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Acetic Acid : Of the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India.

Description: A clear, colourless liquid; odour, pungent; taste,

sharply acidic.
Solubility: Miscible with water, with alcohol and with glycerin.
Weight per ml: At 25°, about 1.039.
Arsenic: Not more than 1 part per million.
Heavy metals: Evaporate 5 ml to dryness in a porcelain dish on a
water-bath, warm the residue with 2 ml of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid
and add water to make 25 ml, the limit of heavy metals is 10 parts
per million.
Chlorides: 5 ml complies with the limit test for chlorides.
Sulphate: 5 ml complies with the limit test for sulphates.
Certain aldehydic substances: Distil 50 ml and collect the first 5 ml
of the distillate. Add 10 ml of mercuric chloride test solution and
make alkaline with sodium hydroxide solution, allow to stand for 5
minites and acidify with dilute sulphuric acid, the solution does not
show more than a faint turbidity.
Formic acid and oxidisable impurities: Mix 5 ml with 2.0 ml of 0.1
N potassium dichromate and 6 ml of sulphuric acid and allow to
stand for one minute. Add 25 ml of water, cool to 15°, add 1 ml of
freshly prepared potassium iodide solution and titrate the liberated
iodine solution with 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate, using starch
solution as indicator. Not less than 1 ml of 0.1 N sodium
thiosulphate is required.
Odourous impurities: Neutralise 5 ml with sodium hydroxide
solution; the solution has no odour other than a faint acetous odour.
Readily oxidisable impurities: To 5 ml add 20 ml of water and 0.5
ml of 0.1 N potassium permanganate, the pink colour does not
entirely disappear within half a minute.
Non-volatile matter: Leaves not more than 0.01 per cent w/w of
residue when evaporated to dryness and dried to constant weight at
Assay: Weigh accurately about 2.5g into a stoppered flask
containing 50 ml of water and titrate with 1N sodium hydroxide
using phenolphthalein solution as indicator. Each ml of 1N sodium
hydroxide is equivalent to 0.06005 g of C2H4O2.

Acetic Acid (95 per cent): Of the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India.

Acetic Acid (90 per cent): To glacial acetic acid add sufficient quantity of water to produce a
solution containing 90 percent w/v of C2H4O2.
Acetic Acid, Dilute (Approximately 6 percent w/w of C2H4O2).

Acetic anhydride: (CH3 CO) 2O: Contains not less than 95 per cent of C4H6O3

Description: A colourless, refractive liquid; pungent odour. It boils

at 140°. It is slowly soluble in water, forming acetic acid; soluble in
chloroform and ether. Wt per ml- 1.080g.

Assay: Weigh accurately about 2 g in a glass stoppered flask. Add

100 ml of carbondioxide free water, stopper, allow to stand for 30
minutes, add phenolphthalein solution and titrate with 1 N sodium
hydroxide, calculate the percentage of (CH3CO)2O by the formula
(34.03v/w—566.7, where V is the volume in ml of the sodium
hydroxide used, and W is the weight, in g of the sample.

Acetone : C3H6O
Description: A clear, colourless, mobile and volatile, liquid; taste,
pungent and sweetish; odour, characteristic, Inflammable.
Solubility: Miscible with water, with alcohol, with solvent ether
and with chloroform.
Boiling range: Not less than 95.0 per cent. Distils between 55.5°
and 57°.
Acidity: 10 ml diluted with 10 ml of freshly boiled and cooled
water, does not require for neutralization more than 0.2 ml of 0.1N
sodium hydroxide, using phenolphthalein solution as indicator.
Reaction: 10 ml diluted with 10 ml of freshly boiled and cooled
water is not alkaline to litmus solution.

Methyl alcohol: Dilute 10 ml with water to 100 ml. To 1ml of the

solution add 1 ml of water and 2 ml of potassium permanganate
solution in phosphoric acid. Allow to stand for ten minutes and add
2 ml of oxalic acid solution and sulphuric acid; to the colourless
solution add 5 ml of decolourised magenta solution and set aside
for thirty minutes between 15° and 30°; no colour is produced.
Substances reducing permanganate—To 20 ml add 0.1 ml of 0.1N
potassium permanganate and allow to stand for fifteen minutes; the
solution is not completely decolourised.

Water: Shake 10 ml with 40 ml of Carbon disulphide; a coloured

solution is produced. Non-volatile matter—When evaporated on a
water-bath and dried to constant weight at 105°, leaves not more
than 0.01 per cent w/v of residue.

Alcohol, Absolute: Contains not less than 99.4 per cent v/v or 99 per cent w/v, and not
more than 100.0 per cent v/v or 100.0 per cent w/w C9 H 6 O.
It complies with the requirements given under Alcohol (95 per
cent) of Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India.

Alcohol (95 per cent), Aldehyde-free: Alcohol (95 per cent) which complies with the
following additional test: Aldehyde—To 25 ml, contained in a 300
ml flask add 75 ml of solution of 2:4 dinitrophenyl hydrazine, heat
on a water-bath under a reflux condenser for twenty four hours,
remove the alcohol by distillation, dilute to 200 ml with 2 per cent
v/v solution of sulphuric acid, and set aside for twenty four hours;
no crystals are produced.

Alcohol (90 per cent): Dispensing Alcohol of the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India.

Alcohol (80 percent): Contains 79.5 to 80.3 percent of Alcohol (V/V Dilute 842 ml of
Alcohol to 1000 ml with water specific gravity—At 25°, 0.840 to
0.842, H.P.I.

Alcohol (60 per cent): Limits 59.0 to 61.0 v/v

Dilute 632 ml of alcohol to 1000 ml of water.
Specific gravity—At 15.25°/15.25°, 0.8918 to 0.8871.
Refractive index—At 20°, 1.3617 to 1.3618.

Alcohol (50 per cent): Dilute 526 ml of Alcohol (95 per cent) to 1000 ml with Purified

Alcohol (20 per cent): Contains 19.5 to 20.5 percent of alcohol (V/V) Dilute 210 ml of
alcohol to 1000 ml of with water specific gravity—at 25°, 0.968 to
0.970, H.P.I. Refractive index—at 25°, 1.340 to 1.342, H.P.I.

Aluminium Wire : Al
Description—Bright, malleable, ductile metal with somewhat
bluish tint.
Solubility—Soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid, sulphuric-acid,
potassium hydroxide solution and in sodium hydroxide solution.
Almost insoluble in nitric acid or in hot acetic acid.
Arsenic—Not more than 1 part per million.
Aluminium Chloride : AlCl3. 6H2O

Contains not less than 98.0 per cent of AlCl3. 6H2O

Description—A white, crystalline powder.
Solubility—Soluble in water.

Iron—2.0 g complies with the limit test for iron, H.P.I.

Sulphate—0.5 g complies with the limit test for sulphates, H.P.I.

Assay—Dissolve 0.3 g in 35 ml of water, add 15 ml of dilute nitric

acid, 5 ml of dibutylpthalate, add 50 ml of 0.1N silver nitrate, and
shake for 1 minute. Add 5 ml of ferri-annumium sulphate solution
and titrate with 0.1N ammonium thiocyanate until a reddish brown
colour is obtained, which, after shaking, does not fade in five
minutes. Each ml of 0.1N silver nitrate is equivalent to 0.008038 g of
AlCl3. 6H2O.

Aluminium Chloride : Alcoholic solution of: A 1.0 percent w/v solution of aluminium
chloride in alcohol (of the HPI).

Aluminium Chloride, : A 1.0 per cent w/v solution of aluminium chloride in water.
Aqueous Solution of

Amaranth : Contains not less than 78 per cent of C20H11N9O101Na9S8.

Description: Dark reddish brown powder.

Identification: Boil a 1 per cent w/v solution with aluminium

hydroxide, Filter and add one drop of solution of copper sulphate; a
yellow colour that changes to red on acidification is produced.

Colour: The colour of a 1 per cent w/v solution when viewed

through a depth of a 1 cm is vivid red.

Assay: Weight accurately about 0.4 g, dissolve in water, add 10 g

of sodium acid tartrate, heat to boiling, pass a current of carbon
dioxide through the solution, and titrate with 0.1 N titanous
chloride. Each ml of 0.1 N titanous chloride is equivalent 0.01511
g of C36H11Na8S8.

Ammonia Solution, dilute: Dilute 375 ml of strong ammonia solution, to 1000 ml with
water. This solution contains approximately 10 per cent w/w of
NH3 and has a weight per ml of about 0.957g.
Ammonia Solution, Strong : Ammonium causticum of the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of

Ammonium Acetate: CH3 CO2 NH4

Description: Colourless crystals or crystalline masses, odour,
slightly acetous, very deliquescent.

Solubility: Very soluble in water, and in alcohol.

Reaction: Dissolve 1 g in 20 ml of carbon dioxide free water;

the reaction of the solution is not more acid than pH 6.5 using
solution of bromothymol blue as indicator.

Chloride: 3.5 g complies with the limit test for chlorides.

Sulphate:Dissolve 4 g in 5 ml of water, add 10 mg. Of sodium

bicarbonate evaporate to dryness, and heat at 120° until the
ammonium acetate is volatilized. The residue complies with the
limit test for sulphates.

Sulphated ash: Not more than 0.035 per cent.

Ammonium Acetate, Dilute solution of: Dissolve sufficient ammonium acetate in water to
produce a solution containing 61.5 per cent w/v of CH3

Ammonium bicarbonate : Of Indian Pharmacopoeia.

Ammonium carbonate : A variable mixture of ammonium bicarbonate (NH4HCO3 and

ammonium carbonate (NH2CO2NH4, Contains the equivalent of
not less than 30.0 per cent of NH3

Description: Translucent, hard crystalline masses; odour,

strongly ammoniacal; taste, pungent and ammoniacal. Exposed
to air, it partially dissociates and volatilizes and becomes
converted into porous lumps or a white powder.

Solubility: Soluble in about 4 parts of water; partly soluble in

alcohol yielding a residue of the bicarbonate.

Iron: Boil 2.5 g with water until all the ammonia has been
driven off; the solution complies with the limit test for iron.

Chloride: 10g, boiled with water until all the ammonia has
been driven off; complies with the limit test for chlorides.

Sulphate: 10g, boiled with water until the ammonia has been
driven off; complies with the limit test for sulphates.

Tarry matter : Mix 5 g with 15 ml of water and 7g of citric

acid and stir until dissolved; no tarry odour is produced.
Non-volatile matter: When volatilized at a temperature below
red heat leaves not more than 0.25 per cent of residue.

Assay: Weight accurately about 2g and dissolve in 50 ml of 1 N

sulphuric acid diluted with 50 ml of water, boil, cool, and titrate
the excess of acid with 1 N sodium hydroxide, using solution of
methyl red as indicator. Each ml of 1 N sulphuric acid is
equivalent to 0.01703 g of NH3.
Ammonium Carbonate should be kept in a well-closed

Ammonium Carbonate, Solution of: Dissolve 5 g of ammonium carbonate in a mixture of

7.5 ml of dilute ammonia and 50 ml of water; add sufficient
quantity of water to produce 100 ml; filter, if necessary.

Ammonium Chloride, Solution of: A 10.0 per cent w/v solution of ammonium chloride in

Ammonium Chromate : (NH4) 2 Cr O4

Contains not less than 98.0 percent of (NH4) 2 CrO4.

Description: yellow crystals or granular.

Solubility: Soluble in water.

Assay: Weigh accurately about 1.2g, dissolve in water and

dilute to 200ml Transfer 20 ml into a glass stoppered flask,
dilute with 130 ml of water and add 7 ml of hydrochloric acid
and 3g of potassium iodide, allow to stand for 15 minutes, then
titrate the liberated iodine with 0.1N sodium thiosulphate, using
starch toward the end. Correct for a blank. Each ml of 0.1N
sodium thiosulphate is equivalent to 0.005070 g of (NH4) 2

Ammonium Chromate, : A 5.0 percent w/v solution of ammonium Chromate in

Solution of water.

Ammonium Ferric, : of H.P.I.

Sulphate Syn. Ferric ammonium sulphate.

Ammonium Ferric: Syn. Ferric ammonium sulphate solution A 10.0 percent w/v solution
Sulphate solution of of Ferric ammonium sulphate in water.

Ammonium Hydroxide, : Mix 1 volume of water with 2 volume of Ammonia, strong

Solution of solution.
Ammonium Molybdate: (NH4) 6 MO3 O24 4 H2O.

Contains about 80 to 83 per cent of Mo O3

Description: White crystals or crystalline masses sometimes

with a yellowish or green tint. It is soluble in water; insoluble
in alcohol.

Phosphate : Dissolve 5 g in 5 ml of dilute ammonia solution and 15 ml of

water, the solution is not more than slightly turbid; add it to 25
ml of nitric acid and 50 ml of water and allow to stand at about
40° for six hours; not more than a slight yellow precipitate is

Assay: Weigh accurately about 0.2 g and dissolve in 40 ml of

dilute ammonia solution and 50 ml of water, and add 20 ml of
glacial acetic acid; heat to boiling and add 10 ml of solution of
lead acetate and 40 ml of water. Boil gently until the precipitate
becomes granular, collect the precipitate in Gooch crucible,
wash with hot water and dry; and ignite at a dull red heat. Each
g of residue is equivalent to 0.3921 g of MoO3.

Ammonium Molybdate, Solution of: A 10.0 per cent w/v solution of ammonium molybdate
in water.

Ammonium Nitro : To a solution of 125 g of moylbdic acid in mixture of 80 ml of

Molybdate, Solution of ammonia solution and 320 ml of water add a solution of 400g
of ammonium nitrate in sufficient water to produce 100 ml
followed by a mixture of 380 ml of nitric acid and 620 ml of
water. Allow to stand for 24 hours at about 35° and filter.

Ammonium Nitrate :NH4 NO3.

Description: Colourless crystals.

Solubility: Readily soluble in water.
Reaction: A solution in water is slightly acidic to litmus.

Chloride :3.5 g complies with the limit test for chlorides.

Sulphate :5 g complies with the limit test for sulphates.

Sulphated ash :Not more than 0.05 percent.

Ammonium Nitrate, Solution of: A 2.5 per cent w/v solution of ammonium nitrate.

Ammonium Oxalate : (CO2 NH4) 2 2H2 O.

Description: Colourless crystals.

Solubility: Soluble in water.
Chloride : 2g, with an addition of 2 ml of nitric acid, complies with the
limit test for chlorides.

Sulphate : Dissolve 1 g in 50 ml of water, add 2.5 ml of hydrochloric

acid and 1 ml of solution of barium chloride, and allow to stand
for one hour; no turbidity or precipitate is produced.

Sulphated ash : Not more than 0.05 per cent.

Ammonium Oxalate, Solution of: A 2.5 per cent w/v solution of ammonium oxalate in

Ammonium Polysulphide, Solution of: Dissolve sufficient quantity of sublimed sulphur in

solution of ammonium sulphide to produce a deep yellow

Ammonium Sulphide, Solution of: Saturate 120 ml of dilute ammonia solution with washed
hydrogen sulphide; add 80 ml of dilute ammonia solution.
Solution of Ammonium sulphide must be recently prepared.

Ammonium Thiocyanate : NH4 SCN.

Description: Colourless crystals.

Solubility: Very soluble in water, forming a clear solution;

readily soluble in alcohol.

Chloride :Dissolve 1 g in 30 ml of solution of hydrogen peroxide, add 1

g of sodium hydroxide, warm gently, rotate the flask until a
vigorous reaction commences and allow to stand until the
reaction is complete; add a further 30 ml of solution of
hydrogen peroxide, boil for two minutes, cool and add 10 ml of
dilute nitric acid and 1 ml of solution of silver nitrate, any
opalescence produced is not greater than that obtained by
treating 0.2 ml of 0.01 N hydrochloric acid in the same manner.
Sulphated ash moisten 1 g with sulphuric acid, and ignite
gently, again moisten with sulphuric acid and ignite, the residue
weighs not more than 2.0 mg.

Ammonium Thiocyanate, solution of: A 10.0 per cent w/v solution of ammonium
thiocyanate in water.

Ammonia Solution Standard: Dissolve 31.4 mg of ammonium chloride in water to make

one litre (1ml=0.1mg NH3)
Ammonia Ammonium Chloride Buffer Solution: Dissolve 5.4 g of ammonium chloride in
70 ml of dilute ammonia solution and add sufficient water to
produce 100 ml.
Ammonia Ammonium Chloride Solution (Strong): Dissolve 67.5 g of ammonium chloride
in 650 ml of strong ammonia solution and add sufficient water
to produce 1000 ml.

Ammonium Bromide : Of the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India.

Ammonium Persulpahte : (NH4) 2S2O8

Contains not less than 98.0 per cent of (NH4) 2S2O8.

Description: Colourless crystals or white granules.

Solubility: Soluble in water.

Residue on ignition: Not more than 0.05 per cent.
Sulphated ash : Not more than 0.1 per cent.
Heavy metals :Not more than 30 parts per million.
Iron :Not more than 10 parts per million; 4g complies with the limit
test for iron.
Chloride : 10g complies with the limit test for chlorides
Assay: Dissolve 1 g of ferrous sulphate and 6g of potassium
iodide in a mixture of 50 ml of water and 50 ml of dilute
sulphuric acid. Add 0.5 g of the finely powdered sample to half
of this solution and allow to stand in a stoppered flask for thirty
minutes. Titrate the liberated iodine with 0.1N sodium
thiosulphate using starch mucilage as indicator. Repeat the
operation using the remaining portion of the solution and
omitting the sample, and substract the second burette reading
from the first. Each ml of 0.1N sodium thiosulphate is
equivalent to 0.01141g of (NH4) 2S2O8
Ammonium : NH2SO3NH4(H6N2O3S)
Sulphate Contains not less than 99.5 per cent and not more than 100.5 per
cent of H6N2O3S calculated with reference to the substance dried to
constant weight at 105°.
Description: Colourless or white hygroscopic crystals.
Solubility: Readily soluble in water; sparingly soluble in alcohol.
Melting point: 130 to 133°.
Reaction: pH of a 5% solution is between 5 and 6.5.
Heavy metals: Not more than 5 parts per million.
Sulphated ash: Not more than 0.1 per cent.
Loss on drying: Loses not more than 1 per cent of its residue when
dried to constant weight at 105°.
Residue on ignition: Not more than 0.02 per cent.
Assay: Boil about 1.5g accurately weighed, with a mixture of 10
ml of sulphuric acid and 50 ml of water for two hours under a
reflex condensor. Transfer to an ammonia distillation apparatus,
make alkaline with a 30 per cent w/v solution of sodium hydroxide,
solution and distil, collecting the distillate in 50 ml of 1N sulphuric
acid. Titrate the excess of acid with N sodium hydroxide, using
methyl red solution as indicator. Each ml of 1N sulphuric acid is
equivalent to 0.05706g of H6N2O3S.

Ammonium vandate : NH4 VO3

Should contain not less than 98.0 per cent of NH4VO3.
Description: A white crystalline powder.

Assay: Dissolve 0.5 g in 30 ml of water in 1 ml of sulphuric

acid, and pass sulphur dioxide into the solution until reduction
is complete. Remove the excess of sulphur-dioxide by boiling
gently in a current of carbon-dioxide, cool and titrate with 0.1N
potassium permanganate. Each ml equivalent to .0117 g of

Anaesthetic Ether : (C2H) 5O2

Anaesthetic ether is purified diethyl ether. It contains a suitable
stabilizer in a proportion not greater than 0002 per cent w/v

Description: Colourless, transparent, very mobile liquid; odour,

characteristic; taste, sweet and burning. Very volatile and

Solubility: Soluble in water; miscible with alcohol and with


Boiling Range: 34° to 35°, H.P.I.

Wt. Per ml: 0.7130 to 0.7145 g (at 20°), H.P.I.

Peroxides: Place in a stoppered tube of about 12 ml capacity

and about 1.5 cm in diameter, 8 ml of solution of potassium
iodide and starch, fill to brim with sample of Anaesthetic ether,
and place the stopper in position so that no air bubble is
enclosed, shake vigorously, and set aside in the dark for 30
minutes; no brown or reddish colour is produced.
Non-volatile matter: 50 ml when evaporated and dried to
constant weight at 105° leaves not more than 1 mg of residue.

Aniline : C2H5NH2
Description: Colourless or pale yellow, oily liquid; odour
Solubility: Soluble in water; miscible with alcohol, beneze and
Boiling range: 183° to 186°, H.P.I.

Ignition residue—Evaporate 20 ml and ignite to constant

weight the residue does not exceed 1.0 mg.

Aniline phthalate, : Mix 0.93 g of aniline with 1.66 g of phthalic acid and
dissolved in 100 ml n-butanol saturated with water.

Antimony Solution, Standard: Dissolve 188 mg of antimony trichloride in a mixture of 20

volumes of hydrochloric acid and 80 volumes of water to make
1 litre. Dilute 1 ml of this solution with water to 50 ml (1
ml=.002 mg).

Antimony Trichloride : SbCl3

Contains not less than 99.0 per cent of SbCl3.
Description: Colourless crystals or transluscent crystalline
masses, very deliquescent.
Solubility: Soluble in small quantity of water, decomposed by
larger amounts to insoluble oxychloride. Soluble in
hydrochloric acid, in alcohol and in chloroform.
Sulphate: 5g complies with the limit test for sulphates, HPI.
Iron: 1g complies with the limit test for iron, HPI.
Assay—Dissolve about 0.5g accurately weighed, in a solution
of 4g potassium sodium tartrate in 30 ml of water, add 2g
sodium hydrogen carbonate. Titrate immediately with 0.1 N
iodine, using starch as indicator.
Each ml of 0.01 N iodine is equivalent to 0.001141g of SbCl3.

Aqua regia (Nitrohydrochloric acid): It is made by mixing 20 per cent nitric acid with 80 per
cent hydrochloric acid in a dish or loosely stoppered container and
allowing to stand at room temperature for about 15 hours, or until
gas is no longer evolved.

It immediately liberates iodine when 1 drop of the acid is added to

1 ml of an aqueous solution of potassium iodide (1 in 5).
Arsenious acid, : Arsenic chloride solution prepared with 1 g arsenious trioxide,
solution of 5 m dilute hydrochloric acid and water 100 ml.

Ascorbic Acid : C6H8O6

Contains not less than 99.0 per cent of C6H8O6.
Description: Colourless crystals or a white crystalline powder;
odourless, taste acidic. Rapidly deteriorates in solution in presence
of air.
Solubility: Soluble in 3 parts of water and in 30 parts of alcahol;
practically insoluble in chloroform, in solvent ether and in benzene.
Soluble in methyl alcohol.
Reaction: pH of a 2 per cent w/v solution, 2.4 to 2.8.
Melting range: 190° to 192°, with decomposition.
Specific rotation: Determined in a 2.0° percent w/v solution in
water at 20°, + 22° to 23°.
Heavy metals: Dissolve 1g in 200 ml of water, add 0.5ml of 0.1N
hydrochloric acid and dilute to 25 ml with water; the limit of heavy
metals in 20 parts per million.
Sulphated Ash: Not more than 0.1 per cent.
Assay: Weigh accurately about 0.1g and dissolve in a mixture of
100 ml of freshly boiled and cooled water and 25 ml of dilute
sulphuric acid. Immediately titrate with 0.1N iodine icing, starch
solution as indicator as the end point is neared. Each ml of 0.1 N
iodine is equivalent to 0.008806g of C6H8O6.

Barium Carbonate :Baryta Carbonica of the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia

of India.

Barium Chloride : BaCl2 2H2 O.

Description: Colourless crystals.

Solubility: 1g dissolves completely in 5 ml of water.

Lead : Dissolve 1 g in 40 ml of recently boiled and cooled

water, add 5 ml of lead free acetic acid, render alkaline
with lead-free solution of ammonia, and add 2 drops of
lead-free solution of sodium sulphide. Not more than a
slight colour is produced. Nitrate—Dissolve 1 g in 10
ml of water, add 1 ml of solution of indigo caramine
and add 10 ml of nitrogen free sulphuric acid and heat
to boiling. The blue colour does not entirely disappear.
Barium Chloride, Solution of : A 10.0 per cent w/v solution of barium chloride in

Benzene : C6H6
Description: A colourless, transparent liquid,
Distillation range: Not less than 95 per cent. Distils
between 79.5° and 81°.
Weight per ml—At 20°, 0.876 to 0.881g, HPI.
Sulphur compounds :Boil 10 ml with 1 ml of absolute
alcohol and 3 ml of potassium plumbite solution for
fifteen minutes. The aqueous layer remains colourless.
Thiophen: Shake 2 ml with 15 ml of sulphuric acid
containing 3 mg of isatin in a stoppered tube for five
minutes and allow to separate. No blue or green colour
is produced.
Non-volatile matter—When evaporated on a water-bath
and dried to constant weight at 105°, leaves not more
than 0.01 per cent w/v of residue.

Benzidine : NH1 (C6N4) 2NH2.

Description: A pale buff coloured crystalline powder.
Solubility: Readily soluble in alcohol (90 per cent)
yielding a clear solution; 1 g dissolves in a mixture of 3
ml of dilute hydrochloric acid and 25 ml of water,
yielding a clear solution.

Melting range: 128° to 129°.

Organic impurities: Dissolve 0.1 g in 5 ml of glacial acetic

acid, the solution is clear and not more than faintly coloured;
add 6 ml of a mixture of equal volumes of solution of hydrogen
peroxide and water; no darkening is produced.

Boric Acid : H3BO3

Boric acid contains not less than 99.5 per cent of H3BO3,
calculated with reference to the substance dried over
concentrated sulphuric acid for five hours.

Description: white crystals of a somewhat pearly lusture or a

white crystalline powder; taste slightly acidic and bitter, touch
unctuous. Heated at 100°, it loses water and is partially
transformed into metaboric acid, BHO2.
Solubility: Soluble in water and in alcohol, freely soluble in
boiling water and in boiling alcohol.

Identification: (i) Acidify a 5 percent w/v solution with

hydrochloric acid; moisten a piece of turmeric paper with this
solution and dry; the colour of the paper becomes pink or
brownish red, pour dilute ammonia solution or solution of
sodium hydroxide on the paper; the colour changes to blue or
greenish black.

(ii) Ignite in a porcelain dish a solution in alcohol, it is

tinged green.

Assay—weigh accurately about 2g, and dissolve in a mixture of

50 ml of water and 100 ml of glycerin, titrate with 1N sodium
hydroxide, using solution of phenolphthalein as indicator. Each
ml of 1N sodium hydroxide is equivalent to 0.1638g of H3BO3.

Boric Acid : A 5.0 percent w/v solution of boric acid in water.

Bismuth Oxide Nitrate : (Bismuth oxynitrate, Bismuth nitrate basic)

It is prepared by partial hydrolysis of Bismuth nitrate. Contains
70.0 to 74.0 per cent of Bismuth.
Description—A white, slightly hygroscopic micro-crystalline
powder; odourless; tasteless.
Solubility—Insoluble in water, in alcohol; readily soluble in
dilute hydrochloric acid and in dilute nitric acid.
Assay—Dissolve about 1g accurately weighed in in a mixture
of 20 ml of glycerol and 20 ml of water. Add 0.1g of sulphuric
acid and tritrate with 0.05M disodium, edetate, using catechol
violet solution as indicator. Each ml of 0.05 M disodium
edetate, is equivalent to 0.01045g of Bismuth.
Storage—Keep in a well-closed container protected from light.

Borax : Of the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India.

Bromine : Br2

Description: A reddish brown, fuming, corrosive liquid,

sparingly soluble in water; soluble in alcohol and in ether.

Iodine—Boil 0.2 ml with 20 ml of water, 0.2 ml of 1 N

sulphuric acid and a small piece of marble until the liquid in
almost colourless, cool, add one drop of liquefied phenol, allow
to stand for two minutes and then add 0.2 g of potassium iodide
and 1 ml of solution of starch; no blue colour is produced.
Arsenic—Not more than 1 part per million.

Sulphate—Shake 3 ml with 30 ml of ammonia solution and

evaporate to dryness on a water-bath, the residue complies with
the limit test for sulphates.

Non-Volatile matter—Leaves not more than 0.1 per cent of its

weight when evaporated to dryness in porcelain dish on a

Bromine Solution of : A saturated solution of bromine in water.

Brucine : C22 H96 O4 N2 4H2 O, An alkaloid obtained from Nux-vomica.

Description: Colourless crystals; soluble in 320 parts of water.

Identification: When treated with nitric acid gives a deep red

Butyric Acid : C4H8O2

n-Butanol : C4H3OH

Description: A clear, colourless liquid

Solubility: Soluble in water.

Boiling Range: Not less than 95.0 percent distils between 115°
and 118°, HPI.

Wt. Per ml: At 25°, about 0.81 g, HPI.

Fluorescence: when examined under screened ultraviolet light, it

shows no fluorescence.

Non-volatile matter: when evaporated to dryness on a water-bath and

dried to constant, weight at 105°, leaves not more than 0.01 percent
w/v of residue.

Calcium Acetate : (CH2COO) 2Ca

Description: Very hygroscopic, rod-shaped crystals.
Solubility: Soluble in water; slightly soluble in methanol,
practically insoluble in ethanol, in acetone and in benzene.

Calcium Carbonate : Of the Indian Pharmacopoeia.

Calcium Chloride, Solution of: A 10.0 per cent w/v solution of calcium chloride, in water.

Chloride : Boil 5 g with 50 ml of water and filter while hot. The filtrate
after cooling, complies with the limit test for chlorides.

Acid-insoluble matter-Boil 2 g with 100 ml of 1 N hydrochloric

acid, filter, wash with hot dilute hydrochloric acid and then
with water, dry, ignite and weight; the residue weights not more
than 2 mg.

Alkalinity—Boil 1g with 50 of water, cool and titrate with 0.1

N hydrochloric acid, using solution of bromothymol blue as
indicator; not more than 0.3 ml of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid is

Calcium Oxalate :CaC2O4. H2O

Description: Monohydrate, white cubic crystals. Insoluble in

water and in acetic acid, soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid
and in nitric acid.

Calcium Oxide :(Quicklime )CaO.

Description: Dry, white lumps or powder; it readily absosrbs

moisture and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. When
moistured with water, a reaction takes place with the evolution
of heat and the lumps swell and fall to powder forming calcium

Loss on ignition: When ignited strongly, loses, not more than

10 per cent of its weight.

Calcium Sulphate : CaSO4 2H9O.

Description: A white powder.

Solubility: Slightly soluble in water.

Calcium Sulphate, Solution of—A saturated solution of calcium sulphate in water.

Calcium Sulphate, : CaSO4. H2O

Description: A white powder; odourless and tasteless.
Solubility: Slightly soluble in water, practically insoluble in
Identification: See CALCAREA SULPHURICA of the HPI.
Calcon : C20 H13 N2 NaO5 S

Description: A brownish-black powder with a violet sheen.

Solubility: Sparingly soluble in water, freely soluble in alcohol

and in acetone. Very soluble in methanol.

Calcon Triturate : Triturate 1 part of Calcon with 99 parts of freshly ignited

sodium sulphate.
Test for sensitivity: Dissolve 0.2 g in 5 ml of water. To 1 ml of
the solution add 50 ml of water, 10 ml of 1N sodium hydroxide
and 1 ml of a 1 percent w/v solution of magnesium sulphate.
The solution is blue. On addition of 0.1 ml of a 0.15 percent
w/v solution of calcium chloride, the solution becomes violet,
and on the subsequent addition of 0.1 ml of .01m M sodium
edetate, turns to pure blue.

Carbonate : Boil 1 g with 10 ml with water and add 1 ml of hydrochloric

acid; no carbon dioxide is evolved.

Residue on ignition: When ignited, leaves not less than 78.5 per
cent and not more than 80.0 per cent of residue.

Carbon Dioxide : Of the Indian Pharmacopoeia.

Carbon Disulphide : CS2.

Description: A clear, almost colourless, inflammable liquid.

Boiling range—Not less than 95.0 per cent distils between 46°
and 47°.

Wt. Per ml—At 25°, about 1.263g.

Non-volatile matter—When evaporated to dryness on a water-

bath and dried to constant weight at 105°, leaves not more than
0.005 percent w/v of residue.

Carbon Tetrachloride : CCl4.

Description—A clear, colourless, volatile liquid; odour,

characteristic. It is almost insoluble in water, miscible with
ethyl alcohol, and in solvent ether. Not less than 95 percent
distils between 76° and 77°.

Wt. Per ml—At 20°, 1.592 to 1.595, page 233.

Acidity—Shake 13 ml with 25 ml of carbon dioxide free-water
for 5 minutes, separate, and reject the carbon tetrachloride. To
10 ml of the water layer add 2 drops of solution of
phenolphthalein and titrate with 0.1 N sodium hydroxide; not
more than 0.05 ml is required to produce a pink colour.

Residue on evaporation—Evaporate 63 ml on a steam-bath, and

dry at 105° for 30 minutes; the residue weighs not more than 1
mg. (0.001 percent).

Free chlorine—Shake 10 ml for 2 minutes with 10 ml of whater

containing 2 drops of solution of potassium iodide and allow to
separate; the lower layer does not show a violet tint.

Charcoal : Decolourising.

Description: A fine, black powder.

Decolourising power: Add 0.1 g to 50 ml of a 0.006 per cent

w/v solution of bromophenol blue in alcohol (20 percent)
contained in a 250 ml flask, and mix by rotating the vessel;
allow to stand for five minutes, and filter; the colour of the
filtrate is not deeper than that of a solution prepared by diluting
1 ml of solution of bromophenol blue to 50 ml with alcohol (20

Acid soluble matter: Heat 1g with 10 ml of dilute sulphuric

acid and 20 ml of water for five minutes on a water-bath. Filter,
evaporate the filtrate to dryness, ignite and weight; the residue
weighs not more than 25 mg.

Sulphated ash: Not more than 5.0 per cent.

Chloroform : CH Cl3
Chloroform is trichloromethane.

Description: A colourless volatile liquid; odour, characteristic;

taste sweet and burning.

Solubility: Slightly soluble in water; freely miscible with ethyl

alcohol and with solvent ether.

Wt. Per ml: At 25°, 1.4738 to 1.4742 g; H.P.I.

Boiling range: 60° to 62°, H.P.I.

Acidity: Shake 10 ml with 20 ml of freshly boiled and cooled
water for three minutes, and allow to separate. To a 5 ml
portion at the aqueous layer add 0.1 ml of solution of litmus;
the colour produced is not different from that produced on
adding 0.1 ml of solution of litmus to 5 ml of freshly boiled and
cooled water.

Non-volatile matter: 25 ml, when evaporated and dried to

constant weight at 105°, leaves not more than 1 mg of residue.

Chloroplatinic Acid : (Hexa) : See Platinic Chloride.

Chloral Hydrate : CCl3CH (OH) 2

Contains not less than 90.0 per cent of C2H3O2Cl3.
Description: Colourless transparent crystals; odour pungent but
not acrid; taste, pungent and slightly bitter. Volatilises slowly
on exposure to air.
Solubility: Soluble in 0.25 parts of water, in 1.3 parts of
alcohol, in 2 parts of chloroform and in 1.5 parts of solvent
Reaction: 2ml of a 10 per cent w/v solution gives a yellow or
orange colour on addition of solution of dimethyl yellow.
Chloride: 3g complies with the limit test for chlorides.
Chloral alcoholate: Warm 1g with 6 ml of water and 0.5 ml of
sodium hydroxide solution, filter, and add sufficient 0.1N
iodine to impart a deep brown colour and set aside for one
hour; no yellow crystalline precipitate is produced and no smell
of iodoform is perceptible.
Assay: Weigh accurately about 4g and dissolve in 10ml of
water and add 30ml of 1N sodium hydroxide. Allow the
mixture to stand for two minutes and then titrate with 1N
sulphuric acid, using phenolphthalein solution as an indicator.
Titrate the neutralized liquid with 0.1N silver nitrate using
potassium chromate solution as an indicator. Add two-
fifteenths of the amount of 0.1N silver nitrate used to the
amount of 1N sulphuric acid used in first titration and deduct
the figure so obtained from the amount of 1N sodium
hydroxide added. Each ml of 1N sodium hydroxide obtained as
difference is equivalent to 0.1654g of C2H3O2Cl3.

Chlorine, Solution of : A saturated solution of chlorine in water.

Chloroform : Of the Indian Pharmacopoeia.

Citric Acid : C6H8O7H2O

It contains not less than 99.5 per cent and not more than the
equivalent of 101.0 per cent C6H8O7H2O.

Description: Colourless, translucent crystals, or a white,

crystalline powder slightly hygroscopic in moist air; and
slightly efflorescent in warm dry air; odourless, taste, strongly

Solubility: Very soluble in water; freely soluble in alcohol and

slightly soluble in solvent ether.
Identification: Yields, when neutralized, the reactions
characteristic of citrates, H.P.I.

Copper and Iron: Dissolve 2 g in 40 ml of water, and add 10 ml

of dilute ammonia solution and 5 drops of solution of sodium
sulphide; the colour produced is at most slightly deeper than
that produced in a similar mixture, containing in addition 1 ml
of solution of potassium cyanide.

Assay: Weigh accurately about 3g and dissolve in 100 ml of

water and titrate with 1N sodium hydroxide using solution of
thymol blue as indicator. Each ml of 1N sodium hydroxide is
equivalent to 0.07005 g of C6H8O7. H2O.

Cobaltous Chloride : CoCl2, 6H2O

Syn. Cobalt chloride.
Contains not less than 87.5 per cent of COCl2, 6H2O.
Description—Deep red crystals or crystalline powder.
Solubility—Freely soluble in water; soluble in ether, in alcohol,
in acetone.
Clarify of solution—5.0g dissolved in 50ml of water to yield a
clear pink solution.
Iron—Dissolve 3.0g in 30 ml of water, add 0.3g of zinc oxide
and boil for one minute. Filter with suction, wash the residue
with water, dissolve in 4.5 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid and
30 ml of water, add 0.3g of zinc oxide and again boil for one
minute. Filter with suction, wash the residue with water,
dissolve in 6 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid and add sufficient
water to produce 60 ml. 4 ml of this solution complies with the
limit test for iron, 6 drops of thioglycollic acid being used.
Sulphate—0.5g complies with the limit test for sulphates.
Assay—Dissolve 1g in 300 ml of water, add 2 g of
hydroxylammonium chloride and 25 ml of strong ammonia
solution and heat to above 80°. Titrate the solution with 0.1M
disodium edetate using methyl thymol blue mixture as
indicator, until the colour changes from blue to purple. Each ml
of 0.1 N disodium edetate is equivalent to 0.02379 g of COCl2,

Cobaltous Chloride Solution : Syn. Cobalt Chloride solution.

Dissolve about 65g of cobaltous chloride in a sufficient
quantity of a mixture of 25 ml of hydrochloric acid and 975 ml
of water to produce 1000ml; determine the proportion of cobalt
chloride, COCl2, 6H2O in the solution to by the Assay
prescribed below and adjust the strength of the solution to 59.5
mg of COCl2 6H2O per ml by the addition of a calculated
quantity of a mixture of 25 ml hydrochloric acid and 975 ml of
Assay—Place 5 ml in a 250 ml glass-stoppered flask, 2.5 ml of
hydrogen peroxide solution and 15 ml of sodium hydroxide
solution, boil for ten minutes, cool, add 2g of potassium iodide
and 20 ml of a mixture of 1 volume of sulphuric acid and 3
volumes of water, allow the precipitate to dissolve and titrate
the liberated iodine with 0.1N sodium thiosulphate. Each ml of
0.1N sodium thiosulphate is equivalent to 0.0238g of CoCl2

Collodion, Flexible : Of the Indian Pharmacopoeia.

Copper : Cu. The pure metal known commercially under the term
‘electrolytic copper’.

Description: Usually in the form of turnings or borings.

Copper Sulphate : Of the Indian Pharmacopoeia.

Copper Sulphate, Solution of : A 12.5 per cent w/v solution of copper sulphate in water.

Copper Acetate : (CH3COO) 2Cu. H2O.

Syn. : Cupric acetate.
Contains not less than 98.0 per cent of C4H6CuO4H2O.
Description—Dark bluish-green crystals or a green powder
having a faint odour of acetic acid, efflorescent in dry air.
Solubility—Soluble in water and in alcohol; slightly soluble in
ether. Iron 2g complies with the limit test for iron.
Chloride –3g complies with the limit test for chlorides.
Sulphate—1.5g dissolved in 5 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid
complies with the limit test for sulphates.
Assay—Dissolve 0.8g in 50 ml of water, add 2 ml of acetic
acid and 3g of potassium iodide and titrate the liberated iodine
with 0.1N sodium thiosulphate, using starch mucilage as
indicator, until only a faint blue colour remains; add 2 g of
potassium thiocyanate and continue the titration until blue
colour disappears. Each ml of 0.1N sodium thiosulphate is
equivalent to 0.01997g of C4H6CuO4H2O.

Copper Acetate, Dilute : A 0.05 per cent w/v solution of copper acetate in water.
Solution of

Copper, Solution Standard : Dissolve 393 mg of cupric sulphate CuSO4, 5H2O in water to
make one litre. Dilute 1 ml of this solution with water to 10 ml.
(1ml = 0.01 mg of Cu).

Cupric Sulphate : Cu SO4. 5H2O

Copper sulphate contains not less than 98.5 per cent and not
more than the equivalent of 101.0 percent of CuSO4. 5H2O.

Description—Blue triclinic prisms or a blue crystalline powder.

Solubility—Soluble in water, almost insoluble in alcohol, very

slowly soluble in glycerine
Identification—Yields the reactions characteristic of copper,
H.P.I. and of sulphates, H.P.I.

Acidity and clarity of solution—1g dissolved in 20 ml of water,

forms clear blue solution, which becomes green on the addition
of 0.1 ml of solution of methyl orange.

Assay—weigh accurately about 1 g and dissolve in 50 ml of

water; add 3 g of potassium iodide, 5 ml of acetic acid, and
titrate the librated iodine with 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate, using
solution of starch as indicator. Continue titration till faint blue
colour remains, add 2 g of potassium thiocyanate, stir well, and
continue the titration until the blue colour disappears. Each ml
of 0.1N sodium thiosulphate, is equivalent to 0.02497 g of Cu
SO4. 5H2O.

Cupric Sulphate, : A 1.0 percent w/v solution of cupric sulphate in water.

Aqueous Solution of

Cuprous Chloride : CuCl

Contains not less than 98.0 per cent of CuCl.
Description—White crystalline powder or cubic crystals. Stable to
air and light if dry, but in presence of moisture turns green on
exposure to air and blue to brown on exposure to light.
Solubility—Sparingly soluble in water with partial decomposition,
practically insoluble in alcohol in acetone; soluble in concentrated
hydrochloric acid and in concentrated ammonium hydroxide.
Sulphate—3g complies with the limit test for sulphates.
Iron—2g complies with the limit test for chlorides.
Arsenic—Not more than 1 part per million.
Assay—Dissolve about 0.5g accurately weighed in 30ml of a cold
solution containing 10g ferric ammonium sulphate in 100 ml of
(1+1) hydrochloride acid. Add 5 ml of phosphoric acid and titrate
with 0.1N potassium permanganate. Repeat the procedure as
described above, omitting the substance being tested. Each ml of
0.1 N potassium permanganate is equivalent to 0.009903g of CuCl.
Storage—Store in a tightly closed container protected from light.

Cuprous Chloride Solution,: A 15 per cent solution of cuprous chloride in hydrochloric

15 per cent acid.

Devarda’s Allay : It consists of 50 parts of copper, 45 parts of aluminium and 5

parts of zinc.
Description—Grey powder.
Solubility—Partly soluble in hydrochloric acid.

Dimethyl Yellow : C14H15N3

Syn: 4 dimethylamino-azobenzene; Methyl yellow.
Description—yellow crystalline powder or plates.
Solubility—Insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol, in benzene,
in chloroform and in ether.
Sulphated ash—Ignite 0.5g with 0.5 ml of sulphuric acid to
constant weight. Not more than 1.0 mg of residue remains.
PH range—2.9 to 4.0 (Read to yellow).
Melting point—114°—117°.

Dimethyl Yellow Solution : A 0.2 per cent w/v solution of dimethyl yellow in alcohol (90
per cent).

2.9 Dimethyl 1.10 : A 0.1 per cent w/v solution of 2.9 dimethyl-1.10
Phenanthroline Solution, phenanthroline in alcohol.
Diphenylamine : (C6H5) 2NH.
Contains not less than 98.0 per cent of C12H11N.
Description—White crystals; odour, slight aromatic. Discolours
in light.
Solubility—Insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol, in ether and
in strong acids.
Melting point—53° to 54°.
Iron—4g complies with the limit test for iron.
Sulphated ash—Not more than 0.03 per cent.
Storage—Store at a place protected from light.
Diphenylamine, Solution of : Dissolve 0.05g of diphenylamine in a cooled mixture of 90g
of sulphuric acid and 10g of water.

Diphenyl Benzidine : C24H20N

Description—A white or faintly grey-coloured, crystalline
powder. Darkness in air and light.
Solubility—Insoluble in water; slightly in alcohol; freely in ethyl
acetate (hot); in toluene.
Melting point—246° to 250°.
Nitrate—Dissolve 25 mg in 1 ml of hydrochloric acid. Add
cautiously 0.2 ml of this solution to 10 ml of sulphuric acid. No
blue colour is produced.
Sulphated ash—Not more than 0.1 per cent.

Dinitrophenyl hydrazine: 2:4—Dinitrophenyl hydrazine (NO9) 8C 6 N8 NH9.

Description—Orange red crystals or a crystalline powder.

Solubility—Insoluble in water; slightly soluble in alcohol, 0.5 g

yields a clear yellow solution on heating with a mixture of 25
ml of water, and 25 ml of hydrochloric acid.

Melting range—198° to 200°.

Sulphated ash—Not more than 0.5 per cent.

Dinitrophenyl hydrazine, Solution of: Dissolve 1.5 g of dinitrophenyl hydrazine in 20 ml of

sulphuric acid (50 per cent v/v); dilute to 100 ml with water and

Solution of Dinitrophenyl hydrazine must be prepared fresh.

Disodium Ethylenediamine Tetracetate: C10 H14 O8 N2 Na2 2H2 O.
Description—White crystals.

Reaction—pH of a solution of 5 g in 100ml of ammonia-free

and carbondioxide—free water, 4.0 to 6.0.

Assay—Weigh accurately about 2g and dissolve in 25 ml of

water, add 2 drops of solution of eriochrome black T, prepared
by dissolving 0.5 g of eriochrome black in 0.9 g of
hydroxylamine hydrochloride in 100 ml of methyl alcohol and
5 ml of ammonia—ammonium chloride buffered. Mix and
titrate with freshly standardized magnesium chloride solution
until the solution is wine red in colour. Calculate the percentage
C10 H14 O8 N2 Na2 2H2 O b the formula 1530.4 (Vc/w) in which v
is the volume of the magnesium chloride solution in ml, c the
concentration of the standard magnesium chloride solution in g
of magnesium per ml and w is the weight of the sample; not
less than 99.0 per cent is found. Magnesium chloride solution is
prepared by dissolving 32g of magnesium chloride in water to
produce 1000 ml. The solution is standardized as follows: To
10 ml of the solution add 140 ml of water, heat to 75°, add 10
ml of a solution of 5g of 8-hydroxyquinoline in 100 ml of 2 N,
acetic acid and slowly add dilute ammonia solution until the pH
is between 11 and 12. Cool the solution and after one hour filter
through a tared Gooch crucible. Wash with cold eater, ignite to
constant weight. Each g of precipitate is equivalent to 0.6032 g
of magnesium.

Disodium hydrogen orthophosphate, decahydrate: Natrum Phosphoricum of the H.P.I.

Dragendorff’s Reagent : For alkaloids and other nitrogen containing compounds.

Solution A—1.7 g basic bismuth nitrate and 20 g tartaric acid

are dissolved in 80 ml water.
Solution B—16 g potassium iodide dissolved in 40 ml water.

Stock Solution—A 1:1(v/v) mixture of A and B is prepared.

Spray reagent—5 ml of stock solution are added to a solution

of 10 g tartaric acid in 50 ml water.

Ether : (C2H6) 2O
It is diethyl ether.

Description—A colourless, transparent, very mobile liquid,

odour, characteristic, taste, sweet and burning; very volatile and
inflammable. Mixture of its vapour with oxygen, air or nitrous
oxide in certain concentrations are explosive.

Solubility: Soluble in water, miscible with alcohol and with


Boiling Range: 34° to 35°, H.P.I.

Wt. Per ml.: At 25°, 0.704 to 0.708 g, H.P.I.

Peroxides: Place in a stoppered tube of about 12 ml capacity

and about 1.5 cm in diameter 8 ml of solution of potassium
iodide and starch. Fill to the brim with the sample and place the
stopper in position so that no air bubble is enclosed, shake,
vigorously, and set aside in the dark for thirty minutes, no
brown or reddish colour is produced.

Non-volatile matter: 50 ml when evaporated and dried to

constant weight at 105° leaves not more than 1 mg of residue. It
is dangerous to perform this test if the sample does not comply
with the test for peroxides.

Ethyl Acetate : CH3COOC2 H5.

Description—A colourless liquid; odour, characteristic.

Solubility—Soluble in water, miscible with alcohol and with

solvent ether.

Boiling range—Not less than 95.0 per cent, distils between 74°
and 79°, H.P.I.

Wt. Per ml—At 25°, 0.895 to 0.898 g H.P.I.

Non-volatile matter—when evaporated to dryness on a water—

bath and dried to constant weight at 105°, leaves not more than
0.01 percent W/v of residue).

Boric Ammonium : Of the H.P.I.


Boric Chloride : Of the H.P.I.

Ether, Solvent :Of the Indian Pharmacopoeia.

Ethyl Alcohol, Strong alcohol of the Homoeopathic

Pharmacopoeia of India.
Formaldehyde, solution : Formaldehyde solution is a solution of formaldehyde in water
with methyl alcohol added to prevent polymerization. It
contains not less than 34.0 percent w/w and not more than 38.0
percent w/w of CH2O.

Description—A colourless liquid; odour, characteristic pungent

and irritating; taste burning. A slight white cloudy deposit is
formed on long standing especially in the cold due to separation
of paraformaldehyde. This white deposit disappears on
warming the solution.

Solubility—Miscible with water, and with alcohol.

Identification—(i) Dilute 2 ml with 10 ml of water in a test

tube, and add 1 ml of sodium of silver ammonium nitrate;
metallic silver is produced either in the form of a finely
divided, grey precipitate or as a bright metallic mirror on the
sides of the test tube.

(ii) Add 2 drops to 5 ml of sulphuric acid in which about 20

mg of salicylic acid has been dissolved and warm the liquid
very gently; a permanent deep red colour appears.

Acidity—To 10 ml add 10 ml of carbon dioxide-fee water and

titrate with 0.1N sodium hydroxide using solution of
bromothymol blue as indicator; not more than 5 ml of 0.1 N
sodium hydroxide is required.

Wt per ml—At 25°, 1.076 to 1.080g, H.P.I.

Assay—Weigh accurately about 3g and to a mixture of 50 ml of

solution of hydrogen peroxide and 60 ml of 1N sodium
hydroxide, arm on a water—bath until effervescence ceases;
titrate the excess of alkali with 1N sulphuric acid, using
solution of phenolphthalein as indicator. Repeat the experiment
with the same quantities of the same reagents in the same
manner omitting formaldehyde solution. The difference
between the titrations represents the sodium hydroxide required
to neutralize the formic acid produced by the oxidation of the
formaldehyde. Each ml of 1N sodium hydroxide is equivalent
to 0.03003g of CH2O4.

Formic Acid : HCOOH

Contains not less than 90 percent w/w of CH2O2.

Description—A colourless liquid having a very pungent odour.

Highly caustic.
Solubility—Miscible with water and with alcohol.
Wt. Per ml—At 25°, about 1.2g, H.P.I.
Chloride—1 ml complies with the limit test for chlorides, H.P.I.

Sulphate—0.5 ml complies with the limit test for sulphates,

Non-volatile matter—When evaporated on a water-bath, and
dried to constant weight at 105° leaves not more than .05
percent w/w of residue.

Assay—Weigh a flask containing about 10 ml of water, quickly

add about 1 ml of the acid and re-weigh; dilute with 50 ml of
water, and titrate with 1 N sodium hydroxide, using solution of
phenolphthalein as indicator. Each ml of 1 N sodium hydroxide
is equivalent to 0.04603 g of CH2O2.

Ferric Ammonium Sulphate: Fe(NH4)(SO4) 2 12H2O.

Contains not less than 99.0 per cent, and not more than the e
quivalent of 101.0 per cent of Fe(NH4) (SO4) 2 12H2O.

Description—Pale violet crystals, or a nearly colourless

crystalline powder.

Solubility—Soluble in water, yielding a clear yellow or brown


Ferrous iron : Dissolve 1 g in 50 ml of water, add 1 ml of dilute

hydrochloric acid and 1 ml of solution of potassium
ferricyanide; no green or blue colour is produced.

Assay—Dissolve about 2g accurately weighed, in 10 ml of

dilute hydrochloric acid and dilute to 50 ml with water, add 3 g
of potassium iodide, allow to stand for ten minutes and titrate
the liberated iodine with 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate. Each ml of
0.1 N sodium thiosulphate is equivalent to 0.04822 g of Fe
(NH4) 2 12H3O.

Ferric Ammonium Sulphate: solution of—An 8.0 per cent w/v solution of ferric
ammonium sulphate in water.

Ferric Chloride :FeCl3.

Description—Greenish black crystals or a crystalline powder,

free from the orange colour of the hydrated salt, which is
readily acquired by exposure to atmospheric moisture.
Solubility—Soluble in water, yielding an orange coloured

Ferrous Salt : Dissolve 1 g in 50 ml of water, add 1 ml of dilute

hydrochloric acid and 1 ml of solution potassium ferricyanide;
no blue or green colour is produced.

Free chlorine : Dissolve 5g in 10 ml of water and boil solution: no blue

colour is produced on a starch iodide paper exposed to the

Ferric Chloride, solution of :Contains not less than 14.25 percent and not more than 15.75
per cent w/v of FeCl3.

Description—A clear, yellowish brown liquid.

Assay—Dilute 2 ml with 20 ml of water, add 1 ml of sulphuric

acid and 0.1 N potassium permanganate drop by drop until a
pink colour persists for five seconds. Add 15 ml of
hydrochloric acid and 2 g potassium iodide, allow to stand for
three minutes and titrate with 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate. Each
ml of 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate is equivalent 0.01622 g of

Ferric Chloride, Test solution of: A 5.0 per cent w/w solution of ferric chloride in water.

Ferric chloride, acid solution of: Mix 60 ml gracial acid with 5ml of sulphuric acid, add 1
ml of solution of ferric chloride, mix and cool.

Ferrous Sulphate : Of the Indian Pharmacopoeia.

Ferrous Sulphate Solution : A 2.0 per cent w/v solution of Ferrous sulphate in freshly
boiled and cooled water.

Ferrous sulphate solution must be freshly prepared.

Formaldehyde, solution of : Formaldehyde solution of the Indian Pharmacopocia.

Fuller’s Earth—Of commerce,—

Glucose : C6 H12 O12 H2O

Description—Colourless crystals or a white or cream coloured,

crystalline or granular powder; odourless; taste, sweet.
Solubility—Freely soluble in water and slightly soluble in
Identification—(i) When heated, it melts, swells up, and burns,
evolving an odour of burnt sugar.

(ii) When heated with potassium cupri-tartarate solution, it

produces a copious precipitate of cuprous oxide.

Acidity—5.0g dissolved in 50 ml of freshly boiled and cooled

water; requires for neutralization not more than 0.2 ml of 0.1N
sodium hydroxide, phenolphthalein solution being used as

Specific optical rotation—Determined in a solution prepared by

dissolving 10g in 50 ml of water, adding 0.2 ml of dulute
ammonia solution and sufficient water to produce 100 ml and
allowing to stand for thirty minutes, +52.5 to +53.0, H.P.I.

Less on drying—When dried to constant weight at 105°, loses not

less than 7.0 percent and not more than 10.0 percent of its weight.

Glycerin : C3H8O3
Contains not less than 98.0 per cent w/w of C3H8O3.
Description—A clear colourless liquid of syrupy consistency;
odourless; taste, sweet. It is hygroscopic.
Solubility—Miscible with water and with alcohol; insoluble in
chloroform, in ether.
Reaction—A 10 per cent w/v solution is neutral to litmus solution.
Wt. Per ml—At 25°, 1.252 to 1.257 g.
Copper—To 10 ml add 30 ml of water, mix, add 1 ml of dilute
hydrochloric acid and 10 ml of hydrogen sulphide solution, no
colour is produced.
Iron—10 g complies with the limit test for iron.
Heavy metals—Mix 5g with 2 ml of 0.1N hydrochloric acid and
water to make 25 ml; the limit test of heavy metals is 1.5 parts per
Sulphate—1ml complies with the limit test for sulphates.
Chloride—1 ml complies with the limit test for chlorides.
Acraldehyde and glucose—Heat strongly; it assumes not more than
a faint yellow, and not a pink colour, Heat further; it decomposes
with little or no charring and with no colour of burnt sugar.
Certain reducing substances—To 5ml in a Nessler grinder, add 5
ml of dilute ammonia solution, mix well and heat at 60° for five
minutes. Quickly add 0.5ml silver nitrate solution from a pipette
keeping the tip of pipette above the mouth of the cylinder and
allowing the reagent to fall directly into the solution without
touching the sides of the cylinder. Mix thoroughly and keep in the
dark for five minutes. Repeat the experiment with the same
quantities of the same reagent in the same manner omitting the
glycerin but using 5 ml of water. Compare the turbidity/colour of
the two solutions in normal day light viewing them from the tops of
the cylinders preferably against a white background. The turbidity
or the darkening in the sample is not greater than that of the black.
Sulphated ash—Ignite 50g and allow to burn. Cool the residue,
moisten with sulphuric acid, ignite, cool, moisten again with
sulphuric acid and ignite to constant weight; the residue weights
not more than 5 mg.


Gold Chloride Solution : A 2.0 per cent w/v solution of gold chloride in water

Gold Leaf : Au
Description—Yellow, soft metal.
Solubility—Soluble in aqua regia, but not in individual numeral
acids, also in alkali-cyanides; solutions of thiocyanates.

Guiacol : C7H8O2 (2-methoxyphenol)

Description—White or slightly yellow, crystalline mass; odour,
characteristic; darkens on exposure to air and light.
Solubility—Sparingly soluble in water, in petroleum ether;
miscible with alcohol, with chloroform, with ether.

Guiacol Solution, Alcoholic:A 2% w/v solution of guiacol in alcohol.

Hexamine : C6H12N4
Should contain not less than 99.0 per cent of C6H12N4.
Description—Colourless, lustrous crystals or a white,
crystalling powder, odourless, taste at first sweetish but
afterwards bitter. Sublimes at about 260° without melting and
with partial decomposition and evolution of a disagreeable
odour. Burns readily with a blue smokeless flame.

Solubility—Soluble in water and alcohol.

Identification—1. Mix 0.1 g with an equal weight of salicylic
acid and heat with 1 ml of sulphuric acid; a caremaine red
colour is produced.
2. Heat solution with dilute sulphuric acid decomposition takes
place and formaldehyde is produced. Add excess of solution of
sodium hydroxide; ammonia is evolved.

Reaction—A 10.0 per cent w/v solution is alkaline to solution

of litmus.

Assay—Weigh accurately 1.5 g and dissolve in 10 ml of water

add 50 ml of 1N sulphuric acid, and boil gently until the odour
of formaldehyde has disappeared, replace it from time to time
the water lost by evaporation. Titrate the excess of sulphuric
acid with 1N Sodium hydroxide using solution of methyl red as
indicator. Each ml of 1N sulphuric acid sis equivalent to .03505
g of C6H12N4.

Hydrochloric acid, Iron free: Hydrochloric acid which contains 35.0 per cent w/w of HCl,
and complies with the following additional test—

Iron—Evaporate 8.5 ml of the acid in porcelain or glass disc

almost to dryness. Take up the residue in 2 ml of the acid and
dilute to 50 ml. Add about 30 mg of ammonium persulphate
and 3 ml of ammonium thiocyanate and mix. Any red colour
produced is not darker than that of a control made with .01 mg
of Fe, 2 ml of sample and the same quantities of ammonium
persulphate and ammonium thiocyanate as with the sample.

Hydrochloric Acid, : Contains 10 per cent w/v of hydrochloride, Acid Muriaticum

Dilute (10% w/v) of H.P.I.

Wt. Per ml.—At 25°, 1.04—1.05g, H.P.I.

Assay—Carry out the ‘Assay’ as described in H.P.I. using 10g
accurately weighed.

Hydrochloric Acid, : Hydrochloric acid which complies with the following tests:
Arsenic Free (AST)
(i) Dilute 10 ml with sufficient water to produce 50 ml, add 5
ml of ammonium thiocyanate solution and stir immediately; no
colour is produced.

(ii) To 50 ml add 0.2 ml of bromine solution AST, evaporate on

a water-bath until reduced to 16 ml adding more bromine
solution AST, if necessary, in order that an excess, as indicated
by the colour, may be present throughout the evaporation, add
50 ml of water and 5 drops of stannous chloride solution AST
and apply the general test, the stain produced is not deeper than
a 0.2 ml standard stain prepared with the same acid, showing
that the proportion of Arsnic present does not exceed 0.05 ppm.
Hydrogen Peroxide Solution: A solution in water containing approximately 6.0 per cent w/v
of H2O2 of reagent purity.

Hydroxylamine : NH2OH, HCI. Sy, Hydroxylammonium Chloride.

Contains not less than 96.0 per cent of NH2OH, HCI.
Description—Colourless crystals, or a white crystalline
Solubility—Very soluble in water;soluble in alcohol.
Free acid—Dissolve 1g in 50ml of alcohol, add 3 drops of
dimethyl yellow solution, and titrate to a full yellow colour
with 1N sodium hydroxide; not more than 0.5 ml is required.
Assay—Dissolve about 0.1g, accurately weighed, in 20ml of
water, add 5g of ferric ammonium sulphate dissolved in 20 ml
of water, add 15 ml of dilute sulphuric acid, boil for 5 minutes,
dilute with 200 ml of water, and titrate with 0.1N potassium
permanganate. Each ml of 0.1N potassium permanganate is
equivalent to 0-003475g of NH2OH.HCI.

