Mud/Gas Separator Sizing and Evaluation: G.R. Macdougall
Mud/Gas Separator Sizing and Evaluation: G.R. Macdougall
Mud/Gas Separator Sizing and Evaluation: G.R. Macdougall
and Evaluation
G.R. MacDougall, SPE, Chevron Canada Resources Ltd.
Summary. Recent wellsite disasters have led to an increased emphasis on properly sized mud/gas separators. This paper reviews
and analyzes existing mud/gas separator technology and recommends separator configuration, components, design considerations, and
a sizing procedure. A simple method of evaluating mud/gas separation within the separator vessel has been developed as a basis for
the sizing procedure. A mud/gas separator sizing worksheet will assist drilling personnel with the sizing calculations. The worksheet
provides a quick and easy evaluation of most mud/gas separators for a specific well application. A brief discussion of other mud/gas
separator considerations is provided, including separator components, testing, materials, and oil-based-mud considerations.
The mud/gas separator is designed to provide effective separation Fig. 2. The fluid level (mud leg) in the separator is controlled by
of the mud and gas circulated from the well by venting the gas and adjusting the fluid level in the mud tank or by moving the separa-
returning the mud to the mud pits. Small amounts of entrained gas tor up or down within the tank. Mud-tank height can restrict the
can then be handled by a vacuum-type degasser located in the mud maximum mud leg obtainable for open-bottom mud/gas separators.
pits. The mud/gas separator controls gas cutting during kick situa- Fluid level (mud leg) is maintained in a float-type mud/gas
tions, during drilling with significant drilled gas in the mud returns, separator 4 by a float/valve configuration, as shown in Fig. 3. The
or when trip gas is circulated up. float opens and closes a valve on the mud return line to maintain
This paper discusses design considerations for mud/gas separa- the mud-leg level. Valves can be operated by a manual linkage sys-
tors. The purpose of this paper is to allow drilling rig supervisors tem connected from the float to the valve, or the valve can be air-
to evaluate mud/gas separators properly and to upgrade (if required) operated with rig air. Mud-leg height can be controlled by adjust-
the separator economically to meet the design criteria outlined in ing the float assembly.
this paper, and to provide office drilling personnel with guidelines There are some inherent problems in the use of float-type mud/gas
for designing mud/gas separators before delivery at the drillsite. separators. The manual linkage separator has experienced prob-
lems with linkage failure resulting in improper opening or closing
Principle of Operation of the mud-return-line valve. Air-operated valves fail to function
if rig air is lost, resulting in no control of fluid level within the
The operating principle of a mud/gas separator is relatively sim- separator. Mud-return-line valves are prone to plug with solids,
ple. The device is essentially a vertical steel cylindrical body with preventing mud flowback to the mud pits.
openings on the top, bottom, and side, as shown in Fig.!. The Because of these problems, float-type mud/gas separators are not
mud and gas mixture is fed into the separator inlet and directed recommended and a closed-bottom separator is preferred. Open-
at a flat steel plate perpendicular to the flow. This impingement bottom separators are acceptable; however, one should be aware
plate minimizes the erosional wear on the separator's internal walls that they are restricted to a maximum mud leg, somewhat lower
and assists with mud/gas separation. Separation is further assisted than the mud-tank height. Although float-type mud/gas separators
as the mud/gas mixture falls over a series of baffles designed to are strongly discouraged, these separators can be modified easily
increase the turbulence within the upper section of the vessel. The for disconnection of the float, removal of the valve, and installa-
free gas is then vented through the gas vent line, and mud is returned tion of a mud leg in the mud return line.
to the mud tanks. For the purpose of this paper, a closed-bottom mud/gas separa-
Operating pressure within the separator is equal to the friction tor will be considered for all separator designs.
pressure of the free gas venting through the vent line. Fluid is main-
tained at a specific level (mud leg) within the separator at all times. Sizing the Mud/Gas Separator
If the friction pressure of the gas venting through the vent line ex-
Table 1 shows a mud/gas separator worksheet to assist with the
ceeds the mud-leg hydrostatic pressure within the separator, a blow-
sizing calculation. The mud/gas separator illustrated in Fig. 4 will
through condition will result sending a mud/gas mixture to the mud
be evaluated for sufficient sizing in this paper.
tanks. As one can readily see, the critical point for separator blow-
through eXists when peak gas flow rates are experienced in the sepa-
Peak Gas Flow Rate. As discussed previously, the critical time
rator. Peak gas flow rates should theoretically be experienced when for separator blow-through exists when peak gas flow rates are ex-
gas initially reaches the separator. perienced. Mud/gas separator blow~through is defined as inefficient
separator operation resulting in a mud/gas mixture returning to the
Types of Mud/Gas Separators mud tanks through the mud return line.
