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The Best Way 3 (2ed) - Word Lists

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The Best Way (2nd Edition) Book 3

Vocabulary List
The Best Way (2nd Edition) Book 3

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Unit 01. A Self-Made Man

Words Meaning 해석
1 drop out to leave a school before graduating 중퇴하다

2 afford v. to be able to pay for something ~을 할 형편이 되다

3 tuition n. the cost of going to a school 수업료[등록금]

to think about a problem or
4 figure out (생각한 끝에) ~을 알아내다
situation until you find the answer
a feeling of wanting to know more
5 curiosity n. 호기심
about something
an inner sense or feeling about
6 intuition n. 직감, 직관
a part of a building where people
7 garage n. 차고, 주차장
can park cars
owned or used by one person
8 personal adj. 개인의
rather than a group of people

9 hire v. to employ someone 고용하다

10 run v. to be in charge of a business 경영하다

to say that you will stop working at
11 resign v. 사직하다, 물러나다
a certain job

12 innovative adj. full of new and different ideas 획기적인

a place where people do science

13 lab n. 과학 실험실

14 high-end adj. expensive and good-quality 고급의

15 inspire v. to give hope or courage to people 격려하다

The Best Way (2nd Edition) Book 3

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Unit 02. A Pioneer of the Air

Words Meaning 해석
1 field n. a topic or a type of work 분야
to collect money until you have a
2 save up (돈을) 모으다
certain amount
3 entire adj. all of, every part of 전체의

4 flight n. a trip taken through the air 비행

5 describe v. to explain what something is like 묘사하다

someone traveling in a vehicle

6 passenger n. 승객
driven by someone else
happy about what you or someone
7 satisfied adj. 만족하는, 흡족해하는
else has done

8 solo adv. alone, without help 혼자서 하는, 단독의

attention; being known by many

9 fame n. 명성
someone whom others respect and (존경하며 본받고 싶도록) 모범이
10 role model
want to be like 되는 사람
11 final adj. last among a group of things 마지막의

12 challenge n. a very difficult task 도전

13 journey n. a long trip (특히 멀리 가는) 여행

14 extensive adj. covering a wide area 아주 넓은, 대규모의

someone who is the first to do

15 pioneer n. 개척자[선구자]

The Best Way (2nd Edition) Book 3

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Unit 03. Two Wonders of Nature

Words Meaning 해석
a place where a stream or river
1 waterfall n. 폭포
flows down over a cliff
very exciting and impressive to
2 spectacular adj. 굉장한, 볼 만한
look at
the line that separates two
3 border n. 국경(선)
countries, states, or provinces

4 rush v. to move very quickly 급속히 움직이다

5 section n. a part of something (여러 개로 나뉜 것의 한) 부분

6 form v. to make 형성되다; 형성시키다

to move continuously in one
7 flow v. 흐르다
to slowly make something smaller
8 wear down ~을 마모시키다
by taking away little pieces of it

9 eventually adv. in the end 결국

10 eruption n. an explosion from a volcano (화산의) 폭발

one of many flat pieces of material
11 layer n. 층
stacked on top of each other
to prevent something from
12 limit v. 제한하다
becoming greater
13 rare adj. not common 드문[보기 힘든]

14 conservation n. protecting nature from damage (자연 환경) 보호

to see or do something so that you

15 experience v. 겪다, 경험하다
know what it is like

The Best Way (2nd Edition) Book 3

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Unit 04. A Day of Wonder in Cappadocia

Words Meaning 해석
to get onto a bus, train, airplane,
1 board v. 탑승하다
the line in the distance that
2 horizon n. 지평선
separates the land and the sky
an area of land with a special
3 landscape n. 풍경, 경치
natural processes that slowly cause
4 erosion n. things to become smaller or 부식; 침식
disappear over time
a deep cut into the earth’s surface
5 valley n. 계곡, 골짜기
or a low area between mountains
6 bizarre adj. strange; unusual 기이한, 특이한
the things that can be seen outside
7 scenery n. 경치, 경관
at a certain place
the activity of looking at famous
8 sightseeing n. 관광
9 impressive adj. deserving attention or respect 인상적인, 훌륭한
10 exterior n. the outer part 외부[외면]
11 unattractive adj. not pleasing to look at 보기 안 좋은
a large amount of something with
12 mass n. (정확한 형체가 없는) 덩어리
no specific shape
13 multiple adj. more than one, many 많은, 다수의
14 stable n. a place for keeping horses 마구간
easy to remember because it is
15 memorable adj. 기억할 만한

