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SDM630MCT Series Manual

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SDM630 MCT V2 Series

Three Phase Multifunction Energy Meter 3.1 Voltage and Current From the set-up menu, use
Each successive press of the button selects a new parameter: MD
and buttons
T1 active energy in kWh to select the DIT option.
The screen will show
the currently selected
C1 C2
integration time.
Phase to neutral voltages.

Press to enter the

T2 active energy in kWh selection routine. The
current time interval will
C1 C2 flash.
Current on each phase.

Use and
T1 reactive energy in kVArh buttons to select the time
C1 C2
DIN RAIL SMART METER Phase to neutral voltage
Press to confirm the
User Manual V4.4 T2 reactive energy in kVArh
selection. SET indicator
will appear.
1.Introduction Current THD% for each C1 C2

This document provides operating, maintenance and
installation instructions. This unit measures and displays Press to exit the DIT selection routine and return to the menu.
the characteristics of single phase two wires(1p2w),three
phase three wires(3p3w) and three phase four wires(3p4w)
4.Set Up
To enter set-up mode, press the button for 3 seconds,
networks.The measuring parameters include voltage(V), 3.2 Frequency and Power Factor and Demand until the password screen appears.
export and total Energy(kWh/kvArh).The unit can also Each successive press of the MD
button selects a new range: Important Safety Information is contained in the
measures Maximum demand current and power, this is Setting up is password- Maintenance section. Familiarize yourself with this
measured over preset periods of up to 60 minutes. protected so you must information before attempting installation or other
enter the correct password procedures. Symbols used in this document:
This unit is a 1A or 5A current transformer operated and can
Frequency and Power (default ‘1000’) before
be configured to work with a wide range of CTs. Built-in pulse Risk of Danger: These instructions contain
Factor (total). processing.
and Modbus or M-Bus outputs.Configuration is password
protected. ! important safety information. Read them before
starting installation or servicing of the equipment.
This unit can be powered from a separate auxiliary (AC or DC) If an incorrect password
supply. Alternatively it can be powered from the monitored Caution: Risk of Electric Shock
is entered, the display will
supply by linking the voltage reference and neutral reference in show:
to terminals 5 and 6 (Please refer to wiring diagram). Power Factor of each
phase. PASS Err 4.4 Supply System
1.1 Unit Characteristics The unit has a default setting of 3Phase 4wire (3P4).
To exit setting-up mode, press repeatedly until the Use this section to set the type of electrical system.
The Unit can measure and display:
measurement screen is restored.
• Voltage and THD% (total harmonic distortion) of all phases From the set-up menu, use
• Line frequency MD
and buttons to
• Currents,current demand and current THD% of all phases Maximum Power Demand. 4.1 Set-up Entry Methods select the system option.
• Power, maximum power demand and power factor The screen will show the
Some menu items, such as password and CT, require a currently selected power
• Active energy imported and exported four-digit number entry while others, such as supply system, supply.
• Reactive energy imported and exported require selection from a number of menu options.

This series includes 3 models:

Maximum Current 4.1.1 Menu Option Selection
SDM630MCT V2: SDM630MCT-Mbus V2 SDM630MCT-2T V2
Demand. Press to enter the
Multi-parameter Multi-parameter Multi-parameter selection routine. The
measurement measurement measurement 1. Use the MD
and buttons to scroll through the current selection will flash.
Single Tariff Single Tariff Double Tariff different options of the set up menu.
1A/5A CT operated 1A/5A CT operated 1A/5A CT operated
Rs485 Port 2. Press to confirm your selection
Rs485 Port
Modbus RTU
Communication Modbus RTU 3.3 Power
3. If an item flashes, then it can be adjusted by the MD
and Use MD and
Bi-directional Bi-directional Bi-directional Each successive press of the button select a new range:
energy energy energy buttons. buttons to select the
required system option:
4. Having selected an option from the current layer, press
1.2 Current Transformer Primary Current to confirm your selection. The SET indicator will appear.
1P2(W),3P3(W) ,3P4(W).
SDM630MCT Series is CT operated. you will need to set Instantaneous Active
the correct ratio. 5. Having completed a parameter setting, press to return
Power in kW.
As an example: If using 100/5A CT, you will need to insure to a higher menu level. The SET indicator will be removed
CT2 (Secondary) is set to 5 and CT rate is 0020. You divide and you will be able to use the MD and buttons for Press to confirm the
further menu selection. selection. SET indicator
the primary by the secondary to get the CT rate to be entered
(100/5=20). will appear.
6. On completion of all setting-up, press repeatedly until
the measurement screen is restored.
Instantaneous Reactive
1.3 RS485 Modbus RTU / M-Bus Power in kVAr. Press to exit the system selection routine and return to
SDM630MCT V2 and SDM630MCT-2T V2 both meter have the menu. SET will disappear and you will be returned to the
a Rs485 port with Modbus RTU protocol. SDM630MCT-Mbus
4.1.2 Number Entry Procedure main set-up Menu.
V2 has a M-Bus port complying with EN13757-3. When Setting up the unit, some screens require the entering
Rs485 or M-Bus provide a means of remotely monitoring and 4.5 CT
of a number. In particular, on entry to the setting up section, a
controlling the unit. Set-up screens are provided for setting
up the communication port. password must be entered. Digits are set individually, from left The CT option sets the secondary current (CT2 1A or 5A)
Instantaneous Volt-Amps
to right. The procedure is as follows: of the current transformer (CT) that wires to the meter.
in KVA.
1.4 Pulse output 1. The current digit to be set flashes and is set using the MD

