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Operator'S Manual: CNC Turret Punch Press Amadan 04Pc

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November 1988

Copyright © 1998 by Amada Engineering & Service Co., Inc.

14921 East Northam Street, La Mirada, CA 90638

All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by
any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from
the publisher. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein.
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no
responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use
of the information contained herein.
This manual describes the quipment, controls, operation,
and maintenance of the CNC Turret Punch Press. Be sure
to read it carefully before operating the press or providing
maintenance for it in order to obtain a thorough knowledge of
proper and safe procedures.
NOTE: For the description of programming and tooling for the
press, refer to their respective manuals.

Operator’s Manual
CNC Turret Punch Press
0 I988 by AMADA Company, Ltd.

Safety Precautions Iv
lwstallation of the.Press v
Main components 2
Safety functions 4
Main control pane! 6
Subcontrol panel “A” 70
Subcontrol panel “8’ 17
Electrical control unit 72
Other switches 8 interfaces 73
Displays 7 4
Preparing for operation 78
MEMORY mode operation 22
TAPE mode operation 23
MDI mode operation 24
Operation stops 25
Program registration 28
Direct programming 29
Saving program in tape 30
Program search 30
Program deletion 30
Pmgram check 37
Program editing 32
Daly maintenance 34 .
Weekty maintenance 36
. Monthly maintenance 36
Quarterly maintenance 37
Annual maintenance 37
CNC air fitter 37
Lubrication 38
liydraulic system 42.
Slriker shear plate 43
Observe the following safety precautions when you install, operate, ‘or provide
maintenance for the press. Although the press is incorporated with various devices
that ensure safe operations, it is operated automatically at very high speeds and
can be dangerous unless it is operated in the proper manner with the utmost caution.
+k Have a qualified electrician cany out all electrical work

* Do not modify fhe control circuit or machine parts.

+k Inspect the press before starting the day’s work.
+# Make it a rule to have a single qualified op&ftor control the press.

* Never operate the press with the,safety devices removed.

I Never wear a necktie, a muffler, or loose clothing during an operation.

* C/ear the tiea around the press We - particularly behind the press - of
pebple and obstacles before statfing the press.
?B Stay away from the press especial/y when starling it and during an automatic
operation. The table and the carriage operate at fast speeds in both operating
directions when the worksheet is positioned for punching. ..y,

\_ _, .’
+B Also stay away from the pree when working with an oversized worksheet or _.’

automatic repositioning is involved. The worksheet may be projected abruptly

from the front or rear of the press.
46 Take the necessary precautionary steps whenever work must be done on the
turret or the tab/e for a tooling change or scrap removal.
+# Turn off the main power switch before inspecting or servicing the press unless
power is absolute/y necessary.

IInsMation of the pmss
The press should be installed according to the instructions described below and by
following the instructions of the AMADA engineer.

Reserve ample space around the press, the CNC unit,‘and an air compressor to permit
easy operation, maintenance, work handling, and tool storage. Provide a firm, levei
concrete floor for the instation of the press according to the foundation plan provided
by AMADA. Install the CNC unit at least 2 to 3 meters (7 to 10 feet) away from any
nearby equipment that produces electrical noise (such asa welder, drill, or sander).
Take necessary measures to isolate the press and the CNC unit from any nearby
equipment that produces vibration or dust. See page vi, sir C4nnections, for the instaffation of
the air compressor.

To lift the press by a crane, attach wire ropes to the four ribs located on the upper
frame of the press. To lift the CNC unit by a crane, attach wire ropes to the four
hooks located on the top of the cabinet. Lift the press or the CNC unit slowly while
balancing it carefully and protecting it from impacts when lowering it onto the floor.



(_cAuTIoN) Never use a scraper or solcents that may damage the coated
swfbcis of the press.
Remove the rust preventive from the surfaces of the press by using cleaning oil and
then apply machine oil to the parts from which the preventive has been removed.

The press requires a supply of clean and dry compressed air at a rate of more than 80
liters/min (2.8 f@/min) and an operating pressure of 5 kg/cm* (70 psi). Install an air
compressor as close to the press as possible - within a distance of 5 m (16 ft) - and
connect them by using an air hose or pipe with a minimum inside diameter of l/4".
NOTE: PEGA KING requires an air supply of 2000 literslmin (71 f&min), an operating pressure of 5.7
kg/cm2 (80 psi), and an airhose or pipe with a minimum inside diameter of 3W.
If the inside diameter of the air hose or pipe is smaller or the piping distance is longer than those required,
tlyte pressure will be reduced. If the-aping distance exceeds 5 m ( 16 ft), use an air hose or pipe with an
inside diameter of over 3/8’ (except PEGA KING).

Carry out ail ekcthai work by a qualijied electrician in

‘(e) oder to prevent accidents or damage.

The. required voltage for a 3-phase power supply is 230,400, or 46Ov~C &l.O%,
50160~~ with a load capacity of over 18kvA (over 15kvA for PEGA KING)., Conn,ect
the power cable to the input and ground terminals for the circuit breaker inside the
electrical control unit of the CNC cabinet.
Confirm that the connection has been made properly by turning on the power and
inspecting the rotational direction of the flywheel, which can be viewed by uncovering
the rear of the press. The flywheel should rotate in the direction indicated by the
arrow on the flywheel. Interchange any two of the the three terminal connections if the
flywheel rotates in the wrong direction.



The main components of the CNC Turret Punch Press as well as its
satety functions are described in this part. See Appendix I for the
desuipion of accessories.

Main components 2
Table & caniage 3
Punching mechanism 3
Safety functions 4

l&in components



/ \.

The TA8iE is divided into three sections. The center section is stationary and the
two side sections are driven by an AC servomotor to travel along the Y-axis. Large
free-motion bail bearings are placed on the surfaces of the three table sections to
ensure the smooth movement of the worksheet. There is a work chute close to the
turret in the center section, through which small work or scrap pieces can be dropped
down from the9able (optional for PEGA models, see Appendix 1, Accessories).
The CARRIAGE is in&d inside a housing mounted on the movable side sections of
the table. The carriabe is driven by an AC servomotor along the x-axis inside the
housing. The.housing moves in the Y-axis direction when the side sections of the
table are driven.
There are normally two WORKCLAMPS mounted on the carriage. Their positions on
the carriage can be adjusted according to the size of the worksheet. They are opened
and closed by operating the foot switch.

me XGAUGE BLOCK determines the x-axis origin when positioning the worksheet in
combination with the workclamps. The x-gauge block can be raised above the table
and stowed under the table by operating its lever. The machine cannot be started
when the x-gauge block is raised.
There are two WORKHOLOERS installed in front of the turret over the center section
of the table. They hold the worksheet temporarily when the worksheet must be
rectamped by the workclamps during an automatic worksheet-repositioning.

The PRESS MOTOR drives the flywheel, the flywheel torque is transmitted to the
crank via the hydraulic clutch-brake unit, and the rotating force of the crank drives
the striker to hit the punch. (PEGA KING is equipped with pneumatically operated
clutch and brake.)
The TURRET is composed of 34rack upper and lower disks, which are driven by an AC
servomotor. The turret will be rotated in either direction whichever it is faster to
index the required turret station to the punching position. The pneumatically operated
index pins will lock the turret disks automatically. when the turret has been indexed.




The following functions ensure the safe operation of the press:

The shear plate in me striker will break to protect me punching mechanism from being
damaged if an overtoad is exerted on it during punching. The press will stop if me crank has
net stopped at its top dead center during a punching operation.
The press will stop if an abnormality is detected in the setvo-system, such as an overloaded

The press will stop temporarily if a workclamp enters an area in which it may be punched and
damaged. The undampiig of me workclamps is disabled during an automatic press operation
- except when the press is.stopped by me program or optional stop command.
The press cannot be started if me Xgauge block has not been lowered and stowed after the
positioning of the work&et. The press will stop immediately if the block is raised erroneously
dwing an operation.
TabWcamiage -velpxlecheck
An atann Wnl be caused if any data that can cause an overtravel are detected. The detection is
made automatically by the CNC in me TAPE, MOI, or MEMORY mode prior to their execution.
Table/carriage cvertravel detection
The press will stop if the table or the carriage has overtraveled.
mxmt indexpin & slrikerposition dekection
Punching will not be performed if any of me turret index pins is not inserted or if the striker
is not positioned over me proper turret track
Stripping detection
The press will stop if the worksheet has not been stripped of the punch or if the stripping is
Tool-change safety
A switch is provided to stop the press motor and lock the table and the carriage to ensure
safety during a tool-change operation. The press will also stop if any of the tool-change
doors has not been closed or is opened erroneously duringa punching operation.
The CNC skill be turned off if me main control cabinet is opened.
The press will stop if me air pressure has been reduced betow the normal operating pressure.
Hydmllicp?t3s4m detection
The press till stop if me oil pressure has been reduced below me normal operating pressure
or me oil temperature has risen abnormally.
Safety mats (optional)
Several mats can be placed around the press and the press can be stopped by Stepping on
Hny of them.


The functions of the switches, etc. found on the press are described in
this pa& See Appendiw for the description of lhe cuntmls for the tool

&in amml panel 6

Subcontrol panel “A” YU
Subcontrol panel “8” I7
EIectrical control unit I2
Other switches & interfaces 73
Displays 74


Main control panel

Function keys
The 10 function keys, which are located below the screen, are defined and identified
for their currently available functions at the bottom of the screen. When there is no
definition for a function key, the key is disabled.
. .
This key selects the CNC or MMC operation mode. The MMC operation mode is used for
the programming of the source program for punching operations (refer to the AMADAN-
04P-C PROGAMMING SYSTEM manual for details).

This key is used to reset alarms, select the label skip function, clear entered data, etc.
Do not press the key during a press operation - doing so will stop the press and erase
the block of data which are currently in use.

PAGE, CURSOR keys /Display selection keys

The PAGE and CURSOR keys are used to change displayed pages and move the cursor.
They are also used to select displays (shown in parenttreses, see Displays for description) by
pressing the FUNC key in combination:


SmiNG display.

The PROGRAM display. clCOMND The MD1 display.

The ALARM/MESSAGE display. */AUX Not used.

