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Ovcaa Operations Manual

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Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

University of the Philippines Visayas

Prof. Jose A. Go | Editor
Eleza F. Jundes | Copy Editor
Herbert N. Nalagay and Fermar I. Novilla | Layout and Design
Antonio A. Tuson, OUR Staff | Production Staff

This operation manual is published by the

Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
University of the Philippines Visayas
Miagao, Iloilo

Produced by the Office of the University Registrar

All rights reserved, December 2015
We would like to acknowledge the contribution and cooperation of the following unit heads and staff of the academic support units.

Office of the Vice Chancellor for Office of the University Registrar University Library
Academic Affairs
Prof. Encarnacion Emilia Yap Prof Jose Go Ninfa Bandorio
Prof. Mae Grace Nillos Febe Miayo Sophia Diasanta
Prof. Bernice Vania Landoy Denivi Hazel Medida Anna Lisa Erazo
June Eva P Acap Ana Liza Subade Sharon Rose Galorport
Lea Campo Rosalie Piccio Agnes Limjuco
Jo Ann Bedia Angeline Nuevaespana Ma. Tita Noble
Efrely Balsicas Charito Gavadan Salvacion Ojera
Felfort Catacutan Rina-Joy Ambatang Flor Palisada
Rodolfo Lasquite April Javellana Romeo Procalla
Ruby Procalla
Leonor Rosal
Graduate Program Office Teaching and Learning Resource Center Jo Ann Sadia
Mar Sencil
Prof. Vivian Topor Prof. Zoilo Andrada, Jr Mateo Sencil
Jocelyn Jinon Sharon Gargaritano Ma. Chuchie Silveo
Nenita Bearneza Evan Jude Nerpiol Elsa Surmieda
Angelino Manalo Jr. Gazelh Mae Gulpany Ma. Yvonne Genciane
Michael Padernal Trexie Jane Perez Myrna Haber
Arsenio Salaya Analiza Linaugo
Prosamel Salcedo
National Service Training Program Sherill Garcia
Mc John Noblezada
Prof. Karlo Primavera Michael Jones Nono
Prof. Jeanette Deslate Lawrence Palisada
Prof. Rhodella Ibabao Margie Yancy Ong
Mr. Ed Ryan Gerial Jason Sedantes
Mary CelynNualla
Office of Student Affairs
Prof. Ruben Gamala Marilou Jover Remedios Nuevaespaña
Prof. Rey Carlo Gonzales Reyna Lima Magdalena Nulada
Prof. Moniq Muyargas Mylene Mondejar Maria Aurelia Estela Pador
Wilberto Angan-angan Rafael Montalvo Jr. Damero Pagapulan
Nida Belas Dominador Monteclaro Jr. Marissa Pascasio
Edgar Ebro Aida Mooc Divina Punongbayan
Monica Espinosa Marvin Murata M. Elizabeth Salgado
Zyreen Lou Faramiran Analie Muyong Kristine Santillan
Rose Flame Larry Nagallo Melinda Sasana
Ofelia Flor Rosalinda Nam-ay Madeline Subong
Jeanette Gallo Jay Naparato Celina Sumalapao
Marites Geonanga Joseph Alvin Novilla Aster Tronco
Rodrigo Hofileña Vilma Nualla Ma. Beatriz Valencia
Teresa Hortillo Albert Nueva
Juvy Janeo




Chairperson, Commission on Higher Education President


President, University of the Philippines Vice President for Academic Affairs


Chairperson, Senate Committee on Education, Arts, and Culture Vice President for Planning and Finance


Chairperson, House Committee on Higher and Technical Vice President for Administration
HONORABLE RAMON M. MARONILLA Vice President for Development
President, UP Alumni Association
HONORABLE PHILIP IAN P. PADILLA Vice President for Public Affairs
Faculty Regent
Student Regent
HONORABLE ALEXIS M. MEJIA Secretary of the University and of the Board of Regents
Staff Regent


Chancellor, UP Los Baños
Secretary of the University and of the Board of Regents


Chancellor, UP Visayas COLLEGES AND SCHOOL
Chancellor, UP Open University CRISPINO A. SACLAUSO, PhD
Dean, College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences
Chancellor, UP Mindanao RESURRECCION B. SADABA, PhD
Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Chancellor, UP Baguio MARY ANN T. GUMBAN, MMBM
Dean, College of Management
Dean, School of Technology


Dean, UPV Tacloban College




Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Director, Institute of Aquaculture
Vice Chancellor for Administration Director, Institute of Fish Processing Technology
Vice Chancellor for Planning and Development Director, Institute of Fisheries Policy and Development Studies
Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension Director, Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanology
University Registrar


Director, Graduate Program Office Director, National Institute of Molecular Biology and
Director, Office of Student Affairs JORGE S. EBAY, MCD
Director, Center for West Visayan Studies
Director, Office of Alumni Relations JOYCIE D. ALEGRE, MA
Director, Leyte-Samar Heritage Center
Director, Information and Publications Office REX FERDINAND M. TRAIFALGAR, PhD
Station Head, Freshwater Aquaculture Station
Director, Office of Continuing Education and Pahinungod ROSY L. JANEO., MSc
Station Head, Brackishwater Aquaculture Center
Director, Gender and Development Program MARIE FRANCES J. NIEVALES, MSc
Station Head, Marine Biological Station
Director, Teaching and Learning Resource Center REYNOLD J. JASPE, BS
Station Head, BatanMariculture Station
Overall Coordinator, Sentro ng Wikang Filipino


Coordinator, Anti-Sexual Harassment Office


Faculty-in-Charge, UPV Cinematheque


Officer-in-Charge, University Library



University Registrar


Director Office of Student Affairs


Director, Graduate Program Office


Director, Teaching and Learning Resource Center

Officer-in-Charge, National Service Training Program


Officer-in-Charge, University Library

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... vii
DEFINITION OF TERMS .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................viii
LIST OF ACRONYMS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... xi
CHAPTER I. GENERAL INFORMATION ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES .........................................................................................................................................................................................1
UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES VISAYAS (UPV) .........................................................................................................................................................1
OFFICE OF THE CHANCELLOR (OC) ......................................................................................................................................................................................3
OFFICE OF VICE CHANCELLOR FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS (OVCAA) ......................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER II. OFFICE OF THE VICE CHANCELLOR FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS (OVCAA) ........................................................................................ 4
FUNCTIONS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5
DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ..............................................................................................................................................................................................5
Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs .........................................................................................................................................................5
Administrative Services ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................5
SERVICE STANDARDS AND FLOWCHARTS .........................................................................................................................................................................6
OPERATIONAL CONTROL AND SUPERVISION .............................................................................................................................................................. 24
CHAPTER III. OFFICE OF THE UNIVERSITY REGISTRAR ...................................................................................................................................................29
MISSION............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 29
CORE VALUES ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 29
FUNCTIONS OF THE OFFICE OF THE UNIVERSITY REGISTRAR ........................................................................................................................... 29
PROGRAMS AND SERVICES...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Academic Calendar................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Admission of Local and Foreign Undergraduate Students ................................................................................................................................................ 30
Issuance of Academic Credentials ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Curricular Services.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30

Computerized Registration and Student Information System(CRSIS)/Database Management Services................................................................... 31

University Committees ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 31
DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Records Management and Appraisal Services ...................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Administrative Services ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
CRSIS (Computerized Registration and Student Information System) ........................................................................................................................... 35
Transcript of Records and Diploma Services ...................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Admission, Registration, and Curricular Services ................................................................................................................................................................ 36
SERVICE STANDARDS AND FLOWCHARTS ...................................................................................................................................................................... 38
INTERNAL CONTROL PROCEDURES .................................................................................................................................................................................. 89
Issuance of Admission Slip .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 89
Application for Admission of local and foreign students to UPV ................................................................................................................................... 91
Request for Official Transcript of Records .......................................................................................................................................................................... 92
Issuance of Certifications ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 94
Assessment/Re-Assessment of Fees ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 95
CHAPTER IV. OFFICE OF STUDENT AFFAIRS ..........................................................................................................................................................................97
MISSION............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 97
CORE VALUES ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 97
FUNCTIONS ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 97
PROGRAMS AND SERVICES...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 97
A. THE GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING SERVICES (GCSU) UNIT ................................................................................................................. 97
B. STUDENT ORGANIZATION AND ACTIVITIES (SOA) UNIT ...................................................................................................................... 100
C. SCHOLARSHIP AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE UNIT (SFAU) .................................................................................................................... 100
D. HOUSING/RESIDENTIAL SERVICES UNIT ...................................................................................................................................................... 102
Duties and Responsibilities ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 104

Administrative Services ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 104

One (1) Guidance Services Specialist V (SG 24) ............................................................................................................................................................. 104
(GSS Coordinator) ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 104
Four(4) Guidance Service Specialists III (SG 20) ......................................................................................................................................................... 105
One Guidance Service Specialist II ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 105
One (1) Job Order SOA Assistant..................................................................................................................................................................................... 106
One (1) Scholarship Affairs Officer (SG 16) ..................................................................................................................................................................... 106
Two (2) Administrative Assistants (SG 8) .......................................................................................................................................................................... 106
Two (2) Administrative Aides (SG 6) .................................................................................................................................................................................. 107
One (1) Job Order .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 108
Dorm Managers (IV, III, II, I) ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 108
Houseparent I, Household Attendants (III, II, I and Casual), Job Hire ........................................................................................................................ 109
OPERATIONAL CONTROL AND SUPERVISION ............................................................................................................................................................ 109
SERVICE STANDARDS AND FLOWCHARTS .................................................................................................................................................................... 111
CHAPTER V. GRADUATE PROGRAM OFFICE ......................................................................................................................................................................... 144
Administrative Services ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 146
CHAPTER VI. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 170
SERVICE: REQUEST FOR AUDIO-VISUAL SERVICES ................................................................................................................................................ 187
Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, No noon break ............................................................................................................................................... 187
Clients/Customers: Students and Faculty members ......................................................................................................................................................................... 187
Requirements: UPV ID card for students ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 187
Photocopy of Appointments for new faculty member ....................................................................................................................................................................... 187
Processing Time: 1 minute and 20 seconds per transaction ........................................................................................................................................................... 187
Procedure: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 187
CHAPTER VII. TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER ................................................................................................................................ 200

SERVICE: COMPUTER AND INTERNET ACCESS ........................................................................................................................................................ 210

SERVICE: AUDIO – VISUAL ROOM (AVR) RESERVATION ...................................................................................................................................... 216
CHAPTER VIII. NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM ........................................................................................................................................... 229
Duties and Responsibilities ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 230
NSTP Director .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 230
CWTS/LTS Coordinator ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 230
ROTC Coordinator................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 230
NSTP Job-Hire Staff ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 230
REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 234

The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs organization and responsibilities; operational control and
(OVCAA) of the University of the Philippines Visayas publishes supervision; and operating procedures.
this Operations Manual in support of the provisions of Republic
Act 9485 or the Anti-Red Tape Act (ARTA) of 2007. Each section on service standards and flow charts provides a step-
by-step procedure for engaging a particular service, and the
Under RA 9485, government agencies are required to streamline guaranteed performance level that may be expected for that
and post procedures and to draw a Citizen’s Charter. A Citizen’s service (Civil Service Commission, 2009).
Charter refers to an official document, a service standard, or a
pledge, that communicates in simple terms, information on the Aside from the step-by-step procedure of the frontline services,
services provided by the government to the citizen (Civil Service the unit’s Citizen’s Charter also includes the employee responsible
Commission, 2009). Hence, this Manual is designed to serve as a for each step, maximum time to conclude the process, documents
working guide and reference of the day-to-day duties and to be presented by the client, amount of fees in relation to request
responsibilities of the heads of units and staff under the OVCAA on application, feedback mechanisms, among other information.
in order to deliver quality and efficient government service to the Other features of the Manual include a list of acronyms and
public. appendices.

Specifically, this Manual aims to: It is hoped that the Manual will be useful to all types of clients of
1. Inform clients on the different units’ functions, policies the University. The information herein may change as the
and procedures in making office transactions. University responds to new developments or conditions. Thus, it
2. Provide the unit heads and staff basic tools and is advisable to get in touch with the appropriate office for any
techniques to help achieve their respective offices’ goals update.
and objectives;
3. Achieve a certain degree of uniformity in the We would like to acknowledge the contribution, cooperation,
interpretation and implementation of the roles of the patience, and hard work of the unit heads and staff of the
different offices/units under OVCAA and clearly define academic support units and the members of the Operations
their duties and responsibilities; and Manual Secretariat in putting together this volume. Special thanks
4. Serve as a reference for future administrators and staff. to the University Registrar Assoc. Prof. Jose A. Go and his staff
The Manual is organized according to office/unit, namely: Office for their valuable leadership to materialize the completion of this
of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Office of the Manual.
University Registrar, Office of Student Affairs; Graduate Program
Office; University Library; Teaching and Learning Resource
Center; and National Service Training Program.
Each office/unit presents its vision, mandate, functions and core ENCARNACION EMILIA S. YAP
values. The Manual also describes their specific area of operation; Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs


ACADEMIC UNIT Department/Division/Institute that CROSS Enrollment in another academic

offers a degree program REGISTRATION unit outside the home unit

ACADEMIC YEAR The Academic Year is divided into END OF FIRST The day before the registration for
three (3) terms composed of at SEMESTER the second semester
least sixteen (16) weeks each,
exclusive of registration and final END OF SECOND The end of the second semester is
examination periods. Class work in SEMESTER the commencement day
midyear term is equivalent to class
work in one semester FRESHMAN Student who has not finished the
prescribed subjects of the first year
CHANGE OF The addition and/or cancellation of of his/her curriculum, or has
MATRICULATION a class and/or change of section finished only or less than 25 percent
after a student has officially (25%) of the total number of units
registered required in the entire course

CIVIC WELFARE Programs or activities of NSTP HONORABLE Voluntary withdrawal of a student

TRAINING SERVICE designed to contribute to the DISMISSAL (HD) from the University with the
(CWTS) general welfare and the betterment consent of the University Registrar
of life of the community; the
enhancement of its facilities, LEAVE OF ABSENCE A student who does not intend to
especially those devoted to (LOA) enrol in a semester may apply for a
improving health, education, leave of absence (LOA). This also
environment, entrepreneurship, applies to a student currently
safety, recreation and morals of the enrolled and who intends to
citizenry withdraw his/her enrolment for the
rest of the semester. A student on
CROSS-REGISTRANT Student who enrol in a unit in UP leave of absence does not severe
Visayas for specific period of time his/her ties with the University
but are primarily enrolled in their LITERACY A program of NSTP designed to
home units or in another UP TRAINING SERVICE train students become teachers of
Constituent University. Such (LTS) literacy and numeracy skills to
enrolment is subject to the approval school children, out of school
of the Deans of the home unit and youth, and other segments of
the accepting units/colleges society in need of their service

NATIONAL SERVICE A program aimed at enhancing civic REGULAR Regular undergraduate student
TRAININGPROGRA consciousness and defense UNDERGRADUATE follows organized programs of
M (NSTP) preparedness in the youth by STUDENT study and complies with
developing the ethics of service and requirements that lead to the
patriotism while undergoing training bachelor’s degree or undergraduate
of its three (3) program diploma/certificate. He/she carries
components. Its various the full semester’s load prescribed
components are specially designed by one’s respective curricula and is
to enhance the youth’s active classified into freshman,
contribution to the general welfare sophomore, junior, and senior
(RA No. 9163) RESIDENCE Students who have finished all their
course work and are just working
NON-DEGREE Student enrolled for credit but does on their thesis, dissertation,
STUDENT not follow an organized program of research, and special problem may
study enrol for residence. Similarly
students who are not enrolled in
NORMAL LOAD The number of units required in a any subject but who want to
curriculum per semester basis. complete an “Inc” or remove a
Fifteen (15) to eighteen (18) grade of “4.0”, must enrol for
academic units except for some residence
degree programs where the normal
load is twenty-one (21) units RESERVE OFFICERS’ A program institutionalized under
TRAININGCORPS Section 38 and 39 of Republic Act
OFFICIALLY “Officially registered” means that (ROTC) No. 7077 designed to provide
REGISTERED the student has already gone military training to tertiary level
through all the processes involved students in order to motivate, train,
in registration up to payment of organize and mobilize them for
fees. A student is officially national defense preparedness
registered if the student has duly
matriculated SPECIAL STUDENT A student who is not earning formal
REGULAR Regular graduate student follows academic credit for his/her work
GRADUATE organized programs of study and
STUDENT comply with requirements that lead START OF FIRST The first semester begins in August
to a master’s or doctoral degree. SEMESTER
He/she may be either part-time or
full-time START OF SECOND The second semester begins in

START OF MIDYEAR The midyear term begins in June

TERM UNIVERSITY Any undergraduate student who
SCHOLAR obtains at the end of the semester
SUBJECT A subject is a collection of topics an absolute minimum weighted
that form a coherent whole, average of “1.45” or better, or a
intended to be taught by a faculty graduate student with an absolute
member within a specific number of minimum weighted average of
hours in a semester. A subject is “1.25” or better is given this
also referred to as a course honorific scholarship

TRANSCRIPT OF Complete and permanent *Source: UP Diliman General Catalogue (2014); UP Diliman General
RECORDS (TOR) educational record of a student, Catalogue, 2004-2010; 1297th BOR: 28 March 2014
whether graduated or not. It
contains details about the student, SERVICE STANDARDS SPECIFIC
course taken, course title, units, and
grades. Transcript of Records is TERMS
considered official if it bears the
original signature of the University DURATION OF Time allotment for each specific task
Registrar and the University seal. It ACTIVITY under normal circumstances
is used to communicate the MISSION Statement that describes organization’s
student’s educational record to purpose or existence
another school, organization,
agency, or to an individual VISION Statement that provides strategic
direction on how to achieve its
TRUE COPY OF Scholastic record issued by the objectives
GRADES (TCG) College to the students. It contains CORE VALUES Values held by organization which
student records but not as detailed form the foundation onwhich
as the TOR. It is issued for employees perform work and conduct
evaluation purposes only within the themselves
FUNCTIONS Set of activities carried out within the
UNITS EARNED Number of units passed unit/office

UNITS TAKEN Number of units that the student is FRONT LINE Staff directly responsible for
currently taking or has enrolled PERSONNEL production of services

SERVICE Office/unit that provides services to

PROVIDER clients

AAide Administrative Aide DUCES Delegates of Untainted Commitment to Effectuate
AAsst Administrative Assistant Service
AFP Armed Forces of the Philippines DV Disbursement Voucher
AO Administrative Officer DVD Digital Video Disk
APC Administrative Personnel Committee EC Executive Committee
ASL Add to Shelf-List EDF Educational Development Fee
AVCAA Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs ETU Equivalent Teaching Unit
AVR Audio Visual Room FDSST Full Discount with Stipend Socialized Tuition
AWOL Absence without Official Leave GA Graduate Assistant
BIS Background Information Sheet GCEB Graduate and Continuing Education Building
BOR Board of Regents GCSU Guidance and Counselling Services Unit (GCSU)
CA Cash Advance GDP Gender and Development Program
CAC Chancellor’s Advisory Council GPA Grade Point Average
CAS College of Arts and Sciences GPC Graduate Program Council
CATS Commitment to Attend the Tutorial Sessions GPO Graduate Program Office
CAV Certification Authentication Verification GSC Graduate Standing Committee
CD Compact Disk GSS Guidance Services Specialist
CEC Comprehensive Examination Committee GWA Grade Weighted Average
CFOS College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences HD Honorable Dismissal
CHED Commission on Higher Education HRDO Human Resource and Development Office
CL College Librarian IA Institute of Aquaculture
CM College of Management IFPDS Institute of Fisheries Policy and Development Studies
COA Commission on Audit IFPT Institute of Fish Processing and Technology
COSAW College Students Activities Welfare ILP Interactive Learning Program
COSFAW College Students and Faculty Activities Welfare IMFO Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanology
CRA Consolidated Records of Attendance IPCR Individual Performance Commitment Review
CRS Computerized Registration System IPMO International Postal Money Order
CRSIS Computerized Registration and Student Information IPO Information and Publication Office
System IPF In-Process Files
CTC Certificate of Transfer Credentials LAE Law Aptitude Examination
CWTS Civic Welfare Training Service LOA Leave of Absence
CWVS Center for West Visayan Studies LTS Literacy Training Service
DBM Department of Budget Management MEd Master of Education
DRRMT Disaster Risk and Rescue Management Training MROUTA Monthly Report On Undertimes, Tardiness and
DSF Doctoral Studies Fund Unauthorized Absences
DTR Daily Time Record MRR Maximum Residence Rule

NOA Notice of Action SHARE School, Health And Related Emergencies

NSO National Statistics Office SO Special Order
NSRC National Service Reserve Corps SOTECH School Of Technology
NSTP National Service Training Program SOA Student Organizations and Activities
ObR Obligation Request SRRV Special Resident Retiree Visa
OC Office of the Chancellor SIRV Special Investor Resident Visa
OCS Office of the College Secretary SSFAC Student Scholarship and Financial Assistance
OIC Officer-in-Charge Committee
ONAPUP Organization of Non-Academic Personnel of UP ST Socialized Tuition
OPAC Online Public Access Catalogue STO Socialized Tuition Office
OPCR Office Performance Commitment Review TBAC Total Big Time Access Card
OR Official Receipt TCG True Copy of Grades
OS Obligation Slip TLRC Teaching and Learning Resource Center
OSA Office of Student Affairs TO Travel Order
OTR Official Transcript of Records TOEFL Test of English as a Foreign Language
OUR Office of the University Registrar TRF Tutee’s Registration Form
OVCAA Office of Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs TV Television
PCFG Professorial Chair and Faculty Grant UC University Council
PCFGC Professorial Chair and Faculty Grant Committee UCSFA University Committee on Scholarship and Financial
PEP Personal Effectiveness Program Assistance
PFTP Peer Facilitators Training Program UP University of the Philippines
PR Purchase Request UPCAT University of the Philippines College Admission Test
PSM Physical Sciences and Mathematics UPG University Predicted Grade
REPS Research, Extension and Professional Staff UPHSI UP High School in Iloilo
RIV Requisition Issue Voucher UPSPS UP Scientific Productivity System
RIS Requisition Issue Slip UPV University of the Philippines Visayas
RLC Research Load Credit UPVCC University of the Philippines Visayas Cebu College
ROTC Reserve Officers’ Training Corps UPVTC University of the Philippines Visayas Tacloban College
RP Republic of the Philippines USC University Student Council
SA Student Assistant VCAA Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
SAGA Student Assistant and Graduate Assistant VCD Video Compact Disk
SBP Summer Bridge Program VCRE Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension
SCE School Credits Evaluator VHS Video Home System
SDT Student Disciplinary Tribunal VPAA Vice President for Academic Affairs
SFA Scholarship and Financial Assistance
SFAU Scholarship and Other Financial Assistance Unit
SG Salary Grade
General Information |1



The University of the Philippines, through Republic Act The Board of Regents (BOR) during its 114th BOR
9500, was declared the national university in 2008. It is a public Meeting on May 31, 1979, approved the establishment of an
and secular institution of higher learning and a community of autonomous University of the Philippines in the Visayas (now
scholars dedicated to the search for truth and knowledge as well University of the Philippines Visayas). President Marcos issued
as the development of future leaders. UP is established to lead in Executive Order 628 on October 30, 1980, operationalizing UPV
setting academic standards and initiating innovations in teaching, with its main campus in Miagao and with the College of Fisheries
research and faculty development in the philosophy, the arts and (now College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences) as its flagship
humanities, the social sciences, the professions and engineering, college (UPV Catalogue, 2013). Its mandate is to be the national
natural sciences, mathematics, and technology, and maintain center of excellence for fisheries and aquatic sciences with the
centers of excellence in such disciplines and professions (Republic mission to help and accelerate the development of the region and
Act 9500). of the country. UPV also aims to help in the preservation,
dissemination, and enhancement of the national heritage and the
The University of the Philippines has eight constituent culture of the Visayas.
universities (UP General Information Bulletin for Freshman Admission
AY 2016-2017): UPV has campuses in the Municipality of Miagao, Iloilo
 UP Diliman (with an Extension Program in Pampanga) City and Tacloban City.
 UP Baguio
 UP Los Baños The Miagao campus houses the Administration offices,
 UP Manila (with Schools of Health Sciences in Baler, the College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (CFOS), the College
Palo and Koronadal) of Arts and Sciences (CAS), and the School of Technology
 UP Visayas (with campuses in Iloilo/Miagao and (SOTECH).
 UP Cebu The UPV Iloilo City campus has two degree granting
 UP Mindanao, and units: the College of Management and the U.P. High School in
 UP Open University Iloilo (UPHSI, formerly UPV High School) under the Division of
General Information |2

Professional Education, College of Arts and Sciences. The The UPV Tacloban College was established to address
UPHSI is an experimental laboratory for innovative teaching the need for quality education in Region VIII. It was recognized
strategies designed to provide academic training for and inaugurated as a regional unit of the UP System in 1973. It
underprivileged students in order to prepare them to access to was placed under the administrative supervision of UPV in 1986.
tertiary education in the University of the Philippines (UPV
Catalogue, 2013).

Board of Regents



Vice Chancellor for

Vice Chancellor for Vice Chancellor for Vice Chancellor for
Planning and
Academic Affairs Administration Research and Extension

Figure 1. Officers of Administration

General Information |3


The Chancellor is the executive officer and the head of The following offices are under the Vice Chancellor for
the faculty of the Constituent University, Ex-officio, s/he is Academic Affairs (VCAA):
directly responsible to the President for the administration of
UPV and also performs other functions that the Board of
Regents or the president may delegate him/her. OFFICE HEAD OF UNIT
Office of the University Registrar University Registrar
The Office of the Chancellor is the executive office of (OUR)
UP Visayas. It supervises campus operations through the related Office of Student Affairs (OSA) Director
Graduate Program Office (GPO) Director
offices of the Vice Chancellors.
University Library University Librarian
Teaching and Learning Resource Center Director
OFFICE OF VICE CHANCELLOR FOR National Service Training Program Director

The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs .

assists the Chancellor in coordinating curricular, instructional,
library and other academic programs in UP Visayas. Its mandate
is guided by the vision to uphold the standards of academic
excellence. It is in charge of the development and
implementation of quality and responsive academic programs,
systems and mechanisms in the curricular, instructional and
support for teaching and learning activities to ensure the
attainment of the goals and objectives of the university.
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs |4


Board of Regents



Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Assistant to the VCAA

Director, National Director, Teaching and

Director, Office of Director, Graduate
University Librarian University Registrar Service Training Learning Resource
Student Affairs Program Office
Program Center

Figure 2.OVCAA Organizational Structure

Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs |5

FUNCTIONS payment of telephone bills and holds cash advance for the
gasoline expenses of the OVCAA; prepares MROUTA and
Guided by the vision to uphold the standards of academic fuel consumption reports; and performs other tasks assigned
excellence, the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic by the supervisors
Affairs is in charge of the development and implementation of  Prepares VCAA’s travels/liquidations; prepares DVs, OS,
quality and responsive academic programs, systems and PRs, RIVs, etc. of the OVCAA re replenishment of CA and
mechanisms in the curricular, instructional and support for purchases of office supplies; assists the AVCAA in External
teaching and learning activities to ensure the attainment of the Scholarships/ International linkages; serves as secretary of
goals and objectives of the university. PCFG UP-SPS and Reneging Fellows Committees

 Logs/delivers incoming and outgoing communications to

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES offices/units; attends to various inquiries regarding status of
requests; traces/tracks these and informs/responds to clients;
Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prepares Travel Orders and pouch transmittals; files
Takes care of matters pertaining to institutional linkages
and foreign students. Performs other tasks assigned by the  Takes care of military training program of the university for
VCAA. cadets/cadet officer’s sponsors and inactive reservists;
enrolls, classifies and encodes all students taking ROTC and
prepares data for submission to the higher headquarters;
Administrative Services
performs all administrative functions related to ROTC
 Takes care of the overall administrative operations of the
OVCAA; works closely with all units under the OVCAA and
coordinates with other offices/units in the University and  Conducts the VCAA on official trips; maintains the OVCAA
other CUs; drafts communications for the VCAA and vehicle and performs some messengerial work for the
supervises staff members OVCAA

 Processes overload claims of faculty members; computes

faculty need of the colleges for requests to hire faculty; drafts
letter or memo concerning overload claims; prepares DVs for
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs |6



Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break), prior to registration
Clients/Customers: Faculty and REPS
Requirements: Duly filled up Application for Privilege to Study at Reduced Fees Form
Copy of approved permit to enroll.
Processing Time: 20 minutes. Assumption: All responsible signatories/officials are available
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Receives and records the application Application
1 Submits application form 3 minutes NA OVCAA Staff
form form

Checks completeness of entries,

2 3 minutes NA OVCAA Staff NA
signatures and attachments
Approves application for 6 academic
3 5 minutes NA VCAA NA
units only

4 Logs out to HRDO for release 7 minutes NA OVCAA Staff NA

Releases approval to study at
5 Claims approved form 2 minutes NA HRDO Staff NA
reduced fees
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs |7

Permit to Enroll with Privilege to Study at Reduced Fees Flowchart

Faculty/REPS Person/Unit Responsible TIME


Submits application form Receives and records the application form 3 minutes

Checks completeness of entries,

3 minutes
signatures and attachments

Approves application for 6 academic units
5 minutes

Logs out to HRDO for release 7 minutes

Releases approval to study at reduced

Claims approved form 2 minutes

Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs |8


Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)

Clients/Customers: Faculty
Requirements: Letter Request of faculty proponent endorsed by their Division Chair/Institute Director/Dean
Progress Report of the Project; and endorsement/recommendation of the VCRE
Processing Time: 3 hours and 22 min. Assumption: All responsible signatories/officials are available.
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Submits request for grant Receives and records request OVCAA
1 30 minutes NA NA
of RLC Staff
Checks completeness of documents OVCAA
2 20 minutes NA NA
Approves request for RLC (max of 6
3 2 hours NA VCAA NA
academic units)
Checks and logs out to HRDO for OVCAA NA
4 30 minutes NA
release. Staff
Claims approved RLC NA
5 Releases approved RLC form 2 minutes NA HRDO Staff
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs |9

