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DAFM Course Plan

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School of Business and Management

CHRIST (Deemed to be University)

Course Plan

Program Master of Business Administration

Course Code & Name MBA 134: Data Analysis for Managers

Trimester First Trimester; July - October 2021

Hours & Credits (1 Credit = 10 30 hours, 3 Credits
Course Anchor Dr. Joseph Durai Selvam

Course Facilitators at – Dr. Rajashree Kamath, Prof. Kunal Saha, Dr.

Bangalore - Central Campus Joseph Durai Selvam

Course Facilitators at – Dr. Ramanatha, Dr. Subburaj, Dr. Rajashree

Bangalore - Kengeri Campus Kamath, Prof. Reena Raj
Course Facilitators at – Dr. Shivi Khanna
Bangalore - BGR Campus
Course Facilitators at – Delhi - Dr. Akhilesh Tiwari
NCR Campus
Course Facilitators at – Pune – Dr. Binu Paul
Dr. Joseph Durai Selvam
School of Business and Management
Bangalore Central Campus,
Course Anchor & Faculty
Contact information
Christ (Deemed to be University)
Hosur Main Road, Bangalore 560029
Faculty Cabin No 278 (Second floor)
Ext No: 4012 9509

Course Name: Data Analysis for Course Code: 134
Total number of hours: 30 Credits: 3
Course This is a common core course for 3 credit hours. It discusses from both the conceptual
Description as well as application perspective, basic statistical methods widely used in business
applications. The course gives an introduction to statistical methods needed in data
analysis in the fields of Economics, Finance, Marketing, Operations and Human
Resources. Further, it enables to conceptualize business problems in statistical terms,
thereby enhancing the understanding of fact and evidence-based decision-making.

Course At the end of the course the students will be able:

Objectives  To develop the knowledge of visualization.
 To apply probability distribution to business data.
 To examine sampling techniques in the context of decision making.
 To assess statistical data in order to support fact-based decision making.
 To determine models for analysing relationships between variables.

Terminology** AACSB NBA

Program Learning Goals (PLGs) Program Outcomes (POs)
Program Learning Objective (PLO)
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) Course Outcomes (COs)
Progamme Learning Goals –Course Objective Matrix (AACSB)/ NBA

1 Make use of data for 3 1 1 2 2.1 PO2 (2)

appropriate visualization

2 Identify probability 3 2 2 2 2.1 PO2 (3)

distributions appropriate to
business data

3 Discover sampling techniques 4 3 3 4 4.2 PO2 (3)

suitable for decision making

4 Evaluate statistical data to 5 4 3 4 4.3 PO2 (3)

support fact-based decision

5 Estimate models for analysing 5 5 3 4 4.3 PO2 (3)

relationships between variables

 When the correlation between CO and PO is more, the level is HIGH (3)
 When the correlation between CO and PO is medium, the level is MEDIUM (2)
 When the correlation between CO and PO is low, the level is LOW (1)

Course Mapping

Unit Unit details Week CO-PO Exercises Hours Pedagogy Resource/ Reference
number (starting per week (teaching learning details
and end methods used)/
dates) activities and or
class trips/ dates
for assessment
Data visualization – An Week 1 CO 1- Discussion, Lecture and MS-Excel
Overview, Relevance and PO 2 Exercises, Discussion
implications, Frequency Demo using
distributions, histograms, Excel. 3
stem-and-leaf displays,
cross-tabulation, bar charts,
pie charts, and scatterplots.

Data Preparation: Editing,

I coding, data entry, cross-
tabulation, and graphical
displays using MS Excel

Probability - Event algebra*. Week 2 CO 2 - . Lecture, Discussion Chap. 4 (4.1 to 4.3)

Conditions of statistical PO 2 and Problem
dependence and Solving
II independence, Types of
probability, probabilities
under conditions of
statistical independence,
conditional probability
under statistical

dependence,Bayes’ theorem
and its applications.

III Normal Distribution, Week4 CO 3 - Lecture, Discussion Chap. 5 (5.1 to 5.6), Case
Sampling - Need, benefits PO 2 and Problem Study: Specialty Toys –
and limitations. Probability Solving Page 254
and Non-probability 3
sampling methods.Sampling
distributions, Central Limit

Estimation:Point and Week 5 CO 3 - Lecture, Discussion Chap. 7 (7.1 to 7.6, 7.8)

Interval estimators of mean PO 2 and Problem
and proportion - Solving
Determining sample size
using confidence interval
Concepts basic to Week 6 CO 3 - Lecture, Discussion Chap. 8 (8.1 to 8.2)
hypothesis, null and PO 2 and Problem
alternative hypothesis, Solving
testing procedure, level of
significance, Types of
errors.Measuring power of a
hypothesis test.
Testing of means and Week 7 CO 3 - Case Study Lecture, Discussion Chap. 9 (9.1 to 9.2) Case
proportions for small and PO 2 analysis and Problem Study Price Distribution
large samples, testing of Solving
difference between means
and proportions for small
and large samples.

