Body Rejuvenation
Body Rejuvenation
Body Rejuvenation
Marisa Pongprutthipan
Body Rejuvenation
Murad Alam Marisa Pongprutthipan
Body Rejuvenation
Murad Alam, MD, MSCI Marisa Pongprutthipan, MD
Associate Professor, Departments Visiting Instructor,
of Dermatology, Otolaryngology-Head Department of Dermatology,
and Neck Surgery, and Surgery Northwestern University, Feinberg
Chief, Section of Cutaneous and Aesthetic School of Medicine
Surgery Chicago, IL
Northwestern University, Feinberg USA
School of Medicine and
Chicago, IL Clinical Instructor, Division of
USA Dermatology, Department of Medicine
Chulalongkorn University
vi Contents
Index.................................................................................................................... 245
Murad Alam, MD
Departments of Dermatology, Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery, and
Surgery, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA
Francesca Albani, MD
Gynecological Endocrinology and Menopause Unit, IRCCS Maugeri Foundation,
Pavia, Italy
Macrene Alexiades-Armenakas, MD, PhD
Department of Dermatology, Yale University School of Medicine,
New Haven, CT, USA
Kenneth A. Arndt, MD
Department of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
SkinCare Physicians, Chestnut Hill, MA, USA
Kenneth R. Beer, MD
Esthetic, Surgical and General Dermatology Center, West Palm Beach, FL, USA
Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery, University of Miami, Miller
School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA
Emil Bisaccia, MD
Department of Dermatology, Columbia University, College of Physicians
and Surgeons, New York, NY, USA
Katherine K. Brown, MD
Department of Dermatology, Northwestern University, Feinberg School
of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA
Donald W. Buck II, MD
Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Northwestern University,
Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA
Mariano Busso, MD
Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery, University of Miami, Miller
School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA
Private Practice, Coconut Grove, FL, USA
x Contributors
Elizabeth K. Hale, MD
Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology, New York University
School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA
Camile L. Hexsel, MD
Department of Dermatology, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, USA
Doris Hexsel, MD
Department of Dermatology, University of Passo Fundo School of Medicine,
Porto Alegre, Brazil
Jeffrey T.S. Hsu, MD
The Dermatology Institute, Dupage Medical Group, Naperville, IL, USA
Carolyn I. Jacob, MD
Department of Dermatology, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of
Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA
Smita S. Joshi, BAS
Department of Dermatology, Northwestern University, Feinberg
School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA
Michael S. Kaminer, MD
SkinCare Physicians, Chestnut Hill, MA, USA
Julie K. Karen, MD
Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology, New York University
School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA
John Y.S. Kim, MD
Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Northwestern University,
Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA
Natalie A. Kim, BA
Department of Dermatology, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of
Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA
Roopal V. Kundu, MD
Department of Dermatology, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of
Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA
Samuel M. Lam, MD, FACS
Lam Facial Plastic Surgery Center, Plano, TX, USA
Vicki J. Levine, MD
Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology, New York University
School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA
Matthew J. Mahlberg, MD
Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology, New York University
School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA
Mary Martini, MD
Department of Dermatology, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of
Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA
xii Contributors
Angela C. Martins, MD
Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery, University of Miami,
Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA
Elena Mascolo, MD
Preventative Gynecology Unit, European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy
Luciana Molina de Medeiros, MD
Department of Dermatology, University of São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Girish Munavalli, MD, MHS
Department of Dermatology, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
Dermatology, Laser and Vein Specialists of the Carolinas, Charlotte, NC, USA
Keyvan Nouri, MD, FAAD
Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery, and
Department of Otolaryngology, University of Miami,
Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA
Anthony Petelin, MD
Department of Dermatology, University of California at Irvine,
College of Medicine, Irvine, CA, USA
Marisa Pongprutthipan, MD
Department of Dermatology, Northwestern University,
Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA
Division of Dermatology, Department of Medicine,
Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Zakia Rahman, MD
Department of Dermatology, Stanford University School of Medicine,
Redwood City, CA, USA
Adam M. Rotunda, MD
Division of Dermatology, Department of Medicine, University of California
at Los Angeles, David Geffen School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Arlene Ruiz de Luzuriaga, MD, MPH
Department of Dermatology, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA
Liliana Saap, MD
Department of Dermatology and Skin Surgery, Roger Williams Medical
Center, Providence, RI, USA
Neil S. Sadick, MD
Department of Dermatology, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, USA
Dwight Scarborough, MD
Division of Dermatology, Department of Medicine, Ohio State University
College of Medicine, Columbus, OH, USA
Sherry Shieh MD
Department of Dermatology, Columbia University College of Physicians
and Surgeons, New York, NY, USA
Contributors xiii
Mario Sideri, MD
Preventative Gynecology Unit, European Institute of Oncology, Milano, Italy
Kevin C. Smith, MD
Niagara Falls Dermatology & Skin Care Centre, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada
Mariana Soirefmann, MD, MPH
Research Department, Brazilian Center for Studies in Dermatology, Porto,
Alegre, Brazil
John M. Strasswimmer, MD, PhD
Dermatology Associates of the Palm Beaches, Delray Beach, FL, USA
Amy Forman Taub, MD
Advanced Dermatology, SkinQRI and Skinfo, Lincolnshire, IL, USA
Department of Dermatology, Northwestern University, Feinberg School
of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA
Rebecca Tung, MD
Department of Dermatology, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA
Voraphol Vejjabhinanta, MD
Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery, University of Miami,
Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA
Department of Dermatology, Mahidol University, Bankok, Thailand
Mark Villa, MD
Department of Plastic Surgery, University of Texas,
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
William Philip Werschler, MD
Department of Dermatology, University of Washington School of Medicine,
Seattle, WA, USA
Spokane Dermatology Clinic, Spokane, WA, USA
Lucile E. White, MD
Pearland Dermatology, Pearland, TX, USA
Simon Yoo, MD
Department of Dermatology, Northwestern University,
Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA
Part I
Neck and Upper Chest
Chapter 1
Treatment of Platysmal Bands with Botulinum Toxin
Kenneth R. Beer
The lower third of the face has several depressors that Treatment Indications
serve to pull it in a caudal direction. These include the
depressor anguli oris, depressor labii, the mentalis and,
to an extent, the platysma. Inactivation of the depres- Setting Selection
sors will tend to enable the elevator muscles to lift the
lower third of the face. When used in conjunction with In comparison with upper facial injections, the dilution
fillers for this area, the results of these treatments can of Botulinum toxin for this area may be more diffuse
be dramatic and synergistic. Injections of the platysma as the muscle itself is diffuse rather than discrete.
When injecting Botox, dilutions between 2 and 4 mL drapes out over the span of the neck. Other individuals
per 100 units, is appropriate. For Dysport, the dilution have vertical muscles that are typically 2–4 bands that
should be between 2 and 4 mL per 300 units. Dilution can be easily grasped.
with more saline than these amounts may be beneficial For patients with broad diffuse muscles of the neck,
for this area since diffusion may help to deactivate this injections should be diffuse and should be spaced out
diffuse muscle. across the area that moves with contraction (Fig. 1.2).
Each injection should be approximately 1.5–2 cm apart
and it is helpful to inject in a horizontal manner.
Treatment Technique Subcutaneous injections should be made with the nee-
dle in the superficial dermis. Raising a bleb, each area
Anatomic considerations when injecting the neck are should be injected with about 2.5 units of toxin for
paramount to patient safety. The strap muscles of the Botox or 7.5 units for Dysport. When beginning to
neck are adjacent to the thyroid cartilage and errant treat this area, women may be treated with between 25
injection of toxin may potentially interfere with their and 50 units of Botox or 50-120 units of Dysport
functions. This may impair the ability to swallow and, depending on their muscle mass. Men require more
in rare instances, necessitate a feeding tube (a subopti- than this and may be treated with between 30 and 75
mal outcome for a cosmetic patient). If a patient treated units of Botox or 60-180 units of Dysport.
in the neck with Botulinum toxin reports difficulty Discrete muscle bands are best injected by grabbing
swallowing, immediate consultation with an otorhi- the band and injecting it by putting the needle into the
nolaryngologist for a swallowing study is indicated. muscle (in contrast with the subcutaneous injections for
Fortunately, this complication is extremely rare. diffuse platysma) (Fig. 1.3). Injections of 2.5 units of
Injection techniques depend on the anatomy being Botox or about 6-8 units of Dysport are made about 1–1.5
treated. To visualize the platysma and observe the cm apart. Total amount of Botox or Dysport injected into
function of the muscle, one needs to activate it by asking patients with discrete bands is about what is used for
the patient to grimace or to show you their lower teeth. patients with diffuse bands but many injectors find it help-
In some individuals, the platysma muscle is broad and ful to use slightly higher doses directly into the muscles.
1 Treatment of Platysmal Bands with Botulinum Toxin 5
Carruthers and Carruthers have provided an excel- appeal for patients with this type of anatomy and the
lent description for the treatment of the platysmal area referenced article recommends injecting no more than
with Botulinum toxins.1 They describe the horizontal 15–20 units.
neck lines that may be seen in younger patients with The platysma, as it invests the inferior sternum,
thick necks. These, they believe, are caused by the also gives rise to wrinkles of the décolleté. This area
superficial musculoaponeurotic bands. In their article, is one of the most frequently cited for cosmetic
they recommend “dancing” along the neck, injecting enhancement. Botulinum toxins have been success-
1–2 units of Botox in the deep dermis at intervals fully used to smooth this area.2 As with other areas,
of about 1 cm apart. This technique has significant patient selection is paramount. For patients who have
6 K.R. Beer
significant rippling when asked to show their lower Straying superior or diffusion into the musculature of
teeth or to grimace, the activity of the inferior plat- the lower third of the face can cause asymmetry of the
ysma may be dampened with injections of Botulinum mouth.
toxins. Suggested doses range from 25 to 75 units,
depending on the length and breadth of the muscle.
Injections should be made approximately 1–1.5 cm
apart (Fig. 1.4). The décolleté, when combined with Alternative Treatment Methods
modalities such as fractional resurfacing and photody-
namic light treatment, can produce dramatic and grat- Alternatives to Botulinum treatments for the neck
ifying results. include minimally invasive surgical approaches, tradi-
There are several caveats about Botulinum toxin tional surgery, and laser treatments. Perhaps the treat-
treatments of the platysma. Obviously, there are numerous ment best suited for those who are not candidates for
vascular structures in this area and they should be avoided. treatment with toxin because they have loose bands
Fig. 1.4 (a) Prior to treatment, patient presents with V-shaped wrinkles of the décolleté. (b) Schematic of horizontal injection sites to
treat vertical wrinkles. (c) Patient 1 week after horizontal injections. However, patient still presents with horizontal wrinkles of the
décolleté. (d) Schematic of vertical injection sites to treat horizontal wrinkles. (e) Patient 1 week after vertical injections
1 Treatment of Platysmal Bands with Botulinum Toxin 7
that no longer contract is a modified platysma banding Botulinum toxins improves the results from laser
such as that described by Kaminer et al. If this mini- resurfacing and it is likely that it will also enhance the
mally invasive technique is not adequate, traditional outcomes from fractional resurfacing since the mecha-
rhytidectomy may be performed. nism of action is similar.3
Liposuction is a minimally invasive technique to
reduce the fat in the neck. Following this procedure,
the muscular bands may become more prominent.
Combinations of Botulinum Toxins
Botulinum toxin may be injected in this scenario to
with Other Modalities minimize the appearance of these bands, which may
have been camouflaged by the adipose. It is likely that
Treatment of the platysma area may obtain optimal many patients undergoing liposuction of the neck will
results when combined with other modalities. As want to have this area treated with Botulinum toxins
lasers and other energy devices become more effec- for optimal outcomes.
tive, they may be used to enhance patient outcomes.
Among the devices that are potential, synergistic
opportunities for treatment with Botulinum toxins are Conclusion
radiofrequency, fractional resurfacing, infrared, and
Radiofrequency has been utilized for cosmetic Treatments of the lower third of the face and neck with
enhancement of the neck with varying degrees of suc- Botulinum toxins may produce significant cosmetic
cess. Recent advances in the settings used for this improvements in these areas. Injections of Botulinum
treatment and improvements in the tips have enhanced toxins into the platysma bands are relatively simple
the ability of these devices to treat the neck success- from a technical perspective. Newer modalities, such
fully. When used in conjunction with Botulinum tox- as radiofrequency and fractional resurfacing, may be
ins, they may help to create a smoother contour of the used with these injections to produce a more compre-
neck as the toxins reduce the bands formed by the hensive rejuvenation of the neck. For patients with
platysma. This area seems ripe for further exploration dynamic platysmal bands and physicians with experi-
as the radiofrequency technology improves and con- ence, injections of Botulinum toxins into the lower
trolled trials in this area would be worthwhile. face and neck can be one of the most gratifying treat-
A second energy device used in conjunction with ments performed.
Botulinum toxins in the neck is fractional resurfacing.
There are several variations of this technology (dis-
cussed elsewhere in the book) but each removes small References
areas of the skin and stimulates collagen formation.
They may enhance the appearance of the neck by 1. Carruthers A, Carruthers J. Aesthetic Botulinum toxin in the mid
removing many of the signs of aging from the skin. In and lower face and neck. Dermatol Surg. 2003;29:468-476.
conjunction with toxins, this affords the neck a more 2. Becker-Wegerich PM, Rauch L, Ruzicka T. Botulinum toxin
A: Successful décolleté rejuvenation. Dermatol Surg.
youthful appearance and the synergy between these 2002;28(2):168-171.
techniques is likely to result in increased patient satis- 3. West T, Alster T. Effect of Botulinum toxin on following
faction. There is documentation that treatments with resurfacing. Dermatol Surg. 1999;25(4):259-261.
Chapter 2
Treatment of Neck Laxity with Radiofrequency
and Infrared Light
Macrene Alexiades-Armenakas
The classification of neck laxity, rhytides, and photoa- Method of Device or Treatment
ging into quantitative grades has been previously pub- Application
lished and evaluated in clinical trials of laser and
light-based treatments of laxity and rhytides (Table 2.1).
A patient presenting with a grading score of two or Radiofrequency
higher may experience less utility from treatment of
neck laxity with radiofrequency and infrared light. Dose/Settings
Patients aged over 65 are less likely to respond to
radiofrequency treatment for reasons that remain to be 1. Monopolar RF (Thermage, ThermaCool system,
elucidated and therefore, should be strongly discour- Solta Medical Inc., Hayward, CA): The manufac-
aged from this form of treatment. Patients with a his- turer suggests avoiding the use of topical anesthetics
tory of thyroid or parathyroid disease or neoplasia are whenever possible, as it may mask discomfort and
Table 2.1 Quantitative grading and classification system of laxity, rhytides, and photoaging
Categories of skin aging and photodamage Patient
Erythema- satis-
Grading Descriptive Telangiectasia Overall faction
Scale parameter Rhytides Laxity Elastosis Dyschromia (E-T) Keratoses Texture score (Y/N)
0 None None None None None None None None
1 Mild Wrinkles in motion, Localized to Early, minimal Few (1–3) discrete Pink E or few T, Few Subtle irregularity
few, superficial nasolabial (nl) yellow hue small (<5 mm) localized to
folds lentigines single site
1.5 Mild Wrinkles in motion, Localized, nl and Yellow hue or early, Several (3–6), Pink E or several Several Mild irregularity
multiple, superficial early melolabial localized discrete small T localized in few areas
(ml) folds periorbital (po) lentigines two sites
elastotic beads
2 Moderate Wrinkles at rest, few, Localized, nl/ml folds, Yellow hue, Multiple (7–10), Red E or multiple Multiple, Rough in few,
localized, superficial early jowls, early localized po eb small T localized to small localized
submental/ lentigines two sites sites
2.5 Moderate Wrinkles at rest, multiple, Localized, prominent Yellow hue, po Multiple, small Red E or multiple Multiple, Rough in several,
localized, superficial nl/ml folds, jowls and malar eb and few large T, localized large localized
and sm lentigines to three sites areas
3 Advanced Wrinkles at rest, multiple, Prominent nl/ml folds, Yellow hue, eb Many (10–20) Violaceous E or Many Rough in multiple,
forehead, periorbital jowls and sm, involving po, small and large many T, localized
and perioral sites, early neck malar and other lentigines multiple sites sites
superficial strands sites
3.5 Advanced Wrinkles at rest, Deep nl/ml folds, Deep yellow hue, Numerous (>20) Violaceous E, Little Mostly rough,
multiple, generalized, prominent jowls extensive eb with or multiple numerous T uninvolved little
superficial; few, and sm, prominent little uninvolved large with little little skin uninvolved
deep neck strands skin uninvolved uninvolved skin
skin skin
4 Severe Wrinkles throughout, Marked nl/ml folds, Deep yellow hue, Numerous, Deep, violaceous No uninvolved Rough throughout
numerous, extensively jowls and sm, eb throughout, extensive, E, numerous skin
distributed, deep neck redundancy comedones no uninvolved T throughout
and strands skin
M. Alexiades-Armenakas
2 Treatment of Neck Laxity with Radiofrequency and Infrared Light 11
result in local adverse events. However, for patient 2. Bipolar RF combined with diode (900 nm) laser
comfort, some practitioners do use topical anesthet- (Polaris and Galaxy, Syneron Inc.): Anesthesia in the
ics in concert with a safe low energy multi-pass form of topical EMLA is applied for 1 h. No ground-
treatment approach. Moisten skin with alcohol. ing pad is necessary. Aqueous gel is applied in a thin
Apply the 3.0-cm2 skin marking paper to the neck. 2–3 mm layer. For neck, commence the RF fluence at
Dab with alcohol then remove the marking paper. 80 J/cm2. Increase by 10 J/cm2 as tolerated to 100 J/
Commence initial treatment level at 362.0 for the cm2 maximum. For the initial treatment, employ mod-
3.0-cm2 ThermaTip TC. Apply coupling fluid and erate laser fluence, commencing at 20–22 J/cm2 and
deliver application of energy to assess pain toler- increasing by 2–4 J/cm2 per treatment session to a
ance. Titrate the setting based on patient’s heat sen- maximum of 36 J/cm2 in type I skin. Multiple passes
sation feedback. Continue to titrate setting until of 6–10 are administered with each treatment session.
patient reports heat sensation feedback of 2–2.5 The clinical endpoint is diffuse erythema and immedi-
based on a 0–4 point scale. Current recommenda- ate tightening. Key pearls during treatment include
tions are to perform several (4–6) passes at lower maintaining good contact with adequate aqueous gel
settings (352.0–354.0) within each treatment area to avoid arcing, and not stacking pulses to avoid
before treating the next area. See Fig. 2.1 for photo- ischemia.
graphic example of reduction of neck laxity with 3. Bipolar RF (ST ReFirme, Syneron Inc.): No topical
monopolar RF (Table 2.2). anesthetic is necessary. Aqueous gel is applied in a
Table 2.2 Treatment protocols of neck laxity with radiofrequency technologies. All technologies should be applied to submental,
submandibular, and lateral neck regions, strictly avoiding thyroid region
Device Fluence J/cm2 Pulses/Passes Target temp (Celcius) Rx # interval
Monopolar (thermage 3.0 cm 2
20–162 (352–364 4–6 passes NA 3–5 q month
tip, Solta Medical Inc.) treatment level)
Bipolar with diode 900 nm laser 90–100 6–10 passes NA 3–5 q month
(Polaris and Galaxy, Syneron Inc.)
Bipolar with Infrared light 100–120 200 pulses per 39 3–6 q 1–4 wk
(ST ReFirme, Syneron Inc.) target zone
Bipolar (Accent, Alma) 70, 60, 50, 40 1-3,1,1,1 (30-s) passes 40–43 3–5 q 1–4 wk
Unipolar (Accent, Alma) 90, 80, 70, 60 1-3,1,1,1 (30-s) passes 40–43 3–5 q 1–4 wk
12 M. Alexiades-Armenakas
2–3 mm film. RF fluence should be commenced at carotid system, which are present at the far lateral
100 J/cm2 increasing to 120 J/cm2 as tolerated at edges of the anterior neck. Figure 2.2 demonstrates
normal cooling. Apply a series of pulses numbering the degree of efficacy of unipolar and bipolar RF on
100–250 to each treatment zone, commencing with reduction of neck laxity, which is notable immedi-
each temporomandibular junction, followed by the ately postoperatively.
lateral submandibular and upper neck region, and
the submental region. If an infrared thermometer is
employed, a peak temperature of 40°C is the desired Postoperative Care
endpoint. A total of 750–1,000 pulses should be
administered to the neck. None of the skin tightening technologies require post-
4. Unipolar and Bipolar RF (Accent, Alma): No topical operative care. Postoperative erythema is expected and
anesthetic is necessary. Mineral oil is applied to the typically dissipates over minutes to hours.
skin. All passes with the unipolar followed by bipo-
lar handpiece should be administered to one side of
the neck followed by the other, avoiding the thyroid Management of Adverse Events
region. Unipolar RF is applied first with a starting
fluence of 90–100 J/cm2 for 1–2 20-second passes. In the case of monopolar radiofrequency, rare cases of
Once a target temperature of 40°C is achieved, three superficial burns, erythematous nodules, and atrophy
maintenance passes should be delivered at decre- have been reported. Nodules are best treated with
ments of 10 J/cm2 per pass. Bipolar RF is then admin- intralesional corticosteroids. Superficial burns are
istered with a starting fluence of 68–70 J/cm2 for 1–2 treated with topical silver sulfadiazine (e.g., Silvadene)
20-second passes followed by three maintenance or other wound dressing protocols. With the bipolar
passes at decrements of 10 J/cm2. Treatments may be RF device Polaris, vascular necrosis is possible if
administered weekly to monthly, totaling 3–5 treat- pulses are stacked and crusting is produced by inadver-
ment sessions. The key pearls include applying ade- tent arcing of the device if inadequate contact is made.
quate mineral oil so that the handpiece is kept mobile These should be treated with silvadene or other wound
and applied in a circular fashion, while avoiding care protocols. Rarely, superficial crusting may be
the large superficial and vascular structures of the observed with the ST as well. No adverse events were
Fig. 2.2 Degree of efficacy of unipolar and bipolar RF on reduction of neck laxity, which is notable immediately postoperatively
2 Treatment of Neck Laxity with Radiofrequency and Infrared Light 13
observed during the author’s experience with the focused pass that is applied to a targeted region.
Accent device, though the handpiece was kept mobile The pulses over bony areas (e.g., mandible) should
to avoid potential burns. be administered with a reduced fluence of 30–32 J/
cm2. The target number of pulses applied to the
anterior neck should number 100 following a total
of two passes. Pre-, parallel, and post-cooling of the
Infrared Wavelengths epidermis is applied to under 40°C through contin-
uous contact with a sapphire tip.
Infrared Light (1,100–1,800 nm, Titan, Cutera) 2. Treatment technique: A minimum of two passes are
required in order to achieve demonstrable results and
1. Dose/Settings: No topical anesthetic is needed for the three passes are typically recommended. The pulses
procedure. A thin 1-mm layer of cold 4°C aqueous should be administered in a linear fashion along the
ultrasound gel is applied. The treatment area on the jawline, along the upper neck and in the submental
neck is confined to midway up the neck to the man- area. Three passes are administered in succession to
dible, excluding the thyroid region. Energy may be each linear area before commencing in a new area. A
delivered in a stationary manner, applying adjacent total of 3 monthly treatment sessions are recom-
pulses without moving the handpiece, or in a mobile mended. Figure 2.3 demonstrates reduction of laxity
manner, making circular movements. The fluence is and rhytides on the anterior neck through application
commenced at 32 J/cm2 for the stationary protocol of passes to the lateral and submental regions.
and 40 J/cm2 for the mobile protocol and titrated as 3. Postoperative Care: Postoperative erythema
tolerated to a maximum of 36 J/cm2 for the majority resolves within minutes to hours and no postopera-
of stationary pulses and 44 J/cm2 for mobile admin- tive care is needed.
istration, while adjusting based on patient comfort 4. Management of Adverse Events: Vesiculation or
(range: 30–36 J/cm2 stationary; 40–44 J/cm2 blistering have been reported infrequent complica-
mobile). Three passes of adjacent nonoverlapping tions. During the procedure, this may be averted by
pulses are administered, each covering an area of utilizing the mobile technique and discontinuing
1.5 cm2. The clinical endpoints are warmth but no administration of a pulse when discomfort is height-
discomfort following the first pass, followed by ened. Wound care such as topical silvadene cream
pain tolerance to the end of the second “vector” or should be applied to facilitate healing. Post-
Fig. 2.3 Treatment of neck laxity with a broadband 1,100–1,800 nm infrared device. Patient prior to treatment (a) and 1 month
following two treatments (b)
14 M. Alexiades-Armenakas
inflammatory hyperpigmentation may be observed tion is improved with a reduction of joweling and
following healing which gradually fades. mandibular laxity following three treatments with
the 1,310 nm laser to the lower face and neck.
3. Postoperative Care: Minimal erythema lasting sev-
1,310 nm Diode Laser (Candela) eral minutes to one hour is expected. No postopera-
tive care is required.
1. Dose/Settings: No anesthesia is required for this 4. Management of Adverse Events: In clinical trials,
device. Aqueous ultrasound gel is applied in a thin rare instances of superficial burns were reported,
1–2 mm film. The variable depth device allows for which healed with silver sulfadiazine cream topi-
targeting of different depths (Table 2.3). cally twice daily.
2. Treatment Technique: A total of three passes are
administered in succession. Pressure needs to be
applied when delivering the pulses to the subman- Minimally-Invasive Radiofrequency (Miratone
dibular region in order to maintain good contact. System, Primaeva Medical, Inc., Pleasanton, CA)
The aqueous gel should be removed for the superfi-
cial targeting pass. The different depth targeting 1. Dose/Settings: Prior to treatment, the patient’s skin
parameters may be combined in a single treatment, was cleansed with Betadine® and treatments were
delivering one pass at deep, one pass at a medium delivered medial to lateral in rows following ana-
depth setting, and a final pass at the superficial set- tomical margins. Topical (EMLA) and/or local anes-
ting. Power may be titrated upward as tolerated, not thesia with dilute lidocaine (¼ % with 1:400,000
to exceed 30 W. In Fig. 2.4, the mandibular defini- epinephrine) is administered. A local anesthetic
Table 2.3 Variable depth 1310 nm laser parameters for treatment of facial and neck laxity
Laser pulse
Targeting Spot size (mm) Starting power (W) Precool (s) duration (s) Postcool (s) Cooling temp
Deep Dermis 12 24 1 1 1–3 2°C
Mid Dermis I 18 24 1 3 1 2°C
Mid Dermis II 18 17 1 5 1 2°C
Superficial Dermis 18 20 0.1 1 0.1 No cooling
Fig. 2.4 Treatment of neck laxity with a variable depth heating 1,310 nm laser. A patient prior to (a) and at 1 month (b), 3 months (c), and
6 months (d) following 3 monthly treatments. Note the progressive improvement in facial and neck laxity from 1 to 6 months follow-up
2 Treatment of Neck Laxity with Radiofrequency and Infrared Light 15
Fig. 3.1 The effect of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) on subcutaneous tissues. Note: during skin tightening treatments, the
coagulative thermal zone are placed in the reticular dermis. However, since the underlying ultrasound technology permits these to be
placed arbitrarily deeply into tissues, for illustrative purposes, the above diagram shows these zones within the fibromuscular layer.
Fig. 3.2 (a) Lax neck skin appropriate for treatment and (b) a neck with a significant amount of subdermal fat
3 Treatment of Neck Laxity with Therapeutic Ultrasound 19
severe neck laxity should be counseled that the desired Then the transducer is placed firmly on the targeted
effect may be beyond the capacity of this modality and skin surface, and pressed firmly to the skin surface.
offered full disclosure of surgical and nonsurgical The therapeutic ultrasound function is used to image
options. Patients with obvious submental fat pads the skin and confirm that the transducer base is in full
should be considered for liposuction before undergo- contact with the skin without any air bubbles in the
ing ultrasound therapy. underlying gel. The image also is used to confirm that
the predicted target depth is in the mid-to-deep retic-
ular dermis.
Firing is then initiated. The device applies a 1-mm
Method of Device or Treatment linear array of 17 coagulative zones over 2.5 cm. It is
Application important to maintain full contact with the skin during
energy delivery to avoid the formation of whitish
wheal-like striations from superficial coagulation.
Dose/Setting Selection With the more superficial transducer, more erythema will
be observed in comparison to the deeper transducers.
The Ulthera System has adjustable parameters including However, much of this resolves in 20–40 min after the
depth and amount of energy delivered. The device procedure. The handpiece is moved approximately 2–3
energy can vary from 0.25 J up to 0.9 J. When used mm up the neck before firing it again. This is repeated
on the neck, the device is typically used at energies until the entire neck and submental areas have been
lower than those used on the face due to the often treated. Typically, two passes on either side of the tra-
thinner dermis on the neck and the dense anatomy of chea is sufficient. The submental area can be treated
the underlying structures. Also, the device is used with one pass over the center of the submental area or
with the more superficial probes that penetrate to a bilateral passes that merge as you move the hand piece
depth of 3 or 4.5 mm. It is recommended that the anteriorly (Fig. 3.3). If the external jugular vein is
neck be treated with a first pass using the 4.5-mm appreciated, this area is avoided. Patients report most
transducer, followed by a second pass using the 3-mm sensitivity when treating the mandible and when
transducer, both at the highest energy setting as toler-
ated by the patient. For each transducer, three energy
levels can be chosen. When delivering the first line,
the highest energy setting is used (for the 3-mm trans-
ducer, 0.45 J and for the 4.5-mm transducer, 0.9 J).
With the recommended settings, the patient may feel
tolerable pain. While the highest energy setting has
been shown to be safe, if a patient’s pain score is a 7
or above, on a scale of 1–10, the energy setting should
be adjusted.
Treatment Technique
treating more laterally on the neck. It is important to have been present in the office after their treatment.
document how many lines were applied to each side of Patients may follow-up for additional treatments if
the neck to ensure an even application of the device they are desired.
and prevent asymmetry. As with other noninvasive devices that cause
This ultrasound device therapy can be repeated collagen remodeling, the patient should be coun-
every 30–45 days for up to three treatments. However, seled that changes to the collagen, and thus, clinical
to obtain optimal results from subsequent treatments, improvement in neck laxity may take up to 3 months to
patients may be recommended to wait at least 90 days observe (Fig. 3.4). This improvement may persist for
for new collagen to be formed. up to 10 months.
Other options to maximize neck rejuvenation include Ultrasound can cause dermal and subdermal zones of
pretreatment liposuction of any focal fat pads that may necrosis; however, these zones of necrosis may rarely
be contributing to the appearance of neck laxity. A variety occur closer to the epidermis. In these rare instances,
of other modalities for treating neck laxity include erythematous lines may occur on the neck immedi-
radiofrequency, infrared, and fractional resurfacing. ately after treatment (Fig. 3.5). The linear arrays of
About 2 weeks after ultrasound device therapy, one of pink papules likely represent superficial changes of
these modalities can be used to supplement the treatment necrosis. When these occur, a high potency topical
of neck laxity. steroid such as clobetasol propionate can be pre-
scribed twice a day for 5 days and complete resolu-
tion usually occurs within 4 weeks. In early clinical
trials, these linear arrays have not resulted in skin
Postoperative Care sloughing, hyperpigmentation, scarring, or any other
permanent adverse effects. There has also been one
After treatment, patients should wash the treated reported case of folliculitis that may or may not have
area. The area may feel as if it has been sunburned. been a result of the treatment. These patients can be
Thus, patients should be told to practice gentle skin treated with a 2-week course of oral doxycycline and
care. Patients should be contacted one day posttreat- topical clindamycin solution. The folliculitis usually
ment to assess for any skin changes that may not resolves within 2 weeks.
3 Treatment of Neck Laxity with Therapeutic Ultrasound 21
Fig. 3.5 Linear lines on the neck immediately posttreatment and resolution of lines 1 month later
Conclusion References
The early experience looks promising for nonsurgi- 1. Alam M, White LE, Miller N, et al. Safety and efficacy of a
novel ultrasound device for skin tightening on the face and
cal neck rejuvenation. The treatment is well-tolerated neck. American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Meeting
with mild intraprocedural pain, and transient red- 2007, Oct. 11–14, 2007
ness and swelling. Ultrasound can be used to pene- 2. Kennedy JE, Ter Haar GR, Cranston D. High intensity focused
trate deeper into the skin without significantly ultrasound: surgery of the future? Br J Radiol. 2003;76:590-
injuring superficial skin layers. The safe and effec- 3. Laubach H-J, Makin IRS, Slayton MH, et al. Intense Ultrasound
tive treatment settings have been defined, but cer- (IUS) in Dermatology: An in-vitro evaluation of a new approach
tainly are not yet maximized. Further clinical for precise microsurgery of the skin. American Society for
experience will work to optimize treatment parame- Dermatologic Surgery Meeting 2005, Oct. 27–30, 2005
4. White WM, Laubauch H-J, Makin IRS, et al. Selective trans-
ters including intervals between treatments, optimal cutaneous delivery of energy to facial subdermal tissue using
number of treatments, and optimal numbers of the ultrasound therapy system. American Society for Lasers in
passes with this device. Med. and Surgery Meeting 2006, April 5–9, 2006
Chapter 4
Treatment of Neck Fat with Injectable Adipolytic Therapy
Adam M. Rotunda
(skin types Fitzpatrick IV–VI) are at increased risk fat in the target areas, therefore fat may return with
for postinflammatory hyperpigmentation. added bodyweight.
At the initial consultation, the patient must com- Pre- and post-treatment photography, examination,
prehend that swelling, local tenderness and nodular- and subjective feedback are used to assess results, as
ity are anticipated and necessary for efficacy. photography cannot convey the “firmer, tighter” sensa-
Further, the patient is explained that multiple treat- tion most patients experience after treatment.
ments (three to four) are necessary to appreciate Comparing standardized photographs of pre- and post-
changes in fat volume. Patients often inquire whether treatment profiles with patients is a useful and gratify-
the effects are “permanent.” Just as liposuction aspi- ing exercise (Figs. 4.1 and 4.2). Selecting the correct
rated fat will not recur, “chemically ablated” fat patient, those who have the most suitable fat collec-
cells will not reappear. Yet, both of these techniques tions and correct expectations, will lead to a satisfied
do not eliminate completely all the subcutaneous patient, physician, and staff.
Fig. 4.1 (a) Profile of patient at baseline. (b) Same patient 2 months after 5 monthly, 1 mL subcutaneous injections of 1% DC into
the submental fat
Fig. 4.2 (a) Profile of patient at baseline. (b) Same patient 2 months after 5 monthly, 1 mL subcutaneous injections of 1% DC into
the submental fat
4 Treatment of Neck Fat with Injectable Adipolytic Therapy 25
Fig. 4.3 (a) Injection grid before treatment demonstrating injection sites placed 1.5 cm apart on the submental anterior neck.