The indicator lights will be ligh!ed in green (g), amber (a) or red (r) to indicate the con-
dition of the press according to the current status or the cause of a stop.
NC READY (g) Lights when the CNC is ready for operation. Blinks while the clutch solenoid is
being energized (not applicable to PEGA KING).
TOP DEAD CENTER (g) tights when the crankshaft is stopped at the top dead center.
AXES ‘REFERENCE (g) tights when afl the axes have been returned to their origins in’the REF ZERO
mode. An automatic operation cannot be performed when unlighted.
AUTO OPERATION (a) Lights during an automatic operation.
PROGRAM STOP (a) Lights when the press is stopped when a program stop (MOO) or an optional
stop (MOl) has been commanded.
OVERRIDE (a) tights when the press is stopped for the confirmation of an interierence be-
tween a workclamp and a punch’when the overrfde detecting functfon is in effect.
AIR PRESSURE ‘(r) Lights when the operating air pressure has been reduced and the press is stopped.
OIL PRESSURE (r) tights wtlen tie operating hydraulic pressure has been reduced and the press is
stopped - the hydraulic motor will not stop. ‘(Not applicable to PEGA KING.)
OIL TEMPERATURE (r) tights when the hydraulic oil temperature has risen abnormally and the press
and the hydraulic motor are stopped. (Not applicable to PEGA KING.)
LUBRICATION (r) tights when an abnormafity has been caused in the automatic lubrfcation system
and the press is stopped.
STRIP MISS (I) tights when a stripping failure has been caused and me press is stopped.
INTERLOCK (r) Lights when an interlock alarm has been caused. The alarm will be identified by a
message on the screen (see page 54).
STGP SWITCH (r) tights when tfae STOP button on the subcontrol panel ‘A’ or ‘8’ has been
pressed and the press is stopped.
TOOL CHANGE SW (r) tights when the TOOL CHANGE switch is turned to ON.
X-GAUGE BLOCK (r) Lights when the X-gauge block is raised.
TOOL CHANGE DOOR (r) tights when a tool change door is opened.
WORK CLAMP (r) Ughts when a workclamp is opened except when the workclamps are opened to
recfamp the worksheet for repositioning.
REPOSITIONING (r) Lights when the press is stopped for the confirmation of an interference
between a workclamp and a workholder when the worksheet repositioning
detecting function is in effect.
OIL FILTER (a) Lights when the hydraulic line filter is loaded. (Not applicable to PEGA KING.)

:;T :
MODE keys ._/-
The LED on each key will be lighted when the key has been pressed and selected. The
primary iunction of the-mode selected by each key is as follows:
REFZERO Permits the manual zero-return of axes by using jog keys (see below).
MEMORY Permits execution of the program in the CNC memory, etc.
TAPE Permits execution of the program on tape, etc.
MDI Permits Mock-by-block programming and execution, etc.
MANUAL Permits manual table and carriage feed, turret rotation, etc.
EDIT Permits program registration and editing, direct programming, etc.

Progmm contml keys

The LED on each key will be lighted when the key has been pressed and seiected.
SINGLE Permits the single-block operation. ,
TEST Permits program check without operating the press.
OPT STOP Permits the optional-stop operation.
BLOCK SKIP Permits the block-skip operation.

These keys have different functions in the REF ZERO mode and the MANUAL mode. The
-X key and the -Y key are not effective in the REF ZERO mode and the TURRET key is :_.C 1,
not effective in the MA NUAL mode. Their functions in the two modes are as follows: J
,I’ !\
tX, tY, TURRET Returns the corresponding axes to their origins when pressed in the REF ZERO mode.
The LED on each key will be lighted when the axis has been zero-returned. (Both the
. turret and the auto-index device will be zero-returned by the TURRET key.)
tx. -x, tY, -Y Feeds the X or Y axis in-the indicated direction when each of these keys is pressed in
the MANUAL mode.

These keys set the automatic and manual feedrates for the x and Y axes as well as the
automatic indexing speeds for the turret and the auto-index device. The LED on each key
will be lightedwhen the key has been pressed and selected. (The key that was pressed
last before turhing off the power remains to be. in effect when the power is turned on.)
F’ key 50.0 m/min (1968 ipm) 20.0 m/min (787 ipm)
F2 key 37.5 mlmin (1476 ipm) 14.0 m/min (551 ipm)
F3 key 25.0 m/min (984 ipm) 10.0 mlmin (393 ipm)
F4 key 125 mlmin (492 ipm) 5.2 m/min (204 ipm)
’ Feedrates for PEGA KING in these modes are as follows:
Fl: 80 m/min (3150 ipm), F2: 60 m/min (2362 ipm), F3: 40 m/min (1575 ipm), F4: 20 m/min (787 ipm)

INDEX SPEEDS Thick turret Thin turret Al device

Fl andF2keys 30 Qrn 4Q Qm 60 rpm
F3 and F4 keys 15 Qm 20 Qrn 30 rpm
The turret index speed in the MANUAL mode (3 or-l.2 rpm) is determined by the TURRET SPEED
switch on the subcontrol panel ‘8’. The auto-index device cannot be operated in the MANUAL mode.


These keys select punching methods for a multi-part punching program. The L ED on each
key will be lighted when the key has been pressed and selected. When VW operation does
not involve any multi-part punching program, the LEDs on these keys must not be lighted. .
FIRST Permits to punch only the first pan that is used as the basis.
OTHERS Permits to punch tie remaining parts after the FIRST function is completed.
ALL Permits to punch all the pans.

START button Starts operation when pressed and lighted in the MEMORY, MDI or TAPE
mode. The button will also be lighted when the START button on subcontrol
panel ‘A’ or ‘8’ is pressed, which has the same function as this button.
STOP button Stopsoperation when pressed and lighted. The button will also be lighted
when the STOP button on subcontrol panel ‘A’ or ‘8’ is pressed, which has
,.‘, -3. the same function as this button.
J Of RELEASE button Used to release the ovenravel caused for the X or Y axis in combination
with me jog keys.
EDIT PROTECT switch Protects the program in me CNC memory from being overwritten or erased
when turned to ON by using the key. The switch will be locked in position
when the key is removed. Keep tie switch in me ON position unless me
program must be edited.
PUNCHING button Used to perform punching according to the setting on the PRESS SELEC-
TION switch (see below) in the MDI or MANUAL mode - provided mat the
INDEX PIN IN light on s&control panel ‘8’ (see page 17) is lighted.
, .PRESS SELECTION switch Selects the mode of punching. The switch will be locked in position when the
key is removed. Punching will not be performed when the switch is turned to
OFF. A punch can be operated in an inching manner when turned to INCHING
and one punching cycte can be performed when turned to CYCLE - both by
pressing the PUNCHING button. The relations between these switch
settings and the press operation modes are as follows:
INCHING Performed. Performed. Not applicable.
CYCLE Not applicable. Performed. Performed.
EMERGENCY STOP button . Stops the press operation instantly when pressed - the button will then be
locked. Turn me button clockwise to unlock it and normalize the condition
before starting another operation (the interrupted operation cannot be


su?xmlt&-olpand “A!’



OVERRIDE When the press operation has been interrupted due to a suspected work-
CONFlRMATlbN button clamp oven&, the operation can be resumed by pressing this button after
confirming that me ivorkctamps will not be punched. The OVERRIDE
CONFIRMATION button on s&control panel ‘8’ has the same function.
OVERRIDE Selects the workdamp detecting function for override (interference with I,. . . . , i
ON/OFF switch a punch) and worksheet-repositioning (interference with the w&holders) /
when turned to ON. The function is effective at all times in the TAPE
mode regardless of the setting of this switch.
START button Starts operation when pressed in the MEMORY, MDI or TAPE mode. The
START buttons on the main control panel and subcontrol panel ‘8’ have
the same function as this button.
STOP button Slops operation when pressed - me button will then be locked and the
STOP button on the main control panel will be lighted. This button can be
unlocked by turning it clockwise. The STOP button on subcontrol panel ‘6
has the same function as this button.

NOTE: When the’optiinal pneumatic X-gauge block and’workpusher (refer to Appendix 1, Accessories)
are equipped, their,&ntrol switches till be installed on this panel.


subcoIltrc91panel ‘!B’

-am CATlON
-R T


-- ---- --

START button Starts operation when pressed in me MEMORY, MDI or TAPE mode. The
button functions me same as me START buttons on me main control
panel and subcontrol panel ‘A’.
STOP button Stops operation when pressed - me button will men be locked and me
STOP button on me main control panel will be lighted. This button can be
unlocked by turning it clockwise. The button functions me same as the
STOP button on subcontrol panel ‘A’.
LUBRICATION button Operates me automatic lubricator to apply grease to the punching mecha-
nism v&en pressed.
OVERRIDE Functions me same as me OVERRIDE CONFIRMATION button on sub
CONFIRMATION button control panel ‘A’.
INDEX PIN switch This switch is only effective in me MANUAL mode. The turret index pins
IN and OUT tights will be inserted in me turret disks when me switch is turned to the right
and the IN light will be lighted. The pins will be withdrawn when the
switch is turned to me left and the OUT light will be lighted. Keep Ihe
., OUT light lighted normally.
TURRET ON These buttons are only effective in me MANUAL mode. The turret index
&and e buttons pins must be out of me turret disks when using these buttons. The turret
wilt rotate in the counterctocktise direction when the =button is. pressed
together wfm me TURRET JOG ON button behind the tool change door
(see Other Switctres). The - button will turn me turret in me clockwise
direction. The turret will rotate at me speed selected by the TURRET
SPEED selector switch (see below) and stop to index the nearest turret
station in me rotating direction when the buaon is released.
TURRET SPEED This switch is effective only in me MANUAL mode. Turn me switch to
selector switch me ‘3’ or ‘IT position to rotate me turret at a speed of 3 or 12 rpm

TOOL CHANGE When the switch is turned to ON by using the key, the press motor will
ON/OFF switch bestoppedandthexandyaxeswillbelocked. Theturretcanthenbe
rotated safely in the MANUAL mode. Never turn this switch to ON
durtng operation in the modes other than MANUAL (This switch is
located on the front panel of the CNC console on some models.)
STRIKER switch This switch is only effective in the MANUAL mode. The striker can
INNER, CENTER be shifted to one of the three turret tracks by turning the switch and
and OUTER lights lighting the required track position light. Keep the switch turned to
the CENTER position normally.




Circuit breaker switch Turns the circuit breaker on and off for the press and the CNC. The switch
will be turned to OFF automatically when an overcurrent is supplied.
INDEX switch The optional auto-index device can be operated when this switch is turned
. . to ON.
S. PLATE switch The opt&l support plate, is raised when this switch is turned to ON.
STRIP MISS switch The stripping failure detection device can be operated when this switch is
turned to ON. Keep the switch turned to ON normally.
TURRET switch The turret can be rotated when this switch is turned to ON. Keep the
switch tuned to ON normally.
PRESS MOTOR switch The press motor can be operated when this switch is turned to ON. Keep
the switch turned to ON normally.
HYD. MOTOR switch Thehydraulic motor can be operated when this switch is turned to ON.
Keep the switch turned to ON normally. (Not applicable to PEGA KING.)