Grant of 6 units Research Load Credit (RLC) Flowchart

Faculty Person/Unit Responsible TIME


Submits request for RLF Receives and records requests 30 minutes

Checks completeness of documents 20 minutes

Approves request for RLC (max of 6
2 hours
academic units)

Checks and logs out to HRDO for release 30 minutes

Claims approved RLC form Releases approved RLC form 2 minutes

O f f i c e o f t h e V i c e C h a n c e l l o r f o r A c a d e m i c A f f a i r s | 10


Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)

Clients/Customers: Faculty
Requirements: UP Form 67, UP Form 67A and UP Form 67B.
Processing Time: 6 working days and 5 hours. Assumption: All responsible signatories/officials are available.
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Checks the completeness of
College submits the UP Forms 67,
1 documents per faculty and re- 4.5 days NA OVCAA Staff
required documents 67A and 67B
computes the overload claims
Records and forwards to Budget UP Forms
2 40 minutes NA OVCAA Staff
Office for budget clearance 67A and 67B

Budget Office clears fund source and Budget Office

3 1 day NA UP Form 67B
returns documents to OVCAA Staff and Chief

4 VCAA approves UP Form 67B 20 minutes NA VCAA UP Form 67B

Segregates documents and forwards

UP Forms
5 copies to Colleges, Accounting 1 day NA OVCAA Staff
67A and 67B
office, Budget Office and COA
O f f i c e o f t h e V i c e C h a n c e l l o r f o r A c a d e m i c A f f a i r s | 11

Grant of Overload Claims of Faculty Flowchart

Faculty Person/Unit Responsible TIME


Checks the completeness of documents

College submits the required documents per faculty and re computes the overload 4.5 days

Records and forwards to Budget Office for

40 minutes
budget clearance

Staff and Chief

Budget Office
Clears fund source and returns documents
1 day

Approves UP Form 67B 20 minutes

Segregates documents and forwards

End copies to Colleges, Accounting Office, 1 day
Budget Office and COA
O f f i c e o f t h e V i c e C h a n c e l l o r f o r A c a d e m i c A f f a i r s | 12


Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)

Clients/Customers: Faculty and REPS/ Deans and Vice Chancellors
Requirements: Request for Issuance of Travel Order Form
Processing Time: 1 hour, 40 minutes. Assumption: All responsible signatories/officials are available.
Issuance Target: Faculty and REPS - more than 8 calendar days
Deansand Vice Chancellors - not more than 7 days
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Request for issuance
1 Submits request Receives and records request 5 minutes NA OVCAA staff
of Travel Order
Checks completeness of documents Request for issuance
2 10 minutes NA OVCAA staff
and correctness of entries of Travel Order
Approves request for issuance of Request for issuance
3 10 minutes NA VCAA
Travel Order of Travel Order

4 Prepares Travel Order 10 minutes NA OVCAA Staff Travel Order

5 Signs Travel Order 5 minutes NA VCAA Travel Order

Receives approved Travel
6 Releases Travel Order 1 hour NA OVCAA staff Travel Order
O f f i c e o f t h e V i c e C h a n c e l l o r f o r A c a d e m i c A f f a i r s | 13

Issuance of Travel Order of Local Official Trips Flowchart

Faculty/REPS Person/Unit Responsible TIME


Submits request Receives and records requests 5 minutes

Checks completeness of documents and

10 minutes
correctness of entries

Approves request for Issuance of Travel
10 minutes

Prepares Travel Order 10 minutes

Signs Travel Order 5 minutes

Releases approved Travel Order Releases Travel Order 1 hour

O f f i c e o f t h e V i c e C h a n c e l l o r f o r A c a d e m i c A f f a i r s | 14


Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)

Clients/Customers: Undergraduate/Graduate Students
Requirements: Request for waiver of MRR form; OCS Evaluation with the recommendation of the following:
College Admission Committee Chair/ College Dean/Registrar.
Processing Time: 1 hour
The one hour time is for one request only.
Assumption: There is no more problem with the request and no more information needed.
All responsible signatories/officials are available.
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Submits request to the
College Secretary; CS
1 Receives and records request 5 minutes NA OVCAA staff Request for waiver of MRR
forwards to the Dean;
Dean to OUR
Checks completeness of Request for waiver of
2 10 minutes NA OVCAA staff
documents and accuracy of entries MRR, and OCS Evaluation
3 Approves/Disapproves request 10 minutes NA VCAA Request for waiver of MRR
4 Issues Notice of Action (NOA) 10 minutes NA OVCAA staff Request for waiver of MRR
Photocopies the approved request
5 with NOA to be furnished to the 15 minutes NA OVCAA staff Request for waiver of MRR
requestor/ college/ OUR
6 Receives the NOA Records and releases copy of NOA 10 minutes NA OVCAA staff NA
O f f i c e o f t h e V i c e C h a n c e l l o r f o r A c a d e m i c A f f a i r s | 15

Grant of Request for Waiver of Maximum Residence Rule (MRR) Flowchart

Student Person/Unit Responsible TIME


Submits request to the College Secretary; CS

Receives and records requests 5 minutes
forwards to the Dean; Dean to OUR

Checks completeness of documents and

10 minutes
accuracy of entries

Approves / Disapproves request 10 minutes

Issues Notice of Action (NOA) 10 minutes

Photocopy the approved request with

NOA to be furnished to the requestor/ 15 minutes
college/ OUR

Receives the NOA Records and releases copy of NOA 10 minutes

O f f i c e o f t h e V i c e C h a n c e l l o r f o r A c a d e m i c A f f a i r s | 16


Schedule: 1st batch: Award for January to December of the present year
(submission of application: within one (1) month before the scheduled meeting of the PCFG Committee)
2nd batch: Award for July of the present year to June of the following year
(submission of application: within one (1) month before the scheduled meeting of the PCFG Committee)
Clients/Customers: UPV Faculty
Requirements: Duly filled up PCFG Evaluation Instrument (PCFG Form 1)
Duly filled up PCFG Application Form (PCFG Form 2) with the following attachments:
Student Evaluation for Teachers
Summary of Faculty Evaluation (new matrix sheet 4)
Photocopy of valid identification card of the student
Certification from the College Secretary regarding: a) submission of syllabi, b) prompt submission of grades, c)
attendance to faculty meetings
Certification from the Registrar’s Office regarding: attendance of applicant to University Council (UC) meetings
Processing Time: 29 working days and 5 hours
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
College submits Receives and records documents per
1 5 minutes NA OVCAA Staff Forms 1 and
application of faculty applicant
Checks completeness of supporting Forms 1 and
2 10 minutes NA OVCAA staff
documents and accuracy of entries 2 and
Checks from the master list if applicant
3 5 minutes NA OVCAA Staff NA
has previous award and have complied
O f f i c e o f t h e V i c e C h a n c e l l o r f o r A c a d e m i c A f f a i r s | 17

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
requirement of the award (final output)
Prepares/sorts documents for
distribution to the member of the PCFG
Committee during the meeting, i.e.
4 working Forms 1 and
4 Agenda and minutes of the previous NA OVCAA Staff
days 2 and
meeting; copies of guidelines of PCFG;
Evaluation Forms and supporting
(After the PCFGC Evaluation)
Prepares letter with final list of Awardees
for Professorial Chairs for approval of
5 the President thru channels; and 15 minutes NA OVCAA Staff NA

Faculty Grants for approval of the

6 Signs the letters 5 minutes NA VCAA NA
Logs out letter to the OC for
Chancellor’s Endorsement to the UP
7 5 minutes NA OVCAA Staff NA
President for Professorial Chairs and
Approval for Faculty Grants
Inquires about the result
8 of evaluation whether Respondsto inquiry 5 minutes NA OVCAA Staff NA
he/she passed or not

9 Endorses/recommends list of awardees 10 working NA UPV Chancellor NA

O f f i c e o f t h e V i c e C h a n c e l l o r f o r A c a d e m i c A f f a i r s | 18

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
days Vice President for
Endorses/recommends list of awardees
Academic Affairs
Approves list of awardees UP President
Returns approved list of Receives and records approved list of
10 5 minutes NA OVCAA Staff NA
awardees from OP awardees
11 Prepares Certificates of Award 4 hours NA OVCAA Staff NA
5 working Deans and UPV
12 Signs Certificates of Award NA NA
days Chancellor
Photocopies certificates and attaches it 10 working
13 NA OVCAA staff NA
to the request for funding. days
14 notice of availability of Receives and records documents 5 minutes NA OVCAA Staff NA
funds for the awards
Release Certificates and monetary
Receives the certificates
awards to the new Awardees of UPV Chancellor
15 and monetary awards of NA NA NA
Professorial Chairs and of Faculty Grant and VCAA
during the University Council Meeting
O f f i c e o f t h e V i c e C h a n c e l l o r f o r A c a d e m i c A f f a i r s | 19

Grant of Professorial Chairs and Faculty Grant Awards Flowchart

UPV Faculty Person/Unit Responsible TIME


Receives and records documents per

College submits application of faculty 5 minutes

Checks completeness of Supporting

10 minutes
documents and accuracy of entries

Checks from the master list if applicant

has previous award and have complied 5 minutes
requirement of the award (final output)

Prepares/sorts documents for distribution

to the member of the PCFG Committee

during the meeting, i.e. Agenda and

4 working days
minutes of the previous meeting; copies of
guidelines of PCFG; Evaluation Forms
and supporting documents.
O f f i c e o f t h e V i c e C h a n c e l l o r f o r A c a d e m i c A f f a i r s | 20

Grant of Professorial Chairs and Faculty Grant Awards Flowchart

UPV Faculty Person/Unit Responsible TIME

(After the PCFGC Evaluation)

Prepares letter with final list of Awardees

for Professorial Chairs for approval of the 15 minutes
President thru channels; and Faculty
Grants for approval of the Chancellor

Signs the letters 5 minutes

Logs out letter to the OC for Chancellor’s

Endorsement to the UP President for

5 minutes
Professorial Chairs and Approval for
Faculty Grants

Inquires about the result of evaluation

Responds to Inquiry 5 minutes
whether he/she passed or not
O f f i c e o f t h e V i c e C h a n c e l l o r f o r A c a d e m i c A f f a i r s | 21

Grant of Professorial Chairs and Faculty Grant Awards Flowchart

UPV Faculty Person/Unit Responsible TIME

Endorses/ recommends list of awardees


VP for
Endorses/ recommends list of awardees 10 working days

Approves list of awardees

Receives and records approved list of

5 minutes

Returns approved list of awardees from OP Prepares Certificates of Awards 4 hours

Deans and
Signs Certificates of Award 5 working days
O f f i c e o f t h e V i c e C h a n c e l l o r f o r A c a d e m i c A f f a i r s | 22

Grant of Professorial Chairs and Faculty Grant Awards Flowchart

UPV Faculty Person/Unit Responsible TIME

Photocopies certificates and attaches it to

10 working days
the request for funding.

UPFI/UPVFI sends notice of availability of

Receives and records documents 5 minutes
funds for the awards

Releases Certificates and monetary

Receives the certificates and monetary awards to the new Awardees of

awards of PCFG Professorial Chairs and of Faculty Grant
during the University Council Meeting

O f f i c e o f t h e V i c e C h a n c e l l o r f o r A c a d e m i c A f f a i r s | 23

Communication Flowchart

Faculty/REPS/Student Person/Unit Responsible


Staff receives and records documents
1. Appeals for readmission;
2. Waiver of rules of transfer students;
3. Late registration;
4. Extension of deadline of payment/late add mat /
Client change mat;
5. Application for local scholarships/graduation;
6. Request as participants / official delegates in

AO forwards/refers to offices/units/appropriate
students conference/ conventions; and committee for comments/evaluation/
7. Suspension of classes recommendation


VCAA recommends approval/disapproval
1. Appointments (original/ renewal);
2. Scholarship/fellowship;
3. Study leaves outside the country;
4. Special Detail;
5. Request for local funding to present papers in
6. Authority to travel outside the country; and
7. Resignation/retirement

Approval/disapproval by the Chancellor

Claims at the HRDO Faculty/REPS Client Issuance of Notice of Action

Claims at Office of the

End Student
O f f i c e o f t h e V i c e C h a n c e l l o r f o r A c a d e m i c A f f a i r s | 24



1. Number of sections to offer, opening of sections with small class size, or Deans OC Memo No. 2004-06-54,
offering off-stream courses and other related concerns 15 June 2004
2. Cross enrollment of students to another educational institution VCAA OC Memo No. 90-12, 07
March 1990
3. Waiver of student’s maximum residence rule VCAA
4. Late application for graduation Registrar
5. Exceptions to the rules on class size VCAA
6. Appeal of the Dean’s decision on applications for substitution of courses VCAA
7. Signing of diplomas/certificates for participants in training or special VCAA
8. Teaching load
a. Request for authority to teach in another college within UP Visayas VCAA
b. Assignment of teaching load credits to graduate courses Registrar
c. Assignment of teaching load credits to undergraduate courses and pre- Registrar
collegiate courses
d. Assignment of teaching load credits to non-teaching activities VCAA
e. Waiver of the rules on teaching load VCAA
9. Overload Teaching (Permission and Payment)
a. Six (6) units or less Registrar
b. More than six (6) units VCAA
O f f i c e o f t h e V i c e C h a n c e l l o r f o r A c a d e m i c A f f a i r s | 25


10. Request for extension of period to submit grades VCAA
1. Study Leave for Faculty (within the University) VCAA
2. Request for change of work schedule of individual employees Head of Unit
3. Study Privileges to Study at reduced fee for Faculty and REPS VCAA
4. Request for permission to study outside the University (within the VCAA
country) for Faculty and REPS
5. Approval of maternity leave, paternity leave, and special leave privileges VCAA OC Executive Order No.
2002-001, 31 January 2002
6. Approval of vacation and sick leave for more than 15 continuous calendar VCAA. This includes
days but not exceeding 260 working days (with or without pay) teacher’s sick and vacation
leaves during the semester
7. Approval of teacher’s summer leave VCAA
8. All applications for academic leave Chancellor
9. Approval of monetized leave not exceeding ten (10) days VCAA
10. Approval of rehabilitation leave for job related injuries not exceeding three VCAA
(3) months
11. Approval of terminal leave not exceeding 260 working days VCAA
1. Approval of basic request/recommendation and the basic paper for the VCAA for academic OC Executive Order No.
renewal of temporary, substitute, casual, contractual, and part-time personnel except for 2002-001, 31 January 2002
(including lecturers) basic appointments. renewal of faculty
appointments that
exceeded the maximum
allowable period provided
in the UP Code
O f f i c e o f t h e V i c e C h a n c e l l o r f o r A c a d e m i c A f f a i r s | 26


2. Signing of the renewal of additional assignments except for deans, VCAA
director, division/department chairs, institute directors, assistants to the
Chancellor, and college secretaries
3. Signing of reappointment and reemployment without change in salary and VCAA for Academic
rank/position Personnel
4. Signing of the renewal of professorial chair and faculty grant appointment VCAA
5. Signing of the appointment for chairmanship and/or membership in VCAA
Comprehensive Examination Committee
6. Signing of the appointment of graduate and student assistants Dean for the college;
VCAA for the supra
college support units
(academic and
7. Signing of salary adjustments by virtue of the BOR approval, DBM VCAA for all academic
circulars, and RP President executive orders personnel
8. Signing of appointments of resource persons, facilitators, support staff for VCAA
training programs, seminar, and workshops conducted/sponsored by UPV
and outside agencies
9. Signing of appointment of coaches, referees, umpires, and other sport VCAA
10. Designation of OICs for more than 15 continuous calendar days but not VCAA for divisions,
to exceed 29 calendar days departments, colleges
1. Approval of local fellowships and local study leave within and outside the VCAA for all academic OC Executive Order No.
UP System that has not yet exceeded the maximum allowable period for personnel 2002-001, 31 January 2002
the degree pursued
O f f i c e o f t h e V i c e C h a n c e l l o r f o r A c a d e m i c A f f a i r s | 27


2. Approval of request for permission to study outside the UP System but VCAA for all academic
within the country personnel
3. Signing of fellowship/scholarship contracts and surety contracts to study VCAA for all academic
within the country personnel
4. Signing of research contracts between UPV and faculty members and VCAA for the release of
other personnel of the University payment of dissertation
and/or thesis grant of all
academic personnel
5. Approval of local official trips of the deans and the vice chancellors and VCAA
the signing of their travel orders for less than 7 continuous calendar days
6. Approval of request for attendance in meetings, elections, and other VCAA
official activities of recognized employee associations (ONAPUP, ALL UP
Workers Union, Employees Cooperative, REPSA, etc.)
Approval of temporary deployment for not more than one month Dean for deployment to OC Executive Order No.
other units within the 2002-001, 31 January 2002
college only; VCAA for
deployment to other
college/units within UPV
1. Approval of request for overtime services VCAA; Dean for OC Executive Order No.
UPVTC 2002-001, 31 January 2002
2. Approval of the renewal for permission to teach outside office hours on VCAA; Dean for
part-time basis within UPV UPVTC
3. Approval of the renewal for limited practice of professions VCAA
4. Approval of request for change of name and civil status VCAA for all academic
O f f i c e o f t h e V i c e C h a n c e l l o r f o r A c a d e m i c A f f a i r s | 28


5. Authority of personnel to drive government vehicles but only in the VCAA; Dean for
absence of regular driver(s) or as the exigency of the service may require UPVTC
6. Approval of application for permission to enroll during weekends and for VCAA for all academic
reduced tuition fee privilege personnel
7. Approval of request for research load credits not exceeding six (6) units VCAA for all academic
personnel based on the
recommendation of the
Note: For the above-stated delegated authority, please refer to EO #2002-001 on Delegation of Authority on Appendices
8. Approval on the use of TLRC facilities TLRC Director NOA #12-1350, 14 December
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 29


MISSION  To serve as Secretariat of the following:

o University Council
 To maintain efficient student records management. o Chancellor’s Advisory Council
 To provide fast and accurate students’ records evaluation. o Executive Committee
o Curriculum Committee
 To issue error-free transcript of records, certifications,
o Committee on Student’s Admission, Progress,
diplomas, and other academic documents.
and Graduation

 To conduct in-house research on academic matters in

support of programs, projects and policies of UPV
academic affairs.
 Excellence
 Efficiency
 Client-Friendly
Academic Calendar

The general framework of the academic calendar shall be

FUNCTIONS OF THE OFFICE OF THE approved by the Executive Committee and the details thereof
UNIVERSITY REGISTRAR prepared by the University Registrar, subject to the approval of
the President [Art 305, 789th BOR, 25 November 1969; 790th BOR,
 To take charge of admissions, registration, and graduation 19 December 1969].
of students;
 To keep, maintain, and prepare students’ academic The University Registrar prepares the UPV Academic
records and data; Calendar for undergraduate programs and presents it to the UPV
 To keep and update academic catalogues, directories, and Executive Committee meeting in February of the following year.
announcements related to academic programs of UPV; He also prepares amendment of academic calendar, if necessary,
and presents the same to the UPV Executive Committee for their
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 30

The Graduate Program Office patterns its graduate  Certifications

academic calendar to the undergraduate calendar.  Diploma
 English Translation of Diploma
Admission of Local and Foreign Undergraduate  General Weighted Average
Students  Grade Point Average
 Honorable Dismissal/Certificate of Transfer
The Office of the University Registrar is in-charge of Credential
admission of local and foreign undergraduate students applying as  Notice of Acceptance for New Students
either regular or non-regular. (Transferees and Non-Regular Students)
 Official Transcript of Records
Regular undergraduate students follow organized
programs of study and comply with requirements which lead to  Student ID
the bachelor’s degree or undergraduate diploma/certificate. They  True Copy of Grades
carry the full semestral load credit for their respective curricula  University Clearance
and for registration and classification purposes are divided  Verification of Records
generally into freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors.

Non-regular students are classified as non-degree Curricular Services

students, cross-registrants, special students, or exchange students.
These students are not under any college. The University The OUR keeps and records the approval for the
Registrar acts as their adviser and shall therefore sign in the Form institution, revision, adoption, and abolition of curricular
5, except for the foreign students wherein the International programs and courses of UPV. The office prepares the catalogue
Relations Officer acts as their adviser and signs in the Form 5. of academic programs and updates it as need arises.

Issuance of Academic Credentials

The OUR issues the following academic

credentials/official documents:
 Admission Slip
 Authentication of Documents
 Certification, Authentication, Verification of
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 31

Computerized Registration and Student Information Curriculum Committee, and Committee on Student Admission,
System(CRSIS)/Database Management Services Progress and Graduation. It is his duty to issue the notices for
meetings of the Council/Committees, to keep the minutes of its
proceedings, and to send a copy of such minutes to each member
UP Visayas through its CRSIS undertakes automation of
of the Council/Committee. He forwards to each member of the
the following:
Council/Committee a copy of the order of business of every
 Freshmen Confirmation regular meeting at least three days prior to the schedule of
 Class Submission meeting.
 Enlistment
 Confirmation of subjects The Office through an appointed Secretarial Support
 General Registration Staff of the University Registrar is in-charge of the preparation of
 Assessment and Automatic Billing the notices of meetings, minutes, excerpts and working papers
 Grade Submission and Posting and sends them to the members of the Council/Committee. The
secretariat also requests for venue and takes care of the
 Student Evaluation of Teachers
documentation of the proceedings. The following are the duties
 Programs, Study Plans, and Subjects Records and responsibilities of each Council/Committee.
 Class Offerings and Schedule of Classes
 Paperless Clearance
 Course Syllabus University Council
 Student Academic Records Management
 Student Accountability
 Prescribes courses of study and rules of discipline, subject
 Data Generation to the approval of the Board of Regents;
 Posting of Announcements  Fixes the requirements for admission to any college or
 Downloadable Forms school of the University;
 Fixes the requirements for graduation and the receiving
of a degree; and
 Exercises disciplinary power over the students, through
University Committees its President or Executive Committee, within the limits
prescribed by the rules of discipline approved by the
The University Registrar acts as the Ex-officio Secretary Board of Regents (Art. 19, UP Code, 1975)
of the various University committees, namely University Council,
Executive Committee, Chancellor’s Advisory Council,
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 32

Executive Committee Committee on Curriculum

 Considers matters of policy and reports on the state of  Recommends the adoption of the following principles:
the University to the meetings of the Council;
 Decides cases of discipline in accordance with the rules The right to establish and develop new
promulgated by the Council on this subject; units/departments/ colleges/branches/
 Acts for and in behalf of the Council in matters expressly autonomous universities/research/
delegated to it and such other matters requiring extension centers and to institute
immediate action; academic programs shall be exercised
 Serves as the central agency for the various committees of solely by the University.
the Council to the end that their functions may be
performed with greater coordination and dispatch;  Safeguards academic standards; and
 Acts as a committee in all matters not falling within the  Reviews all matters relating to the institution,
jurisdiction of the other committees of the Council;and modification, and abolition of courses or curricula in the
 Acts in an advisory capacity to the Chancellor on all various units of the University and makes
matters pertaining to the office for which s/he seeks its recommendations to the Council.
advice (Art. 28, UP Code, 1975).
Committee on Student Admissions, Progress, and
Chancellor’s Advisory Council Graduation

 Serves as the clearing house for matters, policies, and  Follows the students’ progress from admission to
issues involving UPV; graduation;
 Gives advice to the Chancellor on issues and problems of  Sets standards and rules for admission;
university-wide significance;  Deals with questions regarding compliance with academic
 Serves as the medium for updates on policy standards, fellowships, honors, and scholarships and
pronouncements from Quezon Hall; and make appropriate recommendations to the Council; and
 Sources of feedback from the UPV constituents on  Acts on behalf of the Council on all special cases of
policies, programs and issues (Administrative Order No. 386, graduation of students whose graduation has been
Series of 2005) recommended by the faculty of the college or school
concerned (89th UPV UC, 11 July 2009).
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 33



Administrative Administrative
Officer IV Assistant I

Record Assessment and Admission, CRSIS/Database

Transcript and
Management and Certification Registration, and Management
Diploma Services
Evaluation Services Services Curricular Services Services

Administrative Administrative Information Systems

Administrative Aide IV School Credits Evaluator
Officer V Officer III Analyst III

Administrative School Credits Information Systems

Officer III Evaluator Analyst II (casual)

Student Records
Evaluator I

Figure 3. OUR Organizational Structure

O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 34


Administrative Services
Records Management and Appraisal Services  Assists/directs walk-in clients to staff concerned
 Records the incoming and outgoing communication
Manages student records which include checking/verifying, filing  Facilitates the sending out/distribution/mailing of
of entrance credentials and updating pertinent academic records documents to concerned offices in Miagao, Iloilo,
of active/inactive students and cross registrants Tacloban campuses, and to OUR clients requesting for
 Encodes and blocks/unblocks accountabilities of their credentials
students in the CRS  Drafts communications and memoranda for the
 Proofreads and checks prepared Official Transcript of University Registrar
Records of students  Takes care of the requisition of supplies, equipment, and
 Responds to verification requests for UPV students sent  Renders secretarial services for the three major
via email, postmail or walk-in committees of the University namely, University
 Issues university clearance of graduated or transferring Council(UC), Executive Committee (EC), and
students Chancellor’s Advisory Council (CAC)
 Evaluates academic records of graduating students  Takes care of the reproduction of working papers for the
committees, official forms, and other pertinent
 Updates program checklist of UPV active students documents
 Prepares academic evaluation of UPV students appealing  Monitors/records attendance of UC members in every
for extension of residence and waiver of the Maximum meeting
Residence Rule  Assists in the hiring of personnel; evaluating personnel
 Prepares/generates list of graduation deficiencies of for promotion, merit and other awards, tenure, and
applicants for graduation fellowships/scholarships; and renewal of appointment of
casual and Job Hire personnel
 Checks and prepares final list of confirmed UPV  Prepares request for budget and other pertinent
honorific scholars and honor graduates documents and process liquidation/ reimbursement of
 Generates UPV graduation data the expenses incurred during the official travel of the
University Registrar and Staff
 Monitors attendance and tardiness and prepares the
Monthly Report for Undertime and Tardiness of staff;
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 35

 Files documents and maintain central records pertinent to  Checks and validates pertinent academic information of
administrative matters students in the CRS database
 Facilitates the preparation of the Commencement  Attends to end-users queries regarding usage, data
subcommittee’s budget, printing of commencement modifications and other CRS-related concerns
program, and other related tasks  Conducts trainings and orientations on the use of CRS
 Serves as cash disbursing officer and monitor office functions and modules
expenditures  Provides statistical data on enrollment and other
 Prepares supporting documents necessary for the academic-related information
processing of payments and obligation requests attendant  Provides technical assistance in the conduct of the Online
to financial obligations of the OUR Student Evaluation of Teachers (oSET)
 Prepares the UPV Academic Calendar
 Supervises staff in the preparation of Individual
Performance Commitment Review (IPCR) Target and Transcript of Records and Diploma Services
evaluates their performance
 Facilitates the preparation of target and evaluation of the
Office Performance Commitment and Review (OPCR);  Assesses fees and issues billing statement of request for
 Evaluates/supervises performance of student assistants OTR and other documents
assigned to the OUR  Prepares, encodes, processes first time requests for
 Prepares billing statement for UPVTC in payment of official transcript of records (OTR) and templates of
students’ IDs and diplomas students and graduates of UPV, UPVTC and UPVCC*
 Assists in the distribution of UPCAT forms (for students enrolled prior to Second Semester 2010-
 Assists the University Registrar in other duties and 2011)
involvement in committee works  Proofreads entries of OTR of students to include
personal data, student number, degree, date of
CRSIS (Computerized Registration and Student graduation, subjects and course title, grades and units.
Information System)  Re-prints or re-copies subsequent requests of OTR and
English translation of diploma with prepared templates of
students and graduates of UPV, UPVTC and UPVCC*
 Maintains the Computerized Registration System (CRS)
of UPV from First Semester, 1983 until the present
 Develops and fine-tunes all CRS functions and modules  Updates/ revises necessary entries and corrections in the
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 36

 Prepares and proofreads certified text/translation of  Assists in the issuance of diploma jackets during
diplomas of UPV, UPVTC and UPVCC* graduates. commencement exercises
 Authenticates OTR, diploma and English translation of
* For records from Second Semester 1985-1986 to First Semester
diploma based on original documents 2010-2011 only.
 Takes charge of mailing of OTR and other documents to Admission, Registration, and Curricular Services
specified addresses
 Prepares letter of acknowledgement to schools for OTR  Coordinates and facilitates the preparation for the
of transfer students UPCAT administration
 Facilitates in the filing and storing of students jackets,  Prepares the Instructions for Incoming Freshmen with
OTR templates and folders UPCAT Notice and sends to UPV qualifiers
 Checks and reviews names, date of graduation, degree  Encodes in the CRS the confirmation for admission and
title, college and signatories of all printed UPV and entrance credentials submitted by the incoming freshmen
UPVTC diploma  Processes the application for reconsideration of Non-
 Facilitates request for correction of erroneous UPV and UPV qualifiers and Non-UPCAT qualifiers who reached
UPVTC diploma the cut-off UPG of 2.700 and confirms final program
 Issues prepared OTR, English translation of diploma, assignment of waitlisted applicants
authentication, true copy of grades (TCG) and TCG with  Evaluates scholastic records, computes the GWA/GPA
general weighted average and authenticated documents and number of units earned of transfer applicants
 Prepares letter of reply/communicates too  Issues admission slips to newly admitted freshmen and
schools/students regarding deficiencies in requirements transfer students
for the processing and issuance of requested documents  Checks all entrance credentials of newly admitted
 Attends to walk-in clients, email and telephone inquiries graduate students
pertinent to foregoing functions  Requests for Official Transcript of Records of newly
 Encodes courier tracking number of mailed documents. admitted graduate students from other schools
 Facilitates encashment of checks and computes fees for  Checks and files all Official Transcript of Records
courier documents received from other schools and sends acknowledgment
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 37

