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NetApp Flash Cache Pam II

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NetApp Flash Cache (PAM II)

Optimize the performance of your storage system without adding disk drives.
Grow while conserving power, cooling, and space.


Provide the storage performance The NetApp Flash Cache (PAM II)
Optimize performance needed to meet application SLAs modules give you a new way to
The NetApp® Flash Cache (PAM II) while cutting costs optimize performance
modules improve performance for The cost of delivering IT services is under We created these intelligent read caches
workloads that are random read more pressure than ever. Hard constraints so you can reduce latency and improve
intensive without adding more on budget and staff collide with expectations I/O throughput without adding more high-
high‑performance disk drives. for more and better. performance disk drives. Use Flash Cache
modules to improve performance for work‑
Reduce latency, improve throughput Networked storage systems are a case in loads that are random read intensive such
Speed access to your data with these point. Providing enough capacity is easy. as file services, messaging, OLTP data‑
intelligent read caches, which can Keeping pace with performance demands bases, and server/desktop virtualization.
reduce latency by a factor of 10 or can be difficult because, while they are
more compared to hard disk drives. getting bigger, disk drives aren’t getting You can also use Flash Cache in combina‑
Lower latency can translate into more any faster. tion with SATA drives for many workloads
throughput for random I/O workloads. to increase storage capacity while main­
As a result, large numbers of “short stroked” taining a high level of performance.
Save storage, power, and space disk drives are commonly used to deliver the
Use our Flash Cache modules instead I/O throughput demanded by many workloads. You can configure up to 8TB of read cache
of extra disk drives to provide I/O This approach wastes storage capacity, rack in a storage system by using Flash Cache
throughput. Our solid state Flash space, and electricity. cards. The ability to cache large quantities of
Cache modules use no additional rack active data makes Flash Cache cards
Solid state disks (SSDs) have the potential effective across a broad set of workloads.
space and consume 95% less power
to solve this problem. But for most appli­
than a shelf of 15k RPM disk drives.
cations it’s hard to justify the cost and AUTOMATICALLY PUT ACTIVE DATA
Our Flash Cache (PAM II) modules put your
Fortunately, there is more than one way
active data blocks in the storage controller,
to use solid state technology for storage.
speeding access by a factor of 10 or better
There’s a way that optimizes performance,
compared to disk.
reduces costs, and doesn’t increase
Flash Cache modules give you performance REDUCE COSTS FOR STORAGE, PREDICT YOUR RESULTS
that is comparable to that of SSDs without POWER, AND RACK SPACE You can use a software feature of the
creating another storage tier. You don’t need Using an industry standard benchmark1, NetApp Data ONTAP ® operating system
to move data from tier to tier for the best we demonstrated that Flash Cache can to determine whether the performance of
performance. It’s all automatic because eliminate up to 75% of the disk drives in your storage system will improve with the
every volume and LUN behind the storage a storage system with no change to I/O addition of one or more caching modules.
controller is subject to caching. throughput and with better response times. Predictive Cache Statistics generate data
that indicates whether caching modules will
You can tune Flash Cache to match your We also switched from 15k RPM Fibre help and how much additional cache is
specific workload by using software Channel drives to fewer, larger SATA optimal for your workload.
settings that let you choose from three drives with Flash Cache in these tests.
modes of operation. The combination of SATA drives with Flash about NetApp
Cache cards increased storage capacity by NetApp creates innovative storage and
You can also give caching priority to your
50% while providing comparable performance. data management solutions that deliver
most important volumes and LUNs when the
load is heaviest by using NetApp FlexShare® outstanding cost efficiency and accelerate
By eliminating disk drives not needed for
quality of service software in combination performance breakthroughs. Discover our
storage capacity, Flash Cache modules
with Flash Cache modules. passion for helping companies around the
can reduce the purchase price of a storage
world go further, faster at www.netapp.com.
system and can provide ongoing savings
by consuming less power, cooling, and
rack space.

Figure 1) Latency reduction. Table 1) Supported systems and configurations.


Flash Cache Flash Cache
8 256GB 512GB

7 FAS6280, V6280, — 16 modules

SA620 8TB
Latency (ms)

FAS6240, V6240 — 12 modules

5 6TB
FAS6070, V6070, — 8 modules
3 Flash Cache hits FAS6080, V6080, 4TB
reduce latency by a SA600
factor of 10 or more
FAS6210, V6210 — 6 modules
1 3TB

0 FAS3170, V3170, — 4 modules

Disk Flash CPU
Drives Cache Memory
FAS3270, V3270, 2TB
FAS6040, V6040,
Latency is typically 10ms or higher when SA320
accessing data from disk drives. Flash Cache
modules reduce latency by a factor of 10 or FAS3240, V3240 4 modules2 2 modules2
more compared to disk drives when there is 1TB 1TB
a cache hit.
FAS3070, V3070, 4 modules —
FAS3160, V3160 1TB

FAS3140, V3140, 2 modules —

FAS3210, V3210 512GB

Note: These specifications are for a dual-controller, high availability (HA) system. Divide numbers by 2
to get maximums for a single-controller configuration.

SPECsfs2008_nfs.v3. Visit http://spec.org/sfs2008/results/sfs2008nfs.html for more information.
Must choose either 256GB or 512GB size modules for FAS/V3240 controllers. Configurations with mixed module sizes are not supported.
© Copyright 2010 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. No portions of this document may be reproduced without prior written consent of NetApp,
Inc. Specifications are subject to change without notice. NetApp, the NetApp logo, Go further, faster, Data ONTAP, and FlexShare are trademarks
or registered trademarks of NetApp, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. SPEC and SPECsfs2008 are registered trademarks of the
Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and
www.netapp.com should be treated as such. DS-2811-0910

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