Instructional Materials For TMHM 20013 - Macroperspectives of Tourism and Hospitality
Instructional Materials For TMHM 20013 - Macroperspectives of Tourism and Hospitality
Instructional Materials For TMHM 20013 - Macroperspectives of Tourism and Hospitality
20013 –
1 by:
Dr. Daryl Ace V. Cornell Dr. Emily V. Banzel Ms. Cindy T. Laforteza
College of Tourism, Hospitality & Transportation
Management Department of Hospitality Management
Institutional Learning Outcomes Pro2ram Ou tcome.s Course Outcomes
1.Creative and Critical Thinking A BSHM Graduate should be able to: At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
Graduates use their imaginative as well as a rational
1. Demonstrate knowledge of tourism products and 1. show the structure and scope of touris m as well as the
thinking abilities to life situations in order push
services indus try, local tourism; impact of tourism as an industry on the world
boundaries, realize possibilities, and deepen their
economy and society.
interdisciplinaryand general understanding of the world. 2. Interpret and apply relevant laws related to tourism
2. illus trate the effects of the convergence of tourism
2.Effecti ve Communication industry
with the other local indu s tries and lets the students
Graduates are proficient in the four macro skills in 3. Observe and perform risk mitigation activities
appreciate its multiplier effect on various fronts.
communication (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) 4. Utilize information technology applications for 3. discuss the major factors that influence the history
and are able to use these skills in solving problems. tourism and Hospitality and future of touris m in the world and the
Making decisions, and articulating thoughts when 5. Manage and market a service-oriented business Philippines.
engaging with people in various circumstances. organization 4. introduce the sustainable goals of tourism and
3.Strong Service Orientation 6. Demonstrate administrative and managerial skills in a discusses, among others how to develop protective
Graduates exemplify the potentialities of an efficient, environments for children in tourism destinations;
service oriented business organization
well-rounded and responsible professiona l deep ly 5. observe and perform risk mitigation activities; etc. ;
7. Prepare and monitor indus try specific financial
committed to service excellence. and
4.Community Engagement transactions and reports
6. learn to appreciate the key global organizations and
Graduates take an active role in the promotion and 8. Perform human capital development functions of a
the role they play in influencing and monitoring
fulfillment of various advocacies (educational, social and tourism oriented organization tourism trends.
9. Utilize various communication channels proficiently
in dealing with guests and colleagues
environmental) for the advancement of community 10. Plan, implement and monitor tours and sales
welfare . activities
5. Adeptness in the Responsible Use of Technology 11. Resear,ch plan and conduct various tour guiding
Grad uates demonstrate optimized use of digital learning activities
abiliti,es including technical and numerical skills. 12. Develop appropriate marketing programs and arrange
6.Passion to Lifelong Leaming the required travel services
Grad uates are enabled to perform and function in the 13. Plan / organize, implement an d evaluate MICE
society by taking responsibility in their quest to know activi ties
more about the world through lifelong lea rning. 14. Plan, deve lop and evaluate tourism sites and
7.High Level of Leaders hip and OrganizationalSkills attractions
Grad uates are developed to become the best 15. Prod uce food products and services complying
professionals in their respective disciplines by with enterprisestandards
manifesting the appropriateskills and leaderships 16. Apply management skills in F & B service and
qualities. operations.
8.Sense of Personal and Professional Ethics 17. Perform and provide full guest cycle services for
Grad uates show desirable attitudes and behavior either in front office
their personal and professional circumstances. 18. Perform and maintain various housekeeping services
9.Sense of Natio nal and Global Responsiveness for guest and facility operations
19. Plan and implement a risk management program to
Grad uates' deep sense of national compliments the need provide a safeand secure workplace
to live in a global village where one's culture and other 20. Provide food & beverage service and manage the
people culture are respected. operation seamlessly based on industry standards
Course Plan
Week Topic Leaming Outcome.s Methodo l o 2V Resource.s Asse ss me n t
Oass Orientation
Review of the
1. PUP Mission and Vision syllabus, learning State the vision and
1. To imbibe the vision and mission of the
2. CTHTM Mission activ ities, and mission of the
university, college goal and program Student Hand book
Week 1 3. Department of HM Goals assessment university, college goal
objectives. Course Syllabus
and Objectives Getting to know and program objectives.