and buttons
Two pulse outputs that pulse measured active and reactive From the set-up menu,
energy.The Pulse 2 constant for active energy is 3200imp/kWh. 2. Press to confirm each digit setting. The SET indicator use MD and buttons
(Terminals 11 & 12) The pulse width for Pulse 1 can be set appears after the last digit has been set. to select the CT option.
from the set-up menu (Terminals 9 & 10).
Total kW, kVArh, kVA. 3. After setting the last digit, press to exit the number
setting routine. The SET indicator will be removed.
2.Start Up Screens Secondary CT setting
Press to enter the
4.2 Change Password CT secondary current
3.4 Energy Measurements selection routine.:5A/1A
The first screen lights up Each successive press of the button selects a new range:
all display segments and
can be used as a display
check. Use the MD and Set CT Ratio value
C1C2 to choose the change Press to enter the
Import active energy password option. CT Ratio setting screen.
in kWh. The range is from 0001
to 9999.
Software version information
Press the to enter the
change password routine. For example, if using a 100/5A current transformer you
The new password screen will enter 0020, as you need to divide the primary by the
will appear with the first secondary to get the ratio (CT rate).
Export active energy
in kWh. digit flashing. * Please note for the MID approved version device,you will
only have one opportunity to set the ratio.
The interface performs a
self-test and indicates the
Use MD and to set 4.6 PT
result if the test passes.
the first digit and press
to confirm your The PT option sets the secondary voltage (PT2 100 to 500V) of
Import reactive energy selection. The next digit the voltage transformer (PT) that may be connected to the meter.
*After a short delay, the screen will display active energy will flash.
in kVArh.
Use MD and buttons
to select the PT option.
3.Measurements The screen will show the
Repeat the procedure for voltage PT secondary
The buttons operate as follows: the remaining three digits. voltage value. The default
Export reactive energy value is 400V.
Selects the Voltage and Current display in kVArh.
screens. In Set-up Mode, this is the “Left”
or “Back” button. Secondary PT setting
Press to enter the
After setting the last digit, PT secondary voltage
Select the Frequency and Power factor SET will show. selection routine. The
display screens. In Set-up Mode, this is range is from 100 to 500V.
the “Up” button. Total active energy in kWh.

