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Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0: Applied Science

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Visual Basic

Applied Science
Second class
1. Introduction
Visual Basic implements graphical user interface that allows the use of
graphics for different applications. It provides visual interactive windows
with user, like Dialogue box for (color, font ...), Input box, and Output box.
Also it is able to create menu to simplify user application.

To run this program on user computer:

Start>programs>Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0>Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0.
It will appear on the computer screen as in the following picture.

To exit from Visual Basic and return to Windows is like exit from most
Windows applications. There are three ways to close the Visual Basic as
stated below.
1- Click on close button icon that appears in the upper-left corner of the
2- Press Alt+F4
3- Select File >Exit

1.2-The Importance of Visual Basic Program

Languages like Basic and Pascal depend on variables and procedures to
build the applications .This is why it is called procedural languages. The new
approach is called object programming for visual programs like Visual Basic
and Visual C++ and others. In this programming approach every thing (form,
command buttons, controls) is an object.

The reasons for of implementing Visual Basic program are listed as

1- It uses integrated development environment (IDE) which is easier for
the user to minimize code writing.
2- All visual programs follow the same concepts, therefore the user will
become more familiar with visual approach for other visual languages.
3- It provides Input box and Output box as an interactive windows with
4- It is able to connect to Internet, and to call Explorer.

1.3- Elements of the Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

The IDE environment consists of many elements. Some elements are
displayed when Visual Basic is started (By default) as in the following
figure. Other elements are displayed if the user requires them. We will list
some of these elements.


c f


a- Menu Bar: It contains a standard command like: File, Edit,
View,Window, Help menus, and specific command such as: Project,
Format, or Debug menus.

b- Toolbar: it contains the most commonly used commands (button),

ifclicked an action represented by that button is carried out.
c- ToolBox: it contains a collection of tools that are needed for
d- form Designer: it is a window for each form to customize the
designedinterface of the application. Using the form designer, the user
can add controls, graphics, and text to create the desired form

e- Properties Window: it is a List of properties settings for a selected form

ora control. Theseproperties are characteristics (such as size, visible, or
color) of the selected object it provides an easy way to set properties.

f- Project Explorer Window: it is a list of the forms and modules for
thecurrent projects. lt is a hierarchical tree- branch structure, where the
project at top of tree and other parts like forms ,modules) descend from
this tree.

g- Form Layout Window: The Form Layout window is a small

screen.Which is used to reposition the form of the application so that it
appears in proper place when project is run.

h- Code Editor Window: Code Editor Window is used to write a VB

codefor an application. For each form there is a separate code editor
window. It is displayed when user clicks on form or object in form.

To Create an Application
The title of program includes the name of project, and when the user
first starts the program it takes a defaulted value (projectl).It also includes
resize icons. The following steps are required to create an application in
Visual Basic 6.0:
1- Select type of project New or Exciting. A form automatically appears in
the form design .The basis for any application's interface is the form
that user should create. User can add other forms to the project (to add
another form select project menu>add form).
2. To add objects (controls) to the form use the ToolBox.
3. Set the properties for the objects through properties window.

4. Write code. The Visual Basic Code consists of statements, and
The code for an application can be written on the Code Editor window.
In this window user can view and edit quickly any of the code.
5. Run the Application. To run the application, click the Start button on
the toolbar, or press F5.
6. Stop. To stop running the application and return to visual basic program
click on stop button in tool bar.
7. Check if there is an error, return to step 3 ,otherwise continue.
8. Save project.
9. Exit.

1-Define the following parameters:
a-Toolbar. b-ToolBox. c-Form
d-form layout. e-
project window,
f-properties window. i-
code editor window,.
2- Explain the advantage of the Visual Basic program.

Project is a program designed to user application that may be simple
(like calculator program) or complex (like word program). Visual basic
program can create many types of projects. The most important or usual
project is the standard project (for window applications) and the DHTML
project (for internet).

Working with Standard Projects:

The following working steps (create, save, add, open and delete)
could be done:

a) To create project:
When program starts, project box appears-select Standard EXE >
Project window appears.
OR: File> New project> Box (select Standard EXE)> Project window

b) To add project: Any number can be added.

Project icon> Select Standard EXE> Project window appears.

Note: Usually first project runs first, but user can change that by:
Selecting project from project window > mouse list > Set as startup.

c) To open an existing project:

It is previously designed and saved on disc in a folder.
File> Open project> Box (select existing and look for the project) >
Project window

d) To delete a project:
Select project in Project window > Mouse list > Remove project.
e) To save project:
The visual basic can save the project on disc in two ways, as an
executable type or a non- executable type.

I- for project in non execution stage:

There are many types of files summarized as follows:

1- Project file: it consists of all files which are related to specific

project, also some other information with it. This could be saved with
extension (.VBP)

2- The form Files: this contains form description and any Object or
program related to it .This is saved with extension (.frm).

To save project for first time:

File>Save project (group) as>Box (project name)> forms saved then
projects group saved.

To resave project: to save previously saved project in same place

File>save project (group)

Note: If a form is modified it should be saved. To save a form: Select

a form from Project window>File>Save project form1 as > Save box
(select form name). OR: File>Save project forml.

