Seborrheic Dermatitis Treatment With Mustard Oil: A Case Report
Seborrheic Dermatitis Treatment With Mustard Oil: A Case Report
Seborrheic Dermatitis Treatment With Mustard Oil: A Case Report
Case Study
In the above picture exfoliation of skin is visible along with In the above picture, exfoliation with changed skin tone on
redness. Healthy epidermis is visible in patches. frontal lobe of skull 3cm above the supra-orbital margin is
visible along with dandruff in the scalp.
After 4 months of therapy with Mustard oil
In the above picture it is evident that there is no exfoliation In the above picture it is evident that facial hairs are in
of skin, epidermis is normal and healthy. The skin was oily normal condition. No dandruff visible in facial hair, no
on physical examination. The lost pigment of skin tone has exfoliation in maxillary region and nasolabial fold.
been recovered.
Although it is a fact that without a sample modern approaches to Seborrheic dermatitis are a
population study, no therapy should be brought into massive failure. Drastic suggestions like using
clinical practice. But in this case it is also proven that corticosteroids and biological products like
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Soham Samajpaty. Seborrheic Dermatitis Treatment with Mustard Oil
infliximab, adalimumab - TNFα inhibitors, anakinra– Jadavpur University), an experienced chemist for
IL1 inhibitor or tocilizumab – IL6 inhibitor has also helping me with resources to conduct this study.
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I am immensely in debt to my father dermatology, 4(5), 32–38.
Mr.Debasis Samajpaty (M.Sc–analytical chemistry,
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