 Provides secretarial services for the UPV UC Curriculum

Committee to include transcription and preparation of
draft minutes, arranging venue and accommodation,
distribution of working papers and other preparations in
relation to the meeting
 Indexes all newly instituted, adopted, revised and
abolished courses and programs
 Blocks/reposts at the CRS and logs all deficiencies and
accountabilities of freshmen and graduate students
 Unblocks/clears the deficiencies of students from the
CRS upon completion or compliance of the
 Generates and responds to data requests regarding
admissions, curriculum and other related concerns
 Prepares and issues Certificate of Honorable
Dismissal/Transfer Credentials and other certifications
 Assesses school fees of UP Dependents and takes charge
in preparation of billing statement for donors of
 Attends to reassessment and refund of tuition fees
 Prepares and transmits Statement of Accounts
 Verifies, secures file copy and forwards all bank checks to
the Cash Office, and sends acknowledgment notices to
funding agencies
 Attends to correspondence/inquiries pertinent to
foregoing functions
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 38



Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break), prior to registration
Clients/Customers: New Students
Requirements: New/Beginning Freshmen
Original High School Card (Form 138), Secondary Permanent Record (Form 137), NSO Copy of Birth Certificate,
2 pcs. 2x2 /passport size photos, Medical Certificate, Special Power of Attorney for Legal Guardian (for student
whose provincial address is outside Iloilo province), Student Directory, 1 long cream-colored folder and Bridge
Program Certificate (if applicable)

New Transfer/Second Degree/Non-Degree/Special Students

Original copy of Official Transcript of Records, Certificate of Honorable Dismissal/Certificate of Transfer
Credential, NSO Copy of Birth Certificate, 2 pcs. 2x2 or passport size photos, Medical Certificate, 1 long cream-
colored folder, Marriage Certificate (for married female applicants only)

Additional Requirements (For Transfer Students from UP Constituent Units)

Approved Permit to Transfer and University and College Clearances

Additional Requirements for Foreign Students

Official TOEFL results, valid passport and acceptable visa, Alien Certificate of Registration or ID, Certificate of
Identification or Updated Philippine Passport for Students with Dual Citizenship.
Processing Time: 20 minutes
The 20 minutes processing time is for one client being served at one time. The time is extended when there are more clients and/or
documents requested.
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Inquires on how to claim Responds to request
1 5 minutes NA OUR Staff NA
admission slip
2 Submits complete Posts at the CRSIS the submitted 6 minutes NA OUR Staff NA
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 39

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
requirements documents
Checks completeness of entries in
Updates enrolment data
3 the Student Directory in the CRS 7 minutes NA OUR Staff NA
in the CRS
Prints the Student Directory
Signs and submits duly Receives duly signed Student
4 accomplished Student Directory 1 minute NA OUR Staff
Receives Admission Slip Issues Admission Slip Admission
5 1 minute NA OUR Staff
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 40

Issuance of Admission Slip Flowchart

Customer/Applicant Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


Inquires on how to claim admission slip Respond to request 5 minutes

Posts at the CRSIS the submitted

Submits complete requirements 6 minutes

Checks completeness of entries in the
Updates enrollment data in the CRS
student directory in the CRS

NO 7 minutes


Signs and submits completely filled-out
Prints the student directory of the student
student directory
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 41

Issuance of Admission Slip Flowchart

Customer/Applicant Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME

Receives duly signed student directory 1 minute

Receives admission slip Issues admission slip 1 minute

O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 42


Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)

Deadline of Application: Local Applicants - one month before registration period
Clients/Customers: Applicants for Transfer/Second Degree/Non-Degree/Special Students
Requirements: Local Applicants - Duly Accomplished U.P. Form 3.1, Official Transcript of Records (OTR) or True Copy of
Grades with original signature of authorized official, 2 pcs. 2 x 2/passport size photos
Processing Time: For Non-Qualified Applicants (Registrar Level) – 58 min. Assumption: All responsible signatories/officials are available.
For Qualified/Non-Qualified Applicants (College Level) – 12 working days, 2 hours and 28 minutes
Assumption: All responsible signatories/officials/personnel involved are available: 1Scheduled routing of outgoing communications,
Program Coordinator or College Admission Committee, 3College Secretary, 4University Registrar
The processing time above stated is for one client being served at one time. The time is extended when there are more applicants for
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Inquires regarding Responds to inquiry
1 5 minutes NA OUR Staff NA
admission process
Fills out Application Bills application fee U.P. Form
2 5 minutes NA OUR Staff
Form* 3.1
Pays fee Accepts payment and issues Official Official
3 5 minutes P 100.00 Cash Office Staff
Receipt Receipt
Submits requirements Accepts Application Form and checks
and duly accomplished completeness of requirements
Form and
4 Application Form with 10 minutes NA OUR Staff
Official Receipt
Number reflected
Evaluates academic credentials
5 Computes General Weighted Average 15 minutes NA OUR Staff NA
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 43

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
If qualified, prepares transmittal slip
and turns over to in-charge of
6 outgoing communication 3 minutes NA OUR Staff
If not qualified, refer to item number
11 to 13
Delivers/Pouches transmittal slip OUR Staff
with attachments to the Office of the (In-charge, Transmittal
7 1 hour NA
College Secretary Outgoing Slip
Receives the transmittal and the
Application Form with copies of
College Transmittal
8 student credentials and forwards them 30 minutes NA
Secretary’s Staff Form
to division/ department/ college
admission committee concerned
Deliberates/evaluates/checks Division/Dept
availability of slots; Program
Approves/Disapproves and forwards Coordinators/
9 recommendation to the College 2 weeks NA Members of the
Secretary College
Endorses the application and Transmittal
10 2 working days NA College Secretary
forwards to OUR Form
Prepares Notice of Acceptance/Non-
11 5 minutes NA OUR Staff NA
Signs the Notice of Acceptance/Non- Notice of
12 Acceptance 5 minutes NA Acceptance/
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 44

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible

Prepares mails/emails or calls

applicant to notify Acceptance/ Non- 3 minutes NA OUR Staff NA
Receives Notice of
13 Acceptance/Non- Issues Notice of Acceptance/Non- Notice of
Acceptance Acceptance to walk-in applicants Acceptance/
2 minutes NA OUR Staff Non-

*Application Form can be downloaded from http://www.upv.edu.ph/indexphp/registrars_corner and http://crs.upv.edu.ph
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 45

Application for Admission of Local Students to UPV Flowchart

Customer/Applicant Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


Inquires regarding admission process Respond to inquiry 5 minute

Fills-out application form Bills application fee 5 minute

Cash Office
Accepts payment and issues Official

Pays fee 5 minutes

Submits requirements and completely filled-

Accepts application form and checks

out application form with OR number 10 minutes
completeness of requirements

Evaluates academic credentials and

computes general weighted average 15 minutes

NO Qualified? YES
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 46

Application for Admission of Local Students to UPV Flowchart

Customer/Applicant Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


Prepares transmittal slip and turns over to

3 minutes
in-charge of outgoing communication

Delivers/pouch transmittal slip with

attachments to the Office of the respective 1 hour
College Secretary

Receives the transmittal and the

application form with copies of student

credentials and forwards them to division/ 30 minutes
department/college admission committee

Deliberates/evaluates/checks the
availability of slots and forwards 2 weeks
recommendation to the College Secretary

Endorses the application and forwards to 2 working
OUR days

Prepares Notice of Acceptance/Non

5 minutes
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 47

Application for Admission of Local Students to UPV Flowchart

Customer/Applicant Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME

Signs the Notice of Acceptance/Non-
5 minutes



Issues Notice of Acceptance/Non-

2 minutes
acceptance to applicants

Prepares mails/emails or calls applicant to

Receives Notice of Acceptance/Non-

notify regarding Notice of Acceptance/ 3 minutes

O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 48


Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)

Deadline of Application: Foreign Applicants - six months before registration period
Clients/Customers: Applicants for Transfer/Second Degree/Non-Degree/Special Students
Requirements: Foreign Applicants: Duly Accomplished U.P. Form 3.2., Official Transcript of Records, Course
Syllabus/catalogue/handbook of examination, Certification re capability to finance the Travel, Official TOEFL
results, copy of passport (duly authenticated)
Processing Time: For Non-Qualified Applicants (Registrar Level) – 2 hours and 29 minutes
Assumption: All responsible signatories/officials are available
For Qualified/Non-Qualified Applicants (College Level) – 12 working days, 4 hours, and 1 minute
Assumption: All responsible signatories/officials/personnel involved are available: 1Scheduled routing of outgoing communications,
Program Coordinator or College Admission Committee, 3College Secretary, 4University Registrar
The processing timestated above is for one client being served at one time. The time is extended when there are more foreign applicants for
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Inquires regarding Provides information pertinent to
1 admission process application for admission 3 minutes NA OUR Staff NA

Fills out Application Receives Application Form and

U.P. Form
2 Form and other emails billing of application fee 2 minutes NA OUR Staff
Mails the International Resident
Postal Money Order foreign:
3 (IPMO) or Deposits NA NA ₱ 150.00 NA NA
payment to UPV’s Non-resident
dollar account. foreign: $20.00
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 49

Receives IPMO / Proof of

Deposit from postal mail or
4 3 minutes NA OUR Staff NA
courier; forwards payment/proof
of payment at the Cash Office
Accepts payment and issues Resident
Official Receipt foreign:
5 5 minutes ₱ 150.00 Cash Office Staff
foreign: $20.00
Checks completeness of
evaluates academic credentials;
6 consults with UP Diliman 2 hours NA OUR Staff NA
regarding the conversion of the
grading system; and computes
general weighted average (GWA)
If qualified, prepares transmittal
slip and turn over to in-charge of
7 outgoing communication 3 minutes NA OUR Staff
If not qualified, refer to item
numbers 12 to 14
Delivers/transmits application OUR Staff
form with attachments to the (In-charge, Transmittal
8 1 hour NA
Office of the College Secretary Outgoing Slip
Receives the transmittal and
Application Form with copies of
student credentials and forwards College Secretary’s Transmittal
9 30 minutes NA
them to division/ department/ Staff Form
college admission committee
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 50

Deliberates/evaluates/checks Division/Dept
availability of slots Program
Approves/Disapproves and Coordinators/ Transmittal
10 2 weeks NA
forwards recommendation to the Members of the Form
College Secretary College Admission
Endorses the application and 2 working Transmittal
11 NA College Secretary
forwards to OUR days Form
Prepares Notice of
12 5 minutes NA OUR Staff NA
Signs the Notice of Notice of
Acceptance/Non-Acceptance University Acceptance/
13 5 minutes NA
Registrar Non-
Prepares mails/emails or calls
applicant to notify 3 minutes NA OUR Staff NA
Receives Notice of
14 Acceptance/Non- Issues Notice of Notice of
Acceptance Acceptance/Non-Acceptance Acceptance/
2 minutes NA OUR Staff Non-


*Application Form can be downloaded from http://www.upv.edu.ph/indexphp/registrars_corner and http://crs.upv.edu.ph

O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 51

Application for Admission of Foreign Students to UPV Flowchart

Customer/Applicant Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


Sends the billing of application fee and

Fills-out application form information pertinent to application for 5 minutes

Mails the International Postal Money Order Receives IPMO/Proof of Deposit from

(IPMO) or Deposits payment to UPV’s postal mail or courier; forwards payment/ 8 minutes
dollar account proof of payment at the Cash Office

Accepts payment and issues Official

5 minutes

Receives application form and checks

completeness of requirements

2 hours
Evaluates academic credentials, consults
with UP Diliman regarding the conversion

of the grading system, and computes
general weighted average (GWA)

NO Qualified YES
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 52

Application for Admission of Foreign Students to UPV Flowchart

Customer/Applicant Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


Prepares transmittal slip and turn over to

in-charge of outgoing communication 3 minutes

Delivers/ transmits application form with

attachments to the Office of the respective 1 hour
College Secretary

Receives the transmittal and the

application form with copies of student

credentials and forwards them to division/ 30 minutes
department/college admission committee

Deliberates/evaluates/checks the

availability of slots and forwards 2 weeks
recommendation to the College Secretary

2 working
Endorses application and forwards to OUR

Prepares transmittal slip and turn over to

5 minutes
in-charge of outgoing communication
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 53

Application for Admission of Foreign Students to UPV Flowchart

Customer/Applicant Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME

Signs the Notice of Acceptance/Non-
5 minutes


Issues Notice of

Acceptance/Non- 2 minutes
acceptance to applicants

Prepares mails/emails or
calls applicant to notify

Receives Notice of Acceptance/Non-acceptance regarding Notice of 3 minutes

O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 54


Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)

Clients/Customers: Graduated Students
Requirements: Paperless clearance (for students with enrollment from 2007)
College and university clearances (for students with last enrollment prior to 2007)
Availability of original Filipino diploma on file/ photocopy of the original Filipino diploma
For representative: Duly signed authorization letter of request,and
Valid identification card
Processing Time: 1 hour, 17 minutes
The one hour and 17 minutes processing time is for one client being served at one time. The time is extended when there are more clients
and/or documents requested.
Assumption: All responsible signatories/officials are available.
Duration Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
of Activity Responsible
Inquires how to acquire
1 English Translation of Responds to inquiry 5 minutes NA OUR staff NA
Fills out Academic
Provides Academic Document Document
2 Document Request 10 minutes NA OUR staff
Request Form Request
Submits Academic
Searches records and assesses fees;
3 Document Request 10 minutes NA OUR staff Billing slip
Issues billing slip
Form and clearance(s)
English Translation Fee - P50
per copy
For local request: Cash Office Official
4 Pays fee Accepts payment and issues 5 minutes Actual mailing cost Staff Receipt
Official Receipt Envelope = P10.00
Administrative cost = P 10.00
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 55

Duration Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
of Activity Responsible
No mailing cost for pouch
Official Transcript of Records,
only envelope and
administrative cost is charged

Submits request form
Receives request form and billing form, billing
with Official Receipt
5 slip; Checks completeness of 2 minutes NA OUR staff slip, Official
number reflected, Official
entriesand returns Official Receipt Receipt and
Receipt and billing slip
and issues claim stub claim stub
Prepares English Translation of
6 the Diploma 30 minutes NA OUR staff NA

Signs the English Translation of English

7 the Diploma 5 minutes NA Translation
of Diploma
Presents Official
Receipt/claim stub/valid English
Searches folder and issues English
8 I.D., receives official 5 minutes NA OUR staff Translation
Translation of the Diploma
Transcript of Records of Diploma
and signs logbook
For English Translation of the
Diploma to be mailed/pouched:
Receives request through Prepares envelope and forwards to
9 5 minutes NA OUR staff NA
mail staff-in-charge for pouch or places
it in the mailing box

*Forms may also be downloaded at http://crs.upv.edu.ph
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 56

Issuance of English Translation of Diploma Flowchart

Customer/Applicant Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


Inquires how to acquire English Translation

Respond to request 5 minutes
of Diploma

Fills out Academic Document Request Provides Academic Document Request

10 minutes
Form* . Form



Receives request form, searches records, 10 minutes
Processes clearance *
assesses fee and issues billing slip.

Cash Office
Accepts payment and issues Official

Pays fee 5 minutes

Submits request form with OR number

reflected, OR and biling slip

* Paperless clearance (for students with student no starting at 2007); College and University clearances (for students with student no. prior to 2007)
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 57

Issuance of English Translation of Diploma Flowchart

Customer/Applicant Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME

Receives request form and billing slip.

Checks completeness of entries and 2 minutes
returns OR and issues claim stub

Prepares English translation of the

30 minutes

Signs the English Translation of Diploma 5 minutes

To be

Searches folder and

Presents OR/claim stub/valid ID issues English 5 minutes
translation of diploma

Signs logbook

Prepares envelope and

forwards to staff-in-

Receives English Translation of the 5 minutes
charge for pouch or
places it in the mailing

O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 58


Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)

Clients/Customers: Graduated Students
Requirements: College and/or University Clearances
Graduated student: Valid I.D.
Signed authorization letter from the student
Photocopy of valid I.D. of the student
Valid I.D. of the representative
Processing Time: 27 minutes
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Duration of Activity Fee(s) Form(s)
Inquires on how to
1 Responds to inquiry 5 minutes None OUR staff NA
acquire original diploma
Presents required Searches records and checks
2 10 minutes NA OUR staff NA
documents clearance (s)
Signs logbooks and
3 Seals and issues diploma 2 minutes NA OUR staff NA
receives diploma
Submits photocopy of
4 Files photocopy of diploma 10 minutes NA OUR staff NA
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 59

Issuance of Original Diploma Flowchart

Customer/Applicant Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


Inquires on how to acquire original Diploma Respond to inquiry 5 minutes

Presents required documents *


Searches records, original diploma and

Processes clearance ** checks clearance/s and other required 10 minutes

Signs logbooks and receives diploma Seals and issues original diploma 2 minutes

Submits photocopy of diploma Receives and files photocopy of diploma 10 minutes


* A. College and/or University clearance/s; B. Valid ID card if claimed personally or authorization letter of the graduated student, photocopy of valid ID card of the graduated student and valid
ID card of the representative
** Paperless clearance (for students with student no starting at 2007); College and University clearances (for students with student no. prior to 2007)
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 60


Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)

Clients/Customers: Graduates/Former Students/Active Students*
Active student request for OTR requires approval of the University Registrar
Requirements: Paperless clearance (for students with enrollment from 2007)
College and university clearances (for students with last enrollment prior to 2007)
For representative: Duly signed authorization letter of request
Valid identification card
Processing Time: 1 hour and 47 minutes
The one hour and 47 minutes processing time is for one client being served at one time. The time is extended when there are more clients
and/or documents requested.
Issuance target for bulk processing of OTRs:
First Time Application Succeeding Applications
Off Peak: 2 weeks Off Peak: 3 working days
Peak Season (May-August): 1 month Peak Season (May-August): 1 week
Assumption: All responsible signatories/officials are available. Processing of OTR is on a first come, first serve basis.
Duration of
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Responsib Form(s)
Inquires on how to acquire
1 Official Transcript of Responds to inquiry 5 minutes NA OUR staff NA
Records (OTR)
Provides Academic Academic
Fills out Academic
2 Document Request 10 minutes NA OUR staff Document
Document Request Form**
Form Request Form
Receives request form;
Submits Academic
Searches records and
3 Document Request Form 10 minutes NA OUR staff Billing slip
assesses fee; Issues
and clearance(s)
billing slip
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 61

Duration of
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Responsib Form(s)
P50/ page for local request
For international request
(inclusive of mailing, exclusive
of bank charges):
US $ 50/set (Asia and U.S)
US $ 60/set (Europe and Cash
Accepts payment and Africa)
4 Pays fee 5 minutes For local request: Office Official Receipt
issues Official Receipt
Actual mailing cost Staff
Envelope = P10.00
Administrative cost = P 10.00
No mailing cost for pouch
OTR, only envelope and
administrative cost is charged

Receives Academic Academic

Submits Academic
Document Request Document
Document Request Form
Form and billing slip Request Form,
5 with Official Receipt 2 minutes NA OUR staff
Checksentries and billing slip,
number reflected, Official
returns Official Receipt Official Receipt
Receipt and billing slip.
and issues claim stub and claim stub
Encodes, proofreads,
6 checks, and prints 1 hour NA OUR staff NA
7 Signs the OTR 5 minutes NA NA
Presents Official
Receipt/claim stub/valid
Searches folder and
8 I.D. 5 minutes NA OUR staff NA
issues OTR
Receives OTR and signs
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 62

Duration of
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Responsib Form(s)
Prepares envelope and
forwards to staff in-
charge for pouch or
Receives request through
9 place[s] [it] in the 5 minutes NA OUR staff NA
mailing box for OTR to
be mailed/pouched


*Forms may also be downloaded or filled out online. For details, visit www.upv.edu.ph
OTRs are prepared by batch and on a first come, first serve basis
**Forms may also be downloaded at http://crs.upv.edu.ph
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 63

Issuance of Official Transcript of Records (OTR) Flowchart

Customer/Applicant Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


Inquires on how to acquire Official Responds request and provides Academic

15 minutes
Transcript of Records (OTR) Document Request Form

Fills out Academic Document Request


Receives request form, searches records,

10 minutes
assesses fee and issues billing slip.
Process clearance and submits Academic
Document Form *

Cash Office
Accepts payment and issues Official

Pays fee 5 minutes

Submits Academic Document Request Receives Academic Document Request

Form with Official Receipt number Form and billing slip Checks and returns 2 minutes
reflected, Official Receipt and billing slip. Official Receipt and issues claim stub

* Paperless clearance (for students with student no starting at 2007); College and University clearances (for students with student no. prior to 2007)
**Forms may also be downloaded or filled out online. For details, visit www.upv.edu.ph
OTRs are prepared by batch and on a first come, first serve basis
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 64

Issuance of Official Transcript of Records (OTR) Flowchart

Customer/Applicant Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME

Encodes, proofreads, checks, and prints 1 hour

Signs the OTR 5 minutes

To be

Searches folder and

Presents OR/claim stub/valid ID. YES
5 minutes
issues OTR

Signs logbook.

Prepares envelope and

forwards to staff-in-

Receives OTR charge for pouch or 5 minutes
places it in the mailing

*** Forms may also be downloaded at http://crs.upv.edu.ph

O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 65

SERVICE: Issuance of Certifications (Graduation, Honorable Dismissal (HD)/Transfer Credentials (CTC),

Certification, Authentication and Verification (CAV), Medium of Instruction, General Weighted
Average (GWA)/Grade Point Average (GPA), Law Aptitude Examination (LAE), etc.

Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)

Clients/Customers: Graduates/Former Students/Active Students
Requirements: Paperless clearance (for students with last enrollment from 2007)
College and university clearances (for students with last enrollment prior to 2007)
If claimed personally: Valid identification card
If claimed by representative:
Duly signed authorization letter from the student
Photocopy of valid identification card of the student
Valid identification card of the representative
Processing Time: A. 48 minutes – Certificates of Graduation, HD/CTC, Medium of Instruction, Units Earned, Grading System, and
for Law Aptitude Examination requirement
B. 1 hour and 38 minutes – CAV, Course Description, and GWA/GPA
The processing time stated above (items A and B) is for one client being served at one time. The time is extended when there are more
clients and/or documents requested.
Issuance target for bulk processing of Certifications:
1 working day – for certifications on item A
3-5 working days – for certifications on item B
Assumption: All responsible signatories/officials are available. Processing of certification is on a first come, first serve basis.
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Inquires on how to
1 Responds to inquiry 5 minutes NA OUR staff None
request for certification
Receives duly
Submits duly Academic
accomplished Academic
accomplished Academic Document
2 Document Request Form, 15 minutes NA OUR Staff
Document Request Request Form and
searches records, assesses
Form* and billing slip billing slip
and issues billing slip
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 66

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Honorable Dismissal P40.00
Computation of
GWA/GPAP100.00/ request
Accepts payment and Certifications P40.00/page Cash Office
3 Pays fee 5 minutes For local request:
Billing Slip
issues Official Receipt Staff
Actual mailing cost
Envelope = P10.00
Administrative cost = P 10.00

Submits Academic
Document Request Receives Academic
Form and billing slip Document Request Form
Request Form,
4 with OR number and billing slip 5 minutes NA OUR staff
billing slip,
reflected, upon Checks entriesand returns
Official Receipt
presentation of the OR and issues claim stub
and claim stub
original OR
A. Prepares requested
(Graduation, H.D.,
10 minutes NA OUR staff NA
Medium of Instruction,
Units Earned, Grading
5 Scales, LAE, etc.)
B. Prepares CAV, Cert. of
Course Description and
1 hour NA OUR staff NA
Computation of
Signs the requested University
6 5 minutes NA NA
document Registrar
Receives/claims Issues requested document
7 2 minutes NA OUR staff NA
requested document and and returns Official
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 67

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
signs logbook thereafter Receipt to walk-in
(for walk-in) or receives applicants
document through mail
services Prepares envelope and
forwards to staff in-charge
for pouch or places itin the
mailing box for 3 minutes NA OUR Staff NA
certifications to be


*Forms may also be downloaded at http://crs.upv.edu.ph

O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 68

Issuance of Certifications Flowchart

Customer/Applicant Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


Inquires on how to acquire English

Responds to inquiry 5 minutes
Translation of Diploma

Receives duly accomplished Academic

Submits duly accomplished Academic

Document Request Form, searches 15 minutes
Document Request Form* and billing slip
records, assesses and issues billing slip

Cash Office
Accepts payment and issues Official

Pays fee 5 minutes

Submits Academic Document Request

Receives Academic Document Request
Form and billing slip with OR number

Form and billing slip. Checks and returns 5 minutes
reflected, upon presentation of the original
OR and issues claim stub
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 69

Issuance of Certifications Flowchart

Customer/Applicant Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME

Graduation, H.D.,
Prepares Medium of Instruction,

10 minutes
request Units Earned, Grading
Scales, LAE, etc.

CAV, Cert. of Course

Description and 1 hour
Computation of GWA/GPA

Signs the requested document 5 minutes

Issues requested

To be 2 minutes
Signs logbook document and NO
returns OR YES

Prepares envelope and forwards

Receives requested documents to staff-in-charge for pouch or 3 minutes
places it in the mailing box.

O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 70



Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)

Clients/Customers: Registered Students
Active student request for True Copy of Grades (TCG) other than LAE requires approval of the University Registrar. TCG request
of active students is also issued by the College Secretaries.
Requirements: Application for Enrolment Privileges for UPV Dependents Form
Local Government Scholar:
Certificate from the Mayor Certificate from the Barangay Captain
Income Tax Return Birth Certificate
Copy of Grades from the previous semester
Processing Time: 11 minutes
The processing time stated above is for one client being served at one time. The time is extended when there are more clients and/or
documents requested. Assessment of school fees is on a first come, first serve basis.
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Inquires process of
1 Responds to inquiry 5 minutes NA OUR Staff NA
Application for
UPV dependent and/or
Local Government Encodes pertinent
2 3 minutes NA OUR staff Privileges Form
Scholar submits scholarships to the CRSIS
Scholarship Certificate
Assesses school fees for
3 3 minutes NA OUR Staff NA
Proceeds to Cash Office
for payment of fees
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 71

Assessment of School Fees of UPV Dependents and Local Government Scholar (LGS) Flowchart

Customer/Applicant Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


Inquires Process of assessment Respond to inquiry 5 minutes

UPV dependent and/or Local Government

Encodes privileges at the CRSIS 3 minutes
Scholar submits Scholarship Certificate

Proceeds to respective colleges to

Assesses school fees at the CRSIS 3 minutes
complete the enrolment process

O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 72


Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)
Clients/Customers: Registered Students
Requirements: Original and photocopies of: Registration Form (Form 5), Official Receipt, ST (Socialized Tuition) result or
Scholarship Certification
Processing Time: 1 hour, 37 minutes
The processing time stated above refers to batch processing of at least 10 requests being served at one time. Processing of refund of fees is
on a first come, first serve basis.
Assumption: All responsible signatories/officials are available.

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Inquires on how to
1 Responds to inquiry 5 minutes NA OUR Staff NA
process refund of fees
Form 5,
Checks the requirements
Applies and submits Official
presented; computes, prepares
2 complete requirements 7 minutes NA OUR Staff Receipt and
and issues Assessment Slip
for refund scholarship
and returns documents
Photocopies the
Assessment Slip and
other supporting Receives the application
Slip and
3 documents; fills out forms with complete 5 minutes NA OUR Staff
application for refund, supporting documents
for Refund
and submits complete
Receives application for Obligation
4 refund, prepares Payroll 1 hour NA OUR Staff Request,
Summary of at least 10 Payroll
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 73

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
applicants per campus Summary
(Miagao/Iloilo), Obligation
Request and other supporting
Signs the Obligation Request Request and
5 5 minutes NA University Registrar
and Payroll Summary Payroll
Forwards documents to Payroll
accounting Office for Summary and
6 15 minutes NA OUR Staff
processing of refund of Obligation
school fees Request
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 74

Processing for Refund of Fees Flowchart

Customer/Applicant Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


Inquires on how to process refund of fees Respond to inquiry 5 minutes

Checks the requirements presented,

Applies and submits complete requirements
computes, prepares and issues

for refund 7 minute
Assessment Slip and returns documents

Photocopies the Assessment Slip and other

supporting documents and fills out Receives application forms with complete

5 minutes
application for refund and submits supporting documents
complete documents

Receives application for refund, prepares

Payroll Summary of at least 10 applicants

per campus (Miagao/Iloilo), Obligation 1 hour
Request and attaches other supporting

Signs the Obligation Request and Payroll
5 minutes

Forwards documents to accounting Office

15 minutes
for processing of refund of school fees

O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 75


Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)
Clients/Customers: Verifying Agency
Requirements: Verification Request and Authorization of the student
Processing Time: 30 - 39 minutes
Assumption: All responsible signatories/officials are available.

Verification through email

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Inquires onhow to
1 verify student’s Responds to inquiry 5 minutes NA OUR Staff NA
Requests for the
Checks and verifies
verification of OUR Records
2 requests and student’s 10 minutes NA NA
student’s through Section Staff
Drafts and emails
OUR Records
response letter to the 10 minutes NA NA
Section Staff
Pays verification P 100 for local
request or sends request
Accepts payment and
3 payment through 5 minutes $ 20 for Cash Office Staff NA
issues Official Receipt
money transfer/ international
courier/ mail request
Receives Verification Emails verification
4 NA NA OUR Staff NA
result result
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 76

Student’s Record Verification (via Email) Flowchart

Customer/Applicant Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


Inquires how to verify student’s record Respond to inquiry 5 minutes

Requests for the verification of student’s Checks and verifies requests and

10 minutes
through email student’s records

Pays verification request or sends payment Drafts and sends response letter for the

10 minutes
through money transfer/ courier/ mail agency

Accepts payment and issues Official

5 minutes
Receipt (OR)

Receive verification result Issues verification document as requested

O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 77

Verification through mail/courier

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Inquires onhow to
1 verify student’s Responds to inquiry 5 minutes NA OUR Staff NA
Requests for the
Checks and verifies
verification of OUR Records
2 requests and student’s 10 minutes NA NA
student’s record/s Section Staff
through mails/courier
Fills out form provided
or drafts response letter OUR Records
12 minutes NA NA
for the agency and Section Staff
prepares envelope

Signs verification result 2 minutes NA University Registrar NA

Seals and mails

OUR Records
documents in an 3 minutes NA NA
Section Staff
Pays verification P 100 for local
request or sends request
Accepts payment and
3 payment through 5 minutes $ 20 for Cash Office Staff NA
issues Official Receipt
money transfer/ international
courier/ mail request
Division staff provides
additional verification
4 Presents OR data information and 1 day NA Division Staff NA
returns form to OUR, if
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 78

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Seals and sends
OUR Records
documents in an 3 minutes NA NA
Section Staff
Issues verification
Receives Verification
5 document as requested NA NA NA NA

O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 79

Student Verification (Mail/Courier) Flowchart

Customer/Applicant Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


Inquires on how to verify student’s record Respond to inquiry 5 minutes

Requests for the verification of student’s Checks and verifies requests and

10 minutes
record/s through mails/courier student’s records

Fills-out form provided or drafts response

letter for the agency and prepares 12 minutes

Pays verification request or sends payment
Signs verification result 2 minutes
through money transfer/ courier/ mail

Accepts payment and issues Official

Presents OR 5 minutes
Receipt (OR)
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 80

Student Verification (Mail/Courier) Flowchart

Customer/Applicant Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME

Needs divisions

Provides additional verification data

1 day
information and returns form to OUR

Seals and sends documents in an envelop 5 minutes

OUR Staff
Receive verification result Issues verification document as requested

O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 81

Verification through walk-in representatives

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Inquires on how to
1 verify student’s Responds to inquiry 5 minutes NA OUR Staff NA
Requests for the
verification of Checks and verifies
OUR Records
2 student’s record/s requests and student’s 10 minutes NA NA
Section Staff
through walk-in records
Fills out form provided
or drafts response letter OUR Records
12 minutes NA form provided
for the agency and Section Staff
by the Agency
prepares envelope.