(b) Patient 1 month after three injection sessions using 5 mL per session of 1% DC
Fig. 4.4 Summary of adipolytic therapy treatment. (a) Cross-section of skin and subcutaneous tissue. (b) 30 g ½ inch needle is
inserted directly into subcutaneous fat. (c) 0.25–0.33 mL solution is injected. (d) An adjacent injection is made at the same depth
1.5 cm apart provides an even plane of treatment. (e) Detergent effects of the solution induce a rapid localized response, including
overlying erythema and subcutaneous edema. (f) Throughout days to weeks, the localized reaction significantly resolves, but the
ablated fat tissue remains surrounded by inflammation histologically and may be apparent as subcutaneous nodules. These mildly
tender to nontender nodules, if recognized, resolve over several weeks (commonly) to months (rarely). (g) The injected site eventually
heals with fibrosis (not apparent cutaneously) with associated reduction of subcutaneous fat thickness
Fig. 4.5 (a) Excised lipoma 48 h after 1% DC injection, revealing gross evidence of hemorrhage and inflammation. (b) Microscopic
findings (H&E,10×) revealing relatively normal appearing fat (right) immediately adjacent to necrosis and significant inflammation
4 Treatment of Neck Fat with Injectable Adipolytic Therapy 27
The total volume injected per session is site dependent; Days 2–3
it varies according to the area injected, typically between
2 mL for relatively small submental fat collections to Edema will be moderate to significant, as will focal
upwards of 20 mL should submental, mandible, and jowl tenderness, although erythema will have resolved
regions be treated together. (Fig. 4.6). Swelling is often described as “jelly-like”
Immediately after the procedure, the skin should be by patients. A majority of swelling subsides after
cleansed with water or alcohol (to remove blood, pen 3 days. Cutaneous anesthesia may begin and persist for
marks) and patients can be offered a cold pack for 1–2 weeks. Some patients may experience ecchy-
immediate comfort. Extra-strength acetaminophen (no moses, which will fade over the week. First treatments
NSAIDS) is recommended the day of treatment and are best performed immediately prior to a weekend of
over the next several days as needed. Some clinicians social inactivity. After the initial treatment, patients
recommend gentle pressure garments similar to those will anticipate their reaction and adjust their social
worn after submental liposuction, worn for 3–5 days. schedule accordingly; however, most patients are
Patients are treated typically every 4 weeks, although pleasantly surprised to experience less florid swelling
some authors recommend as short as 2 and as long as and tenderness after subsequent treatmen (even with
8 weeks between sessions. A standard treatment regimen similar volumes).
is four to six consecutive sessions (or less, depending
upon patient’s response) and final evaluation is performed
2–3 months after the last session. In general three treat- Day 3 to 1 Week
ments are required before results are seen or felt by the
patient; the risk of not explaining this to the patient is Tenderness and edema gradually resolve, but may persist
noncompliance, disappointment, and lack of follow-up. to a milder degree, along with superficial paresthesia
(most often mild numbness, not tingling), beyond
this period.
Adverse Effects
Weeks 2–4
Local Effects
Most anticipated adverse events have passed at this
Immediately After Injection – Day 1 point, although firm, minimally tender, subcutaneous
nodules may be felt at the injection site. Patients should
Some patients experience mild tenderness, burning, or be reassured that the nodule is ablated fat, is a good
itching. Erythema and moderate edema will persist. effect (a sign that “it is working”), and will disappear
Fig. 4.6 Patient before (left image), 24 h after (middle image), and 2 months after four injection sessions (right image) using 7.5 mL
of 1% DC combined with lidocaine. Note significant swelling and ecchymoses
28 A.M. Rotunda
slowly as the site recovers. Nodules present at follow- the same location. At the time of this writing (with
up should not be re-injected directly at the follow-up 5 years of follow-up), the author has not witnessed any
treatment, lending additional support for pinching the patient with permanent nodularity (or any untoward
skin prior to injection reaction, for that matter). Patience, reassurance, and
regular follow-up visits until disappearance of the
nodules have been the rule.
Weeks 4+
Persistent paresthesias: Rarely, patients may experi-
ence numbness at the injection site at follow-up (i.e.,
Rarely, localized nodularity persists beyond 4–6 weeks.
4 weeks). A significant number of more patients will
have anesthesia of the skin overlying the treatment site
with shorter treatment cycles (i.e., 2 weeks).
Systemic Effects Paresthesias likely represents persistent subcutaneous
reaction rather than overt nerve necrosis, which has
not been recorded in the literature, nor reported anec-
Gastrointestinal effects (such as nausea and diarrhea) dotally. Reinjection into a site with paresthesia depends
have been described by some authors who use on whether the area is still significantly sore to touch
Lipodissolve® (PC in combination with DC). It is there- and swollen on examination. It is prudent to avoid
fore prudent to limit total volume to 20 mL per session. reinjection at that time and have the patient return in
Published and ongoing studies with DC reveal no several weeks for a reevaluation.
systemic alterations in serum chemistries, lipids, or
blood counts at conservative doses.
The adverse events described above are expected
and should be explained as such to the patient. A call Conclusion
of reassurance the next day to treated patients is good
medicine in general, as these treatments are unlike the Despite the controversy and skepticism, injectable
relatively benign reactions experienced after other adipolytic treatments are here to stay. With additional
injectables (fillers and botulinum toxin), to which rigorous, controlled data in the literature, we will have
patients have become accustomed. It may be that the a deeper understanding of its potential and limitations.
vigorous inflammatory reaction can wholly be attrib- Mandatory and extensive safety testing and numerous
uted to the detergent (necrotic) effects of DC upon the clinical trials will be required for regulatory authority
adipose tissue, release of cellular debris, influx of approval. Until then, physicians interested in the tech-
inflammatory cell and mediators. nique should seek training and become very familiar
More serious, potential adverse effects should with the literature in order to deliver a relatively safe,
be noted: effective, and gratifying procedure to their properly
Skin necrosis: This is a very rare but probable event selected patients.
should the detergent solution be inadvertently injected
superficially. Conservative wound care (occlusion with
emollients) is advised. Suggested Reading
Hyperpigmentation: The brisk inflammatory reaction
may lead to postinflammatory pigmentation in darker Duncan D, Hasengschwandtner F. Lipodissolve for subcutaneous
skin types. fat reduction and skin retraction. Aesthetic Surg J. 2005;
Significant ecchymoses: More likely to occur in Odo MEY, Cuce LC, Odo LM, Natrielli A. Action of sodium
patients on blood thinners of any type (prescription or deoxycholate on subcutaneous human tissue: local and
systemic effects. Dermatol Surg. 2007;33:178-189.
over the counter). Pretreatment with Arnica is advised Rittes PG. The use of phosphatidylcholine for correction of localized
for those patients at higher risk. fat deposits. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2003;27:315-318.
Rotunda AM, Ablon G, Kolodney MS. Lipomas treated with
Persistent nodularity (>2 months): More likely to occur subcutaneous deoxycholate injections. J Am Acad Dermatol.
in patients receiving multiple high volume injections at 2005;53:973-978.
4 Treatment of Neck Fat with Injectable Adipolytic Therapy 29
Rotunda AM, Kolodney MS. Mesotherapy and phosphatidyl- Salti G, Ghersetich I, Tantussi F, Bovani B, Lotti T.
choline injections: historical clarification and review. Phosphatidylcholine and sodium deoxycholate in the
Dermatol Surg. 2006;32:465-480. treatment of localized fat: a double-blind, randomized study.
Rotunda AM, Suzuki H, Moy RL, Kolodney MS. Detergent Dermatol Surg. 2008;34:60-6.
effects of sodium deoxycholate are a major feature of Schuller-Petrovic S, Wölkart G, Neuhold N, Freisinger F,
an injectable phosphatidylcholine formulation used Brunner F. Tissue toxic effects of Lipostabil after subcutane-
for localized fat dissolution. Dermatol Surg. 2004;30: ous injection for fat dissolution in rats and a human volun-
1001-1008. teer. Dermatol Surg. 2008;34:529-42.
Chapter 5
Treatment of Poikiloderma with Fractional Resurfacing
Zakia Rahman
Fig. 5.1 Possible mechanisms of action for fractional laser improvement of PC (Illustration by Alice Y. Chen)
than 40% of the skin to prevent bulk heating. 15th Street Pacific Grove, CA 93950, www.caprx.
If ablative modalities are utilized, total area should com, 831-373-1225) or available as Pliaglis™
be less than 30% of the skin’s surface. Treatment (Galderma Laboratories 14501 North Freeway Ft.
energies used for PC of the neck and chest are usu- Worth, TX 76177, While the
ally 8–10 mJ/cm2. Higher energies of 40–50 mJ/ majority of patients require some topical anesthetic,
cm2, can be employed for patients with severe PC. approximately 10–20% of patients can be treated
A typical treatment covers 20–40% of the skin at with forced air cooling or contact cooling alone.
each session. Treatment coverage can be reduced in Topical anesthetic can be applied to the area to be
darker skin patients if there is a concern for postin- treated for 45–60 min. Toxicity of anesthetics
flammatory pigmentary alteration. Treatment inter- should be well understood by the treating physi-
vals should also be spaced out every 6 weeks for cian. Limiting the surface area to less than 10% of
such patients. Sessions are spaced 2–4 weeks apart total body surface area per session can limit trans-
and a series of four to six treatments are required to cutaneous absorption of anesthetic. Anesthetic
resurface the entire skin. should always be applied in a supervised medical
2. Treatment techniques: The majority of patients setting and the patient should be monitored fre-
treated with nonablative fractional lasers require quently for signs of toxicity or allergy.
topical anesthetic. The type of anesthetic used varies Cooling of the skin reduces the risk of bulk heating
from topical 5% Lidocaine, 2.5% Lidocaine/2.5% and also increases patient comfort. The most com-
Prilocaine in a Eutectic Mixture (EMLA) to 7% monly used device for cooling employs a forced air
Lidocaine/7% Tetracaine that is either compounded chiller (Zimmer Medizine Systeme, Neu-Ulm,
(Compounded by Central Avenue Pharmacy 133 Germany) that can be used as a stand-alone device
34 Z. Rahman
(Fraxel™ or Mosaic) or incorporated in the hand- with a bidirectional technique work best on the
piece (Affirm™). Although contact cooling is chest. The laser tip should always remain normal to
employed in the Lux 1540™ system, additional use the skin surface during treatment. Certain bony
of forced air cooling can increase patient comfort prominences can present challenges in maintaining
during treatment. a perpendicular position of the laser tip. These are
Treatment techniques vary based on the fractional highlighted in Fig. 5.3.
technology used. Currently, the Affirm™ and 3. Alternative treatment methods: Treatment of PC
Mosaic lasers and the Lux 1540™ handpiece usually employs several different modalities.
employ a stamping technique. Circular or rectangu- Fractional lasers have variable success in treating
lar patterns of MTZs are laid down at a certain rep- the telangiectatic component of PC. Modalities that
etition rate. These technologies are more operator are selective for hemoglobin can be considered if a
dependent in the pattern of microthermal injury that patient fails to respond completely to fractional
is laid down. The Fraxel™ laser employs a rectan- resurfacing. Vascular Lasers and IPLs are modali-
gular pattern with Intelligent Optical Tracking ties with a successful track record in the treatment
System™ (IOTS), which lays down an even density of PC.9 When they are used in conjunction with
of MTZs independent of operator velocity. fractional photothermolysis, a 1-month interval is
Figure 5.2 depicts the unidirectional and bidirec- recommended before initiating these adjunctive
tional treatment techniques that can be employed on modalities.
the neck and chest. The unidirectional technique 4. Postoperative care: A significant advantage of
works best on the neck and perpendicular passes nonablative fractional technology is the limited
Fig. 5.2 Multiple
nonoverlapping passes as
performed to achieve a uniform
treatment. Four to eight passes
usually required. Unidirectional
and bidirectional techniques can
be employed to suit operator
and patient preference.
(Illustration by Alice Y. Chen)
5 Treatment of Poikiloderma with Fractional Resurfacing 35
postoperative care required. The most common 5. Management of Adverse Events: The safety profile
side effect noted is erythema. This can range from of nonablative fractional treatments is high.
mild to moderate and is directly correlated with the Common, transient side effects include erythema,
treatment level. Erythema is directly correlated to edema, and petechiae. When performed properly,
the percentage of skin treated at each session (treat- the risk of bulk heating at densities of less than 40%
ment level). Erythema duration ranges from 1 to 3 total coverage is extremely low. If bulk heating is
days on average, but can persist up to 2 weeks. encountered, there is a risk of blistering of the skin
Erythema can persist longer on the chest as com- and scarring. Improper treatment technique that
pared to the face and neck. Edema is the second involves treatment of a small area of the skin in a
most common side effect, which seems to be more short time interval or repeat firing in the same area
patient-dependent than erythema. Higher energy with a stamping laser can also lead to bulk heating.
treatments usually elicit greater edema. Patients
who are on blood thinners may not some petechiae
after treatment. This usually resolves within 2 to 5
days. Direction for the Future and Conclusions
Immediately after treatment, the neck and chest
should be cleansed gently to remove any remaining Nonablative fractional technology offers a relatively
topical anesthetic. A moisturizing sunscreen can be safe and efficacious treatment for PC and photodamage
applied followed by ice packs for 10-min intervals of the neck and chest. The significant safety profile,
for the first 24 h post-op. Complex aftercare is not lack of lines of demarcation, low risk of hypopig
required with nonablative fractional treatments. mentation, and scarring make this modality preferable
36 Z. Rahman
Fig. 5.4 Forty-eight-years-old (a) female patient treated on the neck and chest. Baseline and 1 month after three treatments on
the chest and four treatments on the neck (b). Chest treated at 6–9 mJ, treatment levels 4–6, every 2 weeks. Neck treated at 15–20
mJ, treatment level 6–7 every two weeks. Note significant improvement of PC
Fig. 5.5 Sixty-three-year-old male treated for PC on the neck treated with the Fraxel SR 750 laser at 8 mJ, 2,000 MTZ/cm2 every 2
weeks for a total of four treatments. Baseline (a) and one month after four treatments (b). Note significant improvement of hypo-
for nonfacial treatments. Fractional lasers offer the results on telangiectasias are variable and can sometimes
greatest improvement of hypopigmentation, hyperpig- require adjunctive treatment with a vascular specific
mentation, and skin atrophy associated with PC. The light device for optimal treatment (Fig. 5.4 and 5.5).
5 Treatment of Poikiloderma with Fractional Resurfacing 37
greater risk of infection and its untoward effects in Table 6.4 Commonly used
these patients. concentrations on the neck
Before and after sequential photographs underscore Glycolic acid (50–70%)
Trichloroacetic acid (10–25%)
any temporary lifestyle modifications that they may
Jessner’s solution
need to make. Detailed written postoperative instruc-
Tretinoin (1–5%)
tions can maximize cosmetic outcome and avoid any Salicylic acid (20–30%)
potential side effects. This regimen includes proper
wound care, sun avoidance, and compliance with post-
operative medications.
Since hyperpigmentation is a hallmark of POC,
pre and posttreatment with topical bleaching agents is
Treatment Application recommended. Topical hydroquinone is most commonly
used. Other non-hydroquinone containing bleaching
agents include azelaic acid, aloesin, vitamin C, arbutin,
Preoperative Patient Preparation glabridin (licorice extract), mequinol (4-Hydroxyanisol),
melatonin, niacinamide, paper mulberry, soy, vitamin E,
Preoperative patient preparation can maximize cos- kojic acid, alpha and beta hydroxy acids, and their
metic results and minimize complications of chemical retinoids. A combination of hydroquinone products such
peels (Table 6.3). as Tri-Luma® cream (Galderma Laboratories, Fort
The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) Worth, TX) and Glyquin-XM™ can also be used.
has developed Guidelines of Care for chemical peeling. Regular application of sunscreen is an integral part
They recommend pretreatment of the skin with topical of preparing the skin for peels. The main purpose is to
tretinoin as well as postoperative topical tretinoin to reduce baseline hyperpigmentation. All skin types
promote wound healing faster and maintain cosmetic require broad-spectrum sunscreens pre and postpeel-
benefits of chemical peels.9 Patients should start using ing to reduce the risk of pigmentation complications.
topical tretinoin or another tolerated topical retinoid Extra protection in the ultraviolet A (UVA) range is
nightly at least 6 weeks prior to the chemical peel and important to reduce baseline hyperpigmentation and
should discontinue the use of topical treatment at least prevent postinflammatory dyschromias. Ingredients
48 h prior to a peel to ensure an intact epidermal sur- such as ecamsule (Mexoryl®SX), stabilized avoben-
face. In darker-skinned patients, tretinoin increases the zone (Helioplex®), and physical agents (titanium diox-
depth of peeling agents and the possibility of postin- ide and zinc oxide) provide more complete protection
flammatory hyperpigmentation. For this reason, topical against UVA.
retinoids may be discontinued as soon as 2–4 weeks Antiviral prophylaxis is not usually necessary for
before a series of chemical peels in at-risk patients. superficial peels or medium depth peels for the body,
Topical retinoids can be restarted in the postoperative however, it is strongly recommended for all patients
period when erythema has subsided, and a complete prior to perioral or full face medium depth peels.
re-epithelialization has occurred. A commonly used regimen is valacyclovir, 500 mg
twice daily or famciclovir 250 mg twice daily starting
one day before the procedure and continuing for
Table 6.3 Preoperative patient preparation 12–14 days afterwards.
Prepeel regimen can maximize cosmetic results and minimize
– Topical retinoids: tretinoin, tazarotene, adapalene, or
retinol Chemical Peels
– Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs)
– Hydroquinones may reduce the incidence of post-
inflammatory hyperpigmentation Superficial chemical peels (Table 6.4), when used in
Sun avoidance and broadspectrum sunscreens with sun the treatment of POC, disrupt and exfoliate all or part
protection factor (SPF) 30 plus of the epidermis. They have also been shown to have
Antiviral prophylaxis for all patients before a medium depth peel dermal effects, including stimulation of collagen and
42 L.M. de Medeiros et al.
glycosaminoglycan production. Given the limited critical role in re-epithelialization. As a result, if a peel
nature of the injury induced by these peels, patients is performed on non-facial skin such as upper chest
often need multiple treatments on a weekly or monthly and lower neck, one should proceed cautiously and
basis to reach the desired result. concentrations of greater than 25% TCA ought to be
avoided. We also suggest starting with lower concen-
1. Glycolic acid is an alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA), usually
trations for patients with skin types III or higher.
in concentrations up to 70%, that has been used to
treat photoaging via stimulation of new collagen Treatment technique. The skin is prepared similarly
synthesis, as well as hyperpigmentation by remov- as with other peels. Using a lower concentration TCA,
ing melanin from the epidermis.10 It is available erythema and a white speckled frost are noted within
prepackaged as a preprepared pad, in a gel or liquid 1 min. A stinging sensation during peel solution appli-
formulation, or can be compounded (Table 6.5). cation will be felt by the patient, but it should be tran-
sient. Multiple coats of the peeling agent can be used
Treatment technique. The area to be peeled is first
to achieve a uniform frosting and deeper peel. TCA
mildly cleansed and then degreased with alcohol with
does not require neutralization after application.
or without acetone. Rapid application of glycolic acid
Anesthesia is not required because the chemical solu-
to clean the entire affected area, for a period of 2–3 min
tion acts as an anesthetic; but in some patients, topical
on the neck and 3–5 min on the chest. After this dura-
anesthetic creams may be applied before the peel.
tion, the solution is neutralized with sodium bicarbon-
ate or plain water. Physical signs such as intense The level of frost is divided into four groups.
erythema or pinpoint frosting can be used as end
−− Level 0: No frost. There is minimal to no erythema.
points. No anesthesia is required for AHA peels since
It is a fairly superficial peel, that in most cases
they cause only a slight stinging sensation during
affects only the stratum corneum.
−− Level I: Irregular light frost. The skin shows some
Since the skin of the neck is thinner and sensitive,
erythema and areas of the white frost are dissemi-
we suggest starting concentrations at 50% and advanc-
nated. It is a superficial epidermal peel.
ing as tolerated to 70%.
−− Level II: White frost with pink showing through.
2. Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) in concentrations of Skin has uniform white color, but with a pink
10–25% is used extensively as a light peel. The background. It is considered a full thickness epider-
depth of cutaneous penetration varies with concen- mal peel.
tration. In these lower concentrations, it will pro- −− Level III: Solid white frost. Skin has solid and an
duce necrosis of superficial layers by precipitation intense white frost with no pink background.
of epidermal proteins, clinically causing a mild
On the neck and chest, a level I to II frost is appropriate.
epidermal slough (Table 6.6).
Cold wet compresses should be applied immediately
As a rule, non-facial skin takes much longer to heal after the peel. The white frosting resolves within 2 h.
and is at much greater risk of scarring than when using It may take 7–10 days for the skin to heal.
a similar concentration on the face. This is due to the
3. Jessner’s solution also has been introduced as a
higher concentration of pilosebaceous units on the
treatment option for POC (Figs. 6.1 and 6.2), usu-
face compared with non-facial sites. These units play a
ally associated with other methods. It combines
resorcinol, salicylic acid, and lactic acid in ethanol
Table 6.5 Glycolic acid peel formulation (Table 6.7). This superficial peel has keratolytic
Glycolic acid 70% activity.
Gel Sufficient quantity to make 100 g
Treatment technique. Jessner’s solution is applied to
prepped skin and rubbed or painted on, depending on
the degree of penetration desired. It is self neutralizing
Table 6.6 TCA peel formulation (25%) and multiple applications can be performed to obtain a
Trichloroacetic acid 25 g deeper penetration. There is usually no frosting, only
Distilled water 100 mL erythema and white speckling.
6 Treatment of Poikiloderma with Chemical Peeling 43
Treatment technique. Salicylic acid peels offer the Table 6.9 Salicylic acid formulation 20 or 30% available
opportunity to visualize immediately any skipped areas prepackaged or compounded
because white precipitation of salicylic acid crystals Salicylic acid 20–30 g
95% Ethyl alcohol Sufficient quantity to make 100 mL
occurs at the site of application. A neutralizing agent is
not required since the vehicle volatilizes in 2–3 min
and very little of the active agent continues to pene- coat of petrolatum ointment or bland moisturizer is
trate. Salicylic acid has been attributed with anesthetic applied. Topical hydrocortisone may be substituted if
properties and is lipophilic, making it well-suited to there is an increased degree of erythema or, in indi-
treat patients who may have oily or acne-prone skin. viduals with darker skin types, to reduce the recovery
6. Combination peels in non-facial skin time and minimize the chance of postinflammatory
The Cook Body Peel5 is a technique for non-facial skin Topical retinoids or AHA products should be
using 70% glycolic acid gel (which acts as a partial avoided until the skin returns to normal, typically within
barrier to TCA penetration) followed by application 2–3 days when patient may return to the regular main-
with 40% TCA. The treated skin is monitored to the tenance regimen. Sun block and sun avoidance should
endpoint desired is characterized by erythema with also be emphasized. Routine prophylactic or postpeel
scattered white speckles which usually occurs within antiviral or antibiotic treatments are usually not required
3 min. At this point, neutralization with 10% sodium with superficial peels. For the regimen with the combi-
bicarbonate solution is performed. nation of TCA, patients – wound care is slightly more
Pretreatment with topical tretinoin followed by a involved. Patients apply dilute 0.025% acetic acid (1
methyl salicylate buffered croton oil containing 50% pint warm water with 1 tsp. white vinegar) 3–4 times
salicylic acid ointment peel, and localized 20% TCA per day followed by petrolatum ointment applications.
for actinic keratoses or seborrheic keratoses has been
shown to be effective to improve photodamaged skin
on the body (Table 6.9).12
Monheit introduced Jessner’s + TCA combination Conclusion
peel of 35% as an effective medium depth peeling proce-
dure that produces a medium-depth peel for photoaging A conservative approach should be followed when
skin, actinic keratoses, and rhytides on the face.13 For our treating POC given the risk of uneven removal of pig-
patients with recalcitrant POC, we have seen good results mentation and erythema resulting in a “footprint” like
with a lower concentration combination TCA peel. After appearance (which can represent incipient scarring and
standard preparation, the skin of the neck and chest is potential for scarring on the neck and chest). Any
initially painted with one coat of Jessner’s solution fol- patchy erythema should be aggressively treated with
lowed by the application of 25% TCA. Treated areas hydrocortisone cream 1% 2–3 times daily for 1 week
develop a light level I to II frosting. Light sedation may with or without the addition of low energy pulsed dye
be used before and during the procedure to reduce anxi- laser treatments.
ety and keep the patient more comfortable. Chemical peels are an effective technique to improve
photodamaged skin associated with POC. When peeling
is combined with laser or light treatments, overall results
Postoperative Care can be improved. Patients should understand that mul-
tiple sessions are usually needed to reach a satisfactory
Postoperative care for superficial peels is minimal Developing a consistent technique and acquiring a
and simple. Immediately following the peel, a thin complete understanding of the limitations and compli-
cations associated with all chemical peels used in the
treatment of POC will permit you to be able to select
Table 6.8 Retinoic acid peel formulation (5%) and safely perform the most appropriate peeling
Retinoic acid 5% procedure(s) to accommodate the individual needs of
Gel or cream Sufficient quantity to make 30 g your patients.
6 Treatment of Poikiloderma with Chemical Peeling 45
Mohamed Lotfy Elsaie, Voraphol Vejjabhinanta, Angela C. Martins, and Keyvan Nouri
Potassium-titanyl-phosphate Laser
Fig. 7.2 Poikiloderma of Civatte: Before treatment (a), and two months after one treatment with the pulsed dye laser (wavelength
585 nm, pulse duration 450 ms, spot size 10 mm, and fluence 3.5 J/cm2 (b)
the ideal usage of the PDL for an optimal effect or different skin types for risk of complications. It is
results.8 A small number of published studies targeted advisable to use low fluencies and not exceed an upper
PDL treatment of PC and results were variable. The limit of 5 J/cm2. Furthermore, the use of sun protec-
vascular element of PC responded the best, while the tion, following the procedure, is of outmost importance
hyperpigmentation was not affected or responded for maximum and optimal skin protection.
poorly. A number of adverse events were also noted
within the context of these studies. Haywood and
Monk reported scarring and hypopigmentation in one
patient treated with 7 J/cm2 using a 7 mm spot.8 Intense Pulsed Light
In another study, Meijs and coworkers reported
hypopigmentation in 6 out of 8 patients treated with Poikiloderma of Civatte treatment should always address
variable fluencies ranging between 3.5 and 7 J/cm2 both components, namely the pigmented and vascular
using 7 and 10 mm spot sizes. They concluded that lesions at the same time. As mentioned above, many
lower fluencies produce less adverse events. Table 7.2 treatments had been used without reaching an optimal
shows a summary of some of the documented studies treatment effect and with variable degrees of lesion
on PDL treatment of PC. Despite the side effects, PDL clearance. One of the modalities applied is IPL.17
remains a very safe, effective, and efficient modality IPL is a broad spectrum, noncoherent, laser-like
for the treatment of PC.10 device that uses a flash lamp to produce a light source
Despite the excellent response derived from using in a broad wavelength spectrum of 515–1200 nm. The
PDL in PC, care should be taken when using it on pulse duration, number of pulses, delay between pulses
50 M.L. Elsaie et al.
and fluencies can all be adjusted and varied according neck whom were treated with various IPL settings until
to the requirements. This flexible property allows IPL the desired improvement occurred. They reported an
to be used for different skin types with different skin efficacy of 50–75% after an average of 2.8 treatments
conditions and for many indications such as vascular and only with an incidence of 5% complications.13 A
lesions, pigmented lesion removal, and photoepilation. summary of major studies utilizing IPL as a source of
Owing to its nature and its ability with a wide broad PC treatment is summarized in Table 7.3. Given the
band wavelength spectrum to target both pigmented wide range of potential wave lengths and pulse dura-
and vascular lesions, IPL as a source had been used to tions, it is very reliable to use the IPL devices for treat-
target lesions of PC. IPL utilizes the theory of selective ment of PC minimizing the side effects and the risk of
photothermolysis and targets both chromophores, oxy- scarring and downtime. Caution should be taken into
hemoglobin and melanin. The peaks of oxyhemoglo- consideration when treating darker skin for the risk of
bin absorption are at 418, 542, and 577 nm, whereas atrophy or depigmentation. Test spots using lower flu-
melanin absorbs light in the entire UV radiation to near encies are advisable before engaging in treatment
infrared spectral range. For PC, the choice of cut-off protocol.
filter to be used depends on the pigmentary and the
vascular components of the lesion.17
More than one major study had targeted the lesions Alternative Treatment of Poikiloderma
of PC with IPL devices, and their results showed an of Civatte
overall good response with varying degree of improve-
ments. Both the vascular and pigmentary changes of Offering a therapeutic venue for the treatment of PC
Poikiloderma were targeted. Weiss and coworkers12 is a difficult task. Poikiloderma represents a dermato-
reported earlier a 5-year experience with IPL in the logical condition that represents a cosmetic inconve-
treatment of PC of the neck and chest in 135 patients. nience to patients whom often seeks medical attention
They reported a significant improvement of 82%, mak- for the removal of the erythematous and pigmented
ing the IPL source an effective therapeutic option for components of the lesions. Self-consciousness about
PC and allowing a marked improvement of vascular the lesions can produce a state of social withdrawal
and pigmented lesions with minimal side effects. They and loss of confidence. Moreover, a number of
used parameters starting with a 515 nm cut-off filter patients experience other symptoms such as burning
and a fluence of 20–24 J/cm2 delivered in a single or or itching that must be considered within the scope of
double pulse duration of 2–4 msec, and using 550 or treatment.
570 nm cut-off filters for treatment of larger and deeper Many remedies were utilized to treat mostly the
telangiectasias. The side effects included pain, ery- cosmetic part associated with PC, but they were
thema, purpura, crusting, and hypopigmentation. The proved to be ineffective and inefficient in improving
incidence of purpura and hypopigmentation is 5%. the condition. No specific treatment exists for
Another major study by Goldman and coworkers achieving an optimal result in PC, but there are
included 66 patients with typical changes of PC on the various treatment modalities with variables outcomes.
might expand or become hypertrophic, resulting in a to the original scar. If a hypertrophic scar is excised,
sub-optimal cosmetic outcome. Surgical excision should ionizing radiotherapy administered within 24–48 h may
be contemplated on the trunk only when the surgeon inhibit fibroblast proliferation and prevent recurrence of
thinks that the replacement scar will be preferable the hypertrophic scar.4
8 Treatment of Truncal Acne Scarring 57
Semi-ablative Lasers
Individual atrophic scars can be improved by elevating
the depression with a filler substance. This may not be 1. Goodman GJ, Baron JA. The management of postacne
a realistic approach in a patient who has copious con- scarring. Dermatol Surg. 2007;33(10):1175-1188.
fluent atrophic scars, but better suited for a patient with 2. Holland DB, Jeremy AH. The role of inflammation in the
pathogenesis of acne and acne scarring. Semin Cutan Med
fewer individual well-demarcated atrophic scars. Scars Surg. 2005;24(2):79-83
may be augmented with substances of varying dura- 3. Layton AM, Henderson CA, Cunliffe WJ. A clinical evaluation
tion. Some short-lived fillers, such as the collagens of acne scarring and its incidence. Med Exp Dermatol. 1994;
(Zyderm, Zyplast, Cosmoderm, and Cosmoplast, 19:303-308.
4. Decker RH, Wilson LD. Effect of radiation on wound healing
Inamed Aesthetics, Santa Barbara, CA), will only last and the treatment of scarring. In: Arndt KA, ed. Scar Revision.
for 3–4 months. Although the longevity of collagen Amsterdam: Elsevier Saunders; 2006:89-104.
augmentation is limited, it may be beneficial for 5. Alster TS, et al. Alteration of argon laser-induced scars by
patients who want to undergo a non-permanent trial the pulsed dye laser. Lasers Surg Med. 1993;13(3):368-373.
6. Patel N, Clement M. Selective nonablative treatment of acne
before embarking on a more permanent substance. The scarring with 585 nm flashlamp pulsed dye laser. Dermatol
most commonly used fillers for atrophic scars are those Surg. 2002;28(10):942-945; discussion 945.
with a somewhat longer lifespan. Hyaluronic acid fill- 7. Bjerring P, Clement M, Heickendorff L. Selective non-ablative
ers (Restylane, Medicis, Scottsdale, AZ; and Juvederm, wrinkle reduction by laser. J Cutan Laser Ther. 2000;2:9-15.
8. Avram MM, Tope WD, Yu T, Szachowicz E, Nelson JS.
Inamed Aesthetics) last about 6 months when injected Hypertrophic scarring of the neck following ablative fractional
into rhytides. When injected into atrophic scars, carbon dioxide laser resurfacing. Lasers Surg Med. 2009;41:
hyaluronic acid has been observed to last significantly 185-188.
longer than in non-scarred skin (personal observation). 9. Lupton JR, Williams CM, Alster TS. Nonablative laser skin
resurfacing using a 1,540 nm erbium glass laser: a clinical and
Other substances can be used to augment scars and last histologic analysis. Dermatol Surg. 2002;28(9):833-835.
years or even indefinitely. Liquid silicone (Silikon, 10. Goldman MP, Fitzpatrick RE. Laser treatment of scars.
Alcon Labs, Fort Worth, TX, USA) fills atrophic scars [see comment]. Dermatol Surg. 1995;21(8):685-687.
Chapter 9
Truncal Hair Removal
David J. Goldberg
From the outside in, a hair follicle is composed of process in hair removal, appears to be regulated by
the outer root sheath, the inner root sheath, and the hair changes in the expression of multiple growth factors,
shaft, with further subdivisions within each structure. such as transforming growth factor-beta 2 and fibro-
The inner root sheath provides a rigid support for the blast growth factor 5.
growing hair shaft and disintegrates above the level of During catagen, controlled involution results from
the bulge in the isthmus. The slippage plane between massive apoptosis of follicular epithelial cells in the
thus encased hair shaft and the remainder of the hair inferior segment. By the end of this phase, the dermal
follicle is at the companion layer of the outer root papilla condenses and moves up to the level of the
sheath.i In its turn, the outer root sheath becomes con- bulge, while the involuting epithelial column is reduced
tinuous with the epidermis at the level of the infundibu- to a secondary germ. This is accompanied by cessation
lum. In addition to epithelial cells, the outer root sheath of melanin production and apoptosis of some follicular
contains melanocytes, Langerhans’ cells, mast cells, melanocytes, eventually resulting in depigmented club
Merkel cells, and neuronal stem cells, all of which hairs during telogen. Telogen is characterized by rela-
function within the hair follicle itself and may serve as tive proliferative rest. The mechanism of transition
a reservoir for repopulation of epidermis following back to the active anagen phase is not completely
injury. worked out, but likely involves interactions between
Hair undergoes asynchronous cycling between peri- the secondary germ, the bulge, dermal papilla, and
ods of active synthesis (anagen), regression (catagen), various signal molecules.
rest (telogen), and shedding (exogen). Hair shaft The duration of anagen determines the length of the
growth and pigmentation takes place only during ana- hair shaft. Catagen phase is relatively constant through-
gen, which starts with the secondary hair germ at the out different locations and usually lasts around 3 weeks.
level of the bulge, about 1.5 mm below the surface of On the other hand, telogen and, especially, anagen
the skin. As the anagen phase continues, the hair bulb phases vary significantly between different body sites
moves deeper into the dermis and reaches its deepest (Tables 9.1 and 9.2).3 As will be discussed below, this
position within the subcutaneous fat, about 2–7 mm may have potential implications not only for optimal
below the surface of the skin, depending on the location. frequency of laser treatments, but also for determination
Transition from anagen to catagen, an important of permanency of laser hair removal at a given site.
