Part V WILP Degree Semesterwise Patterns
Part V WILP Degree Semesterwise Patterns
Part V WILP Degree Semesterwise Patterns
study, assessment and programme application of concepts learnt in the
completion requirements which are classroom. Therefore, the Institute provides
comparable to programmes offered on- several technology enabled tools like
campus. All the programmes under WILP simulators, virtual labs and remote labs to
follow a credit-based system at par with the enable experiential learning. Such labs are
on-campus education system. equipped with contemporary computational
simulators and remote operating
6. For each WILP course there is an
equipment. Students spend sufficient time
instructor who is a BITS faculty responsible
in learning, practicing and experimenting
for the conduct of the course, as well as a
industry oriented problems designed and
qualified mentor (being a senior
developed by BITS faculty in collaboration
professional from the student’s own
with industry experts.
organization who agrees to act as a mentor
and a resource person) at the work place The currently operative programmes are given
to provide structured guidance to the in Table on pages V-4to V-6. The curriculum
employee throughout the duration of the structure and semesterwise pattern of courses
programme, which helps in strengthening for the currently operative programmes are
the work-study integration. given on Pages V-13& V-105.
7. All programmes are designed to meet the
industry needs, and hence require
Table: Currently Operative Work-Integrated-Learning Programmes at a Glance
M.Tech. Programmes
1. Automotive Electronics - Designed for the HRD needs of a diverse spectrum of
Automotive Industries and Aptive
2. Automotive Engineering - Designed for the HRD needs of a diverse spectrum of
Automotive Industries, Tata Technologies, Tata Motors,
Pune; Mercedes Benz; Cummins
3. Computing Systems & - Designed for the HRD needs of a diverse spectrum of
Infrastructure IT Industries, and Wipro, Bangalore, VMware
4. Data Science & Engineering - Designed for the HRD requirements of a diverse
spectrum of IT Industries and Intuit; Avaya; BEL; Wipro
5. Design Engineering - Designed for the HRD needs of a diverse spectrum of
Engineering Industries, SKF and John Deere, Pune
6. Digital Manufacturing - Designed for the HRD needs of a diverse spectrum of
Digital Industries
7. Embedded Systems - Designed for the HRD needs of a diverse spectrum of
IT Industries, Aricent Technologies; Cisco, Bangalore;
UTC Bangalore and Hyderabad.
8. Environmental Engineering - Goa State Pollution Control Board, Goa
9. Manufacturing Management - Designed for the HRD needs of a diverse spectrum of
Engineering Industries
10. Microelectronics - Designed for the HRD needs of a diverse spectrum of
IT Industries; Synopsys, Bangalore; Samsung,
Gurgaon; Aricent Technologies
11. Pharmaceutical Operations and - Designed for the HRD needs of a diverse spectrum of
Management Pharmaceutical Industries, and Sun Pharmaceutical
Industries, Vadodara;Lupin, Mumbai
12. Quality Management - Designed for the HRD needs of a diverse spectrum of
Engineering Industries
13. Sanitation Science, Technology - Designed for the HRD needs of a diverse spectrum of
and Management Engineering Industries
14. Software Engineering - Wipro Technologies, Dell,SAP Labs, Sabre,EMC,
Oracle, Lowe’s Services, Bangalore; Avaya, Tech
Mahindra, Pune; Capgemini; Qualcomm, Hyderabad
15. Software Systems - Designed for the HRD requirements of a diverse
spectrum of IT Industries; Wipro Technologies,
Bangalore; TCS, Hyderabad;Cisco, Synopsys,
Bangalore; Samsung, Gurgaon; Aricent Technologies,
Mercedes-Benz, Bangalore; ATMECS
16. Systems Engineering - Wipro Infotech, Bangalore
M.B.A. Programmes
1. Business Analytics - Designed for the HRD needs of a diverse spectrum of
IT Industries
2. Consultancy Management - Designed for the HRD needs of a diverse spectrum of
consulting firms
3. Finance - Designed for the HRD needs of business organizations
4. FinTech - Designed for the HRD needs of business organizations
5. Hospital and Health Systems - Designed for the HRD needs of a diverse spectrum of
Management Hospitals and Healthcare organizations
6. Manufacturing Management - Designed for the HRD needs of a diverse spectrum of
Engineering Industries and Bosch
7. Quality Management - Designed for the HRD needs of a diverse spectrum of
Engineering Industries
Post Graduate Diploma Programmes
Designed for the HRD needs of a diverse spectrum of IT
1. Business Analytics
Designed for the HRD needs of a diverse spectrum of
2. Finance
business organizations
3. FinTech Designed for the HRD needs of business organizations
Designed for the HRD needs of a diverse spectrum of
2.Manufacturing Management -
Manufacturing organizations
Post Graduate Certificate Programmes
1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Designed for the HRD needs of a diverse spectrum of IT
Learning industries
Designed for the HRD needs of a diverse spectrum of IT
2. Big Data & Analytics -
Designed for the HRD needs of a diverse spectrum of IT
3. Big Data Engineering -
Designed for the HRD needs of a diverse spectrum of IT
4. Full Stack Engineering
Designed for the HRD needs of a diverse spectrum of
5. General Management -
Engineering industries
Designed for the HRD needs of a diverse spectrum of IT
6. Internet of Things -
Designed for the HRD needs of a diverse spectrum of
7. Manufacturing Practice -
Manufacturing organizations
Designed for the HRD needs of a diverse spectrum of
8. Non-sewered Sanitation -
Engineering industries
Certificate Programmes
Designed for the HRD needs of a diverse spectrum of
1. Manufacturing Practice -
Manufacturing organizations
Designed for the HRD needs of a diverse spectrum of
2. General Management -
Engineering industries
Note: The Institute looks for the viable minimum number (around 50) of candidates sponsored by an
organization or a group of organizations in any centre for a degree programme. Any organization interested in
having a dialogue with the Institute for offering any collaborative and innovative programme directed towards the
human resource development needs of their industry may write to the Institute. The Institute has an open mind
to offer any of the existing programmes or devise any other new programme.
Admission Modality Fees Structure
1. The Institute is one of the very few The fees schedule applicable for all
universities in India, which has ventured into programmes is as follows:
work integrated learning programmes in Admission Fees : Rs. 16,500/-
science and technology areas. In order to
maintain the standard as well as rigour Each Semester Fees : Rs. 57,750/-
required in these areas, the Institute could A candidate who has been offered admission
cater only to those inputs, which have the will have to pay Rs. 71,500/- (Admission fees
facilities and environment for such a learning and Semester fees for the Starting Semester of
process. So the Institute treats these degree the programme) immediately on receiving the
programmes as continuing technical Admit Offer Letter. Any candidate who desires
education programmes for employed to discontinue from the programme after
professionals. Hence admissions are given confirmation of admission & registration for the
normally to candidates who are already courses specified in the admit offer letter will
employed in relevant professional domains forfeit the total amount of fees paid.
and whose employing organizations sponsor
them in their academic pursuit subject to the Note 1:Certain specific facilities such as access
candidates having the required academic to a digital library or virtual laboratories, if
qualifications and relevant work experience. provided, may be charged extra in addition to
The Institute looks for candidates who have the above mentioned fees.
the necessary computer, laboratory and other Note 2: For the examination centre at Dubai, in
physical facilities including access to Email addition to the semester fees, for each
and Internet, as well as certain intellectual semester there will be an examination centre
input in terms of guidance by superior / co- fees of 1000 UAE Dirhams or equivalent per
officer / professional expert preferably from semester out of which 500 UAE Dirhams is to
the workplace of the candidate who will be be paid at the time of appearing in Mid-
termed as Mentor, while the candidate is in semester Tests at Dubai exam centre for that
pursuit of studies. semester, and the remaining 500 UAE Dirhams
II. These degree programmes are work- is to be paid at the time of appearing in
integrated learning programmes. Hence, for Comprehensive Examinations at Dubai exam
students to get admission to these centre for that semester.
programmes, they must be engaged in work Educational Process
in the relevant professional areas. The final
offer of admission would be based on The education in the work integrated learning
candidate’s educational background, programmes is characterized by person-
academic achievements, work profile, centered approach where the rigour and
relevant work experience, profile of the standards are maintained on par with Institute’s
employing organization and Mentor’s profile. system of education on-campus. These
programmes judiciously combine the flexibility
III.If the number of applications for a particular and ingenuity of the continuing education
programme is less than a critical number, that system with the regular features of the on-
programme may not be offered in that campus education system. Also, the learning
semester. and evaluation process draws upon the
IV. Once the candidate accepts the admission successful and established methodologies
offer and confirms registration, any request followed by the Institute.
for deferment of admission to a subsequent The work integrated learning environment of a
semester cannot be entertained. The student consists of two broad-based facets:
candidate can only withdraw from the
registered semester. 1. Academic Environment created by BITS
faculty drawn from different disciplines.
2.Student’s own Work Environment from which
assignments, projects, seminars etc., may
emerge to integrate theory and practice. A organizations. The student is at once, a full-time
(locally-based) Mentor imparts structured student as well as full-time employee.
guidance and conducts certain evaluation
Work Integrated Learning: For each course
components (see Role of Mentor’ below).
offered by the Institute, there would be an
Central to the educational philosophy of the Instructor, who is a BITS faculty, drawn from
Institute being the dialectical link between the relevant discipline. He is charged with the
theory and practice, the student’s own work responsibility of the conduct of that course. This
environment provides an ideal ground where will be in terms of preparing question papers,
theory could be meaningfully combined with evaluation of answer papers and answering
practice through Assignments, Case Studies, student’s queries. He will also prepare
Laboratory-Oriented Projects, Work instruction manuals, question bank,
Experience, In-service Training, Internship, supplementary notes, etc. wherever required in
Thesis-Seminar, Project Work and Dissertation. order to strengthen the course.