Three types of mud/gas separators commonly are used today: closed Two situations can cause separator blow-through.
bottom, open bottom, and float type. The principle of mud/gas sepa- I. Friction pressure of the gas venting through the vent line ex-
ration within each type of vessel is identical. Differences can be ceeds the mud-leg hydrostatic pressure, resulting in evacuation of
found in the method of maintaining the mud leg, as discussed fluid from the separator. Friction pressure of the mud through the
below.! mud return line is considered negligible because of its short length.
The closed-bottom separator, as the name implies, is closed at 2. Vessel ID is too small, causing insufficient retention time for
the vessel bottom with the mud return line directed back to the mud the gas to separate efficiently from the mud. This situation is com-
tanks, as shown in Fig. 1. Mud leg is maintained in the separator monly called insufficient' separator cut.
by installation of an inverted V-shaped bend in the mud return line. To estimate a peak gas flow rate properly, we must consider a
Fluid level can be adjusted by increasing/decreasing the length of "typical" kick. The typical kick will depend on the well location,
the V-shaped bend. depth, type size, and component ratios of influx. Kick data should
Commonly called the poor boy,2,3 the open-bottom mud/gas be based on previous offset well data and should be a realistic worst-
separator is typically mounted on a mud tank or trip tank with the case gas kick. The well and kick data in Fig. 5 will be used in this
bottom of the separator body submerged in the mud, as shown in paper.
The volume and pressure of the gas upstream of the choke must
Copyright 1991 Society of Petroleum Engineers first be calculated. Vsing the drilling applications module Dril-
I:.::.:.:::.::J MUD & GAS MIXTURE
pro™,5 we concluded that Pc max = 1,750 psi and Vemax =75.9 Mud Leg. As previously discussed, mud-leg hydrostatic pressure
bbl. must exceed vent-line friction pressure to prevent a separator blow-
The driller's method was used for calculation purposes. Use of through condition. Minimum mud-leg hydrostatic pressure would
the wait-and-weight method would result in a lower peak gas flow occur if an oil/gas kick was taken and the mud leg was filled with
rate. Driller's method calculations provide a worst-case well-control 0.26 psi/ft oil. 8 This minimum condition mayor may not occur,
scenario for mud/gas separator sizing. depending on the well location. Offset well data should be evaluat-
The following equation calculates the time necessary to vent gas: ed to establish a minimum mud-leg fluid gradient. For example,
t= Vemax /qk=75.9/3=25.3 minutes ................... (1) the 0.26-psi/ft mud-leg gradient would be considered extremely con-
servative if dry gas were expected for the sample problem. A more
With Boyle's gas law,2 calculate the volume of gas downstream realistic estimate would approach the gradient of whole mud for
of the choke, Ve' Assume an atmospheric pressure of 14.7 psi. 6 the dry-gas case. A realistic mud-leg gradient for a gas/water kick
Neglect the effects of gas temperature and compressibility. would be the gradient of native salt water.
Pemax Vcmax =Pc Vc; .................................. (2) In this paper, a worst-case scenario is considered with a mud-
leg fluid gradient of 0.26 psi/ft. If we assume a 7-ft mud leg,
therefore, Ve =(1,750X75.9)/(l4.7)=9,036 bbl.
PmZ=h mzg mZ =7xO.26=1.8 psi, ...................... (6)
Calculate the peak gas flow rate, qmax' as
where PmZ>PI(1.8> 1.0 psi).
qmax = Ve /t=9,036/25.3=357.2 bbl/min ............... (3)
Therefore, a blow-through condition does not exist when vent-line
Convert barrels per minute to cubic feet per day, 5 friction pressure is calculated at peak gas flow rates.
qmax =357.2x8,085.6=2,887,806 ft31D.
Separator ID. A blow-through condition may exist because a small
Vent-Line Friction Pressure. The formula used by this paper to vessel ID results in insufficient separator cut. Several complicated
calculate friction pressure of gas through a vent line is derived from models exist to describe gas movement within a liquid. 9 A sim-
the Atkinson-modified Darcy-Weisbach equation:? plified approach, taken in this paper, states that the gas migration
rate upward within the separator must exceed the liquid velocity
hi =fsLq 2/5.2A3.