This button is located behind the tool
change door and rotates the turret
when pressed in combfftton with one of
the TURRET ON buttons on subcontrol
panel ‘8’ in the MANUAL mode.

This switch opens or doses the work-
damps when the pedal is depressed.
Burfng an automatic press operation, the
switch is effective only when a program
stop command is in effect.


The power for the CNC will be turned off
if the CNC cabinet is opened when this

switch is turned to ON. Keep this switch

tumed to Of4 normally.

, Ia~ces~tapepuncb~~
A tape puxher/reader with an EIA-
RS232C interface can be connected to one
of these two interfaces on the CNC. Use
the left interface for the input/output of
input/output of a source program (edited
in MMC).

Connector configuration
I 1 2 1! 3 1 4 1 5 /7 1 6 j 8 1 9 ;lO'll 12; 13;
, ,
/ FG j SD RD 1 CS 1 DR / SG j CD j /I j / / j I
, I I 1'6 I I I I I I
I1 14 1 15 )I 16 i 17 I/ 1 19 1 20 ; 21
,- ! 22 23 ' 24 : 25
(08-25) ’
For the description of the control switches for the tool balancer, refer to Appendix 1, Accessories.

A number of displays can be shown on the CRT screen selectively by pressing a

required PAGE and CURSOR key together with the FUNC key. Some of these displays
can be changed to related displays by pressing a function key that is defined for such
display when available. See nexr page for ihe description of the dispL?ys affd Part //I, Punthfng
OperatOt?, arId Part fV, Program, for their appkations.

00023 NO023

Gm x 1830.00
I ?10
G00 " 97 Y 1270.00.
T 220
C 0.00

-In the lower right section of these displays, the current status of the CNC is indicated
by code words. The displayed code words and their meaning are as follows:
NOT READY System is not ready for operation. ,
LSK Label skip function is effective.
BUF Black of data has been read but not executed. The Mock can be erased by
resettirg in any mode other than MDI.
ABS Entry of absolute data is selected for MDI.
INC ., Entry of incremental data is selected for MDI.
MCRM ’ MACRO data are being read when. this code word appears and blinks.
A L M ’ 5 Ahm~ has been caused when this code word appears and blinks.
SRCH Sequence number is being searched v&n this code word appears and blinks.
. READ Tape is being read when this code word appears and blinks.
ZRN REF ZERO mode is in effect.
MEM MEMORY mode is in effect.
TAPE TAPE mode is in effect..
MD1 MOI mode is in effect
JOG MANUAL mode is in effect.
EDIT EDIT mode is in effect


The -G display
The SUING (SET DATA) display is used to set parameters, etc. It is displayed by
pressing the USET key together with the FUNC key. It canbe changed to a subdisplay
pressing the corresponding function key. Refer to Part //I, punching Operation,for de&ifs.
’ optkxlal for all models.
* Optional for PEGA models.

The PROGRAM dispiay

The PROGRAM display shows the program in the CNC memory and the current axial
positions. It is displayed by pressing the T/PRGRM key together with the FUNC key
and can be changed to the PROGRAM DIRECTORY display, which shows the numbers
and comments for the programs stored in the CNC memory as well as the remaining
capacity of the memory, by pressing the DIRECTORY-defined function key.


The ACT&U POSITION display showsthe current positions of the axes (program and
machine coordinate systems), the remaining amount of travel, a number of punched
worksheets, an accumulated period of time in which the CNC has been turned on, an
accumulated period of time in which the press has been turned on, and an accumulated
number of hits made by all punches. It is displayed by pressing the ?/POS key together
with the FUNC key.

The MD1 display

The MDI display is used to enter and execute data in the MDI mode. It.is displayed by
pressing the +/WIND key together with the FUNC key. It can be changed to the MDI
(TOOL CHANGE) display by pressing the TOOL CHANGE-defined funCtiOn key.

., The -SAGE display

The ALARM /MESSAGE display is used to identify the cause of an alarm. It is displayed
by,pressing the ~/ALARM key together with the FUNC key. If the display is changed to
another after it has been displayed once, it canbe redisplayed by pressing the
ALARMdefined function key. lt,can be changed to the DJAGNOSIS (I/O), PARAMETER,
or PARA METER (DIGITAL SERVO) display by pressing the DIAGNOSIS -, PARAMETER-, or
SERVO .PARAMdefined function key respectively (these displays are used only for the
maintenance of the system).

The displayed zero-position coordinates for the X- and Y-axis origins are not identical
amOng3he CNC Turret Punch Press models according to their different machine
specifications. The coordinates shown in parentheses in the following table are those
displayed when the parameter for the progiam datA unit is set for inches or millimeters.


PEGA 40 50 X 1270.00 mm (5O.OOOq 50.000' (1270.00 mm)
Y 1000.00 mm (39.370') 39.370’ (1000.00 mm)
PEGA 40 50 KING X 1270.00 mm (SO.OOV) 50.000’ (1270.00 mm)
Y 1000.00 mm (39.378') 39.370’ (1000.00 mm)
PEGA , , X 1830.00 mm (72.047) 72.000' (1828.00 mm)
Y 1270.00 mm (50.000.) 50.000' (127O;OO mm)
PEGA IX 1830.00 mm (72.047') 72.000' Q828.00.mm) ,
Y 1525.00 mm (60.039') 60.000' (.1524.00 mm)
COMA5050 72 X 1830.00 mm (72.047') 72.000' (1828.00 mmj
Y 1270.00 mm (50.000.) 50.000' (1270.00 mm)
COMA506072 X 1830.00 mm (72.047') 72.000' (t828.00 mm)
Y 1525.00 mm (60.039') 60.000' (1524.00 mm)
COMA5080 80 X 2000.00 mm (78.740') 78.740' (2000.00 mm)
Y 2040.00 mm (80.315') 80.315' (2040.00 mm)


The ptocedm for aplxalbg Ihe press for jrlunchng is desclibd in this
. part hw f/n3 thsicnpfion ot pahhg pgrams, refer &I Part IV, Pragfam.

Pwparfng for operation 78

MEMOFlY mode opcratlon 22
TAPE mode operation 23
MOI mode operation 24
Operation stops 25

. ..J

preparing for ope.tation

Prepare and operate the press in the manner described below after inspecting it for the
day’s operation (Pan V, Maintenance) and by observing the safety precautions (page iv).
1 Confirrn that the switches inside the electrical control unit are turned on.
2 Turn the circuit breaker switch on the electrical control unit to ON.
3 Press the I%WER ON button on the main control panel.
4 Confirm that the NC READY and TOP DEAD CENTER lights are lighted and all other
lights are not lighted on the main control panel.
NCTEz The NC READY fight will blink until the clutch solenoid valves are energized if the room
temperature is low. while the light is blinking, only a program check operation can be performed.
The press motor and the hydraulic motor will be started when the-NC READY light stops blinking
and is lighted (except for PEGA KING).
5 Confirm that the codes LSK and ~6s are displayed in the lower right section of
the screen.
6 Press the REFZERO key to light its LED. Then press the jog keys in the order of
+X, +Y and TURRET to return the axes to their origins. lf the TURRET key is
pressed first, the other keys will not become effective until the turret and the
optional auto-index’device are returned to their origins..
7 COnfiffTt that the LED on each jog key and the AXES REFERENCE light are lighted. :.

The LED on the TURRET key first blinks when either the turret or the auto-index \. I
device is returned to its origin and then lights when both have been returned to ._/’

their origins.
8 Set parameters for data processing, etc. as described in the following section.

I Press the MDI key to light its LED.

2 Turn the EDIT P ROTECT switch to OFF .

3 Press‘ the’fuNC key and the PAGE~ISET key together to show the SETTING display,
which .can be changed to anqther SETTING display by pressing the function key
defined for the required display. The display can be changed to another.page, if
any, by using the PAGE keys.
.4 Move the cursor to the required item and enter data as described below. Those
items which concern optional equipment or functions are not applicable unless the
equipment or functions are incorporated in the press or the CNC.
NOTE: Keyed-in data can be corrected by erasing characters with the CAN key and reentering
data if the INPUT key has not been pressed. If the INPUT key has already been pressed for the
entry, overwrite the data by keying-in correct data.


; ’

.-. ,’



SHEET COUNT An accumulated number of punched worksheets can be

counted up to 99,999,999 (except for punching in MDI
mode) and displayed here and on the ACTUAL POSITION
display. Key-in P and Q (zero) to reset the count to zero
(or a number to set) and then press the INPUT key.
POWER ON HRS An accumulated period of time in which the CNC has
MIN been turned on can be counted up to 99,999,999 hours,
SEC 59 minutes and 59 seconds and displayed here and on
the ACTUAL POSITION display. Key-in P and 0 to reset
the count to zero (or a number to set) and then press
the INPUT key for each item.

CYCLE ON HRS An accumulated period of time in which the press is

MIN operated automatically can be counted up to 99,999,999
SEC hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds and displayed here and
on the ACTUA L POSITION display. Key-in P and 0 to reset
the count to zero (or a number to set) and then press the
INPUT key for each item.

TOTAL HITS An accumulated number of hits can be counted up to

99999,999 and displayed here and on the ACTUAL
POSITION display. Key-in P and 0 to reset the count to
zero (or a number to set) and then press the INPUT key.
MULTIPLE PART Entry is made automatically according to the status of
the three MULTI-PART MOOE keys. 0 (NONE) is entered
if a multiple-part punching program is not involved and
the LEDs on the three keys are not lighted.
MACRO DATA Give preference either for erasing or not erasing the
macroprograms in the memory when resetting or
shutting down the system. Key-in P and 0 (for erasing)
or I (for not erasing) and then press the INPUT key.
BENDING OFS Enter an offset value that is equivalent to coefficient .“D”
entered with a G94 command in the program by taking
into account the successive bending of the punched
worksheet. Key-in P and the offset value, which is 160 if
the coefficient is 1.6, and then press the INPUT key.
PROGRAM UNIT Give preference for the unit to enter numerical data.
Key-in P and o (miilimeters) or I (inches) and then press
the INPUT key.


