Dbs Group Data Anaytics in Audit CS Clean
Dbs Group Data Anaytics in Audit CS Clean
Dbs Group Data Anaytics in Audit CS Clean
On a sunny afternoon in January 2015, Jimmy Ng, Head of Group Audit at DBS Bank, was
seated in his office, reflecting on the achievements of his team’s data analytics initiative. Over the
past year, Group Audit had successfully correlated more than 130 risk-related attributes using a
machine- learning predictive modelling technique, compared to a mere seven based on auditors’
collective wisdom, used in the previous approach. The new approach had significantly improved
the accuracy and effectiveness of risk profiling practices for all the bank’s branches.
The journey to spearhead the initiative of data analytics started over a year earlier, in January 2014,
three months after Ng took over from his predecessor, who had played a key role in leading Group
Audit through its evolution to the present day function of integrated risk-based audit. The challenge
for Ng however was to take Group Audit to the next frontier – predictive auditing, with the aim
of having timely alerts to management on potential risks before they become real threats. This
objective was consistent with top management’s expectations on Group Audit, as Piyush Gupta,
Chief Executive Officer of DBS Group, highlighted,
As the third line of defence, Group Audit needs to be at the forefront in being able to (a) highlight
emerging risks, and provide insight and foresight on the Bank’s risk and control governance (b)
flesh out emerging trends, by being able to forecast risks and dangers that lie ahead, in being
predictive; (c) flag key risks in a timely manner, so that the necessary actions and manoeuvres
can be taken to avoid these lurking dangers. In a nutshell, what I need Group Audit to provide as
I grow the business at the Bank is this: timeliness of information and development of emerging
issues from the risk & control perspective; insight on what could go wrong, and foresight to
prevent things from breaking down.
After extensive communication across different functions, and thorough analysis, Ng and his team
prioritised revamping the long-adopted risk profiling approach as an anchor point to start the journey
of predictive auditing. Traditionally, Group Audit would do a cyclical risk profiling of all the bank’s
branches in Singapore, and select a sample of these branches to audit over that year. The risk
profiling was based on a set of seven criteria, including transaction data, span of control,
number of customer complaints, and cash discrepancies, to name a few. These criteria were
chosen based on Group Audit’s collective years of experience and understanding of how they could
impact the riskiness of the branch. Each criterion was then assigned weights, in order to
determine the risk rating of the
This case was written by Professor Foo See Liang and Zack Wang Zheng at the Singapore Management University. The
case was prepared solely to provide material for class discussion. The authors do not intend to illustrate either effective or
ineffective handling of a managerial situation. The authors may have disguised certain names and other identifying information
to protect confidentiality.
SMU-16-0023 Data Analytics Journey at DBS Group Audit: The Future of Auditing is Auditing the Future
branches. This method could potentially produce biased results in some cases. For example, some
complaint-related risk levels could not be detected accurately and in a timely manner.
Prior to initiating any change, Ng thought there were several questions that needed to be addressed.
First, how could these criteria be improved or even expanded to include other criteria previously
unaccounted for, as good predictors of branch riskiness? And second, were the weights assigned to
each criterion truly reflective of the importance of each criterion? Ng thought aloud,
Can we review and enhance our approach, by letting a more diverse data speak for itself? Can
we use data analytics to develop a new risk model that more accurately predicts whether a branch
needs to be audited?
DBS Bank
DBS bank was founded in 1968, three years after Singapore’s independence. The bank contributed
significantly to Singapore’s industrialisation goal. In 1998, DBS acquired the Post Office Savings
Bank (POSB) building a solid foundation for its leading position in Singapore. 1
Over the decades, DBS grew from being a local Singapore bank to a leading Asian bank with more
than 250 branches in 18 markets. The bank is today the largest in Southeast Asia, and has been
named “Asia’s Best Bank” by The Banker, a member of the Financial Times group, “Best Bank in
Asia- Pacific” by Global Finance, and “Asian Bank of the Year” by IFR Asia. It has also been
recognised as the “Safest Bank in Asia” for seven consecutive years (2009-2015).