Ice breaker
Cooper, C. (2016). Reflection Paper
Introd uction to Tourism: Essentials of Tour ism,
1. Travel and Tourism as an 1. Explain the integrated model of touris m. Interactive U,cture Second Edition, Written and Oral Exam
Integrated Discipline Discussion Pearson Education
Week 2 2. Integrated Model of Tourism 2. Distinguish the key elements in Collaborative li mited, pp. 4-31 Case Studies
the integrated model of tourism. Learning Page, S. (2019). Tourism
Multimedia Management. Sixth
Instruction Edition, Routledge, pp.
Graphic 1-72
Organizers Holloway, J.C &
Humphreys, C (2016).
The Business of
Tourism, Tenth Edition,
Pearson Education
li mited, nn. 2-51
Cooper, C. (2016). Reflection Paper
Essentials of Tourism,
Second Edition, Written and Oral
The Meaning of 'Hospita lity", 'Travel,' 1. Discuss theconcept of travel and tour ism Pearson Education
'Tourism' and 'Tourist' 2. Compare and contrast the Discussion li mited, pp. 32-55 Exam Case Studies
1. Concepts of Trave l and Tourism Management Page, S. (2019). Tourism
classifications of tourists. Management. Sixth
2. Definitions of Tourist Games
Week 3-4 3. Explain the tourist code of behavior Edition, Routledge, pp.
literature Review
3. Oassificationsof Tourists and other concern issues. Case Study 1-72
4. Tourist's Codes of Behavior Brainstorming Holloway, J.C &
and Other Concerned Issues Role Play Humphreys, C (2016).
The Business of
Tourism, Tenth Edition,
Pearson Education
li mited, nn. 211-264
History of Tourism Interactive lecture Tourism Principles. Reflection Paper
Week 5-6 1. Make a synthesis of the history of tourism.
Discussion Practic,es Philosophies
00. 35-62
Cook, Roy A., et. al. (2017), Tourism : The Business of Hospitality and Travel, Pearson Education limited
Cooper, Chris. (2016). Essentials of Tourism, Second Edition, Pearson Education Limited.
Cruz, Zenaida L. (2020). Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality, First Edition, Rex Book Store
Fletcher, John, et. al (2018). Tourism Principles and Practice, Sixth Edition, Pearson Education limited.
Holloway, J.Christopher & Humphreys, Oaire (2016.)TheBusiness of Tourism, Tenth Edition, Pearson Education limited
Page, Stephen J. (2019). Tourism Management. Sixth Edition, Routledge
Goeldner Charles R. Tourism Principles, Practices, Philosoohies, Twelve Edition, John Wilev & Sons lnc.
Course Gradine; Svstem
Midterm Grade/ Last Term Grade= (Class Standing x 2) +Midterm/ Final Examinations
Final Grade= Midterm+ Last Term Grade
Classroom Polinr
For absences and tardiness the policystated in the PUPStudent Handbook will be applied. Same with thedisciplinaryrulesand regulation
Students are encouraged to participate in the classroom activities.
Good personal hygie,ne proper grooming and wearing of comp lete uniform must beobserve at all times.
Cellphone must ONLY be used before and after theclass.
In activities wherein the students will use the LCD and other equipment, it should be set-up before theclass
star ts. The classshould always start and end on time..
RESPECT during the conduct of the class must be observed at all time.
Must comply with the requirements of the subject. It shoul d be submitted on or before the deadline (foodservice visits, simulation activities, projects, portfol,io etc.)
Consultation Time
Prepared by: Enhanced by: Reviewed by:
Recommending Approval:
Approved by:
Introduction to Tourism
Tourism is defined as the activity of travelling for pleasure. People around the world are
very interested in travelling for pleasure and they save money in order to achieve their place of
destination. Tourism industry plays an important role in the society and in the economic status
of the country. This chapter discusses the following; (1) Travel and Tourism as an Integrated
Discipline; (2) Integrated Model of Tourism; (3) History of Tourism and; (4) Careers in the
Tourism Sector.
After reading this chapter and completing the discussion questions and exercises, students
should be able to:
The tourism industry is global, it is a big business and will continue to grow.
Meeting this growth with well-planned, environmentally sound development is a
challenge for planning a sustainable tourism.
Travelers – is at the center of the model where all tourism activities are focused.
Tourism promoters – they are in the first layer because they in close contact
with the travelers.
Tourism Service Suppliers – provides services to travelers independently
External Environment – the interaction of these following forces determines
how closely the individual and organizations work together:
o Societal/Cultural forces
o Political forces
o Environmental forces
o Economic forces
o Technological forces
Social factors– the type of travel and tourism products and services radically
change because of the demographic trends and social changes.
