On The Ten-Year Success in The Application of Partial Extraction Therapy: A Systematic Review
On The Ten-Year Success in The Application of Partial Extraction Therapy: A Systematic Review
On The Ten-Year Success in The Application of Partial Extraction Therapy: A Systematic Review
Biomedical Communication
Hürzeler presented the socket-shield technique (SST) more than 10 years ago. The partial extraction therapy (PET), a collective
concept of utilizing the patient’s own tooth root to preserve the periodontium and peri-implant tissue, has been remarkably developed.
PET comprises a group of novel techniques for post-extraction implant placement. Several modifications of PET and simultaneous
implant placement have been presented since its inception. Since its origin, several alterations have been employed in the methodology
of partial extraction of the root and the simultaneous implant placement. A repeatable, predictable protocol is needed to provide
tooth replacement in esthetic dentistry. Moreover, a standardized procedure provides a good framework for clinicians to report data
relating to the technique with procedural consistency. This review aims to illustrate a reproducible and systematic protocol for the
PET techniques with immediate implant placement at the aesthetic zone. The most used technique is the socket-shield technique,
which is potentially offers promising results, minimizing the necessity for invasive bone grafts round implants in the aesthetic area,
clinical data to support this is very inadequate. The limited research data existing is cooperated by a deficiency of well-designed
prospective randomized controlled investigations. The present case studies and techniques are of actual incomplete technical value.
Retrospective studies published in limited records but are of inconsistent plan. At this point, it is indistinct whether the socket-shield
technique will offer a stable long-time outcome or not.
Table 1. Qualitative analysis of studies included in this review and arranged ascending
Figure 1: Flowchart of the study selection process (Moher et Graph 2: Causes of tooth extraction, follow-up period, and
al. 2009; Siormpas et al. 2018; Blaschke and Schwass 2020; survival rate of studies included in this review.
Ogawaa et al. 2021; Magadmi. 2021).
Among the PET techniques, SST is the most used technique The advantage of RST is inexpensive preservation of
because of its many advantages in cases of post extraction alveolar bone dimensions to provide a good retentive
immediate implant with IIP, such as high stability and well- surface area for RDP or to preserve alveolar bone for a future
preserved hard and soft tissue; it preserves the buccal bone dental implant, or to preserve the tissues’ dimensions in the
marginal and inter-implant papilla with minimum marginal pontic’s area under a tooth supported FDP, with a chance of
bone loss, maintains alveolar bone level, and does not developing bone and new cementum and connective tissue
change soft tissue dimensions (Nguyen et al. 2020; Alone coronal to submerged segment. It also preserves the tissues
and Niswade 2021; Srivastava et al. 2021; Oliveira et al. next to a dental implant and improves the predictability of
2021). This method is good alternative to preserve BCP interdental papillae height in DIT (Roe et al. 2017; Petsch
in aesthetic area and healthy per-implant tissue, improved et al. 2017; Baumer et al. 2017; Pour et al. 2017; Kumar
buccal contour stability and or better esthetic outcomes can and Kher 2018; Verma et al. 2018; Guo et al. 2018; Mattar
achieved (Dayakar et al. 2018; Patel et al. 2019; Arabbi et 2018; Patel et al. 2018; Schwimer et al. 2019).
al. 2019; Schwimer et al. 2019; Dash et al. 2020).
In the aesthetic area, the preservation of the interdental
In a case series by Habashneh et al. (2019) and Alshammari papilla among two implants is one of the major challenges
et al. (2020) they show minimally invasive approach that of implant rehabilitation, and the PSST was first proposed
can preserve hard and soft tissue and contour of ridge, and and described by involving the similar values of the SST,
this method was implemented in areas of high aesthetic but the distal root piece was used instead of the buccal
demands to achieve good esthetic outcomes. SST with IIRP one. Consequently, studies about this technique are lacking
preserved hard and soft tissue and kept it stable without any (Chen et al. 2018). The complications observed during
changes in dimension, resulting in optimum aesthetic results follow-up of case series include a shield failure caused by
and improving and preserving the buccal contour of ridge infection, a case of deficiency of alveolar ridge, a patient
areas of high aesthetic demands (maxillary anterior up to who had complications with the three other socket shields
premolars) to achieve good esthetic outcomes (Glocker et exposed caused by failure of soft tissue closure (Lagas et al.
al. 2014; Mitsias et al. 2017; Habashneh et al. 2019; Mathew 2015; Gluckman et al. 2016b; Schwimer et al. 2019).
et al. 2020; Nguyen et al. 2020; Germi et al. 2020). Tissue
volumes remain unchanged, and good osteointegration The pontic ST was recognized as the modified SST, and
was achieved (Troiano et al. 2014; Gluckman et al. 2016b; it was introduced to preserve both hard and soft tissues
Baumer et al. 2017). In addition to the above characteristics, in the pontic extents following the same technique as the
a group of clinical studies showed excellent scores for PES SST. However, instead of inserting an IIP in the socket, a
and was in clinical studies (Sun et al. 2020; Hana et al. 2020; bone grafting material was used to seal the socket, and the
Abd-Elrahman et al. 2020). socket was closed by a repositioned flap, gingival graft,
or membrane. Moreover, under the presence of an apical