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How To Make A Good Program in Visual Basic: A R R A N G e D

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ABSTRAC ………………………………………………………………………….

TABLE OF CONTENT …………………………………………………………...


INTRODUCTON ……………………………………………………………….

A.BACKGROUND ………………………………………………………….

B.PURPOSE …………………………………………………………………


DISCUSSION ……………………………………………………………………

A.Definition and Function of Visual Basic ………………………




A.CONCLUSION …………………………………………………………

B.RECOMMANDATION ………………………………………………..

REFRENCI LIST ………………………………………………………………...




Visual Basic is a programming language that is very easy to learn, with visual programming

techniques that allow users to create better in producing an application program. This can be seen

from the basic creation in visual basic is a form, where users can adjust the appearance of the form

and then run it in a script that is very easy.


The purpose of writing this paper is to provide an explanation of the development of Visual Basic,

especially Visual Basic .NET 2008 which will be discussed in full and concise in the next chapter.


A. Definition and Function of Visual Basic

Visual Basic is a computer programming language. Programming languages are

commands that are understood by computers to do certain tasks. The Visual Basic

programming language, developed by Microsoft since 1991, is a development of its

predecessor, the BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)

programming language that was developed in the 1950s. Visual Basic is one of the

Development Tools which is a tool to create various computer programs, especially those

that use the Windows operating system. Visual Basic is a computer programming language

that supports object (Object Oriented Programming = OOP).

Visual Basic is a developement tool for building applications in a Windows

environment. In developing applications, Visual Basic uses the Visual approach to design

user interfaces in the form of forms, whereas for coding it uses Basic language dialects

which tend to be easy to learn. Visual Basic has become a popular tool for both beginners

and developers.

In Visual programming, application development starts with the creation of a user

interface, then manages the properties of the objects used in the user interface, and only

then writes program code to handle events. Such application development stage is known

as application development with the Bottom Up approach.

Microsoft Visual Basic ranks first in high-level languages that support the event-

driven and Rapid Application Development (RAD) paradigm. More specifically, the

existence of Visual Basic's is widely accepted and can be seen in the development of

application development such as database access, Prototype Graphical User Interface

(GUI), component development, internet scripts, desktop application design and desktop /

server, and even game development. Because VB is in the commercial realm and easy to

learn, VB has become very popular among the intuition of universities throughout the


Basic language is basically an easy to understand language so programming in Basic

can be easily done even by people who are just learning to make programs. This is even

easier after the arrival of Microsoft Visual Basic, which was built from the idea of making

language simple and easy in making scripts (simple scripting language) for graphic user

interfaces developed in the Microsoft Windows operating system. Visual Basic is a

programming language that is very easy to learn, with visual programming techniques that

allow users to create better in producing an application program. This can be seen from the

basic creation in visual basic is FORM, where users can adjust the appearance of the form

then run in a script that is very easy. The explosion in the use of Visual Basic is

characterized by the ability of Visual Basic to be able to interact with other applications in

the Windows operating system with ActiveX Control components. With this component

allows users to call and use all data models that are in the Windows operating system. This

is also supported by the programming techniques in Visual Basic which adopt two types

of programming, namely Visual Programming and Object Oriented Programming (OOP).

Visual Basic 6.0 is actually a development from the previous version with several

additional components that are currently trending, such as the ability of internet

programming with DHTML (Dynamic HyperText Mark Language), and some additional

database and multimedia features that are getting better .

B. Visual Basic 6.0 interface

Visual Basic 6.0 interface, contains menus, toolbars, toolboxes, forms, project

explorer and properties as shown in the following image:

Image of Visual Basic Interface 6

Making an application program using Visual Basic is done by making an application

display on the form, then given the script program in the components needed. Forms are

composed by components in [Toolbox], and each component used must set its properties

via the [Property] window. Menus are basically standard operations in the Windows
operating system, such as creating new forms, creating new projects, opening projects and

saving projects. In addition there are visual basic usage facilities on the menu. For more

details, Visual Basic provides very complete and detailed help on MSDN. The toolbox

contains components that can be used by an active project, meaning that the contents of the

components in the toolbox are very dependent on the type of project being built. Standard

components in the toolbox can be seen in the following image.

