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Family Members Interviewed People Involved (Family Members, Relatives, Friends Etc.) Situation Resolution

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Let’s try this:

Family Members People involved Situation Resolution
friends etc.)
MYSELF Friend My friend is trying For me, it doesn't
to ruin my image matter what
or reputation. others say since
only I know
myself, and I
won't defend
myself because if
you attempt to
defend yourself in
our nation, people
will assume that
some of the
accusations are
true because
you're being
overly defensive,
even if you're only
trying to protect
My cousin Family, Friends & The present My connection
Relatives pandemic with my family,
problem puts friends, and
your relationship others has been
with your family, put to the test
friends, and during this
others to the present crisis,
which is the
pandemic, in a
way that I can't
physically see and
interact with
them. Because of
my lack of
physical presence,
I feel that my
relationship with
them is strained.
True, there are
social media tools
that can link me
with them, but it's
a whole different
experience when I
can see and speak
with them in
Being alone,
without any of my
friends by my
side, and only
seeing my family
on rare occasions
increased my
stress levels.
There is no one I
can confide in and
discuss my
concerns with.
But, by gradually
accepting this new
normal, I am
attempting to
everything. That
my family and
friends are still
there, just a
phone call away,
even if I can't see
them in person.
Myself (cousin) My ex-girlfriend I did caught my I will accept and
ex-girlfriend that move on forward
she was cheating because this is the
on me. plan of God to me.
It’s painful and it’s
so hard to heal
from the pain and
trauma’s but I
know it will be
worth in the end.
To my ex, I still
wish the best for
Processing Questions:
1. The exercise was entertaining and educational. I was able to have a better
understanding of myself and others.
2. My family and I thought we handled the issue well. We came up with
answers without resorting to violence, and we dealt with the problems in a
calm, reasonable, and compassionate manner.

3. Yes, there are characteristics that I will aim to emulate since similar
situations may arise from time to time, and it is preferable to manage
difficulties in a way that does not damage others, like my family did.

Let’s explore this:



I think he/she Our

I can describe I want our
wants our relationship
our relationship relationship to
relationship to could have been
as be
be better if

Bestfriends Sisters and If there had been

Bestfriends no epidemic, our
Bestfriends and
relationship may
sisters, because I
have been better.
believe she
requires someone
damaged our
to stand by her
relationship since
side, as a sister
we now hardly
might, and to
see each other
defend her and be
because I'm too
with someone she
preoccupied with
can relate to, as a
my life and she's
bestfriend would.
too preoccupied
with hers.
Processing Questions:
1. I chose this connection because I want to tell you about my best friend,
sister, relative, and co-conspirator, Evangeline.
2. I realized how much I miss my bestfriend, despite though we live in the
same barangay.
3. Yes, I can still fix it since we both desire that connection and there is still

You can do it:

From now on, i will improve my relationship with other people by:
1. Acknowledge the opinions, feelings and needs of others
It’s very easy to get caught up in our own little world. Sometimes we feel so eager to
express our feelings and point of view that we neglect the opinions and feelings of
others. If you want to build strong, long-lasting relationships you need to start
letting people express themselves. And always respect their right to an opinion,
even if you don’t think they are right.
2. Be more open to suggestions and compromises
Making the right decision and choosing a course of action that benefits everyone
requires input from everyone involved. Try to be democratic when deciding on
things like where to go for dinner or dividing tasks amongst colleagues. Understand
that you will often have to compromise, and that this sometimes means giving up a
lot of ground in someone else’s favor.
3. Spend more of your free time out with people instead of locked up at home
Getting to spend some quality time with your friends, partner, and even colleagues
is an essential part of getting to know them on a deeper level. It also allows you to
relax and share all kinds of information. Spending more time outside with other
people is also a good way to improve your mental health by talking about the
problems you might have with your partner or friends—problems that would
otherwise eat away at you and put a strain on those relationships.
4. Work on overcoming your insecurities
If you go into a discussion with someone and you have tons of insecurities
weighing you down, you will always be nervous and looking for the right thing to
say. In fact, it may be difficult for you to open up or meet new people. Spend some
time each day working on coming to terms with your appearance and lifestyle
choices and start making some small positive changes. It will greatly improve the
way you interact with others.
5. Learn people’s emotional triggers and avoid setting them off
Just like you have fears and insecurities, so does everyone else. There are topics
and even specific words that will trigger a strong negative emotional response. As
you get to know someone, try to pick up on these touchy subjects and avoid hitting
these triggers when you interact with that person. They will greatly appreciate this
and you will fight less often.
What i have learned:

Share your thoughts and feelings:

● What made you choose that person to have a better
relationship with?
o Geline, I want to improve our connection because we are
sisters, and I want us to get along since we will see one other
again in the future, and we are family, and you are my first
best friend from birth.
● How was your relationship with that person before?
o I can say that our relationship before is good but I still want to
improve it.
● How do you feel about your relationship to that chosen
person before and now?
o I used to be afraid that we wouldn't get along, and I didn't
want to be around someone I despised and who despised
me. Now that we're both maturing, I want us to get along
so that when we're older, we'll be there to help each other
if one of us needs it.
● What do you want to happen to that relationship?
o I'm hoping we'll get along in the future and that we'll
always be there for each other when we need assistance.
● What actions or ways do you do to help improve the
o I promise to love, care for, and comfort you through whatever
difficult problems you may face, as well as to assist you when
you require assistance.

2.Discuss on a sheet of paper why you chose the person/s to whom

the letter will be given.
● I chose my bestfriend because I want to strengthen our
relationship as the years go by.

Additional Activities

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