Letter of IGBM Offering
Letter of IGBM Offering
Letter of IGBM Offering
No. : 05/PE/PWM/I/2017
Attn. : Sales Manager
Dear Sir/Madem
Please allow us to introduce you to PetroEnergy. Petroenergy is an integrated media
publication and information provider that explores opportunities and issues surrounding oil
and gas, energy, renewable energy and maritime as well as the supporting industries.
Currently we are putting together and making Indonesia Geothermal Business Map
(IGBM) that will be published this January 2017.
We are absolutely certain that this IGBM is going to be a quick reference to learn about the
geothermal potential of Indonesia. Helping companies or investors in geothermal industry
in comparing, considering and choosing a right location for the Pre Survey Assignment
(PSP), Pre Survey Assignment & Exploration (PSPE, waiting for regulation issued) and Open
This IGBM is already available for pre-order and can be customized according to your needs
and therefore we would also like to offer this opportunity to your company to place your
company logo in our IGBM as a focused and segmented promotional material and
advertising media since it is very appropriate for all companies associated with geothermal
industry, electricity sub-sector or the energy sector in general.
Hence, it would be a pleasure to have your purchase or ads contract submitted not later than
January 2017 to make sure that you and your company will be the first to have this only
available comprehensive Indonesia Geothermal Business Map and your logo would appear
on time in our IGBM. Please do not feel hesitate to contact us should you need any inquiries,
it will be our pleasure to help you.
Your kind attention is highly appreciated and looking forward to receive your immediate
Sincerely yours,
Marketing Executive/081286391482
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