For 2014, DBS reported net profit of US$3.03 billion, a 10% increase over the previous year. Core
net profit rose 10% to US$ 2.9 billion. The total income rose 8% to US$ 7.2 billion led by growth in
the Consumer Banking, Wealth Management and Institutional Banking businesses.2
Group Audit
At DBS, Group Audit was an entity that was independent of the activities it audited. It evaluated
the bank’s risk management and internal control systems in terms of reliability, adequacy and
effectiveness. Group Audit reviewed the appropriate steps taken by the bank in addressing control
deficiencies. The primary objective of Group Audit was to ensure the bank’s senior management and
board of directors adhered to DBS’s strategic and operational goals.
Before 2004, Group Audit adopted the conventional audit approach, which was primarily
checklist- based and focused on operational processes. From 2004 to 2008, it transformed into a
risk-based approach that provided continuous audit monitoring and engagement. It implemented
practices such as cross-unit risk control learning, which involved mutual learning about risks and
controls among different units, and sharing experiences and best practices on controlling risks.
However, this risk-
DBS Annual Report, Scaling a Pan-Asian Network, http://www.dbs.com/annualreports/2002/Pages/panasiannetwork.html, accessed
December 2015.
Annual Report 2014, DBS Annual Report, http://www.dbs.com/annualreports/2014/index.html, accessed December 2015.
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SMU-16-0023 Data Analytics Journey at DBS Group Audit: The Future of Auditing is Auditing the Future
based approach only adopted basic Computer Assisted Audit Techniques (CAATs) and did not
connect with other risk review functions. From 2009 to 2012, led by Ng’s predecessor, Group
Audit transformed into integrated risk-based audit functions, which achieved integration with
other risk review functions to ensure end-to-end audit coverage (refer to Exhibit 1 for evolution
of Group Audit).3
But the new vision of predictive auditing set by top management impelled Group Audit to
transform again, with more focus on minimising risks. The plan was to equip the bank with
enhanced data analytics capabilities in audit (refer to Exhibit 2 and Exhibit 3 for audit mission
statement and stakeholders’ expectations).
Traditionally, Group Audit evaluated the risks for all the auditable entities in DBS by applying the
Audit Risk Assessment (ARA) methodology to determine the frequency of the audit for each entity
– annually, 2-year, 3-year or 4-year cycle. Group Audit also helped the consumer banking business
unit form their own health check teams, which would effectively examine each branch’s compliance
with established sales and service procedures, thereby enabling the management to reinforce
supervisory monitoring over the branches.
With the new vision, Group Audit decided to roll out the future of auditing initiative, changing the
paradigm in DBS’s approach towards providing awareness of emerging risks on internal controls of
DBS. The two key components of the future auditing initiative were proactive auditing and predictive
Proactive auditing was an approach that provided a continuous assessment of the controls
environment. This was achieved through auditing project implementation for large programme
initiatives, and identifying key potential issues before real risks caused emergencies. Group Audit
had adopted extensive use of CAATs to automate the audit test steps.
Predictive auditing was an approach that provided an assessment of the risk and controls
environment that are likely to occur in the near future. This was achieved by leveraging on data
analytics and machine learning predictive modelling techniques to sift through the large quantity
of data in order to identify trends, such as how high staff turnover at the branch could impact
internal controls, and make predictions about the future. With this foresight, Group Audit could
provide timely alerts to management, through various risk and control forums, on potential risk
events before they occurred, and enable the implementation of preventive measures. 4
For example, the predictive modelling technique involved an ensemble model that incorporated
logistic regression, random forest and gradient boosting to the analysis of associations and
attributions between data variables. In laymen terms, this involved taking measurements of
multiple attributes of branches, and studying correlations between these attributes and the
likelihood of risk events within these branches. After a process of data crunching, these
correlations were distilled into
Forging Ahead in Dynamic Asia, DBS Annual Report, http://www.dbs.com/annualreports/2013/pdfs/dbs-annual-report-2013.pdf,
accessed December 2015.
Company data.
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a data model that profiled the risk score of each branch, which in turn facilitated the selection of
branches for audit.
Ng believed the prediction of risk levels in the bank presented a great opportunity for applying data
analytics (refer to Exhibit 4 for structure of data analytics), and commented, “Adopting data analytics
would lay down a solid foundation to the vision of predictive auditing.” Ng and his team scrutinised
the existing auditing practices, and began revamping the risk profiling approach for branches. This
enabled the auditing team to decide which branch should be audited based on its level of risk.