The duration of anagen and telogen truncal hair need to understand that the purpose of treatment is to
cycles are not known. However, since the clinical thin the hair while decreasing the amount of hair in
response to treatment is much like that of the arms and the treated sites. Younger treated males must also
thighs, it can be assumed that the cycles are similar to understand that they will continue to grow “new” hairs
those seen in these two areas. for decades. Thus periodic re-treatments will be
Precise timing of treatments is also not certain. It is required. Most males seeking truncal hair removal
assumed that early anagen may be more amenable to simply have excess hair without any underlying
damage by laser beam.4 As discussed above, the hair medical cause.
bulb is located superficially during this stage, allowing Women seeking truncal hair removal may have
for adequate light penetration. Telogen hair is also hypertrichosis. However, more commonly they seek
superficial; however, the proximal hair shaft is depig- truncal hair removal based on hirsutism, with underly-
mented and hence does not absorb laser energy well. ing polycystic ovarian syndrome being a possible
On the other hand, fat is a better thermal insulator than cause. As is the case, in general, thicker terminal hairs
collagen, so that damage to a hair bulb located in the most readily respond. However, deep seated areolar
subcutaneous tissue would be better confined to the hairs in women can be resistant to treatment. Treatment
hair follicle. Additionally, human hair cycles are not of underlying hormonal issues will only help the laser
synchronized, which further complicates studies on hair removal results.
the influence of hair cycle on laser hair removal. Truncal hair removal is not an uncommon desire of
Consequently, results have been contradictory. both men and women. Today’s technology can lead to
Attempts to correlate effective hair removal with tar- dramatic results in realistic patients (Figs. 9.1–9.4).
geting anagen hairs have, in general, failed. Further
research in this area is needed; in the meantime, most
laser sessions for hair removal are currently carried out
in 4- to 8-week intervals, with small, if any, regard as
to the body site. There is, however, an apparent differ-
ence in response to laser treatment based on location.
The upper lip, chin, scalp, and back are generally asso-
ciated with weakest response, whereas the remainder
of the face, chest, back legs, and axillae typically dem-
onstrate higher clearance rates.
Most published studies with any laser hair removal
systems do not distinguish response rates between dif-
ferent anatomic areas. One study of nonfacial skin,
such as the trunk, did show a somewhat better clear-
ance rate compared to facial sites when treated with a
long-pulsed Nd:YAG laser.5 Conversely, paradoxical
hypertrichosis, a rare complication of laser hair
removal, has also been reported on the trunk after alex-
andrite laser hair removal.
Fig. 9.4 Male with unwanted back hair after five laser hair
removal treatments
Disfiguring Scar
on the Back
Hypopigmen ted
• Fr actional pho toth ermo lysis
of new ones. When utilized, both silicone sheeting weekly initially, with the frequency reduced as scars
and polyurethane dressings should be applied under began to respond. Inflamed, indurated, erythematous,
occlusion, as a synergistic effect is likely.2 or otherwise symptomatic scars, as well as younger
Imiquimod 5% cream, an imidazoquinoline, is a scars, were most likely to respond favorably. Side
topical immunomodulator known to induce the syn- effects are generally limited to local pain or discom-
thesis of antifibrotic cytokines, IFN-alpha, and IFN- fort in all patients. Untoward effects commonly
gamma. The success of imiquimod 5% cream in attributed to intralesional corticosteroids (i.e., atro-
reducing earlobe keloid recurrences after excision is phy, telangiectasia, hypopigmentation, and rebound)
well documented and has raised interest in a possible do not occur with 5-FU.6 Treatment with the pulsed
role for this agent in the prevention of hypertrophic dye laser (see below) immediately prior to injection
scars on the trunk. The authors of a recent, prospec- may improve response rates, particularly in more ery-
tive, double-blinded, randomized, vehicle-controlled thematous scars.6 For atrophic scars, fillers such as
trial concluded that there was no benefit to the use of silicone, bovine collagen, hyaluronic acid, calcium
imiquimod 5% cream on healing surgical wounds hydroxylapatite, and fat (lipografting) can be used.7–9
with regard to the improvement of “normal” scar However, due to their high cost, use of these filling
cosmesis.3 However, a limited body of evidence agents has largely been limited to the management of
suggests a possible role for imiquimod 5% cream in atrophic scars in highly cosmetically sensitive regions
the prevention of presternal and breast hypertrophic such as the face.
scarring, although additional, larger studies with
longer follow-up are needed.4,5 There are currently
no studies specifically looking at the use of imiqui-
mod 5% cream in the treatment or prevention of Cryosurgery
disfiguring scars of the back.
Cryosurgery with liquid nitrogen has been success-
fully used to treat keloids and hypertrophic scars in
areas including the back. Lesions that are most likely
Intralesional Injections to respond include younger (<12 months), more vascu-
lar lesions. The therapeutic effects of cryosurgery are
Minimally invasive treatment options such as mediated by direct cellular and microvascular damage.
intralesional injections and fillers can be used for Several, monthly treatments, consisting of two to three
keloids and hypertrophic scars or depressed scars, 30-s freeze-thaw cycles are typically required.
respectively. Intralesional triamcinolone injections in Disadvantages include, but are not limited to, pain,
concentrations of 10–40 mg/mL administered approx- atrophy, and hypopigmentation, rendering this modal-
imately monthly over several months can have a ity of limited utility in dark-skinned patients. Irradiation
profound effect on scar height although they do not has demonstrated disappointing results when used as
affect the width. Higher concentrations can be used monotherapy for the treatment of keloids and hyper-
on the back than in other areas of the body, although trophic scars. However, when used as an adjunct to
as with other areas on the body, careful use is advised surgery, radiation therapy has achieved excellent scar
to minimize side effects of atrophy and hypopigmen- cosmesis with low recurrence rates.10
tation. Fitzpatrick reported the efficacy of intrale-
sional 5-FU in the treatment and prevention of keloids
and hypertrophic scars. In his experience in more
than 1,000 patients, maximal benefit and minimal Laser Treatments
pain were achieved when a combination of 0.9 cc of
5-FU (concentration of 50 mg/cc) and 0.1 cc of triam- Laser therapy has utility in cutaneous scar revision
cinolone (concentration of 10 mg/cc) was injected for hypertrophic scars, keloids, atrophic scars, and dis-
directly into the substance of the scar. In this report, colored scars although results are less impressive on
injections were performed as frequently as thrice the back. Limited long-term stability dampened initial
10 Revision of Disfiguring Surgical Scars of the Back 69
enthusiasm about the use of the argon, Nd:YAG, and tions. Since damage is restricted to noncontiguous
CO2 lasers. More recently, promising results have been microscopic arrays, obvious wounding is avoided,
achieved with the pulsed dye laser (PDL) (585–595 nm) epidermal recovery is rapid, and bulk heating does
and fractional photothermolysis. not occur, minimizing the potential for scar exacerba-
Pulsed dye lasers (PDL), specifically in the 585– tion. With fractional photothermolysis, more subtle
595 nm range, are generally considered the laser therapy improvements should be expected, but there is less
of choice for hypertrophic scars, keloids, and red- associated downtime and less risk of severe pigmen-
colored scars. Beneficial effects reported with PDL tary alteration than with ablative lasers. Significant
treatment include erythema reduction, textural improve- improvements in scar texture and blending can gener-
ment, and overall improved blending with surrounding ally be achieved with a series of 3–5 treatments at
skin. PDL therapy should be initiated with a spot size of approximately 3 week intervals. Newer devices achieve
7 or 10 mm with fluences of 5–6.5 J/cm2 or 4.5–5.5 J/ fractional photothermolysis utilizing ablative modali-
cm2, respectively. In patients with darker skin tones, ties. There are anecdotal reports of these devices effec-
additional fluence reduction may be necessary.11 Variable tively treating hypertrophic scars without the extended
pulse durations, ranging from 450 ms to 1.5 ms may be recovery time and other risks associated with conven-
employed, depending on the degree of post-treatment tional ablative resurfacing.
purpura likely to be tolerated by the patient. Concomitant Several caveats should be considered in laser scar
cryogen cooling should be applied during treatment. revision. Caution is advised when treating patients
Unfortunately, multiple treatments (at 3–8 week inter- with darker skin tones (Fitzpatrick phototypes IV–VI).
vals) are necessary, and complete resolution of scar Melanin present in these patients’ skin acts as a
erythema and/or thickness is not commonly achieved. competing chromophore, thereby decreasing efficacy
More recently, researchers have posited a role for and increasing the risk of untoward effects. These
PDL in the prevention of hypertrophic scar formation. patients should be counseled regarding the potential
Insofar as treatment with PDL may limit angiogenesis, for dyspigmentation and close monitoring of this
upon which scar formation may depend, early inter- adverse effect is prudent. In all patients, if laser therapy
vention may prevent or minimize scarring. Two studies is selected as a treatment option, patients should be
using three treatments with PDL, initiated at the time instructed to refrain from tanning for several weeks
of suture removal, demonstrated efficacy in the pre- prior to treatment. General techniques for laser ther-
vention of unfavorable scars.12,13 However, single treat- apy, such as using preprocedural anesthetics, are
ment of PDL at suture removal is not efficacious, nor equally applicable to laser use on the back for scar
is there increased efficacy with concomitant use of revision.
intralesional corticosteroids.14,15 In any case, in addi-
tion to its role in the treatment of disfiguring scars,
PDL may play a role in preventing disfiguring scars
and may be a useful adjuvant in surgical scar revision. Surgical Treatments
Although there are reports documenting the efficacy of
PDL as monotherapy, this modality is perhaps best uti- Surgical revision of disfiguring surgical scars is an
lized as one component of a multifaceted approach to option as on other parts of the body. However, because
suboptimal scars.6 the back is inherently prone to disfiguring scars,
The 308-nm excimer laser has some efficacies in aggressive surgical revisions should be approached
the treatment of hypopigmented disorders, including with caution and should be avoided if possible. For
vitiligo and mature striae. There may be a limited role very large procedures on the back, when complete and
for this laser in the treatment of hypopigmented scars immediate removal is not mandatory, a staged resec-
on the back. However, since results are short-lived, tion may be considered, as this will permit skin stretch
ongoing treatments must be continued to maintain and thereby lessen wound tension. Fusiform or ellipti-
repigmentation.16 cal excisions of scars can be useful when the scar is
Fractional photothermolysis is increasingly consid- small (preferably less than 2 cm) and when the scar is
ered a popular option for unfavorable scars in all loca- oriented along RSTL. Z-plasty repair may be useful
70 M.J. Mahlberg et al.
Michael S. Kaminer
Fig. 11.6 (a) Before breast reduction with liposuction. (b) After breast reduction with liposuction
rarely encountered when proper technique is used and and shoulder pain is often significant.5 Although nearly
care is taken to avoid suctioning too much superficial all women who desire a reduction in breast size can
breast tissue. Treatment of contour problems often be treated, those with a predominance of fatty tissue
requires a second liposuction procedure, which can (often associated with advanced age) are more suitable
present a challenge to the surgeon. Asymmetry of the candidates.
breast following surgery can occur, and it is therefore Powered reciprocating liposuction cannulas, as
important to have careful preoperative photographs well as some of the recently introduced laser-assisted
and breast weight measurements to refer to in the post- technologies (SmartLipo, Cynosure, Inc. and ProLipo,
operative period. Many women will have preexisting Sciton, Inc.), may enhance results in the future.
asymmetry, and the preoperative data can be incredibly Although several noninvasive fat removal technologies
useful when discussing results with patients. In almost are currently in the development phase, it remains to
all cases, it is advisable to point out to patients any be seen whether these will be suitable and appropriate
preexisting asymmetry prior to the procedure. When for breast reduction.
asymmetry is surgically induced, a repeat procedure
can be of significant benefit.
Conclusion 1. Mellul SD, Dryden RM, Remigio DJ, Wulc AE. Breast
reduction performed by liposuction. Dermatol Surg. 2006;
Minimally invasive breast reduction utilizing tumescent 2. Rohrich RJ, Gosman AA, Brown SA, Tonadapu P, Foster B.
liposuction has become an accepted stand-alone treat- Current preferences for breast reduction techniques: a survey
of board-certified plastic surgeons 2002. Plast Reconstr Surg.
ment method. Previously performed only in conjunction 2004;114(7):1724–1733.
with cold steel surgery, liposuction is now able to precisely 3. Sadove R. New observations in liposuction-only breast reduc-
and predictably reduce the size of the female breast by tion. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2005;29(1):28–31.
one to two bra cup sizes. In addition, natural shape and 4. Moskovitz MJ, Baxt SA, Jain AK, Hausman RE. Liposuction
breast reduction: a prospective trial in African American women.
sensation are retained, and in some women, a modest Plast Reconstr Surg. 2007;119(2):718–726.
amount of lifting and correction of breast ptosis can 5. Moskovitz MJ, Muskin E, Baxt SA. Outcome study in liposuc-
be achieved. Symptomatic improvement in neck, back, tion breast reduction. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2004;114(1):55–60.
Chapter 12
Botulinum Toxin A for Upper Thoracic Posture
and the Appearance of a “Breast Lift”
Kevin C. Smith
Fig. 12.2 Forty-eight-year-old woman before treatment of the pectoralis minor muscles with three 10 unit doses of BOTOX®
on each side. There was improved posture with improved presentation of the breasts at 3 weeks follow-up, and the patient was
very pleased
be expected considering the relatively low doses of weeks. The reasons for this are not known. Perhaps
BOTOX® in proportion to the size of the muscles. It projection of the breasts as a result of improved shoul-
may be that improvements in shoulder posture persist der posture leads to increased mechanical stimulation
for a while once posture has been improved by of the nipples under some circumstances.
BOTOX® altering the balance of forces between the
pectoralis minor and/or major muscles and the oppos-
ing muscles in the back.
Some women have noted that not only are the Treatment Technique
breasts and nipples elevated by their more erect pos-
ture with shoulders back but that there is also a pleas- BOTOX® is administered using a 30G 1 in. needle.
ing erection of the nipples, which develops about a One author (KCS) usually uses a reconstitution of
week after BOTOX® treatment and persists for 3–4 100 units of BOTOX® in 2.5 ml of normal saline with
12 Botulinum Toxin A for Upper Thoracic Posture and the Appearance of a “Breast Lift” 79
benzyl alcohol preservative. The pectoralis minor 1.6 cm. Sixty-five of ninety-two patients rated the
arises on the third, fourth, and fifth ribs and runs under results good to very good, and 73 of 92 would repeat
the clavicle to insert on the coracoid process of the the procedure. Like Dr. Smith, Dr. Pérez Atamoros has
scapula. The pectoralis minor muscles are located by noted that the best candidates are physically fit women
having the patient hold her arms up slightly above in the age range 30–55 years, with small to moderate
shoulder height, pressing the palms together when sized breasts. Five patients had pain lasting longer
requested to do so, allowing the examiner palpate the than a week. Dr. Pérez Atamoros has suggested that
pectoralis minor starting about 2.5 cm inferior to the relaxation of the inferior portion of the pectoralis
lateral third of the clavicle. Injections points are gener- major muscle allows the superior portion to lift the
ally about 2.5, 5, and 7.5 cm inferior to the lateral third ptotic breast. (Personal communications, Botox®,
of the clavicle. Injections are done at a depth of less Fillers & More, Vancouver BC, August 2003; American
than 2 cm. Apart from occasional muscle or fascia ten- Academy of Dermatology, Washington DC, February
derness for several days, there have been no complica- 2004, and April 2004). For a comparison of the injection
tions from this treatment. In particular, pneumothorax sites used by Drs. Kevin Smith and Pérez Atamoros,
or bleeding have not been seen, but the possibility of see Fig. 12.1.
such problems must be considered, even when work- Issues that remain to be resolved include optimiza-
ing with a 30G 1 in. needle. The risk of entering the tion of patient selection, Botox® dosing and the place-
pleural space can be reduced by limiting needle inser- ment of Botox® doses, the issue of placebo effect vs.
tion depth to less than 2 cm. biomechanical effect, and elucidation of the mecha-
This proposed mechanism of action has been criti- nism of action if indeed there is a biomechanical effect
cized by Dr. Otto Wegelin (personal communication, from Botox® treatment of the pectoralis minor and/or
April 2004), who argues that: pectoralis major muscles with Botox®.
1. The muscles (pectoralis minor and rhomboid minor)
invoked to carry out the postural changes are far too
small to do what is expected of them. Clinical Trial
2. The muscles do not in fact rotate the shoulder but
rather act primarily stabilize the scapula – an
A clinical trial could contain some of the following
entirely different function.
elements, depending on the resources available. The
3. The muscles are not antagonistic in action as are the
clinical trial would ideally be double-blind, placebo-
frontalis and the orbicularis occuli but rather
controlled with respect to BOTOX®, and there might
be an element of dose ranging, so that the patients
4. There is no way to determine how much, if any, of
would get either saline or 10 or 20 units of BOTOX® at
the Botox is actually acting on the pectoralis minor
each injection site. There would be three injection sites
as the Botox can diffuse widely in a three dimen-
in each of the pectoralis minor muscles, and three in
sional plane unlike the forehead where there is the
each of the horizontal components of the superior por-
boney skull limiting diffusion.
tions of the pectoralis major muscles (Fig. 12.3).
Dr. Doris Hexsel (personal communication, July The patients could further be classified into two
2004) in a study of six women was not able to obtain arms of the study: one receiving physiotherapy, which
satisfactory results, and in two cases noted that the is intended to improve upper thoracic posture and a
nipples hung lower. second group receiving no physiotherapy or sham
Dr. Francisco Pérez-Atamoros of Mexico City has physiotherapy. This could help to determine the role
obtained elevation of the breast on the side where the and relative contribution of physiotherapy to the over-
nipple is lower by injecting three doses of 15 units of all improvement, if any. The physiotherapy program
BOTOX® into the parts of the pectoralis major muscle, could be based on elements of O.N.E.U.P. (Optimizing
which lies medial and inferior to the pectoralis minor Neurotoxin Efficacy Utilizing Physiotherapy) pro-
muscles. In a series of almost 100 patients, Dr. Pérez gram, which includes a patient instruction booklet and
Atamoros has obtained an elevation of the ptotic breast an accompanying DVD with video clips illustrating
averaging 0.8 cm with the maximum elevation being the elements of the stretching and exercise program.7
80 K.C. Smith
Elements of that program intend to stretch the muscles Standardized photography at baseline and at each
involved in depression and internal rotation of the follow-up visit could help to determine whether patient
shoulders, to stretch the pectoralis major and minor posture and breast presentation (in the case of female
muscles, and to strengthen the rhomboids. Exercises subjects) was improved by the interventions being
are also intended to strengthen the muscles responsible studied. Patients could wear a thin “see through” white
for erect upper thoracic posture and external rotation tank top for modesty during photography (Fig. 12.4).
of the shoulders. Standardized measurements on pre and posttreatment
photos (using a vertical line from the tragus of the
ear and comparing that with a marker on the anterior
border of the acromion) could be used to determine
whether or not there had been correction of “head
forward posture”, and to measure the degree of
Special Considerations
Fig. 12.4 Example of head forward posture, with some improvement after treatment of the pectoralis minor muscles with 30 units
of BOTOX® on each side (Photo courtesy of Dr. S. Sapra)
12 Botulinum Toxin A for Upper Thoracic Posture and the Appearance of a “Breast Lift” 81
• Because breast size and position may change at In this regard, assessments of depression (for exam-
various points in the menstrual cycle, it will be opti- ple, Beck Depression Inventory, Hamilton Depression
mal for treatments and assessments to be done as Rating Scale) might also be useful to determine if there
close as possible to the same point in the menstrual was a relationship between objective improvements in
cycle at each visit. upper thoracic posture and the patient’s emotional state
• Changes in medications (particularly, those affect- and self-image (for example, using the Rosenberg
ing breast size, including estrogens and medications Self-Esteem Scale).
affecting prolactin) will need to be carefully moni- Because disorders of the soft tissues and structure
tored at each visit. of the cervical spine have been associated with cervi-
• Patients should be weighed at each visit. cal pain, thoracic pain, and headaches,9 it will be
important to collect information about those problems
Subject and investigator global assessments, using a
at baseline and at follow-up visits so that effects of
Likert scale, would also be taken at baseline and at
BOTOX® and/or physiotherapy on those parameters
each follow-up visit. Efficacy endpoints could also
will be detected and quantified.
include the following measures (Fig. 12.5):
Fig. 12.5 Nipple to nipple and sternal notch to nipple measure- These distances are influenced by posture and by breast size,
ments, with the patient standing in a standardized, relaxed posture. which can fluctuate with the menstrual cycle and with weight
82 K.C. Smith
thoracic posture and produce in women the appearance 4. Finkelstein I, Katsis E. Botulinum toxin type A (BotoxR)
of a “BOTOX® Breast Lift.” Such a trial could also improves chronic tension-type headache by altering biome-
chanics in the cervico-thoracic area: a case study. Cephalalgia.
help us to define optimal patient selection criteria and 2005;25:1189-1205.
treatment protocols. 5. Traba Lopez A, Esteban A. Botulinum toxin in motor disor-
ders: practical considerations with emphasis on interventional
Disclosure: Dr. Smith is a consultant and investigator for neurophysiology. Neurophysiol Clin. 2001; 31(4):220-229.
Allergan. 6. Gallien P, Nicolas B, Petrilli S, et al. Role for botulinum toxin
in back pain treatment in adults with cerebral palsy: report of
a case. Joint Bone Spine. 2004;71(1):76-78.
7. Vad VB, Donatelli RA, Joshi M, Lang AM, Sims V. O.N.E.U.P.
References cervicothoracic & lumbar pain syndromes program. Beth
Israel Medical Center, Office of Continuing Medical
Education, 1st Avenue at 16th St., New York NY 10003.
1. Smith KC, Pérez-Atamoros F. Other dermatologic uses of Accessed January 2008.
botulinum toxin. In: Benedetto AV, ed. Botulinum toxin in 8. Alam M, Barrett KC, Hodapp RM, Arndt KA. The facial
clinical dermatology. London: Taylor and Francis; 2006: feed-back hypothesis applied to cosmetic procedures: change
219-236. in emotions resulting from facial muscle activity and contour
2. Cosmetic injections expand to points below the chin, New York change induced by botulinum toxin injection. J Am Acad
Times, January 26, 2006 Dermatol. 2008;58:1061–1072.
fashion/thursdaystyles/26sside.html?_r=1&oref=slogin 9. Hurwitz EL, Aker PD, Adams AH, Meeker WC, Shekelle PG.
Accessed 07.09.07. Manipulation and mobilization of the cervical spine:
3. Lang AM. Considerations for the use of botulinum toxin in pain a systematic review of the literature. Spine. 1996;21:
management. Lippincotts Case Manag. 2006;11:279-282. 1746-1759.
Part IV
Hands (and Feet)
Chapter 13
Treatment of Keratoses and Lentigines with Peels and PDT
John Strasswimmer
Method of Device and Treatment IX (PPIX) within a few minutes. If a patient has not
Application had significant response to this protocol, then the
subsequent procedure may use an emollient applied
For facial treatments, dosing and guidelines of after the ALA to maintain the ALA in solution and to
performing PDT and peels are quite extensively found facilitate penetration. The incubation time may also be
in the literature. However, very little data exist on expanded to overnight. We do not recommend this in
nonfacial applications. The few reported studies are the first treatment, as the reaction with light exposure
outlined in Table 1 for PDT and Table 2 for peels. can be quite robust.
Extrafacial PDT for photodamaged as not been widely The chemical is washed off with a soapy cleanser
reported, however, one report does show promise.3 and water. This step removes the excess ALA from
As with these treatments, like many others in derma- the surface, but there remains ALA within the skin
tology, actual use differs greatly and ultimately rests for 48 h as discussed below. The choice light source
on clinical confidence and personal experience. Finding then becomes another decision. Most decisions are
the proper time for application of the photosensitizer obviously to use whatever equipment the clinician
for PDT also remains elusive. Peels will in general may already possess. The peak absorption curves
confer a better response with less risk of untoward occur at wavelengths in the 410 nm (blue) range
effects in lighter skin types. (Fig. 13.1). However, additional minor absorption
peaks can be found in the green, yellow, and red por-
tions of the color spectra. Thus, light in these wave
lengths can, in theory, activate. Blue light offers
Photodynamic Therapy more extensive absorption (20-fold) and thus the
most “potent” activation of PPIX. It also is not as
PDT is useful in the treatment of photodamage and deeply penetrating as the red light3. If the goal is to
actinic keratoses (AK)4. Scaliness and redness of the target epidermal changes (keratoses, lentigos, epi-
hands may resolve after 1–3 treatments. For PDT, dermal atrophy), this is optimal. However, if the goal
emphasis is placed on the patient receiving as little of is to stimulate dermal remodeling then longer wave-
ultraviolet radiation as possible leading up to their lengths are ideal. To this end, a continuous wave red
procedure. Initial consents should be completed along light source might be ideal. The devices readily avail-
with any medical history. When utilizing this procedure able and used to target other wavelengths are “pulsed”
for actinic keratosis (AK), we remove excess crust and thus are less likely to activate the PPIX.3 Long
from the lesions to facilitate penetration; however, for
rejuvenation, this is not needed. In the treatment of
facial actinic keratoses, the topical 5-aminolevulinic
acid (ALA) is allowed to preferently penetrate the
parakeratotic skin found on AKs. This alone leads to
most of the reported selectivity. In contrast, for a more
broad rejuvenation, it is important to facilitate even
penetration of the medication. The skin is first scrubbed
with acetone to remove the lipid layer barrier. Second,
a gentle (1–2 pass) microdermabrasion procedure
might be done if the facility is available to allow
penetration. Application of the sensitizing agent,
topical 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), is completed
first with varying time before treatment. We recommend
20% ALA with initially a 2 h incubation time. This is
in contrast to the face, where even a 30 min incubation
allows enough diffusion of the medication. On a
cellular level, once the ALA has encountered a cell, it Fig. 13.1 Protoporphyrin IX absorption curve with visible light
is metabolized to the photosensitizer protoporphyrin absorption
13 Treatment of Keratoses and Lentigines with Peels and PDT 87
pulsed pulse dye laser (585–595 nm), with the non- We usually opt for the medium depth because the
purpuric setting, can be used.5 In addition, intense goal is to get a permanent improvement. Patients are
pulse light (IPL) may be used and is frequently one pretreated with topical retinoids at least 14 days before
of the choices since it is present in many cosmetic the procedure to help with even penetration and this is
offices, it alone is able to treat lentigenes, and vari- particularly important for the thicker areas of skin such
ous filters can be used to treat. Because of the as the hands6. The retinoid is stopped 5 days prior to
extremely short pulse time, there might not be enough treatment. Acetone scrub is done to degrease the area.
oxygen available to produce a true “photodynamic” This is followed by one even application of Jessner’s
response, but might rather produce a “photothermal” solution. Subsequently, 25–35% TCA is applied in
effect to good benefit. The standard treatment is to an even pattern in perpendicular directions to maxi-
use the laser or IPL as if one were treating with out mize even coverage. The chemical should be layered
the ALA. Immediately following, the patient must cautiously and before starting a new application,
practice total avoidance of visible (not just UV) light, waiting for frost to appear. TCA and Jessner’s solution
because the ALA remains in the skin and can be are “self neutralizing” and the frost is the endpoint.
metabolized to PPIX for up to 48 h. Inadvertent light The procedure should not be painful. An even frost
exposure, such as a 20 min drive home after the pro- demonstrates a successful application. Spot treating
cedure, may be enough to produce a brisk phototoxic difficult lesions such as hyperkeratotic actinic keratosis
reaction manifested by excess erythema, swelling, with increased number of applications may be necessary.
and pain. Instruct patient that a reaction similar to a If a patient has not responded to this protocol, it may
light sunburn, burn and peel can be expected after be repeated in 1–2 months with additional “spot”
72 h. Follow visits should be around 72 h for reassur- touching of 50% TCA after the application of the 35%
ance and again at 2–4 weeks for re-evaluation and TCA. We do not recommend higher concentration
possible reapplication. For the weeks following the because of the risk of scarring. Likewise, we do not
procedure, such as for peels, UV protection helps to recommend “deep” chemical peels (such as phenol
prevent dyspigmentation. containing peels) in nonfacial locations due to the risk
of scarring.
Postoperative care for chemical peels is usually
simple and straightforward. There is a wide array of
Chemical Peeling options for patient comfort post procedure ranging
from simple cool compresses with cold water to
Chemical peeling on the hands and arms is more of a emollients to more sophisticated topical treatments
challenge because of the uneven nature of the skin including hyaluronic acid and other anti-inflammatories.
thickness and the dramatic hyperkeratosis seen on Restarting previous topical therapy is also advised
some portions of the hand. Depending on patient including retinoids and any topical bleaching agents.
medical history, pertinent prophylactic antimicrobial Follow up is again simple. A 24–48 h check would
therapy should be instituted, especially for impetigo reassure patient and would be a good indicator of
and herpetic infections. Prior to peeling, one needs to success of application. Following that, a recheck at
decide whether superficial peeling (Jessner’s solution, 4 weeks would be prudent as this would be an oppor-
glycolic acid, low percentage of trichloroacetic acid tune time for an additional peel if necessary.
(TCA) that targets epidermis is the goal or if deeper When adverse effects do arise, and they will, proper
medium depth (35% TCA pretreated by Jessner’s solu- anticipation and treatment options must be recognized
tion) is to be performed. While a superficial chemical by the clinician. The main side effects of both proce-
peel is optimal for patients with mild photodamage dures include erythema (overabundant and nonexistent),
and color abnormalities, a medium depth chemical edema, and crusting. There are many variables that can
peel is effective for patients with lots of pigment be changed with PDT to decrease these side effects,
alterations, especially brown and tan pigmentations including decreasing incubation time and using less
and seborrheic keratoses. However, the medium depth irritating light sources such as long pulse laser. If they
chemical peel will require longer healing times than do occur, topical mid potency corticosteroids often
the superficial chemical peel and PDT treatment. will suffice. Adjunct topical anti-inflammatories can
88 J. Strasswimmer
also be used. Posttreatment hyperpigmentation that can extremely safe and still yield significant results. Overall,
occur with both treatment modalities can be remedied PDT and chemical peels are viable, safe, and relatively
with use of bleaching agents. Most often times, simple treatments to help eliminate solar lentigines and
reassurance is warranted and review of preoperative actinic keratoses on photodamaged hands. This is an
education will alleviate most concerns. Post treatment important component of total body rejuvenation.
hypopigmentation is rare with peeling and rarer with
PDT, but can be permanent. Acknowledgments Dr Strasswimmer gratefully acknowledges
the assistance of John Mini DO and Danika Przekop DO, resi-
dent physicians from the Palm Beach Centre for Graduate
Medical Education.
Fig. 14.1 Lentigines and seborrheic keratoses treated with 532 nm QS Nd:YAG and QS ruby. (a) Patient’s back at baseline.
(b) Three months after treatment. The patient had one treatment with the QS Nd:YAG (fluence of 3 J/cm2, spot size of 3 mm). Two
weeks later, the patient was treated with the QS ruby laser (fluence of 3.5 J/cm2 and spot size of 5 mm)
Fig. 14.2 Lentigines and seborrheic keratoses treated with 532 nm QS Nd:YAG. (a) Patient’s chest at baseline. (b) Ten months after
a single treatment with the 532 nm QS Nd:YAG (fluence of 3.2 J/cm2, spot size 3 mm)
sloughing and postinflammatory hypo- or hyper- should be sought during treatment and used to
pigmentation. The clinical endpoint of whitening adjust laser settings (Fig. 14.4). Wound healing is
14 Off-Face Laser Treatment of Keratoses and Lentigines 91
Fig. 14.3 Treatment of lentigines of the dorsal hand with the ruby laser. (a) Patient’s hand at baseline. (b) Patient’s hand 9 months
after a single treatment with the ruby laser
Table 14.1 Suggested treatment settings of lentigines and macular seborrheic keratoses with the QS Nd:YAG
(532 nm). Standard Treatment of Lentigines and Macular Seborrheic Keratoses with the QS Nd:YAG (532 nm)
Fitzpatrick Skin Type Spot Size (mm) Fluence (J/cm2)
I–III 3 3.0
IV–V 3 1.4–1.6
Fig. 14.4 Treatment of a macular seborrheic keratosis in a patient with Fitzpatrick skin type IV. (a) Patient at baseline. (b) Patient
immediately after treatment. Note the clinically-apparent white endpoint of the treated lesion
fastest when the lowest therapeutic fluences are used. clinical response. Post-op care instructions are generally
One to three treatment sessions every 3–4 weeks are consistent with that of the treatment of facial lentigines
generally recommended, but adjusted to patient’s (Table 14.2).
92 P.M. Friedman and B. Chrastil-LaTowsky
Table 14.2 An example of posttreatment instructions given to patients after Q-switched Ruby &
Nd:YAG laser therapy. Courtesy of Dr. Roy G. Geronemus
Fig. 14.5 Lentigines and photodamage treated with fractional photothermolysis. (a) The patient’s chest at baseline. Note lentigines,
keratoses and poikiloderma. (b) The patient after only one treatment. Treatment settings: energy of 11 mJ, 15 mm spot, 6–8 passes
1,500–2,000 microscopic treatment zones/cm2 (MTZs/cm2). Zimmer cooling system was set at level 3
Fig. 14.6 Dyschromia treated with fractional photothermolysis. (a) The patient’s neck at baseline. (b) The patient after three treat-
ments with fractional photothermolysis. Note marked improvement of the dyschromia, as well as skin texture. Treatment settings
were: energy setting of 40 mJ, 15 mm spot size, 8 passes. Total kJ ranged from 4.02–4.88. Zimmer cooling system settings ranged
from 3 to 5
94 P.M. Friedman and B. Chrastil-LaTowsky
Fig. 14.7 Fractional photothermolysis for the treatment of lentigines of the hand. (a) Patient’s dorsal hand at baseline. (b) Dorsal
hands three months after 5 treatments of fractional photothermolysis. Treatments were spaced at 2–3 week intervals. Treatments
settings were: energy of 8–9 mJ and density of 2,500 microscopic treatment zones/cm2. Photographs courtesy of Dr. Ming Jih.