PUNCH CODE t Give preference for the code used to output data to a
tape puncher. Key-in P and 0 (ISO) or i (EIA ) and then
press the INPUT key.
PUNCH PROG NO. = Give preference either for punching or not punching the
program number in tape. Key-in P and o (for punching)
or I (for not punching) and then press the INPUT key.
INPUTDEVICE = Select an input device from the displayed list, key-in P
and the number for the selected device and then press
the INPUT key.

OUTPUT DEVICE = Select an output device from the displayed list, key-in P
and the number for the selected device and then press
the INPUT key.

PARAMETER SET = This item appears on the second page of the SET DATA
display and used only for the maintenance purpose. Do
not change the setting.


An accumulated number of hits made by the punch in-each turret station can be
, -- ,\
counted up to 99,999,999 and displayed. Move the cursor to the required turret -1
station number, key-in P and o to reset the count to zero (or a number to set) and
then press the INPUT key.

SEITING (JOB SCHEDULE) diiiay (optional)

Move the cursor to the required job number and enter data as follows:
I Keyyin P and the number for the program to be used and press the INPUT key.
2. Key-in 0 and a number of worksheets to be punched and press the INPUT key.
3 Ke$ig f?‘,and the number for the storage rack in which the worksheets are stored
and press the INPUT key.
A number of punched worksheets (DONE ) and a number of remaining worksheets
(REMAIN) are shown in the lower right section of the screen.

SETTING (TOOL OFFSET) display (optional)

Move the cursor to the required tool number, key-in P and the offset value for the
tool center path, and then press the INPUT key.


2 0

sE’ITlNG (TOOL LIFE) display (optional)

When a punch has been used exceeding the specified maximum number of hits and
requires regrinding, the color of the displayed tool number will change to yellow.

Move the cursor to. the required tool number, key-in Q and the maximum number of
hits for the punch, and then press the INPUT key. If the actual numberof hits must be
changed, key4 P and the number of hits, and then press the INPUT key.

SETTING (MACRO VAR) display (optional for PEGA models)

The numerical data which are assigned to the variables will be displayed during the
execution of a macroprogram.

Refer to the TOOblNG mafM and the AhhbWl4P-C PROGRAMMING SYSTEM IWW&
for the description of toeiing and tool registration.
4:: :

A punching operation can be performed by using a registered NC program in the
MEMORY mode, by reading an NC program from tape in the TAPE mode, or by entering
and executing data block by block in the MOI mode. See the following sections for
the description of operations in these three modes. Refer to Parr IV, Program, /or tie
, desctiption of the direct programming and pmgram management.

’ MEMORY mode operation

A punching operation in the MEMORY mode can be performed in the manner described
below when the press has been prepared and the program is registered in the CNC
7 Press the MEMORY key to light its LED.
2 Press the FUNC key and the CURSORT/PRGRM key together to show the PROGRAM
3 Specify the program number to display the program. Confirm that the cursor is
at the address character “0” of the displayed program number. (If the cursor is
somewhere else in the program, the program will be-executed from where the
cursor is.)
4 Open the workclamps by operating
the foot switch i the WORK CLAMP
light should then be lighted.
5 Place the worksheet on the table:
6 Raise the x-gauge block - the x-
GAUGE BLOCK light should then be
7 Push the worksheet against the
workclamps and the x-gauge block.
8 Close the workclamps to clamp the
worksheet by operating the foot
switch and then lower the x-gauge
block - both the WORK CLAMP light
and the X-GA&E BLOCK light should
then be unlighted.
9 Inspect the conditions of indicator lights (no red indicator lights should be lighted)
and switch settings* and take necessary steps to correct the conditions as
required. ‘,
70 Press a START button to execute the program - the AUTO OPERATION light
should then be lighted. The cursor on the display will shift to the program block
which is being executed as the operation progresses.
77 The AUTO OPERATION light will be unlighted when the program has been executed.
The X and Y axes will then be zero-returned and the LEDs on the +x and +Y jog
keys will be lighted. The cursor will then be returned to the start of the program.


TAP33 mode operation

A punching operation in the TAPE mode can be performed in the manner described
below when the press has been prepared.
1 Press the TAPE key to light its LED.
2 Load the program tape in the tape
reader and turn the reader switch to
‘3 Open the workclamps by operating
the foot switch - the WO RK CLAMP
light should then be lighted.
4 Place the worksheet on the table.
? Raise the x-gauge block - the X- READER

GAUGE BLOCK light should then be

6 Push the worksheet against the
workclamps and the x-gauge block.
7 Close the workclamps to clamp the worksheet by operating the foot switch and
,* . .
then lower the x-gauge block -both the WORK CLAMP light and the X-GAUGE
,-. BLOCK light should then be unlighted.
8 Inspect the conditions of indicator lights (no red indicator lights should be lighted)
and switch settings’ and take necessary steps to correct the conditions as
9 PM3 a START button to read and execute the program - the AUTO OPERATION
light should then be lighted.
., 10 The AUTO OPERATION light will be unlighted when the program has been executed.
The X and Y axes will then be zero-returned and the LEDS on the +X and +Y jog
> keys will be lighted.


.A punching operation in the MDI mode can be performed in the manner described below
when the press has been prepared.
1 Press the MDI ke+to light its LED.
2 Press the FUNC key and the CURSOR&OMND key together to show the MDI
3 Open the workclamps by operating the foot switch i the WORK CLAMP light
should then be lighted.
Place the worksheet on the table.
Raise the X-gauge block - the J-GAUGE BLOCK light should then be lighted.
Push the worksheet against the workclamps and the x-gauge block.
Close the workclamps to clamp the worksheet by operating the foot switch and
then lower the X-gauge block -both the WORK CLAMP light and the X-GAUGE
BLOCK light should then be unlighted.
8 Inspect the conditions of indicator lights (no red indicator lights should be lighted)
and switch settings’ and take necessary steps to correct the conditions as
9 Press the ABSdefined function key to specify the entry of absolute data if the
code “ABS” is not displayed in the lower right section of the screen.
10 Enter data by keying-in the address character and numerical data and then
pressing the INPUT key..
NOTE: Keyed-in data &I be corrected by erasing characters with the CAN key and reentering
data if the INPUT key has not been pressed. If the INPUT key has already been pressed for the
entry, over&e the data by keying-in correct data. Press the RESET key to dear the entered
Press the SINGLE key to light its LED if a punching pattern has been used for the
entqr~of data. Unless the single block function is selected, the block will be
executed only for positioning without punching and the press will be stopped at
the last commanded position.
11 Press a S TART button - the,AUTO OPERATION light should then be lighted - to
position the worksheet and index the turret. The press will then stop temporarily
except for a nibbling pattern, in which case punching will be performed successively
following the positioning and turret indexing.
12 Press the PUNCHING button to perform punching. In the case of a pattern punch-
ing, it is necessary to press the PUNCHING button every time the press stops
temporarily after positioning the worksheet and indexing the turret for the next
hole in the pattern.


P06itioningthe turretfbr tcd~g

A turret station can be positioned to change’its tool in the MDI mode. Press the TOOL
CHANGEdefined function key to show the MOI (TOOL CHANGE) display. Key-in T and
the number for the turret.station, press the INPUT key, and then press a START
button. The specified turret station will be indexed to the tool-changing position and
the press will then stop.

Opemtion stops
The press will stop and the execution of the program will be interrupted if any of the
conditions listed below is effected. The cause for the stop can be identified by the
corresponding indicator light or lights, which are lighted.or unlighted according to the
cause, or by an alarm number displayed on the screen (see Appendix 2, Alarm N~rnbe~).
Some interrupted operations cannot be resumed -the axes must be zero-returned and
the program must be m-executed from its beginning. Other interrupted operations can
be resumed after confirming or normalizing the condition and the program can be
executed from the point where it has been interrupted.
When the purpose for the stop has been served, the operation can be resumed. If the
pressed STOP button is locked, unlock it before pressing a START button to resume the
When the purpose for the stop has been served, unlock the button, confirm that the
NC READY light is lighted and the OIL PRESSURE light is unlighted, return the axes to
their origins, and restart operation from the beginning.

A program stop command (MOO) or an optional stop command (MOl) in the program
has been read and executed. Press a START buton to resume the operation.
&igh-b&k execution has been completed.
The execution of one block in the program, which has been selected by the SINGLE
key, has been completed. Press a START button to resume the operation.
Tookbange door has been opened exnxteously.
close the opened tool-change door and press a START button to resume the operation.
woxicdamps have been opened el-mn~usly.
Close the workclamps and press a START button to resume the operation.
Confirm the condition or remove the cause and press a START button to resume the

When the workclamp override detection function is in effect, the entry of the work-
clamps in their dead zone will cause the press to stop. If there is no danger of
punching the workclamps, the operation can-be resumed by pressing the OVERRIDE
CONFIRMATION button. If there is,a danger of punching the workclamps, press the
RESET key, return the axes to their origins, change the positions of the workclamps
(or modify the program),.and then restart operation.
Workclampsa~ suspectedofinWerencewith workholde~
When the worksheet repositioning detection function is in effect, the,entry of the
workclamps in the’working area of the workholders will cause the press to stop. If
there is no danger of their interference, the operation can be resumed by pressing a
START button. If there is a danger of their interference, press the RESET key, return
the axes to their origins, modify the program, and then restart operation.
Table or kan+age has over&&e&
change to the MANUAL mode and then press the OT RELEASE button together with’the
jog button tha<will retract the overtraveled axis until the FC READY light is lighted.
Then press tie RESET key, change to the REF ZERO mode, return the axes to their
origins, modify the program as required, and then. restart operation.
MaJfunction has been detechd in automatic lubrication system. ,r-.“\
PreSS the LUBRICATKIN button and press a START button to resume the operation.
Remove the cause, return the axes to their, origins, and restart operation.

operating*7 has been reduced.

Normalize the condition, return the axes to their origins, and restart operation.
Normalize the condition, return the axes to their origins, and restart operation.
Oil tempezdum ie abnomnally high.
Normalize,the .condition, return the axes to their origins, and restart operation.
Gaukis&sto&edattopdeadcentm. .
When the crank has not returned to its top dead center position and the TOP DEAD CENTER
light is unlighted, return the crank to the top dead center in the following manner:
Turn the power off by pressing the POWER OFF button and then turn it on again by press-
ing the POWER ON button. Change to the MANUAL mode, turn the INDEX PIN switch to IN,
and turn the PRESS SELECTION switch to INCHIN G. Then repeat pressing the PUNCHING
button intermittently until the TOP OEAD CENTER light is lighted.
NOTE: An emergency stop will be effected if the MEMORY or TAPE mode is selected when the TOP DEAD
CENTER ligtit is not lighted.


