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The Effectiveness of A 12 Week Exercise Programme in Hip Osteoarthritis A Randomised Controlled Trial

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Dalmas I, J Orthop Res Physiother 2023, 9: 060

DOI: 10.24966/ORP-2052/100060

HSOA Journal of
Orthopedic Research & Physiotherapy
Research Article

The Effectiveness of a 12-week Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common joint disorders
worldwide [1,2], a condition which is responsible for pain, stiffness,
Exercise Programme in Hip and dysfunction during activities of daily living. One of the functional
capacities affected by OA is deterioration in muscle strength mainly
OsteoArthritis: A Randomised of the quadriceps, hamstrings, and other musculature around the hip
Controlled Trial An overwhelming amount of literature is available supporting the
use of exercise to help manage or decrease joint pain as a result of
knee OA, programmes which including muscle strengthening, aer-
Ilona Dalmas, Anabel Sciriha* and Tonio P Agius obic/cardiovascular exercise and more [6-12]. Evidence based re-
search about management through exercise of Hip OA is though lim-
Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Room 32 Mater
ited. So as to counteract the limited information, guidance through
Dei Hospital Msida, Malta
recommendations for the non-pharmacological management of Hip
OA were issued by the European League Against Rheumatism (EU-
LAR) Osteoarthritis Task Force stating these patients should receive
tailored programmes which include both long and short-term goals
Abstract or action plans, regular evaluation by healthcare professionals and
Purpose: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common disease caused by the
follow-up with the possibility of adjusting the programme accord-
destruction of the joint cartilage. Pain, stiffness and dysfunction ingly [13]. These recommendation have been further supported by
during activities of daily living are common reasons leading to a hip more recent guidelines issued by the American Physical Therapy As-
arthroplasty. Programmes based on quadriceps strengthening are sociation 2017 [14]. the Ottawa Panel Clinical Practice Guidelines
now evidence-based. Therefore, this study aims to explore and in- [15-17]. which although specific to knee OA, make reference to the
vestigate the effects of a 12-week hip exercise programme on pain hip, and the Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI)
and functional levels. guidelines, 2019 [18]. The latter set recommendations for flexibility,
Methods: This study reports outcomes of a randomised controlled strengthening and endurance exercises aimed at addressing impair-
trial. 40 participants were randomly allocated into 2 groups: control ments in hip ROM, muscle weaknesses and reduced flexibility. These
group and an intervention group. All participants were asked general guidelines also recommend that for the dosage and duration to be ef-
demographic data at baseline, followed by assessment using the fective, the exercises should be carried out 1-5 times per week over
NPRS, WOMAC Scale, 6 MWT and muscle testing. Participants a 6-12 week period but this is still inconclusive and the duration still
in the control group received no intervention, whereas the others varies from as little as 6 weeks to up to 4months.
performed hip exercises. A 12-week exercise programme resulted
Results from studies offer varied outcomes. In a randomised trial
in highly statistically significant improvements for participants in the
intervention group and minimal changes for the control group.
by Bieler et al [10], 4 months of either physiotherapist-supervised,
moderate, progressive, strength training (n = 50), physiotherapist-
Results: Data is presented for both groups respectively as follows: supervised Nordic Walking (n = 50), or unsupervised Home-Based
6MWD P<0.001, P=0.928; NPRS P=0.035, P=0.325; WOMAC Exercises (n = 52) showed no differences in muscle strength and ac-
P<0.001, P=0.032.
tive hip ROM with the authors suggesting that the patients recruited
Conclusion: A 12-week exercise programme resulted in clinical and might not have been able to achieve the target load prescribed and that
statistically significant improvements for the intervention group. muscle strength and functional performance might not be correlated.
Key Words: Arthritis; Management; Physiotherapy; Rehabilitation Svege et al [18] evaluated the effects of exercise therapy and pa-
tient education in a 12-week exercise programme, one which resulted
in no beneficial long-term effects except for the significantly reduced
*Corresponding author: Sciriha A, Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty pain levels reported during the 6-minute walk test at the 10th and 29th
of Health Sciences, Room 32 MaterDei Hospital Msida, Malta, Email: anabel.
month. Svege et at [18] claimed that their participants had mild func-
tional limitations at baseline, adherence to the programme was report-
Citation: Dalmas I, Sciriha A, Agius TP (2023) The Effectiveness of a 12-week ed in 53% of the participants only and that the exercise programme
Exercise Programme in Hip OsteoArthritis: A Randomised Controlled Trial. J may have been ineffective in dosage progression and execution of the
Orthop Res Physiother 9: 060. exercises.
Received: March 28, 2023; Accepted: April 05, 2023; Published: April 12, 2023 In contrast to the above, a 10-week programme of progressive ex-
plosive-type resistance training resulted in significant improvements
Copyright: © 2023 Sciriha A. This is an open-access article distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted in self-reported outcomes and increased lower limb muscle power
use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author [19]. This study reported significant improvements in self-reported
and source are credited. ADL function, as well as leg muscle power.
Citation: Dalmas I, Sciriha A, Agius TP (2023) The Effectiveness of a 12-week Exercise Programme in Hip OsteoArthritis: A Randomised Controlled Trial. J Orthop Res Physiother
9: 060.