Political factors – political stability of a country is one major factor for the
development of tourism. Policies implemented helps in the development like
encouraging tourism activities such as investments in tourism infrastructures,
openness in visa travel applications and favorable foreign tourism
Economic factors – people tend to spend more on traveling if they under a
favorable economic environment although whether global economic environment
is health or not, it will not affect people‘s intention of travelling to other countries.
Cultural and Environmental factors – greater environmental awareness has
affected travel and tourism development in the recent years. Green issues such
as the development of eco-tourism, green hotels and conservation of heritage
sites are becoming more and more important which provides basis for
sustainable tourism.
Technological factors -travel and tourism has always been an industry that has
made extensive use of technological equipment. Computerized Reservation
System (CRS), the use of sophisticated databases is very common for travel
agencies for marketing promotions.
Growth in England‘s trade and commerce
Rise of a new type of tourists
Travel to broaden one‘s experience and knowledge
Sons and daughters of the British aristocracy travelled throughout Europe to
improve their knowledge, usually for 2 to 3 years
This travel for education is known as the Grand Tour, which is a necessary of
the training of future administrators and political leaders.
From about AD 1750 to 1850
Europe created the base for mass tourism
Turned most people away from basic agriculture into the town/factory and urban
way of life
Rapid growth of wealth and education of the middle class
Increase of leisure time and a demand for holiday tourism activities
Visit to spa for health travel become important for the rich and fashionable
Demand of spa towns and seaside resorts
- 1980s
It is called as the boom years for the tourism industry
Business and leisure travel expanded
Travelers are seeking for more variety of tourism products
Significant expansion of travel destinations
The fall of the Berlin Wall in Germany in 1989 ended communism in
Europe, countries such as Russia and Czech Republic became new
tourist destinations both for business and leisure travelers
- 1990s
It was a high operational cost for the Aviation Industry, which includes oil
prices, wages, handling fee of Central Reservation System (CRS),
landing charge of the aircraft, advertising fee, etc.
A more sophisticated CRS technology
Introduction of “ticketless traveling” (electronic ticket)
Advancement in technology allows airlines and other travel suppliers to
sell through the internet and interactive kiosks in airports.
Travel information, booking of simple flights became more accessible to
travelers through the internet.
1. Case Problem
Suppose you are to visit your previous school in senior high and you are to propose
to the principal that Tourism should be included in the track, how would you convince
the principal and what argument would you use?
6. Give the importance of tourism in (a) culture and society; (b) economy and; (c) politics
7. Explain the inter-relationship of tourism in; (a) history; (b) geography; (c) business and
leisure and; (d) laws
8. How tourism does affect the economy? Give some concrete examples that will support your
10. What are the key elements in the integrated model of tourism? Explain the roles of each
11. In your own experiences, create a model of Philippine tourism. Explain your model.
12. Compare and contrast the integrated model of tourism and your model in question number 7
13. What are the factors that encourage/prohibit the development of tourism industry?
Explain each factor.
14. How to manage the factors that prohibit the development of tourism industry?
15. Give some important event in the history of tourism in; (a) Roman empire; (b) middle age
period; (c) 16th century and; (d) 17th century
16. What are some important details in the history of tourism in; (a) industrial revolution; (b) 19th
and 20th century?
18. Based on the internet sources, what are some additional important events in the history of
19. What are some job opportunities in tourism sector? Discuss each job opportunity.
20. Explain the job description of; (a) Travel Consultant; (b) Tour Guide and; (c) Convention and
Exhibition Planner.
21. Low tourists‘ turnout is major current issues that question the survival capability of Philippine
tourism industry. If you have the power/authority to control the said issue, what will be your
best thing to do?
After reading this chapter and completing the discussion questions and exercises, students
should be able to:
Comprises all journeys from one place to another
All journeys made by people who enter a country for leisure, to work,
reside, study or who just pass through a country without stopping.
The temporary short-term movement of people to destinations outside the places
where they normally live and work, as well as their activities during their stay at-
these destinations
All tourism should have some travel, but not all travel is tourism
Comprises the activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside
their usual environment for less than a year and whose main purpose of travel is
other than the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited
Excluding the trips within the area of usual residence and frequent and regular
trips between the domicile and the workplace and other community trips of a
routine character
Category of tourism
1. Domestic tourism
2. International tourism
Any person who is taking a trip within or outside his/her own country of residence
of the purpose of travel, means of transport used, even though he/she may be
travelling on foot.
