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EE 218 Instrumentation and Measurement: B. Sc. Program Status Report 2016

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B . S C .

P R O G R A M S T A T U S R E P O R T 2 0 1 6

Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport

College of Engineering & Technology
Electrical & Control Engineering Department

University/Academy: Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport

Faculty/Institute: College of Engineering & Technology
Program: B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering

Form no. (12)

Course Specification

1- Course Data
Course Code: Course Title: Academic
EE 218 Instrumentation and Measurement Year/Level:
2nd / 4th
Specialization: No. of Instructional Units Lecture Tutorial Practical
Electronics & 3 Credits 2hrs. 2hrs. 2hrs.
Comm. Eng.

2- Course Aim

 Understanding the basic concepts and techniques of measuring physical electrical and electronic quantities. To train
students for the effective usage of the basic laboratory instruments.
 Understanding the basic measurement parameters such as accuracy, precision, standards. To study the operation and
construction of analog, electronic and digital multi-meters.

3- Intended Learning Outcome

K1: Acquiring knowledge and understanding of concepts and theories of mathematics

and sciences, appropriate to the discipline.
 Explain the statistical analysis parameters and units of measurements based on the
analysis of the arithematic mean, deviation from mean, standard deviation, and variance.
K8: Acquiring knowledge and understanding of current engineering technologies as
related to disciplines.
 Illustrate the usage of AC voltmeters with rectifiers.
 Explain the concept and the usage of True RMS voltmeter.
Demonstrate the Q-meter circuits, by calculating the power and power factors
K13: Acquiring knowledge and understanding of elementary science underlying
electronic engineering systems and information technology.
a-Knowledge and  Identify some terms which are used in measurements, such as accuracy, precision and
Understanding different types of errors.
 Explain the theory of operation of oscilloscope based on two approaches Cathode ray
tube and the Oscilloscope deflection.
K15: Acquiring knowledge and understanding of principles of analyzing and design
of electronic circuits and components.
 Explain the principle of operation of the d’Arsonval movement by using DC voltmeters
(Analog voltmeters), and DC Ammeters (Analog Ammeters).
 Describe the Ohmmeter by using two techniques: series type and shunt type ohmmeters.
 Explain the Alternating current indicating instruments by using two techniques: AC
voltmeters with full wave rectifiers, AC voltmeter with half wave rectifiers.
 Describe the DC bridges and the AC bridges by using four methods (Wheatstone bridge,
Schearing bridge, Wien bridge, and Maxwell bridge).

B . S C . P R O G R A M S T A T U S R E P O R T 2 0 1 6

I1: The ability to select appropriate mathematical and computer-based methods for
modeling and analyzing problems .
 Detect the accuracy and errors, between an Analog Instruments and digital instruments
by solving book problems.
 Examine the output of AC bridges and DC bridges by calculating the accuracy and error.
Calculate the output of different types of signals using full wave rectifier and half wave
b- Intellectual Skills rectifier.
I11: The ability to analyze results of numerical models and assess their limitations.
 Calculate different types of errors, Accuracy, Precision, Resolution, and Sensitivity
problems in tutorial reports.
 Compute the statistical analysis (Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation, and Variance)
problems in tutorial reports.
 Select the units and the standards of measurement by using SI units.

P3: The ability to create and/or re-design a process, component or system, and carry
out specialized engineering designs.
 Design the DC bridges and calculate the unknown values.
 Design the AC bridges and calculate the unknown values.
P5: The ability to use computational facilities and techniques, measuring instruments,
workshops and laboratory equipment to design experiments, collect, analyze and
interpret results.
 Apply the oscilloscope to analyze different signals.
c- Professional and  Connect different components; examine the circuit by analog and digital instruments to
Practical Skills detect the error and to calculate the statistical analysis.
 Calculate the load effect by using different analog voltmeters with high and low internal
P15: The ability to use use relevant laboratory equipment and analyze the results
 Measure different parameters by using analog avometer.
 Measure different parameters by using digital voltmeter
P18: The ability to use appropriate tools to measure system performance.
 Calculate the quality factor of AC circuits by using Q-meter.

d- General Skills G4: The ability to demonstrate efficient IT capabilities.

 Sketch the output of experiments using excel and Matlab.

4- Course Contents

 Definitions- accuracy , precision and types of errors

 Statistical analysis
 Units of measurements.
 Permanent magnet moving coil.
 DC voltmeters (Analog voltmeters)
 DC Ammeters (Analog Ammeters)
 Series type and shunt type ohmmeters
 Alternating current indicating instruments, AC voltmeters with full wave rectifiers.
 Dc bridges and sources of error.
 Ac bridges and sources of error
 Ac voltmeters using rectifiers
 True RMS – Responding Voltmeter
 Basic Q-meter circuits
 The oscilloscopes block diagram, Cathode ray tube and The Oscilloscope deflection.
 Oscilloscope techniques

B . S C . P R O G R A M S T A T U S R E P O R T 2 0 1 6

5- Teaching and Learning Methods

- Lectures
- Tutorials:
- Reports & sheets:
- Laboratories
- Seminars

6-Teaching and Learning Methods for Students with Special Needs

- Lectures
- Tutorials
- Reports & sheets
- Laboratories
- Seminars

Academic Support:

 Dr. Safa Gaser is appointed as an academic supervisor for handicapped students.

 Constant follow ups are done for handicapped students after each assessment to evaluate their academic level of

7- Student Assessment:

5- Written Examinations
a- Procedures used: 6- Practical Examinations
7- Class Activities (Assignments, etc ------)
8- Final Examination

Assessment 1 ( 7th and 12th Week Written Exam)

b- Schedule: Assessment 2 ( 7th and 12th Week practical Exam)
Assessment 3 ( continuous assessment )
Assessment 4 ( 16th week Final Exam )
Assessment 1 50%
Assessment 2 5%
c- Weighing of Assessment: Assessment 3 5%
Assessment 4 40%
Total 100%

8- List of References:

a- Course Notes
b- Required Books
(Textbooks) J.B.GUPTA,“ Electronic and Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation

 Helfrick, “Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurment”, Prentice Hall,

c-Recommended Books  Austin and Pickersgill “ Instrumentation and control”, 2005
 C.J. Chesmond “Basic control system technology “ , 2008

d- Periodicals, Web Sites,

..., etc.

Course coordinator: Program Manager:


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