downward within the separator to give 100% separator cut and to
If we assume an empirical friction factor for smooth, straight, prevent a separator blow-through condition. Gas migration rate is
steel pipe-lOxlO- lO Ibm-min 2/ft4 and gas density =0.01 Ibm/ estimated at 500 ft/hr, or 8.4 ft/min,9 within the separator. This
gal 6 -the following much simpler equation can be used: estimation is conservative and more realistic values would be higher;
PI =5.0x 10-12Leq'1max/df . ......................... (4) however, the slow gas migration rate serves as a worst-case
scenario. Liquid flow rate through the separator can be estimated
Effective length,? Le, can be defined as the total vent-line length as 2xqk; for this paper 2x3=6 bbllmin. This factor of two was
plus equivalent lengths for various bends, corners, etc. (Table 2), determined from gas volume at depth calculations (Boyle's law)
for the mud/gas separator shown in Fig. 4. The vent line consists using Drilpro ™ for various depths and kick sizes. Correlation of
of 200 ft of a 7-in.-ID circular steel line with three sharp right bends. the data shows that the mud flow from the well approaches twice
Le can be calculated as the mud flow into the well (kill rate) for various kick sizes, kill
L e =L+L eq =2oo+(3x70)=41O ft .................... (5) rateS, and wellbore geometries. A more accurate determination of
mud flow from the well can be incorporated into the design
Vent-line friction pressure is procedure.
PI =(5.0x 10- 12 X41OX2,887,806)217.0 5 = 1.0 psi. By calculating the liquid velocity downward within the separator
Note that effective vent-line lengths will be significantly affect- vL =2qk ICsp, ..................................... (7)
ed by the installation of flame arresters or some auto-igniters. 8 The
where C sp =d;/1,029 bbllft. If we assume a 36-in. separator,
effect of this additional backpressure should be included in the cal-
culation of vent-line friction pressure. vL =[(2x3)/36 2 ]/1,029=4.8 ft/min.
Kick Data :
Shul·ln Drlllpipe Pressure _ 520 psi
Shul-in Casing Pressure - 640 psi
Pit Gain - 24 bbl
Slow Pump Rate
790 psi at 33 strokes/min (3 bblJmin)
ROUND rr=====:::::- 3
SHARP fr=:::::::- 150
ROUND (( 1
II 70
SHARP ~ 15
1 Closed-bottom mud/gas separators should be designed with a
minimum 1-ft sump at the bottom of the vessel. The sump will help
prevent solids from settling and plugging the mud-retum-line outlet.
20 A lower manway should be located on the lower part of the sepa-
rator to permit sump cleanout or unplugging of the mud return line.
The manway should be equipped with a replaceable rubber seal to
prevent leakage.
as outlined in this paper. Additional evaluation of the separator sizing
The mud/gas separator should be equipped with a valved inlet
should be completed if these well conditions exist.
on the lower section of the vessel to permit mud to be pumped into
the separator. Mud can be pumped into the lower section of the
Other Mud/Gas Separator Considerations 1 .4,8
separator during operation to decrease the possibility of solids
Fig. 6 shows other separator components. A minimum 8-in.-ID mud settling in the mud return line. The valved inlet also permits clean-
return line is recommended for closed-bottom separators. Smaller ing solids from the lower portion of the separator, especially after
lines may encounter problems with solids plugging the line. A larger- separator use.
ID line would be considered beneficial. The impingement plate A siphon breaker or antisiphon tube may be required to prevent
should be perpendicular to the separator inlet line and field having to siphon mud from the separator into the mud tanks, espe-
replaceable. cially with configurations that require the mud return line to be ex-
Baffles within the separator should be located in the upper part tended below the separator elevation to allow mud to return to the
of the separator and may continue into the lower part of the vessel. mud tanks. The siphon breaker is simply an upward-directed open-
Typically, baffles consist of near-horizontal plates. The plates may ended pipe attached to the highest point of the mud return line.
be solid or have holes in them. The baffles should not impede the All separators must be built in compliance with the ASME Boil-
flow of liquid through the separator, which would cause fluid build- er and Pressure Vessel Code, Sec. VIII, Div. I with all materials
up above the baffles. Solids buildup in the baffles can also be a . meeting requirements of NACE Standard MROJ-75-8412 (1980
problem if the baffles are too restrictive. Revision). All welding on the vessel must meet ASME requirements.
An upper manway should be located on the upper part of the sepa-
rator to permit visual inspection of the interior of the separator.
The manway should be large enough to permit replacement of the
impingement plate and equipped with a replaceable rubber seal to
prevent leakage. 10
. -Qu MignItoft Rite 500 ftlhr
friction •
..., 0.. ...,__ AMI 1000 ftJhr
012*4,'7" o 7 10
Fig. 7-Effect of circulating kill rate on minimum separator 10. Fig. 8-Effect of kill rate on vent·llne friction pressure.
16 - mud 16 Ibmlgal
mud 14 Ibmlgal
mud 12 Ibm/gal P 1
12 f
- saft water B.6lbmlgal (pol)
10 0.8
P light oil 5 Ibm/gal -~--,- . -' --
(pel) 8 0.6
.... - --- 0.4
0 ~ ~ ~ ~ s _ ~ _ _ _
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Mud Leg Helght(lI)
Fig. 9-Effect of mud-leg height on mud-leg hydrostatic Fig. 10-Effect of effective length on vent-line friction
pressure. pressure.