The registration ef an NC program in the CNC memory, the direct

prugramming in the EDT mode, and the pIocedures for program editing
and management are described in this pat

Program registration 28
Oirect programming 29
Saving program in tape 30
Program search 30
Program deletion 30
Program check 37
Program editing 32

Program registration
The NC program for a punching operation must be registered in the CNC memory
before it can be applied to perform the operation. The program can be an NC
program that has been converted from a source program and transferred from
AMAOANQ4P-C’, or an NC program read in from tape, or an NC program programmed
directly on the CNC”.
+ Refer to the AhMOANfl4P-C Programming System manual.
.l l See page 29, Direct Programming.

.flead and register the NC program from tape in the following manner:
Seiect the MEMORY or EDIT mode and turn the EDIT PROTECT switch to OFF.
Show the PROGRAM display. Change to the PROGRAM DIRECTORY display, if
necessary, by pressing the DIRECTORY-defined function key.
If the program in tape is not numbered or the program number must be changed,
enter address character “0” (not required on the PROGRAM DIRECTORY display)
and then the number (0001 to 7999).
Load the program tape in the tape reader and turn the reader switch to AUTO. ,f 2-j

Press the READ-defined function key to read the tape. The program will be .
loaded and registered in the CNC memory.
The contents of the registered program will be displayed when the PROGRAM
display is active. The number for the registered program will be displayed when
the PROGRAM.DIRECTORY display is active and the program canbe displayed by ’
pressing the PROGRAM-defined function key.
lf the tape contains another NC program and it must also be registered in the CNC
memory, enter the program number and press the READ-defined function key after
the preceding registration process has been completed.
If the tape contains a number of programs and they must all be registered in the CNC
memory, enter -99 as the program number - provided that the tape is in the
format shown below ending with the end-of-record code (%):

CR B 1000 CR G92X . . . . . . G50 CR . . . . . . CR b 2000 . . . . . . G50 C R %

\ , - - T
Pmgram no. pan program Space &d-of-record




Select the MEMORY or EDIT mode, turn the EDIT PROTECT switch to OFF, show the
PROGRAM display, and then display the contents of the program in the memory. Load
the tape in the tape reader and turn the reader switch to AUTO. Press the CAN key
and then the READdefined function key.

Direct programming
An NC program can be composed directly on the CNC and registered in the memory in
the folloMng manner:
1 Select the EDIT mode, turn the EDIT PROTECT switch to OFF, and show the
PROG R AM displayorthe PPOGRAMDIRECTORY display.

2 &nter address “0” (not required on the PROGRAM DIRECTORY display) and the
number for the program (1 to 7999).
3 Press the INSRT key if the PROGRAM display is active. Or press the NE W PROG-
defined function key if the PROGRAM DIRECTORY display is active.
4 Enter data for the first block of the program. Up to 40 characters can be
entered in one line. Change the line when the block has more characters but a
word cannot be divided between two lines. Any erroneously entered characters
can be erased by using the CAN key.
5 Press the INSRT key to input the block if the entered data are correct.
6 Enter data for the next block and press the INSRT key. Enter data for the
remaining blocks in the same manner.
7 Press the RESET key or the PROG TOP-defined function key to return the cursor
to the top of the program to end the session.

, The completed program is registered in the CNC memory and its status is the same
as any other NC programs that are registered in the memory.

The currently available capacity in the CNC memory for. the registration of NC
programs can be confirmed on the PROGRAM DIRECTORY display.’ The capacity is
shown in the lower right section of the display indicating the number of programs that
can be registered as well as a total number of characters that can be used.

The NC programs in the CNC memory can be saved in tape in the manner described
below by connecting the optional tape puncher to the CNC and setting related para-
meters prior to its use. See page 18, Preparing for C&efation, fuf details and page 13 for the
desuf~ifon of lfm interface.
Select the EDIT mode, show the PROGRAM DIRECTORY display, set a blank tape in the
puncher and prepare it for punching, key in adress “0” and the program number (-9999
if all the programs in the memory are to be output), and then press the PUNCH-defined
function key. Punching can be stopped by pressing the RESET key.

An NC program in the CNC memory can be searched for and can be displayed in the
following manner:
Se!& the EDIT or MEMORY mode and show the PROGRAM or PROGRAM DIRECTORY
, display. Key-in address “0” and the program number, and press the CURSOR.l/ALARM
key when ihe PROGRAM display is active. If the PROGRAM DIRECTORY display is active,
key-in the program number and then press the SEARCH-defined function key (the
program number will then be displayed).
The contents of the programs in the memory can also be displayed and changed for
one program after another each time address “0” is keyed in and the CURSORi/ALARM
key is pressed on the PROGRAM display in the EDIT mode, or address “0” is keyed in and
the CAN key and then the CURSOR.L/ALARM key.are pressed in the MEMORY mode.

Program deletion
The NC program or programs in the CNC memory can be deleted in the following manner:
Select the EDIT mode, turn the EDIT PROTECT switch to OFF, and show the PROGRAM
or PROGRAM DIRECTOR Y display. Key-in address “0” (not required on the PROGRAM
DIRECTORY display) and the program number, and press the DELETEdefifled function key.
To delete all the,‘programs in the CNC memory, key-in -9999 for the program rpnber.


The NC program in the CNC memory or tape can be checked for format errors and for
axial positions prior to the execution of the program without operating the press in the
following manner:
1 Confirm that the AXES REFE RENCE light and the LEDs on the +X, tY and TURRET
keys are lighted. Take necessary steps if they are not lighted.
2 Select the MEMORY mode if the program is in the CNC memory or the TAPE mode if
the program is in tape.
3 Press the FUNC key and the CURSORVPRGRM key together to show the PROGRAM
4 Display the program and place the cursor at. the beginning of the program. If the
program is in tape, load the tape in the tape reader, turn the reader switch to
5 Press the TEST key to light its LED.
6 Press the SINGLE key to light its LED when checking the program block by block.,
Press the FuNC‘key and the PAGET/POS key together if the current position
display is required during the program check
7 Press the START button to start the check. The AUTO OPERATION light should be
lighted at this time. (The check can be stopped by pressing the SKIP button
or the RESET key.)
8 The check will be interrupted if an error has been found and the error will be
identified by the corresponding error number on the display (see Appendix 2, Alarm
Numbers). If the error must be corrected, press the RESET key and then the TEST
key, change to the EDIT mode, and correct the error (see Program Editing). The
interrupted check cannot be resumed and the program must be checked again
from the beginning by repeating the steps described above. If an error has been
found in the program tape, it must be remade.
When the check has been completed, the AUTO OPERATION light will be unlighted.
Press the TEST key to unlight its LED and then change to the MANUAL mode.
70 Press the -x key and the -Y key to shift each of the axes at least ,200 mm (8”)
away from the origin in the minus direction.
11 Press the REF ZERO key to light its LED and then press the +x key and the +Y key
to zero-fetus the axes, lighting the LEDS on these keys and the AXES REFERENCE

- . . .!
_ :
_ ‘.

First, select the EDIT mode, turn ihe EDIT PROTECT switch to OFF, and display the NC
program which must be corrected or modified.
Then place the cursor at the start of the word that must be corrected or modified by
using the CURSOR and PAGE keys. Or search for the word by keying-in its address
character (or the whole word) and pressing the CURSOR& key. The search will be
made toward the end of the program from the current cursor position and .then the
cursor will be placed at the first address character or word that has been found.
(The cursor can be returned to the start of the program by pressing the PROGRAM
TOP-defined fimction key or the RESET key.)

With the cursor placed under the address charadter of the word that is to be modified,
key in the address and data required for the modified word and press the ALTER key.
Modification can be made for one word at a time. If there is a series of words that
must be modified in the same block, they may be deleted (see below) first and the words
can be entered in one operation (up to 40 characters can be entered at a time). If
there are other words mat must be added in the same block following the cursor-
specified word, enter the words successively and then press the ALTER key. ,/’ ‘7

.- ‘!

Place the cursor under the address character of the word after which a new word
must be inserted, enter the new word (or words), and then press the INSRf key. To
insert a new block, place the cursor under the EOB code (;) of the block after which a
new block must be inserted, enter the new block (or blocks), and then press the INSRT

Deleting a. word or a block

Place the cursor under the address character pf the word which must be deleted and
then press the DELET key to delete the word. To delete an entire block, place the
cursor under the address character of the first word in the block, press the EOB key
to enter the EOE code, and then press the DELETkey to delete the block, -To delete a
number of successive blocks, place the cursor under the address character of the
first word in the first block, enter the sequence number for the last block, and then
press the DELET key to delete the specified blocks.


,F inspection and maintenance procedures for tlie press are described

n this part.

Daily maintenance 34
Weekfy maintenance 36
Monthly maintenance 36
Quarterly maintenance 37
Annual maintenance 37
CNC air filter 37
Lubrication, 36
Hydraulic system 42
Striker shear plate 43

Inspect and maintain the equipment before starting the day’s operation as well as
when the operation is interrupted.
Clean the side table-section guide bars, carriage guide bars, turret disks (especially
underneath the lower disk), turret index pins and holes, and other parts as required.
Inspect these parts as well while cleaning.
Lubricate the parts listed in the lubrication chart (see hbrication).
Press the LUBRICATION button to apply grease to the crank, connecting rods, and
ram guide before starting the day’s operation. Inspect the level of grease in the
reservoir and replenish the grease as required through the nipple {see ~ubricarion) - be
sure to keep air out when filling.
Inspect every punch and die for damage, wear and its mounted condition and take
necessary measures as required, and oil the punch surface.


Check the oil level in the tank, which should be higher than a l/3 level on the sight

_ ..’

gauge when the hydraulic motor is being operated. See page 42, Hydraulic System.
Inspect oil pressure gauges Gl and G2 and provide the following proper operating
Gauge G1 (clutch & brake operating pressure): 60 kg/cm2
Gauge G2 (dutch 8 brake cooling pressure): Below 1.5 kg/cm*




./ 3



Clean the surfaces of the light source, photo cell, tapeholder, and tape path by using
soft cloth impregnated with alcohol.
Check the oil level in the air system lubricator and replenish the oil (see UWWM).
The rate of oil application can be adjusted with the adjustment screw at the top of
the lubricator (one drop per five in-out operations of the turret index pins, or one drop
per 15 to 20 up-down operations of the ram .for PEGA KING). Drain the accumulated
water in the filter housings on the press and the air compressor.
Inspect and provide operating pressures as follows:
System: 5.0 kg&n2 (5.7 kg/cm2 for PEGA KING)
Pneumatic workdamps: 5.0 kg/cm2
Hydraulic workdamps (optional): 4.0 kg/cm2
Turret index pins: 5.0 kg&n2
Auto-index device clamp (optional): 510 kg/cm2
Brake (PEGA KING): 5.0 kg&n2 (Remove the press top cover to expose the pressure gauge.)