Hydroxylammonium : A 6 percent w/v solution of hydroxylammonium chloride

Chloride Solution water.

Hydrochloric Acid : Of the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India.

Hydrogen Peroxide, : A solution in water containing, approximately 30 per cent 30

per cent solution of w/v of H2O2 of reagent purity.

Hydrogen Sulphide :H2S.

Prepared by the action of hydrochloric acid, diluted with an

equal volume of water, on iron sulphide; the resulting gas is
washed by passing through water.

Description—A colourless, poisonous gas, with a

characteristic unpleasant odour.

Hydrogen Sulphide, Solution of—A recently prepared saturated solution of hydrogen

sulphide in water.

Hypophosphorus Acid, Dilute: A solution in water containing approximately 10 per cent

w/v of Hypophosphorus acid of Indian Pharmacopoeia.

Hydroquinone, Aqueous solution of : A solution of Hydroquinone in water containing 5.0

per cent w/v of C6H24(CH) 2.
Iodoplatinate, :5 ml of 5.0 percent hexachloroplatinic acid and 45 ml 10
(Spray Reagent) percent aqueous potassium iodide solution are mixed and
diluted to 100 ml with water. The mixture is freshly prepared
before use.
Iodohydroxyquinoline Sulphonic Acid (7—iodo-8 hydroxyquinoline-Sulphonic Acid:

Description—A yellow, crystalline powder. Slightly soluble in

water and in alcohol.

Melting Range: 260° to 270° with decomposition.

Sensitivity—To 1 ml of a solution containing 0.025 mg of

ferric chloride add 2 drops of hydrochloric acid and 1 drop
hydrogen peroxide solution, and mix. To this mixture add 0.1
ml of a solution of the sample (1 in 1000): a green or bluish
green colour is produced.

Residue on ignition—It yields not more than 0.1% of residue

on ignition.

Indigo Carmine : Of the Indian Pharmacopoeia which may not comply with the
test for Pyrogens.

Indigo Carmine, Solution of—A solution of indigocarmine in a mixture of 10 ml of

hydrochloric acid and 990 ml of 20.0 percent w/v solution of
nitrogen-free sulphuric acid in water, adjusted to comply with
the following test: add 10 ml of a solution of 1.0 mg of
potassium nitrate in 10 ml of water, add rapidly 20 ml of
nitrogen free sulphuric acid and heat to boiling-point; the blue
colour is just discharged in one minute.

Iodine : Of the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India.

Iodine, Solution of : Dissolve 2.6 g of iodine and 3 g of potassium iodine in water

to produce 100 ml.

Iodine Monochloride, : Dissolve 6.44 g of potassium iodate and 10 g of potassium

Strong Solution of iodide in 75 ml of water; and 75 ml of hydrochloric acid and
shake until a clear solution is obtained; add 5 ml of chloroform,
and add 0.05 M potassium iodate, shaking vigorously, until the
chloroform becomes colourless. Strong solution of iodine
Monochloride should be kept in stoppered bottle protected from
light and store in a cool place.

Iron, Reduced : Contains not less than 80.0 per cent of metallic iron, Fe.
Description—A fine, grayish-black powder, free from metallic
luster, and from gritty particles.
Solution—Insoluble in water, and in alcohol; almost
completely soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid.

Assay—Shake in a stoppered flask for ten minutes about 0.25

g, accurately weighed, with a hot solution of (1.259) of copper
sulphate in 20 ml of water; filter, rapidly, and with the filter
with water; acidify the mixed filtrate and washing with
sulphuric acid and titrate with 0.1 N potassium permanganate.
Each ml of 0.1 N potassium permanganate is equivalent to
0.005585 g of Fe.

Iron, Metallic : Iron, reduced of the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India.

Isatin : C8H5NO2
Description—Brick red crystals or crystalline powder.
Solubility—Very slightly soluble in cold water, freely soluble
in hot water, in alcohol in ether, and in dilute ammonia
Melting point—200° to 204°.
Sulphated ash—Not more than 0.2 per cent.

Lead : Plumbum Metallicum of the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of


Lead Acetate : (CH3COO) 2 Pb. 3H2O

It contains not less than 99.5 percent and not more than the
equivalent of 104.5 percent of C4H6O4 Pb. 3H2O.

Description—Small white, transparent, monoclinic prisms,

crystalline masses; odour acetous; taste sweet and astringent.

Solubility—Freely soluble in water and in glycerine, soluble in


Identification—Yields the reactions characteristic of lead;

H.P.I. and of acetates; H.P.I.

Water insoluble matter—Dissolve 1g in 10 ml of recently

boiled and cooled water; a solution if produced which is, at
most, faintly opalescent and becomes clear on the addition of
one drop of acetic acid.

Assay—Weigh accurately about 0.3g and dissolve in a mixture

of 5 ml of acetic acid and 100 ml of water, heat on a water-bath
to 85°, add 5 ml of solution of potassium chromate, and
continue the heating for half an hour. Collect the precipitate
wash with hot water until the washings are colourless, and dry
to constant weight at 120°. Each g of residue is equivalent to
1.174 g of (CH3 COO) 2 Pb. 3H2O.
Lead Acetate, Solution of :A 10.0 percent w/v solution of lead acetate in recently boiled
Lead Monoxide : PbO.
Contains not less than 98.0 percent of PbO.
Description—Yellow or orange—yellow powder.
Solubility—Almost insoluble in water; soluble in nitric or
acetic acid and warm solutions of alkali hydroxides.

Assay—Weigh accurately about 0.3 g and dissolve in 5 to 10

ml of water and minimum quantity of acetic acid. Add 50 ml of
water, about 50 mg of xylenol orange reagent and sufficient
hexamine until the solution becomes red. Titrate with 0.05M
sodium acetate until the red colour becomes yellow. Each ml of
0.05 M sodium acetate is equivalent to 1.101 mg of PbO.
Lead Paper :Lead Acetate Paper—Pieces of thin white filter paper about
100 mm by 50 mm, soaked in solution of lead acetate and

Lead Chloride : PbCl2

Description—White crystalline powder.
Solubility—Sparingly soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol;
readily soluble in ammonium chloride solution.
Iron—4 g complies with the limit test for iron, H.P.I.

Lead Solution, Standard : Refers to the standard Lead solution as given in limit test for
lead in H.P.I.

Lead Chloride Solution, : A saturated solution of lead chloride in water.


Lead dioxide : PbO2

Description—A white powder; odourless taste, slightly

alkaline. Readily absorbs moisture and carbondioxide when
exposed to air.
Solubility—Almost insoluble in water in alcohol. Soluble in
dilute acids.

Magenta : (H2 N. C6 N) 12 C: C6 H3 (CH3) NH2CI

Syn : Fuchsin
Description—A dark red power or green crystals, with a
metallic luster.
Solubility—Soluble in water, in alcohol, and in amyl alcohol.
Clarity—100 mg when dissolved in 20 ml of water produce a
clear solution.
Loss on drying—Loses not more than 5% of its weight when dried
to constant weight at 105°.
Sulphated ash—Not more than 5.0 per cent.

Magenta Solution : Dissolve 0.1g basic magenta in 60 ml of water and cool in ice;
Decolourised add 2 g of sodium sulphate dissolved in 10 ml of water, cool in ice
and add slowly and with constant stirring, 1 ml of hydrochloric
acid, dilute to 100 ml. If the resulting solution is turbid, it should be
filtered and if brown in colour it should be shaken with
decolourising charcoal (0.02 to 0.04g) to render it colourless and
then filtered immediately. Occasionally it is necessary to add 0.2 to
0.3 ml of hydrochloric acid, followed by shaking to remove a little
residual pink colour. Allow this solution to stand overnight.
Storage—Store at a dark place.

Manganese Dioxide : MnO2.

Contains not less than 70.0 per cent of MnO2.

Description—A black or brownish-black, powder. It is

insoluble in water.

Chloride : Warm 1 g with 20 ml of water, 3 ml of nitric acid and 5 ml of

solution of hydrogen peroxide until solution is complete; cool
and dilute to 50 ml with water; the solution complies with the
limit test for chlorides.

Assay—Place about 0.2 g accurately weighed, in a stoppered

flask, add 50 ml of water 3g of potassium iodide and 10 ml of
dilute hydrochloric acid and shake until solution is complete;
titrate the librated iodine with 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate. Each
ml of 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate is equivalent to 0.004347 g of

Magnesium Acetate : (CH2CO2) 2 Mg, 4H2O2

Contains not less than 99.0 per cent of C4H6MgO4, 4H2O
Description—Small colourless or white crystals; deliquescent.
Solubility—Freely soluble in water, in alcohol.
Melting point—About 80°.
Reaction—pH of a 5.0 per cent w/v solution is between 8.2 to
Heavy metals—Not more than 10 parts per million.
Assay—Dissolve l 0.8g in 100 ml of water, add 10 ml of strong
ammonia ammonium chloride solution and 0.5 ml of mordant
black 11 solution. Titrate at 40° with 0.1 M disodium edetate
until the last trace of red colour disappears and the solution
becomes pure blue. Each ml of 0.1 M disodium edetate is
equivalent to 0.02345g of C4H6MgO4, 4H2O.

Magnesium Carbonate : Light Magnesium carbonate of the Indian Pharmacopoeia

which complies with the following additional test.

Ammonia : Dissolve 0.50 g in 4 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid, boil

remove carbon dioxide, and dilute with water to 95 ml, add 5
ml of solution of sodium hydroxide and allow to stand for one
hour. Dilute 40 ml, of the clear liquid to 50 ml with water and
add 2ml of alkaline solution of potassium mercurciodide. Any
yellow colour produced is not deeper than that produced by
adding 2 ml alkaline solution of potassium mercuriciodide to a
mixture of 44 ml of water 2 ml of dilute solution of sodium

Magnesium Chloride : MgCl2, 6H2O.

Description—Deliquescent crystals.
Solubility—Freely soluble in alcohol.
Sulphate—1g complies with the limit test for sulphates.

Free acid or alkali—Dissolve 2g in 50 ml of carbon dioxide—

free water. The solution requires, for neutralization to solution
of bromothymol blue, not more, than 0.05 ml of 0.01 N sodium
hydroxide or 0.05 ml of 0.01 N hydrochloric acid.

Magnesium Powder : Mg.

Description—Silvery white powder.
Solubility—Soluble in dilute acids and solutions of ammonium
salts, slightly soluble in hot water; insoluble in cold water.
Iron—To 2.0 ml of magnesium solution add 2 ml of
hydrochloric acid and 50 mg of ammonium thiocyanate, the
resulting red colour is not darker than that of a blank to which
.015mg of iron has been added.

Magnesium, Solution S: Place 2.5 g of the Magnesium Powder in a 300 ml Erlen meyer
flask, add 50 ml of water then add through a funnel in the neck
of the flask 2-3 ml of hydrochloric acid at a time, allow the
reaction to subside before adding the next portion of the acid
(about 20 ml of the acid will be required). No insoluble residue
remains. Dilute the solution to 100 ml.

Magnesium Sulphate : Of the Indian Pharmacopoeia.

Magnesium Sulphate, Sodium of : A 10.00 per cent w/v solution of magnesium sulphate
in water.

Magnesium Uranyl Acetate : (a) Dissolve 50g of uranyl acetate in water, add 25 ml
of glacial acetic acid and dilute with water to 500 ml.

(b) Dissolve 300 g of magnesium acetae in water, add

25 ml of glacial acetic acid and dilute to 500 ml.

Mix the two solutions (s) and (b), allow to stand

overnight. Filter, if necessary.

Mannitol : Of the Indian Pharmacopoeia.

Mercuric ammonium : Dissolve 30 g of ammonium thiocyanate and 27g of

thiocyanate, solution of mercuric chloride in sufficient water to produce 1000

Mercuric Chloride : HgCl2.

Contains not less than 99,5 percent of HgCl2..

Description—Heavy, colourless or white, crystalline

masses, or a white crystalline powder.

Solubility—Soluble, at 20° in 15 parts of water, and in 3

parts of alcohol.

Non-volatile matter—When volatilized, leaves not more

than 0.1 per cent of residue.

Assay—Dissolve about 0.3 g, accurately weighed, in 85

ml of water in a stoppered flask, add 10 ml of solution
of calcium chloride, 10 ml of solution of potassium
iodine, 3 ml of solution of formaldehyde and 15 of
solution of sodium hydroxide and shake continuously
for two minutes. Add 20 ml of acetic acid and 35 ml of
0.1 N iodine, shake continuously for about ten minutes
or until the precipitated mercury is completely
redissolved, and titrate the excess of iodine with 0.1 N
sodium thiosulphate. Each ml of 0.1 N iodine is
equivalent to 0.01358 g of HgCl.

Mercuric Chloride, Solution of : A 5.0 per cent w/v solution of mercuric chloride in

Mercuric Chloride Solution, : A 2 per cent w/v

2 per cent solution of mercuric chloride in 60 per cent alcohol.

Mercury :Of the Indian Pharmacopoeia.

Mercuric Iodide :Of the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India.

Mercurous Nitrate, Solution of :Dissolve 200 g of mercury in sufficient nitric acid, and
add water to produce 1000 ml. Solution of mercurous
nitrate should be kept in a bottle containing a little

Metaphosphoric Acid, Solution of: A 20.0 per cent w/v solution of metaphosphoric acid in

Solution of Metaphosphoric Acid must be freshly


Methyl ethyl ketone : CH3CO C2H5

Contains not less than 88.0 per cent of C4H8O

Description—A colourless, flammable liquid with a

characteristic odour.

Solubility—Miscible with water, alcohol, ether and


Boiling point—About 79° to 80°.


Methyl Alcohol : CH3OH

Description—A clear, colourless liquid with a

characteristic odour.

Solubility—Miscible in all proportions with water,

forming a clear, colourless liquid.

Specific gravity—At 25°, not more than 0.7—1.0, H.P.I.

Boiling range—Not more than 95.0 percent distils between 64.50
and 65.5, H.P.I.
Refractive index—A 25°, 1.40, H.P.I.

Acetone—Place 1 ml in a Nessler glass, add 19 ml of water, 2 ml of a

1 percent w/v solution of O-nitrobenzaldehyde (50 percent) and 1 ml
of a 30 percent w/v solution of sodium hydroxide and allow to stand
in the dark for fifteen minutes. The colour developed does not exceed
that produced by mixing 1 ml of standard solution acetne, 19 ml of
water, 2 ml of solution of O-nitrobenzaldehyde and 1 ml of a 30
percent W/V solution of sodium hydroxide.

Acidity—To 5 ml add 5 ml of carbon dioxide-free water, and titrate

with 0.1N sodium hydroxide, using solution of bromothymol blue as
indicator. Not more than 0.1 ml is required.

Non-volatile matter—When evaporated on water-bath and dried at

105°, leaves not more than 0.005 percent w/v of residue.

Mercuric Nitrate : Hg (NO3) 2 H2O

Contains not less than 99.0 percent of Hg (NO3) 2. H2O.
Description—Colourless or slightly coloured, hygroscopic crystals.
Solubility—Soluble in dilute nitric acid.

Non-Volatile matter—Moisten 2 g with sulphuric acid and ignite;

not more than 1 mg of residue is obtained.

Assay—Dissolve 0.5g in 100 ml of water containing 5 ml of nitric

acid. Titrate with 0.1N ammonium thiocyanate, using 5 ml of ferric
ammonium sulphate as indicator. Each ml of 0.1N ammonium
thiocyanate is equivalent to 0.01713g of Hg (NO3) 2. H2O.

Methylaminophenol : 4 Methylaminophenol Sulphate CH2. NH4. C5 H9 OH)2 H2. SO5...

Description—A white or cream-coloured crystalline powder becoming

darken on exposure to air.

Solubility—Slightly soluble in water.

Sulphated ash—Not more than 0.2 per cent.

Test Solution Mordant : (Colour Index No. 14645). The sodium salt of 2-(2-hydroxy-6-
Black II nitro-4 sulpho-1- naphthaylazo-1-naphthol).
Gives a wine-red colour with calcium, magnesium, zinc and certain
other metals in alkaline, solution. When metal ions are absent, for
example, in the presence of an excess of disodium edetate, the
solution is blue.

Mordant Black : Syn. : Muroxide indicator preparation.

Mixture : A mixture of 0.2 per cent of mordant black II with 100 parts of
sodium chloride. Mordant mixture should be freshly prepared.

Beta Naphthol : C10H7OH

Syn.: 2-Naphthol.
Description—White leaflets or a crystalline powder; odour, faint
and resembling that of phenol. Discolours on exposure to light.
Solubility—Very slightly soluble in water; more soluble in boiling
water; soluble in alcohol, in ether, in chloroform and in solutions of
alkali hydroxides.
Acidity or alkalinity—Shake 1.0g with 100 ml of water at frequent
intervals during fifteen minutes and filter; the filtrate is neutral to
litmus solution.
Melting point—121° to 123°.
1-Naphthol—Boil 0.1g in 10 ml of water until dissolved, and add 1
ml of ferric chloride test solution; a white precipitate is produced,
which, on heating becomes brown but not violet.
Naphthalene and other organic substances—Dissolve 0.5g in 25 ml
of dilute ammonia solution; no residue remains and the solutions is
not darker than pale-yellow.
Heavy metals—Not more than 10 parts per million.
Sulphated ash—Not more than 0.05 per cent.
Storage—Store in a dark place.

Beta Naphthol Solution : Dissolve 5g of beta naphthol, freshly re-crystallised, in 8ml of

sodium hydroxide solution and add sufficient water to produce 100
ml. Beta naphthol solution must be freshly prepared.

N(1 Naphthyl) : C12H14N22HCI

Ethylenediamine : Contains not less than 95.0 per centof C12H14N22HCI.

Hydrochloride : Description—A white or cream coloured powder.

Solubility—Soluble in water; sparingly soluble in alcohol.
Sulphated ash—Not more than 0.2 per cent.
Assay—Carry out the determination of nitrogen by the following
Place 0.25g and 8 ml of nitrogen-free sulphuric acid in a 200 ml
long-necked flask and heat for 15 minutes. Add 3g of anhydrous
sodium sulphate and 0.3 g of nitrogen-free mercuric oxide. Heat
the mixture over a small flame until colourless and boil gently for a
further two hours. Precautions should be taken to prevent the upper
part of the flask from becoming overheated. Cool, dilute 75 to 85
ml with water and a piece of granulated zinc and a solution of 15g
of sodium hydroxide and 2g of sodium thiosulphate in 25 ml of
water. The quantity of sodium hydroxide should be increased if
necessary, to ensure that, before distillation, the mixture is strongly
alkaline. Immediately connect the flask to a distillation apparatus,
mix the contents, distil the liberated ammonia into 50ml of 0.1 N
sulphuric acid and the excess of acid with 0.1 N sodium hydroxide
using methyl red solution as indicator. Repeat the operation
without the substance being tested, the difference between the
titrations represents the smmonia liberated by the substance being
tested. Each ml of 0.1 N sulphuric acid is equivalent to 0.01296 g
of C12H14N2. 2HCI.
N(1-Naphthol) : A 0.5% w/v solution of N-(1-naphthol) ethylenediamine
hydrochloride in water.
Solution of

Ninhydrin : C9H4O3. H2O

Description—A very pale yellow, crystalline powder.
Melting range—254° to 256°.

Ninhydrin, solution of : A 0.2 per cent w/v solution of ninhydrin in a mixture of 95

volumes butanol and 5 volumes of 2M acetic acid.

Nitric Acid, Dilute : (10 per cent w/v of NHO3) Dilute 106 ml of nitric acid with
sufficient water to make 1000 ml.

Nitric Acid Fuming : HNO3

Contains not less than 95.0 per cent w/w of HNO3.
Description—A clear, almost colourless to yellow, fuming
Wt. Per ml—At 20°, about 1.5g, H.P.I.
Residue on ignition—When evaporated and gently ignited to
constant weight, leaves not more than 0.01 per cent w/w of
residue, H.P.I.

Nitrobenzaldehyde :NO2C4H19CHO4.

Description—Yellow needles; odours, suggesting that of

benzaldehyde. It is soluble in alcohol.

Melting Range—40° to 45°.

Sulphated Ash—Not more than 0.1 per cent.

Nickel Sulphate : NiSO4 6H2O

Contains not less than 98.0 percent of NiSO4 6H2O.

Description—Emerald green crystals.
Solubility—Soluble in water, almost insoluble in alcohol.

Assay—Weigh accurately about 1.5g, dissolve in water and

dilute to 200 ml Transfer 50 ml to a 500—600 ml beaker and
dilute with water to 200 ml. Add 1 g of sodium citrate, heat to
boiling, then add to the boiling solution, with stirring, a
solution of 0.6g of dimethyl glyoxime in 100 ml of warm
alcohol, follow with 5 ml of ammonium hydroxide and let stand
over night. Filter on a gooch crucible wash with hot water, then
with 50 percent alcohol and dry at 100° to constant weight. The
weight of the nickel dimethyl’glyoxime multiplied by 0.910 is
equal to NiSO4. 6H2O.

Nickel Sulphate, : A 5.0 percent w/v solution of Nickel sulphate in water.

Solution of

Nitrobenzene : C6H5NO2
Description—A pale yellow, liquid; odour characteristic.

Potassium nickel cyanide : It can be prepared by dissolving 5 g of nickel sulphate in

distilled water and adding portion wise 5 g of potassium
cyanide. A yellow solution is formed and a white precipitate of
potassium sulphate separates; add menhanol and filter off the
precipitated potassium sulphate. Concentrate the filtrate at 70°
and collect the crystals of potassium nickel cyanide.

Nitrobenzene : C6 H5NO2.

Description—A pale, yellow, liquid, odour, characteristic.

Solubility—Insoluble in water.

Boiling range—Not less than 95.0 percent distils between 210°

and 212°.

Wt. Per ml—At 25°, about 1.20g.

O-Nitre Benzaldehyde, : A 50.0 percent w/v solution of O-nitro benzaldehyde in

Solution of (50%) alcohol.

Oxalic Acid : (CO2 H) 2 2H2O.

Contains not less than 99.5 per cent of C2H2O4. 2H4O as

determined by both the parts of the Assay.

Description—Colourless crystals.

Solubility—Soluble in water, and in alcohol.

Chloride—To 1 g dissolved in 20 ml of water add 5 ml of

dilute nitric acid and 1 drop of solution of silver nitrate; no
turbidity is produced.

Sulphated Ash—Not more than 0.5 per cent.

Assay—(1) Dissolve, about 3 g accurately weighed, in 50 ml of

carbon dioxide-free water and titrate with 1 N sodium
hydroxide using solution of phenolphthalein as indicator. Each
ml of 1N sodium hydroxide is equivalent to 0.06304 g of
C2H2O4, 2H2O.

(2) Dissolve about 3 g accurately weighed, in water and add

sufficient water to produce 250 ml. To 25 ml of this solution
add 5 ml of sulphuric acid previously diluted with a little water
and titrate at a temperature of about 70° with 0.1 potassium
permanganate. Each ml of 0.1 N potassium permanganate is
equivalent to 0.006304 g of C2H2O4. 2H2O.

Oxalic Acid Solution : A 5 per cent w/v solution of oxalic acid in water.

Oxalic Acid Solution, : A solution of oxalic acid in water rendered slightly alkaline
Ammonical with ammonium hydroxide solution.

Paraffin Liquid : Liquid paraffin is a mixture of liquid hydrocarbon obtained from

petroleum. Tocopherol is not more than 10 parts per million may
be added as a stabilizer.
Description—A transparent, colourless, oily liquid, free or nearly
free from fluorescence by day light; odourless and stateless which
cold, and develops not more than a faint odour of petroleum, when

Solubility—Practically insoluble in water, and in alcohol; soluble

in chloroform, in solvent ether and in volatile oils.

Wt. per ml—At 25°, 0.860 to 0.904 g, H.P.I.

Kinetic viscosity—At 37. 8°, not less than 64 centistokes.

Reaction—Boil 5g with 10 ml of alcohol previously neutralized to

solution of litmus, the alcohol is neutral to solution of litmus.

Solid Paraffin—Please a suitable quantity, previously dried by

heating at 100° for two hours and cooled in a dessicator over
sulphuric acid in a glass cylindrical vessel. Close the vessel, and
immersed it in a mixture of ice and water, the liquid is dufficiently
clear after four hours and that a black line, 0.5 mm in width, held
vertically behind the vessel can be easily seen.

Perchloric Acid : (60 per cent w/w) : An aqueous solution containing not less than
59.0 percent w/w of HCIO4.

Description: A clear, colourless liquid.

Solubility: Miscible with water in all proportions.

Assay: Titrate about 4g, accurately weighed, and diluted with 50 ml

of water, with 1 N sodium hydroxide using solution of
phenolphthalein as indicator. Each ml of 1N sodium hydroxide is
equivalent to 0.005g of HClO4

Petroleum Ether : Syn.: Petroleum Light (40° – 60°).

Wt. Per ml—At 20°, 0.630 to 0.650, HPI.

Description: A colourless, very volatile, highly inflammable liquid,

obtained from petroleum, consisting of a mixture of the lower
members of the paraffin series of hydrocarbons, and complying with
one or other of the following definitions:—

Light Petroleum (41° to 40°)

Wt. per ml—At 25°, 0.665 to 0.684, H.P.I.

Non-volatile matter—when evaporated on a water-bath and dried to
constant weight at 105° leaves not more than 0.002 percent w/v of

Phosphoric Acid : Of the Indian Pharmacopoeia (approximately 88.0 per cent w/w of

Phosphorus, Red—Description—A Dark red powder, insoluble in water and in dilute acids.

Soluble matter—Heat 2 g with 30 ml of acetic acid on a water-bath for

fifteen minutes, cool, dilute to 50 ml, filter, evaporate 25 ml of the
filtrate on a water-bath and dry the residue at 100° for two hours; the
residue weighs not more than 50 mg.

Yellow Phosphorus: Shake 5g with 20 ml of carbon di-sulphide in a glass stopper cylinder,

filter and immerse in the filtrate a strip of filter paper, 10 cm by 0.5 cm
previously immersed in solution of copper sulphate and allow to dry in
the air; no stain is produced.

Loss on drying : When dried to constant weight over sulphuric acid, loses not more
than 1 per cent of its weight.

Phenazone : C11H12ON2

Contains not less than 98.0 per cent of C11H12ON2.

Description—A white, crystalline powder.

Melting range—111° to 123°.

Sulphated ash—Not more than 0.1 per cent.

Assay—Weigh accurately abaout 0.2 g and dissolve in 20 ml of a 100

per cent w/v solution of sodium acetate add 30 ml of 0.1 N iodine and
allow to stand for twenty minutes with occasional shaking. Add 10 ml
of chloroform, shake until precipitate is dissolved and titrate the excess
of iodine with 0.1N sodium thiosulphate, using starch as indicator.
Each ml of 0.1N iodine is equivalent to 0.009412 g of C11H12ON2.

Phthalic Acid : (Ortho): C8H6O4

Description—Crystalline; when rapidly heating forming phthalic
anhydride and water.

Solubility—Slightly soluble in water and in ether; freely soluble in

alcohol; insoluble in chloroform.
Melting range—229° to 231°, H.P.I.

Phioroglucinnol : C6H(CH) 3. 2H2C

Description—White or light brown crystals or a crystalline


Solubility—Slightly soluble in water, soluble in alcohol and in

solvent ether. Melting range—215° to 219°.

Sulphated ash—Not more than 0.1 per cent be kept protected

from light.

Phosphomolybdic acid : H3PO4. 12 MoO3.24 H2O

Description—Deep yellow crystals.

Solubility—Very soluble in water. A 10 per cent w/v solution

in water is clear.

Ammonia—Boil 0.5 g with 20 ml of a 5 per cent w/v solution

of sodium hydroxide. Vapour evolved does not change the
colour of moistured red litmus paper.

Phosphorous pentoxide : P2O5

Description—A white amorphous very deliquescent powder.

Solubility—Soluble in water with evolution of heat from

phosphoric acid.

Reducing substances—Dissolve 1 g in 50 ml of water, add 0.5

ml of 0.1N potassium permanganate and heat for five minutes
on a steam bath; the pink colour is not completely discharged.

Picric Acid : ACIDUM PICRICUM of the H.P.I.

Picric Acid, Aquous : A solution of water containing approximately 1:0 percent w/v
solution of of picric acid.

Platinic Chloride : H2 Pt Cl6. 6H2O

Contains not less than 40.0 per cent of Pt.

Description—Brownish yellow, crystalline masses rapidly
Solubility—Very soluble in water or alcohol.
Assay—Weigh accurately about 1g and dissolve in 20 ml water
and 10 ml of a saturated solution of ammonium chloride, cover
and allow to stand over night. Filter, wash the precipitate with
20 ml of saturated ammonium chloride solution, dry, ignite
carefully, and weigh. The residue is the platinum content of
sample taken.

Platinum : Pt.—Of the H.P.I.

Potassium Antimonate : KSbO3. 3H3O.

Contains not less than 40.0 percent of Sb.

Description—A white crystalline powder.
Solubility—Soluble in water.

Assay—Dissolve about 0.3g, accurately weighed, in 100 ml of

water and 2 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid and pass hydrogen
sulphide until the antimony is completely precipitated. Add 2
ml of hydrochloric acid and again pass hydrogen sulphide.
Boil, filter, wash the precipitate with hot water saturated with
hydrogen sulphide and dissolve the precipitate in 25 ml of
hydrochloric acid. Boil to remove hydrogen sulphide and dilute
to 50 ml with water. Add 2g of sodium potassium tartarate,
neutralize carefully with sodium carbonate, and titrate with
0.1N iodine, using solution of starch as indicator. Each ml of
0.1N iodine is equivalent to 0.006088 g of Sb.

Potassium Antimonate, : Boil 2 g of potassium antimonite with 95 ml of water

Solution of until dissolved. Cool rapidly and add 50 ml of solution of
potassium hydroxide and 5 ml of 1N sodium hydroxide. Allow
to stand for 24 hours, filter and add sufficient water to produce
150 ml.

Sensitivity—to 10 ml add 7 ml of 0.1N sodium chloride; a

white crystalline precipitate is formed within 15 minutes.

Potassium bicarbonate : KHCO3

Contains not less than 99.0 per cent of KHCO3.

Description—Colourless, transparent, monoclinic prisms, or a

white granular powder; odourless; taste, saline and feebly

Solubility—Soluble in water practically, insoluble in alcohol.

Reaction—pH of a 1.0 per cent w/v solution is not greater than


Potassium Bisulphate : KHSO4

Contains not less than 98.0 per cent and not more than the
equivalent of 102.0 per cent of KHSO4.
Description—Fused, white hygroscopic lumps.

Solubility—Very soluble in water giving an acid solution.

Assay—Dissolve about 4.5 g, accurately weighed, in 50 ml of

water and titrate with 1 N sodium hydroxide, using solution of
phenolphthalein as indicator. Each ml of 1 N sodium hydroxide
is equivalent to 0.1362 g of KHSO4.

Potassium Bromate : KBrO3.

Contains nsot less than 99.5 percent of KBrO3 calculated with

reference to the substance dried to constant weight at 105°.

Description—A white, crystalline powder.

Solubility—Soluble in water; freely soluble in boiling water;

insoluble in alcohol.

Reaction:—A 5.0 percent w/v solution in water is clear and

colourless and neutral to solution of litmus.

Assay—Dissolve 1g in water and dilute to 250 ml. To 25 ml of

this solution add 3g of potassium iodide and 10 ml of
hydrochloric acid, dilute with 100 ml of water and titrate with
0.1 N sodium thiosulphate. Each ml of 0.1N sodium
thiosulphate is equivalent to 0.002783 g of KBrO3.

Potassium Bromide : KBr.

Contains not less than 98.0 percent of KBr.

Description—Colourless, transparent or opaque, crystals, or a

white granular powder; odourless; taste, saline and faint bitter.

Solubility—Freely soluble in water and glycerine. Slightly

soluble in alcohol.
Identification—Yields the reactions characteristic of potassium,
H.P.I. and of bromides; H.P.I.

Alkali—Dissolve 5g in 50 ml of freshly boiled and cooled

water, and add 0.2 ml of 0.1N sulphuric acid; no colour is
produced on the addition of a drop of solution of

Loss on drying—Loses not more than 1.0 percent of its weight

when dried to constant weight at 105°.
Assay—Weigh accurately about 0.4g and dissolve in 40 ml of
water and 5 ml of nitric acid. Add 50 ml of 0.1N silver nitrate
and 5 ml of nitrobenzene, and shake. Titrate with 0.1 N
ammonium thiocyanate, using solution of ferric ammonium
sulphate as indicator, shaking vigorously as the end point is
approached. Correct for the amount of chloride present. Each
ml of 0.1N sulver nitrate is equivalent to 0.0119 g of KBr.

Potassium Bromide : A 5.0 percent solution of potassium bromide in water.

Solution of

Potassium Carbonate :K2CO3.

Contains not less than 98.0 per cent of K2CO3.

Description—A white, granular, hydroscopic powder.

Solubility—very soluble in water, forming a clear solution.

Iron—1 g with addition of 1.5 ml of hydrochloric acid,

complies with the limit test for iron.

Chloride—1 g with the addition of 5 ml of nitric acid, complies

with the limit test for chlorides.

Sulphate—1 g with the addition of 5 ml of hydrochloric and

complies with the limit test for sulphates.

Assay—Dissolve about 3 g, accurately weighed, in 50 ml water

and titrate with 1 N hydrochloric acid, using solution of methyl
orange or solution of bromophymol blue as indicator. At the
first colour change, boil the solution and cool and complete the
titration. Each ml of 1 N hydrochloric acid is equivalent to
0.06911 g K2CO3.

Potassium Carbonate, Solution of: A 10.0 per cent w/v solution of potassium carbonate in

Potassium Chromate, Solution: K2CrO4—A 5.0 percent w/v solution of Potassium chromate
in water.

Potassium Curpi-tartrate, Solution of: (Fehling’s solution)

(1) The copper sulphate solution—Dissolve 34.66 g of

carefully selected small crystals of copper sulphate, showing no
trace of efflorescence or of adhering moisture in sufficient
water to make 500 ml. Keep this solution in small, well
stoppered bottles.

(2) Alkaline Tartrate Solution—Dissolve 176 g of sodium

potassium tartrate and 77 g of sodium hydroxide in sufficient
water to produce 500 ml.

Mix equal volumes of the solutions No. 1 and No. 2 at the time
of using.

Potassium Cyanide : KCN.

Contains not less than 95.0 percent of KCN.

Description—A white, crystalline powder, gradually,

decomposing on exposure to air.

Solubility—Readily soluble in water, forming a clear,

colourless solution.

Heavy metals—To 20 ml of a 5.0 percent w/v solution in water,

add 10 ml of solution of hydrogen sulphide; no darkening is
produced immediately, or on addition of 5 ml of dilute
hydrochloric acid.

Assay—Dissolve about 0.5 g, accurately weighed, in 50 ml of

water, 5 ml of dilute ammonia solution and one drop of solution
of potassium iodide; titrate with 0.1 N silver nitrate until a faint
permanent turbidity appears. Each ml of 0.1 N silver nitrate is
equivalent to 0.01302 g of KCN.

Potassium Cyanide, Solution of: A 10.0 percent w/v solution of potassium cyanide in water.

Potassium Dichromate : K2 Cr2 O7.

Contains not less than 99.8 percent of K2 Cr2 O7.

Solubility—Soluble in water.

Chloride—To 20 ml of a 5 percent w/v solution of water, add

10 ml of nitric acid, warm to about 50° and add a few drops of
solution of silver nitrate; not more than a faint opalescence is

Assay—Dissolve about 2 g, accurately weighed, in freshly

boiled and cooled water and dilute to 150 ml. Transfer 25 ml of
this solution to a glass stopped flask, add 2 g of potassium
iodide and 10 ml hydrochloric acid, and allow to stand in the
dark for ten minutes. Add about 200 ml of freshly boiled and
cooled water and titrate with 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate, using
solution of starch, added towards the end of the titration as
indicator. Each ml of 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate is equivalent to
0.004904 g of K2 Cr2 O7.

Potassium Dichromate, Solution of: A 9.8 percent w/v solution of potassium dichromate in

Potassium Ferricyanide, Solution of—Wash about 1 g of potassium ferricyanide in crystals

with a little water and dissolve the washed crystals in 100 ml of
water. Solution of Potassium ferricyanide must be freshly

Potassium Ferrocyanide : K4 Fe(CN)6 3H2O.

Contains not less than 99.0 percent of K4 Fe(CN) 6 3H2O

Description—A yellow crystalline powder, soluble in water.

Reaction—A 10.0 percent w/v solution in water is neutral to

litmus paper.

Assay—Dissolve about 1 g accurately weighed in 200 ml of

water, add 10 ml of sulphuric acid and titrate with 0.1 N
potassium permanganate. Each ml of 0.1 N potassium
permanganate is equivalent to 0.04224 g of K4 Fe(CN) 6, 3H2O.

Potassium Ferrocyanide, Solution of: A 5.3 per cent w/v solution of potassium ferrocyanide
in water.

Potassium Hydroxide : KOH

Potassium hydroxide contains not less than 85.0 per cent of total
alkali; calculated as potassium hydroxide. It contains not more than
4.0 percent of K2CO3.

Description—Dry, white sticks, pellets or fused mass; hard, brittle

and showing a crystalline fracture; very deliquescent, strongly and

Solubility—Solution in water, alcohol and in glycerin.

Identification—Gives the reactions characteristic of Potassium,

Assay—Weigh accurately about 2g, and dissolve in 25 ml of water,
add 5 ml of solution of barium chloride, and tittate with 1N
hydrochloric acid using solution of phenolphthalein as indicator. To
the solution of flask and solution of bromophenol blue, and continue
the titration with 1N hydrochloric acid. Each ml of 1N hydrochloric
acid used in the second titration is equivalent to 0.06911g of K2CO3
Each ml of 1N hydrochloric acid used in the combined titration is
equivalent to 0.05611 g of total alkali calculated as KOH.

Potassium Hydroxide : KOH—Of the Indian Pharmacopoeia.

Potassium Hydroxide, Alcoholic of: A solution of potassium hydroxide in alcohol

containing 10.0 percent w/v of KOH.

Potassium Hydroxide, Solution of—Of the Indian Pharmacopoeia.

Potassium Iodate : KIO3.

Contains not less than 99.8 percent of KIO3, calculated with

reference to the substance dried at 110° for one hour.

Description—A white, crystalline powder.

Solubility—Soluble in water.

Reaction—A 5 percent w/v solution in water is neutral to

litmus paper.

Chorate—To 2g the powdered salt add 2 ml of sulphuric acid;

the salt remains white and no odour or gas is evolved.

Iodide—Dissolve 1 g in 20 ml of water, add 1 ml of 0.1N

sulphuric acid and 2 ml of chloroform, and shake vigorously;
no violet colour appears in the chloroform layer.

Sulphate—Dissolve 1 g in 25 ml of water, add 10 ml of

hydrochloric acid, heat nearly to boiling, add 1 ml of solution
of barium chloride and allow to stand for ten minutes; no
turbidity or precipitate is produced.

Loss on drying—When dried at 105° for one hour, loses not

more than 0.1 percent of its weight.

Assay—Dissolve about 1.5g accurately weighed, in water and

dilute to 250 ml. To 25 ml of this solution add 3 g of potassium
iodide, 10 ml of hydrochloric acid and 10 ml of water and
titrate with 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate. Each ml of 0.1 N
sodium thiosulphate is equivalent to 0.00356, g of KIO3.

Potassium Iodate, Solution of: A 1.0 percent w/v solution of potassium iodate in water.

Potassium Iodide : Of the Indian Pharmacopoeia.

Potassium Iodide, Solution, of: A 10.0 per cent w/v solution of potassium iodide in water.

Potassium Iodide and : Dissolve 10 g of potassium iodide in sufficient water to

Starch, Solution of produce 95 ml and add 5 ml of solution of starch. Solution of
potassium iodide and starch must be recently prepared.

Potassium Iodobismuthate : Dissolve 100 g of tartaric acid in 400 ml of water and add 8.5
Solution (Dragendorff’s g of bismuthoxide nitrate. Shake during one hour, and 200 ml
Reagent) of a 40 per cent w/v potassium iodidesolution and shake well.
Allow to stand for 24 hours and filter.

Potassium Mercuri-Ioidide : Add 1.36 g of mercuric chloride dissolved in 60 ml of water to

Solution (Mayer’s Reagent) a solution of 5g of potassium iodide in 20 ml of water, mix and
add sufficient water to produce 100 ml.

Potassium Mercuri-Iodide, : To 3.5g of potassium iodide add 1.25g of mercuric chloride

Alkaline Solution of dissolved in 80ml of water, add a cold saturated solution of
(Nessler’s Reagent) mercuric chloride in water, with constant stirring until a slight
red precipitate remains. Dissolve 12 g of sodium hydroxide in
solution, add a little more of the cold saturated solution of
mercuric chloride and sufficient water to produce 100 ml.
Allow to stand and decant the clear liquid.
Potassium Nitrate : KNO3
Contains not less than 99.0 per cent of KNO3.
Description—Colourless crystals or a white crystalline powder.
Heavy metals—Dissolve 1 g in 15ml of water and 2ml of dilute
acetic acid, add water to produce 25ml, the limit of heavy metals is
10 parts per million, H.P.I.
Sodium—A 5 per cent w/v solution tested on a platinum wire
imparts no distinct yellow colour to a colourless flame.
Chloride—1g complies with the limit test for chlorides, H.P.I.
Sulpahte—1g complies with the limit test for sulphates, H.P.I.
Assay—Weigh accurately about 0.4g and dissolve in 10ml of
hydrochloric acid and evaporate to dryness on a water-bath.
Dissolve the residue in 10ml of hydrochloric acid and re-evaporate
to dryness, continuing the heating until the residue, when dissolved
in water is neutral to litmus. Transfer the residue with the aid of 25
ml of water to a glass-stoppered flask and add exactly 50 ml of
0.1N silver nitrate, 3 ml of nitric acid and 3 ml of nitrobenzene.
Shake vigorously; add ferric ammonium sulphate solution and
titrate the excess of silver nitrate with 0.1N ammonium
thiocyanate. Each ml of 0.1N silver nitrate is equivalent to
0.01011g of KNO3.
Potassium Permanganate : KMn O4.
It contains not less than 99.0 percent of KMnO4.

Description—Dark purple, slender, prismatic crystals, having a

metallic lusture; odourless; taste sweet and astringent.

Solubility—Soluble in water; very soluble in boiling water.

Identification—(i) A solution in water, acidified with sulphuric

acid and heated to 70°, is decolourised by solution of hydrogen

(ii) Heated to redness, it decrepitates, evolves oxygen, and

leaves a black residue which with water forms potassium
hydroxide solution; the resulting solution when neutralized
with dilute hydrochloride acid gives the reactions,
characteristic of potassium, H.P.I.

Assay—Weigh accurately about 0.8g, dissolve in water and

dilute to 250ml. Titrate with this solution 25 ml of 0.1N oxalic
acid mixed with 25 ml of water and 5 ml of sulphuric acid.
Keep the temperature at about 70° throughout the entire
titration. Each ml of 0.1N oxalic acid is equivalent to 0.00316g
of KMnO4.

Potassium Permanganate : Dissolve 3g of potassium permanganate in a mixture of 15ml

and Phosphoric Acid of phosphoric acid and 70ml of water, add sufficient water to
Solution produce 100 ml.

Potassium Permanganate : A 1 per cent w/v solution of potassium permanganate in water

Solution, Acidic containing a few drops of sulphuric acid.

Potassium Permanganate : Of the Indian Pharmacopoeia.

Potassium Permanganate, : A 1.0 percent w/v solution of potassium permanganate in
Solution of water.

Potassium Plumbite : Dissolve 1.7g of lead acetate, 3.4g of potassium citrate and
Solution 50g of potassium hydroxide in sufficient water to produce 100

Potassium Thicyanate : KCNS.

Contains not less than 99.0 per cent of KCNS, calculated with
reference to the substance dried to constant weight at 105°.

Description—Colourless crystals. Deliquescent.

Solubility—Soluble in 0.5 part of water and in 15 parts of ethyl


Alkalinity—A 10.0 per cent w/v solution in carbon-dioxide-

free water is not alkaline to solution of bromothymol blue.

Ammonia—Boil 1 g with 5 ml of solution of sodium

hydroxide, no ammonia is evolved.

Chloride—Dissolve 1 g in a solution of 1g of ammonium

nitrate in 30 ml of solution of hydrogen peroxide containing not
more than 1 part per million of chloride, add 1 g of sodium
hydroxide, gently warm and when the vigorous reaction
subsides add further 30 ml of the solution of hydrogen
peroxide, and boil for two minutes, cool, add 5 ml of nitric acid
and 1 ml of solution of silver nitrate: any opalescence produced
is not greater than that produced by treating 1 ml of 0.01 N
hydrochloric acid in the same manner.

Sulphate—0.5g complies with the test for sulphates.

Other sulphur compound—Dissolve 1g in 5 ml of water, add 2

ml of dilute hydrochloric acid, and titrate with the 0.1 N iodine;
not more than 0.5 ml of 0.1 N iodine is required.

Loss on drying—When dried to constant weight at 105°, loses

not more than 2.0 per cent of its weight.

Assay—Dissolve about 0.4 g accurately weighed in 50 ml of

water, add 6 ml of nitric acid, 50 ml of 0.1 N silver nitrate, add
5 ml of solution of ferric ammonium sulphate and titrate the
excess of silver nitrate with 0.1 N ammonium thiocynate. Each
ml of 0.1 N silver nitrate is equivalent to 0.009718 g of KCNS.
Purified Water : Of the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India.

Resorcinol : C6H4O2
Contains not less than 99.0 per cent of C6H4O2.

Description—White or slightly yellowish-white. Crystalline

powder with a faint, characteristic odour. Gradually turns pink
on exposure to light and air.

Solubility—Very readily soluble in water and 95.0 percent

alcohol readily soluble in ether; soluble in glycerol and fixed
oils. Very elightly soluble in chloroform.

Identification—(i) Add 3 drops of ferric chloride solution to 10

ml of a 1:200 solution of the substance; a blue-violet colour
appears which changes to brownish-yellow on addition of
ammonia solution.

(ii) Fuse several crystals of the substance in a porcelain dish

with an excess of phthalic anhydride, a yellowish red melt is
produced. When the melt is dissolved in sodium hydroxide an
intense green fluorescence appears.

Rhodamine B : C28H31Cl2O3
Syn.: Tetraethyl rhodamine.
Description—Green crystals or reddish-violet powder.
Solubility—Very soluble in water and in alcohol; slightly
soluble in hydrochloric acid and in sodium hydroxide.
Residue in ignition—Not more than 0.2 per cent, H.P.I.

Rhodamine B Solution : A 0.2 per cent w/v solution of Rhodamine B in water.

Saline Solution : Saline solution contains 0.9 per cent w/v of sodium chloride,
sodium chloride 9g and water for injection, sufficient to
produce 1000 ml. Dissolve, filter and immediately sterilize by
heating in an autoclave or by filtration.

Identification: Yields the reactions characteristic of sodium;

H.P.I. and of chlorides, H.P.I.

Pyrogens—complies with the test for pyrogens.

Reaction—pH 4.5 to 7.0.

Assay—Carry out the assay described under NATRUM

Selenium : Se.

Description—A dark red to grayish black fine powder.

Melting range—200° to 222°.

Silver Nitrate Solution : A 20 per cent w/v solution of silver nitrate in water.
20 percent

Silica Gel : SiO2

Description—Silica Gel is amorphous, partly hydrated SiO2. It
occurs as brownich glassy granules varying in size according to
particular use.
Capacity for water absorption—When Silica Gel is exposed to
air of 80 per cent relative humidity (sulphuric acid of Sp. Gr.
1.19 or 27 per cent H2SO4 in a dessicator), it absorbs not less
than 31 per cent of its weight.
Residue on ignition—When ignited to constant weight at a
temperature of 9002 to 1000°, loss is not more than 6 per cent of
its weight, H.P.I. Vol. I, 230.
Alcohol-ether-soluble substances—Place 5.0g of sample in a
glass-stoppered flask or cylinder, add 25 ml of a mixture of
equal volumes of alcohol and ether, shake well and allow to
stand for 1 hour with frequent shaking. Measure 10 ml of the
liquid, filter, if necessary, and evaporate in a tared vessel on a
steam-bath and dry at 105° for 30 minutes. The weight of the
residue does not exceed 0.05mg.

Silica Gel G : Normally it contains about 13 per cent of Calcium sulphate


Description—A fine, white, homogeneous powder of an average

particle size between 10 and 40 µm. Shake 1g for 5 minutes with 10
ml of carbondioxide—free water. The pH of the suspension is about
7.0; H.P.I.

Appearance of thin layer—Coated as a thin layer silica gel G shows

homogeneous dispersion.
Adhesive power—Prepare a chromatographic plate, coated with silica
gel G and dry it in an oven. Spray on to the plate a vertical jet of air
of 1 mm diameter at a pressure of 2 atmospheres. The first particles
of the gel should not be detached from the plate until the jet is at a
distance not greater than 3 cm.

Chromatographic Separation—Apply on a layer of silica gel G 10 µl

respectively of 0.01 percent w/v solutions in benzene of indophenol
blue, sudan red and dimethyl yellow. Develop with the same solvent
over a path of 10 cm. The migration time is about 20 minutes. The
chromatogram shows three clearly separated spots, the spot of
Indophenol blue near the starting point, that of dimethyl yellow in
the middle of the chromatogram, and that of sudan red between the

Calcium Sulphate—Place about 0.25g, accurately weighed, in a flask

with a ground glass stopper, and 3 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid and
100 ml of water and shake vigorously for half an hour. Filter through
a sintered glass and wash the residue. Take the filtrate and washings,
titrate with .05M disodium edetate to within a few ml of expected
end point, add 4 ml of concentrated sodium hydroxide solution and
0.1g of calcon triturate and continue the titration until the colour
changes from the pink to a full blue colour. Each ml of 0.05M
sodium edetate is equivalent to 7.26 mg of calcium sulphate

Silver Ammonio-nitrate, Solution: Dissolve 2.5 g Silver nitrate in 80 ml of water and

cautiously add dilute ammonia solution until the precipitate first
formed is nearly dissolved; set aside; decant and add sufficient water
to produce 100 ml.

Caution—Dry silver ammonio-nitrate is very explosive

Silver Nitrate Solution : A 20 per cent w/v solution of silver nitrate in water.
20 percent

Silver Nitrate, Solution of: A 5.0 percent w/v solution of silver nitrate in water.

Sodium Acetate : CH3CO2Na. 3H2O

Contains not less than 99.5 per cent and not more than the
equivalent of 101.0 per cent of C2H3NaO2, calculated with
reference to the substance dried to constant weight at 105°.
Description—Colourless transparent crystals or white crystalline
powder; odourless or with a very faint odour of acetic acid; taste,
cooling, saline and slightly bitter.
Efflorescent in warm air.
Solubility—Very soluble in water; soluble in alcohol.
Identification—Yields the reactions characteristic of sodium and of
Arsenic—Not more than 2 parts per million.
Lead—Not more than 10 parts per million.
Chloride—1g complies with the limit test for chlorides, H.P.I.
Sulphate—1.0g complies with the limit test for sulphates, H.P.I.
Iron—4.0g complies with the limit test for iron, H.P.I.
Loss on drying—Loses not more than 40.5 per cent and not less
than 39.0 per cent of its weight, when dried to constant weight at
Assay—Carry out the method for non-aqueous titration given in
Appendix, using 0.4g and naphtholbenzein solution as indicator,
adding 5 ml of acetic anhydride to the solution of the substance
being examined, allowing to stand for fifteen minutes before
titration. Each ml of 0.1 N per-chloric acid is equivalent to
0.008203g of C2H3NaO2.

Sodium Acetate Solution,: A 10 per cent w/v solution of sodium acetate in water.
10 percent

Sodium Bi Carbonate : NaHCO3.

Contains not less than 98.0 percent of NaHCO3.

Description—A white, crystalline powder or small, opaque,

monoclinic crystals; odourless; taste, saline.

Solubility—Soluble in water; practically insoluble in alcohol.

Reaction—pH of a 1 per cent w/v solution, not greater than 8.6.

Assay—Weigh accurately about 1g and dissolve in 20ml of water

and titrate with 0.5N sulphuric acid, using solution of methyl orange
as indicator. Each ml of 0.5N sulphuric acid is equivalent to 0.042g
of NaHCO3.
Sodium Bicarbonate, : A saturated solution of sodium bicarbonate in water.
Solution, Saturated

Sodium Carbonate : Na2CO3, 10H2O

Contains not less than 99.0 per cent and not more than the
equivalent of 105.0 per cent of Na2CO3, 10H2O, H.P.I.
Description—Transparent, colourless, rhombic crystals; odourless;
taste, strongly alkaline, efflorescent.
Solubility—Soluble in 3 parts of water; practically insoluble in
Note: It complies with the tests prescribed in H.P.I. under Natrum

Sodium Carbonate, : Na2CO3

Contains not less than 98.0 per cent of Na2CO3.

Description—A white powder.

Solubility—Soluble in water.

Sulphate—Dissolve 2g in 3 ml of hydrochloric acid and 50 ml of

water, add 1 ml of solution of barium chloride and allow standing for
one hour; no turbidity is produced.

Assay—Dissolve about 3g, accurately weighed in 50 ml of water and

titrate with 1N hydrochloric acid using solution of methyl-orange or
solution of bromophenol blue as indicator. At the first colour change,
boil the solution, cool and complete the titration. Each ml of 1N
hydrochloric acid is equivalent to 0.053g of Na2CO3.

Sodium Chloride Solution,: A 20 per cent w/v solution of sodium chloride in water.
20 per cent

Sodium Citrate : C6H5Na3O7, 2H2O

Contains not less than 99.0 per cent and not more than the
equivalent of 101.0 per cent of C6H5Na3O7.
Description—White granular crystals, or crystalline powder
odourless; taste, cool and saline. Slightly deliquescent in moist
Solubility—Freely soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol (95
per cent).
Identification—Yields the reactions characteristic of sodium
and of citrates.
Arsenic—Not more than 2 parts per million.
Lead—Not more than 10 parts per million.
Assay—Heat 2g until carbonized, cool, and boil the residue
with 50ml of water and 50 ml of 0.5N hydrochloric acid. Filter,
wash the filter with water and titrate the excess of acid in the
filtrate and washings with 0.5N sodium hydroxide using methyl
orange solution as indicator. Each ml of 0.5 N hydrochloric
acid is equivalent to 0.04902 g of C6H5Na3O7, 2H2O.

Sodium Cyanide : NaCN

Contains not less than 95 per cent of NaCN.
Description—Colourless granular powder; deliquescent.
Solubility—Soluble in water, slightly soluble in alcohol.
Chloride—2g complies with the limit test for chlorides.
Assay—Dissolve about 0.4g accurately weighed at 30ml of
water. Add 2 drops of potassium iodide solution and 1ml of
ammonium hydroxide. Titrate with 0.1 N silver nitrate to a
slight permanent turbidity. Each ml of 0.1 N silver nitrate is
equivalent to 0.009801g of NaCN.
Caution—Extremely poisonous, should be handled with care.
Storage—Should be kept in a well-closed container, protected
from light, acid fumes and moisture.

Sodium Cyanide Solution : Dissolve 10g of sodium cyanide in sufficient water to make
200 ml, filter, if necessary.

Sodium : A 0.1 per cent w/v solution of sodium diethyldithiocarbomate in

Diethyldithiocarbamate carbon tetrachloride.

Sodium Hydroxide : Na OH
Contains not less than 95.0 per cent of total alkali calculated on
NaOH, and not more than 2.5 per cent of Na2CO3.
Description—White sticks, pellets, fused masses, or scales; dry,
hard, brittle and showing a crystalline fracture. Very deliquescent;
strongly alkaline and corrosive.
Solubility—Soluble in 1 part of water; freely soluble in alcohol.
Identification—Yields the reactions characteristic of sodium. H.P.I.
Vol. I, 224.
Insoluble substances and organic matter—A 5 per cent w/v
solution is clear and colourless.
Aluminium, iron and matter insoluble in hydrochloric acid—Boil
5g with 50ml of dilute hydrochloric acid. Cool, make alkaline with
dilute ammonia solution, boil filter, and wash with a 2.5 per cent
w/v solution of ammonium nitrate; the insoluble residue after
ignition to constant weight is not more than 5mg.
Arsenic—Not more than 4 parts per million, H.P.I.
Heavy metals—Dissolve 1g in 5ml of water and 1ml of dilute
hydrochloric acid. Heat to boiling, add 1 drop of solution of
phenolphthalein and add dropwise, sufficient dilute ammonia
solution to obtain a faint pink colour. Add 2 ml of dilute acetic acid
and dilute to 25 ml with water; the limit of heavy metals is 30 parts
per million, H.P.I.
Chloride—0.5g dissolved in water with the addition of 1.8ml of
nitric acid complies with the limit test for chlorides, H.P.I.
Potassium—Acidify 5ml of a 5 per cent w/v solution with acetic
acid and add 3 drops of solution of sodium cobalt nitrate; no
precipitate is formed.
Sulphates—1g dissolved in water with the addition of 3.5 ml of
hydrochloric acid complies with the limit test for sulphates, H.P.I.
Assay—Weigh accurately about 2g, and dissolve in 25ml of water,
add 5 ml of solution of barium chloride, and titrate with 1N
hydrochloric acid, using solution of phenolphthalein as indicator.
To the solution in the flask, add solution of bromophenol blue, and
continue the titration with 1N hydrochloric acid. Each ml of 1N
hydrochloric acid used in the second titration is equivalent to
0.06911 g of K2CO3. Each ml of 1N hydrochloric acid used in the
combined titrations is equivalent to 0.04g of total alkali, calculated
as NaOH.

Sodium Hydroxide : On boiling, no ammonia is evolved/recognized by its odour and by

Ammonia Free Solution its reaction on moist red litmus paper.
Complies with additional tests given for Sodium hydroxide, H.P.I.

Sodium Nitrite : NaNO3

Contains not less than 95.0 per cent of NaNO3.
Description—Colourless or slightly yellow crystals or granular
powder; odourless; deliquescent.
Solubility—Freely soluble in water; sparingly soluble in alcohol
(95 per cent).
Chloride—0.5g complies with the limit test for chlorides, H.P.I.
Sulphate—0.25g with the addition of 3 ml of dilute hydrochloric
acid, complies with the limit test for sulphates, H.P.I.
Heavy metals—Dissolve 1g in 6 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid and
evaporate to dryness on a water-bath. Reduce the residue to a
coarse power, and continue heating on a water-bath until the odour
of hydrochloric acid is no longer perceptible. Dissolve the residue
in 23 ml of water and add 2 ml of dilute acetic acid; the limit of
heavy metals is 20 parts per million, H.P.I.
Assay—Dissolve 0.5g in sufficient water to produce 100 ml, and
determine by titration the volume of the solution required to
decolourise a mixture of 50ml of 0.1N potassium permanganate, 5
ml of sulphuric acid and 100 ml of water warmed to about 40°.
Each ml of 0.1 N potassium permanganate is equivalent to
0.003450g of NaNO2.

Sodium Nitrite, Solution of : A 1 per cent w/v solution of Sodium nitrite in water.

Sodium Nitrite, Solution : A 10 per cent w/v solution of sodium nitirite in water.
of, Dilute

Sodium Nitroprusside : Na2Fe(CN) 5NO,2H2O

Description—Ruby red crystals.
Solubility—Readily soluble in water.
Ferricyanide—Dissolve 1g in 10 ml of water, and add 1 ml of a
10 per cent w/v ferrous sulphate solution; no blue colour is
Ferrocyanide—Dissolve 1g in 10 ml of water, and add 0.2 ml
of ferric chloride solution; no blue colour is produced.

Sodium Nitroprusside, : A 1.0 per cent w/v solution of sodium nitroprusside in water.
Solution of Solution of sodium nitroprusside should be freshly prepared.

Sodium Plumbite Solsution: Dissolve 1.2g lead acetate, 3.4g sodium citrate, and 40g sodium
hydroxide in water sufficient to produce 100 ml.
Sodium Potassium Tartrate : C4H4O6Na K, 4H2O
Contains not less than 99.0 per cent and not more than the
equivalent to 104.0 per cent of C4H4O6Na K, 4H2O.
Description—Colourless crystals or a white crystalline powder,
odourless; taste, saline and cooling.
Solubility—Soluble in water, almost insoluble in alcohol.
Acidity or alkalinity—Dissolve 1g in 10 ml of recently boiled
and cooled water; the solution is not alkaline to
phenolphthalein solution, and requires not more than 0.1ml of
0.1N sodium hydroxide to produce a pink colour.
Loss on drying—When dried to constant weight at 105° for
three hours, loses not less than 21 per cent and not more than
28 per cent of its weight.
Assay—Weigh accurately about 2g and heat until carboniesd,
cool, and boil the residue with 50ml of water, add 50ml of 0.5N
sulphuric acid; filter and wash the filter with water; titrate the
excess of acid in the filtrate and washings with 0.5N sodium
hydroxide, using methyl orange solution as indicator. Each ml
of 0.5N sulphuric acid is eauivalent to 0.07055g of C4H4O6Na
K, 4H2O.

Sodium Sulphate, : Sodium sulphate rendered anhydrous by heat and complies

Anhydrous with the requirements of sodium sulphate.

Sodium Tartrate : Na2C4H5O6. 2H2O

Contains not less than 84.34 per cent of Na2C4H4O6
Description—White crystals or granules.
Solubility-Soluble in 3 parts of cold water, 1.5 parts of boiling
water; insoluble in alcohol.
Alkalinity—The aqueous solution is slightly alkaline to litmus,
pH 7 to 8.

Sodium thio sulphate : Na2 S2O3. 5 H2O.

Contains not less than 99.0 percent of Na2S2O3. 5H2O.

Description—Colourless, transparent, monoclinic, prismatic crystals;

odourless; taste, saline.