These evaluation components and courses
For each course, there will be a handout, which
search for evidence of self-study, time planning,
will spell out the plan of study and evaluation
conceptual understanding & application of the
scheme, apart from other details. The
concepts in a real-life situation, self-reliant
evaluation schedule is also announced in the
articulation, enthusiasm for, awareness of and
beginning of the semester itself. All details
participation in new pedagogy. One of the
pertaining to the operation of the course
distinctive features of this system is the
including study plan are shared with the
complete formalization of pursuit of education at
students through this document.
the work-learning environment. An organization
creates a work learning environment by The BITS, Pilani model of cooperative
providing academic sponsorship for the education has a structured method of
candidates as well as infrastructural facilities integrating education with practical work
such as place for conducting formal classes / experience, faculty-student interaction as well
mentor interactions / examination apart from as mentor-employer involvement. Further, the
library, computer and laboratory access. The BITS model of education deploys ICT both in
work learning environment form a strict synchronous and asynchronous modes.
requirement in order to infuse a strong Synchronous instruction through Internet based
component of teacher-student contact through desktop video conferencing enables effective
course instructors as well as Mentor (a senior interaction between students and faculty.
officer of the student’s own organization). Thus Asynchronous instruction, including on-demand
work-learning environment is a very important lectures and electronic mail through list servers,
component of the person-centered learning is more flexible as it accommodates multiple
process. There is in the design, a clear learning levels and schedules. In addition,
arrangement of periodic personal discussion in intensive residential contact classes are held for
the work-learning environment with the students various programmes at the Institute campus as
so that their progress is directly monitored by well as at the locations of various organizations.
planned interaction. Further, the students at the Thus, the BITS, Pilani model emphasizes on
work-learning environment receive help from acquisition of knowledge and skills through
mentors. Throughout the student’s learning mediated information and instruction,
process, which is conducted in his own work encompassing all technologies, in the work-
place, through systematic self-study, and self- integrated learning environment.
learning process, the student remains The Role of a Mentor: A Mentor is a senior
continually in contact with the course instructors
officer of the student-employee who has been
for any clarifications. Thus the operation is an
nominated by his employing organization or is a
imaginative combination of the contact hours
person in a senior position willing to undertake
and tutoring of the on-campus system with the
and discharge the academic responsibilities on
student-centered self-study feature of the off-
his own volition. It is expected of the Mentor to
campus system and an organizational and
possess adequate qualifications to guide the
pedagogic commitment of the collaborating
student. Typically for the B.Tech. / M.Sc.
programmes, the mentor is expected to have Projects
minimum educational qualification of the level of
Integrated First Degree of BITS or its equivalent
such as B.E./ B.Tech. / B.S. / M.Sc. / Case discussions
A.M.I.E.,and for the M.B.A. / M.Tech.
programmes the mentor is expected to have a
minimum educational qualification of the level of Social activities.
Higher Degree of BITS or its equivalent such as Evaluation Methodology
M.E. / M.Tech. / M.S / M.Phil.
Evaluation for a given course is internal and
The Mentors would assist the course instructors continuous and has the following features:
in terms of the following:
Quizzes, Assignments, Projects, Case
b) Achieving the set of academic objectives Studies, spread over a semester for making
specified by the instructors; the course relevant and meaningful to the
c) Verifying if a student is indeed adhering to work learning environment of the students;
the plan of study given in the handout; Written examinations – one at the mid-
d) Monitoring involvement of the student in semester point and acomprehensive
self-study, time planning, understanding of examination at the end of semester. These
concepts and their use, developing self- examinations are conducted at specified
reliant articulation, awareness of and exam centres of BITS in a centralized
enthusiasm for new pedagogy, manner under the supervision of BITS
responsibility to meet deadlines, develops faculty.
familiarity with the library, etc. For programmes offered for individuals, the
e) Conducting certain evaluation components Institute presently has examination centres at
like Seminars, Assignments, Case Studies Bangalore, Chennai, Coimbatore, Delhi, Goa,
and Projects. Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Pilani and
Pune in India, and at Dubai in UAE.
Strict adherence to the evaluation schedule
Additional features include:
as announced through the course handout at
(a) Courseware (pre-recorded digital content) the start of the semester.
developed by BITS faculty for certain The Institute follows continuous system of
courses. internal evaluation and letter grades A, A-, B,
(b) Course Handouts which provide a detailed B-, C, C-, D, E carrying grade points 10, 9, 8,
plan of study, evaluation scheme, and 7, 6, 5, 4, 2 respectively are awarded for all
experiential learning components. It is the courses other than Dissertation / Project
responsibility of each student to acquire Work / Project for which only non-letter
textbooks and other reference materials grades namely EXCELLENT, GOOD, FAIR,
recommended for each course. POOR are awarded. If a student does not
offer adequate opportunity for evaluation in a
(c) Curricula designed on S&T approach for course, reports such as RRA (Require to
modernizing the workbench by purposeful Register Again) may be awarded.
acquisition of scientific methods and
modern skills. The final grading in a course is done by
tabulating in descending order (equivalently a
(d) Intensive contact sessions (where histogram) the total marks of all students in a
required) conducted at any of the BITS particular course. The performance of the
campuses or at the collaborating course will be analyzed in terms of average,
organizations. The contact sessions could highest and lowest marks and dividing lines
include one or more of the following: between various clusters. Gaps between
Special Lectures clusters and the nature of clusters will guide
drawing the dividing lines between various
Field, Library and Laboratory work
grades. In a normal class of large size, the C- and gives guidance so that they are properly
band will usually include the average mark. rehabilitated at the earliest.
This is not a hard and fast rule and The Institute’s Academic Regulations must
exceptions may arise in cases of small be consulted for additional details.
classes or a skewed histogram etc.
Some Stipulations
The Cumulative Grade Point Average
(CGPA) on a 10 Scale basis is used to (a) All degrees offered through Work Integrated
describe the overall performance of a student Learning Programmes are equivalent to the
in all courses for which LETTER GRADES corresponding degreesoffered on-campus,
are awarded. and for admissions to any higher degree
programme of the Institute, these degrees
U 1G1 U 2G 2 U 3G3 ... U nG n will not be distinguished from on-campus
U 1 U 2 U 3 ... U n degrees.
Where U1, U2, U3, … Un denote units (b) In any examination, as far as possible, the
associated with the courses taken by the direct interactive process of the evaluation
student and G1, G2, G3,…Gn denote grade would be made at a place nearest to the
points of the letter grades awarded in the work location of the candidates. Wherever
respective courses. Non-Letter grades do not there is not adequate number of candidates,
go into computation of CGPA. the Institute will be free to demand that all
In the case of Integrated First Degree candidates come to one of the campuses or
programmes the final division for the degree other examination centers for this purpose.
is decided on the basis of CGPA and there (c) In case of organization specific collaborative
are three classifications, namely Distinction programmes, a student who is admitted to
(CGPA 9.00 or more), First Division (CGPA the Institute because of sponsorship from an
7.00 or more but less than 9.00) and Second organization will cease to be a student if he
Division (CGPA 4.50 or more but less than discontinues employment from the
7.00). However, no Division will be awarded organization. In case of other programmes,
in diploma, higher degrees and Ph.D. the student may be allowed to continue if
programmes. the new organization in which he is
Subject to fulfilling the Academic Regulations employed agrees to sponsor him for the
of the Institute, the student will be issued at degree and if the work integrated learning
the end of each semester a grade sheet and environment is relevant to the degree
at the end of the programme a Transcript and programme. However, if the person
Provisional Certificate followed by the Final becomes unemployed he may not be
Degree Certificate. The grade sheet / continued because of the requirement of
transcript – provisional certificate will be work integrated learning environment for the
withheld when a student has not paid his degree, which may no longer be available to
dues or when there is a pending case of the student.
breach of discipline or a case of unfair means (d) Any student admitted to a programme may
against him. be allowed to transfer to another programme
The minimum academic requirements for provided he is eligible for the same and is
higher degreeprogrammes stipulate that a supported by his work environment and
student obtains a CGPA of 5.50 and no E sponsorship of his employer.
grade in any course. For the Integrated First (e) Since every student admitted to work
Degree programmes such as B.S. and integrated learning programme is treated as
B.Tech. programmes, a student should obtain a full-time student and a full time employee,
a CGPA of 4.50 and no E grade in any it is essential that such a student be not
course. Students who fail to meet the enrolled for any degree or diploma
minimum academic requirements are placed programme, part-time or otherwise, in any
under the purview of Academic Monitoring other university. If it is found that a student
Board (AMB), which monitors their progress, is admitted / registered in some other
university for degree programme, then his participate in the special nature of the
admission / registration will be cancelled. educational process for the mutual benefit
of the organization and the employee.
Operating Definitions of Certain Key Terms 6. An Associate Student is one who is allowed
to register in any of the courses offered in
1. A course is a component of knowledge, each semester with an ultimate goal of
which serves as the irreducible minimum obtaining a diploma/degree or without any
building block in the curriculum or syllabus. such ambition. The treatment of these
2. A programme of studies is a set of courses students will be different from that of the
constituting the requirements of a degree. casual students in that these students will
be registered on credit and not on audit
3. A regular student is one who is enrolled for a
basis and may be admitted for a degree or a
degree programme.
diploma, if situation so warrants. Further,
4. A collaborating organization is an admission procedure and the fee structure
organization that helps the Institute in setting may also differ in contrast to the casual
up the necessary facilities and in the running students. Presently the Institute considers
of classes and laboratories for all students. only sponsored candidates from structured
Such an organization may simultaneously be collaborative programmes for admission as
also a sponsoring organization. Associate Student.
5. A sponsoring organization is an organization, Duration: This may vary from programme to
which fulfills one or more of the following programme depending upon the input
features: qualification, experience, nature as well as the
a) The organization is the employer of the need of the collaborating organizations
student and pays fully / partly the including the viability and feasibility of course
fees/dues of the student and also offerings.
provides facilities required for the learning The curriculum details of programmes and
process. semesterwise pattern of courses given in the
b) The organization is an employer of the following pages indicate the currently
student but does not pay the fees/dues of operational details for various programmes,
the student. Nonetheless the organization which are subject to change if the situation
agrees to encourage and actively warrants.
B.Tech. Programmes
Normal Input: Employed professionals holding a Technical Diploma or B.Sc. degree with
adequate preparation in Mathematics, and having minimum two years work experience in
relevant domains.
Number of Number of
Courses Required Units Required
I Foundation Courses 5-10 15-40
II Discipline Courses
#Note: Concurrent registration in one course (upto 4 units) alongwith Project Work may
be permitted.
Curriculum Structure
Normal Input: Employed professionals holding a Technical Diploma or B.Sc. degree with adequate preparation
in Mathematics, and having minimum two years work experience in relevant domains.
Nominal duration: The nominal duration of a B.Tech. programme will be 7 semesters.
Curriculum Requirements :
Foundation Courses :9 courses (32 units min.)
Discipline Core :11 courses (40 units min.)
Discipline Electives :4 courses (12 units min.)
Coursework sub total :24 courses (84 units min.)