Weekly maintenance
Inspect and maintain the equipment once every week in addition to the daily main&
nance operation.
Lubricate the parts listed in the lubrication chart (see Lubricatic~). .
Clean the capstan roller, guide roller, pinch rolier, etc. by using soft cloth impregnated
with alcohol.

Inspect and maintain the equipment once every month in addition to the daily and
weekly maintenance operations.
,Lubricate the parts listed in the lubrication chart (see Lrrbricafion). Inspect the oil levels
in the drive gearboxes for the v-axis, the turret, and the auto-index device (optional)
and replenish as required.
Inspect and provide the proper belt tension by means of the adjustment bolts on the
press motor unit. The belt should be depressed about 9 mm (l/3”) in the middle of the .
span between the flywheel and the press motor when it is depressed with a force of
1.9 to 2.0 kg (4.2 to 4.4 lb). Also inspect the belts for wear,and cracks and change
them as required.


\ I


Inspect the cables, hoses, pipes, terminals, and their connections and confirm that
there are no damage, loose fittings, or -leakage.


. Inspect and maintain the equipment once every three months in addition to the daily,
weekly and monthly maintenance operations.
Lubricate the parts listed in the lubrication chart (see ~~~ticz~lion).
Change the hydraulic oil and the line filter after the initial 3 months of operation and
once every year thereafter, or once every 2000 hours shown on the POWER ON record
on the SETTING display (see page 791, whichever comes first. See page 42, Hydrauric System,
for tie pfocedufe.

Inspect and maintain the equipment once every year in addition to the daily, weekly,
monthly and quarterly maintenance operations.
Change the hydraulic oil and the line filter. See page 42, lfydradic System, for the procedure.
Three 1 SV alkaline manganese ceils (AMI) are used to retain all the data stored in the
CNC memory when the AC power is switched off. The data in the memory will be lost if
‘.. _ -
the cells are completely consumed. Be sure to change the cells once every year or
earlier. The alarm code “BAT” appears in yellow in the lower right section of the screen
when the CNC is turned on if the capacity of the cells has been reduced to a level that
requires replacement, Change the cells in the following manner:
The data in the memay will be lost if the cells are removed
CGci) wht?nth?c!Nc!ishn&?do~

1 First be sure to turn on the CNC.

2 Remove the cover from the battery j I
., ?
, compartment on the front of the CNC by i
loosening the two screws. SATTERIES

3:f Remove the old ceils and load the new cells b,,
-?-‘rr “i&
with their poles properly placed according c+-- -1 _
to the indications in the compartment. _ __
?------~ -.-~---
4 Replace the cover and tighten the screws.

There is an air filter on the back of the CNC cabinet, where air is taken in for venti-
lation. Detach the filter by removing the two screws whenever it has gathered dust.
Blow away the accumulated dust from the back of the filter or tap the filter lightly
- to shake off the dust. Wash it with neutral detergent if necessary, rinse it well in
water, and dry it in the shade.

Lubricate the parts, replenish the grease or oil, and change the oil as follows:
COMA models
A: MOBIL DTE Oil Light, SHELL Tellus Oil 632
8: MOBIL Mobilux EP-1, SHELL Alvanfa EP-1
c: MOBIL Motilux 2, SHELL Alvania 2
D: MOBIL Mobilux EP=O, SHELL Alvania EP-RO
1 Motor upper bracket (grease fitting’) tV@lthly C
2 Motor lower bracket (grease fitting’) Monthly C
3 Tune! drive gearbox (reservoir) Ouarterf y A
4 Lower turmt disk bearings (grease fitting’) Monthly C
5 Upper turret disk bearings (grease fitting’) I Monthly C
6 Striker (grease fitting) Monthly 8
7 Y-axis bearings (grease fftting) Monthly 0
8 Y-tis bafl nut (grease fitting) Monthly B
9 Y-axis drive gearbox (reservoir) Quarterly A
10 Sub-guide upp8r cam follower (grease fitting) Monthly 6
11 Subguiie lower cam follower (grease fitting) MOflthly 6
12 Pulley bearings (grease fitting) Monthly I3
13 Clamp (grease ffttfng) Monthly 6
14 X-axis bearings (grease fitting) Monthly 6
15 X-axis ball nut (grease fitting) Monthly ‘0
1 6 x-&3 bearin@ (gf8ES8 f@g) Monthly 6
17 Automatic lubrication pump (grease fitting) Replenish” 0 \,. .,)
18 X-axis guide bars (gfWS8 fitting) WWY D
19 Y-axis guide bars (grease fitting) WUY D
20 Punches (oiler) Daily A
21 Air sytem lubricator (oiler). PepfeniSh”’ A
22 Turmt dnV8 chains (oiler) Quarterly A
’ On central lubrication block.
” s88 flQg83.
“* Se8 page 35.





PEGA models reco-

A: MOBIL DTE Oil Light, SHELL Tellus Oil C32
MOBIL Mot&x 2, SHELL Alvania 2
MOBIL Mobilux EPO, SHELL Alvania EP-PO
1 Turret driie gears (grease fitting) %
2 Tensioner lower bearings {grease fitting)* Monthly %
3 Lopwet turret disk bearings (grease fitting)’ Monthly %
4 Upper turret disk bearings (grease fitting)’ Monthly %
5 Tensioner upper bearings (grease fitting)* Monthly %
6 T-axis gearbox (reservoir) Quarterly A
7 Striker (grease fitting) Monthly I %
8 Y-axis bearings (grease fitting) Monthly C
9 Y-axis ball nut (grease fitting) Monthly B
10 Y-axis drive gearbox (reservoir) Quarterly A
11 X-axis bearings (grease fitting) Monthly c
12 X-axis ball ni.tt (grease fitting) Monthly %
13 X-axis bearings (grease fitting) Monthly C
14 Automatic grease pump (reservoir) Replenish” C
15 Clamp (oiler) Daily A
16 X-axis guide bars (grease fitting) weekly C
17 Y-axis guide bars (grease fitting) weekly C
16 Punches (oiler) Daily A
19 Air system lubricator (oiler) Replenish”’ A
20 Turret drive chains (oiler) Quarterly A

l On central lubrication block.

‘* See page 34.
l ‘* See page 35.

Auto-index device (optional) t lcato

l&nif i n o fr ecommendm
A: MO%lL DTE Oil Light, SHELL Tellus Oil C32
8: MOBIL Mobilux EP-O, SHELL Alvania EP-RO
1 Bearings (grease fitting) Monthly B
2 Bearings (grease fitting) Monthly B
3 Gearbox (reservoir) Ouarterly A


- I.5


----.- -2 ‘I
-.- - - - - ._. :<z

Change the hydraulic oil and the line filter in the manner described below after the
initial 3 months of operation and once every year thereafter, or once every 2000
hours shown on thePOWER ON record on the SElTING display (see page 191, whichever
comes first.
1 Turn the circuit breaker switch to
OFF. Wait until the hydraulic motor ACCUMULATOR
and the cooling fans stop completely. /’

a Remove the cover from the hydraulic

unit and then the oil filler cap.
3 Qpen the stop valve and then ,
s remove the drain plug from the oil .--.
-_. - \
tank to drain the oil.
4 Remove the drain plug from the
clutch-brake housing to drain the oil /Ml0 BOLTS
remained in the reservoir. .
5 Remove the cover from the line FILTER COVER
filter housing, remove the old filter,
set the new filter, and replace the

6 Replace the drain plugs and close

the stop valve.
7 Fill the tank with new oil* until the
level rises above the 213 level on
the sight gauge. The tank has a
capacity of 60 liters (15.9 US gal).
l AMADA A-l 10, MOBIL OTE Oil 25, or SHELL Tellus Oil 46
8 Replace the filler cap and the unit cover.
. When only the line filter must be changed, uncover the hydraulic unit, uncover the
filter housing, change the filter, and then replace the covers,



Change the striker shear plate in the manner described below if it has been sheared
due to an overload.

A i
-. /

A i .
i-.’ -
-:-. / ‘- . ..--
._ . __-
T - I -
I r.0
. . . i . - : .-.* ._ :. /

- r-
BACK-UP . * :-
S H E A R PLATE- ,/’

1 Place an empty turret station below the striker, or dismount the punch positioned .
below the striker, to provide room for the changing of the shear plate.
2 Select the MANUAL mode.
3 Turn the INDEX PIN switch to the right to insert the index pins into the turret.
4 Turn the PR ESS SELECTION switch to INCHIN G .

5 Move the crank to its bottom dead center position by pressing the PUNCHING button.
6 Turn off the press, the CNC, and the air supply.
7 Detach the air connector from the striker cylinder.
‘6 Remove the four holding bolts and then dismount the cylinder and the striker holder.
9%; Detach the striker from the striker holder by loosening the striker-holding bolt.
16 Remove the broken shear plate together with the backup plate.
11 Change the shear plate and replace the striker together with the shear plate and
the backup plate.
12 Mount the striker holder and the cylinder. Apply grease to the cylinder at this
time and then attach the air connector to the cylinder.
13 Turn on the press, the CNC, and the air supply.
14 Return the crank to the top dead center. Replace any, dismounted punch.


APPENDIX 1: Accessories

Tool bahncer (optional far PEGA models except PEGA KING)

The tool balancer supports the weigzof a heavy punch during its mounting and dismount-
ing. Its control box is exposed by opening the upper turret cover. Turn off the two
switches, screw the balancer tip into the threaded hole in the punch, turn on the appro-
priate switch to hold the punch, mount or dismount the punch (adjust the balancer force by
the knob if necessary), turn off the switch, and then detach the balancer from the punch.

The PRESSURE 4-1R knob adjusts

the force of the balancer when /
mounting or dismounfrg a punch LOW b
with a diameter of up lo elP.
The PRESSURE 34R knob is used
meter of up to 3-w. Puff out the PRESSURE a-112
‘flange for the knob and then turn
force of coulltefdockwise to de-
creaseit. Pushdowntheflangeto
bckthelmob. 4.112
with a diameter of up to etc.
The SlR switch is used when
handling a pnch with a diameter
of up to 3-W. push in the smitch
and then turn it to the left to turn
the bafancer on or to the right to
turn it off.