II- project for execution: This is the final stage so that it could be opened
and run by Windows and no need for Visual Basic program. File> Make
Item Action steps Remarks
Create New File>New project The user can open any number of
project projects.
Exist File>Open project Project was already designed and
Recent File>Open project Project was recently designed and
Save project File>Save project Visual Basic can deal with it (open
group as and modify).
File>Make projectl.exe For execution by window.
Delete project File> Remove project Select project before remove.
1) Introduction to form
The form is the most important visible object,without it no control can be
displayed. It is a window that can be designed and modified to fit user
applications. In the standard project the form Designer creates and

modifies visual forms .When user starts visual Basic program a form is
automatically displayed in Designer window. The designer can add any
number of forms to the project of his application by pressing: add form
from project menu.

There are two modes: design mode and running mode. User can
interchange between them, by pressing on start icon or stop icon
on tool bar.

The forms also have properties and events.

2) Form properties
Properties list has a predefined value (numeric or string) and could
be changed, some properties could be rewritten like caption, and some
could be selected from option list by pressing on down arrow on the side.
Others could be rewritten or by browsing the computer files when
the user clicks on the dotted button on the right side a dialogue box
appears. The browsing button appears when the user clicks inside the box.

The most important properties of the form are listed in the following
Property Objective code Stage of
name Changing
Name Used to represent name of form Design
in code
Caption String appear in title of form Formno..caption= "any name" Design and run
Backcolor Background color for form. Formno..Backcolor=Qbcolor(no.) Design and run
Forecolor Color of text written on form. Formno..forecolor=Qbcolor(no.) Design and run
Font Font style, type and size. Size: Formno..fontsize= no. Design and run

Style:  italic font 



Type: Form1.FontName = "arial"
borderstyle 0-None borderless and Design
1-Fixed Single a nonresizable
2-Sizable (default), creates a
resizable window,
3-Fixed Dialog: nonresizable
form without Minimize and
Maximize buttons
4-Fixed Tool window for a
floating toolbox like form, 5-
Sizable Tool window
Enabled The tools enable or disable. Formno.. Enabled =true or false Design and run
Min button =true. The Minimize and Form1.MaxButton = True or Run
Max button Maximize buttons are enabled. = false
=false. The Minimize and Form1.MinButton = True or
Maximize button are disabled. = false
Start up 1- Manual ,use form Design
position layer window to position
2- Center owner 2-
at Center Screen 3-
movable True or false to make form Design
movable or unmovable
Hide To hide the form Formno..hide Run
show To show the form Formno..Show Run
icon Change the icon on title bar of form (the icon must have the extension ico or cur)
3) Code form
The code is written in code Form and it will be edited quickly by
code editor .The codes are of two categories:
1- Declaration is written before any procedure in the code
2- Statements. The user selects the required event then code statements
are written inside these event procedures.

‫اختیار الكائن‬

‫ھنایتم كتاب ة الش‬
‫اسم الكائن‬ ‫نوع الحدث‬

5) Events:
Events are like electrical switches. The electrical switches are of
many types, so are the events.
The forms and controls support events (generation, interaction with
mouse and keyboard). The most important events for the form are
described in the following table.
Event Action taken when
Click Single click on object.
DbClick Double click on object.
load Loading the object
1- Design a form such that: in event load, when project runs, the
form backcolor property changed (chose
any color). sol: code:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Form1.BackColor =
End Sub

2- Design a form such that: in event click on

form, when project runs, the title of the form changed to applied

Q1/ Design a standard project has three forms with backcolors red, blue
and green.
Q2/ design a standard project that has one form change the name from
form1 to "students"

Q3/ Create a standard project with one form the name of the project
"market seals" and the name of the form "stock markets" and save project
on desktop with name marketing .exe
Q4/ Design a standard project with four forms when running project all
forms appear on screen Note :use this code in form1 (form1.show,
form2.show, form3.show, form4.show)

It is a window box that contains tools which could be used in the
project. Tools are objects that could be selected from Toolbox to be placed
on form. To show the toolbox, Press toolbox icon > the toolbox appear as
in the following diagram.

The toolbox includes many tools and in general they are:

1) Pointer (not control) : used to select tools already on form
2) Picture box : Used to display images in any of the following formats:
BMP, DIB (bitmap), ICO (icon), CUR (cursor), WMF (metafile),
EMF (enhanced metafile), GIF, and JPEG.
3) Label : Fixed text appears on form for remark.
4) Textbox : For text edit .Like note pad.
5) Frame : To group tools together (container).

6) Command button : Used as a switch (such as OK and Cancel) buttons. Code

is written in the Click event procedure of this control
7) Check box : For a yes/ no (true /false) selection.
8) Option button : For selection as group. Many options are placed inside container
(grouped) (a Frame control). One control is selected from the group all others of
the group are automatically deselected.
9) Combo box : consists of (list and arrow when clicked a small a list appears), if
user selects item from the list, it will be displayed in TextBox. Vertical size is

