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Seborrheic Dermatitis Treatment With Mustard Oil: A Case Report

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ISSN: 2322 - 0902 (P)

ISSN: 2322 - 0910 (O)

International Journal of Ayurveda
and Pharma Research

Case Study


Soham Samajpaty
International Faculty, Department of General Medicine, Russian National Research Medical University Named
After Ni Pirogov, Moscow, Russian Federation.
Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic skin disease which is primarily associated with sp. Malassezia
infection on the epidermis of the skin. The disease is characterized by massive skin exfoliation of
seborrheic regions like forehead, behind pinna of ear, armpits, nasolabial fold, dandruff in the scalp,
etc. Around 5% of general population is a victim of this disease. The patient condition often
becomes a hindrance for his or her livelihood and results into low self-esteem. Modern medical
therapy recommends use of selenium sulfide sulfide, azole group of antibiotics like ketokonazole,
Econazole, Clotrimazole, etc. In severe cases corticosteroids like Betamethasone dipropionate
(0.05% potency) is also used. But all these have not given clinically efficient results. The clinical
symptoms visible in this disease are scaling or exfoliation of skin: redness and swelling of affected
regions along with itching. Neutrophilic infiltration in the epidermal crust and dense presence of
inflammatory mediators in the region are found in the region on performing histological studies
using skin biopsy.
In the ancient Indian medical system of Ayurveda, mustard oil or Sarshapa taila has been
characterized as deep penetrating, hot potency, pungent smelling fluid effective against skin itching
and urticaria. This is a case report of experimental mustard oil therapy on a patient with Seborrheic
dermatitis. It is being addressed to the global health community from both the fields of modern
medicine and Ayurveda to carry a much deeper study on the topic and the therapy method which is
being shown in this research.
KEYWORDS: Seborrheic dermatitis, Seborrhea, Ayurveda, Mustard oil, Sarshapa taila, Dermatology,
Venerology, Kayachikitsa
Seborrhoeic dermatitis is a dreadful chronic epidermis and around the follicles of diseased skin.
skin disorder, affecting almost 5% of general Though, in most of the literature sp. Malassezia has
population. Despite high advancement in clinical been sited to be the most responsible etiological
dermatology, there is lack of knowledge about factor for Seborrheic dermatitis[2] (Ilko Bakardzhiev,
etiology of the disease. Redness, itching, 2017).
inflammation, scaling of skin are common symptoms The disease being found in young adults and
with impaired function of sebaceous glands. Sebum middle aged persons, often becomes a reason for
producing areas of skin like scalp, chest, underarm, depression and social disturbance for the affected
genital region, etc are most common areas of clinical individuals. Although not life threatening but has to
manifestations. Infection by sp. Malassezia is one of been taken into serious consideration for safe-
the primary etiological factors, as understood in guarding livelihood of the population. Modern
dermatology till date. Often auto-immune disorders, medical therapy recommends use of selenium sulfide
HIV infection, Parkinson’s disease have been linked sulfide, azole group of antibiotics like ketokonazole,
to it, but not with phenomenal explanation. Vitamin Econazole, Clotrimazole, etc. In severe cases
B6 deficiency has also been found be a reported corticosteroids like Betamethasone dipropionate
reason. Histo-pathological studies reveal spongiosis (0.05% potency) is also used.[3] (Neena Khanna,
and psoriasiform hyperplasia with follicular plugging 2011).
in the acute phase. Neutrophil infiltration in the crust MATERIALS AND METHODS
is evident in chronic phase[1] (Tongyu C, 2019,
A thorough physical examination of the
Pages 991-1001). Inflammatory markers like IL-1,
patient was carried out. Clinical blood tests were
IL-6, TNFα, IL-12, IL-4 and IFNγ has been found in the
IJAPR | April 2021 | Vol 9 | Issue 4 46
Soham Samajpaty. Seborrheic Dermatitis Treatment with Mustard Oil
conducted. Experimental Ayurvedic treatment recurrence was treated medicinally. Cough syncope
mustard oil or Sarshapa taila was done, keeping all has also been reported in the father once after