Project Work :16 units
Category-wise Programme Structure:
Category Course No. Course Title Units
Foundation Courses (9)
ED* ZC233 Calculus 4
Mathematics Foundation
ED* ZC235 Linear Algebra & Optimization 3
ED* ZC164 Computer Programming 4
Technical Arts /
ED* ZC241 Technical Report Writing 3
Professional Courses
ED* ZC 231 Principles of Management 3
ED* ZC232 Engineering Materials 3
ED* ZC261 Mechanical Technology 4
Engineering Foundation
ED* ZC211 Electrical and Electronics Technology 4
ED* ZC251 Engineering Measurements 4
Discipline Courses
ED* ZC321 Mechanics of Solids 3
ED* ZC245 Fluid Mechanics & Machines 4
ED* ZC332 Mechanical Engineering Design-I 4
ED* ZC322 Kinematics & Dynamics of Machines 3
ED* ZC311 Manufacturing Processes 4
Core (11) ED* ZC453 Product Design & Development 4
ED* ZC342 Mechanical Engineering Design-II 4
ED* ZC434 Quality Control, Assurance & Reliability 4
ED* ZC433 Mechanical Vibrations & Acoustics 3
ED* ZC441 Automotive Vehicles 3
ED* ZC436 Computer Aided Design 4
Semesterwise pattern
ED* ZC211 Electrical and Electronics Technology 4 ED* ZC164 Computer Programming 4
ED* ZC232 Engineering Materials 3 ED* ZC235 Linear Algebra and Optimization 3
ED* ZC233 Calculus 4 ED* ZC251 Engineering Measurements 4
Total 14 Total 14
ED* ZC245 Fluid Mechanics and Machines 4 ED* ZC342 Mechanical Engineering Design-II 4
Total 15 Total 15
ED* ZC433 Mechanical Vibrations & Acoustics 3 ED* ZC241 Technical Report Writing 3
ED* ZC434 Quality Control, Assurance & Reliability 4 ED* ZC231 Principles of Management 3
ED* ZC441 Automotive Vehicles 3 Discipline Elective 3(min.)
Total 13 Total 12
Note: This is the currently operative pattern as approved by the Senate-appointed committee, subject to change if the situation
In the above programme structure, the symbol * in the course numbers can be substituted by the letters representing the
collaborating organization.
Curriculum Structure
Normal Input: Employed professionals holding a Technical Diploma or B.Sc. degree with adequate preparation
in Mathematics, and having minimum two years work experience in relevant domains.
. Nominal duration: The nominal duration of a B.Tech. programme will be 7 semesters.
Curriculum Requirements:
Foundation Courses :10 courses ( 35 units min. )
Discipline Core :9 courses ( 34 units min. )
Discipline Electives :5 courses ( 15 units min. )
Coursework sub total :24 (84units min.)
Project Work :16 units
BITS ZC471 Management Information Systems 3
Semesterwise Pattern
ENGG ZC112 Electrical & Electronics Technology 4 AAOC ZC111 Probability & Statistics 3
Total 15 Total 14
ET ZC416 Production Planning & Control 4 ET ZC426 Plant Layout & Design 4
Total 15 Total 15
ET ZC434 Quality Control, Assurance & Reliability 4 MGTS ZC211 Principles of Management 3
Note: This is the currently operative pattern as approved by the Senate-appointed committee, subject to change if the situation
In the above programme structure, the symbol * in the course numbers can be substituted by the letters representing the
collaborating organization.
Curriculum Structure
Normal Input: Employed professionals holding a Technical Diploma or B.Sc. degree with adequate preparation
in Mathematics, and having minimum two years work experience in relevant domains .
Nominal duration: The nominal duration of a B.Tech. programme will be 7 semesters.
Curriculum Requirements:
Foundation Courses :8 courses ( 27 units min. )
Discipline Core :10 courses ( 39 units min. )
Discipline Electives :6 courses ( 18 units min. )
Course work sub total : 24 ( 84 units min. )
Project Work : 16 units
ISZC472 Computer Graphics 3
IS ZC446 Data Storage Technologies & Networks 3
EA ZC473 Multimedia Computing 3
IS ZC462 Network Programming 3
IS ZC422 Parallel Computing 3
IS ZC424 Software for Embedded Systems 3
Semesterwise Pattern
Curriculum Structure
Normal Input: Employed professionals holding a Technical Diploma or B.Sc. degree with adequate preparation
in Mathematics,and having minimum two years work experience in relevant domains.
MT* ZC343 Materials Management 4
MT* ZC346 Instrumentation & Control 4
MT* ZC347 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers 3
MT* ZC471 Manufacturing Excellence 4
MT* ZC311 Automobile Technology-I 4
MT* ZC312 Automobile Technology-II 4
MT* ZC332 Operations Research 4
MT* ZC234 Maintenance & Safety 3
MT* ZC452 Composite Materials and Design 4
Semesterwise Pattern
MT* ZC245 Fluid Mechanics & Machines 4 MT* ZC449 IoT in Manufacturing 4
Production Planning and
MT* ZC315 Casting and Welding 4 MT* ZC331 4
II Control
MT* ZC344 Metal Forming and Machining 4 MT* ZC343 Machine Design 4
Total 16 Total 15
Collaborating Organizations: Kirloskar Oil Engines, Kolhapur, Bharat Forge, Pune, Tata Motors,
Jamshedpur; TACO, Pune; Maruti Suzuki, Gurgaon; Mahindra Motor Vehicles, Cummins, Pune
Curriculum Structure
Normal Input: Employed professionals holding a Technical Diploma or B.Sc. degree with adequate preparation
in Mathematics, and having minimum two years work experience in relevant domains.
Nominal duration: The nominal duration of a B.Tech. programme will be 7 semesters.
Curriculum Requirements:
Foundation Courses : 9 courses ( 31 units min. )
Discipline Core : 10 courses (36 units min.)
Discipline Electives : 5 courses ( 17 units min. )
Coursework sub total : 24 courses ( 84units min.)
Project Work : 16 units
POW*ZC233 Calculus 4
Mathematics Foundation
POW*ZC234 Linear Algebra & Optimization 3
POW*ZC332 Energy Management 4
Semesterwise Pattern
POW* ZC112 Electrical & Electronics 4 POW* ZC234 Linear Algebra & Optimization 3
Total 15 Total 14
POW* ZC342 Power System Engineering I 3 POW* ZC434 Quality Control, Assurance & 4
II POW* ZC344 Instrumentation & Control 4 POW* ZC314 Prime Movers and Fluid Machines 4
POW* ZC431 Maintenance & Safety 3 POW* ZC441 Power System Engineering II 3
Total 14 Total 14
Total 13 Total 12
Collaborating Organizations: Aditya Birla Group, Tata Power, JSW Energy – Mumbai
Curriculum Structure
Normal Input: Employed professionals holding a Technical Diploma or B.Sc. degree with adequate preparation in Mathematics,
and having minimum two years work experience in relevant domains.
PE* ZC382 Cement Technology 3
PE* ZC384 Fibre & Cellulosic Technology 3
PE* ZC214 Pharmaceutical Analysis 3
PE* ZC221 Disinfection & Sterilization Processes 3
PE* ZC344 Pharmaceutical Quality Control & Regulatory 3
PE* ZC252 Mineral Beneficiation & Agglomeration 3
PE* ZC262 Iron Making 3
PE* ZC273 Advances in Material Science & Testing 3
PE* ZC312 Steel Making & Casting 3
PE* ZC362 Steel Processing 3
PE* ZC320 Unit Operations – II 4
PE* ZC323 Corrosion Engineering 3
PE* ZC324 Chemical Reaction Engineering 3
PE* ZC272 Furnace Technology 3
PE* ZC442 Advances in Materials Science 3
# Mandatory Foundation Course
Semesterwise Pattern
Collaborating Organizations: Aditya Birla Group, Mumbai; JSW Steel, Toranagallu; Vedanta, Jharsuguda;
BPCL, Mumbai
Master of Science (M.Sc.) programmes
Program Structure:
Number of Number of
Courses Required Units Required
I Foundation Courses 2-8 6-32
II Discipline Courses
Curriculum Structure
Type of Input: Employed professionals working in a variety of business domains, holding a three
year undergraduate degree in relevant disciplines with adequate preparation in
mathematics, with minimum one year work experience in relevant domains.
Nominal Duration: Five Semesters
Curriculum Structure
Foundation courses
Course No. Course Title Units
BA* ZG522 Business Data Mining 4
BA* ZG521 Financial Management 4
BA* ZC413 Introduction to Statistical Methods 3
BA* ZC471 Management Information Systems 3
BA* ZC411 Marketing 4
BA* ZC412 Models and Applications in Operations Research 4
BA* ZG621 Supply Chain Management 4
Core courses
Course No. Course Title Units
BA* ZG524 Advanced Statistical Methods 4
BA* ZC415 Analytics for Competitive Advantage 4
BA* ZG525 Big Data Analytics 4
BA* ZG523 Introduction to Data Science 3
BA* ZC414 Optimization Methods for Analytics 4
BA* ZG512 Predictive Analytics 4
Pool of electives
Course No. Course Title Units
BA* ZC418 Advanced Financial Modeling 4
BA* ZC420 Data Visualization 3
BA* ZC417 Financial Risk Analytics 4
BA* ZC425 HR Analytics 4
BA* ZC416 Investment Banking Analytics 4
BA* ZC422 Marketing Analytics 4
BA* ZC421 Marketing Models 4
BA* ZC423 Retail Analytics 4
BA* ZC424 Supply Chain Analytics 4
BA* ZC426 Real-time Analytics 4
BA* ZG537 Text Analytics 4
Semesterwise pattern
Year First Semester U Second Semester U
Total 13 (min)
Note: This is the currently operative pattern as approved by the Senate-appointed committee, subject to change
if the situation warrants.
In the above programme structure, the symbol * in the course numbers can be substituted by the letters
representing the collaborating organization.
Curriculum Structure
Normal Input: Employed professionals holding a B.Sc. or BCA degree with adequate preparation in
Mathematics, and having minimum one year work experience in relevant domains.
Curriculum Requirements :
Semesterwise Pattern
Normal Input: Employed professionals holding a B.Sc. or BCA degree with adequate preparation in
Mathematics, having minimum one year work experience in relevant domains.
Note: This is the currently operative pattern as approved by the Senate-appointed committee, subject to change if the situation
In the above programme structure, the symbol * in the course numbers can be substituted by the letters representing the
collaborating organization.
B.Sc. Programmes for Trainees / Working Professionals
Normal Input: Trainees / Employed professionals who have completed their 10+2
(in Science stream) or equivalent educational qualification with
minimum 60% aggregate marks.
Completion Successful completion of the B.Sc. degree programme would require
requirement completion of minimum of 23 courses (105 units minimum) with a
CGPA of at least 4.50.
Nominal The nominal duration of a B.Sc. programme will be 8 semesters.
Note: Concurrent registration in at most two courses (upto 8 units) along with a Project
Course may be permitted if the total units in that semester do not exceed 15.
B.Sc. (Design & Computing)
Input Qualification
Trainees / Employed professionals who have completed their 10+2 (including Mathematics and Physics) or
equivalent educational qualification with minimum 60% aggregate marks (and minimum 60% marks each in
Mathematics and Physics), and having at least one year of industry experience.
