Case Investigation Form Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) : (Check All That Apply, Refer To Appendix 2)
Case Investigation Form Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) : (Check All That Apply, Refer To Appendix 2)
Case Investigation Form Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) : (Check All That Apply, Refer To Appendix 2)
Province* Home Phone No. (& Area Code) Cellphone No.* Email Address
1.3. Permanent Address and Contact Information (if different from current address)
House No./Lot/Bldg. Street/Purok/Sitio Barangay Municipality/City
Province Home Phone No. (& Area Code) Cellphone No. Email Address
1.5. Special Population (indicate further details on exposure and travel history in Part 3)
Health Care Worker* □ Yes, name of health facility: and location: □ No
□ Yes, country of origin: and Passport number: □ No
Returning Overseas Filipino*
OFW: □ OFW □ Non-OFW
Foreign National Traveler* □ Yes, country of origin: and Passport number: □ No
Locally Stranded Individual / □ Yes, City, Municipality, & Province of origin □ No
APOR / Local Traveler* □ Locally Stranded Individual □ Authorized Person Outside Residence / Local Traveler
□ Yes, institution type: and name: □ No
Lives in Closed Settings*
(e.g. prisons, residential facilities, retirement communities, care homes, camps, etc.)
If Local Travel, specify travel places (Check all that apply, provide name of facility, address, and inclusive travel dates in MM/DD/YYYY)
Address Inclusive Travel Dates With ongoing COVID-19
Place Visited Name of Place From: To:
(Region, Province, Municipality/City) Community Transmission?
□ Health Facility □ Yes □ No
□ Closed Settings □ Yes □ No
□ School □ Yes □ No
□ Workplace □ Yes □ No
□ Market □ Yes □ No
□ Social Gathering □ Yes □ No
□ Others □ Yes □ No
□ Transport Service, specify the following:
Airline / Sea vessel / Bus line / Train Flight / Vessel / Bus No. Place of Origin Departure Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Destination Date of Arrival (MM/DD/YYYY)
E2 Those who do not have high or direct exposure to COVID-19 but who live or work in Special
Concern Areas may be tested up to every two to four weeks. These include the following: (1)
Personnel manning Quarantine Control Points, including those from Armed Forces of the
Philippines, Bureau of Fire Protection; (2) National / Regional / Local Risk Reduction and
Management Teams; (3) Officials from any local government / city / municipality health
office (CEDSU, CESU, etc.); (4) Barangay Health Emergency Response Teams and barangay
officials providing barangay border control and performing COVID-19-related tasks; (5) Personnel
of Bureau of Corrections and Bureau of Jail Penology & Management; (6) Personnel manning the
One-Stop-Shop in the Management of ROFs; (7) Border control or patrol officers, such as
immigration officers and the Philippine Coast Guard; and (8) Social workers providing
amelioration and relief assistance to communities and performing COVID-19-related tasks
Other vulnerable patients and those living in confined spaces. These include but are not limited
F to: (1) Pregnant patients who shall be tested during the peripartum period; (2) Dialysis patients;
(3) Patients who are immunocompromised, such as those who have HIV/AIDS, inherited diseases
that affect the immune system; (4) Patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy; (5)
Patients who will undergo elective surgical procedures with high risk for transmission; (6) Any
person who have had organ transplants, or have had bone marrow or stem cell transplant in the
past 6 months; (7) Any person who is about to be admitted in enclosed institutions such as
jails, penitentiaries, and mental institutions.
G Residents, occupants or workers in a localized area with an active COVID-19 cluster, as identified
and declared by the local chief executive in accordance with existing DOH Guidelines and
consistent with the National Task Force Memorandum Circular No. 02 s.2020 or the Operational
Guidelines on the Application of the Zoning Containment Strategy in the Localization of the
National Action Plan Against COVID-19 Response. The local chief executive shall conduct the
necessary testing in order to protect the broader community and critical economic activities and
to avoid a declaration of a wider community quarantine.
H Frontliners in Tourist Zones:
H1 All workers and employees in the hospitality and tourism sectors in El Nido, Boracay, Coron,
Panglao, Siargao and other tourist zones, as identified and declared by the Department of
Tourism. These workers and employees may be tested once every four (4) weeks.
H2 All travelers, whether of domestic or foreign origin, may be tested at least once, at their own
expense, prior to entry into any designated tourist zone, as identified and declared by the
Department of Tourism.
I All workers and employees of manufacturing companies and public service providers registered
in economic zones located in Special Concern Areas may be tested regularly.
J Economy Workers
J1 Frontline and Economic Priority Workers, defined as those 1) who work in high priority sectors,
both public and private, 2) have high interaction with and exposure to the public, and 3) who live
or work in Special Concerns Areas, may be tested every three (3) months. These include but not
limited to:
- Transport and Logistics: drivers of taxis, ride hailing services, buses, public transport vehicle,
conductors, pilots, flight attendants, flight engineers, rail operators, mechanics, servicemen,
delivery staff, water transport workers (ferries, inter-island shipping, ports)
- Food Retails: waiters, waitress, bar attendants, baristas, chefs, cooks, restaurant managers
- Education: teachers at all levels of education and other school frontliners such as guidance
counselors, librarians, cashiers
- Financial Services: bank tellers
- Non-Food Retails: cashiers, stock clerks, retail salespersons
- Services: hairdressers, barbers, manicurists, pedicurists, massage therapists, embalmers,
morticians, undertakers, funeral directors, parking lot attendants, security guards, messengers
- Construction: construction workers including carpenters, stonemasons, electricians, painters,
foremen, supervisors, civil engineers, structural engineers, construction managers, crane/tower
operators, elevator installers, repairmen
- Water Supply, Sewerage, Waster Management: plumbers, recycling/ reclamation workers,
garbage collectors, water/wastewater engineers, janitors, cleaners
- Public Sector: judges, courtroom clerks, staff and security, all national and local government
employees rendering frontline services in special concern areas
- Mass Media: field reporters, photographers, cameramen
All employees not covered above are not required to undergo testing but are encouraged to be
J2 tested every quarter. Private sector employers are highly encouraged to send their employees
for regular testing at the employers’ expense
in order to avoid lockdowns that may do more damage to their companies.