Assignment 2 Example
Assignment 2 Example
Assignment 2 Example
Lesson Topic:
Evening Schedule
1. What is the use or function of this The future perfect tense is used to talk about an action/event that will be completed in the future before
language? (include a timeline if another action, an event or a point in time.
2. In which context are you introducing Evening plans in the context of what you will have done by a certain time later tonight in order to create
the language? plans with a partner.
E.g. finished my homework, brushed my teeth, eaten dinner, practised piano etc.
3. Which concept checking questions will "By 8pm tonight, I will have eaten dinner."
you ask to ensure students understand 1. Have you eaten dinner yet today? (No)
the meaning? 2. Do you know when you will eat dinner? (No/unspecified/before 8pm)
3. Will you have eaten dinner after 8pm tonight? (Yes)
4. What will you do before 8pm tonight? (eat dinner)
Negative Structure:
Question Form:
6. How will your students work out the I will use a guided discovery/inductive exercise using a ‘daily schedule’ (Fig. 2) to eventually elicit what the
rules for the structure? person will have done by a certain time in the Future Perfect tense (See Presentation: Meaning for
I will use the board as my main prop when attempting to elicit the structure and my own voice to prompt
if the students are unaware of this grammatical form.
7. What will you teach about the Teacher will focus mainly on contractions that may present themselves within the Future Perfect Tense.
pronunciation of the structure?
“Will + have” becomes “will’ve” in spoken English. /wɪlʊv/
All the available pronouns + will (e.g. “I + Will” becomes “I’ll” in spoken English) /ɑ:l/
A little extra focus on certain vowel sounds and phonemes which are missing in the Russian Language to
help the Russian students.
e.g. This sound /ɜ:/, in particular, gives Russian speakers the greatest difficulty when pronouncing English
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Stage Name Stage Aim Time Interaction Teacher’s procedure Students will…
Warmer To allow the 10 S-S Show pictures of people doing daily Identify the topic of the lesson and
students to minutes OCFB activities and get the students to begin to refresh their vocab regarding
transition into decide/discuss, in pairs, at what time times of day and routine.
English and prepare during the day is the most likely these Also, engage in a small discussion
them for the topic of activities would be completed (Fig 2.) about why they think these activities
the lesson. would occur at certain times.
Presentation: To allow the 7 T-S 1. The teacher will present to the Actively think about the grammar
Meaning students to use their minutes OCFB class ‘Sarah’s Schedule’ (Fig. 3). structure and after reviewing plenty
own analysing skills 2. T will elicit Sarah’s activities of examples provided by the T will
to deduce the from the class and will get the derive their own understanding of the
meaning of the students to discuss in pairs if grammar.
grammar. they share any elements of her
daily routine.
3. T will write on one side of the
board sentences in ‘simple
future tense’ (a grammar
structure which will be very
familiar to the students) such
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as ‘She will brush her teeth at
9pm’ and elicit the remainder
of her activities from her class
in this structure.
4. Next, T will ask questions in the
form of “What tasks/actions
has she completed by 6pm?”,
eliciting correct answers.
5. T will begin to write, but not
finish, new sentences in the
new grammatical structure
next to its corresponding
sentence from the other side
of the board e.g. ‘By 9pm,
6. T will elicit the future perfect
tense from the class or if
unsure will slowly prompt by
slowly sounding the words.
7. Eventually, eliciting the full
sentence form the class and
writing it on the board – ‘By
9pm, She will have brushed her
teeth’. Use the visual representation of the
8. T continues this for the target structure to consolidate their
remainder of the understanding of the grammar. They
tasks/activities. will also answer the CCQs
9. T will present the timeline (Fig. demonstrating their comprehension
1) and chorus the to the T.
Negative Structure:
Question Form:
Cooler To allow the 3 T-S T will divide the students into the same Be able to witness their improved
students to reflect minutes teams as in the Practice stage to allow knowledge of the past participle form
on the progress they them to continue on with the same of words which are essential for the
have made score tally. grammar structure.
throughout the T will read out a verb and the team Feel positive ending the lesson with a
lesson and leave on a which is quickest to shout its competitive game.
positive note. corresponding Past Participle form
wins a point.