Permission for publication given by Dermatologic Surgery3
Fig. 14.8 DSAP treated with fractional photothermolysis. (a) The patient’s thigh at baseline. (b) Thigh one month after three treat-
ments with fractional photolysis (Fraxel SR 750). Ecchymosis is unrelated to treatment. (c) Thigh one month after 6 treatments.
Energy settings ranged from 8 to 12 mJ and a final treatment density of 2,000–2,500 MTZs/cm2
of an ongoing study at our facility have shown that parameters range from 10 to 40 mJ when treating off-
fractional photothermolysis may effectively treat face for improvement of pigmentation and texture.
actinic keratoses. High energies (50–70 mJ) should be used with caution
Energy parameters should be appropriate for the and in limited areas only when the maximum
indication being treated (Table 14.3). Usually, energy penetration and remodeling are required, such as
14 Off-Face Laser Treatment of Keratoses and Lentigines 95
Fig. 14.9 DSAP treated with fractional photothermolysis. (a) Leg at baseline. (b) Leg three months after three treatments with fractional
photothermolysis (second model, Fraxel SR 1500). Energy ranged from 35–50 mJ and treatment level was 10
Fig. 14.10 DSAP treated with fractional photothermolysis. The same patient as in Fig. 14.7: (a) legs at baseline. (b) Three months
after three treatments. Patient reported complete resolution of pruritus associated with the DSAP and was completely satisfied with
hyperkeratotic lesions. Wound healing is prolonged pendicularly to the skin surface. Treatment density
off-face and treatment levels (TL) should be conserva- is maximized when treating keratoses, including
tive (i.e., TL 6-TL 9). actinic keratoses, in our practice. Thicker, hyperk-
Treatment technique is similar to facial fractional eratotic lesions should receive 2–4 extra passes. The
resurfacing. The laser handpiece should be held per- treated skin edges should be feathered, especially on
96 P.M. Friedman and B. Chrastil-LaTowsky
Fig. 14.11 DSAP treated with fractional photothermolysis. (a) Patient’s forearm at baseline. (b) Two months after four treatments
with fractional photothermolysis (Fraxel SR 1500). Note biopsy site (biopsy showed actinic keratoses). Energy ranged from 35–50
mJ and treatment level was 10. Patient reported >90% improvement. Physician improvement graded as >75% improved
Table 14.3 Examples of recommended treatment parameters using Fraxel™ off the face
Treatment Level Treatment Level
Off Face Indication Energy Fitzpatrick Skin Type I–III Fitzpatrick Skin Type IV–V
Resurfacing and Lentigines 10–40 mJ 7–11 4–7
Acne and Surgical Scars 20–50 mJ 7–11 4–7
Note that for off-face applications, a more conservative treatment level, or density, is used than for face treatments.
Pre-op treatment of pulsed-dye laser-mediated PDT See Table 14.5 for the laser-mediated PDT protocol
is similar to treatment of the face (Table 14.5). used in our office. Treatment technique is the same as
In our practice, the following parameters are used that of facial treatment.
for the pulse dye laser after 20% ALA application: 10 Posttreatment care is similar to treatment of the face
mm spot size, fluence range of 7.5–9 J/cm2, and 10 and is listed in Table 14.5.
msec pulse width. A dynamic cooling (tetrafluoro- One of the challenges in using PDT off the face is
ethane) spray is used for pre-treatment and posttreat- ensuring sun avoidance post-therapy. Any type of
ment cooling. The spray is fired twice: 30 msec prior to ambient light may augment the treatment; however,
each laser pulse followed by a 30 msec post-laser pulse excess exposure may cause complications such as
delay. increased edema, erythema, and blistering. The
98 P.M. Friedman and B. Chrastil-LaTowsky
Fig. 14.12 Actinic keratoses of the scalp treated with laser-mediated PDT. (a) Patient’s scalp at baseline. (b) Patient’s scalp one
month after a single treatment of laser-mediated PDT using the PDL. Please see text for suggested treatment settings
Table 14.5 Pre-treatment protocol, treatment technique, posttreatment protocol used for laser-mediated PDT using
the 595-nm pulsed-dye laser
Pretreatment Confirm diagnosis: lentigines versus AKs
Acetone applied to treatment area
Microdermabrasion of treatment area
Treatment technique 20% ALA application with three-hour incubation
20% ALA re-applied 60 min after first application
Topical anesthetic applied 45–60 min before laser treatment
595-nm pulsed dye laser, 1–2 passes to treatment area (see text for laser parameters)
Posttreatment technique Treatment area cleansed with soap and water
Apply physical sunscreen such as titanium dioxide or zinc oxide
Vigilon hydrogel dressing applied to treatment area for 30–60 min
Patient instructed on strict sun avoidance for two days
Patient instructed to expect desquamation and erythema for 2–3 days.
Biafine emollient is applied to treatment area twice a day for 5–7 days
Aquaphor ointment is applied to rough, dry or scaly areas as needed
Follow-up in 4–6 weeks for evaluation
Neil S. Sadick
Table 15.1 Comparison of hand vein sclerotherapy and volume of adipose tissue and dermal collagen. A loss
endovenous laser hand vein ablation (EVLH) of elasticity occurs in both the skin and superficial
Advantages Disadvantages blood vessels. Sun exposure, in turn, produces wrinkles,
Sclerotherapy Nonsurgical May require multiple dyschromia, and protuberant, tortuous varicosities
Cost effective Risk of extravasation
of the superficial hand veins. Patients consider these
Increased bruising veins cosmetically unacceptable and seek treatment
EVLH Usually single High cost to remove them.1
Requires minor Requires knowledge of
surgical tumescent anesthesia
Use of laser fiber Risk of laser skin burns Method of Device and Treatment
Clinical Examination and Patient The size and diameter of hand veins do not determine
History the treatment modality. Rather, the choice is determined
by the physician’s experience and preferences and
Potential candidates for sclerotherapy have protuberant by the patients’ desires. For hand veins, sclerotherapy
veins. Patients can be told that the procedure is simply requires multiple sessions while intravenous laser
the injection of a solution that irritates the lining of procedures require only a single session. The appropriate
the vein which causes the vein to become inflamed, concentrations of foam sclerosing solution for vessels of
collapse, and be absorbed by the body. Patients should various diameters are shown in Table 15.2.
withdraw from antiplatelet medicines, NSAIDS, and The technique for treating hand veins is a simple
aspirin before treatment. Stopping the of antiplatelet injection. Injecting one hand at a time permits the
and antithrombotic medication is not recommended patient to have the use of the other hand while the
except in consultation with and in approval of the pre- treated hand recovers. It is possible, however, to treat
scribing physician. There is an evidence that periop- multiple vessels in one session. Posttreatment com-
erative discontinuation of such agents is rarely pression for a few days enhances the results and pre-
associated with serious adverse events increasing pul- vents hyperpigmentation.5 Excessive compression of
monary embolus, stroke, and valvular dysfunction. If a the skin covering the treated vein should be avoided, as
patient is taking daily aspirin for routine health main- it may produce tissue anoxia and subsequent localized
tenance without the instruction of a physician, this cutaneous ulceration.4 Hand sclerotherapy is tech-
may be discontinued as early as 2 weeks before the nique dependent and should be performed only by
procedure and resumed 2–3 days after the procedure. physicians with training and experience. Other than
Physicians should review the histories for anticoagu- the face, hands are the most commonly noticed
lant, disulfram, antabuse, and other sclerosant interac- anatomical area of the body and should be protected
tive medications; coagulation disorders; bruising from photodamage with regular use of sunblocks or
easily; and hand rejuvenation procedures. Pregnancy, antioxidant creams. Clinical examples are shown in
hypercoagulable disorder, recurrent thrombophlebitis, Figs. 15.1–15.4.
connective tissue disease, disabling arthritis, severe
asthma and allergies, soft-tissue infection, severe neuro-
logic or circulatory disease, and chronic hand problems Table 15.2 Suggested concentration of foamed
sclerosant for management of dorsal arch hand veins
(pain, weakness, edema, carpal tunnel syndrome) are with sclerotherapy based upon vein diameter
contraindications for sclerotherapy.1 Vein diameter (mm) STS (%)
Hand veins range from 1 to 6 mm in diameter and 1–2 0.1–0.2
are identified by their ropey, protuberant appearance. 2–4 0.2–0.25
Unlike leg veins, which protrude due to valvular 4–6 0.25–0.5
incompetence, hand veins protrude as we age due to 6–8 0.5–1.0
muscle atrophy, bone demineralization, and loss of STS sodium tetradecyl sulfate
15 Treatment of Hand Veins with Sclerotherapy 101
Fig. 15.1 The right hand of a 64-year-old woman as her dorsal veins receive the first of two treatments with the foam sclerosing
solution. Photographs courtesy of Neil S. Sadick, MD
Fig. 15.3 The right hand before the first treatment (left) and 3 months after the final of two treatments (right) with the foam sclerosing
solution. Photographs courtesy of Neil S. Sadick, MD
102 N.S. Sadick
Fig. 15.4 The left hand before the first treatment (left) and 3 months after the final of two treatments (right) with the foam sclerosing
solution. Photographs courtesy of Neil S. Sadick, MD
To prepare the foam sclerotherapy solution, the solution, and postprocedure wound care materials
following are needed: (elastic adhesive bandage and gauze) for cleaning
purposes and if needed, for compression on injection
• Syringe (3 mL) × 2
sites that bleed.
• Bacteriostatic water, 30-mL vial
Posttreatment care focuses on appropriate compres-
• STS (3%), 2-mL vial
sion of the treated veins. The treated hand is cleaned
• Fluid Dispensing Connector or adaptor
with either hydrogen peroxide or alcohol and gauze. If
• Drape (nonsterile)
bleeding persists at the injection sites, gauze is rolled
• Gloves (nonsterile)
or folded and placed on the bleeding site. Gauze is
• Gauze (nonsterile, 4 × 4 cm)
then secured by elastic adhesive bandage wrapped
• Alcohol prep pads
with appropriate compression (according to the patient,
• Elastic adhesive bandage (5-cm wide, 1 roll)
not too tight or too loose) distally from the wrist, then
The sclerosing solution (STS, 0.25%) is prepared by proximally toward the fingers around the dorsal and
diluting 2 mL STS (3%) with 22 mL bacteriostatic palmar areas of the hand. The compression bandage
water. Remove 8 mL from a 30-mL vial of bacteriostatic should be worn for 24 h after treatment.
water and transfer the entire contents of a 2-mL vial of Adverse effects with sclerotherapy are minimal;
STS (3%) to the remaining 22 mL of bacteriostatic water. hyperpigmentation and ulceration are extremely rare.
Fill one syringe with fresh sclerosing solution and For Posttreatment care, our patients receive 1–3 treatments
draw 1 mL of air into the other syringe. Connect with healing ointment (Aquaphor, Beiersdorf AG,
the two syringes to a Fluid Dispensing Connector Hamburg, Germany) at 4 to 6-week intervals. We treat
(B. Braun Medical Inc., Bethlehem, PA) and depress bruising with vitamin K cream and use arnica to
the plungers to push the sclerosing solution and air accelerate wound healing. Hydroquinone cream can
back and forth until the mixture becomes a foam. Then, be used for whitening skin and retinoid creams for
attach a 30 G ½″ hypodermic fine-inject needle to the repairing photodamage.
syringe with the foam sclerosing solution. Other therapies can be used in combination with
The tray (Fig. 15.5) should include the drape, gloves, sclerotherapy. Dermal fillers such as Radiesse (Bioform
gauze, alcohol prep pads, syringe of foam sclerosing Medical, Inc., San Mateo, CA) or Sculptra (Dermik
15 Treatment of Hand Veins with Sclerotherapy 103
Laboratories, Inc., Berwyn, PA) correct volume loss Training in sclerotherapy for hand veins is available
in the hands, thus improving the appearance of the through the American College of Phlebology at http://
elevated veins. Fractional laser procedures or plasma
portrait technology can correct skin wrinkling or
discoloration, and radiofrequency can improve laxity.
Sclerotherapy will eventually give way to endovenous
laser therapy for vein removal because fewer treat- References
ments are required and bruising occurs less frequently
with the laser procedure. 1. Duffy DM, Garcia C, Clark RE. The role of sclerotherapy in
abnormal varicose hand veins. Plast Reconstr Surg. 1999;104:
2. Breu FX, Guggenbichler S. European consensus meeting on
foam sclerotherapy, April, 4–6, 2003, Tegernsee, Germany.
Conclusion Dermatol Surg. 2004;30:709-717.
3. Sadick NS. Advances in the treatment of varicose veins:
ambulatory phlebectomy, foam sclerotherapy, endovascular
Full-body rejuvenation is the future of aesthetic laser, and radiofrequency closure. Dermatol Clin. 2005;23:
medicine. Many technologies are available to improve 4. Goldman MP, Sadick NS, Weiss RA. Cutaneous necrosis,
the face and more people are looking for ways to telangiectatic matting, and hyperpigmentation following scle-
improve the look of their aging hands as well. rotherapy. Etiology, prevention, and treatment. Dermatol
Combination approaches that include radiofrequency, Surg. 1995;21:19-29.
5. Weiss RA, Sadick NS, Goldman MP, Weiss MA. Post-
fractional laser treatment, injectable dermal fillers, and sclerotherapy compression: controlled comparative study of
endovenous laser treatment can improve the hands as duration of compression and its effects on clinical outcome.
well as the face. Dermatol Surg. 1999;25:105-108.
Chapter 16
Treatment of Hand Atrophy with Fat Transplantation
Samuel M. Lam
Fat Harvesting
face for facial rejuvenation, so you can see that the Fat Injections
hands require quite a bit of fat to achieve a durable and
appreciable change. Whereas I do not overfill the face, Fat injection into the hand is one of the technically
I tend to overfill the hands by about 20% since they are easiest procedures to perform when undertaking fat
highly mobile and are prone to a little bit of absorp- grafting. If one is just starting out with fat transfer,
tion. Also, a hand that is slightly overfilled and main- comfort level can be attained by starting with some
tains the fat will not in most cases be noticeable to an hand fat transfers. Unlike the face where fat grafting
observer. Conversely, a face that is even slightly over- into a prescribed area cannot be readily adjusted after
filled can be deforming. injection, the fat immediately just transplanted into the
hand can be easily spread out and smoothed with
gentle digital manipulation.
Fat transfer to the hand is directed at two principal
Fat Processing areas for correction: the dorsum of the hand and the
sides of the proximal phalanages, with the former area
To attain a purified column of fat, free of lidocaine, being the most important aesthetic area to rejuvenate.
blood and lysed fat cells, centrifuge the syringe outfit- As mentioned, all entry sites are created with an 18-gauge
ted with specialized caps and plugs at 3,000 rpm for stab incision. Starting with the fingers, the injection
3 min duration then pour off the supranatant consisting cannula (I prefer the Tulip 1.2 mm cannula as my
of oily lysed free fatty acids and then drain off the workhorse injection cannula) is used to inject approxi-
infranatant consisting of blood and lidocaine. Place a mately 0.5 cc into each side of the proximal phalanx.
4 × 4 gauze into the open back side of the syringe to The easiest port of entry is at the base of the proximal
wick away any remaining oily supranatant for 5–10 min phalanx in the interphalangeal space, which can be
before loading the fat into 1 cc syringes in preparation used to access the sides of two adjacent fingers. For the
for injection. dorsum of the hand, I like to divide the dorsum into
Fig. 16.3 Hand fat transfer using 20 cc per hand across the dorsum and proximal phalanges and shown before (a,c) and a year after
surgery (b, d)
108 S.M. Lam
four quadrants and place between 4 and 5 cc per quadrant. for compressive dressings of any kind. Although no
Then, feather between 1 and 3 cc of fat into the dorsum strict restrictions in hand movement are required, a
of the hand by coming back through the points that general limitation in excessive manual labor should be
were used to access the proximal phalanges and spread entertained for the first 7–14 days. The hand will in
the fat in a wide arc to make sure that the grafted fat general look a bit puffy for the first 4–6 weeks, but
that was originally performed per quadrant appears as the hands are an area that is not often studied in
smooth and free of any abrupt transitions. Again, detail, the distortion oftentimes escapes detection. Hand
any fat that appears lumpy after transplantation can rejuvenation with fat grafting can provide a wonderful
be easily remedied by gentle digital manipulation and durable aesthetic enhancement with minimal
immediately after injection. morbidity (Fig. 16.3).
Postoperative Management
There is really no postoperative management except 1. Lam SM, Glasgold MJ, Glasgold RA. Complementary Fat
application of ice to minimize edema and soreness for Grafting. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins;
the first 48–72 h following surgery. There is no need 2007.
Part V
Arms (and Legs)
Chapter 17
Reduction of Arm Fat by Liposuction
Hayes B. Gladstone
Upper arm changes can be divided into four general Tray Setup
categories with different treatment options for each.
These groups include group 1: minimal to moderate There should be up to three trays. The first is for the
subcutaneous fat with minimal skin laxity, group 2: tumescent anesthesia. A 20-gauge spinal needle is
The main venous drainage of the arm is provided by Fig. 17.2 Marking the upper arm
the basilic vein on the medial arm and the cephalic
vein overlying the biceps brachii muscle. The posterior
cutaneous and inferior lateral cutaneous nerves of the Technique
arm, which are derived from the radial nerve, providing
sensation to the posterior and lateral arm. Sensation of Following informed consent and photos from the
the superior posterior arm is provided by the superior anterior, oblique, and posterior perspectives, the skin
lateral cutaneous nerve, which is derived from the is marked. The patient should be sitting with the
axillary nerve. The ulnar nerve, which has no branches arm abducted. The distal extent of the liposuction is
above the elbow, is most superficial at the medial approximately 1 cm proximal to the epicondyle groove.
epicondyle. Unlike the cutaneous nerves of the posterior At the lowest point of the posterior upper arm, the skin
arm derived from the radial nerve, the ulnar nerve is is pinched between the finger and thumb. This maneuver
deep to the fascia enveloping the muscles of the arm. will determine the medial and lateral boundaries of the
liposuction. The proximal border of the liposuction is
in the preaxillary groove just distal to the axilla proper.
Anesthesia A line should connect these boundaries creating a
rectangular area where the liposuction will be performed.
One percent lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine is The sidewall of the chest extending posteriorly to the
used to anesthetize the puncture sites and 0.1% lidocaine back is often included in the liposuction since it further
with 1:1,000,000 epinephrine is infiltrated using a Klein defines this region (Figs. 17.2 and 17.3). As for most
pump. Depending on the size of the arm, 200–400 cc’s patients, there will be at least some ptotic proximal
are infiltrated (Fig. 17.1). Because this procedure is skin which would benefit from the additional tightening
minimally invasive, sedation is not required. provided by a limited excision axillary brachioplasty.6
17 Reduction of Arm Fat by Liposuction 113
This excision is defined by a simple ellipse hidden be made at the edge of axilla so that liposuctioning
within the axilla. Its anterior and posterior apices can also be performed from a proximal to distal manner.
are defined by those respective borders of the axilla. This will result in a smoother result. If a brachio-
The width of the ellipse is determined by the amount plasty is being performed, then the liposuction can enter
of posterior arm skin that can be grasped between through this excision.
finger and thumb. A typical ellipse is between 2 and The excision is performed down to the subcutaneous
4 cm in width. plane avoiding deeper vessels and nerves in this area.
While external ultrasound can be used, it is not usu- Some sweat glands may also be removed, and the
ally necessary since the fat is not very fibrous in the patient should be educated before the procedure that
posterior arm. Following tumescent anesthesia, a nick there may be less perspiration in this area following
incision with an 11 blade is made just proximal to the the surgery – most patients welcome this added benefit.
elbow. Using a microcannula, for instance, an 18-, 16-, or Undermining is performed in order to reduce tension
14-guage Capistrano, or a 16-, or 14-guage Klein, long on the wound (Fig. 17.5). It is then closed with 3–0
sweeping strokes are used in order to prevent an uneven vicryl buried sutures and 4–0 nylon running epidermal
result (Fig. 17.4). Similar to other anatomic areas, a sutures (Fig. 17.6). Occasionally dog ears may form, and
layer of fat should be left to avoid dimpling. While the should be removed which may extend the incision on
patient may want dramatic results, over liposuctioning to the posterior arm. A postoperative dressing is applied
will result in an unnatural appearance and disharmony which should have a Coban wrap (Fig. 17.7a–d).
with the forearm. A liposuction entry point should also
Postoperative Instructions
Fig. 17.7 (a) Pre-right arm anterior. (b) Post-right arm anterior. (c) Pre-right arm posterior. (d) Post-right arm posterior
17 Reduction of Arm Fat by Liposuction 115
brachioplasty is performed, it is imperative that the 5. The depth of the brachioplasty incision only needs to
patient does not extend her upper arms beyond ninety go to the subcutaneous level. This will prevent any
degrees, or lift objects for 4–6 weeks. type of potential nerve damage or lymphedema.
6. Because the brachioplasty ellipse is within the axilla,
the patient may have the added benefit of decreased
axillary hidrosis.
With natural aging or with significant weight loss, the Patients seeking brachioplasty should be approached
skin and soft tissue of the upper arm undergo changes in a similar fashion as those seeking any cosmetic surgi-
in their fat-skin composition and elastic properties. cal intervention. A thorough history should be obtained,
The relative laxity of supportive tissue and the relative with a focus on existing comorbidities, such as cardio-
excess of skin vis-à-vis underlying subcutaneous fat pulmonary disease, diabetes, or other chronic illnesses,
will lead to varying degrees of upper extremity ptosis. which could place them at risk for adverse events.
Not only is the appearance of this excess skin cosmeti- Sound clinical judgment should be used when deter-
cally problematic, but can also be functionally impair- mining a patient’s candidacy for exposure to surgical
ing with redundant soft tissue hampering adduction of and general anesthetic risk. It is also important to
the arm and occasionally leading to dermatitis within obtain a detailed past surgical history, documenting
the folds. any prior upper extremity procedures that might alter
In cases of milder upper arm excess and milder the anatomic position of integral upper arm and axil-
ptosis, where the skin has retained elasticity, liposuc- lary structures. Prior surgery of the arms or axilla could
tion alone may be an option. However, when the skin affect the viability of brachioplasty flaps and also – in
excess and laxity are more pronounced, direct surgical the case of axillary node dissection – enhance the risk
excision – brachioplasty – is necessary. Since brachio- of lymphedema. It is imperative over the course of the
plasty was first described in 1954 by Correa–Iturraspe consultation to establish the patient’s motivation for
and Fernandez, the essential promise and pitfall of bra- seeking out surgical assistance and to counsel them
chioplasty have remained the same: to restore normal regarding their overall expectations and the expected
contour by excision of excess skin while concomi- surgical outcome.
tantly minimizing visible scars. Finally, after a thorough history has been obtained,
There has certainly been a recent surge of interest it is important to conduct a detailed physical examina-
in brachioplasty with the heightened interest in both tion, including documentation of cardiopulmonary
aesthetic and bariatric surgery. According to recent exam findings. In addition to the overall appearance of
statistics from the American Society of Plastic the skin and soft tissue of the upper extremity, it is
Surgeons (ASPS), there were 14,886 brachioplasty imperative to conduct a full neurovascular examina-
procedures performed in 2006 alone – an increase of tion. Preoperative assessment of upper extremity motor
over 4,300% since 2000.1 Moreover, as bariatric sur- and sensory function is crucial and becomes important
gery continues to improve technologically and com- in the postoperative period if motor or sensory deficits
mand a greater presence in the modern healthcare are encountered. The proper physical exam should be
milieu, subsequent postbariatric surgery for the body conducted with the patient standing or seated in an
contouring, including the upper arms, is projected to upright position, with both arms abducted at 90°
increase significantly. from the trunk. In this position, excess skin is easily
visualized and can be better characterized via palpation At the proximal aspect of the upper arm, within the
and the “pinch test.” axillary fold, it is best to tailor the incision by first gen-
Several surgeons have attempted to establish grading erating an axillary reference line. The axillary refer-
systems of upper extremity skin ptosis as a way to deter- ence line is highlighted by drawing a short line within
mine the appropriate surgical technique for upper extrem- the axillary fold, at the proximal aspect of the upper
ity rejuvenation.2,3 In general, it is best to approach the arm, which is perpendicular to the upper arm reference
upper arm with regard to two major factors: the degree of line. Along the axillary reference line, you can again
subcutaneous fat deposition and overall amount of skin use the pinch test to set your incisional borders and
excess. Patients who suffer from excess fat deposition, determine an acceptable amount of skin excess to
but lack skin excess, probably benefit most from upper excise. Some surgeons have advocated the use of a
extremity suction lipectomy. Patients who have excess z-plasty within the axillary fold, instead of a wedge
skin, regardless of fat deposition, will require brachio- pattern, to reduce the overall tension within the fold
plasty for best results. If patients have both excess fat after excess skin has been excised (See Fig. 18.1).
deposition and excess skin, suction lipectomy and After generating skin markings, finish the preopera-
brachioplasty can be judiciously performed in tandem. tive assessment by reexamining both arm markings
Some cosmetic surgeons prefer to use suction lipec- together to assess for symmetry and accuracy. If dis-
tomy on all patients undergoing brachioplasty, regard- crepancies are apparent, repeat the marking process to
less of fat deposition characteristics. It is their belief insure accuracy, remembering the tenet: look twice,
that suction lipectomy reduces upper arm volume cut once. The above marking technique, without
without damaging important lymphatics, nerves, or z-plasty, will generate a closure pattern and scar in the
vessels, and allows better tissue mobilization. shape of a T.
The patient should be placed under general anesthe-
sia for the procedure. They should be placed in the
supine position on the operating room table, with both
Treatment Application arms abducted to 90°. The upper extremities should be
prepped circumferentially with sterile prep solution,
On the day of surgery, it is imperative to mark the patient remembering to apply also a wide prep to the axilla.
preoperatively. Again, have the patient standing, or Routine sterile draping should also be used.
seated in the upright position, with both arms abducted Of note, if suction lipectomy of the upper arms is
90° from the trunk. With your hands, palpate the inter- also being performed, it is generally performed first,
muscular groove on the inferomedial aspect of the upper prior to skin excision. Depending on the degree of
arm, between the biceps and triceps muscles. With a skin elasticity of the skin and overall surgical plan, the lipo-
marker, trace along the intermuscular septum from the suction can be performed just prior to the excision or
axilla to the medial epicondyle of the humerus. This line staged as a separate earlier procedure.
will act as a reference, and represents the positioning of Once the patient is prepped and draped, incise the
the future scar. Next, using the pinch test centered about skin along your preestablished incision borders. It is
your reference line, you can easily trace out the borders imperative to remain superficial with your incisions, as
of your upper and lower incision lines, creating an ellipse only the excess skin should be removed. Incision into
of “excess” skin that can be excised. A conservative and dissection of deeper tissue planes places important
approach is generally preferred, as it is easy to remove neurovascular structures at risk, especially those struc-
extra skin margins in the operating room if warranted. tures with a superficial course, including the medial
With regard to the axillary skin excess, several tech- antebrachial cutaneous nerve and the medial brachial
niques have been described and are available to the cutaneous nerves which perforate the intermuscular
surgeon, including the use of a wedge, L, or T pattern septum to supply the skin and soft tissue of the medial
incision.5,6 Axillary and trunk skin excess is discussed upper arm. In addition, deep dissection could lead to
in a separate chapter, thus only upper arm skin excess lymphatic disruption and the development of a lym-
is presented here. It is important to keep in mind that phocele or seroma (Fig. 18.2).4 Particular attention
massive weight loss patients may require reduction of should be paid to the axillary incisions, so as to avoid
both upper arm and axillary skin for optimal results. injury to both major vascular and lymphatic networks.
18 Reduction of Excess Arm Skin via Surgical Excision 119
Fig. 18.1 Preoperative skin markings. This image shows the proper preoperative markings for the brachioplasty procedure. The
reference line is indicated by the dotted line. The upper and lower incision lines were created by using the pinch test about the refer-
ence line. The elliptical incision marking within the axilla were also created using the pinch test. Orienting the axillary incisions
perpendicular to the upper arm incision will help to pull the skin taught into the axilla, enhancing the upper arm “lift”
Fig. 18.2 Intraoperative skin excision. This image details the dissection plane for proper excess skin excision. Carrying your
dissection plane too deep within the subcutaneous tissue can injure the lymphatics and lead to an increased risk of seroma formation
Once the skin is incised and the superficial layer is two major functions: minimizing deadspace and reducing
dissected free from the field, it is time to turn your tension on the epidermal layer. If a large deadspace
attention to wound closure and skin approximation. exists, a small Jackson-Pratt (JP) drain can be placed
Adequate hemostasis is crucial to limit the risk of to reduce the risk of postoperative hematoma/seroma.
hematoma formation. The remaining wound should be After adequate deep dermal closure, a 4–0 absorbable
closed in layers. The deepest layer is closed using a suture can be used to approximate the epidermis via a
3–0 absorbable suture (Fig. 18.3). This deep layer serves subcuticular stitch. Alternatively, a 4–0 nonabsorbable
120 J.Y.S. Kim et al.
Fig. 19.1 Heating profile of the STC tip and DC tip (Thermage, Inc.)
Table 19.1 Devices utilizing radiofrequency for tissue tightening Table 19.2 Devices utilizing broadband infrared light for
Device name Manufacturer Type tissue tightening
ThermaCool NXT™ Thermage Monopolar RF Wavelengths
and TC™ Device name Manufacturer targeted
Polaris™ Syneron Bipolar RF Starlux IR® and Palomar 850–1,350 nm
with diode (900 nm) DeppIR®
ReFirme™ Syneron Bipolar RF Titan™ Cutera 1,100–1,800 nm
with diode (900 nm) SkinTyte™ Sciton 800–1,400 nm
Aluma™ Lumenis Bipolar RF
with vacuum
Accent/Accent XL™ Alma Lasers Unipolar Combination treatment options utilizing radiofre-
and bipolar RF
quency with a variety of light sources have been
designed with the hope of augmenting the actions of
skin after treatment with these devices exhibits new both treatments while minimizing adverse effects.
upper papillary dermal collagen formation.5 More Examples of such devices are outlined in Table 19.3.
recently, though, IPL devices utilizing broadband Termed electro-optical synergy, the optical energy pro-
infrared light (wavelengths: 800–1,800 nm) have been vided by the light source preheats dermal structures,
introduced. These longer wavelength devices target creating a temperature differential between targeted
water as a chromophore and achieve penetration to the structures and adjacent tissue. The temperature changes
deep dermis, thereby eliciting collagen denaturation allow for more targeted RF energy application, reduced
with subsequent remodeling.6 The epidermis is pro- impedance, and ultimately lowered optical energy lev-
tected through contact cooling allowing for deep heat- els.1 In addition to improving skin texture and laxity,
ing without epidermal damage. Examples of broadband other aspects of skin rejuvenation are improved such
infrared light devices are found in Table 19.2. as rhytides, pigmentation, and vascularity.
19 Skin Tightening of the Arms and Legs with Radiofrequency and Broadband Light 123
Table 19.3 Combination radiofrequency and light devices for To minimize the risk of burn injury while using these
tissue tightening tissue tightening devices, all residue on the skin sur-
Device Manufacturer Components face should be removed with a gentle cleanser. This
Aurora SR™ Syneron RF + IR (400–980 nm; includes wiping the skin clean of any topical anes-
580–980 nm;
680–980 nm) thetic. Infiltration of local anesthesia should be avoided
Polaris WR™ Syneron RF + Diode (900 nm) as this may unpredictably alter tissue resistance and
ReFirme™ Syneron RF + IR (700–2,000 nm) potentially increase the risk of thermal injury.
VelaSmooth™ Syneron RF + IR The skin must always have a generous layer of cou-
(700–2,000 nm) + Vacuum pling fluid (before radiofrequency) or cooling gel
(before broadband light sources) to further minimize
the risk of burn injury. Grid markings may be applied
Clinical Examination before the procedure is initiated to facilitate tracking
which areas have already been treated. These grid pat-
These nonsurgical skin tightening modalities can
terns are often included with the device. Alternatively,
provide skin tightening and improvement of skin
a white gel pen can be used to mark the skin before the
redundancy with minimal complications, no down-
procedure. Care must be taken to avoid any type of
time, and no surgical incision. Still, appropriate patient
marking which may contain metal, as there is a theo-
selection and counseling is essential to ensure proce-
retical risk of inadvertent burn if the device comes into
dural success and patient satisfaction. The best candi-
contact with metal residues. It is helpful to mark the
dates for the procedure are those with mild to moderate
areas to be treated while the patient is standing, so that
skin laxity and minimal excess fat in the treatment
the dependent areas are more prominent. This is espe-
area. Common areas for treatment include the poste-
cially useful for the loose skin which is common
rior upper arms and the anterior thighs, just proximal
around the knees. When the patient assumes a recum-
to the knees. Patients with more severe laxity, excess
bent position, a return pad needs to be affixed to the
fat, or those who want more dramatic improvement
patient if a monopolar radiofrequency device is being
should be counseled to consider an alternative surgical
procedure. Prior to performing the procedure, all
When treating nonfacial skin, treatment parameters
patients should be counseled to ensure realistic expec-
should be adjusted to reflect anatomic differences such
tations. Pre- and postprocedural photographs and mea-
as increased skin thickness and the absence of underly-
surements may be taken with standardized lighting and
ing vital structures. Particular attention should be paid
positioning to illustrate treatment outcome which may
to sensitive areas including the inner arm and inner
be subtle to the patient’s eye. Finally, as with any med-
thighs. In general, higher energy levels are used to treat
ical procedure, a thorough medical history should be
the arms and legs relative to the face. For certain
performed to ascertain the patient’s general health and
devices (i.e., Thermage™), a designated tip with a
exclude patients with specific contraindications.
larger surface area is used to treat the arms and legs.
Special consideration should be given to patients with
Patient feedback is very important with these tissue
tattoos over the areas to be treated given the potential
tightening devices, as the patient should be able to feel
for bulk heating.
warmth. Initial treatment parameters were associated
with significant, sometimes intolerable pain. Newer
parameters, however, rely on multiple passes at lower
fluences and are generally well-tolerated. There is sig-
Treatment Application nificantly less pain associated with treatment with cer-
tain vacuum-assisted bipolar RF devices (i.e., Aluma™,
Patients are usually offered some combination of an VelaSmooth™). Prior to treatment with more painful
oral or intramuscular analgesic and/or a mild anxi- devices, the patient is provided with a 4-point feed-
olytic before the procedure. A topical anesthetic may back scale (0-nothing, 1-warm, 2-hot, 3-very hot,
be used to ease patient anxiety, but because these 4-intolerable). The patient is instructed to anticipate
devices generally produce deep dermal heat, anesthetic accumulating warmth, which should be uncomfortable
applied to the surface does little to reduce discomfort. but still tolerable (a 2 or 3 on the feedback scale).