Image standard component Visual Basic 6

Basic Concepts of Programming in Visual Basic 6.0

The basic concept of Visual Basic 6.0 programming, is the creation of forms by following the rules

of object-based programming (OOP), you need to understand the terms object, property, method

and event as follows:

Object: component in a program

Property: Each component in Visual Basic programming can set its properties according to

application needs. The property that must not be forgotten in each component is "Name", which

means the name of the variable (component) that will be used in scripting. This "Name" property

can only be set through the Property window, while other operating values can be set via scripts

such as Command1.Caption = "Play"

Text1.Text = "Visual Basic"

Label1.Visible = False

Timer1.Enable = True

Method: That the course of the program can be set according to the application by using the

programming method which is set as the action of each component. This method is a place to

express the programming logic of making an application program.

Event: Each component can act through an event, such as an event click on the command button

written in the Command1_Click script screen, or eventMouse Down on a picture written with

Picture1_MouseDown. Event settings in each component that will run all the methods that are


As an illustration you can think of a car as an object that has properties, methods and events.

Consider the following picture

Image Illustration of Visual Basic programming concepts

Implementation in an application for example you create a form, then the form has

properties, methods, and events. As with other visual programming such as Delphi and Java, VB

is also event driven programming. This means you can insert program code in the event that an

object has.

Creating a New Project To start making application programs in Visual Basic, what is done

is to create a new project. Project is a collection of forms, modules, functions, data and reports

used in an application. Creating a new project can be done by selecting the [File] >> [New Project]

menu or by pressing the [new project] icon on the Toolbar located in the top left corner. After that

a confirmation will appear for the type of project from the application program that will be made

as shown in the following image.

Image New Project Window

Visual Basic 6.0 provides 13 types of projects that can be created as shown in the image

above. There are several projects that are commonly used by many Visual Basic users, including:

Standard EXE: A standard project in Visual Basic with standard components. This type of project

is very simple, but has the advantage that all its components can be recognized by all computer

units and all users even if they are not administrators. This Standard EXE project will be used in

this book as its visual programming concept. ActiveX EXE: This project is an ActiveX project that

contains components for the ability to interact with all applications in the Windows operating

system. ActiveX DLL: This project produces an application library which can then be used by all

applications in the Windows operating system. ActiveX Control: This project produces new

components for other Visual Basic applications VB Application Wizard: This project guides the
user to create applications easily without having to bother with programming commands. Addin:

Projects like Standard EXE but with a variety of additional components that allow freedom of

creation from the user. Project data: This project complements its components with database

components. So to say this project is indeed provided for the purposes of making database

applications. DHTML Application: This project is used to create internet applications on the client

side with DHTML functions. IIS Application: This project produces internet applications on the

server side with CGI components (Common Gateway Interface).




Visual Basic is a computer programming language. Programming languages are commands

that are understood by computers to do certain tasks. The Visual Basic programming

language, developed by Microsoft since 1991, is a development of its predecessor, the

BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) programming language that

was developed in the 1950s. Visual Basic is one of the Development Tools which is a tool

to create various computer programs, especially those that use the Windows operating

system. Visual Basic is a computer programming language that supports object (Object

Oriented Programming = OOP). Visual Basic is a developement tool for building

applications in a Windows environment. In developing applications, Visual Basic uses the

Visual approach to design user interfaces in the form of forms, whereas for coding it uses

Basic language dialects which tend to be easy to learn. Visual Basic has become a popular

tool for both beginners and developers.


It is expected that students will learn and develop visual basic programming languages because

visual basic is an easy language to learn and is very interesting, so the author that the reader

(especially beginners), to learn and develop these programming languages early on.


• http://xcontohmakalah.blogspot.com/2014/02/pengertian-dan-


• http://yulia02-yulia.blogspot.com/2011/01/makalah-


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