10) List box : For a list, user adds to and deletes from this list. It takes
any size.
11) Horizontal Scrollbar : Create stand-alone Horizontal scroll bars.
12) Vertical Scrollbar : Create stand-alone vertical scroll bars.
13) Timer : Used to control object movement.
14) Drive List Box : It is a special ListBox filled automatically with names, of the
files in a specified directory. It is a list invariant.
15) Dir List Box : It is a special ListBox filled with drives (Hard disc, Flopy, CD) in
the system. It is an invariant.
16) File List Box : It is a special ListBox filled automatically with the names of all
DirListBox. It is a list invariant.
17) Shape : Used only to display rectangles, circles, and ovals on the forms. Never
raises any events
18) Line :Used only to display lines on the forms. It never raises any events.
19) Image : Used instead of PictureBox because it consumes fewer system resources.
20) Data : used for data base.
21) OLE : used for joining with another programs.
Tool Box and Form
The user can place the tool on form and then work with the tool. To place the
tool on form:
Click on tool >Draw tool to Form> the tool appears on Form.
Or: double click on it.

a) Each tool has a property window .To see this window: Click on tool on
form>Property window appears.
b) Property can be changed manually or by code and the effect of code appears in
therun time (when user runs project). c) To put code for tool action:
Double click on tool > code sheet of the Form appears (with code of corresponding
tool is written) > User write the desired code inside tool event, or outside in Form

Working With Tools

The user can work with tool in the design stage.
- To add tool: double click on tool. Tool appears on form or drags it to design
part of page and draw it in the desired size.
- To delete: click on element in page> press delete key of the key board or right
click on object for mouse list> choose delete.
- To display tool properties window: click on element> properties window
- To display code form: double click on tool code form for that element.

It is used to display fixed text on form

Objective Code Stage of Changing
Caption String appear on label labelno..caption= "any name" Design and run
Autosize To resize tool to fit text labelno..autosize= true or false Design and run
Backcolor Background color for label labelno..Backcolor=Qbcolor(no.) Design and run
Forecolor Color of text written on label labelno..forecolor=Qbcolor(no.) Design and run
Font Font style, type and size Size: labelno..fontsize= no. Design and run

Style:  italic font 



Type: label.FontName = "arial"
visible The label appear or Labelno.visible= true or false
Design and run
Enabled The label enable or disable. label no.. Enabled =true or false Design and run
Note: The available color numbers that used with QBcolor is the integers 0 to 15 only.
Example: Design a form contains label "‫ "العلوم التطبیقیة‬in size 14.

Sol: the properties are:
caption Applied science
fontsize 14



The textbox is a box for entering and displaying text (characters or values) in
user project. This tool is used frequently in most of the application. The textbox has
property window, with no caption, but with space for text. The most important
property of this tool is the text content which is described in the following:

Property Stage of
Objective Code
name Changing
Text String appear on textbox text no.. text = "any name" Design and run
multiline To enter more than one line true or false Design
Backcolor Background color for textbox. text no..Backcolor=Qbcolor(no.) Design and run
Forecolor Color of text written on textbox. text no..forecolor=Qbcolor(no.) Design and run
Font Font style, type and size. Size: text no..fontsize= no. Design and run
 italic
Style: font  bold


Type: label.FontName = "arial"
visible The textbox appear or disappear text no.visible= true or false Design and run

Enabled The textbox enable or disable. text no.. Enabled =true or false Design and run
passwordchar A row of symbols appear Textno.passwordchar=(symbol) Design and run
instead of letters
Setfocus Put the focus on the specified Textno.setfocus Run
Change text manually: change text property from property window, click
inside textbox and add text.

Change text by code:

1- Text1.text=" "
2- Text1.text=" ‫"نص‬
4- Text1.text=label1.caption
5- Text1.text = inputbox ("‫)"نص‬
Example: Design a form to enter username and password such that the title of the
form is VB.

Sol: designstage
caption V.B
Label1 text Text1
Label2 Text Text2
caption username
caption password
Example: Design a form with one textbox, set the text properties so that this massage
appears when project runs (welcome to visual basic world).

Sol: There are two methods:

First method: changing property by code:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Text1.Text = "welcome to visual basic world"
End Sub

Second method: by properties window
text Welcome to visual basic world



Command button
It acts as a switch. To deal with tool property> click on command button> property
window appear> change setting of any desired property. Usually change set its caption
property to a suitable string.
To make the button functional, the user should add some code. To do this: click on
command tool> code form appears with click event procedure. Write code in this
event or other events like press key event.

Write code here

The most familiar properties that are needed for the command button are stated in the
table below.

Objective Code Stage of Changing
Caption String appear on command commandno..caption="any name" Design and run
style Determine the of 1-graphical Design
style command 0-standard
Backcolor Background color fo commandno..Backcolor=Qbcolor( Design and run
command r no.)
Forecolor Color of text on commandno..forecolor=Qbcolor( Design and run
written command no.)
Font Font style, type and size Size: commandno..fontsize= no. Design and run

Style:  italic font 




Type: commandno.FontName =
visible The command appear or commandno.visible= true or false Design and run
Enabled The command or commandno.. Enabled Design and run
enable disable. =true or false
Example: Design a form with label, such that when click on the command button
"name" your name appears on label (at running stage). sol:

Command1 Label1

caption name

Label1.Caption = "Ahmad"
End Sub

Example: Design a form to appear your name and department in textbox, when click
on command button "name" and "department" respectively so that you can clear these
informations when click on command "clear" and stop project when click on
command "exit".


Command1 Command2

Command3 Command4

caption name
caption department
caption Clear

caption exit
Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()

Text1.text=" "
End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()

End Sub

Example: Design a form contains two textbox so that when click on command button
"copy" the text copied from first textbox to the second textbox but in size (28).
caption copy
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Text2.Text = Text1.Text
Text2.FontSize = 28
End Sub

If the user enter by example the text (ABC) in first textbox and click on
command (copy) the same text appear on the second textbox but in size 28.

