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Solid Waste Management

Article  in  RIET-IJSET International Journal of Science Engineering and Technology · January 2016

DOI: 10.5958/2395-3381.2016.00015.0

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1 author:

Manoj Katiyar
GLA University


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Journal of Construction and Building Materials Engineering
Volume 3 Issue 2


Manoj Katiyar
Asst.Prof.,Civil Engg.Deptt., RIET Greater Noida

ABSTRACT activities in a given area. It may be

Solid waste is a problem that must be categorised according to its origin
properly managed in order to protect the (domestic, industrial, commercial,
human health and environment and preserve construction or institutional); according to
the natural resources. Many do not realize its contents (organic material, glass, metal,
that solid wastes also make a definite impact plastic paper etc); or according to hazard
on the climatic change. The manufacturers, potential (toxic, non-toxin, flammable,
users, distributers of the products as well as radioactive, infectious etc). Management of
the disposal of the resulting wastes all solid waste reduces or eliminates adverse
results in emission of the atmospheric gases- impacts on the environment and human
“ Green House gases” which has affected health and supports economic development
the earth’s environment to a large extent. and improved quality of life. A number of
When the organic wastes decomposes on the processes are involved in effectively
landfills and uncontrolled it produces the managing waste for a municipality. These
methane gases one of the major green house include monitoring, collection, transport,
gases contributing to a drastic change in the processing, recycling and disposal.
surrounding climate and the environment. IMPACT OF SOLID WASTE ON
Keywords- Solid & Liquid Waste CLIMATE CHANGE:
Management, Methods of Waste Even before a material or the product
Management, Wastewater, Reuse, Recycle becomes solid waste, it goes through a long
INTRODUCTION: cycle that involves removing and processing
the raw materials, manufacturing the
In contemporary society, many of the items product, transporting
used daily are designed to be used and
discarded.Single-use packaging and the the materials and products to the market and
disposable items defines many of our using energy to operate the product. Each of
consumer’s patterns.With increased these activities has the potential to generate
availability of the disposals it has added to greenhouse gas emissions through one or
the Problem of how to get rid of all these more of the following means:
wastes. Solid waste management Solid 1. Energy consumption: Extracting and
waste is the unwanted or useless solid processing raw materials, manufacturing
materials generated from combined
residential, industrial and commercial
Journal of Construction and Building Materials Engineering
Volume 3 Issue 2

products, and transporting materials and WASTE REDUCTION AND REUSE

products to market all green house gas Waste reduction and reuse of products are
emission by consumption of energy. both methods of waste prevention. They
2. Methane Emissions: When organic eliminate the production of waste at the
wastes decompose in landfills it generates source of usual generation and reduce the
methane which is major component of green demands for large scale treatment and
house gases. disposal facilities. Methods of waste
3. Carbon storage: Trees absorb CO2 from reduction include manufacturing products
air and store it in wood through carbon with less packaging, encouraging customers
to bring their own reusable bags for
sequestration. Waste prevention and packaging, encouraging the public to choose
recycling of wood and paper products allow reusable products such as cloth napkins and
more trees to remain standing in the forest reusable plastic and glass containers,
where they can continue to remove CO2 backyard composting and sharing and
from air which helps in minimizing the donating any unwanted items rather than
climatic changes. Now recycling reduces the discarding them. All of the methods of waste
methane emission by preventing the prevention mentioned require public
consumption of energy for extracting and participation.
processing the raw materials. Communities
that are looking for ways to help prevent INTEGRATED SOLID WASTE
climatic changes should do it by MANAGEMENT
implementing and integrated solid waste Integrated Solid Waste Management
management program. (ISWM) takes an overall approach to
REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE creating sustainable systems that are
economically affordable, socially acceptable
Methods of waste reduction, waste reuse and and environmentally effective. An integrated
recycling are the preferred options when solid waste management system involves the
managing waste. There are many use of a range of different treatment
environmental benefits that can be derived methods, and key to the functioning of such
from the use of these methods. They reduce a system is the collection and sorting of the
or prevent green house gas emissions, waste. It is important to note that no one
reduce the release of pollutants, conserve single treatment method can manage all the
resources, save energy and reduce the waste materials in an environmentally
demand for waste treatment technology and effective way. Thus all of the available
landfill space. Therefore it is advisable that treatment and disposal options must be
these methods be adopted and incorporated evaluated equally and the best combination
as part of the waste management plan. of the available options suited to the
particular community chosen. Effective
management schemes therefore need to
operate in ways which best meet current
Journal of Construction and Building Materials Engineering
Volume 3 Issue 2