The risk profiling was previously based on a certain set of criteria, 5 which was selected based on
prior experience and understanding of how these criteria could impact the risk levels of the branch.
Not only did this involve the auditors spending considerable time and effort on completing the
selection process manually, but also resulted in the selections being prone to human error and
potential bias due to lack of scientific measures. As Hong Wenzheng, Vice President of the Data
Analytics & Automation Revolution Team (DAART) at DBS Group Audit, remarked,
In the past, our auditors have had to audit branch by branch. Before they went down to the branch,
they had to manually review a list of transactions by from the transaction log. By applying data
analytics, the auditors would save many man-hours in doing the same check.
Furthermore, the quality of sampling was an issue as well, added Yik Yeng Yee, Audit-Chief
Operating Officer at Group Audit,
We normally do the audit by products. So if we want to audit deposit products, we will audit the
framework, the product itself—such as fixed deposit and current accounts, and review the risks
and controls end-to-end, including those at the branches. We will pick a few branches to audit by
using qualitative and quantitative methods based on the seven criteria framework. So these
were very experience-based, not truly scientific in methodology and approach.
The Solution
With the aim of heightening branch risk profiling, in February 2014, DBS Group Audit and A*
STAR’s Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) established an agreement to set up a joint lab,
leveraging the research institute’s capabilities in developing new and innovative products and
services.6A*STAR was a lead public sector agency in Singapore that spearheaded economic-oriented
research to advance scientific discovery and develop innovative technology. 7 Working with I2R,
Group Audit would develop a predictive model that performed the analysis of associations and
attributions between data variables. This model would include measures of multiple attributes from
branches, and research correlations between these attributes, thereby projecting the likelihood of risk
Company data.
ASTAR Company, DBS and A Star’s Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) in Joint Lab Partnership to Shape the Future of Banking
through Research and Innovation, http://www.a-star.edu.sg/Media/News/Press-Releases/ID/2543/DBS-and-ASTARs-Institute-for-
Infocomm-Research-I2R-in-Joint-Lab-Partnership-to-shape-the-future-of-banking-through-research-and-innovation.aspx, accessed
September 2015.
ASTAR Company, Company Overview, http://www.a-star.edu.sg/About-A-STAR.aspx, accessed February 2016.
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events within these branches.8After a process of data crunching, these correlations were distilled into
a data model that profiled the risk score of each branch, which in turn, facilitated the selection of
branches for audit.
The process of predicting emerging risks at DBS followed three steps. First, the data preparation
process would gather raw data from multiple resources, which included branch transaction data,
branch service health check, cash discrepancies, customer complaints and other risk events. Second,
the data analytics team would run multiple models to receive the outputs of data analysis.
Validation of models using historical data would be performed to ensure the model’s accuracy. Third,
live testing would take place to understand and visualise the outputs in heat-map formats, which
highlighted results based on varying degrees of attributes. The final outputs would provide
insightful details for auditors to understand the riskiness in all branches (refer to Exhibit 5 for
analytics process).
The initiative reached a significant milestone 12 months after the project started. The new data-
driven model successfully correlated more than 130 attributes with the risk score, compared to a
mere seven used in the previous approach. At the click of a button in the programme, the outputs
would be presented in graph-based formats demonstrating the status of branches in terms of risk
levels and complaint analyses.
Hong commented,
The new model came up with many more attributes, which were found to be correlated with the
risk score, whether or not there were risk events at a particular branch. It was a big achievement
because we moved from seven attributes to 130 attributes. These attributes included cash
discrepancies, headcount, HR accounts, and many others, that would give a more precise
prediction on the riskiness of the branches - something which experience and collective wisdom
might not have accurately captured.
The predictive models would provide outputs with a heat map, which revealed the risk level of
all branches in Singapore from a birds-eye perspective. Branches considered high-risk were
indicated in red on the heat map. Those marked yellow were regarded as medium-risk. Green
represented low- risk branches (refer to Exhibit 6 for heat map).The auditors were then able to
visualise the riskiness of all branches easily and accurately, and could also follow up with specific
actions on those branches marked as medium-high risks.