1- Design a form to display your name in specific color and size.
2- Write the following design steps with details

Shape: Shape is a tool used to draw geometric shape (circle, rectangle, square ,etc). It
has property window. It has no events like other tools (such as click, dblclick, etc.).
Objective Stage of Changing
shape To determine a specific shape: Design and run
4-rounded rectangle
5-rounded square
backstyle 0-trancsparence 1- Design
Backcolor colored the Background for shape, appear after Design and run
backstyle changed to value 1-opaque
bordercolor Colored the Border of shape Design and run
Example: Design a form contains a specific shape then write the name of this shape
on form.

caption circle Shape1
shape 3- Label1
List box: The user can't write directly in ListBox . He can add item to the ListBox
property or by code in the form.
Property Objective and code
sorted True , to sort the elements alphabetically
False , elements without sort.
Style To determine the style of list:
Clear list To clear all elements of the list:
Add items to list:
a) Change property list from properties window. When click on arrow, write
items (elements).

b) Add elements by code using the property additem as follows::

Listno.additem ("first element ")
Listno.additem ("second element ")
Listno.additem ("last element")

Example: Design a form contains label to display your department and two command
buttons "show" and "hide" such that when click on command1, form2 appears and
when click on command2, form2 disappears. In form2 design a list to contain the
name of departments branches which appears after click on command button


Command Command
1 2

List1:list= ‫فارغ‬


Example: Design a form contains a sorted list alphabetically such that the user can
add the item from text to the list after click on command button "add".


sorted true
caption add

Private Sub Command1_Click()

list1.AddItem (Text1.Text)
Text1.Text = "
" End Sub

Option button: Used only as a group of buttons. When the user selects one of them
the others are deselected automatically.
All other properties of this control are similar to those in form and command
button where they are fully discussed which are caption,
font, enabled, backcolor and visible beside an
option1:caption green important property
option2: caption blue which is value that
option3: caption red takes true or false and
it used with if
statement. The option button usually takes click event.

Example: Design a form with three option buttons "

red ", " green " and " blue " such that when we click on
options the color of the form colored by red, green and blue

Private Sub Option1_Click()

Form1.BackColor = vbGreen End Sub

Private Sub Option2_Click()

Form1.BackColor = vbBlue End Sub

Private Sub Option3_Click()

Form1.BackColor = vbRed
End Sub
Check box:
Any number of check boxes can be used on a form. They work independently.
Its Property value could be changed in design stage manually, or in running stage by

Example: Design a form with one text box and three check boxes such that when
click on boxes the following is done: change typing to bold, italic, underline.
Text ‫فا رغ‬ Text1
caption Bold
Check2 Check1
caption Italic Check2
caption underline Check3

Private Sub Check1_Click()

Text1.FontBold = Check1.Value
End Sub
Private Sub Check2_Click()
Text1.FontItalic = Check2.Value
End Sub
Private Sub Check3_Click()
Text1.FontUnderline = Check3.Value
End Sub

Run stage:

Timer returns the time in millisecond. It may be used to measure execution time of
code (program efficiency).
Property name Objective and code
interval To repeat the code according to event. It takes an
integer values (0-65535) and measured in millisecond
enabled timerno.. Enabled =true or false
Ex: design electronic clock to display the time in seconds.

interval 1000
Label1 Label1

Private Sub
Label1.Caption = Time
End Sub

Example: Design a form to display

"applied science" such that when click on
command button "start" the color of


interval 1000
enabled false Private Sub Command1_Click()
Caption ‫العلوم‬
Command1 Label1
caption ‫ابدأ‬
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
t = Rnd * 15
Label1.ForeColor = QBColor(CInt(t))
End Sub
Run stage:
When click on command button ‫ابدأ‬the color of the font will be changed every second
randomly in integer no. (0-15).

Note: the function (Cint) used to convert to integer no.

And (Rnd) used to generate a random no. in a range (0-1)

Input - output boxes

There are two types of dialog boxes which are inputbox and messagebox. The first is
used to input variable and the second to output variable or message. Both needs code
and appear at run time.

a) Inputbox
Inputbox used to input value or characters for one variable from keyboard at running
This box needs a code in code sheet and could be written in any event or command
X=inputbox(" prompt or remark", "title")

Example: enter value of x using inputbox


Private Sub Form_Load()

X=Inputbox("enter value of x", "calculation")
End Sub
Message box
It is used to output a message to the user (at running stage) the code needed could be
written in code sheet and in any event or command.