The Best Way (2nd Edition) Book 3

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Unit 05. The Naadam Festival

Words Meaning 해석
a time when many people meet to
1 event n. 행사
do something together
2 gather v. to come together in a group (사람들이) 모이다
a large structure where many people
3 stadium n. 경기장
can sit to watch sports games
4 archery n. the sport of using bows and arrows 양궁, 활쏘기
a large area of many countries ruled
5 empire n. 제국
by one leader
different from each other in size,
6 varying adj. 가지각색의
shape, etc.
someone who rides a horse during a
7 jockey n. 기수
horse race
8 compete v. to take part in a game or a contest (시합 등에) 참가하다
to point an object at someone or
9 aim at ~을 겨냥하다
10 combined adj. added together 결합된
to give permission to let something
11 allow v. 허용하다
a goal; something that a person tries
12 objective n. 목적, 목표
to accomplish
13 opponent n. a person who is playing against you 상대
14 declare v. to announce something officially 선언하다
to make someone think about
15 remind v. 생각나게 하다, 일깨우다
something that they know

The Best Way (2nd Edition) Book 3

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Unit 06. The Power of the Four-Leaf Clover?

Words Meaning 해석
strange, different from what you
1 unusual adj. 특이한, 흔치 않은
are used to
2 superstition n. a belief in magic or luck 미신
3 exist v. to be, to be real 존재하다
4 witch n. a woman who does magic 마녀
to walk around without a particular
5 wander v. (정처 없이) 돌아다니다
direction or purpose
6 scared adj. frightened of something 무서워하는
7 soul n. the spiritual part of humans 영혼
an action that someone does often,
8 practice n. 습관, 관행
a habit
an object or picture that makes
9 symbol n. 상징(물)
people think about a certain idea
10 protect v. to keep safe 보호하다, 지키다
a phrase believed to have magical
11 spell n. 주문
12 bend down to lower the top half of your body 허리를 굽히다
13 exact adj. precise; completely accurate 정확한
to go past something without
14 miss v. 빗나가다
hitting it
15 scientific adj. related with science 과학의, 과학적인

The Best Way (2nd Edition) Book 3

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Unit 07. The Rubik’s Cube

Words Meaning 해석
1 enjoyable adj. fun or relaxing; giving you pleasure 즐거운
annoying because something is not
2 frustrating adj. 좌절감을 일으키는
happening the way you want it to
3 puzzling adj. confusing, difficult to understand 헷갈리게 하는
existing at the beginning, before a
4 original adj. 본래의, 원래의
change was made
5 position n. the place where something is 위치
the answer to a problem or the way
6 solution n. 해법, 해결책
it is solved
the possibility that something will
7 potential n. 가능성
8 worldwide adj. all over the world 전 세계적인
the right to do something allowed
9 permission n. 허락, 허가
by someone else
10 overseas adv. abroad; in a foreign country 해외에[로]
a person who knows a lot about
11 specialist n. 전문가
an agreement, especially in
12 deal n. 거래, (사업상의) 합의
the first time that something or
13 debut n. someone is introduced to many 첫 출연; (신상품의) 첫 등장
someone who takes part in
14 participant n. 참가자
something, like an event
to make something continue in the
15 maintain v. 유지하다
same way

The Best Way (2nd Edition) Book 3

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Unit 08. The Goblin’s Millstone

Words Meaning 해석
the hard, round part of the foot of a
1 hoof n. (소·말 따위의) 발굽
cow or horse
an ugly magical creature from fairy
2 goblin n. 마귀[도깨비]
tales that looks similar to a human
to tell someone that they can have
3 offer v. 권하다
something if they want it
4 valuable adj. worth a lot; very important 소중한, 귀중한
5 possession n. an item that belongs to someone 소유물, 소지품
6 expect v. to think something will happen 예상[기대]하다
amazed because of something you
7 surprised adj. 놀란
did not think would happen
8 desire v. to want something very much 몹시 바라다
9 grind v. to make something into powder (곡식 등을 잘게) 갈다[빻다]
to ask eagerly for something that
10 beg v. 부탁하다, 간청하다
you want very much
to let someone use something only
11 lend v. for a certain amount of time before 빌려주다
giving it back
to make someone understand
12 explain v. 설명하다
to flow out of something
13 pour v. 쏟아져 나오다
continuously in very large amounts
to shout; to say something very
14 yell v. 소리[고함]치다, 외치다
15 sink v. to go down in the water 가라앉다

The Best Way (2nd Edition) Book 3

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Unit 09. It’s Not Just Play!