Signs verification result 2 minutes NA University Registrar NA

Seals documents in an OUR Records

3 minutes NA NA
envelope (optional) Section Staff
Pays verification Accepts payment and P 50 for local
3 5 minutes Cash Office Staff NA
request issues Official Receipt request
Walk-in applicants
Records Official Receipt OUR Records
4 presents Official 2 minutes NA NA
number Section Staff
Receives Verification Issues verification result
5 NA NA OUR Staff NA
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 82

Student Verification (Walk-in) Flowchart

Customer/Applicant Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


Inquires how to verify student’s record Respond to inquiry 5 minutes

Requests for the verification of student’s Checks and verifies requests and

10 minutes
record/s through mails/courier student’s records

Fills-out form provided or drafts response

letter for the agency and prepares 12 minutes

Signs verification result 2 minutes

Pays verification request or sends payment

Seals and sends documents in an envelop 3 minutes
through money transfer/ courier/ mail

Accepts payment and issues Official

Presents OR 5 minutes
Receipt (OR)

End Receives verification result Issues verification result
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 83


Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break), prior to registration
Clients/Customers: Graduated / Transferring Students
Requirements: Graduated Student: Graduation fee
Transferring Student: Not currently enrolled
Processing Time: 12 minutes
Assumption: Students have settled all their accountabilities with units concerned
The 12 minutes processing time is for one client being served at one time. The time is extended when there are more clients and/or
documents requested.
* Applicable to students with enrollment from 2007 to present. Students who are not covered by the paperless clearance shall go through
the old process of signing clearance, wherein students proceed to designated offices and have the clearance form signed by the staff of each

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Inquires on how to OUR Records
1 secure/acquire Responds to inquiry 5 minutes NA Section Staff NA
clearance /Other Offices
Verifies student’s records and OUR Records
1 Applies for clearance accountabilities; informs student of their 5 minutes NA Section Staff NA
existing accountabilities, if any. /Other Offices
Settles accountabilities Subject to student’s
Staff Office/
2 at the office concerned Clears accountability at the CRS compliance of NA NA
Unit Concerned
if any accountabilities
Clears, prints clearance and indorses
Receives pertinent student to Transcript section for OUR Records
3 2 minutes NA NA
documents request/issuance of pertinent documents Section Staff

O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 84

Clearance Flowchart

Customer/Applicant Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME

Inquires on how to secure/acquire

Start Responds to inquiry 5 minutes

Applies for clearance

enrollment CRSIS
Verifies student’s record and

within AY YES account NO 5 minutes
2007-2008 to accountabilities



Submits requirements and completely filled-

Prepares transmittal slip and turns over to

out application form with OR number 2 minutes
reflected in-charge of outgoing communication

Secures College and University Cleanrance

and proceeds to designated offices and
have the clearance signed by the staff of
each office.

Submits duly signed clearance

O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 85


Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)

Clients/Customers: UPV Students
Requirements: Currently Enrolled
Processing Time: 1 hour and 10 minutes – 1 hour and 25 minutes for freshmen, Iloilo City and UPV Tacloban College(UPVTC)-
based student (new file or reprint)
27 - 42 minutes – for upperclassmen Miagao-based student (new file or reprint)
The processing time stated above is for one client being served at one time. The time is extended when there are more clients. ID
processing is on a first come, first serve basis.
Issuance target for bulk processing of student ID:
Off Peak months: March, April, May, July, November, December
Peak months: January-February; June; August-October
New File:
Miagao Off-peak: 3 working days Peak: 1 week
Iloilo Off-peak: 5 working days Peak: 10 working days
Tacloban Off-peak: 2 weeks Peak: 3 weeks
Miagao Off-peak: 24 hours Peak: 1 week
Iloilo Off-peak: 1 week Peak: 2 weeks
Tacloban Off-peak: 2 weeks Peak: 3 weeks
Duration of
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee Person Responsible Form
Inquires on how to
1 Responds to inquiry 5 minutes NA CRSIS Staff NA
process ID
2 Presents Form 5 Checks Form 5 5 minutes NA CRSIS Staff NA
Accepts payment and issues Official
3 Pays the fee* 5 minutes P 130.00 Cash Office Staff NA
Presents Official Checks and attaches student photo on
4 5 minutes NA CRSIS staff NA
Receipt* and submits Official Receipt* for processing
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 86

Duration of
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee Person Responsible Form
a 2x2 ID photo**
Presents Official
Receipt* and submits
Takes photo*** 5 minutes NA CRSIS staff NA
self for picture
Processes the ID (New File) 20 minutes
5 NA CRSIS staff NA
Processes the ID (Reprint) 5 minutes
Prepares transmittal slip****
6 Note: For IDs of upperclassmen Miagao 10 minutes NA CRSIS staff NA
based students, proceed to step 9
Forwards processed ID to OUR staff
7 10 minutes NA CRSIS staff NA

Forwards processed ID to respective

8 College Secretary’s staff or sends it 15 minutes NA OUR staff NA
through the OVCA for pouch****

9 Posts notification on the student’s account 3 minutes NA CRSIS staff NA

Receives ID and signs College Secretary
10 Issues ID 2 minutes NA NA
logbook Staff / CRSIS Staff

* For student whose ID payment is not reflected on his/her Form5

** For student who opts to use a printed ID photo on his/her ID.
*** For student who opts to have a new photo taken
**** For Freshmen, Iloilo City based and UPVTC based students
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 87

Student ID Processing Flowchart

Customer/Applicant Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


Inquires on how to process Student ID Respond to inquiry 5 minutes

Present Form 5 at the Computerized

Registration and Student Information Checks Form 5 for payment of the ID fee 5 minutes
System (CRSIS) Office

Form 5
Pays ID fee at the Cash Office NO reflects payment
of ID fee?


Accepts payment and issues Official

Presents Form 5/Official Receipt to the

5 minutes
CRSIS staff in-charge of processing ID Receipt (OR)

First time to
apply for ID?

Photographer takes picture / scans

5 minutes
submitted photo.

Use new ID Processes ID *
picture / submit
2x2 photo?


* New File: 20 minutes; Reprint: 5 minutes.

O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 88

Student ID Processing Flowchart

Customer/Applicant Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME

Upperclass and Iloilo and
Miagao based UPVTC based
is a

Prepares transmittal 10 minutes

Forwards the processed ID to the OUR

10 minutes

Forwards the processed ID to respective

College Secretary’s staff or send it 15 minutes
through the OVCA for pouch

Sends/posts notifications 3 minutes

Receives ID and signs logbook at their

Issues ID 2 minutes
respective areas

O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 89


Issuance of Admission Slip - should be in security paper (check the back

portion for security markings)
New Freshman - the name, date of birth, place of birth, sex,
full name of the father and full maiden name
1. During admission process, the incoming freshmen of the mother should coincide with the
should submit the following documents and the electronic data sent by the Admissions
person-in-charge should check for its authenticity Office.
and validity and encodes the documents in the CRS - if there is error in the NSO Birth Certificate,
Freshmen Record System: the person-in-charge should advise the client
to apply for correction of entries or to
a. Original High School Card (Form 138) submit the corrected copy of the NSO Birth
- Full Name Certificate. If the student can not submit the
- Grades and Over-all Average corrected copy, the Office of the University
- Signature of the Adviser and Principal Registrar should follow and change the
- with remarks “Graduated” and “Eligible for record of the student based on the submitted
Admission/Transfer to College” birth certificate.
b. Original Secondary Permanent Record (Form d. 2 pcs. 2x2 or passport size photos
137) e. Medical Certificate
- Full Name f. Special Power of Attorney for Legal Guardian
- Grades from Grade 7 to Grade 12 (1st Year (for student whose provincial address is outside
to 4th Year) Iloilo province)
- Signature of Principal or Registrar g. Student Directory
h. one (1) long cream/white-colored folder
- School Seal or Documentary Stamp
i. Bridge Program Certificate (if applicable)
- With remarks “Eligible for
Admission/Transfer to College” and “Copy
for UP Visayas”
c. Original NSO Copy of Birth Certificate
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 90

2. Upon submission of complete requirements, the  Signature of the Registrar

person-in-charge issues the admission slip to the  School Seal
student. b. Certificate of Honorable Dismissal/ Certificate
of Transfer Credential
a. In any case that the student can not submit the c. Original NSO Copy of Birth Certificate
complete credentials within the period of  should be in security paper (check the
submission, the person-in-charge should indicate back portion for security markings)
in the admission slip that the student is
 the name, date of birth, place of birth,
provisionally admitted pending submission of
sex, full name of the father and full
the lacking documents. The person-in-charge
maiden name of the mother should
should give a deadline for the student to submit
coincide with the electronic data sent by
the lacking documents. If the deadline is not
the Admissions Office.
met, the student will be blocked at the CRS so
 if there is error in the NSO Birth
he/she can not enroll in the succeeding
Certificate, the person-in-charge should
advise the client to apply for correction
of entries or to submit the corrected
copy of the NSO Birth Certificate. If the
New Transfer/Second Degree/Non-Degree/Special
student can not submit the corrected
copy, the Office of the University
Registrar should follow and change the
1. During admission process, the new transfer/second
record of the student based on the
degree/non-degree/special students should submit
submitted birth certificate.
the following documents and the person-in-charge
d. 2 pcs. 2x2 or passport size photos
should check for its authenticity and validity:
e. Medical Certificate
f. Student Directory
a. Original Transcript of Records
g. one (1) long cream/white-colored folder
 Full Name
h. Original NSO Copy of Marriage Certificate (for
 Complete Grades until the last semester married female applicants only)
attended in the previous school
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 91

Additional Requirements (For Transfer Students should give a deadline for the student to submit
from UP Constituent Units) the lacking documents. If the deadline is not
i. Approved Permit to Transfer and University and met, the student will be blocked at the CRS so
College Clearances he/she cannot enroll in the succeeding
Additional Requirements for Foreign Students
j. Official TOEFL results (for foreign students
whose medium of instruction in school he/she Application for Admission of local and foreign students
attended is not English) to UPV
k. valid passport
l. acceptable visa, any of the following: (9(e), 9(e- The clients for this service are those who are applying as
1), 9(e-2), 47(a)(2), 9(g), PD 218, 9(d), 13, 13(a) transfer students, second degree, non-degree and special
to 13(g), SRRV (Special Resident Retiree Visa), students.
SIRV (Special Investor Resident Visa), Special
Study Permit (for non-degree course) 1. The applicants should submit the following
m. Alien Certificate of Registration or I-Card documents for evaluation:
n. Certificate of Identification for Students with a. Duly accomplished U.P. Form 3.1 for local
Dual Citizenship who wishes to be considered as students and U.P. Form 3.2 for foreign students
Filipino in his/her admission to the University or b. Official Transcript of Records or True Copy of
updated Philippine passport Grades with original signature of authorized
2. Upon submission of the complete requirements, the c. 2 pcs. 2x2 or passport size photos
/Philippine passport issues the admission slip to the
student. 2. Upon receipt of the documents, the person-in-
a. In any case that the student can not submit the charge should bill the student for the application fee
complete credentials within the period of of P100.00 for local students, $20 for foreign
submission, the person-in-charge should indicate students and P150.00 for foreign resident students.
in the admission slip that the student is 3. The person-in-charge will evaluate the completeness
provisionally admitted pending submission of of the academic credentials submitted by the
the lacking documents. The person-in-charge applicant. The person-in-charge will then compute
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 92

the general weighted average of the applicant by the mail or email or contact them thru phone call if
grades and the units taken from previous school/s contact number is available.
attended. If the grading system of the applicant from
the previous school/s attended is not the same with
UP grading system, the person-in-charge will convert Request for Official Transcript of Records
the grades to UP grade equivalent and compute the
general weighted average. 1. Upon inquiry of clients for official transcript of records (OTR),
4. If the applicant has qualified upon the initial the person-in-charge should look for the student’s records.
evaluation which means that his/her GWA is 2.0 or The person-in-charge should check the student’s clearance
better and the minimum units he/she earned is 33 (paperless clearance for students with student no. starting at
units or 30 units for students from other UP 2007, and College and University clearances for students with
constituent units, the person-in-charge prepares the student no. prior to 2007). If the student has no clearance, the
transmittal slip with attachment to be sent to the person-in-charge should advise the student to go to the person
respective College Secretary’s Office for proper in-charge of records for clearance. If the student has a
action. clearance, the person-in-charge should issue the request form
5. On the other hand, if the applicant is not qualified for OTR.
upon the initial evaluation which means that he/she 2. Upon receipt of request form, the person-in-charge should
did not meet the minimum GWA and units earned issue the billing to the customers based on what the requestor
requirement as stated above, the person-in-charge indicated in the request form received. If the customer is a
prepares the Notice of Disqualification and informs representative, the person-in-charge should ask for a signed
the applicant of the result thru email/mail or phone authorization letter from the student/requestor and a valid ID
call. of the representative. If the request is a copy for a school, the
6. Upon receipt of the transmittal slip with action from person-in-charge should ask for an official request from the
the College Secretary, the person-in-charge should school.
prepare the Notice of Acceptance if the action is 3. Upon receipt of the official receipt (OR) of payment, the
APPROVED and Notice of Disqualification if the person-in-charge should check and ensure that the OR details
action is otherwise. are reflected in the request form. After ensuring that the OR
7. After preparing the Notice of details are reflected, the person-in-charge should return the
Qualification/Disqualification, the person-in-charge OR to the requestor.
should send the notices to the applicants thru postal
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 93

4. The person-in-charge should give the request form and billing the degree and date of graduation should also be indicated in the
slip to the person in-charge of OTR processing. last portion of the descriptive title of the course.
5. Based on the request, the one in-charge of OTR should get the
student’s records either student’s folder or student’s jacket. If For students with student no. starting at 2007, encoding
there is an existing electronic copy of OTR, the OTR in- of OTR is based on CRSIS. The OTR in-charge should log in to
charge may print the OTR on OTR security paper with CRSIS, click the student record management and search for the
updates on the following: student name or student number. Once the student name is
a. date of clearance should be indicated if the student has just indicated, the OTR in-charge should click the student grade
recently submitted the clearance summary. The student grades should be copied and pasted to an
b. change the name of the University Registrar in case there is excel file and edited for word document. The OTR in-charge
a change should encode manually the entrance data of the student, degree
c. indicate the degree and date of graduation if the student and date of graduation which can be found in the student’s jacket
has graduated (if graduated), on the OTR template. If the student did not
d. indicate appropriate remarks as necessary, i.e. “ FOR graduate, a remark “NO ENTRY FOLLOWS” should be
BOARD EXAMINATION PURPOSES ONLY” indicated in the last portion of the course number. If graduated,
the degree and date of graduation should also be indicated in the
If there is no electronic copy but with existing template, last portion of the descriptive title of the course.
the OTR in-charge will prepare the OTR for reproduction and
forward to the one in-charge for reproduction indicating the 6. For first time application for OTR, the OTR in-charge should
necessary number of copies of OTR. print the OTR template first indicating his/her name and date of
preparation. The template should be turned over to the record’s
If it is a first time request for OTR, the OTR in-charge officer for checking. After ascertaining the correctness of the
will encode the grades manually for students with student no. data encoded based on student’s records, the checker should
prior to 2007 based on student’s Form 5s. Encoding of OTR is indicate his/her signature in the checked portion and return the
based on electronic templates. The OTR in-charge should template and student’s record to the OTR in-charge. If no
encode manually the entrance data of the student, degree and correction is necessary, the OTR in-charge could print the data
date of graduation (if graduated) on OTR templates (necessary on OTR security paper. If there is a correction, the OTR in-
details can be found in the student’s jacket). If the student did charge should make the necessary correction and return the
not graduate, a remark “NO ENTRY FOLLOWS” should be template to the checker until no correction is necessary then the
indicated in the last portion of the course number. If graduated, OTR in-charge could print the data on OTR security paper. The
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 94

OTR template should be placed inside the student’s folder with 2. Upon receipt of Academic Documents Request Form,
the student’s name and student’s number indicated in the folder. the person-in-charge should issue the Billing Slip to the
The OTR in-charge should countersign the OTR. clients based on what the requestor indicated in the
7. The printed OTR should be forwarded to the University Academic Documents Request Form received. If the
Registrar for signature. client is a representative, the person-in-charge should ask
8. Once the OTR is signed by the University Registrar, the for a signed authorization letter from the
person-in-charge should place it inside the student’s folder for student/requestor and a valid ID of the representative.
issuance. For OTR to be mailed/pouched, the OTR in-charge
prepares the envelope and forwards it to staff in-charge for 3. Upon receipt of the official receipt (OR) of payment, the
pouch or place it in the mailing box. person-in-charge should check and ensure that the OR
details are reflected in the request form. After ensuring
that the OR details are reflected, the person-in-charge
Issuance of Certifications should return the OR to the client.
(Graduation, Honorable Dismissal, Certification,
Authentication and Verification (CAV), Medium of 4. Based on the request, the person-in-charge should get the
Instruction, General Weighted Average (GWA/Grade Point student’s records either from the student’s folder or the
Average (GPA), Law Aptitude Examination (LAE) and etc.) student’s jacket. The person-in-charge prepares the
following certifications requested:
1. Upon inquiry of clients of certifications, the person-in-
charge should look for the student’s records. The service a. Certificate of Graduation, Honorable Dismissal
provider should check the student’s clearance (paperless (HD), Medium of Instruction and Certification,
clearance for students with student no. starting at 2007, Authentication and Verification (CAV) containing
and College and University clearances for students with the following information:
student no. prior to 2007). If the student has no  Full Name
clearance, the person-in-charge should advise the student  Degree Program
to go to the records section for clearance. If the student  Date Graduated
has a clearance, the person-in-charge should issue the b. Certificate of General Weighted Average
Academic Documents Request Form. (GWA)/Grade Point Average (GPA) containing
the following information:
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 95

 Full Name Assessment/Re-Assessment of Fees

 Degree Program
 Date Graduated 1. Upon inquiry of students for re-assessment of refund of
b.1. The person-in-charge should compute the tuition fees, the person-in-charge should advise him/her
GWA (final grade multiplied by credits taken and to submit the following documents. The person-in-
then the product divided by the total number of charge should check the documents received for their
credits earned) validity and completeness:
b.2. The person-in-charge should compute the GPA
(convert the final grade to its equivalent grade point a. Form 5 (2 photocopies)
system then multiply to credits earned. The  Full Name
product is divided by the total number of credits  Degree
taken)  Semester
 Tuition, Miscellaneous and other Fees
c. Certificate for Course Description containing the b. Official Receipt (Original and 1 photocopy)
following information:  Full Name
 Full Name  Date Issued
 Course number  Amount
 Course title and description  Nature of Collection
c. ST Certificate (Original and 1 photocopy)
5. The printed certifications should be forwarded to the
 Full Name
University Registrar for signature.
 ST Result
6. The University Registrar signs the certification and
returns to the staff-in-charge for issuance.
2. Refund of school fees of students should be computed
7. The staff files the document in the issuance folder until
based on ST certificate result.
the client claims it.
3. The person-in-charge prepares and issues Assessment
8. For Certifications to be mailed/pouched, the person-in-
Slip (AS) to student. Requestor will be asked to
charge prepares the envelope and forwards it to another
photocopy the AS.
staff who is in-charge of pouch preparation or place in
the mailing box.
O f f i c e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y R e g i s t r a r | 96

4. The person-in-charge gives the application for refund

form to student. The student fills out the form and
submits complete documents (refer to items 1a-cand 3).
5. Upon gathering ten (10) or more complete applications
for refund, the person-in-charge prepares the payroll
summary and Obligation Request with supporting
6. The University Registrar signs the payroll summary and
Obligation Request.
7. The person-in-charge forwards the documents to
Accounting Office for processing of refund of school
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 97


MISSION  supervision and management of residential services

 implementation and monitoring of the scholarships and
The Office of Student Affairs is committed to Financial Assistance Program which include the
serve the needs of students through proactive and Socialized Tuition (ST), Private Scholarships, Student
responsive program and services in the area of Assistantships and SHARE programs of the University,
counseling and guidance, financial assistance, and
dormitory, and meaningful participation in  management and conduct of the student disciplinary
organizations and activities. tribunal.


 Excellence OSA has four units which are respectively responsible in

 Service carrying out their own programs. These units are:
 Integrity
 Guidance and Counseling Unit
 Nurturance
 Student Organization and Activities
 Nationalism
 Socialized Tuition
 Housing /Residential Services

The Office of Student Affairs is tasked with the A. THE GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING
promotion of student welfare through: SERVICES (GCSU) UNIT
 systematic planning and management of guidance
services, The GCSU facilitates human growth and development of
 supervision and regulation of student organizations and students particularly in their personal, emotional, social,
activities, psychological and career.
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 98

Objectives: 2. Psychological Testing Service

As a necessary tool for counseling, a series of
1. To supervise the implementation of the counseling,
psychological tests are administered to all students to assess their
psychological testing, career, human development, and
aptitudes, abilities, interests, personalities, problems, and needs.
extension programs to serve the different campuses of
These tests are interpreted to them upon their request and are
the University, including UP Tacloban College.
kept in their confidential cumulative record folders.
2. To gather relevant information about every student to
help them better and maximize their potentials for 3. Career Development Program
growth in the University. This consists of a series of activities to help students plan
their careers and make the most suitable career choices. It is a
3. To actively participate in the public service and volunteer developmental process which starts at the high school level and
programs of the University, particularly in the areas of extends beyond graduation. It includes the graduate placement
psychological testing, interpersonal skills training, and services where data about graduating students are gathered and
career and values development. processed to match available jobs in the local, national and global
4. To conduct orientation programs, briefings, symposia and
other information dissemination activities to facilitate
student adjustment. The Career Development Programs include:

5. To conduct research based on the data gathered from the  Career Talks for Graduating Students
different services.  Options after Graduation
 The Fourth Rung
 Career Gear
1. Counseling Services
 A View of Careers
These services assist students in their personal, emotional,
career and academic concerns and help them cope with problems  Career Tour
in the University. The counseling services are conducted on an  The Job Fair
individual or group basis.
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 99

4. Human Development Program Through this program parents are being challenged to be
The program consists of all group guidance and group active partners of the University on the journey of their children.
dynamics activities to facilitate human growth of students. This
c. Peer Facilitators’ Training
is carried out through the following activities:
This activity is implemented to train students to help each
a. Personal Effectiveness Program (PEP)
other cope with their problems. This is instituted to develop
The program consists of group dynamics activities and skills in facilitating and in conducting group activities for
lecture workshops to help students adjust to the University and interpersonal growth and peer interaction.
develop coping skills in their personal, social, academic and
Through this program parents are being challenged to be
psychological development. This program includes the following
active partner of the University on the journey of their children.
d. Homeroom Guidance Program
 Developing Self-concept and Self-confidence
 Developing Interpersonal Relations Skills This program is conducted for the High School student at
 Values Clarification UPV to facilitate their personal interaction and growth.
 Support System
 How to Study Effectively
5. Research and Public Service
 Stress Management
Guidance Service Specialists conduct research and data
 Time Management and Budgeting gathering activities based on results of tests available in the office.
 Social Awareness and Responsibility They are actively involved in public service activities of the
 Career Decision Making University as lecturers and resource persons. They are also
available to impart their technical knowledge and expertise to
agencies and companies in the region, particularly in the areas of
b. Orientation Program guidance and counseling, psychological testing, leadership
trainings and interpersonal skills development.
A four-day orientation program is designed to help
incoming freshmen adjust to the University in their transition to
college. Another, orientation program is also conducted for the
parents of incoming freshmen before the enrolment schedule.
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 100


(SOA) UNIT The SOA Office believes that the programs and activities of
This program is responsible for providing opportunities students promote welfare and growth. Students are given the
for development outside the classroom through the different proper orientation to ensure their security and welfare by
student organizations and activities on campus. These activities observing University rules and guidelines for student conduct.
serve as venues for development of personal talents and abilities
as well as leadership skills and responsibilities. The following
services are being undertaken by the SOA:
1. Leadership Development UNIT (SFAU)
SOA provides leadership trainings to recognized student The Scholarship and Financial Assistance Unit leads in
organizations and also equips members of UPV DUCES, the the implementation of the following programs:
volunteer student arm of the Office of Student Affairs. Different
resource persons and facilitators train the students who are also
student leaders in the University. In return the UPV DUCES, 1. Socialized Tuition (ST)
conducts series of leadership trainings to the different officers of All UP students receive financial support from the
the House Councils of the different residential units of the national government through a socialized system since the full
university. tuition is much lower than the cost of education in the university.
The Socialized Tuition (ST) was designed to provide rates that are
based on the assessment of the paying capacity of the household
2. Monitoring
to which a student belongs. This assessment looks at the income
The SOA screens and monitors the different activities
as well as the socio-economic characteristics of the household.
conducted by the students and the various student organizations
recognized under OSA. The presence of Faculty advisers and/or
representatives is being required in every activity of the students
especially if the activity is beyond seven o’clock in the evening
and if it is held off-campus.
The Student Assistant and Graduate Assistant (SAGA)
Program provides undergraduate and postgraduate students the
opportunity to work and earn on-campus while pursuing their
studies in the University. Aside from the compensation, students
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 101

under the SAGA Program are able to gain work experience that 4. SCHOOL HEALTH AND RELATED
could help prepare them for employment, entrepreneurship, and EMERGENCIES (SHARE) Program
community service after they leave the university. The SHARE program is an umbrella project of the OSA
that aims to provide loan and other emergency assistance to
The Student Assistant and Graduate Assistant (SAGA)
needy students. It is made available to qualified students who can
Program gives undergraduate students the opportunity to earn
meet the minimum requirements. Specifically, assistance is in the
sixty pesos (P60.00) per hour for undergraduate and one hundred
form of student soft loan for medical and school fees, purchase
pesos (P100.00) per hour for graduate students by working for
of books and other academic-related materials, and food.
UP. This enables students to augment their allowance as well as
enhance interpersonal skills through interaction with the students Types of student loan under the SHARE Program:
and professionals. ST grantees especially those who belong to
1. Medical
lower income bracket are given priority.
The student upon the recommendation of the University
Physician may avail of loans intended to pay the medical
3. SCHOLARSHIPS expenses. The loan is limited to P1, 000.00 only. In exceptional
Students may apply for private or government cases, however, the loan can be increased, but, not to exceed P3,
scholarships which are announced regularly. Screening and 000.00, depending on the need.
selection is conducted by the UPV Committee on Student
Scholarship and Financial Assistance Committee by the 2. School-related
Scholarship and Financial Assistance Unit of OSA. Benefits of
Loans intended to pay off school-related expenses may be
scholars vary depending on the nature of the scholarship or
availed up to P 500.00.
which may be in the form of free school fees, monthly stipend,
book, and transportation allowance. Scholars are chosen based on The SHARE Management Committee may institute
merit (academic performance) and/or socio-economic status policies and guidelines governing the SHARE Program
(financial needs). recommend other types of loans and act on the loan application
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 102

D. HOUSING/RESIDENTIAL SERVICES UNIT dormitories an essential venue for student education and
In the Miagao campus, there are five residence halls, development outside of the classroom.
namely: Balay Apitong (Graduate Hall), Balay Madya-as, Balay
3. Reflection Facilities
Gumamela, Balay Lampirong (Freshmen Hall I), and Balay Kanlaon
Every dormitory provides avenue to allow the residents
(Freshmen Hall II), and Balay Ilonggo,in the Iloilo City Campus.
time for self -reflection and a moment of silence to meditate. A
In the Miagao campus, freshmen who qualifies in the separate room is made available for individual or group
admission procedures are housed together in two dormitories meditation and counseling sessions.
while upper-class students stay in two other dormitories. These
4. Disaster Preparedness
dormitory residents pay a lodging fee. Balay Apitong (Graduate
In collaboration with the UPV DRRMT, Disaster Brigade
Hall) accommodates graduate students, undergraduate thesis
Training, Lectures and Drills are conducted in every dormitory
students and guests. Transients, who may be accommodated
every semester in order to make student residents aware and be
based on availability of rooms, are charged a transient lodging
prepared in case of natural disasters.
Dormitory Activities/ Organizations:
1. House Council and Interdorm Council
The House Council officers are selected from among the
residents to serve as the bridge between the residents and the
management. They also assist the dormitory manager in planning
enrichment activities and in formulating and implementing
dormitory rules and regulations.
2. Peer Facilitators
Peer Facilitators are students who were trained by the
Guidance Specialists to guide the dormers in coping with the
pressures in the university. Group dynamics, sports, cultural
activities, as well as indoor games are held in coordination with
the guidance specialists and student groups in order to facilitate
socialization and prevent boredom. These activities also provide
the ambiance of “home away from home” and make the
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 103

OSA Director


Administrative Officer Administrative Assistant

Guidance and Scholarship and Other Student Organization

Residence Service
Counseling Unit Financial Assistance Unit and Activities Unit
Unit Coordinator
Coordinator Officer-in-charge Coordinator