The available icons for message box

structure value icon
vbcritical 16

vbquestion 32
vbinformation 64
The available commands for message box
structure value Commands
Vbokonly 0 Ok
Vbokcancel 1 Ok, Cancel
vbAbortRetryIgnor 2 Abort, Retry, Ignore
vbYesNoCancel 3 Yes, No, Cancel
vbYesNo 4 Yes, No
vbRetryCancel 5 Retry, Cancel
For example if we write the following statement then a message box will be appear as
shown below

MsgBox "please close your program", 16, "Error"

MsgBox "please close your program", vbcritical, "Error"

Example: show what appear after running the following statement

MsgBox "are you sure you want to delete this file", 32 + 4, "delete"

MsgBox "are you sure you want to delete this file",vbQuestion+vbYesNo,"delete"

Example: write a program to move the text (excellent) from textbox to message box
and change the color of the text after click on command button (display). Sol:
Text1: text="excellent"
Command1: caption="‫"عرض‬

Private Sub Command1_Click()

MsgBox (Text1.Text)
Text1.BackColor = QBColor(9)



Private Sub Command1_Click()

X= Text1.Text
MsgBox (X)
Text1.BackColor = QBColor(9)
Text1.Text = " "
End Sub
Q1/design a form contains specific title such that when we click on command1 the
color of the font will change and we click on command2 the size of the font will be

Q2\design a form contains shape and command buttons "what is this" such that when
click on the command button the name of this shape appears in message box.

Q3/enter a text in label1 such that this text copied to label2 after click on command
button "copy" and delete from label2 after click on command button "delete".

Q4/ design a form contain command button such that when we click on command,
form2 will be appear and form1 will be disappear.

Q5/design a form "at run stage" the title of form1 will be change to "visual basic" and
the back color of form1 will change too.

Q6/design a form with two shapes, red and blue ,write code to replace the color every
between two shapes.

Q7/ design a form contain list box and two command buttons:
1- add: to add the element to the list from input box
2- delete: to delete the list elements

Visual basic statements
In visual basic program (code) there are four basic parts, i.e. it is contains
the following statements:
1- Declaration of variables and constants
2- Inputting variables
3- Operators for variables
4- Outputting variables

1- Declaration of a variable and constants

The declaration means defining the data type (variable or constant).

 Variables
A variable is a space in memory filled with data (value, character, time
or date).

- Variable name must start with character (not number or function) and
maximum length 256 character, and does not contain point or symbol. -
Variable name must not repeat for other values.

The variable has to be declared. Variable type is defined by its content .The
content may be data as numeric or character or string or Boolean or date, or
any type of data (called variant), these types declared as:

Dim variable name as type

Global variable name as type

Note: The Dim declaration written in general part of the form or in any
place in form or sub procedure which used for one form. While Global
declaration used for all forms

The types of variables that are allowed in visual basic are stated in the table

Types of variables
Type Value range Declaration
1-Integer -32768<x<32768 Dim x as integer
2-Long -2.1 e+009<x<2.1 e+009 Dim x as long
3-Single 1.4e-045 <|x|<3.4e+038 Dim x as single

4-Double 4.9e-324<x<1.79e+308 Dim x as double
5-String 65535 characters Dim x as string
6-Boolean True or false Dim x as Boolean
7-Date Computer time and date Dim x as date
Jan 100<x< 31 Dec 9999
 Constants
It is a space in memory filled with fixed value that will not be changed.
Constant may be declared as: Const constant name = value

Example: Declare x as a constant (P), then compute the area of a circle. Put
suitable design.


caption Area of a circle
Caption radius
caption compute
Enabled false
code stage:

Const p = 3.14159
Dim a, r As Single

Private Sub Text1_Change()

Command1.Enabled = True End

Private Sub Command1_Click()

r = Val (Text1.Text)
MsgBox ("area=" & a)
Text1.Text = " "
End Sub
2- Inputting variables

There are methods to input variable x as stated in the following:
Method of input For all type of variable
In text tool X=textno.text
In input box X=inputbox("prompt","title")
Note: To enter many variables we usually use the second method with loop.

3- Operators for variables

The operators that are used for variable are described in the following
+ addition
- subtraction
* multiplication
Arithmetic operators
/ division
mod Modulus –rest of division
^ exponent
= equal
< Less than
<= Less or equal
Relational operators
> Greater than
>= Greater or equal
<> Not equal
Note: The order of operations when executing arithmetic operation is:
Exponentiation - multiplication division and mod - finally addition and

The mathematical representation must be written as visual basic

representation in the code as following examples:
Mathematical representation Programming representation
3(x+4y) 3*(x+4*y)
X 2 4  2
X ^2 4/2
16  3 10  5 4  3  2
3 2 3
16^(1/4) 3^3 10 (5*4)/3^2 2^3
5y (5*y)/(x^2-4)+x-1
x 4

e2x Exp(2*x)/(cos(2*x)+sin(x))

cos(2 )x sin( )x
Assignment statement
There are many statements ways to fill a variable as follows:
Variable = expression

Expression may include variables, operations and functions as follows:
1- Numerical variable. For example: i=3
2- Mathematical relation. For example: x=a/b
3- Characters variable (string). For example: t="abc"
4- Boolean variable (logical). For example: p=true

Functions for variables

The numeric and string variables are the most common used variables
in programming, therefore V.B provides the user with many functions to be
used with a variable to perform certain operations or type convention. The
most common functions for numerical variable x
Function Description
Abs(x) Absolute of x
Sqr(x) Square root of x
Int(x) Integer of x
Exp(x) Exponential of x (ex)
Fix(x) Take the integer part
Sin(x), cos(x), tan(x) Trigonometric functions
Log(x) Natural logarithms
Len(x) Number of character of variable x
Lcase(x) Change the text x to small letters
Ucase(x) Change the text x to capital letters
Cint(x) Convert x to integer
Clong(x) Convert x to long integer
Cdbl(x) Convert x to double precision
Cstr(x) Convert variable x to string
Val(x) Convert string x to numerical variable
Note: the last five functions are called conversion functions.

