12-Combustors (Compatibility Mode)
12-Combustors (Compatibility Mode)
12-Combustors (Compatibility Mode)
RMD 2501
Location of
combustor in a gas
trubine engine
The high pressure air from the engine compressor is already heated to
about 450 deg C.
Th temperature off the
h airi is
i raised
i d to about
b 1300 K in
i the
h combustor
at constant pressure. The temperature rise in the combustor is limited by
the material used in the first stage of the turbine.
Present day aero engines are designed for high TET of the order of
1800 K (with efficient turbine blade cooling techniques), because high
TET enhances overall gas turbine cycle efficiency.
These high TETs require combustor primary zone flame temperatures
of the order of 2000 K, which, in turn, necessitate the development of
newer materials and efficient cooling techniques apart from the need for
low loss, efficient and complete combustion.
Can C b
This type of combustion chamber
i so arrangedd that
is th t air
i from
f the
compressor enters each individual
chamber through the adapter.
Each individual chamber is
composed of two cylindrical tubes,
the combustion chamber liner and
the outer combustion chamber.
Combustion takes place within the
Airflow into the combustion area is
controlled by small louvers located
in the inner dome, and by round
holes and elongated louvers along
the length of the liner.
A l Combustor
Annular C b t
The primary compressed air is
introduced into an annular space
formed by a chamber liner around
the turbine assembly.
The space between the outer liner
wall and the combustion chamber
housing permit the flow of
secondaryy cooling g air from the
Primary air is mixed with the fuel
for combustion.
Secondary (cooling) air reduces the
temperature of the hot gases
entering the turbine to the proper
l l by b forming
f i a blanket
bl k t off cooll
air around these hot gases.
12 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 11
Types of Combustor RMD 2501
C A l C
Can-Annular b t
The combustion chambers are
completely surrounded by the
airflow that enters the liners
through various holes and louvers.
This air is mixed with fuel which
has been sprayed under pressure
from the fuel nozzles.
The fuel-air mixture is ignited
g byy
igniter plugs, and the flame is then
carried through the crossover
tubes to the remaining liners.
The inner casing assembly is both
a support and a heat shield; also,
oil lines run through it.
1. Diffuser: A di
Diff diverging
i passage, which
hi h reduces
d the
th velocity
l it off compressor exit
air flow from ~Mach 0.3 to Mach 0.05-0.1 in combustor passages with
minimum pressure loss.
2. Cowls: Structures attached to dome which guide flow from diffuser into the
combustor passages with minimum pressure loss.
3. Dome: Front end of the combustor structure which provides shelter and means
of flame stabilisation (e.g. swirlers) for the primary combustion zone.
4. Liners: Thin metal shells extending from the dome to the turbine nozzle for
control of combustion and dilution air jets and cooling air film.
film The liners
protect the engine casing and internal shafts form the hot combustion products.
5. Casings: Engine structural shells which carry thrust loads. Casings also
comprise inner and outer passage boundaries.
6. Fuel Injectors: Devices which provide fuel to the primary zone, usually through
the dome.
7. Igniter: Spark plug located in dome or primary zone.
12 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 13
Combustion System Components RMD 2501
bili P f
Ground start Combustion efficiency
Altitude relight Pressure drop
Lean blow out Exit temperature distribution
Bleed airflows Emissions
Configuration Smoke
Size Carbon monoxide (CO)
Weight Unburned hydrocarbons
Maintainability Oxides of Nitrogen (Nox)
h l growthh Durability
Mounting Method
Structural integrity
C li life
Cyclic lif
Detailed Design
• Refine design features and • Low pressure sector combustor rig
air flow distribution • Annular diffuser model
Combustor Development
• Final hole pattern and air • High pressure sector combustor rig
fl distribution
flow di t ib ti • Full scale annular combustor rig
Types of Diffusers
Faired Diffuser
Dump Diffuser
i 3-13 / 3-14 Lefebvre
f b
Hybrid Diffuser
Types of Diffusers
Fi 8 Mellor
Fig. M ll
R l ti Merits
Relative M it off Various
V i Diffuser
Diff Types
T t l combustor
b t airflow,
i fl Wc, is
i distributed
di t ib t d to
t different
diff t combustor
b t locations
l ti to
achieve different design goals. The airflow distribution does not vary significantly
with combustor operating conditions. The most important airflows are:
W3 Compressor exit flow
Wtc Turbine cooling airflow, which bypasses combustor
Wc Combustor air flow (Wc = W3-W
Wa Fuel atomising air flow admitted through the fuel injector
Ws Swirler airflow
Wp Primary air jets which interact with swirler flow in the primary zone
Wdil Dilution air jets downstream of the primary zone to provide the dome
cooling airflow
Wdc Dome cooling airflow
Wlc Liner cooling airflow
Wd Combustor dome flow (Wd = Wa + Ws + Wdc)
• Louvered Liners
• Cooling Slots
• Thermal
Th l Barrier
B i Coatings
C ti
• Augmented Backside Convection
• Segmented Wall Construction
• Quasi Transpiration Cooling
Combustion efficiency
y and
air-fuel ratio
The range of air/fuel ratio between the rich and weak limits is
reduced with an increase of air velocity, and if the air mass flow is
increased beyond a certain value, flame extinction occurs. A
typical stability loop is illustrated in the figure. The operating
range defined by the stability loop must obviously cover the
required air/fuel ratios and mass flow of the combustion chamber.
The ignition
g pprocess has weak and rich limits similar to those
shown for stability. The ignition loop, however, lies within the
stability loop since it is more difficult to establish combustion
under ‘cold’
cold conditions than to maintain normal burning.
• Complete combustion
• Low total pressure loss
• Stability of combustion process
• Proper temperature distribution at exit with no “hot spots”
• Short length and small cross section
• Freedom from flameout
• Relight ability
• Operation over a wide range of mass flow rates, pressures
and temperatures
Thank you