124 M.J. Mahlberg et al.
After the initial treatment, a patient may appreciate Adverse events are uncommon in RF and IPL when
some initial improvement of the treated areas due to used for tissue tightening. Both modalities may produce
immediate collagen contraction. Generally, the treated prolonged erythema or edema which may be treated
collagen remodels over a course of several months. The with a tapering course of corticosteroids. Superficial
patient is seen back 3–4 months after the procedure, burns are very uncommon and usually only occur from
and the patient and treating physician can decide electrical arcing due to uneven contact between elec-
together whether or not a second procedure is indicated. trode and skin. They should be treated with local wound
Postprocedural care after both RF and IPL is minimal. care. In one report, infrared-based IPL caused scarring
Patients may experience a warm sensation in the skin due to bulk heating and consequent third-degree burns.9
for several hours after the procedure. In addition, there Overall, though, both therapies are well tolerated, and
may be mild edema and/or erythema that can last for the incidence of complications is extremely rare.
1–2 days. Water or cooling gels can be applied to the
skin for patient comfort. Follow up in cases without
complications should be in 4–6 weeks and then spaced
several months apart to monitor for continued tighten- Conclusion
ing from a single treatment which may continue up to 6
months after the procedure in studies on facial and neck Although radiofrequency and broadband light sources
skin.7,8 (Figs. 19.2 and 19.3). Durability of effect on the are effective in skin tightening, they are only able to
arms and legs has not yet been reported. make an impact in cases of mild to moderate skin laxity
Fig. 19.2 (a) Before and (b) 2 months after Thermage procedure to treat the arm
Fig. 19.3 (a) Before and (b) 12 months after Thermage procedure to treat thighs
19 Skin Tightening of the Arms and Legs with Radiofrequency and Broadband Light 125
and the results may be suboptimal when compared to based nonablative dermal remodeling device: a pilot study.
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10. Laubach HJ, Manstein D. Histologic evaluation of minimally
References invasive radiofrequency exposure. Lasers Surg Med.
11. Ross EV, Thomas BC, Clinton TS, Paithankar DY. Variable
1. Alster TS, Lupton JR. Nonablative cutaneous remodeling depth laser skin heating and tightening. Lasers Surg Med.
using radiofrequency devices. Clin Dermatol. 2007;25: 2006;S18:S96.
487-491. 12. Alam M, White L, Majzoub R, Martin N, Yoo S. Safety and
2. Zelickson BD, Kist D, Bernstein E, et al. Histologic and efficacy of transcutaneous ultrasound for forehead, cheek,
ultrastructural evaluation of the effects of radiofrequency and neck tissue tightening. Laser Surg Med. 2007;S19:S56.
Chapter 20
Sclerotherapy of Leg Veins
Table 20.1 Preoperative interview- pertinent findings very painful and has inconsistent results, especially on
HPI elements Medical history elements larger vessels. Chromated glycerin is in the irritant
Age Hypertension class of sclerosants. This practitioner finds it useful on
Weight, height, BMI Diabetes mellitus only the very smallest (<0.2 mm) veins. Individual
Duration/progression of Cardiovascular disease
practitioners vary in their preference of sclerosant, but
Associated symptoms Vasculitis in general, the detergents are the most widely used
Exacerbating factors Thromboembolic disease because of their efficacy and versatility.
Prior treatment Coagulopathy
Venous trauma or disease Malignancy
Obstetric history Allergies/anaphylaxis
Family history of vascular/ Tobacco, alcohol, illicit drug use Treatment Algorithm for Large
venous disease and Small Vessels
Lifestyle factors (active vs. Use of medications (hormones,
sedentary, occupational anticoagulants, NSAIDS)
sitting/standing) Regional variation in response and efficacy is com-
mon; therefore, it is helpful to divide the lower extrem-
ity into treatment regions that correspond to venous
Table 20.2 Contraindications to sclerotherapy beds. In the authors’ experience, we find the posterior
Absolute Allergy to sclerosant thigh responds well, the medial and lateral thighs are
Acute DVT prone to matting, and the ankles are often treatment
Local infection
resistant and prone to ulceration. As a general rule,
Severe systemic infection
Immobility large vessel sclerotherapy, which would address
Peripheral arterial disease (stage 3 or 4) saphenofemoral and saphenopopliteal junctions, per-
Hyperthyroidism forators and large (>3 mm) reticular veins, should be
Pregnancy 1st trimester or late 3rd trimester completed before proceeding to small vessel sclero-
Relative Leg edema/ulcer therapy to treat small (<3 mm) reticular veins and sur-
Peripheral arterial disease (stage 2) face spider veins (Fig. 20.1).
A treatment algorithm based predominantly on
Thrombophilia with history of DVT
Bronchial asthma
vessel size is summarized in Table 20.4. When mea-
Extensive comorbidity suring veins, one should avoid stretching the skin,
Diabetic polyneuropathy which may falsely widen visible vessels. Helpful sup-
plies include a clear plastic ruler, a magnifying eye-
piece, and both a 25 gauge and a 30 gauge needle for
Treatment Application comparison, which measure 0.3 and 0.5 mm diameter,
respectively (Table 20.5).
The dose of detergent sclerosants should be adjusted
Sclerosants to fit the clinical scenario. Lower concentrations should
be considered in a patient who bruises easily, who is
The four most commonly used liquid sclerosants are older than 60, and for thin-walled vessels. For a vessel
compared in Table 20.3 to highlight the advantages less than 0.3 mm, increasing concentration threefold
and disadvantages of each. The detergent class of scle- rarely improves result but may increase pigmentation.
rosants act by disrupting the vein cell membrane and For a vessel 0.5–0.9 mm, the practitioner may be able
include polidocanol and sodium tetradecyl sulfate to increase sclerosant twofold with beneficial results.
(STS). STS has FDA approval for the treatment of For a vessel greater than 2 mm, the sclerosant concen-
varicosities of the lower extremity, while polidocanol tration often must be increased to overcome high vol-
is widely used outside the US, but is not currently an ume blood flow within the vessel.
FDA approved sclerosant. Hypertonic saline is a hyper- To inject large varicose veins, it is important to
osmolar agent used off-label for sclerotherapy. It has a place the leg in a horizontal position, occasionally ele-
good safety profile and may be the ideal choice for a vating it 5–30°, to obtain adequate emptying.2 This
patient at risk for allergy to other agents; however, it is technique helps maximize sclerosant contact with the
20 Sclerotherapy of Leg Veins
Fig. 20.1 Cross-sectional anatomy of superficial venous system depicting relationship between large and small vessels, including
small reticular veins and surface telangiectasias. Adapted from Bogle MA, Sadick NS, Laser Surgery. In: Alam M, Nguyen T, eds.
Treatment of Leg Veins.1 (Illustration by Alice Y. Chen)
vein wall and minimizes dilution of the sclerosant. short bevel is appropriate. The vein is punctured with
With the non-dominant hand, countertraction is applied the needle placed at 30°. The practitioner then checks
to the injection site. For spider veins, a small needle ½″ for intravascular placement before slowly and steadily
30 gauge needle is ideal; for larger veins, a 25-gauge injecting the sclerosant. If placement is correct, there
20 Sclerotherapy of Leg Veins 131
Fig. 20.2 (a) Visualization of the target vein. (b) Application of two-point couterpressure assists needle placement into vein at 30°.
(c) Steady injection produces immediate blanching of target vessel
132 M. Martini and K.K. Brown
Fig. 20.3 The Tessari method to produce foam requires two syringes and a three-way stopcock to facilitate rapid mixing of air and
detergent sclerosant
migraine headaches.5 Another consideration is the pression stockings routinely used for vessels >2 mm
presence of a patent foramen ovale, which is present in in diameter and in those with symptomatic reflux.
10% of individuals. This predisposes to the possibility Light compression hosiery (Class 0, 10–20 mm/hg)
that a foam embolus may pass through the opening and is a good adjunct when treating small fragile vessels
cause transient visual changes or more serious embolic <2 mm and can be used to enhance long term treat-
events. A recent large meta-analysis reported the ment results for patients whose occupation requires
median rate of serious adverse events in foam sclero- prolonged standing or sitting. There are no firm guide-
therapy, including pulmonary embolism and deep lines on the desired duration of compression. Some
venous thrombosis was less than 1%; the median authors suggest that duration of 2–8 weeks may be
rate of visual disturbances was 1.4% and headache required, but utilization is often limited by patient
4.2%.3 compliance.2
Immediate compression applied after treatment and Postoperative instructions should include directions
sustained compression in the days to weeks following for short showers during sustained compression
sclerotherapy are critical to maximizing efficacy.5 The period and warning signs of circulatory compromise,
immediate technique diminishes the return of blood such as numbness, tingling, and swelling in the case
thereby minimizing displacement of sclerosant. of over-compression. If travel occurs in the immedi-
Compression decreases the size of intraluminal throm- ate postoperative period, frequent ambulation every
bus at site of injection, which will lessen time required 1–2 h and support hose is recommended. Further rec-
for full-thickness mural destruction, thereby reducing ommendations are to ensure adequate hydration,
the risk of recanalization. avoidance of alcohol, and consideration of aspirin
Immediate posttreatment compression is achieved supplementation if large vessels have been treated.
with application of cotton balls and tape or elastic ban- Patients are encouraged to take short daily walks with
dages at injection site. A few hours following the treat- appropriate support hose; however, intense exercise,
ment session, patients are instructed to replace bandages hot baths, or saunas should be avoided for the first
with compression hose. Class 1 (20–30 mm/hg) com- week posttreatment.
20 Sclerotherapy of Leg Veins 133
Management of Adverse Events the area with injection of warm saline may minimize
tissue damage.
Most adverse reactions from sclerotherapy are mild
and may resolve with treatment. Hyperpigmentation
occurs in 0.3–10% of cases and is seen more com- Conclusion
monly with higher sclerosant concentration and with
rapid vessel destruction in larger vessels. It regresses Sclerotherapy remains the most effective technique to
slowly and fading can be accelerated with laser treat- treat small venous varicose vessels of the lower extremi-
ment. When involution of the treated vessel is fol- ties. In skilled hands, it is relatively safe and well-toler-
lowed by distal proliferation of fine vascularity, this ated. Laser treatment of leg telangiectasias often produces
is known as matting. This unpredictable and undesir- the less desirable result of increased pigmentation.
able result may resolve spontaneously, respond to
repeat sclerotherapy, or be diminished by various
laser treatments. References
Posttreatment local thrombosis is a common
adverse outcome, heralded by the development of a 1. Alam M, Nguyen TH. Treatment of Leg Veins. Philadelphia,
tender palpable cord. Because spontaneous resolu- PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2006.
tion is prolonged, thrombectomy may be attempted 2. Green D. Sclerotherapy for the permanent eradication of vari-
as early as 2 weeks after sclerotherapy for symptom- cose veins: theoretical and practical considerations. J Am
Acad Dermatol. 1998;38:461-475.
atic thrombi. This involves incision with a No. 11 3. Jia X, Mowatt G, Burr JM, et al. Systematic review of foam
scalpel blade and evacuation of clot under local sclerotherapy for varicose veins. Br J Surg. 2007;94:925-936.
anesthesia. Skin necrosis leading to ulceration in its 4. Kahle B, Leng K. Efficacy of sclerotherapy in varicose veins
most severe form is a rare complication that occurs – a prospective, blinded, placebo-controlled study. Dermatol
Surg. 2004;30:723-728.
most often when a paravascular injection of high 5. Rabe E, Pannier-Fischer F, Gerlach H, et al. Guidelines for
concentration sclerosant has occurred. If extravasa- sclerotherapy of varicose veins. J Dermatol Surg. 2004;
tion is suspected at the time of the procedure, diluting 30:687-693.
Chapter 21
Ambulatory Phlebectomy
Introduction Contraindications
Ambulatory phlebectomy (AP) is a common, minor, • Infection in the treatment area
office-based procedure using a specially designed • Severe arterial occlusive disease
hook inserted through a minute stab incision to avulse • Bleeding tendency or coagulopathy
and completely remove superficial varicose veins. AP • Allergy to local anesthetics
is generally well tolerated and results in a high degree • Severe peripheral edema or severe lymphedema
of patient satisfaction. Advantages of AP include short • Seriously ill patients (i.e., cardiovascularly compro-
surgical time, ability to be performed under local mised, etc.)
tumescent anesthesia, low recurrence rate compared to • Very elderly patients
sclerotherapy, minimally obtrusive scars and dyschro-
mia compared to other methods, and immediate post-
operative ambulation, which helps prevent vascular
complications.1–4 Relative Contraindications
Fig. 21.2 Relevant anatomical structures: (a) veins and (b) nerves (Illustration by Alice Y. Chen)
source can be used to transilluminate the skin, diameter of the hook curvature. Place incisions just
making it much easier to visualize less superficial lateral to the targeted vein, and parallel to the long
segments of the vein. axis of the extremity following tension lines. This
2. Anesthesia: Tumescent anesthesia is a safe and easy allows approximation of the wound edge with the
technique for use with AP. The technique involves force of a circumferentially placed compression
infiltration of the subcutaneous fat compartment by dressing. Incisions are made by a needle for small
using an irrigation pump with a 0.05–0.1% prepara- varicose veins or a scalpel for larger ones. Horizontal
tion of lidocaine with epinephrine1,6 (Table 21.2). stab incisions, following the relaxed skin tension
Advantages of tumescent anesthesia include lines, are preferred around the knees and ankles.
elimination of multiple needle sticks, rapid-onset Incision through marking ink should be avoided to
of anesthesia, and an extensive anesthetic field. prevent tattooing the skin. Avoid stretching or trau-
Additionally, the temporary turgor and hydrodis- matizing the wound edge. The interval between
section of surrounding adventitia can facilitate vein incisions varies from 3 to 5 cm depending on the
identification and extraction, reduce blood loss, patient’s veins. Verify the location of subsequent
diminish bruising, shorten postoperative recovery, incisions by simply pulling the vein gently to observe
and allow for greater postoperative comfort.7 depression of the skin along the venous course.
3. Incisions: When the patient is in the supine position, 4. Hooking and Extraction: Vessels are grasped by
the vein may shift from the initial markings. Confirm either using a hook or using fine hemostats to elevate
the vein location with transepidermal illumination the vein. Hooks should be inserted very gently to
or Doppler ultrasound mapping. This will allow grasp veins 2–3 mm in depth to avoid unnecessary
better vein visualization, fewer incisions, and less trauma to the wound margins and avoid injury to the
operative time. Depending on vein size, incision deep structures. Ultrasound may be used to guide
lengths vary from 0.5 to 4 mm, or as long as the hooking especially for deeper or subtle veins.
21 Ambulatory Phlebectomy 139
Fig. 21.3 AP techniques: (a) incision, (b) and (c) hooking, (d) and (e) venous extraction, and (f) vein separation from surrounding
tissue using the spatula component of Varady’s hook (Illustration by Alice Y. Chen)
The authors typically use blunt dissection with the example, the Ramelet hook is more pointed and
blunt end of the Varady hook to release the vein smaller in size, thus easier in tight spaces. Once the
from the surrounding dermis prior to inserting the vein or its adventitia are hooked, the vein should
hooked end of the instrument. Due to the availabil- come out easily through the stab incision. If the
ity of a variety of hooks, it is recommended that the effort is met with resistance or requires a lot of
surgeon try each to determine which fits his style traction, it is possible that another structure has
best. Different hooks have different advantages; for been hooked; remove the hook and reattempt.
140 M. Pongprutthipan et al.
Fig. 21.6 Seroma: (a) an ultrasound probe is placed on the seroma on the right thigh of a patient 1-week post-op from AP, (b) the
duplex ultrasound image shows the seroma fluid collection under the skin, and (c) an 18-G needle is being used to drain the seroma.
The clear fluid being drained from the seroma can be seen at the hub of the needle.
• Minimize the size and number of incisions and • Manage patient expectations by educating patients
decrease operative time by mapping veins with about recurrence and possible complications.
transepidermal illumination (venoscope) or Doppler
• Avoid complications such as swelling, hematoma,
and nerve damage by exercising caution when Conclusion
the procedure is performed around the knee, ankle,
or foot. Ambulatory phlebectomy is a simple, minor surgical
• Correct GSV and axial vein reflux by combining procedure for complete removal of large superficial
AP with saphenofemoral ligation or endovenous varicose veins. By combining AP with endovenous abla-
ablation prior to AP. This will reduce the vein size tion or PIN stripping, complete removal of all varicose
and make it easier to remove. veins can be accomplished in-office. With proper and
21 Ambulatory Phlebectomy 143
careful operation, AP is safe, effective, and achieves 4. Ramelet AA. Phlebectomy. Technique, indications and com-
successful cosmetic results. plications. Int Angiol. 2002;21:46-51.
5. Weiss RA, Dover JS. Leg vein management: sclerotherapy,
ambulatory phlebectomy, and laser surgery. Semin Cutan
References Med Surg. 2002;21:76-103.
6. Olivencia JA. Pitfalls in ambulatory phlebectomy. Dermatol
Surg. 1999;25:722-725.
1. Almeida JI, Raines JK. Ambulatory phlebectomy in the 7. Cohn MS, Seiger E, Goldman S. Ambulatory phlebectomy
office. Perspect Vasc Surg Endovasc Ther. 2008;20(4): using the tumescent technique for local anesthesia. Dermatol
348-355. Surg. 1995;21:315-318.
2. Ricci S. Ambulatory phlebectomy. Principles and evolution 8. Olivencia JA. Complications of ambulatory phlebectomy.
of the method. Dermatol Surg. 1998;24:459-464. Review of 1,000 consecutive cases. Dermatol Surg. 1997;23:
3. Sadick NS. Advances in the treatment of varicose 51-54.
veins: ambulatory phlebectomy, foam sclerotherapy, endo- 9. Weiss RA, Goldman MP. Transillumination mapping prior
vascular laser, and radiofrequency closure. Dermatol Clin. to ambulatory phlebectomy. Dermatol Surg. 1998;24(4):
2005;23(3):443–455. 447–450.
Chapter 22
Endovenous Laser and Radiofrequency Treatment of Leg Veins
Endovenous Radiofrequency
Fig. 22.2 (a) ClosurePLUS™ and (b) ClosureFAST™ (Image Copyright@VNUS Medical Technologies, Inc. Used with permission.)
continuous ablation. This eliminates the pullback Table 22.2 CEAP classification: clinical class score (C)
speed variability, shortens the operating time, and Class description
simplifies the procedure. Recently, the ClosurePLUS C0 No visible or palpable signs of venous disease
fiber is no longer manufactured or distributed. C1 Telangiectases, reticular veins, malleolar flare
C2 Varicose veins, distinguished from reticular veins by a
Recurrence rates of VNUS have been reported to be
diameter of 3 mm or more.
comparable or better than endovenous laser tech- C3 Edema
niques, varying from 0.5 to 2.8% during the follow- C4 Skin changes ascribed to venous disease
ing 2 years. C4a Pigmentation or eczema
C4b Lipodermatosclerosis or atrophie blanche
C5 Skin changes in conjunction with healed ulceration
C6 Skin changes in conjunction with active ulceration
Fig. 22.3 (a) RF generator VNUS RFGplus™ (Image Copyright@VNUS Medical Technologies, Inc. Used with permission.) (b)
DELTA laser 810 nm (Copyright ©2009 AngioDynamics) (c) CoolTouch CTEV™ 1320 nm laser and automatic pullback device.
(Photograph provided by CoolTouch Inc.)
“skin stretch maneuver” may be performed by information, including watts, laser on-time, total
straightening the vein with external compression.3 joules, and length of the treated vein. Energy used per
Longitudinal imaging with the ultrasound probe length of the treated vein should be calculated.
will best define the location of the epigastric vein
For endovenous radiofrequency ablation:
and SFJ in relation to the catheter tip. For GSV
Place the patient in the Trendelenburg position.
ablation, the tip of the catheter is placed distal to the
Confirm the location of the device tip by ultrasono
SFJ (5–10 mm for ClosurePLUS and 15–20 mm for
graphy. When using the ClosurePLUS catheter, the
ClosureFAST) and distal to the inferior epigastric.
outcome is determined by the withdrawal rate, total
For SSV ablation, the tip of the catheter is placed at
energy delivery, and amount of contact surface due
20 mm distal to the SPJ. Check the impedance again;
to its “umbrella catheter” and continuous energy
the expected impedance for 6 Fr catheter is >200 W
delivery. While energy is being delivered, monitor
and >150 W for 8 Fr catheter.12
the probe temperature, impedance, generator output,
4. Anesthesia and elapsed time on the screen to guide the rate of
Tumescent anesthesia is preferred for endovenous withdrawal. The newer RF generator also delivers
treatment for several reasons. It provides compres- an audio tone to indicate withdrawal speed. The unit
sion of the vein to achieve better contact between the will automatically adjust the minimum power neces-
endothelium and catheter prongs or laser fiber, adds sary to maintain the desired electrode temperature.
space between the catheter tip and skin surface to pre- The impedance may rapidly rise in case of coagulum
vent skin burn, and protect the perivascular tissues formation on the electrodes; the programmed RF
from the thermal effects of intravascular energy. The generator will automatically shut off. The recom-
technique involves infiltration of the subcutaneous fat mended withdrawal rate for 85°C probe temperature
compartment by using an irrigation pump with 0.05– is 2–3 cm/min. If probe temperature reaches 90°C,
0.1% lidocaine solution. Position the 22-gauge spinal withdrawal rate should be 4–6 cm/min. During the
needle in the perivascular tissue and infiltrate, guided treatment, the expected impedance for 6 Fr catheter
by ultrasound imaging to achieve circumferentially is >150 W and >100 W for 8 Fr catheter.11 Common
compression of the vein (distribute anesthetic fluid problems causing lower and higher impedance are
approximately 10 ml/cm vein or 300 mL/limb). usually from poor contact between the electrode and
Separate the skin and catheter by at least 10 mm. vein wall, and coagulum formation at the thermo-
couple tip, respectively.12 Stop the treatment when
5. Catheter withdraw and ablation
the catheter tip enters the introducer sheath.
For endovenous laser ablation:
The ClosureFAST catheter has a 7 cm long heater
Before catheter withdrawal, have the patient shift to
element that reaches 120°C in 20 s. By conductive
Trendelenburg position, so that the leg is above the
heat transfer, the vein wall segment in contact with
heart to facilitate vein collapse, apposition, and exsan-
the catheter heating element reaches a temperature
guination. Confirm the location of the device tip by
of 100–110°C. The catheter is then moved distally
ultrasonography and visualization of the red indicator
in 6.5 cm increments (0.5 cm overlapping surface),
light through the skin. Turn on the device and with-
and the cycle is repeated.3 This catheter tip provides
draw relatively rapidly and continuously pull back at
ease of use, no required saline drip, increased effi-
about 1–5 mm/s, depending on the laser wavelength,
cacy, and faster operative time.
mode of operation (continuous or pulse), and power
(i.e., 3 mm/s for 810 nm when using the DELTA laser, For larger vessels, adjunctive strategies to improve
1 mm/s for 1320 nm when using the Cooltouch outcome include increasing tumescent fluid volume,
CTEV™ laser with automatic pullback). The amount manual compression using an Esmarch bandage, and
of energy delivered during endovenous laser therapy placing the patient in extreme Trendelenburg
is an important parameter in achieving successful position.
ablation of the GSV. Manual compression of the vein
aids with obliteration of the lumen and facilitates
venous closure. For safety, when you finish the treat- • Appropriate laser safety goggles must be worn
ment, turn the laser into “standby mode” then remove by the patient and all operating personnel to
the fiber/sheath from the vein. Record necessary protect from direct and reflected laser energy.
22 Endovenous Laser and Radiofrequency Treatment of Leg Veins 151
• The integrity of the fiber and/or sheath may be daily for 1 week. Perform a follow-up Duplex ultra-
compromised when using excessive energy, and sound scan 3–5 days after the procedure to confirm pro-
may result in embolization of device components. cedural success, and ensure no thrombus into the femoral
• When the laser fiber or RF catheter is inserted, it vein has occurred. Compression stockings should be
should be manipulated under ultrasound visuali continuously applied during the day and evening for the
zation. following week. Patients may experience a “string-like”
• After the catheter is moved out of the treatment pulling sensation, pain, inflammation, and bruising.
zone, it should not be re-advanced into a recently Generally, varicosity symptoms reduce rapidly in a
treated area. few days following the procedure; however, some
• Do not advance the catheter or guide the wire patients may experience persistent symptoms for up to
against resistance–vein perforation may occur. 6 weeks. Clinical improvement in the appearance of
varicosities is typically observed within 4–6 weeks.
6. Postoperative ultrasound
At the completion of the procedure, return the patient
to a horizontal position. Perform an ultrasonogra-
phy to evaluate a successful closure and to assess Alternative Treatment Methods
patency of the deep venous system. With successful
occlusion, ultrasound imaging will show a thickened
vein wall with the absence of a flow in the lumen. If Ambulatory phlebectomy, ultrasound-guided foam
there is still spontaneous flow, the procedure can be sclerotherapy and venous stripping and ligation are the
repeated. If the second attempt fails to close the alternative treatments for GSV and SSV varicosities.
vein, surgical ligation should be performed. These techniques are preferred in previously treated
varicosities, recurrent veins after surgery (i.e., neo-
7 . Compression bandage vascularization), or perforator veins. They may be
After the procedure, cover access site(s) with a performed in combination with endovenous radiofre-
sterile bandage. Apply waist high 20–30 mmHg quency/laser ablation (Fig. 22.4), or after the failure of
compression stockings. an endovenous treatment.
Postoperative Instructions
For the first 24 h after the procedure, encourage ambula-
tion of all patients to minimize potential thromboembo- The most common complaint of endovenous therapy
lic complications and continue ambulation at least 1 h (up to 90%) is the report of a “string-like” pulling
Fig. 22.4 Leg veins treated by CTEVTM combined with ambulatory phlebectomy (a) before and (b) 6 months after treatment.
(Courtesy of Girish Munavalli, MD)
152 M. Pongprutthipan and J.T.S. Hsu
sensation along the course of the ablated vein that may the treatment of GSV and SSV varicosity. This mini-
persist for 1–2 months. Other common complaints are mally invasive office-based technique has been shown
erythema, superficial and deep thrombophlebitis, to have a high technical success rate, low morbidity
vessel perforation, ecchymosis, hematoma, and hyper- rate, and high patient satisfaction. Short- and long-term
pigmentation. Skin burns are less common when using success rates are equivalent or better than traditional vein
tumescent anesthesia and when practicing caution ligation and stripping; however, the cost of endovenous
when the laser approaches the puncture site. There are approach may be higher when compared with other
a few reported cases of arteriovenous fistula causing procedures. Discussion of advantages and disadvantages
recanulization in patients who underwent endovenous of each procedure should be discussed with the patient
laser treatments. Reports of thromboembolic events prior to treatment selection.
include deep vein thrombosis, common femoral vein
clot extension, and pulmonary embolism. Prophylaxis
with low molecular weight heparin before surgery in
patients with a history of DVT or other risk factors for References
the development of DVT is controversial. Nerve inju-
ries may occur and cause paresthesia and dysesthesia. 1. Johnson CM, McLafferty RB. Endovenous laser ablation of
varicose veins: review of current technologies and clinical
The sural nerve is prone to injury when endovenous outcome. Vascular. 2007;15(5):250-254.
laser therapy is used for SSV ablation. To reduce the 2. Singh M, Sura C. Endovenous saphenous and perforator
possibility of nerve injury, perform the procedure vein ablation. Oper Tech Gen Surg. 2008;10(3):131-135.
guided by ultrasound imaging near the knee, and 3. Weiss RA, Munavalli G. Endovenous ablation of truncal
veins. Semin Cutan Med Surg. 2005;24(4):193-199.
provide good circumferential tumescent anesthesia 4. Gibson KD, Ferris BL, Pepper D. Endovenous laser treat-
around the target vein are suggested. Complications ment of varicose veins. Surg Clin North Am. 2007;87(5):
depend not just on the methods and tools used, but the 1253-1265.
experience of the surgeon. 5. Proebstle TM, Gül D, Lehr HA, Kargl A, Knop J. Infrequent
early recanalization of greater saphenous vein after endovenous
laser treatment. J Vasc Surg. 2003;38(3):511-516.
6. Nijsten T, van den Bos RR, Goldman MP, et al. Minimally
invasive techniques in the treatment of saphenous varicose
Pearls veins. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2009;60(1):110-119.
7. Mundy L, Merlin TL, Fitridge RA, Hiller JE. Systematic
review of endovenous laser treatment for varicose veins. Br
• Tumescent anesthesia is a key to improve efficacy J Surg. 2005;92(10):1189-1194.
8. Dietzek AM. Endovenous radiofrequency ablation for
and safety. the treatment of varicose veins. Vascular. 2007;15(5):
• Avoid treating small tortuous vein. With this vessel 255-261.
type, endovenous treatment may increase the risk of 9. Darwood RJ, Gough MJ. Endovenous laser treatment for
perforation and unsuccessful surgery. uncomplicated varicose vein. Phlebology 2009;24 supple
• Managing patient expectation and counseling for 10. Theivacumar NS, Darwood R, Gough MJ. Neovascularisation
additional treatment. and recurrence 2 years after varicose vein treatment for
Sapheno-Femoral and Great Saphenous Vein Reflux: a com-
parison of surgery and endovenous laser ablation. Eur J Vasc
Endovasc Surg. 2009;38(2):234-236.
11. Hamel-Desnos C, Gérard JL, Desnos P. Endovenous laser
Conclusion procedure in a clinic room: feasibility and side effects study
of 1700 cases. Phlebology. 2009;24(3):125-130.
12. Zimmet SE. Endovenous ablation. In: Ngyugen T, Alam M,
Endovascular ablation has many advantages over the eds. Procedures in Cosmetic Dermatology Series- Leg Veins.
traditional high ligation and stripping procedures for London: Elsevier; 2006:147-163.
Part VI
Abdomen, Thighs, Hips, and Buttocks
Chapter 23
Noninvasive Body Rejuvenation
Fig. 23.1 Diagram of normal fat architecture (a) and cellulite architecture (b). Note in the normal (a) architecture the surface is flat
and the fat globules are positioned well below the surface. In the cellulite architecture (b), the surface is irregular due to fat globules
protruding into a more superficial area of skin. Schematic courtesy of Syneron Corp
Fig. 23.2 Before and after one treatment with Thermage CL tip. Photo taken with three-dimensional image (Vectra, Canfield
Scientific Corp, New Jersey), in order to better capture changes in the topography of the skin
and excess adiposity. Data would include degree of lax- pinching the skin, (3) dimples present on standing at
ity, area(s) of laxity, presence or absence and degree of rest, and (4) dimples present when laying flat and
striae and contour. at rest (Fig. 23.13). Ask the patient to stand with their
back to you and clench their buttocks in order to grade
Thighs and buttocks (Figs. 23.11 and 23.12). Common
problems in these areas include cellulite, irregular con-
tour (either genetic or postliposuction), fat pockets, Arms. The arms are usually a combination of skin
and large diameter. Cellulite has four grades: (1) not laxity overall and surface wrinkles with atrophic
present, (2) dimples present only when standing and skin and excess fat. Examination should be in the frontal
Fig. 23.3 Velashape device. Photograph courtesy Syneron Corp
0 up to 2cm up to 4cm up to 6cm up to 8cm >10cm
Fig. 23.6 Clinical responses to a single Contour I treatment in three cases. Reprinted with permission from: Teitelbaum SA, Burns JL,
Kubota J, Matsuda H, Otto MJ, Shirakabe Y, Suzuki Y, Brown SA. Noninvasive body contouring by focused ultrasound: safety and efficacy
of the Contour I device in a multicenter, controlled, clinical study. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2007; 120(3):779-789; discussion 790
Fig. 23.7 Pre (a) and 2 months post 1 Thermage treatment of the upper arm (b). Photo courtesy of Martin Safko, MD and Thermage Corp
Fig. 23.8 Pre (a) and 15 days after one treatment (b). Parameters: unipolar, three passes at 150–160 W. Photo courtesy Emilia del
Pino, MD and Ramon Rosado MD and Alma Corp
Fig. 23.9 This abdomen needs contouring and fat reduction. Fig. 23.10 This abdomen needing skin tightening only. Photograph
Photograph courtesy Thermage Corp courtesy Thermage Corp
160 A.F. Taub
Table 23.2 Categorization of methods of body contouring according to technology, mechanism of action, number of treatment and
No. of treatments Need for maintenance
(frequency) Type of energy Mechanism of action therapy
Suction massage 14+(2×/week) Vacuum and mechanical Redistribution of fluids Yes
(Endermologie) manipulation
Liposuction 1 Heating from ultrasound, Removal of fat No
suction, human exertion
Chemical lipolysis 4–6 (every 3 Heat from chemical Necrosis of fat cells No
(Mesotherapy) weeks) reaction
Laser lipolysis (Smart 1 Laser fiber induced heating Ablation of fat No
Lipo, Cool Lipo)
Combo suction, 12–16 Vacuum, mechanical Redistribution of fluid, Yes
rollers, IR light, (biweekly) manipulation, broadband alteration of fibrous
bipolar RF infrared light, bipolar tissue, increased
(Velasmooth) radiofrequency metabolism of fat cells
Diode laser + Suction 10–14 Diode laser, mechanical Redistribution of fluid, Yes
massage manipulation and alteration of fibrous tissue
(Triactive) vacuum
IR light, suction, 4–6 Same as Velasmooth Same as Velasmooth Yes
massage, bipolar
RF (Velashape)
Focused ultrasound 1–2 Focused ultrasound Photoacoustic lipolysis No
Tissue Tightening 1–5 Monopolar, bipolar or Alteration of connective tissue No
(Thermage, Titan, unipolar radiofrequency,
Lux IR, ReFirme, broadband infrared light,
Accent) combination infrared light
and bipolar radiofrequency
Photomology 8 Dual wavelength laser light “Photomology,” laser induced Yes
(Smoothshape) (630 and 900 nm), release of lipids from fat
suction, massage cells, liquification of fat,
redistribution of fluid,
162 A.F. Taub
Fig. 23.15 Designing appropriate and different treatment approaches to three different abdomens for tissue tightening. Photo courtesy
Thermage Corp
Fig. 23.16 Staggered passes design for abdominal treatment Fig. 23.17 Application of Thermage handpiece to patient.
with Thermage. Photo courtesy Thermage Corp Photo Courtesy Thermage Corp
23 Noninvasive Body Rejuvenation 163
necessary. Two to four treatments over 2–5 months are Postoperative Care
Refirme (Syneron Medical Ltd, Yokneam, Israel).