Words Meaning 해석
1 playful adj. done for fun 장난치는

2 behavior n. the way that a person or animal acts 행동

3 simply adv. only; nothing more than 단순히

4 actually adv. in reality, in truth 실제로

5 survive v. to remain alive 살아남다

6 noticeable adj. easy to see 뚜렷한, 분명한

an animal that hunts, kills, and eats

7 predator n. 포식자, 포식 동물
other animals

8 essential adj. absolutely needed 없어서는 안 될, 필수적인

to run to catch something or

9 chase v. 뒤쫓다
the state of being far from things
10 safety n. 안전
that can hurt or kill

11 aggressively adv. in a way that is similar to fighting 공격적으로

12 display v. to show 드러내다[보이다]

to fight someone by holding them

13 wrestle v. 몸싸움을 벌이다
instead of hitting them

14 defend v. to protect from attack 방어하다, 지키다

to do something in response to what

15 react v. 반응하다
just happened

The Best Way (2nd Edition) Book 3

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Unit 10. Otters and Beavers

Words Meaning 해석
1 glance n. a quick look at something 힐끗 봄, 일견
2 waterproof adj. able to keep water from entering 방수의
(오리·개구리 따위의 발이)
3 webbed adj. having skin between the toes
물갈퀴가 있는
4 physical adj. related to the body 육체의
a flat piece of hard material used to
5 paddle n. (짧고 넓적한) 노
move a boat through the water
the type of food that a person or
6 diet n. 일상의 음식물
animal usually eats
a hole that an animal digs in the dirt
7 burrow n. (토끼 등의) 굴
and lives in
8 construct v. to build something 건설하다, 세우다
9 capable adj. able to do something ~을 할 수 있는
skin that can close to cover the eye
10 eyelid n. (한쪽) 눈꺼풀
of a person or animal
11 tendency n. a habit of usually doing something 경향
의사소통을 하다; (정보 등을)
12 communicate v. to share information with someone
13 warn v. to let others know of possible danger 경고하다
14 related adj. being in the same animal group 동족의
to change to fit an environment or
15 adapt v. 적응하다


The Best Way (2nd Edition) Book 3

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Unit 11. Famous Pyramids

Words Meaning 해석
causing people to have many
1 mysterious adj. 신비한; 불가사의한, 이해할 수 없는
unanswered questions
something large that has been
2 structure n. 구조물, 건축물
built, such as a building or a bridge
the reason why someone does
3 purpose n. (사람·행위 등의) 목적, 의도
4 marvel n. something that amazes people 놀랄 만한 일[것, 사람]

5 construction n. the action of building things 건설, 공사

to move something up off the
6 lift v. 들어 올리다
a person who plans how to make
7 engineer n. 공학자; 기사
8 afterlife n. life after death 사후 세계

9 contain v. to have something inside ~을 가지다, 포함하다

a small space that connects two
10 passage n. 통로, 복도
rooms or open areas
the reason why something happens
11 explanation n. 이유; 설명
or is done
a large number of people gathered
12 crowd n. 많은 사람들, 군중
together in the same place
a ceremony always done the same
13 ritual n. way for important occasions or (특히 종교상의) 의식, 예식
religious purposes
the state of having not too much
14 balance n. 균형 (상태)
and not too little of anything
a plant such as rice or fruit that is
15 crop n. 농작물
grown for food


The Best Way (2nd Edition) Book 3

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Unit 12. Buried in Time

Words Meaning 해석
1 dock v. to land a boat in a harbor (배를) 부두에 대다

2 absolutely adv. totally; completely 전적으로, 틀림없이

3 brilliant adj. very intelligent; clever (재능이) 뛰어난, 우수한

a person who studies historic or
4 archeologist n. 고고학자
prehistoric things or people
to carefully dig and uncover
5 excavate v. 발굴하다
something from the past
the place where something is
6 site n. 유적; (사건 등의) 현장, 장소
happening or happened
tiny bits of dust that are left after
7 ash n. 재
something is burnt

8 erupt v. to explode or burst out suddenly (화산이) 분출하다

to move through something with

9 sweep v. 휩쓸다
speed or force
someone who helps another person
10 assistant n. 조수, 보조자
do their work
a liquid mixture that becomes hard
11 plaster n. 회[석고]반죽
when it dries
to become solid or firm, or to make
12 harden v. 굳다
something solid or firm
13 clear v. to move things out of a place ~을 치우다