Program Structure
Foundation courses
BSDC* ZC356 Data Structures 4
BSDC* ZC365 Human Computer Interaction 3
BSDC* ZC412 Software Design Principles 4
Pool of Electives
B.Sc. (Design & Computing)
Semester-wise Pattern
Course No. Course Title Units Course No. Course Title Units
First Year
BSDC* ZC151 Writing Practice 3 BSDC* ZC231 Dynamics of Social Change 3
BSDC* ZC236 Symbolic Logic 3 BSDC* ZC142 Computer Programming 4
Discrete Structures for
BSDC* ZC112 Electrical Sciences 3 BSDC* ZC222 3
Computer Science
BSDC* ZC111 Probability & Statistics 3 BSDC* ZC225 Environmental Studies 3
Total 12 Total 13
Second Year
Computer Organization and
BSDC* ZC215 Digital Design 4 BSDC* ZC353 4
Object Oriented Programming
BSDC* ZC356 Data Structures 4 BSDC* ZC313 4
and Design
B.Sc. (Engineering Science)
Input Qualification
Trainees/ Employed professionals who have completed their 10+2 (including Math, Physics and Chemistry)
educational qualification with minimum of 60% aggregate marks in Math, Physics and Chemistry and having at
least 6 months of work experience.
Programme Structure
Foundation Courses
Core Courses
Course No. Course Title Units
ES* ZC217 Materials Science -I 3
ES* ZC219 Materials Science –II 3
ES* ZC218 Introduction to Thermodynamics & Applications 4
ES* ZC333 Introduction to Transport Phenomena 3
ES* ZC319 Mechanisms 4
ES* ZC227 Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering 4
ES* ZC320 Introduction to Industrial Instrumentation 4
ES* ZC232 Fundamentals of Engineering Measurements 3
ES* ZC225 Environmental Studies 3
ES* ZC321 Manufacturing Science 4
ES* ZC334 Numerical & Computational Methods 3
ES* ZC335 Integrated Engineering Science 3
Discipline Core Courses Required : 10-16 (Units: 34-58) 41
Pool of Electives
B.Sc. (Engineering Science)
Semester wise Pattern
Course No. Course Title Units Course No. Course Title Units
Semester I Semester II
First Year
Total 12 Total 13
Second Year
Summer Term
Third Year
Fundamentals of Engineering
ES* ZC232 3 ES* ZC225 Environmental Studies 3
Introduction to Industrial
ES* ZC319 Mechanisms 4 ES* ZC320 4
Introduction to Transport
ES* ZC333 3 ES* ZC321 Manufacturing Sciences 4
Total 13 Total 14
Fourth Year
Elective II 3 (min)
Elective IV 3 (min)
B.Sc. (Pharmaceutical Sciences)
Type of Input
Trainees / Employed professionals who have completed their 10+2 (including Mathematics/Biology, Physics,
and Chemistry as subjects) or equivalent educational qualification, with minimum 60% aggregate marks.
Nominal Duration: Eight semesters
Programme Structure
Foundation Courses
Pool of Electives
Course No. Course Title Units
PS* ZC212 Basic Statistical Process Control 3
PS* ZC213 Scale-up of Pharmaceutical Operations 3
PS* ZC214 Utilities in Pharmaceutical Operations 3
PS* ZC224 Novel Drug Delivery Systems 3
PS* ZC232 Chemistry of Synthetic Drugs 3
PS* ZC233 Pharmaceutical Packaging 3
PS* ZC321 Chemical Process Calculations 3
PS* ZC322 Pharmaceutical Quality by Design 3
PS* ZC323 Sterile Pharmaceutical Products 3
PS* ZC324 Name Reactions in Chemical Synthesis 3
PS* ZC361 Environmental Pollution Control 3
PS* ZC414 Biopharmaceutics 3
B.Sc. (Pharmaceutical Sciences)
Semesterwise Pattern
Course No. Course Title Units Course No. Course Title Units
First Year
PS* ZC113 General Mathematics - I 3 PS* ZC114 General Mathematics - II 3
Pharmaceutical Unit
PS* ZC231 Physical & Inorganic Chemistry 3 PS* ZC311 3
Operations- I
PS* ZC112 Human Anatomy and Physiology 3 PS* ZC241 Pharmaceutical Chemistry 3
PS* ZC313 Technical Report Writing 3 PS* ZC221 Business Communication 3
Total 12 Total 12
Second Year
PS* ZC235 Linear Algebra & Optimization 3 PS* ZC111 Probability and Statistics 3
Pharmaceutical Unit Operations Pharmaceutical Formulations
PS* ZC312 3 PS* ZC331 3
– II –I
PS* ZC244 Physical Pharmacy 3 PS* ZC341 Drug Discovery and Action 4
Fundamentals of Biochemistry Techniques in Pharmaceutical
PS* ZC223 4 PS* ZC234 4
and Microbiology Analysis
Total 13 Total 14
Summer Term
PS* ZC229T Project5 Units
Third Year
Fundamentals of Transport
PS* ZC332 Pharmaceutical Formulations – II 4 PS* ZC318 4
PS* ZC342 Medicinal Chemistry 3 PS* ZC344 Natural Drugs 3
Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence in Pharmaceutical Quality &
PS* ZC314 3 PS* ZC222 4
India GMP
Elective 3/4 Elective 3/4
Total 13/14 Total 14/15
Fourth Year
PS* ZC343 Professional Ethics 3
PS* ZC225 Environmental Studies 3
PS* ZC499T Capstone Project 15
Elective 3/4
Elective 3/4
Total Total 15
Note: This is the currently operative pattern as approved by the Senate-appointed committee, subject to change
if the situation warrants.
In the above programme structure, the symbol * in the course numbers can be substituted by the letters
representing the collaborating organization.
Four-semester M.Tech. programmes
Input Qualification:
The students admitted to the proposed four-semester M.Tech. programs must
(i) hold an Integrated First Degree of BITS or its equivalent and
(ii)be employed professionals with adequate work experience in a relevant industry.
Curriculum Requirements for M.Tech. programs
The nature of the input to these programs and the objectives / orientation of Work Integrated
Learning Programs are different from those of the on-campus programs. These programs may be
offered across a broad spectrum of (i) technical disciplines and specializations with as well as (ii)
industry domains and cross-disciplinary subjects. It is also to be observed that learning and
coursework in these programs are integrated within a professional / technical environment.
Based on these facts and observations, the curriculum has been designed in such a way to broadly
enable different combinations of subjects at a higher degree level. In particular, the structure will
enable Departments to offer an M.Tech. program in a broad discipline with or without specialization,
or offer an M.Tech. program in a specialized area within a discipline or across multiple disciplines.
A. Completion of the program would require:
i. At least 12 courses (totaling at least 48 units) towards coursework nominally spread
over three semesters and
ii. Dissertation (16 units) in one semester, that is usually the final semester.
B. The Department(s) offering a specific program must then categorize the coursework
requirement as follows:
i. Core: 8 courses / 30 units (max.)
ii. Specialization (if applicable):
a. 3 courses / 12 units (min.) to 6 courses / 30 units (max.)
b. Some Specialization courses may be mandatory and some may be electives.
iii. Total of Core and Specialization courses may not exceed 10 courses (and 45 units).
iv. Rest of the coursework requirement may be obtained via general electives within the
discipline but not necessarily within the specialization.
v. At most 3 courses out of the total of 12 taken by a student may be at the 4 th level –
the rest must be higher degree courses (i.e. specifically, 5th or 6th level).
Eight-semester Integrated M.Tech. programme
* Nominally, each course is of 3 units. But, at least two of the Discipline courses are
required to be of 4 units or higher.
# At least eight of these courses must be Higher Degree courses (i.e. specifically, 5 th or 6th
Specializations (if applicable)
The Department(s) offering specializations within a specific Integrated M.Tech. programme should
ensure that the following requirements are met:
1. Specialization (if applicable):
a. 3 courses / 12 units (min.) to 6 courses / 30 units (max.)
b. Some specialization courses may be mandatory and some may be electives.
2. Rest of the elective requirements may be obtained through general electives within the
discipline, but not necessarily within the specialization.
M. Tech. (Automotive Electronics)
Type of Input: Employed professionals holding a B.E./B.Tech. degree in Automotive/ EEE
/ECE/Instrumentation/Mechatronics or equivalent, with minimum one year work
experience in relevant domains.
Programme Structure:
Core Courses
Course No. Course Title Units
AEL* ZC441 Automotive Vehicles 3
AEL* ZC442 Advanced Driver Assistance Systems 4
AEL* ZG510 Automotive Control Systems 5
AEL* ZG512 Embedded System Design 4
AEL* ZG513 Automotive Communication Systems 5
AEL* ZG533 Autotronics 5
AEL* ZG534 Automotive Networking 4
Pool of Electives
Course No. Course Title Units
AEL* ZC443 Connected Cars 4
AEL* ZG514 Robust and Intelligent Systems Design 5
AEL* ZG517 Automotive Systems Engineering 4
AEL* ZG518 Electric and Hybrid Vehicles 4
AEL* ZG519 Automotive Security 4
AEL* ZG531 Product Design 5
AEL* ZG554 Reconfigurable Computing 5
AEL* ZG557 Artificial and Computational Intelligence 5
AEL* ZG621 Safety Critical Advanced Automotive Systems 4
AEL* ZG626 Hardware Software Co-Design 5
AEL* ZG631 Automotive Diagnostics and Interfaces 5
Course No. Course Title Units
AEL* ZG628T Dissertation 16
M. Tech. (Automotive Electronics)
Semesterwise pattern
AEL* ZG533 Autotronics 5 AEL* ZG513 5
Communication Systems
I Embedded System
AEL* ZG512 4 AEL* ZG534 Automotive Networking 4
Automotive Control
AEL* ZG510 5 Elective I 4/5
M. Tech. Automotive Engineering
Curriculum Structure
Input Requirements
Employed professionals in Automotive Industries and holding an Integrated First Degree of BITS in Mechanical
Engineering or Electrical & Electronics Engineering or its equivalent, with minimum one-year work experience in
relevant domains.
Normal Duration: 4 Semesters
Curriculum Requirements:
Completion of the programme would require
a) At least 12 courses (totaling at least 48 units) towards coursework, and
b) Dissertation (16 units)
The coursework requirement for the program would consist of a set of core courses and elective courses. The
core course requirement is mandatory for all students in a given programme. Rest of the coursework must be
completed through elective courses.
Programme Structure
AE* ZG532 Computer Aided Engineering 5
AE* ZG535 Advanced Engineering Mathematics 5
AE* ZG542 Just-in-time Manufacturing 4
AE* ZG611 Computational Fluid Dynamics & Heat Transfer 4
AE* ZG612 Advances in Materials, Composites & Plastics 4
AE* ZG613 Tribology 5
AE* ZG614 Fracture Mechanics 5
AE* ZG615 Advanced Engine Technology 5
AE* ZG621 Durability, Crash & Safety Engineering 4
AE* ZG622 Advanced Manufacturing Processes 4
Note:In the above programme structure, the symbol * in the course numbers, can be substituted by the letters
representing the collaborating organization
M. Tech. Automotive Engineering
Semesterwise Pattern
Note: This is the currently operative pattern as approved by the Senate-appointed committee, subject to change
if the situation warrants.