Overnight visitor
A person who travels to destinations outside his/her residence and working
place, and stays for at least 24 hours, for the purpose of leisure or business
Type of tourist
1. International tourist
2. Domestic tourist
Same-day visitor or day tripper
A person who temporarily visits a destination and stays for less than 24 hours, for
the purpose of leisure or business, but not for transit.
Type of excursionists
1. International excursionist
2. Domestic excursionist
Any person travelling to a place other than that of his/her usual environment for a
period not exceeding twelve months and whose main purpose of visit is other
than the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the country visited
Type of visitors
1. International visitor
2. Domestic visitor
The organized mass tourists
Individual mass tourists
Allocentric Type
Psychocentric Type
Mid-centric Type
1. In your own experience, give the definition of; (a) travel; (b) tourism and; (c) tourist.
3. Explain the concept of; (a) travel; (b) tourism and (c) tourist
4. Differentiate France from China in terms of tourism. Explain why France is better than China
in terms of travel and tourism.
5. What are the top tourist destinations of the world? Give at least five most visited places
in each country.
7. Define; (a) travelers; (b) tourist; (c) excursionist and (d) visitor
12. Based on your experience in tourism, give at least five (5) domestic destinations that
you have visited for the past five years. Describe the places that you have visited.
15. Discuss the characteristics of; (a) the organized mass tourists; (b) individual mass tourists;
(c) explorer and; (d) drifter
17. Compare and contrast the Cohen‘s classification and Plog‘s classification of tourists.
18. Explain the Plog‘s classification; (a) Allocentric Type; (b) Psychocentric Type and; (c) Mid-
centric Type
19. Compare Allocentric type from Psychocentric type in Plog‘s classification of tourists.
20. Give at least five (5) Tourist‘s Codes of Behaviour Based on the Global Code of Ethics for
Tourism of the UNWTO. Explain each.
21. Give at least five (5) examples of behavior of a responsible tourist promoted by other
22. What are the concerned issues while traveling? Explain each.
24. Give at five examples of physical challenge travelers/travelers with disabilities and describe
their needs.
After reading this chapter and completing the discussion questions and exercises, students
should be able to:
Characteristics of Business Tourism
Characteristics of Cultural Tourism
Characteristics of Study Tourism
Characteristics of Religious Pilgrimage
Characteristics of Health Tourism
Essentially Questions about tourists‘ and travel motivations
2. What is the reasons of travel? Give at least five reasons and explain each.
7. Discuss the characteristics of business tourism and how these characteristics affect
tourism industry in the Philippines.
10. Compare the diagram of formation of travel motivation and your conceptual framework.
12. Give at least two (2) theories related to travel motivation. Explain each theory.
13. Give at least five (5) common travel motivation. Explain each.
14. If you were given a chance to travel, what will be your motivations?
15. Explain the; (a) Maslow – ―Hierarchy of Needs‖; (b) Hudman‘s Motivations of Travel; (c) The
Push-and Pull Theory
19. In your town/city, how will you describe the tourist flows? Create a diagram that shows the
tourist flows in your town/city.
21. What are the factors influencing the patterns of tourist flows? Explain each factor.
22. Explain how the factors that can affect the patterns of tourist flows.
After reading this chapter and completing the discussion questions and exercises, students
should be able to:
1. Define the term tourism products. Give at least ten examples of tourism products that are
available in your town/city.
5. Explain the characteristics of Intangible nature as tourism products; Write at least ten
examples of this product..
7. Explain; (a) Application of PLC – Analyzing a Tourism Product and; (b) Application of PLC –
Analyzing a Destination
8. Given the graph below: Interpret and analyze the business performance of the Disneyland
theme park in terms of its attendance
9. Elucidate the purposes of analyzing the PLCs of destinations and tourism products.
11. Which fiscal years show a drop in admission income from the period of 2004 to 2011?
12. Which fiscal year shows the most significant increase in admission income from the period of
2000 to 2010?
13. Why planning is important in tourism industry? How do planning helps you to enjoy your
travel destination.