additional effects under observation. Augmentin was administered. The mother of the
CASE REPORT patient is reportedly sensitive to external allergens
The study was conducted with agreement of and frequently has been a victim of allergic reactions
patient, safeguarding his physical and psychological with itchy, red and inflamed wheals all over the body,
well being. responsive to chlorpheniramine. She is a 1st stage
patient of sero-positive rheumatoid arthritis and has
been reported with shifting pain from brachial region
Includes past medical history, family history to the extremities.
and lifestyle of patient
General Information
Includes present problem, complaint, diagnosis,
The patient is 21 years old, male, Indian by general observation of the patient
nationality. The patient was born on 30.09.1999 in
Primary Complaint
Kolkata, West Bengal, India. Post-partum conditions
were normal, with normal breathing, cardiac status, The patient had complaint of drying of skin.
infantile jaundice was not reported, neither was any He complained of itchy, red forehead, increased
infection reported post-partum. The patient is dandruff, dandruff of facial hair, maxillary region and
unmarried and has not undergone any sexual contact nasolabial folds. He had itchy scalp as well. The
as such. Started smoking at the age of 18 years and problem was so severe that it was noticeable by
smokes 12 cigarettes a day and alcohol is also surrounding people and the patient felt timid and
consumed but occasionally. At present, the patient is humiliated to attend social gatherings. The patient
an undergraduate student of medical science in complained that his problems became severe around
Russian Federation. He migrated to Russia in October June 2019.
2017. The patient weighs 85kg and has a height of 6ft General Observation
and 2 inches and hence has a BMI score of 24 (normal From general observation– drying of skin and
weight). The weight is primarily contributed due to lack of sebum was noted on epidermis. He had
increased circumference of region located between intensive dandruff with inflamed and red scalp. He
epigastrium and hypogastrium. He uses spectacles had red forehead with white scaling of epidermis.
from the age of 11 years and has myopia with Scaling was observed on facial hair and maxillary
astigmatism. He has not been involved in any sports, region. Loss of hair was noticed. No pustules, pus,
as such. From the age of 14 years had intensive tumor, patch, papule, wheal, vesicle or erosions were
scaling of scalp and has reported “snow flake like noticed. Exfoliation of epidermis was very prominent
dust” dandruff with itching. But he did not consult and change in skin pigmentation on left frontal lobe
any dermatologist. of skull, 3cm above the supra-orbital margin was
Past Medical History of the Patient noticed.
The patient has not been reported with any Cardiac System
past medical disease as such. He used to live a normal Borders of the heart on percussion were
healthy lifestyle. Although in 2015, was diagnosed normal with left apex impulse being slightly left to
with minor neurotic depression. In childhood, he was mid-clavicular line on the 5th intercostals space and
a slow learner. No complicacy related to cardiac, right sterna margin was preserved as the right borer.
neurological, urinary, reproductive, reparatory All heart sounds were normal on auscultation.
systems were reported. Although, from childhood Rhythm was sinus and regular with 78 beats per
had problem of general acidity of stomach. At the age minute heart rate.
of 9 years was diagnosed with chronic juvenile No necessity was felt for additional diagnosis.
tonsillitis and was treated with homeopathic remedy, Pulmonary System
but with no significant effect. With age the problem
Breathing was normal. Lung tissue was
disappeared as he got involved in sports for few
resonant on percussion and breathing was vesicular
years (expected result of hardening and tampering).
on auscultation. Equal deflection of left and right
Family History scapula was recorded on physical examination. No
Father and mother are both of Indian complaint of breathlessness. No sputum was found.
nationality. The father has slight blockage in left No necessity was felt for additional diagnosis.
bundle branch (LBBB) and is a patient of first stage
hypertension and is on daily 50mg Losartan dosage.
The father has been operated on renal caliculi and

