Compromise Between Empiricism and Rationalism: "No Man's Knowledge Here Can Go Beyond His Experience."
Compromise Between Empiricism and Rationalism: "No Man's Knowledge Here Can Go Beyond His Experience."
Compromise Between Empiricism and Rationalism: "No Man's Knowledge Here Can Go Beyond His Experience."
When it comes to epistemology, empiricism and rationalism are two of the biggest
theories of how humans come to know what they know. As a result, there are many different
arguments and opinions regarding these two theories. Both rationalism and empiricism have
their strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, I believe that a combination of both theories is
how humans know what they know. Empiricism and rationalism both have their strengths,
Empiricism is the theory that humans gain knowledge through only their sensory
perception and experience. For example, the first time you’ve seen a carrot, your senses
worked together to give you the knowledge about a carrot. Your eyes see the shape and
colour, you touch and feel, you taste, you smell, and you hear the crunch of a carrot. That is
how you would have come to know what a carrot is. It is a logical theory that many
philosophers such as Francis Bacon and John Locke agree with. Locke actually created the
idea that all humans are born with a “tabula rasa”, meaning “blank slate”. Locke once said,
“No man's knowledge here can go beyond his experience.” He rejected the idea that humans
were all born with innate ideas and argued that when we are born, our minds are empty.
Therefore, the only way to gain knowledge would be limited through our senses and
experience. Francis Bacon also contributed greatly to the theory of empiricism. He created
the inductive method to acquire knowledge. This method involves observing, gathering
information, obtaining samples, and drawing a general conclusion. This is a method still used
to this day by many people. However, as mentioned before, empiricism does have its flaws.
Renee Descartes pointed out the fact that our senses alone can’t always be entirely accurate.
Descartes wasn’t wrong and some empiricists actually agreed with him, as do I. It is logical
that our senses can sometimes deceive us. For example, one might think they saw something
in the corner of their eye when in reality there is nothing there. Therefore, gaining knowledge
entirely based on our senses and experiences isn’t completely true but it still does have a very
convincing argument.
Rationalism is the theory that humans obtain knowledge through reason and logic.
This theory argues that experience and sensory data are not certain and we cannot rely on
them alone, which is why humans use reason. Most rationalists, unlike empiricists, believe
that humans were born with innate ideas. Noam Chomsky, a linguist, argued that innate ideas
assists in the development of language in young children. He theorized that the reason
children are able to easily learn languages is because they are born with a blueprint that
allows them to grasp the idea with ease. It doesn’t matter what language you speak because
of universal grammar. Universal grammar states that all languages share similar traits.
Chomsky’s theory of the innate idea of language was widely recognized and supported. Plato
was also a well known philosopher that was a rationalist. Plato said, “Ideas are the source of
all things.” By this, he meant that all of our knowledge starts with the innate ideas of things in
this world. He believed that there is no guarantee of truth in what we experience, which is
why we must rely on reason. Plato’s allegory of the cave showed how human perception
cannot give accurate information. It used the examples of prisoners chained up facing a wall
with a burning fire behind them. The only things they are able to see are shadows of objects
passing by which they end up mistaking for reality. This shows how our senses cannot
guarantee that what we perceive is true. Even so, like empiricism, there are some flaws within
rationalism. Reason alone cannot be the basis for all knowledge. One might think that they
are logically correct about something but experimental observations could prove otherwise.
Reasoning as a way to gain knowledge can be incorrect since it is based on nothing. Although
it has its flaws, rationalism can also be a logical argument as well as empiricism.
Are you a rationalist or an empiricist? I believe that I am both. I’ve come to
compromise between both of these theories. I definitely agree with the fact that obtaining
human knowledge begins with our senses and experiences. However, there are many things
that we know about that our senses and experiences cannot account for. Rationalism explains
how we are able to know and understand things that we have never even experienced. For
example, a triangle is a triangle because it has 3 sides. We would still know this fact even
without our senses. This is because there are some concepts that already exist in our minds.
Immanuel Kant, a philosopher, also believed in both rationalism and empiricism. Kant said,
“All our knowledge begins with the senses, proceeds then to the understanding, and ends with
reason. There is nothing higher than reason." I think that this quote considerably sums up
how rationalism and empiricism are both valid theories that can coincide with each other.
Empiricism and rationalism are two of the greatest theories on the obtainment of
human knowledge. Empiricism states that we gain knowledge through our senses and
experience. However, as Descartes argued, our senses can sometimes deceive us. Rationalism
on the other hand, states that we gain knowledge through reasoning and logic. But, reasoning
is based on reasoning alone and nothing else that can account for its reliability. I can
acknowledge both the strengths and weaknesses of empiricism and rationalism, but I feel that
a combination of both works the best. Knowledge begins with our senses and experiences but
also rely on reasoning to account for the many things we know, but have never experienced.
Overall, I believe that a compromise of these two theories are able to significantly explain
John Locke Quotes (Author of Second Treatise of Government). (n.d.). Retrieved from website:
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