shorter
MANETs. Gossip-based approach is utilized as a part of transmission ranges of the WLAN vehicles. Furthermore,
DTNs to demonstrate that it exhibits a property of stage different parts of the route are employed with the topology
move for the conveyance proportion: for a portion of the based routing in which the packets are being sent through
estimations of gossip probabilities and the lifetimes of the WiMAX radios. WiMAX enabled vehicles have more
packet conveyance proportion is low and just a couple of stable routes and thus it becomes a hybrid routing scheme.
hubs scarcely get it and the rest of the gossip probabilities The logic of route selection takes into account both
and the lifetimes of the packets the conveyance proportion subscriber's and operator's preferences that may include
is at its pinnacle and expansive rate of hubs get the packet. QoS and the utilization of network. A network
Stage move limits coordinate up to the base transmissions architecture is also proposed to help forwarding the
in the network despite the fact that giving the most packets to the given operator's access network through the
astounding conceivable proportion of conveyance. routes that partially makes use of the other operators links
Disturbed Adaptive Routing (DAR) is introduced which is [23].
a gossip-based DTN routing protocol and it abuses the
property of the stage move and assembles a versatile
calculation to compute the gossip probabilities based on III. TYPES ROUTING IN WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS
the stage move limits in arbitrary networks. Routing in the wireless sensor network differs from the
Notwithstanding this DAR is expanded with a procedure conventional routing of fixed networks. It is because of
that exchanges off a little packet of metadata containing the reason that the nodes are in constant motion in WSN's
the outline vector trade of epidemic protocol, in this and WSN network is not infrastructure based, whereas
manner it additionally diminishes the network fixed networks is infrastructure based network. As the
transmissions. Test comes about demonstrates that the nodes are mobile therefore there are different limitations
DAR protocol is better from the customary epidemic on these nodes such as limited energy, wireless links are
routing protocol by 76\% as far as the networks unreliable and there is also a chance of node failure due to
transmissions furthermore gives 27\% more conveyance many different reasons [24].
proportion and brings down the normal packet delay by Unicast routing protocols uses different kinds of
18% [20]. routing techniques and to perform these techniques they
In realistic cases due to the presence of three- use different types of information. We can divide them
dimensional (3-D) scenarios the vehicle distribution is into following categories:
nonplanar. The existing routing protocol takes the ideal A. Position Based
situations and doesn't consider the nonplanar scenarios. B. Map Based
The research is based on the issues that are faced in 3D C. Path Based
Journal of Advances in Computer Networks, Vol. 5, No. 2, December 2017
Journal of Advances in Computer Networks, Vol. 5, No. 2, December 2017
no room for delay in the protocols that have to be used in will forward the data and by using what path. It does this
the autonomous vehicle's communication. with the help of information from its neighboring nodes.
We do have different types of scenarios in case of If there is a more efficient path to transfer the data than it
autonomous vehicles. One scenario is that we use the sends the data through that path instead of following a
same type of wireless sensor nodes in all the vehicles and predefined path. So greedy forwarding techniques
make a Homogeneous network. Off-course by making the improves the efficiency of routing in network
network homogeneous we can avoid complexities in the Routing information is very important in vehicular
network. At the moment the concept of autonomous AdHoc network, as on the basis of this information the
vehicles is still in its early stages so we can make the protocol choose the most efficient path. In case of
network homogeneous to make it more efficient but autonomous vehicles position based routing is most
heterogeneous network is essential to be deployed in the preferable as the routing is performed on the basis of GPS
near future because different types of vehicles can have positioning and through the position based routing the
different types of wireless sensor nodes. algorithm used in autonomous vehicles can decide the
The protocols that use greedy forwarding techniques vehicle's preferable speed and can also predict other
are intelligent and every node decide smartly about how it vehicle's route based on the data obtained from its GPS.
Journal of Advances in Computer Networks, Vol. 5, No. 2, December 2017