IJAPR | April 2021 | Vol 9 | Issue 4 47

Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2021;9(4):46-51
Digestive System The patient voluntarily stopped therapy stating no
Normal anatomical position of Liver in left visible cure.
hypochondrium and stomach in right Experimental Ayurvedic Therapy and Results
hypochondrium was noticed on percussion. No pain In the treaty of Maharshri Charaka, Charaka
was reported by the patient on palpation of stomach, Samhita mustard has been chosen for the use of
mesogastrium and intestine. No sound change of alleviation of skin itching and urticaria. The mustard
stomach was heard on auscultation. Stool is also oil has been described as pungent smelling, hot in
normal with no complaint of constipation or pain. potency and deep penetrating fluid by Maharshri
No additional diagnosis was suggested. Vagabhata in his Astanga Hridaya. For such
Urinary System properties being noted in classical Ayurvedic text,
Urinates 5 to 6 times daily. No pain of kidney mustard oil (or Sarshapa taila) was chosen for an
on palpation. No pain is felt during urination, no experimental therapy.
significant change in urine colour or smell reported. But mustard oil was not locally applied on the
Has never complained about past urinary tract affected epidermis, rather umbilicus or Nabhi was
infection or renal caliculi. chosen. The umbilicus has been described as the
Nervous System source of Prana or blood and has been described as
river or stream nourishing the body suing the term
No complaint regarding cognition, pain and
“Jala harini” by Maharshri Sushruta[5] (B.M.N.Kumar,
lack of body movement coordination was observed.
2017). On the other hand from modern perspective of
Patellar reflex, Brachial reflex, Achilles tendon reflex,
anatomy it is known that the rectus abdominis
Corneal reflex and Biceps reflex were normal.
muscle is supplied by the superior epigastric artery
Diagnosis which is a continuation of internal thoracic artery
The patient has localized epidermal skin and inferior epigastric artery, both later forming
disease and no other skin complication was noted. All anastomosi[4]. The umbilicus is located horizontally at
organ system observations showed normal condition. the center of rectus abdominis muscle and vertically
He had localized skin exfoliation, loss of hair, redness again at the center of linea alba in the umbilical
and inflammation. Hence, the diagnosis was made as region of mesogastrium. This was the reason behind
Seborrheic dermatitis. choosing umbilicus for the therapy.
Initial Therapy with Modern Medicine and The therapy was started on December, 2020.
Results Every night before sleep, the umbilicus was drenched
On diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis the in mustard oil of around 2ml. The practice was
patient was treated with daily dosage of B12 complex continued till March 2021 and results were recorded.
for 4 months, Ketoconazole cream was applied daily The results were excellent and clinically
on forehead and maxillary area over the affected significant. There was absolute recovery of skin
epidermis. He was kept under daily shampooing with epidermis. Lost pigmentation of frontal lobe of skull,
Sodium sulphate. Minoxidil oil was used to address 3cm above the supra-orbital margin was restored to
the hair loss issue. The therapy was started around normal. Exfoliation of skin, redness and swelling was
September 2019 and was continued for 8 months. absolutely absent on the affected areas. Dandruff was
No significant change was noticed. Exfoliation not observed on scalp and slow hair re-growth is also
of skin continued with redness and skin itching. Loss being experienced. No additional skin complication
of hair also continued and the patient lost significant has been recorded. Complete blood count, lipid
amount of hair by late 2020 and baldness was visible. profile and liver function test was done to confirm for
Little decrease in dandruff was noted on the scalp any side effect. No side effect has been recorded apart
and facial hair. The skin was very dry with whitening from slightly increased triacylglycerol (TAG),
in some portion of the forehead. The therapy was although clinically insignificant.
routinely clinical and recommended by most
dermatologists[4] (Gary G, 2013, pg 44-49).
Clinical test report with analysis is as follows
Test Name Value Units
Complete Blood Count (CBC)
Haemoglobin 15 g/dl
RBC count 4.9 1012/l

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Soham Samajpaty. Seborrheic Dermatitis Treatment with Mustard Oil

PCV (Packed cell volume) 44.9 %

MCV (Mean corpuscular volume) 91.6 fl
MCH (Mean corpuscular hemoglobin) 30.6 pg
MCHC (Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration) 33.4 g/dl
RDW CV 13.5 %
WBC count total 7.500 Cells/μL
Differential Leukocyte Count
Neutrophil 69 %
Lymphocytes 25 %
Eosinophil 3 %
Monocyte 3 %
Basophil 0 %
Absolute Neutrophil Count 5.175 Cells/μL
Absolute Lymphocyte Count 1.875 Cells/μL
Absolute Eosinophil Count 225 Cells/μL
Absolute Monocyte Count 225 Cells/μL

Absolute Basophil Count 0 Cells/μL

Platelet Count 172 109/l
Erythrocyte Sedimentation rate
ESR 8 Mm in 1hr
RBC Morphology Normocytic & Normochromic
WBC Morphology No abnormal cells found
Platelets Adequate
It is to be noted here that all the parameters of CBC are normal and no pathology has been recorded.
Morphological structure of blood cells is also normal.
Liver Function Test
Bilirubin Total 0.860 mg/dl
Bilirubin Direct 0.26 mg/dl
Bilirubin Indirect 0.60 mg/dl
ALT 43 U/l
AST 33 U/l
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) 86 U/l
Protein Total 7.9 g/dl
Albumin 4.7 g/dl
Globulin 3.2 g/dl
Albumin/Globulin ration 1.5
Liver function test also shows all parameters to be normal.

IJAPR | April 2021 | Vol 9 | Issue 4 49

Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2021;9(4):46-51
Lipid Profile Basic
Cholesterol Total 182 mg/dl
Cholesterol HDL 46 mg/dl
Cholesterol VLDL 32 mg/dl
Cholesterol LDL 104 mg/dl
Triglycerides 160 mg/dl
Cholesterol Total/HDL ratio 4
Cholesterol LDL/HDL ratio 2.3
The lipid profile test is also almost satisfactory. There is slight increment in Triglyceride volume and lie
in the borderline high range (150-199mg/dl). Although this should not be immediately associated with the
therapy carried out until a sample population study is conducted for a statistical data. But precautions must be
taken in clinical management.
The tests have been conducted in NABL accredited laboratory in India.
Before Treatment with Mustard Oil