14 severe adj. extremely strong; serious 극심한, 심각한

bowls, cups, and other items made
15 pottery n. 도자기 (그릇들)
from clay


The Best Way (2nd Edition) Book 3

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Unit 13. The Angelus

Words Meaning 해석
a member of the lower-class, often a
1 peasant n. 소작농
2 rural adj. relating to the countryside 시골의
3 complete v. to finish 완료하다, 끝마치다
to know or identify from past
4 recognize v. 알아보다
experience or knowledge
a picture in someone’s mind of
5 memory n. 기억
things they have done or seen
6 pray v. to talk to a god; to ask for something 기도하다
to bend down, often as an act of
7 bow v. (고개를) 숙이다
honor or respect
8 clasp v. to hold tightly (꽉) 움켜쥐다
to push an object with a pointed end
9 stick v. 꽂아 넣다
into something
10 flock n. a group of birds or animals (새·양의) 떼
a tall tower on the roof of a church
11 steeple n. (교회의) 첨탑
12 express v. to talk about or show 나타내다, 표현하다

13 considerably adv. a lot, much 많이, 상당히

a person to whom something
14 owner n. 주인, 소유자
to enjoy looking at a beautiful thing
15 admire v. 감탄하며 바라보다
or person


The Best Way (2nd Edition) Book 3

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Unit 14. The Waltz and the Tango

Words Meaning 해석
a type of something, a way of doing
1 style n. 방식
2 subtle adj. not obvious; not easy to notice 미묘한, 감지하기 힘든

3 distinct adj. separate; clearly not the same 뚜렷이 다른, 별개의
moving or acting in a way that is
4 graceful adj. 우아한
calm and beautiful
5 steady adj. not changing; staying the same way 일정한, 변함 없는
a pattern of sounds or motions that
6 rhythm n. 리듬, 박자
happen over and over again
to do the same thing again and
7 repeat v. 반복하다
8 distinguish v. to tell the difference between things 구별하다
showing strong feelings and much
9 intense adj. 열렬한, 열정적인
to match someone’s tastes; to be
10 suit v. ~의 마음에 들다; 만족시키다
something that causes or influences
11 factor n. 요인
a result
lively; showing a great amount of
12 energetic adj. 정력적인, 활기에 찬
one of several things you can choose
13 option n. 선택할 수 있는 것
14 challenging adj. difficult to do 능력을 시험하는 것 같은, 힘든
the way a person behaves; a
15 personality n. 성격, 개성
person’s character


The Best Way (2nd Edition) Book 3

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Unit 15. A Beloved Storyteller

Words Meaning 해석
to succeed in doing something
1 manage v. (힘든 일을) 간신히 해내다
2 eager adj. really wanting to do something 간절히 ~하고 싶어하는
during; all the time during a
3 throughout prep. ~동안, 내내
certain period
feeling or showing lots of
4 passionate adj. 열정적인, 열렬한
excitement or love for something
to take care of something so that
5 raise v. it can grow from a baby into an 키우다[기르다]
to watch something or someone
6 observe v. 관찰하다
something that is not real and
7 fantasy n. 상상, 공상
takes place in someone’s mind
8 continue v. to keep doing something 계속하다
to amuse or interest someone; to
9 entertain v. 즐겁게 해 주다
keep someone from getting bored
10 attempt n. an effort to do something (특히 힘든 일에 대한) 시도

11 instant adj. happening very quickly 즉각적인

to get something, like a book,
12 publish v. printed or made available to the 출판[발행]하다
13 setting n. the place where a story happens (연극·소설 등의) 배경
a group of people who were born
14 generation n. 세대
and lived around the same time
the quality of being attractive or
15 charm n. 매력


The Best Way (2nd Edition) Book 3

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Unit 16. The Tree Planter

Words Meaning 해석
1 generous adj. willing to give help or kindness 너그러운

2 humble adj. modest; not especially proud 겸손한

3 fortune n. chance or luck 운[행운]

to travel by walking outdoors, often
4 hike v. 도보 여행하다
in the mountains
5 thirsty adj. wanting or needing a drink 목이 마른
to put something into a container
6 refill v. that is empty now but used to have 다시 채우다
something inside
7 abandon v. to leave things or people 버리고 떠나다

8 fall apart to break into pieces 허물어지다

something which proves that the
9 sign n. 징후, 흔적
thing you are looking for exists
10 approach v. to move or come closer 다가가다[오다]

11 shepherd n. a person who takes care of sheep 양치기

to make a small hole in or through
12 pierce v. ~에 구멍을 뚫다
something using a sharp object
13 head v. to go towards something (특정 방향으로) 가다

14 brook n. a small stream of water 개울

to make something return to its
15 restore v. 회복시키다
former condition


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Unit 17. Pluto: The Ninth Planet?