In the above programme structure, the symbol * in the course numbers can be substituted by the letters
representing the collaborating organization.
Collaborating Organizations: Tata Technologies and Tata Motors, Pune; Mercedes Benz,
M. Tech. (Computing Systems & Infrastructure)
Type of Input
The students admitted to the M.Tech. Computing Systems & Infrastructure programme must:
(i) Hold an Integrated First Degree of BITS or its equivalent in relevant disciplines, and
(ii) Be employed professionals with minimum one-year work experience in relevant domains.
M. Tech. (Computing Systems & Infrastructure)
Semesterwise pattern
Year First Semester U Second Semester U
Design and Operation of
CSI* ZG513 Network Security 4 CSI* ZG522 5
Data Centers
Advanced Computer
I CSI* ZG527 Cloud Computing 5 CSI* ZG525 5
Elective 1 (3 min) Elective 3 (3 min)
Elective 2 (3 min) Elective 4 (3 min)
Total 15 Total 16
CSI* ZG524 Middleware Technologies 4 CSI* ZG628T Dissertation 16
CSI* ZG538 Infrastructure Management 4
Elective 5 (3 min)
Elective 6 (3 min)
Total 14 Total 16
Note: This is the currently operative pattern as approved by the Senate-appointed committee, subject to change if the situation
In the above programme structure, the symbol * in the course numbers can be substituted by the letters representing the
collaborating organization.
Collaborating Organizations: Wipro Bangalore
Integrated M. Tech. (Computing Systems & Infrastructure)
Type of Input
The students admitted to the Integrated M.Tech. Computing Systems & Infrastructure programme must:
(i) Hold a B.Sc. / BCA degree or its equivalent in relevant disciplines with adequate background in
Mathematics, and
(ii) Be employed professionals with minimum one-year work experience in relevant domains.
Normal Duration: Eight Semesters
Programme Structure
Foundation Courses (5)
CSI* ZC311 Information Security 3
CSI* ZG523 Introduction to Data Science 3
CSI* ZG515 Introduction to DevOps 4
CSI* ZC462 Network Programming 3
CSI* ZG656 Networked Embedded Applications 4
CSI* ZG533 Service Oriented Computing 4
CSI* ZC424 Software Development for Portable Devices 3
CSI* ZG582 Telecom Network Management 5
CSI* ZG526 Web Technologies 4
CSI* ZG520 Wireless & Mobile Communication 5
Integrated M. Tech. (Computing Systems & Infrastructure)
Semesterwise pattern
Total 14 Total 15
Elective 6 (3 min)
IV CSI* ZG628T Dissertation 16
Elective 7 (3 min)
Elective 8 (3 min)
Note: This is the currently operative pattern as approved by the Senate-appointed committee, subject to change
if the situation warrants.
In the above programme structure, the symbol * in the course numbers can be substituted by the letters
representing the collaborating organization.
Collaborating Organizations: Wipro Bangalore
M.Tech. Data Science & Engineering
Curriculum Structure
Type of Input Employed professionals holding an Integrated First Degree of BITS or its equivalent such as
B.E./ B.Tech. or M.Sc. / MCA with minimum one-year work experience in relevant domains.
Nominal Duration Four Semesters
Programme Structure
Core courses (6)
DSE* ZG556 Stream Processing and Analytics 5
DSE* ZG557 Artificial and Computational Intelligence 5
Note: In the above programme structure, the symbol * in the course numbers can be substituted by the letters
representing collaborating organization.
Semesterwise Pattern
M. Tech. Design Engineering
Curriculum Structure
Input Requirements
The students admitted to the four-semester M.Tech. Design Engineering must:
(i) hold an Integrated First Degree of BITS or its equivalent such as B.E. / B.Tech. in relevant disciplines,
(ii) be employed professionals with minimum one-year work experience in relevant domains.
Normal Duration: 4 Semesters
Curriculum Requirements:
Completion of the programme would require
a) At least 12 courses (totaling at least 48 units) towards coursework, and
b) Dissertation (16 units)
The coursework requirement for the program would consist of a set of core courses and elective courses. The
core course requirement is mandatory for all students in a given programme. Rest of the coursework must be
completed through elective courses.
Programme Structure
Core Courses (5)
DE* ZG544 Design for Additive Manufacturing 5
DE* ZG545 Advanced Control Engineering 5
DE* ZG546 Model Based System Design 5
DE* ZG548 Design for Industrial Internet of Things 5
DE* ZG612 Advanced Finite Element Modelling & Analysis 5
DE* ZG621 Computer Aided Analysis & Design 5
DE* ZG641 Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity 5
Note: In the above programme structure, the symbol * in the course numbers, can be substituted by the letters
representing the collaborating organization
Semesterwise pattern
Note: This is the currently operative pattern as approved by the Senate-appointed committee, subject to change
if the situation warrants.
In the above programme structure, the symbol * in the course numbers can be substituted by the letters
representing the collaborating organization.
Designed for the HRD needs of a diverse spectrum of Engineering Industries. Collaborating Organizations: SKF
and John Deere, Pune
M.Tech. (Digital Manufacturing)
Input Requirements
The students admitted to the four-semester M.Tech. Digital Manufacturing must:
(i) hold a B.E. / B.Tech. degree in EEE/Instrumentation/Mechatronics relevant disciplines, and
(ii) be employed professionals with minimum one-year work experience in relevant domains.
Normal Duration: 4 Semesters
Curriculum Requirements:
Completion of the programme would require
a) At least 12 courses (totaling at least 48 units) towards course work and
b) Dissertation (16 units)
The course work requirement for the programme would consist of a set of core courses (7) and elective courses
(at least 5). The core course requirement is mandatory for all students in the programme. Rest of the course
work must be completed through elective courses.
Programme Structure
Core Courses
M.Tech. (Digital Manufacturing)
Semester-wise Pattern
M.Tech. Embedded Systems
Curriculum Structure
Input Requirements
The students admitted to the four-semester M.Tech. Embedded Systems must:
(i) Employed Professionals holding an Integrated First Degree of BITS or its equivalent such as B.E. /
B.Tech. / M.Sc. in relevant disciplines, and
(ii) be employed professionals with minimum one-year work experience in relevant domains.
Curriculum Requirements:
Completion of the programme would require
a) At least 12 courses (totaling at least 48 units) towards coursework, and
b) Dissertation (16 units)
The coursework requirement for the program would consist of a set of core courses and elective courses. The
core course requirement is mandatory for all students in a given programme. Rest of the coursework must be
completed through elective courses.
Programme Structure
Core Courses (4)
Course No. Course Title Units
ES* ZG532 Testability for VLSI 5
ES* ZG545 Control & Instrumentation for Systems 5
ES* ZG554 Reconfigurable Computing 5
ES* ZG556 DSP Based Control of Electric Drives 3
ES* ZG571 Optical Communication 5
ES* ZG573 Digital Signal Processing 3
ES* ZG611 Advanced Control Systems 5
ES* ZG612 Fault Tolerant System Design 5
ES* ZG613 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 5
ES* ZG621 VLSI Design 5
ES* ZG625 Safety Critical Embedded System Design 4
ES* ZG642 VLSI Architecture 4
ES* ZG651 Networked Embedded Applications 4
Note: In the above programme structure, the symbol * in the course numbers, can be substituted by the letters
representing the collaborating organization.
Semesterwise pattern
M.Tech. Environmental Engineering
Curriculum Structure
Input requirements
Employed Professionals with minimum one year work experience in Environmental Science / Engineering
and allied areas holding an Integrated First Degree of BITS or its equivalent such as B.E / B.Tech / or
M.Sc. in relevant disciplines (Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Biology, Microbiology,
Biotechnology, Mechanical Engineering) with adequate preparation in Mathematics.
M.Tech. Environmental Engineering
Semesterwise pattern
M.Tech. Manufacturing Management
Curriculum Structure
Input Qualification
The students admitted to the four-semester M.Tech. in Manufacturing Management must:
(i) hold an Integrated First Degree of BITS or its equivalent such as B.E. / B.Tech. / M.Sc. in
relevant disciplines, and
(ii) be employed professionals with minimum one-year work experience in relevant domains.
Normal Duration: 4 Semesters
Curriculum Requirements:
Completion of the programme would require
a) At least 12 courses (totaling at least 48 units) towards coursework, and
b) Dissertation (16 units)
The coursework requirement for the program would consist of a set of core courses and elective courses. The
core course requirement is mandatory for all students in a given programme. Rest of the coursework must be
completed through elective courses.
Programme Structure
MM ZG611 Strategic Management & Business Policy * 4
MM ZG627 Managerial Corporate Finance * 4
Note: A student may be allowed to take upto 3 courses from among the specified management domain
electives which are indicated by an ‘*’.
Semesterwise pattern
Note: This is the currently operative pattern as approved by the Senate-appointed committee, subject to change
if the situation warrants.
M.Tech. Microelectronics
Curriculum Structure
Input Requirements
The students admitted to the four-semester M.Tech. Microelectronics must:
(iii) hold an Integrated First Degree of BITS or its equivalent such as B.E. / B.Tech. / M.Sc. in relevant
disciplines, and
(iv) be employed professionals with minimum one-year work experience in relevant domains.
Normal Duration: 4 Semesters
Curriculum Requirements:
Completion of the programme would require
a) At least 12 courses (totaling at least 48 units) towards coursework, and
b) Dissertation (16 units)
The coursework requirement for the program would consist of a set of core courses and elective courses. The
core course requirement is mandatory for all students in a given programme. Rest of the coursework must be
completed through elective courses.
Programme Structure
Core Courses (5)
MEL* ZG642 VLSI Architecture 4
MEL* ZG651 Hardware Software Co-Design 5
MEL* ZG652 Networked Embedded Applications 4
Note: In the above programme structure, the symbol * in the course numbers, can be substituted by the letters
representing the collaborating organization
Semesterwise Pattern
Note: This is the currently operative pattern as approved by the Senate-appointed committee, subject to change
if the situation warrants.
In the above programme structure, the symbol * in the course numbers can be substituted by the letters
representing the collaborating organization.
Integrated M.Tech. Microelectronics
Normal Duration: Eight Semesters
Type of Input: The students admitted to the Integrated M.Tech. Microelectronics programme must:
(a) hold a B.Sc. degree or its equivalent in relevant disciplines with adequate coursework in Mathematics and
(b) be employed professionals with minimum one-year work experience in relevant domains.