In the above picture exfoliation of skin is visible along with In the above picture, exfoliation with changed skin tone on
redness. Healthy epidermis is visible in patches. frontal lobe of skull 3cm above the supra-orbital margin is
visible along with dandruff in the scalp.
After 4 months of therapy with Mustard oil

In the above picture it is evident that there is no exfoliation In the above picture it is evident that facial hairs are in
of skin, epidermis is normal and healthy. The skin was oily normal condition. No dandruff visible in facial hair, no
on physical examination. The lost pigment of skin tone has exfoliation in maxillary region and nasolabial fold.
been recovered.
Although it is a fact that without a sample modern approaches to Seborrheic dermatitis are a
population study, no therapy should be brought into massive failure. Drastic suggestions like using
clinical practice. But in this case it is also proven that corticosteroids and biological products like
Available online at: http://ijapr.in 50
Soham Samajpaty. Seborrheic Dermatitis Treatment with Mustard Oil
infliximab, adalimumab - TNFα inhibitors, anakinra– Jadavpur University), an experienced chemist for
IL1 inhibitor or tocilizumab – IL6 inhibitor has also helping me with resources to conduct this study.
surfaced[6] (Konerding MA, 1997, dis 711-2). If REFERENCES
drenching umbilicus in mustard oil for a period of 4-6 1. Tongyu C. Wikramanayake, Luis J. Borda, Mariya-
months can resolve the disease completely with Miteva, Ralf Paus; Seborrheic dermatitis- Looking
better results then it must be definitely advocated to beyond Malassezia; journal– Experimental
be brought in daily clinical practice. This case history Dermatology, published by John Wiley and sons
has imposed serious questions over the general ltd, volume 28, issue 9, pages 991-1001. DOI:
believes regarding the disease. It is being argued by 10.1111/exd.14006
scholars that sp. Malassezia is the primary etiological
2. Ilko Bakardzhiev, Argir Argirov (2017) New
factor of the disease, M. globosa and M. restricta and
Insights into the Etiopathogenesis of Seborrheic
many other members of the species are the main
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reason of the epidemic[7] (Del Rosso J. Q, 2011. pg 32-
1-5DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15226/2378-1726/
38). If sp.Malassezia is the causative agent of this
disease, then the patient at the beginning must have
responded to Ketoconazole. But he did not. Neither 3. Neena Khanna (2011); 4th edition, Illustrated
Vitamin B12 complex supplement nor sodium Synopsis of Dermatology and Sexually
sulphate did any improvement. From general Transmitted Diseases.
observation it appears that drying and de- 4. Gary G. (2013). Optimizing treatment approaches
keratinization of epidermis was the sole reason in seborrheic dermatitis. The Journal of clinical
behind the disease– lack of sebum was noted before and aesthetic dermatology, 6(2), 44–49.
starting therapy with mustard oil and sebum 5. B.M.N. Kumar; Nabhi: The Centre of Prana;
returned after the therapy curing the condition. This International Journal of Ayurveda and
report opens a new arena of biochemical studies in Pharmaceutical Chemistry; Volume 7 Issue 3
venerology as it has to be determined which 2017.
compound or sequence in molecular chain binded 6. Konerding MA, Gaumann A, Shumsky A,
with which receptor near umbilicus and how it might Schlenger K, Hockel M. The vascular anatomy of
stimulate sebum production from sebaceous glands. the inner anterior abdominal wall with special
Through this article, a strong patient reference to the transversus and rectus
population based study of this therapy and modern abdominis musculoperitoneal (TRAMP)
biochemical study along with histological composite flap for vaginal reconstruction. Plast
examination is being pleaded for to the global Reconstr Surg. 1997 Mar; 99(3): 705-10;
scientific community. Further improvement in the discussion 711-2. doi: 10.1097/00006534-
technique might be achieved only after complete 199703000-00016. PMID: 9047190.
understanding of the pharmacodynamics of mustard 7. Del Rosso J. Q. (2011). Adult seborrheic
oil or Sarshapa taila. dermatitis: a status report on practical topical
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT management. The Journal of clinical and aesthetic
I am immensely in debt to my father dermatology, 4(5), 32–38.
Mr.Debasis Samajpaty (M.Sc–analytical chemistry,

Cite this article as: *Address for correspondence

Soham Samajpaty. Seborrheic Dermatitis Treatment with Mustard Oil: A Dr. Soham Samajpaty
Case Report. International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research. International Faculty,
2021;9(4):46-51. Department of General Medicine,
Source of support: Nil, Conflict of interest: None Declared Russian National Research Medical
University Named After Ni Pirogov,
Moscow, Russian Federation.
Email: sohamsamajpaty@gmail.com
Contact number: +79154551799

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IJAPR | April 2021 | Vol 9 | Issue 4 51

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