The following functions for different x are given for comparison.

Function output
X=lcase("MY NAME IS") my name is
X=ucase("my name is") MY NAME IS
int(2.5) 2
Int(-2.5) -3
Fix(2.5) 2
Fix(-2.5) -2
4- Outputting variables
There are methods to output variable x as stated in the following:
Method of output For all type of variable

On form Print x
Note: in load event we must use the statement:
to text tool textno.text =X
to label tool Labelno.caption=x
By message box msgbox (x)
Or msgbox ("remark"& x)
The instruction print could be very helpful to display data and used as
Code Description example
print To leave one line and
print on next
Print "a", "b", "c" Use (,) to print a distance a b c
between outputs
Print "a"; "b"; "c" Use (;) to print the abc
outputs adjacent
Print "a","b"; Print a, b then print c on abc
Print "c" the same line
Example1: write a program to enter any text and compute its length. Put
suitable design. Sol:

Design stage:

Caption String length
caption Click here
Caption Length=
Code stage:
Dim s As String
Private Sub Command1_Click()
s = InputBox("inter string")
L = Len(s)
Text1.Text = CStr(L)
End Sub


Example2: write a program to add and subtract two integer numbers after
putting a suitable design. Use message box for outputting.

Design stage:

caption calculator
caption +
Caption -
Caption Enter no.1
Caption Enter no.2
text ‫من خاصية‬text1, text2 ‫ونفرغ‬
Code stage:
Dim x, y, z as integer
Private sub command1_click ()
Z=x + y
Msgbox("addition result="&z)
End sub
Private sub command2_click ()

Z=x - y
Msgbox("subtraction result="&z)
End sub
Running stage
Enter two values in text1 and text2. When click on command (+) or (-) the



Command6 Command

addition or subtraction result appears in message box. following design.


Private sub command1_click ()
b=val(text2.text) c=a + b End
Private sub command2_click ()
c=a - b
End sub
Private sub command3_click ()
c=a * b
End sub
Private sub command4_click ()
c=a / b
End sub
Private sub command5_click ()
End sub
Private sub command6_click ()
Text1.text=" "
Text2.text=" "
Text3.text=" "
End sub

Example4: write a program to compute the functions: sine, cosine, integer

value, square, absolute value.

Design stage:
Dim x, y As Single
Private Sub command1_click()
x = Val(Text1.Text) y = Abs(x)
Text1.Text = CStr(y)
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
x = Val(Text1.Text) y = Sqr(x)
Text1.Text = CStr(y)
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
x = Val(Text1.Text) y = Int(x)
Text1.Text = CStr(y) End Sub
Private Sub Command4_Click()
x = Val(Text1.Text) y = Sin(x *
3.14159 / 180)
Text1.Text = CStr(y)
End Sub
Private Sub Command5_Click()
x = Val(Text1.Text) y = Cos(x
* 3.14159 / 180)
Text1.Text = CStr(y)
End Sub

Q1/ Write a Program to compute the area of triangle with design.

Q2/Write a program to enter the name of a student and two marks of any
subject by input box then computes the average and display the name and
average in two labels.

Q3/ Write a program to enter a real number then find its square after putting
suitable design.

Q4/ Design a project with three forms, such that form1 contains two
command buttons "Pethagors equation" and "area of triangle" such that
when click on command1 "Pythagoras equation", form2 will be appear so in
this form the third side of triangle will be compute with Pythagoras equation
after enter the first and second side, and when click on "area of triangle" the
third form displayed so that the area will be compute after entering the base
and height. Use suitable output and input methods.

Q5/ Write a program to display the message below after click on command
button "run".

Q6/Write a program to display the time and the date, put a suitable design.

The menu is a bar at the top of the form. The standard form is
display without menu, but the user can add it. This menu could be
included in form using menu editor. In next section the menu editor and
the required code will be discussed.

Menu Editor
To use menu there are three ways:
1- Press menu icon from toolbar .
2- press (ctrl+E) from key board.
3- click on: tools>Menu Editor.
Menu editor box appears as shown below.

Moveitemdown Select

Move to next item in the list Delet item The steps of

applying menu editor box are as follows:
To add item Use menu editor as follows

To add many items

Use the menu Editor

Create sub Menu list

Use menu Editor

Create Shortcut Use & with caption and select shortcut

Code for menu items

Each item in menu or sub menu is considered as a command which
takes the event click only. The user can add code for each item:
click on item>code for that item appears on code sheet. Also code can be
added to form: click on item >code for that item appears on code sheet.
This is described in the following figure:


Example: Design a form with menu and a label with a specific title. The
menu contains one item color with sub menu items: red, green, blue and
exit, to color the label in red, green, blue then exit from the program.
Sol: put label1 with any caption for example (hello)
Caption: color Create standard menu (color) from menu
Name: command1 editor>next
Caption: red Add sub menu items by pressing then enter
Name:command2 the caption and name>next.
Caption: green Do the same thinks for other items>ok
Caption: blue
Caption: exit
Shortcut: ctrl+E

To programming these commands click on each one to open its code

window and write the following code:

Private sub command2_click ()

End Sub

Private sub command3_click ()