None of the noninvasive procedures discussed in this
Essentially the same as Titan.
chapter require postoperative care, unless there is a
Accent RF (Alma Lasers Ltd, Caesarea, Israel). Utilizing complication.
the monopolar handpiece that has a rolling ball, an area
on the skin the size of the dorsal hand is continuously
contacted using circular motions. The area is treated
until the external temperature (monitored with a radar Management of Adverse Events
temperature gun) reaches 40–42°C, and then the next
area is heated in like fashion. Most adverse events with these devices are mild and/or
Ultrashape (UltraShape Ltd., Tel Aviv, Israel). transient. These could include discomfort during or
(Fig. 23.18). During treatment, a video camera cap- after the procedure which is short-lived, erythema,
tures the treatment area and the transducer in real time and/or radiating heat from the area which can last min-
and guides the user, by means of graphic overlays dis- utes to hours. Blisters require conservative care and
played on the system monitor, to place the transducer on usually heal without incident. The main cause of
the next treatment spot (“node”). The nodes homoge- adverse events is excessive heating of an area or lack
neously cover the treatment area, which is detected by of adequate coverage with medium (such as gel or con-
the system, without overlap and without extension beyond ductive fluid, if required). It is important to discontinue
the marked boundaries of the treatment area. Any area any treatment that causes excessive discomfort or
where the fat compartment is more superficial than 2 cm severe heat sensation and to immediately discontinue
is not appropriate for treatment with this device. the procedure and/or increase cooling. If overheating
were severe enough, a first or second degree burn
could occur with subsequent hypo- or hyperpigmen-
tation and/or scarring. If pulses are stacked in tissue
tightening procedures, or an area is significantly
overheated, fat necrosis and permanent concavity
could occur. This type of result is less common with
newer protocols of more frequent passes and mode
rate temperatures. Bruising can also occur with
devices, which include mechanical manipulation
and/or suction. This is usually managed via discon-
tinuation of any blood thinning medications if not
necessary, and/or time. Many of the early studies of
these devices found no perturbations of serum lipids
or liver function tests. However, in devices that utilize
suction and massage, increased frequency of urina-
tion and defecation without known metabolic or
infectious abnormalities have been not uncommonly
radiofrequency move forward with second-generation (Fig. 23.21), while new devices (Smoothshapes) are
devices (Accent XL, Velashape II, Thermage NXT) or being introduced. These devices will continue to
new tips (DC and CL and 16.0 tips on the Thermage) become more specific for fat reduction, utilize lesser
(Figs. 23.19 and 23.20) and combination therapies treatments and result in greater improvements as tech-
have added increased energy and utility (Velashape) nological advances continue. Combination therapies
Fig. 23.19 Before and 2 months after two treatments with the Thermage DC tip. Photo courtesy Amy Forman Taub MD
Fig. 23.20 Pre (a), 6 months after one treatment with Thermage CL tip (b) and 14 months after treatment (c). Photo courtesy Silvia
Cuevas, MD and Thermage Corporation. postcellulitethermage14mossilviacuevas.jpg
23 Noninvasive Body Rejuvenation 165
Fig. 23.21 Before (a) and after four treatments with the Velashape device (b). Photo courtesy Gerald Boey, MD and
Syneron Corp
Fig. 23.22 “Velafirme” – before (a) and after four treatments with both Velasmooth and Refirme (b). Photo courtesy B. Niemann,
MD and Syneron Corporation
are being explored to create synergistic changes 2. Sadick N, Margo C. A study evaluating the safety and efficacy
(Fig. 23.22). Noninvasive body contouring and shaping of the VelaSmooth system in the treatment of cellulite. J Cosmet
Laser Ther. 2007;9(1):15-20.
is the new frontier for aesthetic medicine. 3. Kulick M. Evaluation of the combination of radiofrequency,
infrared energy and mechanical rollers with suction to improve
skin surface irregularities (cellulite) in a limited treatment
area. J Cosmet Laser Ther. 2006;8:185-190.
References 4. Boey G. Cellulite treatment with a radiofrequency, infrared
light, and tissue manipulation combination device. Abstract.
American Society of Dermatologic Surgery Annual Meeting,
1. Wanitphakdeedecha R, Manuskiatti W. Treatment of cellulite Oct. 2006.
with bipolar radiofrequency, infrared heat, and pulsatile 5. Alster TS, Tanzi EL. Cellulite treatment using a novel combi-
suction device: a pilot study. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2006;5(4): nation radiofrequency, infrared light, and mechanical tissue
284-288. manipulation device. J Cosmet Laser Ther. 2005;7(2):81-85.
166 A.F. Taub
6. Nootheti PK, Magpantay A, Yosowitz G, Calderon S, Goldman 9. Moreno-Moraga J, Valero-Altes T, Riquelme AM, Isarria-
MP. A single center, randomized, comparative, prospective Marcosy MI, de la Torre JR. Body contouring by non-invasive
clinical study to determine the efficacy of the VelaSmooth transdermal focused ultrasound. Lasers Surg Med. 2007;39(4):
system versus the Triactive system for the treatment of cellulite. 315-323.
Lasers Surg Med. 2006;38(10):908-912. 10. Atkin D, Goldberg D, Kilmer S, et al. A multicenter study to
7. Khatri KA, Stol ML, et al. Effectiveness of Smoothshapes assess the effectiveness of monopolar radioFrequency energy
cellulite treatment as monitored with high-frequency ultrasound on the upper arm. Poster World Congr Dermatol. 2007.
laser. Presented at the American Society of Laser Medicine 11. del Pino Emilia M, Rosado RH, Azuela A, et al. Effect of
and Surgery 2008 Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL. controlled volumetric tissue heating with radiofrequency on
8. Teitelbaum SA, Burns JL, Kubota J, et al. Noninvasive cellulite and the subcutaneous tissue of the buttocks and
body contouring by focused ultrasound: safety and effi- thighs. J Drugs Dermatol. 2006;5(8):714-722.
cacy of the contour I device in a multicenter, controlled, 12. Goldberg DJ, Fazeli A, Berlin AL. Clinical laboratory, and
clinical study. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2007;120(3):779-789. MRI analysis of cellulite treatment with a unipolar radiofre-
discussion 790. quency device. Dermatol Surg. 2008;34(2):204-209.
Chapter 24
Reduction of Cellulite with Subcision®
Doris Hexsel, Taciana Dal’ Forno, Mariana Soirefmann, and Camile Luiza Hexsel
Table 24.1 Classification of cellulite on the basis of clinical the marked area, and an intradermic anesthetic
criteria button should be left in the locations where the
Degree or stage Clinical characteristics Subcision® needle will perforate the skin;
0 (zero) There is no alteration to the skin surface • After the maximum vasoconstriction (Fig. 24.1), the
I The skin of the affected area is smooth
skin should be punctured using an 18-G BD Nokor
while the subject is standing or lying,
but the alterations to the skin surface Needle or a common needle. The needle is inserted
can be seen by pinching the skin or into the subcutaneous tissue to a depth of 1.5 or
with muscle contraction 2 cm, and then parallel to the cutaneous surface;
II The orange skin or mattress appearance • At the subcutaneous level, it is possible to press the
is evident when standing, without the
use of any manipulation (skin needle against the septa, facilitating the detection of
pinching or muscle contraction) the septa responsible for the skin depression. Only
III The alterations described in degree or septa responsible for depressions to the skin surface
stage II, are present together with should be cut. Subsequently, the needle is pressed
raised areas and nodules
against the septa and the cut is made in the same
direction in which the needle will be withdrawn
Method of Device and Treatment (Fig. 24.2).
Application • A gentle pinching of the skin helps to determine the
presence of residual septa which still pull the skin;
Preoperative Recommendations
if that is present, the needle can be reinserted to cut intervention is necessary, the procedure can be
these specific septa; repeated, as long as there are no sequelae from the pre-
• The blood vessels that accompany the septa are also vious procedure, after an interval of two or more
bisected, promoting the formation of hematomas; months.9 The number of procedures necessary to cor-
• Compression of the treated areas with specifically rect a specific depression or lesion will depend on the
designed pillows, weighing around 10 pounds for size, depth, and location of the defect as well as
5–10 min and wrapped in a sterile sheet guarantees the ability of the individual’s body to form and deposit the
a homogeneous compression, hemostasis, and con- necessary amount of collagen to fill the depression.
trol of the size of the hematomas formed by the
• The procedure is finalized with the application of
micropore bandages and compressive garments. Complications, Postoperative Care,
and Management of Adverse Events
septa that are not exerting excessive skin retraction scars and wrinkles. Dermatol Surg. 1995;21(6):543-
should remain intact; 549.
2. Hexsel DM, Mazzuco R. Subcision: Uma alternativa cirúrgica
• Although formation of keloid scars has not been para a lipodistrofia ginoide (“celulite”) e outras alterações do
observed in our experience of the treatment of relevo corporal. An Bras Dermatol. 1997;72: 27-32.
more than 2,000 patients, this may happen, as their 3. Hexsel DM, Mazzuco R. Subcision: a treatment for cellulite.
occurrence is related to individual factors. Int J Dermatol. 2000;39(7):539-544.
4. Goodman GJ. Therapeutic undermining of scars (Subcision).
Australas J Dermatol. 2001;42(2):114-117.
5. Alam M, Omura N, Kaminer MS. Subcision for acne scar-
Conclusion ring: technique and outcomes in 40 patients. Dermatol Surg.
2005;31(3):310-317; discussion 317.
6. Luis-Montoya P, Pichardo-Velázquez P, et al. Evaluation of
Subcision® is a useful technique for the correction subcision as a treatment for cutaneous striae. J Drugs
Dermatol. 2005;4(3):346-350.
of depressed alterations and lesions of the skin, 7. Karacalar A, Demir A, Yildiz L. Subcision surgery for the
including cellulite, liposuction sequela, scars, and correction of ear deformities. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2004;
other alternations in the skin relief. It is an outpa- 28(4):239-244.
tient surgical intervention that produces long-last- 8. Nürnberger F, Müller G. So-called cellulite: an invented
disease. J Dermatol Surg Oncol. 1978;4(3):221-229.
ing results. 9. Hexsel D, Soirefmann M, Rodrigues TC, Lima MM.
Anatomy of subcutaneous structures in areas with and with-
out cellulite by magnetic resonance images. (Poster – 66th
Annual Meeting – American Academy of Dermatology, San
References Antonio, February 1-5, 2008).
10. Hexsel D, Mazzuco R. Subcision. In: Goldman, Hexsel,
1. Orentreich DS, Orentreich N. Subcutaneous incisionless Baccci, Leibashoff, eds. Cellulite: Pathophysiology and
(subcision) surgery for the correction of depressed Treatment. Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York.
Chapter 25
Body Contouring with Tumescent Liposuction
Carolyn I. Jacob
Box 25.1
Hepatitis profile
Complete blood count
Prothrombin time
Partial thromboplastin time
Pregnancy test for premenopausal women
Other tests may include urinalysis, bleeding
time, or infectious disease studies such as
for the human immunodeficiency virus1
Fig. 25.3 (a and b) Cannula handles and the biplanar grip. The handle furthest right has the most ergonomic biplanar hold
Fig. 25.4 (a) Wells Johnson infusion pump. (b) HK aspirator. (c) Wells Johnson Hercules aspirator. (d) Reliance aspirator. (e) Psitec
III infusion pump and aspirator. (f) LipoSat infusion and aspiration pump
of the tumescent fluid during the postoperative period. creating a plane for the cannula to move in.4 Trying to
The surgeon can maximize the use of anatomic landmarks change directions, or angling the cannula while in
during this phase of the procedure, such as hiding an mid-stoke should be avoided. A change in cannula
incision adjacent to the umbilicus. direction during its motion can cause tenting or dimpling
Using a 30 gauge needle with a 3 cc syringe, each of the overlying skin. This can be particularly problem-
cannula incision site should be anesthetized. Some atic during the suctioning phase and produce contour
physicians use buffered 1% lidocaine with epinephrine, irregularities.
but I prefer to use the same solution as that will be used The endpoint for infusion is reached when the tissue
to provide tumescent anesthesia. A 3–4 mm incision becomes firm to hard, and indurated. For both infusing
with a No. 11 blade serves as a cannula insertion site.4 tumescent anesthesia fluid and suctioning, one hand
Insert the No. 11 blade only partially and at an angle to moves the cannula and the other serves as a “smart
avoid trauma to deeper tissues. The blunt-tipped small hand” to guide and feel the cannula position. This usually
diameter infusion cannula is inserted, attached to either nondominant hand lies on the skin and palpates, con-
the peristaltic motorized pump, pressurized infusion stantly assessing the movement of the cannula, depth
bag, or other delivery system. As discussed earlier, the in the tissue, and degree of tissue induration. This same
infusion rate may vary and is titrated to the comfort hand can be used to massage the areas as the anesthesia
of the patient, most commonly less than 100 cc/min is infused, thereby decreasing discomfort via distrac-
(a setting of 2–3 on the Klein Pump). tion. The endpoint for infusion can also be assessed by
Varying combinations of sedatives and analgesics blanching as a result of vasoconstriction. The amount
are given (Box 25.4), however, each patient will respond of tumescent anesthesia fluid infiltrated will depend on
to and metabolize medication at varying rates. the anatomic location (Table 25.3). The surgeon must
Therefore, dosages and choice of medications used be cautioned that there is no absolute rule as to how
should be titrated to each patient individually. much anesthesia is required to fully treat an area.
It is best to criss cross paths of anesthetizing both Factors that can affect volumes of infiltration include
horizontally and vertically within the depth of the body weight and the amount of fat in a particular
adipose tissue to ensure complete anesthesia. The infu- anatomic area, and the amounts listed in Table 25.3
sion cannula is moved slowly within the subcutaneous represent averages based on the author’s experience.
space to thoroughly anesthetize each region. Areas A minimum of 30–45 min is required to establish
closer to the infusion incision are anesthetized first to the profound anesthesia that is essential for performing
allow the cannula to move comfortably to distal regions. adequate and careful suctioning. The areas anesthe-
The anesthetic fluid also serves to hydrodissect the tissue tized should extend beyond the border of the intended
liposuction sites to prevent tenderness at the periphery,
and allow for feathering.
The concept of liposculpture is evolving as physicians
Box 25.4 Commonly Used Sedatives and treat not just one cosmetic unit but adjacent cosmetic
Table 25.3 Approximate volume of anesthesia used
Diazepam (5–15 mg PO)
according to body site
Lorazepam (1–2 mg PO) Site Volume (liters)
Triaxzolam (Halcion: 0.25 mg PO)
Neck 0.4
Hydroxyzine Hydrochloride (Vistaril 25–50 mg Arms 1.0 per side
IV or IM) Upper abdomen 0.75
Midazolam Hydrochloride (Versed: 2.5–5 mg Lower abdomen 1.0
IV or IM) Hips 0.75 per side
Promethazine Hydrochloide (Phenergan: Love handles 1.0 per side
25 mg IV or IM) Flanks 0.75 per side
Outer thighs 1.0 per side
Meperidine Hydrochloide (Demerol: 50–75 mg
Inner thighs 0.75 per side
IV or IM) Knees 0.5 per side
Calves and ankles 1.0 per side
25 Body Contouring with Tumescent Liposuction 179
units (Box 25.5), blending the treatment sites to result in monitoring the aspirate for quantity and quality of
a more natural symmetry of proportions. Preoperative adipose.
markings help the surgeon to delineate areas to be treated, Adequate tumescent anesthesia should make the
with an improvement in the overall aesthetic appearance procedure nearly painless. The use of large cannulas
as the goal of surgery. However, it is the intraoperative initially takes advantage of the period of maximal
technique that ultimately determines the final result. The anesthesia. Smaller cannulas cause less pain as they
surgeon must pinch, feel, inspect, move, and contour the are advanced through the adipose tissue and offer more
subcutaneous tissue in a manner that will produce an options for fine-tuning and removing the remaining
improved skin contour. As liposuction surgeons, we rely adipose tissue (Box 25.6).
on the skin’s remarkable ability to contract and drape
over the underlying soft tissue. It is imperative to keep
the patient’s unique physical characteristics and skin Box 25.5 Liposuction Cosmetic Units
type in mind while suctioning. Skin that has poor elastic- Neck, submental region, and jowls
ity as well as skin with good tone will not recontour Posterior upper arm
without good suction technique, and this is part of the art Posterior axillary line and upper back
of liposuction/liposculpture. The surgeon factors in all of Upper abdomen
these issues to determine just how much fat to remove Lower abdomen
and from which areas, to produce the final result. Hip or Love Handles
The physician should use all sides of the operative Waistline and mid back
table to examine and treat the patient, accessing areas Outer thigh
from a minimum of two directions, preferably three. Inner thigh extending to knee
I refer to this method of suctioning as triangulation. Anterior thigh
Patient position should also be changed during surgery Posterior thigh
if the physician needs to access the fat. An advantage of Calve and ankle
tumescent liposuction surgery is that the patient is Breast
awake and therefore able to follow commands. The
patient can be asked to change body position during the
procedure to make it easier for the surgeon to treat an
area of the body. The central premise is that the surgeon
must be certain to treat all marked areas in a manner
Box 25.6 Anatomic Sites and Liposuction
that will yield smooth contours. If an area is suctioned
from one direction, it is possible to leave ridges, as
small areas of fat between the cannula tunnels remain. Aggressive Love handles
Suctioning from two directions helps to reduce this 80–100% removed Back/flank
risk, but the third vector dramatically reduces the Male breast
appearance and feel of residual fat and ridges. Medial knee
The nondominant smart hand is one of the most Upper and lower abdomen
important elements of liposuction surgery. This hand is Moderate Hips
used to guide the cannula as well as assess cannula 50–80% removed Arms
Outer thighs
position and depth within the fat, bring fat into the
cannula path, stretch or stabilize skin, and in general, Inner thighs
serve as the sensory input from the patient back to the Calves/ankles
physician. Visual clues are also extremely helpful for Neck
liposuction contouring, but the smart hand is an invalu- Jawline
able link between the surgeon and patient. A surgeon’s Light Mid inner thigh
mastery of the smart hand concept is likely to improve Less than 50% removed Jowls
Anterior distal thigh and knee
liposuction results significantly.
Posterior knee
With the use of tumescent anesthesia, blood
loss is minimal. The physician should continuously be
180 C.I. Jacob
Liposuction of the Arms pressure from the smart hand is not necessary in this
area, and may increase the risk for subdermal fibrosis,
adhesions, puckering, and indentations. The 3 mm
Liposuction of the arms is performed almost exclusively
Accelerator (Eliminator) or 12 gauge Klein cannulas
on women, with the posterior and posterolateral aspects
have a relatively nonaggressive tip, and with their
of the arm involved more often than the anterior and
recessed openings placed away from the dermis, they
medial upper arms. On occasion, a localized fat deposit
are ideal for fat removal of the arms. Particular atten-
on the ulnar side of the proximal forearm requires
tion must be paid to thoroughly treat the proximal
treatment as well. Conservative but thorough fat extrac-
upper arm and fat overlying the medial epicondyle, as
tion is obtainable without undue trauma due to the
incomplete treatment of these areas are the most
soft quality of the fat in the area. In some patients,
common causes of patient dissatisfaction. An incision
radiofrequency skin tightening can be a useful adjunct
site just distal to the fat overlying the medial epicon-
to upper arm fat removal.
dyle provides access to that area as well as the more
The patient is evaluated in a standing position with
fibrous fat just proximal to the elbow. Postoperative
arms extended horizontally with the thumb pointing up,
pain of the arms is minimal compared to other areas,
or elbows bent, to maximize the laxity of the posterior
and increase with poorly fitting compression garments
and posterolateral compartments. If skin tone is poor
(Fig. 25.5a–d).
preoperatively, the patient may still achieve significant
skin contraction if thorough fat removal is performed,
but texture will often not improve. For some patients,
concurrent treatment of the upper back and anterior/ Liposuction of the Trunk
posterior axillary regions is performed as well.
At least two incision sites are needed for infusion of Upper and Lower Abdomen
0.1% tumescent anesthesia. For infiltration of the
posterior and posterolateral arm, incision sites are Prior to suctioning, the patient must be evaluated for
just proximal to the elbow and at the apex of the abdominal hernias and scars. Ventral hernias including
posterior axillary line. Pinching, lifting, and downward umbilical, postsurgical, and Spigelian (lateral rectus sheath)
Fig. 25.5 Forty-two year old female (a) before and (b) after arm liposuction. Fifty year old African American patient (c) before and
(d) 6 months after arm liposuction
25 Body Contouring with Tumescent Liposuction 181
should be ruled out through clinical exam. Preoperative abdomen. Many patients will have well-defined
markings should reflect the extent of suctioning, areas adipose collections that lie on the rectus sheath deep
to be suctioned, and localized collections of adipose to Camper’s and Scarpa’s fascia, both superior to
tissue. The lower abdomen, when suctioned alone, is the umbilicus and inferior/lateral to the umbilicus.
often clearly demarcated and easily outlined. When the Suctioning of these areas is essential to produce a flat
lower and upper abdomen are to be treated together, abdomen (Fig. 25.6). It is often necessary to lift the
the extent of suctioning extends from under the breasts skin with the smart hand and carefully advance
to the suprapubic region. the cannula into a deep adipose plane to access this
Anesthesia is obtained through two incisions fat. Clearly, caution is needed to prevent subrectus
placed along the suprapubic region, as well as from suctioning. I have found it helpful to use short
mid-abdominal sites along the lateral aspect of the cannula strokes, and avoid any cannula motion lateral
area to be treated. Anesthesia is placed in the mid- to the rectus sheath when attempting this deep fat
subcutaneous space, and allowed to sit for a minimum maneuver. By avoiding cannula motion lateral to the
of 30 min prior to suctioning. Tumescent 0.075–0.1% rectus, it reduces the chances of becoming subrectus
lidocaine anesthesia is used for the upper abdomen, with cannula position. It is also imperative that
especially the areas over the costal margin. Suctioning cannula position be superficial when crossing the
is performed with the 3.7 mm swan neck Keel costal margin to prevent injury in that location.
Cobra cannula for debulking larger patients. The
3 mm Accelerator cannula can be used to debulk
smaller patients. The 12 gauge Klein cannula is used Hips
to feather treatment sites and ensure maximal smooth
fat removal. The hips are either treated alone or in combination
It is essential to thoroughly suction the periumbilical with the upper back and waistline. Some women
region as well as the deep fat of the upper and lower will also have the outer thighs treated in combination
Fig. 25.6 Forty year old female (a) before and (b) 6 months after upper and lower abdominal liposuction
182 C.I. Jacob
with the hips to recontour the lateral silhouette easily recognized as a distinct junction between hip
(Fig. 25.7). Correction of the double-bulge violin and upper lateral thigh. This pseudo-groove should
deformity of the hips and outer thighs can have a not be treated, even when combining hip and lateral
profound impact on body shape. The hip is outlined thigh liposuction, since this can produce disfiguring
bilaterally with the patient in the standing position. depressions. The anterior and posterior hip are also
The inferior border of the area to be treated is often usually distinct, and the surgeon can feel for the
boundaries of the hip with the pinch technique.
Typically, the amount of fat one can pinch diminishes
substantially as you move away from the central area
of hip adipose tissue. The superior hip can have an
indistinct border, and it is for this reason that hip lipo-
suction is often combined with treatment of the waist-
line. When treating the hip alone, it is important to
feather suctioning up into the waistline.
The right hip is anesthetized (and suctioned) with the
patient lying on the left side, and vice versa for the left
hip. Initial debulking can be performed with the 12 gauge
Klein or 3 mm Accelerator cannulas. Final blending is
done with the 12 gauge Klein cannula. Sufficient fat is
removed to achieve this result, and can vary significantly.
For most patients, 50–80% fat removal from the hip is
adequate. Occasionally, near 100% fat removal is needed
to obtain the desired contour (Fig. 25.8a and b).
Fig. 25.8 Thirty-five year old female (a) before and (b) after hip liposuction
25 Body Contouring with Tumescent Liposuction 183
The patient is marked in the standing position, with inferior gluteal crease where the buttock meets the upper
vectors of suctioning clearly marked. It is important to posterior thigh. Suctioning of the inferior buttock/
suction along intended vectors of skin retraction to upper thigh crease can disturb the fibrous junction in
promote skin redraping postoperatively. The surgeon that region and lead to an unnatural ptosis of the
can pinch the lower back fat to localize it, and this area buttock. Oversuctioning can produce a flattened
is marked. Incisions along the mid-waist, posterior buttock with irregular contours, which is not desirable.
mid-back, and under the lateral breast are used for The patient is often positioned in the prone position
anesthesia and suctioning. Additional incisions are for anesthesia, occasionally rocking gently onto one
placed as needed at the inferior zone of treatment to hip to allow anesthesia of the contralateral buttock.
promote triangulation and facilitate drainage. Anesthesia Incision sites should be placed in the lateral infragluteal
is obtained with 0.075–0.1% lidocaine and allowed to crease, the upper medial buttock, and the upper lateral
sit for 40–45 min. It is advisable to allow the tumes- buttock to promote triangulation. Anesthesia is placed
cent solution in this region to sit for slightly longer predominantly in the mid and deep fat of the buttock.
than other areas to provide maximal anesthesia. The Caution must be used to remain in the mid and
waistline and mid-lower back can be a particularly deep fat of the buttock, avoiding superficial suctioning.
sensitive area to treat due to the very fibrous nature of Treatment of the superficial fat can quickly lead to
the fat. Some surgeons prefer to use external ultrasound contour irregularities in this very technique-sensitive
in this area (and other areas with fibrous fat) to make region. The main theme that should guide the surgeon
fat removal easier, but I have found this to be cumber- is to retain the contour and convexity of the buttock
some and unnecessary.15,16 while decreasing size and improving contours. Mid
The goal of waistline and upper back suctioning is and deep fat liposuction are essential tools for the
near 100% fat removal. Initial debulking is performed physician. Initial gentle debulking can be done with
with either the 3.7 mm Keel Cobra or 3 mm Accelerator a 3 mm Accelerator cannula in most patients, while
cannulas. The surgeon must be certain to suction the very larger patients can be treated with the more aggressive
deep fat that lies just superficial to the muscular fascia, 3.0 or 3.7 mm Keel Cobra cannula. Following debulk-
similar to the technique for the upper and lower abdomen ing, the mid-fat is contoured with a 12 gauge Klein
deep fat. The smart hand is sometimes used to lift the cannula (Fig. 25.9a and b).
skin of the waistline to allow the cannula to access the
deeper fat. Final blending and contouring can be done
with a 12 gauge Klein cannula, but for many patients,
the 3 mm Accelerator is adequate for this task. It must Liposuction of the Legs
be emphasized that triangulation and aggressive
suctioning are needed to fully contour the waistline. Localized adipose deposits of the legs are particularly
A few extra minutes of attention to detail in this region well-suited to liposuction surgery. Although some
can produce dramatic improvements in results. people (usually women) have diffusely large legs with
abundant adipose tissue, many have well shaped legs
with discrete collections of fat. It is for these women
that liposuction is ideal. Thorough contouring of these
Liposuction of the Buttock localized fat deposits can dramatically change the shape
and flow of leg lines. Clothing fits better, and the patient
The goal here is to treat the buttock so that it fits in usually feels much more comfortable with their shape
harmony with the shape and silhouette of the patient. in general. As opposed to truncal obesity, many women
For these reasons, treatment of the buttock is often struggle with the shape of their thighs for years, even
combined with treatment of the hips and lateral thighs, when close to their ideal body weight. Genetics plays a
considering this to be an extended cosmetic liposuction significant role in determining leg shape.
unit. Caution must be used to avoid the inferomedial Women with generalized leg obesity can be improved
buttock in the vicinity of the sciatic nerve as well as with liposuction surgery, but many have underlying
the medial buttock near the gluteal cleft. In addition, bone and muscle anatomy that will not support the
suctioning and cannula motion should never cross the appearance of a thin, shapely leg. These women must
184 C.I. Jacob
Fig. 25.9 Female 43 year old patient (a) before and (b) 6 months after liposuction of the abdomen and buttocks
Fig. 25.12 Female 35 year old patient (a) before and (b) 3 months after liposuction of the outer thighs
The endpoint for outer thigh liposuction is the leg, and is often 1–1.5 finger-widths. The goal
subjective. Contour and flow are the most important of outer thigh suctioning becomes bringing the
concerns, and the smart hand pinch technique is outer thigh pinch test to match that 1–1.5 finger-
invaluable. The surgeon pinches other areas of the leg widths. But the surgeon must use the pinch test in
that appear to be well contoured, and determines how conjunction with visual and other tactile clues to deter-
many finger-widths (using the index finger) of skin is mine the optimal liposculpture endpoint (Fig. 25.12a
contained in the pinch. This becomes the set-point of and b).
25 Body Contouring with Tumescent Liposuction 187
Inner Thighs and Knees treated should also be marked, and are loosely used as
feathering guides into the anterior and posterior thigh.
For many women, the inner thigh region is a difficult Careful feathering is essential to maintain normal thigh
place to lose weight and improve contours. Diet and contours and flow.
exercise programs can have some limited success, Anesthesia is obtained with 0.075–0.1% tumescent
but liposuction is a superb treatment option for this lidocaine anesthesia through multiple incision sites.
anatomic region. When evaluating the inner thigh and Incision sites below the knee should be avoided since
knee, the surgeon must determine both the amount of they often heal less well than those above the knee.
fat removal to be performed as well as the extent of Thorough anesthesia of the fibrous posterior knee and
surface area to treat. Specifically, a decision must be inner thigh regions is helpful for improving patient
made to either treat the entire inner thigh and knee comfort. Anesthesia should be placed 2–3 cm beyond
region as one unit, or to treat the upper inner thigh and/ the anterior and posterior markings to allow for feath-
or knee as separate cosmetic units. ering. Anesthesia should sit for a minimum of 30 min
The difficulty with treating the inner thigh or knee prior to suctioning.
as distinct entities is that the risk of contour irregularities The knee is suctioned first, with the patient in the
and step-offs increases. Blending of the knee or inner frog-leg position and slightly rotated onto the side
thigh with the mid-thigh can be challenging, and the being treated. The degree of convexity of the medial
amount of fat that can be removed from these regions femoral condyle and the tibial plateau may create a
is limited if the surgeon must prevent a line of demar- pseudo-lipodystrophy in an area devoid of fat. Palpation
cation at the junction with the mid-thigh. Suboptimal upon physical examination will differentiate the depth
cosmetic results can be more frequent when the mid of the fat pad from the underlying bony prominences.
thigh is not treated. A 12 gauge Klein cannula is used to treat the knee,
For these reasons, the author has developed a with near complete fat removal as the goal. The surgeon
preferred method for treating the entire inner thigh should feather this treatment area into the proximal
and knee as one cosmetic unit, extending from the calf and the mid-thigh. It is useful to perform the
inguinal crease down to the superomedial calf. Very feather maneuvers during the initial phases of suction-
gentle suctioning of the mid-thigh region allows more ing, as this can allow for more thorough and even fat
thorough fat removal from the upper inner thigh and removal from the knee and upper inner thigh. Early
knee, improves blending and feathering into the feathering tends to improve the surgeon’s feel during
mid-thigh, and increases patient satisfaction by the procedure, often eliminating the need to “chase” a
contouring and debulking the entire medial upper leg. persistent ridge or depression. Treatment of the poste-
The patient is marked in the standing position with rior fibrous knee fat is performed with the 12 gauge
the knee fully extended, the leg advanced forward Klein cannula, but in some patients, a more aggressive
(a modified lunge position), and externally rotated. cannula such as the 12 or 14 gauge Capistrano cannula
The fat pads of the medial knee and upper inner thigh is needed to debulk this area.
are identified and delineated, as is the inguinal crease. The proximal inner thigh is initially gently
Markings should include the proximal medial calf as debulked in the deep fat with the Capistrano cannula.
treatment of this area helps to define knee contours and The 12 gauge Capistrano is used for most patients, but
improve the flow of skin lines. The surgeon should be thinner patients can be debulked with the 14 gauge.
certain to mark and identify the posterior knee and Caution is a must when using the Capistrano cannula
posterior upper thigh fat pockets, as failure to treat in this region. Its benefit is that it can quickly and
these areas will lead to less than optimal postoperative thoroughly debulk the upper inner thigh, including the
contours. Adequate contouring of these posterior very fibrous and resistant posterior inner thigh fat.
adipose collections is essential since these fibrous However, overzealous or superficial use of this
areas will dominate the postoperative appearance if cannula can produce persistent ridges and contour
not removed. Also, reduction of these compartments irregularities. The surgeon should limit the number of
allows the remainder of the inner thigh and knee skin cannula strokes performed from any single incision
to fall into position after suctioning rather than being with the Capistrano cannula, so triangulation is essen-
tented by these posterior fibrous adipose collections. tial with this instrument. The upper thigh is then fine-
The anterior and posterior borders of the region to be tuned with the 12 gauge Klein cannula, with blending
188 C.I. Jacob
and feathering into the mid-thigh. Fat removal from Careful treatment of the superficial fat compartment
the upper inner thigh should not be 100%, but more is often essential in these regions, as failure to remove
in the 50–80% range. This is one area where flow and this tissue can lead to persistent fullness.
the surgeon’s aesthetic sense are essential determinants The love handles can be treated alone, or com-
of the end point of treatment. bined with treatment of the upper and lower abdomen.