Solubility—Freely soluble in water; practically insoluble in alcahol.

Identification—Yields the reactions characteristic of sodium; H.P.I..

and of thiosulphates; H.P.I.
Reaction—A 10.0 percent w/v solution is neutral or faintly alkaline
to litmus.

Assay—Weigh accurately about 1g and dissolve in 20 ml of water,

and titrate with 0.1N iodine. Each ml of 0.1N iodine is equivalent to
0.02482 of Na2S2O3. 5H2O.

Sodium Thiosulphate : A 10% w/v solution of sodium thiosulphate in water.


Sodium Tungstate : Na2WO4, 2H2O

Description—Colourless crystals or a white crystalline powder.
Solubility—Readily soluble in water.
Reaction—pH of a 2 per cent w/v solution in recently boiled and
cooled water, 8.0 to 9.0.
Nitrate—Dissolve 1g in 10 ml of water, add 1 ml of indigo carmine
solution and 10 ml of sulphuric acid, nitrogen free and heat to
boiling; the blue colour is not entirely discharged.
Residue on ignition—When ignited to constant weight, loses not
less than 10.5 per cent and not more than 11.5 per cent of its
weight, H.P.I.

Stannous Chloride :SnCl2 2H2O

Description: Colourless crystals. Contains not less than 97.0

percent of SnCl2. 2H2O.

Solubility: Very soluble in water, freely soluble in alcohol, in

glacial acetic acid and in hydrochloric acid.

Assay: Dissolve in stoppered flask about 0.5 g accurately weighed

in 15 ml of hydrochloric acid, add 10 ml water and 5 ml
chloroform. Titrate with 0.05 M potassium iodate until the
chloroform layer is colourless. Each ml of 0.05 M potassium iodate
is equivalent to 0.02256 g of SnCl2. 2H2O.

Starch : (C6HO10D5)n

Description—A fine, white powder, or irregular, angular masses,

readily reducible to powder; odourless.

Maize starch—Consists of polyhedral or rounded granules, about 5

to 30 microns in diameter and exhibiting in the center a distinct
cavity, or two to five rayed cleft.
Potato Starch—Consists principally of simple, granular, irregularly
ovoid subspherical, often somewhat flattened, 30 to 100 microns
subspherical granules, 10, concentric; to 35 microns, in diameter;
hilum, a point near the narrower end; striations, well marked,
compound granules.

Rice Starch—Consists of simple and-compound granules; single

granules, polyhedral about 2 to 12 microns in diameter, and
sometimes exhibiting a minute central hilum; compound granules,
ovoid, usually about 12 to 30 microns in length and 7 to 12 microns
in width.

Wheat Starch—Consists principally of simple, lenticular granules,

outline circular, oval or subreniform; smaller granules,s 5 to 10
microns, large granules 20 to 25 microns in diameter, hilum a point
near the narrower end; striations, faintly marked, concentric;
compound granules.

Solubility—Practically insoluble in cold water and in alcohol.

Identification—Boil with 15 times its weight of water and cool; a

transparent viscous fluid or jelly is produced which is deep blue
coloured by solution of iodine; the colour disappears on warming and
reappears on cooling.

Acidity—Add 10g to 100 ml of alcohol (70 percent) previously

neutralized to solution of phenolphthalein shake well during one
hour, filter and titrate 50 ml of the filtrate with 0.1N sodium
hydroxide, using solution of phenolphthalein as indicator; not more
than 2 ml of 0.1 N sodium hydroxide is required.

Ash—Not more than 0.3 percent (maize starch), 0.3 percent (potato
starch), 0.6 percent rice starch), 0.3 percent (wheat starch); H.P.I.

Loss on drying—Loses not more than 14 per cent of it weight when

dried to constant weight at 105° (For potato starch—loses not more
than 20 percent of its weight when dried to constant weight at 105°).

Starch, Soluble : Starch, which has been treated with hydrochloric acid until, after
being washed it form an almost clear limpid solution in hot water.
Description—A fine white powder.

Solubility—Soluble in hot water, usually forming a slightly turbid

Reaction—Shake 2g with 20 ml of water for three minutes and filter;
the filtrate is not alkaline, or more than faintly acid to the litmus

Sensitiveness—Mix 1g with a little cold water and add 200 ml of

boiling water. Add 5 ml of this solution to 100 ml of water and add
0.05 ml of 0.1N iodine. The deep blue colour is discharged by 0.05
ml of 0.1N sodium thiosulphate.

Ash—Not more than 0.3 percent, H.P.I.

Starch Solution of : Triturate 0.5g of soluble starch with 5ml of water and add this, with
constant stirring sufficient water to produce about 100 ml, boil for a
few minutes; cool and filter. Solution of starch must be freshly

Sucrose : C12H22O11
Description—Colourless crystals or white granules; odourless;
taste, sweet.
Solubility—Very soluble in water; sparingly soluble in alcohol.
Specific rotation— +66.4 to + 66.8°.
Heavy metals—Not more than 5 parts per million.
Iron—8g complies with the limit test for iron.
Sulphated ash—Not more than 0.02 per cent.

Sucrose Solution : A 10.0 per cent w/v solution of sucrose in water.

Sulphuric acid : H2N. C6H4. SO3H

Contains not less than 99.0 per cent of C6H7O3NS.

Description—White or nearly white crystals or powder.

Solubility—Soluble in 33 parts of hot water, giving a clear and

colourless solution, which deposits crystals on cooling.

Sulphated ash—Not more than 0.1 per cent.

Assay—Suspend about 5g, accurately weighed, in 100 ml of

water and titrate with 1N sodium hydroxide using solution of
phenolphthalein as indicator. Each ml of 1 N sodium hydroxide
is equivalent to 0.1732 g of C4H7O3NS.
Sulphosalicyclic Acid : C7H6O6S

Description—Dihydrate, white crystals or crystalline powder.

Solubility—Very soluble in water or alcohol; soluble in ether.

Melting range—119° to 121°; H.P.I.

Sulphuric Acid : Mix 1 volume of sulphuric acid with 99 volumes of water.

(1 per cent v/v)

Sulphuric Acid : Mix 2 volumes of sulphuric acid with 8 volumes of water and cool.
(25 per cent v/v)

Sulphuric Acid : Mix equal volumes of sulphuric acid and water and cool.
(50 per cent v/v)

Sulphuric Acid, Dilute : Dilute sulphuric acid contains not less than 9.5 per cent, and not
more than 10.5 percent w/w of sulphuric acid.

Wt. per ml at 25°, about 1.067 g, H.P.I.

Assay—Carry out the assay described under ACIDUM

SULPHURICUM, H.P.I. using about 10 g accurately weighed.

Sulphuric Acid, : A 5.0 per cent v/v solution of methanol in sulphuric acid.

Sulphuric Acid : Sulphuric acid which contains 96.0 percent w/v of H2SO4, and
Nitrogen free complies with the following addition at lest.

Nitrate—Mix 45 ml with 5 ml of water, Cool and add 8mg of

dipleuyl benzidine; the solution is colourless or not more than very
pale blue.

Silver Nitrate, Solution of—A 5.0 percent w/v solution of silver nitrate in water.

Sodium Bicarbonate, Solution of: A 5.0 percent w/v solution of sodium bicarbonate in

Sodium Carbonate, Anhydrous: Na2 CO3.

Contains not less than 98.0 prcent of Na2 CO3.

Description—A white powder.

Solubility—Slowly soluble in water.

Chloride—5 g with an addition 6 ml of nitric acid, complies with the
limit test for chlorides.

Sulphate—Dissolve 2 g in 3 ml of hydrochloric acid and 50 ml of

water, add 1 ml of solution of barium chloride and allow to stand for
one hour; no turbidity produced.

Assay—Dissolve about 3 g, accurately weighed in 50 ml of water and

titrate with 1 N hydrochloric acid using solution of methyl orange or
solution of bromophenol blue as indicator. At the first colour change,
boil the solution, cool and complete the titration. Each ml of 1 N
hydrochloric acid equivalent to 0.053 g of Na2 CO3.

Sodium Carbonate, Solution of: A 10.0 percent w/v solution of sodium carbonate in water.

Sodium Chloride : Of the Indian Pharmacopoeia.

Sodium Chloride, Solution of : (Synonym : Brine). A saturated solution of sodium

chloride in water.

Sodium hydroxide : Of the Indian Pharmacopoeia.

Sodium Hydroxide, Solution of : A 20.0 percent w/v solution of sodium hydroxide in


Sodium periodate : NaIO4

Description—white crystals or a white crystalline


Solubility—soluble in water.

Assay—Dissolve about 0.5 g accurately weighed, in

100 ml of water. Add 3 g of sodium bicarbonate and 3 g
of potassium Iodide and titrate the liberated iodine with
0.1N sodium arsenite; each ml of sodium arsenite is
equivalent to 0.02139 g of sodium periodate.

Solubility—Insoluble in water; freely soluble in

alcohol, benzene and ether. Boiling range—Not less
than 95.0 per cent distils between 210°—212°.

Wt. Per ml—About 1.2 g.

Sodium Phosphate : Of the Indian Pharmacopoeia.

Sodium Phosphate Solution of: A 10.0 per cent w/v solution of sodium phosphate in

Sodium Sulphide : Na9S9 9H2O.

Contains not less than 95.0 percent of Na2S. 9H2O.

Description—Moist, colourless crystals.

Solubility—Readily soluble in water forming a clear

colourless solution.

Reaction—A solution in water is strongly alkaline.

Assay—Dissolve about 0.5 g, accurately weighed in 30

ml of recently boiled and cooled water in a glass
stoppered flask, add, with constant shaking, 50 ml of
0.1 N iodine followed by 2 ml of hydrochloric acid and
titrate the excess of iodine with 0.1 N sodium
thiosulphate, using solution of starch as indicator. Each
ml of 0.1 N iodine is equivalent to 0.01201 g of Na2, S.

Sodium Sulphide—Solution of (lead free): A 10.0 per cent w/v solution of sodium sulphide
in water.

Sodium sulphate : Of the Indian Pharmacopoeia.

Sodium Thiosulphate : Na2S2O3. 5H2O of the Indian Pharmacopeia.

Stannous Chloride, Solution of : Dilute 60 ml of hydrochloric acid with 20 ml of water;

and add 20 g of tin and heat gently until gas ceases to be
evolved, add sufficient water to produce 100 ml,
allowing the undissolved tin to remain with the solution.

Starch : Of the Indian Pharmacopoeia.

Starch Solution of : Triturate 0.5g of soluble starch with 5 ml of water and

add this with constant stirring, to sufficient water to
produce about 100 ml, boil for a few minutes, cool and
filter. Solution of starch must be recently prepared.

Sulphur :Of the Indian Pharmacopoeia.

Sulphuric Acid :Of the Indian Pharmacopoeia.

Sulphuric Acid, Dilute :Of the Indian Pharmacopoeia.

Sulphuric Acid, Fuming:

Contains approximately 85.0 per cent w/w of total SO3,

equivalent to approximately 20.0 percent w/w of free

Description—A colourless, or slightly coloured, viscous

Assay—Add about 1 ml, accurately weighed, to 50 ml
of water. Titrate with 1N sodium hydroxide using
solution of methyl orange as indicator. Each ml of 1 N
sodium hydroxide is equivalent to 0.04003 g of SO2.

Sulphurous Acid : H2SO3

Contains not less than 5.0 per cent w/w of —SO2.

Description—A colourless solution with a pungent

odour of sulphur dioxide.

Non-volatile matter—Evaporate to dryness and gently

ignite; the residue weighs not more than 0.1 per cent.

Assay—Place 2 ml in an accurately weighed glass

stoppered flask containing 50 ml of 0.1 N iodine
solution and weigh again. Titrate the excess of iodine
with 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate. Each ml of 0.1 iodine
is equivalent to 0.003203 g of SO2..

Tartaric Acid : C4H6O6

Contains not less than 99.0 percent of C4H6O6.

Description—Colourless crystals or white powder.

Solubility—Soluble in water and alcohol.

Chloride—To a solution of 1g in 20ml of water and 1

ml of nitric acid and 1 ml of silver nitrate. No
opalescence is produced.

Assay—Dry about 3g of the powdered acid for 3 hours

over an efficient desicant. Weigh accurately about 3g of
the dried reagent and dissolve it in 50 ml of water. Add
0.1 ml of phenolphthalein solution and titrate with 1N
sodium hydroxide. Each ml of 1N sodium hydroxide is
equivalent to 0.07505g of C4H6O6.

Thallium Nitrate :TINO3

Description: White Crystals.

Solubility: Soluble in water. Insoluble in alcohol.

Thioglycollic Acid : HS. CH2OOH.

Contains not less than 89.0 per cent w/v of C2H4O2S as

described by both parts of the Assay described below.

Description—A colourless or nearly colourless liquid;

odour strong and unpleasant.

Iron—Mix 0.1 ml with 50 ml. Of water, and render

alkaline with ammonia solution. No pink colour is

Assay—(1) Dissolve about 0.4 g accurately weighed, in

20 ml of water and titrate with 0.1 N sodium hydroxide,
using solution of cresol red as indicator. Each ml of 0.1
N iodine is equivalent to 0.00921 g of C2H4O2S

(2) To the above neutralized solution, add 2 g of sodium

bicarbonate and titrate with 0.1 N iodine. Each ml of 0.1
N iodine is equivalent to 0.00921 g of C2H4O2S.

Toluene : C 7 H8

Description—A clear, colourless, inflammable liquid.

Solubility—Insoluble in water; miscible with ethyl


Boiling range—Not less than 95.0 percent distils

between 109° to 111°, H.P.I.

Wt. per ml—At 25°, 0.870 g (approximately), H.P.I.

Tin : Sn. (Stannum metalicum) of the Homoeopathic
Pharmacopoeia of India.

Trichloro Acetic Acid : CCl3 COOH

Description—Colourless, very deliquescent crystals or

crystalline masses; odour pungent and characteristic.

Solubility—Very soluble in water, in alcohol and in

solvent ether.

Identification—Decomposes with liberation of

chloroform when warmed with a solution of sodium

Melting range—55° to 57°, H.P.I.

Triethnol Anime : (C2H4OH) 3N

Description—Very hygroscopic, viscous liquid. Slight

ammonical odour. Turns brown on exposure to air and

Solubility—Miscible with water, methanol and acetone.

Turmeric : Of the Indian Pharmacopoeia.

Turmeric Paper : Made by impregnating unglazed white paper with

Turmeric Tincture.

Uranyl Acctate :

Description—A bright yellow, crystalline powder.

Alkali—Dissolve 2 g in 50 ml of water, heat to boiling

and add dilute ammonia solution until precipitation is
complete, filter, evaporate to dryness, moisten with
sulphuric acid and ignite gently; the residue weighs not
more than 6 mg.

Uranyl Zinc Acetate, Solution of: Dissolve 10 g of uranyl acetate by heating in 30 ml of

water and 5 ml of acetic acid. Dissolve 30 g of zinc
acetate by heating with 30 ml of water and 3 ml of
acetic acid, mix the two solutions, cool and filter.

Urea : NH2CONH2
Contains not less than 99.5 per cent and more than the
equivalent of 100.5 per cent of CH4ON2.
Description—Colourless to white, prismatic crystals or
a white crystalline powder; odourless, but on longer
standing, develops odour of ammonia; taste, cooling
and saline.
Solubility—Soluble in 1.5 parts of water, 10 parts of
alcohol; practically insoluble in chloroform, and in
solvent ether.
Melting range—132° to 134°, H.P.I.
Reaction—Its solutions are neutral to litmus.
Sulphated ash—Not more than 0.1 per cent.
Assay—Weigh accurately about 1.07 g and transfer to a 300 ml
long-necked flask. Add 25 ml of water, 2 ml of a 3 per cent w/v
copper sulphate solution and 8 ml of sulphuric acid. Heat gently for
fifteen minutes so that copious fumes are evolved, cool, and slowly
add 100 ml of water and 0.2 g of granulated zinc. Connect the flask
to an ammonia distillation apparatus. The delivery tube of the
apparatus should be dipped in 50 ml of 2 per cent w/v solution of
boric acid. Heat the flask and when the air is driven out, add slowly
75 ml of sodium hydroxide solution. Distil and collect the
ammonia. Titrate the distillate with 0.2N hydrochloric acid, using
methyl red solution as indicator. Repeat the experiment with the
same quantities of the same reagents in the same manner omitting
urea. The difference between the titrations represents the amount of
ammonia evolved from urea. Each ml of 0.2 N hydrochloric acid is
equivalent to 0.006006g of CH4ON2.

Water : Purified water of the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India.

Water Ammonia free: Water complies with the following additional test—To 50 ml add 2
ml of alkaline solution of potassium mercuri-iodide; no colour is

Water Carbon dioxide Free : Of the H.P.I.

Water for injection : Distil potable water from a neutral glass or metal still fitted with an
efficient device for preventing the entertainment of droplets. Reject
the first portion of the distillate and collect the remainder in a
suitable container. Immediately sterilise by heating in an autoclave or
by filtration without the addition of a bacteriostatic.

Reaction—pH, 4.5 to 7.5.

Non-Volatile matter—leaves not more than 0.003 percent w/v of
residue when evaporated to dryness on a water—bath and dried to
constant weight at 105°.

Pyrogens—Complies with the test for pyrogens.

Water carbon dioxide-free: Water complies with the following additional test—To 50 ml
add 2 ml of alkaline solution of potassium mercuri-iodide; no colour
is produced.
Water carbon dioxide-free: Water which has been boiled vigorously for a few minutes and
protected from the atmosphere during cooling and storage.

Zinc, Granulated : Zn.

Description—Bright silver grey, metallic granules.

Iron—Dissolve 0.5 g in 3 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid, add 8

ml of water and one drop of 0.1 N potassium permanganate,
mix, add 5 ml of a 57.0 percent w/v solution of ammonium
thiocynate in water, and 10 ml of mixture of equal volume of
amyl alcohol and amyl acetate, shake vigorously and allow to
separate; any colour produced in the upper layer is not greater
than produced by treating 0.5 ml of standard solution of iron in
the same manner.

Acid insoluble matter—Dissolve 5 g in a mixture of 20 ml of

hydrochloric acid and 20 ml of water; the solution is clear,
colourless, and free from more than traces of insoluble matter.

Oxidisable impurities—Dissolve 10 g in a mixture of 50 ml of

water and 15 ml of sulphuric acid in a vessel from which air is
excluded, and add 0.1 ml of 0.1 N potassium permanganate; the
pink colour is not discharged within five minutes.

Zinc Powder : Zincum metallicum of H.P.I.

Zinc Sulphate : ZnSO4, 7H2O

Contains not less than 55.6 per cent and not more than 61.0 per
cent of ZnSO4, corresponding to not less than 99.5 per cent and
not more than the equivalent of 102.0 per cent of the hydrated
salt, ZnSO4, 7H2O.
Description—Colourless, transparent crystals or a crystalline
powder; odourless, taste astringent and metallic.
Solubility—Soluble in 0.6 parts of water; practically insoluble
in alcohol; soluble in 2.5 per cent of glycerin.
Aluminium, Copper, Magnesium and Nickel—Dissolve 1g in
20 ml of water, add dilute ammonia solution in excess, and
allow to stand. The solution remains colourless, and no
precipitate is produced within thirty minutes.

Assay—Weigh accurately about 1g and dissolve in about

100ml of water. Heat the solution to about 90° and add sodium
carbonate solution to precipitate all of the zinc, taking care to
avoid a large excess of sodium carbonate. Boil for about five
minutes and set aside to allow the precipitate to subside.
Collect the precipitate in a tared Gooch crucible and wash with
hot water until free from alkali. Dry the residue, ignite, and
weigh. Each g of residue is equivalent to 1.984g of ZnSO4.

Zinc Sulphate Solution, : A saturated solution of zinc sulphate in water.


Zinc Powder : Of the H.P.I.

Zinc Solution : To 2g of zinc in a flask add 15 ml of water and 15 ml of

hydrochloric acid and allow stand or heat gently on a steam-
bath until the zinc is nearly all dissolved. Then add 1 ml of
nitric acid and boil gently until all is dissolved. Cool, dilute to
100 ml and mix well.

Zinc Sulphate : ZnSO4. 7H2O

Description—Colourless or white crystals. Efflorescent in dry
Solubility—Soluble in water; Slightly soluble in glycerol;
Insoluble in alcohol.
Reaction—Dissolve 2g in 30 ml of ether and add 1 drop of
methyl orange, no pink colour is produced.

Zinc Sulphate, : A 5.0 percent w/v solution of zinc sulphate in water.

Solution of


Acetic Acid 1M : Of the HPI.

Acetic Acid, 1N : Dilute 57.5 ml of the glacial acetic acid with water sufficient to
produce 1000 ml.

Acetic Acid, 1N, : Acetic acid diluted with water to contain in 1000 ml the
2M, 6N following quantities of CH3COOH

1N ……….. Of the H.P.I.

For 2M 120.10g CH3COOH

For 6N 345.0 ml CH3COOH

Ammonia, 2 N : Ammonia solution diluted with water to contain in 1000 ml of

34.06 g of NH3.

Ammonium Acetate, : Ammonium acetate dissolved in water to contain in 1000 ml of

3N the following quantities of NH4COOH3.

For 3N 231g NH4COOCH3.

Ammonium Nitrate, : Ammonium nitrate, dissolved in water to contain in 1000 ml of the

9M following quantities of NH4HO3.

Ammonium Thiocyanate, : Dissolved Ammonium Thiocyanate, in water to contain,

0.1 N in 100 ml. 7.612 g of NH4SCN.

Bromine 0.1 N : Dissolve 3g potassium bromate and 15g of potassium bromide

in sufficient water to produce 1000 ml. Ascertain its exact
strength by adding potassium iodide and a slight excess of
hydrochloric acid and titrating with 0.1N sodium thiosulphate.
0.1N Bromine should be kept in a dark amber-colour stoppered

Disodium Edetate, : for 0.1 N Dissolve 37.2 g of disodium edetate in sufficient water to
0.1N, .05 M make 1000 ml & standardize the solution as follows:—
Weigh accurately about 0.2g of calcium carbonate, transfer to a
suitable container add 50 ml of water and sufficient dilute
hydrochloric acid to dissolve the carbonate and dilute with water to
150 ml. Add 15 ml of solution of sodium hydroxide, 40 mg of
murexide indicator preparation and 3 ml of solution of naphthol
green B and titrate with disodium edetate solution until the solution
is deep blue in colour. Calculate the molarily by the formula W/100.
1v where w is the weight of CaCO3 in sample of CaCO3 taken and v
is the volume in al of disodium edetate solution consumed.

For .05 M………of the H.P.I.

Disodium ethylenediamine tetracetate, 0.05M.: Dissolve 10.6 g of disodium

ethylenediamine tetracetate in sufficient water to make 1000 ml
and standardize solution as follows:
Weigh accurately 0.2 g of calcium carbonate, transfer to a suitable
container, add 50 ml of water and sufficient dilute hydrochloric acid
to dissolve the carbonate and dilute with water to 150 ml. Add 15 ml
of solution of sodium hydroxide, 40 mg of murexide indicator
preparation and 3 ml of solution of napthol green B and titrate with
disodium ethylenediamine tetracetate solution until the solution is
deep blue in colour. Calculate the (100.1 V) molarity by formula
w/(100.1V) where W is the weight of CaCO2 in the sample of
calcium carbonate taken, and V is the volume in ml of disodium
ethylenediamine tetracetate solution consumed.

Ethylene Diamine : Ethylene diamine tetracetate, dissolved in water to contain in 1000

Tetra Acetate, 0.1M ml of the following quantities of EDTA.

For 0.1 M 29.2 g EDTA.

Ferric Ammonium Sulphate, 0.1 N.: Ferrous sulphate, dissolved in water to contain in 100
ml ferrous ion equivalent to 5.585 g of Fe.

Ferrous Sulphate, 0.1 N: Ferrous sulphate, dissolved in water to contain in 100 ml ferrous
ion equivalent to 5.585 g of Fe.

Hydrochloric Acid, 1 N, 0.5 N, 0.1 N, 0.01 N: Hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to
contain in 1000 ml the following quantities of HCI.

for 1 N .................................................... 36.47 g HCI

for 0.5N .................................................. 18.23 g HCI

for 0.1 N ................................................. 3.647 g HCI

for 0.01 N ............................................. 0.3647 g HCI

for 0.02 N……………………………...0.7293 g HCl
for 0.05 N…………………………………01.823 g HCl

Iodiae, 0.1 N: Iodine and potassium iodide, dissolved in water to contain in 1000 ml the
following quantities of 1 and KI.

for 0.1 N ....................................... 12.69 g I and

for 0.1 N ........................................... 18.00 g KI

for 0.02 N…………………………..2.538 g I add 3.60 g KI.

Magnesium sulphate, 0.1M, .05M: Magnesium sulphate dissolved in water to contain in

1000 ml the following quantity of Mg SO4

for 0.1 M 24.648 g Mg SO4

for 0.05 M 12.324g of the HPI.

Nitric Acid, 2N : Nitric Acid diluted with water to contain in 1000 ml the following
quantities of HNO3.

for 2N 126.02g HNO3.

Oxalic Acid, 0.1 N : Oxalic acid, dissolved in water to contain in 1000 ml the following
quantities of H2C2O4 H2O.

for 0.1 N 6.303 g H2C2O4. H2O

Perchloric Acid, .05 N : Cool 750 ml of glacial acetic acid to about 15° and add slowly,
with continuous stirring, 6 ml of perchloric acid (60 percent w/w),
adding 1 ml at a time so that the temperature does not rise. Cool the
mixture to a temperature not lower than 10° but without freezing it
and add an amount of acetic anhydride calculated to combine with
the water in the perchloric acid. This addition is made drop-wise
from a burette, the temperature being controlled so that it does not
rise more than 0.5°. Allow the temperature to rise to 15° and add,
with stirring sufficient glacial acetic acid to produce 1000 ml at 20°.
Find out its exact strength by titrating with it with 50 ml of 0.1N
sodium acetate using 1 ml of solution of a naphthol benzene as

Perchloric acid 0.1N : Cool 750 ml of glacial acetic acid to about 15° and add slowly,
with continuous stirring, 11 ml of perchloric acid (60 per cent
w/w) adding 1 ml at a time so that the temperature does not
rise. Cool the mixture to temperature not lower than 10° but
without freezing it and add an amount of acetic anhydride
calculated to react with the water in perchloric acid. This
addition is made dropwise from a burette, the temperature
being controlled so that it does not rise to more than 0.5°.
Allow the temperature to rise to 15° and add, stirring sufficient
glacial acetic acid to produce 1000 ml at 20°. Ascertain its
exact strength by titrating it with 150 ml 0.1N sodium acetate
using 1 ml of solution of Naphthol-benzene as indicator. Each
ml or 0.1N sodium acetate is equivalent to 0.010047 g of
perchloric acid.

Potassium Bromate, : Potassium bromate, dissolved in water to contain in 1000 ml.

0.1 N
for 0.1 N 2.784 g KBrO3.

Potassium Iodate, 0.05 M: Potassium iodate, dissolved in water to contain in 100 ml the
following quantities of KIO3.

for 0.05 M ............................................ 10.70 g KIO3

Potassium Permanganate, 0.1 N: Potassium permanganate, dissolved in water to contain in

100 ml the following quantities of KMnO4.

for 0.1 N .......................................... 3.161 g KMnO4.

Silver Nitrate, 0.1 N: Silver nitrate, dissolved in water to contain in 1000 ml the following
quantities of AgNO3.

for 0.1 N ............................................ 16.99 g AgNO3

Sodium Chloride, 0.1 N : Sodium chloride dissolved in water to contain in 1000 ml the
following quantities of NaCl.

For 0.1 N 5.884g NaCl.

Sodium Hydroxide, : Sodium hydroxide dissolved in water to contain in 1000 ml the

2N, 1N, .5N, .1N, .05N, following quantities of sodium hydroxide.
02 N, .01N
For 2 N 80.0g NaOH
For 1 N 40.0 g NaOH.
For .5 N 20.0 g NaOH
For .1 N 4.0 g NaOH.
For .05 N 2.0 g NaOH
For .02 N 0.80g NaOH
For .01 N 0.4 g NaOH.

Sodium Thiosulphate, : Sodium thiosulphate dissolved in water to contain in 1000 ml

.1N, 0.02 N the following quantities of Na2S2O3. 5H2O.

For 0.1 N 24.02gNa3S2O3. 5H3O.

For .02 N 4.804g Na2S2O3. 5H2O

Sulphuric Acid 1N, 0.5 N, 0.1 N, 0.02 N, :

Sulphuric acid, diluted with water to contain in 1000 ml the following quantities of H2SO4.

For 1 N ................................................ 49.04 g H2SO4

For 0.5 N ............................................. 24.52 g H2SO4
For 0.1 N ............................................. 4.904 g H2SO4

For 0.02 N……………………………0.9808g H3SO4

Zinc chloride, .05M : Dissolve 3.269 g of granulated zinc in the minimum amount of
2N hydrochloric acid and add sufficient water to produce 1000



Alizarin solution of :
A solution in alcohol approximately 1.0 percent w/v of alizarin.

Bromocresol Green, Solution of:

Warm 0.1 g of bromocresol green with 2.9 ml of 0.05 sodium hydroxide and 5 ml of alcohol;
after solution is effected, add a sufficient quantity of alcohol (20 per cent) to produce 250 ml.

Bromothymol Blue:
dibromothymol sulphonphthalein.

Bromothymol Blue, Solution of:

Warm 0.1 g of bromothymol blue with 3.2 ml of 0.05 N sodium hydroxide and 5 ml of
alcohol (90 per cent); after the solution is effected, add a sufficient quantity of alcohol (20 per
cent) to produce 250 ml.

Bromocresol purple, Solution of:

Warm 0.1g of bromocresol purple with 5 ml of alcohol (90 percent) until dissolved, add 100
ml of alcohol (20 percent), 3.7 ml of 0.05N sodium hydroxide, and sufficient alcohol (20
percent) to produce 250 ml.

Dissolve 4 g of chloramines-T in sufficient water to produce 100 ml.

Crystal Violet, Solution of:

A 0.5 per cent w/v solution of crystal violet in glacial acetic acid.

Catechol Violet Solution:

Dissolve 0.1g in water and dilute with water sufficient to produce 100 ml.

Dimethyl Yellow : C14H15N3

Description: Small yellow crystals or yellow or orange flakes.

Solubility: Practically insoluble in water, soluble in chloroform and in benzene, very slightly
soluble in alcohol.

Indophenol Blue :
Description: A violet, black powder.

Solubility: Practically insoluble in water, soluble in benzene and in chloroform.

Indigo Carmine, Solution of:
A solution of indigo carmine in a mixture of 10 ml of hydrochloric acid and 990 ml of 20.0
percent w/v solution of nitrogen free sulphuric acid in water, adjusted to comply with the
following test:

Add 10 ml to a solution of 1.0 mg of potassium nitrate in 10 ml of water, add rapidly 20 ml

of nitrogen free-sulphuric acid and heat to boiling point; the blue colour is just discharged in
one minute.

Eriochrome black T:
Sodium 1-(1-Hydroxy-2-Naphthylazo)-5-nit-2- naphthol –3- sulphonate.

Eriochrome black T, solution of:

Dissolve 0.2 g of Eriochrome black T and 2 g of hydroxylamine hydrochloride in methyl
alcohol to produce 50 ml.

Ferric Ammonium Sulphate, Solution of:

A 10.0 per cent w/v solution of ferric ammonium sulphate in water.

Ferrion, Solution of-(I-Phenanthroline):

A 1.5 per cent solution in 1.5 per cent ferrous sulphate solution, however, ferrous sulphate
solution is to be freshly prepared. The colour changes from red to pale-green.

Leucomalachite Green, Solution of (1% w/v):

A 1.0 percent w/v solution of Leucomalachite green in water.

Litmus, Solution of:

Boil 10 g litmus with 50 ml of alcohol (90 per cent) for one hour, and pour away the clear
liquid; repeat this operation twice with 30 ml of alcohol (90 per cent). Digest the washed
litmus with 100 ml of water, and filter.

Methyl Orange:
Sodium 4 dimethylaminoazobenzebne-4’-sulphonate.

Methyl Orange, Solution of:

A 0.04 per cent w/v solution of methyl orange in alcohol (20 per cent).

Methyl Red-4:
Dimethylaminoazobenzene-2-carboxylic acid.

Methyl Red, Solution of:

Warm 25 mg of methyl red sodium with 0.95 ml of 0.05 sodium hydroxide and 5 ml of
alcohol (90 per cent); after solution is effected add a sufficient quantity of alcohol (50 per
cent) to produce 250 ml.
Murexide Indicator Preparation:
Add 0.4 g of murexide (Acid ammonium purpurate) to 40 g of powdered potassium sulphate
and grind in a glass mortar to a homogeneous mixture.

1-Naththol Benzein Solution:

A 0.2 per cent w/v solution of 1-naphthol benzein in glacial acetic acid. When used for
titration in non-aqueous media, it changes from blue or green-blue (basic) through orange
(neutral) to dark green (acidic).

1, 10 Phenanthroline Solution :
A 0.2% w/v solution of 1, 10 phenanthroline in alcohol.

Forms a colourless solution in acid and weak alkaline solutions and gives a red colour in
more strongly alkaline solutions.

Phenolphthalein, Solution of:

A 1.0 per cent w/v solution of phenolphthalein in alcohol.

Potassium Chromate, Solution of:

A 5.0 percent w/v solution of potassium chromate in water.

Starch, Solution of:

Triturate 0.5 g of starch, or 0.5 g of soluble starch, with 5 ml of water, and add this to
sufficient water to produce about 100 ml. Boil for a few minutes, with constant stirring cool
and filter.

Solution of starch must be recently prepared.

Xylenol orange, solution of:

Shake 0.1 g of xylenol orange with 100 ml of water and filter if necessary.


Indicator pH range Colour change

Bromophenol blue 2.8 to 4.6 Yellow to blue

Methyl orange 3.1 to 4.4 Red to Yellow
Bromocresol green 3.6 to 5.2 Yellow to blue
Methyl red 4.2 to 6.0 Red to yellow
Bromothymol Blue 6.1 to 7.6 Yellow to blue
Litmus 5.5 to 7.5 Red to blue
Phenophthalein 8.2 to 10.0 Colourless to red.
The pH value of an aqueous liquid may be defined as the common logarithum of the
reciprocal of the hydrogen ion concentration expressed in g, per litre. Although this definition
provides a useful practical means for the quantitative indication of the acidity or alkalinity of
a solution, it is less satisfactory from a strictly theoretical point of view. No definition of pH
as a measurable quantity can have a simple meaning which is also fundamental and exact.

The pH value of a liquid is determined potentiometrically by means of the glass, electrode

and a suitable pH meter.

The reagents used in the determinations are described below:

Operate the pH meter and electrode system according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Standardise the meter and electrodes with 0.05 M potassium hydrogen phthalate (pH 4.00)
when measuring an acid solution, or with 0.05 M sodium borate when measuring an alkaline
solution. At the end of a set of measurement, take a reading of the solution used to
standardize the meter and electrodes. This reading should not differ by more than 0.02 from
the original value at which the apparatus was standardized. If the difference is greater than
0.05, the set of measurements must be repeated. The pH/ e.m.f. relationship of the particular
glass electrode in use must be checked. The pH/follows; standardize with 0.05 M sodium
borate. When the reading is higher by 0.02 or more, or over by 0.05 or more than the
appropriate value in the Table, correct the pH values of all solutions measured on that day,
assuming the e.m.f. of the glass electrode cell to be linearly related to the pH value of the
solution which it contains. Unless otherwise stated all solution must be brought to laboratory
temperature prior to measurement. Whilst the pH/temperature coefficient of 0.05 M
potassium hydrogen phthalate may be neglected that of 0.05 M sodium borate must be taken
into account in accordance with the value given in the Table. When measuring pH values
above 10.0 make sure that the glass electrode is suitable for use at the alkaline and of the pH
scale and apply any correction that is necessary.


pH value of 00.5 M sodium borate

Temperature 10° 15° 20° 25° 40°

PH 9.29 9.26 9.22 9.18 9.14

Water used as the solvent in the determination of the pH of a solution is water having a pH of
5.5 to 7.0

Solutions from pH 1.2 to pH 2.2 are prepared by mixing 50 ml of 0.2 M potassium chloride
with quantities of 0.2 N hydrochloric acid, specified in the following table, and diluting with
freshly boiled and cooled water to produce 200 ml:-

PH ml of 0.2 N hydrochloric acid

1.2 64.5
1.3 41.5
1.6 26.3
1.7 16.6
2.0 10.6
2.2 6.7

solution from pH 2.2 to pH 3.8 are prepared by mixing 50 ml of 0.2 M potassium hydrogen
phithalate with the quantities of 0.2 N hydrochloric acid, specified in the following table, and
diluting with freshly boiled and cooled water to produce 200 ml:-

pH ml of 0.2 N hydrochloric acid

2.2 46.70
2.3 39.60
2.6 32.95
2.7 26.42
3.0 20.32
3.2 14.70
3.3 9.90
3.6 5.97
3.7 2.62

Solutions from pH 4.0 to pH 6.2 are prepared by mixing 50 ml of 0.2 M potassium hydrogen
phthalate with the quantities of 0.2 N sodium hydroxide, specified in the following table, and
diluting with freshly boiled and cooled water to produce 200 ml:-

PH ml of 0.2 N sodium hydroxide

4.0 0.40
4.2 3.70
4.4 7.50
4.6 12.15
4.7 17.70
4.9 20.75
5.0 23.85
5.1 26.95
5.2 29.95
5.3 35.45
5.4 26.45
5.6 39.95

5.8 43.00
6.0 45.45
6.2 47.00

Solutions from pH 5.8 to pH 8.0 are prepared by mixing 50 ml of 02. M potassium hydrogen
phosphate with the quantities of 0.2 N sodium hydroxide specified in the following table, and
diluting with freshly boiled and cooled water to produce 200 ml:-

PH Ml of 0.2 N sodium hydroxide

5.8 3.72
6.0 5.70
6.2 8.60
6.4 12.60
6.6 17.80
6.8 23.65
7.0 29.63
7.2 35.00
7.4 39.50
7.6 42.80
7.8 45.20
8.0 46.80

Solutions from pH 7.8 of pH 10.0 are prepared by mixing 50 ml of 0.2 M boric acid-
potassium chloride with the quantities of 0.2 N sodium hydroxide, specified in the following
table, and diluting with freshly boiled and cooled water to produce 20 ml:-

pH ml of 0.2 N sodium hydroxide

7.8 2.61
8.0 3.97
8.2 5.90
8.4 8.50
8.6 12.00
8.8 16.30
9.0 21.30
9.2 26.70
9.4 32.00
9.6 36.85
9.8 30.80
10.0 43.90

Solutions of Standard pH must be kept in glass stopped bottles of alkali-free glass preferably
coated with paraffin internally.



The melting-range of a substance is the range between the corrected temperature at which the
substance begins to form droplets and the corrected temperature at which it completely melts,
as shown by formation of a meniscus.


(a) A capillary tube of soft glass, closed at one end, and having the following

(i) thickness of the wall, about 0.10 to 0.15 mm.

(ii) length about 10 cm or any length suitable for apparatus used.

(iii) internal diameter 0.9 to 1.1 mm for substances melting below 100° or 0.8 to 1.2
mm for substances melting above 100°.


Accurately standardized thermometers covering the range 10° to 300°, the length of two
degrees on the scale being not less than 0.8 mm. These thermometers are of the mercury-in-
glass, solid-stem type; the bulb is cylindrical in shape, and made of approved thermometric
glass suitable for the range of temperature covered; each thermometer is fitted with a safety
chamber. The smallest division on the thermometer scale should vary between 0.1° to 1.5°
according to the melting point of the substance under test.

The following form of heating apparatus is recommended.

A glass heating vessel of suitable, construction and capacity fitted with suitable stiring
device, capable of rapidly mixing the liquids.

Suitable liquids for use in the heating vessel:

Glycerin Upto 150

Sulphuric acid to which a small crystal of potassium nitrate or 4

Drops of nitric acid per 100 ml has been added Upto 200°

A liquid paraffin of sufficiently high boiling range Upto 250°

Seasame oil Upto 300°

30 parts of potassium sulphate, dissolved by heating in 70

parts of sulphuric acid Upto 300°

Any other apparatus or method, preferably, the electric method may be used subject to a
check by means of pure substances having melting temperature covering the ranges from 0°
to 300° and with suitable intervals.

The following substances are suitable for this purpose.

Substance Melting range


Vanillin 81° to 83°

Acetanilide 114° to 116°

Phenacetin 134° to 136°

Sulphanilamide 164° to 166.5°

Sulphapyridine 191° to 193°

Caffeine (Dried at 100°) 234° to 237°


Method I—Transfer a suitable quantity of the powdered and thoroughly dried substance to a
dry capillary tube and pack the powder by tapping the tube on a hard surface so as to form a
tightly packed column of 2 to 4 mm in height. Attach the capillary tube and its contents to a
standardized thermometer so that the closed end is at the level of the middle of the bulb; heat
in a suitable apparatus (preferably a round-bottom flask) fitted with an auxiliary thermometer
regulating the rise of temperature in the beginning to 3° per minute. When the temperature
reached is below the lowest figure of the range for the substance under examination, the
heating of the apparatus is adjusted as desired; if no other directions are given, the rate of rise
of temperature should be kept at 1° to 2° per minute. The statement ‘determined by rapid
heating’ means that the rate of rise of temperature is 5° per minute during the entire period of

Unless otherwise directed, the temperature at which the substance forms droplets against the
side of the tube and the one at which it is completely melted as indicated by the formation of
a definite meniscus, are read.

The following emergent stem corrections should be applied to the temperature readings.

Before starting the determination of the melting temperature the auxiliary thermometer is
attached so that the bulb touches the standard thermometer at a point midway between the
graduation for the expected melting temperature and the surface of the heating material.
When the substance has melted, the temperature is read on the auxiliary thermometer. The
correction figure to be added to the temperature reading of the standardized thermometer is
calculated from the following formula:—

0.00015 N (T—t)

Where ‘T’ is the temperature reading of the standardized thermometer.

‘t’ is the temperature reading of the auxiliary thermometer.

‘N’ is the number of degrees of the scale of the standardized thermometer between the
surface of the heating material and level of mercury.

The statement “melting range, a° to b°” means that the corrected temperature at which the
material forms droplets must be at least a°, and that the material must be completely melted at
the corrected temperature, b°.

Method II—The apparatus employed for this test is the same as described for method I except
for such details as are mentioned in the procedure given below:—

Procedure—A capillary tube open at both ends is used for this test. Melt the material under
test at as low a temperature as possible. Draw into the capillary a column of the material
about 10 mm high. Cool the charged tube in contact with ice for at least 2 hours. Attach the
tube to the thermometer by means of rubber band and adjust it in the heating vessel
containing water so that the upper edge of the material is 10 mm below the water level. Heat
in the manner as prescribed in Method I until the temperature is about 5° below the expected
melting point and then regulate the rate of rise of temperature to between 0.5° to 1° per
minute. The temperature at which the material is observed to rise in the capillary tube is the
melting temperature of the substance.


The billing-range of a substance is the range of temperature within which the whole or a
specified portion of the substance distils.


The boiling-range is determined in a suitable apparatus, the salient features of which

are described below:

(a) Distillation flask—The flask shall be made of colourless transparent heat-resistant

glass and well annealed. It should have a spherical bulb having a capacity of about
130 ml. The side tube slopes downwards in the same plane as the axis of the neck
at angle of between 72° to 78°. Other important dimensional details are as under:

Internal diameter of neck 15 to 17 mm

Distance from top of neck to center of side tube 72 to 78 mm

Distance from the center of the side tube to surface of the

Liquid when the flask contains 100 ml liquid 87 to 93 mm

Internal diameter of side tube 3.5 to 4.5 mm

Length of side tube 97 to 103 mm

(b) Thermometer—Standardised thermometers calibrated for 100 mm immersion and

suitable for the purpose and covering the boiling range of the substance under
examination shall be employed; the smallest division on the thermometer scale
may vary between 0.2° to 1.0° according to requirement.

(c ) Draught Screen—A suitable draught screen, rectangular in cross section with a

hard asbestos board about 6 mm thick closely fitting horizontally to the sides of
the screen, should be used. The asbestos board shall have a centrally cut circular
hole, 110 mm in diameter. The asbestos board is meant for ensuring that hot gases
from the heat source do not come in contact with the sides or neck of the flask.

(d) Asbestos Board—A 150 mm square asbestos board 6 mm thick provided with a
circular hole located centrally to hold the bottom of the flask, shall be used. For
distillation of liquids boiling below 60° the hole shall be 30 mm in diameter; for
other liquid it should be 50 mm in diameter. This board is to be placed on the hard
asbestos board of the draught screen covering its 110 mm hole.

(e) Condenser—A straight water-cooled glass condenser about 50 cm long shall be


Procedure—100 ml of the liquid to be examined is placed in the distillation flask, and a few
glass beads or other suitable substance is added. The bulb of the flask is placed centrally over
a circular hole varying from 3 to 5 cm in diameter (according to the boiling range of the
substance under examination), in a suitable asbestos board. The thermometer is held
concentrically in the neck of the flask by means of a well fitting cork in such a manner that
the bulb of the thermometer remains just below the level of the opening of the side-tube. Heat
the flask slowly in the beginning and when distillation starts, adjust heating in such a manner
that the liquid distils at a constant rate of 4 to 5 ml per minute. The temperature is read when
the first drop runs from the condenser, and again when the last quantity of liquid in the flask
is evaporated.

The boiling ranges indicated, apply at a barometric pressure of 760 mm of mercury. If the
determination is made at some other barometric pressure, the following correction is added to
the temperatures read:

K- (760—p)
Where p is the barometric pressure (in mm) read on a mercury barometer, without taking into
account the temperature of the air;

K is the boiling temperature constant for different liquids having different boiling ranges as
indicated below:—

Observed Boiling range ‘K’

Below 100° 0.04

100° to 140° 0.045
141° to 190° 0.05
191° to 240° 0.055
above 240° 0.06

If the barometric pressure is below 760 mm of mercury the correction is added to the
observed boiling-range; if above, the correction is substracted.

The statement ‘distils between a° and b°, means that temperature at which the first drop runs
from the condenser is not less than a° and that the temperature at which the liquid is
completely evaporated is not greater than b°.

Micro-methods of equal accuracy may be used.



The refractive index of a substance is the ratio of the velocity of light in vacuum to its
velocity in the substance. It may also be defined as the ratio of the sine of the angle of
incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction.

The refractive index of any substance generally varies with the wave-length of the refracted
light and with the temperature.

In this pharmacopoeia refractive indices are given for sodium light at the temperature
specified in the text in a suitable apparatus.


Optical Rotation:

Certain substances, in a pure state, in solution and in tinctures posses the property of rotating
the plane of polarized light, i.e., the incident light emerges in a plane forming an angle with
the plane of the incident light. These substances are said to be optically active and the
property of rotating the plane of polarized light is known as Optical Rotation. The optical
rotation is defined as the angle through which the plane of polarized light is rotated when
polarized light obtained from sodium or mercury vapour lamp passes through one decimeter
thick layer of a liquid or a solution of a substance at a temperature of 25° unless as otherwise
stated in the monograph. Substances are described as dextrorotatory or laevoretatory
according to the clockwise or anticlockwise rotation respectively of the plane of polarized
light. Dextrorotation is designated by a plus (+) sign and laevorotation by a minus (—) sign
before the number indicating the degrees of rotation.


A polarimeter on which angular rotation accurate 0.05° can be read may be used.


For liquid substances, take a minimum of five readings of the rotation of the liquid and also
for a empty tube at the specified temperature. For a solid dissolve in a suitable solvent and
take five readings of the rotation of the solution and the solvent used. Calculate the average
of each set of five readings and find out the corrected optical rotation from the observed
rotation and the reading with the blank (average).

Specific Rotation:

The apparatus and the procedure for this determination are the same as those specified for
optical rotation.

Specific rotation is denoted by the expression

denotes the temperature of rotation; α denotes the wave length of light used or the
characteristic spectral line. Specific rotations are expressed in terms of sodium light of wave
length 589.3 mw (D line) and at a temperature of 25°, unless otherwise specified.

Specific rotation of a substance may be calculated from the following formulae: For liquid

[α]t= ---

For solutions of substances

a x 100
[α]t = -----

Where a is the corrected observed rotation in degrees

1 is the length of the polarimeter tube in decimeters.
d is the specific gravity of the liquid
c is the concentration of solution expressed as the number of g of the substance in 100 ml of

Specific Rotation:
1. Apomorphinum muriaticum

Determined in a solution containing the equivalent of 0.15g of anhyd. Apomorphine in 10ml

of 0.02N HCI. The optical rotation should be not less than –49° and not more than 52°.

2. Chinium muriaticum

Dissolve 0.5g in 0.1 N hydrochloric acid and dilute to 25ml with the same solvent. The
optical rotation should be not less than—240° and not more than –258°.

3. Codeinum
Dissolve 0.5g in alcohol and dilute to 25 ml with the same solvent. The optical rotation
should be in between –142° and –146°.

Optical Rotation:
Copaiba Officinalis—Essential oil—optical rotation should be in between –7°.. and –35°.

When radiation is passed through a homogeneous solution containing an absorbing substance,

part of the radiation is absorbed and the intensity of the radiation emerging from the solution
is less than the intensity of the radiation entering it. The extent to which radiation absorbed in
passing through a layer of an absorbing substance is expressed in terms of the extinction, E,
defined by the expression where I is the intensity of the radiation entering the absorbing layer
I, is the intensity of the radiation emerging from the absorbing layer.

E = log10 --------
The extent of absorption in case of each absorbing substance depends on its concentration in
the solution and the thickness of the absorbing layer taken for measurement. For convenience
of reference and for each in calculations, the Extinction of a 1 cm layer of a 1 percent w/v
solution of the substance has been given in this pharmacopoeia in the case of a few
substances. For each absorbing substance there is one wavelength, or there are a few
wavelengths, at which maximum absorptions take place and the values differ from one
wavelength to another. It is therefore necessary to specify the wavelength at which the
measurement is made. The composite method of expression is thus—

E(1 per cent, 1 cm )at mu

The quantitative relationship between this value and extinction

determined (for the same wavelength) at other concentrations is given by the formula

E(1 per cent, 1 cm)= ------

Where E is the observed extinction of a solution, l is the thickness in cm of the absorbing

layer of the solution, c is the number of groups of the absorbing substance in 100ml of
solution. This property of light absorption is at times utilized for identifying substances, and
assays where solutions on be obtained free from interfering materials and simpler methods
were not found satisfactory.

The measurement of light absorption is made with spectrophoto-meters. The wavelength at

which measurement is to be made may be in the visible or in the ultra-violent region as
specified in the main text of the monograph. An instrument should be used which is suitable
for the desired wavelength. Care should be taken to see that the solvent used for making
solutions is free from fluorescence at the desired wavelength or wavelengths. The solvent
which is used in the solvent cell must be from the same batch as the one used for preparing
the solution for test.


Weight per Millilitre

Weight per milliliter of a liquid is determined by dividing the weight in air, expressed in
grammes, of the quantity of the liquid which fills a pycnometer at 20° or 25° by the capacity
of the pycnometer at 20° or 25° respectively, expressed in milliliters. The capacity of the
pycnometer at these temperatures is ascertained from the weight in g of quantity of water
required to fill the pycnometer. The following data are assumed:—

Wt. of 1 ml of water in air at

20° 0.99719 g

25° 0.99602 g

Ordinary deviations in the density of air do not affect the result of a determination
significantly for pharmacopoeial purposes.

Specific Gravity

The specific gravity of a substance is the weight of a given volume of that substance at a
stated temperature as compared with the weight of an equal volume of water at the same
temperature, all weighings being taken in air. A suitable pycnometer may be used for the



Acetates: Acetates, when warmed with sulphuric acid, yield acetic acid which has a
characteristic odour; when warmed with sulphuric acid and a small quantity of alcohol, they
yield ethyl acetate, which has a characteristic odour.

Neutral acetates are decomposed by heating, yielding a characteristic acetous odour.

With neutral or slightly acid solutions of acetates, solution of ferric chloride gives a deep-red
colour, and the resulting liquid on boiling yields a reddish-brown precipitate. On adding
hydrochloric acid, the red solution turns yellow. Acetates, when heated with calcium oxide,
yield acetone, detected by the indigo blue colour obtained when the vapours impinge on filter
paper, which has been moistened with a 2.0 per cent w/o solution of 0-nitro benzaldehyde in
alcohol, dried and then moistened with solution of sodium hydroxide.

Aluminium; Solutions of aluminium salts yield with dilute ammonia solution or with solution
of ammonium sulphide, a white gelatinous precipitation soluble in hydrochloric acid, in
acetic acid, and in solution of sodium hydroxide but nearly insoluble in dilute solution of
ammonia and in solution of ammonium salts and quite insoluble in these solutions when the
mixture is boiled.

Solution of aluminium salts to which have been added five drops of a freshly prepared 0.05
per cent w/v solution of quinalizarin in a 1 per cent w/v solution of sodium hydroxide heated
to boiling, cooled and acidified with excess of acetic acid, yield a reddish-violet colour.

Ammonium Salt:

Many ammonium salts volatilise, when strongly heated, leaving no residue. When they are
heated with solution of sodium hydroxide, ammonia is evolved recognized by its odour, by its
reaction on moist red litmus paper and by its ability to produce a black stain on filter paper
impregnated with solution of mercurous nitrate.


Slightly acid solutions of antimony compounds yield with hydrogen sulphide an orange-
coloured precipitate soluble in solution of sodium hydroxide, in solution of ammonium
sulphide, and in warm hydrochloric acid with evolution of hydrogen sulphide but almost
insoluble in solution of ammonium carbonate.

Solution of antimony compounds react with nascent hydrogen generated by the interaction of
granulated Zinc and dilute sulphuric acid to yield stibine. A cold porcelain tile held in the
flame of this gas acquires a dark metallic deposit, which is not appreciably dissolved by
solution of chlorinated soda.
Solutions of antimony compounds acidified with dilute nitric acid, and filtered if necessary,
yield a white micro-crystalline precipitate with a 5.0 per cent w/v solution of pyrogallol in


Solution of arsenic compounds, containing hydrochloric acid, yield with hydrogen sulphide a
yellow precipitate, soluble in solution of sodium hydroxide, in solution of ammonium
sulphide and in solution of ammonium carbonate, but precipitated on the addition of
hydrochloric acid Solution of arsenic compounds, treated with nascent hydrogen generated by
the interaction of granulated zinc and dilute sulphuric acid, yield arsine. A cold porcelain title
held in the flame of this gas acquires a dark metallic deposit, which is readily dissolved by
solution of chlorinated soda.

Solution of arsenic compounds yield with solution of stannous chloride, a brown precipitate.

Solution of arsenious compounds, treated, with nascent hydrogen generated by the interaction
of granulated zinc and solution of sodium hydroxide, slowly yield hydrogen arsenide; this gas
gives a black stain to a filter paper moistened with solution of silver nitrate and placed as a
cap over the tube in which the test is being performed.


Solution of arsenites to which sodium bicarbonate has been added, decolorizes solution of

Solution of arsenites yield a yellow precipitate with solution of silver ammonio-nitrate.


Solution of barium salts yield a white precipitate with dilute sulphuric acid. This precipitate is
insoluble in hydrochloric acid and in nitric acid.

Barium salts impart a yellowish green colour to a non-luminous flame appearing blue when
viewed through green glass.

Benzoates do not char when heated with sulphuric acid but yield a white sublimate on the
sides of the tube.

Solutions of benzoates yield a white crystalline precipitate with dilute hydrochloric acid
readily soluble, on shaking in solvent ether or chloroform.

Neutral solutions of benzoates yield with test-solution of ferric chloride a buff coloured
precipitate which is soluble in hydrochloric acid with the simultaneous separation of a white
crystalline precipitate of benzoic acid.

Neutral solutions of benzoates do not decolorise a few drops of solution of bromine.

When a bromide is heated with sulphuric acid and manganese dioxide or potassium
dichromate, bromine is liberated; the vapour gives an orange-yellow colour to filter-papers
moistured with solution of starch.

Solutions of bromides give, with solution of silver nitrate, a yellowish curdy precipitate
somewhat soluble in ammonia solution but almost insoluble in dilute ammonia solution and
dilute nitric acid.

From solutions of bromides, bromine is liberated by solution of chlorine. The bromine is

soluble in two or three drops of Carbon disulphide or chloroform forming a reddish solution.
Addition of a saturated solution of phenol to the aqueous solution containing liberated
bromine yields a white precipitate.

In testing for bromides in the presence of iodides, all iodine must first be removed by boiling
the aqueous solution with excess of Lead dioxide.

Calcium :

Solution of calcium salts yield with solution of ammonium carbonate, a white precipitate
which after boiling and cooling the mixture, is insoluble in solution of ammonium chloride.

Solutions of calcium salts yield, with solution of ammonium oxalate, a white precipitate
soluble in hydrochloric acid but insoluble in acetic acid.

With solution of potassium chromate, strong solution of calcium salts yield a yellow,
crystalline precipitate on shaking, the precipitate being soluble on diluting well with water or
on adding acetic acid.

Solutions of calcium salts yield no immediate precipitate with solution of potassium

ferrocyanide, but on the addition of an excess of the reagent in the presence of an excess of
ammonium chloride, yields a white precipitate.

Carbonate and Bicarbonates :

Carbonates and bicarbonates effervesce with dilute acids liberating carbon-dioxide; the gas is
colourless and produces a white precipitate in solution of calcium hydroxide.

Solutions of carbonates produce a brownish-red precipitate with solution of mercuric

chloride; solution of bicarbonates produce a white precipitate.

Solutions of carbonates yield, with solution of silver nitrate, a white precipitate which
becomes yellow on the addition of an excess of the reagent and brown on boiling the mixture.
The precipitate is soluble in dilute ammonia solution and dilute nitric acid.
Solutions of carbonates produce, at room temperature a white precipitate with solution of
magnesium sulphate. Solution of bicarbonates yield no precipitate with the reagent at room
temperature but on boiling the mixture, a white precipitate is formed.

Solutions of bicarbonates, on boiling, liberate carbon-dioxide which produces a white

precipitate in solution of calcium hydroxide.

Chlorides :

Chlorides, when heated with manganese-dioxide and sulphuric acid, yield chlorine,
recognizable by its odour and by giving a blue colour with potassium iodide and solution of

Solutions of chlorides yield, with solution of silver nitrate, a white, curdy precipitate soluble
in dilute ammonia solution but insoluble in nitric acid.

Citrates, on heating with sulphuric acid in a tube placed in a tube placed in a boiling water-
bath, give only a pale yellow colour and evolve carbon dioxide and carbon-monoxide.

Neutral solutions of citrates boiled with an excess of solution of calcium chloride yield a
white granular precipitate soluble in acetic acid.

Neutral solutions of citrates yield, with an excess of solution of silver nitrate a white
precipitate soluble in nitric acid and in dilute ammonia solution. No mirror is formed on the
sides of the test tube when this ammoniacal solution is warmed.
Solution of citrates boiled with an excess of solution of mercuric sulphate, and filtered if
necessary, yield a solution which after boiling and addition of a few drops of solution of
potassium permanganate, decolourises the reagent and yields a white precipitate.

Evaporation Residue for Benzene:-

Evaporate 115 ml on the steam-bath and dry at 105° for 30 minutes. The weight of the
residue does not exceed 1.0 mg.

Copper :

Solutions of copper salts yield a brownish-black precipitate with hydrogen sulphide insoluble
in dilute hydrochloric acid and solution of sodium hydroxide, almost insoluble in solution of
ammonium sulphide but decomposed and dissolved by boiling nitric acid.

Solutions of copper salts, yield with solution of sodium hydroxide, almost insoluble in
solution of ammonium sulphide but decomposed and dissolved by boiling nitric-acid.

Solutions of copper salts, yield with solution of sodium hydroxide a light blue precipitate
which becomes brownish black on boiling.
Solutions of copper salts yield with solution of potassium iodide a brownish precipitate and a
brown aqueous liquid giving a deep blue colour with solution of starch.

Strong solutions of copper salts yield with solution of ammonium thiocyanate a black
precipitate becoming white on the addition of sulphurous acid.

Solution of copper yield with dilute ammonia solution a greenish blue precipitate which
readily dissolves in excess of the precipitate forming a deep blue solution.

Cupric salts in solution produce with solution of potassium ferrocyanide a reddish-brown

precipitate or in a very dilute solution reddish-brown colour.

Cadimum compounds:
Cadmium salts yield with hydrogen sulphide or potassium sulphide, a yellow precipitate,
insoluble is excess of sodium sulphide.


Metallic gold is soluble in mixture of 3 volumes of hydrochloric acid and one volume of
nitric acid yielding a solution of chloroauric acid, and is insoluble in concentrated mineral

Solution of gold compounds yield, with hydrogen sulphide, a black precipitate insoluble in
dilute hydrochloric acid, but soluble in solution of ammonium polysulphide, from which it is
precipitated on the addition of dilute hydrochloric acid.

Auric compounds in neutral or weakly acid solution yield, with solution of stannous chloride,
a purple colour, and with solution of hydrogen peroxide and solution of sodium, hydroxide, a
precipitate which appears brownish-black by reflected light and bluish-green by transmitted

Iodides :

Iodides heated with sulphuric acid and manganese-dioxide or potassium dichromate evolve
violet vapours of iodine.

Solutions of iodides yield with solution of silver nitrate, a yellow curdy precipitate in soluble
in dilute ammonia solution and in dilute nitric acid.

Solutions of iodides with solution of potassium iodate and dilute acetic acid liberate iodine,
which colours chloroform reddish-violet and solution of starch, blue.

A small quantity of solution of chlorine added to solutions of iodides liberate iodine which
colours chloroform reddish-violet and solution of starch deep blue.

Iron :

Reactions common to Ferrous and ferric salts.

Solutions of iron salts in dilute hydrochloric acid after the addition of a sufficient quantity of
solution of potassium permanganate to produce a faint pink colour, give with solution of
ammonium thiocyanate a blood red colour, which is extracted by solvent ether, or amyl
alcohol and which is discharged on the addition of solution of mercuric chloride or of
phosphoric acid.