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Despite the vast amount of literature available on exercise in the Numerical pain rating scale (NPRS)
management of most knee OA, research on the management of Hip
OA is limited and no consensus regarding the optimal time-frame and The NPRS is a widely used in the clinical setting aswell as in re-
dosage has yet been established. Therefore the authors aimed at inves- search [20]. It is a simple and valid tool to use with acceptable con-
tigating outcomes of a 12-week exercise programme in patients with struct validity for this tool (P < 0.001).
Hip OA.
Western Ontario and McMaster universities scale and the
Methodology 6 minute walking test
Experimental approach Functional Levels were assessed using the Western Ontario and
McMaster Universities (WOMAC) Scale and a 6 MWT. The WOM-
This paper reports a randomised controlled trial. Data obtained AC is a widely used instrument which is specific to assessing patients
from both groups were recorded at the start of week 0 and the end of with hip and knee OA [21]. This assessment tool was self-adminis-
week 12. By adopting this design, a pre and post test method of data tered. It consists of 33 items which evaluate the health and function
collection was implemented with all participants undergoing a series of the patient from various aspects including clinical symptoms (5
of outcome measures at the start of the study as described below and questions), severity of joint stiffness (2 questions), degree of pain (9
retested on all the participants upon completion of a 12-week inter- questions), and activity of daily living (17 questions).
The six-minute walk test (6MWT) measures the distance an indi-
Subjects vidual is able to walk over a total of 6minutes on a hard, flat surface.
All 340 participants who were waiting for a total hip replacement The individual was allowed to self-pace and rest as needed as they
at the local hospital were eligible to participate. A total of 40 patients traverse back and forth along a marked walkway. Such a test has been
accepted to participate. In order to be recruited, participants had to be reported to be a valid and reliable indicator of aerobic fitness [22]. 
aged 40 years or over. Participants whom on assessments were found The subjects were instructed that they could stop and rest during the
to have unstable cardiovascular or respiratory disorders, had recent test, but the time kept running. At the end of the test, the distance
lower limb surgery, had a condition affecting lower limb function, covered was recorded.
were unable to mobilise or were not able to commit to the exercise
programme were excluded from the study. Procedures of recruited are
Muscle torque testing
outlines in Figure 1. All subjects also underwent peak isometric lower limb muscle
torque testing for the following muscle groups: Quadriceps, Ham-
strings, Adductors and Abductors using the Lafayette Hand held dy-
namometer. A maximum of three attempts were performed with the
average result taken. Participants were instructed to exert maximal
effort and were verbally coached to push as hard as they could for
each recorded trial.
All patients were randomly assigned using a random computer
generator to one of 2 groups by the intermediary: the control group
who were awaiting surgery and were not receiving any regular phys-
iotherapy and the Intervention group, who were subject to a set of hip
exercises based on a protocol described by Deyle et al [23]. These
exercises were carried out 3 times weekly for a period of 3 months.
During the first 4weeks, all sessions were supervised by a physio-
therapist, independent to this study who monitored and increased the
duration or difficulty of exercises according to patients’ progression.
From the 5th to the 8th week, patients were requested to attend 2 su-
pervised sessions and complete the third one at home. Between the 9th
and the 12th week, patients attended one supervised intervention and
completed 2 exercise sessions at home. All patients were given a copy
of the exercise sheet with instructions for use at home.