14. Explain why planning in destination is important to; (a) traveler and; (b) tourist
17. Discuss the process of planning the tourism products and destinations.
20. Explain; (a) Physical Carrying Capacity; (b) Environmental Carrying Capacity; (c)
Psychological or Perceptual Carrying Capacity; (d) Economical Carrying Capacity and; (e)
Social-Cultural Carrying Capacity
24. Explain the carrying capacity of the tourism attractions and destinations.
CHAPTER OBJECTIVE: To introduce the different sectors of the tourism industry and
establish the relationships among the sectors.
After reading this chapter and completing the discussion questions and exercises, students
should be able to:
Accommodation – hotels, motels, inns, lodges
Food and Beverage – fine dining, casual dining, fast food, cafes and bars
Air – domestic, regional, international
Water – ferry, cruise
Road – coach/bus, private car
Rail – domestic, regional, international
Linkages of intermediaries with customers and supplies
Types of intermediaries
Travel agencies
Department of Tourism
Tourism Promotions Board
Tourism Industry Board Foundation, Inc.
Hotel and Restaurant Association of the Philippines
Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority
Philippine Retirement Authority
1. What is the role of government authorities in restoring tourist confidence in the Philippines?
2. List 4 Philippine Tourist Attractions you like to visit and guess which category of tourist
attractions they belong to. (Use the Table format on pp. 138 of the Module of
Macroperspectives of Tourism and Hospitality)
3. Have you gone to Rizal (Luneta) Park? What do you think of this attraction?
4. Enumerate at least five (5) examples of establishments belonging in each of the areas in the
Private Sector.
5. Hayley and her friends will be going to Enchanted Kingdom next week for a whole day. They
live in Sta. Mesa, Manila. Enumerate the different tourism related establishments that they
will encounter and experience and identify what type of establishment is it.
6. Niklaus and Elijah will be travelling abroad to see their mother. They live in Pasig City.
Enumerate the different tourism related establishments that they will encounter and
experience and identify what type of establishment is it.
7. By using Google Scholar, make a Literature Review on the current roles of the different
sectors of tourism industry in the Philippines and in the world.
After reading this chapter and completing the discussion questions and exercises,
students should be able to:
The Philippines attracts travelers because of the abundance of island and the bodies of
water surrounding the country. With about 7.641 islands, it is a haven for nature
seekers who would like to experience touched and untouched beaches. There are as
well recreational activities, festival celebrations, and food culture that can be
Philippine tourism has come a long way, particularly inbound tourism for the last ten
years. Foreign tourist arrivals back in 2008 were only about 2.9 million, and ten years
later, it reached 65 million arrivals in 20017. Of all foreign source countries of tourist
arrivals, China was one of the leading countries next to South Korea, which accounted
for around 21.7 percent of the total foreign tourists in 2019.
The gross value added generated from the industry is one of the key figures that
determine the Philippine economy Expenditures for internal tourism was valued at
approximately 3.6 trillion Philippine pesos in 2018. Of all the spending on tourism,
percent was accounted for accommodation services, and food and
beverages came second. Within local households, expenditures for
restaurants and hotels amounted to 292.4 billion Philippine pesos in 2019.
Tourism, as a significant form of human activity, can have major impacts. These impacts are
very visible in the destination region, where tourists interact with the local environment,
economy, culture and society. Hence, it is conventional to consider the impacts of tourism under
the headings of socio-cultural, economic and environmental impacts. This convention is
followed in the three chapters that follow this introduction to tourism impacts. In the real world,
tour- ism issues are generally multi-faceted, often having a combination of economic, social and
environmental dimensions. Therefore, when considering each of the types of impact in turn, it
should be remembered that the impacts are multi- faceted, often problematic and not as easily
compartmentalized as is often por- trayed. In other words, tourism impacts cannot easily be
categorized as solely social, environmental or economic, but tend to have several interrelated
dimensions. It should also be noted that much tourism planning and management is in relation
to tourism impacts in destinations and resorts.
After reading this chapter and completing the discussion questions and exercises, students
should be able to:
1. How did the lecture on the positive and negative impacts of tourism affect your views on
tourism as an activity?
4. In the barangay, municipality or city that you are living in, try to make a simple impact
assessment of a specific tourism activity / establishment in the location. Consider the
following instructions:
a. Make a list of the impacts under the headings ‗positive‘ and ‗negative.‘
b. When complete, consider which if the two types of impacts are more
important in relation to your example. Note: This does not necessarily
correspond to the longer list of the two.
c. Look again at the list and consider your own value position and indicate
which of the impacts could be regarded in a different way, from your own
assessment by another commentator, and how these impacts can be viewed.
d. How important do you believe the nature of tourist activities are in relation to
the impacts of tourism?,-Taal-affected-.html
In brief, tourism is one of the world‘s fastest-growing industries, and some employers are
worried that they will not be able to find enough employees to fill open positions. Tourism is a
growth field that will continue to offer great opportunities.