Guidance Guidance Administrative Administrative Dorm Manager IV Dorm Manager I (Balay

Job Hire
Specialist III Specialist III Assistant II Assistant II (Balay Kanlaon) Ilonggo)

House Attendant I House Attendant III

Guidance Guidance Administrative Administrative
Specialist II Specialist III Aide VI Aide VI (casual)
House Attendant I House Attendant I

House Attendant II House Attendant I

Guidance Guidance
Job Hire
Specialist III Specialist I Iloilo City Campus
Dorm Manager IV
Miagao Campus Iloilo City Campus (Balay Madyaas)
Dorm Manager IV
(Balay Lampirong)
House Attendant III

House Attendant I House Attendant II

House Attendant I House Attendant II

House Attendant II
Houseparent III
(Balay Gumamela)
Dorm Manager III
House Attendant II (Balay Apitong)

House Attendant II House Attendant I

House Attendant II House Attendant II

Miagao Campus

Figure 22. OSA Organizational Structure

O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 104

Duties and Responsibilities  Collates data of the Office

 Acts as Secretary of the APC
Administrative Services  Reviews performance targets and ratings of the administrative
 Drafts official and semi-official communications including OSA personnel
endorsements for approval/or for correction of the Head of  Facilitates SDT matters such as appointments of the SDT
Office members, parent and student jurors
 Records incoming and outgoing communications for  Signs student clearances, posters and other announcements
appropriate actions  Prepares various OSA forms for risographing or for
 Encodes official and semiofficial communications for reproduction
approval or for corrections of the Head of OSA and the GSS  Routes/sends official/semi communications to various
Coordinator offices and student organizations
 Supervises the progress of work of the clerk and the student  Facilitates requests on venue, materials in various OSA
assistants activities
 Processes all basic papers for renewal or for original  Follows up pending requests of the Office and the Units
appointment of OSA casual personnel including job hires under the OSA
 Monitors the budget of the office and attends to all cash  Performs other tasks assigned by the Head of Unit and other
expenses of the office OSA personnel
 Recommends job requests for repairs
 Recommends RIS/PR for supplies and materials procured by One (1) Guidance Services Specialist V (SG 24)
the Units under OSA (GSS Coordinator)
 Prepares the Annual Procurement Plan of the office 1. Coordinates the Guidance and Counseling Services Unit
 Requests supplies of the Office of the University including UPV Miagao, Iloilo, and UP
 Prepares vouchers for travels of the Head of Office, Tacloban Campuses
Guidance Specialists and cash advances of various activities 2. Supervises the implementation of the guidance counseling
facilitated by the Office and liquidated/closed said vouchers Activities of UPV Iloilo and Miagao Campuses
 Facilitates/assists in the preparation of the financial requests 3. Develops plans and programs of the Guidance and
and liquidations of expenses of requesting USC Officers and Counseling Services Unit in consultation with Guidance
student organizations Services Specialists
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 105

4. Revises and updates programs of the Guidance and 18. Conducts monthly meeting with Guidance Services
Counseling Services Unit Specialists
5. Conducts annual Guidance and Counseling Services Unit 19. Participates in the policy making of the office concerning
Planning workshop for UPV Iloilo, Miagao, and UP Student welfare
6. Makes annual reports on the Guidance and Counseling Four(4) Guidance Service Specialists III (SG 20)
Services Unit One Guidance Service Specialist II
7. Evaluates the Guidance and Counseling Services and 1. Conducts individual and group counseling to college
made evaluation studies on the programs conducted students of the College of Management/CFOS/CAS
8. Evaluates performances of Guidance Services Specialists 2. Processes, administers, and records psychological tests of
9. Prepares Performance Targets in consultation with College students of College of Management /CFOS/CAS
Guidance Specialists 3. Prepares individual inventory of students
10. Makes programs and prepares for Freshman Orientation 4. Makes individual and group profiles of test results
activities of the University 5. Makes preparations for and conducts Freshman
11. Conducts Freshman Orientation in cooperation with Orientation Program
Guidance Specialists 6. Makes preparations for Personal Effectiveness Program
12. Conducts individual and group counseling sessions to 7. Conducts Personal Effectiveness Program for freshmen
students in UPV Iloilo and Miagao Campuses students of College of Management/CFOS/CAS
13. Interprets psychological tests to individual and groups of 8. Makes preparations for the Leadership Training Program
students for college students of College of Management
14. Prepares and conduct Personal Effectiveness Program in /CFOS/CAS
Miagao Campus 9. Conducts Leadership Training Programs for college
15. Prepares and conducts Human Development Programs students of College of Management//CFOS/CAS
(SensitivityTraining, Life Skills Training, Psycho-Social 10. Makes preparations for the Peer Facilitators Training for
Program, Post TraumaticStress Debriefing, PFTP college students of College of Management/CFOS/CAS
Leadership Training, etc.) 11. Conducts Peer Facilitators Training for college students
16. Coordinates and conducts Career Development Program of College of Management/CFOS/CAS
of the University 12. Makes preparations for the Psycho-Social Training for
17. Conducts case conferences as the need arises fraternities and sororities
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 106

13. Conducts Psycho-Social Training for fraternities and 3. Answers queries on ST, scholarships and other financial
sororities assistance related matters
14. Makes preparations for meetings with parents 4. Coordinates with and reports to scholarship donors
15. Conducts meetings with parents regarding status of scholars, status of funds and related
16. Makes preparations for and conducts Career matters
Development Program and Graduate Placement Program 5. Interviews applicants for scholarships
17. Conducts Extension Services for the University and the 6. Coordinates with OSA Tacloban campus on
community implementation of ST and scholarship related matters
7. Checks and evaluates reports done by subordinates
One (1) Job Order SOA Assistant 8. Prepares documents needed for the conduct of UPV-
1. Takes charge of student organizations and activities of the SSFAC meetings
University 9. Drafts and encodes communications for approval and/or
2. Conducts individual and group counseling to student correction of the Head of Office
organizations members, fraternities and sororities 10. Issues certification for re-assessment, refund and claims
3. Administers, processes and interprets psychological tests for subsidies of students in UPV Iloilo City
to CAS students 11. Follows up on requests with concerned offices
4. Conducts human development programs and personal 12. Performs other jobs assigned by the Head of Office
effectiveness program of the College of Arts and
Sciences, SOTECH and CF students Two (2) Administrative Assistants (SG 8)
5. Takes charge of the Outstanding Student Award and 1. Prepares data/reports on private scholarship
Outstanding Student Organization. 2. Screens documents submitted by private scholarship
6. Takes charge of Committee awards in the Selection of applicants
nominees for Student awards within and outside of the 3. Computes grades of private scholarship applicants
University. submitted for evaluation
4. Maintains central file of scholarships
One (1) Scholarship Affairs Officer (SG 16) 5. Prepares ORs, payrolls and pay slips of scholars
1. Supervises the progress of work of ST personnel 6. Answers queries of students and scholars regarding
2. Attends to special cases of students regarding ST, private scholarships and related matters
scholarships and other financial related matters 7. Drafts and encodes communications related to private
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 107

8. Checks the bundy cards of ST staffs. 23. Prepares reports of all interviewed grantees and
9. Prepares and submits monthly report of under times, appealants
tardiness and unauthorized absences of ST personnel to 24. Monitors, requests, follow -up office supplies and
HRDO. equipment for ST use every quarter
10. Interviews ST grantees and appeallants
11. Prepares reports of all interviewed ST grantees and Two (2) Administrative Aides (SG 6)
appeallants 1. Takes charge of UPV Miagao/Iloilo ST online account
12. Answers queries of students on the following: ST (updates basic information, downloads and prints results
program, student assistantships and other related matters and shortlists, resets student's account/application,
13. Encodes the new bracket assignments of appealants and cancels application/appeals)
grantees in the CRS and in the ST masterlist 2. Interviews ST appealants/grantees
14. Monitors and prepares data/reports on UPV-ST grantees 3. Prepares reports on interviewed ST grantees
(including UPVTC) and submits to UP system and other 4. Reviews reports of interviewed ST appeallants/grantees
offices of the university. for discount calculator
15. Counterchecks and counts the number of hours rendered 5. Prepares OR, payrolls and pay slips of qualified category
by student assistants upon submission of DTR FDS ST grantees
16. Prepares payrolls, OR's and pay slips for SA salaries per
month (Miagao based) 6. Receives applications, processes, releases and collects
17. Screens application, evaluates and interviews Miagao payments of SHARE loan in UPV Miagao Campus
based Student Assistantships applicants 7. Issues certifications for re-assessment, refund of fees and
18. Prepares evaluation forms, SA requests and letter/s re: claim for subsidies
Student assistantship program and sends to different 8. Prepares data/reports on ST and SHARE loan program
offices. 9. Interviews ST grantees and appeallants in UPV Iloilo City
19. Takes and prepares minutes of UPV-SSFAC meeting/s. 10. Prepares reports of all interviewed ST grantees and
20. Prepares and liquidates travels of UPV officers to UCSFA appeallants in UPV Iloilo City
and other scholarships' meetings upon receipt of notice 11. Answers queries regarding ST program, student
or upon instruction by the head of office. assistantships and other related matters
21. Prepares pictures in a Power point presentation for the 12. Counterchecks and counts the number of hours rendered
UPV-SSFAC meeting/s. by all Iloilo City based student assistants upon submission
22. Interviews ST grantees and appealants of DTR
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 108

13. Performs tasks as prescribed by the Supervisor and/or 4. Prepares obligation requests and other supporting
Head of Unit documents of STO petty cash liquidations
14. Screens and evaluates documents submitted by 5. Manages and answers queries of students on the
scholarship applicants in the Iloilo City campus Facebook page of UPV OSA and ST Office regarding ST
15. Screens and evaluates applications of Student Assistants program and other related matters
in the Iloilo City campus upon submission of necessary 6. Answers queries of students regarding ST program,
documents student assistantships and other related matters in person
16. Receives applications, processes and releases SHARE or via phone calls
loan and collects outstanding balances from students in 7. Creates announcements regarding scholarship opening
UPV Iloilo City and ST advisories for posting on UPV website and
17. Announces information to UPV Iloilo City students CRSIS, InfoBoard and STO Facebook page
regarding availability of grants/stipends, refunds and SA 8. Delivers official communications to other units/ offices
salaries 9. Performs tasks as prescribed by the Supervisor and/or
18. Issues certification for re-assessment, refund and claim Head of Unit
for subsidies of students in UPV Iloilo City
19. Receives/ records all incoming and outgoing Dorm Managers (IV, III, II, I)
communications on Socialized Tuition (ST) and all other 1. Screens applicants, accepts, registers, and orients accepted
financial assistance related matters in UPV OSA Iloilo dormers
City 2. Plans/implements developmental activities for the
20. Prepares obligation requests and other supporting student dormers
documents for the payment of telephone bills of OSA 3. Supports, collaborates, coordinates and attends to
Iloilo City activities by the House Council
4. Directs, supervises and controls all work force
One (1) Job Order 5. Implements administrative programs of the University
1. Interviews Socialized Tuition (ST) grantees and 6. Plans, recommends, and acts on needed repairs or
appeallants in UPV Miagao campus replacement of equipment as well as physical
2. Prepares reports of interviewed ST grantees and improvements.
appeallants in UPV Miagao campus 7. Oversees that all rentals and other fees are properly
3. Updates and prepares summary of result of ST appeals collected, accurately recorded and completely assessed
every after UPV-SSFAC deliberation
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 109

8. Establishes a strong working relationship and open 12. Attends to all assigned routine administrative, clerical and
communication line with all dormitory personnel 13. messengerial tasks during duty hours
through discussion of problems/issues * For male household attendant
9. Prepares reports and communications ** For female household attendant
10. Performs clerical work; devices a functional system of
filing documents
11. Performs other duties as may be assigned by the OSA OPERATIONAL CONTROL AND SUPERVISION
Director Authority of the OSA Director to act
1. Approving Authority
Houseparent I, Household Attendants (III, II, I and
Casual), Job Hire  Approval to hold university-wide activities
1. Performs all cleaning/ housekeeping tasks  Approval of SHARE loans
2. Attends to the lodging needs of all residents as well as to  Approval of student loans
all individual and group transients
 Certificate of Good Moral Character
3. Institutes all minor emergency repairs and/or
 Approval of ST Appeal Cases for maximum of 1 step
 Approval of application for recognition of student
4. Launders and irons dormitory linens **
5. Checks and secures all lights and doors at scheduled
hours  Approval of outstanding student organization
6. Conducts accurately routine room checks and head
counts of all residents every night duty 2. Recommending Authority
7. Receives promptly all latecomers with late permits  Requests of students and various concerns such as:
8. Spot checks room, residents, all emergency exits, facilities
- alternative class
and equipment
- suspension of class
9. Enforces consistently all dormitory rules, regulations,
- travels to attend (conferences, conventions,
prohibitions, and likewise reports promptly all violations
workshops, competitions, etc.)
 Appointment of Student Disciplinary Tribunal members
10. Checks and reports all damaged and defective facilities for
repair and/or replacement  Appointment of Food Board members
11. Oversees the counter during duty hours
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 110

Control of Documents D. Residence Halls Services Unit

A. Guidance and Counseling Services Unit  Dorm Permit Application
 Parent’s Instruction Sheet
 Psychological Tests Results
 Appliance Declaration Form
 Student Background Information Sheets
 Charged Slip
 Shifting Forms
 Application for Admission (Freshmen and
B. Student Organizations and Activities  Residence Hall Contract
 Accomplishment Report  Gentle Reminders
 Advisorship  Certification of Guardian
 Application Letter (College-Based)  Student Directory
 Application Letter (University-Wide)  Memorandum
 Co-advisorship
 Directory of Members
 Directory of Officers
 Financial Report
 List of Members
 Plan of Activities

C. Socialized Tuition Office

 Application Form for Scholarship Grant

 SA application Form
 Scholarship and Financial Assistance
 SHARE Loan Application Form
 ST Certification for Refund Release of Stipend
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 111



Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM (No noon break)

Clients/Customers: UPV Students, Parents, Faculty, Staff and Alumni
Requirements: Individual Inventory Records
Processing Time: 5 hours and 15 minutes
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Guidance Services
Sets appointment for Attends to client and sets Appointment
1 5 minutes NA Specialist (GSS)
counseling schedule for counseling Schedule Form
or OSA staff
Conducts initial interview to
Guidance Services Form,
2 Comes for initial interview assess problems and needs 1 hour NA
Specialist Cumulative
Establishes rapport with client
Gathers information about Counseling
client and coordinates with Guidance Services Form,
3 1 hour NA
faculty, parents, peers and Specialist Cumulative
significant others Record
Studies test results and Counseling
background information about Form,
Guidance Services
4 the client, analyzes test results 1 hour NA Cumulative
and correlates with other Record
information gathered Test Results
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 112

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible

Conducts counseling
Interprets test
Guidance Services Form,
5 Comes for counseling Presents options 1 hour NA
Specialist Cumulative
Presents counseling goals
Sets follow up session

Helps client implement Guidance Services Counseling

6 Comes for follow up session 1 hour NA
counseling goals Specialist Form
Participates in the evaluation Evaluates outcomes of Guidance Services
7 10 minutes NA sheets
of counseling counseling Specialist

If counseling goals is not

achieved, repeat the process
If counseling goals is not
starting from Step 5
8 achieved, comes for a NA NA NA NA
follow-up counseling
If counseling goals is achieved,
terminate counseling
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 113


Schedule: Beginning Freshmen: Before Registration Period of the 1st Semester

Upperclassmen: Anytime within the school year (upon request)
Clients/Customers: Students, Staff, Applicants, and Outside Agencies
Requirements: Freshmen: Pencil (Mongol #2) with eraser; 2x2 ID picture, Secondary Grade Form, Form 137) Transcript of Records
Processing Time: 8hours and 55 minutes
Customer/ Person(s)
Step Service Provider Duration of Activity Fee(s) Form(s)
Applicant Responsible
Requests Schedules appointment for Guidance Services Appointment
appointment for psychological testing Specialist Schedule Form
1 5 minutes NA
Prepares test materials and Guidance Services Test materials
2 venue for testing 30 minutes NA Specialist Psychological tests
OSA staff Answer sheets
Takes Administers psychological tests Guidance Service Cumulative Record
3 psychological tests 3 hours NA Specialist Test summary
Processes psychological tests OSA staff under the Cumulative Record
(scoring, norming, profiling) supervision of the Test summary
2 hours
4 NA Guidance Service form
per test
Specialist Psychological Test
Answer sheets
Records psychological tests in Guidance Service Cumulative
individual cumulative record Specialist Records
5 10 minutes NA Test Summary
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 114

Customer/ Person(s)
Step Service Provider Duration of Activity Fee(s) Form(s)
Applicant Responsible
Sets appointment Schedules appointment for Guidance Service Appointment
6 for test interpretation 5 minutes NA Specialist Schedule Form
interpretation OSA staff
Studies test results. Guidance Service Psychological Test
Correlates with background Specialist Results
information Background Info
7 1 hour per test NA
Analyzes test results Sheets
Cumulative records

Comes for Interprets test results to client Guidance Service Psychological Test
interpretation of or student Specialist Results
8 test results 1 hour per test NA Background Info
Cumulative records
Requests for Makes written interpretation or Guidance Service Cumulative records
written recommendation Specialist Test results
9 interpretation or 1 hour per test NA Certificate for
recommendation transfer/Shifting
Claims/Receives Releases written interpretation OSA staff Written
written or recommendation to client. Interpretation
10 5 minutes NA
interpretation or
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 115


(For requesting Outside Agencies/ Companies and UPV Clients)

Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)

Clients/Customers: UPV and Outside Agencies
Requirements: Written Request for Testing
Processing Time: 7 hours and 5 minutes
Customer/ Duration of Person(s)
Step Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Applicant Activity Responsible
Writes request for Attends to clients and refers 10 minutes NA OSA Director or staff NA
testing extension the request to Guidance
1 service to OSA Coordinator
Director through the
Discusses needs for Interviews client to assess 30 minutes NA Coordinator Interview Form
testing service need for testing and fees
Assigns and coordinates 30 minutes NA Coordinator NA
testing service with GSS
Confirms schedule for Sets schedule for testing and 15 minutes NA Guidance Services Appointment
4 testing service informs the client Specialist schedule form
Prepares psychological tests 30 minutes NA Guidance Services Test materials
5 materials Specialist Psychological test
answer sheets
Takes psychological Administers psychological 2 hours per NA Guidance Services Psychological test
tests tests test Specialist answer sheets
Processes psychological tests 1 hour NA Guidance Services Summary test
7 (scores, records, norms) Specialist report
Test profile
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 116

Customer/ Duration of Person(s)

Step Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Applicant Activity Responsible
Studies, analyzes and 1 hour NA Guidance Services Test results
interprets test results Specialist
Pays testing fee at the Prepares and encodes test 1 hour P350/test for Guidance Services NA
Cash Office report outside agencies Specialist
or P100/test for
UPV clients
Claims/Receives test Releases test report 10 minutes NA Guidance Services Test Report
results Specialist
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 117


Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)

Clients/Customers: UPV Students
Requirements: Group Dynamics Modules/Programs, materials, lecturettes
Processing Time: 12 working days and 30 minutes
Duration Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
of Activity Responsible
Writes request to the Attends to client and refers NA OSA Director or Referral Slip
1 10 minutes
OSA Director request to the Coordinator Staff
Comes for interview to Interviews client to assess NA Coordinator Interview Forms
discuss needs and needs/purposes and sets
2 purposes. schedule for training 20 minutes
Confirms schedule for
Coordinates with GSS and NA Coordinator NA
makes program; Guidance Service
Assigns speakers, facilitators Specialist
3 2 days
and support personnel
Discuss program with the
Prepares activities, materials, NA Guidance Service Group dynamics
4 lecturette and venue for 2 days Specialist materials, handouts, etc.
Prepares evaluation NA Coordinator Evaluation instrument
instrument Guidance Service
5 2 days

6 Attends training and Conducts training and 2 days NA Coordinator Evaluation sheets
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 118

Duration Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
of Activity Responsible
participates in the evaluation Guidance Service
evaluation Specialist
Support staff
Analyses and processes NA Coordinator Evaluation sheets
7 2 days
Pays corresponding fee Makes written report and P1,000/hr Coordinator Evaluation report
(for extension training encodes evaluation results per speaker Guidance Service
8 2 days
only) P500/hr per Specialist
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 119



Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM (No noon break)

Clients/Customers: UPV Students on Delinquent Status
Requirements: Letter of Appeal for Readmission, Copy of Grades
Processing Time: 7 hours and 20 minutes
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Writes a letter of appeal Receives a copy of the letter for College Dean/ Copy of Grades
1 for readmission to the appropriate action. 5 minutes NA College Secretary Letter of Appeal
College Dean
Constitutes the readmission College Secretary, Letter of appeal
committee to study the case Faculty, Dean Copy of grades
2 10 minutes NA
(composed of faculty, guidance, Guidance Service Committee Memo
secretary) Specialist
Conducts meeting and readmission Committee members
3 2 hours NA NA
committee to deliberate on the case
Refers the student to the GSS for Guidance Service BIS
4 5 minutes NA
counselling Specialist Test results
Attends counselling Conducts counselling and makes Guidance Service Recommendation
session and provides recommendations to the college Specialist Report
5 copy of the letter of 2 hours NA
appeal and copy of
Decides to readmit or deny the Dean Letter of appeal
6 student based on deliberations and 1 hour NA Readmission Copy of grades
records of the case Committee Recommendation
a. If appeal for readmission is 1 hour NA College Dean NA
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 120

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
approved by the committee,
refers the student for a follow-
up counseling to prepare for
b. If appeal for readmission is
denied, refers the student to
undergo exit counseling or to
raise appeal for readmission in
the University level)
a. If appeal for
readmission is
approved, comes for
a follow-up
counseling with the
b. If appeal is Conducts follow-up counseling Guidance Service
disapproved comes Specialist
1 hour NA NA
for exit counseling or
makes a letter of
appeal to the
OVCAA or the
Office of the
Chancellor (appeal
for readmission in
the University level)
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 121



Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM (No noon break)

Clients/Customers: UPV Students on Delinquent Status
Requirements: Letter of Appeal for Readmission, Copy of Grades
Processing Time: 5 hours, 40 minutes
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Writes a letter of appeal Receives the copy of the letter and OC staff or Letter of Appeal
to the Office of the refers to the OSA Director for OVCAA Copy of Grades
1 10 minutes NA
Chancellor through recommendation.
proper channels
Confers with GSS concerned for OSA Director Letter of appeal
2 background information and analysis 20 minutes NA Guidance Service Copy of grades
of the case Specialist
Sets appointment for Calls the client/student for interview OSA Director Letter of appeal
3 1 hour NA
interview and possible recommendations Copy of grades
Comes for interview with Interviews the applicant OSA Director Interview Form
4 1 hour NA
OSA Director
Studies the case and makes OSA Director Recommendation
recommendation based on report
5 1 hour NA
information gathered and submits to
OVCAA or Chancellor’s Office
Decides to readmit or deny the Chancellor Letter or Appeal
student based on the records and Copy of Grade
6 1 hour NA
recommendation of the OSA Recommendation
Director report
7 a. If approved, refers the student 10 minutes NA OSA Director NA
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 122

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
for a follow-up counseling to
prepare for readmission
b. If disapproved, Refers the
student to undergo exit
a. If approved, the Conducts follow-up counseling Guidance Service
student comes for Specialist
readmission and
follow-up counseling
8 with the GSS 1 hour NA NA
b. If disapproved, the
student comes for
exit counseling with
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 123


Schedule: For Application: Set by e-UP team

For Release of Results: Set by e-UP team
For Appeals: Set by e-UP team
Clients/Customers: UPV Students
Requirements: Computers for On-line Application
Processing Time: 3 hours, 8 hours/meeting (case to case and subject to schedule set by e-UP)
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Secures password and PIN from
For New Students
the Office of the University
– Admission Slip
Registrar (for New Students) and Answers queries OUR staff
1 from the Data and Information 10 minutes NA DISP staff
System Program (DISP) Office STO staff
Photocopies of
(for Upperclassmen)
UP ID and Form 5

Logs in at Socialized Tuition (for Special Cases)

System Website a) STO personnel updates
10 minutes/
2 (http://sts.up.edu.ph) and fills out student’s basic information NA STO staff On-line Form
ST application form online b) Coordinates and submits data
to e-UP team
Submits application online and Processes submitted ST Subject to ST
Hard and soft
waits for the results applications and releases results system
3 NA e-UP copies of the
via ST website posted
Checks the result via online (ST or Encodes ST bracket results in
4 CRS account) or at the ST Office the student’s CRS account 5 minutes NA STO staff None

5 (For those under Appeals) Prints shortlist and informs 5 minutes NA STO staff ST shortlist
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 124

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Logs in at ST website; fills out and appellants for the schedule of
submits ST appeal questionnaire interview
Reports for interview either Interviews appellants 10-20
NA STO staff Interview Form
personal or via phone minutes

6 Requests for supporting

documents (if needed) or Checklist of
Case to case NA STO staff
conducts home visitations requirements
(if necessary)
Submits the required supporting Receives documents and 10-15 Supporting
7 NA STO staff
documents corrects/amends data minutes documents
Prepares/ summarizes results of 30 minutes -
Pictures and
8 home visitation and interviews 1 hr per NA STO staff
Waits for the results Scholarship Committee UPV SSFAC
deliberates appeals 1 day per Committee Pictures and
9 NA
meeting (chaired by reports
Checks the results online Posts results of appeal via CRS Hard and soft
10 or ST website 10 minutes NA STO staff copies of the
For FDS grantee, submits copy of Receives Form 5 and prepares Copy of Form 5
Form 5 payroll, Obligation Request and Payroll
11 payslips of FDS grantee and 1 hour NA STO staff Obligation
submits to Accounting Office Requests
for processing Payslips
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 125

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Secures certification Issues certification for
12 reassessment/refund or claiming 10 minutes NA STO staff ST certification
of stipend (FDS grantees)
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 126


Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)

Clients/Customers: UPV Students
Requirements: Application form and its supporting documents as stipulated.
Processing Time: 1 month, 39 minutes per transaction
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Secures application Gives out application forms Private Scholarship
1 1 minute NA STO Staff
forms Application Form
Submits completed Receives and checks application
application form and sets forms Private Scholarship
2 5 minutes NA STO Staff
appointments for Application Form
3 Reports for interview Interviews the applicant 15 minutes NA STO staff Interview Form
Prepares shortlist of the 10 minutes per
4 NA STO staff Shortlist
applicants applicant
5 Waits for the results Ranks the applicants 1 hour NA STO staff Rank list
Checks results of the Posts results of the scholarship Hard and soft copies
6 5 minutes NA STO staff
scholarship of the results
If accepted, submits UP Receives additional documents UP Form 5,
Form 5, Copy of Grades Copy of Grades
7 1 minute NA STO staff
and Thank you letter Thank you Letter
Bank Account Number
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 127

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Prepares payroll, Obligation
request and payslips for scholars’ Payroll
8 entitlement and submits to 1 hour NA STO staff Obligation Request
Accounting Office for Payslips
Secures certification to Calls the student and issues
9 2 minutes NA STO staff Certification
claim benefits certification
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 128


Schedule Issuance of application form: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)
First day of classes of the semester
Deadline for submission of application: A day after the last day of late registration
Clients/Customers: UPV Students
Requirements: Application form and its supporting documents as stipulated.
Processing Time: 3 hours and 1 minute
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
1 Secures application forms Gives out application forms 2 minutes NA STO Staff SA Application Form
Submits duly accomplished Receives and checks submitted SA Application form
2 application form and form and documents 5 minutes NA STO Staff and supporting
supporting documents documents
3 Sets appointment for interview Issues schedule for interview 2 minutes NA STO Staff Schedule form
Reports for interview Interviews the applicant 15 minutes per None
4 NA STO Staff
5 Waits for results Ranks SA applicants 1 hour NA STO staff List of Ranking
Checks list of qualified Student Posts list of qualified applicants Printed copy of the
6 assistants and announces schedule of 2 minutes NA STO Staff result
If qualified, attends SA Conducts orientation and issues SA basic papers
7 90 minutes NA STO Staff
orientation SA basic papers
Fills out and submits SA basic Receives and checks basic SA basic papers
8 5 minutes NA STO Staff
papers papers
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 129


Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)

Clients/Customers: UPV Students
Requirements: Interview and paid out SHARE previous loan
Processing Time: 16 minutes per transaction (assumption: all responsible signatories/officials are available)
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Secures application form Issues application form SHARE Loan
1 2 minutes NA STO staff
Application Form
Submits duly accomplished Receives duly accomplished SHARE Loan
loan application form and application form and supporting Application Form
2 supporting documents documents 2 minutes NA STO staff Copy of Form 5
Copy of Co-debtor’s
Waits for approval Endorses application form to SHARE Loan
Scholarship Affairs Officer and Application Form
3 5 minutes NA STO staff
OSA Director for signature and
4 Receives money Releases loan 5 minutes NA STO staff NA
5 Pays loan Receives payment and issues receipt 2 minutes NA STO staff Official receipt
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 130



Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)

A period of one month after the opening of classes
Clients/Customers: University-wide Student Organizations Applicants
Requirements: Application Forms and Supporting Documents as stipulated
Processing Time: 38 minutes per applicant student organization, whole working day
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Secures an application form/s Gives application form 2 minutes None Student Guidelines for
for recognition Gives instructions and answers Organizations and Recognition
queries Activities (SOA)
Fills out application form/s
and secures the requirements
2 for recognition and the
signatures of Adviser and co-
Submits duly accomplished Receives duly accomplished 2 minutes None SOA In-charge Application form
application form/s and other application form/s and and required
requirements to SOA office requirements and logs in details of documents
or drops in “SOA” inbox the received documents
Assesses the application form/s 25 minutes None SOA In-charge None
and requirements for recognition
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 131

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
3 minutes None SOA In-charge Certificate of
Makes recognition certificate for Recognition
the head, adviser/s, and co-
adviser/s for signature of the OSA

Encodes to the database the details 5 minutes None SOA In-charge None
of the recognition
Claims certificate/s of Releases the certificates to the 1 minute None SOA In-charge Certificate of
7 recognition student/s or places in the Recognition
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 132



Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)

