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Visual Basic 6 Programming : Lecture 1 By: Zinah Hussein

What is Visual Basic?

Visual Basic is a high level programming language which evolved from the
earlier DOS version called BASIC. BASIC means “Beginners All-purpose
Symbolic Instruction Code”. Visual Basic is an example of a
graphical-based language. A graphical-based language allows the user to
work directly with graphics.
It is a very easy programming language to learn. Different software
companies produced different of high-level languages but only a few have
achieved broad acceptance, for example (QBASIC, FORTAN and Pascal).
Visual Basic is a Microsoft Windows Programming language.

Features of Visual Basic 6.0 :

Features: Visual Basic was designed to be easily learned and used by

beginner programmers. The language not only allows programmers to create
simple GUI (graphical user interface ) applications, but can also develop
complex applications.
Programming in VB is a combination of visually arranging components or
controls on a form, specifying attributes and actions of those components,
and writing additional lines of code for more functionality. Since default
attributes and actions are defined for the components, a simple program can
be created without the programmer having to write many lines of code. the
following are some interactive features used in Visual Basic:

- Create user Interface using design tools

- Add drawings to the forms

Visual Basic 6 Programming : Lecture 1 By: Zinah Hussein

- Set properties for the individual object on the form

- Build an executable file
- Debug the applications
- Examine the objects in the forms
- Work with data in the programs
- Add more functionality to the program by writing code
- Publishing the project as standard EXE prog

What programs can you create with Visual Basic 6?

With VB 6, you can create any program depending on your objective. For
example you can create educational programs to teach business, economics,
engineering, computer science, accountancy, financial management,
information system and more to make teaching more effective and

The Importance of Visual Basic Program :

Languages like Basic and Pascal depend on variables and procedures to

build the applications .This is why it is called procedural languages. The new
approach is called object programming for visual programs like Visual Basic
and Visual C++ and others. In this programming approach every thing (form,
command buttons, controls) is an object. The reasons for of implementing
Visual Basic program are listed as follows:

1- It uses integrated development environment (IDE) which is easier for

the user to minimize code writing.

Visual Basic 6 Programming : Lecture 1 By: Zinah Hussein

2- All visual programs follow the same concepts, therefore the user will
become more familiar with visual approach for other visual languages.
3- It provides Input box and Output box as an interactive windows with
4- It is able to connect to Internet, and to call Explorer.

The Visual Basic 6 Integrated Development Environment :

Before you can program in VB 6, you need to install Visual Basic 6 in your
computer. On startup, Visual Basic 6.0 will display the following dialog box
You can choose to start a new project, open an existing project or select a list
of recently opened programs. A project is a collection of files that make up
your application. There are various types of applications that we could create;
however, we shall concentrate on creating Standard EXE programs (EXE
means executable program). Now, click on the Standard EXE icon to go into
the actual Visual Basic 6 programming environment.

Visual Basic 6 Programming : Lecture 1 By: Zinah Hussein

To exit from Visual Basic and return to Windows is like exit from most
Windows applications. There are three ways to close the Visual Basic as
stated below.
1- Click on close button icon that appears in the upper-left corner of the
2- Press Alt+F4
3- Select File >Exit
The IDE (integrated development environment) consists of many elements.
Some elements are displayed when Visual Basic is started (By default) as in
the following figure. Other elements are displayed if the user requires them.
We will list some of these elements.

Visual Basic 6 Programming : Lecture 1 By: Zinah Hussein

a. Menu Bar: It contains a standard command like: File, Edit, View,

Window, Help menus, and specific command such as: Project, Format, or
Debug menus.
b. Toolbar: it contains the most commonly used commands (button), if
clicked an action represented by that button is carried out.
c. ToolBox: it contains a collection of tools that are needed for project
d. form Designer: it is a window for each form to customize the designed
interface of the application. Using the form designer, the user can add
controls, graphics, and text to create the desired form appearance.

e. Properties Window: it is a List of properties settings for a selected form

or a control. These properties are characteristics (such as size, visible, or
color) of the selected object it provides an easy way to set properties.

f. Project Explorer Window: it is a list of the forms and modules for the
current projects. It is a hierarchical tree- branch structure, where the
project at top of tree and other parts like forms ,modules) descend from
this tree.
g. Form Layout Window: The Form Layout window is a small screen.
Which is used to reposition the form of the application so that it appears in
proper place when project is run.

Visual Basic 6 Programming : Lecture 1 By: Zinah Hussein

Six windows appear when you start Visual Basic:

1. The Main Window consists of the title bar, menu bar, and toolbar. The
title bar indicates the project name, the current Visual Basic operating
mode, and the current form. The menu bar has drop-down menus from
which you control the operation of the Visual Basic environment. The
toolbar has buttons that provide shortcuts to some of the menu options.
The main window also shows the location of the current form relative to
the upper left corner of the screen (measured in twips) and the width and
length of the current form.

2. The Form Window is central to developing Visual Basic applications.

It is where you draw your application.

Visual Basic 6 Programming : Lecture 1 By: Zinah Hussein

3. Toolbox Controls Contains a collection of tools that are needed for

project design as shown in. To show the toolbox press View> toolbox icon.
The user can place the tool on form, and then work with the tool. To place
the tool on form: click on tool>draw tool to form > the tool appears on form
or double click on tool then the tool appears on form.