(a) Ferric Salts :

Solutions of ammonium nitrosophenyl hydroxylamine in the presence of hydrochloric acid

gives a reddish-brown precipitate soluble in solvent ether.

Solution of potassium ferricyanide produces a reddish-brown colour but not precipitate.

Solution of sodium hydroxide produces, in the absence of citrates and tartrates reddish-brown
precipitate soluble in solution of citric acid in water or of tartaric acid in water.

Solutions of ferric salts, strongly acidified with acetic acid, give with a 0.2 per cent w/v
solution of 7-iodo-8-hydroxyquinoline-5, sulphonic acid in water, a stable green colour.

(b) Ferrous Salts :

Solutions of ferrous salts when treated with the solution of potassium ferrocyanide produces a
white, precipitate rapidly turning blue, and insoluble in dilute hydrochloric acid.

Solution of ferrous salts when treated with the solution of potassium ferrocyanide produces a
dark blue precipitate insoluble in dilute hydrochloric acid and decomposed by solution of
sodium hydroxide.

Solution of sodium hydroxide produces a dull green precipitate which on filtering and
exposing to the atmosphere, changes to a brownish colour.

Lead :

Strong solutions of lead salts yield with hydrochloric acid a white precipitate soluble in
boiling water and redeposited as crystals when the solution is cooled.

Solution of lead salts which are not very strongly acid yield with hydrogen sulphide, a black
precipitate, insoluble in dilute hydrochloric acid and in solution of ammonium sulphide but
soluble in hot dilute nitric acid.

Solutions of lead salts yield with dilute sulphuric acid a white precipitate almost insoluble in
water, more nearly insoluble in dilute sulphuric acid and in alcohol (90 per cent), but soluble
in dilute solution of ammonium acetate.

Solution of lead salts yield with solution of potassium iodide, a yellow precipitate which
dissolves on boiling and reprecipitates as glistening plates on cooling.
Solutions of lead salts yield with solution of potassium chromate, a yellow precipitate readily
soluble in solution of sodium hydroxide and in hot nitric acid, sparingly soluble in dilute
nitric acid and insoluble in acetic acid.

Solutions of lead salts to which has been added solution of potassium cyanide and made
alkaline with ammonia solution produce a brick-red coloured lower layer on shaking with
lead-free solution of diphenyl thiocarbazone.

Magnesium :

Solutions of magnesium salts yield a white precipitate with solution of ammonium carbonate,
especially on boiling but yield no precipitate in the presence of solution of ammonium

Solutions of magnesium salts yield a white crystalline precipitate with solution of sodium
phosphate in the presence of ammonium salts and dilute ammonia solution.
Solution of magnesium salts yield with solution of sodium hydroxide a white precipitate
insoluble in excess of the reagent but soluble in solution of ammonium chloride.

Mercury :

Reaction common to mercurous and mercuric salts.

Hydrogen sulphide produces a black precipitate, insoluble in solution of ammonium sulphide

and in boiling dilute nitric acid.

Bright copper foil immersed in a solution free from excess of nitric acid becomes coated with
a deposit of mercury, which on rubbing becomes bright; the mercury may be volatilized from
the foil by heat obtained in globules. Solution of stannous chloride added in excess gives
white precipitate rapidly turning grey with excess of the reagent.

Mercuric Salts :

Solution of sodium hydroxide yields a yellow precipitate.

Solution of potassium iodide added to a neutral solution produces a scarlet precipitate,

soluble in excess of the precipitant and in a considerable excess of the solution of the
mercuric salt.

Nitrates :

Nitrates liberate red fumes when warmed with sulphuric acid and copper.

Solution of nitrates do not yield a brown colour is with sodium of ferrous sulphate but when,
to a mixture of the reagent and solution being tested, sulphuric acid is cautiously added to
form a lower layer, a brown colour is produced, at the junction of the two liquids.
When solutions of nitrates are mixed eautiously with sulphuric acid and a crysta of bromine
is added a red colour is produced.

Solutions of nitrates previously boiled with solution of sodium hydroxide to free them from
traces of ammonium compounds on boiling being with zine powder and solution of sodium
hydroxide liberate ammonia, detected by its action on moistened red litmus and by the
darkening produced on a filter paper previously impregnated with solution of mercurous

Phosphate :

Solution of ortho-phosphates give the following reactions.

Solution of silver ammonia-nitrate yields a light yellow precipitate, readily soluble in dilute
ammonium solution and in cold dilute nitric acid.

Solution of magnesium ammonio-sulphate yields a white, crystalline precipitate.

Solution of ammonium molybdate with an equal volume of nitric acid yields on warming a
yellow precipitate.

On adding to a dilute solution of a phosphate, one fifth of its volume of solution of

ammonium molybdate with sulphuric acid, followed by one fifth of its volume of solution of
methylamion phenol with sulphite, and heating for 30 minutes in a water bath a blue colour is

Potassium :

Potassium compounds moistened with hydrochloric acid and introduced on platinum wire
into the flame of a Burner, give a violet colour to the flame.

Moderately strong solution of potassium salts, which have been previously ignited to free
them from ammonium salts give a white, crystalline precipitate with perchloric acid.

Solution of potassium salts which have been previously ignited ti free them from ammonium
salts and from which iodide has been removed give a yallow precilitate with solution of
sodium cobaltinitrite and acetic acid.

Sodium :

Sodium compounds moistened with hydrochloric acid and introduced on a platinum wire into
the flame of a Bunsen Burner, give a yellow colour to the flame.
Solution of sodium salts yield, with solution of uranyl zine acetate, a yellow crystalline
Sulphates :

Solutions of sulphates yield, with solution of barium chloride, a white precipitate insoluble in
hydrochloric acid.

Solution of sulphates yield, with solution of lead acetate, a white precipitate soluble in
solution of ammonium acetate and in solution hydroxide,

Tartrate :

Tartrates, heated with sulphuric acid in boiling water-bath char rapidly evolving Carbon
monoxide and Carbon dioxide.

Neurtal solutions of tartrates produce with excess of solution of Calcium chloride in the cold,
a white, granular precipitate soluble in acetic acid.

Neutral solution of tartrates yield, with excess of solution of Calcium chloride in the cold a
white granular precipitate soluble in acetic acid.

Neutral solutions of tartrates yield, with excess of solution of silver nitrate, a white precipitate
soluble in nitric acid and dilute ammonia solution, the ammonia cal solution containing just
enough ammonia-hydroxide to dissolve the silver precipitate, on heating deposits metallic
silver as a mirror on the side of the test tube.

On adding to a solution of Tataric acid in water or a tart rate acidified with acetic acid a drop
of solution of ferrous sulphate, a few drops of solution of hydrogen peroxide and an excess of
solution of sodium hydroxide, a purple or violet colour is produced.

Thiosulphates :

Solutions of thiosulphates give with hydrochloric acid a white precipitate of sulphur which
soon turns yellow and evolves sulphur dioxide, a colourless gas with a pungent smell of
burning sulphur.

Strong solutions of thiosulphates give with solution of barium chloride a white precipitate
which is a soluble in hydrochloric acid with separation of sulphur and evolution of sulphur

Solution of thiosulphate decolorise solution of todion : the decolorized solution do not give
the reactions for sulphates.

Solutions of thiosulphate decoloriced solution of bromine: the decolorized solution give the
reactions for sulphates.

Solutions of thiosulphate give with solution of lead acetate a white precipitate soluble in
excess of the reagent; on boiling the suspension, a black precipilate is obtained.

Natural solutions of zine salts yield with solution of ammonium sulphide or with hydrogen
sulphide and solution of sodium hydroxide, a white precipitate soluble in hydrochloric acid
but insoluble in acetic acid.

Solutions of zine salts yield with solution of potassium ferrocyanide a white or with
precipitate insoluble in dilute hydrochloric acid.

Solutions zine salts acidifled with phosphoric acid and mixed with 0.05 ml of 0.1 per cent
w/v solution of copper sulphate and 2 ml of solution of mercuric ammonium thiocyanate
yield a violet precipitate.



Dissolve the specifled quantity of the substance in water or prepare a solution as directed in
the text, and transfar to a Nessler glass, Add 1 ml of nitric acid except when nitric acid is
used in the preparation of the solution; dilute to 5 ml with water and and add 1 ml of solution
of silver nitrate. Stir immediately with a glass rod, and set aside for five minutes. The
opalescence producd is not greater than the standard Opalesence.

Standard Opalesence – Measure 1 ml or the quantity specifled in the monoraph, 0.01N

hydrochloric acid and 1 ml of nitric acid into a Nessler glass. Dilute to 5 ml with water and
add 1 ml of solution of silver nitrate. Stir immediately with a glass rol, and set aside for five

Limit test for Iron

Dissolve the specifled quantity of the substance in 4 ml of water or prepare a solution as

directed in the text, add 2ml of a 20 percent w/v solution of ironfree critie asid in water and 2
drops of thioglycolic acid, mix, make alkaline with iron free solution of ammonia, dilute to
5ml with water, and allow to stand for five minutes. Compare the colour in a Nessler glass
with the standard colour, by viewing transversely. The colour is not deeper than the standard

Standard colour- Dilute 2 ml of standard solution of Iron with 4ml of water, add 2 ml of a 20
percent w/v solution of iron free critic asid in water and 2 drops of thioglycolic asid mix,
render alkaline with iron free solution of ammonia dilute to 5 ml with water and allow to
stand for five minutes.


Standard solution of iron –add 0.173 g of ferr ic ammoniun sulphhate to 1.5ml of

hydrochloric acid and add sufficient water to prouce 1000ml 1ml contains 0.02mg of iron.

Iron-free Citric Acid:

Citric acid which complies with the following additional test—Dissolve 0.5 g in 40 ml of
water, add 2 drops of thioglycolic acid, mix, make alkaline with iron-free solution of
ammonia and dilute to 50 ml with water, no pink colour is produced.

Iron-free Hydrochloric Acid:

Hydrochloric acid which complies with the following additional test—Evaporate 5 ml on a

water-bath nearly to dryness, add 40 ml of water, 2 ml of a 20 percent, w/v solution of iron-
free citric acid in water and 2 drops of thioglycolic acid, mix, made alkaline with iron-free
solution of ammonia and dilute to 50 ml with water, no pink colour is produced.
Iron-free solution of ammonia:

Dilute ammonia solution which complies with the following additional

test—Evaporate 5 ml nearly to dryness on a water-bath add 40 ml of
water, 2 ml of a 20 percent w/v solution of iron-free citric acid in water A
and 2 drops of thioglycolic acid, mix, make alkaline with iron-free
solution of ammonia and dilute to 50 ml with water, no pink colour is

Limit test for Sulphates:

Dissolve the specified quantity of the substance in water or prepare a

solution as directed in the text, and transfer to a Nessler glass add 1 ml
of hydrochloric acid, except when hydrochloric acid is used in the B
preparation of the solution, dilute to 50 ml with water, and add 1 ml of
solution of barium chloride. Stir immediately with a glass rod, and set
acids for five minutes. The turbidity produced is not greater than the
standard turbidity.


Select all the reagents used in this Test to have as low a content of
arsenic as possible so that a blank test results in either no strain or one
that is barely discernible.
Apparatus- Prepare a generator (see the illustration) by fitting a
perforated rubber stopper into wide mouth bottle of about 50 ml
capacity. Through the perforation insert a vertical exit tube about 12 cm
in total length and 1 cm in diameter along the entire upper portion (for
about 8 cm) and constricted at its lower extremity to a tube about 4 cm Fig. 1. Arsenic
in length and about 5 mm in diameter. The smaller portion of the tube test apparatus
should extend to just slightly below the stopper. Place washed sand or a
pledget of purified cotton in the upper portion to about 3 cm from the top of the tube.
Moisten the sand or cotton uniformly with mixture of equal volume, of lead acetate solution
and water. Remove any excess or adhering droplets of lead acetate solution from the walls of
the tube by applying gentle suction to the constricted end of the tube, into the upper end of
thick tube fit a second glass tube 12 cm in length having an internal diameter of 2.5 to 3 mm,
by means of a rubber stopper. Just before running the test, place a strip, of mercuric bromide
test paper in this tube crimping the upper end of the strip so that it will remain in position
about 2 cm above the rubber stopper. Clean and dry the tube thoroughly each time it is used.

Standard Arsenic Solution:

Dissolve 100 mg of arsenic trioxide that has been finally pulverized, dried over sulphuric acid
and accurately weighed, in about 5 ml of sodium hydroxide solution (1 in 5) in a 1000 ml
volumetric flask. Neutralise the solution with dilute sulphuric acid, add 10 ml more of dilute
sulphuric acid, then add recently boiled water to volume. Pipette 10 ml of this solution into
1000 ml volumetric flask, add 10 ml of dilute sulphuric acid, and then add recently boiled
water to volume. Use this solution, which contains 1 mcg of arsenic trioxide in each ml in
preparing the standard stain. Keep this solution in a glass stoppered bottle. Make fresh
solution when new standard stains are to be prepared.

Test Preparation:

Add 1 ml of sulphuric acid to 5 ml of a solution of the chemical substance (1 in 25), unless

otherwise quantity is directed in the monograph. Omit its addition entirely in the case of
inorganic acids. Unless especially directed otherwise, add 10 ml of sulphurous acid.
Evaporate the liquid in a small beaker, on a steam-bath, until it is free from sulphurous acid
and has been reduced to about 2 ml in volume. Dilute with water to 5 ml to obtain the test

The Standard Stain:

Place in the generator bottle; 5 ml of potassium iodide solution, 2 ml of standard arsenic

solution, 5 ml of acid stannous chloride solution and 28 ml of water. Add 1.5 g of granulated
zinc (in No. 20 powder) and immediately insert the stopper containing the exit-tube. Keep the
generator bottle immersed in water at 25° during the period of the test to moderate the
reaction so that the stain will take the form of distinctive band to facilitate the comparison of
colour intensity. When evolution of hydrogen has continued for 1 hour, remove the mercuric
bromide test paper and place it in a clean, dry tube for comparison. This stain represents 2
mcg of arsenic trioxide. Since light, heat and moisture cause the stain to fade rapidly, make
comparisons promptly. Stamped test papers may be preserved by dipping in melted paraffin
or by keeping them over phosphorus pentoxide, protected from light.


Place in the generator bottle 5 ml of potassium iodide solution and 5 ml of Test preparation,
and add 5 ml of acid stannous chloride solution. Set the apparatus aside at room temperature
for a period of 10 minutes, then add 25 ml of water and 1.5 g of granulated zinc (in No. 20
powder), and proceed as directed under the standard stain. Remove the mercuric bromide test
paper, and compare the stain upon it with the standard stain. The stain produced by the
chemical test does not exceed the standard stain in length or intensity of colour indicating not
more than 10 parts of arsenic trioxide per million parts of the substance being tested.

Interfering Chemicals
Antimony: if present in the substance being tested produces a grey stain.

Sulphites, sulphides; thiosulpahtes and other compounds that liberate hydrogen sulphide or
sulphur dioxide when treated with sulphuric acid must be oxidized by means of nitric acid
and then reduced by means of sulphur dioxide as directed under. The Preparation before they
are placed in the apparatus.

Select all the reagents for this test to have as low a content as practicable, and store all
reagent solutions in containers of borosilicate glass. Rinse thoroughly all glassware with
warm dilute nitric acid (1 in 2), followed by water.

Special Reagents:

Ammonium cyanide solution:

Dissolve 2 g of potassium cyanide in 15 ml of strong ammonia solution, and dilute with water
to 100 ml.

Ammonia citrate solution:

Dissolve 40 g of citric acid in 90 ml of water. Add 2 or 3 drops of phenol red solution, then
cautiously add stronger ammonia solution until the solution acquires a reddish colour.
Remove any lead that may be present by extracting the solution with 20 ml portions of
Dithizone Extraction Solution (see below), until the dithizone solution retains its orange
green colour.

Diluted standard Lead solution:

Dilute exactly 10 ml of standard lead solution. (Test for heavy metals) (containing 10 mcg of
lead per ml) with sufficient dilute nitric acid (1 in 100) to make 100 ml. This solution
contains 1 mcg of lead per ml.

Dithizone Extraction solution:

Dissolve 30 mg of dithizone in 1000 ml in chloroform, and add 5 ml of alcohol. Store the

solution in a refrigterator.

Before use, shake a suitable volume of the Dithizone extraction solution with about half its
volume of dilute nitric acid (1 in 100), discarding the nitric acid.

Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride Solution:

Dissolve 20 g of hydroxylamine hydrochloride in sufficient water to make approximately 65

ml. Transfer to a separator, add a few drops of thymol blue indicator, then add stronger
ammonia solution until the colour assumes a yellow colour. Add 10 ml of sodium
diethyldithiocarbamate solution (1 in 25), mix and add, allow to stand for five minutes.
Extract this solution with successive 10 to 15 ml portions of chloroform until a 5 ml portion
of the chloroform extract does not assume a yellow colour when shaken with a dilute copper
sulphate solution. Add diluted hydrochloric acid until the solution is pink (if necessary, add 1
or 2 drops more thymol blue indicator), and then dilute with purified water to 100 ml.
Potassium Cyanide Solution:

Dissolve 50 g of potassium cyanide in sufficient purified water to make 100 ml. Remove the
lead from this solution by extraction with successive portions of Dithizone Extraction
solution, as described under Ammonium Citrate solution above, then extract any dithizone
remaining in the cyanide solution by shaking with chloroform. Finally dilute the cyanide
solution with sufficient water so that each 100 ml contains 10 g of potassium cyanide.

Standard Dithizone Solution:

Dissolve 10 mg of dithizone in 1000 ml of chloroform. Keep the solution in a glass—

stoppered, lead-free bottle, suitably wrapped to protect it from light, and store in a

Procedure: Transfer the volume of the prepared sample directed in the monograph to a
separator, and unless otherwise directed in the monograph add 6 ml of ammonium citrate
solution, 2 ml of potassium cyanide solution and 2 ml of hydroxylamine hydrochloride
solution (For the determination of lead in iron salts use 10 ml of ammonium citrate solution).
Add 2 drops of phenol red solution, and make the solution just alkaline (red in colour) by the
addition of stronger ammonia solution. Immediately extract the solution with 5 ml portions of
Dithizone Extraction solution draining off each extract into another separator, until the
dithizone solution retains its green colour. Shake the combined dithizone solutions for 30
seconds with 20 ml of dilute nitric acid (1 in 100), and discard the chloroform layer. Add to
the acid solution 50 ml of standard Dithizone solution and 4 ml of ammonia cyanide solution,
and shake for 30 seconds, the colour of the chloroform layer is of no deeper shade of violet
than that of a control made with a volume of Diluted standard Lead solution equivalent to the
amount of Lead permitted in the sample under examination, and the same quantities of the
same reagents and in the same manner as the test with the sample.


The Heavy Metals Test is designed to determine the content of those metallic impurities in
official substances that are coloured by hydrogen sulphide under the conditions of the test. In
substances the proportion of any such impurity is expressed as the quantity of lead required to
produce a colour of equal depth as in a standard comparison solution, this quantity being
stated as the Heavy Metals Limit expressed as parts of lead per million parts of the substance
(by weight). Reagents and solutions used in this test are designated as ‘Sp’.


Dilute Acetic Acid Sp:

Dilute acetic acid which complies with the following additional test—Evaporate 20 ml in a
porcelain dish nearly to dryness on a water-bath. Add to the residue 2 ml of the acid and
dilute with water to 2 ml; then add to 10 ml of solution of hydrogen sulphide. Any dark
colour produced is not darker than a control made with 0.04 mg of Pb and 2 ml of the dilute
acetic acid (2 parts per million).
Hydrochloric Acid Sp:

Hydrochloric acid which complies with the following additional test—Evaporate 17 ml of the
acid in a breaker to dryness on a water-bath. Dissolve the residue in 2 ml of dilute acetic acid
Sp; dilute to 40 ml with water and add 10 ml of solution of hydrogen sulphide, any darkening
produced is not greater than in a blank to which 0.02 mg of Pb has been added (1 part per

Acetic Acid Sp.:

Acetic acid which complies with the following additional test: Make 25 ml alkaline with
dilute ammonia solution Sp., add 1 ml of solution of potassium cyanide Sp., dilute to 50 ml
with water, and add two drops of solution of sodium sulphide, no darkening is produced.

Dilute Ammonia Solution Sp.:

Dilute ammonia solution which complies with the following additional test—To 20 ml add 1
ml of solution of potassium cyanide Sp., dilute to 50 ml with water, and add two drops of
solution of sodium sulphide, no darkening is produced.

Stock Solution of Lead Nitrate:

Dissolve 159.8 mg of lead nitrate in 100 ml of water to which has been added 1 ml of nitric
acid, then dilute to 1000 ml with water. This solution must be prepared and stored in glass
containers free from soluble lead salts.

Standard Lead Solution:

Dilute to 10 ml of the stock solution of lead nitrate accurately measured, to 100 ml with
water. This solution must be freshly prepared. Each ml of this standard lead solution contains
the equivalent of 0.01 mg of lead. When 0.1 ml of standard lead solution is employed to
prepare the solution to be compared with a solution of 1 g of the substance being tested, the
comparison solution thus prepared contains the equivalent of 1 part of lead per million parts
of the substance being tested.

Bromide Solution Sp.:

Bromine 30 g

Potassium bromide 30 g

Water, sufficient quantity to produce 100 ml

Dissolve and mix. Evaporate 10 g in a porcelain dish to dryness on a water-bath. Add 10 ml

of water and again evaporate to dryness. Repeat the process till all the bromine is driven off.
Add 10 ml of water and 2 ml of dilute acetic acid Sp. And make up to 25 ml with water. Add
10 ml of solution of hydrogen sulphide; the resulting solution is not darker than a blank to
which 0.01 mg of Pb has been added.
Procedure for Testing Chemicals:

Solution A: Introduce into a 50 ml Nessler tube 2 ml of dilute acetic acid Sp. and exactly the
quantity of the standard lead solution containing the lead equivalent of the heavy metals limit
specified for the substance to be tested and make up to 20 ml with water.

Solution B: This consists of 25 ml of solution prepared for this test according to the specific
directions in each monograph.

Transfer solution A and B to matching 50 ml Nesslers tubes and add 10 ml of solution of

hydrogen sulphide to each tube, mix, allow to stand for ten minutes then view downwards
over a white surface, the column of Solution B is no darker than that of Solution A.


Take about 2 or 3 g, accurately weighed of the ground drug in a tared platinum or silica dish
previously ignited and weighed. Scatter the ground drug in a fine even layer on the bottom of
the dish. Incinerate by gradually increasing the heat, not exceeding dull red heat until free
from carbon, cool and weigh. If a carbon-free ash cannot be obtained in this way, exhaust the
charred mass with hot water, collect the residue on an ashless filter-paper, incinerate the
residue and filter paper, add the filtrate, evaporate to dryness and ignite at a low temperature.
Calculate the percentage of ash with reference to the air-dried drug.


Take about 2 or 3 g of the drug, accurately weighed, moisten with sulphuric acid, ignite
gently, again moisten with sulphuric acid, re-ignite, cool and weigh. Calculate the percentage
of sulphated ash with reference to the air-dried drug.


Take a quantity of the powered substance which may be expected to yield a residue of about
0.001g. weigh accurately, and proceed as directed for the ‘Determination of Ash’ as
mentioned above.


Boil the ash for five minutes with 25 ml of water; Collect the insoluble matter in a Gooch
crucible, or on an ashless filter-paper; wash with hot water, and ignite to constant weight, at a
low temperature. Subtract the weight of insoluble matter from the weight of the ash; the
difference in weight represents the water-soluble ash. Calculate the percentage of water-
soluble ash with reference to the air-dried drug.



Gravimetric Method:

Loss in Drying : Unless otherwise directed in the monograph, conduct the determination on 1
to 2 g of the sample, accurately weighed. If the sample is in the form of large crystals, reduce
the particle size to about 2 mm by quickly crushing. Take a glass-stoppered, shallow
weighing bottle that has been dried for 30 minutes under the same conditions to be employed
in the determination. Put the sample in the bottle, replace the cover, and weigh the bottle and
the contents. By gentle, sidewise shaking distribute the sample as evenly as practicable to a
depth of about 5 mm generally, and not over 10 mm in the case of bulky materials. Place the
loaded bottle in the drying chamber, removing the stopper and leaving it also in the chamber,
and dry the sample at the temperature and for the time specified in the monograph. Upon
opening the Chamber, close the bottle promptly and allow it to come to room temperature
before weighing.

If the substance melts at a lower temperature than that specified for the determination of Loss
on drying, expose the bottle with its contents for 1 to 2 hours to a temperature 5° to 10°
below the melting temperature, then dry at the specified temperature.


Procedure set forth here determines the amount of volatile matter (i.e., water drying off from
the drug). For substances appearing to contain water as the only volatile constituent the
procedure given below, is approximately used.

Place about 10g of drug (without preliminary drying) after accurately weighing (accurately
weighed to within 0.01 gm) it in a tared evaporating dish. For example, for underground or
unpowered drugs, prepare about 10 g. of the “Official-Sample” (also see method of Official-
sampling) by cutting, shredding, so that the parts are about 3 mm in thickness.

Seeds and fruits smaller than 3 mm should be cracked. Avoid the use of high speed mills in
preparing the samples, and exercise care that no appreciable amount of moisture is lost during
preparation and that the portion taken representative of the Official sample. After placing the
above said amount of the drug in the tared evaporating dish, dry at 105° for 5 hours, and
weigh. Continue the drying and weighing at one hour interval until difference between two
successive weighings corresponds to not more than 0.25 per cent. Constant weight is reached
when two consecutive weighings after drying for 30 minutes and cooling for 30 minutes in an
desiccator, show not more than 0.01 g difference.
Method of Official sampling:

It is recommended that gross sample of vegetable drugs in which the component parts are
over 1 cm in any dimension, be taken by hand. When the total weight of the drug to be
sampled is less than 100 kg, at least 500 g shall constitute an Official-sample, and this shall
be taken from different parts of the container, or containers. When the total weight of the
drug to be sampled is in excess of 100 kg., several samples shall be taken by means of a
sample that removes a core from top to the bottom of the container, and mixed and quartered,
two of the diagonal quarters being rejected, and the remaining two quarters being combined
and carefully mixed, and again subjected to a quartering process in the same manner until two
of the quarters weigh not less than 500 g which later quarters shall constitute an official-

When the total weight of the drug to be sampled is less than 10 kg., it is recommended that
the above described method be followed, but that somewhat smaller quantities be withdrawn
and in no case shall be the final Official-sample weigh less than 125 g.

The word “Official-sample” used is synonymous with the “Pharmacopoeial.” The correct
sampling is an essential part or a link of a procedure towards correct standardization.


Mascerate 5g of the air-dried drug, coarsely powdered, with 100 ml of alcohol of the
specified strength in a closed flask for twenty four hours shaking frequently during six hours
and allowing to stand for eighteen hours. Filter rapidly taking precautions against loss of
alcohol, evaporate 25 ml of the filtrate to dryness in a tared flat-bottomed, shallow dish, dry
at 105°, and weigh. Calculate the percentage of alcohol-soluble extractive with reference to
the air-dried drug.


Method I: Proceeds as directed for the determination of alcohol soluble extractive using
chloroform water instead of alcohol.

Method II: Add 5g to 50 ml of water at 88° in a stoppered flask. Shake well and allow to
stand for ten minutes; cool to 15° and add 2 g of Kieselguhr filter. Transfer 5 ml of the filtrate
to a tared evaporating basin 7.5 cm in diameter, evaporate the solvent on a water-bath,
continue drying for half an hour, finally dry in a steam oven for two hours and weigh the
residue. Calculate the percentage of water soluble extractive with reference to the air-dried


The term ‘total solids’ is applied to the residue obtained when the prescribed amount of the
preparation is dried to constant weight under the conditions specified below.

Apparatus: Shallow, flat bottomed flanged dishes about 75 mm in diameter and about 25
mm deep, made of nickel or other suitable metal of high heat conductivity and which is not
affected by boiling water.

Method: Weigh accurately or measure an accurate quantity of the preparation approximately

equal to the quantity stated in the Table and place in a tared dish, evaporate at as low a
temperature as possible until the alcohol is removed, and heat on a water-bath until the
residue is apparently dry. Transfer to an oven and dry to constant weight at 105°. Owing to
the hygroscopic nature of certain residues, it may be necessary to use dishes provided with
well-fitting covers and to cool in an efficient desicator.



I. Measure a definite quantity of the test liquid into round-bottomed 200 to 250 ml flask. If
the liquid contains upto 20 per cent of alcohol take for determination 75 ml; from 20 to 50
percent-50 ml, and from 50 per cent and more -25 ml.

In the case the test liquid contains volatile matter it should undergo a preliminary treatment
viz., if the liquid contains volatile acids, neutralize them with an alkali solution; if it contains
volatile bases neutralize them with phosphoric or sulphuric acid.

Liquids containing free iodine are treated, before distillation with zinc in form of powder or
with a small quantity of dry sodium thio-sulphate until decolourization of the liquid. To bind
the volatile sulphurous compounds add some drops of sodium hydroxide solution.

In case the liquid contains ether, essential oils, chloroform, camphor, etc., add in a separating
funnel an equal volume of saturated sodium chloride solution and an identical volume of
petroleum ether (b.p. 40° to 50°). Shake the mixture for 2 to 3 minutes. Wait until the layers
have separated, the aqueous alcohol layer into another separating funnel and treat once more
with half the quantity of petroleum ether. Run the alcohol-water layer into a distillation flask,
and shake the combined petroleum ether liquids with half the quantity of saturated sodium
chloride solution, which is then added to the liquid in the distillation flask. Draw in air
through the liquid for half a minute to remove the last traces of petroleum ether.

If the liquid contains less than 30 per cent of alcohol, the salting out should be done with dry
sodium chloride using 10 g instead of its solution.

Before distillation dilute the test liquid with water to a total volumes of 75 ml.

Use tightly fitting rubber stoppers for the distillation flask and condenser. The receiver should
be immersed in a vessel with cold water.

To ensure uniform boiling, place in the flask containing the liquid-some capillaries, pumice-
stone or small pieces of porcelain.

If the liquid foams vigorously, when distilled, add phosphoric or sulphuric acid (2 to 3 ml) or
calcium chloride, paraffin or wax (2 to 3 g).

Collect 48 ml of the distillate in the receiver (50 ml volumetric flask), being its temperature
to 20° and make up with water to the mark. The distillate must be clear or slightly turbid.

Specific gravity of the distillate is determined pyknometrically and corresponding alcohol

contents in per cent by volume read off in the alcoholometric tables.

Calculate the alcohol content of the preparation in per cent by volume from the formula
Where ‘X’ is the alcohol contents of the preparation.

‘50’ the volume of the distillate in milliliters,

‘a’ the alcohol contents of the distillate.

‘b’ the volume of the test liquid taken for distillation.

II. The determination of alcohol content of tinctures is also carried out by the boiling point
temperature. This procedure is based on the fact that the temperature of tinctures at boiling
differs very little from the boiling point of the corresponding aqueous alcohol solution.

The apparatus for determination of the boiling point of tinctures consists of a vessel for
boiling (1), a tube with a side branch (2), a condenser (3), and a laboratory mercury
thermometer with scale division of 0.1° covering
the range from 50° to 100°. (4) (figure)

Pour 40 to 50 ml of the tincture into a vessel for

boiling; ensure uniform boiling; add some small
pieces of ignited porcelain or pumice-stone. The
thermometer is to be inserted in the tube so that the
mercury bulb should be immersed into the liquid for
more than its half.

Heat continuously on a wire-gauge using a micro-

burner or an electric stove with a rheostat. When the
tincture has reached a temperature of 60° to 70°
continue to heat slowly.

5 to 10 minutes after the beginning of boiling when

the temperature of the tincture becomes constant,
read off the temperature with an accuracy to within

Bring the result received to a standard pressure. If

the barometer readings differ from the standard
pressure (760 mm), a correction should be Figure. Apparatus for
introduced for the difference between the observed quantitative determination of
and standard pressures, namely 0.1° for every 27 alcohol
mm. At pressure below 760 mm the correction is to
be added to the observed temperature, and at pressures above 760 mm it is to be substracted.

The alcohol content is determined in per cent by volume according to billing-point given in
the table shown.
Table for the determination of alcohol concentration in aqueous alcohol mixtures according
to boiling point at standard pressure (760 mm).


Boiling Percent Boiling Percent Boiling Percent Boiling Percent

Point °C of alco- point °C of alco- point °C of alco- point °C of alco-
hol by hol by hol by hol by
Volume volume volume volume

99.3 1 87.1 25 82.9 49 80.5 73

98.3 2 86.8 26 82.8 50 80.4 74
97.4 3 86.6 27 82.7 51 80.3 75
96.6 4 86.4 28 82.6 52 80.2 76
96.0 5 86.1 29 82.5 53 80.1 77
95.1 6 85.9 30 82.4 54 80.0 78
94.3 7 85.6 31 82.3 55 79.9 79
93.7 8 85.6 32 82.2 56 79.8 80
93.0 9 85.2 33 82.1 57 79.7 81
92.5 10 85.0 34 82.0 58 79.6 82
92.0 11 84.9 35 81.9 59 79.5 83
91.5 12 84.6 36 81.8 60 79.45 84
91.1 13 84.4 37 81.7 61 79.4 85
90.7 14 84.3 38 81.6 62 79.3 86
90.5 15 84.2 39 81.5 63 79.2 87
90.0 16 84.1 40 81.4 64 79.1 88
89.5 17 83.9 41 81.3 65 79.0 89
89.1 18 83.8 42 81.2 66 78.85 99
88.8 19 83.7 43 81.1 67 78.8 91
88.5 20 83.5 44 81.0 68 78.7 92
88.1 21 83.3 45 80.9 69 78.6 93
87.8 22 83.2 46 80.8 70 78.5 94
87.5 23 83.1 47 80.7 71 78.3 95
87.2 24 83.0 48 80.6 72 - -



The degree of coarseness or fineness of a power is differentiated and expressed by the size of
the mesh off save through which the powder is able to pass.

The following terms are used in the description of powers:

Coarse Power (10/44) : A powder of which all the particles pass through a No 10 sieve, and
not more than 40.0 per cent through a No 44 sieve.

Moderately Coarse powder (22/60): A powder of which all the particles pass through a No.
22 sieve and not more than 40.0 per cent through a No 60 sieve.

Moderately Fine powder (44/85): A powder of which all the particles pass through a No 44
sieve, and not more than 40.0 per cent through a No. 85 sieve,

Fine Powder (85): A powder of which all the particles pass through a No. 85 sieve.

Very Fine powder: A powder of which all the particles pass through a silky sieve in which
not less than 120 meshes are included in a length of 2.54 cm in each transverse direction
paralled to the threads.

When the fineness of a powder is described by means of a number, it is intended that all the
particles of the powder shall pass through the sieve distinguished by that number.

When a batch of a vegetable drug is being ground and sifted, no portion of the drug shall be
rejected; but it is permissible to withhold, the final tailings, if an approximately equal amount
of tailings from a preceding batch of the same drug has been added before grinding.

The wire sieves, used in sifting powdered drugs, are distinguished by numbers which indicate
the number of meshes included in a length of 2.54 cm in each transverse direction parallel to
the wires.


The sieves are made of wires of uniform circular cross-section, in accordance with the
following specifications:


Number of Nominal Nominal Standard Approxi- Aperture

Sieve Size of Diameter Wire Tolerance
Aperture of Wire gauge Screening Average
In mm in mm Area
per cent per cent

1 2 3 4 5 6

6 3.812 1.422 17 44 3.2

8 2.057 1.118 18.5 42 3.3
10 1.676 0.864 20.5 44 3.3
22 0.699 0.457 26 36 4.0
25 0.599 0.417 27 35 4.2
30 0.500 0.345 29 35 4.4
36 0.422 0.284 31.5 36 4.6
44 0.353 0.224 34.5 38 4.8
60 0.251 0.173 37 35 5.3
85 0.178 0.122 40 35 6.9
100 0.152 0.102 42 36 6.2
200 0.076 0.051 47 36 8.0

Perforated plate

Nominal size of Place Thickness Nominal Screening Aperture

Aperture in mm Width of Area Tolerance
Bridge in Average
B.G. mm mm Per cent Per cent

7.94 18 1.257 2.8 55 0.58



Almond Oil

Synonym: Expressed Almond oil.

Almond oil is the fixed oil obtained by pressure from the kernels of varieties of Prunus
amygdale Batsch (Family-Rosaceae), without the application of heat.

Description: A pale-yellow, non-drying oil; odour slight and characteristic; taste, bland and
nutty. It is slightly soluble in alcohol; miscible with solvent ether and with chloroform. Its
specific gravity is 0.915 at 20°. It is composed mainly of olein with some linolein but no stear
in present.

Identification: (a) It remains clear after exposure to a temperature of –10° for three hours,
does not congeal until the temperature has been reduced to about –18°.

(b) Refractive Index : 1,470 to 1,473 at 20°.

(c ) Acid Value : Not more than 4.0.

(d) Iodine Value : 95 to 102 (iodine monochloride method).

(f) Saponification Value : 188 to 196.

Apricot kernel oil and reach-kernel oil: Shake 5 ml vigorously for one minute with 1 ml of a
freshly prepared mixture of equal parts by weight of sulphuric acid, fuming nitric acid and
water, keet cool while cautiously mixed; after fifteen minutes the whitish mixture produced
shows no pink colour.

Arachis oil: It responds to the test for the absence of arachis oil in other oils page.

Cottonseed oil : It responds to the test for the absence of cottonseed oil in other oils.

Sesame oil: It responds to the test for the absence of sesame in other oils.

Storage: It should be kept in well-filled, well-closed container.


Synonym: Cera Flava

Yellow bees-wax is secretion formed by the hive-bee. Apis mellifica L, and possibly other
species of Apis (Family-Apidae), and is used by the insect to form the cell, of the
honeycomb. After extraction of the honey, the wax is melted with water separated and

Description: A yellow to grayish brown solid; odour, honey like; faint and characteristic,
somewhat brittle when cold but becoming plastic when warm. It is insoluble in water;
sparingly soluble in cold alcohol; completely soluble in chloroform, ether, and fixed and
volatile oils. Its melting point is 62° to 65°. Contains 70.0 per cent of esters, the chief being
myricyl palmitate.

(a) Acid Value: 17 to 23; determined by the following method.

Dissolve about 5 g accurately weighed, in 20 ml of boiling dehydrated alcohol previously

neutralized to phenolphthalein solution, and titrate with 0.5 N alcoholic potassium hydroxide
using phenolphthalein solution as indicator.

(b) Iodine Value: 8 to 11 (Iodine monochloride method).


Fatty acids, Japan Wax and resin : Boil 5.0 g for 10 minutes with 40 ml of sodium hydroxide
solution and 40 ml of water, replacing the water lost by evaporation, cool, filter the solution
through glass wool, or asbestos, and acidify to litmus paper with hydrochloric acid; no
turbidity is produced.

Ceresin, paraffin and certain other waxes

Boil 1 g for one hour under a reflux condenser with 10 ml of 0.5 N alcoholic potassium
hydroxide and 10 ml of alcohol; detach the flask from the condenser, insert a thermometer,
and allow to cool, stirring constantly; the liquid is clear and homogenous above 61°, but
becomes cloudy between 61° and 59° and precipitation of large flocks occurs at not more
than 2°, below the temperature at which the liquid becomes cloudy.


Chemical Formula : CH2OH. CHOH. CH2OH Mol. Wt. 92.1

Description : A clear colourless, syrupy liquid; odourless; taste sweet followed by a sensation
of warmth. Hygroscopic. It is miscible with water and alcohol; insoluble with solvent ether,
with chloroform, and with fixed oils. When kept for sometimes at a low temperature, it may
solidify, forming a mass of colourless crystals which do not melt until the temperature
reaches about 20°. Its specific gravity is 1.255 to 1.266 at 20°. It is commonly obtained by the
hydrolysis of fats and fixed oils or by synthesis. It contains not less than 98.0 per cent C3H8O3.

Identification :
(a) When heated with potassium hydrogen sulphate gives off irritating vapours.

(b) When heated on a borax lead in a Bunsen flame, it gives a green flame.
(c ) A 10.0 per cent w/v solution is neutral to solution of litmus.

(d) Refractive Index: 1.471 to 1.473 at 20°.

Certain reducing substances : Mix 5 ml with 5 ml of dilute ammonia solution and heat at
60° for five minutes. Add rapidly 0.5 ml of silver nitrate, making the addition from a pipette,
the nozzle of which is kept above the mouth of the tube, and allowing the reagent to fall
directly into the solution without touching the sides of the tube. Mix and allow to stand in the
dark for five minutes; no darkening is produced.

Fatty acids and Esters : Mix 50 g with 100 ml of hot freshly boiled water, add 1 ml of
phenolphthalein solution, and neutralize if alkaline with 0.2 N sulphuric acid. Add 15 ml of
0.2 N sodium hydroxide, boil under a reflux condenser for five minutes, cool and titrate with
0.2 sulphuric acid. Repeat the operation omitting the glycerin and using 140 ml of water. The
difference between the titration is not more than 1.6 ml.

Sucrose : To 4 ml add 6 ml of 1 N sulphuric acid, boil for one minute, cool and neutralize to
litmus paper with sodium hydroxide solution. Add 5 ml and potassium cupritartrate solution
and boil for one minute; no orange-brown colour or precipitate is produced.

Sulphated ash: Heat 50 g until it ignites and allow to burn. Cool the residue moisten with
sulphuric acid and ignite, the residue weighs not more than 5 mg.

Storage : It should be kept in well-closed container.

Lanolin (anhydrous)

Synonmys : Adeps Lanae, Wool-fat.

Lanolin is the purified anhydrous fat-like substance obtained from the wool of the
sheep. Ovis aries (Family : Bovide). The natural grease is extracted from the wool by
scouring with dilute alkali, with which it readily forms an emulsion; the emulsion is acidified
and the woolfat separates as a distinct layer at the surface of the liquid. Purification may be
effected by repeated treatment with water in a centrifuge.

Description : A pale yellow, tenacious, unctuous substance; odour, faint and characteristic. It
is insoluble in water; sparingly soluble in cold alcohol; freely soluble in ether, and in
chloroform. It melts between 36° to 42°. Contains not more than 200 parts per million of
butylated hydroxyanilose or butylated hydroxytoluene.

Identification :
(a) Dissolve 0.5 g in 5 ml of chloroform and add 1 ml of acetic anhydride and 2 drops of
sulphuric acid; a deep green colour is produced.

(b) Acid Value : Not more than 1.

(c ) Iodine Value : 18 to 32 (iodine monochloride method).

(d) Saponification Value : 92 to 106.

Storage : In well-closed container at a temperature not exceeding 30°.

Olive Oil.

It is the fixed oil obtained by expression from the ripe fruits of Olea europaea L, (Family :
Oleaceae), it may be refined.

Description : A pale yellow, or greenish yellow oil; odour, slight, but not rancid; taste,
characteristic. It may be a solid or partly solid at lower temperatures. It is almost insoluble in
alcohol; miscible with solvent ether and chloroform. Its specific gravity is 0.910 to 0.913 at
20°. It contains 70 per cent olein, and the remainder is mostly palmitin.

Identification :

(a) Acid Value : Not more than 2.0.

(b) Iodine Value : 79 to 88 (iodine monochloride method).

(c ) Refractive Index : 1.468 to 1.471, at 20°.

(d) Saponification Value : 190 to 195.

Arachis Oil : It complies with test for the absence arachis oil in other oils.

Cotton-seed Oil : It complies with the test for the absence of cotton-seed of in other oils.

Sesame Oil : Shake with an equal volume of a mixture of 9 parts by volume of alcohol and 1
part by volume of strong ammonia solution, and heat on a water-bath until free from alcohol
and ammonia; the product responds to the test for the absence of sesame oil in other oils.

Storage : It should be kept in well-filled, well-closed container.

Paraffin Soft

It is a semi-solid mixture of hydrocarbons obtained from Petroleum. It is available in two

varieties viz., white paraffin soft and yellow paraffin soft.

White Soft Paraffin

Synonyms : White Petroleum jelly; Paraffinum Molle Album.

Description : A white, translucent mass, unctous to touch; tasteless, and odourless when
rubbed on the skin. It is not more than slightly fluorescent by day light even when melted. It
is almost insoluble in water and in alcohol; soluble in chloroform and solvent ether. Its
specific gravity is 0.815 to 0.88 at 20°. It has a melting point of 38° to 56°. It is obtained by
bleaching yellow soft paraffin.
Reaction : Boil 5 g with 10 ml of alcohol previously neutralized to litmus solution; the
alcohol is neutral to litmus solution.

Foreign organic matter : Volatilses, when heated, without emitting an acrid odour.

Sulphated ash: Not more than 0.1 per cent.

Fixed oil and fats : Digest 10 g with 50 ml of solution of sodium hydroxide at 100° for thirty
minutes and allow the aqueous layer to separate. On acidifying aqueous layer with dilute
sulphuric acid, no precipitate or oily matter is produced.

Yellow Soft Paraffin

Synonyms : Petroleum; paraffinum Molle Flavum.

It is a semi-solid mixture of hydrocarbons from petroleum.

Description : A pale yellow or yellow, translucent, soft mass, unctuous to touch and retaining
these characters on storage and when melted and allowed to cool without stirring, not more
than slightly fluorescent by day light, even when melted; tasteless; odourless when rubbed on
the skin. It is insoluble in water and an alcohol; soluble in chloroform and in solvent ether. Its
specific gravity is 0.815 to 0.880.It melts between 38° to 56°. It is usually separated from
certain crude residual fractions or heavy lubricating oil fractions by chilling, and purified by
hot filtration through fuller’s earth or activated charcoal.

Reaction : It responds to the test described under white paraffin soft.

Foreign organic matter : Volatilises, when heated, without emitting an acrid odour.

Sulphated ash : Not more than 0.1 per cent.

Fixed oils and fats: It responds to the test for ‘fixed oils and fats’ describe under while soft

Paraffin Hard

Synonym : Paraffinum Durum.

It is a mixture of solid hydrocarbons consisting mainly of n-paraffins and, to a lesser extent,

of their isomers.

Description : A colourless or white substance, frequently showing a crystalline structure;

odourless, even when freshly cut; tasteless; slightly greasy to touch. It burns with a luminous
flame. It is insoluble in water and in alcohol; soluble in solvent ether and chloroform. It may
be obtained by distillation from Petroleum, the hard paraffin being separated from the
appropriate fractions by pressing or processes, sweated or refined by clay or acid. It may also
be obtained, in a similar manner from the oil produced in the destructive distillation of shale.
Reaction : Boil 5 g with 10 ml of alcohol (90 per cent) previously neutralized to litmus
solution; the alcohol is neutral to litmus solution.

Melting range : 50° to 57°.

Sulphated ash : Not more than 0.1 per cent.


Synonym : Cetaceum.

Description : A white, somewhat translucent, slightly unctuous masses with a crystalline

fracture; faint odour and a bland, mild taste. It is insoluble in water and cold alcohol; soluble
in boiling alcohol, ether and chloroform. Its specific gravity is 0.95 and melts between 42°
and 50°. It contains not less than 48.0 per cent unsaponifibale matter. It is solid wax obtained
from the mixed oils which are recovered from the head, blubber and carcase of the sperm
whale, Physeter catodon and the bottle nosed whale. On standing a crystalline deposit forms
in the oil. The deposit is separated by filtration, pressed, melted, purified from traces of oil
with dilute sodium hydroxide solution and finally freed from the soap thus produced and free
from excess of alkali.

Identification :

(a) Acid Value : Not more than 1.0.

(b) Iodine Value : Not more than 5 (iodine monochloride method).

(c ) Saponification Value : 120 to 136.

Glycerol: To 10.0 g add 40 ml of alcoholic potassium hydroxide solution and 60 ml of

alcohol, boil under reflux condenser for 30 minutes, cool, add 90 ml of chloroform and 25 ml
of glacial acetic acid, transfer to a 1000 ml volumetric flask, and wash the flask and the
condenser with three successive 125 ml portions of water; to the combined solution and
washing add 500 ml of water; shake vigorously dilute to 1000 ml with water, mix and allow
to separate, add 100 ml of the aqueous layer to 50 ml periodic acid, allow to stand for 30
minutes, add 30 ml of potassium iodide solution, allow to stand for 1 minute, and titrate with
0.1 N sodium thiosulphate, using starch mucilage, adding towards the end of the titration, as
indicator. Repeat the procedure omitting the sample. The difference between the two
titrations is not more than 5.0 ml.

Rosemary oil

Synonym : Oleum Rosmarini.

Description : A colourless or pale yellow liquid; odour characteristic of rosemary; taste,

camphoraceous. It is slightly soluble in alcohol (90 per cent). Its specific gravity is 0.894 to
0.912. It is obtained by distillation from flowering tops or leafy twigs of rosmarinus
officinalis L. (Family-Labiatae), an evergreen shrub indigenous to southern Europe.

Identification :

(a) Optical Rotation : From –5° to +10°. at 20°.

(b) Refractive Index : 1.466 to 1.476 at 20°.

Storage : It should be stored in well-filled air containers, in a cool place protected from light.

Sesame oil

Synonyms : Gingelly oil: til oil; Oleum Sesami; Benne Oil.

It is a fixed oil obtained by expression from the seeds of Sesamum indicum L, (Family:
Pedaliaceae), a plant grown in India and most tropical countries.

Description : A pale yellow, oily liquid; odour, slight; taste, bland. It is slightly soluble with
alcohol; miscible with ether and chloroform. Its specific gravity is 0.916 to 0.919 at 20°. It
contains about 75.0 per cent olein, together with other glycerides.

Identification :

(a) Acid Value : Not more than 2.0.

(b) Iodine Value : 103 to 116 (iodine monochloride method).

(c ) Refractive Index : 1.472 to 1.476 at 20°.

(d) Saponification Value : 188 to 195.

Storage : It should be stored in well-filled air tight containers, in a cool place protected from

Prepared Lard

Description : A white, soft, unctuous mass, faint odour, taste, bland free from rancidity. It is
insoluble in water but readily soluble in ether and chloroform. It melts between 36° and 42°,
forming a clear liquid from which no water separates. It is the purified internal fat of
abdomen of hog’ and contains more olein than beef fat or mutton soup.

Caution : Protect it from conditions favouring rancidity.

Curd Soap

It is a soap separated by salt solution, reheated and mixed with sufficient water to form a
smooth emulsion; run into frames, cooled, and cut into bars or cakes. It usually constitutes the
bar laundry soap. It is frequently high in alkali and usually contains filters such as sodium

Storage : In well-closed containers.

Hard Soap

It is prepared from fats or oils, with sodium hydroxide, and it consists of the sodium salts of
the fatty acids.

Description : A white or whitish flakes or cakes, or yellowish-white powder, odour and free
from rancidity. It is slowly soluble in water and alcohol.

Storage : In well-closed containers.

Soft Soap

Synonym : Sapo Mollis

Description : A soft yellowish-white to green or brown, unctuous; odour characteristic. It is

soluble in water and in alcohol. It is a soap made by the interaction of either potassium
hydroxide or sodium hydroxide with a suitable vegetable oil or oils; or with fatty acids
derived therefrom. The soap, if prepared from oil contains the glycerin formed during
saponification. It yields not less than 44.0 per cent of fatty acids.

Assay : A weighed quantity of the soap (fatty acids, contents should not be less than 44.0 per
cent) is dissolved in water, and solution acidified with dilute sulphuric acid. The liberated
fatty acids are extracted with ether, and the extract is then washed until the washings are
neural to litmus, and then transferred to a weighed flask. The solvent is distilled from a water-
bath, and the residue of the fatty acids is dried to constant weight at 80°.

Synonym: Amylum.

Description: A fine white powder, or irregular angular masses readily reducible to powder;
odourless; taste, slight characteristic. It is insoluble in cold water and in alcohol.

It consists of polysaccharide granules obtained from the grains of maize. Zea mays Linn. Of
rice, Oryza sativa Linn, or of wheat, Triticum oestivum Linn. (Fam : Gramineae), or from the
tubers of the potato, Solanum tuberosum Linn.

Identification: Yields, when boiled with fifteen times of its weight of water and cooled, a
translucent viscous fluid or jelly, which is coloured deep blue by iodine solution; the colour
disappears on warming and reappears on cooling.

Acidity: Add 10 g to 100 ml of alcohol (70 per cent) previously neutralized to

phenolphthalein solution, shake well during one hour, filter, and titrate 50 ml of the filtrate
with 0.1 N sodium hydroxide, using phenolphthalein solution as indicator; not more than 2.0
ml of 0.1 N sodium hydroxide is required.

Iron: Mix 0.5 with 10 ml of water and add 0.5 ml of hydrochloric acid and 0.3 ml of
potassium ferrocyanide solution; the mixture does not become blue within one minute.

Ash: Not more than 0.3 per cent (maize starch ) 0.6 per cent (rice starch), 0.3 per cent (potato
starch), and 0.3 per cent (wheat starch).

Loss on drying: When dried to constant weight at 105°, loses not more than 14.0 per cent of
its weight (maize starch, rice starch and wheat starch) or not more than 20.0 per cent of its
weight (potato starch).

Storage: It should be kept in well-closed container and stored in a cool dry place.

Labelling: The label should indicate the source of it.



Saccharum Lactis


Description: Colourless crystals or crystalline masses, or a white powder; odourless; taste


Solubility: Soluble in 0.5 ml of water and in 170 parts in alcohol. It is insoluble in

chloroform, and in solvent ether.

(i) when heated, it melts, swells up and burns, giving off an odour of burnt sugar and leaving
a bulky carbonaceous residue.

(ii) Hydrolyse a 5 per cent solution in water by boiling with 0.1N sulphuric acid and
neutralize with a solution of 0.1 per cent sodium hydroxide. Add a potassium cupritartarate
solution and heat; a copious red precipitate is produced.

Reaction: A 10 per cent w/v solution is neutral to litmus.

Reducing sugars: Dissolve 10 g in 20 ml of water and heat to 30° with 5 ml of potassium

cupri-tartarate solution; not more than a trace of red or yellow precipitate is produced.
Ultramarine: Dissolve 10 g in 20 ml of hot water; a clear, colourless and odourless solution
is formed which on the subsequent addition of 1 ml of dilute hypophophorous acid, does not
develop an unpleasant odour in one hour.

Sulphated ash: not more than 0.02 per cent.

Hand made and compressed tablets:

(1) Drug content: it should contain the claimed medicine determined by known assay
methods for the concentration manually or by using a suitable instrument Permitted variation
± 5 per cent.

(2) Lactose content: Not less than 94 per cent proximate by TLC using n-butanol: acetic
acid: water (4:1:1 v/v) as mobile phase and aniline phthalatei as spray reagent. Exception can
be where the tablets should contain not less than 34 per cent lactose.

(3) Binder: Not exceeding 3 per cent w/w.

(4) Lubricants: Not exceeding 3.0 per cent w/w.

(5) Insoluble matters: Not exceeding 5.0 per cent w/w.

(6) Absence of sucrose: Absence of corresponding spot when TLC is done under same
condition as given in the lactose content.

(7) Absence of starch: To be determined by negative starch-iodine test.

(8) Talc: Should give negative test for magnesium silicate.

(9) Chalk: Should give negative tests for carbonates and calcium except in calcarea group of
drugs where the calcium content should be proportionate/matching to claimed calcium as

(10) Kaolin: Should give negative tests for aluminium.

(11) Dissintegration/Dissolution time: Compressed tablets should pass the tests for
disintegration time within five minutes.

(12) Ash value: Hand made tablets (TT)—not exceeding 0.1 per cent w/w.
Compressed tablets—not exceeding 0.5 per cent w/w.

(13) Weight variation: weigh 20 tablets and find out average weight. When weighed singly,
not more than two of the tablets should deviate from the average weight by 10 per cent.

(14) Disintegration/Dissolution: Unless otherwise stated the tablets should comply with
disintegration tests.
Disintegration test:

Apparatus: A glass or suitable plastic tube 80—100—mm long, with an internal diameter of
about 28 mm and an external diameter of 30 to 31 mm fitted at the lower end with a disc of
rust proof wire gauze complying with the requirements for a No. 10 sieve, is suspended in a
volume of water, having a depth not less than 15cm and at a temperature between 35° and
39°, in such a way that it can be raised and lowered repeatedly in a uniform manner through a
distance of 75mm; at the highest position of the tube, the gauze just breaks the surface of the
water and at the lowest position the upper rim of the remains clear of the water. The tube
may be manipulated by hand or mechanically.

Guided disc: This consists of a disc of a suitable plastic material, about 26 mm in diameter
and 2 mm thick; the lower surface is flat and the upper surface has three holes equally spaced
and 10mm from the center. In each hole stainless steel wire of no. 22 standard wire gauze is
secured at a right angle to the plane of the disc and at the end of each wire is turned out
radically and secured to a guide ring 27 mm in diameter, made of similar material. The guide
ring is coaxial with the disc from a parallel plane at distance of 15 mm from the upper surface
of the disc. The difference between diameter of the disc and the internal diameter of the tube
is not more than 2 mm. The total weight of the guided disc is not less than 1.0 g and not more
than 2.1 g.

Method: Place five tablets in the tube. Insert the guided disc above the tablets, in the tube and
raise and lower the tube in such a manner that the complete up and down movement is
repeated thirty times a minute. The tablets are disintegrated when no particles remains above
the gauze which will not readily pass through it. The time required for five tablets to
disintegrate in the manner prescribed is, unless otherwise stated in the monograph, not more
than fifteen minutes.

Whenever the medicated tablets are concerned they should in addition to stated quantity of
drug respond favourably to the standard prescribed for tablets.

Globules :
(1) The contents of globules should be mentioned on the label.

(2) Globules are prepared from pure cane sugar (pharmaceutical grade of cane
sugar/sucrose). It is sometimes made with 80 per cent sucrose and 20 per cent lactose. They
must be white, of uniform size for the claimed size normally designated as numbers (10, 15,
20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 80).

(3) The claimed size is determined as follows:

Lay ten close contact with each other, the space so occupied is measured in millimeters by a
suitable caliper and the measure is designated as numbers. Permitted variation ± 10%.

(4) The globules should be perfectly globular; the diagonal diameters measured with the help
of screw gauge shall not vary more than 10 per cent between them.

(5) Hardness: Globules should not be too soft or too hard.

(6) Solubility: Entirely soluble in water.

(7) Sugar contents: Not less than 99 percent of the claimed amount.

(8) Foreign matters: Globules should not contain any of the following substances:

(a) Flavour (b) Starch (c) Glucose

(d) Glycerine (e) Talc (f) Chalk
(g) Kaolin (h) Antioxidants
(i) Inorganic and synthetic whitening agents.

(9) Porosity: Should be capable of impregnation as evidenced by capacity to absorb 0.1 per
cent, methylene blue solution to the center of the sphere within 30 seconds (cut by a blade to


(a) Determination of Saponification value

The saponification value is the number of mg of potassium hydroxide required to neutralize

the fatty acids, resulting from the complete hydrolysis of 1 g of the oil or fat, when
determined by the following method :

Dissolve 35 to 40 g of potassium hydroxide in 20 ml water, and add sufficient alcohol to

make 1,000 ml. Allow it to stand overnight, and pour off the clear liquor.

Weigh accurately about 2 g of the substance in a tared 250 ml flask, add 25 ml of the
alcoholic solution of potassium hydroxide, attach a reflux condenser and boil on a water-bath
for one hour, frequently rotating the contents of the flask cool and add 1 ml of solution of
phenolphthalein and titrate the excess of alkali with 0.5 N hydrochloric acid. Note the number
of ml required (a) Repeat the experiment with the same quantities of the same reagents in the
manner omitting the substance. Note the number of ml required (b) Calculate the
saponification value from the following formula:—

(b–a) × 0.02805 × 1.000

Saponification Value = ------------------------------------

Where ‘W’ is the weight in g of the substance taken.

(b) Determination of Iodine Value

The Iodine value of a substance is the weight of iodine absorbed by 100 part by weight of the
substance, when determined by one of the following methods:-


Iodine Flasks: The Iodine flasks have a nominal capacity of 250 ml.


Iodine Monochloride Method—Place the substance accurately weighed, in dry iodine flask,
add 10 ml of carbon tetrachloride, and dissolve. Add 20 ml of iodine monochloride solution,
insert the stopper, previously moistened with solution of potassium iodine and allow to stand
in a dark place at a temperature of about 17° or thirty minutes. Add 15 ml of solution of
potassium iodine and 100 ml water; shake, and titrate with 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate, using
solution of starch as indicator. Note the number of ml required (a). At the same time carry out
the operation in exactly the same manner, but without the substance being tested, and note the
number of ml of 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate required (b).
Calculate the iodine value from the formula:—

(b–a) × 0.01269 × 100

Iodine value = -------------------------------------

Where ‘W’ is the weight in g of the substance taken.

The approximate weight, in g, of the substance to be taken may be calculated by dividing 20

by the highest expected iodine value. If more than half the available halogen is absorbed, the
test must be repeated, a smaller quantity of the substance being used.

Iodine Monochloride Solution: The solution may be prepared by either of the two following

(1) Dissolve 13 g of iodine in a mixture of 300 ml of carbon tetrachloride and 700 ml of

glacial acetic acid. To 20 ml of this solution, add 15 ml of solution of potassium iodide and
100 ml of water, and titrate the solution with 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate. Pass chlorine,
washed and dried, through the remainder of the iodine solution until the amount of 0.1 N
sodium thiosulphate required for the titration is approximately, but more than, doubled.

(2) Iodine Trichloride 8g

Iodine 9g
Carbon Tetrachloride 300 ml
Glacial Acetic Acid, sufficient to produce 1000 ml

Dissolve the iodine trichloride in about 200 ml of glacial acetic acid, dissolve the iodine in
the carbon tetrachloride, mix the two solutions, and add sufficient glacial acetic acid to
produce 1000 ml/

Iodine Monochloride Solution should be kept in a stoppered bottle, protected from light and
stored in a cool place.

Pyridine Bromide Method: Place the substance, accurately weighed, in a dry iodine flask,
add 10 ml of carbon tetrachloride and dissolve. Add 25 ml of pyridine bromide solution,
allow to stand for ten minutes in a dark place and complete the determination described under
iodine monochloride method, beginning with the words. Add 15 ml.