social, economic, and environmental  Should be above the water table, to

conditions of the municipality. minimize interaction with
 Preferably located in clay or silt.
 Do not want to place in a rock
quarry, as water can leech through
the cracks inherent in rocks into a
water fracture system.
 Do not want to locate in sand or
gravel pits, as these have high
leeching. Unfortunately, most of
Long Island is sand or gravel, and
many landfills are located in gravel
pits, after they were no longer being


i. Sanitary Land Filling:
In a sanitary landfill, garbage is spread out
in thin layers, compacted and covered with
clay or plastic foam. In the modern landfills
the bottom is covered with an impermeable
liner, usually several layers of clay, thick
plastic and sand. The liner protects the
ground water from being contaminated due
to percolation of leachate.
ii. Incineration:
Leachate from bottom is pumped and sent
The term incinerates means to burn
for treatment. When landfill is full it is
something until nothing is left but ashes. An
covered with clay, sand, gravel and top soil
incinerator is a unit or facility used to burn
to prevent seepage of water. Several wells
trash and other types of waste until it is
are drilled near the landfill site to monitor if
reduced to ash. An incinerator is constructed
any leakage is contaminating ground water.
of heavy, well-insulated materials, so that it
Methane produced by anaerobic
does not give off extreme amounts of
decomposition is collected and burnt to
external heat.
produce electricity or heat. Sanitary
Landfills Site Selection: The high levels of heat are kept inside the
furnace or unit so that the waste is burned
quickly and efficiently. If the heat were
Journal of Construction and Building Materials Engineering
Volume 3 Issue 2

allowed to escape, the waste would not burn decomposition of organic waste that yields
as completely or as rapidly. Incineration is a manure or compost, which is very rich in
disposal method in which solid organic nutrients.
wastes are subjected to combustion so as to Composting is a biological process in which
convert them into residue and gaseous micro-organisms, mainly fungi and bacteria,
products. This method is useful for disposal convert degradable organic waste into
of residue of both solid waste management humus like substance. This finished product,
and solid residue from waste water which looks like soil, is high in carbon and
management. This process reduces the nitrogen and is an excellent medium for
volumes of solid waste to 20 to 30 per cent growing plants.
of the original volume.
The process of composting ensures the
Incineration and other high temperature waste that is produced in the kitchens is not
waste treatment systems are sometimes carelessly thrown and left to rot. It recycles
described as “thermal treatment”. the nutrients and returns them to the soil as
Incinerators convert waste materials into nutrients. Apart from being clean, cheap,
heat, gas, steam and ash. Incineration is and safe, composting can significantly
carried out both on a small scale by reduce the amount of disposable garbage.
individuals and on a large scale by industry.
It is used to dispose of solid, liquid and The organic fertilizer can be used instead of
gaseous waste. It is recognized as a practical chemical fertilizers and is better specially
method of disposing of certain hazardous when used for vegetables. It increases the
waste materials. Incineration is a soil’s ability to hold water and makes the
controversial method of waste disposal, due soil easier to cultivate. It helped the soil
retain more of the plant nutrients.
to issues such as emission of gaseous
pollutants. Vermi-composting has become very popular
in the last few years. In this method, worms
iii. Composting:
are added to the compost. These help to
Due to shortage of space for landfill in break the waste and the added excreta of the
bigger cities, the biodegradable yard waste worms makes the compost very rich in
(kept separate from the municipal waste) is nutrients. In the activity section of this web
allowed to degrade or decompose in a site you can learn how to make a compost
medium. A good quality nutrient rich and pit or a vermi-compost pit in your school or
environmental friendly manure is formed in the garden at home.
which improves the soil conditions and
fertility. To make a compost pit, you have to select a
cool, shaded corner of the garden or the
Organic matter constitutes 35%-40% of the school compound and dig a pit, which
municipal solid waste generated in India. ideally should be 3 feet deep. This depth is
This waste can be recycled by the method of convenient for aerobic composting as the
composting, one of the oldest forms of compost has to be turned at regular intervals
disposal. It is the natural process of in this process.
Journal of Construction and Building Materials Engineering
Volume 3 Issue 2