Work &,de (optional for PEGA modds)’

Thi work chute is a trap door located
close to the turret in the center section
otthe table. Sinall workpieces oi
scrap - smaller than 200 x 200 mm
(7.8 x 7.8”) -can be dropped from the
table through the door, which can be
opened by an M80 command and closed
by an MS1 command.




Air-operated X-gauge block (optional)

The standard levercontrolled x-gauge block
can be replaced with this pneumatic model,
which can be controlled by an additional switch
provided on subcontrol panel “A”. Its air
cylinder canalso be operated by opening valves
1 and 2 (see figure) and then closing valve 3.

AIR cy~.~:~‘~? VALVE ^zr-- -AIR

V A L V E 12) --


Worksheet pusher (optional)

The worksheet pusher assists the positioning of

a heavy worksheet in the workclamps by pushing
the worksheet into the opened workclamps. Its
control switch is provided on subcontrol panel
“A” when this device is equipped. The press
cannot be started unless the worksheet pusher
is fully retracted.

Workpiecdscrap separator (optional)

Punched-out workpieces or scrap pieces

can be ejected separately from the press
by this device, The separator can be
swung to the right by an M82 command
and to the left by an M83 command. The
separator will swing to the left position
automatically when the CNC is turned on,
the RESET button is pressed, or an emer-
gency stop has been effected.




-y! ,,‘ :
‘.., :c
Auto-index device (opbbnal)

The auto-index device permits to index a

multi-sided punch (1 -1/4”dia.)i which is
mounted in the device, in an automatic
operation. Two auto-index devices can be
mounted on a turret Reler fo the separate
pmgrammfng and ftn&tg manuals for details.

Hydraulic work&amp (optional)

These hydraulic workclamps can clamp a thick or heavy worksheet with a clamping
force that is greater than that of the standard pneumatic workclamps. There are
two types of hydraulic workclamps: L-type with a clamping force of approx. 315 kg
(695 lb) and H-type with a clamping force of approx. 900 kg (1984 lb).

The damp selectfon switch, tiich is provided on the

electrfcal control cabinet when the H-type work-
clamps ar6 equipped, must be set according to
their type - the right position is for the L-type .
and the left position is for the H-type. This will
“\ after the work!amp dead zone and the feedrate to
F3 (if set at Fl, F2 or F3) or F4 (if set at F4)
The H-type workdamps cannot enter between the
upper and lower turret disks. An emergency stop
will be caused if one of the H-type workckmps
enters a bounded range (see figure).
Damage may be caused - - - - - - _. - .---. -- - .--;
(CAUTION) if the sekction switch is i h&T-i
not set properly.
, j LszEEi~pNGE 1
~ A=!NOmm 9 *130mm
\ (19.69”) (5.12”)

A set of three jigs can be used to disassemble
and reassemble punches.
Jig “A”: Applied to punches of types C (T),
0 (3-l/2’), E (4-W) and F (6’) for their
Jig “8”: Applied to shaped punches of types
A (l/r) and B (1-W) for their
disassembly/ reassembly and height
Jig “C”: Applied to round punches of types A
and 8 for their disassembly/reassembly and
height adjustment.

. 47

Tapping unit (oplional)

The tapping unit permits thread-cutting to a

depth of 3 to 6 mm (OJ2 to 024”) in a punched
hole in the worksheet The unit can be instailed
400 mm .(15.7”) forward or backward away
from the punching center. The punched hole
must be aligned with this position for tapping.
The unit mdunted in the front can be started by
an Ml 5 command. The unit mounted in the rear
can be started by an Ml4 command. Both can
be stopped by an Ml 7 command.



.. G92 X1830. Y1270.
G90 X500. Y200. T203 (punching 1st hole)
X300. (punching 2nd hole)
Ml 5 (tapping start)
X500. Y200. (tapping 1st hole)
X300. (tapping 2nd hole)
Ml 7 (tapping gnd)
G50 t

support plate (optifxlal)

The support plate protects the underside of the worksheet from being damaged by
dies when the worksheet is moved. The support plate is installed inside the center
hole of the lower turret disk and can be controlled by s. PLATE switch in the electrical
control cabinet.


A.PmNDIx2: A#larmIlumbe~
When the press has been stopped due to
an alarm, the code “AUP blinks on the
screen and a number (some with brief
identification) will be displayed automat-
ically to indicate the cause of the alarm.
Alarm numbers are listed below with the
description of their causes. .

000 Parameter requires turning the CNC off and then on again.
001 M error. Illegal number of hoLs for a character are punched in tape.
002 TV error. Illegal number of characters are punched in tap@ (detected when TV check is
003 Ilkgal number of digits are entered in data.
004 Block begins with number, minus sign or decimal point instead of address character.
005 Address character is followed by another address character or EOB.
006 Illegal minus sign is entered or two minus signs are entered in one data word.
007 Illegal decimal point ii entered or two or more decimal points are entered in one data word.
009 lltegat characters are entered.
010 Illegal Goode command is entered.
011 Feedrate is not specified or not suitable.
017 Travel is commanded for non-equipped auto-index device (C-axis).
023 Zero is entered in R-data for arc.
029 Offset value exceed 6 digits.
030 D-number for tool-diameter compensation is invalid.
031 P-data is too large or not specified for GlO or custom macro.
032 Rdata is too large for 610 or custom macm.
033 Intersection cannot be cakzula@d for tooldiameter compensation.
034 Start-up or cancellation has been attempted during execution of G021G03 for tool-diameter
035 Automatic ref%itioning, punching pattern. or multiple-part punching has been commanded
during execution of togI compensation C.
038 Arc radius is zem at its start or end and tooldia. compensation may result excessive cutting.
. 041 Excessive cutting may be caused by tool-diameter compensation.
048 Travel is commanded without zero-returning axes after turning power on or emergency stop.
OS0 X-data is not entered to GlO command.
OS1 I. J. P, 0 or Fdata is not entered, or l-data is zem. in G59 block.
OS2 I, J, K, P or Fdata is not entered, or I-data is zero. in G58 block.
053 Non-existing rack number is entered for SCHEDULE mode operation.
054 I or Q data is negative in G18 block.
OS9 Specified pmgram number is not found (external program number search ‘A’).
060 Specified sequence number is not found.


070 Remaining memory capactty is insufficient.

071 Address searched for is not found.
072 Number of registered programs has exceeded 191.
073 Entered program number is already used
074 IUegal program number (other than 1 to 9999) is entered.
075 Program number and sequence number are missing from first block.
077 More than three levels of subprograms (five levels for custom macros) are called.
079 Contents of program in memory and in tape do not agree (program verification).
085 Data cannot be input from tape because number of bits or baud rate disagrees.
086 Data cannot be input or output due to abnormality in transmission or VO device.
087 Data with more than 10 characters has been read following DC3 stop code.
090 Zero-return cannot be executed property because no signal has been received from pulsecoder.
091 Zero-return cannot be executed properly because puke-coder signal and reference counter
have not been syncflmnized.
100 ‘1’ is entered to PARAMETER SET that must be ‘0.. Change and reset.
101 Power has been turned off during editing. Turn power on while pressing DELET and RESET
keys together to ctear memory area.
110 Absolute vatue of data in fixed-point representation exceeds allowable range.
111 fiponent of data in floating-point representation exceeds allowable range.
112 Divisor is zero.
114 Ermr in format other than that of expression.
11s Specified variable is not defined.
116 Left side of assignment statement contains variable that inhibits assignment.
118 More than fnre sets of parentheses are used.
119 Argument in SORT is negative, or argument in BCD is negative, or value other than 0 to 9 is
122 More than four levels of macros are called.
123 Macm control command is used in TAPE mode.
124 DO and END statements arenot used conectly.
12s Error in format of expression.
126 W in Don is not 1 sns3.
127 ‘CNC &qmnands are mixed with macro commands.
128 ‘n’ in GGTGn is not (kns9999. .
129 Illegal address is used in detining argument.
130 Error in targer segment of program read from external device.
131 More than five alarms have been oaused in external device.
132 No amespondlng alarm number is found for external alarm.
133 Error in smaller segment of program. read from externaf device.
135 I or J-data exceeds workdamp range or improper Kdata is entered to GO5 command.
142 P. K or Q-data is not entered to G94 command (OFS-II).
143 T- or &ode command is given during execution of GO1 , GO2 or G03.
144 T- or M-code command or G04, G70. G25 or G27 is given during nibbling. Or T-code
command is in G72, G93, G79 or G76 block.
14s G25 or G27 is commanded during execution of GO2 or G03.


146 lnvatid Twde commandisgiwn.

147 X or Y-axis increment for nibbling is too large.
148 C-axis increment for nibbling entered to G66 command exceeds limit.
149 Q-data is zero or negative. P or Q-data is not entered, or J-data is larger than distance from
starI to end for G22 command.
150 l-data is tern or negative, K-data is zero, or I, J or K-data is not entered to G26 wmmand.
151 K-data is zero or negative, or I, J or K-data is not entered to G28 command.
152 I- or K-data is zero or negafve, or I, J, K or P-data is not entered to G29 command.
153 K- or Pdata is zem or negative, or I, J, K or Pdata is not entered to G36 or G37 command.
154 Pdata is zero, I-data is less than 1.5 times Pdata. or I, J or P-data is not entered to G66

15s P- or Qdata is zero or negafve, I- or J-data is less than 3 times P- or Q-data: or I. J, K, P,

