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May Whispers

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Wekiva Whispers

Wekiva Elementary School

1450 East Wekiva Trail
Longwood, Florida 32779
Phone: 746-3150 Fax: 746-3163
May 2011
Principal: Michael Pfeiffer Assistant Principal: Michelle Baker

Principal’s Message Dreamer and Doer Media Center News

Due to implications from budget cuts, Congratulations to Brian Johnson, Our Intermediate students who have
compounded with a continued Wekiva’s 2010-2011 Walt Disney’s read three or more Sunshine State
significant drop in student Dreamer and Doer! An award based Books had the opportunity to vote for
enrollment, Wekiva Elementary will on volunteer service and making the their favorite book on Tuesday, April
be impacted for the 2011-12 school world a better place, Brian has shown 5th. This year, the winning book for
year. We are in the process of outstanding support of his community Wekiva was Someone Named Eva.
reducing staff allocations and by serving food at the Coalition for Thank you to all of the students who
adjusting various operating budgets the Homeless and volunteering at the came out and voted for their favorite!
for the upcoming year. Additionally, non-profit organization Stepping The Sunshine State reading program
laws such as the Class Size Onward. Over his Spring Break, at Wekiva ended on Friday, April
Amendment, IDEA, PE mandates, Brian participated in Buddy Break, a 29th. Any students who have read
and other intervention mandates will program partnering local students and tested on at least eight of the
come into play, sometimes helping with special needs children, and he books (as of April 29) will be invited
us, sometimes hindering us. also volunteered at the Rescue Run to an ice cream sundae party on
Regrettably, there will be a loss of Corporate 5K, which raised money Thursday, May 26th. Students who
staff; an impact on student support for Seminole County’s homeless have read all 15 books will be
services including Specials, Media, shelter. And over Winter Break, awarded a special prize gift-bag after
and/or Intervention offerings; an Brian produced a neighborhood play the ice cream party. The books were
increase in staff responsibilities (staff and invited friends, neighbors, and fantastic this year! Thanks to
remaining will have to absorb the family with a small admission everyone for participating and
responsibilities of departed staff); and fee…one canned food item which supporting the Sunshine State Book
staff moves. We ask all Wekiva will be donated to a locate program here at Wekiva!
stakeholders for their understanding organization.
and continued support. MusicKidz News
Speech/Lang. Teacher of the Year Going to Disney: Koala MusicKidz
Supporting Wekiva Congratulations to Peggy Keiffer, the will be making an appearance on
As you can see from the “Principal’s Seminole County Public Schools Disney's Waterside Stage at
Message”, we ask that parents and Speech/Language Teacher of the Downtown Disney on May 19th, and
friends support Wekiva as best they Year! We are proud to announce that will enjoy a free day at Epcot as a
can by doing the following: Peggy won this K-12 district honor in reward for their hard work this year.
• Support your child’s class by a landslide victory voted on by her 101 Dalmatians: Also in May, we
being a DIVIDEND. fellow Speech/Language teachers will be presenting the musical, 101
• Join PTA and support PTA throughout the district. This is a true Dalmatians, at the final PTA meeting
fundraisers. and well deserved honor, reflective of of this school year. Rehearsals began
• Support Technology. Mrs. Keiffer’s professionalism and on February 24 and will take place
• Shop at Target and designate dedication to her students. weekly until the performance. We are
Wekiva as your “school”. excited about our spring production.
• Turn in Box Tops for Education, Wekiva Dividends of the Year 1st and 2nd Grade Programs: 1st and
Campbell Soup labels, Tyson Wekiva congratulates and honors its 2nd grade students are preparing for
labels, Coke Rewards, and ink Dividends of the Year! We thank their musical shows on May 18th and
cartridges. them, and all of our dividends who May 20th.
have supported our school throughout Important Correction: Wekiva
Pre-K News the school year! congratulates Natalie Sullivan as
Pre-K will be hosting their Circle Adult – Lisa McCauley being a part of Seminole All-County
Time Show for Mother's Day on May Youth – Marshall Prose Chorus this past year! We apologize
13th. This wonderful presentation Senior – Betty Cheek for our previous mistake.
will showcase the culmination of
student skills learned this year.
Seminole County Public Schools
www.scps.k12.fl.us or www.wekivaelementary.com
Technology Updates Blood Mobile using the Holderness entrance past
We will be getting 25 new computers the P.E. pavilion.