Besides the highlights of risky branches, the generated heat map further indicated which business
area of a particular branch required more attention. For example, if the heat map showed a high level
of cash discrepancy in a branch, then auditors could deep dive into the transaction records of that
branch to investigate and identify the root cause of the discrepancy. This significantly reduced the
need for manpower to manually go through the tedious process of looking for abnormal details.
Complaint Analysis
Company data.
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SMU-16-0023 Data Analytics Journey at DBS Group Audit: The Future of Auditing is Auditing the Future
The use of text-mining techniques to catch keywords in customers’ complaints was another
technology within the data analytics initiative that saved a significant amount of manpower needed
to go through the complaints text line by line. This technique could further facilitate the analysis of
emerging symptoms that could potentially lead to future risk events. For example, complaints of long
queues could be captured and further analysed using this technique. Hong added,
Each time a customer calls our hotline or emails us to complain, these complaints are captured
in the database. We then analyse this database using what we call Word Clouds, or a technique
that identifies key words such as ‘I don’t like’ or ‘the ATM queue is very long’, and group them
into Clouds. The bigger the Cloud, the more frequent such keywords are used by customers,
indicating a problem area or an emerging issue. Previously, the branch hired a team to look
through every single line of complaint data. In our new approach, the data is interpreted through
analytics, classifying each customer comment or complaint based on text mining, indicating both
frequency and content.
The predictive model could inform indicators of other risk events such as cash discrepancy and
headcount as well. When there was a spike or a sudden jump in the graph of results, it indicated that
the cash discrepancy might be large at the branch or the staff was not well trained. The auditors could
also view the results through a heat map and relationship mapping. The heat map allowed auditors
to understand the performance of branches against the attributes in an intuitive manner. Hong
Looking at the heat map, the darker it is, the higher the occurrence. We can choose to view cash
discrepancies, risk events, withdrawals etc. Also, we can sort by the region. For example, we can
see that the central area has higher withdrawals, which makes sense because the human traffic
is large in the centre.
As compared to the traditional approach, the new data-driven model was 50% more accurate at
predicting whether a branch needed to be audited, (refer to Exhibit 7 for result comparison).This
achievement enabled the auditors to focus their attention and effort on the targeted branches,
improving productivity significantly and providing added assurance on risk and control governance.
Over the past year, Ng and his team had successfully located the anchor point for predicting emerging
risks using data analytics. The predictive model of branch risk profiling, co-developed by his team
and I2R, had received senior management’s attention, given its improved accuracy in predicting
emerging risks. Besides risk profiling, the partnership with I 2R would also help DBS look into:
• Sales processes: Identifying unusual selling patterns and activities that might indicate or
lead to potential incidents.
• Trading activities: Highlighting trading behaviour and activities that could lead to, or be
related to, irregularities.
• Cyber security: Examining network traffic to predict potential cyber threats.
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• Pipeline models: Including procurement fraud, money laundering, claims fraud and
payment anomalies related to Global Transaction Services (GTS).
To showcase DBS’ predictive model, road shows were held in Hong Kong, China and Indonesia –
three locations that were selected given their large network of branches. The plan was to gradually
roll out the predictive model regionally, to all locations, so that the entire DBS network across key
locations could benefit from the predictive capability.
Still, there was more work to be done: First, the model itself needed further fine-tuning, based on
feedback from various stakeholders. For example, risk events could be ranked in terms of
criticality in order to sound alarm bells that would attract immediate management attention,
whenever the model predicted the possible emergence of a severe risk event occurring.
But in Ng’s mind, these refinements were part of the process of delivering perfection to an otherwise
already enhanced model of predicting risks. Ng was now setting his sights on the next area where
predictive capability could enhance risk and control governance: potential incidents and irregularities
in trading, sales and services. For Ng and his team, the journey towards predictive auditing, and the
future of auditing, had just begun.
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The Evolution
Of Group Audit
Thought Leaders, Cutting Edge Practice, Industry Benchmark
Before 2004 2004 to 2008 2009 to 2012 2013 Onwards
Conventional Audit Risk-Based Audit Predictive Auditing
Risk-Based Audit
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SMU-16-0023 Data Analytics Journey at DBS Group Audit: The Future of Auditing is Auditing the Future
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SMU-16-0023 Data Analytics Journey at DBS Group Audit: The Future of Auditing is Auditing the Future