Visual Basic 6 Programming : Lecture 1 By: Zinah Hussein

ToolBox Controls Summary :

4. The Properties Window is used to establish initial property values for

objects. The drop-down box at the top of the window lists all objects in
the current form. Two views are available: Alphabetic and Categorized.
Under this box are the available properties for the currently selected

Visual Basic 6 Programming : Lecture 1 By: Zinah Hussein

5. The Form Layout Window shows where (upon program execution)

your form will be displayed relative to your monitor‟s screen .

Visual Basic 6 Programming : Lecture 1 By: Zinah Hussein

6. The Project Window displays a list of all forms and modules making up
your application. You can also obtain a view of the Form or Code
windows (window containing the actual Basic coding) from the Project

Code Editor Window: Code Editor Window is used to write a VB code for
an application. For each form there is a separate code editor window. It is
displayed when user clicks on form or object in form.

Visual Basic 6 Programming : Lecture 1 By: Zinah Hussein

To Create an Application:

The title of program includes the name of project, and when the user first
starts the program it takes a defaulted value (project1). The following steps
are required to create an application in Visual Basic 6.0:
1) Select type of project New or Exciting. A form automatically appears in
the form design .The basis for any application's interface is the form that
user should create. User can add other forms to the project (to add another
form select project menu>add form).
2) To add objects (controls) to the form use the ToolBox.
3) Set the properties for the objects through properties window.
4)Write code. The Visual Basic Code consists of statements, and
declarations. The code for an application can be written on the Code Editor
window. In this window user can view and edit quickly any of the code.
5) Run the Application. To run the application, click the Start button on the
toolbar, or press F5.
6) Stop. To stop running the application and return to visual basic program
click on stop button in tool bar.
7) Check if there is an error, return to step 3 ,otherwise continue.
8) Save project.
9) Exit

Visual Basic 6 Programming : Lecture 1 By: Zinah Hussein

Example1: Design a form with one text box and two Commands button.
Write a code so when run project and click on command1 (My
Name) replace the word in text box to (Ahmed), and when click
on Command2 (Close) terminate the program and return back to
the form interface.

1. Adding a text box to the form. Double-click the toolbox‟s textbox to

create a text box with sizing handles in the center of the form.
2. Adding a Command Button1 to the form. Click on button and draw
button1 to form then the button appears on form.
3. Repeat step 2 to add a Command Button2 to the form.

Visual Basic 6 Programming : Lecture 1 By: Zinah Hussein

• The Caption property determines what is displayed in the form‟s title bar
or what text the controls displays on a form.
• The TextBox‟s Text Property determines what text (if any) the TextBox
• The Name property identifies a form or control. It‟s necessary only for
writing code.

Visual Basic 6 Programming : Lecture 1 By: Zinah Hussein

The Code :

Command Button1:

Private Sub Command1_click ( )


End Sub

Command Button2:

Private Sub Command2_click ( )


End Sub

Running the Application:

To run the application, choose start from the run menu, or click the start
button on the toolbar , or F5 Click the command button (My Name) and see
the “Ahmed” displayed in the text box. Click the command button (close)
the end the program and return to the form window.

Saving a Project :
Choosing save project from the file menu. Visual Basic will prompt you
separately to save the form and then the project.

Visual Basic 6 Programming : Lecture 1 By: Zinah Hussein

Example 2: Design a form shown in figure below, with three text boxes and
one Command Button. Write code in the Command1 (Execute).
So when run project enter the Student Name in TextBox (Txt1)
and the Father Name in TextBox (Txt2). When click on
Command1 (Execute) replace the Full Name in the

1. Adding a Label to the form1. Double-click the Label‟s Label to create a

Label with sizing handles in the center of the form1.

2. Repeat step 1 to add Label2 and Label3.

3. Adding a TextBox to the form1. Double-click the toolbox‟s textbox to

create a text box with sizing handles in the center of the form1.

4. Repeat step 3 to add Text2 and Text3.

5. Adding a Command Button1 to the form. Click on button and draw Button
to form then the Button1 appears on form1.

Visual Basic 6 Programming : Lecture 1 By: Zinah Hussein

The Code :
Command Button1:

Private Sub Command1_click ( )

End Sub

Command Button2:
Private Sub Command2_click ( )
End Sub

Visual Basic 6 Programming : Lecture 1 By: Zinah Hussein

Running the Application:

To run the application, choose start from the run menu, or click the start
button on the toolbar , or F5 Click the command button (My Name) and see
the “Ahmed” displayed in the text box. Click the command button (close)
the end the program and return to the form window.

Saving a Project :
Choosing save project from the file menu. Visual Basic will prompt you
separately to save the form and then the project.

Example 2: Design a form shown in figure below, with three text boxes and
one Command Button. Write code in the Command1 (Execute). So when
run project enter the Student Name in TextBox (Txt1) and the Father Name
in TextBox (Txt2). When click on Command1 (Execute) replace the Full
Name in the TextBox(Txt3).

Visual Basic 6 Programming : Lecture 1 By: Zinah Hussein

1. Adding a Label to the form1. Double-click the Label‟s Label to create a
Label with sizing handles in the center of the form1.

2. Repeat step 1 to add Label2 and Label3.

3. Adding a TextBox to the form1. Double-click the toolbox‟s textbox to

create a text box with sizing handles in the center of the form1.

4. Repeat step 3 to add Text2 and Text3.

5. Adding a Command Button1 to the form. Click on button and draw Button
to form then the Button1 appears on form1.

Visual Basic 6 Programming : Lecture 1 By: Zinah Hussein

The Code :

Command Button1:

Private Sub Command1_click ( )

Text3.text=Text1.text+” ”+Text2.text

End Sub


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