An 2/2 Implant Overdenture: Case Report
An 2/2 Implant Overdenture: Case Report
An 2/2 Implant Overdenture: Case Report
Overdentures can be either tooth or implant supported. Completely edentulous patients whose economic condition Thwarts
them to invest in the expensive implant (number based) treatments should be motivated to have at least a two implant-
supported overdenture since the prosthesis offers most of the advantages of conventional tooth-supported overdenture.
We report a case of an elderly female patient who was reluctant toward surgery, but with moderate education was treated
successfully with a two staged, two implant-supported overdenture using a ball abutment with o ring attachment.
n the year 1965, Brånemark et al.[1] instituted the
process of bone formation around titanium alloy called This article, in the form of a case report, presents a case
osseointegration which later found its clinical application of a completely edentulous situation that was successfully
in dentistry. In the past three to four decades, no field like restored to a two-implant two-staged overdenture.
implant has seen so many researchers dedicating their thought
process to a particular field. As a result of those efforts, CASE REPORT
dental implants have been successfully used in the treatment
of the complete and partial edentulous situations.[2,3] Among An elderly female aged 59 years reported to the department of
various implant prosthetic options, the use of implants for prosthodontics with a chief complaint of inability to masticate
overdentures has gained popularity in the middle- and low- because of a lack of natural teeth. The patient was recommended
income countries since they are a better alternative to non- by her friend who had previously received an implant-
conservative prosthetic options like a fixed partial denture.[4] supported prosthesis a few years back in the same institute.
The fully bone-anchored prosthesis where multiple implants Medical, social, drug, and other relevant histories did not reveal
are used, the role of a periodontist also becomes tedious in anything that could modify the treatment plan. Hematological
maintaining oral hygiene. The removable implant-supported and radiographic investigations were within the normal limits.
prosthesis has minimized dentist’s role in oral hygiene Orthomopantograph of the patient showed a moderately built
maintenance, including that of the patient itself. However, maxillary and mandibular residual alveolar ridges [Figure 1a].
implants are supposed to survive for the edentulous lifetime Extraoral and intraoral features were within the normal range
and therefore the role of periodontist still remains especially with no significant negative findings. The treatment options
to treat the soft and hard tissue complications surrounding the offered to the patient were decided after a comprehensive
implant fixture. The advantage of overdentures in addition evaluation. The options presented were an implant-supported
a d
The patient was asked to continue wearing complete dentures
with additional relief provided in the implant area. Once the
gingival healing was completed, the healing caps were removed
and the abutment was selected after measuring the tissue
thickness from the apical rim of the implant body to gingival
b e
crest. Two ball abutments were placed over the implant fixture
[Figure 2c] and their respective O rings [Figure 2d] were placed
over the ball head. The denture was relieved in the area and
the two rings were attached to the denture using self-cure fast
setting pink acrylic resin [Figures 1 and 2e]. Excess acrylic
was allowed to flow through the lingual surface of the denture c f
[Figure 2f]. The patient continued to wear the modified denture Figure 2: (a) Exposing implant area (b) healing screw
using implant retained attachments. The patient was put on a (c) abutments placed on the fixture (d) O-rings placed on
follow-up for a period of 1 year where the patient was evaluated the abutment (e) finished complete denture tissue surface
by a team of a periodontist and a prosthodontist. At the first (f) finished lingual surface
follow-up visit, there was mild gingivitis around the right
abutment due to the settling of the denture on one side. The tissue-integrated prosthesis in which the alignment of various
patient was eating only on one side and therefore was educated implants determines the successful placement of the fixed
about a new masticatory pattern that she has to follow. The restoration.[7] The abutment alignment is therefore critical and
condition was resolved and verified at the next follow-up visit. the criticality increases as the number of implants increases.
The two implants can either be splinted together with a bar or
DISCUSSION they can be given individually as in this case. The advantage of
keeping the two implant abutments separated is that only one
The use of two implants to support an overdenture is the side needs to be corrected in case there is any error in alignment
minimum requirement for implant prosthetic option, although with the denture.[8] In the case of bar supported overdenture, if
more than two can be placed and are desirable. Using a four there is any change of alignment on one side, the entire bar is
implant overdenture since not being always ideal, therefore, is affected. The individual implant also provides better hygiene
an additional financial burden to the patient.[6] The treatment maintenance around the implant, especially on mesial surfaces.
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How to cite this article: Minocha T, Mattoo K, Rathi N. An
1. Brånemark PI, Breine U, Adell R, Hansson BO, Lindstrom J, 2/2 Implant Overdenture. J Clin Res Dent 2020;3(1):3-5.
Ohlsson A. Intra-osseous anchorage of dental prostheses. I.