Press to exit the number setting routine and return to the Set PT ratios value
Select the Power display screens. In Set- Set-up menu. SET will be removed Press to enter the PT
up Mode, this is the “Down” button. ratio screen.
The range is from 0001
4.3 DIT Demand Integration Time to 9999.
Total reactive energy in
Select the Energy display screens. In Set- kVArh. This sets the period in minutes over which the current
up mode, this is the “Enter” or “Right” and power readings are integrated for maximum demand For example, if set the ratio to be 100,it means the primary
button. measurement. The options are: off, 5, 10,15 30,60 minutes. voltage equals secondary voltage x100.
4.7 Pulse Output 4.8.2 M-Bus Address 5.6 Reference Conditions of Influence
This option allows you to configure the pulse output. The Quantities
output can be set to provide a pulse for a defined amount of Press to enter the
selection routine. The dIt Influence Quantities are variables that affect measurement
energy active or reactive. Use this section to set up the relay Primary address:001 to 250
will flash. errors to a minor degree. Accuracy is verified under nominal
pulse output—Units: kWh, kVArh Use MD and buttons
value (within the specified tolerance) of these conditions.
to select the address value.
• Ambient temperature 23°C ±1°C
From the set-up menu, use • Input frequency 50 or 60Hz ±2%
Press to confirm the setting and press to return to
MD and buttons
to select the Pulse output the main set up menu. • Input waveform Sinusoidal (distortion
option. Press to enter the factor < 0·005)
selection routine. The • Auxiliary supply voltage Nominal ±1%
current setting will flash. 5.Specifications • Auxiliary supply frequency Nominal ±1%
• Auxiliary supply waveform (if AC) Sinusoidal (distortion
Press to enter the
selection routine. The unit
5.1 Measured Parameters factor < 0·05)
symbol will flash. The unit can monitor and display the following parameters of a • Magnetic field of external origin Terrestrial flux
Secondary address:
00 00 00 01 to 99 99 99 99 single phase two wire(1p2w), three phase three wire(3p3w) or
5.7 Environment
three phase four wire(3p4w) system.
• Operating temperature -25°C to +55°C*
Use MD
and • Storage temperature -40°C to +70°C*
On completion of the entry procedure, press to confirm 5.1.1 Voltage and Current
buttons to choose kWh or • Relative humidity 0 to 95%, non-
kVArh. the setting and press to return to the main set up menu. condensing
• Phase to neutral voltages 100 to 289V a.c. (not for 3p3w
4.8.3 Baud Rate supplies). • Altitude Up to 3000m
• Voltages between phases 173 to 500V a.c. (3p supplies • Warm up time 1 minute
On completion of the entry procedure, press to confirm
the setting and press to return to the main set up menu. only). • Vibration 10Hz to 50Hz, IEC
From the set-up menu, 60068-2-6, 2g
• Percentage total voltage harmonic distortion (THD%) for
use MD and buttons
4.7.1 Pulse rate each phase to N ( not for 3p3w supplies). • Shock 30g in 3 planes
to select the Baud Rate
Use this to set the energy represented by each pulse. option. • Percentage voltage THD% between phases (three phase
supplies only). * Maximum operating and storage temperatures are in the
Rate can be set to 1 pulse per
context of typical daily and seasonal variation.
0.01kWh/0.1kWh/1kWh/10kWh/100kWh. • Current THD% for each phase

5.8 Mechanics
Press to enter the 5.1.2 Power factor and Frequency and • DIN rail dimensions 72 x 94.5 mm (WxH)
selection routine. The
current setting will flash. Max. Demand per DIN 43880
• Mounting DIN rail (DIN 43880)
• Frequency in Hz
• Sealing Ip51 (indoor)
• Instantaneous power: • Material Self-extinguishing
(It shows 1 impulse = 10kWh/kVArh) Use MD
and • Power 0 to 3600 MW Ul94 V-0
buttons to choose Baud • Reactive power 0 to 3600 MVAr
rate 2.4k. 4.8k, 9.6k, 19.2k, • Volt-amps 0 to 3600 MVA 5.9 Declaration of Conformity(for the MID
From the set-up menu, 38.4k approved version meter only)
use MD and buttons • Maximum demanded power since last Demand reset
Power factor We Zhejiang Eastron Electronic Co.,Ltd.
to select the Pulse Rate
option. On completion of the entry procedure, press to confirm • Maximum neutral demand current, since the last Demand Declare under our sole responsibility as the manufacturer that the
reset (for three phase supplies only) poly phase multifuntion electrical energy meter “SDM630MCT V2”
the setting and press to return to the main set up menu.
correspond to the production model described in the EC-type
4.8.4 Parity examination certificate and to the requirements of the Directive
Press to enter the 5.1.3 Energy Measurements 2014/32/EU EC type examination certificate number 0120/SGS0142.
selection routine. The
Identification number of the NB0120
current setting will flash. • Import/Export active energy 0 to 9999999.9 kWh
0.01/0.1/1/10/100kWh/ From the set-up menu, use
kVArh per pulse. MD
and buttons to • Import/Export reactive energy 0 to 9999999.9 kVArh 6.Dimensions
select the parity option. • Total active energy 0 to 9999999.9 kWh
Use MD
and buttons to choose pulse rate. • Total reactive energy 0 to 9999999.9 kVArh
On completion of the entry procedure, press to confirm
the setting and press to return to the main set up menu.
Press to enter the 5.2 Measured Inputs
4.7.2 Pulse Duration selection routine. The
Voltage inputs through 4-way fixed connector with 2.5mm²
current setting will flash.
The energy monitored can be active or reactive and the pulse stranded wire capacity.single phase two wire(1p2w), three
width can be selected as 200, 100 or 60ms. phase three wire(3p3w) or three phase four wire(3p4w)
unbalanced. Line frequency measured from L1 voltage or
L3 voltage.
Use MD and buttons
to choose parity (EVEN / Three current inputs (six physical terminals) with 2.5mm²
ODD / NONE (default)). stranded wire capacity for connection of external CTs. Nominal
rated input current 5A or 1A a.c. Rms.