Curriculum structure
Course No. Course Title Units
MEL* ZC382 Communication Systems 4
MEL* ZC214 Electronic Devices 3
MEL* ZC444 Artificial Intelligence 3
MEL* ZC415 Introduction to MEMS 4
MEL* ZC477 Modeling of Field Effect Nano-Devices 3
th th
5 and 6 level courses
MEL* ZG510 RF Microelectronics 5
MEL* ZG511 Design & Analysis of Algorithms 5
MEL* ZG512 Optoelectronic Devices, Circuit & Systems 5
MEL* ZG520 Wireless & Mobile Communication 5
MEL* ZG526 Embedded System Design 4
MEL* ZG531 Testability for VLSI 5
MEL* ZG553 Real Time Systems 5
MEL* ZG554 Reconfigurable Computing 5
MEL* ZG613 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 5
MEL* ZG623 Advanced VLSI Design 5
MEL* ZG625 Advanced Analog and Mixed Signal Design 5
MEL* ZG642 VLSI Architecture 4
MEL* ZG651 Hardware Software co-Design 5
MEL* ZG656 Networked Embedded Applications 4
MEL* ZG626 High-Speed Signaling: Jitter Modeling, Analysis, and Budgeting 4
MEL* ZG627 Power Integrity Analysis and Management for Integrated Circuits 4
Integrated M.Tech. Microelectronics
Semester wise Pattern
Semester I Semester II
MEL* ZC234 Linear Algebra and Optimization 3 MEL* ZC111 Probability & Statistics 3
MEL* ZC411 Signals & Systems 3 MEL* ZG573 Digital Signal Processing 3
MEL* ZC241 Microprocessor and Interfacing 4 MEL* ZC342 Computer Architecture 4
Semester V Semester VI
Elective 4 (min)
Elective 4 (min)
Note: In the above programme structure, the symbol * in the course numbers can be substituted by the letters representing the
collaborating organization.
M.Tech. Pharmaceutical Operations and Management
Curriculum Structure
Type of Input:
Employed professionals holding an Integrated First Degree of BITS or its equivalent, with
minimum one-year work experience in relevant domains.
Normal Duration: Four Semesters
Core Courses
Pool of Electives
M.Tech. Pharmaceutical Operations and Management
Semesterwise Pattern
Advanced Pharmaceutical
POM*ZG515 Administration and 5 POM*ZG534 5
II Elective (4 min)
Elective (4 min)
Elective (5 min)
Total 17 (min) Total 16
Note: This is the currently operative pattern as approved by the Senate-appointed committee, subject to change if the situation
In the above programme structure, the symbol * in the course numbers can be substituted by the letters representing the
collaborating organization.
Designed for the HRD needs of a diverse spectrum of Pharmaceutical Industries. Collaborating Organizations:
Lupin, Mumbai; Sun Pharmaceutical Industries, Vadodara
M.Tech. in Quality Management
Curriculum Structure
Input Qualification
The students admitted to the four-semester M.Tech. in Quality Management must:
I. hold an Integrated First Degree of BITS or its equivalent such as B.E. / B.Tech. / M.Sc. in relevant
disciplines, and
II. be employed professionals with minimum one-year work experience in relevant domains.
Normal Duration: 4 Semesters
Curriculum Requirements:
Completion of the programme would require
a) At least 12 courses (totaling at least 48 units) towards coursework, and
b) Dissertation (16 units)
The coursework requirement for the program would consist of a set of core courses and elective courses. The
core course requirement is mandatory for all students in a given programme. Rest of the coursework must be
completed through elective courses.
Programme Structure
Quality Management Core ( 7 )
Pool of Electives( 7 )
Course No. Course Title Units
QM ZC441 Human Resource Management 4
QM ZG514 Leadership & Managing Change 4
QM ZG535 Decision Analysis 4
QM ZG536 Design of Experiments 4
QM ZG611 Strategic Management & Business Policy 4
QM ZG621 Supply Chain Management 4
QM ZG661 Software Quality Management 4
QM ZG663 Concurrent Engineering 5
QM ZC472 Precision Engineering 3
QM ZG539 Six Sigma 4
Course No. Course Title Units
M.Tech. in Quality Management
Semesterwise pattern
M.Tech. (Sanitation Science, Technology and Management)
Type of Input: Integrated First degree of BITS or its equivalent in the areas of Civil / Chemical
Engineering, or an M.Sc. in Chemistry / Biology / Environmental Science with
minimum one year of work experience in relevant domains. Exceptions can be made if
a candidate’s first degree is outside the above mentioned fields, but has substantial
experience in the field of sanitation.
Nominal Duration: Four Semesters
Programme Structure:
Core Courses
Course No. Course Title Units
SSTM* ZG511 Sanitation Technology 5
SSTM* ZG512 Sanitation and Public Health 5
SSTM* ZG513 Sanitation Governance, Behavioral Change and Advocacy 5
SSTM* ZG514 Sanitation Financing & Project management 5
SSTM* ZG515 Emergency Sanitation & Leadership 5
SSTM* ZG516 Environmental Sampling and Analytical Methods 5
Pool of Electives
Course No. Course Title Units
SSTM* ZG521 Environmental Chemistry 5
SSTM* ZG522 Environmental Biotechnology 5
SSTM* ZG523 Biological Treatment Principles and Design of Waste Water Systems 4
SSTM* ZG524 Environmental Statistics 4
SSTM* ZG525 Environmental Systems Modelling 4
SSTM* ZG526 Solid Waste Management 4
SSTM* ZG527 Environmental Management Systems 5
SSTM* ZG528 Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment 4
Course No. Course Title Units
SSTM* ZG628T Dissertation 16
M.Tech. (Sanitation Science, Technology and Management)
Semesterwise pattern
I Environmental
Elective I 4 to 5 SSTM* ZG516 Sampling and 5
Analytical Methods
M.Tech. Software Engineering (4-semester)
Curriculum Structure
Type of Input: Employed professionals holding an Integrated First Degree of BITS or its equivalent,
with minimum one-year work experience in relevant domains.
Normal Duration: Four Semesters
SE* ZG622 Software Project Management # 4
SE* ZG626 Hardware Software Co-Design 5
SE* ZG661 Software Quality Management # 4
SE* ZG681 Cyber Security 4
Requirements: At least 4 courses / 16 units (min) from among those restricted electives marked with a ‘#’ must
be chosen as electives.
Semesterwise Pattern
Elective 3(min)
Elective 4(min)
SE*ZG628T Dissertation 16
II Elective 4(min)
Elective 4(min)
Note: This is the currently operative pattern as approved by the Senate-appointed committee, subject to change
if the situation warrants.
In the above programme structure, the symbol * in the course numbers can be substituted by the letters
representing the collaborating organization.
Integrated M.Tech. Software Engineering
Curriculum Structure
Input Qualification
The students admitted to the Integrated M.Tech. Software Engineering programme must:
i) hold a B.Sc. / BCA degree or its equivalent in relevant disciplines with adequate background in
Mathematics, and
(iii) be employed professionals with minimum one-year work experience in relevant domains.
Normal Duration: Eight semesters
Programme Structure:
Foundation Courses
Pool of Electives:
Course No. Course Title Units
SE* ZC420 Data Visualization 3
SE* ZC425 Data Mining 3
SE* ZC444 Artificial Intelligence 3
SE* ZC472 Computer Graphics 3
SE* ZG512 Object Oriented Analysis & Design # 4
SE* ZG514 Introduction to DevOps # 4
SE* ZG515 Data Warehousing 5
SE* ZG516 Embedded System Design 4
SE* ZG518 Database Design & Applications 5
SE* ZG519 Data Structures & Algorithm Design 5
SE* ZG522 Big Data Systems 5
SE* ZG528 Cyber Physical Systems 4
SE* ZG533 Service Oriented Computing # 4
SE* ZG547 Usability Engineering 5
SE* ZG566 Secure Software Engineering 5
SE* ZG568 Applied Machine Learning 4
SE* ZG569 Blockchain Technologies & Systems 4
SE* ZG583 Scalable Services # 5
SE* ZG585 Cross Platform Application Development # 4
SE* ZG586 Edge Computing # 5
SE* ZG587 Open Source Software Engineering # 4
SE* ZG589 Middleware Technologies 4
SE* ZG622 Software Project Management # 4
SE* ZG626 Hardware Software Co-Design 5
SE* ZG661 Software Quality Management # 4
SE* ZG681 Cyber Security 4
Requirements: At least 4 courses / 16 units (min) from among those restricted electives marked with a ‘#’ must
be chosen as electives.
Integrated M.Tech. Software Engineering
Semesterwise pattern
SE* ZC337 Database Systems & Applications 4 SE* ZC344 Software Engineering 4
SE* ZC364 Operating Systems 4 SE* ZC467 Computer Networks 4
Elective 3(min)
Note: This is the currently operative pattern as approved by the Senate-appointed committee, subject to change
if the situation warrants.
In the above programme structure, the symbol * in the course numbers can be substituted by the letters
representing the collaborating organization.
Collaborating organizations: Wipro Technologies, Dell, SAP Labs, Sabre, EMC, Oracle, Bangalore; Avaya,Tech
Mahindra, Pune; Capgemini, Mumbai; Qualcomm, Hyderabad
M.Tech. Software Systems (4-semester) with specializations
Curriculum Structure
Input Requirements
Employed professionals holding an Integrated First Degree of BITS or its equivalent in relevant disciplines, with
minimum one-year work experience in relevant domains.
Programme Structure
Core Courses
* Dean, WILP may be permitted the operational flexibility of substituting these courses with others from the
elective pool(s) based on certain input criteria.
SS* ZG578 Mobile Networks 4
SS* ZG580 Software Defined Networks 5
SS* ZG586 Edge Computing 5
SS* ZG589 Middleware Technologies 4
5 courses / 19 units (min) are to be chosen from the designated pool of courses for this
# indicates mandatory course for this specialization. Other courses form the pool of electives.
5 courses / 18 units (min) are to be chosen from the designated pool of courses
for this specialization.
# indicates mandatory course for this specialization. Other courses form the pool
of electives.
SS* ZG656 Networked Embedded Applications 4
5 courses / 20 units (min) are to be chosen from the designated pool of courses for this
# indicates mandatory course for this specialization. Other courses form the pool of
5 courses / 18 units (min) are to be chosen from the designated pool of courses
for this specialization.
# indicates mandatory course for this specialization. Other courses form the pool
of electives.
5 courses / 20 units (min) are to be chosen from the designated pool of courses for this
# indicates mandatory course for this specialization. Other courses form the pool of
Semesterwise pattern
Elective 5 3(min)
Elective 6 3(min)
SS* ZG628T Dissertation 16
II Elective 7 4(min)
Elective 8 4(min)
Designed for the HRD requirements of a diverse spectrum of IT Industries. Collaborative Organizations: Wipro
Technologies, Bangalore; TCS, Hyderabad; Cisco, Bangalore; Samsung , Gurgaon
Integrated M.Tech. Software Systems
Curriculum Structure
Input Qualification
The students admitted to the M.Tech. Software Systems (8 Semesters) programme must:
i) hold a B.Sc. / BCA degree or its equivalent in relevant disciplines with adequate background in
Mathematics, and
ii) be employed professionals with minimum one-year work experience in relevant domains.
