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Grade 10 Unit 12

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Grade 10 Module 4 Unit 12

Flying stories


N Word Definition Meaning

1 aviation n the flying or operating of aircraft ‫ملحة جوية‬
2 Coincide with v to happen at the same time as something else ‫يتزامن مع‬
3 exemplary adj excellent, providing a good example to others ‫نموذجي‬
4 gliding n the sport of flying in a light engineless aircraft ‫رياضة الطيران‬
5 instructor n a person who teaches something ‫ مدرب‬/ ‫معلم‬
6 intensely adv strongly; in a high degree ‫بقوة‬
7 notably adv especially; in particular ‫بشكل ملحوظ‬

N Word Definition Meaning

1 biplane n an early types of aeroplane with two pairs of ‫طائرات ذات‬
wings ‫جناحين‬
2 landmark na feature of a landscape ‫علمة الحدود‬
3 plague to cause continual trouble or distress to a group
v ‫يزعج‬
of people
4 prejudicial adj having a bad effect on something ‫ضار‬
5 rusty adj of a metal object ) covered in a reddish- brown ) ‫مصدي‬
substance, mostly formed when iron gets wet
6 transcontinental adj crossing a continent, esp. a transport route ‫ممتد عبر قارة‬

N Word Definition Meaning

1 acclaimed adj highly praised
2 attendant n a person employed to provide a service to the ‫مرافق‬
public, such as on a flight
3 cabin n the area for passengers in an aircraft ‫حجرة قيادة‬
4 confrontational adj likely to seek argument or disagreement
5 corporation n a big company or a group of companies ‫مؤسسة‬
6 courteously adv said or done in a polite manner ‫بطريقة مهذبة‬
7 expression n the look on someone's face that shows ‫تعبير‬
a particular emotion
8 mumble v to say something quietly, making it too difficult ‫يتمتم‬
for others to hear
9 resemble v to look or seem like ‫يشابه‬
10 stern adj serious and unrelenting ‫صارم‬
11 stunned adj astonished or shocked ‫مذهل‬
Grade 10 Module 4 Unit 12

N Word Definition Meaning

1 altitude n the height of a plane in relation to sea level ‫الرتفاع‬
2 aviate v to pilot or fly in an aeroplane ‫يقود طائرة‬
3 baby carriage n a four-wheeled carriage for a baby ‫عربة أطفال‬
4 buzzing adj low, continuous humming or murmuring ‫ طنين‬/ ‫مثير‬
5 control n the switch or devices by which a machine is ‫تحكم‬
6 co-pilot n a second pilot in an aircraft, assisting the pilot ‫مساعد طيار‬
7 custom-built adj of a product ) made for a customer's special ) ‫مبني خصيصا‬
8 endeavour v to try or attempt ‫يحاول‬
9 eyewitness n a person who has seen something happened ‫شاهد عيان‬
10 fog n thick cloud which is difficult to see through ‫ضباب‬
11 headline n a headline at the top of an article or page in ‫عنوان‬
a newspaper or magazine
12 incident n an event, esp. one that is unusual ‫حادث‬
13 radar n a system for detecting the speed and position of ‫رادار‬
14 velocity n the speed of something in a given direction ‫سرعة‬
15 voice-activated adj of a device ) can be controlled by voice )

1. What are the advantages of working as a pilot?

a. Travelling to new places and meet new people.
b. Having a well-paid job.
c. Having a great social status.

2. What are the disadvantages of working as a pilot?

a. Flying planes can be sometimes dangerous.
b. Having to be away from home and families for a long time.
c. Needing hard studying and hard training.

3. Who is Munirah Mohammed Buruki?

a. She is one of the world's youngest female pilots.
b. She is the first Kuwaiti female pilot.

4. Munirah's father played an important role in her life. Discuss.

a. He gave her confidence and support.
b. He took her wishes seriously.
c. He arranged for her to go to the best gliding school in the region.
Grade 10 Module 4 Unit 12

5. How could Munirah make her dreams come true?

a. She had to work intensely.
b. She had to forget about her private life.
c. She serviced aircrafts engines and spent time flying.

6. Dr. Massouma Al-Mubarak, like Munirah, is an exemplary representation of

what Kuwaiti women can achieve. Discuss.
a.She was Kuwaiti's first female minister.
b. She was hardworking Kuwaiti women who showed great determination.

7. In what way has air travel changed the way people live?
a. It has made people's lives easier and more comfortable.
b. Distances has become more enjoyable.
c. It helped flourish international tourism and trade.

8. Who is Amelia Earhart? What do you know about her?

a. She is a female pioneer in aviation.
b. Her tragic fate still remains as one of air travel's greatest mysteries.

9. Describe Amelia Earhart's first plane.

Amelia's first plane was a bright, yellow biplane. She named it 'Canary'.

10. Amelia was given the nickname "Queen of the Air". What are her great
a.In 1928, she joined a team of male pilots in successful flight across the
b. She was the first women to fly across the Atlantic in a solo flight in

11. How and when did Amelia die?

In 1937, she began an attempt to circle the globe, but after leaving New Guinea
her plane vanished and nobody knows anything about it till now.

True or False & Justify your answer:

1. Munirah only trained on a single-engined plane. (X)

She trained on other planes, too.

2. It took Munirah five months more than the rest of her class to get her private
Pilot's licence. (X)
She got her private licence five months earlier than the rest of her class.

3. Munirah didn't live with her parents while she was training. (√)
She lived in Jordon where she could study.
Grade 10 Module 4 Unit 12

Ahmed Meshari Al-Adwani

1. What do you know about Ahmed Meshari Al-Adwani?

a. He was Kuwaiti poet, writer and teacher.
b. He is the writer of the recent Kuwaiti national anthem.

2. What education did Ahmed Meshari Al-Adwani receive?

He went to school in Kuwait, then travelled to Egypt where he studied at College of
Arabic Language Studies at Al-Azhar University.

3. Throughout his life, Ahmed Meshari Al-Adwani had shown a great

commitment to Arabic culture. Discuss.
He helped with the establishment of great projects that helped transform Kuwait into
an important cultural, social and artistic capital in the Middle East.
Some of the great projects like
- The Fine Arts Gallery
- The Department of Arabian Culture
- The Department of Musical culture

4. What's Ahmed Meshari Al-Adwani's main contribution?

It's his skillful penmanship of the Kuwaiti national anthem.

5. Ahmed Meshari Al-Adwani left a cultural treasure behind him. Discuss.

He left behind an extensive collection of unpublished and unedited stories, poems
and scripts.

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