The mid-thigh is the medial region located between Evaluation for hernias is essential preoperatively
the upper inner thigh and the knee. It should be (see section on liposuction of the female abdomen).
viewed as a connector, essentially a bridge between Many men have intraabdominal fat that causes a
the upper and lower inner thigh region. For this protuberant abdomen. It is essential to identify
reason, treatment of the mid-thigh helps the surgeon this during the initial consultation and educate
to blend and contour the inner leg. The overall patients about the location of their adipose tissue.
contour changes of the inner leg come from suctioning Fat that is deep to the rectus muscle cannot be treated
of the upper inner thigh and knee, but the mid- with liposuction. Patients who have fat superficial
thigh is the glue that holds the cosmetic unit together. and deep to the rectus will often be disappointed
Suctioning of the mid-thigh should be performed with their results if they are not counseled preopera-
gently in the mid-fat with a 12 gauge Klein cannula, tively as to the limitations of treatment. The ideal
taking only what comes very easily. The endpoint of patient has little to no intraabdominal fat and well-
treatment is when the upper thigh and knee blend defined adipose collections superficial to the rectus
smoothly with the mid thigh, as well as when the and oblique muscles.
entire inner thigh blends smoothly with the anterior Multiple incision sites are used, hiding them in the
and posterior thigh. Caution should be exercised in suprapubic, periumbilical, and hair bearing regions
the vicinity of Hunter’s canal and the femoral artery, when possible. Initial suctioning can be performed
since aggressive suctioning in this area can produce a with the 3.0 or 3.7 mm Keel Cobra cannula in larger
very unnatural postoperative fullness (lump) in the individuals, as well as 10–12 gauge Capistrano
area. Final blending with the upper inner thigh, cannulas. Caution must be used to prevent ridging
posterior upper thigh, and knee is performed during when using these aggressive instruments despite the
the final stages of mid-thigh suctioning. The rule of fact that men tend to have resilient skin. Further
thumb is that it is better to remove too little rather suctioning is performed with the 3 mm Accelerator
than too much fat from the mid thigh. cannula, and superficial fat removed with either the
It is useful for the surgeon to think of the inner leg Accelerator or 12 gauge Klein cannulas.
as an entire cosmetic unit during the final stages of The abdomen is treated with the patient in the
suctioning. Taking a literal step back to view the flow flat supine position. Caution should be used when
and contours of this region can help the surgeon see crossing the costal margins. Each love handle is best
areas that require further treatment and blending. treated with the patient lying on his contralateral
Post operative compression of the upper inner thigh is side. Very aggressive suctioning of the deep fat in the
especially important, and the surgeon should be certain love handles is essential for contouring. Many men
to choose garments that provide adequate support in have firm, fibrous fat in the posterior love handle/
this area (Fig. 25.13a–d). lower back region, and this can be a challenge to
maximally debulk (Fig. 25.14a and b). Use of aggressive
cannulas such as the 10–12 gauge Capistrano can be
Love Handles and Abdomen on Men Postoperative compression is obtained with 9 or
12 in. elastic abdominal binders. Male patients are
Fat removal from the abdomen and love handles encouraged to wear these garments as much as
should be thorough for men. Most male patients desire possible to compress and contour the treated areas.
and benefit from near 100% fat removal in these Lycra bicycle shorts may also be beneficial for
areas. However, adipose tissue in these areas is the first 1–3 days to prevent fluid collections in the
quite fibrous, and aggressive suctioning is indicated. scrotal area.
25 Body Contouring with Tumescent Liposuction 189
Fig. 25.13 Nineteen year old female (a) before and (b) 6 months after inner thigh, knee, and outer thigh liposuction. Forty year old
female (c) before and (d) after inner thigh, knee, and outer thigh liposuction
190 C.I. Jacob
Fig. 25.14 Forty year old male (a) before and (b) 6 months after liposuction of the love handles. Note the persistence of some
subdermal adipose
Postoperative Clinical Considerations absorbent pads are applied over incision sites under
the support garment. Additional pads may be placed
Patients may be greatly distressed by the quantity of over the garment to facilitate changing by the patient.
drainage during the postoperative period unless they These may be changed as frequently as necessary to
have been adequately prepared by the medical team. absorb discharge. Some patients have found sleeping
Placement and changing schedules for the various pads the first two nights on a plastic mattress cover facili-
and support garments may be easily confused by the tates clean-up.
sedated patient, and should be provided in writing. The patient is asked to wear the compression gar-
Any instructions regarding medications (antibiotics ment for 23–24 h a day for the first 7 postoperative
and analgesics), and continued avoidance of certain days, removing it to shower when needed. After the first
products, should also be provided in writing. week, the patient is instructed to wear the compression
Most patients’ post operative pain is well-controlled garments for 8–10 h a day for the following 3–4 weeks.
with acetominophen, requiring acetominophen with Compression is particularly important for the neck,
codeine or other narcotics only the first few days, if at all. upper arms, upper inner thighs, and the abdomen.
Support garments applied by the medical team in the If preoperative antibiotics were initiated, they are
operating room will facilitate drainage of the tumescent usually continued for 5–7 days postoperatively. The
fluid, provide significant pain control, improve final patient is instructed not to shower for the first 24–48 h
outcomes and contours, and reduce the risk of seroma to decrease the risk of infection. For the same reason,
formation. These garments should compress all surgical they should not bathe in a tub or sit in a jacuzzi until
areas; multiple garments may be needed. A compres- all incision sites have healed. They should be informed
sion level between 17 and 21 mm of mercury is of the signs of possible infection, such as fever, chills,
desired.18 Adequate circulation and perfusion must be increased pain or redness and told to notify the physician
ensured before the patient is discharged. These gar- immediately if there is concern.
ments should not be removed by the patient for the first Since the lidocaine plasma peak level may actually
24 h. The patient is instructed to return to the office on occur after the patient has left the office, it is impera-
the first postoperative day where the medical team tive that the patient also be aware of the signs of
assists them with removing the garments for the first lidocaine toxicity: difficulty speaking, ringing in the
time. This is best done with the patient supine, and ears, tremors or tingling around the mouth, and confu-
they should be closely monitored for hypotension as sion. I prefer to have the patient in the company of
the pressure garment is removed. another person for 12–24 h after surgery so they are
Incision sites are not sutured postoperatively, and not left unattended. Epinephrine toxicity is initially
therefore tend to drain copious amounts of fluid. Super manifest by patient anxiety, agitation, or palpitations.
25 Body Contouring with Tumescent Liposuction 191
With increased levels, hypertension, tachycardia, or skill and artistry that ultimately determines outcomes,
arrhythmias may occur. A study of twenty patients and the surgeon can create beautiful contours by man-
undergoing liposuction, monitored at 3-, 12- and 23-h aging the interplay of skin healing dynamics, cannula
after tumescent fluid infiltration, demonstrated the motion and position, thoroughness of fat removal, and
peak serum epinephrine levels to occur at 3-h. The body shape.
majority had returned to normal at 12 h. The only
reported side-effect was anxiety.7
The patients are asked to not drink alcohol for 3 days Appendix A: Medications Which Inhibit
after surgery, refrain from smoking for as long as possi- Cytochrome P450
ble, and to avoid strenuous activity for 1 week. They are
encouraged to drink fluids and have a soft diet for the first
Drug Generic name (Trade name)
24 h, after which they may resume their regular diet.
Generic name (Trade name) Miconazole (Micatin)
Edema, ecchymosis, dysesthesia, fatigue, and sore- Acebutolol (Sectral) Midazolam (Versed)
ness are common complaints that improve with time. Acetazolamide Nadolol (Corzide)
Wearing the compression garments will also improve Alprazolam (Xanax) Naringenin (grapefruit
these symptoms. For this reason, some patients will Amiodarone (Cordarone) juice)
choose to wear their garments for many weeks after Anastrazole (Arimidex) Nefazodone (Serzone)
Atenolol (Tenoretic) Nelfinavir (Viracept)
the procedure. Areas that become firm to the touch can
Cannabinoids Nevirapine (Viramune)
be gently massaged, twice a day for 10–15 min until Nicardipine (Cardene)
Carbamazepine (Tegretol)
they resolve. This usually occurs between weeks 2–4. Cimetidine (Tagamet) Nifedipine (Procardia)
Dysesthesia of the overlying skin tends to resolve over Chloramphenicol Omeprazole (Prilosec)
1–3 months, and some patients may complain of an Clarithromycin (Biaxin) Paroxetine (Paxil)
“itchy” sensation. It is important to inform the patient Cyclosporin (Neoral) Pentoxifylline (Trental)
that this is a normal phenomenon. Some degree of Danazol (Danocrine) Pindolol
Dexamethasone (Decadron) Propranolol (Inderal)
entry site scars should be expected by the patient, and
Diltiazem (Cardiazam) Propofol (Diprivan)
followed clinically for improvements over a year. After
Diazepam (Valium) Quinidine (Quinaglute)
the initial dressing change on postoperative day 1, Erythromycin Remacemide
patients are seen again 1 week postoperatively to assess Esmolol (Brevibloc) Ritonavir (Norvir)
healing and effectiveness of garments. Modifications Fluconazole (Diflucan) Saquinavir (Invirase)
can be made to the postoperative plan as indicated, and Fluoxetine (Prozac) Sertinadole
patients are routinely seen 1 month postoperatively Fluvoxamine (Luvox) Sertraline (Zoloft)
and then again at 3–6 months. Norfluoxetine Stiripentol
Flurazepam Tetracycline (Achromycin,
Indinivir (Crixivan) Sumycin)
Isoniazid (Rifamate) Terfenadine (Seldane) (not
Itraconazole (Sporanox) available)
Conclusion Ketoconazole (Nizoral) Thyroxine
Labetolol (Normodyne, Timolol (Blocadren,
Trandate) Cosopt, Timolide)
Liposuction is a challenging surgical procedure that Triazolam (Halcion)
can produce superb aesthetic results when performed Troglitazon (Rezulin)
properly. Careful suctioning, use of the smart hand, (Solu-Medrol, Troleandomycin (Tao)
triangulation, and fluid management are all important Depo-Medrol) Valproic Acid (Depakote)
parts of the liposuction procedure. Final outcomes Metroprolol (Toprol-XL) Verapamil (Calan)
depend on both the skill of the surgeon and the heal- Metronidazole (Flagyl) Zafirlukast (Accolate)
Mibefradil (Posicor) Zileuton (Zyflo)
ing response of the patient. However, it is the respon-
sibility of the surgeon to have thorough knowledge Modified from Shiffman M. Medication potentially causing
lidocaine toxicity. Am J Cosmet Surg. 1998:227-229. McEvoy
and training in the procedure to minimize the possibil-
GK, ed. AHFS drug information. Bethesda, MD: 2000. Gelman
ity that surgical technique is the contributing factor to CR, Rumack BH, Hess AJ, eds. Drugdex R. System. Englewood,
less than optimal results. It is the blend of physician CO: Micromedex Inc; 2000.
192 C.I. Jacob
Fig. 26.2 Vectors when treating skin laxity on the arms. (Illustration by Alice Y. Chen)
Oral narcotic analgesics and mild anxiolytics may be pinching the skin and treating between the elevated
administered in small doses if needed. area without having to adjust the treatment setting. The
When using RF, treatment energies vary by body generally accepted method of using lower energy set-
site. If using ThermaCool® devices (Thermage, Solta tings with multiple passes is used for RF on the body.4
Medical Inc., Hayward, CA), the 3.0-cm2 ThermaTipTM For the IBBL devices, thicker skin on most areas of
DC is used for volume reduction of larger areas for so- the body compared to the face allows for higher ener-
called “deep contouring.” The conventional tips are gies to be used. With the LuxDeepIRTM (Palomar
used to tighten areas of skin laxity not requiring vol- Medical Technologies Inc., Burlington, MA), for
ume reduction. Similar to RF on the face, energy levels example, a patient may tolerate 70–80 J/cm2 on the
are titrated based on pain feedback, where a 2–2.5 out arms while only being able to tolerate 50–60 J/cm2 on
of 4 pain rating is desirable (Fig. 26.5). When treating the face or 45 J/cm2 on the neck. The patients should
sensitive areas, heat sensation may be reduced by feel warmth but minimal pain.
26 Skin Tightening Off the Face with Radiofrequency and Broadband Light 195
Fig. 26.3 Vectors when treating skin laxity on the abdomen and back. (Illustration by Alice Y. Chen)
Fig. 26.4 Before and 6 months after Thermage treatment of the abdomen. Note the improvement in skin laxity and striae. Treatment
by Richard Asarch, M.D. Photo property of Thermage, Inc
Treatment Technique when using RF with at most a 50% overlap (Fig. 26.6). Then, the current
return pad is placed away from the treatment site on a
No specific pretreatment requirements are necessary. large surface area, and a generous amount of coupling
The patient should remove all metallic jewelry and fluid is applied to the treatment area.
objects. Next, the appropriate treatment grid is applied to While treating on most areas of the body, it is
the skin, which allows pulses to be delivered uniformly advantageous to preposition the skin in the direction of
196 D. Fife and A. Petelin
The skin is cleansed prior to treatment. For both the Both RF and IBBL treatments cause an immediate
TitanTM and the LuxDeepIRTM, a 2-second precool and a delayed effect. This delayed effect, which may
before each pulse is sufficient for most areas. A 3-sec- gradually improve the skin for up to 6 months, is
ond cool may be required for thicker skin on the body thought to be due to continued “collagen remodeling”
198 D. Fife and A. Petelin
Fig. 26.7 Treatment of the anterior thighs and knees with the LuxDeepIR infrared handpiece (Palomar Medical Technologies, Inc).
Photo Courtesy of Christine Dierickx, M.D.
Fig. 26.8 Treatment of the abdomen with the LuxDeepIR infrared handpiece (Palomar Medical Technologies, Inc). Photo Courtesy
of Christine Dierickx, M.D.
Table 26.4 Alternative treatment strategies for IBBL off of Management of Adverse Events
the face
1. Deliver one treatment now and assess the patient Side effects of RF are similar on the body and the face.
3–4 months later (after a significant amount of “delayed
The most common side effect is burning of the skin,
tightening” has occurred) to determine whether another
session is necessary seen as immediate erythema, crusting, or blistering. If
2. Deliver treatments every 4–6 weeks for a total of 3–4 burning occurs, immediate application of high potency
treatments steroids may minimize the reaction. Standard wound
3. Deliver one treatment now and a second and final care techniques should follow. Skin indentations or
treatment 2 months later
contour irregularities occur rarely, are delayed phe-
nomena, and tend to slowly resolve over time, but
some may be permanent. Both burns and indentations
after the treatment. Thermage RF treatments are a one- can be prevented by using adequate amounts of contact
session treatment. The AlumaTM device uses a multi- gel/coupling fluid, by appropriately staggering pulses
ple-session course of 6–8 treatments, each separated with at most a 50% overlap, and by using multiple
by 1–2 weeks. lower-energy passes while titrating the energy accord-
The optimal number and frequency of IBBL treat- ing to the patient’s pain.
ments on the body is not well studied. Different treatment Side effects of IBBL are rare, especially with newer
course strategies are listed in Table 26.4. devices with superior cooling and mechanisms, which
prevent the delivery of pulses when the delivery plate
26 Skin Tightening Off the Face with Radiofrequency and Broadband Light 199
is not in full contact with the skin. Burning of the skin • Evaluate each patient and body area on a case-by-case
may occur but is extremely rare when appropriate approach, avoiding the “cookbook” approach.
energies are used and the handpiece is kept in full con-
Specific Pearls for RF treatment on the body:
tact with the skin.
• Avoid overlapping of pulses more than 50%.
• Use multiple pass-low energy technique.
Direction for the Future/Conclusion • Unipolar RF more effective than bipolar at reducing
Devices combining RF and IBBL into one delivery Specific Pearls for IBBL treatment on the body:
system have recently become available. One example
• When treating over bony prominences lower
is the VelaSmoothTM system (Syneron Medical Ltd.,
fluence by 20% or move skin away to the side before
Yokneam, Israel), which combines bipolar RF with
delivering pulse.
IBBL energy and a pulsatile vacuum suction into one
• Always ensure adequate contact of handpiece to the
hand-held applicator.5,6 While some authors have
skin to avoid burning.
shown this combination of heat effective in the treat-
ment of cellulite,1 further studies are warranted.
Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Nissan
Traditional intense pulsed light devices (wavelength Pilest, M.D., Robert Weiss, M.D., E. Victor Ross, M.D., Michael
500–1200 nm) were not designed for skin tightening; Kaminer, M.D. and Amy F. Taub, M.D. for sharing their expertise
however, newer devices with longer wavelengths and in the preparation of this chapter.
have higher cut-off filters may have a role. New
ThermaCool® tips, including ThermageTM body tip
16.0 and ThermageTM cellulite tip 3.0 (CL), provide
more options for treatment of the body. References
“Pearls” for using either RF and IBBL on the body 1. Dierickx C. The role of deep heating for noninvasive
skin rejuvination. Lasers Surg Med 2006;38:799-807.
• Select appropriate patients. 2. Goldberg D, Fazeli A, Berlin A. Clinical, Laboratory, and
• Set realistic expectations. Improvement is less notice- MRI analysis of cellulite treatment with a unipolar radiofre-
able on the body compared to the face. quency device. Dermatol Surg 2007;34:1-6.
• Carefully identify and treat vectors and problem 3. Kushikata N, Negishi K, Tezuka Y, Tezuka Y, Takeuchi K,
Wakamatsu S. Is topical anesthesia useful in noninvasive skin
areas. tightening using radiofrequency? Dermatol Surg 2005;31:
• Higher energies are required on most body areas 526-533.
compared to the face. 4. Kist D, Burns AJ, Sanner R, Counters J, Selickson B.
• Areas on the body with thicker skin may be harder Ultrastructural evaluation of multiple pass low energy versus
single pass high energy radio-frequency treatment. Lasers
to lift or tighten. Surg Med 2006;38:150-154.
• Closely monitor patient’s sensation of heat and 5. Sadick N, Sorhaindo L. The radiofrequency fronteir: a review
discomfort. Stop the procedure if the patient is of radiofrequency and combined radiofrequency pulsed-light
experiencing too much pain. technology in aesthetic medicine. Facial Plastic Surgery
• Be aware of areas of thin of sensitive skin (abdomen, 6. Sadick N, Magro C. A study evaluating the safety and effi-
inner thighs, inner arms) where patients may expe- cacy of the velasmooth system in the treatment of cellulite. J
rience more pain. Cosmet Laser Ther. 2007;9:15-20.
Chapter 27
Female Genital Surgery
Treatment Application
1. Local anesthesia.
Labium minus reduction is performed with the patient in
the dorsal lithotomy position and under local anesthesia
(1% lidocaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine).
2. Treatment technique and alternative methods
The simple and straight amputation of the protuberant
segment and over-sewing the edge is usually performed
(Figs. 27.1–27.3), but with this technique the labial edge
is replaced by a stiff breakable suture line, potentially Fig. 27.3 Labia reduction. Straight amputation of the protuberant
section of the labia minora and oversewing of the raw edge
Fig. 27.4 Running W-shaped resection with interdigitated suturing of the protuberant labia. (Illustration by Alice Y. Chen)
They are discharged on the day of surgery or until the the most common complication, it can be the only
first postoperative day. unfavorable event or can be caused by marginal
necrosis of the surgical edges or hematomas. When the
3. Postoperative care
patient complies with postoperative recommendations,
Patient instructions include personal hygiene of the minimal dehiscence usually heals spontaneously and
external genitalia after urinating, maintaining the vulva mucosa completely re-epithelializes within 2 weeks,
and the surgical wounds dry, topical application of iodine resulting in unrestricted function and satisfactory
on the wounds, and placement of a dry sterile gauze to appearance. Hematomas can drain spontaneously or
protect the suture line for approximately 10 days. mechanically. Infected wounds are treated with oral
A medical examination of the vulvar region is required antibiotics with satisfactory outcomes.
about 1 week after surgery to evaluate the healing Late complications such as sexual dysfunction,
process and exclude wound complications. local pain, or skin retraction are rare, which can be
avoided through an accurate selection of candi-
4. Management of adverse events
dates, performing the zigzag technique or the wedge
Adverse events are mainly correlated to wound healing resections, and monitoring early wound healing
problems and occur in the immediate postoperative problems which can impair the functional and aesthetic
period. Wound dehiscence of the surgical borders is outcome.
204 F. De Lorenzi et al.
Women might express a wish for rejuvenation on the Volume Augmentation of the Mons Veneris
basis of functional problems often mainly during and Labia Majora
menopause and in the postpartum period. With time
Mons pubis and labia majora tend to atrophy. Vaginal Re-absorbable hyaluronic acid is an invaluable material.
walls tend to lose elasticity and hydration leading to a It is prepared in 0.5/0.8/1 ml preloaded sterile syringes,
lower sensitivity and lubrication during coitus with a with 30.5-G and 27.5-G fine needles according to the
consequent dyspareunia and loss of sexual desire. These density of the material chosen. (As an alternative, the
problems can influence the psychological sphere of surgeon can perform liposuction of adipose tissues
women as well as that of their partner. Conversely, other removed from the abdomen or from the patient’s fattier
patients wish their own ideal image to correspond with areas. The fatty tissue is then regrafted in the subcuta-
reality. neous area to be hypertrophied. This is an outpatient
Following a thorough medical history evaluation surgical technique.)
as well as accurate clinical examinations the possible Hyaluronic acid injections have to be performed
treatments are assessed, taking into consideration that in the medium or deep dermis – according to the
these surgical techniques are invasive and may be the parallel-arranged linear inoculation technique – in
cause of side effects. Rejuvenation of the female genital order to fill up the desired area, taking care to avoid
mucosa means re-structuring, re-hydrating, and giving injecting the vasal tissue (possible drawing). Small
new turgescence not only for aesthetical purposes but amounts of Hyaluronic acid should be injected in
also improving the functionality of the areas of interest. order to avoid vascular compression and necrosis in
The procedures can affect sensitivity and lubrication this highly vascularized area. It is advisable to use
during coitus and influence the psychological sphere 0.5 ml pre-loaded syringes. The treated area needs
of women as well as that of their partner. to be massaged after administering the injection so
that the substance is homogeneously and thoroughly
With this type of treatment, as with the fillers used
Treatment Application in facial rejuvenation treatment, following an initial
hyaluronic acid injection which the patient finds
As in facial rejuvenation treatments, 1 ml syringes and satisfactory, the surgeon will need to reassess and if
30.5-G needles are employed. The choice of the most necessary re-inoculated additional hyaluronic acid
27 Female Genital Surgery 205
every 4–6 months, at least for the first 18 months. to be treated. Yet, the essential difference lies in the
Subsequent hyaluronic acid re-inoculations could be fact that genital organs are more delicate and that also
performed every 6–12 months, according to the patient’s special psychological care should be taken when treating
local tissue metabolism. these areas. Moreover, in some cases, local anesthetics
Contraindications: There are surely more contrain- (lidocaine) are mixed with active principles or injected
dications with respect to the re-structuring technique with subcutaneously in variable dosages (though lower than
the above-mentioned substances. Hyaluronic acids are 1 ml) according to the patient’s sensitivity.
mere fillers, surgeons need to take the same precautions We suggest positioning an ice pack before treating
as for facial rejuvenation treatments. These substances the areas as cooling reduces tissue sensitivity to pain.
should not be used in patients who tend to develop Each area requires a treatment time which varies
hypertrophic scars, in patients with streptococcal infec- from approximately 15–30 min, patient cooperation
tions, who have previously suffered from autoimmune permitting. Treatment frequency is based on the reaction
diseases, or who have a known hypersensitivity to and on the desired results. As regards restructuring,
hyaluronic acid during pregnancy or breast-feeding. weekly treatments are generally necessary for the first
In case of valvular prolapse or prostheses, patients need 3–4 weeks, subsequently treatments can be performed
to be prescribed an antibiotic prophylaxis (penicillin- every month or two.
type antibiotics are highly recommended, as is the Contraindications: There are no particular contrain-
case in surgical operations). Moreover, in the 2 weeks dications except for hypersensitivity to Vitamin C in
following treatment, patients are strongly recommended some subjects. Therefore, Omega-3 and acetyl-salicylic
not to expose themselves either to temperatures below acid assumption is highly recommended during treatment
0° or to saunas or Turkish baths. Also, the surgeon is because of the lower platelet aggregation.
required to inform patients (and to have them sign the Also, the prescription of preparations based on
informed consent) regarding possible early or late side Arnica Montana is recommended, to be administered a
effects, which may arise such as: couple of days before and after inoculations in order to
diminish the traumatic effect caused by needle pene-
• Inflammatory reactions (rash, edema, erythema),
tration. Nevertheless, small ecchymoses might appear;
itching, pain when exerting pressure on the treated
these will spontaneously resolve within 2–3 days.
areas (for a maximum duration of 1 week).
• Hardening or nodules where the injections were
• Pigmentation of the treated area.
• Low treatment efficacy or low filling effect.
As regards facial inoculations, contraindications/side 1. Lloyd J, Crouch NS, Minto CL, et al. Female genital appearance:
effects such as necroses, abscesses, or granulomas are “normality” unfolds. BJOG. 2005;112(5):643-646.
referred to in the literature, which the surgeon should 2. ACOG Committee Opinion No 378:. Vaginal Rejuvenation and
Aesthetic Vaginal Procedures. Obstet & Gynecol. 2007;110:
take into consideration. 737-738.
3. Maas SM, Hage JJ. Functional and aesthetic labia minora
reduction. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2000;105(4):1453-1456.
Re-structuring, Hydration, and Turgescence 4. Giraldo F, Gonzalez C, de Haro F. Central wedge nymphec-
tomy with a 90-degree Z-plasty for aesthetic reduction
of Vulvo-vaginal Mucosae of the labia minora. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2004;113(6):
A commercial mix (vitamins, hyaluronic acid) used for 5. Munhoz AM, Filassi JR, Ricci MD, et al. Aesthetic labia
facial rejuvenation, amino acids with a small diaphragm minora reduction with inferior wedge resection and superior
pedicle flap reconstruction. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2006;118(5):
made of ascorbic acid and lidocaine, hyaluronic acid 1237-1247.
and vitamins, hyaluronic acid having a heavier molecular 6. Likes WM, Sideri M, Haefner H, et al. Aesthetic practice
weight in order to more deeply re-hydrate the tissues. of labial reduction. J Lower Fem Gen Tract. 2008;12(3):
Doses will be proportional to the extent of the tissues 210-216.
Chapter 28
Reduction of Excess Abdominal Skin via Liposuction
and Surgical Excision
Fig. 28.3 (a and b) The tunnels are horizontally connected using Metzenbaum scissors to a level midway to one-third below the
Fig. 28.4 (a and b) The excess skin is pulled inferiorly with an appropriate degree of tension and bifurcations are made to approximate
the amount of redundant skin to be excised
Postoperative care
Fig. 28.6 Final closure includes subcutaneous closure with Fig. 28.7 Final closure with skin staples
absorbable sutures and a subcuticular pull-out suture on the skin,
although in this case, small skin staples were used
postoperatively. Patients are also instructed to stop patients are instructed to begin a light exercise regimen
smoking, 2 weeks prior and 4 weeks after the proce- of brisk walking for at least 1 h, 3–4 times a week
dure, and stop consuming alcoholic beverages for 24 h starting at least 2 weeks before the procedure.
prior or 3 days after surgery. To minimize risk of infec- Postoperatively, gentle normal activity is recom-
tion, an appropriate antibiotic is given starting 24 h mended for days 1–10, followed by increasing activity
prior to surgery. Pain medications are prescribed prior to walking at a gentle pace for 10–20 min a day from
to surgery, so patient can have them ready before day 10 to 3 weeks. Between weeks 3 and 6 weeks mod-
leaving recovery. To optimize results of the procedure, erate walking is recommended, with one mile per day
28 Reduction of Excess Abdominal Skin via Liposuction and Surgical Excision 211
Fig. 28.9 Pre (a) and 7 weeks post-op (b) miniabdominoplasty without liposuction
Fig. 28.10 Pre (a,c) and 8-week post-op (b,d) miniabdominoplasty and liposuction
increased risk of seroma formation. If seromas do patients. The use of minimally invasive techniques
form, these can be treated by aspirating and evacuating with liposuction alone, liposuction combined with the
them with an 18-gauge needle. Hematomas are rare in skin excisions and fascial plication can provide a com-
our experience and can be prevented by appropriate parable aesthetic result with less morbidity than tradi-
use of tumescent anesthesia with blunt tunneling and tional abdominoplasty in select patients.
suction, as well as adequate hemostasis before closing
the flap. If they occur, the flap may need to be partly
opened to allow for drainage, and appropriate antibiotics References
given to prevent infection. Meticulous attention to
sterile perioperative technique as well as pre- and post-
1. Illouz YG. A new technique for localized fat deposit. Paris:
operative infection prophylaxis is the best approach to Les Nouvelles Esthetiques; 1978.
avoid infection. In the event of an infection, early rec- 2. Klein JA. The tumescent technique for liposuction surgery.
ognition and treatment is paramount. Skin sloughs are Am J Cosmet Surg. 1987;4:263.
very rare after modified abdominoplasty and seem to 3. Bisaccia E, Scarborough DA. Syringe-assisted liposuction: a
cosmetic surgeon’s office technique. J Dermatol Surg Oncol.
be more common in more extensive abdominoplasties. 1988;14(9):982-989.
The recommended approach is to limit undermining 4. Scarborough DA, Bisaccia E. Miniabdominoplasty using
only under the skin that is planned to be excised so as combination liposuction and limited skin resection. Cosmetic
not to disturb the musculocutaneous perforators.10 Dermatol. 1997;10(7):10-12.
5. Matarasso A. Minimal-access variations in abdominoplasty.
Dehiscence is possible with too much tension on the Ann Plast Surg. 1995;34(3):255-263.
closure, a severe coughing spell, overexertion, or 6. Eaves FF 3rd, Nahai F, Bostwick J 3rd. Endoscopic abdomi-
straining from constipation. Sequential tension sutures, noplasty and endoscopically assisted miniabdominoplasty.
as well as a regimen of fiber medication to decrease Clin Plast Surg. 1996;23(4):599-616; discussion 617.
7. Matarasso A. Liposuction as an adjunct to a full abdomino-
constipation that can be caused by pain medications plasty. Plast Reconstr Surg. 1995;95(5):829-836.
are important. Just as with liposuction, other possible 8. Ribeiro L, Accorsi AJ, Buss A. Midiabdominoplasty: indi-
complications include transient hypesthesia, hyper or cations and technique Aesth Plast Surg. 1998;22:313-317.
hypopigmentation, asymmetry or contour irregularities, 9. Brauman D. Liposuction abdominoplasty: an evolving
concept. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2003;112(1):288-298; discus-
and hypertrophic scarring in incision sites. sion 299-301.
Pulmonary emboli are rare but the risk is increased 10. Avelar JM. Abdominoplasty combined with lipoplasty
in patients with a family history of PE, a history of without panniculus undermining: abdominolipoplasty – a
deep venous thrombosis, malignancy, systemic lupus, safe technique. Clin Plast Surg. 2006;33(1):79-90, vii.
11. Bisaccia E, Scarborough DA. Body analysis. In: The
protein C and S deficiency, nephrotic syndrome, and Columbia manual of dermatologic cosmetic surgery.
being on oral contraceptives. To minimize risk of pul- New York: McGraw-Hill; 2002:85-94.
monary embolism, proper patient selection is para- 12. Matarasso A, Belsley K. Abdominal contour procedures:
mount, as well as minimizing the duration of surgery evaluating the options. Dermatol Clin. 2005;23(3):475-493,
vi-vii. Review.
and encouraging mild activity as outlined above. Fat 13. Sozer SO, Agullo FJ, Santillan AA, Wolf C. Decision making
emboli are a very rare but a possible complication. in abdominoplasty. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2007;31(2):117-127.
This risk is minimized using tumescent anesthesia. 14. Grevious MA, Cohen M, Shah SA, Rodriguez P. Structural
and functional anatomy of the abdominal wall. Clin Pastic
Surg. 2006;33:169-179.
15. Netter F. Abdomen: body wall. In: The Atlas of Human Anatomy.
Conclusion New Jersey: Ciba-Geigy Corporation; 1989:231-250.
16. Stewart KJ, Stewart DA, Coghlan B, Harrison DH, Jones BM,
Waterhouse N. Complications of 278 consecutive abdomi-
Recent developments in abdominal contouring proce- noplasties. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2006;59(11):
dures have included the extensive use of liposuction 17. Khan UD. Risk of seroma with simultaneous liposuction and
and the use of modified or limited scars, producing a abdominoplasty and the role of progressive tension sutures.
“downsizing” of the operative procedures for many Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2008;32(1):93-99.
Part VII
Advanced and General Topics
Chapter 29
Ablative Laser Resurfacing Off the Face
Though ablative laser resurfacing is generally considered The conditions amenable to ablative treatment include
to be the gold standard for the rejuvenation of facial the following:
photodamage and scarring, its use has declined dramat-
• Neck and chest: photodamage and scarring of
ically because of its associated risk factors: postoperative
various etiologies as well as epidermal growths
infection, hypopigmentation, and scarring. To avoid
• Hands and arms: photodamage, scarring, and epi-
these problems, it requires significant expertise and
dermal growths
experience. When ablative laser procedures have been
• Torso – hips: striae alba, scars, and epidermal
attempted off the face, the margin for error is much
smaller, and the possibility of complications increases
• Legs and feet: photodamage, scars, and epider-
dramatically. In order to control these risks, the depth of
mal growths
resurfacing generally has to be limited to the epidermis,
and the surface area must be significantly limited. Photodamage includes dyschromia (permanent irregular
Achieving dermal effects of tissue tightening, scar hyperpigmentation, telangiectasia, lentigines, and
correction, rejuvenation of atrophic or wrinkled skin ephelides), altered texture (atrophic skin with irregular
may not be realistic and must be approached with crepey texture), skin laxity, and wrinkles. Epidermal
extreme caution. Any treatment on the legs becomes growths are usually coexistent or a component of
even more problematic because of the slow healing photodamage and include seborrheic keratoses, skin
related to that area. tags, actinic keratoses, and disseminated superficial
Ablative resurfacing of the chest and the lower 1/3 actinic porokeratosis (DSAP). Scars are visible because
of the neck is particularly risky if depths extending of discoloration (red, brown, or white), shadowing
deeper than the epidermis are attempted. When attempt- secondary to their atrophic nature (with either smooth
ing to treat epidermal lesions that may extend into the or sharp borders) or because of the elevation above the
dermis via rete ridges, such as seborrheic keratoses surface (hypertrophic).
or actinic keratoses, particular care must be taken.
Compound nevi are challenging as well because of
the dermal component of the lesion. Failure to remove Method of Device and Treatment
deep epidermal extensions of seborrheic keratoses,
actinic keratoses, and compound nevi results in the
regeneration of the lesions. On the other hand, abla-
tion to depths of complete removal can result in The advent of new technologies has revived interest in
significant dermal injury and often results in a hypop- the use of ablative procedures off the face and has
igmented scar. given physicians the tools to achieve excellent results
without significant risk. The new technologies to be many patients. Pulse energies as high as 3.0 J may be
discussed are Portrait® Plasma Skin Regeneration, used safely on the upper 1/3 of the neck, but the energy
fractional CO2 resurfacing (Reliant Fraxel Re:pair will should be dropped to 2.0–2.5 J for the lower 2/3 of the
be discussed), and the adjunctive use of spot therapy neck. Repeat passes are necessary to assure complete
with the conventional CO2, erbium or alexandrite lasers and even coverage. For the hands and arms, pulse
with epidermal enzymes. energies of 2.5–3.0 J may be used safely.