On completion of the entry procedure, press to confirm 5.3 Accuracy

(It shows pulse width of 200ms)
the setting and press to return to the main set up menu. The wiring diagram of SDM630MCT series has little difference
• Voltage 0.5% of range maximum from different models. please make sure the wiring is correct
before turn on power of the meter.
4.8.5 Stop bits • Current 0.5% of nominal
From the set-up menu, • Frequency 0.2% of mid-frequency current and Voltage inputs
use MD and buttons
• Power factor 1% of unity (0.01)
to select the Pulse width From the set-up menu, use
option. • Active power (W) ±1% of range maximum

P2 P1
and buttons to L1
select the stop bit option. • Reactive power (VAr) ±1% of range maximum P2 P1 S2 S1
P2 P1 S2 S1
• Apparent power (VA) ±1% of range maximum L3
S2 S1
• Active energy (Wh) Class 1 IEC 62053-21 N
Press to enter the
selection routine. The • Reactive energy (VArh) ±1% of range maximum
current setting will flash. 1 2 3 4 15 16 17 18 19 20
Press to enter the • Total harmonic distortion 1% up to 31st harmonic MEASURED VOLTAGE CURRENT INPUTS
selection routine. The
current setting will flash. • Response time to step input 1s, typical, to >99% of
final reading, at 50 Hz.
P2 P1
Use MD
and buttons to choose pulse width. S2 S1
On completion of the entry procedure press to confirm 5.4 Auxiliary Supply P2 P1
the setting and press to return to the main set up menu. Use MD and Two-way fixed connector with 2·5mm2 stranded wire capacity.
S2 S1

buttons to choose stop bit

85 to 275V a.c. 50/60Hz ±10% or 120V to 380V d.c. ±20%.
(2 or 1)
4.8 Communication Note: Default is 1, and only when the parity is Consumption < 10W. 1 2 3 4 15 16 17 18 19 20
NONE that the stop bit can be changed to 2. MEASURED VOLTAGE CURRENT INPUTS

There is a RS485 port can be used for communication using 5.5 Interfaces for External Monitoring
Modbus RTU protocol. For Modbus RTU, parameters are On completion of the entry procedure, press to confirm

P2 P1
Three interfaces are provided: L1
selected from Front panel. the setting and press to return to the main set up menu. S2 S1
• RS485 communication channel that can be programmed
4.8.1 RS485 Address for Modbus RTU protocol
4.9 Backlit set-up • Relay output indicating real-time measured energy. N
The meter provides a function to set the blue backlit
lasting time( 0/5/10/30/60/120 minutes). • Pulse output 3200imp/kWh (not configurable) 1 2 3 4 15 16 17 18 19 20
Option 0 means the backlit always on here. The Modbus configuration (baud rate etc.) and the pulse
relay output assignments (kW/kVArh, import/export etc.) are Definitions of other terminals
configured through the set-up screens.
Default:60 SDM630MCT V2
(The range is from 001 to 247) If it’s setted as 5,the backlit AUXILIARY POWER
5.5.1 Pulse Output SUPPLY OUTPUT
1 2 RS485
will be off in 5minutes.
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
The pulse output can be set to generate pulses to represent
From the set-up menu, kWh or kVArh. L N L N

and buttons to Rate can be set to generate 1 pulse per:
0.01 = 10 Wh/VArh SDM630MCT-2T V2
select the address ID. Use MD and
buttons to choose the time SUPPLY Control 1 2 RS485
1 = 1 kWh/kVArh 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
10 = 10 kWh/kVArh GND B A
L N 230V AC
100 = 100 kWh/kVArh
Press button to enter 1000 = 1000 kWh/kVArh
SDM630MCT-Mbus V2
the selection routine. The Press to confirm the setting and press to return to Pulse width 200/100/60 ms.
current setting will be Relay Rating 240V ac 50mA AUXILIARY POWER
the main set up menu. SUPPLY OUTPUT
flashing. 1 2 1 2

5.5.2 RS485 Output for Modbus RTU 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

4.10 CLR M-Bus
The meter provides a function to reset the maximum demand For Modbus RTU, the following RS485 communication
value of current and power. parameters can be configured from the set-up menu: Zhejiang Eastron Electronic Co.,Ltd.
Use and
buttons to choose Modbus Baud rate 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400
No.1369 , Chengnan Rd.
address (001 to 247). Parity none (default) / odd / even Jiaxing, Zhejiang, China
Stop bits 1 or 2 Tel:86 573 83698881/83698882
From the set-up menu, use Tel:86 573 83698883
RS485 network address nnn – 3-digit number, 1 to 247
and buttons to Email:sales@eastrongroup.com
On completion of the entry procedure, press button to TM
select the reset option. Modbus Word order Hi/Lo byte order is set automatically to
confirm the setting and press button to return the main normal or reverse. It cannot be configured from the
set-up menu. set-up menu.

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