A period of one month after the opening of classes
Clients/Customers: College-based Student Organizations Applicants
Requirements: Application Forms and Supporting Documents as stipulated
Processing Time: 40 minutes per applicant student organization, whole working day
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Secures an application Gives application form Student Guidelines for
form/s for recognition Gives instructions and answers Organizations Recognition
1 2 minutes NA
queries and Activities
(SOA) In-charge
Fills out application form/s
and secures the
requirements for
recognition and the
signatures of adviser and
Submits accomplished Receives application form/s and Application form
application form/s and requirements and logs in details of and required
3 5 minutes NA COSAW
other requirements to the received documents documents
Assesses the application form/s and
4 25 minutes NA COSAW NA
requirements for recognition
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 133

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Certificate of
Makes recognition certificate for the Recognition
5 head, adviser/s, and co-adviser/s for 3 minutes NA COSAW
signature of the OSA Director

Encodes to the database the details

6 2 minutes NA COSAW NA
of the recognition
Informs OSA of the status of
7 College-based Organizations for 2 minutes NA COSAW NA
confirmation of OSA Director
Claims certificate/s of Releases the certificate/s of Certificate of
8 1 minute NA COSAW
recognition recognition to the student/s Recognition
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 134

SERVICE: FILING OF APPLICATION TO HOLD ACTIVITIES (for University-wide Student Organizations)

Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM– 12:00 NN; 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Except during moratorium period and holidays
Clients/Customers: Recognized University-wide Student Organizations Members
Requirements: Application Form for Extra-Curricular Activities
Processing Time: 13 minutes (subject to availability for approval of SOA coordinator and OSA Director)
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Secures application form/s Gives application form/s and Student Application form
for extra-curricular activities answers queries Organizations and for extra-
1 2 minutes NA
Activities (SOA) In- curricular activities
Fills out application form/s
2 and secures signature of
adviser/ co-adviser
Submits duly accomplished Receives duly accomplished Student Application form
application form to SOA application form/s and requirements Organizations and for extra-
3 office or in SOA “inbox” and logs in details important details 3 minutes NA Activities (SOA) In- curricular activities
of the activity charge and required
Assesses the details of the Student None
application for activity Organizations and
4 3 minutes NA
Activities (SOA) In-
If activity is beyond 7 PM, Recommends approval of SOA 3 minutes Student Application form
secures conforme of Faculty coordinator and OSA Director (assumption: Organizations and for extra-
5 Adviser and submits to (activity beyond 7 PM must have all NA Activities (SOA) In- curricular activities
SOA office as soon as attached conforme of Faculty signatories/ charge Conforme of
possible Adviser) officials are Faculty Adviser
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 135

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
available) Consent
Letter of request
for University-
wide activities or
off campus with
the attached
program of
Claims Releases approved/disapproved Student Application Form
approved/disapproved application form to student/s or Organizations and for extra-
6 application form at the places in the “outbox” 2 minutes NA Activities (SOA) In- curricular activities
SOA or ins SOA “outbox” charge and required
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 136

SERVICE: FILING OF APPLICATION TO HOLD ACTIVITIES (for College-based Student Organizations)

Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 12:00 NN; 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Except during moratorium period and holidays
Clients/Customers: Recognized College-based Student Organizations Members (class-related, student-related individual/group of
Requirements: Application Form for Extra-Curricular Activities
Processing Time: 18 minutes (assumption: all signatories/officials are available)
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Secures application form for Gives application form/s and Student Application form for extra-
extra-curricular activities answers queries Organizations curricular activities
1 2 minutes NA and Activities
(SOA) In-
Fills out application form
2 and secures signatures of
adviser/ co-adviser
Submits duly accomplished Receives duly accomplished Application form for extra-
application form to application form/s and curricular activities and
3 3 minutes NA COSAW
COSAW requirements and logs in details required documents
important details of the activity
Assesses the details of the None
4 3 minutes NA COSAW
application for activity
If activity is beyond 7 PM, Recommends approval of Application form for extra-
secures conforme of Faculty College Dean curricular activities
Adviser and submits to Conforme of Faculty
5 3 minutes NA COSAW
SOA office as soon as Adviser
possible Consent
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 137

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Letter of request for
University-wide activities or
off campus with the
attached program of
Claims Releases approved/disapproved Application Form for extra-
approved/disapproved application form to student/s curricular activities
6 application form to conduct 2 minutes NA COSAW and required documents
activity at College Dean’s
Submits approved Recommends to OSA Director Student Application Form for extra-
application to SOA to be for appropriate action Organizations curricular activities
7 noted by the OSA Director 3 minutes NA and Activities and required documents
(SOA) In-
Claims Releases approved copies of Student Application Form for extra-
approved/disapproved application form to student/s or Organizations curricular activities
8 application form at the in SOA “outbox” 2 minutes NA and Activities and required documents
SOA Office or in SOA (SOA) In-
“outbox” charge

NOTE: If there is a need to utilize any of the facilities and/or personnel services of the University, requestor shall seek approval from the
concerned office/unit after the application has been approved by the OSA Director.
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 138



Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)

Clients/Customers: UPV Students and Recognized Student Organizations (personal, class-related, student-related) individual/group of
Requirements: Publicity Materials
Processing Time: 12 minutes
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Person(s) Responsible Form(s)
of Activity
Presents/Submits publicity Receives the publicity materials Student Organizations Publicity materials
1 material(s) for posting to SOA 1 minute NA and Activities
Office or in the SOA “inbox” (SOA) In-charge
Screens the publicity materials Student Organizations Publicity materials
2 3 minutes NA and Activities
(SOA) In-charge
If activity is not approved, If activity is approved, stamps Student Organizations Publicity materials
secures application for conduct the materials with “Approved for and Activities
3 5 minutes NA
of activity and files it to SOA Posting” and countersigns (SOA) In-charge
Office (see flowchart for filing)
Records the details of the Student Organizations
4 material and the number of 2 minutes NA and Activities NA
copies (SOA) In-charge
Picks up approved publicity Releases approved publicity Student Organizations Publicity materials
5 materials for posting from SOA materials for posting or places 1 minute NA and Activities
Office or at the at the SOA ”outbox” (SOA) In-charge
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 139


Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)

Upperclass students – A month before the semester ends
New Students – 6 weeks before the semester opens
Clients/Customers: UPV Students
Requirements: Application form and its supporting documents as stipulated
Processing Time: 54 minutes per applicant (for Upperclass student applicants)
44 minutes per applicant (for New Student applicants)
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Secures application form or Provides application form Dormitory Application Form
1 2 minutes NA
downloads at CRS website Personnel
Submits duly accomplished Accepts duly accomplished Application form with
application form with application form (New students attached requirements
attached requirements (New through online while Upperclass Dormitory
2 5 minutes NA
students submits on line or in person) Personnel
by courier while Upperclass Checks requirements
student submits in person)
Reports for interview to Interview student applicant Duly filled-out
3 Dorm Manager (Upperclass applicants (Upperclass only) 10 minutes NA Application Form
Makes self available for Evaluates applicants Dormitory Criteria for Evaluation Form
4 20 minutes NA
evaluation Personnel
If qualified, reports for Posts results Required Documents
confirmation of slot Requires confirmation of slot Dormitory
5 2 minutes NA
Issues requirements Personnel

6 Checks in and submits Receives and checks the 5 minutes NA Dormitory Required documents
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 140

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
needed requirements completeness of requirements Personnel
Gives room assignment and
7 facilities (bed, foam and study 10 minutes NA NA
carrel )
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 141


Schedule: Daily, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)

Clients/Customers: Students, Transient Guests
Requirements: NA
Processing Time: A. 8 minutes per applicant (for Regular student residents)
B. 23 minutes per applicant (for Transient residents)
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
A. Regular Student Residents
1 Secures charge slip Assesses clients’ accountabilities Dormitory
5 minutes NA Charge slip
Issues charge slip Personnel
2 Submits Official Receipt Records Official Receipt Dormitory
3 minutes NA Official Receipt
B. Transient Residents
1 Makes reservation Accepts reservation Dormitory
3 minutes NA Logbook
2 Prepares transient room 15 minutes Dormitory
/room Personnel
3 Checks in and pays transient Issues provisional receipt
Dormitory UPV Provisional
fees Provides keys 5 minutes NA
Personnel Receipts
Ushers to transient room
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 142



Schedule: Daily, 6:00 AM – 11:00 PM (No noon break)

Clients/Customers: Regular residents, Students
Requirements: NA
Processing Time: 11 minutes per client
Duration Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
of Activity Responsible
1 Fills out Late Permit/ Approves permits
Weekend Permit/ Accepts latecomers 2 minutes NA Permit form
Overnight Permit
2 Makes social visits/calls Answers phone and queries Dormitory
3 minutes NA NA
Pages, calls concerned student Personnel
3 Claims mails, packages, messages Receives/accepts delivered Dormitory
3 minutes NA NA
and others packages/letters/messages Personnel
4 Makes other requests Attends to other requests Dormitory
3 minutes NA NA
O f f i c e o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s | 143


Schedule: As need arises

Clients/Customers: Regular residents
Requirements: NA
Processing Time: 35 minutes per client
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Presents personal and other Attends to requests accordingly Dormitory
1 30 minutes NA Permit form
concerns Personnel
Requests assistance for medical Refers to the clinic/infirmary Dormitory
2 5 minutes NA NA
concerns Personnel
G r a d u a t e P r o g r a m O f f i c e | 144


 Ensure excellent standard of graduate education and research.
 Assist in the development, promotion, and review of graduate programs.
 Facilitate the recruitment, retention and timely graduation of quality students.

 Service
 Excellence
 Integrity
 Accountability
 Commitment

 Monitor UPV graduate programs to ensure that standards, rules, and regulations are implemented;
 Recommend for enforcement, standards and guidelines for graduate students’ admissions, performance and graduations;
 Coordinate, support and assist the colleges/schools in the implementation of the graduate programs;
 Develop and maintain a management information system on all graduate programs; and
 Undertake activities to promote and enhance graduate education.
G r a d u a t e P r o g r a m O f f i c e | 145



Vice Chancellor for Graduate Program

Academic Affairs Council

Graduate Standing
GPO Director Committees

Admission, Registration,
Records Management, and Administrative Services
Evaluation Services

School Credits Evaluator Administrative Aide II

Job Hire Administrative Aide III

Figure 4. GPO Organizational Chart

G r a d u a t e P r o g r a m O f f i c e | 146

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES  Serves as Secretariat of the Graduate Program Council

GPO Director  Prepares the graduate semestral/trimestral academic
 Manages and supervises the administrative activities of the  Prepares the letters of acceptance of qualified applicants
GPO from the College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (CFOS)
 Recommends to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs  Issues Admission slips to newly admitted graduate students
actions on graduate student-related matters and concerns  Manages student records which include checking, verifying,
 Initiates discussion/dialogues on new directions in graduate filing of entrance credentials and updating pertinent
program development, evaluation, and revisions academic records of active/inactive students.
 Acts as Secretary of the Graduate Program Council

Administrative Services
Admission, Registration, Records Management, and
Evaluation Services  Processes payment of lecturer’s fees, honoraria of
comprehensive/entrance examiners and thesis/dissertation
 Processes the applications for admission, comprehensive panel members
examination, student’s applications for graduation and leave  Oversees the proper maintenance and cleanliness of
of absence, request for waiver of maximum residency rule graduate program office, classrooms, and facilities
(MRR) and provides assistance in the administration of  Processes requests for use of GCEB classrooms and
thereof facilities
 Facilitates the admission of foreign students to the UPV  Assists in the processing of students’ applications for
graduate programs admission, comprehensive examination, graduation, and
 Processes the administration of students’ enrollment leave of absence, request for waiver of maximum residency
 Provides information on procedures and processes for the rule (MRR
graduate programs of UPV  Assists in the administration of students’ enrollment
 Supports the implementation of eUP in UPV  Provides information on procedures and processes for the
 Assists in the recruitment of graduate students graduate programs of UPV
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 147

 Assists in the recruitment of graduate students

 Assists during the Graduate Program Council meeting
 Provides assistance in the administration of entrance
examinations, comprehensive and student’s enrollment
 Assists in the receipt and forwarding of communications
(application for graduation, LOAs, request for waiver of
MRR, vouchers, etc.) to offices concerned in Iloilo and
Miagao campuses
 Checks the status of the equipment/facilities and reports
those needed to be fixed/repaired
 Maintains list of booked requests for use of GCEB rooms,
equipment, and facilities.
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 148



Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)

Saturday, 8:00 AM– 12:00 NN
Deadline for application and Date of Examination: Variable by program as reflected in the Academic Calendar
(downloadable at http://crs.upv.edu.ph)
Clients/Customers: Local applicants for admission
Requirements: Accomplished application form (downloadable at http://crs.upv.edu.ph or http://upv.edu.ph then click GPO or
Two (2) letters of recommendation from former professors and/or immediate supervisors in major area of study
Original and two (2) photocopies of undergraduate transcript of records (with post-baccalaureate and graduate, if
Certificate of Honorable Dismissal/Certificate of Transfer Credential/Certificate of Transfer Eligibility from the
latest school attended
Two (2) letters of recommendation from immediate supervisors and/or former professors in the major area
Original copy of birth certificate from the National Statistics Office
Original copy of marriage contract from the National Statistics Office (for married female applicant only)
Entrance Examination
Application Fee
Other Requirements set by the College
Processing Time: 18 days, 4 hours, 59 minutes
Assumption: 1. The processing time stated above refers to batch processing of applications for evaluation at one time.
2. All responsible signatories/officials and personnel involved are available.
3. Evaluation of academic records/credentials of applicants starts after the deadline of application and are done by batch with
more or less 50-75 applicants per batch.
4. Preparation of profile of applicants, and examination permits are also done by batch.
5. Issuance of Entrance Exam Permit is 6 working days and 24 minutes after the deadline of application
Releasing of Examination Results is 11 working days and 35 minutes after the examination period.
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 149

The waiting time for the issuance of entrance exam permit and the releasing of examination results may be extended if there are
more applications to be evaluated and more examination papers to be corrected.

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Inquires about admission Responds to query
1 5 minutes NA GPO Staff NA
Secures and fills out Issues application for admission Application
Application for Admission form and bills application fee for
2 3 minutes NA GPO Staff
Form Admission
Pays fee Accepts payment and issues official Cash Office Official
3 3 minutes P250.00
receipt Staff Receipt
Submits duly accomplished Receives and logs in application Application
Application for Admission form with Official Receipt Number for
4 Form along with required and required credentials 3 minutes NA GPO Staff Admission
credentials and Official Form and
Receipt Number reflected Credentials
Waits for the Results of Examines/verifies credentials;
Evaluation computes GWAs; prepares profile of
5 5 working days NA GPO Staff NA
all applicants and forwards to
college/unit concerned
Checks the applicants’ profile and
determines who are qualified or Div./Dept.
6 10 minutes NA NA
disqualified to take the entrance Chair
examination and returns to GPO
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 150

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
If qualified, receives Prepares and releases entrance exam Permit for
Entrance Exam Permit and permits to qualified examinees and Entrance
waits for the Exam informs those who are disqualified Exam/Notic
7 1 day NA GPO Staff
Schedule; if disqualified, upon receipt of action from the unit e of
receives Notice of concerned Disqualificati
Disqualification on
Prepares examination materials and
venue of the examination (i.e.,
stamping of codes in the exam booklets,
8 preparing seat assignments, sticking of 2 working days NA GPO Staff NA
name and code numbers in the individual
plastic case, arranging and placing seat
numbers in the chairs )
9 Takes Entrance Administers Entrance Examination GPO
4 hours None NA
Examination Staff/Proctors
Waits for the Exam Results Segregates used from unused
booklets and prepares transmittal for
signature of the GPO Director and GPO
10 1 day NA NA
forwards examination booklets to Director/Staff
Entrance Exam Committee for
Checks examination papers and Entrance
11 forwards results to GPO 10 working days NA Exam NA
Decodes examinees, prepares GPO
12 30 minutes NA NA
summary of results for signature of Director/Staff
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 151

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
the GPO Director and forwards to
College Dean, copy furnish the
Div/Dept Chair
Posts List of Qualifiers on GPO
Checks Results Bulletin Board and Website and at GPO Staff/
13 5 minutes NA NA
UPV Website through the IPO Staff
Information and Publication Office
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 152


Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)

Saturday, 8:00 AM – 12:00 NN
Deadline of Application: Variable by program as reflected in the graduate Academic Calendar (downloadable at
Clients/Customers: Local Applicants for admission
Requirements: Accomplished application form
Two (2) letters of recommendation from former professors and/or immediate supervisors in major area of study
Original and two (2) photocopies of undergraduate transcript of records (with post-baccalaureate and graduate, if
Certificate of Honorable Dismissal/Certificate of Transfer Credential/Certificate of Transfer Eligibility from the
latest school attended
Original copy of birth certificate from the National Statistics Office
Original copy of marriage contract from the National Statistics Office (for married female applicant only)
Two (2) letters of recommendation from immediate supervisors and/or former professors in the major area
Other Requirements set by the College
Application Fee
Processing Time: 3 days and 39 minutes
Assumption: 1. All responsible signatories/officials and personnel involved are available.
2. The processing time above is for one client being served at one time.
3. The Pouch to and from Miagao takes one day to arrive.
4. The College Admissions Committee are given a maximum of 3 days to evaluate the academic records of the applicant.
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Inquires about admission Responds to queries
1 5 minutes NA GPO Staff NA
2 Secures and fills out Issues Application for Admission 3 minutes NA GPO Staff Application
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 153

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Application for Admission Form and bills Application Fee for Admission
Form Form
Pays application fee Accepts payment and issues Official P250.00 Cash Office Official
3 3 minutes
Receipt Staff Receipt
Submits duly accomplished Receives and logs in Application
Application for Admission Form with Official Receipt Number Application
4 Form along with required and credentials 3 minutes NA GPO Staff form and
credentials and Official Credentials
Receipt reflected
Examines/verifies credentials
submitted, prepares transmittal and
5 minutes NA GPO Staff NA
forwards to Colleges/Units
concerned for evaluation
Computes the GWA for programs
with cut-off grade requirement and
5 minutes NA Secretary’s NA
forwards to the College Admissions
Office Staff
Waits for the evaluation Committee
results Evaluates academic records,
approves or disapproves application,
3 working days NA Admissions NA
and submits to College Secretary’s
Office for endorsement
Endorses application to the GPO
recommending College Endorsement
5 minutes NA
approval/disapproval based on Secretary/Staff Letter
action of the College Admissions
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 154

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Prepares individual Letter of
Acceptance or Non-Acceptance for
signature of the GPO Director upon 5 minutes NA NA
receipt of action from the College
If qualified, receives Letter Sends Letter of Acceptance or Non-
Letter of
of Acceptance; if not, Acceptance thru email copy furnish
GPO Staff Acceptance or
6 receives Letter of Non- the College Secretary, Institute 5 minutes NA
Acceptance Director/Dept./Div. Chair and
University Registrar
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 155



Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)

Saturday, 8:00 AM– 12:00 NN
Deadline for application: Six months before registration
Date of Entrance Examination: Variable by program as reflected in the graduate Academic Calendar ((downloadable at
Clients/Customers: Foreign applicants for admission
Requirements: Duly accomplished application form and information sheets
A non-refundable application fee of P250.00 for resident foreign students and $20 for non-resident foreign students
in money order, cashier’s or manager’s check payable to the University of the Philippines Visayas
Original and two photocopies of undergraduate transcript of records (with post-baccalaureate and graduate, if
applicable) from each university/college attended
Two letters of recommendation from immediate supervisors and/or former professors in the major area
Certification from a reputable bank in the applicant’s country about his capability to finance the travel, educational,
personal, and other expenses the applicant is expected to incur in his studies in the Philippines/Statement of
Funding Support (2 copies)
Official TOEFL results with a minimum score of 500 for foreign applicants whose native language or whose
medium of instruction is not English
Original copy of birth certificate, and for married female applicant, marriage contract
Valid passport, the pages showing the name, number, picture, date and place of birth, date and place of issuance,
visa and authorized stay.
Three passport size or 2x2 photos
Alien Certificate of Registration for 9(f), 9(g), and 47(a)(2) visa holders
Other Requirements set by the College
Processing Time: 12 days, 5 hours, and 29 minutes
Assumption: 1. The processing time stated above is for one client being served at one time.
Issuance of Entrance Exam Permit is 44 minutes upon receipt of application and documents
Releasing of Examination Results is 10 working days and 45 minutes after the examination period.
The waiting time for the issuance of entrance exam permit and the releasing of examination results may be extended if there
are more applications to be evaluated and more examination papers to be corrected.
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 156

2. All responsible signatories/officials and personnel involved are available.

3. Evaluation of academic records/credentials of applicant is done upon receipt.
4. Preparation of Examination Permit is done after evaluation of credentials but the applicant has to take the examination
together with the local applicants.
5. The applicant is readily available to take the entrance examination on the scheduled date.
6. The six-month period is required to give the applicant ample time to prepare and submit all other required documents.
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Inquires about admission Sends information and/or
1 process application form through email 3 minutes NA GPO Staff NA
pertinent to admission
Fills out and submits duly Receives and logs in accomplished
accomplished Application application form and required Application
for Admission Form and credentials and IPMO/Proof of for
5 minutes NA GPO Staff
submits along with required Deposit from postal mail or courier Admission
credentials and International Form
Postal Money Order (IPMO)
or Proof of Deposit from
postal mail or courier Pays fee at the Cash Office 3 minutes NA GPO Staff NA

Accepts payment and issues Official Official

3 3 minutes $20 Cash Office
Receipt Receipt
Waits for the Results of Examines/verifies credentials;
Evaluation computes GWAs, and prepares
4 15 minutes NA GPO Staff NA
applicants’ profile and forwards to
Dept/Div. concerned
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 157

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Checks the applicant’s profile and
determines if the applicant is
5 qualified or disqualified to take the 10 minutes NA NA
entrance examination and returns to
If qualified, receives Prepares and releases entrance exam
Entrance Exam Permit and permits and informs disqualified Permit to
6 waits for the exam schedule, applicants upon receipt of action 5 minutes NA GPO Staff take Entrance
if not, receives notice of from the unit concerned Exam
Prepares examination materials (i.e.,
stamping of codes in the exam
booklets, preparing seat assignments,
7 2 working days NA GPO Staff NA
sticking of name and code numbers
in the plastic case) and venue of the
Takes Entrance Examination Administers Entrance Examination GPO
4 hours None NA
and waits for the Exam Staff/Proctors
8 Results
Prepares transmittal for signature of
the GPO Director and forwards GPO
20 minutes NA
examination booklets to Entrance Director/Staff
Examination Committee
Checks examination papers and Entrance
10 forwards results to GPO 10 working days NA Exam NA
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 158

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Decodes examinees, prepares
summary of results for signature of
11 the GPO Director and forwards to 20 minutes NA
College Dean, copy furnish the
Div/Dept Chair
Receives Letter of Prepares and sends Letter of Letter of
Acceptance or Non- Acceptance or Non-Acceptance thru GPO Staff Acceptance
12 5 minutes NA
Acceptance email or Non-
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 159



Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)

Saturday, 8:00 AM – 12:00 NN
Deadline of Application: Six months before registration period
Clients/Customers: Foreign applicants for admission
Requirements: Duly accomplished application form and information sheets
A non-refundable application fee of P250.00 for resident foreign students and $20 for non-resident foreign students
in money order, cashier’s or manager’s check payable to the University of the Philippines Visayas
Original and two photocopies of undergraduate transcript of records (with post-baccalaureate and graduate, if
applicable) from each university/college attended
Two letters of recommendation from immediate supervisors and/or former professors in the major area
Certification from a reputable bank in the applicant’s country about his capability to finance the travel, educational,
personal, and other expenses the applicant is expected to incur in his studies in the Philippines/Statement of
Funding Support (2 copies)
Official TOEFL results with a minimum score of 500 for foreign applicants whose native language or whose
medium of instruction is not English
Original copy of birth certificate, and for married female applicant, marriage contract
Valid passport, the pages showing the name, number, picture, date and place of birth, date and place of issuance,
visa and authorized stay.
Three passport size or 2x2 photos
Alien Certificate of Registration for 9(f), 9(g), and 47(a)(2) visa holders
Other Requirements set by the College
Processing Time: 7 days and 23 minutes
Assumption: 1. The processing time stated above is for one client being served at one time.
2. All responsible signatories/officials and personnel involved are available.
3. Evaluation of academic records/credentials of applicant is done upon receipt.
4. The six-month period is required to give the applicant ample time to prepare and submit all other required documents.
5. The Pouch to and from Miagao takes one day to arrive.
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 160

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Inquires about admission Sends information/application form
1 process through email pertinent to 3 minutes NA GPO Staff NA
application for admission
Fills out and submits duly Receives accomplished application
accomplished Application form and IPMO/Proof of Deposit
for Admission Form along from postal mail or courier
with required credentials and
2 3 minutes NA GPO Staff for Admission
International Postal Money
Order (IPMO) or Proof of
Deposit from postal mail or
Examines/verifies credentials
submitted, prepares transmittal and
3 5 minutes NA GPO Staff NA
forwards to the Office of the College
Secretary/Institute Director
Receives documents and pays fee at Secretary’s
4 the Cash Office 3 minutes NA Office/Instit
ute staff
Accepts payment and issues Official Official
5 3 minutes $20 Cash Office
Receipt Receipt
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 161

Computes the GWA (for programs

with cut-off grade requirement) and
Secretary’s Form,
forwards application form and
1 day NA Office/Institute Official
credentials to the Admissions
Staff Receipt and
Waits for the evaluation Committee and forwards to College
results Admission Committee
Evaluates academic records,
6 College
approves/disapproves application Evaluation
5 working days NA Admission
and submits to College Secretary’s Form
Office for endorsement
Recommends approval/disapproval
based on College Admission College Recommenda
1 day NA
Committee’s action and forwards to Secretary tion Form
Prepares individual Letter of
Acceptance or Non-Acceptance for
7 signature of the GPO Director upon 3 minutes NA NA
receipt of action from the College
If qualified, receives Letter Sends Letter of Acceptance or Non-
of Acceptance; if not, Acceptance specifying additional
Letter of
receives Letter of Non- requirements for admission to
GPO Staff Acceptance
8 Acceptance qualified applicant, thru email, copy 3 minutes NA
or Non-
furnish the College Secretary,
Institute Director/and University
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 162


Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, on or before enrollment period (No noon break)
Saturday- 8:00 AM – 12 PM
Clients/Customers: Incoming Graduate Students
Requirements: Original copy of Transcript of Records for undergraduate degree (with post baccalaureate and graduate, if
Certificate of Transfer Credential/Cert. of Eligibility/Cert. of Honorable Dismissal
Original NSO copy of Birth Certificate
Original NSO copy of Marriage Certificate (for married female applicant)
Medical Certificate; 2 passport size photos
Student Directory
Approved Permit to Study and Application for Privilege to Study at Reduced Fees (for UPV employees)
Processing Time: 20 minutes
Assumption: 1. The student has undergone physical/medical examination prior to issuance of admission slip.
2. The processing time stated above is for one client being served at one tine.
3.All requirements for admission are submitted.
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Duration of Activity Fee(s) Form(s)
Inquires on how to get Responds to query
1 2 minutes NA GPO Staff NA
admission slip
Updates enrollment data in Adds student data, checks
3 the CRS and signs Student completeness of entries in the CRS 10 minutes NA GPO Staff
Directory and prints out Student Directory
Receives Admission Slip Issues Admission Slip Admission
5 1 minute NA GPO Staff
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 163


Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)

Clients/Customers: Newly Admitted Students
Requirements: Admission Slip for New Students
Approved Permit to Study and Application for Privilege to Study at Reduced Fees (for UPV employee)
Processing Time: 33 minutes (for full payment); 53 minutes (with student loan)
Assumption: 1. All signatories/officials and personnel involved are available.
2. The student has been issued Admission Slip.
3. Students from the College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences process their enrollment in the Miagao Campus.
4. The Master of Education student proceeds first to the Program Adviser and presents Admission slip for advising purposes
before going to GPO for class listing.
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible

Presents Admission Slip for

class listing and assessment Admission Slip;
Encodes subjects to take, GPO Staff/
MEd. student presents slip Permit to Study
1 assesses student fees in the 15 minutes None MEd Program
from Program Adviser with and/Approved
CRS, and issues bill for Adviser
subjects/section to be taken Privilege to Study
payment at Reduced fees
for class listing and
P1,000/unit plus
Full payment: miscellaneous Cash Office Staff Official Receipt
10 minutes
Pays registration fees and additional
2 Receives payment and issues fees for new
Official Receipt students/
With Student Loan: Plus EDF fee of Cash Office Official Receipt
Process application for 30 minutes
$500 for foreign Staff/Student- and Student Loan
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 164

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
student loan and pays student Loan-Board In- Form
registration fees Charge/College
CM students presents Official
Receipt to CM Secretary’s
CM Staff
Office for printing of Form 5 Prints Form 5
3 3 minutes NA Form 5
CAS students presents
Official Receipt to GPO for
printing of Form 5
Signs Form 5 and secures Checks subjects and signs on
4 adviser’s signature Form 5 2 minutes NA Program Adviser NA

Presents duly signed Form 5 Stamps “Registered” on Form 5 CM Staff for CM

for “Registered” stamping and issues Student’s Copy student and GPO Form 5
5 3 minutes NA
and receives Student’s Copy Staff for CAS Student’s Copy
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 165