Q 01; R-data is not entered in G67 block.
156 Qdata is zem or negative or exceeds limit, or I-data is zero or negative, or I, J, K, P, C or R-
data is not entered to G68 command.
157 Q-data is zero or negative or exceeds limit or I, J, P or Q-data is not entered to G69 command.
158 Q-data is zem, negative, smatter than D-data, or larger than arc length, I- or Ddata is zem
or negatfve, or I, J, K, P or Q-data is notentered to G78 command.
159 Qdata is zero, negative, smaller than D-data, or larger than Idata, Ddata is zero or
negative, or I, J, P or Qdata is not entered to G79 command.
160 Xdata is beyond stored stroke limit 1 in plus direction.
161 X-data is beyond stored stroke limit 1 in minus directton.
162 Ydata is beyond stored stroke limit 1 in plus direction.
163 Ydata is beyond stored stroke limit 1 in minus’direction.
170 Editing is attempted with program with number fmm 8000 to 9999.
104 Number other than 1 to 5 is specified as pattern memory/recall number.
185 Anomer macro-saving is attempted during macro-saving, Vwde command is given although
Uwde is not input, or U- and V-macro numbers do not agree.
186 Illegal macro number is entered.
187 Macro-saving is attempted exceeding memory capacity.
108 Non-stored macro is called.
~ 189 More than three levels of macros are caked, or saving of more than 15 macros is attempted
for numbers from 90 to 99.
190 Q- or W-data is not entered to G75 or G76 command.
19i Incorrect Odata is entered to G75 or G76 command.
192 Non-stored macro is caked in G75 or G76 block.
193 G75 or G76 is commanded although zem is entered for no multi-part punching.
194 G75 or G76 is commanded during macro-saving.
196 G75 is commanded although Pdata is zero to G98 command, or G76 is commanded although
Kdata is zem in G98 block.
197 Mata in G76 block is not 1 or 3 although Pdata is zem in G98 block, or Qdata in G75 block
is not 1 or 2 although K-data is zero in G98 block.
198 Q- or W-data is not entered to G73 command. or Qdata is not correct.
199 Non-stored macro is caked in G73 block.


q’- .“T’.
..,. 6 .’
210 +X-axis stroke limit switch has been actuated.
211 -X-ax& stroke limit switch has been actuated.
212 X-axis has entered in area restricted by stored stroke limit 1 in plus direction.
213 X-axis has entered in area rest&ted by stored stroke limit 1 in minus direction.
214 X-axis has entered in area restricted by stored stroke limit 2 in plus direction.
21s X-axts has entered in area restricted by stored stroke limit 2 in minus direction.
220 +Y-a.& stroke limit switch has been actuated.
221 -Y-ax& stroke limit switch has been actuated.
2 2 2 Y-axis has entered in area restricted by stored stroke limit 1 in plus direction.
223 Y-axis has entered in area restricted by stored stroke limit 1 in minus direction.
224 Y+ts has entered in area restricted by stored stroke limit 2 in plus direction.
22s Y-ax& has entered in arearestrided by stored stroke limit 2 in minus direction.
240 +C-axis stroke limit switch has been actuated.
241 -C-axis stroke timit switch has been actuated.

400 Overload has been detected on X- or Y-axis.
401 Vetocity control READY sigml (VRDY) for X- or Y-axis has been turned off.
402 Overload hasbeen detected on T- or C-axis.
4oi Velocity control READY signal (VRDY) for T- or C-axis has been turned off.
404 Velocity control READY signal (VRDY) has not been turned off although position control
READY stgnat (PRDY) has been turned off. Or, VRDY has been turned on although PRDY
.d: 40s Abnormality has been detected in servosystem.or CNC durtng zero-return, resulting possible
zero-return failure.
_.a.-. 410 X-axis positional deviatton after stopping has exceeded preset limit.
411 X-axis positional deviation during travel has exceeded preset limit.
413 X-axis positional deviation has exceeded +,32767. Or, D-A converter speed command is
outside of range from +8191 to -8192. (Mostly caused by erroneous parameter setting.)
414 Error has been detected in X-axis digital servosystem.
41s $peed,greater than 511875 unitslsewnd has been instructed for X-axis. (Caused by
ermmps CMR parameter setting.)
416 Abnormatity (broken wire) has been detected iii pulsecoder for X-axis.
417 Error has been detected in parameter setting for X-axis digital servosystem.
420 Y-axis position has deviated far beyond preset limit when stopped.
421 Y-axis position has deviated far beyond preset limit during travel.
423 Y-axis positional deviation has exceeded 32767 in plus or minus direction. Or, D-A converter
speed command is outside of range from +8191 to -8192. (Mostly caused by erroneous
parameter setting.)
424 Error has been detected in Y-axis digital servosystem.
425 Detection speed greater than 511875 units/second has been instructed for Y-axis. (Caused
by erroneous CMR setting.)
426 Abnormafity (broken wire) has been detected in pulsecoder for Y-axis.
427 Error has been detected in parameter setting for Y-axis digital servosystem.


7, ‘?..
.*. . . . 2ll8 7 6 s 4 3 2 1 0
MP4 1 MP2 1 MPl 1 FV16 1 Fv6 1 Fv4 1 Fv2 1 Fvl 1
n19 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 KEY I EDT I m I T 1 .D I J I H I S 1
2120 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

ml 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
I I I 1 WN16 1 WN8 1 WN4 .j WN2 1 WNl 1
2122 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
I :
2123 7 6 5 I 4 3 2' 1 0

2128 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
L 1 ENBKY 1 8019 1 BDT8 I' ML/'2 1 MLPl 1 NCRS 1 PCRE 1

2129 7 6 ‘5 4 3 2 1 0
1 4NG 1 SNP I I 1 AITS I 1 MRD 1 PCAM 1

2130 7 6 '5 4 3 2 1 0
@-? * 1 ED7 1 ED6 1 ED5 1 ED4 1 ED3 1 ED2 1 ED1 1 EDO =-I
2131 7 6. 5 4 3 2 1 0

2132 7 6 ' 5 4 ' 3 2 1 0

1 EST8 I EA6 1 EA5 1 EA4 1 EM 1 El42 1 EAl 1 EAO I
2133 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 R081 1 R071 1 A061 1 R05l 1 R041' 1 R03l 1 RQ21 1 Roll I

2134 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

2135 '5 7 6 5 4 3 2 1‘ 0.

2136 7 6 5 4 3 .2 1 0
1 Ul7 1 U16 '1 U6 1 Ul4 I ul3 1 Ul2 1 Ull 1 UIO

2137 7 6 .5 4 3 2 1 0
1 Ull5 1 lJ114 1 Ul13 1 Ul12 1 Ulll 1 UllO 1 Ul9 1 UI8 I
2138 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -
1 Tl28 1 Tl24 1 Tl22 1 Tl21 1 Tl18 I T114 1 Tl12 1 Till I


2139 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1148 1 TI44 1 Tl42 I T141 1 Tim 1 Tl34 1 T132 1 Tl31 I
2140 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 MS07 1 MS06 1 MS05 1 MS04 1 MS03 1 MS02 1 MSOl 1 MS00 I
2141 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 MS15 1 MS14 1 MS13 1 MS12 1 MS11 1 MS10 1 MS09 1 MS08 .I

CNC-to-PMC relaq
2148 ‘7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

2149 7 . 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 MA I TIE 1 SC2 1 SC1 I SPRL 1 RWD 1 AST 1 AL I
2150 7 6 5 4 . 3 2 1 0
NELE I DPF 1 DST 1 BAL 1 TF 1 SF 1 Ef 1 MF I
. --A

2151 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ’ 0 .,’ !

M28 1 M24 1 M22 1 M21 1 Ml8 1 Ml4 1 Ml2 1 Ml1 1 J ..i

2152 7 6 5’ 4 3 2 .- 1 0
cc [ ESC 1 EST 1 ESY 1 ESX 1 MCC 1 MCT 1 MCY 1 MCX
2153 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 Moo 1 MO1 1 MO2 1 M30 1 PFB 1 PF 1 NBL 1 DEN I
2154 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
[ S28 1 S24 1 s22 1 s21 1 sia 1 s14 I S12MDG I S12LWG 1

2155 7.. 6 5 4. 3 2 1 0
1 T26 1 I T24 1 T22 1 T21 1 118 1 T14 1 T12 1 Tll 1
2158 7 1' 6 5 . ' 4 3 2 1 0
2159 7 6 5 4 ,3 2 1 0
[ T46 1 T44 1 T42 1 T41 1 138 1 T34 1 T32 1 T31 1
2160 7 6 5 .4 3 2 1 0
M46 1 M44 1 M42 1 M41 1 M38 1 M34 1 M32 1 M31 I
2162 7 6 S 4 3 2 1 0
[ wi 1 s44 1 92 1 s41 1 S38 1 s34 1 532 1 s31 I


2163 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

2164 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 Lo7 1 uo6 1 uo5 1 uo4 1 uo3 1 uo2 1 uol 1 uoa-]

2165 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 lJo15 1 uo14 1 w13 1 Uo12 1 uoll 1 UOlO 1 IJo 1 U08 I
2166 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

2174 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
I ROo8 1 RO7 1 RO6 1 R05 1 R04 1 R03 1 R02 1 ROl 1
2175 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
I I I I 1 A12 1 Rll 1 RlO 1 R09 1
2176 7 6 5 4 - 3 2 1 0
1 PN07 1 QN06 1 PN05 1 PN04 1 PN03 I QN02 1. PNOl 1 QNOO 1

2177 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 QNl5 1 QN14 1 PN13 1 PN12 1 QNll 1 QNlO 1 QN09 1 PN08 1
2176 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 PN23 1 PN22 1 PN21 1 PN20 1 QN19 1 PN16 1 QN17 1 QN16 1
2179 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 PN31 1 QN30 1 PN29 1 PN26 1 QN27 1 PN26 1 QN25 1 QN24 1

2190 7 6 5 4 3' 2 1 0


PMC-lo-CNC relavs kontrol Dan&J

2242 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
F3 PL IF4 PL 1 Edit PL (~anwlp~ IMDIPL I Tape PL I Memory PL I Ref-zero QL

2243 . 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
F2 PL 1 X-origin PL I 1 Single PL

2244 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Turret Y-origin opt stop Test QL
orfgin PL PL PL

2245 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Overrfde PL I 1 Fl PL I Block skip PI,
2246 9 6 5 4 3 2 1 . o
Program Auto op. PL Multipart
stop PI; first PL

2247 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
NC ready Axes-ret ;yp miss Interlock Multipart Multipart
PL PL P L all QL others PL
(Lubataml 1 Oil temp oil pressure Air pressure Oil filter
I IPL I alarm PL alarm PL alarm QL alarm QL
2249 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
I 1 Repo&on I Workcfamp I Tool change I Xgauge 1 Tool change I Stop button
I I 1 confirm PL I open PL 1 door QL 1 block PL 1 switch PL 1 PL I


lo-PMC relavs fcontfol Dane!\



2293 7 '6 5 4 3 2 1 0
w2 I I I 1 w-x 1 w+x I 1 WSBK
F2 key 1 -X key 1 +X key 1 Single key

2294 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
-Y key Turret +Y key Optional Test key
origin key stop key

2295 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

2296 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
first key

2297 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
hilultipart Multipart
an key others key


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