The approximate weight in gram, of the substance to be taken may be calculated by dividing
12.5 by the highest expected iodine value. If more than half the available halogen is absorbed
the test must be repeated, a small quantity of the substance being used.


Pyridine Bromide Solution: Dissolve 8 g pyridine and 10 g of sulphuric acid in 20 ml of

glacial acetic acid, keeping the mixture cool. Add 8 g of bromine dissolved in 20 ml of
glacial acetic acid and dilute to 100 ml with glacial acetic acid.
Pyridine Bromide Solution should be freshly prepared.

(c ) Determination of Acid Value:

The acid value is the number of mg potassium hydroxide required to neutralize the free acid
in 1 g of the substance, when determined by the following method:—

Weigh accurately about 10 g of the substance (1 to 5) in the case of a resin into a 250 ml flask
and add 50 ml of a mixture of equal volumes of alcohol and solvent ether which has been
neutralized after the addition of 1 ml of solution of phenolphthalein. Heat gently on a water-
bath, if necessary until the substance has completely melted, titrate with 0.1 N potassium
hydroxide, shaking constantly until a pink colour which persists for fifteen seconds is
obtained. Note the number of ml required. Calculate the acid value from the following

a × 0.00561 × 1000
Acid Value = --------------------------------

Where ‘a’ is the number of ml of 0.1 N potassium hydroxide required and ‘w’ is the weight in
g of the substance taken.


Boil 1 ml of the oil in a small flask under reflux condenser with 5 ml of 1.5 N alcoholic
potassium hydroxide for ten minutes. Add 50 ml of alcohol (70 per cent) and 0.8 ml of
hydrochloric acid.

Cool with a thermometer in the liquid with continuous stirring so that the temperature falls by
about 1° per minute. Note the temperature at which turbidity appears. No turbidity appears
above 4° for Almond Oil, above 11° for Maize Oil or above 9° for Olive Oil.

If turbidity is formed above the specified temperature, carry out the following test:—

Boil 5 g of the oil in a 200 ml conical flask with 25 ml of 1.5 N alcoholic potassium
hydroxide for ten minutes under a reflux condenser. To the hot solution add 7.5 ml of acetic
acid and 100 ml of alcohol (70 per cent) containing 1 ml of hydrochloric acid. Maintain the
temperature for an hour at 12° to 14°. Filter and wash with the same mixture of alcohol (70
percent) and hydrochloric acid at 17° to 19°, the precipitate being broken up occasionally by
means of a platinum wire bent into a loop. The washing is continued, until the washings give
no turbidity with water. Dissolve the precipitate according to its bulk in 27 to 70 ml of hot
alcohol (90 per cent), cool, and allow it to stand at 15° for three hours. If no crystals appear,
arachis oil is absent. If any crystals appear, filter, and wash at 15° with about half the volume
of alcohol (90 per cent), used for crystallization, and finally with 50 ml of alcohol (70 per
cent). Dissolve the crystals in warm solvent ether, and dry at 105°. The melting point is lower
than 71; Recrystallise from a small quantity of alcohol (90 per cent); the melting point, after
drying at 105° remains lower than 71°.


Mix in a stout glass tube, having a capacity of not less than 15 ml 2.5 ml of the oil with 2.5
ml of a mixture of equal volumes of amyl alcohol and carbon disulphide, the latter containing
1 per cent w/v of precipitated sulphur in solution. Close the tube securely and immerse into
one-third of its depth in boiling water; no pink or red colour develops in half an hour.


Shake 2ml of the oil with 1 ml of hydrochloric acid, containing 1 per cent w/v of sucrose, and
set aside for five minutes; the acid layer is not coloured pink or, if a pink colour appears, it is
not deeper than that obtained by repeating the test with the same quantities of the reagent in
the same manner omitting sucrose.


To 1 ml of the oil in a dry test tube, add 5 ml of chloroform. Add bromine dropwise until the
mixture becomes deep red in colour (about 1 ml of bromine is usually required) and cool the
test-tube a little in iced water. Add alcohol (90 per cent) dropwise while shaking the mixture
until the precipitate which first forms just dissolves (when the amount of linseed oil present is
large, precipitate does not dissolve completely); in general 1.3 to 1.5 ml of alcohol (90 per
cent) is usually required. Then, add 10 ml of sulphuric acid, mix and place the tube in iced
water for half-an-hour. Pure mustard oil remains absolutely clear, whereas the presence of
even traces of linseed oil gives almost instant turbidity, and a flocculent precipitate forms in
about half-an-hour which settles at the bottom.

∗ Two parts are taken because of loss by evaporation during trituration.


Element Symbol Atomic Weight

Aluminium Al 26.9815
Antimony Sb 121.75
Arsenic As 74.9216
Barium Ba 137.34
Bismuth Bi 208.980
Boron B 10.811
Bromine Br 79.909
Cadmium Cd 112.40
Calcium Ca 40.08
Carbon C 12.01115
Cerium Ce 140.12
Chlorine Cl 35.453
Chromium Cr 51.996
Cobalt Co 58.9332
Copper Cu 63.546
Flourine F 18.9984
Gold Au 196.967
Helium He 4.0026
Hydrogen H 1.00797
Iodine I 126.9044
Iron Fe 55.847
Lanthanum La 138.91
Lead Pb 207.19
Lithium Li 6.939
Magnesium Mg 24.305
Manganese Mn 54.9380
Mercury Hg 200.59
Molybdenum Mo 95.94
Nitrogen N 14.0067
Oxygen O 15.9994
Phosphorus P 30.9738
Platinum Pt 195.09
Potassium K 39.102
Ruthenium Ru 101.07
Selenium Se 78.96
Silicon Si 28.086
Silver Ag 107.870
Sodium Na 22.9898
Sulphur S 32.064
Tin Sn 118.69
Titanium Ti 47.90
Tungsten W 183.85
Uranium U 283.03
Vanadium V 50.942
Zine Zn 65.37
Zirconium Zr 91.22


Boil a convenient quantity of alcohol, (90 percent) thoroughly to expel carbon dioxide
and neutralize it to solution of phenolphthalein. Weigh accurately about 2 g of the oil or ester,
and dissolve in 5 ml of the neutralized alcohol contained in a hard glass flask, and neutralize
the free acid in the solution with 0.1 N alcoholic potassium hydroxide using 0.2 ml of
solution of phenolphthalein as indicator. Add 20 ml of 0.5N alcoholic potassium hydroxide,
attach the flask, to a reflux condenser, boil on a water-bath for one hour, add 20 ml of water,
and titrate the excess of alkali with 0.5N sulphuric acid, using a further 0.2 ml of solution of
phenolphthalein as indicator. Repeat the experiment with the same quantities of the same
reagents in the same manner, omitting the oil or ester. The difference between the titration is
equivalent to the alkali required to saponfy the esters.
Each ml of 0.5N alcoholic potassium hydroxide is equivalent to .
0.1061 g of benzyl benzoate
0.09815 g of bornyl acetate.
0.06959 g of dibutyl phthalate
0.1553 g of ethyl oleate.
0.03637 g of glyceryl triacetate.
0.09915 g of methyl acetate.
0.07608 g of methyl salicylate.
0.01312 g of Santalyl acetate.


The ester value of a substance is the number of mg of potassium hydroxide required

to neutralize the acids resulting from the complete hydrolysis of one g of substance.

The Ester Value is determined by the method described for the

determination of esters, and is calculated from the following formula
Easter value = mx28.05
where m = volume, in ml, of 0.5N alcoholic potassium hydroxide required to saponify
the esters, and w = weight, in g, of substance taken.



Alcohol content of homoeopathic tinctures should be carried out by the method as directed
against the individual drug using the suggested apparatus. The apparatus employed consists
of a round-bottomed 500 ml flask (A) fitted with a distillation head (B) with a steam trap and
attached to a vertical condenser (C) (see figure). The latter is fitted as its lower part with a
tapered tube (D) which carries the distillate into a 100 ml or 200 ml volumetric flask. The
volumetric flask is immersed in a water-ice mixture (E) during the distillation. A disc having
a circular aperture 6 cm in diameter is placed under the flask (A) to reduce the risk of
charring of any dissolved substances.

Method 1:
Transfer 25.0 ml of the tincture measured at 25° to the distillation flask. Dilute with 100 to
150 ml of water and add a few pieces of pumica. Attach the distillation head and condenser.
Distil and collect not less than 90 ml of the distillate in a 100 ml volumetric flask. Adjust the
temperature at 25° and dilute with water at 25° to 100 ml. Determine the specific gravity at
25° with a specific gravity bottle or a pyenometer.

Read out the percentage v/v of the alcohol from the table.

When the distillate contains steam-volatile substances other than alcohol, it will be usually
then turbid or contain oily drops, proceed by Method III. When steam volatile acids are
present make the solution just alkaline with 1N sodium hydroxide, using solid
phenolphthalein as indicator before final distillation.

Method II:
Transfer 25.0 ml of the tincture to a separating funnel, add another 100 ml of water. Saturate
the solution with sufficient amount of sodium chloride. Add about 100 ml of petroleum ether
(40—60°) and shake vigorously for two to three minutes. Allow the mixture to stand for 15 to
30 minutes, and run the lower layer into a distillation flask. Wash the light petroleum in the
separating funnel by shaking vigorously with two quantities each of about 25 ml of saturated
solution of sodium chloride. Run the washings into the flask. Make the mixture alkaline with
1N sodium hydroxide using solid phenolphthalein as indicator, add a little pumica powder
and 100 ml of water, and determine the amount of ethyl alcohol by Method I, commencing at
the words “Attach the distillation head…..”.

Method III :
Transfer 25 ml of the tincture to the distillation flask. Dilute with 100 to 150 ml of water, and
add a little pumica powder. Connect the distillation head and condenser and distil about 100
ml. Transfer to a separating funnel and determine the content of ethyl alcohol by Method II
commencing at the words “Saturate the solution with…”.

Final distillate should be free from Methanol and Isopropanol

Test for Methanol:
Adjust the distillate to a content of about 10 per cent v/v of ethyl alcohol by diluting with
water or by the addition of 90 per cent v/v
alcohol. To 5 ml of the solution add 2 ml of
potassium permanganate and phosphoric
acid solution. Allow to stand for 10 minutes
and add 2 ml of oxalic acid and sulphuric
acid solution. The solution is colourless.
Add 5 ml of decolourised fuchsin solution
and allow to stand for 30 minutes at a
temperature between 15° and 30°. No
colourisation is produced.

Test of Isopropanol :
To 1 ml of distillate, add 2 ml of mercuric
sulphate solution and heat to boiling. No
precipitate is formed.

Figure. Apparatus for Determination of Alcohol

Content (Dimensions in mm)

Relative density of the distillate, Ethanol content (percent v/v

measured in air of the preparation at 20º

0.9710 95.75
0.9720 92.15
0.9730 88.52
0.9740 84.80
0.9750 81.09
0.9760 77.29
0.9770 73.50
0.9780 69.78
0.9790 66.10
0.9800 62.47
0.9810 58.88
0.9820 55.33
0.9830 51.77
0.9840 48.34
0.9850 44.98
0.9860 41.62
0.9870 38.31
0.9880 35.03
0.9890 31.80
0.9900 28.60
0.9910 25.49
0.9920 22.45
0.9930 19.46
0.9940 16.58
0.9950 13.70
0.9960 10.87
0.9970 8.11
0.9980 5.39
0.9990 2.68
1.0000 0.00

Table of corrections to be applied to the apparent ethanol content in respect of the temperature.
Ethanol content (percent v/v) at temperature tº

Temp.tº 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
16º to be 0.42 0.43 0.45 0.46 0.48 0.50 0.53 0.55 0.58 0.62 0.66 0.71 0.76
17º added 0.32 0.33 0.34 0.35 0.37 0.39 0.11 0.43 0.46 0.48 0.51 0.55 0.58
18º 0.23 0.24 0.24 0.25 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.30 0.231 0.33 0.34 0.36 0.39
19º 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.20
20º to be 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.13 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.2
21º subrracted 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.28 0.29 0.30 0.32 0.34 0.35 0.37 0.40 0.42
22º 0.41 0.42 0.43 0.44 0.45 0.47 0.49 0.51 0.54 0.56 0.60 0.63
23º 0.56 0.57 0.58 0.59 0.61 0.64 0.67 0.70 0.73 0.77 0.81 0.85
24º 0.71 0.72 0.73 0.75 0.78 0.81 0.84 0.89 0.93 0.98 1.02 1.07
25º 0.86 0.88 0.91 0.98 0.96 1.00 1.04 1.09 1.14 1.19 1.24 1.30
26º 1.05 1.08 1.10 1.14 1.81 1.23 1.28 1.34 1.40 1.46 1.53
27º 1.22 1.25 1.23 1.33 1.38 1.44 1.50 1.56 1.62 1.68 1.75
28º 1.40 1.44 1.48 1.52 1.58 1.64 1.71 1.78 1.85 1.92 2.00
29º 1.59 1.62 1.66 1.71 1.77 1.85 1.93 2.00 2.07 2.15 2.23

Table of corrections to be applied to the apparent ethanol content in respect of the temperature.
Ethanol content (percent v/v) at temperature tº

Temp.tº 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
16º to be 0.82 0.88 0.94 1.01 1.08 1.15 1.20 1.26 1.31 1.36 1.40 1.45 1.49
17º added 0.63 0.67 0.71 0.76 0.81 0.85 0.90 0.95 0.99 1.02 1.06 1.09 1.12
18º 0.42 0.45 0.47 0.50 0.53 0.56 0.60 0.63 0.65 0.68 0.70 0.72 0.75
19º 0.22 0.25 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.32 0.33 0.34 0.35 0.36
20º to be 0.21 0.23 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.30 0.31 0.32 0.33 0.34 0.35 0.36 0.37
21º Sub 0.44 0.46 0.48 0.51 0.54 0.57 0.06 0.62 0.65 0.67 0.69 0.71 0.73
22º tracted 0.67 0.71 0.74 0.78 0.82 0.86 0.90 0.94 0.98 1.09 1.03 1.06 1.08
23º 0.89 0.94 0.99 1.04 1.09 1.14 1.21 1.27 1.31 1.35 1.38 1.42 1.46
24º 1.12 1.18 1.24 1.32 1.38 1.44 1.51 1.60 1.65 1.69 1.72 1.76 1.81
25º 1.36 1.43 1.51 1.57 1.65 1.73 1.82 1.90 1.97 2.02 2.06 2.12 2.18
26º 1.60 1.68 1.76 1.85 1.93 2.02 2.12 2.22 2.30 2.36 2.42 2.47 2.53
27º 1.83 1.92 2.02 2.11 2.21 2.31 2.43 2.54 2.63 2.70 2.70 2.83 2.90
28º 2.08 2.17 2.28 2.39 2.50 2.62 2.73 2.85 2.96 3.05 3.11 3.18 3.25
29º 2.33 2.45 2.55 2.67 2.79 2.91 3.04 3.16 3.28 3.38 3.46 3.54 3.61

Name Limits
Abies Canadensis 72-76%
Abroma Augusta 42-46%
Abrotanum 72-76%
Absinthium 63-67%
Acalypha indica 57-61%
Acicum Carbolicum 91-95%
Acidum Benzoicum 91-95%
Acidum Butyricum 63-67%
Acidum Citricum 91-95%
Acidum Oxalicum 91-95%
Acidum Picricum 91-95%
Acidum Salicylicum 91-95%
Acidum Tannicum 89-93%
Aconite Napellus 61-65%
Adonis Vernalis 48-52%
Aesculus Hippocastanum 57-61%
Agaricus Muscarius 41-45%
Agnus Castus 87-91%
Aletris Farinosa 57-61%
Alfalfa 64-68%
Allium Cepa 41-45%
Allium Sativa 66-70%
Aloe Socotrina 87-91%
Ambra Grisea 91-95%
Amygdalus Amara 48-52%
Amyl Nitrosum 82-86%
Anacardium Occidentale 87-91%
Andrographis Paniculata 57-61%
Angustura 66-70%
Anilinum 91-95%
Anthemis Nobilis 66-70%
Antipyrinum 91-95%
Apis Mellifica 37-41%
Apium Graveolens 91-95%
Apocynum Androsaemifolium 57-61%
Apocynum Cannabinum 57-61%
Apomorphinum Muriaticum 90-94%
Aralia Racemosa 79-83%
Aranea Diadema 65-69%
Argentum Cynatum 57-61%
Aristolochia Serpentaria 57-61%
Arnica Montana 57-61%
Arsenic Album 8-95%
Artemisia Vulgaris 61-66%
Arum Triphyllum 57-61%
Asafoetida 87-91%
Asarum Canadensis 57-61%
Asclepias Tuberosa 57-61%
Avena Sativa 57-61%
Azadirachta indica 57-61%
Badiaga 91-95%
Balsum Peru 91-95%
Baptisia Tinctoria 63-67%
Belladonna 41-45%
Bellis Perennis 61-65%
Benzenum 91-95%
Berberis Aquifolium 66-70%
Berberis Vulgaris 47-51%
Blatta Orientalis 87-91%
Boerhaavia Diffusa 57-61%
Bovista 57-61%
Bryonia Alba 57-61%
Caamphora 80-84%
Cactus Grandiflorus 68-72%
Calcarea Aceticum 90-94%
Calendula Officinalis 38-42%
Calotropis Gigantia 66-70%
Cannabis Indica 77-81%
Cannabis Sativa 66-70%
Cantharis 87-91%
Capsicum Annum 87.5-91.5%
Carbonium Sulphuratum 44.5-48.5%
Carduus Marianus 47-51%
Carica Papaya 57.0-61.0%
Cascara Sagrada 57.0-61.0%
Cascarilla 91-95%
Castanea Vesca 48-52%
Castroreum 91-95%
Caulophyllum Thalictroides 47-51%
Causticum 44-48%
Ceanothus Americanus 57-61%
Chamomilla 47-51%
Cheidonium Majus 41-45%
Chenopodium Anthelminticum 67.0-70.0%
Chimaphilla Umbellata 91.0-95.0%
Chionanthus Virginica 57-61%
Chloralum 91-95%
Chochlearia Armoracia 57-61%
Cicuta virosa 47-51%
Cimicifuga Racemosa 58-62%
Cina 87-91%
Cinchona Officinalis 75-79%
Cinnamomum 48-52%
Coca 48-52%
Coccus Cacti 57-62%
Coculus Indicus 87-91%
Coffea Cruda 89-93%
Colchicum Autumnale 47-51%
Collinsonia Canadensis 91-95%
Colocynthis 47-51%
Conium Maculatum 57-61%
Convallaria Majalis 48-52%
Copaiba Offcianalis 91-95%
Cornus Florida 57-61%
Crataegus Oxycantha 57-61%
Crocus Sativus 57-61%
Croton Tiglium 91-95%
Cubeba Officinalis 91-95%
Cundurango 57-61%
Cynodon Dactylon 57-61%
Damiana 83-87%
Digitalis Purpurea 41-45%
Dioscorea Villosa 57-61%
Dolichos 91-95%
Drosera Rotundifolia 57-61%
Dulcamara 62-66%
Echinacea Angustifolia 75-79%
Embelia Ribes 57-61%
Equisetum Hyemale 88-92%
Eriodictym Glutinosum 75-79%
Eucalyptus Globulus 73-77%
Euonymus Atropurpurea 73-77%
Eupatorium Perfoliatum 47-51%
Euphorbia Resinifera 91-95%
Euphrasia Officinalis 57-61%
Ficus Religiosa 69-73%
Filix Mas 38.5-42.5%
Fucus Vesiculosus 57-61%
Gambogia 91-95%
Gelsemium Sempervirens 57-61%
Gentiana Lutea 48-52%
Geranium Maculatum 57-61%
Ginseng 91-95%
Glonoinum 91-95%
Gossypium Herbaceum 57-61%
Granatum 48-52%
Grindelia Robusta 80-84%
Guaiacum 91-95%
Gymnema Sylvestre 76-80%
Haemotoxylon Campechianum 48-52%
Hamamelis Virginica 57-61%
Helleborus Niger 57-61%
Helonias Dioica 57-61%
Holarrhena Antidysenterica 54-58%
Hydrangea Arborescens 57-61%
Hydrastis Canadensis 57-61%
Hydrocotyle Asiatica 66-70%
Hyoscyamus Niger 52-56%
Hypericum Perforatum 71-75%
Ignatia Amara 77-81%
Illicium Anisatum 91-95%
Inula (Helenium) 80-84%
Iodium 91-95%
Ipecacuanha 72-76%
Iris Versicolor 91-95%
Jaborandi 79-83%
Jalapa 66-70%
Janosia Ashoka 82-86%
Juniperus Communis 48-52%
Justicia Adhatoda 82-86%
Kali Iodatum 54-60%
Kreasotum 82-86%
Lappa Major 57-61%
Ledum Palustre 76-80%
Leptandra 57-61%
Lobelia Inflata 57-61%
Lupulus 91-95%
Lycopodium Clavatum 91-95%
Melilotus Alba 47-51%
Mentha Piperita 82.5-86.5%
Menyanthes Trifoliata 57-61%
Mezerum 75-79%
Moschus 47-51%
Mygale 47-51%
Myrica Cerifera 72-76%
Nux Moschata 87-91%
Nux Vomica 72-76%
Nyctanthes A rbortristis 57-61%
Ocimum Sanctum 72-76%
Oleander 57-61%
Oleum Santali 82.5-86.5%
Opium 41-51%
Pareira Brava 66-70%
Passiflora Incarnata 57.0-61.0%
Petroleum 87-91%
Phosphorus 9195%
Physostigma Venenosum 91.0-95.0%
Phytolacca Decandra 57-61%
Piper Methysticum 91-95%
Piper Nigrum 91-95%
Piscidia 75-79%
Plantago Major 62.0-66%
Podophyllum Peltatum 61-65%
Populus Candicans 66-70%
Prunus Virginiana 57-61%
Psoralia Corylifolia 91-95%
Pulsatilla Nigricans 66-70%
Ratanhia 48.0-52.0%
Rauvolfia Serpentina 75-79%
Rhamnus Frangula 75-79%
Rheum 57.0-61.0%
Rhododendron Chrysanthum 75.0-79.0%
Rhus Toxicodendron 75-79%
Rhus Venenata 75.0-79.0%
Ricinus Communis 91-95%
Rumex Crispus 57.0-61.0%
Ruta Graveolens 66-70%
Sabadilla 75-79%
Sabal Serrulata 47.0-51.0%
Sabina 82-86%
Salix Nigra 47.0-51.0%
Salix Purpurea 48-52%
Sambucus Nigra 47.0-51.0%
Sanguinaria Canadensis 57-61%
Sarsapaarilla 48-52%
Scutellaria 48-52%
Secale Cornutum 44-48%
Senecio Aureus 47.0-51.0%
Senega 47-51%
Senna 48-52%
Sinapis Alba 91-95%
Sinapis Nigra 91-95%
Solanum Nigrum 57-61%
Spigelia 75-79%
Spongia Tosta 75-79%
Squillia 57-61%
Staphysagria 87-91%
Stillingia Sylvatica 57-61%
Stramonium 57-61%
Strophanthus Hispidus 91.95%
Sulphur 91-95%
Sumbul 75-79%
Symphytum Officinale 48-52%
Syzygium Jambolanum 82-86%
Tabacum 75-79%
Taraxacum 48-52%
Tarentula Hispana 44.5-48.5%
Taxas Baccata 80-84%
Terebinthinae Oleum 91.0-95%
Terminalia Arjuna 77-81%
Terminalia Chebula 57-61%
Theridion 44.5-%
Thuja Occidentalis 80-84%
Tinospora Cordifolia 45-49%
Tongo 91-95%
Tribulus Terrestris 58-62%
Triticum Repens 57-61%
Ustilago Maydis 57-61%
Uva Ursi 57-61%
Valeriana Officianalis 48-52%
Veratrum Album 75-79%
Veratrum Viride 72-76%
Verbascum Thapsus 48-52%
Viburnum Opulus 57-61%
Viburnum Prunifolium 57-61%
Viscum Album 75-79%
Withania Somnifera 72-76%
Xanthoxylum Fraxineum 73-77%
Zingiber 89-93%


Viscosity is a property of a liquid which is closely related to the resistance to flow.

In C.G.S. system, the dynamic viscosity (n) of a liquid is the tangential force in dryness per
square centimeter exerted in either of the two parallel planes placed, 1 cm apart when the
space between them is filled with the fluid and one of the plane is moving in its own plane
with a velocity of 1 cm per second relatively to the other. The unit of dynamic viscosity is the
poise (abbreviated p). The centi poise (abbreviated cp) is 1/100th of one poise.

While on the absolute scale, viscosity is measured in poise or centi poise, it is mot convenient
to use the kinematic scale in which the units are stokes (abbreviated S) and centi-stokes
(abbreviated CS). The centistokes is 1/100th of one stoke. The kinematic viscosity of a liquid
is equal to the quotient of the dynamic viscosity and the density of the liquid at the same
temperature, thus :
Dynamic Viscosity
Kinematic Viscosity = -------------------------

Viscosity of liquid may be determined by any method that will measure the resistance to
shear offered by the liquid.

Absolute viscosity can be measured directly if accurate dimensions of the measuring

instruments are known but it is more common practice to calibrate the instrument with a
liquid of known viscosity and to determine the viscosity of the unknown fluid by comparison
with that of the known.

Procedure: The liquid under test is filled in a U tube viscometer in accordance with the
expected viscosity of the liquid so that the fluid level stands within 0.2 mm of the filling mark
of the viscometer when the capillary is vertical and the specified temperature is attained by
the test liquid. The liquid is sucked or blown to the specified weight of the viscometer and the
time taken for the meniscus to pass the two specified marks is measured. The kinematic
viscosity in centistokes is calculated from the following equation:

Kinematic viscosity = kt

Where k = the constant of the viscometer tube determined by observation on liquids of known kinematic
viscosity, t = time in seconds for meniscus to pass through the two specified marks.


Pyrogen Test

The pyrogen test is designed to limit to an acceptable level the risks of febrile reaction in the
patient to the administration, by injection, of the product concerned. The dose specified for
the test is related to that generally given to the patient, but for practical reasons, it does not
exceed 10 ml per Kg of the body weight of the test animal, injected in a brief period of time.

Apparatus: Render the syringes, needles, and glassware free from pyrogens by heating at
250° for not less than 30 minutes or by any other suitable method. Just prior to injecting it,
warm the product to be tested to approximately 37°.

Test Animals: Use healthy, mature rabbits each weighing not less than 1500g, House the
animals individually in an area of uniform temperature [+3° (+5°F)] and free from
disturbances likely to excite them. Do not use animals for pyrogen tests more frequently than
once every 48 hours, not prior to two weeks following their having been given a test sample
that was adjusted pyrogenic.

Temperature Recording: Use an accurate clinical thermometer for which the time necessary
to reach the maximum reading is known, or any other temperature recording device of equal
sensitivity. Insert the thermometer into the rectum of the test animal to a depth of not less
than that previously determined as sufficient, record the animal’s body temperature.

Procedure: Not more than 40 minutes prior to the injection of the test dose, determine the
“Control temperature” of each animal; this is the base for the determination of any
temperature increase resulting from the injection of a test solution. In any one test, use only
those animals the control of temperatures of which do not vary by more than 1° from each
other, and do not use any animal with a temperature exceeding 39.8°.

Unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph, inject into an ear vein of each of
three rabbits 10 ml of the product per kg of body weight, completing the injection within 10
minutes after start of administration. Record the temperature at 1, 2 and 3 hours subsequent to
the injection.

Interpretation and Retest: Record the observed tempeature decreases as zero. If no rabbit
shows an individual rise in temperature of 0.6° or more above its respective control
temperature, and if the sum of the three individual maximum temperature rises does not
exceed 1.4°, the product meets the requirements for the absence of pyrogens. If any rabbit
shows an individual temperature rise of 0.6° or more, of if the sum of the three individual
maximum temperature rises exceeds 1.4°, repeat the test using five other rabbits. If not more
than three of the eight rabbits show individual rises in temperature of 0.6° or more, and if the
some of the eight individual maximum temperature rises does not exceed 3.7°, the material
under examination meets the requirements for the absence of pyrogens.


Chromatography is a separation process based upon the differential distribution of a mixture

between two phases, one of which is percolated adsorbent through other mobile phase.

Here we will define the technique of chromatography. Specific requirements for

chromatographic tests of drugs, including absorbant and developing solvents, are given in
individual monographs.

The types of chromatography useful in qualitative and quantitative analysis that the employed
in the HPI assays and tests are Paper and thin-layer.

Use of Reference substances in Identity Tests: In paper and thin layer chromatography, the
ratio of the distance traveled on the medium by a given compound to the distance traveled by
the front of the mobile phase, from the point of the application of the test substance, is
designated as the Rf value of the compound. The ratio between the distances traveled by a
given compound and a reference substance is the Rr value. Rf values vary with the
experimental conditions, and thus identification is best accomplished where an authentic
specimen of the compound in question is used as a reference substance.

For this purpose, chromatograms are prepared by spotting on the thin layer adsorbant or on
the paper in a straight ine, parallel to the edge of the chromatographic plate or paper,
solutions of the substance to be identified, the authentic specimen, and a mixture of nearly
equal amounts of the substance to be identified and authentic specimen.

Each sample application contains approximately the same quantity by weight of material to
be chromatographed. If the substance to be identified and authentic specimen are identical, all
chromatograms agree in colour and Rf value and the mixed chromatogram yields a single
spot, i.e., Rf is 1.0.

Location of the Spots: The spots produced by the chromatographed materials may be located
by : (1) Direct inspection if the compounds are visible under white or ultraviolet light. (2)
Inspection in white or UV light after treatment with reagents that will make the spots visible
in paper and thin layer chromatography.


In paper chromatography the adsorbent is a sheet of paper of suitable texture and thickness.
The paper chromatography is of following types:—

Descending Chromatography: Separation of chemical compounds by decending

chromatography is accomplished by a procedure of allowing the mobile phase to flow
downward on the chromatographic sheet.

Apparatus: The essential equipment for descending chromatography consists of the

A vapour tight chamber provided with inlets for addition of solvent or for releasing internal
pressure. The chamber is constructed preferably of glass or stainless steel and is so designed
as to permit observation of the progress of the chromatographic run without opening of the
chamber. One or more glass through capable of holding a volume of solvent greater than that
needed for one chromatographic run. The troughs must also be longer than the width of the
chromatographic sheets.

Heavy glass antisiphoning rods to be supported by the rack and running out side of, parallel
to, and slightly above the edge of the glass trough.

Chromatographic sheets of special filter paper at least 2.5cm wide and not wider than the
length of the troughs are cut to a length approximately equal to the chamber. A fine pencil
line is drawn horizontally across the filter paper at a distance from one end such that, when
the sheet is suspended from the antisiphoning rods with the upper end of the paper resting in
the trough and the lower portion hanging free into the chamber, the line is located at a few cm
below the rods. Care is necessary to avoid contaminating the filter paper by excessive
handling or by contact with dirty surfaces.

Procedure: The substances to be analysed are dissolved in a suitable solvent. Convenient

volumes, delivered from suitable micropipettes, of the resulting solution, normally containing
1 to 20 µg of the compound, are placed in 6 to 10 mm spots along the pencil line not less than
13 cm apart. If the total volume to be applied would produce spots of a diameter greater than
6 to 10 mm, it is applied in separate portions to the same spot, each portion being allowed to
dry before the next is added.

The spotted chromatographic sheet is suspended in the chamber by use of the antisiphoning
rod, which holds the upper end of the sheet in the solvent trough. The bottom of the chamber
is covered with the prescribed solvent system. It is important to ensure that the portion of the
sheet hanging below the rods is freely suspended in the chamber without touching the rack or
the chamber walls or the fluid on the bottom of the chamber. The chamber is sealed to allow
saturation of the chamber and the paper with the solvent vapour. Any excess pressure is
released as necessary. For large chambers, saturation over night may be necessary.

After saturation of the chamber the prepared solvent is introduced into the trough. The
solvent is allowed to travel down the paper to the desired distance. Precautions must be taken
against allowing the solvent to run down the sheet when opening the chamber and removing
the chromatogram. The location of the solvent front is quickly marked, and the sheets are
dried, the spots visualized and Rf values calculated. If the compounds being separated are
colourless, their positions on the paper may be determined by spraying the paper with a
suitable reagent that produces a colour.

Ascending Chromatography: In ascending chromatography the lower edge of the sheet is

dipped into the mobile phase, to permit the mobile phase to rise on the chromatograph sheet.

Apparatus: The essential equipment for ascending chromatography is substantially the same
as that desired under Descending Chromatography.
Procedure: The test materials are applied to the chromatographic sheets as directed under
Descending Chromatography, and above the level to which the paper is dipped into the
developing solvent. Empty solvent troughs are placed on the bottom of the chamber, and the
chromatographic sheets are suspended so that the end on which the spots have been added
hangs free inside the empty trough.

The chamber is sealed, and saturation is allowed to proceed as directed under Descending
Chromatography. Then the solvent is added through the inlet to the trough in excess of the
solvent required for complete moistening of the chromatographic sheet. The chamber is
resealed when the solvent front has reached the desired height, the chamber is opened and the
sheet is removed and dried.

Further procedure may be conducted as described under Descending chromatography.


In thin layer chromatography, the adsorbant is a powdered material applied usually to a glass
plate. Silica gel is slightly acidic and therefore is best applied to the separation of neutral and
acidic substances. Alumina on the other hand is basic and should be used for the separation of
basic compounds. The separations achieved may be based upon adsorption, partition or a
combination of both effects, depending on its use with different solvents. Quantitative
measurements are possible by removing the spots from the plate with a suitable solvent. For
two dimensional thin-layer chromatography, the chromatographed plate is turned at a right
angle and again chromatographed, usually in another chamber saturated with a different
solvent system.

Apparatus: Flat glass plates of the following sizes are generally used—20x20 cm, 10x20 cm
and 5x20 cm. An aligning tray is a flat surface upon which to align and rest the plates during
the application of the adsorbant.

A storage rack to hold the prepared plates during drying and transportation. The rock holding
the plates should be kept in a desiccator or be capable of being sealed in order to protect the
plates from the environment after removal from the drying oven.

The adsorbent consists of the finely divided adsorbent materials, normally 5 µm in diameter,
suitable for chromatography. It can be applied directly to the glass plates.

A spreader, which when moved over the glass plate, will apply a uniform layer of adsorbent
of desired thickness over the entire surface of the plate.

A developing chamber that can accommodate one or more plates and can be properly closed
and sealed.

An ultraviolet light source suitable for observations.

Procedure: Arrange the neat and clean plates on the aligning tray, and secure them so that
they will not slip during the application of the adsorbent. Mix appropriate quantities of
adsorbent and liquid, usually water, which when shaken for 30 seconds give a smooth slurry
that will spread evenly with the aid of spreader. Generally an analytical plate has an
adsorbant thickness of 250 µm to 500 µm, while a preparative plate has a thickness of 500
µm to 2000 µm. Allow the plates to remain undisturbed for 15 minutes, and then dry at 105°
for 30 minutes. Store the prepared plates in a desiccator.

Apply the sample solution and the standard solution by means of suitable micropippets at
points about 1.5 cm apart and about 2 cm from the lower edge of the plate, and allow to dry.

Place the plate in the developing chamber. The solvent in the chamber must be deep enough
to reach the lower edge of the adsorbent, but must not touch the spot points. Seal the cover in
place, and maintain the system until the solvent front ascends, this commonly requires from
15 minutes to 1 hour. Remove the plates, dry them in air, and observe first under ultraviolet
light. Measure and record the distance of each spot from the point of origin. If further
directed, spray the spots with the reagent specified, observe, and compare the sample with the
standard chromatogram.

Till such time the Rf of individual drug is prescribed all mother tinctures should pass Co.
TLC with the reported main constituents subject to the condition that they are not less than 1
per cent w/w in raw material.

Co-TLC with tinctures made from authenticated raw material is also permitted.



An iodine-flask with a nominal capacity of 500 ml into the stopper of which is fused, one end
of a piece of platinum wire about 13 cm long and 1 mm in diameter. Towards the other end of
the wire, a piece of platinum gauze is attached to provide a means of holding the sample clear
of the adsorbing liquid during combustion. The platinum gauze is about 2 cm wide and 1.5
cm long.


Wrap the substance being examined in a piece of filter paper about 5 cm long and 3 cm wide,
secure the package in the platinum gauze, and insert one end of a narrow strip of filter paper
in the roll. Flush the flask with oxygen, moisten the neck with water, place the specified
absorbing liquid in the flask, fill it with oxygen, tight the free end of the narrow strip of filter
paper, and immediately insert the stopper. Hold the stopper firmely in place. When vigorous
burning has begun, invert the flask so as to provide a liquid seal but taking care to prevent
incompletely burned material falling into the liquid. Immediately combustion is complete,
shake the flask vigorously for about five minutes, place a few ml of water in the cup top,
carefully withdraw the stopper, and rinse the stopper, platinum wire platinum gauze, and
sides of the flask with water.

Pulverisable substances should be finely ground and thoroughly mixed before the specified
quantity is weighed.

For liquids place the specified quantity on about 15 mg of ashless filter paper flock contained
in one part of a methyl cellulose capsule of a suitable size, close the capsule, inserting one
end of a narrow strip of a filter paper between the two parts, and secure the capsule in the
platinum gauze.

Ointments should be enclosed in grease proof paper before wrapping in filter paper.

For bromine: Burn the quantity

of the substance specified in the
monograph by the oxygen flask
method, using as the absorbing
liquid 15 ml of a mixture of 1
Volume of strong hydrogen
peroxide solution and 9
volumes of 1N sulphuric acid,
when the process is complete,
cool in ice for fifteen minutes,
add 5 ml of dilute nitric acid
and 10 ml of 0.1N silver nitrate
and titrate 0.05N ammonium
thiocyanate solution as indicator and shaking vigorously as the end point is approached.
Repeat the operation omitting the substance being examined. The difference between the
titrations represents the number of ml of 0.05 N silver nitrate solution required. Each ml of
0.05 N silver nitrate solution is equivalent to 0.003995g of Br.

For Chlorine: Burn the quantity of the substance specified in the monograph by the oxygen
flask method, using 20 ml of 1N sodium hydroxide as the absorbing liquid. When the process
is complete, add 2.5 ml of dilute nitric acid and 2.5ml of water, and 10 ml of 0.1 N silver
nitrate and titrate with 0.05N ammonium thiocyanate, using ferric ammonium sulphate
solution as indicator and shaking vigorously as the end point, is approached. Repeat the
operation omitting the substance being examined. The difference between the titrations
represents the ml of 0.05N silver nitrate solution required. Each ml of 0.05N silver nitrate
solution is equivalent to 0.001773g of Cl.

For Fluorine: Burn the quantity of the substance specified in the monograph by the oxygen
flask method, using 20 ml of water as the absorbing liquid. When the process is complete,
and sufficient water to produce 100 ml. To 2 ml add 50 ml of water, 10 ml of alizarine
fluorine blue solution, 3 ml of a solution containing. 12 percent w/v of sodium acetate and 6
percent u/v of glacial acetie acid, 10 ml of cerons nitrate solution, and sufficient water to
produce 100 ml. Allow to stand in dark for one hour and measure the extinction of a 4 cm
layer of the resulting solution at 610 °2m, using as the blank a solution prepared as describer
above beginning at the words ‘To 2 ml………………..’ but using 2 ml of water instead of the
solution. Calculate the content of fluorine from a reference curve by treating suitable aliquots
of a solution of sodium fluoride in the manner described above, beginning at the words ‘add
50 ml of water’.

For iodine: Burn the quantity of the substance specified in the monograph by the oxygen
flask method, using a mixture of 10 ml of water and 2 ml of 1N sodium hydroxide as the
absorbing liquid. When the process is complete, add to the flask an excess (between 5 and 10
ml) of acetic bromine solution, and allow to stand for 2 minutes. Remove the excess of
bromine by the addition of ferric acid (0.5 to 1 ml), rinse the sides of the flask with water,
and sweep out any bromine vapour above the liquid with a current of air. Add 1 g of
potassium iodide and titrate with 0.02 N sodium thiosulphate, using starch mucilage, added
towards the end of the titration, as indicator. Each ml of 0.02 N sodium thiosulphate is
equivalent to 0.0004230g of I.

For Sulphur: (i) Burn the quantity of the substance specified in the monograph by the
oxygen flask method using 15 ml of water and 1 ml of hydrogen peroxide solution as the
absorbing liquid. When the process is complete, boil the solution for 10 minutes, cool, and
add 60 ml of alcohol. Titrate the solution with 0.05 M barium perchlorate, using a drop of 0.2
per cent w/v solution of thoron and add 2 drops of a 0.0125 percent w/v solution of
methylene blue as indicator, until the yellow colour changes to pink. Each ml of 0.01 M
barium perchloride is equivalent to 0.3203 mg of S.

(ii) In the presence of halogens or phosphorus: burn the specified quantity of the substance
being examined in the prescribed manner, using 10 ml of water and 0.1 ml of hydrogen
peroxide solution (100 vol.) as the absorbing liquid. When the process is complete, boil the
solution for ten minutes, cool and add 50 ml of ethanolic acetic-ammonia buffer, pH 3.7.
Titrate with 0.05 M barium perchlorate using 0.3 ml of alizarin red solution as indicator, until
the solution becomes orange-pink in colour. Each ml of 0.05 M barium perchlorate is
equivalent to 1.603 mg of S.

For Phosphorus: Burn about 5 to 10 mg of sample using 50 ml 2.5 M nitric acid as

absorbing liquid. Dilute the 50 ml solution after burning to 100 ml with 2.5 M nitric acid in a
volumetric flask. Place a 10 ml aliquot of this solution in a 100 ml graduated flask, add 50 ml
of water, 10 ml of ammonium vanadate solution and 10 ml of ammonium molybdate solution
and dilute to the mark with water. Determine the absorbance of this solution at 465 nm
against blank prepared in the same manner omitting sample in 1 cm cell.

Prepare a series of solutions from potassium dihydrogen phosphate covering the range of 0 to
2 mg phosphorus per 100 ml and containing the same concentration of acid, ammonium
vanadate and ammonium molybdate as the previous solutions. Construct a calibration curve
and use it to calculate the concentration of phosphorus in the sample.


Homoeopathic preparation from pure microbial culture obtained from diseased tissue and
clinical materials (secretions, discharges etc.) are known as NOSODES or
BIOTHERAPEUTIC PREPARATIONS. These are processed from original stock built from
isolated microbes, diseased tissues and clinical materials from which the primary stocks are
prepared. Depending upon the nature of material used, these may be divided into following 4

N I Preparations made from lysate of micro-organisms capable of producing bacterial endo-
toxins e.g. Typhoidinum, Paratyphoidinum, E. coli-bacillinum and Staphylococcinum etc.

N II Products made from micro-organisms capable of producing exotoxin e.g. Diptherinum.

N III Preparations made from purified toxins.

N IV Preparations made from micro organisms/viruses/clinical materials from human

convalescents or diseased subjects e.g. Variolinum, Influenzium, Psorinum, Syphillinum and

General method for collection and preparation of strain

Microbes available as pure organism are obtained from suitable clinical material from
subjects suffering from the disease∗ are isolated, cultured, and identified. Their properties are
studied for complete identification as per individual monograph and they are lyophilized to
ensure preservation and stability of characteristics.

The first step involved should be preparation of culture medium most suitable for growth of
the organism from which homoeopathic nosodes are to be prepared. The solid medium
generally recommended is nutrient agar which generally is satisfactory in most cases. In other
instances special solid culture medium containing proteins such as blood agar, serum agar
have also been recommended. Freshly isolated organisms invariably of S-type** are
recommended for use. Stock nosodes should be made from recently isolated organisms only.
Where this is impracticable the culture should be kept below 50° so that they retain their full
antigenic value. Stock cultures are most often maintained by lyophylised state.

Repeated subcultures of a strain degenerates and lowers its antigenic value and have been
found to be less useful and not recommended.

♣ The prefix N (denoting Nosodes has been given to differentiate from the conventional methods of preparation as advised
for other drugs by Hahnemann.

∗ comparatively virulent type.

** Smooth type.
Unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph the culture is allowed to incubate for
24 hours at 37°. At the end of incubation, the micro organisms are harvested under aseptic
condition by pouring sterile isotonic salt solution on the solid media and then generally
shaking or scraping until all the micro-organisms have been suspended. If scraping is
necessary, removal of culture medium should be avoided. Subsequently the suspension is
centrifuged at 5,000 R.P.M. for 30 minutes, (3980-4070G, ICE). International centrifuge) the
supernatant is discarded and bacterial pellets are resuspended in 0.9 percent sodium chloride
solution, shaken well and centrifuged again. The suspension of bacteria is examined again for
purity. It is essential that purity of the strain is maintained during incubation and handling.
Purity is checked at different stages. In case of contamination the lot should be rejected and a
fresh strain is used. After 24 hours of growth in incubation a colony is re-examined for
checking the characteristics and purity of the strain. The culture is then taken up in the 0.9
percent aqueous sodium chloride solution.


The growth is suspended again in isotonic solution, shaken to break up clumps and to make a
uniform suspension. Number of bacteria in each ml of suspension is estimated and is adjusted
20 billions viable cells per milliliter (2X1010). It forms the original stock in case of drugs of
groups N-I and N-II. For group N-III and N-IV the strength of IX should be 1 part of the pure
material in 10 parts of the suspending/diluting material which may be Lactose or Glycerin as
suggested in individual monographs.

Preparation of Nosodes


Bacteriolysis of the suspension containing 20 billion viable cells/ml in distilled water is

carried out by a sonicator till most of the bacterial cells are ruptured. The material is
centrifuged at 10,000 R.P.M. for 30 minutes (3980—4070 G, ICE. International centrifuge).
The supernatant is filtered through seitz filter and the cell free extract containing the
endotoxin, is treated with equal volume of Strong Alcohol. This strength is sealed in separate
ampoules and is labeled as primary-stock-nosode. This serves as IX for preparation of
homoeopathic dilutions. This should be preserved at 4° tο 6°.

Group N-II

The toxigenicity of the strain is established before use. The suspension having 20 billion
viable cells/ ml is mixed with equal volume of Strong Alcohol and hermatically sealed under
aseptic conditions. It is labeled as primary-stock-nosodes as IX. This should be preserved
between 4° tο 10°. Further attenuations are made in Dispensing Alcohol in ratio 1:9. This
must comply with test for sterility before being issued.

Group N-III
Preparations are made by trituration in Lactose with drug strength 1/10. Attenuation upto 6X
is kept in hermetically sealed ampoules and stored in conditions prescribed under individual

Group N-IV

Preparations are made by Hahnemannian method of trituration class, HPI is followed.

Attenuations upto 6X should be stored between 4° tο 6°.


1. Centrifuge speed in all the above operations should not be below 10,000 R.P.M.
The operation should be for 30 minutes or till complete separation in a
refrigerated centrifuge.

2. The superunatant liquid should be filtered with seitz filter or membrance filter.

3. No chemicals, antiseptic or bacteriosatics should be mixed at any stage of

operation with the material. In cases where normal saline solution is used, full
care should be taken to completely remove the same before attenuation.

4. Preservations of all the products and potencies below 6x should be done in a

Refrigerator at +4° to 6°.

5. Live organisms should be handled with care and following aseptic conditions.

6. Bacterial count means total number of organisms/ml (Live or dead).

7. As far as possible the substance used in original proving should be taken as the
starting raw material.

8. To check the hygienic condition of the laboratory plate count should be done
from time to time.

9. Test for sterility as mentioned for aerobic and anaerobic organism in I.P. should
be made before issue of any nosode, 6x or below for therapeutic use or for
manufacture of higher attenuations.

10. All potencies below 3x of Group N-I, N-II and N-III should bear date of
manufacture and a life period of six months from the date of manufacture.


Wool fat 50 g
Hard paraffin 50 g melt together and stir until cold
White soft paraffin 850 g
Cetostearyl alcohol 50 g

Unless otherwise directed in the text, simple ointment prepared with white soft paraffin
should be used in a white ointment.


Eye ointment should contain the following composition:

Liquid paraffin 10g
Wool fat 10g
Yellow soft paraffin 80g

Heat together the wool fat, the yellow soft paraffin and the liquid paraffin, filter while hot
through a coarse filter paper placed in a heated funnel and sterilize by heating for a sufficient
time to ensure that the entire matter is at 160° for at least one hour. Allow to cool, add the
drug and triturate the mixture.

Note: All eye ointment and other ophthalmic preparations should confirm to the schedule FF
of Drugs and Cosmetics Rules.


Cream based ointment are permitted subject to following conditions:-

1. They should be hydrophilic or emulsion based ointment.
2. Ingredients used are of a Pharmacopoeial grade and are free from allergic
abnormal toxicity.
3. Ingredients of base material should be non-reactive to the medicinal substances
included in the formulation.
4. It should contain a minimum quantity of preservatives.


White Beewax 20 g
Hard Paraffin 30 g
Cetostearyl Alcohol 50 g
White soft paraffin 900 g
Melt together, stir, remove the source of heat and continue, stirring until the mass
reaches room temperature.

When Paraffin Ointment is used in a white ointment, it should be prepared with white
soft paraffin. All these ointments should be homogeneous. In event of medicated ointments
the contents should be exhibited indicating the pharmacopoeial name, potencies and


May contain starch as binder with ash value not exceeding 3 per cent w/w.


Sucrose 667 g

Purified water in sufficient

Quantity to produce 1000 g

Wt. Per ml at 20° 1.315g to 1.327g.

(1) Parabens in a concentration not higher than 0.15 per cent may be used as a preservative.

(2) Products not prepared under aseptic conditions (liquid orals are required to be free from
pathogens like Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus


Dissolve about 4.10 g accurately weighed of lead in water, add a few drops of dilute nitric
acid and dilute with distilled water to 250 ml in a volumetric flask. Pipette 25.0 ml in a 250
ml volumetric flask, dilute with about 25 ml of distilled water and add 2 to 3 drops of Xylenol
Orange. If the colour of the solution is red, add very dilute nitric acid cautiously and with
stirring until the solution acquires a yellow colour. Now add powdered hexamine until the
colour is intensely red.

Titrate with 0.05M of EDTA solution until the colour changes to lemon yellow. Each ml of
0.05M Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic Acid is equivalent to 0.01036 g of Pb.


Dissolve about 1 g accurately weighed in 20 ml of a mixture of equal volumes of water,

sulphuric acid and nitric acid by heating, but not boiling, continue heating until the solution
becomes colourless and no more nitrogen oxide is evolved. Cool, transfer to a 500 ml
volumetric flask and dilute to the mark with water. To 25 ml of this solution add 20 ml of a
cold mixture of equal volumes of sulphuric acid and water, followed by 100 ml of water and
16 g of di sodium hydrogen orthophosphate and stil until the phosphate has dissolved. Add
20 ml of 0.1N ammonium ferrous sulphate solution. When the end point is close, add 2 drops
of ferroin indicator solution and complete the titration till a permanent pink colour is
produced. Each ml of 0.1N potassium permangnate is equivalent to 0.003948g of Se.

Temperature Correction Data

Observed temp. in Observed alcohol %at 20°C Corresponding alcohol% at

0°C to 20°C 15°C
1.00 0.75
2.00 1.50
3.00 2.40
4.00 3.40
5.00 4.40
6.00 5.40
7.00 6.40
8.00 7.30
9.00 8.20
10.00 9.30
11.00 10.30
12.00 11.20
13.00 12.20
14.00 13.10
15.00 14.00
16.00 14.90
17.00 15.80
18.00 16.70
19.00 17.60
20.00 18.50
21.00 19.50
22.00 20.50
23.00 21.40
24.00 22.40
25.00 23.30
26.00 24.30
27.00 25.20
28.00 26.10
29.00 27.00
30.00 27.90
31.00 28.90
32.00 29.90
33.00 30.80
34.00 31.30
35.00 32.80
36.00 33.80
37.00 34.80
38.00 35.80
39.00 36.80
40.00 37.80
41.00 38.90
42.00 39.90
43.00 40.90
44.00 42.00
45.00 43.00
46.00 44.00
47.00 45.00
48.00 46.00
49.00 47.00
50.00 48.00
51.00 49.00
52.00 50.00
53.00 51.00
54.00 52.00
55.00 53.00
56.00 54.00
57.00 55.00
58.00 56.00
59.00 57.00
60.00 58.00
61.00 59.00
62.00 60.00
63.00 61.00
64.00 62.00
65.00 63.00
66.00 64.00
67.00 65.10
68.00 66.10
69.00 67.10
70.00 68.10
71.00 69.10
72.00 70.10
73.00 71.10
74.00 72.10
75.00 73.10
76.00 74.10
77.00 75.10
78.00 76.10
79.00 77.10
80.00 78.10
81.00 79.10
82.00 80.10
83.00 81.20
84.00 82.20
85.00 83.20
86.00 84.20
87.00 85.20
88.00 86.20
89.00 87.20
90.00 88.20
91.00 89.20
92.00 90.30
93.00 91.30
94.00 92.40
95.00 93.40
96.00 94.50
97.00 95.50
98.00 96.60
99.00 97.60
100.00 98.60
Limit of alcohol on Mother Tincture

Name Alcohol Limit

Abies Canadensis 72-76
Abroma Augusta 42-46
Abroma Radix 29-33
Abrotanum 72-76
Absinthium 63-67
Acalypha India 57-61
Achyranthus Aspera 74-78
Acidum Benzocium 87-91
Acidum Butyricum 63-67
Acidum Carbolicum 83-87
Acidum Citricum 91-95
Acidum Oxalicum 91-95
Acidum picrium 91-95
AcidumSalicylium 87-91
Acidum Tannium 89-93
Aconite Naoellus 61-65
Acta Spicata 74-78
Adonis Vernalis 48-52
Aegle Folia 68-72
Aesulus Glabrea 56-60
Aesuculus Hippocastanum 57.61
Aethusa Cynapium 57-61
Agaricus Emeticus 41-45
Muscarius 41-45
Agnus Castus 87-91
Ailanthus Glandulosus 65-69
Alcohol, Dispensing 89-93
Alcohol, Fortis 92-95
Aleteris Farinosa 57-61
Alfalfa 64-68
Allium Cepa 41-45
Allium Sativum 65-69
Aloe Socotrina 87-91
Alstonia Constricta 56-60
Alstonia Scholaris 74-78
Ambra Grisea 91-95
Amoora Rohitika 74-78
Ampelopsis Quinquifolia 65-69
Amgladus Amara 48-52
Amyl Nitrosum 82-86
Anacardium Orientale 87-91
Anacardium Occidantalis 91-95
Anagallis Arvensis 56-60
Andrographis Paniculata 57-61
Augustra 66-70
Aniliuum 84-88
Anthemis Nobilis 66-70
Anthoxanthium Odoratum 69-73
Antipyrium 91-95
Apis Mellifica 37-41
Apium Gra.
Apocynum Androsacmifollum 57-61
Apocynum Cannabinum 57-61
Apomophinum Muriaticum 90-94
Aralia Racemosa 79-83
Arania Diadema 65-69
Aristolochia Clematis 56-60
Arnica Montana 57-61
Aristolochia Serpentaria 57-61
Arsenicum Album 8-9
Artemisia Vulgaris 61-66
Arum Draconitium 47-51
Arum Maculatum 56-60
Arum Triphyllum 57-61
Asafoetida 87-91
Asarum Canandensis 57-61
Asarum Europacum 56-60
Asclepias Tuberosa 57-61
Asparagus Officinalis 56-60
Asterias Rubens 56-60
Atropinum Sulph 86-90
Avena Sativa 57-61
Azadirachta Indica Badiaga 57-61
Badiaga 91-95
Balsum peru 84-88
Baptisia Tinctoria 63-67
Barosma Crenata 74-78
Baryta Acetica 22-26
Baryta Iodata 57-61
Belladonna 41-45
Bellis Perennis 61-65
Benzenum 84-88
Benzenum Nitricum 85-89
Berberis Aquafolia 66-70
Berbersi Vulgaris 47-51
Blatta Orientalis 87-91
Buemea Odorata 43-47
Boerhaavia Diffusa 57-61
Bovista 57-61
Brachyglotis Repens 56-60
Branca Ursina 65-69
Bryonia Alba 57-61
Cactus Grandiflorus 68-72
Caladium Sanquinum 47-51
Calcarea Aceticum 54-58
Calcarea Iodata 91-95
Calendula Officinalis 38-42
Calotropis Gigantia 66-70
Caltha palustris 56-60
Camphora 80-84
Cannabis Indica 77-81
Cannabis Sativa 66-70
Cantharis 87-91
Capsium Annum 87-91
Carbonium Sulphuratum 84-88
Carduus Marianus 70-74
Carica papaya 57-61
Cascara Sagrada 57-61
Cascarilla 91-95
Castanea Vesca 48-52
Castoreum 91-95
Caulophyiium Thalictroides 47-51
Causticum 44-48
Caanothus Americanus 57-61
Cedron 91-95
Cephalendra Indica 36-40
Chamomilla 47-51
Chelidonium Majus 41-45
Chelone Glabra 47-51
Chenopodium Anthelmintieum 67-71
Climaphilla Umbellata 99-70
Chionanthus Virginica 57-61
Chloralum 91-95
Chloroformum 83-87
Cicuta Virosa 47-51
Cimicifuga Racemosa 58-62
Cimex 91-95
Cina 87-91
Cinereria Maritima 56-60
Cineraria Maritima Succus 6-10
Cinchona Officinalis 75-79
Cinnamomum 91-95
Cistus Canadensis 47-51
Clematis Erecta 56-60
Cobaltum Nitricum 87-91
Coca 48-52
Cocculus Indicus 87-91
Coccus Cacti 48-52
Cochlearis Armoracia 57-61
Coffea Cruda 89-93
Cochicum Autumnale 47-51
Collinsonia Canadensis 48-52
Cococynthis 47-51
Comocladia Dentata 74-78
Conium Maculatum 57-61
Convallaria Majalis 57-62
Copaiba Officinalis 57-61
Cornus Florida 57-61
Cractagus Oxycantha 57-61
Crocus Sativus 91-95
Croton Tiglium 91-95
Cubeba Officinalis 91-95
Cucurbita Pepo 85-89
Cundorango 48-52
Curare 47-51
Curcuma Longa 56-60
Cynoloman Europaeum 66-70
Cyynodon Dactylon 57-61
Cypripedium pubesceus 56-60
Damiana 61-65
Daphne Indica 91-95
Digitalis Purpurea 41-45
Dioscorea Villosa 57-61
Dolichos 91-95
Drosera Rotundifolia 57-61
Duboisia Hyoporoides 74-78
Dulcamara 62-66
Echinacea Augustifolia 75-79
Embelia Ribes 57-61
Epiphagus Virginiana 56-60
Equisetum Hyemale 57-61
Erigeron Canadensis 47-51
Eriodictym Glutinosum 75-79
Eryugium Aquaticum 56-60
Eucalyptus Globulus 83-87
Enonymus Atropurpurca 71-75
Eupatorium Perfoliatum 47-51
Eupatorium Purpurium 47-51
Euphorbia Corollata 47-51
Euphorbium 84-88
Euphrasia Officinalis 57-61
Fagopyrum Esculentum 71-75
Ferrum Muriaticum 86-90
Ficus Religiosa 69-73
Filix max 73-77
Fraxinus Americana 61-65
Fucus Vesiculosus 91-95
Gambogia 91-95
Gaultheria Procumbans 72-76
Gelsemium Sempervirens 57-61
Gentiana Cruciata 56-60
Gentiana Lutea 48-52
Geranium Maculatum 57-61
Ginseng 91-95
Glonoinum 88-92
Gnaphallium Polycephalum 47-51
Gossypium Herbaceum 88-42
Granatum 48-52
Gratiola Officinalis 56-60
Grindelia Robusta 79-83
Guaiacum 83-87
Guarea Trichiloides 47-51
Gymnema Sylvestre 76-80
Haemotoxylon Campechianum 48-52
Hamamelis Virginica 57-61
Hedra Helix 56-60
Helianthus Aunus 47-51
Heleborus Niger 57-61
Helonias Digica 57-61
Holarrhena Antidysentrica 56-60
Hydrangea Arboresecens 57-61
Hydrastis Canadensis 57-61
Hydrocotyl Asiatica 66-70
Hyocyamus Niger 52-56
Hypericum Perforatum 71-75
Iberis Amara 56-60
Ignatia Amara 79-83
Illicium Anisatum 91-95
Inula 80-84
Iodium 91-95
Ipecacuanha 74-78
Iris Versicolor 57-61
Jaborandi 91-95
Jalapa 91-95
Jatropha Curcas 91-95
Janosia Ashoka 82-86
Juglens Cineria 70-74
Juglens Regia 41-45
Juncus Offusus 56-60
Juniperus Communis 79-83
Justisia Adhatoda 72-76
Kali Iodatum 54-60
Kaluria Latifolia 56-60
Kreosotum 82-86
Lachinanthus Tinctoria 56-60
Lappa Major 57-61
Laurocerasus 47-51
Ledum Palustre 76-80
Lemna Minor 34-38
Leptendra 57-61
Lilium Tigrinum 28-32
Lobelia Cardinalis 56-60
Lolium Temulentum 65-69
Lupulus 47-51
Lycopersicum Esculentum 91-95
Lycopodium Clevatum 47-51
Lycopus Virginicus 91-95
Mancinella 56-60
Melilotus Alba 65-69
Menispermum Canadense 48-52
Mentha Piperata 65-69
Menyanthes Trifoliata 57-61
Menyanthes Trifoliata 57-61
Mercurialis Perennis 43-47
Mezerum 75-79
Mercurias Corr 87-91
Millefolium 56-60
Moschus 47-51
Mygale 47-51
Myrica Cerifera 72-76
Myrtus Communis 65-69
Nitri Spiritus Dulcis 84-88
Nux Moschata 87-91
Nux Vomica 74-78
Nyctanthes Arbortristris 57-61
Nymphea Odorata 41-45
Ocimumb Sanctum 72-76
Oenothus Crocata 38-42
Oleander 57-61
Oleum Animale 84-88
Oleum Santali 82-86
Opium 47-51
Paeonia Officinaslis 56-60
Pareira Brava 66-70
Paeris udrifolia 56-60
Passiflora Incarnata 57-61
Pastinaca Sativa 71-75
Paullina Pinnata 71-75
Petroleum 87-91
Petroselinum Sativum 91-95
Phallendrium Aquaticum 91-95
Phosphorus 91-95
Physostigma Venenosum 91-95
Phytolacca 57-61
Pimpinella Saxifraga 56-60
Pinus Sylvestris 79-83
Piper Methysticum 91-95
Piper Nigrum 91-95
Piscidia 75-79
Plantago Major 62-66
Podophyllus Petlatum 61-65
Polygonum Punctatum 65-69
Polyporus Officinallis 56-60
Poppulus Candicans 66-70
Poppulus Tremuloides 47-51
Pothos Foetidus 47-51
Prunus Padus 56-60
Prunus Spinosa 56-60
Prunus Virginiana 57-61
Psoralia Corylifolia 91-95
Ptelia Trifoliata 69-73
Pulsatilla Nigricans 66-70
Pysus Americana 66-70
Rhenunculus Acris 65-69
Rhenunculus Bulbosus 65-69
Rhenunculus Scleratus 56-60
Raphanus Sativus 47-51
Ratanlia 56-60
Rauvolfia Serpentina 75-79
Rhamnus Frangula 75-79
Rhamnus Catharticus 56-60
Rheum 57-61
Rhododendron Chrysanthium 75-79
Rhus Toxicodendron 75-79
Rhus Venenata 75-79
Ricinus Communis 91-95
Robinua Pseudocacia 75-79
Rumex Cripspus 57-61
Ruta Graveolens 66-70
Sabadilla 75-79
Sabal Serrulata 47-51
Sabina 82-86
Salix Nigra 47-51
Salix Purpurea 47-51
Sambucus Nigra 47-51
Sanguinaria Canadensis 57-61
Sarsaparilla 48-52
Sarracenia Purpurea 56-60
Scutellaria 48-52
Secale Cornutum 44-48
Senecio Aureus 47-51
Senega 47-51
Senna 47-51
Sinapis Alba 91-95
Sinapis Nigrum 91-95
Spongia Tosta 74-78
Solanum Carolinense 56-60
Solanum Nigrum 57-61
Solanum Virgaurea 56-60
Spigelia 75-79
Squilla 56-60
Staphisagria 87-91
Sticta Pulmonaria 47-51
Stallingia Sylvatica 57-61
Stramonium 57-61
Strophanthus Hispidus 91-95
Sulphur 91-95
Sumbul 75-79
Symphoricarisus Racemosus 75-79
Symphytum Officinale 48-52
Syzygium Jambolinum 82-86
Tabacum 75-79
Taraxacum 48-52
Tarentula Hispana 44-48
Taxus Baccata 80-84
Terebinthinae Oleum 84-88
Treminalia Arjuna 79-83
Terminalia Chebula 57-61
Teucrium Marum Verum 56-60
Thea Chinensis 56-60
Tamus Communis 47-51
Tanacetum Vulgaris 61-65
Theridion 44-48
Thalspi Bursa Pastoris 52-56
Thuja Oecidentalis 80-84
Thymolum 48-52
Tilia Europoea 48-52
Tinospora Corditolia 45-49
Tongo 91-95
Tribulus Terrestris 58-62
Trifolium Partense 65-69
Triticum Repens 57-61
Tussilago Fariero 44-48
Tussilago Petasites 41-45
Urtica Urens 47-51
Usnea Barbata 65-69
Uva Ursi 57-61
Ustilago Maydis 57-61
Valeriana Officinalis 48-52
Verbascum Thapsus 48-52
Veratrum Album 75-79
Veratrum Vir 72-76
Viburnum Opulus 57-61
Viburnum Prunifolium 57-61
Vinca Minor 71.5-76.5
Viola Odorata 61-65
Viola Tricolor 56-60
Viscum Album 75-79
Withania Somnifera 72-76
Xanthozylum Fraxincum 73-77
Yucca Filamentosa 75.5-79.5
Zingiber Officinalis 89-93


P-Anisaldehyde Spray : Dissolve 0.5 ml of p-anisaldehyde in 50 ml of acetic acid and 1

ml of hydrochloric acid.