IV Chi-Square test of goodness Week 8 CO 4- Case Study Lecture, Discussion Chap.12 (12.1 to 12.3)
of fit and test of PO 2 analysis and Problem Case Study: A Bipartisan
independence. Solving Agenda for Change –
ANOVA, Multiple 3 Page 540.
comparison procedures.
Inference about population
variance.Overview of
Analysis of CRD, RBD,
LSD, and factorial designs.

V t-Tests, Chi-square test for Week 9 CO 5 - Case Study Lecture, Discussion Chap. 14 (14.1to 14.3)
Goodness of Fit and PO 2 analysis. and Problem Case Study:
independence of attributes, Group Solving Contributions (Course
ANOVA using MS Excel. Presentation pack)
Concept of Correlation -
Measure of Correlation &
Interpretation. Simple 3
Linear Regression - Form,
fitting, prediction,
hypothesis testing in linear
regression. Residual analysis
for validation of
assumptions* - normality,
homoscedasticity, outliers
and influential observations.

Correlation and Regression Week10 CO 5 - Group 3 Lecture, Discussion MS-Excel

using MS Excel PO 2 Presentation and Problem

Component Description Units Maximum marks Weightage Total

CIA1 Assignment 1 20 20% 20

CIA2 Mid-term 2 25 25% 25
CIA3 Research Based Assignment 3,4,5 20 20% 20
ETE Exam 2,3,4,5 30 30% 30
Attendance 5 5% 5
100 100

CIA 1- Title

Report on Data Visualization (Individual Assignment).

Students are expected to download a dataset from any of the standard websites (like www.rbi.org.in (under Research -> State Statistics and
Finance), www.censusindia.gov.in, or www.kaggle.com), identify/transform data on four levels of measurement (Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and
Ratio) and visualize the data using a Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Histogram and Scatter diagram. Students should select data relevant to a specific -
clearly defined - business problem, and should able to draw graphs and interpret them properly.

Description: The assignment should address the following outcomes:

1. Identify an appropriate data set (5 Marks)
2. Construct data ready for visualisation (5 Marks)
3. Apply data visualization suitable for the data set (5 Marks)
4. Infer from the data visualization (5 Marks)

Mode of Submission: 4 to 5 Pages in a word document, graphs with clear titles, mentioning the source(s) of the data, submitted in Google
Last date of submission: August 19, 2021.

CIAI Rubrics
Program PLG 2
Program PLO 2.1 Understand the context of business problem and suggest solutions
Total Marks 20 Marks
Criteria / CO- Excellent (5) Very Good (4) Good (3) Average(2) Needs
Weightage/PLO PO Improvement(1)
Identify an CO1- Able to identify a data set Able to identify a data set Able to identify a data set Able to identify a Data set
appropriate data PO2 having all four levels of having three levels of having two levels of data set having identified not
set (5 Marks) measurement. measurement. measurement. one level of suited for levels
Able to identify variables Able to identify variables Able to identify variables measurement. of measurement.
from the data set relevant to from the data set relevant to from data set relevant to the Able to identify Irrelevant
the selected business. the selected business. selected business. variables from the variables to
data set but not selected business
relevant to the
selected business.

Construct data CO1- Able to transform the data Able to transform the data Able to transform the data Able to transform Able to initiate
PO2 into four levels of into three levels of into two levels of the data into one transformation of
ready for
measurement. measurement. measurement. level of the data but not
visualization (5 Able to convert to bivariate Able to convert to Able to convert to bivariate measurement. done.
data. bivariate data. data. Data conversion Data conversion
Able to remove outliers. Able to remove outliers. Able to identify outliers but not fully done. and removal of
not removed. Not able to outliers not done.
remove outliers.

Apply data CO1- Able to draw four different Able to draw three different Able to draw two different Able to draw only Inappropriate
PO2 types of visualization. types of visualisation. types of visualisation. one type of data
Able to write clear titles. Able to write clear titles. Able to write clear titles. visualisation, but visualization, or
suitable for the Able to define the x- and y- Able to define the x- and y- no appropriate unable to
axis. axis. description on the describe.
data set (5
Able to define the legend visualization.
Marks) properly.
Infer from the CO1- Able to draw inferences from Able to draw inferences from Able to draw inferences from Able to draw Unable to draw
data PO2 the visualizations, in the the visualizations, somewhat the visualizations, somewhat general inferences general
visualization (5 context of the selected in the context of the selected in the context of the selected from the inferences from
Marks) business. business. business. visualization, the visualization.
Able to discuss the identified Able to discuss the identified Able to discuss the identified without discussing Inappropriate
variables properly. variables properly. variables properly. the identified variables
Able to provide detailed Able to provide brief Able to provide general variables. discussed.
recommendations/conclusions recommendations/conclusions recommendations/conclusions Able to provide No conclusion.
to the selected business. to the selected business. to the selected business. general
conclusions but
without reference
to the business.
*Weightage (Levels) can vary depending on assignments

CIA 2 – Mid Term exam
Mid Term Exam Syllabus: Unit II
 Section A – Answer any four out of five (4X10=40 marks)
 Section B– Case Study Compulsory Question(1X10= 10 marks)