End Sub

Private sub command4_click ()

End Sub

Private sub command5_click ()

End Sub
Conditional statements
There are two types of conditional statements:
1- If statement
2- Select case

1- If statement: The comparison operations are used with conditional

The comparison operations are: (<, <=, >, >=, =, <>, and, or)

There are four structures for if statement.

a) Simple structure If.. then:
Used for running one programming statement only if the required
condition satisfied.
The general form is: If condition then statement

Example 1: write a program to enter a mark of a student then print (pass) if

he successful.
Dim x as integer
Private sub command1_click()
X= cint(text1.text)
If x>= 50 then text2.text= "pass" End

b) If block structure: Used for running

many programming statements if the required condition satisfied. The
general form is:
If condition then
End if

Example 2: write a program to enter a mark of a student then print (pass)

in size 18 if he successful.
Dim x as integer
Private sub command1_click()

X= cint(text1.text) If x>= 50 then
text2.text= "pass" text2.fontsize=18 end if End sub
c) If.. Then.. Else structure: Used for running many programming
statements if the required condition satisfied. And running another
programming statements (after else) if the required condition not satisfied.
The general form is:
If condition then
End if

Example3: write a program to enter a mark of a student then print (pass) if

he successful and print (fail) otherwise.
Dim x As Integer
Private Sub command1_click()
x = CInt(Text1.Text)
If x >= 50 Then
Text2.Text = "pass"
Text2.Text = "fail"
End If
End Sub

d) If.. Then.. Elseif.. Else structure:

Used if we have many conditions to be satisfied

Example 4: write a program to enter a user name and display the message
(hello) three times. The first one for (Muna), the second one for (Maha) and
the third for any user as a guest.
Dim x As String
Private Sub command1_click() x =
If x = "Muna" Then
MsgBox "hello, Muna"
ElseIf x = "Maha" Then
MsgBox "hello,Maha"
MsgBox "hello, guest"

End If
End Sub
Example 5: Write a program to classify any entered number according to
its sign and display the phrase (negative number) when the number is
negative and the phrase (positive number) when the number is positive,
otherwise display the phrase (neither positive nor negative).
Dim x As Single
Private Sub command1_click () x =
If x > 0 Then
MsgBox "positive number"
ElseIf x < 0 Then
MsgBox "negative number"
MsgBox "neither positive nor
End If
End Sub

Nested If statement:
It can be takes the following structure:

If condition then 

If condition then  
 
Statements structure2 structure 1

End if  

End if 

Note: Any structure of if structures can be used

insteade of structure 1 and 2 above.

Example 6: Write a program to enter two numbers and

compute multiplication and division operations using
option button with display the phrase (illegal division
operation) when the denominator is zero.

Dim a, b, c As Single Private Sub command1_click() a =
Val(Text1.Text) b = Val(Text2.Text)
If Option1.Value Then c = a * b
Text3.Text = CStr(c) Else
If b <> 0 Then
Text3.Text = CStr(c)
Text3.Text = "illegal division operation"
End If
End If
End Sub

Select statement
Used for applying many statements depending on one variable. The
general form is:

Select case variable

Case value1
statements Case
Case value n
Case else
End select

Example 7: write a program to print the days of the week when we enter
its number Sol:
Dim x As Integer
Private Sub Command1_Click()
x = CInt(Text1.Text)
Select Case x
Case 1
MsgBox ("Sunday")
Case 2
MsgBox ("Monday")

Case 3
MsgBox ("Tuesday")
Case 4
MsgBox ("Thursday")
Case 5
MsgBox ("Wednesday")
Case 6
MsgBox ("Friday")
Case 7
MsgBox ("Saturday")
End Select
End Sub

Example 8: write a program to give the evaluation for different marks

as follows:

mark evaluation
90-100 Excellent
80-89 Very good
70-79 Good
60-69 Medium
50-59 Pass
0-49 Fail
Dim x As Integer
Private Sub Command1_Click() x =
CInt(Text1.Text) Select Case x
Case 90 To 100
MsgBox ("excellent")
Case 80 To 89
MsgBox ("very good")
Case 70 To 79
MsgBox ("good")
Case 60 To 69
MsgBox ("medium")
Case 50 To 59
MsgBox ("pass")
Case 0 To 49
MsgBox ("fail")
Case Else
MsgBox "the range is 0-100", vbCritical, "error"
End Select

End Sub

Q.1/ Design a form with three menus and label with a specific title.
The menus contain sub menus as follows: color: red, blue, green, style:
underline, bold, italic, size: 10, 20, 30 then write the code for each

Q.2/ Write a program to enter a value of x and compute the value of y

where y  x if x  0
 x if x  0
Q.3/ Write a program to find the root of first degree equation.

Q4 / write a program to enter two numbers and print the largest


Q.5/ Write a program to enter two numbers and compute

multiplication and division operations using check box with displaying the
phrase (illegal division operation) when the denominator is zero.

Q.6/ Design a form with a text box. Use select statement so that when
user enters g, b, r and y then form colored to green, blue, red, and yellow
Loop statement:
Visual basic supports statement to perform loops. The loops statements could
have different structures as follows:
1- Counter loop.
2- Conditional loop.

1- Counter loop:
Loops apply programming statements for fixed number of times using counter
(for… next) statement.