When using the Portrait® Plasma Skin Rejuvenation Lentigines and ephelides are pretreated with the
(Rhytec Inc., Waltham, MA) procedure on the neck, Q-switched alexandrite laser using a 4 mm spot and
chest, hands, or arms, it is important to decrease the 4.0–5.5 J/cm2. Thick seborrheic keratoses located off
pulse energy according to the anatomic location. the face are treated with a focused spot of CO2 laser,
Achieving even, thorough epidermal coverage is pulse-stacking to create an epidermal–dermal blister to
important as well. Supplementing the procedure with lift off the lesion precisely at the epidermal/dermal
alexandrite laser pretreatment of lentigines and sebor- juncture (Fig. 29.1).
rheic keratoses will result in a more significant clinical
benefit. The Portrait® will achieve improvement in the
epidermal components generally 50–90%, and may
give mild improvement in some of the dermal features Fractional Resurfacing
of photodamage and scarring, but more than one
treatment session may be necessary. Dermal heating of The Fraxel Re:pair however allows much more
collagen occurs down to approximately 300 µm at aggressive and deeper treatment of these conditions
these parameters, so there is definitely stimulation of off the face. Depths of treatment as great as 1600 µm
new collagen and this will result in some degree of can be used safely, but there must be close attention to
smoothing of the skin’s texture and skin tightening in density, or percent coverage. The primary area of
Fig. 29.1 (a)Before and (b) 3 months after Fraxel Re:pair of the face and neck and with spot treatment using a traditional CO2 laser
for seborrheic keratoses
29 Ablative Laser Resurfacing Off the Face 217
concern off the face, as far as potential poor healing or the anticipated four treatments in order to decrease the
scarring, is the lower neck. Densities greater than 20% downtime of the patient. For the Fraxel Re:pair, we use
should not be used in this area or on the chest. Although densities of 10–30% and pulse energies of 20–50 mJ
a single treatment with 25–30% coverage leaves when treating photodamage. Isolated areas of traumatic
70–75% of the tissue untreated, we have seen infection or surgical scarring are usually treated with 70 mJ pulse.
occur at these settings that has resulted in scarring As with other procedures discussed, the alexandrite
(Fig. 29.2). The ability of the lower neck to respond to laser is used first to treat the most visible lentigines
any adverse event posttreatment appears to be severely and seborrheic keratoses (Fig. 29.4). One lesion seen
compromised at these densities. When treating mod- commonly on the forearms is hypopigmented flat
erate to severe photodamage or scarring of the upper seborrheic keratoses. These lesions are treated lightly
neck, we commonly use densities of 35% and pulse with an erbium or CO2 laser to help improve response,
energies of 40–70 mJ. When treating mild to moderate because of the lower densities generally being used
photodamage or scarring, we generally drop the upper with the Fraxel Re:pair.
neck density to 20–35% and the pulse energy to When the Fraxel Re:store is used as a follow-up
20–30 mJ. The lower neck and chest are treated at treatment, we will use pulse energies of 70 mJ and
densities of 10–20% and pulse energies of 20–50 mJ. 32% coverage.
Repeat treatment sessions are likely to improve the With this approach, we invariably see significant
overall response and these may be done at 1–6 months improvement in texture, lines, tissue laxity as well as
intervals. more uniform color, with elimination of lentigines,
As with the Portrait® procedure, we commonly use seborrheic keratoses, and actinic keratoses. Lesions of
the Q-switched alexandrite laser as an adjunctive treat- DSAP do diminish somewhat, but in order to eliminate
ment when there are large numbers or large lesions of these persistent lesions, a more targeted approach is
lentigines or seborrheic keratoses. necessary, which will be discussed in the section on
In a single treatment, we expect to see mild tightening treatment of the legs.
(10–30%) (Fig. 29.3), mild improvement in lines and Striae alba are very common findings on the lower
texture (15–40%), and significant improvement in abdomen after pregnancy and on the hips and upper
dyschromia, including poikiloderma (usually >75%). lateral thighs secondary to adolescent growth spurts.
Treatment of the hands and arms is generally There has never been a treatment that we have felt
approached as a series of treatment, often combining capable of giving significant improvement in the
the less-aggressive Fraxel Re:store for one or more of cosmetic appearance of these lesions. Not only are
they visible because of the hypopigmentation and loss
of natural skin texture lines, but many are also atro-
Fig. 29.4 Before and 5 months after treatment of lentigines and seborrheic keratoses with a Q-switched alexandrite laser
Fig. 29.6 DSAP present for 35 years and recalcitrant to numerous previous treatments, shows excellent improvement following
treatment with erbium laser stratum corneum ablation followed by application of trypsin and papain
Chapter 30
Prepackaged Injectable Soft-Tissue Rejuvenation
of the Hand and Other Nonfacial Areas
Treatment Application
Fig. 30.2 Injection technique. This figure shows the tenting technique (Fig. 30.2a) when injecting a bolus of filler into the dorsal
aspect of the hand (Fig. 30.2b). A massage of the treated area should follow injection of the bolus (Fig. 30.2c)
ecchymosis, temporary pain, and tissue soreness in the fer has been the treatment of choice for most nonfacial
first days following injection. Patients taking blood augmentation procedures.
thinners may experience more swelling and bruising than Moving beyond hands, certainly feet are an area of
patients who are not taking these agents. cosmetic concern for many aesthetically minded
In addition, anecdotal reports to the authors have patients. With the increasing attention to grooming of
been noted concerning swelling of the hand post the skin and nails of the feet associated with footwear
augmentation in a few patients. The swelling began fashion that exposes the tops of the feet, many patients
immediately, post procedure in one case and as late as would conceivably be candidates for dorsal subdermal
3 weeks after injection in another. Risk factors in these injections of filling agents to address many of the same
few cases may have included the patient being greater appearance factors that affect the backs of hands.
than 60 years of age and injection with more than one The age associated thinning of the dermis combined
CaHA syringe into each hand. Treatment consisted of with photo damage serves to expose the architectural
watchful waiting, hand elevation, and perhaps oral anatomy of the dorsal foot. As can be seen with the before
steroids. In each of these anecdotal cases, the swelling and after photos of the feet of a 42-year-old woman
resolved without sequelae. treated with CaHA (Fig. 30.3a, b), the aesthetically
enhanced appearance rivals that of hand rejuvenation
with CaHA (Fig. 30.4a, b).
The technique guidelines, administration, and
CaHA in Other Nonfacial Areas mixing of CAHA with lidocaine are unchanged from
hand augmentation. Additionally, foot augmentation
While nonfacial areas have traditionally not been patients are requested to refrain from wearing any
treated with injectable filling agents, there are anec- tight-fitting footwear (especially over the instep portion
dotal reports of collagens being used for traumatic and of foot) for 2 weeks post injection. Those patients who
postsurgical defects off of the face. Additionally, these have compromised circulation, diabetes, active infection,
agents have been used for cosmetic augmentation of or any other type of medical condition that could impair
the nipples, labia, clitoris, and penis. While these uses healing and/or predispose to infection, ulceration or
have been acknowledged, they are not typically widely skin compromise are currently not recommended for
performed. With the exception of postsurgical (mas- this procedure.
tectomy) or inverted/asymmetric nipple reconstruction Because no overcorrection is needed, the treatment
and augmentation,8,9 and the more recently described provides real-time results as soon as the treatment is
hand rejuvenation (Fig. 30.2c), other body areas gener- completed. The addition of anesthetic into the soft tis-
ally have not been treated with fillers. Rather, fat trans- sue compound allows deposition in areas traditionally
224 W.P. Werschler and M. Busso
Fig. 30.4 Patient before and after hand augmentation. This figure shows a 38-year-old patient before (a) and immediately after
injection of 1.3 mL of CaHA for augmentation of the hands (b)
30 Prepackaged Injectable Soft-Tissue Rejuvenation of the Hand and Other Nonfacial Areas 225
Acknowledgements The authors express appreciation to BioForm sensus recommendations. Plast Recon Surg. 2007;120(Suppl):
Medical researcher staff members Robert Voigts, Dale DeVore, 55S-66S.
PhD, Michelle Johnson, and Xanthi Merlo for their studies on 2. Tzikas TL. Evaluation of Radiance™ FN soft tissue filler for
the properties of CaHA. The authors also thank the editors of the facial soft tissue augmentation. Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2004;6:
Journal of Dermatologic Therapy for permission to use images 234-239.
and some text that appeared earlier in their journal. Finally, the 3. Felderman LI. CaHA for facial rejuvenation. Cosmetic Dermatol.
authors value the editorial assistance provided by David J. 2005;18(22):823-826.
Howell, PhD, San Francisco, CA. 4. Becker H. Nasal augmentation with calcium hydroyxylaptite in a
Disclosures. Dr. Werschler is an advisory board member, carrier-based gel. Plast Recon Surg. 2008;121(6):2142-2147.
clinical investigator, consultant, investor, and/or speaker for 5. Werschler WP. Treating the aging face: a multidisciplinary
Allergan, Inc, Artes, BioForm Medical, Inc, DermAvance approach with calcium hydroxylapatite and other fillers, part 2.
Pharmaceuticals, Inc, Johnson & Johnson, MyoScience Inc, Cosmetic Dermatol. 2007;20(12):791-796.
Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation, Revance Therapeutics, 6. Busso M, Applebaum D. Hand augmentation with Radiesse®
and Sanofi-Aventis. (calcium hydroxylapatite). J Dermatol Ther. 2007;20(6):
Dr. Busso has been an investigator for Radiesse and ArteFill 315-317.
clinical trials; he is a member of the BioForm Medical Education 7. Busso M, Voigts R. An investigation of changes in physical
Faculty. He is also on advisory boards for Dermik and Allergan. properties of injectable calcium hydroxylapatite in a carrier gel
(Radiesse®) when mixed with lidocaine and with lidocaine-
epinephrine. Dermatol Surg. 2008;34(Suppl 1):S16-23.
8. Jacovella P. Calcium Hydroxylapatite Facial Filler (Radiesse™):
indications, technique, and results. Clin Plast Surg. 2006;33(4):
References 511-523.
9. Evans KK, Rasko Y, Lenert J, et al. The use of calcium
hydroxylapatite for nipple projection after failed nipple-
1. Graivier MH, Bass LS, Busso M, et al. Calcium hydroxylapatite areolar reconstruction: early results. Ann Plast Surg. 2005;55:
(Radiesse®) for correction of the mid- and lower face: con- 25-29. [discussion 29].
Chapter 31
Cosmeceuticals Off the Face
unless the ambient humidity is 70%, but rather from Table 31.6 Cosmeceutical sunscreens
the inner layers of the skin. Humectants draw water Sunscreen Spectrum of
from the viable dermis into the viable epidermis categories protection Ingredients
and then from the nonviable epidermis into the Organic UVB 290–320 nm Octyl methoxy cinnamate,
filters ocytocrylene, octyl
stratum corneum. Lastly, hydrocolloids are physi- salicylate
cally large substances, which cover the skin thus Organic UVA 320–360 nm Ecamsule, avobenzone,
retarding TEWL. Body moisturizers are typically filters oxybenzone, menthyl
more occlusive than those designed for the face, since anthranilate
Inorganic Total reflection Zinc oxide, titanium dioxide
the sebaceous glands are reduced on the body, yet
UVB/UVA of all
they are formulated for better spreadability over large filters radiation
surface areas.
have compared its efficacy to that of hydroquinone. which encompasses all of the naturally occurring
It too interferes with tyrosinase activity, but may also retinol derivatives.
interfere with DNA synthesis. Another skin lightening The currently most popular topical flavonoid for
chemical that is fungally derived from Aspergillus body application is genistein, obtained from fermented
and Penicillium species is kojic acid, chemically known soy, which functions as phytoestrogens when orally
as 5-hydroxymethyl-4H-pyrane-4-one). It functions by consumed. Some of the cutaneous effects of soy have
binding to copper thereby inhibiting tyrosinase. linked to its estrogenic effect in postmenopausal
Two plant derivatives that are found in cosmeceuticals women. Topical estrogens have been shown to increase
to lighten skin are arbutin, obtained from the leaves of the skin thickness and promote collagen synthesis. It is
Vaccinicum vitis-idaca and licorice extracts. Arbutin is interesting to note that genistein increases collagen
a naturally occurring gluconopyranoside that causes gene expression in cell culture, however there are no
decreased tyrosinase activity without affecting messenger published reports of this collagen-stimulating effect in
RNA expression. It is felt to be effective than liquiritin topical human trials thus its benefit, as a body moisturizer
and isoliquertin, which are licorice glycosides. Liquiritin additive, cannot be confirmed.
induces skin lightening by dispersing melanin. Some Curcumin is an example of a polyphenol antioxidant
plants also rich in ascorbic acid are used in hyperpigmen- derived from the turmeric root, which is a popular spice
tation formulations, since vitamin C interrupts the produc- and natural yellow food coloring. Tetrahydrocurcumin,
tion of melanogenesis by interacting with copper ions a hydrogenated form of curcumin, is off-white in color
to reduce dopaquinone and blocking dihydrochinindol- and can be added to skin care product not only to func-
2-carboxyl acid oxidation. These plant derivatives are tion as a skin antioxidant, but also to prevent the lipids
distinctly ineffective on the body, since the thicker skin in the moisturizer from becoming rancid. Resveratrol,
precludes penetration. a related chemical to curcumin, is found in red wine
accounting for the antioxidant effect of this beverage.
Again, data is lacking on the topical body benefits of
Antiaging Therapies polyphenols.
Carotenoids, in the form of retinoids, are the best
The discussion now turns to antiaging therapies for the studied body antiaging cosmeceuticals. Tretinoin, a
body, however there are too many substances and prescription retinoid, has been proven to produce the
techniques in the cosmeceutical realm to present in antiaging effects listed in Table 31.5. There is some
this brief discussion, yet it is worthwhile examining evidence that naturally occurring cosmeceutical forms
the major categories of botanical antioxidants and of vitamin A, such as retinyl palmitate and retinol, can
retinoids. Most botanical antioxidants can be classified function as topical antioxidants, enhancing function-
into one of three categories as flavonoids, polyphenols, ing of benign photodamaged skin. Retinyl palmitate
and carotenoids. Flavonoids possess a polyphenolic can become biologically active following cutaneous
structure that accounts for their antioxidant, UV enzymatic cleavage of the ester bond and subsequent
protectant, and metal chelation abilities. Polyphenols conversion of retinol to retinoic acid. It is this cutaneous
compose the largest category of botanical antioxidants. conversion of retinol to retinoic acid that is responsible
Lastly, carotenoids are chemically related to vitamin A, for the biologic activity of some of the new stabilized
232 Z.D. Draelos
Skin Lightening
Cosmeceuticals for body rejuvenation are an impor-
tant part of the dermatologic armamentarium. Evidence
10. Balina LM, Graupe K. The treatment of melasma. 20% azelaic
exists for the efficacy of cleansers and moisturizers in
acid versus 4% hydroquinone cream. Int J Dermatol. 1991;
skin hygiene and barrier maintenance. New filters with 30(12):893-895.
enhanced photostability are increasing the value and 11. Lim JT. Treatment of melasma using kojic acid in a gel
longevity of sunscreens to prevent photodamage. Yet, containing hydroquinone and glycolic acid. Derm Surg.
areas such as skin lightening and antiaging therapies,
12. Hori I, Nihei K, Kubo I. Structural criteria for depigmenting
outside of hydroquinone and prescription retinoids, are mechanism of arbutin. Phytother Res. 2004;18:475-469.
lacking in evidence. The future requires documenta- 13. Amer M, Metwalli M. Topical Liquiritin improves melasma.
tion of the dose and expected effects of cosmeceuticals Int J Dermatol. 2000;39(4):299-301.
that are used as antioxidants for skin rejuvenation.
14. Glazier MG, Bowman MA. A review of the evidence for
Cleansers the use of phytoestrogens as a replacement for traditional
estrogen replacement therapy. Arch Intern Med. 201;161:
1. Willcox MJ, Crichton WP. The soap market. Cosmet Toilet. 15. Duell EA, Derguini F, Kang S, Elder JT, Voorhees JJ.
1989;104:61-63. Extraction of human epidermis treated with retinol yields
2. Wortzman MS. Evaluation of mild skin cleansers. Derm retro-retinoids in addition to free retinol and retinyl esters.
Clinics. 1991;9:35-44. J Invest Dermatol. 1996;107:178-182.
Chapter 32
Special Considerations in Asian Patients
According to the 2006 Survey of American Society Skin types vary greatly amongst Asiatic races, and it is
of Plastic Surgeons, Botox® is the most common important to note that the Fitzpatrick skin typing system
Fig. 32.1 (a) Enlarged gastrocnemius. (b) After 100 units of Botox per calf
is not directly applicable to the Asian population. levels can also reduce the risk of PIH in Asians.6,7. The
Careful attention should be given to ethnic background typical parameters used for the neck are 40–50 mJ,
and skin type when selecting laser parameters given treatment level 4–6, and 8 passes. Radiofrequency tis-
the higher risk of PIH in this group. Means to reduce the sue tightening with Thermage Thermacool TC (Solta
PIH include: selecting longer wavelengths, ensuring Medical Inc., Hayward, CA, USA) causes dermal and
adequate cooling, and increasing pulse duration. Strict subdermal tissue heating through the conduction of
sun avoidance and application of skin preparations electric current with subsequent collagen remodeling
containing sunblock, medium potency steroids, hydro- and skin tightening. Patient satisfaction is high, espe-
quinone 4–6% and azelaic acid 20%, tretinoin, glycolic cially when the upper neck is treated. With the use of
acid or kojic acid for 2 weeks before and after treatment effective cooling, lower fluences, and multiple passes,
are strongly advocated. PIH is uncommon in Asians.
The primary goal of laser neck rejuvenation in Asians is Cellulite, central adiposity, abdominal laxity, and striae
to address skin laxity and improve textural changes. after childbirth are frequent complaints in Asian patients.
Radiofrequency devices and fractional resurfacing can Nonsurgical techniques are preferred and several radio
both be used safely on the neck in Asians with minimal frequency and infrared devices show promise for treat-
downtime. Fraxel (Fraxel re:store, Solta Medical Inc., ment in Asian patients since their effect is independent
Hayward, CA) utilizes a 1,540 nm laser to create zones of skin type. Velasmooth (Syneron Medical Ltd), is
of microscopic thermal injury that are surrounded by FDA approved for the treatment of cellulite and com-
normal tissue, which allows rapid re-epithelialization of bines bipolar radiofrequency, infrared, and mechanical
the epidermis.5 In Asian patients, cooling is critical to massage to improve cellulite. Sadick et al. showed an
reduce bulk tissue heating and diminish the risk of PIH. average decrease in 0.53 cm of the upper thigh and
Recently, it has been observed that decreasing density 0.44 cm of the lower thigh after 6 weeks of bi-weekly
32 Special Considerations in Asian Patients 235
treatments.8 Thermage with a deep contouring (DC™) a mean circumference reduction of 2 cm of treated
tip can also be used for cellulite treatment (Fig. 32.2). areas was noted in the second week and sustained for
Ultrashape (UltraShape Ltd, Tel Aviv, Israel) is a new 12 weeks. However, for Asians with a smaller body
focused ultrasound device that causes selective lipoly- size, the results were much less impressive. A smaller
sis (Fig. 32.3). In a multicenter study of 137 patients9, transducer is necessary to improve outcomes.10 For the
Fig. 32.2 (a) Cellulite of the buttock and thigh. (b) Cellulite reduction after Thermage deep tip
treatment of abdominal striae, Thermage combined followed by 595 nm PDL at subpurpuric doses (0.45 ms,
with the 585 nm pulsed dye laser (PDL) was reported 10 mm spot size, and 4–5 J/cm2). Fraxel is also an
to be successful in 37 Asian patients. After 1 session of effective treatment for hypertrophic scars on the body
Thermage and two PDL treatments 1 month apart, (Fig. 32.4). High energies and densities are necessary
89% of patients showed clinical improvement with to improve hypertrophic scars (70 mJ, treatment level
histologic increase in elastin and collagen.11 Thermage 8–11, 8–10 passes).
and other infrared devices, such as the Titan (Cutera,
Brisbane, CA), and infrared handpiece (Starlux,
Palomar, Burlington, MA), can also be used to tighten Hair Removal
the abdomen. Further studies are needed to determine
the optimal treatment parameters and long-term Several lasers can be used safely for hair removal in
efficacy of these relatively new devices. Asians, including the long pulsed Alexandrite, Diode,
and Nd:YAG.15,16 A retrospective analysis of 805
patient comparing these systems revealed a slightly
Hypertrophic and Keloid Scars greater efficacy with the long-pulsed Alexandrite and
long-pulsed diode laser compared to the long pulsed
Hypertrophic and keloid scars resulting from acne or Nd:YAG.17 Due to the increased epidermal melanin
traumatic injury are commonly seen in the Asian popu- content in Asians which competes with the pigment in
lation and may cause functional impairment, pruritus, the hair follicle, lasers with longer wavelengths, longer
and pain. The 585 nm PDL has been used at doses of pulse widths, and adequate cooling are necessary to
3.5–5.5 J/cm2 with a 10 mm spot size to improve the avoid adverse effects. Intense Pulsed Light with a filter
appearance and symptoms of hypertrophic scars by of 645–950 nm is also effective and safe in Asians.18
selective destruction of blood vessels and decrease in
collagenesis.12,13 Manuskiatti showed that there was no
significant difference between fluences of 3, 5, and,
7 J/cm2 with a 5 mm spot size, but noted a trend towards Conclusion
improvement with lower fluences.14 Lower subpur-
puric doses avoid thermal injury and further scar Noninvasive rejuvenation procedures amongst Asians
induction. In Asians, a lower fluence should be used are increasingly common. Knowledge of inherent
since melanin acts as a competing chromophore to differences in Asian skin types, variable treatment
hemoglobin and epidermal injury may occur. Our parameters, and an appreciation for cultural aesthetic
current approach is to perform a series of monthly goals allows safe and effective treatment of this growing
intralesional injections of triamcinolone +/- 5-FU population.
Fig. 32.4 (a) Burn scar. (b) After five full fraxel treatments
32 Special Considerations in Asian Patients 237
References 10. Shek SY, Yu CS, Yeung CK, et al. Non-invasive body con-
touring with focused ultrasound technology. Lasers Surg
Med. 2007;S20:60.
1. Yu S, Grekin R. Aesthetic analysis of Asian skin. Facial 11. Suh DH, Chang KY, Son HC, et al. Radiofrequency and 585-
Plast Surg Clin North Am. 2007;15(3):361-365. nm pulsed dye laser treatment of striae distensae: a report of
2. Chung JH. Photoaging in Asians. Photodermatol Photoimmunol 37 Asian patients. Dermatol Surg. 2007;33(1):29-34.
Photomed. 2003;19:109-121. 12. Alster TS. Improvement of erythematous and hypertrophic
3. Han KH, Joo YH, Moon SE, et al. Botulinum toxin A treatment scars by the 585nm flashlamp-pumped pulsed dye laser. Ann
for contouring of the lower leg. J Dermatol Treat. 2006; Plast Surg. 1994;32:186-189.
17(4):250-254. 13. Nouri K, Jimenez GP, Harrison-Balestra C. 585nm pulsed
4. Lee JH, Huh CH, Yoon HJ, et al. Photoepilation results of dye laser in the treatment of surgical scars on the suture
axillary hair in dark-skinned patients by IPL: a comparison removal day. Dermatol Surg. 2003;29:65-73.
between different wavelength and pulse width. Derm Surg 14. Manuskiatti W, Fitzpatrick RE, Goldman MP. Energy
2006;32(2):234-240. density and number of treatments affect respone of keloidal
5. Manstein D, Herron GS, Sink RK. Fractional photothermoly- and hypertrophic sternotomy scars to the 585nm flashlamp-
sis: a new concept for cutaneous remodeling using microscopic pumped pulsed-dye laser. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2001;45:
patterns of thermal injury. Lasers Surg Med. 2004;34:426-438. 557-565.
6. Chan HH, Manstein D, Yu CS, et al. The prevalence and 15. Chan HH, Ying Y, Ho WS, et al. An in vivo study comparing
risk factors of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation after the efficacy and complications of diode laser and long-
fractional resurfacing in Asians. Lasers Surg Med. 2007;39(5): pulsed Nd:YAG laser in hair removal in Chinese patients.
381-385. Dermatol Surg. 2001;27(11):950-954.
7. Kono T, Chan HH, Groff WF, et al. Prospective direct 16. Hussain M, Polnikorn N, Goldberg DJ. Laser assisted hair
comparison study of fractional resurfacing using different removal in Asian skin: efficacy, complication, and the effect of
fluences and densities for skin rejuvenation in Asians. Lasers single versus multiple treatments. Dermatol Surg. 2003;29(3):
Surg Med. 2007;39(4):311-314. 249-254.
8. Sadick N, Magro C. A study evaluating the safety and effi- 17. Bouzari N, Tabatabai H, Abbasi Z, et al. Laser hair removal:
cacy of the VelaSmooth system in the treatment of cellulite. comparison of long-pulsed Nd:YAG, long-pulsed alexan-
J Cosmet Laser Ther. 2007;9(1):15-20. drite, and long-pulsed diode lasers. Dermatol Surg. 2004;30(4
9. Teitelbaum SA, Burns JL, Kubota J, et al. Noninvasive body Pt 1):498-502.
contouring by focused ultrasound: safety and efficacy of the 18. Lee HJ, Lee DW, Park YH, et al. Botulinum toxin A for
Contour I device in a multicenter, controlled, clinical study. aesthetic contouring of enlarged edial gastrocnemius muscle.
Plast Reconstr Surg. 2007;120(3):779-89. [discussion 790]. Dermatol Surg. 2004;30(6):867-871.
Chapter 33
Treatment and Prevention of Dyspigmentation in Patients
with Ethnic Skin
Treatment Application
of Dyspigmentation in Ethnic Skin
Table 33.2 Topical treatments for post-inflammatory hyperpig area of PIH. Hydroquinone should be applied twice
mentation in dark skin daily (morning and night) and may be used for months,
Treatment Dose resulting in gradual depigmentation. Patients should
Hydroquinone <2% formula over the counter, 3–4% be advised to use broad spectrum sunscreens during
prescription formulations, 5–10%
compounded formulations and after treatment. Hydroquinone will bleach both
Azelaic acid 15% gel, 20% cream lentigines and freckles, but will spare café-au-lait spots
a-Hydroxy acid Start at 20–30% solution, gradually and pigmented nevi.
(glycolic acid) increase
b-Hydroxy acid 20% solution, 30% solution
(salicylic acid)
Alternative Treatment Methods
Kojic acid 1–4% formula
Arbutin 3% formula
Licorice extract Various concentrations Antioxidants, such as vitamin C, retinoids, and alpha-
Topical retinoids Multiple formulations ranging from hydroxy acids, may be used as additives to increase
0.02 to 0.1% creams and gels penetration and enhance efficacy in the treatment
of PIH. 2 Hydroquinone has also been combined
with both topical retinoids and glucocorticoids to
Histologically, it is seen as an accumulation of melanin enhance efficacy.
and melanophages in the upper dermis and treatment
modalities such as Q-switched laser therapy have been
used with limited success.3 Management of Adverse Effects
0.05% Desonide
Dose Selection and Treatment Technique 0.025% Triamcinolone acetonide
0.1% Hydrocortisone butyrate
a-Hydroxy acids (lactic acid, glycolic acid, citric 0.01–0.025% Fluocinolone acetonide
acid, glucuronic acid, and pyruvic acid) are found in 0.2% Hydrocortisone valerate
a variety of natural products including cane sugar,
fruits, and yogurt as well as in cleansers, moisturizers,
and chemical peeling agents.1 Therapy should begin at
low concentrations (20–30%) with a gradual increase Laser Therapy
in the concentration and frequency of use to limit
side effects. Salicylic acid, the most commonly Lasers may be used cautiously in darkly complexioned
used b-hydroxy acid, is available commercially as a individuals when utilized for hair removal, tattoo pig-
superficial peeling agent in solution form at concen- ment removal, skin resurfacing, and vascular lesions. The
trations of 20 and 30% (B-Liftx®). Salicylic acid increased epidermal melanin in richly pigmented skin
acts synergistically with 4% hydroquinone to reduce may interfere with the absorption of laser energy aimed
hyperpigmentation.5 at another target. Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation
33 Treatment and Prevention of Dyspigmentation in Patients with Ethnic Skin 243
is a frequently reported side effect of laser therapy and hydroquinone is the gold standard for treating PIH,
sunscreen should be initiated several weeks prior to with rapidly advancing innovation in laser technology
and continued after therapy to reduce this risk. and increased research in ethnic skin, it is likely that
Q-swtiched ruby laser has been used to treat PIH, laser therapy may be a preferred treatment modality of
but with little success.3 No other studies to the authors’ the future.
knowledge have specifically investigated laser treatment
of PIH in darker individuals. However, laser therapy
has been demonstrated to successfully treat other
dyschromias. In Asians, the Q-switched alexandrite References
laser has been found to be effective for freckles and
intense pulsed light for lentigines.3 1. Roberts WE. Chemical peeling in ethnic/dark skin. Dermatol
Ther. 2004;17(2):196-205.
2. Halder RM, Richards GM. Management of dyschromias in
ethnic skin. Dermatol Ther. 2004;17(2):151-157.
Conclusion 3. Bhatt N, Alster TS. Laser surgery in dark skin. Dermatol
Surg. 2008;34(2):184-194. discussion 94–95.
4. Levin CY, Maibach H. Exogenous ochronosis. An update on
With the consideration of prevention of potential PIH clinical features, causative agents and treatment options. Am J
and working knowledge of available treatment modalities Clin Dermatol. 2001;2(4):213-217.
5. Grimes PE. The safety and efficacy of salicylic acid chemical
of dyspigmentation, body rejuvenation can be safely peels in darker racial-ethnic groups. Dermatol Surg. 1999;25(1):
performed in persons of richly pigmented skin. While 18-22.
Abdominal skin reduction Body Cosmeceutical treatment application
clinical examination, 207–208 antiaging therapies, 231–232
method of device, liposuction and surgical excision, cleansers, 229
208–209 exfoliants, 229
possible complications, 211–212 moisturizers, 229–230
post-operative care, 209–211 skin lightening agents, 230–231
Ablative laser resurfacing sunscreens, 230
device and treatment application methods Botulinum toxin, 3–7
fractional resurfacing, 216–218 Botulinum Toxin A (Botox®), 233
lesions treatment, 218–219 clinical examination, 77
Portrait® Plasma Skin Rejuvenation, 216 patient selection, 77
patient selection, 215 treatment application, 77–78
Acne scarring treatment technique
ablative lasers, 58 clinical trial, 79–81
hypertrophic and keloidal, 56–57 mechanism, 79
pulsed dye laser, 57–58 special considerations, 80–81
semi-ablative lasers, 58 Breast reduction
Ambulatory phlebectomy (AP) adverse events management, 75–76
clinical examination, 135–136 clinical examination and patient history, 73
contraindications, 135 device and treatment application method, 73–75
indications, 135 results and post-operative care, 75
treatment application tumescent liposuction, 73
complications, 141
postoperative instructions, 141
procedural protocol, 136–141 C
sclerotherapy, 141 Calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) administration
Antiaging therapies, 231–232 hand
AP. See Ambulatory phlebectomy (AP) adverse events, 222–223
Arm fat reduction lidocaine, 222
liposuction posttreatment, 222
clinical examination and patient history, 111 non-facial areas, 223–224
complications, 115 Cellulite reduction, subcision
indications, 111 adverse events management, 170–171
postoperative instructions, 113–115 classification, 168
procedural protocol, 111–113 clinical examination and patient selection,
surgical excision 167–168
clinical examination and patient history, 117–118 method of device and treatment application
outcomes and complications, 120 postoperative recommendations, 169
treatment application, 118–120 preoperative recommendations, 168
Asian patients technique, 168–169
cutaneous racial, 233 Chemical peeling, keratoses and lentigines
treatment applications clinical examination, 85
Botulinum Toxin A (Botox®), 233 conventional approaches, 85
laser and radiofrequency skin rejuvenation, device methods and treatment applications
233–236 postoperative care, 87
246 Index
Off-face laser treatment, keratoses and lentigines Q-switched (QS) (532nm) Nd:YAG and 694 nm QS ruby
clinical examination, 89 lasers, 89–92
device method and treatment application
fractional photothermolysis, 92
pulsed-dye laser-mediated PDT, 97–98 R
QS ruby and 532 nm QS Nd:YAG lasers, 89 Radiesse, 221
patient history Radiofrequency (RF) technique, face skin tightening
adverse events management, 198–199
clinical examination, 193
P contraindications, 194
PDL. See Pulsed dye lasers (PDL) dose/setting selection, 193–194
Photodynamic therapy (PDT), keratoses and lentigines post-operative care, 197
clinical examination, 85 vs. IBBL device, 196
conventional approaches, 85 Relaxed skin tension lines (RSTL), 67, 69, 70
device methods and treatment applications, 86 Revision technique alogrithm, 67
patient history, 85
photodamage and actinic keratoses (AK), 86–87
Platysmal bands treatment S
clinical examination, 3 Sclerotherapy, hand veins
treatment indications clinical examination, 100
alternative treatment methods, 6–7 device methods and treatment application,
Botulinum toxins, 7 100–103
setting selection, 3–4 vs. endovenous laser hand vein ablation
treatment technique, 4–6 (EVLH), 100
Poikiloderma of civatte (POC) Sclerotherapy, leg veins
bleaching treatments, 51 clinical examination, 127–128
clinical examination and patient history definition, 127
patient evaluation, 40–41 treatment application
preoperative evaluation, 40 adverse events management, 133
dynamic cooling device (DCD), 39 compression, 132
fractional photothermolysis, 39 foam sclerotherapy, 131–132
intense pulsed light (IPL) systems, 39, 49–51 large and small vessels, 128–131
laser treatment post-operative care, 132
argon laser, 48 sclerosants, 128
potassium-titanyl-phosphate (KTP), 48 Skin lightening agents, 230–231
pulsed dye laser (PDL), 48–49 Skin tightening, arms and legs
postoperative care, 44 clinical examination, 123
treatment application intense pulsed light (IPL), 121–122
chemical peels, 41–44 radiofrequency (RF)
preoperative patient preparation, 41 electrode configurations, 121
Poikiloderma treatment properties, 121
clinical examination and patient history, 31–32 treatment application
definition, 31 adverse events, 124
method of device, fractional resurfacing anesthetics, 123
alternative treatment methods, 34 grid marking pattern, 123
dose/setting selection, 32–34 non-facial skin, 123
management, adverse events, 35 patient feedback, 123
post-operative care, 34–35 post-procedural care, 124
treatment techniques, 33–34 Subcision technique
Portrait® Plasma Skin Rejuvenation, 216 adverse events management, 170–171
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH), 240 classification, cellulite, 168
Prepackaged injectable soft-tissue rejuvenation clinical examination and patient selection, 167–168
clinical examination, 221 method of device and treatment application
Radiesse, 221 postoperative recommendations, 169
treatment application, CaHA administration preoperative recommendations, 168
hand, 222–223 technique, 168–169
non-facial areas, 223–224 Surgical scars
Pulsed dye lasers (PDL) clinical examination and patient history, 65–67
acne scarring, 57–58 treatment methods
surgical scars, 69 cryosurgery, 68
Index 249