Lesson Rationale (700-1000 words):
I chose to structure my lesson using, predominantly, the PPP format due to its systematic approach towards taking on board new information. I believe it
allows learners to become aware of certain aspects of new language and, as a result, they are more likely to notice these features in the real world, giving
this method huge amount of application. PPP, however, isn’t without its drawbacks; the regimental structure can be quite restrictive with regards to the
student’s exploration of the language. For this reason, I’ve chosen to implement a guided discovery activity within the ‘Presentation: Meaning’ stage to allow
the students to inductively discover the rules of the grammar structure. This, I feel, is more likely to promote a stronger level of comprehension with the
target structures as the students have been given an opportunity to discover it for themselves. Furthermore, as this method is recommended for students
who already have a base in the language, encouraging them to use existing knowledge, I felt it a highly suitable activity for a level B2 class.
We swiftly move into, arguably, the most crucial stage of the procedure (along with the production): the guided discovery Presentation stage. Unlike a
vocabulary lesson, this lesson is laden with stringent rules. It is my prerogative to engage my students meticulously with these rules. Rules are boring enough
for most people let alone to a 12 year-old, who is most probably severely lacking any form of intrinsic motivation to take this on board. Encouraging my
students to inductively discover these rules for themselves will theoretically allow them to fit them to their existing mental structures (Thornbury, 1999),
rather than me attempting to forcibly make them learn them.
Presentation: Meaning 2 simply gives the students an opportunity to visualise the concept of the Future Perfect tense once they have discovered the meaning
for themselves. This, along with the CCQ’s, provides the teacher reassurance that the students comprehension of the grammar is full proof.
Form gives the students an opportunity to establish the correct written sentence structure along with the potential grammatical contractions (e.g. won’t).
This stage highlights the potential difficulties which may arise due to the varying forms (positive, negative and question). Having the students fill out a
worksheet will give them a good understanding of the differences in form.
Pronunciation focuses mainly on the contractions in the target structure. I feel as the students are B2 level their existing pronunciation ability will prevent
major issues with the vocabulary. Contractions and sentence fluency will come from drilling, CICing and presenting the target words in their phonemic form
on the board.
As referred to in my anticipated difficulties the age of the students requires that I keep this lesson fun, engaging and game focused. For this reason, I have
chosen to play a, tried-and-tested, popular game for the practice stage (the game is called Broken Telephone). The game itself gets the students standing up
and moving around which is paramount for young learners. But the real beauty of the game is that it targets various aspects of the language including
pronunciation, listening, speaking and form! The students are motivated by a point system to reproduce the sentence as accurately as possible in order for
the lead student build the sentence from a disorganised pile of word cards.
Production finally witnesses our students achieving the aim – identifying and using the future perfect tense to discuss evening plans. Due to the high level of
the students I would expect their existing vocabulary to be large enough to allow a fluid conversation, but I will model a conversation at the beginning with a
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strong student and also write three example conversation to help struggling students. I understand that with freer practices such as this one, some students
actually struggle with the creative aspect of it, hence the provision of three example scenarios to follow. During this activity I will take a back seat and monitor
the paired conversations, giving help quietly as not to disturb the rest of the class.
The cooler is another game as this lesson’s content will have been quite taxing on our young learners. This allows the students to continue their original score
tally in the same teams. Here I want to focus on the past participles of the verbs as these can be incredibly tricky for English learners as some follow a ‘regular’
pattern and others an ‘irregular’ pattern. I want the students to enjoy themselves here but also reflect on how much new information they have taken on
board over the past hour. They should leave the lesson feeling like the class was very fun!
I would have liked to have included a work sheet focusing on the specifics of the past participle form of the verbs as I am very aware of how challenging these
verbs can be, particularly the irregular verbs. However, Due to the ages and time restrictions I thought it more suitable to include it at the end in game form.
To combat any issues, I will allow the students to use their dictionaries when checking past participles (except for in the cooler) and I will clearly write a
number of commonly used verbs on the board in their four principle parts (present, present participle, past and past participle).
Thornbury, S. (1999). How to teach grammar. Edinburgh: Pearson Education Limited. pp.34