BBRC Vol 14 No 04 2021-80
BBRC Vol 14 No 04 2021-80
BBRC Vol 14 No 04 2021-80
Medical Communication
Mohammad Miraj,1,2* Msaad AlZhrani,1 Ahmad Alanazi,1 Fuzail Ahmad,1 Faizan Kashoo,1
Abdul Rahim Shaik,1 Mohamed Seyam,1 Deepak Kumar,2,3 Achal Pathak,3 Kamran Afzal,4
Ahmad Abdullah A Alsaleh,4 Mazen AlQahtani5 and Mehrunnisha Ahmad6
Department of Physical Therapy and Health Rehabilitation, College of Applied
Medical Sciences, Majmaah University, AlMajmaah 11952, Saudi Arabia
Department of Applied Health Sciences, AIHMS, New Delhi, India
Department of Physiotherapy, Santosh University, Ghaziabad, India
Department of Basic Sciences, College of Medicine, Majmaah University, AlMajmaah 11952, Saudi Arabia
College of Applied Medical Sciences, Al Mareefa University, Riyadh 13713, Saudi Arabia
Department of Nursing, College of Applied Medical Sciences, Majmaah University, AlMajmaah 11952, Saudi Arabia
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) is a popular flexibility training, which involves stretching and contraction of the target
muscle group. PNF stretching is effective among athletes for improving passive range of motion, flexibility, and performance. Patients
who undergo total knee replacement surgeries exhibit pain, swelling, decreased range of motion, muscle weakness, and stiffness. This
study aimed to investigate the effect of the hold relax PNF technique to improve the balance and muscle strength in subjects with a
bilateral knee replacement. Sixty four patients were selected based on inclusion/exclusion criteria. The patients were allocated into two
groups by random allocation. The experimental group A (n=32) received the Hold Relax PNF technique with conventional treatment
whereas, the control group B (n=32) received only conventional treatment as a part of the Home Exercise Program (HEP). Outcome
measures used for evaluation included the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), Manual Muscle Testing (MMT), and Berg Balance Scale
(BBS) Score for measuring pain, muscle strength, and balance respectively. Students t-test showed significant differences between
variables mean scores from two groups after three weeks of intervention. There was a statistical significant (t(32) = 2.38, p = 0.02)
change in the mean scores of VAS in the experimental group (mean difference pre-post=3.19) as compared to control group ( mean
difference pre -post=3.19) with Cohen's d = 2.744588. Similarly for MMT(t(32) = 0.415, p = 0.005) and BBS scores (t(32) = 2.628,
p = 0.035). The result of the study suggests that the Hold Relax PNF technique is more effective than conventional treatment alone
in decreasing pain as well as increasing balance and muscle strength in bilateral knee replacement patients.
This is an open access article under Creative Commons License,
Published by Society for Science & Nature, Bhopal India.
Available at: DOI:
Miraj et al.,
Whether comparing rehabilitation received in different consequence of the direct trauma from the surgical incision.
venues or analyzing different physical therapy (PT) The hold relax PNF technique is one of the most popular
procedures, numerous studies have indicated that techniques and helps to develop muscular strength and
rehabilitation is related with improved post-TKA results. endurance joint stability, mobility, neuromuscular control,
Following total knee arthroplasty, the mainstay of and coordination all of which are aimed at improving the
rehabilitation is achieving maximal feasible knee range overall functional ability of people (Hindle et al., 2012;
of motion (ROM) and achieving specified functional Koca et al.,2014; De Carvalho et al.,2017). However, not
goals (TKA) (Koca et al.,2014; Yang et al.,2019; Han et many evidence-based researches are present, where the
al.,2021). ROM is one of the most important outcomes Hold Relax PNF technique has been used in patients with
after TKA since patients with less than 105° of knee flexion total knee arthroplasty(Kim Kang and Kim,2018; Han
have difficulty going up and down stairs or getting out et al.,2021). Hence, the present research study aims to
of a low chair, and is a major sign of patient discontent explore the application of PNF stretch for changes in pain,
(Han et al.,2021). muscle strength, and balance and therefore on the overall
functionality of the lower extremity following total knee
Literature review suggests that different strategies and arthroplasty.
techniques are being used for improving range of motion in
comparison to other strategies used primarily on healthy or Material and Methods
elderly individuals (Oh 2013; Rhyu, Kim and Park, 2015; De
Carvalho et al.,2017). The Proprioceptive Neuromuscular The study design was a randomized controlled trial (pretest-
Facilitation technique(popularly called as PNF) is one posttest experimental control group design), where the
such popular technique been used to increase ROM and patients were recruited from Rehabilitation Center, College
flexibility (Hindle et al.,2012). Originally developed by Dr. of Applied Medical Sciences, Majmaah University located
Herman Kabat in year 1940, the technique mainly works at Al-Majmaah city. Necessary approval was taken from the
on the principle of raising neuro-inhibition mechanism for Institutional review board, Majmaah University. The study
releasing muscular spasm and elongating muscle length, was commenced in Sept 2020 and was completed in May
or increasing neuro-excitation mechanism for boosting 2021. A total of 64 subjects between the age of 42 to 73
muscle strength. It comprises of 3 main techniques namely, years were included in the study who fulfilled the inclusion
Hold Relax (HR), Contract Relax (CR), and Contract Relax criteria of patients diagnosed with OA knee as well as
Agonist Contract (CRAC)(Gonzalez, Gomez and Garcia, undergoing bilateral TKR. The exclusion Criteria included
2012). knee flexion more than 110 degrees or thigh girth more than
55 cm, poor cognition, CNS or PNS neuromuscular disease,
The effect of PNF stretching on both joint restriction received operation in recent 3 months, joint infection and
improvements is less well understood. Likewise, balance loosening, revision total knee arthroplasty, or complication
impairment, which is again one of the major problems during follow up. Those who met the study's eligibility
encountered by the patients after knee replacement is due requirements and gave their consent to participate were
to the weakness of quadriceps muscles, which is further a finally chosen to participate in the study.
Table 4. Showing the manual muscle testing (MMT) score for both groups A and B
Table 5. Showing Berg balance scale (BBS) score for both groups A and B
** significant at 0.05 level, mean and SD of BBS (week 1 and week 3) for both groups A and B
The findings gain credibility by yet another study conducted band exercise program using proprioceptive neuromuscular
by Kim, Kang, and Kim(2018) in Korea where PNF exercises facilitation (PNF) was evaluated to measure isotonic
were found to improve range of motion, pain, and functional strength of abductor's muscles in the lower extremity. It
activity among TKR patients. However, the present study was found that PNF-based band exercises significantly
differs from the Korean study using the outcome measures improved the peak explosive muscular power in the isotonic
since the authors measured the improvement by objective contraction of the lower limb abductors. It was hypothesized
indices including the MMT and BBS scores. In yet another that the PNF facilitates certain physiological changes
study by Rhyu, Kim, and Park (2015), a six-week elastic which potentiate the functioning of both the central and