Antimony trichloride : Dissolve 10 g of antimony trichloride in 100 ml

Spray chloroform or carbon tetra chloride.

Anilline Pthalate Spray : Dissolve 1 g of aniline pthalate solution in ethanol.

Dragendorff’s reagent : A. Mix together 2 g of bismuth subnitrate, 25 ml of acetic acid,

and 100 ml of water.

B. Dissolve 40 g of potassium iodide in 100 ml of water. Mix

together 10 ml of (A) 10 ml of (B), 20 ml of acetic acid, and
100 ml of water.

Ferric chloride : Dissolve 5 g of ferric chloride in 0.5 N hydrochloric acid in

100 ml.

Iodoplatinate (Potassium) : 3 ml of 10 per cent hexa chloroplatinic acid (iv) solution are
mixed with 97 ml water and 100 ml 6 per cent Potassium
iodide solution in water are added: the reagent is freshly
prepared before use.

Ninhydrin : 0.3 g ninhydrin is dissolved in 100 ml n-butanol and 3 ml

acetic acid added.

Vanillin-Sulphuric Acid : Dissolve 1 g of Vanillin in 100 ml conc. Sulphuric acid.

Bromothymol blue-
Spray reagent : 0.04 g bromothymon blue is dissolved in 100 ml 0.01N Sodium

Ceric ammonium-Sulphate : 1 per cent solution of ammonium ceric sulphate in 85 per cent
phosphoric acid.

Ceric Sulphate-Sulphuric acid: 0.1 g ceric sulphate is suspended in 4 ml water, 1 g

trichloroacetic acid is added dropwise until turbidity

Ceric-Sulphate- : Saturated solution of ceric sulphate in 65 per cent sulphuric

Sulphuric acid acid.
Chloramine : Sol (a) Freshly prepared 3% aqueous solution of chloramines-T.
T-trichloracetic acid Sol (b) 25 per cent ethanolic solution of trichloroacetic acid.

Spray reagent : 10 ml (a) and 40 ml (b) are mixed before use.

Cupric Sulphate-
Citrate (Sodium) : 1.73 g cupric sulphate CuSO4. 5H2), 17.3g sodium citrate and 10
g anhydrous sodium carbonate are dissolved in water and the
volume made upto 100 ml. With water.

Dit hyzone : (i) 0.05 per cent solution of dithizone in carbon tetrachloride.

(ii) 25 per cent ammonium hydroxide solution or an atmosphere

of ammonia into which the plate can be introduced.

Iodine (Potassium)-hydrogen: 2 percent. The plate is dried after spraying with 2 per cent
aqueous potassium iodide solution, and placed in a chamber
containing 25 per cent ammonium hydroxide for some minutes.
It is then transferred to a second chamber into which hydrogen
sulphide is passed from a kipp’s apparatus.

Iodine-iodide (potassium) : Dissolve 1 g Iodine and 10 g Potassium-iodide in warm water

and add 2 ml glacial acetic acid to produce 100 ml.

Lead acetate reagent : 25 percent aqueous solution of basic lead acetate. The spots
fluoresce in long wave U.V. light.

Mangesium acetate reagent : 0.5 per cent methanolic solution of magnesium acetate.

(Sodium) ammonia : (i) 1 per cent aqueous sodium nitroprusside solution.

(ii) 10 per cent ammonium hydroxide.

The chromatogram is sprayed with I, then II.

Naphthol-Sulphuric acid : A mixture is made of 10.5 ml 15 per cent ethanolic naphthol,

6.5 ml sulphuric acid 40.5 ml ethanol and 4 ml water.

Silver nitrate (ammonical) : Reagent: 0.1N silver nitrate one part and 5N5 parts
ammonium hydroxide together. Heat the plate for 5 to 10
minutes at 105° unitl dark coloured spots appear.

Chloroform Layer/
Chloroform : Extract: Evaporate 20 ml Mother Tincture on water bath to
remove alcohol, transfer the remaining aqueous portion to
separating funnel and extract with chloroform (3 x 20ml),
concentrate the chloroform layer to 1 ml and carry out TLC
with it (Add ammonia solution only where it is mentioned in
the tests).

Ethyl acetate/Ether Layer : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol and extract the remaining aqueous part with ethyl
acetate ether layer to 1 ml and carry out TLC with it.

Rf value : It has been observed that climatic factor like temperature and
humidity have great impact on Rf values. So tolerance limit
0.05 is allowed.

It has been observed that slight difference in the ratio of solvent

system materially affects the absorption co-efficients and as
such if the number of spots with similar colours (where colour
is given) and in same order with uniform per cent variation in
Rf values be oveserved then it may be assigned due to above
factor. In case of variation, CO-TLC done with standard sample
obtained from Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia Laboratory,
Ghaziabad may be done.
References Standards

ACONITINE C34H47NO11 Mol. Wt. : 645.80

Description : Colourless crystals or hexagonal plates. Melting point: 204°.

Freely soluble in chloroform, and in benzene; soluble in
alcohol, sparingly soluble in ether.

Identification : Yields the reactions characteristic of alkaloids.

Ultraviolet Absorbance : Alcohol: Water (1:1) maxima at 228 nm and 270 nm; in 0.1N
sulphuric acid maxima at 234 and 275 nm.

Infra-red : KBr disc, The principal peaks are at 1032, 1713 cm.

ATROPINE C17 H23 NO3 Mol. Wt.: 289.40

Description : A white crystalline powder.

Melting point: 108º. Freely soluble m chloroform, alcohol;
soluble in ether and sparingly soluble in water.

Identification : Yields the reaction characterstic of alkaloids.

Ultraviolet Absorbance : (0.1N sulphuric acid), maxima at 252 nm.

Infra-red : K Br disc. The principal peaks are at 1720, 1035, 1153 cm.

BERBERINE C20H19NO5 Mol. Wt.: 353.40

Description : Yellow crystals.

Melting point: 144°. Soluble in alcohol and in chloroform.

Identification : (i) Yields the reactions characteristic of alkaloids.

(ii) To a few crystals add a few drops of sulphuric acid and a

drop of formal-dehyde; yellow colour appears which changes to

Ultraviolet Absorbance : (Alcohol) maxima at 267 nm, 344 nm and 426 nm.

Infra-red : KBr. Disc. The principal peaks are at 1505, 1271 and 1360 cm.
BETAINE C5H11NO2 Mol Wt.: 117.15

Description : Deliquescent scales or prisms. Melting point: 310° (decomp.).

Taste sweet. Very soluble in water and in methyl alcohol freely
soluble in alcohol; sparingly soluble in ether.

Identification : Dissolve about 10 mg in 2 ml water and add about 0.5 ml 5

percent potassium hydroxide solution and warm for 5 minutes,
add a few drops of Nessler;s reagent; reddish yellow
precipitate forms.

BRUCINE C23H26N2O4. 4H2O Mol. Wt : 412.50

Description : Small white crystals. Melting point: the anhydrous base: 178°
and the hydrated form 105°.

Identification : Yields the reactions characteristic of alkaloids.

Ultraviolet : (Alcohol) maxima at 267 nm and 301 nm in 0.1N sulphuric

acid maxima at 265 nm and 300 nm.

Infra-red Absorbance : KBr disc. The principal peaks are at 1600, 1400 cm – 1.

CAFFEINE C8 H10 N4 O3 Mol. Wt. : 194

Description : A white powder or white glistening needles. Melting range:

235° to 237°. Sparingly soluble in water and in alcohol, freely
soluble in chloroform.

Identification : (i) Yields the reactions characteristic of alkaloids.

(ii) Mix a few crystals with 2 to 3 drops of hydrochloric acid in

watch glass, add a few crystals of potassium chloride, stir and
evaporate on water bath to dryness. Moisten the residue with 1
to 2 drops of 2N ammonium hydroxide solution; purple colour

Ultraviolet absorbance : (Ethanol) maxima at 273 mµ, in 0.1 N hydrochloric acid

maxima at 272 mµ.

Infra-red basorbance : KBr. Disc. The principal peaks are at 1658, 1695, 745 cm – 1.

Description : Colourles glistening crystals.

Very slightly soluble in water and on ethanol, slightly soluble

in ether and sparingly soluble in chloroform. Melting range
sublimes at abount 120°. M.P. 216° to 218°.

Ultraviolet absorbance : (Ethanol) 218, 268 nm.


Description : Glacing prisms from ethyl acetatecyclohexane. Freely soluble

in benzene, acetone and in water; very soluble in alcohol,
methanol and in chloroform. Melting range: 140° to 141°.

Identification : Yields the reactions characteristic of alkaloids.


Description : (+) Form, monoclinic prisms from methanol, ethanol or

ethanol-chloroform. Soluble in alcohol, chloroform, ether and
in amyl alcohol; practically insoluble in water. Melting point:
135° to 136°.

Identification : (i) Yields the reactions characteristic of alkaloids.

(ii) Take about 10 mg in test tube and add a drop of guaicol and
0.5 ml of sulphuric acid; intense crimson colour is produced.


Description : Pale yellow crystals or powder darkening on exposure to light.

Soluble in water, freely soluble in chloroform and ether.

Melting range : 153° to 157°.

Identification : (i) Yields the reaction characteristic of alkaloids.

(ii) To 10 mg add 0.5 ml sulphuric acid; yellow colour

develops which turns blue green and then red on addition of a
few drops of nitric acid.

Ultraviolet absorbance : (Ethanol), maxima at 343 nm and 350 nm.

Infra-red absorbance : KBr disc. The principal peaks are at 1248, 1566, 1589 cm –1.


Description : Alkaloid, an almost colourless, volatile liquid with a mouse like

odour. Boiling point : 166°. Sparingly soluble in water, slightly
soluble in chloroform, miscible with ethanol and ether.

Identification : Yields the reactions characteristic of alkaloids.

Ultraviolet absorbance : In 0.2N sulphuric acid maxima at 266 to 270 nm.


Description : White crystalline powder. Soluble in alcohol, slightly soluble in

95 per cent alcohol, practically insoluble in water.

Melting range: sinters at 225°, then melts indistinctly at 235° to


Identification : (i) Yield the reactions characteristic of steroids.

(ii) Take about 10 mg in test tube and add 5 ml distilled water

and shake; forms a soapy suspension.


Description : White crystalline powder from acetone, soluble in alcohol,

methanol, chloroform and in acetic acid.

Melting range: 204° to 207°

Identification : (i) Specific rotation [$] D25—129 (c=1.4 in chloroform).

(ii) Yields the reactions characteristic of steroids.


Description : Fine needles from methanol. Freely soluble in alcohol and in

chloroform; almost insoluble in water.

Melting point : 212° (dec.).

Identification : Yields tde reactions characteristic of alkaloids.

Ultraviolet absorbance : (methanol) 241, 312.5 nm (log E 4.31, 3.95).


Description : Crystalline sold. Melting range 196° to 198°. Slightly soluble

in water; soluble in alcohol and in chloroform.

Identification : Dissolve about 10 mg in 2 ml methanol, add a few pieces of

magnesium powder and a few drops of hydrochloric acid; pink
colour is produced.

Ultraviolet absorbance : (Ethanol) : 243, 254, 342 nm (E 17.400; 19.300; 19.800;



Description : Primatic crystals, soluble in acetone, dioxae and in methanol;

insoluble in water. Melting range : 145° to 147°.

Identification : Yields the reactions characteristic of phenols.


Description : Crystalline powder, sparingly soluble in methanol and in

ethanol; slightly soluble in water.

Melting range 283° to 284.

Identification : Dissolve about 10 mg in 2 ml of ethanol, add a few drops of

molisch;s reagent and 1 ml of sulphuric acid through side of
the test tube; a violet ring forms at the junction of two liquids.


Description : White prismatic crystals. Insoluble in water; slightly soluble in

ethanol and ether; freely soluble in chloroform. Melting point

Identification : (i) Yields the reactions characteristic of alkaloids.

Ammonium molybdate test-gray-green-blue-pale green;
ammonium vandate test-reddish brown-red.

Absorbance : Ethanol: water (1: 1), maxima at 295 nm.

Infra-red absorbance : K Br. Disc. The principal peaks are at 1037 or 1501, 1260 cm –


Description : White amorphous powder. Soluble in alcohol and in

Melting point : 180° to 181° (HCl).

Identification : Yields the reactions characteristic of nitrogen.


Description : A colourless to pale yellow, volatile, very hydroscopic, oily

liquid which gradually becomes brown on exposure to air or
light. Soluble in water, either and ethanol. Boiling point : 247°
with decomposition.

Identification : (i) Refractive index : 1.5280.

(ii) Yields the reactions characteristic of alkaloids.

Ultraviolet absorbance : (0.1N sulphuric acid), maxima at 260 nm.

Infra-red absorbance : KBr disc. The principal peaks are at 712, 1429 and 810 cm—1.

QUININE C2020H24N2O2. 3H2O Mol. Wt.: 378.50

Description : A white granular, slightly efflorescent micro crystalline

powder. Specific rotation of a 1 per cent solution in 0.2N
sulphuric acid is 266 to – 277. Melting point (anhydrous)
aboutn 174°. Slightly soluble in water; freely soluble in
ethanol, chloroform and in ether.

Identification : (i) Yields the reactions characteristic of alkaloids.

(ii) Thalleioquin test-green.

Ultraviolet absorbance : (Ethanol), maxima at 236 nm and 332 nm in 0.1N sulphuric

acid maxima at 250 nm, 316 nm and 346 nm.
Infra-red absorbance : KBr disc. The principal peaks are at 1235, 1510, 1030 cm –1.

RESERPINE C33H40N20O9 Mol. Wt. L 608.70

Description : White crystals or crystalline powder which darkens slowly on

exposure to light. Melting point: About 270° with
decomposition. Insoluble in water and in ether; freely soluble
in chloroform; very slightly soluble in alcohol.

Identification : (i) Yields the reactions characteristic of alkaloids.

(ii) Micro test: Sulphuric acid-formaldehyde: gray green-

brown. Ammonium vanadate test-green.

Ultraviolet absorbance : (Alcohol), maxima at 267 nm and 294 nm.

Infra-red absorbance : KBr disc. The principal peaks are at 1120, 1220, 1330 cm-1.

SANGUINARINE C20 H14 NO4 Mol Wt. : 332.34

Description : The free base is colourless but its quaternary salts are reddish.
Melting point: 266° (decomposes) from chloroform, alcohol
and; ether,
278° to 280° from water.

Identification : (i) Yields the reactions characteristic of alkaloids.

Ultraviolet absorbance : 234, 283, 325 nm (Log t 4.50, 4.52, 4.18).

Infra-red absorbance : Spectrum enclosed.

SANTONIN C15 H18 O3 Mol. Wt. : 246.30

Description : White tubular, orthorhombic, spherical crystals, which become

yellow on exposure to sun light. Almost tasteless with
bitterness after sometime. Melting range: 171° to 174°. Very
slightly soluble in water; sparingly soluble in dispensing
alcohol and in ether; freely soluble in chloroform.

Identification : To about 10 mg, add 1 ml of 10 per cent alcohol potassium

hydroxide solution; violet red colour develops.

Ultraviolet absorbance : In alcohol: Water (1:1) maxima at 245 Mu. (E1% 1 cm = 450).
SCOPOLAMINE C17H21NO4 Mol. Wt. : 303.40,

Description : Viscous liquid, which forms a crystalline monohydrate. Freely

soluble in hot water, alcohol, ether, chloroform and acetone,
sparingly soluble in benzene. Melting point: 59°

Identification : Yields the reactions characteristic of alkaloids.

Ultraviolet absorbance : 0.1N sulphuric acid, maxima at 231 nm, 257.5 nm and 263.5

Infra-red absorbance : KBr windows. The principal peaks are at 1041, 1060 cm –1.

SILYBIN C25H22O10 Mol. Wt. : 482.43

Description : Monohydrate crystals. Melting point: 167 decomposes at 180°.

Soluble in acetone, ethyl acetate, methanol and in ethanol,
sparingly soluble in chloroform, practically insoluble in water.

Identification : Take about 10 mg in test tube, dissolve in 2 ml ethanol and add

a few drops of ferric chloride solution; reddish violet colour

Ultraviolet absorbance : (Methanol) 288 nm (log E 4.33).

STRYCHNINE C21H22N2O2 Mol. Wt. : 334.40

Description : Orthorhombic, spheroidal prisms.

Melting range: 268° to 290°. Very slightly soluble in water,
slightly soluble in alcohol, freely soluble in chloroform.
Identification : Yields the reactions characteristic of alkaloids.
Micro: Ammonium vanadate test: blue-purple red.

Ultraviolet absorbance : (Alcohol) 254, 278, 288 nm (log E 4.10, 3.63, 3.537).

Infra-red absorbance : KBr disc. The principal peaks are at 1664, 764, 1392, 1480

THUJONE C10H16O Mol. Wt.: 152.23

Description : Colourless or almost colourless liquid. Soluble in Alcohol,
methyl alcohol and in chloroform, practically insoluble in

Identification : Take 2 to 3 drops in 2 ml chloroform, add a few drops of

antimony trichloride reagent and 1ml snlphuric acid through
the side of the test tube; pink colour develops.

Ultraviolet absorbance : (Hexane) : 300 n, (E.23).


Description : Mixture of alkaloids. White or grayish white powder.

Melting range: 145° to 155°. Insoluble in water; freely soluble
in ethanol, chloroform and in ether.

Identification : (i) Yields the reactions characteristic of alkaloids.

(ii) Micro : Sulphuric acid-formaldehyde test-orange.

Ultraviolet absorbance : (0.1N sulphuric acid), maxima 15 263 nm and 293 nm.

Infra-red absorbance : KBr disc, the principal peaks are at 1712, 1154, 1032 cm-1

Determination of Lambda Max by U.V. Spectrophotometer

(A) For single beam instruments—

(1) Take blank reading of solvent (distilled water/dispensing alcohol).

(2) Take 0.5 – 1.0 ml sample (Mother Tincture) in the cuvette and add the
solvent and adjust till the absorption is below 2.00 Optical Density (O.D.)
using UV spectrophotometer. Then take 2.0 – 2.5 ml of the above sample
solution in other cuvette and take reading in UV region i.e. 360 to 200 mm
and record the absorption maxima.

(3) Tolerance limit in lambda max is + 4nm for sharp peaks and + 7 nm for
broad peaks.

(B) For double beam instruments—Corresponding adjustments can be made.



Assam-Gunakhiakarai; Ben.—Ulatkambal; Guj.—Olat Kambal Hin.—Olat Kambal; Ori.—

Pisacho—gonjal; Tam.—Sivapputtutti.

Ben.—Ulat Kamba; Mar.—Olat Kambol; Hin.— Olatkamal.

Hin. and Deccan— Vilayati afsantin; San.— Damar.


Ben.—Mukta-Jhuri; Bom. & Hin.—Khokali, kuppi; Guj.—Vanchhi Kanto; Mal., Tam. &
Tel.—Kuppamani; Ori.—Indramaris; Sans.—Arittamunjari.

Ben. — Apang; Hin.— Latjira; Pun.—Kutri; Sans. —Apamarga; Tam.—Nayurivi; Tel.—


Ben.—Kathbish Mithabis; Hin.—Mitbazahar; San.—Bisha.

Ben., Mar. and Hin. —Bel; Sans—Bilva; Tam.—Villuvam; Tel.—Maredu.

Ben., Bom., and Hin.-Bel; Sans.— Bilva, Sriphal; Tam.— Villevam; Tel.— Maredu.

Ben and Hin.— Chhata; Bom.—Alombe; Kash—Manaskhel; Punj.— Bleophore; Sans.—

Ben.— Junglians; Hin and Sans.—Kantola; Punj.— Vilayatikamaha Tam.— Alagai; Tel.—

Guj. — Vilayati Ghas; Hin.—Wilayati gawuth, Lasunghas; Kan.—Villayati hullu.

Hin.—Piyaz, Pun.—Ganda, Wassal; Sans.—Palandu; Ben.—Payaj; Tel.—Nirulli; Tam.—
Vangayam, Ilulli.
Hin.—Lasan, Lasun; Assam—Naharu; Ban.—Rasun; Guj. & Mar.—Lasun; Tam.—
Vallaippundu; Tel.-Vellullitellagada; Urdu—Lehsun.


Araboc—Musabar; Ben., Mal. & San.—Ghritkumar; Guj.—Kudvikunvar; Hin.—Ghikumari,

Ghikavar; Mar.i—Kunvarpata; Tam.—Kattalai; Tel.—Manjikattali; Urdu—Ghiqwara.

Ben.—Chhatim; Hin.—Satwan, Chatiun; Mal.—Pala; Sans.—Sapta-parna; Tam.—Pala;

Ben.— Tktraj; Hin.— Harinhara; Mal.— Chemmarom; Mar.—Rohada; Sans.—Rohitaka;
Tam. — Sem, mampuluvan; Tel.— Chawamanu.

Mal, Hin & Pun.—Badam; Sans.—Badama; Tam.—Vadumai; Tel.—Badamu.

Bom. & Hin. — Kaju; Beng. — Hajli badam; Mal.— Kashumavu; Tel.—Okkamamidi.


Hin.—Vilaba, Bhilawa; Ben.—Vela; Sans.—Bhallika; Mal.—Temprakku; Tam.—

Serangottai; Tel.—Bhallatamu.

Guj — anagallide; Hin — Jonkmari; Pun— Dhabar.

Ben.—Kalmegh; Guj.—Kariyatu; Hin.—Kiryat, Kirata; Mal.—Kiryat Nelavepu; Mar.—
Olikirayat; Sans.—Bhunimba Kirat; Tam.—Nilavembu, Shirat Kuchi; Tel.—Nelavemu.

Hin.—Babuni ke phul; Tam.—Shimai chamantipu.

Ben.— Chanu, Randhuri; Hin.—Ajmud; Sans.—Ajamoda; S. Ind.— Ajmod.

Tam.— Sappatukkalli; Tel.— Nagajemudu; Uri.—Nagophenia

Ben. & Bom.—Nagadona; Hin.—Nagadouna; Pun.—Taerkha; Sans.—Nagadamani; Tam.—
Mashibattiri, Mchipatri; Tel.—Machipatri.
Hin.—Hing; Bom.—Hingra; Hin.—Sans.—Hingu.

Mar. — Taggar; Hin.—Upana; Sans.—Upana.

Ben.—Hikua; Hin.— Halyan, Hillua.

Ben. & Hin.—Nim; Bom.—Balnimb, Nim; Guj.—Limbado; Mar.—Nimbay; Ori.—Nimo;
San. -Nimba; Tam.—Veppu; Tel.—Nimbamu.

Ben.—Punranba; Guj.—Moto satodo; Hin.—Sant, Punarnava; Mar.—Vasu; San.—
Shothaghai, Punarnava; Tam.—Mukkarattai; Tel.—Atika mamidi.

Ben.—Akanada; Bom.—Ak; Guj.—Akado, Akro; Hin.—Ak, Mudar Mudhar; Mar.—
Akanada; Ori.—Orko; Sans.—Arka; Tam.—Vellarukku; Tal.—Mandaramu.

Pun.—Mamiri, Mumiri, Baringu.

Beng.—Lanka Morieh; Hin.—Lal Mirch; Kan.—Mensina Kai; Mal.—Mulaku; Pun.—Lal
Mirch; Tam.—Mulagay; Tel.—Mirapakaya.

Ben.—Papeya; Mal.—Papai; Guj.—Papayi; Hin.—Papeeta; Kan.—Parangimara; Tam.—
Pappali, papayi; Tel.—Boppayi.

Ben.—Kalkashunda; Hin.—Kasunda; Mal.—Pounantakara; Sans.— Kasamarda; Tam.—
Sularai; Tel.- Kondakashinda

Ben.—Telakucha; Mar.—Bhimb; Hin. & Pun.—Kan; Sans.—Bimba; Tam.—Kovaikai;
Tel.— Dondakaya.

Bom & Pun —Babuna; Urdu —Babumah.

Mal.— Katu ayamoddakam.
Ben, Mal and Hin.—Dalchini, Kalmi Dalchini; Sans.—Talaapatra; Tam.— Ilayangam;

Hin and Ben.—Bhant; Bom.—Bhat; Mal.—Peruku; Sans.—Bhantaka; Tam.—Perugilai;
Tel.— Gurrapukattya.

Ben. & Hin.—Kakmari; Bom.—Kakphal; Guj.—Kakaphola; San.—Kakmari; Tam.—Kaka—
Koliviari Tel.—Kakamari.

Hin.—Hirantutiya, Suringam; Pun.—Surinjin—talkh; Sans.—Hiranya utha; Urdu—
Surangane talkh.

Ben.—Patherchur; Bom & Hin.—Pathorehur; Sans.—Pashanbhedi; Tam.— Karpurvalli.

Ben.—Indrayan, Makhal; Bom.—Indrayan; Pun.—Tumbi, Ghurumba; Sans.—
Mahendravaruni; Tam.—Payk-kumutti, Veritummatti; Tel.—Etipuchchha.

Ben.—Jaypal; Bom. and Hin.—Jamalgota; Mal. & Tam.—Nirvalam; Sans.—Jayapala;

Ben, Mal. & Hin.—Kabab—Chini; Jadras—Val milaku; Sans.—Sugandha muricha

Ben.—Shada Kumra; Mar.—Kaula; Hin. — Kaddu; Sans.— Kurkaru; Tam.— Suraikayi.

Ben. & Hin.— Haldi; Guj.— Halada; Sans.— Haridra; Tam.— Manjal; Tel.— Pasupu.

Hin.— Hathajooree.

Ben.— Dubh, Durba; Hin.—Dhub, Durba, Hariyali; Kan.—Kudikarigai; Mar.— Haryali;
Sans. —Dhurva, Haritali; Tam.— Arugumpullu ; Tel.— Harvali.

Ben.—Salparni; Bom & Sans.—Shalparni; Hin—Sarivan; Tam.—Pullaid; Tel.— Gitanaram.
Ben.—Alkusa; Mal.—Kuhili; Hin and Pun.—Kawanch; Mar.—Shoriyanam; Sans.—
Almagupata; Tam.— Punaikkali; Tel.—Dulagonid.

Beng.—Biranga, baibirang; Mal.—Vaivarang; Guj.—Vyvirang, vavading; Hin.—
Baberangm wawrung; Kan, Tam. & Tel.— Vyuvilanga; Mal.—Vizhal; Pun.— Babrung.

Sans.—Jarayupriya, Nakshikavisha, Palita.

Tam.— Karpula maram.

Assam.— Doron; Hin.— Koti; Kumaon.— Ogul; Pun.— Ogal; Himachal.—Phaphra.

Ben.—Ashwattha; Guj.—Jeri; Hin.—Pipal; Mal.—Areyal; Sans.—Pippala; Tam.—

Ben.— Irevalsinni; Hin.— Irevalsinni; Kan.— Hardala, Devanabuli, Jarize; Mal.—
Pinnarpuli, Mat-tam; Mar.— Tam; Sans.— Tamala; Tam.— Irevalsinni;

Hin., Ben. & Mal,— Kapas; Mal.— Karppasi; Sans.—Karpari; Tam.— Parutti; Te.—

Assam— Dalim; Ben.— Dalimagachh; Mal.— Dalimba; Hin.— Anar kepar; Mal.—
Dadian; Pun— Anar; San—Dadima; Tam— Madalai; Tel— Dalimma.

GYMNEMA SYLVESTRIS Ben. & Hin.—Merasingi, Chhita—dudhilata; Bom.—Kavali;

Sans.—Meshashringi; Tam.—Shiru Kuranja.

Ben.— Bokkan; Mal. —Partanga; Tel.—Gabbi.

Bih.—Lab lab; Kash.—Karmora; Kum.—Banda; Pun.—Banda; Tam.—Maravalai.

Ben.—Suraja Mukhi; Bom.—Surajmaki; Tam.— Suriyakandi; Sans.—Surya Mukhi; Tel.—
Assam—Dudcory, Durkhuri; Ben.—Kurchi; Bom.—Kalakura; Guj.—Dhowda, Kuda; Hin.—
Kurchi, Kura; Mal.—Kodagapala, Venpala, Ori.—Kherwa; San.—Kutaja; Tam.—Indrabam,
Kodagapala; Tel.—Palakodsa.

Assam—Manimuni; Ben.—Brahamamanduku, Tholkuri; Bom.—Karinga; Deccan—Vallari;
Guj.—Barmi; Sans.—Bramananduki; Hin. & Mar.—Mandupparni; Tam.—Vallerai; Tel.—
Bokkudu; Urdu—Brahmi.

Ben.—Khorasani ajayan; Guj.—Khorasani ajmo; Hin. & Urdu—Khurasani ajvayan; Mar.—
Khorasaniova; Sans.—Parasikaya; Tam.—Kurasaniyoman; Tel.-Kurashnivamam.

Hin.—Bassant; Urdu—Balsana.


Mal. — Badian; Hin.— Anasphal; Tam.— Anashuppu.

Ben.—Asok; Guj.—Ashopalaya; Hin.—Ashok; Malayalam—Asoka; Mar.—Ashoka; Ori.—
Osoko; Tam.—Asogam.

Beng.—Bagbherendra; Mar.—Mogalieranda; Hin.—Bagbher anda; Mal.—Kattavanakku;
Sans.— Kananeranda; Tam.— Kattamanakku.

Ben.—Akrot; Mar.—Akroda; Hin.— Akhrot; Sans.—Akschota; Tam & Tel.—Akrottu.

Ben.—Havusha; Deccan.—Abhal; Hin.—Aaraar, hanbera; Kum.—Chichia;

Ben.-Bokas, Vasaka; Guj.—Ardhsi; Hin.—Adulasa, Vasaka; Mar.—Baksa; Ori.—Basongo;
Pun.—Bhaikar; San.—Vasaka; Tam.—Adhatodai; Urdu—Arusa. Kas.—Beta, Pethra ;
Pun.—Petthri. Sans.— Vapusha.

Ben & Hin.—Khesari; Mar.—Laka; Pun.—Kisari; Sans.—Sandika.

Ben & Hin.—Chota-halkusa; Bom.—Tamba; Tam.—Tumbai; Tel.—Tummachettu.

Hin. — Tamatar.

Hin.—Bendarli; Nep.—Nagbeli; Pun.—Walayati—Bbagan

Ben..— Banbiring; Hin.— Aspurk.

Pun.— Vilayata podina.

Bom.— Rojmari; Hin.— Gandana; Kash.— Momadruchopandiga.

Bom. — Rojmari; Hin.—Gandana; Kesh.— Momadruchopandiga.

Ben.—Jayphal; Bom., Pun. & Hin.—Jaiphal; Guj.—Jayephal; San.—Jaiphala, Jatiphala;
Tam.—Jadikkai; Tel.—Jaji kava.

Ben.—Kuchila; Bom.—Kajra; Guj. & Hin.—Kuchla; Mal.—Kanniram; Pun.—Kuchrla;
San.—Kachchira; Tam.—Ettikkotai, Kanjiram; Tel.—Mushti; Urdu—Kuchala.

Ben. — Harshinghar; Mal. — Harsingara; Hin.—Harisnghar; Mal.— Mannapu; Pun.—
Harsinghar; Sans.— Sephalika; Tam.—Pavalamalligai; Tel.— Sepali.

Ben & Hin.— Kala tulsi; Kan. — Ramatulsi; Mal.—Katturamatulsi; Sans.— Ajaka; Tam.
— Ganjamkorai; Tel.—Kukka tulsi.

Ben & Hin.— Ramtulsi; Bom.—Ramatulsa; Guj.—Avachibavachi; Tel & Mal.— Ramatulsi;
Punj.— Banjere; Sans.— Vridhatulsi; Tam.— Elumichantulsi

Hin.—Tulasi; Ben.—Tulasi; Bom., Tel., Tam. & Mar.—Tulasi, Sans.—Vishnupriya, Tulsi
Divya, Bharati; Mal.—Shiva-Tulsi.

Kan.— Aehu mooda.
Ben.—Gol morich; Mal.—Kalamiri; Hin.— Kali mirch, Golmirch; Mal.—Kulimulaka; Sans.
— Maricha; Tam.— Milagu; Tel. — Marichamu

Mal.— Bartang ; Hin. & Kum.— Lahuriyai; Kas.— Isafghol.

Pun.— Sathalon.

Hin.— Chhattri; Pun.—Kiain.

Ben.—Lata Kasturi, Bavachi; Bom.—Bawachi; Hin.—Bakuch; Sans.—Vakuchi; Tam.—
Karpo Karishi; Tel.—Karn-bogi.

Kash. —Zambecule; Pun. —Bart; Hin.—Jamoi, Jamunoi.

Hin.— Jal Dhaniya.

Ben. — Mula; Bom.— Mula; Hin. & Pun.—Muli; Mal., Tam & Tel.—Mullangi, Mulaka.

Ben. & Bom.—Chandra; Hin.- Chotachand Sarpgandha; Mal.—Chuvaunayllpuri; Ori.—
Channerna, Dhanbarua; Sans.—Sarpgandha, Chandrika; Tam.—Covannamilpori; Tel.—

Assam— Eri; Ben.—Bherenda; Mal. —Erendi; Hin.—Arand; Kan.—Manda; Mal.—
Erandam; Sans.—Eranda; Tam.—Amanakku; Tel.—Erandamu.

Sans.— Amlabetasa.

Ben.—Crmul; Bombay—Satap; Hin.—Sadab, Pun.—Sudab; San.—Somalata; Tam.—
Arvada; Tel.—Aruda.

Ben.—Sanna-makki; Hin.—Sana; Mar.—Sonamukhi; Mal.—Nilavaka; Tam.—Nila varai;
Tel. — Nela-tangedu.

Hin. —Safed Rai.
Ben.—Raisarisha; Mar—Rai; Hin—Aslrai; Sans—Madhurika; Tam—Kadugu; Tel— Avalu.

Beng.— Kakmachi; Mal. & Pun.— Mako; Hin.— Makoi; Sans.— Kakamachi; Tam.—
Manattakkali; Tel.— Kamanchi.

Ben. & Sans.—Kant Kari; Bom.—Bhuringni; Hin.—Kateki; Mal.—Kantan Kattin; Punj—
Kandiari; Tam.— Kandangattiri; Tel.—Challamulaga.

Hin, Bom & Pun.—Makai; Ben.—Bhutta; Kan.—Makkajola; Mal.—Cholan; Sans-
Yavanala; Tam.—Makka sholam.

Beng.— Sada dhutura; Hin.— Dhatura; Tam.—Umatai; Pun.—Tattudattura; Sans.—
Dhattura; Tel and Mal.— Ummatta.

Ben. & Hin.— Chireta; Bom.— Chiraita; Mal.—Nelaveppa; Sans.— Kairata; Tam and

Assam—Jamu; Ben.—Jam, Kalajam; Bom.—Jambhul Jambu; Guj.—Jambu; Hin.i—Jaman,
Jamun; Sans.—Jambu,. Jamula; Tam.—Nagai, Sambal; Tel.—Jambuvu.

Ben.—Tamak; Bom. & Hin.—Tambaku; Pun.—Tamaku; Mal.—Pokala; Sans.—Tamakhu;
Tam.—Pugalyilay; Tel.—Pogaku.

Mar.—Bathur; Hin.— Kanphul; Pun.—Kanphul.

Ben.—Bhirmie; Mar. —Barmi; Hin.—Kash; Kum.—Thuner; Pun.— Birmi.

Assam.— Hilikha; Ben.— Haritakai; Mal.— Hirda; Hin.— Harir; Mal.— Katukka; Sans.—
Haritaki; Tam.— Kadukki; Tel.— Karitaki.

Assam—Orjun; Ben., Bom. & Hin.—Arjuna; Guj.—Arjunasadra; Mal.—Marutu; Ori.—
Orjuno; San.—Arjuna; Tam.—Maruda; Tel.—Tellamaddi.

Ben., Bom., Hin & Pun. — Cha, Chay; Tam.— Thayilai; Tel.— Theyaku.
Ben.— Giloe, Gulancha; Mal.— Gulwel; Hin.— Giloe, Gulncha, Gaduchi; Mal.—
Sittamryut; Pun.— Gilo; Sans.— Guduchi; Tam.— Sindal; Tel.— Somida.

Punj.— Trepatra.

Ben.—Gokhru, Gokshura; Guj.—Gokharu: Hin.—Chota-gokhru; Kanarese—Negalu; Mal.—
neringil; Sans.—Gokshura; Tam.—Nerunji.

Hin.— Watapana; Pun.— Watpan; Urdu.— Fanjiwun.

Ben & Hin.—Antamul; Bom.—Anthamul; Mal.—Vallipala; Tam.— Nayppalai; Tel.—

Raj.— Billilotan; Hin.—Billilotan; Kal & Mal.—Kalavala.

Hin.— Gidar tamaku; Pun.—Bantamaku.

Hin.— Ban, Banda; Jaunsar.— Chulukabanda; Kulu.— Rini; Pun.-Kalbang.

Ben.—Ashvagandha; Bom.—Asgund Asvagandha; Guj.—Asan; Hin.—Ashvagandha;
Sans.—Ashvagandha; Tam.—Aswagandi; Tel.—Asvagandhi.

Ben.—Ada; Mal.—Adu; Hin.—Adrak; Kam.—Ardraka; Mal.—Andrakam; Pun.— Adrak;
Sans.—Ardraka; Tam.—Inji; Tel.-Ardrakamu.

















































































































114. CINA













































































































223. RHEUM









233. SENNA

234. SEPIA





























ABIES CANADENSIS : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 72.0 to 76.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 4.50 to 5.80

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.870 to 0.900 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.75 per cent w/v

λmax : 282 nm

Identification : Carry out TLC of mother tincture using chloroform : methanol

(98:2 v/v) as mobile phase and antimony trichloride as spray
reagent. Two spots appear at Rf 0.25 and 0.87.

ABROMA AUGUSTA : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 42.0 to 46.0 per cent v/v

PH : 5.5 to 6.9

Wt. Per ml : 0.930 g. to 0.952 g.

Total solids : Not less than 1.0 per cent w/v

Identification : (i) To 1 ml add a drop of dilute hydrochloric acid; a pink colour

is produced.

(ii) Carry out TLC using chloroform: methanol (9:1 v/v) as

mobile phase. Under UV light spots appear at Rf. 0.08, 068 and
ABROTANUM : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 72.0 to 76.0 per cent v/v

PH : 5.2 to 6.0

Wt. Per ml : 0.850 g. to 0.920 g.

Total solids : Not less than 1.130 per cent w/v

max : 290 and 320 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC using n-butanol: acetica acid: water ( 4:1:1 v/v)
as mobile phase. Under UV light, three spots appeart at Rf
0.43, 0.83 (blue) and 0.94 (red).
ABSINTHIUM : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 63.0 to 67.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.20 to 6.20

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.880 to 920 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.75 per cent w/v

λ max : 272 nm

Identification : Carryout TLC of concentrated mother tincture using

chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV
light four spots appear at Rf 0.20, 0.50, 0.62 and 0.93. With
antimony trichloride spray reagent one spot appears at Rf 0.93

ACALYPHA INDICA : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v

PH : 5.8 to 6.8

Wt. Per ml : 0.884 g. to 0.912 g.

Total solids : Not less than 0.50 per cent w/v

max : 265 nm

Identification : (i) To 2 ml add a few crystals of phloroglucinol followed by

hydrochloric acid; a cherry red colour is produced which
changes to brown.

(ii) Carry out TLC of mother tincture using chloroform:

methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase and alcoholic aluminium
chloride solution as spray reagent; six spots appear at Rf. 0.20,
0.55, 0.68, 0.78 (all blue) 0.88 and 0.93 (both red).

Potency : 1x
Contains not less than 9.30 per cent w/w to not more than
10.30 per cent w/w of C6H5NHCOCH3.

Assay : Complies with the assay method.

Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.93 per cent w/w to not more than 1.03
per cent w/w of C6H5NHCOCH3.

Assay : 10 g complies with the assay method.

Potency : 3x
Contains not less than 0.93 per cent w/w to not more than 0.103
per cent of C6H5NHCOCH3.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 0.5 g in 50 ml 1N sodium hydroxide

solution and reflux for one hour on water bath. Cool and extract
it with 3x20 ml chloroform. Wash the chloroform layer with
alkaline water. Combine the washings with aqueous solution.
Titrate the aqueous layer with 1N hydrochloric acid using
phenolphthalein as indicator. Carryout a blank with 50 ml 1N
sodium hydroxide solution. Each ml of 1N sodium hydroxide is
equivalent to 0.135 g of C6H5NHCOCH3.


Potency : 1x (0)
Colourless liquid; odour vineagar like and sharp. Contains not
less than 9.40 per cent v/v to not more than 10.40 per cent v/v
of C2H4O2.

Reaction : Acidic to litmus.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Acidum


Potency : 2x
Colourless liquid; odour vinegar like and sharp. Contains not
less than 0.94 per cent v/v to not more than 1.04 per cent v/v of
C 2H 4O 2.

Reaction : Acidic to litmus

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Acidum


Potency : 3x
Colourless liquid, odour vinegar, like Contains not less than
0.09 per cent v/v to not more than 0.10 per cent v/v of
C 2H 4O 2.

Reaction : Acidic to litmus

Assay : Weigh accurately about 50 g into stoppered flask and titrate
with 0.05N sodium hydroxide using phenolphthalein solution
as indicator. Each ml of 0.05N sodium hydroxide is equivalent
to 0.003 g of C2H4O2.


Potency : 1x
Contains not less than 9.50 per cent w/w to not more than 10.50
per cent w/w of C6H5COOH.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Acidum


Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.95 per cent w/w to not more than 1.05
per cent w/w of C6H5COOH.

Assay : Start with 5 g drug, dissolve in 100 ml of water and tritrate with
0.1N sodium hydroxide using phenol red solution as indicator.
Each ml of 0.1N sodium hydroxide is equivalent to 0.01221 g
of C6H5COOH.

Potency : 3x
Contains not less than 0.095 per cent w/w to not more than
0.105 per cent w/w of C6H5COOH.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g, dissolve in 100 ml water and

titrate with 0.05N sodium hydroxide using phenol red solution
as indicator. Each ml of 0.05N sodium hydroxid is equivalent to
0.006106 g of C6H5COOH.


Potency : 1x
Contains not less than 0.95 per cent w/v to not more than 10.0
per cent w/v of H3BO3.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Acidum


Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.95 per cent w/v to more than 1.05 per
cent w/v of H3BO3.
Assay : 5g complies with the assay method given under Acidum
Boracicum. For titration use 0.1N sodium hydroxide. Each ml
of 0.1N sodium hydroxide is equivalent to 0.006183 of H3BO3.

Potency : 3x
Contains not less than 0.095 per cent w/v to not more than
0.105 per cent w/v of H3BO3.

Assay : 20 complies with the assay method given under Acidum

Boracicum. For titration use 0.02N sodium hydroxide. Each ml
of 0.02N sodium hydroxide is equivalent to 0.001736 g of


Potency : 1x
Contains not les than 9.40 per cent w/v to not more than 10.40
per cent w/v of C6H5OH.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Acidum


Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.94 per cent w/v to not more than 1.04
per cent w/v of C6H5OH.

Assay : Start with 10 ml of drug and follow the same method as given
in Acidum Carbolicum.


Potency : 1x
Contains not less than 9.50 per cent w/w to not more than 10.60
per cent w/w of C6H8O7.H2O.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Acidum Citricum.

Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.95 per cent w/w to not more than 1.06
per cent w/w of C6H8O7.H2O.

Assay : 50g complies with the assay method given under Acidum
citricum. For titration use 0.1N sodium hydroxide. Each ml of
0.1N sodium hydroxide is equivalent to 0.007005 g of

Potency : 1x
Contains not less than 9.50 per cent w/v not less than 10.50 per
cent w/v of HF.

Assay : Start with 10 g of drug and follow the method given under
Acidum Hydrofluoricum.

Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.95 per cent w/v to not more than 1.05
per cent w/v of HF.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 10 g and use 0.1N sodium hydroxide

and 0.1.N sulphuric acid for the method given under Acidum
Hydrofluoricum. Each ml of 0.1N sodium hydroxide is
equivalent to 0.002001 g of HF.

Potency : 3x
Contains not less than 0.095 per cent w/v to not more than
0.105 per cent w/v of HF.

Assay : Weight accurately about 20 g and follow the assay method

given under Acidum Hydrofluoricum using 0.02N sodium
hydroxide is equivalent to 0.0004 of HF.


Potency : 1x
Contains not less than 9.40 per cent w/v to not more than 10.40
per cent w/v of C3H6O3.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Acidum


Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.94 per cent w/v to not more than 1.04
per cent w/v of C3H6O3.

Assay : 5 g complies with the assay method given under Acidum

Lacticum. In assay method use 0.1N sodium hydroxide and
0.1N sulphuric acid. Each ml of 0.1N sodium hydroxide is
equivalent to 0.009008 g of C3H6O3.

Potency : 3x
Contains not less than 0.094 per cent w/v to notmore than 0.104
per cent w/v of C3H6O3.

Assay : 20 g complies with the assay method given under Acidum

Lacticum. In assay method use 0.01N sodium hydroxide and
0.01N sulphuric acid. Each ml of 0.01N sodium hydroxide is
equivalent to 0.0009 g to C3H6O3.


Potency : 1x (0)
Colourless liquid, taste acrid. Contains not less than 9.50 per
cent v/v to not more than 10.50 per cent v/v of HCl.

Reaction : Acidic to litmus.

Assary : Complies with the assay method given under Acidum


Potency : 2x
Colourless liquid, taste acidic. Contains not less than 0.95 per
cent v/v to not more than 1.05 per cent v/v of HCl.

Reaction : Acidic to litmus.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 4.0 g into stoppered flask and titrate
with 0.1N sodium hydroxide using methyl orange as indicator.
Each ml of 0.1N sodium hydroxide is equivalent to 0.00365 g
of HCl.

Potency : 3x
Colourless liquid. Contains not less than 0.095 per cent v/v to
not more than 0.105 per cent v/v of HCl.

Reaction : Acidic to litmus.

Assary : Weigh accurately about 25 g into a stoppered flask and titrate

with 0.1N sodium hydroxide using methyl orange as indicator.
Each ml of 0.1N sodium hydroxide is equivalent to 0.00365 g
of HCl.


Potency : 1x (())
Colourless liquid, odour characteristic, irritating. Contains not
less than 9.50 per cent v/v to not more than 10.50 per cent v/v
of HNO3.
Reaction : Acidic to litmus.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Acidum Nitricum.

Potency : 2x
Colourless liquid. Contains not less than 0.95 per cent v/v to
not more than 1.05 per cent v/v of HNO 3.

Reaction : Acidic to litmus.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Acidum Nitricum.

Potency : 3x
Colourless liquid. Contains not less than 0.095 per cent v/v to
not more than 0.105 per cent v/v of HNO3

Reaction : Acidic to litmus

Assay : Weigh accurately about 40 g into a stoppered flask and titrate

with 0.1N sodium hydroxide using phenolphthalein as
indicator. Each ml of 0.1N sodium hydroxide is equivalent to
0.006301 g of HNO3.


Potency : 1x
Contains not less than 9.50 per cent w/w, w/v to not more than
10.50 per cent w/w, w/v of C2H2O4.2H20.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Acidum


Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.95 per cent w/w to not more than 1.05
per cent w/w, w/v of C2H2O4.2H20.

Assay : 5g complies with the assay method given under Acidum


Potency : 3x
Contains not less than 0.095 per cent w/w. to not more than
0.105 per cent w/w, C2H2O4.2H20.

Assay : 20 g complies with the assay method given under Acidum

Oxalicum. For titration use 0.05N potassium permanganate.
Each ml of 0.5N potassium permanganate is equivalent to
0.00315 g of C2H2O4.2H20.

Potency : 1x (0)
Colourless liquid. Contains not less than 9.50 per cent w/v to
not more than 10.50 per cent w/v of H3PO4.

Reaction : Acidic to litmus.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Acidum


Potency : 2x
Colourless liquid. Contains not less than 0.95 per cent w/v to
not more than 1.05 per cent w/v of H3 PO4.

Reaction : Acidic to litmus.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Acidum


Potency : 3x
Colourless liquid. Contains not less than 0.095 per cent w/v to
not more than 0.105 per cent w/v of H3PO4.
Reaction : Acidic to litmus.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 25 g into stoppered flask, containing

about 0.5 g sodium chloride and titrate with 0.01 N sodium
hydroxide using phenolphthalein as indidator Each ml of 0.01N
sodium hydroxide is equivalent to 0.00049 g of H3PO4.


Potency : 1x
Contains not less than 9.50 per cent w/w to not more than 10.50
per cent w/w of C6H4(OH)COOH.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Acidum


Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.95 per cent w/w, w/v to not more than
1.05 per cent w/w, w/v of C6H4(OH)COOH.

Assay : Follow the assay method given under Acidum Salicylicum

using 0.1N sodium hydroxide for titration. Each ml of 0.1N
sodium hydroxide is equivalent to 0.013812 g of

Potency : 3x
Contains not less than 0.095 per cent w/w, w/v to not more than
0.105 per cent w/w. w/v of C6H4(OH)COOH.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20g, dissolve in 100 ml hot water and
titrate with 0.02N sodium hydroxide solution using phenol-red
as indicator. Each ml of 0.02N sodium hydroxide is equivalent
to 0.002762 g of C6H4(OH)COOH.


Potency : 1x
Contains not less than 8.36 per cent w/v to not more than 9.24
per cent w/v of CH3CH(OH)COOH.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Acidum


Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.84 per cent w/v to not more than 0.920
per cent w/v of CH3CH(OH)COOH.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 10 g and use 0.1N sodium hydroxide

and 0.1N hydrochloric acid in the assay method given under
Acidum Sarcolacticum. Each ml of 0.1N acid is equivalent to
0.009008 g of CH3CH(OH)COOH.

Potency : 3x
Contains not less than 0.084 per cent w/v to not more than
0.092 per cent w/v of CH3CH(OH)COOH.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g and use 0.02N sodium hydroxide

and 0.02N hydrochloric acid in the assay method given under
Acidum Sarcolacticum. Each ml of 0.02N acid is equivalent to
0.0018 g of CH3CH(OH)COOH.


Potency : 1x (())
Colourless liquid: taste sharp and acidic. Contains not less than
9.00 per cent w/w to not more than 10.00 per cent w/w of
Reaction : Acidic to litmus.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Acidum


Potency : 2x
Colourless liquid, taste acidic. Contains not less than 0.90 per
cent w/w to not more than 1.00 per cent w/w H2SO4.

Reaction : Acidic to litmus.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Acidum


Potency : 3x
Colourless liquid. Contains not less than 0.09 per cent w/w not
more than 0.10 per cent w/w of H2SO4.

Reaction : Acidic to litmus.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 25g. into a stoppered flask and titrate
with 0.01N Sodium hydroxide using phenolphthalein as
indicator. Each ml of 0.01N sodium hydroxide is equivalent to
0.00049 g of H 2SO4.


Potency : 1x
Contains not less than 9.55 per cent w/w to not more than 10.55
per cent w/w of C4H6O6.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Acidum


Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.955 per cent w/w to not more than
1.055 per cent w/w of C4H6O6.

Assay : 5g complies with the assay method given under Acidum

Tartarcum. For titration use 0.1N sodium hydroxide. Each ml of
0.1N sodium hydroxide is equivalent to 0.00705 g of C4H6O6.

Potency : 3x
Contains not less than 0.096 per cent w/w to not more than
0.106 per cent w/w of C4H6O6.
Assay : 20 g complies with the assay method given under Acidum
Tartaricum. For titration use 0.01N sodium hydroxide. Each ml
of 0.01N sodium hydroxide is equivalent to 0.000705 g of
C 4H 6O 6.


Alcohol content : 61.0 to 65.0 per cent v/v

PH : 5.5 to 7.00

Wt. Per ml : 0.896 g to 0.904 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.50 per cent w/v

max : 285 nm.

Identification : (a) Take one drop on a filter paper and dry, place one drop of
acetic anhydride on the spot and dry again. Examine under UV
light, greenish blue fluorescence is produced.

(b) Evaporate 20 ml on water-bath to remove alcohol. Extract

the aqueous part with 3 x 20 ml chloroform, concentrate the
chloroform extract to 2 ml and carryout Co-TLC with aconitine
using chloroform : methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase and
Dragendorff’s reagent for spray. Orange spot corresponding to
aconitine appears.

ADONIS VERNALIS : Mother Tincture

Alcol content : 48.0 to 52.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.10 to 6.30

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.920 to 0.980 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.00 per cent w/v

λmax : 272, 340 nm

Identification : (1) Evaporate 20 ml of mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Extract the aqueous layer with 3x20 ml chloroform.
Concentrate it to 2 ml and carryout TLC on silica ge. ‘G’ plate
using chloroform;methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. With
antimony trichloride reagent four spots appear at Rf 0.19, 0.31,
0.62 and 0.78.
(2) Carryout TLC of aqueous layer on silica gel ‘G’ plate using
n-butanol : acetic acid : water (4:1:1 v/v) as mobile phase.
With methanolic aluminium chloride reagent one yellow
coloured spot appears at Rf 0.76.


Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v

PH : 5.0 to 6.0

Wt. Per ml : 0.905 g. to 0.925 g.

Total solids : Not less than 1.7 per cent w/v

max : 260 nm

Identification : (a) Evaporate 2 ml tincture to dryness and treat the residue with
Hydrochloric Acid; a lemon yellow colour is produced.

(b) Carry out TLC of Mother Tincture using n-burtanol: acetic

acid: water (4:1:1 v/v) as mobile phase; three brown spots
appear at Rf./ 0.22. 0.36 and 0.48 on spraying with methanolic
sulphuric acid and heating for 25 minutes at 105°.

AETHUSA CYNAPIUM : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent w/v

PH : 5.3 to 6.2

Wt. Per ml : 0.894 g. to 0.918 g.

Total solids : Not less than 0.5 per cent w/v

max : 310 nm

Identification : (i) Take carbon-tetra chloride extract, evaporate on water bath

and leach the residue with a little water followed by addition of
a drop of potassium permanganate solution; the solution is

(ii) Carry out TLC using chloroform: methanol (9:1 v/v) as

mobile phase. Under UV light three spots appear at Rf. 0.13,
0.65 and 0.85 (all blue).

Alcohol content : 40.0 to 45.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.00 to 5.50

Wt. Per ml. : 0.925 g to 0.950 g.

Total solids : Not less than 0.28 per cent w/v.

max : 280, 320 nm.

Identification : Carry out CO-TLC with muscarine using n-butanol: acetic

acid:water (4:1:1 v/v) as mobile phase. In iodine vapour spot
corresponding to muscarine appears.

AGNUS CASTUS : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 87.0 to 91.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.60 to 6.2.

Wt. Per ml : 0.812 g to 0.838 g.

Total solids : Not less than 0.20 per cent w/v.

max : 280, 320 nm.

Identification : (a) Carry out TLC using toluene: ethyl acetate (95:5 v/v) as
mobile phase and 1 per cent vanillin sulphuric acid as spray
reagent. Five violet brown spots appear at Rf. 0.25, 0.39, 0.51,
0.82 and 0.92 on heating at 105° for 20 minutes


(b) Evaporate 20 ml on water-bath to remove alcohol, extract

the aqueous part with 3 x 20 ml chloroform. Concentrate the
chloroform extract to 10 ml. To 5 ml add a few drops of acetic
anhydride followed by 2 ml. Concentrated sulphuric acid
through side of the test tube; brown ring forms at the junction
of two laters.

ALETRIS FARINOSA : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 57 to 61 per cent v/v

PH : Between 4.80 to 5.80

Wt. Per ml : From 0.880 to 0.910 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.0 per cent w/v

λmax : 278 nm

Identification : Carryout TLC of mother tincture using n-butanol : acetic acid :

water (4:1:1 v/v) as spray reagent. After spray heat the plate at
105º for 15 minutes. One spot appears at Rf 0.21 (reddish

ALFALFA : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 64.0 to 68.0 per cent v/v

pH : Between 5.50 to 6.50

Wt. Per ml : From 0.870 to 0.910 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.10 per cent w/v

λmax : 270, 320 nm

Identification : (1) Evaporate the mother tincture to dryness, add 1 ml 5 per

cent copper sulphate solution and make it alkaline by adding
0.5 ml of sodium hydroxide solution, a bluish green precipitate
is formed.

(2) Carryout TLC of mother tincture using n-butanol:acetic

acid:water as mobile phase and ninhydrin solution as spray
reagent. Five spots appear at Rf 0.12, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40 and 0.54

(3) The above TLC plate when sprayed with aluminium

chloride solution, three spots appear at Rf 0.50, 0.64 and 0.91
(greenish flourescence under UV light).

ALLIUM CEPA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 41.0 to 45.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.00 to 6.00.

Wt. Per ml : 0.960 g. to 0.975 g.

Total solids : Not less than 2 per cent w/v.

max : 255 nm.

Identification : (a) To 1 ml add a few drops of dilute nitric acid to make it

acidic, then add a few drops of silver nitrate solution, a black
precipitate insoluble in dilute nitric acid is produced.

(b) Carry out TLC by using carbon tetra chloride: methanol:

water (60:30:3 v/v) (upper layer) as mobile phase and
ammonical silver nitrate as spray reagent. One brown spot
appears at Rf. 0.34.

ALLIUM SATIVUM : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 66.0 to 70.0 per cent v/v/

PH : 6.00 to 6.70.

Wt. Per ml : 0.850 g. to 0.898 g.

Total solids : Not less than 0.80 per cent w/v.

λ max : 260 nm.

Identification : (a) To 1 ml add a few drops of dilute nitric acid, to make it

acidic than add a few drops of silver nitrate solution; a black
precipitate insoluble in dilute nitric acid is produced.

(b) Solvent system carbon tetra chloride: methanol: water

(60:30:3v/v) in separating funnel. Shake and use lower layer at
mobile phase. Carry out TLC in lower layer of solvent, use
vanillin sulphuric acid as spray reagent and heat the plate at
105° for 15 minutes. One black spot appears at Rf. 0.22. The
plate developed from upper layer gives one yellow spot at Rf.
0.74 on spraying with ammonical silver nitrate solution and
heated to 105° for 15 miutes.

