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Edited 2022 Template 3.

A Professional Growth Plan Incorporating the STP Process

Annual Professional Growth Plan for: Melanie Lee Kim Gnok

School Year: 2022 -2023

Teaching Quality Standard reference: Competency #4 Establishing Inclusive Learning

Environments. Key indicators:  using appropriate universal and targeted strategies and supports
to address students’ strengths, learning challenges and areas for growth; employing classroom
management strategies that promote positive, engaging learning environments.

Goal: Ensure your goal/s are achievable in Strategies and Timelines:

field IV or in your first year of teaching.
Review the SMART goal strategies in the  Making assessment during Field IV
screen shot below. have different forms of modality where
students will have the choice to choose
 In Field IV I want to optimize how they would like to present their
engagement through giving choice and learning and understanding to recognize
autonomy in summative assessments. and respond to specific learning needs
 Increase of representation through of individuals.
ensuring clarity of vocabulary and  Allowing time before and during lesson
symbols. to define and understand vocabulary
 Provide means of action and expression and language used in the lesson to
using multiple media and tools as a incorporate universal strategies and
form of communication of knowledge supports for students’ learning
and understanding. challenges.
 Ensuring that vocab definitions and
language are on slideshows used during
lessons because of the specific learning
needs of individuals or small groups of
students for field IV.
 Providing different platforms for
instructions such as one lesson using
images and audiobooks and the next
lesson having a teacher-facing
instruction. This will help one of the
classroom managements to help
promote positive, engaging learning

Timeline: The goal will be continued

© 2006 The Alberta Teachers’ Association

throughout the Field IV experience.

Resources: Indicators of Success/Expected Outcomes:

 Partner teacher  Giving out a google form survey for
 Critical friend students to assess if different modality
 UDL strategies: in assessment and instructions are
https://udlguidelines.cast.org/ increasing student engagement.
 Education courses  Exit slip at the end of class to
 Online and technological resources formatively determine if students
such as the Alberta inclusive Education understood the lesson and instruction of
website: the day.
https://www.alberta.ca/inclusive-  Having a daily review session on the
education.aspx before making sure that students
understood all vocabs and languages

Relate the following reflections to the same TQS standard and indicators.
Based on my professional practice and my observations of student learning . . .

What should I do more of? What should I do less of?

Making sure that there are different  Getting used to only one form of
forms of modality in lessons and teaching style and learning.
assessments.  Not finding new resources and creative
 Acknowledging and recognizing assessment strategies
students’ personal interest and strengths  Only using one lesson and assessment
into lesson plans and assessments. modality.
Because Because
 As part of the UDL strategies, different  It is easy to get used to one form of
modality can ensure that different teaching style and routine and not being
learners are able to comprehend and be creative and not using different forms
successful in their learning. of modality.
 Creating lesson plans and assessment  Using different forms of modality can
that play into the interest and strengths help to ensure that student learning
of students increases engagement. needs are met.
What new things could I do? What should I stop doing?
 Using and allowing audiobooks and  Making lesson plans and teaching styles
technological resources such as audible similar.
and text to speech in lessons and  Not incorporating different modes of
assessments during field IV. modality in assessments and lessons.
 Being more aware and diligent of Because
students’ strengths and interest.  Creating lessons and assessments in
Because similar formats decreases creative
 To increase multiple means of action lesson plans and enthusiasm from

© 2006 The Alberta Teachers’ Association

and expression and engagement in students.
students.  Having different modes of modality can
 Being aware of the strengths and ensure that all learners are successful
interest of students can help to make a and their strengths and needs are met.
more authentic task that is directed to
the targeted audience.

© 2006 The Alberta Teachers’ Association


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