INTERNAL CONTROL PROCEDURES instruction and additional documents required for foreign
 The person-in-charge will evaluate the completeness of
Application for Admission of Local and Foreign Applicants the academic credentials submitted by the applicants.
 Upon receipt of the documents, the person-in-charge
The clients for this service are those who are applying for should bill the applicant for the application fee of
admission into the graduate programs. P250.00 for local applicants, $20 for foreign applicants.
b. For programs which do not require entrance examination:
a. The applicants should submit the following documents for  The person-in-charge will forward the application forms,
evaluation: together with the required documents, to the
 Two (2) copies of accomplished application forms and division/department concerned for evaluation.
information sheet (three (3) copies for College of  Upon receipt of the evaluation results from the
Fisheries and Ocean Sciences programs) division/department concerned, the person-in-charge will
 Two (2) letters of recommendation from former encode the list of qualifiers for signature of the Director
professors and/or immediate supervisors in major area of and forwards the same to the College Dean concerned,
study copy furnish the College Secretary, Department/Division
 One (1) original and two (2) photocopies of Chair, College Secretary, and the University Registrar.
undergraduate transcript of records (with post-  The person-in-charge will then post the list of qualifiers
baccalaureate and graduate, if applicable) on the GPO bulletin board/website and in the UPV
 Certificate of Honorable Dismissal/Certificate of website through the Information and Publication Office
Transfer Credential/Certificate of Transfer Eligibility staff.
from the latest school attended c. For programs which require entrance examination, work
 One (1) original copy of birth certificate from the experience (of at least two (2) years), and/or cut-off grade (of
National Statistics Office at least 2.75 or better):
 One (1) original copy of marriage contract from the  The person-in-charge will count the number of years the
National Statistics Office (for married female applicant applicant has been working, then compute the general
only) weighted average based on the undergraduate degree. If
 Certificate of English Proficiency for foreign students the grading system from previous school/s attended is
from countries where English is not the medium of not the same with UP grading system, the person-in-
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 166

charge will convert the grades to UP grade equivalent and  The person-in-Charge will then post the list of qualifiers
compute the general weighted average. on the GPO bulletin board and in the UPV website
 The person-in-charge will then prepare a summary of though the Information and Publication Office staff.
applicants’ profile by degree program (complete name,
date of birth, GWA, no. of years of work experience,
present designation, address and contact numbers/email Issuance of Admission Slip
address, and degree/s earned) and forwards this to the
division/department chair concerned who will determine The clients for this service are those who are qualified for
who will be qualified/disqualified to take the entrance admission into the graduate program:
examination among the listed applicants.
 Upon receipt of the action of the Division/Department New Students
Chair, the person-in-charge will prepare and release the
examination permits of those qualified to take the 1. During the admission process, the applicant will submit the
entrance examination and notify those who are following documents and the person-in-charge will check for
disqualified through email or phone call. its authenticity and validity:
 The person-in-charge will then prepare the examination a. Original Transcript of Records
materials and venue of the examination and will provide - Full Name
assistance during the examination period. - Degree and Year Graduated (for graduates of state
 After the examination period, the person-in-charge will universities/colleges)
prepare the transmittal slip and forwards the examination - Degree and Year Graduated with the remarks “S.O.
booklets to the Entrance Examination Committee for exempted” or “Accredited” (for graduates of private
correction and specify number of days for submission of colleges/universities which were accredited by any accrediting
results in the transmittal slip. agency)
 Upon receipt of the examination results from the - Degree and Year Graduated with Special Order No.
Entrance Examination Committee, the person-in-charge from CHED (for graduates of private colleges/universities
will encode the list of qualifiers for signature of the who were not accredited by any accrediting agency)
Director and forwards the same to the College Dean, - With signature of University/College Registrar
copy furnish the College Secretary, Department/Division - With dry seal of the University/College
Chair, and the University Registrar.
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 167

b. Certificate of Transfer Credential/Certificate of Transfer should advise the client to apply for correction of
Eligibility/Certificate of Honorable Dismissal entries or to submit the corrected copy within the
- Full Name specified date.
- With signature of issuing University/College Registrar e. 2 pcs. 2x2 or passport size photos
- With signature of student on the request slip, if f. Medical Certificate
applicable g. Signed Student Directory
- With school seal or documentary stamp
c. Original NSO Copy of Birth Certificate 2. Upon submission of complete requirements, the person-in-
- Should be in security paper (check the back portion for charge issues the admission slip of the student.
security markings)
If in any case that the student cannot submit the complete
- The name, date of birth, place of birth, sex, full name
credentials within the period of submission, the person-in-charge
of father, full maiden name of mother should
should indicate in the admission slip that the student is
coincide with the data found in the Official Transcript
provisionally admitted pending submission of the lacking
of Records
documents. The person-in-charge should give a deadline for the
- If there are errors in the NSO Birth Certificate, the
student to submit the lacking documents. If the deadline is not
person-in-charge should advise the client to apply for
met, the student will be blocked by the Office of the University
correction of entries or to submit the corrected copy
Registrar so the student cannot enroll in the succeeding
of the NSO Birth Certificate. If the student cannot
submit the corrected copy during the specified period,
the Office should follow and change the record of the
Non-Degree and Special Students
student based on the submitted birth certificate.
d. Original NSO Copy of Marriage Certificate
1. During the admission process, the applicants have submitted the
- Should be in security paper (check the back portion for
following documents and the person-in-charge have checked for
security markings)
its authenticity and validity:
- The name of student in the marriage certificate must a. Original Transcript of Records
coincide with
- Full Name
- the name in the birth certificate
- Degree and Year Graduated (for graduates of state
- If there are discrepancies in the NSO Birth Certificate universities/colleges)
and the Marriage Certificate, the person-in-charge
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 168

- Degree and Year Graduated with the remarks corrected copy of the NSO Birth Certificate. If
“S.O. exempted” or “Accredited” (for graduates the student cannot submit the corrected copy
of private colleges/universities which were accredited by any during the specified period, the Office should
accrediting agency) follow and change the record of the student based
- Degree and Year Graduated with Special Order on the submitted birth certificate.
No. from CHED ( for graduates of private d. Original NSO Copy of Marriage Certificate
colleges/universities which were not yet accredited by any - Should be in security paper (check the back portion for
accrediting agency) security markings)
- With signature of University/College Registrar - The name of student in the marriage certificate
- With dry seal of the University/College must coincide with the name in the birth
b. Certificate of Transfer Credential/Certificate of certificate
Transfer Eligibility/Certificate of Honorable - If there are discrepancies in the NSO Birth
Dismissal Certificate and the Marriage Certificate, the
- Full Name person-in-charge should advise the client to apply
- With signature of issuing University/College for correction of entries or to submit the
Registrar corrected copy within the specified date.
- With signature of student on the request slip, if e. 2 pcs. 2x2 or passport size photos
applicable f. Medical Certificate
- With school seal or documentary stamp g. Signed Student Directory
c. Original NSO Copy of Birth Certificate
2. Upon submission of complete requirements, the person-in-
- Should be in security paper (check the back portion for
charge issues the admission slip of the student.
security markings)
- The name, date of birth, place of birth, sex, full
If in any case that the student cannot submit the complete
name of father, full maiden name of mother
credentials within the period of submission, the person-in-charge
should coincide with the data found in the
should indicate in the admission slip that the student is
Official Transcript of Records
provisionally admitted pending submission of the lacking
- If there are errors in the NSO Birth Certificate, the
documents. The person-in-charge should give a deadline for the
person-in-charge should advise the client to apply
student to submit the lacking documents. If the deadline is not
for correction of entries or to submit the
met, the student will be blocked by the Office of the University
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 169

Registrar so the student cannot enroll in the succeeding


Additional Requirements for Foreign Students

a. Official TOEFL results (for foreign students whose medium of

instruction in the
school attended is not English)
b. Valid passport
c. Acceptable visa, any of the following: (9(e), 9(e-1), 9(e-2),
47(a)(2), 9(g), PD 218, 9(d), 13(a) to 13(g), SRRV (Special
Resident Retiree Visa), SIRV (Special Investor Resident Visa),
Special Study Permit (for non-degree course)
d. Alien Certificate of Registration or I-card
e. Certificate of Identification for Students with Dual Citizenship
who wishes to be considered as Filipino in the admission to the
University or updated Philippine passport.

Upon submission of the complete requirements, the person-in-

charge issues the admission slip to the student.

If in any case that the student cannot submit the complete

credentials within the period of submission, the person-in-charge
should indicate in the admission slip that the student is
provisionally admitted pending submission of the lacking
documents. The person-in-charge should give a deadline for the
student to submit the lacking documents. If the deadline is not
met, the student will be blocked at the CRS so the student cannot
enroll in the succeeding semester/trimester.
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 170


MISSION :  Provide facilities and equipment for the storage and use
of information resources; and
To provide information resources and services that  Strengthen the collaboration and linkages with both local
enhance knowledge and uphold the functions of UPV as a and international libraries.
graduate, research, public, and global university


 Access
 Service Collection Development Program
 Integrity
This program aims to ensure that the library can provide
its clients with relevant and up-to-date informational materials to
FUNCTIONS : support them in their instructional and research necessities,
through proper collaboration with the faculty, researchers and
 Provide a collection of information resources that will students in order to provide them with their exact needs. Below
meet all the curricular, research, and extension needs of are the activities under this program:
UP Visayas;  Continuous purchasing of books
 Organize, monitor, and evaluate library resources and  Updating/purchasing of audio-visual materials
services to ensure the effective and efficient utilization of  Subscribing of serials such as journals and periodicals
funds available;  Providing a copy to the respective library of the
 Maintain the collection in usable physical condition and students’ papers (term papers, projects, theses, etc.)
conserve the materials for future generation clients;
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 171

Staff Development Program the users to maximize their use of library resources. This can be
achieved through:
This program ensures to develop the personality of every  Orienting Freshmen and upperclassmen regarding the
staff in order for them to provide library services and deal with library during the start of each semester
clientele in a professional way, and to have a positive user  Orientating regarding the Online Public Access
experiences within libraries. The library can achieve this through: Catalogue (OPAC) system, (iLib System) for all
 Attending seminars/workshops/trainings constituents and proper dissemination regarding the
 Availing of fellowship/study grant library official website
 Visiting other libraries and benchmark operations of  Disseminating information (leaflets, brochures,
the different libraries internet, social media, modern communications, etc.)
 Conducting in-house trainings and seminars during  Consulting with the students once every semester
summer break  Orientating clients with new/modern services (online
journals, eLib program, etc.)
Library Modernization Program
Linkages Program
The objective of this program is to enhance the
modernization of the library system to enable its transformation The goal of this program is to create partnership with
into a successful university institution where its constituents local and international research and academic institutions in order
enjoy free access to modern technology and services, addressing to share resources and provide a better service to the clients by:
the needs of the clients and the institution under the guidance of  Coordinating with prospective donors for book drives
a trained librarians and library staff. The activities include:  Participating in inter-library programs/activities in
 Digitizing archives and other library materials sharing library resources
 Purchasing of modern and up-to-date facilities and
equipment (security devices, computers, printers, etc.)
Extension Program
User Education Program
The purpose of this program is to extend our teaching
This program aims to bridge the gap between the library role and educational impact as an academic partner and help
users and the library materials, facilities, and services in order for
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 172

small libraries in development and management of their (Reference/ Serials/ Circulation/ Filipiniana/
collections through: Reserve)
 Donating books to barangay public libraries  Using of audio visual materials and media room
 Organizing and cataloging of collections of four (4)
College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (CFOS) Reader’s Services
Institutes, School of Technology and Division of
Humanities This service provides bibliographic aids and assistance to
the clients in identifying, locating, and using library resources by:
Upgrading and Improvement of Library Facilities Program  Assisting users in accessing Online Public Access
Catalogue (OPAC)
The Library wants to enhance its working and learning  Availing of Reader’s Advisory Service
environment in order to provide the clients with comfort when  Accessing online resources (i.e., online journals, eLib,
using/visiting the library by improving its facilities like: etc.)
 Refurbishing, repainting, and repairing of stack area,  Providing free access to internet connection for their
binding area and media room online needs
 Refurbishing, repainting, and repairing of shelves,  Providing free access to other libraries
steel shelves, counter heights, and other equipment
Technical Services

Technical services aim to organize the collections of the

SERVICES library and control the materials for maximum utilization.
 Cataloging
Circulation Services
 Indexing
 Accessioning
The Library provides library materials that will enhance
learning activities of students and also provides materials for their  Integrating of materials in iLib System
research needs with the following activities:
 Lending/borrowing of books and other library
materials from the different sections of the library
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 173

Administrative Services

Administrative services maintain relationship with the

administration and academic departments and other key groups
to ensure effective development of library services.
 Bag counter
 Photocopying
 Collecting of fines
 Signing of clearance
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 174

Figure 5. Library Organizational Structure

U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 175

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES reports, statistics, work schedules, minutes of meetings,

endorsements, certifications, certificate of appearance,
Administrative Services travel documents, etc.)
 Answers telephone/walk-in queries  Evaluates and prepares documents needed for payments of
 Assumes administrative responsibility over library telephone bills every month
collections, equipment and facilitate  Identifies/determines staff assignments
 Checks faculty/staff accounts for university clearances for  Inspects users' books, bags, etc., upon exit
signature of the University Librarian  Maintains cleanliness and orderliness of the library office
 Checks Student Assistants’ monthly DTR’s and evaluates  Monitors and logs daily attendance of library personnel and
them prepares summary of daily attendance of the library
 Checks, initials, and photocopies DTRs of staff and job personnel
hires and prepares summary of Consolidated Records of  Orients, trains, and assists new Student Assistants with
Attendance (CRA) for submission to HRDO every end of their assignments
the month  Oversees and assists library staff with personnel-related
 Checks, initials, and records Application for Leave of matters and undertakes functions related to personnel –
library personnel before signing of the supervisor recruitment, preparation and processes basic papers for
 Collects and delivers intra and inter office correspondence, various personnel action, e.g., appointments,
document, packages, office supplies and other materials recommendations, and leaves, etc.
 Collects/records/remits fines (overdue books, payment  Prepares and updates list of accountabilities at the end of
for lost materials) for remittance the month
 Compiles and consolidates work and library related output  Prepares and processes necessary documents for
statistics replenishments/reimbursements/payments
 Compiles lists of delinquent borrowers  Prepares reports, e.g. annual, statistical, inventory,
 Draws plans and activities; oversees their implementation delinquent list, summary of staff attendance, etc.
and assesses the efficiency and effectiveness of the library  Prepares/processes documents and follow-ups renewal of
program and activities appointment of casual and job hire contract personnel
 Edits/prepares/composes/draft correspondences  Prints documents
 Encodes documents (official communications, annual  Receives/records incoming official documents
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 176

 Sorts, safely keeps, maintains, and files official and  Compiles/generates bibliographies and titles for
confidential records/documents/communications bibliographic data of different subjects/fields
 Supervises, evaluates and rates administrative staff directly  Coordinates the automation program and activities of the
under supervision library
 Takes charge of the maintenance of property, requisition,  Cuts, clips, mounts, and files newspaper articles
and receives and records supplies and equipment, control  Edits on-line bibliographic entries
issues and use; and conducts inventory  Encodes bibliographic data in the database
 Encodes bibliographic entries of books and other library
Technical Services materials to produce Accessions book
 Accessions, barcodes, records, stamps ownership of books  Encodes/types and files “add to shelf-list” (ASL) catalog
and other library materials cards
 Answers/follow ups/verifies orders/subscriptions and  Encodes/updates book records in the database
other acquisition-related queries
 Encodes/updates/indexes Filipiniana materials
 Assists in the barcoding of books
 Facilitates reservation and use of audio-visual materials
 Assists in the encoding/editing of bibliographic entries of and equipment
books in the library databases
 Files book cards/slips and replaces/types book cards/date
 Back-ups Winisis Database every other day due slips/book pockets
 Catalogs and classifies print and non-print materials  Generates accession inventory list
 Checks and collates newly acquired books and other library  Generates list of new acquisitions of books and other
materials upon receipt library materials by main and subject entry
 Checks and corrects minor machine stoppages and error  Identifies dealers/suppliers of library materials for
situations purchase
 Checks, notes missing issues, stamps ownership and  Indexes print and non-print materials
records issues of periodicals received
 Indexes/clips/mounts, cuts, and files monthly articles from
 Checks, troubleshoots, and maintains databases daily newspapers
 Collects/reviews/searches/verifies bibliographic entries in  Labels the spine of theses, books and other library
the integrated Library (iLib) System for faculty materials with surname and call numbers
requests/recommended titles for purchase
 Maintains acquisition—related files/records of documents
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 177

 Maintains and preserves print and non-print materials other library materials for purchase
 Maintains library databases  Receives, records, and takes charge of books and other
 Maintains shelf-list library resources included in the unit library
 Maintains the arrangement of theses and dissertations  Records and segregates issues of active library subscription
 Monitors, manages, and controls budget for  Records and takes statistics of the materials received
books/serials/special funds of library material  Records books and other library material donations/gifts
acquisition/subscriptions received
 Operates computer for OPAC, Internet, encodes and  Records entries in the accession records and other library
prints needed data from source document materials
 Operates TV, VHS, VCD, multi-media projector and other  Restores/mends damaged books and other library materials
media services equipment  Searches/edits/verifies bibliographic records online/offline
 Pastes book pockets, date due slips, and call numbers of using the iLib System and other library records
books  Searches/verifies books and other library materials on shelf
 Performs on-line Catalogs of books and other library for inventory purposes
materials  Selects, reviews and recommends materials for possible
 Performs preliminary descriptive catalogs and/or In- purchase
Process Files (IPF) cards of books and other library  Sends acknowledgment receipt/s thru email or mail/s to
materials donors
 Prepares and encodes list of books for de-selection  Solicits, and evaluates gifts and exchange materials received
 Prepares and encodes subject headings of the articles of the  Types book cards, date due slips, book pockets, call
journals received numbers, and inventory cards
 Prepares and types shelf-list cards, book cards, and book  Upkeeps/maintains computer units of the Library
pockets of the newly acquired books  Appraises archive materials based on their evidential,
 Prepares list of new acquisitions of books and other library historical, researches informational and/or symbolic value
materials for posting  Describes archive materials
 Prepares list of requested titles for purchase for approval of  Preserves archives
the College Library Committee  Restores damaged/deteriorated archival records
 Prepares required documents for payment of books and
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 178

Users Education Services

 Answers directional/bibliographic factual inquiries of
library users
 Approves and issues overnight reservation of books daily
 Arranges archives
 Assists students in looking/finding books on the shelves
 Assists users in the preparation of materials for instruction
and researches
 Assists users in the use of the on-line catalog
 Checks out and checks in books and other library materials
 Conducts orientation
 Explains library rules and regulations
 Implements library policies, rules and regulations
 Instructs and assists library users on how to use the OPAC
and other reference tools
 Locates specific/requested items
 Operates inter library loan system
 Operates the Reserve/Circulation/Serials lending system
 Oversees control desk for incoming library users
 Receives and facilitates reservation and use of audio-visual
materials and equipment
 Registers new borrowers, counter-signs ID and issues
library cards
 Services archives
 Shelves/shelf-reads books and other library materials
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 179



Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, No noon break

Clients/Customers: Students and Faculty members
Requirements: NA
Processing Time: 15 minutes
Customer / Duration of Person(s)
Step Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Applicant the Activity Responsible
Inquire simple Recommends library materials that would Reader’s
1 3 minutes NA NA
bibliographic question satisfy the client’s need Adviser
Fills out the logbook with the following
Checks the materials a. Name of client Logbook
2 Reader’s
recommended b. Course of client 10 minutes NA
c. Subject of inquiry
Verifies if the client’s need was answered (if
not, recommends alternative solution)
Advices client to proceed to desk counter for Reader’s
3 Borrows materials 2 minutes NA NA
lending/borrowing of library materials Adviser
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 180

Reader’s Advisory

Faculty/REPS/Student/Client Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


Recommends library materials that would
Inquires simple bibliographic questions 3 minutes
satisfy the client’s need

Checks the recommended material/s Verifies if the client’s need was answered 10 minutes


Recommends alternate
2 minutes

Borrows material/s

U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 181


Schedule: CAS Library (Miag-ao) Monday – Friday, 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM, No noon break
CFOS Library (Miag-ao) Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, No noon break
HS Library (Ioilo) Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, No noon break
Graduate Library (Iloilo) Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM, No noon break
Saturday, 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM, No noon break
CM Library (Iloilo)
Reserve Section Monday – Friday, 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM, No noon break
Circulation Section Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 12:00 NN; 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Clients/Customers: Students, Faculty, Staff, and Non-UPV users/clients
Requirements: UPV ID for students, faculty and staff
ID and letter request for non-UPV clients.
Processing Time: 40 seconds per book
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer / Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
the Activity Responsible
1 Presents ID card Receives ID and scans to verify records 20 seconds NA Library Staff ID card
1. Receives and scans borrowed book/s Book
Presents borrowed
2. Checks book card/s and affixes card and
2 book/s with signed book 15 seconds NA Library Staff
signature date due
card/s 3. Stamps date due slip slip
3 Receives the book/s Releases borrowed book/s 5 seconds NA Library Staff NA
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 182

Lending/Borrowing of Books (Miagao/Iloilo Campuses)

Faculty/REPS/Student/Client Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


Receives ID Card and scans ID to verify

Presents ID Card 20 seconds

Presents borrowed book/s with signed

Receives and scans borrowed book/s 15 seconds
book card/s

Checks book card/s and affix signature.

Receives the book/s Stamps date due slip and releases 5 seconds
book/s and ID

U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 183


Schedule: Monday – Friday, 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM, No noon break

Clients/Customers: Students, Faculty, Staff, Non-UPV users/clients
Requirements: UPV ID for students, faculty, and staff
ID and letter request to use Library for non-UPV clients
Processing Time: 18 seconds per periodical (newspaper, magazines, journals, etc)
Duration of the Person(s)
Step Customer / Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
1 Presents ID card. Receives ID 5 seconds NA Library Staff ID card
2 Fills-out periodical slip Receives periodical slip 5 seconds NA Library Staff Periodical slip
Presents borrowed
3 Checks borrowed periodical 5 seconds NA Library Staff NA
4 Gets periodical. Releases periodical 3 seconds NA Library Staff NA
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 184

Lending/Borrowing of Periodicals and Other Serials

Faculty/REPS/Student/Client Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


Receives ID Card and scans ID to verify

Presents ID Card 5 seconds

Fills-out periodical slip/s and Presents Receives periodical slip, checks and

13 seconds
borrowed serials releases the borrowed periodical/serial/s

Receives the periodical/serial

U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 185


Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:45 PM, No noon break

Clients/Customers: Students, Faculty, and Staff
Requirements: Validated UPV ID cards
Processing Time: 3 minutes and 5 seconds per transaction
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer / Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
the Activity Responsible
Checks ID card for
1 Presents ID card 5 seconds NA Library Staff ID card

Signs in the logbook and

Assigns computer terminal Logbook (for
2 proceeds to assigned 1 minute NA Library Staff
and records time in Internet use)

Computes time used by the

Logbook (for
3 Logs out in the logbook client and the corresponding 1 minute P 20 per hour* Library Staff
Internet use)
fee (if any)
Records fees collected (if
Logbook (for
4 Pays fee (if any) any) to be remitted to the 1 minute NA Library staff
* First 20 hours is free for freshmen students and pays the fee for the succeeding hours
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 186

Internet Services

Faculty/REPS/Student/Client Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


Checks ID card for validation and assigns

Presents ID card 5 seconds
computer terminal

Signs in the logbook and proceeds to

Records computer number and time-in 1 minute
assigned computer

Computes time used by the client and the

Logs-out in the logbook 1 minute
corresponding fee (if any)

Pay fee YES NO

Records fees collected to be

1 minute
remitted to the cashier


Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, No noon break

Clients/Customers: Students and Faculty members
Requirements: UPV ID card for students
Photocopy of Appointments for new faculty member
Processing Time: 1 minute and 20 seconds per transaction
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer / Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
the Activity Responsible
Fills out the request for audio-
Verifies the availability of the Calendar of
visual slip with the following
following: Activity;
1  Schedule/date of 1 minute NA Library staff Request for
 Schedule/date of
viewing audio-visual
 Title/s of material/s
 Material/s needed slip
 Number of viewers
Approves request. Reminds
Receives confirmation of client to return on scheduled
2 20 seconds NA Library staff NA
request date and proceed to the media
room for viewing
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 188

Request for Audio-Visual Services

Faculty/REPS/Student/Client Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


Verifies the availability of the schedule and

Fills out the request for audio-visual slip 1 minute
the materials needed


Choose other
NO NO Available?
date? YES

Approves request and reminds client to

return on scheduled date and proceed to 20 seconds
the venue

Receives confirmation of result


Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, No noon break

Clients/Customers: Students and Faculty members
Requirements: UPV ID card
Processing Time: 10 minutes, 10 seconds per client
Step Customer / Applicant Service Provider of the Fee(s) Form(s)
 Interviews student for specific Request
Requests permit letter to use needs in other libraries Slip
1  Verifies/records schedule in the 3 minutes NA Reader’s Adviser
other non-UPV libraries*
calendar (Purpose: To limit at least 5
students in every library visited)
Fills out slip with the following Reader’s Permit to
information: name; student  Prepares Permit to Use Non-UPV Adviser; Use Non-
2 number; topic; course; scheduled Libraries 7 minutes NA University UPV
date; class adviser; school to be  Forwards Permit to University Librarian/Head Libraries
Librarian for signature
visited Librarian
Permit to
Use Non-
3 Claims permit Releases permit 10 seconds NA Library Staff
* Clients are advised to file request 1 day before scheduled date.
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 190

Permit to use Other Libraries*

Faculty/REPS/Student/Client Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


Interviews student for specific needs in

Requests permit letter to use other non-
other libraries and verifies the calendar 3 minutes
UPV libraries*

Fills out request slip Prepares permit 5 minute

Signs permit 2 minutes

Claims permit Releases permit 10 seconds


* Clients are advised to file request 1 day before scheduled date


Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, No noon break

Clients/Customers: Students, Faculty, and Staff
Requirements: NA
Processing Time: 1 minute per transaction
Customer / Duration of the Person(s)
Step Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Applicant Activity Responsible
Presents assessment
1 Receives assessment slip 10 seconds NA Library Staff Assessment Slip
of fines
Receives payment and Provisional Receipt
2 Pay fines issues Provisional 30 seconds as assessed Library Staff (provided by the
Receipt Cash Office)
Receives Provisional Records fines to be
3 20 seconds NA Library Staff Logbook
Receipt remitted to the Cashier
Collecting Fines

Faculty/REPS/Student/Client Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


Presents assessment of fines Receives assessment slip 10 seconds

Receives payment and issues provisional

Pays the fine 30 seconds

Records fines to be remitted to the

Receives provisional receipt 20 seconds

U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 193


Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, No Noon Break

Clients/Customers: Faculty
Requirements: Library purchase request form
Processing Time: 1 semester
Customer / Duration of Person(s)
Step Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Applicant the Activity Responsible
Lists requested book Faculty and Acquisition Library Purchase
1 Receives request form 5 minutes NA
titles to be purchased Librarian Request Form

Consolidates list of titles; Library Purchase

1 hour NA Acquisition Librarian
Prepares list of requested titles Request Form
Forwards list of requested titles
List of requested
for approval of the members of 10 minutes NA Acquisition Librarian
the Library Board Committee*
Waits for the Members of the
2 The Library Board Committee Within the List of requested
requested book NA Library Board
meets to act on the requests Semester titles
Receives and submits list to the
University Librarian; List of requested
Acquisition Librarian;
Prepares and forwards 30 minutes NA titles; Purchase
University Librarian
documents needed for book Request
*The VCAA calls for a meeting subject to availability of members of the committee
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 194

Book Requests of Faculty

Faculty Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


Lists requested book titles to be
Receives request form 5 minutes

Consolidates list of titles and prepares list
Waits for the requested book 1 hour
of requested titles

Forwards list of requested titles for

approval of the members of the Library 10 minutes
Board Committee

Members of the
Library Board
The Library Board Committee meets to
requested 1 semester
act on the requests

Receives and submits list to the
University Librarian 15 minutes

Prepares and forwards documents
End 15 minutes
needed for book purchase
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 195


Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, No noon break

Clients/Customers: Students
Requirements: Settle all accountabilities with the University Library
Processing Time: 25 seconds per student
Customer / Duration of Person(s)
Step Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Applicant the Activity Responsible
Presents university Receives clearances and Library staff in
1 10 seconds NA University Clearance
clearance verifies accountability (if any) charge of clearance
Signs in the Affixes signature and date in Library staff in University Clearance;
2 10 seconds NA
logbook the clearances. charge of clearance log book
Library staff in
3 Claims clearance Releases clearance 5 seconds NA University Clearance
charge of clearance
*Paperless clearance started last April 2013. Only those with accountabilities in the Library come to settle their accounts. Those without
accountabilities need not come to the Library. Library accountabilities are encoded thru CRSIS.
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 196

Signing of Clearance (Students)*

Faculty/REPS/Student/Client Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


Receives clearances and verifies

Presents university clearance 10 seconds
accountability (if any)

Signs in the logbook Affixes signature and date in the clearance 10 seconds

Claims clearance Releases clearance 5 seconds


* Paperless clearance started last April 2013. Only those with accountabilities in the Library come to settle their accounts. Those without accountabilities need not come to the library. Library
accountabilities are encoded thru CRSIS.

Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, No noon break

Clients/Customers: Faculty and staff
Requirements: Settle all accountabilities with the University Library
Processing Time: 3 minutes and 10 seconds per client
Duration of
Step Customer / Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Person(s) Responsible Form(s)
the Activity
Library Staff-in-Charge
Presents university Receives clearance and verifies 1 minute, 5
1 NA from each section of the Clearance
clearance accountability (if any) seconds
Waits or leaves the Forwards clearance to the
2 1 minute NA Library Staff-in-Charge Clearance
clearance* university Librarian
3 Signs in the logbook Signs university clearance 1 minute NA Clearance
Releases clearance or forward to
4 Claims clearance 5 seconds NA Library Staff-in-Charge Clearance
the next office
* If client leaves the clearance, the Library Staff in-charge of clearance records and forwards it to the next office once signed by the
University Librarian/OIC
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 198

Signing of clearance (Faculty and Staff)

Faculty/REPS/Student/Client Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


Receives clearance and verifies 1 minute, 5

Presents university cleareance
accountability (if any) seconds

Forwards clearance to the university

Waits or leaves the clearance* 1 minute

Signs in the logbook Signs university clearance 1 minute

Releases clearance or forward to the

Claims clearance 5 seconds
next office


* If client leaves the clearance, the Library Staff in-charge of clearance records and forwards it to the next office once signed by the University Librarian / OIC
U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y | 199



a. Upon payment, the person-in-charge/collector should
issue a Provisional Receipt (as supplied by the Cash
Office) to the payee for the amount received.
b. The person-in-charge/collector should turn-over/remit
the daily collections, together with the Provisional Receipt
booklet and logbook to the Cash Office.
c. The Cash Office personnel should issue original Official
Receipt with the total amount remitted by the person-in-
T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r | 200


MISSION  To provide students computer and internet

 Nurture the passion for learning among students. access, venue for class presentations and film
 Enrich the learning environment of students. showings;
 Provide skills enhancement programs in teaching among  To provide students venues for study, recreation,
faculty members. and camaraderie or fellowship; and
 To assist in enhancing teaching competence
COREVALUES through training in collaboration with other
 Excellence academic units of the university.
 Nurturance D. Support functions:
 Service  To serve as a support facility to university – wide
A. Organizational functions:
 To supplement, complement, and coordinate existing Programs and Services
learning assistance programs; and
 To ensure that the goal of promoting academic 1. Summer Bridge Program (SBP) – intensive course
excellence will be realized in a more caring and intended for incoming freshmen. It specifically aims to
nurturing environment. bridge the gap between high school exit skills and college
B. Strategic functions: entry skills and upgrade students’ capacity to meet the
 To implement the Summer Bridge Program for demands of UP education, particularly in Mathematics.
selected incoming freshmen students. 2. Peer Tutorial Program – Designed for students who need
C. Core functions: selective learning assistance in certain subject areas like
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Communications.
 To provide students with learning assistance through
3. Computer and Internet Access – Offers easy access to
tutorials, learning modules, and other instructional
computers and internet. Students who have registered at
the TLRC in the beginning of every semester have the
privilege of 30 hours of free computer use. Students who 8. Lamination, ring binding, scanning, CD/DVD burning –
are doing their thesis or special problem can avail Other academic support services for UPV clients payable
themselves of additional 15 hours of free computer use using TBAC.
by presenting certification from their respective advisers. 9. Audio – Visual Room Services - Available for film
All TLRC computers are connected to the internet and showing, seminars, and fora. The TLRC has two audio-
printer operate in the Windows operating systems and visual rooms fully equipped with multimedia projectors,
applications. television sets, projector screens, and DVD players. The
4. Printing and Photocopying –Provide printing and Interactive Learning Program (ILP) AVR can
photocopying services on a first-come-first served basis. accommodate 100 persons while the TLRC AVR can
5. Book Club – Collection of reading materials such as accommodate 50.
pocketbooks and other reference materials which 10. Teaching Act Training – Intensive training program
can be borrowed and read at the TLRC. which aims to inculcate among UPV faculty the true
6. Movie Club – Collection of more than 600 films in calling of teachers as well as the principles and values of
different genre e.g. action, drama, love story, teaching.
documentary, adventure, suspense, animation, Filipino 11. Self – Instructional Learning Modules –Available for
classics, etc. which the students can borrow and view at students who wish to supplement classroom learning with
the TLRC. individual study. The learning modules are published by
7. TBAC (Total Bigtime Access Card) - serves as cashless the UP System in the areas of Communication,
payment to all TLRC services. The card is in two Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, and Natural Sciences.
denominations: 50 and 100 pesos. This card is 12. Interactive Learning Program – supports the teaching and
transferrable. That is, students can share the card use as learning requirements of the university by providing
long as there is remaining amount. To avail of this card, alternative venues for learning activities that utilize the
the student will pay for a selected denomination (50 latest advancements in electronic, multimedia, and
or 100 pesos) at the Cash Office. To use the card, the internet technologies.
student will present it to the TLRC staff before availing a
particular service. The TLRC staff will deduct the
amount of a particular service provided. The balance
amount will be written at the back of the card for close
monitoring. Once the amount has been used up, the
student will again buy another card.
T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r | 202

A. Organizational Structure
T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r | 203

- Follows up pertinent papers and attend to inquiries or refers

Duties and Responsibilities telephone callers or visitors to proper sources.


 Directly supervises all TLRC operations I. Operational Control and Supervision

 Initiates plans and programs of the office
The approving/recommending authority is at the
Director’s level. This includes the following:

1. To act on requests of student organizations related to

 Directly supervise the satellite office in UPVTC
TLRC student services;
2. To approve and recommend staff promotion based
Administrative Services
on outstanding performance.

- Assists in the conduct of TLRC programs such as the

Summer Bridge Program and the Teaching Act training;

- Performs a variety of clerical tasks such as to receive

incoming calls, to record incoming and outgoing
communications, to deliver documents to other offices, etc.;

- Sets up filing system of reports and other papers/documents

for easy reference;

- Stores and maintains records databank of TLRC services;

204 | T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r



Description: The Total Big-time Access Card serves as cashless payment to all TLRC services. The card is in two
denominations: 50 and 100 pesos. This card is transferrable. That is, students can share the card use as long as
there is remaining amount. To avail of this card, the student will pay for a selected denomination (50 or 100 pesos)
at the Cash Office. To use the card, the student will present it to the TLRC staff before availing a particular service.
The TLRC staff will deduct the amount of a particular service provided. The balance amount will be written at the
back of the card for close monitoring. Once the amount has been used up, the student will again buy another card.
Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)
Clients/Customers: Students and Faculty members
Requirements: None
Processing Time: 30 minutes
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Informs the staff to avail of Issues the TBAC payment slip
TBAC payment
1 the TBAC and request for 2 minutes NA TLRC Staff
TBAC payment slip
Pays at the Cash office Receives payment and issues 50.00 or
2 Official Receipt 25 minutes 100.00 pesos Cash Office Staff NA
per TBAC
Presents Official Receipt Verifies and records Official
3 2 minutes NA TLRC Staff Official Receipt
Receipt for filing purposes
4 Claims the TBAC Releases the TBAC 1 minute NA TLRC Staff NA
T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r | 205

Total Bigtime Access Card (TBAC) Flowchart

Student/Customer Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


TLRC Staff
Issues the TBAC payment slip to the
Informs the staff to avail of the TBAC and
customer; advises the customer to pay at 2 minutes
requests for TBAC payment slip
the Cash Office

Cash Office
Receives payment and issues Official

Pays at the Cash Office 25 minutes

TLRC Staff
Verifies and records Official Receipt for
Presents Official Receipt 2 minutes
filing purposes

TLRC Staff
Claims the TBAC Releases the TBAC 1 minute

T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r | 206


Description: Collection of reading materials such as pocketbooks, self-instructional learning modules, and magazines which can
be borrowed and read at the TLRC.
Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)
Clients/Customers: Students and Faculty members
Requirements: UPV ID and Book Club Borrower’s Form
Processing Time: 30 seconds per reading material
Duration Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
of Activity Responsible
Requests to borrow the Informs the customer to browse and
1 5 seconds NA TLRC Staff NA
reading material (s) retrieve the material(s) from the shelf
Fills out the Borrower’s Receives and checks the material(s), stamps
and Book
Form and presents the the Borrower’s Form and Due Date Slip 20 NA
2 TLRC Staff Club
reading material(s)l and with the due date, and files the Borrower’s seconds
UPV ID Form with the UPV ID
Receives the reading
3 Releases the reading material(s) 5 seconds NA TLRC Staff NA
1. Book Club materials (pocketbook and module) can be borrowed for 2 weeks.
2. Failure to return on due date will be reprimanded.
a) First offense – suspension of 1 week
b) Second offense – suspension of 1 month
c) Third offense – suspension of 1 semester
T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r | 207

Book Club Flowchart

Student/Customer Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


TLRC Staff
Informs the customer to browse and
Requests to borrow the reading material(s) 5 seconds
retrieve the material(s) from the shelf

Receives and checks the material(s),

TLRC Staff
Fills out the Borrower’s Form and presents stamps the Borrower’s Form and Due
20 seconds
the reading material(s)l and UPV ID Date Slip with the due date, and files the
Borrower’s Form with the UPV ID

TLRC Staff
Receives the reading material Releases the reading material(s) 5 seconds

T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r | 208


Description: Collection of more than 600 films in different genre e.g. action, drama, love story, documentary, adventure,
suspense, animation, Filipino classics, etc. which the students can borrow and view at the TLRC.
Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)
Clients/Customers: Students and Faculty members
Requirements: UPV ID and Movie Club Borrower’s Form
Processing Time: 30 seconds per film/movie
Duration of Person(s)
Steps Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Requests to borrow the Informs the customer to browse and
1 5 seconds NA TLRC Staff NA
VCD/DVD material(s) retrieve the material(s) from the shelf
Fills out the Borrower’s Form Receives and checks the material(s), UPV ID
and presents the material(s) and stamps the Borrower’s Form and Due and Movie
2 UPV ID Date Slip and files the Borrower’s 20 seconds TLRC Staff Club
Form with the UPV ID Borrower’s
3 Receives the material(s) Releases the material(s) 5 seconds NA TLRC Staff NA
1. Movie Club materials (VCDs/DVDs) can be borrowed for 1 week.
2. Failure to return on due date will be reprimanded.
a) First offense – suspension of 1 week
b) Second offense – suspension of 1 month
c) Third offense – suspension of 1 semester
T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r | 209

Movie Club Flowchart

Student/Customer Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


TLRC Staff
Informs the customer to browse and
Requests to borrow the VCD/DVD material(s) c 2 seconds
retrieve the material(s) from the shelf

Receives and checks the material(s),

TLRC Staff
Fills out the Borrower’s Form and presents stamps the Borrower’s Form and Due
20 seconds
the material(s) and UPV ID Date Slip and files the Borrower’s Form
with the UPV ID

TLRC Staff
Receives the material Releases the material(s) 5 seconds

210 | T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r


Description: To help students in their academic requirements, TLRC offers easy access to computers and internet. Students who
have registered at the TLRC in the beginning of every semester have the privilege of 30 hours of free computer use.
Students who are doing their thesis or special problem can avail themselves of additional 15 hours of free computer
use by presenting certification from their respective advisers. The TLRC computers all connected to the internet
and printer operate in the Windows operating systems and applications.
Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)
Clients/Customers: Students and Faculty members
Requirements: UPV ID
Processing Time: 30 seconds
Duration Person(s)
Steps Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
of Activity Responsible
1 Informs the staff to avail Receives and verifies the UPV ID, checks and
of the computer use and assigns the available computer unit; informs
5 seconds NA TLRC Staff NA
presents UPV ID and returns UPV ID of customer when no
computer unit is available
2 Proceeds to the assigned Records the time log in through barcode
10 seconds NA TLRC Staff NA
computer unit number scanning of the UPV ID
3 Informs the staff to log out Records the time log out through barcode
10 seconds NA TLRC Staff NA
when finished scanning of the UPV ID
4 Receives UPV ID Returns UPV ID 5 seconds NA TLRC Staff NA
211 | T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r

Computer Use Flowchart

Student/Customer Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


TLRC Staff
Informs the staff to avail of the computer use Receives and verifies UP ID and checks
5 seconds
and presents UPV ID for the available computer unit

Computer unit
Returns UP ID to customer NO


TLRC Staff
Assigns computer unit number to the
Proceeds to the assigned computer unit
customer and records the time log in 10 seconds
through barcode scanning of UPV ID

TLRC Staff
Records the time log out through barcode
10 seconds
scanning of the UPV ID

TLRC Staff
End Receives UPV ID Returns UPV ID 5 seconds
T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r | 212


Description: Only UPV clients can avail themselves of the photocopying service. Photocopying is a first-come-first served basis
and the schedule must be strictly observed.
Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)
Clients/Customers: Students, Faculty members, and Staff
Requirements: TBAC
Processing Time: 30 seconds per copy
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
1 Requests the staff to avail of the Receives the document and TBAC;
P1.50 per
photocopying service and asks for the number of copies to be 5 seconds TLRC Staff TBAC
presents document and TBAC reproduced/photocopied
2 Informs the staff the number of Reproduces/photocopies the
copies to be document, counts the number of
20 seconds NA TLRC Staff NA
reproduced/photocopied copies, and records transaction in
the TBAC (date, amount, balance)
3 Receives the original and Releases the original and
photocopied documents and photocopied documents and TBAC 5 seconds NA TLRC Staff NA
T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r | 213

Photocopying Flowchart

Student/Customer Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


TLRC Staff
Requests the staff to avail of the Receives the document and TBAC; asks
photocopying service and presents document for the number of copies to be reproduced/ 5 seconds
and TBAC photocopied

Reproduces/photocopies the document,

TLRC Staff
Informs the staff the number of copies to be counts the number of copies, and records
15 seconds
reproduced/photocopied transaction in the TBAC (date, amount,

TLRC Staff
Receives the original and photocopied Releases the original and photocopied
5 seconds
documents and TBAC documents and TBAC

T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r | 214


Description: Only UPV clients can avail themselves of the printing service. Printing is a first-come-first served basis and the
schedule must be strictly observed.
Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)
Clients/Customers: Students, Faculty members, and Staff
Requirements: TBAC and UPV ID
Processing Time: 30 seconds per page
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
1 Requests the staff to avail of the Receives and verifies TBAC and UPV P3.00 TBAC
printing service and presents ID, checks and assigns the available 5 seconds per TLRC Staff and UPV
TBAC and UPV ID computer unit page ID
2 Proceeds to the assigned computer Records the time log-in thru barcode
unit scanning of the UPV ID and asks for
5 seconds NA TLRC Staff NA
the following: paper size and no. of
copies to be printed
3 Notifies the staff the following: Acknowledges notice and instructs to
paper size and number of copies to proceed with the printing of the 3 seconds NA TLRC Staff NA
be printed document
4 Informs the staff to log-out when Records the time log-out thru barcode
5 seconds NA TLRC Staff NA
printing is done scanning of the UPV ID
5 Approaches the staff to claim the Records transaction in the TBAC (date,
printed document, TBAC, and amount, and balance) 10 seconds NA TLRC Staff NA
215 | T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
6 Receives the printed documents, Releases the printed documents, TBAC,
2 seconds NA TLRC Staff NA
216 | T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r

Printing Flowchart

Student/Customer Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


TLRC Staff
Requests the staff to avail of the printing Requests the staff to avail of the printing
5 seconds
service and presents TBAC and UPV ID service and presents TBAC and UPV ID

Records the time log-in thru barcode

TLRC Staff
scanning of the UPV ID and asks for the
Proceeds to the assigned computer unit 5 seconds
following: paper size and no. of copies to
be printed

TLRC Staff
Notifies the staff the following: paper size and Acknowledges notice and instructs to
3 seconds
number of copies to be printed proceed with the printing of the document

TLRC Staff
Informs the staff to log-out when printing is Records the time log-out thru barcode
5 seconds
done scanning of the UPV ID

TLRC Staff
Approaches the staff to claim the printed Records transaction in the TBAC (date,
10 seconds
document, TBAC, and UPV ID amount, and balance)

TLRC Staff
Receives the printed Releases the printed documents, TBAC,
End 2 seconds
documents, TBAC, and UPV ID and UPV ID
217 | T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r


Description: The TLRC has two audio-visual rooms and fully equipped with multimedia projectors, television sets, projector
screens, and DVD players. The Interactive Learning Program (ILP) AVR can accommodate 100 persons while the
TLRC AVR can accommodate 50. The audio-visual rooms are available for film showing, seminars, and fora.
Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)
Clients/Customers: Faculty members and Staff
Requirements: AVR Reservation Form
Processing Time: 2 days, 10 minutes
Duration of Person(s)
Steps Customer/ Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Requests for AVR Asks for the specific date and time None AVR
1 reservation of use of the AVR and refers to 2 minutes (for GE and Non- TLRC Staff Reservation
the AVR Reservation scheduler GE classes) Form
Informs the staff the Checks if AVR is available on the
specific date and time of specific date and time (if available,
use of the AVR informs the customer that the
2 3 minutes NA TLRC Staff NA
AVR is free; if not available,
informs the customer that AVR is
already reserved)
Informs the staff to reserve Blocks and reserves (tentative) the
the specific date and time specific date and time in favor of
3 the customer and provides the 3 minutes NA TLRC Staff NA
customer with a copy of the AVR
Reservation Form
4 Receives the AVR Informs the customer to 1 day NA TLRC Staff NA
218 | T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r

Duration of Person(s)
Steps Customer/ Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
reservation form accomplish the form properly and
completely and advises to return
the duly accomplished form back
5 Accomplishes the AVR Receives and checks the
Reservation Form and correctness and completeness of
returns to TLRC office the form, forwards to the Director
1 day NA TLRC Staff NA
for action, and informs the
customer to check on the status of
the request the next day
6 Visits or contacts the Informs the customer that AVR
TLRC office the next day reservation is
2 minutes NA TLRC Staff NA
to check the status of the approved/disapproved

1. Each class can use the AVR for only 3 sessions in a semester for free. These sessions should follow the official class schedules.
2. The faculty-in-charge should file the reservation 5 working days and confirm the reservation 3 working days prior to date of use.
3. All learning materials and films should be tested one day before the scheduled date.
4. For student organizations, administration offices, and other requesting parties, a letter requesting for use of AVR addressed to the
TLRC Director must be secured first. Upon approval of the request, accomplish the reservation form and pay the corresponding
fees at the UPV Cashier’s Office at least three (3) days before the scheduled day of use.
5. Paid reservation is considered confirmed and non-refundable.
T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r | 219

Audio – Visual Room (AVR) Reservation Flowchart

Student/Customer Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME

TLRC Staff
Asks for the specific date and time of use
Start Requests for AVR reservation of the AVR and refers to the AVR 2 minutes
Reservation scheduler

TLRC Staff
Informs the staff the specific date and time of Checks if AVR is available on the specific 3 minutes
use of the AVR date and time

NO Available? YES

Blocks and reserves (tentative) the

TLRC Staff
specific date and time in favor of the
3 minutes
customer and provides the customer with
a copy of the AVR Reservation Form

Informs the customer to accomplish the

TLRC Staff
form properly and completely and advises
Receives the AVR reservation form 1 day
to return the duly accomplished form back

Receives and checks the correctness and

TLRC Staff
completeness of the form, forwards to the
Accomplishes the AVR Reservation Form
Director for action, and informs the 1 day
and returns to TLRC office
customer to check on the status of the
request the next day

TLRC Staff
Visits or contacts the TLRC office
Informs the customer that AVR reservation
End the next day to check the status of 2 minutes
is approved/disapproved
the request
220 | T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r


Description: Only UPV clients can avail themselves of the lamination, plastic ring binding, scanning, and CD burning services on
a first-come-first served basis. The schedule must be strictly observed.
Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)
Clients/Customers: Students, Faculty member, and Staff
Requirements: TBAC
Processing Time: 15 minutes per service
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
1 Requests the staff to avail a Receives and verifies the TBAC -P10.00 per lamination
particular service (lamination, and prepares the machine or -P20.00-40.00 per ring
ring binding, scanning, CD equipment and supplies needed 3 minutes binding TLRC Staff TBAC
burning) and presents TBAC -P10.00 per scanning
-P10.00 per CD burning
2 Provides the material needed Receives the material, performs
for the requested service the requested service and records
the transaction in the TBAC 10 minutes NA TLRC Staff NA
(date, service provided, amount,
3 Checks if the job output is Presents the job output to the
1 minute NA TLRC Staff NA
done properly customer
4 Claims the job output and Releases the job output and
1 minute NA TLRC Staff NA
T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r | 221

Lamination, Plastic Ring Binding, Scanning, CD Burning Flowchart

Student/Customer Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


TLRC Staff
Requests the staff to avail a particular service Receives and verifies the TBAC and
(lamination, ring binding, scanning, CD prepares the machine or equipment and 3 minutes
burning) and presents TBAC supplies needed

Receives the material, performs the

TLRC Staff
Provides the material needed for the requested service and records the
10 minutes
requested service transaction in the TBAC (date, service
provided, amount, balance)

TLRC Staff
Checks if the job output is done properly Presents the job output to the customer 1 minute

TLRC Staff
Claims the job output and TBAC Releases the job output and TBAC 1 minute

222 | T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r


Description: Only UPV clients can borrow board games and other game pieces at the TLRC.
Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)
Clients/Customers: Students, Faculty members, and Staff
Requirements: UPV ID
Processing Time: 1 minute
Duration Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
of Activity Responsible
1 Request to borrow game Informs the customer to browse the shelf
15 seconds None TLRC Staff NA
pieces and retrieve the game pieces
2 Retrieves game pieces from Receives and verifies the UPV ID, checks
the shelf and presents to the and retrieves the nametag of the game
10 seconds NA TLRC Staff NA
staff with the UPV ID pieces from the packet, and releases the
game pieces to the customer
3 Receives the game pieces Files the UPV ID with the nametag 10 seconds NA TLRC Staff NA
4 Informs the staff to return the Receives and checks game pieces, returns
game pieces when finished the nametag in the packet, and informs the
15 seconds NA TLRC Staff NA
customer to put back in the shelf the game
5 Returns game pieces to the Returns UPV ID
10 seconds NA TLRC Staff NA
shelf and retrieves UPV ID
T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r | 223

Borrowing of Game Pieces Flowchart

Student/Customer Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


TLRC Staff
Informs the customer to browse the shelf
Request to borrow game pieces 15 seconds
and retrieve the game pieces

Receives and verifies the UPV ID, checks

TLRC Staff
Retrieves game pieces from the shelf and and retrieves the nametag of the game
10 seconds
presents to the staff with the UPV ID pieces from the packet, and releases the
game pieces to the customer

TLRC Staff
Receives the game pieces Files the UPV ID with the nametag 10 seconds

Receives and checks game pieces,

TLRC Staff
Informs the staff to return the game pieces returns the nametag in the packet, and
15 seconds
when finished informs the customer to put back in the
shelf the game pieces

TLRC Staff
Returns game pieces to the shelf
End Returns UPV ID 10 seconds
and retrieves UPV ID
224 | T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r


Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (No noon break)

Clients/Customers: Students
Requirements: Photocopy of Form 5 and Tutee’s Registration Form
Processing Time: 5 minutes
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
1 Informs the staff to register in Requires the student to submit photocopy Form 5 and
the tutorial program of latest Form 5, provides Tutee’s Tutee’s
1minute None TLRC Staff
Registration Form (TRF) for student to fill Registration
out Form
2 Submits photocopy of Form Receives and verifies Form 5
1 minute NA TLRC Staff NA
3 Fills out and submits the Retrieves and checks Tutee’s Registration
Tutee’s Registration Form Form if properly and completely filled out.
(TRF) Informs the student to review and sign the 2 minutes NA TLRC Staff NA
Commitment to Attend the Tutorial
Sessions (CATS) at the back of the TRF
4 Reviews and signs the Confirms the registration of the student
Commitment to Attend the to the tutorial program and advises to
Tutorial Sessions (CATS) at contact the student upon availability of 1 minute NA TLRC Staff NA
the back of the TRF; returns tutors
TRF after signing to staff
T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r | 225

Registration to the Tutorial Program Flowchart

Student/Customer Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


Requires the student to submit photocopy

TLRC Staff
Informs the staff to register in the tutorial of latest Form 5, provides Tutee’s
3 minutes
program Registration Form (TRF) for student to fill

TLRC Staff
Submits photocopy of Form 5 Receives and verifies Form 5 10 minutes

Retrieves and checks Tutee’s Registration

TLRC Staff
Form if properly and completely filled out.
Fills out and submits the Tutee’s Registration
Informs the student to review and sign the 1 minute
Form (TRF)
Commitment to Attend the Tutorial
Sessions (CATS) at the back of the TRF

TLRC Staff
Reviews and signs the Commitment to Attend Confirms the registration of the student to
the Tutorial Sessions (CATS) at the back of the tutorial program and advises to contact 1 minute
the TRF; returns TRF after signing to staff the student upon availability of tutors

T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r | 226



Description: Summer Bridge Program is a two-week intensive course in Math for selected incoming freshmen students
Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM –5:00 PM (No noon break)
Clients/Customers: Incoming/Beginning Freshman students
Requirements: UPCAT Notice and SBP Confirmation Form
Processing Time: 1 hour, 10 minutes
Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Informs the staff to confirm Receives and checks UPCAT Notice and
1 attendance to the SBP and searches the name in the list of tagged SBP 2 minutes NA TLRC Staff
presents UPCAT Notice participants
Waits for further instruction Informs the participant to write contact SBP
2 details and affix signature in the SBP 2 minutes NA TLRC Staff Confirmation
Confirmation Form Form
Writes contact details and Provides the participant with the SBP
signs the form Diagnostic Exam in Math, instructs to
3 follow direction when answering the exam, 2 minutes NA TLRC Staff NA
and guides the participant to the testing
4 Proceeds to the testing area to Waits for the participant to finish
1 hour NA TLRC Staff NA
take the exam answering the exam
Approaches the staff and Receives and keeps the test questionnaire
5 returns the test questionnaire and provides the participant with a copy of 2 minutes NA TLRC Staff NA
when finished the SBP schedule of activities
227 | T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
6 Receives copy of SBP Confirms the attendance of the participant
schedule of activities to the SBP and advises that further
2 minutes NA TLRC Staff NA
updates regarding SBP will be sent
through text
T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r | 228

Confirmation of Attendance to the Summer Bridge Program in Mathematics Flowchart

Student/Customer Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME

TLRC Staff
Informs the staff to confirm Receives and checks UPCAT Notice and
Start attendance to the SBP and presents searches the name in the list of tagged 2 minutes
UPCAT Notice SBP participants

TLRC Staff
Informs the participant to write contact
Waits for further instruction details and affix signature in the SBP 2 minutes
Confirmation Form

Provides the participant with the SBP

TLRC Staff
Diagnostic Exam in Math, instructs to
Writes contact details and signs the form follow direction when answering the exam, 2 minutes
and guides the participant to the testing

TLRC Staff
Waits for the participant to finish
Proceeds to the testing area to take the exam 1 hour
answering the exam

TLRC Staff
Receives and keeps the test questionnaire
Approaches the staff and returns the test
and provides the participant with a copy of 2 minutes
questionnaire when finished
the SBP schedule of activities

Confirms the attendance of the participant

TLRC Staff
Receives copy of SBP schedule of to the SBP and advises that further
End 2 minutes
activities updates regarding SBP will be sent
through text
T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r | 229


 Enhance civic consciousness and defense preparedness NSTP
in the youth by developing the ethics of service and  To instill and reinforce the concepts of nationalism,
patriotism. humanism, and environmental responsibility in the
 Develop the ethics of service, nationalism, and altruism youth for local and national development
through pro-active community involvement, especially in
fishing communities that are vulnerable and marginalized ROTC
 Produce National Service reservists ready to respond to  To prepare college students for possible service in the
incidents related to climate change and natural disasters Philippine Army in the event of emergency;
 To train college students to become reservists of the
Philippine Army; and
NSTP Program Components  To train college students to become potential officers
1. Reserve Officers’ Training Corps ((ROTC) for possible commission in the Armed Forces of the
Trains and develops college students in the Philippines
rudiments of military service and produce capable Army
reservists and future reserve officers of the AFP FUNCTIONS OF NATIONAL SERVICE
2. Literacy Training Service (LTS)  To teach (CHED-approved) common module to all
Trains students to become teachers of literacy NSTP students and component modules for respective
and numeracy skills to segments of society in need of NSTP components, including any required training
their service courses
 Review and upgrade all syllabi and modules
3. Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS)
 Update and submit regular and special reports related to
Introduces students to activities contributory to
planning, development and finance
general welfare and betterment of life for the members
 Attendance to relevant symposia and conferences for
of the community
updating on syllabi and other NSTP – related concerns
230 | T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r

 To provide a pool of Army and National Service ROTC Coordinator

reservists  Oversees the planning and implementation of ROTC
 To support UPV administration and nearby classes and projects
communities in terms of disaster preparation, response  Prepares list of ROTC graduates for submission to AFP
and management
 To evaluate and implements climate change - and NSTP Job-Hire Staff
disaster response – related modules suggested by related  Assists the Director and Coordinators in both
government agencies administrative and academic activities of NSTP and its
 Assists students assistants in academic and
Duties and Responsibilities administrative activities of NSTP

NSTP Director
 Provides vision to the NSTP
 Oversees the service components under the NSTP as
they align their activities towards the achievement of its
CWTS/LTS Coordinator
 Oversees the planning and implementation of
CWTS/LTS classes and projects
 Exposes the students to the different fields of
CWTS/LTS and assists them in planning and in the
implementation of community-based projects
 Prepares list of CWTS/LTS graduates for submission to
 Facilitates establishment of NSRC for CWTS/LTS
graduates still enrolled in UPV
T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r | 231

Vice Chancellor for

Academic Affairs

NTSP Director ROTC Commandant

NSTP Admin Staff

(Job Hire)

ROTC Coordinator
CWTS Coordinator CWTS Coordinator (Iloilo LTS in-charge
(Miagao and Iloilo City
(Miagao Campus) City Campus) (Miagao Campus)
T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r | 232



Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 12NN

Clients/Customers: NSTP Students (Freshmen or upper class officially enrolled in NSTP)
Requirements: Form 5
School ID
Processing Time: 8 minutes

Duration of Person(s)
Step Customer/Applicant Service Provider Fee(s) Form(s)
Activity Responsible
Presents Form 5 and Checks Form 5, verifies student
Form 5
1 school ID number from school ID and stamps 2 minutes NA NSTP Staff
School ID
the form if officially enrolled
Registers name in the Checks if registration form were NSTP
2 NSTP registration form completely filled in 3 minutes NA NSTP Staff Registratio
n Form
Submits schedule of Records schedule of classes
classes for Wednesdays
3 3 minutes NA NSTP Staff Form 5
and Saturdays (applicable
only for second semester)
233 | T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r

Student Registration to NSTP Flowchart

Student Person/Unit Responsible/Service Provider TIME


NSTP Staff
Checks Form 5, verifies student number
Presents Form 5 and school ID from school ID and stamps the form if 2 minutes
officially enrolled

NSTP Staff
Checks if registration form were
Registers name in the NSTP registration form 3 minutes
completely filled in

NSTP Staff
Submits schedule of classes for
Wednesdays and Saturdays (applicable only Records schedule of classes 3 minute
for second semester)

T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e C e n t e r | 234

Republic Act 9500 known as The University of the Philippines Charter of 2008.
University of the Philippines: General Information Bulletin on Freshman Admission (Academic Year 2016-2017).Quezon City: University of the
Philippines Diliman.
University of the Philippines in the Visayas. (n.d.) Miagao, Iloilo: Information and Publications Office
University of the Philippines Visayas: Catalogue of Academic Programs (2013). Iloilo City: Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
University of the Philippines Diliman General Catalogue (2014). Quezon City:UP Diliman Office of the University Registrar.
Faculty Manual. University of the Philippines Diliman (December 2003).Quezon City: University of the Philippines Diliman

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