Description: Case Study

Students should able to identify the random variable and parameters correctly, should able to do the calculations, and should propose one or
more solutions.
1. Identify parameters. (5 marks)
2. Make use of appropriate direction for the calculation. (5 marks)
3. Solve the problem accurately. (5 marks)
4. Apply suitable interpretation for the given problem. (5 marks)

Instructions: The problem should be clearly stated, should check for appropriate procedures to use and to check whether alternatives are

CIA II Rubrics

Program Learning PLG 2 Functional Knowledge and Application

Program Learning PO2.1 Understand the context of business problem and suggest solutions
Total Marks 20 Marks
Criteria / CO-PO Excellent (5) Very Good (4) Good (3) Average(2) Needs Improvement(1)
Identify parameters (5 CO2- Able to Able to identify Able to identify Able to identify the Unable to identify the parameters.
marks) PO2 identify all the two of the one parameter. parameters but not
parameters. parameters. clearly.
Make use of CO2- Able to Able to identify Able to identify Able to identify the Presents an incomplete analysis of the
PO2 identify the the appropriate the appropriate appropriate issues identified, without any
appropriate direction appropriate analyses for analyses for analyses for most calculations.
for the calculation (5 analyses for all most of the most of the of the issues but
issues, and issues, and issues, and superficially, omits
marks) include all include all include limited necessary
necessary necessary calculations. calculations.
calculations. calculations.
Solve the problem CO2- Able to solve Able to solve Able to solve Able to solve four Unable to solve more than three
PO2 all the eight questions six questions questions questions accurately.
accurately (5 marks)
questions accurately. accurately. accurately.
Apply suitable CO2- Able to Able to propose Able to propose Able to propose Unable to propose a clear solution,
interpretation for the PO2 propose one or one or more one solution that one solution only indirectly addressing the problem
given problem (5 more solutions solutions that indicates some without indicating statement.
marks) that indicates a indicates a fair comprehension comprehension of
deep comprehension of the problem. the problem.
comprehensio of the problem.
n of the

*Weightage (Levels) can vary depending on assignments

CIA 3 – Title

A. Research-Based Assignment 20 Marks(Group Assignment).

Description for Research-based assignment

Assignment: Students have to collect data sets either from a primary or secondary source, and apply the appropriate statistical
technique to analyze the data.

Assignment Description
Students (group) are required to collect appropriate data for the identified business problem through a primary or secondary source, and apply
the knowledge of statistical techniques learnt during the course to analyze and offer suitable solutions. The business problem/ opportunities
have to be discussed with the concerned faculty teaching the subject before collecting the data.
The business problem should be accurately stated, all the relevant variables should be mentioned, appropriate hypotheses should be stated
clearly, test statistics should be used correctly, accurate conclusions should be given and suitable actions should be recommended.

Assignment Outcome
1. Discover the data relevant to the selected business problem.
2. Examine appropriate hypotheses for the problem.
3. Determine suitable test statistic.
4. Evaluate outcomes of hypotheses.
5. Recommend appropriate course of action.
Submission Guidelines
1. To be submitted as group assignment by October 5, 2021.
2. Mode of Submission: online through Google Classroom with Register number and Name of all the members in the team.
3. Six to eight pages in a word document.

CIA III Rubrics

Program PLG 4 Critical Thinking

Learning Goals
Program PLO 4.2 Examine empirical evidence to support analysis
Learning PLO 4.3 Develop ability to interpret and infer from analysis
Total Marks 20 Marks
Criteria / CO-PO Excellent (4) Good (3) Average(2) Needs Improvement(1)
Discover the data CO3-PO2 Business problem Business problem is Business problem Business problem statements and collected data
relevant to the is clearly and clearly and accurately is unclear or are not relevant.
selected business accurately stated stated, and collected inaccurate, and
problem and, collected data data contains some, but collected data
contains all the not all, pertinent misses the
pertinent information. pertinent
information. information.

Examine CO4-PO2 Hypothesis Hypothesis statements Hypothesis Hypothesis statements are not identified or
appropriate statements are are identified but statements are defined.
hypotheses for the clearly and unclear. inaccurate.
problem accurately
Determine CO5-PO2 Test statistics are Most test statistics are Some test Test statistics are wrongly applied or absent.
suitable test fully and correctly correctly applied but statistics are
statistic applied. more could have been applied but with
done with the data. significant errors
or omissions.
Evaluate outcome CO5-PO2 Able to correctly Able to correctly reject Unable to Not at all able to apply rejection rule.
of hypothesis reject hypotheses hypotheses for at least correctly reject
testing for all the one situation. hypotheses for at
situations. least one
Recommend CO5-PO2 The solutions are The solutions are not The solutions are The solutions are not addressed; no suggestions
appropriate course fully summarized fully summarized or minimally for improving the study are given.
of action and generalized to there is no summarized;
the appropriate generalization of the there is no
population. findings to the generalization of
appropriate population. the findings to the
*Weightage (Levels) can vary depending on assignments

Prepared by
(Faculty in-charge) Reviewed by Approved by
Dr..J.Joseph Durai Selvam HoD


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