ALOE SOCOTRINA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 87.0 to 91.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 4.70 to 5.0.

Wt. Per ml : 0.820 g. to 0.860 g.

Total Solids : Not less than 5.0 per cent w/v.

λ max : 278, 310 nm.

Identification : (a) To 2 ml add 5 ml of ferric chloride solution and 5 ml of

dilute hydrochloric acid, heat to boil for 10 minutes, cool and
extract with 3x10 ml carbon tetrachloride. Separate the carbon
tetrachloride layer, concentrate to 5 ml and add 2 ml of
ammonia solution; a pink to cherry red colour is produced in
ammonical layer.

(b) Carry out TLC using chloroform: methanol (9:1 v/v) as

mobile phase. Three spots appear at Rf. 0.23, 0.31 and 0.94.


Potency : 1x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 6.20 per cent
w/w to not more than 6.83 per cent w/w of Al2O3.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under alumina.

Potency : 2x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.62 per cent
w/w to not more than 0.68 per cent w/w of Al2O3.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 25 g, charr in silica crucible slowly to

make ash and carryout assay method as given under Alumina.


Potency : 1x
Contains not less than 9.30 per cent w/w to not more than 10.30
per cent w/w of C6H5CO2NH4.

Assay : 5 g complies with the assay method given under Ammonium


Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.93 per cent w/w to not more than 1.03
per cent w/w of C6H5CO2NH4.

Assay : 20g complies with the assay method given under Ammonium
Benzoicum. For titration use 0.1N hydrochloric acid. Each ml
of 0.1N hydrochloric acid is equivalent to 0.01391 g of

Potency : 1x
Contains not less than 0.30 per cent w/w to not more than 10.30
per cent w/w of NH4Br.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Ammonium


Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.93 per cent w/w to not more than 1.03
per cent w/w of NH4Br.

Assay : 5g complies with the assay method given under Ammonium


Potency : 3x
Contains not less than 0.093 per cent w/w to not more than
0.103 per cent w/w of NH4Br.

Assay : 20 g complies with the assay method given under Ammonium

Bromidum. In assay method use 0.01N silver nitrate and 0.01N
ammonium thiosulphate. Each ml of 0.01N silver nitrate is
equivalent to 0.000979 g of NH4Br.


Potency : 1x
Colourless liquid, odour of ammonia. Contains not less than
2.85 per cent w/v to not more than 3.45 per cent w/v of NH3.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Ammonium


Potency : 2x
Colourless liquid, odour of ammonia. Contains not less than
0.25 per cent w/v to not more than 0.345 per cent w/v of NH3.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Ammonium


Potency : 3x
Colourless liquid. Contains not less than 0.02 per cent w/v to
not more than 0.035 per cent w/v of NH3.
Assay : Weight accurately about 25 g in a flask and add 100 ml 0.01N
sulphuric acid. Shake well and tritrate with 0.01N sodium
hydroxide using phenolphthalein as indicator. Each ml of
0.01N sulphuric acid consumed is equivalent to 0.00017 g of


Potency : 1x
A clear colourless, liquid, odour characteristic. Contains not
less than 9.50 per cent w/v to not more than 10.50 per cent w/v
of NH3.

Reaction : Alkaline to litmus.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Ammonium


Potency : 2x
A clear, colourless, liquid, odour characteristic. Contains not
less than 0.95 per cent w/v to not more than 1.05 per cent w/v
of NH3.

Reaction : Alkaline to litmus.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Ammonium


Potency : 3x
Clear, colourless, liquid. Contains not less than 0.095 per cent
w/v to not more than 0.105 per cent w/v of NH3.

Assay : Weight accurately about 25 g in a flask containing 50 ml 0.1N

sulphuric acid and titrate the excess of acid with 0.1N sodium
hydroxide using phenolphthalein as indicator. Each ml of 0.1N
sulphuric acid is equivalent to 0.0017 g of NH3.


Potency : 1x
A clear, colourless, liquid. Contains not less than 9.50 per cent
w/v to not more than 10.50 per cent w/v of NH4Cl.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Ammonium

Potency : 2x
A clear, colourless, liquid. Contains not less than 0.95 per cent
w/v to not more than 1.05 per cent w/v of NH4Cl.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Ammonium


Potency : 3x
A clear, colourless liquid. Contains not less than 0.095 per cent
w/v to not more than 0.105 per cent w/v of NH4Cl.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g, add 1 ml of nitric acid, 5 ml

nitrobenzene and 50 ml 0.01N silver nitrate. Shake vigorously
for one minute and titrate with 0.01N ammonium thiocyanate,
using 2 ml of ferric ammonium sulphate as indicator. Each ml
of 0.01N silver nitrate is equivalent to 0.00054 g of NH4Cl.


Potency : 1x
Colourless, clear liquid. Contains not less than 8.30 per cent
w/v to not more than 9.18 per cent w/v of C5H11NO2.

Alcohol content : From 91.0 to 95.0 per cent v/v.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Amyl Nitrosum.

Potency : 2x
A clear, colourless, liquid. Contains not less than 0.83 per cent
w/v to not more than 0.92 per cent w/v of C5H11O2.

Alcohol content: 88.0 to 92.0 per cent v/v.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Amyl Nitrosum.

Potency : 3x
A clear, colourless, liquid, contains not less than 0.083 per cent
w/v to not more than 0.092 per cent w/v of C5H11O2.

Alcohol content : 88.0 to 92.0 per cent v/v.

Assay : Start with 25 g accurately weighed and use 0.01N silver nitrate
and 0.01 N ammonium thiocyanate solution, in the assay
method given under Amyl Nitrosum. Each ml of 0.01N silver
nitrate is equivalent to 0.0035 g of C5H11NO2.

Alcohol content : 87.0 to 91.0 per cent v/v

PH : 5.0 to 6.0

Wt. Per ml : 0.812 g. to 0.828 g.

λ max : 270 nm

Identification : (a) To 1 ml add a drop of ammonia solution; a dirty bluish

green colour is produced which yields a precipitate after five

(b) Carry out TLC using chloroform: methanol (9:1 v/v) as

mobile phase. Under UV light four spots appear at Rf. 0.60,
0.88, 0.93 (all violet) and 0.96 (blue). In iodine vapour six spots
appear at Rf. 0.43, 0.68, 0.80. 0.88, 0.93 and 0.96.


Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.50 to 6.90

Wt. Per ml : 0.9.0 g. to 0.925 g.

Total solids : Not less than 0.53 per cent w/v.

λ max : 260 nm

Identification : Carry out TLC using chloroform: methanol (9:1:v/v) as mobile

phase. Under UV light six spots appear at Rf. 0.05, 0.30, 0.53,
0.67, 0.75 and 0.83.

ANGUSTURA : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 66.0 to 70.0 per cent vv/

PH : Between 5.60 to 6.60

Wt. Per ml : From 0.890 to 0.920 g

Total solids : Not less than 2.0 per cent w/v

λmax. λº : 270, 308 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove
alcohol. Extract the aqueous layer with 3x20 ml chloroform.
Concentrate and carryout TLC using chloroform : methanol
(9:1 v/v), as mobile phase and Dragendorff’s reagent for spray.
Three spots appear at Rf 0.40, 0.74 and 0.90.


Potency : 1x
Contains not less than 9.40 per cent v/v to not more than 10.40
per cent v/v C6H5NH2.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Anilinum.

Carryout a blank with same amount of Dispensing Alcohol and
add the volume of perchloric acid used.

Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.94 per cent v/v to not more than 1.04
per cent v/v of C6H5NH2.

Assay : 5 g complies with the assay method given under Anilinum.

Carryout blank with same amount of Dispensing Alcohol and
add the volume of perchloric acid used.

Potency : 3x
Contains not less than 0.094 per cent v/v to not more than 0.104
per cent v/v C6H5NH2.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 25 g and titrate with 0.01N perchloric

acid. Carryout a blank with 25 g Dispensing Alcohol and add
the volume of perchloric acid used. Each ml of 0.01N
perchloric acid is equivalent to 0.00093 g of C6H6NH2.


Potency : 2x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.93 per cent
w/w to not more than 1.03 per cent w/w of SbAsO4.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Antimonium


Potency : 3x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.093 per
cent w/w to not more than 0.103 per cent w/w of SbAsO4.
Assay : Take about 10 g accurately weighed drug, char in silica
crucible to remove sugar of milk and follow the method given
under Antimonium Arsencicum. The tritration may be done
with 0.01N ammonium or potassium thiocyanate. Each ml of
0.01N thiocyanate is equivalent to 0.008969 g of SbAsO4.


Potency : 1x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 9.40 per cent
w/w/ to not more than 10.40 per cent w/w of Sb2S3.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Antimonium


Potency : 2x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.94 per cent
w/w/ to not more than 1.04 per cent w/w of Sb2S3.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Antimonium



Potency : 1x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 9.40 per cent
w/w to not more than 10.40 per cent w/w of K(SbO) C4H4O6.
½ H2O.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Antimonium

Potency : 2x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.94 per cent
w/w to not more than 1.04 per cent w/w/ of K(SbO) C4H4O6.
½ H2O.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Antimonium


Potency : 3x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.094 per
cent w/w/ to not more than 0.104 per cent w/w/ of K(SbO)
C4H4O6. ½ H2O.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g, char it in silica crucible and

dissolve the ash in 25 ml of water, add about 2 g of sodium
bicarbonate and titrate with 0.01N iodine using starch as
indicator. Each ml of 0.01N iodine is equivalent to 0.00167 g of
K(SbO) C4H4O6. ½ H2O.


Potency : 1x
Contains not less than 9.40 per cent w/w to not more than
10.40per cent w/w of C11H12N2O.

Assay : 1 g complies with the assay method given under Antipyrinum.

Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.94 per cent w/w to not more than 1.04
per cent w/w of C11H12N2O.

Assay : 5 g complies with the assay method given under Antipyrinum.

Potency : 3x
Contains not less than 0.094 per cent w/w to not more than
0.104 per cent w/w of C11Hλ12N2O.

Assay : 20 g complies with the assay method given under Antipyrinum.

In assay method use 0.01 N iodine and 0.01 N sodium
thiosulphate solution. Each ml of 0.1 N iodine is equivalent to
0.000941 g of C11H12N2O.

APIS MELLIFICA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 37.0 to 41.0 per cent v/v

PH : 5.0 to 6.2

Wt. Per ml : 0.893 g. to 1.001 g.

λ max : 264 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC using n-butanol: acetic acid : water (4:1:1) v/v)
as mobile phase and nihydrin as spray reagent. Three spots
appear at Rf. 0.09, 0.21 (violet red) and 0.45 (light violet).
APIUM GRAVEOLENS : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 91.0 to 95.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.50 to 6.50

Wt. Per ml : From 0.800 to 0.30 g

λmax. : 288, 318 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml of mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Extract the aqueous layer with 3x20 ml chloroform,
concentrate it to 2 ml and carryout TLC on silica gel G plate
using chloroform : methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. With
antimony trichloride spray reagent two spots appear at Rf 0.28
(brown) and 0.72 (Pink).


Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.0 to 6.2

Wt. Per ml : 0.870 g. to 0.931 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.30 per cent w/v.

λ max : 279 nm

Identification : Carry out TLC using chloroform : methanol (8:2 v/v) as mobile
phase. In iodine vapour three spots appear at Rf. 0.03, 0.11 and

ARALIA RACEMOSA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 79.0 to 83.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 4.5 to 6.1

Wt. Per ml : 0.840 g. to 08.65 g.

Total solids : Not less than 1.0 per cent w/v.

λ mas : 290 ad 320 nm

Identification : (a) Evaporate 20 ml to remove alcohol extract the aqueous part

with 3x20 ml chloroform, concentrate chloroform layer to 2 ml
and carryout TLC of chloroform extract using chloroform :
methanol (9:1 v/v as mobile phase and antimony trichloride
solution as spray reagent. Four spots appear at Rf. 0.29 (blue)
0.49, 0.50 (both red) and 0.91 (blue).

(b) Evaporate 20 ml on water bath to remove alcohol. Make the

aqueous part alkaline with ammonia solution and extract with 3
x 20 ml chloroform. Concentrate the chloroform extract to 2 ml
and carry out TLC using methanol: ammonia (100 : 1.5 v/v) as
mobile phase and Dragendorff’s reagent. One spot appears at
Rf. 0.68.


Potency : 1x
White or light brown amorphous powder. Contains not less
than 9.50 per cent w/w to not more than 10.50 per cent w/w of

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Argentum


Potency : 2x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.95 per cent
w/w to not more than 1.05 per cent w/w of Ag.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Argetum


Potency : 3x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.095 per
cent w/w to not more than 0.105 per cent w/w/ of Ag.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20g, char in silica crucible to ash,

dissolve the ash in sufficient quantity of dilute nitric acid.
Titrate with 0.01N ammonium thiocyanate using ferric
ammonium sulphate solution as indicator. Each ml of 0.01N
ammonium thiocyanate is equivalent to 0.0010 g of Ag.


Potency : 1x
Contains not less than 9.40 per cent w/w to not more than 10.40
per cent w/w of AgCl.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Argentum

Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.94 per cent w/w to not more than 1.04
per cent w/w of AgCl.

Assay : 10g complies with the assay method given under Argentum


Potency : 1x
White amorphous powder or clear liquid. Contains not less than
9.50 per cent w/w to not more than 10.50 per cent w/w of

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Argentum


Potency : 2x
White amorphous powder or clear liquid. Contains not less than
0.95 per cent w/w to not more than 1.05 per cent w/w of

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Argentum


Potency : 3x
White amorphous powder or clear liquid. Contains not less than
0.095 per cent w/w to not more than 0.105 per cent w/w of

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g, char it in silica crucible to ash,

dissolve the ash in 25 ml water, add 2 ml of nitric acid and
titrate with 0.01N ammonium thiocyanate using ferric
ammonium sulphate as indicator. Each ml of 0.01N ammonium
thiocyanate is equivalent to 0.001699 g of AgNO3.

ARNICA MONTANA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 50.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.60 to 5.80.

Wt. Per ml. : 0.900 g to 0.925 g.

Total solids : Not less than 0.85 per cent w/v.

λ mas : 284 and 378 nm.

Identification : (b) Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using chloroform:
methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase and antimony trichloride as
spray reagent. Under UV light three spots appear at Rf: 0.07,
0.66 and 0.4; with spray reagent two spots appear at Rf 0.29
and 0.94 (both violet).


Potency : 2x
White triturated amorphous powder or colourless liquid.
Contains not less than 0.95 per cent w/w to not more than 1.05
per cent w/w of As2O3.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Arsenicum


Potency : 3x
White triturated amorphous powder, or colourless liquid.
Contains not less than 0.095 per cent w/w to not more than
0.105 per cent w/w of As2O3.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g (char it in silica crucible to ash,

dissolve the ash into 20 ml water in case of trituration) and 5 ml
of 1N sodium hydroxide: add 5 ml 1N hydrochloric acid
followed by about 3 g of sodium bicarbonate and titrate with
0.01N iodine using starch as indicator. Each ml of 0.01N iodine
is equivalent to 0.00049 g of AS2O3.


Potency : 2x
Orange coloured amorphous powder Contains not less tha 0.92
per cent w/w to not more than 1.02 per cent w/w of Asl3.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Arsenicum


Potency : 3x
Light Orange coloured, amorphous powder. Contains not less
than 0.092 per cent w/w to not more than 0.102 per cent w/w of

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g, char it in silica crucible to ash.

Dissolve the ash into 25 ml water, add about 2 g sodium
bicarbonate and titrate with 0.01N iodine using starch as
indicator. Each ml of 0.01N iodine is equivalent to 0.00227 g of


Potency : 2x
Light yellow coloured amorphous powder. Contains not less
than 0.93 per cent w/w to not more than 1.03 per cent w/w of

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Arsenicum

Sulphuratum Flavum

Potency : 3x
White or light yellowish-white amorphous powder. Contains
not less than 0.093 per cent w/w to not more than 0.103 per
cent w/w of As2S3.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g. char it in silica crucible to ash.

Dissolve the ash in 25 ml water, add 2 g sodium bicarbonate
and titrate with 0.01N iodine using starch as indicator. Each ml
of 0.01N iodine is equivalent to 0.00062 g of As2S3.


Potency : 2x
Orange coloured amorphous powder. Contains not less than
0.93 per cent w/w/ to not more than 1.03 per cent w/w of

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Arsenicum

sulphuratum Rubrum.

Potency : 3x
Light orange coloured amorphous powder. Contain not less
than 0.093 per cent w/w to not more than 0.103 per cent w/w of

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g, char it slowly in silica crucible to

remove sugar of milk, dissolve the ash in 25 ml water, add
about 2g sodium bicarbonate. Titrate it with 0.01N iodine using
starch as indicator. Each ml of 0.01N iodine is equivalent to
0.0003 g of As2S2.


Alcohol content : 61.0 to 64.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.80 to 6.30.

Wt. Per ml. : 0.864 g to 0.907 g.

Total solids : Not less than 0.3 per cent w/v.

λ mas : 236, 270 and 332 nm,

Identification : (a) To 2 ml of Mother Tincture add a few drops of 2,4

dinitrophenyl hydrazine solution; yellowish red colour is

(b) Carry out TLC of Mother Tincture using chloroform:

methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV light five spots
appear at Rf. 0.07, 0.30, 0.42, 0.60 and 0.77.

ARUM TRIPHYLLUM : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.50 to 6.50.

Wt. Per ml. : 0.820 g to 0.920 g.

Total solids : Not less than 1.0 per cent w/v,

λ mas : 265 nm.

Identification : Evaporate 25 ml of Mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol and extract the residue with 2 x 25 ml chloroform.
Carry out TLC of chloroform extract by using chloroform:
methanol (95:5 v/v) as mobile phase. With antimony trichloride
reagent, four spots appear at Rf. 0.06, 0.27, 0.64 and 0.93.

ASAFOETIDA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 87.0 to 91.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.00 to 6.00

Wt. Per ml. : 0.828 g to 0.870 g.

Total solids : Not less than 0.30 per cent w/v.

λ max : 324 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC using n-hexane : methanol (98:2 v/v) as mobile
phase. In iodine vapours six spots appear at Rf. 0.06, 0.09,
0.15, 0.28, 0.36 and 0.98.

Potency : 1x
Contains not less than 9.40 per cent w/w to not more than 10.40
per cent w/w of C17H23O3N.

Assay : 1 g complies with the assay method given under Atropinum.

Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.94 per cent w/w to not more than 1.04
per cent w/w of C17H23O3N.

Assay : 5 g complies with the assay method given under Atropinum.

Potency : 3x
Contains not less than 0.094 per cent w/w to not more than
0.104 per cent w/w of Atropinum.

Assay : 20 g complies with the assay method given under Atropinum.

For tritration use 0.01 N hydrochloric acid and 0.01 N sodium
hydroxide. Each ml 0.01 N hydrochloric acid is equivalent to
0.002894 g of C17H23O3N.


Potency : 1x
Yellow coloured amorphous powder. Contains not less than
9.50 per cent w/w to not more than 10.50 per cent w/w of Au.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Aurum


Potency : 2x
Light yellow coloured amorphous powder. Contains not less
than 0.95 per cent to not more than 1.05 per cent w/w of Au.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Aurum



Potency : 1x
Yellow coloured, clear liquid. Contains not less than 9.40 per
cent w/v to not more than 10.40 per cent w/v of AuCl3. 2H2O.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Aurum


Potency : 2x
Yellow coloured, clear liquid. Contains not less than 0.94 per
cent w/v to not more than 1.04 per cent w/v of AuCl3. 2H2O.

Alcohol content : 45.50 to 50.0 per cent v/v.

Total solids : Not less than 0.93 per cent w/v.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 50 g, add 10 ml of 0.1N sodium

hydroxide and follow the method given under Aurum


Potency : 1x
Contains not less than 9.40 per cent w/v not more than 10.40
per cent w/v of NaAuCl4.2H2O.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 2.0 g and follow the assay method
given under Aurum Muraticum Natronatum.

Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.94 per cent w/v to not more than 1.04
per cent w/v of NaAuCl4.2H2O.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g and follow the assay method

given under Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum.

AVENA SATIVA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.6to 6.5

Wt. Per ml. : 0.94 g to 0.950 g.

Total solids : Not less than 0.30 per cent w/v.

λ max : 271 and 315 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC using n-butanol:acetic acid: water (4:1:1 v/v)
as mobile phase and ninhydrin as spray reagent. Six spots
appear at Rf. 0.06, 0.12, 0.32, 0.50, 0.53 and 0.55 (all pink).


Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 4.7 to 6.0

Wt. Per ml. : 0.850 g. to 0.910 g.

Total solids : Not less than 0.5 per cent w/v.

λ max : 286 nm.

Identification : (a) To 2 ml of Mother Tincture add a few drops of Schiff’s

reagent and shake well; after keeping for some time a red
colour is produced.

(b) To 1 ml of Mother Tincture add a few drops of Mayer’s

reagent; a yellow colour is produced.

(c ) To 1 ml of Mother Tincture add a few drops of

Dragendorff’s reagent; a red colour/precipitate is produced.
(d) Carry out TLC of ethyl acetate extract using chloroform :
methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV light three spots
appear at Rf.: 0.08, 0.68 and 0.85 (all blue).


Alcohol content : 63.0 to 67.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 4.80 to 6.20.

Wt. Per ml. : 0.880 g. to 0.905 g.

Total solids : Not less than 1.0 per cent w/v.

λ max : 250 nm,

Identification : (i) To 1 ml add a pinch of magnesium powder and two drops of

Hydrochloric acid; a pink colour is produced.

(ii) Carry out TLC of chloroform extract, using methanol:

ammonia (100:1.5 v/v) as mobile phase, Under UV light four
blue spots appear at Rf. 0.04, 0.14, 0.57 and 0.70. With
Dragendorff’s reagent four spots appear at Rf. 0.04, 0.37, 0.43
and 0.57.


Potency : 1x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 9.30 per cent
w/w to not more than 10.30 per cent w/w of BaCO3.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Baryta Carbonica.

Potency : 2x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.93 per cent
w/w to not more than 1.03 per cent w/w of BaCO3.

Assay : Take about 5 g accurately weighed in 50 ml water and follow

the assay method given under Baryta Carbonica.

Potency : 3x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.093 per
cent w/w to not more than 0.103 per cent w/w of BaCO3.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g, char in silica crucible to make

ash, dissolve the ash in 50 ml 0.1N hydrochloric acid, boil,
cool and titrate excess of acid with 0.1 sodium hydroxide using
bromocresol blue as indicator. Each ml of 0.1N hydrochloric
acid is equivalent to 0.00987 g. of BaCO3.


Potency : 1x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 9.40 per cent
w/w to not more than 10.40 per cent w/w of BaCl22H2O.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Baryta Muriatica.

Potency : 2x
White amorphous pwder. Contains not less than 0.94 per cent
w/w to not more than 1.04 per cent w/w of BaCl22H2O.

Assay : Dissolve about 5 g accurately weighed in 50 ml of water and

follow the assay method given under Baryta Muriatica.

Potency : 3x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.094 per
cent w/w to not more than 0.104 per cent w/w of BaCl2 2H2O.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g. char in silica crucible. Dissolve

the ash in 25 ml of water, add 5 ml of nitric acid, 50 ml of
0.01N silver nitrate and 3 ml of nitrobenzene and shake
vigorously for ten minutes. Titrate the excess of silver nitrate
with 0.01N ammonium thiocyanate using ferric ammonium
sulphate as indicator. Each ml of 0.01N silver nitrate is
equivalent to 0.00122 g of
BaCl2, 2H2O.

BELLADONNA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 41.0 to 45.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 6.4 to 7.0

Wt. Per ml. : 0.926 g. to 0.948 g.

Total solids : Not less than 1.0 per cent w/v.

λ max : 272 nm.

Identification : Evaporate 1 ml to dryness, extract with chloroform, evaporate

the chloroform extract and treat the residue with a few drops of
nitric acid and evaporate. Moisten residue with 10 per cent w/v
potassium hydroxide solution; a violet colour is produced.

Carry out TLC of Mother Tincture using methanol : ammonia

(100:1.5 v/v) as mobile phase and Dragendorff’s reagent as
spray reagent. Under UV light two spots appear at Rf. 0.64 and
0.70 (blue). With spray reagent one spot appear at Rf. 0.21
correspoding to atropine.


Carry out CO-TLC with atropine and scopolamine on silica gel

‘G’ using methanol : ammonia (100:1.5 v/v) as mobile phase
and Dragendorff’s reagent as spray reagent. Spots
corresponding to a Atropine and Scopolamine appear.

BELLIS PERENIS : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 61.0 to 65.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.0 to 6.5.

Wt. Per ml. : 0.80 g. to 0.930 g.

Total solids : Not less than 0.80 per cent w/v.

λ max : 240 and 315 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC using ethyl acetate: formic acid: water (8:1:1
v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV light two spots at Rf. 0.79 and
0.94 (both red) appear.

BERBERIS VULGARIS : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 47.0 to 51.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.7 to 6.9

Wt. Per ml. : 0.90 g. to 0.938 g.

Total solids : Not less than 0.65 per cent w/v.

λ max : 255 and 335 nm.

Identification : (a) To 1 drop add a drop of 0.5 per cent aqueous ammonium
molybdate solution. Evaporate, moisten the residue with
sulphuric acid; a brown colour is produced which turns green
on standing.

(b) Carry out CO-TLC with berberine using methanol :

ammonia (100.15 v/v) as mobile phase and Dragendorff’s
reagent as spray reagent. Spot corresponding to Berberine


Alcohol content : 87.0 to 91.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 6.0 to 7.0

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.820 to 0.850 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.75 per cent w/v

λmax. : 235, 270 nm

Identification : Carryout TLC of mother tincture using chloroform : methanol

(9:1 v/v) as mobile phase and antimony trichloride reagent for
spray. Four spots appear at Rf 0.20, 0.63, 0.78 and 0.82 (all
light brown).


Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.60 to 6.50

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.910 to 0.945 g

λmax. : 265 and 320 nm

Identification : (1) Carryout TLC of mother tincture using

chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV
light, five spots appear at Rf 0.60 (red), 0.68, 0.78, 0.85 (all
blue) and 0.96 (red).

(2) Carryout TLC of mother tincture using n-butanol:acetic

acid:water (4:1:1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV light, three
spots appear at Rf 0.40, 0.70 and 0.90 (all blue).


Potency : 1x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 9.40 per cent
to not more than 10.70 per cent of Na2B4O7. 10H2O.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Borax.

Potency : 2x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.94 per cent
to not more than 1.07 per cent of Na2B4O7. 10H2O.

Assay : Dissolve about 5 g accurately weighed in 75 ml and follow the

assay method given under Borax.

Potency : 3x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.094 per
cent to not more than 0.017 per cent of Na2B4O7. 10H2O.
Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g, dissolve in 125 ml water and
follow the assay method given under Borax.

BOVISTA : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.0 to 6.0

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.920 to 0.955 g.

Total solids : Not less than 0.75 per cent w/v

λmax : 270 nm

Identification : (1) Carryout TLC of mother tincture using n-butanol:acetic

acid:water (4:1:1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV light, two
spots appear at Rf 0.80 and 0.90 (both blue).

(2) Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Extract the aqueous part with 3x20 ml chloroform.
Concentrate it and carryout TLC on silica gel ‘G’ plate using
chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase and seen under
UV light. Five spots appear at Rf 0.28 (pink), 0.48, 0.60, 0.72
and 0.88 (all blue).

Potency : Q
Dark red coloured liquid. Contains not less than 0.94 per cent
w/v to not more than 1.04 per cent w/v of Br.

Assay : 2 g complies with the assay method given under Bromium.

Potency : 3x
Red coloured liquid. Contains not less than 0.094 per cent w/v
to not more than 0.104 per cent w/v of Br.

Assay : 20 g complies with the assay method given under Bromium.

BRYONIA ALBA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.5 to 7.0.
Wt. Per ml. : 0.883 g to 0.940 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.60 per cent w/v.

λ max : 267 nm.

Identification : (i) To 1 ml acidified with hydrochloric acid add a few drops of
Mayer’s reagent; a yellow precipitate is produced.

(ii) Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture to remove alcohol. Extract

the aqueous part with 3x20 ml chloroform, concentrate the
chloroform layer to 2 ml and carry out TLC of chloroform
extract using chloroform : methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase
Under UV light four spots appear at Rf. 0.28, 0.48, 0.82 and
0.93. (all blue).


Alcohol content : 68.0 to 72.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.5 to 6.5.

Wt. Per ml. : 0.860 g. to 0.890 g.

Total solids : Not less than 0.30 per cent w/v.

λ max : 260 and 268 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC using n-butanol : acetic acid : water (4:1:1 v/v)
as mobile phase. Under UV light three spots appear at Rf. 0.32,
0.40 and 0.73. (all blue).


Potency : 1x
Contains not less than 9.30 per cent w/w to not more than 10.30
per cent w/w of CdBr2.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Cadmium


Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.93 per cent w/w to not more than 1.03
per cent w/w of CdBr2.

Assay : Take about 5g accurately weighed and dissolve in 600 ml of

water and follow the assay method given under Cadmium
Potency : 3x
Contains not less than 0.093 per cent w/w to not more than
0.103 per cent w/w of CdBr2.

Assay : Take about 25 g, dissolve in 50 ml of water, filter, again

dissolve the residue in 50 ml of water, filter and combine the
filtrate and add 3 drops of xylenol orange and follow the assay
method given under Cadmium Bromatum using 0.01 M EDTA.
Each g of 0.01M EDTA is equivalent to 0.00272 g of CdBr2.


Potency : 1x
Contains not less than 9.30 per cent w/w to not more than 10.30
per cent w/w of 3CdSO4.8H2O.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Cadmium


Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.93 per cent w/v to not more than 1.03
per cent w/w of 3CdSO4.8H2O.

Assay : 5 g complies with the assay method given under Cadmium


Potency : 3x
Contains not less than 0.093 per cent w/v to not more than
0.103 per cent w/w of 3CdSO4.8H2O.

Assay : Char 20 g to ash and dissolve the ash in minimum quantity of

dilute hydrochloric acid and follow the assay method given
under Cadmium Sulphuricum. For titration use 0.02M EDTA.
Each ml of 0.02M EDTA is equivalent to 0.00513 g of


Potency : 1x
Contains not less than 9.50 per cent w/w to not more than 10.50
per cent w/w of C4H8O5Ca.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Calcarea Acetica.
Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.95 per cent w/w to not more than 1.05
per cent w/w of C4H8O5Ca.

Assay : 10 ml complies with the assay method given under Calcarea


Potency : 3x
Contains not less than 0.095 per cent w/w to not more than
0.105 per cent w/w of C4H8O5Ca.

Assay : 50 ml complies with the assay method given under Calcarea



Potency : 2x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.94 per
cennt w/w/ to not more than 1.04 per cent w/w of Ca3(AsO3) 2.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Calcarea


Potency : 3x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.094 per
cent w/w to not more than 0.104 per cent w/w of Ca3(AsO3)2.

Assay : Char about 20 g accurately weighed in silica crucible to make

ash and proceed with ash as given in assay method given under
Calcarea Arsennicosa.


Potency : 1x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 9.35 per cent
w/w to not more than 10.35 per cent w/w of CaCO3.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Calcarea


Potency : 2x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.94 per cent
w/w to not more than 1.04 per cent w/w of CaCO3.

Assay : Char about 5 g accurately weighed in silica crucible to make

ash and proceed with the ash as given in assay method under
Calcarea Carbonica.
Potency : 3x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.094 per
cent w/w to not more than 0.104 per cent w/w of Ca CO3.

Assay : Char about 20 g in silica crucible to make ash. Dissolve the ash
in minimum quantity of dilute hydrochloric acid and follow the
assay method given under Calcarea Carbonica.


Potency : 1x
Contains not less than 8.55 per cent w/w to not more than 9.45
per cent w/w of Ca(OH) 2.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Calcarea


Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.855 per cent w/w to not more than
0.945 per cent w/w of Ca(OH) 2.

Assay : 10g complies with the assay method given under Calcarea

Potency : 3x
Contains not less than 0.086 per cent w/w to not more than
0.094 per cent w/w of CA(OH).


Potency : 1x
Whitish-grey amorphous powder. Contains not less than 9.40
per cent w/w to not more than 10.40 per cent w/w of CaF2.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Calcarea Fluorica.

Potency : 2x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.94 per cent
w/w to not more than 1.04 per cent w/w of CaF2.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Calcarea Fluorica.

Potency : 3x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.094 per
cent w/w to not more than 0.104 per cent w/w of CaF2.
Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g, charr in platinum crucible to ash,
add about 1 g of sodium bicarbonate and sodium nitrate and
follow the method given under Calcarea Fluorica. For titration
use 0.01N potassium permanganate. Each ml of 0.01 N
potassium permangnate, is equivalent to 0.00039 g of CaF2.


Potency : 1x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 8.0 per cent
w/w to not more than 8.93 per cent w/w of Ca3(PO4) 2.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Calcarea


Potency : 2x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.81 per cent
w/w to not more than 0.89 per cent w/w of Ca3(PO4) 2.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Calcarea


Potency : 3x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.081 per
cent w/w to not more than 0.089 per cent w/w of Ca3(PO4) 2.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g, char it in silica crucible to ash.

Dissolve the ash in 25 ml of water and follow the method given
under Calcarea Phosphorica. For titration use 0.01N potassium
permanganate solution. Each ml of 0.01N potassium
permanganate is equivalent to 0.000517 g of Ca3(PO4) 2.


Potency : 1x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 9.40 per cent
w/w to not more than 10.40 per cent w/w of CaSO4. 2H2O.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Calcarea


Potency : 2x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.94 per cent
w/w to not more than 1.04 per cent of CaSO4. 2H2O.
Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Calcarea

Potency : 3x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.094 per
cent w/w to not more than 0.104 per cent w/w of CaSO4.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g, char it in silica crucible to ash,

and proceed with the ash as described in assay method under
Calcarea Sulphurica. For titration use 0.01N potassium
permanganate solution. Each ml of 0.01N potassium
permanganate is equivalent to 0.00043 g of CaSO4. 2H2O.


Alcohol content : 38.0 to 42.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.1 to 6.1

Wt. Per ml. : 0.9933 g to 0.970 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.8 per cent w/v.

λ max : 256 and 290 nm.

Identification : (i) To 1 ml of chloroform extract add a drop of sulphuric acid;

the chloroform layer turns green.

(ii) Carry out TLC using chloroform: methanol (8:2 v/v) as

mobile phase and iodine vapour for visualistion. Three spots
appear at Rf. 0.03, 0.11 and 0.9.


Alcohol content : 66.0 to 70.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 6.3 to 7.2.

Wt. Per ml. : 0.880 g. to 0.890 g.

Total solids : Not less than 0.3 per cent w/v.

λ max : 278 nm,

Identification : (i) To 2 ml chloroform extract add 1 ml of acetic anhydride and
2 ml sulphuric acid by the side of test tube; a brown ring is

(ii) Carry out TLC using methanol:ammonia (100:1.5 v/v) as

mobile phase. On spraying with Dragendorff’s reagent one spot
appears at Rf. 0.89.


Potency : 1x (0)
A clear, colourless liquid with characteristic odour. Contains
not less than 9.10 per cent w/v to not more than 10.10 per cent
w/v of C10H16O.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Camphora.

Potency : 2x
A clear colourless liquid, odour characteristic. Contains not less
than 0.91 per cent w/v to not more than 1.01 per cent w/v of

Assay : Weigh accurately about 25 g of drug and follow the method

given under Camphora.

CANNABIS INDICA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 77.0 to 81.0 per cent v/v

PH : 6.2 to 7.0

Wt. Per ml. : 0.880 g. to 0.940 g.

Total solids : Not less than 0.95 per cent w/v.

λ max : 255 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC using chloroform : methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile
phase. Under UV light seven spots appear at Rf. 0.07, 0.12,
0.16, 0.88, 0.92, 0.96 and 0.98 (all red).

CANTHARIS : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 87.0 to 91.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 9.50 to 10.20.
Wt. Per ml. : 0.10 g. to 0.840 g.

Total solids : Not less than 1.20 per cent w/v.

λ max : 265,223 nm.

Identification : Carry out Co-TLC on silica gel ‘G’ with cantharidin using
cyclohexane:acetone (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase and 2:4
dinitrophenyl hydrazine solution as spray reagent; red spot
corresponding to cantharidin appears.

CAPSICUM ANNUM : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 87.5 to 91.5 per cent v/v

PH : Between 4.70 to 5.70

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.850 to 0.880 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.10 per cent v/v

λmax. : 272 nm

Identification : Carryout TLC of mother tincture using chloroform : methanol

(9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. In iodine vapours four spots appear
at Rf 0.11, 0.24, 0.58 and 0.83 (corresponding with standard


Alcohol content : 47.0 to 51.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.50 to 6.50

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.920 to 0.950 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.25 per cent w/v

λmax. : 270 and 318 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol, make it alkaline with ammonia solution and extract
with 3x20 ml chloroform, concentrate the chloroform layer to 2
ml and carryout TLC using chloroform:methanol (95:5) v/v as
mobile phase. Under UV light four spots appear at Rf 0.11
(red), 0.42, 0.35 and 0.70 (blue). With Dragendorff’s reagent
three spots appear at Rf 0.05, 0.08 and 0.42 (all orange).

CARDUUS MARINUS : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 71.0 to 74.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.50 to 6.50.

Wt. Per ml. : 0.930 g. to 0.944 g.

Total solids : Not less than 0.70 per cent w/v.

λ max : 260 nm.

Identification : (i) To 1 ml add a pinch of magnesium powder and a few drops

of hydrochloric acid; pink colour develops (brown coloured).

(ii) Carry out TLC using chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as

mobile phase and methanolic sulphuric acid as spray reagent.
Five spots appear at Rf. 0.20, 0.24, 0.40, 0.50 and 0.60.


Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water-bath to remove

alcohol, extract the aqueous part with 3x20 ml chloroform.
Concentrate the aqueous layer to 2 ml and carry out CO-TLC
with silybine using chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile
phase and methanolic sulphuric acid as spray reagent. Spot
corresponding to standard silybine appears.

CARICA PAPAYA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 57.0 TO 61.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.50 to 6.50

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.935 to 0.970 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.75 per cent w/v

λmax : 266 nm

Identification : Carryout TLC of mother tincture using n-butanol : acetic

acid:water(4:1:1 v/v) as mobile phase and ninhydrin as spray
reagent. Five spots appear at Rf 0.10, 0.21, 0.31, 0.47 and 0.63
(all pink).
CASCARA SAGRADA : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.20 to 6.20

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.900 to 0.930 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.25 per cent v/v

λmax. : 245, 282 and 326 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Extract the aqueous part with 3x20 ml chloroform.
Concentrate the chloroform layer to
2 ml and carryout TLC using chloroform : methanol (9:1 v/v)
as mobile phase. Three spots appear at Rf 0.45 (light brown),
0.87 (light brown) and 0.97 (yellow) seen in visible light. On
exposure the plate in ammonia vapour, spot at Rf 0.87 turns to

CASCARILLA : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 91.0 to 95.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.00 to 5.80

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.810 to 0.840 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.40 per cent w/v

λmax : 270 nm (broad)

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to dryness.

Dissolve the residue on solvent ether and carryout TLC of ether
extract using chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase.
Under UV light five spots appear at Rf 0.40, 0.79, 0.96 (all
red), 0.86 (blue) and 0.90 (very bright blue). With antimony
trichloride spray reagent five spots appear at Rf 0.18, 0.32
(brown), 0.36 (red), 0.82 (brown) and 0.96 (blackish brown).

CASTANEA VESCA : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 48.0 to 52.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.0 to6.0

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.930 to 0.960

Total solids : Not less than 1.0 per cent w/v

λmax : 240 nm

Identification : Carryout TLC of chloroform extract of mother tincture on silica

get ‘G’ plate using chloroform: methanol (9:1 v/v) solvent
system as mobile phase. The plate when exposed to iodine
chamber four spots appear at Rf 0.42, 0.65, 0.90 and 0.97.

CASTOREUM : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 91.0 to 95.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.50 to 6.50

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.910 to 0.940 g

Total solids : Not less than 2.0 per cent w/v

λmax. : 230 and 275 nm

Identification : Carryout paper chromatography on Whatmann No. 1 paper

using n-butanol: acetic acid:water (4:1:1 v/v) as mobile phase
and ninhydrin for spray. Eight spots appear at Rf 0.08, 0.19
(both orange), 0.26, 0.33, 0.40, 0.50, 0.58, 0.72 (all violet).

CAULOPHYLLUM : Mother Tincture.


Alcohol content : 47.0 to 51.0 per cent w/v.

PH : 5.00 to 6.00

Wt. Per ml. : 0.890 g. to 0.940 g.

Total solids : Not less than 0.40 per cent w/v.

λ max : 263 and 300 nm.

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml to remove alcohol. Extract the aqueous part

with 3x20 ml chloroform. Concentrate the chloroform layer to
2 ml and carry out TLC, using chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v)
as mobile phase and antimony trichloride solution as spray
reagent. Five spots appear at Rf. 0.11, 0.22, 0.50, 0.65 and 0.89
(reddish violet).


Evaporate 20 ml on water bath to remove alcohol. Extract the

aqueous part with 3x20 ml chloroform. Concentrate chloroform
layer to 2 ml and carry out Co-TLC with caulophylline using
chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase and
Dragendorff’s reagent as spray reagent. Spot corresponding to
caulophylline appears.

AMERICANUS : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 4.8 to 6.8.

Wt. Per ml. : 0.850 g to 0.925 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.7 per cent w/v.

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture to remove alcohol. Extract the

aqueous part with 3x20 ml chloroform, concentrate chloroform
layer to 2 ml and carry out TLC using chloroform: methanol
(95:5 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV light four spots appears
at Rf. 0.25, 0.50, (both red) 0.66, (blue) and 0.94 (brownish
red). With antimony trichloride reagent one spot appears at Rf.
0.94 (pink).

CHAMOMILLA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 47.0 to 51.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.5 to 6.5.

Wt. Per ml. : 0.910 g to 0.940 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.80 per cent w/v.

λ max : 320, 268 nm

Identification : (i) To 1 ml add 1 ml of water and make the solution alkaline
with ammonia solution; a greenish fluorescence is produced.

(ii) Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture to remove alcohol. Extract

the aqueous part with 3x20 ml chloroform, concentrate the
chloroform layer to 2 ml and carry out TLC using chloroform:
methanol (95:5 v/v) as mobile phase and antimony trichloride
as spray reagent. Three spots appear at Rf. 0.43, 0.56 and 0.85.

CHELIDONIUM MAJUS : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 41.0 to 45.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.20 to 6.50.

Wt. Per ml. : 0.910 g to 0.940 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.0 per cent w/v.

λ max : 263, 310 nm.

Identification : (i) (a) Evaporate 1 ml on water bath, dissolve the residue in 0.5
ml of dilute hydrochloric acid and a few drops of Mayer’s
reagent; brown precipitate is produced.

(b) Carry out TLC using b-butanol: acetic acid: water (4:1:1
v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV light five spots appear at Rf.
0.34, 0.52, 0.61, 0.67 (all blue) and 0.84 (red).

(c ) Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using

chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV
light five spots appear at Rf. 0.15, 0.44, 0.54, 0.67 (all blue)
and 0.2 (yellow).


(ii) Evaporate 20 ml on water-bath to remove alcohol, make the

aqueous part alkaline with ammonia solution and extract it with
3x20 ml chloroform, concentrate the chloroform layer to 2 ml
and carry out CO-TLC with chelidonine using chloroform:
methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase and Dragendorff’s reagent
as spray reagent. Spot corresponding to chelidonine appears.


Alcohol content : 66.0 to 70.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 4.0 to 6.50

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.870 to 0.900 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.40 per cent w/v

λmax : 265 nm

Identification : Carryout TLC of mother tincture on silica gel ‘G’ plate using n-
butanol:acetic acid:water (4:1:1 v/v) as mobile phase. In iodine
vapours six spots appear at Rf 0.24, 0.48, 0.63, 0.74, 0.85 and


Potency : 1x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 9.30 per cent
w/w to not more than 10.30 per cent w/w of(C20H24N2O2) 3.
3H2AsOa. 4H2O.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under chininum


Potency : 2x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.93 per cent
w/w to not more than 1.03 per cent w/w of (C20H24N2O2) 3.
3H2AsOa. 4H2O.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g, dissolve in 100 ml water and 5

ml and proceed as given under Chininum Arsenicosum.


Potency : 1x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 9.40 per cent
w/w to not more than 10.55 per cent w/w of (C20H24N2O2) 3.
3H2AsOa. 4H2O.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under chininum


Potency : 2x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.94 per cent
w/w to not more than 1.06 per cent w/w of (C20H24N2O2) 3.
3H2AsOa. 4H2O.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under chininum


CICUTA VIROSA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 47.0 to 51.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.4 to 6.2.

Wt. Per ml. : 0.910 g to 0.940 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.80 per cent w/v.

λ max : 270 nm.

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml of mother tincture to remove alcohol. Extract

the aqueous part with 3x20 ml chloroform, concentrate the
chloroform layer to 2 ml and carry out TLC using
chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV
light four spots appear at Rf. 0.33, 0.52, 0.63 and 0.90 (all


Alcohol content : 58.0 to 62.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.4 to 6.2.

Wt. Per ml. : 0.880 g to 0.920 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.5 per cent w/v.

λ max : 280 and 314 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC using chloroform: methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile
phase. In iodine vapour two spots appear at Rf. 0.41 and 0.50.

CINA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 87.0 to 91.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.30 to 6.30

Wt. Per ml. : 0.825 g to 0.840 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.60 per cent w/v.

λ max : 334 nm.

Identification : (i) To 1 ml add a drop of alcoholic potassium hydroxide
solution; a red colour is produced.

(ii) To 2 ml add a drop of ethanolic hydroxylamine solution

followed by a few drops of alcoholic ferric chloride solution; a
bluish green colour is produced.

(iii) Evaporate 20 ml on water-bath to remove alcohol. Extract

the aqueous part with 3x20 ml chloroform, concentrate
chloroform extract to 2 ml and carry out Co-TLCwith Santonin
using chloroform: methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase and
observe under long UV light. Spot corresponding to Santonin


Alcohol content : 75.0 to 79.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 4.90 to 5.40.

Wt. Per ml. : 0.878 g to 0.880 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.80 per cent w/v.

λ max : 280, 320 nm.

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml on water-bath to remove alcohol, make

alkaline with ammonia solution and extract with 3x20 ml
chloroform. Concentrate the chloroform layer to 2 ml and carry
out CO-TLC with Quinine and Cinchonine using methanol:
ammonia (100:1.5 v/v) as mobile phase and Dragendorff’s
reagent for spray. Orange coloured spots corresponding to
Cinchonine and Quinine appears.

COCCUS CACTI : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 48.0 to 52.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.50 to 6.50

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.910 to 0.950 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.50 per cent w/v

λmax : 22 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Extract it with 3x20 ml chloroform. Concentrate to 2
ml and carryout TLC on silica gel ‘G’ plate using
chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV
light six spots appear at Rf 0.11, 0.21, 0.2, 0.82 and 0.91 (all
blue) and 0.44 (red). With antimony trichloride spray reagent
five spots appear at Rf 0.11 (grey), 0.21 (grey), 0.28 (grey),
0.44 (yellow) and 0.82 (grey).

COFFEA CRUDA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 89.0 to 93.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.80 to 6.50.

Wt. Per ml. : 0.820g to 0.850 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.80 per cent w/v.

λ max : 270, 315 nm.

Identification : Carry out Co-TLC with Caffeine using methanol : ammonia

(100:1.5 v/v) as mobile phase and Chloramine-T for spray.
Spot corresponding to caffeine appears.


Alcohol content : 47.0 to 51.0 per cent v/v

PH : 5.70 to 7.20.

Wt. Per ml. : 0.920 g to 0.932 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.60 per cent w/v.

λ max : 224, 326 nm.

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml on water bath to remove alcohol. Make the
aqueous part alkaline with ammonia and extract it with 3x20 ml
chloroform. Concentrate the chloroform extract to 2 ml and
carry out CO-TLC with Colchicine using methanol : ammonia
(100:1.5 v/v) as mobile phase and Dragendorff’s reagent as
spray reagent. Spot corresponding to colchicine appears.


Alcohol content : 48.0 to 52.0 per cent v/v

Ph : Between 5.50 to 6.50

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.910 to 0.940 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.75 per cent v/v

λmax : 286, 324 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml of mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Extract it with 3x20 ml chloroform, concentrate to 2
ml and carryout TLC on silica gel ‘G’ plate using
chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. In iodine
vapours six spots appear at Rf 0.27, 0.42, 0.54, 0.67, 0.77 and
0.92. With antimony trichloride reagent one spot appears at Rf
0.80 (dark grey).

COLOCYNTHIS : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 47.0 to 51.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.40 to 6.20.

Wt. Per ml. : 0.910 g to 0.950 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.20 per cent w/v.

λ max : 255, 340 nm.

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml to remove alcohol, extract the aqueous part

with 3x20 ml chloroform, concentrate the chloroform layer to 2
ml and carry out TLC using chloroform : methanol (9:1 v/v) as
mobile phase. Under UV light four spots appear at Rf. 0.13,
0.52, 0.63 and 0.83 (all blue).

CONIUM MACULATUM : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.40 to 6.20

Wt. Per ml. : 0.890 g. to 0.920 g.

Total solids : Not less than 0.54 per cent w/v.

λ max : 265 nm.

Identification : (a) Carry out TLC using n-butanol : acetic acid : water (4:1:1
v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV light four spots appear at Rf.
0.03, 0.68, 0.82 and 0.94.

(b) Evaporate 20 ml on water bath to remove alcohol. Make the

aqueous part alkaline with ammonia solution and extract it with
3x20 ml chloroform. Concentrate the chloroform extract to 2
ml and carry out CO-TLC with Coniine using chlorform :
methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase and spray with
Dragendorff’s reagent. Spot corresponding to Coniine appears.


Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 4.80 to 5.80

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.810 to 0.840 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.7 per cent w/v

λmax. : 268 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water both to remove

alcohol. Extract the aqueous part with 3x20 ml chloroform.
Concentrate to 2 ml and carryout TLC o fchloroform extract on
silica gel ‘G’ plate using chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as
mobile phase. With antimony trichloride spray reagent three
spots appear at Rf 0.72, 0.94 and 0.96.


Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.4 to 5.9.
Wt. Per ml. : 0.904 g to 0.926 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.7 per cent w/v.

λ max : 275 nm.

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture to remove alcohol. Extract the

aqueous part with 3x20 ml chloroform, concentrate the
chloroform layer to 2 ml and carry out TLC using chloroform :
methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase and antimony trichloride
solution as spray reagent. Five spots appear at Rf. 0.23 (grey)
0.42 (red), 0.57, 0.82 and 0.92 (all grey).

CROTON TIGLIUM : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 91.0 to 95.0 per cent v/v.,

PH : 5.3 to 5.8

Wt. Per ml. : 0.953 g to 0.950 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.80 per cent w/v.

λ max : 272 (b) nm.

Identification : Extract 20 ml with 3x20 ml petroleum ether (40° to 60°).

Concentrate the petroleum ether extract to 2 ml and carry out
TLC using n-hexane: methanol (98:2 v/v) as mobile phase. In
iodine vapours five spots appear at Rf. 0.17, 0.31, 0.42, 0.62
and 0.70.


Alcohol content : 91.0 to 95.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.50 to 6.50

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.810 to 0.840 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.0 per cent w/v

λmax. : 284 nm is strong alcohol

Identification : Carryout TLC of concentrated mother tincture using

chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under Uv light
four spots appear at Rf 0.77 (blue), 0.86 (blue) , 0.92 (blue) and
0.96 (red). With antimony trichloride reagent, three spots
appear at Rf 0.88 (violet), 0.91 (blue) and 0.94 (violet).

CUNDURANGO : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 48.0 to 52.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.40 to 6.40

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.910 to 0.940 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.60 per cent w/v

λmax. : 20 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Extract the remaining part with 3x20 ml chloroform
and carryout TLC of chloroform extract using
chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. In iodine
vapours seven spots appear at Rf 0.30, 044, 0.55, 0.65, 0.70,
089 and 0.96.


Potency : 1x
Contains not less than 9.45 per cent w/w to not more than 10.45
per cent w/w of (CH2COO) 2Cu.H2O.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given in Cuprum

Sulphuratum. In this case each ml of 0.1N sodium thiosulphate
is equivalent to 0.01996 g of (Ch3COO) 2Cu.H2O.

Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.945 per cent w/w to not more than
1.045 per cent w/w of (CH3COO) 2Cu.H2O.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 5g and char. The residue complies with
the above assay method.

Potency : 3x
Contains not less than 0.095 per cent w/w to not more than
0.105 per cent w/w of (CH3COO) 2Cu.H2O.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 25g, char it and the residue complies
with the assay method given above. For titration use 0.02N
sodium thiosulphate solution. Each ml of 0.02 N sodium
thiosulphate is equivalent to 0.004 g of (CH3COO) 2Cu.H2O.


Potency : 1x
Light green, amorphous powder. Contains not less than 9.40
per cent w/w to not more than 10.40 per cent w/w of

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under cuprum


Potency : 2x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.94 per cent
w/w to not more than 1.04 per cent w/w of CuHAsO3.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 5 g, char it in silica crucible and add 25

ml of dilute hydrochloric acid and follow the method given
under Cuprum Arsenicosum.

Potency : 3x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.094 per
cent w/w to not more than 0.104 per cent w.w of CuHAsO3.

Assay : Weight accurately about 20 g, char it in silica crucible to make

ash. Dissolve the ash in 25 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid and
follow the method as given under Cuprum Arsenicosum. For
titration use 0.01N sodium thiosulphate solution. Each ml of
0.01N sodium thiosulphate is equivalen to 0.00188 g of


Potency : 1x
Light reddish amorphous powder. Contains not less than 9.50
per cent w/w to not more than 10.50 per cent w/w of Cu.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Cuprum


Potency : 3x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.095 per
cent w/w to not more than 0.105 per cent w/w of Cu.
Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g, char it in silica crucible to make
ash. Dissolve the ash in sufficient quantity of hot sulphuric acid
and follow the method given under Cuprum Metallicum. For
titration use 0.01N sodium thiosulphate. Each ml of 0.01N
sodium thiosulphate solution is equivalent to 0.00064 g of Cu.


Potency : 1x
Contains not less than 9.35 per cent w/w to not more than 10.35
per cent w/w of CuSO4.5H2O.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Cuprum


Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.935 per cent w/w to not more than
1.035 percent w/w of CuSO4.5H2O.

Assay : 10 g complies with the assay method given under Cuprum


CYNODON DACTYLON : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.60 to 6.60

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.890 to 0.930 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.75 per cent w/v

λmax : 274, 322 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Extract it with 3x20 ml chloroform and concentrate to
2 ml. Carryout TLC of chloroform extract using
chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV
light five spots appear at Rf 0.11 (red), 0.25 (red), 0.36 (red),
0.75 (blue) and 0.84 (red). With antimony trichloride reagent
spots at Rf. 0.24, 0.36 and 0.84 turn to green.

DAMIANA : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.40 to 6.40

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.870 to 0.910 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.75 per cent w/v

λmax. : 270, 314 nm

Identification : Carryout TLC of concentrated extract of drug on silica gel ‘G’

plate using chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase.
With antimony trichloride reagent and under UV light four
spots appear at Rf 0.10 (red), 0.25 (violet), 0.62 (pink) and 0.94


Alcohol content : 41.0 to 45.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.50 to 6.50.

Wt. Per ml. : 0.930 g. to 0.950 g.

Total solids : Not less than 3.0 w/v.

λ max : 270 nm.

Identification : Carry out CO-TLC with digitonin using n-butanol : acetic

acid:water (4:1:1 v/v) as mobile phase and antimony trichloride
as spray reagent. Spot corresponding to Digitonin appears.

DIOSCOREA VILLOSA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.20 to 6.00.

Wt. Per ml. : 0.890 g. to 0920 g.

Total solids : Not less than 1.50 per cent w/v.

λ max : 270 nm.

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml on water bath to remove alcohol. Extract the

aqueous part with 3x20 ml chloroform. Concentrate the
chloroform layer to 2 ml and carry out TLC, using
chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV
light eight spots appear at Rf. 0.31 (blue), 0.46 (orange), 0.50
(blue), 0.57 (orange), 0.65 (orange), 0.71, 0.80 and 0.92 (all


Evaporate 20 ml on water-bath to remove alcohol. Extract the

aqueous part with 3x20 ml chloroform, concentrate the
chloroform extract to 2 ml and carry out CO-TLC with
Diosgenin using chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile
phase and antimony trichloride reagent as spray reagent. Spot
corresponding to Diosgenin appears.


Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 4.70 to 5.80.

Wt. Per ml. : 0.890 g to 0.920 g.

Total solids : Not less than 0.50 percent w/v.

λ max : 255, 280 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using

chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mabile phase. Under UV
light six spots appear at Rf. 0.24, 0.51, 0.60, 0.64, 0.86, 0.91
(all blue).


Alcohol content : 74.0 to 78.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.50 to 6.50

Total solids : Not less than 1.5 per cent w/v

λmax. : 260, 316 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Make the aqueous part alkaline with ammonia solution
and extract with 3x20 ml chloroform. Concentrate the
chloroform extract to 2 ml and carryout CO-TLC with
Hyoscyamine on silica gel ‘G’ plate using
chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. With
Dragendorff’s reagent two spots appear at Rf 0.62 and 0.41

DULCAMARA : Mother tincture

Alcohol content : 62.0 to 66.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.50 to 6.20.

Wt. Per ml. : 0.880 g to 0.910 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.70 per cent w/v.

λ max : 270 and 310 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using

chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase and antimony
trichloride as spray reagent. One spot appear at Rf. 0.84.

ECHINACEA : Mother Tincture.


Alcohol content : 75.0 to 79.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.5 to 6.2.

Wt. Per ml. : 0.830 g to 0.870 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.00 per cent w/v

λ max : 278 and 324 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using

chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV
light and with antimony trichloride reagent two spots appear at
Rf. 0.22 and 0.87.

To 1 ml add one drop of ammonium reinechate solution; a red

precipitate produced.

Carry out CO-TLC of concentrated mother tincture with

Betaine using chlorform: methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase.
Under UV light blue spot corresponding to Betaine appears.

EMBELIA RIBES : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.50 to 6.50

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.860 to 0.910 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.50 per cent w/v

λmax : 272 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Extract the remaining part with 3x20 ml chloroform.
Concentrate it to 2 ml and carryout. TLC of chloroform extract
on silica gel ‘G’ plate using chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as
mobile phase. With antimony trichloride reagent two spots
appear at Rf 0.64 and 0.91.


Alcohol content : 47.0 to 51.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.50 to 6.50

Total solids : Not less than 1.25 per cent w/v

λmax. : 285 and 320 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Extract the aqueous part with 3x20 ml chloroform.
Concentrate to 2 ml and carryout TLC using
chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV
light five spots appear at Rf 0.22 (red), 0.47 (blue), 0.67 (blue),
0.73 (blue) and 0.99. With antimony trichloride reagent three
spots appear at Rf 0.29 (pink), 0.86 (violet) and 0.94 (violet).


Alcohol content : 83.0 to 87.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.20 to 6.20

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.830 to 0.870 g

Total solids : Not less than 100 per cent w/v

λmax. : 272 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Extract the aqueous part with 3x20 ml petroleum ether.
Concentrate to 5 ml and carryout TLC of petroleum ether
extract using chloroform as mobile phase. Under UV light four
spots appear at Rf 0.52 (red), 0.61 (blue), 0.70 (blue) and 0.75
(red). With antimony trichloride spray reagent six spots appear
at Rf 0.11, 0.17, 0.41, 0.56, 0.77 and 0.95 (all yellow).

PERFOLIATUM : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 47.0 to 51.0 per cent v/v.

Wt per ml. : 0.910 g to 0.940 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.70 per cent w/v.

λ max : 267, 315 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using

chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase and antimony
trichloride solution as spray reagent. Two spots appear at Rf.
0.22 and 0.87.


Evaporate 20 ml on water bath to remove alcohol. Extract the

aqueous part with 3x20 ml chloroform. Concentrate the
chloroform extract to 2 ml and carry out CO-TLC with
Eupatorin using chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase
and aluminium chloride reagent as spray reagent. Under UV
light after spray with aluminium chloride reagent spot
corresponding to Eupatorin appears.

OFFICINALIS : Mother tincture.

Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.4 to 6.4.

Wt. Per ml. : 0.903 g to 0.939 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.30 per cent w/v.

λ max : 280 and 320 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC using chloroform : methanol (8:2 v/v) as mobile
phase. Under UV light four spots appear at Rf. 0.10, 0.17, 0.40
and 0.96 (all blue).


Potency : 1x
Contains not less than 9.30 per cent w/w to not more than 10.30
per cent w/w of FeI2.

Assay : Dissolve 2 g in 20 ml water. Add 30 ml of 0.1N silver nitrate

solution, 3 ml Nitric Acid and titrate the excess of silver nitrate
with 0.1 N ammonium thiocyanate using ferric alum as
indoctor. Each ml of 0.1 N silver nitrate is equivablent to
0.01548 of FEI2.

Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.93 per cent w/w to not more than 1.03
per cent w/w of FeI2.

Assay : As given above.


Potency : 1x
Brownish-white amorphous powder. Contains not less than
8.55 per cent w/w to not more than 9.45 per cent w/w of Fe.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Ferrum


Potency : 2x
Brown coloured amorphous powder. Contains not less than
0.86 per cent w/w to not more than 0.95 per cent w/w of Fe.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 5 g, char in silica crucible to make ash

and shake with 20 ml 5 per cent copper sulphate solution for
ten minutes. Filter rapidly and wash the filtrate with water,
acidify the filtrate with sulphuric acid and titrate with 0.01N
potassium permanganate. Each ml of 0.01N potassium
permanganate is equivalent to 0.00558 g of Fe.