Are you suited to work in the tourism field? Do you like working with people? Can you provide
leadership? Would you be genuinely concerned for a traveler‘s comfort, needs, and well- being
even if the customer might be rude and obnoxious? If you can answer in the affirmative,
you can find a place in this industry. You have to like jto do things for other people and work
helpfully with them. If not, this is not the industry for you. Courtesy comes easily when
customers are pleasant and gracious. But a great deal of self-discipline is required to serve
every type of person, especially demanding or indecisive ones. In tourism settings, the customer
might often change his or her mind. This requires patience and an unfailingly cheerful
CHAPTER OBJECTIVE: Identify the different job opportunities in the tourism and hospitality
After reading this chapter and completing the discussion questions and exercises, students
should be able to:
Familiarity with tourism, recreation, business, and leisure equips one to pursue a career in a number of
tourism-related fields. Tourism skills are critically needed, and there are many opportunities available in a
multitude of fields.
Because tourism is diverse and complex and each sector has many job opportunities and career paths, it
is virtually impossible to list and describe all the jobs one might consider in this large field.
An effort has been made in the industry segments to provide a fairly comprehensive list of jobs, including
entry-level jobs requiring few skills. Entry jobs are listed because they are part of the tourism industry and
provide examples of the kinds of jobs managers will have the task of recruiting and supervising.
Cruise Companies
Bus Companies
Rental Car Companies
Hotels, Motels and Resorts
Global Distribution System and
Online Companies
Travel Agencies
Tour Companies
Food Service
Leisure and Recreation
Meetings, Incentives,
Conventions and Events
Tourism Education
Tourism Research
Travel Communications
Tourist Offices
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TS .........;• !:
: :
• • • • • • Path within education system and indusrty -- Paths into industry
Food & Beverage Accommodat ions Tour & Travel Tour Amusement Park
Restaurant Owner Hotel Owner Bus Line Owner General Manager
• lndependenee • Independence •
Quallty • Quality
• Flexible • Irregular •
Commitment • Tourism
Work Hours Work Hours •
Work Ethic &
• Financial • Control •
Optimism Tourists
& • Mon<¥ •
People/Employe • Organization
Personal • People es • Attention to Detail
Success • Novelty/Change • Challenge • Flexibillty
• Control • Success • Gr<Wth /
• Novelty/Change • Humor Diversity
• Flexi bility • People
• Organi zation • Creativity
• Workingwit • Business
h Numbers • Irregular
Tour Bus Work Hours
Restaurant Manager Hotel Manager Line Manager
Quallty Directorof PREDOMINANT
Influencing People • Quallty Special Attractions
People Novelty/Cha nge VALUES AND
• Commitment
l eadership Curiosity • Work • Young People INTERESTS
Novelty/Cha nge Competition • People • Professionalism
Nutrition People • Challenge• Work Ethic PEOPLE
• Flexibility • Creativity QUALITY
Problem Solving • Growth • Irregular
Status • Humor Work Hours CHALLENGE
• Variable Work
• Organi zation FLEXIBILIT
• Innovation Environment Y
• Working • Challenge NOVELTY/CHANGE
with • Economic Value
• l eisure/Fun
AssistantExecutive Superintendentof • Analysis
Maitre D' Housekeeper Bus Maintenance
Amusement Park
Customers/ People
People • People and Supervisor
- Quallty
Cost Effectiveness
Their Safety
• Quallty • People
Team Efficiency • Quality
• Vari ety/Novelty
Food Industry
Problem Solving • Machinery• Machinery
Challenge • Problems • Challenge
• Efficiency
• Organi zation
Operations Operations
Bartender Chambermiad Tour Bus Driver Operator
• People Customers/ People • People • People
• Quallty Neatness • Esteem • Commitment
• Creativity Fun • Power/Control • Initiative
• Flexible Variety • Being Busy • Work
Work Hours Cl eaning • Routine • Teamwork
• Being Busy
The values and interests listed here are samples.
A small sample of
experts was usedin data collection.
8. What will tourism be like in the year 2030? What position might you visualize yourself to
be in by that date?