Communications Management Plan: Train Smartpass
Communications Management Plan: Train Smartpass
Communications Management Plan: Train Smartpass
Date: 13.01.2021
Doc. Version: 1.0.0
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Train SmartPass Communications Management Plan
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1. INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................................4
2. COMMUNICATIONS OBJECTIVES ...........................................................................................................4
2.1. Inputs ..............................................................................................................................................4
2.2. Media ..............................................................................................................................................4
3. PROJECT MEETINGS ..............................................................................................................................5
4. PROJECT REPORTS...............................................................................................................................14
5. OTHER COMMUNICATIONS ............................................... EROARE! MARCAJ ÎN DOCUMENT NEDEFINIT.
6. SUMMARY TABLE ................................................................................................................................15
The Communications Management Plan helps to ensure that all project stakeholders have the
information they need to perform their roles throughout the project. Planning and executing project
communication activities is essential for project success.
The Communications Management Plan determines how to communicate most efficiently and
effectively to the various stakeholders. It defines and documents the communication items content,
format, frequency, the audience and expected results. It also defines how to communicate project
status and the assignment of activities to the various stakeholders, and the communication strategy
for each stakeholder, based on their interests, expectations and influence in the project.
Proactive communication is important on all projects. Communication needs to be:
• Adequate: in the right format and right content;
• Specific: for the targeted audience;
• Sufficient: providing all the necessary information;
• Concise: brief, avoiding repetition and non-important information;
• Timely: addressing points at the right time.
Communication is also a vital way to manage project stakeholders' expectations such as:
• Following project progress and execution;
• Reporting on project quality;
• Assigning activities.
2.1. Inputs
When planning communication, one of the major inputs is the Stakeholder Matrix, in order to identify
project stakeholders' groups. To determine what information needs to be communicated to each
target group the following inputs should be used:
• Project Charter
• Project Handbook and possible related management plans
• Project Work Plan.
2.2. Media
The communication media that will be used for the project are:
• Email(s);
• Document(s) (MS Word and/or PowerPoint…);
• Phone call(s);
• Meeting(s) (using, meeting rooms, conference phones, video rooms…);
In this section the following meetings are described:
• Planning Kick-off Meeting
• Executing Kick-off Meeting
• Project Status Meeting
• Project Core Team (PCT) Meeting
• Project Review Meeting
• Project Steering Committee (PSC) Meeting
• Change Control Meeting
• Project-End Review Meeting
Chairperson Project Manager (PM) (or delegated person if Project Manager (PM) cannot
attend) or Project Manager Assistant (PMA) that are part of the Project.
Minutes by Project Manager
Attendees Business Manager (BM)
Project Manager (PM)
Agenda Change requests status:
1- Progress update on open changes
Current deliverables status:
2- Existing change requests (current progress)
3- New change requests (commitment on prioritization, on budget, on
milestones, …)
Next deliverables status:
4- Existing change requests (current progress)
5- New change requests (commitment on prioritization, on budget, on
milestones, …)
Distribution list All participants invited.
Media • Meeting minutes written in MS-Word and sent by e-mail(s);
• Change log to be updated.
Project-End Review Meeting
Purpose The objectives for the Project-End Review meeting are:
• Review the project performance and main achievements;
• Discuss the overall project experience;
• Discuss if the objectives have been reached and if not, why;
• Discuss problems and challenges faced during project and the way
they were addressed;
• Discuss Lessons Learned and Best Practices that might be useful for
future projects.
Location No specific location. Defined by the Project Manager (PM) in time.
Frequency No frequency. The meeting is realized once per project or major project
Chairperson Project Manager (PM)
Minutes by To be defined by Project Manager (PM) in time.
Attendees Project Owner (PO)
Business Manager (BM)
Solution Provider (SP)
Project Manager (PM)
User Representatives
(Functional) Team Leader
Agenda Items • Review the project performance and achievements;
• Evaluate project relevant facts (budget & work history, milestones &
timing history, technical & methodological approaches used);
• Identify the Lessons learned;
• Business Implementation plan (change management, how to achieve
desired outcomes and benefits)
Distribution list All participants invited.
Media Project-End Review MoM, Project-End Report Word Document; sent by e-
Project Steering Solution Provider (SP) Project Owner (PO) Monthly or at the moment there is an Meeting minutes
Committee (PSC) Project Steering Committee (PSC) important project milestone reached, Decision log
Meeting members that needs approval(s) from Sponsor(s). updated
Change Control Business Manager (BM) Project Manager (PM) Lunar Meeting
Meeting Project Manager (PM)
Other project roles or stakeholders Meeting minutes
(optional). Change log
Project-End Project Owner (PO) Project Manager (PM) Once per project or major project phase. Meeting minutes
Review Meeting Business Manager (BM) Project-End Report
Solution Provider (SP)
Project Manager (PM)
User Representatives (URs)
(Functional) Team Leader
Project Core Team (PCT) Other
project roles or stakeholders
Project Status Refer to Audience specified in the Project Manager (PM) Will follow the frequency defined for the Word document
Report Project Status Meeting. Project Status Meeting.
Project Progress Refer to Audience specified for the Project Manager (PM) will follow the frequency defined for the Word document
Report Project Review Meeting. Project Review Meeting.
Date: 14/01/2021 16 / 17 Doc. Version: 1.0.0
Item Name Audience (summary) Responsible person Frequency Media of
Project-End Refer to Audience specified in the Project Manager (PM) Once, during the Project Closing Phase. Word Document
Report Project-End Review Meeting.