Words Meaning 해석
1 explode v. to burst with a lot of energy 폭발하다
someone who studies planets and
2 astronomer n. 천문학자
other things in space
uncertainty about the truth of
3 doubt n. 의심, 의혹
4 notice v. to become aware of 알아차리다
the path through which something
5 orbit n. in space moves around a planet or 궤도
a thing that can be seen and
6 object n. 물건, 물체
touched but is not alive
7 discover v. to find; to gain knowledge of 발견하다

8 band n. a group 무리

9 massive adj. large and heavy 크고 무거운

a rule used for judging someone or
10 standard n. 기준, 규범
something that helps to describe a
11 characteristic n. person or thing such as size, shape, 특징, 특질
or weight
an idea that people talk or argue
12 issue n. (논의·논쟁의 중요한) 주제, 쟁점
13 settle v. decide the answer for something (논쟁 등을) 해결하다
agreed on by the people who know
14 official adj. 공식적인
most about a certain subject
the position of someone or
15 status n. 지위
something compared to others


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Unit 18. The Lessons of Biosphere 2

Words Meaning 해석
1 astronaut n. a person who travels to space 우주 비행사

2 distant adj. far away 먼, (멀리) 떨어져 있는

a scientific test done to learn
3 experiment n. (과학적인) 실험
4 harsh adj. severe and unpleasant 혹독한
things, plants, and animals that
5 ecosystem n. 생태계
work together to make life possible
an area that is different from the (외관·특징 등이 다른 것과 다른)
6 zone n.
areas around it 지역
a place where the ground is always
7 marsh n. 늪, 습지
wet and mostly covered by plants
8 habitat n. the area in which a species lives 서식지
a tiny living thing that you need a
9 microbe n. 미생물
microscope to see
10 absorb v. to take something in 흡수하다

11 fatigue n. a feeling of extreme tiredness 피로

12 take over to take control of 장악하다

a lack of something that is wanted
13 shortage n. 부족, 결핍
or needed
14 beneficial adj. helpful; having a good effect 유익한, 이로운

15 reproduce v. to create babies or young plants 번식하다


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Unit 19. A Threat to the Entire Planet

Words Meaning 해석
to put someone or something in
1 endanger v. 위험에 빠뜨리다
in a situation where something bad
2 at risk 위험에 처한
is likely to happen
to become shorter or make
3 shorten v. 짧게 하다, 단축하다
something else shorter
the number of people or animals
4 population n. 개체 수; 인구
that live in a certain place
in a way that shows a large and fast
5 sharply adv. 급격히
to completely break or damage
6 destroy v. 파괴하다
7 creature n. a living thing other than a plant 생물, ((특히)) 동물

8 shrink v. to become smaller in amount or size 줄어들다

not involving any additional factors
9 direct adj. 직접적인
in between
10 unbalanced adj. not equal 불균형한
to make something happen in a
11 determine v. (무엇의 방식·유형을) 결정하다
certain way
a decrease in the amount of
12 drop n. 하락, 감소
to refuse to accept someone or
13 reject v. 거부하다
14 depend on to need something ~에 의존하다
a group of living things that share
15 species n. (분류상의) 종(種)
the same features


The Best Way (2nd Edition) Book 3

Date: Name:

Unit 20. Calling for Green Roofs

Words Meaning 해석
someone who lives in a particular
1 resident n. (특정 지역) 거주자
to repair something; to solve a
2 fix v. 수리하다, 바로잡다
3 crowded adj. full of people 붐비는, 혼잡한

4 propose v. to say that something is a good idea 제안하다

(즐기는 일을 하면서) 휴식을
5 relax v. to rest or do something enjoyable
to make something, to make
6 produce v. 생산하다
something grow
able to work well and make a good
7 effective adj. 효과적인
a group of people who know each
8 community n. 공동체
other and do things together
to help, to do good things for
9 benefit v. ~에 이롭다
someone or something
10 amount n. the number or quantity of something 액수, 양

11 release v. to let something out 내뿜다, 방출하다

12 provide v. to give something to someone 제공하다

13 strengthen v. to make stronger 강하게 하다

to think about something, to think
14 consider v. 잘 생각해 보다, 숙고하다
about doing something
15 suggestion n. an idea about what should be done 제안, 의견



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