for our lab! The new computers will Don’t forget, support the Lunch Last Three Days
be coming from the following W ekiva Blood Drive on May Please note the last 3 days of school
funding sources: 14 will be purchased 2 nd . will be Early Release Days. Food
using funds from our principal’s Services is unable to extend credit. If
Capital Outlay budget, nine will come Extended Day Registration 2011-12 your child does not have money in
from money raised by our Trek for Open Registration for Extended Day his/her account or you do not send
Tech fundraiser and two will come is Friday, May 20th. Extended Day your child with money for lunch,
from the generous donation by the will open for registration at 7:00 am. Food Services will assume you have
Arreaza family. The computers Please note, there is a limited number made arrangements for your child to
currently in the lab will be distributed of spaces. eat at home or at their day care.
to classrooms replacing outdated
models. In addition, we will be Haiti Update E arly Dismissal
adding two more Mimio interactive Wekiva collected $1,718.33 to Feed The last three days of school are
whiteboards (one funded by PTA and the Children of Haiti. Thank you to EARLY DISMISSAL DAYS.
Trek for Tech, the other coming from all of our Wekiva students for helping Wekiva will dismiss all students at
the principal’s Capital Outlay those less fortunate! 1:00 P.M. A bag lunch is served the
budget). These will be set up in a 2nd
last three days. Please make sure all
and 3rd grade classroom. This will Teacher Requests 2011-2012 students are picked up at the new
bring our total to 11 Mimios school To clarify, Wekiva does not accept time and/or are provided proper
wide. None of this would have been specific teacher requests. As Wekiva parental supervision
possible without the support of is blessed to have outstanding
administration, the PTA, our teachers in all of its grades and Important Dates
teachers, and our community. classes, we feel that all of our 5/2-3 Kindergarten Parent Tours
students will be placed with a great 5/3 School Related Emp of Year
22nd Annual LBHS Principal’s 5K teacher. Specific student 5/4 ABCS Lunch
All runners are invited to participate characteristics or needs (ESOL, ESE, SAC, 5:00 p.m.
in LBHS’s upcoming 5K, Saturday, health issues, 504 accommodations, PTA Board, 6:15 p.m.
May 14. Registration is 7:00 a.m., learning styles, etc.) will be taken into 5/5 4th Gr. FT to St. Augustine
with an 8:00 a.m. start time. Contact account when scheduling students. 5/9 3rd Gr. FT to Zoo
tim.newton@us.schindler.com with
5/10 PTA Gen. Mtg and 101
questions and online registration at Moving Dalmatians Drama, 7:00
www.fleetfeetorlando.com. This is a If your children will not be attending p.m.
competitive race and awards will be Wekiva for the 2011-12 school year, 5/13 3rd Gr. FT to Zoo
presented. Location and parking is you are asked to fill out the 5/16-23 Super Scientist
at Wekiva Elementary. A formal “Moving form” that will be coming 5/18 SRI Lunch
flier and registration form may be home with students in April in 2nd Grade Show
picked up at Wekiva Elementary’s preparation of paperwork they will 5/19 MusicKidz to Disney
front office. need to take to the new school. 5/20 1st Grade Show
5/24 Math Super Stars Lunch
Final Notice: 2011 Yearbooks Student Council: Pop Tabs Update 5/25 K End of Yr Party
Memories for sale! All of the Student Council would like to thank 5/26 3rd Gr. End of Yr
fantastic events from this year at everyone who brought in Pop Tabs Party
Wekiva will be included in this for the Ronald McDonald House. The 5/27 5th Gr. Graduation
yearbook. Although the early Pop Tabs were taken to be weighed 2nd Gr. End of Yr Party
purchase date has passed, any extras and the total weight of the collection 4th Gr. End of Yr Party
will be available in the front office on was 123 pounds! Student Council 1:00 Dismissal
a first-come-first-served basis. will continue to collect Pop Tabs this 5/30 No School
year for next year’s weigh in. 5/31 1st Gr. End of Yr Party
Third Grade Checker Day
5th Gr. Kickball
Third grade would like to thank all of Parking Last Three Days 1:00 Dismissal
our senior guests that joined us for The area behind the cafeteria and 6/1 5th Gr. End of Yr Party
Checker Day on April 1st. Everyone pavilion will be closed for parking the Report Cards
came dressed in red and black and last three days of school due to grade 1:00 Dismissal
enjoyed themselves while playing level end of the year parties. Visitors Last Day of School
Checkers! Thanks so much for your are asked to park in the easement area
participation in this annual event. behind the kickball fields marked by
cones. Please enter the easement area

Seminole County Public Schools

www.scps.k12.fl.us or www.wekivaelementary.com

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