Statistical analysis
Data was analysed using the statistical package for social science
(SPSS) software version 27 to determine any significant changes over
time between both groups using the ANOVA test. Comparision of out-
Figure 1: Caption: Consort 2010 flow diagram.
comes at the 12th week between both groups was carried out using the
Independent Sample’s T-test. Effect sizes were calculated to identify
the extent of the experimental effect using an online calculator:
At baseline, all participants were asked general demographic data
including age, weight, height, body mass index (BMI), gender and Ethical approval was also obtained from the University Faculty
drug history. The following outcome measures were then carried out Research Ethics Committee and registered with clinicaltrials.gov,
on every subject at baseline (Week 0) and repeated at week 12. having identifier number NCT04771936.
J Orthop Res Physiother ISSN: 2381-2052, Open Access Journal Volume 9 • Issue 1 • 100060
DOI: 10.24966/ORP-2052/100060
Citation: Dalmas I, Sciriha A, Agius TP (2023) The Effectiveness of a 12-week Exercise Programme in Hip OsteoArthritis: A Randomised Controlled Trial. J Orthop Res Physiother
9: 060.

• Page 3 of 5 •

The intervention lasted 12 weeks, with 34 patients completing
the study. In the control group 2 participants were excluded from the
study as they underwent a hip arthroplasty. In the intervention group,
4 participants withdrew for the following reasons: one participant sus-
tained a fracture of her ribs, two participants quit attending because
of an increase in Covid-19 cases and one participant dropped for per-
sonal reasons. Table 1 outlines the baseline characteristics of all the
participants of both groups.

Baseline characteristics
Mean Value (SD)
n= 51

Males - 28
Gender Figure 2. Caption: A graphical representation of changes in the 6MWD from base-
Females - 23
line to week 12. Statistically significant changes are noted in the graph, through the
60 years or less – 16 representation of the p-value. N.B. 6MWD (m)= Six-minute walk distance measured
Age (years) 61-69 years – 21 in metres.
70 years or more - 14

Right hip – 25
Affected hip Left hip -21
Bilateral hips affected - 5

Weight (kg) 83.65 (+16.55)

Height (cm) 161.79 (+ 9.92)

BMI (kg/cm2) 31.96 (+5.89)

6MWT (m) 267.82 (+ 108.34)

NPRS 5.31 (+ 2.59)

WOMAC 49.63 (+ 19.69)

Good - 18
Core Stability Figure 3, Caption: A graphical representation of changes in the NPRS from baseline
Poor - 33
to week 12. Statistically significant changes are noted in the graph, through the repre-
Table 1 : Baseline characteristics of all participants enrolled in the study. sentation of the p-value. N.B. NPRS= Numerical Pain Rating Scale.
N= number of participants; SD= standard Deviation; kg= kilograms; cm= centime-
tres; BMI= Body Mass Index; 6MWT= 6 Minute Walk Test; NPRS= Numerical Pain Western ontario McMaster universities osteoarthritis in-
Rating Scale; WOMAC = Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis
Index dex (WOMAC)
Following a 12-week exercise intervention, a significant improve-
Outcome measures
ment in the impact of OA in participants forming part of the interven-
Six Minute walk distance (6MWD) tion group of 11%, P<0.001, ES d=0.32 resulted. This group scored
a value of 57.31 (SD 18.39) at week 0 to 51.25 (SD 19.04) at week
As can be noted in Figure 2, significant improvements in the 6 12. As per the previous two outcomes the control group registered
minute walking distance were recorded for participants in the inter- worsening of their score by 5% over 12 week (45.94 [SD 21.36] at
vention group. After 12 weeks of rehabilitation, a statistically sig- week 0 to 48.44 [SD 22.70] at week 12), P= 0.032, ES d= 0.11. These
nificant increase in walking distance of 43m from a mean baseline changes are graphically represented in Figure 4.
value of 262.63m (SD 118.27) to 305.69m (SD 131.42), P< 0.001
(ES d=0.34) was obtained. Such improvements were not noted in par-
ticipants of the control group. These participants registered no dif-
ference in walking distance from a mean baseline value of 257.94m
(SD 127.80) at week 0 to a mean walking distance of 256.94m (SD
137.81) at week 12, p=0.928 (ES d=0.01).

Numerical pain rating scale (NPRS)

As is demonstrated in Figure 3, participants of the intervention

group registered a significant decrease in pain levels of P= 0.035, ES
d=0.49 (mean baseline NPRS score of 5.88 [SD 2.68] at week 0 to
4.56 [SD 2.71] at week 12). Once again, such positive changes were Figure 4, Caption: A graphical representation of changes in the WOMAC score from
not observed in participants of the control group, who registered an baseline to week 12 per individual group. Statistically significant changes are noted
in the graph, through the representation of the p-value. N.B WOMAC = Western
increase in pain values of 11% from their baseline (NPRS at week 0 Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index.
4.67 [SD 2.87] to 5.17 [SD 2.92] at week 12), P=0.325, ES d= 0.17.
J Orthop Res Physiother ISSN: 2381-2052, Open Access Journal Volume 9 • Issue 1 • 100060
DOI: 10.24966/ORP-2052/100060
Citation: Dalmas I, Sciriha A, Agius TP (2023) The Effectiveness of a 12-week Exercise Programme in Hip OsteoArthritis: A Randomised Controlled Trial. J Orthop Res Physiother
9: 060.