Programme Structure
Foundation Courses
Category Course No. Course Title Units
SS* ZC234 Linear Algebra & Optimization $ 3
Mathematics Foundation SS* ZC111 Probability and Statistics $ 3
SS* ZC222 Discrete Structures for Computer Science $ 3
Engineering Foundation SS* ZC263 Digital Electronics and Microprocessors $ 4
SS* ZC241 Principles of Management 3
Technical Arts / Professional
SS* ZC312 Technical Report Writing 3
SS* ZC163 Computer Programming $ 4
$ Mandatory Foundation Courses
SS* ZG514 Object Oriented Analysis & Design 4
5 courses / 19 units (min) are to be chosen from the designated pool of courses for this
# indicates mandatory course for this specialization. Other courses form the pool of electives.
SS* ZG588 Cyber Crimes, Forensics and Incident Handling 4
5 courses / 18 units (min) are to be chosen from the designated pool of courses for this
# indicates mandatory course for this specialization. Other courses form the pool of
5 courses / 20 units (min) are to be chosen from the designated pool of courses for this specialization.
# indicates mandatory course for this specialization. Other courses form the pool of electives.
5 courses / 18 units (min) are to be chosen from the designated pool of courses for this specialization.
# indicates mandatory course for this specialization. Other courses form the pool of electives.
v) Pool of courses for Specialization 5: Embedded Systems
5 courses / 20 units (min) are to be chosen from the designated pool of courses for this specialization.
# indicates mandatory course for this specialization. Other courses form the pool of electives.
Integrated M.Tech. Software Systems
Semesterwise Pattern
SS* ZC234 Linear Algebra & Optimization 3 SS* ZC327 Systems Programming 4
Computer Organization &
SS* ZC163 Computer Programming 4 SS* ZC353 4
Digital Electronics &
SS* ZC263 4 SS* ZC363 Data Structures & Algorithms 4
Total 14 Total 16
Elective 4(min)
Elective 4(min)
IV SS* ZG628T Dissertation 16
Elective 4(min)
Elective 4(min)
Note: This is the currently operative pattern as approved by the Senate-appointed committee, subject to change
if the situation warrants.
Designed for the HRD requirements of a diverse spectrum of IT Industries. Collaborative Organizations: Wipro Technologies,
Bangalore; TCS, Hyderabad; Cisco, Bangalore; Samsung, Gurgaon
M.Tech. Systems Engineering
Curriculum Structure
Input Requirements
Employed professionals holding an Integrated First Degree of BITS or its equivalent in relevant disciplines, with
minimum one-year work experience in relevant domains.
Normal duration : Four Semesters
Programme Structure
Core Courses : None.
Pool of Electives
Course No. Course Title Units
SE* ZG527 Cloud Computing 5
SE* ZC425 Data Mining 3
SE*ZC446 Data Storage Technologies & Networks 3
SE*ZG514 Data Warehousing 5
SE* ZC451 Internetworking Technologies 3
SE*ZC473 Multimedia Computing 3
SE*ZC462 Network Programming 3
SE*ZG513 Network Security 4
SE* ZG512 Object Oriented Analysis & Design 4
SE* ZG531 Pervasive Computing 4
SE* ZG524 Real Time Operating Systems 5
SE* ZG548 Advanced Data Mining 4
SE* ZG553 Real Time Systems 5
SE* ZG622 Software Project Management 4
SE* ZG661 Software Quality Management 4
SE* ZG552 Software Testing Methodologies 4
SE* ZG582 Telecom Network Management 5
SE* ZG520 Wireless & Mobile Communication 5
Note: In the above programme, the symbol ‘*’ in the course numbers, can be substituted by the letters
representing the collaborating organization.
M.Tech. Systems Engineering
Semesterwise Pattern
Note: This is the currently operative pattern as approved by the Senate-appointed committee, subject to change
if the situation warrants.
In the above programme structure, the symbol * in the course numbers can be substituted by the letters
representing the collaborating organization.
Collaborative Organizations: Wipro Infotech, Bangalore
MBA programmes
Input Qualification:
The students admitted to the proposed four-semester MBA programs must:
(i) hold an Integrated First Degree of BITS or its equivalent and
(ii)be employed professionals with adequate work experience in relevant domains.
Curriculum Requirements for MBA programs
The nature of the input to these programs and the objectives / orientation of Work Integrated
Learning Programs are different from those of the on-campus programs. Students interested in
these programs are seeking continuing higher management education and focus in the chosen
technical domain of study, which would enable their career progression within their industry. It is
also to be observed that learning and coursework in these programs are integrated within a
professional / technical environment.
Based on these facts and observations the curriculum has been designed to be in strong alignment
with on-campus program at the core but with sufficient flexibility for customization to meet specific
requirements of a target student population.
Completion of the program would require:
(i) At least 13 courses (totaling at least 52 units) towards coursework, and
(ii) Project (12 units).
The Department concerned may identify 4 to 8 courses out of the coursework requirement for each
program as the Management Core requirement, and 4 to 6 courses of the coursework requirement
for each program as the Domain Core requirement. The core requirements are mandatory for all
students in a given program. However in certain highly specialized areas, some variation in the core
requirements may be permitted. Rest of the coursework must be completed through elective
The curriculum requirements common to all MBA programs is given below:
Category No. of Units Required No. of Courses Required
Management Core 24-40 6-8
Domain Core 16-25 4-6
Electives 3-15 1-3
Subtotal 52 (min) 13 (min)
Project 12 1
Total 64 (min) 14 (min)
Project: As Project is based on the work environment of the student, the number of units for Project
may be kept as 12. Normally, the Project is to be undertaken in the final semester of the program.
MBA in Business Analytics
Type of Input: Employed professionals holding an Integrated First Degree of BITS or its equivalent
such as B.E./ M.Sc. in relevant disciplines, with minimum one year work experience in
relevant domains
Employed professionals holding a three year undergraduate degree in such areas as
Mathematics, Statistics, Science, Economics, Commerce, and Business Management,
and having studied at least one course in mathematics or statistics at the high school or
higher level, and with minimum two years of work experience in relevant business
Nominal Duration: Four Semesters
Curriculum Requirements:
Completion of the programme would require:
(a) At least 14 courses (totaling minimum of 56 units) towards course work, and
(b) Project (8 Units)
Programme Structure:
Management Core (8 Courses)
Pool of Electives
MBA* ZG564 Models in Marketing 4
MBA* ZG565 Supply Chain Analytics 4
MBA* ZG566 Analytics for Marketing 4
MBA* ZG567 Analytics for Retail Industry 4
MBA* ZG568 Operations Research Models 4
MBA* ZG569 Analytics for Investment Banking 4
MBA* ZG570 Financial Risk Models 4
MBA* ZG571 Analytical Models in Finance 4
Course No. Course Title
Total 16 Total 16
MBA* ZG512 Predictive Analytics 4 Elective 1 4
Analytics for
MBA* ZC413 Competitive 4 Elective 2 4
MBA* ZG521 Financial Management 4
Operations MBA* ZG622T Project 8
MBA* ZG526 4
Total 16 Total 16
MBA in Consultancy Management
Type of Input: Employed professionals holding an Integrated First Degree of BITS or its equivalent such
as B.E./ M. Sc. in relevant disciplines, with minimum one year work experience in relevant
business domains.
Employed professionals holding a three year undergraduate degree in such areas as
Mathematics, Statistics, Science, Economics, Commerce, and Business Management,
and having studied at least one course in mathematics or statistics at the high school or
higher level, and with minimum two years of work experience in relevant business
Curriculum Requirements
Programme Structure:
Pool of Electives
Course No. Course Title
MBA* ZG622T Project 8
Note: This is the currently operative pattern as approved by the Senate-appointed committee, subject to change if the situation
MBA in Finance
Type of Input: Employed professionals holding an Integrated First Degree of BITS or its equivalent such
as B.E./ M. Sc. in relevant disciplines, with minimum one year work experience in relevant
business domains.
Employed professionals holding a three year undergraduate degree in such areas as
Mathematics, Statistics, Science, Economics, Commerce, and Business Management,
and having studied at least one course in mathematics or statistics at the high school or
higher level, and with minimum two years of work experience in relevant business
Curriculum Requirements
Programme Structure:
Management Core (8 Courses)
Pool of Electives
MBA* ZG544 Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Restructuring 4
MBA* ZG556 Advanced Risk Models 4
MBA* ZG558 Financial Risk Management 4
MBA* ZG559 Management of Banks & Financial Institutions 4
MBA* ZG561 Behavioural Finance 4
MBA* ZG562 Derivatives & Financial Engineering 4
Course No. Course Title Units
MBA* ZG622T Project 8
Note: This is the currently operative pattern as approved by the Senate-appointed committee, subject to change
if the situation warrants.
MBA in FinTech
Type of Input: Employed professionals holding an Integrated First Degree of BITS or its equivalent
such as B.E./ M.Sc. in relevant disciplines, with minimum one year work experience in
relevant domains
Employed professionals holding a three year undergraduate degree in such areas as
Mathematics, Statistics, Science, Economics, Commerce, and Business Management,
and having studied at least one course in mathematics or statistics at the high school
or higher level, and with minimum two years of work experience in relevant business
Nominal Duration: Four Semesters
Curriculum Requirements:
Programme Structure:
Management Core (8 Courses)
Pool of Electives
MBA* ZG532 Deep Learning Application in Finance 4
MBA* ZG533 Technology Disruptions in FinTech 4
MBA* ZG554 Digital Banking and Beyond 4
MBA* ZG555 Algorithmic and High Frequency Trading 4
MBA* ZG557 FinTech in Wealth Management 4
I Operations
MBA* ZC417 Quantitative Methods 4 MBA* ZG526 4
Managing People & Introduction to
MBA* ZG511 4 MBA* ZG516 4
Organizations FinTech
Total 16 Total 16
MBA* ZG517 Financial Analytics 4 Elective 1 4
Global Financial Markets
MBA* ZG560 4 Elective 2 4
and Products
Total 16 Total 16
MBA in Hospital & Health Systems Management
Input criteria: Employed professionals in the healthcare industry, holding an Integrated First Degree of BITS
or its equivalent / MBBS or its equivalent, with at least one year of relevant work experience.