Potency : 1x
Greenish-blue, amorphous powder. Contains not less than 4.60
per cent w/w to not more than 5.04 per cent w/w of Fe3 (PO4)
2. 8H2O).

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Ferrum


Potency : 2x
Light greenish-blue amorphous powder. Contains not less than
0.46 per cent w/w to not more than 0.50 per cent w/w of
Fe3(PO4) 2. 8H2O.

Assay : Weight accurately about 5 g, char in silica crucible to make

ash. Dissolve the ash in 20 ml of a 25 per cent w/v solution of
sulphuric acid and follow the method given under Ferrum
Phosphoricum. For titration use 0.01M potassium iodate. Each
ml of 0.01M potassium iodate is equivalent to 0.0067 g of

Potency : 3x
Light greenish-blue amorphous powder. Contains not less than
0.046 per cent w/w to not more than 0.050 per cent w/w of
Fe3(PO4) 2. 8H2O.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g, char in silica crucible to ash.

Dissolve the ash in 20 ml of 25 per cent w/v solution of
sulphuric acid and follow the assay method given under
Ferrum Phosphoricum. For titration use 0.01M potassium
iodate. Each ml of 0.01 M potassium iodate is equivalent to
0.0067 g of Fe3(PO4) 2. 8H2O.

FICUS RELIGIOSA : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 69.0 to 73.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.50 to 6.50

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.870 to 0.910 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.73 per cent w/v

λmax. : 266 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Extract the aqueous part with 3x20 ml chloroform.
Concentrate to 2 ml and carryout TLC on silica gel ‘G’ plate
using chloroform:methanol (95:05) v/v) as mobile phase.
Under UV light five spots appear at Rf 0.29 (blue), 0.34
(violet), 0.62 (blue), 0.73 (violet) and 0.89 (bluish green). On
spraying with antimony trichloride reagent four spots appear at
Rf 0.08 (pinki), 0.34 (pink) and 0.87 (brown).

FILIX MAS : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 73.0 to 77.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.60 to 6.60

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.860 to 0.920 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.00 per cent w/v

λmax. : 284 nm

Identification : (i) Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Extract the aqueous part with 3x20 ml chloroform.
Concentrate to 5 ml and carryout TLC on silica gel ‘G’ plate
using chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. With
antimony trichloride reagent four spots appear at Rf 0.06
(yellow), 0.35 (pink), 0.63 (yellow) and 0.95 (greenish yellow).

(ii) Carryout TLC of aqueous extract on silica gel ‘G’ plate

using n-butanol:acetic acid:water (4:1:1 v/v) as mobile phase.
Under UV light two spots appear at Rf 0.15 (red) and 0.57


Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.60 to 6.60

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.90 to 0.920 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.75 per cent w/v

λmax. : 270 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Extract the aqueous part with 3x20 ml chloroform.
Concentrate the chloroform extract to 2 ml and carryout TLC
on silica gel ‘G’ plate using chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) has
mobile phase and antimony trichloride reagent for spray, heat
the plate at 105º and 15 minutes. Three spots appear at Rf 0.48,
0.66 and 0.92 (brownish violet).

GAMBOGIA : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 91.0 to 95.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.60 to 6.60

Wt. Per ml : From 0.830 to 0.850 g

Total solids : Not less than 6.00 per cent w/v

λmax. : 225, 265, 279, 295, 314 and 345 nm

Identification : Carryout TLC of mother tincture using chloroform : methanol

(9:1 v/v) as moble phase and antimony trichloride for spray.
Four yellow coloured spots appear at Rf 0.56, 0.70, 0.75 and


Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.0 to 6.0

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.910 to 0.940 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.50 per cent w/v

λmax. : 282, 326 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Extract the aqueous layer with 3x20 ml chloroform and
concentrate to 2 ml. Carryout TLC of chloroform extract using
chloroform : methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase and in Iodine
Vapours, three spots appear at Rf 0.30, 0.53 and 0.77.
GENTIANA LUTEA : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 47.0 to 51.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.70 to 6.20

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.920 to 0.950 g

Total solids : Not les than 1.10 per cent w/v

λmax. : 280, 320 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Extract the residue with 3x20 ml chloroform.
Concentrate the chloroform extract to 2 ml and carryout TLC
using chloroform : methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under
UV light one brown spot appears at Rf 0.84. On spraying with
antimony trichloride reagent one yellow coloured spot appears
at Rf 0.84.

MACULATUM : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 4.5 to 5.5.

Wt. Per ml. : 0.910 g to 0.935 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.90 per cent w/v.

λ max : 280 and 315 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC using n-butanol:acetic acid:water (4:1:1 v/v) as

mobile phase. Under UV light two spots appear at Rf. 0.85 and
0.97 (all blue).

GINSENG : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 91.0 to 95.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.40 to 6.40

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.820 to 0.850 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.75 per cent w/v

λmax. : 260, 320 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Extract the aqueous part with 3x20 ml chloroform and
concentrate the chloroform layer to 2 ml. Carryout TLC of
chloroform layer using chloroform : methanol (9:1 v/v) as
mobile phase. With antimony trichloride spray reagent, 3 spots
appear at Rf 0.30, 0.64 and 0.80.


Alcohol content : 38.5 to 42.5 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.40 to 6.40

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.870 to 0.920 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.50 per cent w/v

λmax. : 280, 316 nm

Identification : Carryout TLC of mother tincture on silica gel ‘G’ using

chloroform : methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase and on
spraying with 10 per cent methanolic sulphuric acid and
subsequent heating at 100º for 10 minutes four black spots
appear at Rf 0.26, 0.43, 0.70 and 0.90.

GRANATUM : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 48.0 to 52.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.20 to 6.20

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.910 to 0.940 g.

Total solids : Not less than 2.0 per cent w/v

λmax. : 275 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol, make it alkaline with ammonia solution and extract
with 3x20 ml chloroform. Carryout TLC of concentrated
chloroform extract using chloroform : methanol (9:1 v/v) as
mobile phase and Dragendorff’s reagent for spray. Four orange
coloured spots appear at Rf 0.24, 0.39, 0.76 and 0.91.


Potency : 1x
Blackish white amorphous powder. Contains not less than 9.5
per cent w/w to not more than 10.5 per cent w/w of graphites.

Assay : Dissolve 1 g in 50 ml distilled water and filter. The black

amorphous residue insoluble in alkali or acid and organic
solvents. Dry at 105° and weigh. It should weigh not less than
.095 g and nor more than 0.105 g.

Potency : 2x
Light blackish amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.95
per cent w/w to not more than 1.05 per cent w/w of graphites.

Assay : Same as for 1x. It should weigh not less than .0095 g and not
more than 0.0105g.


Alcohol content : 80.0 to 84.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.30 to 6.30

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.840 to 0.70 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.25 per cent w/v

λmax. : 265, 285 and 330 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture to remove alcohol. Extract the

remaining aqueous part with 3x20 ml petroleum ether (40-60).
Concentrate the petroleum ether extract to 2 ml and carryout
TLC using petroleum ether : chloroform (40:60 v/v) as mobile
phase and spray with antimony trichloride. Two yellow spots
appear at Rf 0.13 and 0.37.

GUAIACUM : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 91.0 to 95.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 4.50 to 6.10

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.840 to 0.870 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.25 per cent w/v

λmax. : 282, 316 nm

Identification : Carryout TLC of concentrated mother tincture on silica gel ‘G’

plate using chloroform : methanol ) (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase.
With antimony trichloride reagent, three spots appear at Rf
0.48 (green), 0.58 (green) and 0.70 (brown).

GYMNEMA SYLVESTRE : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 76.0 to 80.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 6.1 to 6.8

Wt. Per ml. : 0.869 g to 0.882 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.20 per cent w/v.

λ max : 265 and 325 nm.

Identification : (i) Evaporate 1 ml of Mother Tincture to dryness, dissolve the

residue in water and filter, to the filtrate add one drop of nitric
acid and evaporate. To the residue add one drop of calcium
chloride solution and 1 drop of ammonia solution; a brownish
red to pink colour is produced.

(ii) Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using

chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV
light eight spots appear at Rf. 0.26, 0.50, 0.57, (all blue), 0.62
(red), 0.70, 0.80, 0.87 and 0.98 (all blue). With antimony
trichloride reagent five spots appear at Rf. 0.57 (light violet),
0.62 (red), 0.70 (light violet), 0.84 and 0.98 (light violet).


Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 4.20 to 5.50.

Wt. Per ml. : 0.910 g to 0.930 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.0 per cent w/v.

λ max : 280 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using chloroform:

methanol (95:5 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV light six spots
appear at Rf. 0.35 (red), 0.57 (violet), 0.74 (violet), 0.86 (red),
0.91 (violet) and 0.96 (red).


Carry out CO-TLC with Hamamelitannin using n-

butanol:acetic acid:water (4:1:1-v/v) as mobile phase and
aqueous ferric chloride solution as spray reagent. Balckish
brown spot corresponding to Hamamelitanin appears.

HELLEBORUS NIGER : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.20 to 5.60.

Wt. Per ml. : 0.900 g to 0.960 g

Total solids : Not less than 2.20 per cent w/v.

λ max : 274 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using

chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV
light seven spots appear at Rf. 0.10 (greenish yellow), 0.19
(violet), 0.44 (blue), 0.59 (blue), 0.73 (blue), 0.86 (violet) and
0.94 (red). With antimony trichloride reagent, six spots appear
at Rf. 0.10 (pink) 0.45 (red), 0.59 (brown), 0.73 (Brown), 0.82
(violet) and 0.94 (brown).

Carry out Co-TLC of Mother Tincture with Hellebrin using

Methylene dichloride:methanol:formamide (80:19:1 v/v) as
mobile phase and antimony trichloride reagent as spray
reagent. Spot corresponding to Hellebrin appears.

ANTIDYSENTERICA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 54.0 to 58.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.0 to 6.0.
Wt. Per ml : 0.910 g to 0.930 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.0 per cent w/v

λ max : 270 nm.

Identification : (i) To 1 ml mother tincture add a few drops of sodium

hydroxide solution; a dirty precipitate is produced.

(ii) Carry out TLC of mother tincture using

chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase and
Dragendorff’s reagent as spray reagent. Six spots appear at Rf.
0.20, 0.32, 0.65, 0.75, 0.83 and 0.93 (all orange).


Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent w/v.

PH : 4.60 to 6.10.

Wt. Per ml. : 0.900 g to 0.930 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.20 per cent w/v.

λ max : 264 and 324 nm.

Identification : (i) To 1 ml mother tincture add two drops of Mayer’s reagent; a

yellow coloured precipitate is produced.

(ii) Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using

methanol:ammonia (100:1.5 v/v) as mobile phase and
Dragendorff’s reagent as spray reagent. Three spots appear at
Rf. 0.15, 0.75 and 0.90.


Evaporate 20 ml Mother Tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol, make the aqueous part alkaline with ammonia solution
and extract with 3x20 ml chloroform. Concentrate chloroform
extract to 2 ml and carry out CO-TLC with Hydrastine using
chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase and
Dragendorff’s reagent as spray reagent. Spot corresponding to
hydrastine appears.
HYDRANGEA : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.60 to 6.60

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.880 to 0.910 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.70 per cent w/v

λmax : 270 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Extract the aqueous layer with 3x20 ml chloroform.
Concentrate the chloroform extract to 2 ml and carryout TLC
on silica gel ‘G’ plate using chloroform : methano (9:1 v/v) as
mobile phase and spray with antimony trichloride reagent, on
heating the plate at 105º for 15 minutes, three spots appear at
Rf 0.35, 0.44 and 0.62.


Alcohol content : 66.0 to 70.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.0 to 6.1.

Wt. Per ml : 0.850 g to 0.920 g

λ max : 322 nm.

Total solids : Not less than 0.50 per cent w/v.

Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using

chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV
light five spots appear at Rf. 0.65, 0.76, 0.86 (red), 0.94 (blue),
0.98 (brown). With antimony trichloride reagent seven spots
appear at Rf. 0.54, 0.61 (pink), 0.76 (green), 0.86 (red), 0.90
(grey), 0.94 (orange) and 098 (brown).


Potency : 1c
Contains not less than 0.95 per cent w/w to not more than 1.05
per cent w/w of C17H23NO3) 2 H2SO4.
Assay : As given in the monograph. Start with 3 g of 1c drug.

HYOSCYAMUS NIGER : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 52.0 to 56.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 6.0 to 6.8.

Wt. Per ml : 0.930 g to 0.945 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.0 per cent w/v.

λ max : 260 nm.

Identification : (i) Mix 10 ml of Mother Tincture with 10 ml distilled water and

1 ml of concentrated ammonia solution and extract with 20 ml
ether. Dry the either phase on sodium and filter, evaporate the
ether and rinse with 0.5 ml of fuming nitric acid, again
evaporate to dryness and add 10 ml acetone and a few drops of
3 per cent alcoholic solution of potassium hydroxide, violet
colour is produced.

(ii) Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using

acetone:water:ammonia (90:7.3 v/v) as mobile phase and
Drangendorff;s reagent as spray reagent. The spots
corresponding to atropine and scopolamine appear.

PERFORATUM : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 71.0 to 75.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 4.4 to 6.0

Wt. Per ml : 0.875 g to 0.885 g

Total Solids : Not less than 0.60 per cent w/v.

λ max : 275 nm.

Identification : (i) To 1 ml Mother Tincture add a few drops of ferric chloride

solution; a blackish-green precipitate is produced.

(ii) To 2 ml of Mother Tincture add 2 ml distilled water and 2

ml of ether, shake and observe under UV light; a bright red
fluorescence in ether layer is observed. On adding concentrated
sulphuric acid yellowish-green fluorescence is produced.

(iii) Carry out TLC of Mother Tincture using chloroform:

methanol (80:20 v/v) as mobile phase. In iodine vapour two
spots appear at Rf. 0.61 and 0.84.

IGNATIA AMARA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 77.0 to 81.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.4 to 6.0.

Wt. Per ml : “0.850 g. to 0.905 g.

Total solids : Not less than 0.80 per cent w/v.

λ max : 244 and 310 (b).

Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using chloroform :

methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV light four spots
appear at Rf. 0.06, 0.41, 0.76 and 0.90. With antimony
trichloride reagent two spots appear at Rf. 0.90 (pink) and 0.96


Potency : 2x
A violet coloured clear liquid. Contains not less than 0.95 per
cent w/v to not more than 1.05 per cent w/v of I.

Alcohol content : 91.0 to 95.0 per cent v/v.

Assay : Weight accurately about 5 g, add 5 ml 20 per cent potassium

iodide solution in water, dilute to 50 ml and follow the assay
method given under Iodium.

Potency : 3x
A violet coloured clear liquid, contains not less than 0.095 per
cent w/v to not more than 0.105 per cent w/v of I.

Alcohol content : 88.0 to 92.0 per cent v/v.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g, add 5 ml 20 per cent aqueous

potassium iodide. Dilute to 50 ml with water, add 1 ml of dilute
acetic acid and titrate with 0.01N sodium thiosulphate using
starch as indicator. Each ml of 0.01N sodium thiosulphate is
equivalent to 0.00127 g of I.

IPECACUANHA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 72.0 to 76.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 3.5 to 5.5.

Wt. Per ml : 0.860 g to 0.880 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.37 per cent w/v.

λ max : 275 nm.

Identification : (i) To 1 ml of Mother Tincture add a few drops of Mayer’s

reagent; white turbidity is produced.

(ii) Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using chloroform :

methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV light five spots
appear at Rf. 0.10, 0.23, 0.61, 0.72 and 0.84 (all blue). With
Dragendorff’s reagent six spots appear at Rf. 0.10, 0.23, 0.42,
0.61, 0.70 and 0.84 (all orange).

JABORANDI : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 91.0 to 95.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.50 to 6.50

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.810 to 0.850 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.50 per cent w/v

λmax. : 282 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture to dryness. Dissolve the

residue in 20 ml chloroform and concentrate to 2 ml and
carryout TLC on silica gel ‘G’ plate using chloroform :
methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. With Dragendorff’s
reagent two orange coloured spots appear at Rf 0.50 and 0.62.
JALAPA : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 91.0 to 95.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 4.60 to 5.60

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.810 to 0.850 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.00 per cent w/v

λmax. : 282 nm

Identification : Carryout TLC of mother tincture on silica gel ‘G’ plate using
chloroform : methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase and antimony
trichloride as spray reagent. Four spots appear at Rf 0.17
(brown), 0.47 (brown), 0.72 (violet) and 0.96 (brown).


Alcohol content : 79.0 to 83.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.50 to 6.50

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.850 to 0.870 g

Total solids : Not less than 2.0 per cent w/v

λmax : 276, 338 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Extract the aqueous layer with 3x20 ml and carryout
TLC on silica gel ‘G’ plate using chloroform:methanol (9:1
v/v) solvent system as mobile phase. The plate when kept in
iodine chamber 4 spots appear at Rf 0.46, 0.58, 0.88 and 0.93.

JUSTICIA ADHATODA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 82.0 to 86.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.80 to 7.30.

Wt. Per ml : 0.890 g to 0.920 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.0 per cent w/v.

λ max : 272 nm.

Identification : (i) To 2 ml of Mother Tincture add a drop of ferric chloride
solution; a blood-red colour appears which disappears on
addition of more ferric chloride solution with the formation of
brown precipitate.

(ii) Carry out TLC of ethyl acetate extract using methanol :

ammonia (100:1.5 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV light six
spots appear at Rf. 0.28, 0.37, 0.45, 0.72, 0.83 and 0.95.


Potency : 1x
Orange-red coloured, clear liquid. Contains not less than 9.40
per cent w/v of not more than 10.40 per cent w/v of K2Cr2O7.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Kali


Potency : 2x
Light orange-red coloured, clear liquid. Contains not less than
0.94 per cent w/v to not more than 1.04 per cent w/v of

Assay : Weigh accurately about 5 g in 25 ml freshly boiled water and

follow the assay method given under Kali Bichromicum.

Potency : 3x
Light orange coloured, clear liquid. Contains not less than
0.094 per cent w/v to not more than 0.104 per cent w/v of

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g and follow the assay method

given under Kali Bichromicum. For titration use 0.01N sodium
thiosulphate solution. Each ml of 0.01N sodium thosulphate is
equivalent to 0.00049 g of K2Cr2O7.


Potency : 1x
White amorphous powder, Contains not less than 9.30 per cent
w/w to not more than 10.30 per cent w/w of K2CO3.
Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Kali Carbonicum.

Potency : 2x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.93 per cent
w/w to not more than 1.03 per cent w/w of K2CO3.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 5 g, dissolve in 25 ml of water and

follow the assay method given under Kali Carbonicum. For
titration use 0.1N hydrochloric acid. Each ml of 0.1N
hydrochloric acid is equivalent to 0.0069 g of K2CO3.

Potency : 3x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.093 per
cent w/w to not more than 0.103 per cent w/w of K2CO3.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g, dissolve in 100 ml of water, add 1

drop of methyl orange solution and titrate with 0.01N
hydrochloric acid until the yellow colour changes to on orange-
red. Then the solution is boiled for 2 to 3 minutes. After
cooling, yellow colour reappears, continue titrating until the
yellow colour changes to pink. Each ml of 0.01N hydrochloric
acid is equivalent to 0.00069 g of K2CO3.


Potency : 1x
White amorphous powder or liquid. Contains not less than 9.40
per cent w/w/w/v to not more than 10.40 per cent w/v or w/w of

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Kali Iodatum.

Potency : 2x
White amorphous powder or colourless clear liquid. Contains
not less than 0.94 per cent w/v or w/w to not more than 1.04 per
cent w/v or w/w/ of KI.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 5 g and dissolve in 50 ml of water and

follow the assay method given under Kali Iodatum.

Potency : 3x
White amorphous powder or clear, colourless liquid. Contains
not less than 0.094 per cent w/v or w/w to not more than 0.104
per cent w/v or w/w of KI.
Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g, if solid char in silica crucible to
make ash. Dissolve in 20 ml water and follow the assay method
given under Kali Iodatum. For titration use 0.01 M potassium
iodate. Each ml of 0.01M potassium iodate is equivalent to
0.00332 g of KI.


Potency : 1x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 9.40 per cent
w/w to not more than 10.40 per cent w/w of KC1.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Kali Muriaticum.

Potency : 2x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.94 per cent
w/w to not more than 1.04 per cent w/w of KC1.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 5 g and dissolve in 50 ml of water and

follow the assay method given under Kali Muriaticum.

Potency : 3x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.094 per
cent w/w to not more than 0.104 per cent w/w of KC1.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g, char in silica crucible to make

ash, dissolve the ash in 25 ml of water and titrate with 0.01N
silver nitrate using potassium chromate solution as indicator.
Each ml of 0.01N silver nitrate is equivalent to 0.000746 g of


Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.94 per cent w/v to not more than 1.04
per cent w/v of KmnO4.

Assay : Prepare a standar curve using 0.01 per cent and 0.001 per cent
w/v solution of KmnO4 and measure absorbance at 520 nm.
Dilute the 2x drug to 100 times and findout the amount from
standard curve.

Potency : 3x
Contains not less than 0.094 per cent w/v to not more than
0.104 per cent w/v of KmnO4.
Assay : As given above.


Potency : 1x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 9.30 per cent
w/w to not more than 10.30 per cent w/w of K2HPO4.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Kali


Potency : 2x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.93 per cent
w/w to not more than 1.03 per cent w/w of K2HPO4.

Assay : Follow assay method given under Kali Phosphoricum. For

titration use 0.1N sulphuric acid in place of 0.5N sulphuric
acid. Each ml of 0.1N sulphuric acid is equivalent to 0.01742 g
of K2HPO4.

Potency : 3x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.093 per
cent w/w to not more than 0.103 per cent w/w of K2HPO4.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g, char in silica crucible to make

ash. Dissolve in 25 ml of water and titrate with 0.01N sulphuric
acid using bromo-cresol green solution as indicator. Each ml of
0.01N sulphuric acid is equivalent to 0.00174 g of K2HPO4.

Potency : 1x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 9.40 per cent
w/w to not more than 10.40 per cent w/w of K2SO4.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Kali


Potency : 2x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.94 per cent
w/w to not more than 1.04 per cent w/w of K2SO4.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 5 g dissolve in 100 ml water and

follow the assay method given under Kali Sulphuricum.

KREOSOTUM : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 82.0 to 86.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.5 to 7.0

Wt. Per ml : 0.840 g to 0.910 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.076 per cent w/v.

Identification : To 1 ml of saturated solution in water add 1 drop of solution of

ferric chloride; a very transient violet blue colour is produced.
Excess of ferric chloride solution gives brown precipitate.

LEDUM PALUSTRE : Mother tincture.

Alcohol content : 76.0 to 80.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.30 to 6.30.

Wt. Per ml : 0.50 g to 0.910 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.50per cent w/v.

λ max : 260 and 320 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using chloroform :
methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV light six spots
appear at Rf. 0.12, 0.26, 0.49, 0.67, 0.83 and 0.91 (all blue).

LEPTENDRA : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 4.80 to 5.80

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.890 to 0.920 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.50 per cent w/v

λmax. : 286 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture to remove alcohol, extract the

aqueous part with 3x20 ml chloroform concentrate the
chloroform layer to 2 ml and carryout TLC on silica gel ‘G’
plate using chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase and
antimony trichloride for spray. Three spots appear at Rf 0.41,
0.53 and 0.87.


Alcohol content : 91.0 to 95.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.20 to 5.80.
Wt. Per ml : 0.810 g to 0.840 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.85 per cent w/v.

λ max : 264 (b) nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using chloroform :

methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. In Iodine vapour four spots
appear at Rf. 0.16, 0.18, 0.38 and 0.97.


Potency : 1x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 3.80 per cent
w/w to not more than 4.67 per cent w/w of MgO.
Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Magnesia

Potency : 2x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.38 per cent
w/w to not more than 0.047 per cent w/w of MgO.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 5 g, dissolve in 25 ml 1n hydrochloric

acid and follow the method given under Magnesia Carbonica.

Potency : 3x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.038 per
cent w/w to not more than 0.047 per cent w/w of MgO.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g, dissolve in 100 ml 0.1 N

hydrochloric acid. Titrate the excess of hydrochloric acid with
1N sodium hydroxide solution using methyl orange as
indicator. Each ml of 0.1N hydrochloric acid is equivalent to
0.0002016 of MgO.


Potency : 1x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 9.30 per cent
w/w to not more than 10.30 per cent w/w of Mgcl2. 6H2O.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Magnesia


Potency : 2x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.93 per cent
w/w to not more than 1.03 per cent w/w of MgCl2. 6H2O.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 5 g, dissolve in 50 ml water and follow

the assay method given under Magnesia Muriatica.

Potency : 3x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.093 per
cent w/w to not more than 0.103 per cent w/w of MgCl2.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g, char in silica crucible to make

ash. Dissolve the ash in 25 ml of water and tritrate with 0.01N
silver nitrate solution using potassium chromate solution as
indicator. Each ml of 0.01N silver nitrate is equivalent to
0.001017 g of MgCl2. 6H2O.


Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.50 to 6.50

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.900 to 0.930 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.00 per cent w/v

λmax : 290, 324 nm

Identification : Evaporate 2o ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Extract the aqueous layer with 3x20 ml chloroform and
concentrate the chloroform layer to 2 ml. Carryout TLC of
chloroform extract on silica gel ‘G’ plate using
chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. In iodine
vapour four spots appear at Rf 0.34, 0.42, 0.54 and 0.97.


Potency : 1x
White amorphous powder or colourless liquid. Contains not
less than 9.50 per cent w/w or w/v to not more than 10.50 per
cent w/w or w/v of HgCl2.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Mercurius


Potency : 2x
White amorphous powder or colourless liquid. Contains not
less than 0.95 per cent w/w or w/v to not more than 1.05 per
cent w/w or w/v of HgCl2.

Assay : Dissolve about 5 g accurately weighed in 85 ml of water and

follow the assay method given under Mercurius Corrosivus.

Potency : 3x
White amorphous powder or colourless liquid. Contains not
less than 0.095 per cent w/w or w/v to not more than 0.105 per
cent w/w or w/v of HgCl2.
Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g, char in silica crucible to make
ash, dissolve the ash in 85 ml of water and follow the assay
method given under Mercurius Corrosivus.


Potency : 1x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 9.50 per cent
w/w to not more than 10.50 per cent w/w of HgCl.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Mercurius Dulcis.

Potency : 2x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.95 per cent
w/w to not more than 1.05 per cent w/w of HgCl.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 5 g, char in silica crucible to make ash,

mix with 10 ml of water and follow the assay method given
under Mercurius Dulcis.

Potency : 3x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.095 per
cent w/w to not more than 0.105 per cent w/w of HgCl.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g, char in silica crucible to make

ash. Mix the ash with 10 ml of water in a glass stoppered flask
and add 50 ml of 0.01N iodine and 2 g potassium iodide,
dissolved in 10 ml of water. Close the flask and set aside,
shaking occasionally until solution is complete. Titrate the
excess of iodine with 0.01N sodium thiosulphate using starch
as indicator. Each ml of 0.01N iodine is equivalent to 0.00236 g
of HgCl.


Potency : 1x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 9.40 per cent
w/w to not more than 10.40 per cent w/w of Hgl.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Mercurius Iodatus

Potency : 2x
Yellowish-white amorphous powder. Contains not less than
0.94 per cent w/w to not more than 1.04 per cent w/w of HgI.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 5 g after dried over sulphuric acid and
follow the assay method given under Mercurius Iodatus Flavus.


Potency : 1x
Red amorphous powder. Contains not less than 9.40 per cent
w/w to not more than 10.40 per cent w/w of HgI2.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Mercurius Iodatus

Potency : 2x
Light red coloured, amorphous powder. Contains not less than
0.94 per cent w/w to not more than 1.04 per cent w/w of HgI2.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 5g, add 50 ml of water and follow the
assay method given under Mercurius Iodatus Ruber.

MEZEREUM : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 75.0 to 79.0 per cent v/v.

pH : 4.5 to 5.2.

Wt. Per ml : 0.850 g to 0.910 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.80 per cent w/v.

λ max : 275 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using chloroform :

methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV light five spots
appear at Rf. 0.16, 0.35, 0.68, 0.75 and 0.92.

MYRICA CERIFERA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 72.0 to 76.0 per cent v/v.

PH : Between 4.2 to 5.0.

Wt. Per ml. : 0.870 g to 0.895 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.5 per cent w/v.

λ max : 290 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using chloroform :

methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV light four spots
appear at Rf. 0.28 (yellow), 0.75 (blue), 0.82 (red) and 0.95

NAJA TRIPUDIANA : Mother Tincture. Take about 0.5 ml mother tincture, add 2 ml
hydrochloric acid and keep on water bath for four hours. Dilute
it with 5 ml alcohol and carryout TLC using n-butanol:acetic
acid water (4:1:1 v/v) as moble phase and spray with ninhydrin
reagent and heat the plate at 105º for 10 minutes. Five violet
coloured spots appear at Rf 0.26, 0.31, 0.44, 0.53 and 0.56.


Potency : 1x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 9.50 per cent
w/w to not more than 10.50 per cent w/w of NaCl.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Natrum


Potency : 2x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.95 per cent
w/w to not more than 1.05 per cent w/w of NaCl.

Assay : Dissolve about 5 g accurately weighed in 50 ml water and

follow the assay method given under Natrum Muriaticum,

Potency : 3x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.095 per
cent w/w to not more than 0.105 per cent w/w of NaCl.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g, char in silica crucible to make

ash. Dissolve the ash in 25 ml of water and titrate with 0.01N
silver nitrate using potassium chromate as indicator. Each ml
of 0.01N silver nitrate is equivalent to 0.000505 g of NaCl.

Potency : 1x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 9.40 per cent
w/w to not more than 10.40 per cent w/w of Na2HPO4. 7H2O.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Natrum


Potency : 2x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.94 per cent
w/w to not more than 1.04 per cent w/w of Na2HPO4. 7H2O.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 5 g, char in silica crucible to make ash

and dissolve the ash in 25 ml of water and follow the assay
method given under Natrum Phosphoricum. For titration use
0.1N sulphuric acid. Each ml of 0.1N sulphuric acid is
equivalent to 0.0268 g of Na2HPO4. 7H2O.

Potency : 3x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.094 per
cent w/w to not more than 0.104 per cent w/w of Na2HPO4.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g, char in silica crucible to make

ash. Dissolve the ash in 25 ml of water and titrate with 0.01N
sulphuric acid using bromo-cresol green as indicator. Each ml
of 0.01N sulphuric acid is equivalent to 0.00268 g of
Na2HPO4. 7H2O.


Potency : 1x
Contains not less than 9.50 per cent w/w to not more than
10.50 per cent w/w of C7H5O3Na.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Natrum


Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.95 per cent w/w to not more than 1.05
per cent w/w of C7H5O3Na.

Assay : 5g complies with the assay method given under Natrum

Salicylicum. For titration use 0.1 N hydrochloric acid. Each ml
of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid is equivalent to 0.016 g of

Potency : 3x
Contains not less than 0.095 per cent w/w not more than 0.105
per cent w/w of C7H5O3Na.

Assay : 20 g complies with the assay method given under Natrum

Salicylicum. For titration use 0.02 N hydrochloric acid. Each
ml of 0.02 N hydrochloric acid is equivalent to 0.003202 g of


Potency : 1x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 9.40 per cent
w/w to not more than 10.40 per cent w/w of Na2SO3. 10H2O.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Natrum


Potency : 2x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.94 per cent
w/w to not more than 1.04 per cent w/w of Na2SO4. 10H2O.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 5 g, char in silica crucible to make ash.

Dissolve the ash in 100 ml of water and follow the assay
method given under Natrum Sulphuricum.


Potency : 1x
Contains not less than 4.30 per cent w/w to not more than 5.30
per cent w/w of Ni.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Niccolum


Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.43 per cent w/w to not more than 0.53
per cent w/w of Ni.

Assay : 10 g complies with the assay method given under Niccolum

NUX MOSCHATA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 87.0 to 91.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 4.80 to 5.20.

Wt. Per ml : 0.810 g to 0.830 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.0 per cent w/v.

λ max : 274 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using chloroform :

methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV light four spots
appear at Rf. 0.31, 064, 0.70 (all blue) and 0.96 (yellow).

NUX VOMICA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 72.0 to 76.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.0 to 6.0

Wt. Per ml : 0.850 g to 0.900 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.89 per cent w/v.

λ max : 238 nm.

Identification : (i) To 2 ml Mother Tincture add a few drops of dilute

hydrochloric acid and a few drops of Mayer’s reagent; a
yellow coloured precipitate is produced.

(ii) Evaporate 20 ml Mother Tincture on water-bath to remove

alcohol, make alkaline with ammonia solution and extract
thrice with 20 ml chloroform. Concentrate the chloroform
extract to 2 ml and carry out CO-TLC of chloroform extract
with brucine and strychnine using cyclohexane : chloroform :
ethylamine (5:4:1 v/v) as mobile phase and Dragendorff’s
reagent as spray reagent. Two spots corresponding to brucine
and strychnine appear.

OCIMUM SANCTUM : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 72.0 to 76.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.20 to 5.80.

Wt. Per ml : 0.830 g to 0.860 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.50 per cent w/v.

λ max : 255, 275 and 315 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using chloroform :

methanol (95:5 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV light six spots
appear at Rf. 0.43 (red), 0.66 (red), 0.75 (red), 0.78 (blue), 0.90
(blue) and 0.95 (red).

OLEUM SANTALI : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 82.0 to 86.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.50 to 6.20

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.780 to 0.800 g

λmax. : 284 (VB) 273 (S) 257 (S) 250 (S)

Identification : Extract 10 ml mother tincture with 3x20 ml chloroform,

concentrate on water bath to 2 ml and carryout TLC using
chloroform as mobile phase. Five spots appear at Rf 0.10
(brown), 0.30 (orange), 0.50 (orange), 0.70 to 0.90 (green) and
0.95 (orange).


Alcohol content : 56.0 to 60.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.050 to 6.50

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.90 to 0.920 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.50 per cent w/v

λmax. : 264 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Extract aqueous part with 3x20 ml chloroform.
Concentrate the chloroform layer to 2 ml and carryout TLC
using chloroform : methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under
UV light six spots appear at Rf 0.20 (red), 0.40 (red), 0.52
(blue), 0.57 (red), 0.70 (red) and 0.96 (red). With antimony
trichloride reagent three spots appear at Rf 0.57, 0.70 and 0.96
(all yellow).

PHOSPHORUS : Mother Tincture.

(Contains not less than 0.15 per cent w/v to not more than
0.16per cent w/v of Phosphorus).

Alcohol content : 91.0 to 95.0 per cent v/v.

Assay : Dry about 10 g accurately weighed on water-bath and from the

residue proceed as given in the schoniger oxygen flask method.


Alcohol content : 91.0 to 95.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.30 to 6.30

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.82 to 0.865 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.75 per cent w/v

λmax : 254, 306 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Add 10 ml water and 1 ml ammonia solution and
extract with 3x20 ml chloroform. Concentrate the chloroform
extract to 2ml and carryout TLC of chloroform extract on silica
gel ‘G’ plate using methanol : ammonia (100:1:5 v/v) as mobile
phase. With Dragendorff’s reagent three spots appear at Rf.
067 (comparable with Physostigmine) 0.46 and 0.38.

PHYTOLACCA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.8 to 6.6

Wt. Per ml : 0.890 g to 0.920 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.10 per cent w/v.

λ max : 278 nm.

Identification : (i) Evaporate 5 ml of Mother Tincture to dryness dissolve the

residue in dilute hydrochloric acid and add two drops of
Mayer’s reagent; a precipitate is produced.

(ii) Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using chloroform :

methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV light three spots
appear at Rf. 0.15, 0.35 and 0.90 (allblue). With antimony
trichloride reagent four spots appear at Rf. 0.15, 0.25, 0.35 and

PIPER NIGRUM : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 91.0 to 95.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.50 to 6.50

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.810 to 0.840 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.10 per cent w/v

λmax. : 260, 305 and 340 nm

Identification : Carryout TLC of concentrated mother tincture using

chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. In UV light six
spots appear at Rf 0.08 (red), 0.28 (red), 0.76 (blue), 0.85
(blue), 0.8 (yellow) and 0.95 (blue). With Dragendorff’s
reagent one spot appears at Rf 088 (orange).

PLANTAGO MAJOR : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 62.0 to 66.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.40 to 6.40

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.910 to 0.950 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.75 per cent w/v

λmax. : 286, 330 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture onw ater bath to remove

alcohol. Extract the remaining aqueous layer with 3x20 ml
chloroform. Concentrate the chloroform layer to 2 ml and
carryout TLC on silica gel ‘G’ plate using chloroform:methanol
(9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. With antimony trichloride spray
reagent four spots appear at Rf 0.28, 0.43, 0.83 and 0.87 (all


Potency : 1x
Grayish-white amorphous powder. Contains not less than 9.50
per cent w/w to not more than 10.50 per cent w/w of Pt.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Plantinum

Metallicum. Weigh accurately about 1 g, char it in silica
crucible and proceed with the ash as given in the method.

Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.95 per cent w/w to not more than 1.05
per cent w/w of Pt.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 5 g. char it in silica crucible and

proceed with ash as given in assay method under Platinum


Potency : 1x
Contains not less than 9.50 per cent w/w to not more than
10.50per cent w/w of the H2PtCl6.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Platinum


Potency : 2x
Containts not less than 0.95 per cent w/w to not more than 1.05
per cent w/w of the H2PtCl6.

Assay : 10 g complies with the assay method given under Platinum



Potency : 1x
Grayish amorphous powder. Contains not less than 9.40 per
cent w/w to not more than 10.40 per cent w/w of Pb.
Assay : Dissolve about 2 g accurately weighed in 10 ml of concentrated
hydrochloric acid and follow the assay method given for
Plumbum Metallicum.

Potency : 2x
Grayish white amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.94
per cent w/w to not more than 1.04 per cent w/w of Pb.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 5 g, char in silica crucible to make ash.

Dissolve the ash in 10 ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid
and follow the assay method given under Plumbum

Potency : 3x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.094 per
cent w/w to not more than 0.104 per cent w/w of Pb.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g char in silica crucible to make ash,

dissolve the ash in 10 ml concentrated hydrochloric acid and
follow the assay method given for Plumbum Metallicum.

PODOPHYLLUM : Mother Tincture.


Alcohol content : 61.0 to 65.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.8 to 6.5.

Wt. Per ml : 0.890 g to 0.910 g

Total solids : Not less than 2.0 per cent w/v.

λ max : 293 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using

chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV
light six spots appear at Rf. 0.10 (yellow), 0.22, 0.30, 0.69, 0.75
and 0.91 (all blue).

CORRYLIFOLIA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 91.0 to 95.0 per cent v/v.

PH : Between 5.50 to 6.60.

Wt. Per ml : 0.820 g to 0.40 g

Total solids : Not less than 2.0 per cent w/v.

λ max : 272 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using chloroform :

methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV light six spots
appear at Rf. 0.51 (blue), 0.64 (red), 0.77 (red), 0.83 (red), 0.92
(blue) and 0.96 (red).


Alcohol content : 66.0 to 70.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 4.7 to 5.7.

Wt. Per ml : 0.870 g to 0.900 g

λ max : 281 nm.

Total solids : Not less than 1.20 per cent w/v.

Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using chloroform :

methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase and antimony trichloride
solution as spray reagent. Under UV light four spots appear at
Rf. 0.61, 0.71, 0.75 and 0.91 (All blue), with spray reagent four
spots appear at Rf. 0.14, 0.71, 0.95 and 0.98.

RATANHIA : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 48.0 to 52.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 4.50 to 5.70

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.880 to 0.920 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.00 per cent w/v

λmax. : 266 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Extract it with 3x20 ml chloroform. Concentrate
chloroform extract to 2 ml and carryout TLC using
chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. In iodine
vapour four spots appear at Rf 0.35, 0.48, 0.65 and 0.78.

SERPENTINA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 75.0 to 79.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.7 to 6.3.

Wt. Per ml : 0.867 g to 0.877 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.00 per cent w/v.

λ max : 298 nm.

Identification : (i) To 1 ml of chloroform extract add 1 ml of vanillin sulphuric

acid in acetic acid and warm; intense violet red colour is

(ii) Mix 10 ml of chloroform extract with 20 ml of dimethyl

benzaldehyde and add 2 ml of glacial acetic acid; a green
colour is produced which changes to red on addition of 2 ml of
acetic acid.

(iii) Evaporate 20 ml of mother tincture on water bath to

remove alcohol, make the aqueous part alkaline with ammonia
and extract with 3x2- ml chloroform, concentrate the
chloroform extract to 2 ml and carry out CO-TLC with
reserpine using chloroform : methanol (95 : 5 v/v) as mobile
phase With Dragendorff’s reagent a spot corresponding to
reserpine appears.

RHEUM : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 4.20 to 5.20

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.910 to 0.940 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.50 per cent w/v

λmax : 284 nm
Identification : Concentrate 20 ml mother tincture to remove alcohol and
carryout TLC on silica gel ‘G’ plate using chloroform:methanol
(9:1 v/v) as mobile phase and ammonia vapour for
visualization. Three spots appear at Rf 0.13, 0.21 and 0.90 (all
pink) and a yellow coloured spot appears at Rf 0.38 (which
does not change in ammonia vapour).


Alcohol content : 75.0 to 79.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.20 to 6.00.

Wt. Per mel : 0.60 g to 0.890 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.65 per cent w/v.

λmax : 261 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using chloroform :

methanol (9 : 1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV light six spots
appear at Rf. 0.07, 0.13, 0.51, 0.73, 0.8 and 0.92 (all blue).

RUMEX CRISPUS : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.50 to 6.50

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.890 to 0.920 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.50 per cent w/v

λmax : 278 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Extract the aqueous part with 3x20 ml chloroform.
Concentrate the chloroform layer to 2 ml and carryout TLC
using chloroform:methanol:methyl ethyl ketone (85 : 10 : 15
v/v) as mobile phase and on spraying with 0.5 per cent
methanolic magnesium acetate four spots appear at Rf 0.25
(yellow), 0.43 (red), 0.79 (yellow) and 0.94 (red).
RUTA GRAVEOLENS : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 66.0 to 70.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.0 to 6.0

Wt. Per ml : 0.880 g to 0.930 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.5 per cent w/v.

λ max : 251, 315 nm

Identification : Carry out TLC of concentrated Mother Tincture using butanol :

acetic acid : water (4 : 1: 1: v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV
light 2 spots appear at Rf. 0.50, 0.78. With antimony trichloride
spray reagent 2 spots appear at Rf. 0.50 and 0.93.

SABADILLA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 75.0 to 79.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 6.2 to 6.9.

Wt. Per ml : 0.860 g to 0.890 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.50 per cent w/v.

λ max : 266 nm.

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml Mother Tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Make the aqueous part alkaline with ammonia solution
and extract with 3x20 ml chloroform, concentrate the
chloroform extract to 2 ml and carryout CO-TLC with
Veratrine, using chloroform : methanol (9 : 1 v/v) as mobile
phase and with Dragendorff’s reagent as spray reagent. Spot
corresponding to Veratrine appears.

SABINA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 80.0 to 85.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 4.7 to 5.2.

Wt. Per ml : 0.840 g to 0.860 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.80 per cent w/v.

Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using chloroform :

methanol (9 : 1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV light four spots
appear at Rf. 0.13 (greenish yellow band), 0.30 (yellow), 0.62
(green), and a band from 0.63 to 0.90 (green band). With
antimony trichloride reagent six spots appear at Rf. 0.11
(yellow), 0.26 (violet), 0.32 (green), 0.52 (violet), 0.62 (brown)
and 0.77 (red brown).

CANADENSIS : Mother Tinctures.

Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.50 to 6.20.

Wt. Per ml : 0.870 g to 0.920 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.80 per cent w/v.

λ max : 297 and 323 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using chloroform :

methanol (9 : 1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV light eight
spots appear at Rf. 0.16, 0.22, 0.31, 0.34, 0.59 (all grey), 0.88
(brown), 0.91 (yellow) and 0.96 (brown).

Evaporate 20 ml Mother Tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Make it alkaline with 3x20 ml chloroform. Concentrate
the chloroform extract to 2 ml and carry out CO-TLC with
Sanguinarine using chloroform : methanol (9 : 1 v/v) as mobile
phase and Dragendorff’s reagent as sprate reagent. Spot
corresponding to Sanguinarine appears.
SECALE CORNUTUM : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 44.0 to 48.0 per cent v/v

PH : 5.0 to 6.2.

Wt. Per ml : 0.920 g to 0.950 g.

Total solids : Not less than 0.80 per cent w/v.

λmax : 248 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using chloroform:

methanol (9: 1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV light five spots
appear at Rf. 0.06 to 0.20 (brown), 0.53 (brown), 0.71 (grey)
and 0.97 (brown).

Evaporate 20 ml Mother Tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Make it alkaline with ammonia solution and extract it
with 3x20 ml chloroform. Concentrate chloroform extract to 2
ml and carry out Co-TLC with ergocryptine using chloroform:
methanol (9 : 1 v/v) as mobile phase and Dragendorff’s reagent
for spray. Spot corresponding to ergocryptine appears.


Potency : 1x
Reddish-brown amorphous powder. Contains not less than 7.50
per cent w/w to not more than 10.50 per cent w/w of Se.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Selenium.

Potency : 2x
Reddish-brown amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.95
per cent w/w to not more than 1.05 per cent w/w of Se.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 5 g, char in silica crucible to make ash

and follow the assay method given under Selenium.

Potency : 3x
Brownish amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.095 per
cent w/w to not more than 0.105 per cent w/w of se.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g, char in silica crucible to make ash

and follow the assay method given under Selenium.
SENEGA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 47.0 to 51.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 4.5 to 5.6.

Wt. Per ml : 0.925 g to 0.960 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.80 per cent w/v.

λmax : 280 and 320 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using chloroform :

methanol (9 : 1 v/v) as mobile phase. In iodine vapour four
spots appear at Rf. 0.11 0.19, 0.25 and 0.44 (all brown).

SENNA : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 58.0 to 62.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.50 to 6.50

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.920 to 0.950 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.75 per cent w/v

λmax. : 268 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Extract the aqueous part with 3x20 ml chloroform.
Concentrate the chloroform layer to 2 ml and carryout TLC
using chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under
UV light six spots appear at Rf 0.20 (red), 0.40 (red), 0.52
(blue), 0.57 (red), 0.70 (red) and 0.96 (red).

SEPIA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 90.0 to 94.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.9 to 6.8

Wt. Per ml : 0.850 g to 0.940 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.80 per cent w/v.

λmax : 260 and 280 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using chloroform :
methanol (9 : 1 v/v) as mobile phase. In iodine vapours two
spots appear at Rf. 0.44 and 0.80.


Potency : 1x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 9.50 per cent
w/w to not more than 10.50 per cent w/w of SiO2.

Assay : Take 1 g, dry and char in silica crucible at 500°, wash the
residue with dilute nitric acid, dry and weigh. It should weigh
not less than .095 g and not more than 0.105 g.

Potency : 2x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.95 per cent
w/w to not more than 1.05 per cent w/w of SiO2.

Assay : Same as for 1x; It should weigh not less than .0095 g and not
more than 0.0105 g.

SPONGIA TOSTA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 75.0 to 79.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.8 to 6.5.

Wt. Per ml : 0.850 g to 0.880 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.30 per cent w/v.

λ max : 264 nm (b).

Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using chloroform :

methanol (9 : 1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV light five spots
appear at Rf. 0.13, 0.19, 0.56, 0.75 (all blue) and 0.32 (red).
With antimony trichloride reagent four spots appear at Rf.
0.42, 0.52, 0.78 and 0.97 (all violet).

Potency : 1x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 9.50 per cent
w/w to not more than 10.50 per cent w/w of Sn.

Assay : Complies with the assay method as given in appendix.

Potency : 2x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.95 per cent
w/w to not more than 1.05 per cent w/w of Sn.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 5 g, char in silica crucible to make ash.

Dissolve the ash in hydrochloric acid and follow assay method
given for Stannum Metallicum.

Potency : 3x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.095 per
cent w/w to not more than 0.105 per cent w/w of Sn.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g, char in silica crucible to make

ash. Dissolve the ash in hydrochloric acid and follow assay
method given for Stannum Metallicum.

STAPHYSAGRIA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 87.0 to 91.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.8 to 6.5.

Wt. Per ml : 0.810 g to 0.830 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.10 per cent w/v.

λmax : 270 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using chloroform :

methanol (9 :1 v/v) as mobile phase and Dragendorff’s reagent
for spray. Five spots appear at Rf. 0.04, 0.13, 0.21, 0.56 and
0.92 (orange).


Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Make it alkaline with ammonia solution and extract the
aqueous layer with 3 x 20 ml chloroform. Concentrate the
chloroform extract to 2 ml and carry out CO-TLC with
Delphinine using chloroform : methanol (9 : 1 v/v) as mobile
phase and Dragendorff’s reagent as spray reagent. Spot
corresponding to Delphinine appears.

STRAMONIUM : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.50 to 6.50

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.890 to 0.920 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.50 per cent w/v

λmax. : 268 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol, make it alkaline by adding ammonia and extract it with
3x20 ml chloroform. Concentrate the chloroform layer to 2 ml
and carryout TLC using chloroform : methanol (9 : 1 v/v) as
mobile phase and spray with Dragendorff’s reagent. Two spots
appear at Rf 0.25 (corresponds to hyoscyamine) and 0.90
(corresponds to scopolamine).


Alcohol content : 91.0 to 95.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.70 to 6.50

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.820 to 0.860 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.90 per cent w/v

λmax. : 270 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Extract the aqueous part with 3x20 ml chloroform.
Concentrate the chloroform layer to 2 ml and carryout TLC on
silica gel ‘G’ plate using chloroform:methanol (9 : 1 v/v) as
mobile phase and seen in iodine vapour. Eight spots appear at
Rf 0.25, 0.55, 0.85, 1.12, 1.35, 1.50, 1.88 and 2.30 with
reference to cinchonine as standard (Rf 1.0).

Potency : 1x
Contains not less than 9.40 per cent w/w to not more than 10.40
per cent w/w of the C6H8O2N2S.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under sulphanilamide.

Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.940 per cent w/w to not more than 1.04
per cent w/w of the C6H8O2N2S.

Assay : 10 g complies with the assay method given under


Yellowish white amorphous powder. Contains not less than
9.30 per cent w/w to not more than 10.30 per cent w/w of S.

Assay : Schoniger oxygen flask method. Complies with the assay


Potency : 2x
Yellowish white amorphous powder. Contains not less than
0.93 per cent w/w to not more than 1.02 per cent w/w of S.

Assay : Dissolve about 5g in 25 ml carbon disulphide. Shake and filter,

evaporate the filterate to dryness. To the residue perform
Schoniger oxygen flask method.


Potency : 1x
Yellowish-white amorphous powder. Contains not less than
9.30 per cent w/w to not more than 10.30 per cent w/w of S.

Assay : Schoniger oxygen flask method. Complies with the assay


Potency : 2x
Yellowish-white amorphous powder. Contains not less than
0.93 per cent w/w to not more than 1.02 per cent w/w of S.

Assay : Dissove about 5 g in 25 ml carbon disulphide. Shake and filter,

evaporate the filtrate to dryness. With the residue perform
schoniger oxygen flask method.

Potency : 1x
Greyish-black amorphous powder. Contains not less than 9.40
per cent w/w to not more than 10.40 per cent w/w of S2I2.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given for sulphur by schoniger
oxygen flask method.

Potency : 2x
Greyish-black amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.94
per cent w/v to not more than 1.04 per cent w/w S2I2.

Assay : Complies with the assay method as given under sulphur.

SUMBUL : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 75.0 to 79.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.50 to 6.50

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.860 to 0.890 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.85 per cent w/v

λmax. : 278 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol, extract the aqueous part with 3x20 ml chloroform.
Concentrate the chloroform extract to 2 ml and carryout TLC
on silica gel ‘G’ plate using chloroform:methanol (9:1 v/v) as
mobile phase. With antimony trichloride reagent three spots
appear at Rf 0.37, 0.43 and 0.54 (all brown).

JAMBOLANUM : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 82.0 to 86.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 4.7 to 5.2.

Wt. Per ml : 0.850 g to 0.940 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.60 per cent w/v.

λ max : 256 nm.

Identification : (i) To 5 ml of Mother Tincture add a few drops of
Dragendorff’s reagent; a red colour is produced.

(ii) Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using chloroform :

methanol (9 : 1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV light four spots
appear at Rf. 0.06, 0.08, 0.73 and 0.88. On spraying with
antimony trichloride reaent, eight spots appear at Rf. 0.66,
0.32, 0.45, 0.50, 0.63, 0.73, 0.82, 0.85 (all grey).

TABACUM : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 75.0 to 79.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.4 to 6.2.

Wt. Per ml : 0.860 g to 0.900 g

Total solids : Note less than 1.40 per cent w/v.

λ max : 260 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using chloroform :

methanol (9 : 1 v/v) as mobile phase and Dragendorff’s reagent
as spray reagent. Five orange coloured spots appear at Rf. 0.04,
0.71, 0.79, 0.84 (corresponds with Nicotine) and 0.93.


Evaporate 20 ml Mother Tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol, make it alkaline with ammonia solution and extract the
aqueous layer with 2 x 20 ml chloroform. Concentrate the
chloroform extract to 2 ml and carry out CO-TLC with
Nicotine using chloroform : methanol (9 :1 v/v) as mobile
phase and Dragendorff’s reagent as spray reagent. Spot
corresponding to Nicotine appears.

TARAXACUM : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 48.0 to 52.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.50 to 6.50

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.910 to 0.940 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.75 per cent w/v

λmax : 288, 324 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Extract the aqueous layer with 3x20 ml chloroform and
concentrate the chloroform layer to 2 ml. Carryout TLC of
chloroform layer using chloroform : methanol (9:1 v/v) as
mobile phase. Under UV light, three spots appear at Rf 0.27,
0.50, 0.58. With antimony trichloride spray reagent four spots
appear at Rf 0.41, 0.51, 0.57 and 0.78.


Potency : 1x
Contains not less than 9.30 per cent w/w to not more than 10.30
per cent w/w of Tellurium.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Tellurium.

Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.93 per cent w/w to not more than 1.03
per cent w/w of Tellurium.

Assay : 5 g complies with the assay method given under Tellurium.

Potency : 3x
Contains not less than 0.093 per cent w/w to not more than
0.103 per cent w/w of Tellurium.

Assay : Start with 50 g of 3x drug, char in Silica crucible to remove

sugar of milk and proceed with residue as given in the method
under Tellurium.


Alcohol content : 84.0 to 88.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.00 to 6.00

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.800 to 0.830 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.25 per cent w/v

Identification : Carryout TLC of mother tincture on silica gel ‘G’ plate using
chloroform as mobile phase. With antimony trichloride reagent
single spot appears at Rf 0.72.

TERMINALIA ARJUNA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 77.0 to 81.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 4.2 to 5.0

Wt. Per ml : 0.850g to 0.870 g

Total solids : Not less than 1.0 per cent w/v.

λ max : 270 nm.

Identification : (a) To 1 ml of Mother Tincture add a drop of sodium hydroxide

solution; a dark red colour is produced.

(b) To 1 ml of Mother Tincture add a drop of mercuric chloride

solution; a precipitate is produced.

(c ) Carry out TLC of Chloroform extract using chloroform :

methanol (9 :1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV light six spots
appear at Rf. 0.05, 0.12, 0.37, 0.45, 0.72 and 0.85 (all blue


Alcohol content : 80.0 to 84.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 4.6 to 6.5.

Wt. Per ml : 0.830 g to 0.865 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.80 per cent w/v.

λmax : 260 and 325 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using chloroform :

methanol(9 : 1 v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV light eight
spots appear at Rf. 0.05, 0.12, 0.22 (both red), 0.37 (blue), 0.47,
0.68, 0.84 and 0.93 (all red). With antimony trichloride
reagent, five spots appear at Rf. 0.15 (violet), 0.85 (violet),
0.87 (brown), 0.92 (brown) and 0.96 (green).

Evaporate 20 ml Mother Tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Extract the aqueous layer with 3 x 20 ml chloroform.
Concentrate the chloroform extract to 2 ml and carry out CO-
TLC with Thujone using chloroform as mobile phase and
antimony trichloride reagent as spray reagent. Spots
corresponding to thujone appear.


Potency : 1x
Contains not less than 9.50 per cent w/w to not more than 10.50
per cent w/w of the C10H14O.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Thymolum.

Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.95 per cent w/w to not more than 1.05
per cent w/w of the C10H14O.

Assay : 10 g complies with the assay method given under Thymolum.


Potency : 1x
Contains not less than 9.50 per cent w/w to not more than 10.50
per cent w/w of the C10H14O.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Thymolum.

Potency : 2x
Contains not less than 0.95 per cent w/w to not more than 1.05
per cent w/w of the C10H14O.

Assay : 10 g complies with the assay method given under Thymolum.


Alcohol content : 45.0 to 49.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.40 to 6.40

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.920 to 0.960 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.75 per cent w/v

λmax. : 320 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Extract the aqueous part with 3x20 ml chloroform.
Concentrate the chloroform extract to 2 ml and carryout TLC
over silica gel ‘G’ plate using chloroform : methanol (9:1 v/v)
as mobile phase and antimony trichloride reagent for spray.
Four spots appear at Rf 0.24 (yellow), 0.52 (Brown), 0.60
(brown), and 0.80 (yellow).


Alcohol content : 48.0 to 52.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.50 to 6.50

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.880 to 0.930 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.75 per cent w/v

λmax. : 280 nm

Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Extract it with 3x20 ml chloroform, concentrate the
chloroform extract to 1 ml and carryout TLC with cinchonine
using chloroform methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile phase and spray
with antimony trichloride reagent. Two violet spots appear at
Rf 0.68 and 0.85 with reference to cinchonine as standard (Rf

VERATRUM ALBUM : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 75.0 to 79.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.60 to 6.60

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.850 to 0.895 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.75 per cent w/v

λmax. : 270 nm

Identification : (1) Take 1 ml of mother tincture. Make it acidic with dilute

hydrochloric acid and add a few drops of Mayer’s reagent; a
yellowish coloured precipitate is produced.

(2) Take 1 ml of mother tincture, make it acidic with dilute

hydrochloric acid and a few drops of Dragendorff’s reagent, an
orange coloured precipitate is produced.

(3) Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol, make alkaline to aqueous layer, extract it with 3x20 ml
chloroform, concentrate chloroform extract to 1 ml and
carryout CO-TLC with veratrine using chloroform:methanol
(9:1 v/v) as mobile phase and spray with Dragendorff’s
reagent; spots comparable to veratrine appears.

VERATRUM VIRIDE : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 72.00 to 76.0 per cent v/v.

PH : Between 6.2 to 6.8.

Wt. Per ml : 0.860 g to 0.900 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.65 per cent w/v.

λmax : 264 and 320 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using chloroform :

methanol (9 :1 v/v) as mobile phase. With Dragendorff’s
reagent three long spots appear at Rf. 0.05 to 0.21, 0.25 to 0.35
and 0.41 to 0.47.


Evaporate 20 ml Mother Tincture on water bath to remove

alcohol. Make it alkaline with ammonia solution and extract the
aqueous part with 3 x 20 ml chloroform, concentrate the
chloroform extract to 2 ml and carry out CO-TLC with
Veratrine using chloroform : methanol (9 : 1 v/v) as mobile
phase and Dragendorff’s reagent as spray reagent. Spot
corresponding to Veratrine appears.
VIBURNUM OPULUS : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 57.0 to 61.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.60 to 6.20

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.890 to 0.920 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.75 per cent w/v

λmax. : 270 and 320 nm

Identification : (1) To 2 ml of mother tincture add a drop of 1N hydrochloric

acid: orange precipitate is produced.

(2) To 2 ml mother tincture add a drop of alcoholic ferric

chloride solution; green colour is produced.

VISCUM ALBUM : Mother Tincture

Alcohol content : 75.0 to 79.0 per cent v/v

PH : Between 5.60 to 6.60

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.870 to 0.900 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.70 per cent w/v

λmax. : 278 nm

Identification : (1) To 2 ml of mother tincture, add a drop of 1N hydrochloric

acid; dirty yellow precipitate is produced.

(2) To 2 ml of mother tincture add a few drop of alcoholic

ferric chloride solution; blackish green precipitate is produced.

(3) To 2 ml of mother tincture add a drops of potassium

permanganate solution; brown coloured precipitate is

SOMNIFERA : Mother Tincture.

Alcohol content : 72.0 to 76.0 per cent v/v.

PH : 5.5 to 6.4.
Wt. Per ml : 0.872 g to 0.882 g.

Total solids : Not less than 0.35 per cent w/v.

λmax : 277 and 321 nm.

Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform extract using chloroform :

methanol (95 : v/v) as mobile phase. Under UV light six spots
appear at Rf. 0.03, 0.15, 0.42, 0.82, 0.89 and 0.95 (all blue).


Potency : 1x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 9.40 per cent
w/w to not more than 10.40 per cent w/w of Zn.

Assay : Complies with the assay method given under Zincum


Potency : 2x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.94 per cent
w/w to not more than 1.04 per cent w/w of Zn.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 5 g, char it in silica crucible to make

ash and proceed with ash as given in the assay method under
Zincum Metallicum.

Potency : 3x
White amorphous powder. Contains not less than 0.094 per
cent w/w to not more than 0.104 per cent w/w of Zn.

Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g, char in silica crucible to make ash

and proceed with the ash as given in the assay method under
Zincum Metallicum.


Alcohol content : 89.0 to 93.0 per cent u/v

PH : Between 5.80 to 6.80

Wt. Per ml. : From 0.800 to 0.830 g

Total solids : Not less than 0.50 per cent w/v

λmax. : 272 nm
Identification : Evaporate 20 ml mother tincture on water bath to remove
alcohol. Extract the remaining aqueous part with 3x20 ml
chloroform. Concentrate the chloroform layer to 2 ml and
carryout TLC on silica gel ‘G’ plate using chloroform:methanol
(9:1 v/v) as mobile phase and antimony trichloride as spray
reagent. Four spots appear at Rf 0.32 (violet), 0.65 (violet),
0.72 (brown) and 0.84 (brown).

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