Preferably the pit should be lined with materials are present in the waste, thermal
granite or brick to prevent nitrite pollution desorption will also occur.
of the subsoil water, which is known to be Organic materials are transformed into
highly toxic. Each time organic matter is gases, small quantities of liquid, and a solid
added to the pit it should be covered with a residue containing carbon and ash. The off-
layer of dried leaves or a thin layer of soil gases may also be treated in a secondary
which allows air to enter the pit thereby thermal oxidation unit. Particulate removal
preventing bad odour. At the end of 45 days, equipment is also required. Several types of
the rich pure organic matter is ready to be pyrolysis units are available, including the
used. Composting: some benefits rotary kiln, rotary hearth furnace, and
i. Compost allows the soil to retain more fluidized bed furnace. These units are
plant nutrients over a longer period. similar to incinerators except that they
ii. It supplies part of the 16 essential operate at lower temperatures and with less
elements needed by the plants. air supply.

iii. It helps reduce the adverse effects of Limitations and Concerns:

excessive alkalinity, acidity, or the excessive i. The technology requires drying of soil
use of chemical fertilizer. prior to treatment.
iv. It makes soil easier to cultivate. ii. Limited performance data are available
v. It helps keep the soil cool in summer and for systems treating hazardous wastes
warm in winter. containing polychlorinated biphenyls
(PCBs), dioxins, and other organics. There
vi. It aids in preventing soil erosion by is concern that systems that destroy
keeping the soil covered. chlorinated organic molecules by heat have
vii. It helps in controlling the growth of the potential to create products of
weeds in the garden. incomplete combustion, including dioxins
iv. Pyrolysis: and furans. These compounds are extremely
toxic in the parts per trillion ranges. The
Pyrolysis is a form of incineration that
MSO process reportedly does not produce
chemically decomposes organic materials by
dioxins and furans.
heat in the absence of oxygen. Pyrolysis
typically occurs under pressure and at iii. The molten salt is usually recycled in the
operating temperatures above 430 °C (800 reactor chamber. However, depending on
°F). the waste treated (especially inorganics) and
the amount of ash, spent molten salt may be
In practice, it is not possible to achieve a
hazardous and require special care in
completely oxygen-free atmosphere.
Because some oxygen is present in any
pyrolysis system, a small amount of iv. pyrolysis is not effective in either
oxidation occurs. If volatile or semi-volatile destroying or physically separating in
organics from the contaminated medium.
Volatile metals may be removed as a result
Journal of Construction and Building Materials Engineering
Volume 3 Issue 2

of the higher temperatures associated with REFERENCES:

the process, but they are not destroyed. By- 1. “Solid waste management” by Elizabeth
products containing heavy metals may Thomas and Hope.
require stabilization before final disposal.
2. “Solid waste management” by Sashi
v. When the off-gases are cooled, liquids kumar and Gopal Krishna.
condense, producing an oil/tar residue and
3. Websites like:
contaminated water. These oils and tars may
be hazardous wastes, requiring proper 4. www.nswai.com
treatment, storage, and disposal. 5. www.edugreen.com
CONCLUSION: 6. www.wikipedia.org/wastemanagement
Urban solid waste management is an 7. www.almitrapatel.com
essential social service for protection of
and health of the citizens. Therefore, a least
cost most appropriate technological option
safe management should receive the needful
funding. Industries, institutions, non-
agencies and individual citizen should all
co-operate with the municipal authorities in
ensuring safe management. As society
moves waste to the forefront of public
policy, it is
more apparent that what we discard annually
contains a multitude of valuable and
recoverable materials. An intergraded waste
management system entails a careful
analysis of
what is in the waste stream and offers ideas
on practices to recover the various materials
the point of highest value. The best strategy
for a community is to match its unique
with the mix of activities that will best serve
it now and far into the future.

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