Curriculum requirements:
Completion of the programme would require:
(a) Atleast 13 courses (totaling atleast 52 units) towards coursework; and
(b) Project (12 units)
Programme Structure
MBA in Hospital & Health Systems Management
Semesterwise pattern
Year First Semester U Second Semester U
Financial and Management
MBA ZC415 4 MBA ZG521 Financial Management 4
Epidemic & Disaster
MBA ZC416 Managerial Economics 4 HHSM ZG516 4
Introduction to Health Systems
MBA ZC411 Marketing 4 HHSM ZG631 4
& Environmental Health
Total 16 Total 16
HHSM ZG513 Biostatistics & Epidemiology 4 MBA ZG623T Project 12
HHSM ZG517 Healthcare Management 4 Elective 1 4
II Hospital Operations
HHSM ZG614 4
Strategic Management of
HHSM ZG617 4
Health care Organizations
Total 16 Total 16
Note: This is the currently operative pattern as approved by the Senate-appointed committee, subject to change
if the situation warrants.
In the above programme structure, the symbol * in the course numbers can be substituted by the letters
representing the collaborating organization.
MBA in Manufacturing Management
Curriculum Structure
Type of Input: Employed professionals holding an Integrated First Degree of BITS or its equivalent such
as B.E./ M.Sc. in relevant disciplines, with minimum one year work experience in relevant
business domains.
Curriculum Requirements
Programme Structure:
Pool of Electives
MBA* ZG565 Supply Chain Analytics 4
Total 16 Total 16
II MBA* ZG522 Total Quality Management 4 Elective 1 4
Total 17 Total 16
Note: This is the currently operative pattern as approved by the Senate-appointed committee, subject to change
if the situation warrants.
MBA in Quality Management
Curriculum Structure
Type of Input: Employed professionals holding an Integrated First Degree of BITS or its equivalent such
as B.E./ M.Sc. in relevant disciplines, with minimum one year work experience in relevant
business domains.
Curriculum Requirements
Programme Structure:
Pool of Electives
MBA* ZG552 Business Acumen for Managing Quality 4
Total 16 Total 16
Managing Quality in Services
MBA* ZG549 4 Elective 1 4
Total 17 Total 16
Note: This is the currently operative pattern as approved by the Senate-appointed committee, subject to change
if the situation warrants.
Curriculum Structure:
Post Graduate Diploma
(Business Analytics)
Type of Input: Employed professionals holding an Integrated First Degree of BITS or its equivalent
such as B.E./ M.Sc. in relevant disciplines, with minimum one year work experience in
relevant business domains
Employed professionals holding a three year undergraduate degree in such areas as
Mathematics, Statistics, Science, Economics, Commerce, and Business Management,
and having studied at least one course in mathematics or statistics at the high school or
higher level, and with minimum two years of work experience in relevant business
Programme Structure:
Core Courses
Course No. Course Title Units
PDBA* ZC413 Analytics for Competitive Advantage 4
PDBA* ZC417 Quantitative Methods 4
PDBA* ZG512 Predictive Analytics 4
PDBA* ZG536 Foundations of Data Science 4
PDBA* ZG538 Advanced Statistical Methods 4
PDBA* ZG539 Data Visualization and Communication 4
Pool of Electives
Course No. Course Title Units
PDBA* ZG517 Financial Analytics 4
PDBA* ZG523 Project Management 4
PDBA* ZG563 Analytics for HR 4
PDBA* ZG564 Models in Marketing 4
PDBA* ZG565 Supply Chain Analytics 4
PDBA* ZG566 Analytics for Marketing 4
PDBA* ZG567 Analytics for Retail Industry 4
PDBA* ZG568 Operations Research Models 4
PDBA* ZG569 Analytics for Investment Banking 4
PDBA* ZG570 Financial Risk Models 4
PDBA* ZG571 Analytical Models in Finance 4
Post Graduate Diploma
(Business Analytics)
Semesterwise pattern
Advanced Statistical
I PDBA* ZG538 4 Elective 1 4
Foundations of Data
PDBA* ZG536 4 Elective 2 4
Total 16 Total 16
Post Graduate Diploma
Type of Input: Employed professionals holding an Integrated First Degree of BITS or its equivalent such
as B.E./ M.Sc. in relevant disciplines, with minimum one year work experience in relevant
business domains.
Employed professionals holding a three year undergraduate degree in such areas as
Mathematics, Statistics, Science, Economics, Commerce, and Business Management,
and having studied at least one course in mathematics or statistics at the high school or
higher level, and with minimum two years of work experience in relevant business
Nominal Duration: Two Semesters
Curriculum Requirements
Completion of the programme would require:
At least 8 courses (totaling at least 32 units) towards coursework
Programme Structure:
Core Courses
Pool of Electives
Post Graduate Diploma
Semesterwise pattern
Total 16 Total 16
Note: This is the currently operative pattern as approved by the Senate-appointed committee, subject to change
if the situation warrants.
Post Graduate Diploma
Type of Input: Employed professionals holding an Integrated First Degree of BITS or its equivalent
such as B.E./M.Sc. in relevant disciplines, with minimum one-year work experience
in relevant domains
Employed professionals holding a three year undergraduate degree in such areas
as Mathematics, Statistics, Science, Economics, Commerce, and Business
Management, and having studied at least one course in mathematics or statistics at
the high school or higher level, and with minimum two years of work experience in
relevant business domains.
Programme Structure:
Core Courses
Course No. Course Title Units
PDFT* ZC417 Quantitative Methods 4
PDFT* ZG516 Introduction to FinTech 4
PDFT* ZG517 Financial Analytics 4
PDFT* ZG521 Financial Management 4
PDFT* ZG553 Block Chain and Applications 4
PDFT* ZG560 Global Financial Markets and Products 4
Pool of Electives
Course No. Course Title Units
PDFT* ZC419 Financial Risk Analytics 4
PDFT* ZG527 Entrepreneurship in FinTech 4
PDFT* ZG529 Machine Learning for Finance 4
PDFT* ZG530 InsurTech 4
PDFT* ZG532 Deep Learning Application in Finance 4
PDFT* ZG533 Technology Disruptions in FinTech 4
PDFT* ZG554 Digital Banking and Beyond 4
PDFT* ZG555 Algorithmic and High Frequency Trading 4
PDFT* ZG557 FinTech in Wealth Management 4
Post Graduate Diploma
Semesterwise pattern
Post Graduate Diploma
(Manufacturing Management)
Type of Input: 1. Employed professionals holding a three-year undergraduate degree or its
equivalent in relevant disciplines, with adequate work experience in relevant
2. Employed professionals holding a three-year undergraduate degree or its
equivalent in relevant disciplines, and a Post-graduate Certificate in Manufacturing
Practice, with adequate work experience in relevant domains, for admission into
the second semester of the programme with a credit transfer of up to 16 units from
the said certificate.
Programme Structure
Core courses
Semesterwise pattern
Post Graduate Certificate Programme
(Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)
List of Courses
Note: In the above programme structure, the symbol * in the course numbers can be substituted by the letters
representing collaborating organization.
Post Graduate Certificate Programme
(Big Data & Analytics)
Employed professionals holding a three-year undergraduate degree in relevant
Type of Input disciplines, with adequate preparation in Mathematics and Computer Programming,
as well as adequate work experience in relevant domains.
~ 230 hours
Learning Hours
Minimum Successful completion of the Certificate Programme would require:
Requirement for 1. Completion of all courses with a minimum C- grade in each course.
Certification 2. Obtaining a minimum CGPA of 5.00
Students without sufficient exposure to courses like Data Structures & Algorithms,
Database Systems, and Object Oriented Programming using Java would be
prescribed deficiency modules. While the student must complete the deficiency
Marginal Deficiency
modules before start of the program, the performance in the deficiency modules will
not be accounted in the calculation of CGPA and will not be part of the requirement
for certification.
List of Courses
Course No. Course Title Units
CBDA ZG511 The Hadoop Framework 1
CBDA ZG521 ETL & Batch Processing with Hadoop 2
CBDA ZG531 Big Data Analytics with Spark 3
CBDA ZG541 Capstone Project 2
Total 8
Post Graduate Certificate Programme
(Big Data Engineering)
Type of Input: Employed professionals holding a three-year undergraduate degree in relevant
discipline, with adequate preparation in Mathematics and Computer
Programming, as well as adequate work experience in relevant domains.
Minimum Requirement for Successful completion of the Certificate Programme would require:
Certification 1. Completion of all courses with a minimum C- grade in each course.
2. Obtaining a minimum CGPA of 5.00
Marginal Deficiency Students without sufficient exposure to courses like Data Structures &
Algorithms and Database Systems would be prescribed deficiency modules.
While the student must complete the deficiency modules before start of the
program, the performance in the deficiency modules will not be accounted in
the calculation of CGPA and will not be part of the requirement for certification.
List of courses
Post Graduate Certificate Programme
(Full Stack Engineering)
Type of Input: Employed professionals holding an Integrated First Degree of BITS or its equivalent such
as B.E./B.Tech/M.Sc./MCA. Degree or its equivalent in relevant disciplines and adequate
work experience in the software industry.
Marginal Students without sufficient exposure to courses like Python Programming and Database
Deficiency Systems (SQL) would be prescribed deficiency modules. The performance in the
deficiency modules will not be accounted in the calculation of CGPA and will not be part of
the requirement for certification.
List of Courses
Post Graduate Certificate Programme
(General Management)
Type of Input: Employed professionals holding a three-year undergraduate degree or its
equivalent in relevant disciplines, with adequate work experience in relevant
Semesterwise Pattern
Post Graduate Certificate Programme
(Internet of Things)
Type of Input: Employed professionals holding an Integrated First Degree of BITS or its
equivalent in Electrical & Electronics Engineering or Computer Science or
other relevant discipline with adequate work experience in relevant domains.
Minimum Requirement for Successful completion of the Certificate Programme would require:
Certification 1. Completion of all courses with a minimum C- grade in each course.
2. Obtaining a minimum CGPA of 5.00
List of courses
Post Graduate Certificate
(Manufacturing Practice)
Type of Input: Employed professionals holding a three-year undergraduate degree or its
equivalent in relevant disciplines, with adequate work experience in relevant
Expected Learning Hours:
~510 hours
Minimum Requirement for Successful completion of the Certificate Programme would require:
Certification : Obtaining a minimum CGPA of 5.50
Semesterwise Pattern
Post Graduate Certificate Programme
(Non-sewered Sanitation)
Type of Input: Employed professionals holding an Integrated First Degree of BITS or its
equivalent in the areas of Civil, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Biology
or other relevant discipline with adequate work experience in relevant
List of courses
Certificate in Manufacturing Practice
Type of Input:
Employed professionals holding a Technical Diploma or its equivalent, with
adequate work experience in relevant domains.
Type of Input:
Employed professionals holding a Technical Diploma or its equivalent, with
adequate work experience in relevant domains.
Expected Learning hours: ~360 hours
Minimum Requirement for Successful completion of the Certificate Programme would require:
Certification: Obtaining a minimum CGPA of 4.50
Semesterwise Pattern