• Page 4 of 5 •

Muscle strength which could have adverse effects on pain levels, one which might
dishearten participants to continue with treatment. Patients enrolled
Hip Abductors: Muscle strength of the hip abductors for the control in the intervention group were being constantly monitored along the
group improved slightly on both sides, but did not reach statistical sig- course for intensity progression which might have been one of the
nificance (Right hip mean baseline value= 5.98 [SD 2.67] to 6.20 [SD factors leading to such an improvement. Results obtained through this
2.74] after 12 weeks, P=0.606, ES d=0.08; Left hip mean baseline study are supported by Hernandez et al [25] who reported a signif-
value= 5.85 [SD 3.11] to 6.23 [SD 3.30], P=0.210, ES d=0.12). The icant reduction in pain behaviour in their participants, an interven-
intervention group had significant improvements in muscle strength tion based on a three-times weekly sessions for 12 weeks, a protocol
of the left side and despite not statistically significant, a marked im- which was similar to what was carried out in this research study. A
provement on the right (Right hip mean baseline value= 7.23 [SD 12-week exercise intervention also matches recommendations issued
3.64] to 7.71 [SD 3.04] after 12 weeks, P=0.381, ES d= 0.14; Left by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) pertaining to
hip mean baseline value= 6.02 [SD 2.99] to 7.33 [SD 2.94] after 12 strength training. Hernandez et al (25) noted a marked reduction in the
weeks, P=0.014, ES d= 0.44). use of NSAIDs with these authors stating that despite this effect being
Hip Adductors: A statistically signifcant decline in hip adductor a short-lasting one, the exercises might help in reducing or delaying
muscle strength on both the right and left side (Right hip mean base- the need of surgical intervention. Although not yet conclusive as to
line value= 5.22 [SD 1.99] to 4.41 [SD 0.93], P=0.038, ES d= 0.53; whether 12 or more supervised sessions are superior, it is reported that
Left hip mean baseline value= 4.39 [SD 1.67] to 3.74 [SD 1.21] after pain and physical function appear to improve further when this time
12 weeks, P=0.014, ES d= 0.45) was noted for the control group. frame is taken into consideration [26,27].
Statistically significant improvements were then obtained for partici-
pants in the intervention group (Right hip mean baseline value= 4.31 With a reduction in pain levels, the other outcomes also showed
[SD 1.84] to 5.62 [SD 2.57], P=0.024, ES d= 0.59; Left hip mean positive outcomes. A 12 week rehabilitation programme resulted in
baseline value= 4.12 [SD 2.83] to 5.73 [SD 2.83] after 12 weeks, a relatively marked improvement in lower limb muscle strength for
P=0.010, ES d= 0.57). participants in the intervention group, but not for the control group.
These benefits can be linked to the exercise progamme composition
Hip Extension: Participants in the control group registered a non sta- and also the duration of the programme. The revised 2017 clinical
tistically significant decline in muscle strength of the hip extenstors practice guidelines of the American Physical Therapy Association,
(Right hip mean baseline value= 4.09 [SD 2.84] to 3.78 [SD 2.45], highly consider with a grade A, the use of flexibility, strengthening
P=0.376, ES d= 0.12; Left hip mean baseline value= 4.54 [SD 2.69] and endurance exercises. Since muscle strength and pain levels im-
to 4.17 [SD 2.39], P=0.323, ES d= 0.46). A highly statistically signif- proved, it is expected that the impact of OA on the individual will be
icant increase in hip extensor muscle strength was registered for the ameliorated and also functionality. This could be seen from the 10.6%
intervention group (Right hip mean baseline value= 3.27 [SD 2.10] to decline in WOMAC scores for the intervention group, ES d=0.32.
5.91 [SD 2.41], P<0.001, ES d= 1.17; Left hip mean baseline value= The control group, on the otherhand had an increase of 5.4% in the
3.69 [SD 2.54] to 5.88 [SD 2.84], P=0.003, ES d= 0.81). WOMAC score.
Hip Lateral Rotators: Muscle strength for the hip lateral rotators in
A change in WOMAC score of 7.9 has been reported to be a mini-
participants of the control group resulted in a deterioration, with the
mal clinical important improvement in patients with hip OA as report-
right side having a statistically significant decline in muscle strength
ed by Tubach [28] a value which was obtained in participants of the
as opposed to the left side (Right hip mean baseline value= 5.01 [SD
intervention group. The degree of short-term improvements in ADLs,
1.93] to 4.46 [SD 1.52] after 12 weeks, P=0.035, ES d= 0.32; Left
physical performance and quality of life has been related by Hoglund
hip mean baseline value= 4.76 [SD 2.05] to 4.32 [SD 1.53] after 12
et al [29] to the volume of supervised exercise received by the partic-
weeks, P=0.233, ES d= 0.24). The intervention group, registered a
ipants. Patients in the intervention group also reported a gain of 43m
statistically significant improvement recorded on the right side but
in the 6MWD, having a small magnitude ES of d=0.34. The control
not on the left despite an improvement in strength too (Right hip mean
group on the other hand scored 1m less in distance from baseline in
baseline value= 4.84 [SD 1.42] to 6.01 [SD 2.37] after 12 weeks,
their 6-minute walking distance. Similar findings were reported by
P=0.014, ES d= 0.6; Left hip mean baseline value= 4.91 [SD 1.36] to
Widmer et al [30].
5.71 [SD 2.06] after 12 weeks, P=0.107, ES d= 0.46).