The general form is:

For variable = start value to end value step step value
Next variable

Example1: Write a program to print (hello) five times.

Dim i as integer
Private Sub Command1_Click ()
For i = 1 To 5

Print "hello"
Next i
End Sub

Example2: Write a program to print even numbers from 1 to 10.

Dim i as integer
Private Sub Command1_Click ()
For i = 2 To 10 step 2
Print i
Next i
End Sub

1-The variable's value that we use as counter must be integer value (integer, long).
2- If we don’t determined the step value then the assumed value is 1.
3- If the final value smallest than the initial value, then the step value must be

2- Conditional loop
Loops repeat programming statements according to specific condition. There are
two types of conditional loop:
1- Do while
2- Do until

1-Do while loop: In this loop the statements will be implemented and repeated when
ever the condition satisfied. The general form is:
Do while condition
Statements Loop

Example3: Write a program to print (hello) five times with its numbering using do
while loop.
Dim i as integer
Private Sub Command1_Click ()
i = 1 Do while i <= 5
Print "hello"; i
i = i + 1 Loop
End Sub

Example4: Write a program to print even

numbers from 1 to 10.
Dim i as integer
Private Sub Command1_Click ()

i = 2 Do while i <= 10
Print i
i = i + 2 Loop
End Sub

2-Do until loop: In this loop the statements will be implemented and repeated when
ever the condition not satisfied, (i.e) the loop will be stopped when the condition
satisfied. The general form is:

Do until condition

Example5: Write a program to print (hello) five times with its numbering using do
until loop.
Dim i as integer
Private Sub Command1_Click ()
i = 1 Do until
Print "hello"; i
End Sub
Example6: Write a program to find the summation of undetermined number of
positive numbers such that the program will be stopped when we enter negative
Dim x, sum As Single
Private Sub command1_click()
sum = 0
x = Val(InputBox("enter x", "summation"))
Do While x >= 0
sum = sum + x
x = Val(InputBox("enter x", "summation "))

Example7: Write a program to find the summation of the numbers from 5 to 15.
Dim I, sum as integer
Private Sub command1_click ()
sum = 0
For i = 5 to 15
Sum = sum + i
Next i
Label1.caption = "sum ="&cstr(sum)
End Sub

Example8: Write a program to find the summation of 10 numbers.

Dim i as integer
Dim x, sum as double
Private Sub command1_click () sum = 0 For i
= 1 to 10
x = val(inputbox ("enter number"))
Sum = sum + x
Next i
Label1.caption = "sum="& cstr(sum)
End Sub

Running stage:
For example if we entered the numbers: 1, 5, -1, 3, 2, 0, -1, 3, 0, -4 then sum=8
Example9: Write a program to find the average of n numbers.
Dim i as integer
Dim x, sum, av as Double Private Sub
command1_click () i = 1: sum = 0
n = cint (text1.text)
Do while i <= n
x = val(inputbox ("enter number"))
Sum = sum + x i = i + 1
Av = sum/n
Text2.text = cstr(av)
End Sub

Example10: Write a program to print multipliers of 5 (from 5 to 50)

Dim i as integer
Private Sub Command1_Click ()
i = 5 Do until i > 50

Print i
i = i + 5 Loop
End Sub

Example11: write a program to find the average of numbers that dividable by 3 (with
out remainder) from 3 to 99.
Dim I, n, sum as integer
Dim av as Double
Private Sub command1_click ()
sum = 0
Do while i <= 99
Sum = sum + i i
Av = sum/n
Print "av ="; av
End Sub
Example12: write a program to print (welcome) ten times, the first one with the
ordinary size and color. Then make the color changed and the size bigger at each time.
Dim i As Integer
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Print "welcome"
For i = 1 To 9
FontSize = 10 + i
ForeColor = QBColor(i)
Print "welcome"
Next i
End Sub

To compute the value of series, we use suitable loop statements according to the
boundaries (limits) of each series.

Example13: Find
Sum=1+x+x2+x3+…+xn , where x is an integer.
Dim I, n, x, sum as integer Private Sub
command1_click () sum = 1
n=cint(text1.text) x=val(text2.text)

For i = 1 To n
Sum = sum +x^i
Next i
End Sub

Nested loop:
The nested loops are the loops that are placed inside each other. The most inner
loop will be executed first, then the outer ones. These loops should neither intersect,
nor have the same index. As follows:

For i = 1 To n
For j = 1 To m
Next j
Next i
Example14: write a program to print the multiplication table.
Dim I, j As Integer
Private Sub command1_click()
For I = 1 To 10
For j = 1 To 10
Print I; "*"; j; "="; p,
Next j
Next I
End Sub

Example15: write a program to generate the numbers in the following form.


Dim I, j As Integer
Private Sub command1_click()
For I = 1 To 5
For j = 1 To i
Print j;
Next j
Next I
End Sub
Q.1: write a program to find n factorial (n!)

Q.2: write a program to enter n numbers and find the average of negative numbers

Q.3: write a program to print the multipliers of 6 from 12 to 60, using do while first,
then use do until loop secondly.

Q.4: compute the value of y where:

12 3 n

y1 x x2  x3 

Q.5: Find the odd numbers from 1 to 100.

Q.6: Write a program to generate the numbers as follows:


Q.7: How many multipliers of 3 are there between 1 and 100? Write a program to find


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