Discussion This study had some limitations one of which was the lack of
proper monitoring of the HEP compliance using a diary/telephone
A 12 week exercise programme for patients with hip OA resulted communication, aspects which would have helped assess continuity
in statistically significant improvements in most outcome measures of the exercises prescribed. The sample size for this study was also
with participants enrolled into the control group showing minimal im- a small one and large sample groups will provide a better outline to
provements. outcomes from such an intervention.
A statistically significant, 22% decline in pain scores for partic- Conclusion
ipants in the intervention group was noted (P=0.035, ES d=0.49)
whereas participants enrolled into the control group had a slight in- This 12-week exercise intervention on a group of participants
crease in their pain levels by 0.5 (50% increase). 12weeks of exercises suffering from symptoms related to hip OA, resulted in clinical and
therefore resulted in an ideal period to lead to improvements in pain, statistically significant improvement in pain levels, functionality and
to the contrary of what Uusi-Rasi et al [24] reported. These authors lower limb strength. Such benefits follow the 2017 clinical practice
stated that 12 weeks might be a short time for effective progression in guidelines for the use of flexibility, strengthening and endurance ex-
training, since this might lead to a rapid increase in exercise intensity ercises in the rehabilitation for patients with hip arthritis.
J Orthop Res Physiother ISSN: 2381-2052, Open Access Journal Volume 9 • Issue 1 • 100060
DOI: 10.24966/ORP-2052/100060
Citation: Dalmas I, Sciriha A, Agius TP (2023) The Effectiveness of a 12-week Exercise Programme in Hip OsteoArthritis: A Randomised Controlled Trial. J Orthop Res Physiother
9: 060.

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Conflicts of interest 14. Cibulka MT, Bloom NJ, Enseki KR, Camero WMD, Judith Woehrle PT,
et al. (2017) Hip Pain and Mobility Deficits - Hip Osteoarthritis: Revision
The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest. 2017. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 47: 1-37.

Funding 15. Brosseau L, Taki J, Desjardins B, Odette T, Marlene F, et al. (2017) The
Ottawa panel clinical practice guidelines for the management of knee os-
The authors declare that there was no funding received to conduct teoarthritis. Part three: Aerobic exercise programs. Clinical Rehabilitation
31: 612-624.
this study.
16. Brosseau L, Taki J, Desjardins B, Odette T, Marlene F, et al. (2017) The
Acknowledgements Ottawa panel clinical practice guidelines for the management of knee os-
teoarthritis. Part two: strengthening exercise programs. Clinical Rehabili-
The authors would like to thank all the participants who participat- tation 31: 596-611.
ed in this study.
17. Bannuru RR, Osani MC, Vaysbrot EE, Arden NK, Bennell K, et al. (2019)
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J Orthop Res Physiother ISSN: 2381-2052, Open Access Journal Volume 9 • Issue 1 • 100060
DOI: 10.24966/ORP-2052/100060
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